Full HD English Editorials - 25-6-2023
Full HD English Editorials - 25-6-2023
Full HD English Editorials - 25-6-2023
>Ug4U\XY:e^U"%" "#
he June 23 meeting of the Punjab, Bihar, Jharkhand, and collective strength could make it
Opposition in Patna has set Maharashtra. In addition, the extremely challenging for the BJP to
the trajectory of Indian Congress will also contest elections on retain power. However, politics is not
politics, heralding the its own in Madhya Pradesh, a simple equation, and the Opposition
advent of a make-or-break Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, will need more than just numerical
battle for both the Opposition and the Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh. superiority on their side.
BJP in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha
election. {Pushed into a corner by the
A Congress and Trinamool Congress
alliance in Bengal and Tripura may
To truly win over the electorate,
the Opposition must offer stability,
onslaught of probe agencies, the
Opposition is determined to confront
still be possible, but finding common
ground between the Left and Mamata
strong leadership, and a compelling
economic vision that convinces the
the BJP directly in a minimum of 400 Banerjee's TMC presents challenges. nation they are united not only to oust Bihar Chief Minister Nitish have decided to contest (Lok
constituencies. This gathering If the opposition does manage to Modi but also to formulate a Kumar stated, "We had a Sabha polls) together. Another
represents a pivotal moment as the
majority of influential Opposition
unite in North and West India, it
could result in direct contests in
C74>??>B8C8>=B comprehensive plan addressing the
socio-economic divide that they talk
good meeting, and several
leaders expressed their views
meeting of all the (opposition)
parties will be held to decide
leaders, with the exception of Arvind nearly 400 seats. Some states where 34B?4A0C8>=C> about day and night. In addition to during the meeting. Seventeen the next course of action. In
Kejriwal from the AAP, have chosen multi-cornered contests might occur 9>8=5>A24BBC4<B leadership and joint campaigns, a parties have decided to work that meeting, almost
to set aside their political divergences include Uttar Pradesh (because of the 5A><CF>2A8C820; significant portion of the middle class, together and contest the Lok everything will be finalized.
and embark on negotiations aimed at Mayawati factor). , Odisha, Andhra upwardly mobile, and educated voters Sabha elections unitedly. Very Mallikarjun Kharge will chair
ending Prime Minister Narendra Pradesh, Telangana, Punjab, and 502C>ABC70C3A8E4 yearn to see a clear blueprint from the positive talks were held today, and we that meeting early next month.”
Modi's tenure next ten months. Delhi. Out of these 400-plus seats, the C748A<>C8E0C8>= opposition. They seek a convincing
The primary objective of the Congress is expected to contest 58ABC;HC74H70E4 demonstration that the Opposition National Conference leader back. Mehbooba Mufti and I
meeting was to foster unity among around 310-320 seats, sharing the 50243A4;4=C;4BB has a well-thought-out strategy to Omar Abdullah, after the belong to that part of the
opposition parties and devise a electoral space with the Shiv Sena-led deliver on the promise of "acche din" joint opposition meeting in country where democracy is
comprehensive strategy to challenge by Uddhav Thackeray, TMC, DMK, C0A64C8=61H (good days) if they were to assume Patna, said, ".17 parties from murdered...Yesterday in
the ruling party in the upcoming SP, RJD, JD(U), NCP, and NC and ?A>14064=284B8= power. Kashmir to Kanyakumari have America there were
elections. Discussions also revolved PDP. C74?0BC0=3540A The Patna event, with its lively come together not for power, discussions about
around crucial national issues,
including economic policies,
Considering the current scenario,
if the Opposition manages to unite in
C70C85<>38 discussions, idea exchanges, and
shared commitment to democratic
but for principles. We have
met to save the country from
democracy in the White
House...why this democracy
unemployment, healthcare, agrarian North and West India, Congress A4CDA=BC>?>F4A values, exemplified the determination devastation and to bring democracy doesn't reach Jammu and Kashmir..."
distress, and social justice. Electoral leader Rahul Gandhi is likely to be C74BD=F8;; of opposition parties to shape the
alliances, seat-sharing arrangements, seen as a prominent candidate for the 5>A4E4AB4C3>F= future political landscape through
and campaign coordination were also
key topics on the agenda.
prime ministerial role. Even if the
alliance doesn't officially project him
>=C748A?>;8C820; collaboration. Leaders from major
opposition parties across the country
With as many as 17 political as such, the party's cadres and workers 5DCDA4C78B540A converged in Patna, representing
parties and three dozen leaders in are likely to see him in that role, 033BDA64=2HC> diverse political ideologies and
attendance, the Patna conclave is a which could energize the party base C748A455>ACBC> backgrounds. The presence of
significant breakthrough that indicates
a promising development in the
but also considerably clear the
confusion among the public about the
D=8C40608=BCC74 influential figures such as Mamata
Banerjee, Sharad Pawar, Akhilesh NCP chief Rahul Gandhi: "It is a Tamil Nadu Chief
opposition's unity. This positive potential leader of the nation after AD;8=6?0ACH Yadav, Uddhav Thackeray and Sharad Pawar: battle of ideologies. Minister and DMK
momentum is expected to continue Modi. B42>=3;HC74H Sitaram Yechury added gravitas to the “Just like JP Indeed, there will be supremo MK Stalin
with the reconvening of these leaders While BJP leaders repeatedly 14;84E4C70CB8=24 proceedings. movement, differences among us, said that no decision
in Shimla in the second week of July, claim that a contest t between Rahul The meeting showcased a our united but we have decided was taken on the PM
further strengthening their joint and Modi will be a one-sided affair, =40A;H%!?4A24=C remarkable spirit of unity and front will get to work together and candidate at the Patna
platform against Modi. Bihar Chief favoring the Gujarat stalwart, >5E>C4AB20BC collaboration among opposition the blessings protect the ideologies opposition parties'
Minister Nitish Kumar has already undoubtedly, Rahul has gained C748A10;;>CB parties. Leaders set aside their of the public.” shared by us." meeting.
laid the groundwork and proposed a popularity following his successful 0608=BCC7419?8= ideological differences and focused on
formula for seat adjustments, which Bharat Yatra. If the Congress leader the shared goal of strengthening the West Bengal Chief Minister Patna, Mamata Banerjee
could serve as a starting point for undertakes a second round of Bharat ! (C748A democratic framework and and Trinamool Congress said, "We are united, we will
future negotiations, testing the Yatras from west to east, Rahul could 2>;;42C8E4 safeguarding the rights and welfare of supremo Mamata Banerjee fight unitedly... history
sincerity of these leaders in forging a further capitalize on his growing BCA4=6C72>D;3 citizens. They recognized that only by asserted that all the started from here (Patna),
united front.
However, the absence of Janata
popularity among the masses. The
Congress hopes that the appeal of
<0:48C4GCA4<4;H joining forces could they present a
credible alternative to the ruling party.
Opposition parties will
unitedly fight against the
BJP wants that history
changed. And we want
Dal (Secular), Bhartiya Rashtriya leaders like Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka 270;;4=68=65>A Central to the discussions was the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) history should be saved from
Congress, Biju Janata Dal, and YSR Gandhi among the middle class and C7419?C>A4C08= formulation of a common minimum in the upcoming Lok Sabha Bihar. Our objective is to
Congress at the meeting highlights the the poor voters, and Kharge among ?>F4A7>F4E4A program, a guiding document that election. Addressing the media after speak against this fascist
limited scope for Opposition unity in
South India. The Congress and Left
Dalit and Muslim voters will lead to a
resurgence of the party, which aims to
?>;8C82B8B=>C0 would outline the alliance's shared
principles, goals, and policy
the Opposition leaders' meeting in government..."
parties, who were present at the Patna win at least 100-plus seats. This could B8<?;44@D0C8>= framework. This program aimed to
conclave, are also political rivals in be the best-case scenario in the 0=3C74>??>B8C8>= provide a cohesive roadmap for the leaders stressed the importance of betterment of the nation. While
Kerala. Since the BJP's influence in Opposition’s effort to end the Modi- F8;;=443<>A4 opposition coalition in effectively grassroots mobilization, direct voter challenges lie ahead, the meeting
Kerala is relatively low, these parties
see no need for seat adjustments in
shah era.
The Opposition's desperation to
C70=9DBC addressing the nation's challenges.
While the opposition parties in
engagement, and addressing citizens'
concerns. Efficient resource
highlighted the determination and
resolve of the opposition parties to
the state. join forces stems from two critical =D<4A820; Patna demonstrated unity and management, encompassing financial build a formidable coalition. The
Likewise, the Congress is prepared factors that drive their motivation. BD?4A8>A8CH>= determination, they also and human resources, was also a key unity demonstrated in Patna sends a
to contest elections independently in Firstly, they have faced relentless C748AB834 acknowledged the formidable topic of discussion. clear message to the electorate that the
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, targeting by probe agencies in the past challenges that lie ahead. The ruling The meeting of opposition parties opposition is prepared to challenge
Karnataka, and Odisha, while and fear that if Modi returns to power, party's massive electoral machinery, in Patna marks a crucial step towards the ruling party's dominance and
maintaining its existing alliance with their political aspirations may be widespread support, and incumbency forging a stronger alliance, driven by present a viable alternative. As the
the DMK in Tamil Nadu. Therefore, further thwarted. This fear adds advantages cannot be underestimated. the objective of providing an political landscape evolves in the
the main focus of the opposition's urgency to their efforts to unite Furthermore, managing ideological alternative vision for the country. The coming months, the true impact of
unity efforts will primarily be in against the ruling party. Secondly, differences within the opposition leaders displayed an unwavering this meeting will become evident,
North and Western India, particularly they believe that since nearly 62 alliance will require adept handling to commitment to democratic values and potentially shaping the course of
in states such as Uttar Pradesh, West percent of voters cast their ballots maintain a united front. principles, setting aside their Indian politics and democracy for
Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi, against the BJP in 2019, their To overcome these challenges, differences to work collectively for the years to come.
>Ug4U\XY:e^U"%" "#
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● CWT^aTcXRP[ _WhbXRXbc R^b\^[^VXbc P]S PdcW^a BcT_WT]
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● =5;U^^cQP[[_[PhTa>91aXVP]RT
● =5;U^^cQP[[_[PhTaCX\BWPf
magine a scenario where
orld Digestive Health Day selected the theme for the year 2023 drugs, antibiotics and some other cat- Giloy, Haldi, Aloe vera, and bhas- foods like jalebi are also useful for dhatu is responsible for proper diges-
>Ug4U\XY:e^U"% " "#
he foundation of any agreements, the bank receives strengthened immediately.
T nation’s economy is its
banking system. The increased
a portion of the outstanding
loan balance plus interest that
It’s crucial that employees
in the loan department rotate CWTA18RXaRd[Pa
loss to the banks affects every is agreed upon by both parties. quickly. A rigorous internal rat- P[[^fbbTcc[T\T]c^U
citizen of the nation because Its drawback is that it raises the ing agency should be estab-
the deposits in the banks banks’ non-performing asset lished to evaluate major pro- UaPdSd[T]cPRR^d]cb
belong to the citizens of the (NPA) levels. On the other jects. Implementing a strong aPXbX]VR^]RTa]b
country. Banks run their busi- hand, a wilful defaulter has an management information sys-
ness by giving loans to the advantage because he is exempt tem (MIS) is necessary to mon- PQ^dcYdbcXRTP]S
money that we deposit. In the from paying back the full itor early warning signs regard- PRR^d]cPQX[XchFX[Ud[
meantime, the June 8 release of amount plus interest. ing business projects.
a circular by the RBI titled Neeraj Singhal, the man- In order to conduct a STUPd[cTab\PhQT
“Framework for Compromised aging director of Bhushan Steel forensic audit, RBI lacks the T[XVXQ[TU^a]Tf
Settlement and Technical Limited, was recently detained necessary supervisory capaci-
Write-off ” has several conse- by the Enforcement Directorate ty, which needs to be strength- [^P]bPUcTaP
quences that may affect the in connection with a C56,000 ened with both human and \X]X\d\bTcc[T\T]c
Indian banking system because crore fraud committed by technical resources. The use of
it allows compound settlement defrauding more than 36 artificial intelligence to moni- _TaX^SCWTRXaRd[Pa
for accounts that have been banks. It was revealed to be the tor financial transactions can X]RaTPbTbQP]Zb´
deemed fraudulent, which is a
violation of justice and
biggest banking fraud in the
nation in 2018. Neeraj com-
significantly reduce the inci-
dence of financial fraud.
accountability. Fraudulent busi- mitted this bank fraud by scam Additionally, the branch’s input ^][hP_^acX^]^UcWT
nesses or wilful defaulters may of C56,000 crore from more on the borrowers’ backgrounds [^P]QP[P]RT
be eligible for a fresh loan after than three dozen banks. To and other pertinent ground
completing 12 months (mini- show multiple entries, the loan realities should be given the Bca^]VTa\TPbdaTb
mum period) of settlement.
A wilful defaulter is some-
amount was transferred from
one shell company to another
appropriate weight. Creating a
“bad bank” is not the real
one who has resources but after creating dummy or shell solution because these steps a^cPcX^]bPa^Qdbc
refuses to make payments, companies for the loan. In the only assist when a loan defaults aPcX]VPVT]RhP]S08
according to the 2015 RBI name of his company and and do not prevent defaults in
Master Circular. Because a business, Neeraj obtained loans the first place. caP]bPRcX^]
company is a separate person from banks, but he used the The RBI should strength- \^]Xc^aX]VPaT
under the law and promoters’ money for himself. en its loan recovery procedures
personal assets cannot be The unique aspect is that rather than keeping large cor- ]TTSTSc^PSSaTbb
seized if they have not person- Neeraj continued to take out porate bad loans from being UaPdSd[T]c[^P]b
ally guaranteed the loan, such loans without repaying the written off. In order to prevent
agreements are acceptable for original ones, and the banks problems from occurring, the TUUTRcXeT[h
small loans (such as home and prepared for this. From 2007 to crore), Rotomac Pen Scam than 76 per cent of total bad the wilful default category has cific skills required to become government, RBI, and banks
auto loans) and to some extent 2014, this game was ongoing. (C3,695 crore), Videocon Case loans. According to Banks’ increased by 41 per cent or over a banker in an Indian bank, will need to exercise more
even with significant wilful There are numerous bank (C3,250 crore), Allahabad Bank reports, 16,044 borrowers had C1 lakh crore in the last two despite the fact that banking is supervision over credit man-
defaulters. frauds in front of us, including Fraud (C1,775 crore), Syndicate wilful defaulted on loans total- years from C2,45,767 crore. regarded as a clerical occupa- agement.
The circular dated June 8, Neeraj Singhal-Bhushan Steel Bank Scam (C1,000 crore), ing C346,479 crore as of When the farmer is unable to tion in India. It is necessary to
2023, now addresses settle- (C56,000 crore), DHFL Bank of Maharashtra scam December 2022. pay back the loan, the bank categorise the banking indus- (The writer, the author of
ments with fraudulent bor- (C35,000 crore), ABG Shipyard (C836 crore), Kanishk Gold Large loan advance frauds sells his land at auction and try as a skill-specific industry, the book ‘Changing Scenario of
rowers, which were not (C23,000 crore), Nirav Modi Bank Fraud (C824 crore), IDBI are not common, but they do makes a profit. particularly its lending division. Indian Banking Industry,’ is
addressed in the 2015 circular. and Mehul Choksi scam in Bank Fraud (C600 crore), RP happen occasionally when However, when it comes to When providing loans to Associate Professor, Atal Bihari
How can a bank settle with PNB scam (C11,400 crore), Info Systems Bank Scam (C515 large lenders, bank officials, or business owners or industrial- Indian businesses that have Vajpayee School of Management
someone who defrauded the Liquor businessman Vijay crore) to name just a few. sometimes even third parties ists, the same banks become taken out sizable loans abroad, and Entrepreneurship,
bank? Mallya (C10,000 crore) banks, According to Reserve Bank like lawyers or chartered paralyzed and learn about these banks should exercise caution. Jawaharlal Nehru University,
The circular refers to the Andhra Bank Fraud (C8,100 of India data, just 312 major accountants (CAs) are NPAs much later. The banks’ internal and exter- New Delhi. The views expressed 1A094B7::D<0ACC8F0A8
settlement of the loan. In such crore), PMC scam (C4,355 defaulters account for more involved. The amount stuck in Ironically, there are no spe- nal audit systems must be are personal.)
rguably, or it goes without on the basic requirements,
A any argument, the man- including the desires, expecta-
CWT\P]\PST made disaster at Joshimath
reflects on India’s development
tions, and aspirations of people,
as well as the cultural, social,
SXbPbcTaX] journey sans ethics. Following and environmental values of
the massive cracks identified in the area where the project
9^bWX\PcWaTeTP[b the buildings in Joshimath aims to be implemented. The
P]d]TcWXRP[ town and the subsequent evac- harmony between the objective
uation of people from the area, of a development activity and
P__a^PRWc^ it has once again raised the dis- the requirements of the local
STeT[^_\T]c cussion around the dire need
for ethical (also environmen-
people proves authentic praise-
worthy development and can
5PRc^ab[XZT tally friendly) development prevent undesirable anti-devel-
[^RPcX^] activities.
The natural and anthro-
opment legacies and disasters.
However, such a desirable
VT^[^VXRP[UPd[cb pogenic reasons for the disas- and inclusive model of devel-
ter highlight several factors, opment is only possible
P]SR^]bcadRcX^] including the location of through a deliberative democ-
_a^YTRcb Joshimath in a seismic zone,
reactivation of geographical
ratic procedure of decision-
making that includes the free-
R^]caXQdcTSc^cWT fault, landslides caused by the dom of the local people and
SXbPbcTa4cWXRP[ undercuts by Alkananda and
Dhauliganga, and the con-
enables their participation in
the developmental policy-mak-
P]P[hbXbX]e^[eTb struction of large-scale devel- ing process.
opment projects such as On the contrary, a justifi-
T]eXa^]\T]cP[P]S NTPC’s 520 MW Tapovan- catory reason for ignoring the
STeT[^_\T]c Vishnugad Hydroelectric Mishra Committee seems to be
power project and Char Dham that the suggestions made in
TcWXRb_aX^aXcXbX]V project-road expansion activ- this report do not promote the
cWTT]eXa^]\T]c ities.
Warning about such a dis-
commercial interests of the
state and the state-supported
P]S[^RP[fT[[ aster, a previous study on private actors. Consequently,
QTX]V8V]^aX]V Joshimath, the Mahes Chand
Mishra committee-1976,
immense construction work
resumed in the name of devel-
aTR^\\T]SPcX^]b observed that “Joshimath is a opment in this fragile area.
deposit of sand and stone — it But the question remains
U^aR^\\TaRXP[ is not the main rock — hence unanswered: should we call it
X]cTaTbcb it was not suitable for estab- ethical, all-inclusive, and
lishing a township”. praiseworthy development in
d]STa\X]TbTcWXRP[ Both the natural and which the economic benefit of
STeT[^_\T]c anthropogenic reasons for the
Joshimath disaster merit fur-
the state and some private
individuals overshadow the
]TV[TRcX]VcWT ther (re)thinking and require suffering and vulnerabilities
]TTSb^UcWT[^RP[b action on development activi-
ties so that a balance can be show that the environment of development being unethical According to the former, “development ethics should mised with economic values,
of the local people? As Danis
Goulet says, “societies are more
struck between the environ- the Joshimath area is already are not only on the eco-centric development is justified since not be divorced from the hope, among others. human or more developed,
ment, native people, and larg- naturally fragile and thus needs ground — which attributes it maximises benefits over expectations, and aspirations of In this context, legitimate not when men and women
er developmental interests. special attention and care. moral standing to the envi- costs. This justification under- ordinary people.” justification provides a descrip- ‘have more’ but when they are
Accordingly, such man-made Consequently, any deviation ronment and claims its pro- pins the traditional Western In the context of develop- tive ground based on the enabled ‘to be more’.”
disasters warrant critical analy- from taking special care gives tection for the environment notion of development that mental actions, concerning approachable norms to demon- Unfortunately, the develop-
sis from an ethical perspective. rise to environmental ethical itself — but also on the anthro- primarily considers economic morality, fundamental ques- strate why economic values ment activities carried out, in
Ethical analysis in this context concerns, questioning humans’ pocentric ground — which development. Hence, under- tions arise: development for cannot be considered absolute general and in and around
includes two dimensions responsibility towards protect- claims that the environment taking developmental actions, whom, by whom, and, most and thus makes a case for the environmentally fragile areas,
(which should not be seen as ing and sustaining the envi- needs to be protected merely including large-scale infra- importantly, at the cost of rationale of considering other are neither inclusive towards
binaries): environmental ethics ronment. for the well-being of humans. structure projects, is justified what? Accordingly, develop- values and interests to an equal critical evaluation nor capable
and development ethics. Arguably, the successive Furthermore, when talking since all these actions can ment ought to be inclusive of extent. To put it in a broader of providing legitimate justifi-
Considering humans as governments’ apathy and neg- about development ethics, it improve the economic stan- critical evaluation and legiti- perspective, such an argument cations and thus fail to with-
=81438C0??A8H030AB78=8994=0 part of the environment, envi- ligence of the Mishra commit- deals with the moral justifica- dard of the locals as well as the mate justification to strength- entails that development is stand ethical and moral scruti-
ronmental ethics engages with tee report-1976 have adverse tion that is grounded in any State. en itself. For example, there is meant for a certain end — ny.
man’s moral relationship with effects on the Himalayan envi- developmental policy or pro- However, considering that a need to critically reflect on human well-being.
the environment and its non- ronment, including the natives ject(s). It mainly has two per- humans are endowed with how far economic values and Thus, before implementing (The writer is a former
human constituents, including of the regions. Thus, the spectives: a cost-benefit utili- multiple needs and flairs interests need to be emphasised any development projects, it is ethical Consultant at the
the moral status of the envi- charges on the successive gov- tarian account and an anti- (social, political, economic, and whether environmental essential to understand the National Institute of Advanced
ronment. The natural reasons ernments and the agents of cost-benefit holistic account. and cultural, to broadly cite), concerns should be compro- term “development” and focus Studies, Bengaluru.)
JUNE 25, 2023
India-US relationship
takes a leap of trust
A clear political direction by stick to a decision (think support for told their systems to make it work, and
Ukraine), and run an intellectually coherent agreed that if democracies had to deliver,
leaders who could not be more and broadly effective foreign policy in the they had to show outcomes.
first two years of his term, which includes Modi had external affairs minister S Jais-
different yet found common methodical competition with China and, hankar, national security adviser (NSA) Ajit
ground, the hard work of their now, the embrace of India. Doval, foreign secretary Vinay Mohan Kwa-
The 80-year-old born in Pennsylvania’s tra, Indian ambassador to the US Taranjit
teams, and the increasing areas Scranton and 72-year-old born in Gujarat’s Singh Sandhu, additional secretary in charge
of convergence and diminishing Vadnagar could not be more different. One has of Americas Vani Rao, India’s deputy chief of
been a lifelong Democrat, held on to broadly mission in Washington Sripriya Ranga-
areas of differences led to a leap liberal internationalist positions, and found nathan and their capable teams. Biden had
in bilateral ties during PM’s visit his natural home in the American legislature his NSA Jake Sullivan, National Security
before making the journey down the hill on Council (NSC) Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt
here is something about Naren- Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue to the Campbell, NSC senior director Eileen Laub- Biden, who got elected to the US Senate in the early 1970s in his late 20s, and Modi, who joined a political-cultural movement in the
dra Modi. You may like him or executive branch in White House, as first vice- acher, NSC senior director for tech Tarun 1960s in his teens, trusted their experience and instincts. ANI
dislike him, vote for him or president and then president. The other is Chhabra, secretary of state Antony J Blinken,
oppose him viscerally. But it is harder to categorise (the conventional social secretary of defense Lloyd Austin, commerce take a leap of trust. The Americans realised And this is why the Americans laid out the alternative telecom infrastructure is a big
clear that the Prime Minister and economic Left-Right matrix), has been an secretary Gina Raimondo, and assistant sec- that to overcome the scepticism that has red carpet with public flattery, pomp and deal, them deciding to work together in shap-
knows how to seize an opportu- ardent nationalist, and, as a man of action, retaries in Pentagon and State, Ely Ratner remained deep within Indian defence and ceremony. And the Indians reciprocated by ing research in new scientific and tech
nity, use his political strength to hold on to found his natural home in the political party and Donald Lu with their respective teams. intelligence set-ups about US reliability, truly acknowledging the symbolism and col- domains and how to regulate it is a big deal.
certain positions, show flexibility when organisational structure and then the execu- What happened in Washington over the despite increasing cooperation in the past two laborating on the substance. For once, it But even beyond that, the real significance
needed, and then own the decision politi- tive branch, and has treated the legislature as past week was this confluence of the per- decades, they needed to show concrete deliver- wasn’t hyperbole when American political of what happened lies in the idea of trust and
cally. And nowhere has this been more necessary but also an impediment. sonal connect between leaders, the decisive- ables. They realised that specific interests, in national security leaders and managers and the bet on the long-term. Both systems decided
apparent than in the domain of foreign pol- When the two men met, it was their com- ness they showed, and the systemic conver- the context of China’s challenge in every even the more cautious Indian political lead- that they wanted closer integration in their
icy in a particularly difficult environment. monalities rather than their differences that gence that was enabled by the hard work of domain from geo-economics to geostrategy to ership and bureaucratic executors said they most sensitive domains. And both decided
Think terror on Pakistan, the balance on prevailed. There was a conviction of what it ministers and bureaucrats on both sides. new technologies, required India’s slow, unan- were thrilled with what had just happened. that they could trust each other enough to pro-
Russia, the calibrated line on China, and, is their respective national interest; Biden The outcome is hard to describe. Is it a nounced, but institutionalised integration into One way to look at what happened is ceed with that. And that is where the two poli-
now, the embrace of the US. believes India is essential if China has to be turning point? Well, the India-US story has the domains of the future with the West. The through specific deals — the US allowing GE ticians came into the picture.
There is also something about Joe Biden. prevented from dominating future geopoli- been of increasing convergence — and so this Indians realised that this was a new dynamic; jet engine tech transfer is a big deal, India Biden, who got elected to the US Senate in
You may think he is too old for the job, or tics and geo-economics and the relationship is not necessarily a shift. Is it just progress? they could hold on to their positions in geo- buying Predator drones is a big deal, India the early 1970s in his late 20s, and Modi, who
may admire his courage through adversity has depth due to the people-to-people con- Well, the India-US story has also been graphies where they differed with the US in signing the Artemis Accords is a big deal, the joined a political-cultural movement in the
and his experience. But it is clear that, nect; Modi knows American and Indian soci- marked by incremental movement (barring methods, but suddenly the convergence in US embracing India in the Mineral Security 1960s in his teens, trusted their experience
domestically, he has navigated the US eties have a natural warmth and US support the nuclear deal) — and so it may not capture goals had expanded. And this could be trans- Partnership is a big deal, Micron and other and instincts. What they delivered was a
through a tough period (remember the Janu- is critical to enhance Indian capabilities. And the scale of what happened? But perhaps the lated into real dividends in multiple domains semiconductor companies investing in India transformative moment with consequences
ary 6 Capitol storming and the pandemic), they also ended up liking each other and phrase that captures it is what was used in a where India needed the American State’s is a big deal, more Indian investments in for their countries, for the relationship, and
pushed through transformative legislations developing a connection. column on these pages sometime before the approval for technology, its private sector’s American manufacturing and energy (who for the world.
(pandemic relief, climate and domestic man- Both took a decision, developed a personal visit — a Great Leap Forward. vast capital, and its unparalleled intellectual would have that thought two decades ago?)
ufacturing, semiconductors, infrastructure), relationship, determined areas of priorities, Both leaders, and their systems, decided to infrastructure’s collaboration. is a big deal, India and the US developing an [email protected]
M Back Bay Reclamation that tion (the coastal road) while the southern
shaped a dream for a modern end stands tall, protected by the 2018
city. It had well-spaced apart- World Heritage Site inscription by Unesco,
ment blocks, a broad promenade, and a and the will of the people. This southern
road so wide you could land a small air- end is now unfortunately being roped into
makes them very vulnerable. The women,
especially those pregnant and nursing,
need nutrition. But they are solely depend-
ent on civil society organisations which
provide basics such as rice and dal which
to step up efforts with civil society groups
and ensure that the women and children
victims of this conflict are not further trau-
matised. Politics has to take a backseat in
the face of this human tragedy and the pri-
craft on it. That was when you travelled by a new BMC proposal to paint the facade of is food, but not the nutrition they need.” ority should be to provide succour to these
ship. Accentuating the sweep around the all 35 Art Deco buildings, altering their dis- Civil society organisations are doing defenceless women and children first.
bay lie 35 Art Deco buildings, crown jewels tinct character. their best but have no training in how to
that pay homage to an era of Marine Drive is synonymous deal with displacement or women’s partic- The views expressed are personal
emerging modernity expressed with Mumbai. Its spirit of social
through Art Deco, the prevailing mobility comes alive here in a
architectural style. The timeless-
ness of the classic design with-
stands the test of time. Its dyna-
resplendent manner. Every
24-hour cycle brings marathon-
ers, students, families with chil-
Marine Drive became a respite from Mumbai’s relentless pace HT ARCHIVE
mism and versatile interpretation dren and pets, and lovers holding jazz bar turned pizzeria, and an impecca- state-mandated calls for beautification?
gave homegrown architects Atul hands as they catch the day’s end ble 1930s Art Deco hotel (Sea Green Hotel), An instagrammable Marine Drive belongs
emerging from India’s premier Kumar over a glorious sunset. An escape still owned and managed by the family’s to everyone; every resident and visitor has Change the brain A father’s duty to his daughters
school of architecture – Sir J J from the city’s congested innards, fourth generation. Such was the milieu of invested their own meanings to it over drain perspective This is with reference to Nishtha Gautam’s ‘Fathers
School of Art (as it was known it sees throngs from all over the the time. Claude Batley, architect and head time. Even as the promenade sees an ever- need to break the taboo around sex’ (June 18). It is
then) – a way to acknowledge Bombay’s metropolis come to take in the open space, of the department of architecture from evolving footfall, some things remain con- This is with reference to important for the father to make his daughters aware
prowess as a port city, through a rich array creating a multicultural melting pot. The 1923-43 at Sir JJ School of Art, spoke of the stant. Prithwiraj Choudhury’s about the potential risks from sex in order to live a life
of nautical elements placed on buildings as bustling city with its sprawling slums and “worthwhileness” of this stretch by the sea, Twenty-six years ago, Marine Drive was ‘Leverage the IIT overseas of dignity with no embarrassment and discomfort. This
decorative motifs. Residents could look out luxurious towers may be disparate in drawing attention to the “happy throngs of renamed. Despite the persistent determi- network’ (June 18). duty is vital for a healthy attitude in our society towards
at the bay through a round window resem- many ways, but Marine Drive belongs to promenaders, of all sorts and conditions, nation, the new name remains elusive, The author is right in sex.
bling a porthole on a ship. They spent the everyone. Complete strangers sit in close drinking in the sea air morning and even- even to a newbie taxi driver. The character observing that we
evening on their terraces that resembled proximity, reciprocating accommodation ing.” Ironically, while Marine Drive’s of this precious seafront has evolved over need a major change in Manya Singh
turrets or viewing galleries, akin to an that reflects a unique social and cultural development did not escape allegations of the years, but on its own terms, and in con- how we view the brain
ocean liner, taking in the panoramic sea- comfort. That too at a place that offers no scams, corruption and scathing attacks by stant dialogue with its residents and visi- drain phenomenon. Novak’s unstoppable streak continues
scape and the evening sea breeze. It took food and barely a toilet. the legendary K F Nariman and others, it tors. Painting it with the same brush, as if Investing in retaining
us a century and another pandemic to Marine Drive has been home to the likes witnessed a constant traffic of the city’s it’s a static monument, not a living piece of India’s talent in the This is with reference to Ramesh Krishnan’s ‘Game, Set,
rediscover these spaces and reclaim them of film actress Nargis, former Prime Minis- who’s who, became a hub of recreation modern history, erases its essential charac- country will take more GOAT? The incredible era of Novak’ (June 18). Though
as our own. The uniform skyline, low com- ter Morarji Desai, and Kawasji Fakirji and respite from its relentless pace, and a ter. As Mumbai architect and historian dynamic efforts from the absence of Nadal could be a blessing in disguise for
pound walls and a respectful minimalism Sidhwa, Bombay’s foremost bootlegger of dynamic site seeded in people’s popular Kamu Iyer would say: “Some things are policy and governance Djokovic, we cannot overlook the latter’s tenacious
that clearly acknowledged the sea as the the 1930s, who boasted that his brew was imagination of the city. worth keeping even if they do not have a perspectives. attitude to hold on to the chances that came his way.
showpiece, led Unesco to comment that better than many a scotch. It hosted the Can we value the freedom and sense of patina acquired with age”.
the precinct retains a “high degree of integ- go-to costume maker Maganlal Dress- well-being Marine Drive affords us? Can Rupesh Singh N V Krishnan
rity in visual, spatial and planning terms.” walla, a cutlery showroom, trendy night- we challenge the seeming legitimisation of Atul Kumar is trustee, Art Deco Mumbai Trust.
100 years later, the northern end of clubs, restaurants, ice cream parlours, a appropriating this public space through The views expressed are personal Write to us at: [email protected]
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chandigarh | 25 JUNE 2023
The urge to tell their stories from their own Year-long events are underway to mark 75 In his autobiography, published four years after
point of view and in their own voice has created years of establishment of the National his death, former Chief Election Commissioner
the space for women theatre directors, but Defence Academy, an institution that occupies TN Seshan recaptures the power play of the
prejudices still mar the field ARTS page 2 a pride of place FOCUS page 3 times with thoroughness BOOKS page 4
For New Delhi, it would be imprudent to term the pacts on cutting-edge US technology an alignment shift
from Russia. It’s all about getting partners for the elusive military equipment as border threats rise
FTER the United States offered India cut-
ting-edge, elusive and restricted technolo-
gies on making aero-engines for fighter jets,
armed drones, semiconductors, space-
based radars, quantum computing and 6G
communications, New Delhi has made a
strategic shift — away from being Russia-
centric or France-centric — to access such
technologies. Aero-engines and armed
drones are military-use equipment. The oth-
er technologies are dual-use, which aid crit-
ical applications of modern-day militaries
during peace and conflict.
The bilateral meeting between Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi and US President Joe
Biden in Washington DC on June 22 had
unprecedented announcements on technol-
ogy sharing. From New Delhi’s point of view,
it would be imprudent to term the shift pro-
American, or ‘moving away’ from Russia, its
longstanding ally. For now, it’s just about get-
ting partners for the elusive military technol-
ogy as threats from China rise.
In the past 60 years, India has licensed-pro-
duced military equipment of Russian/Soviet
Union parentage, including T-90 tanks,
Sukhoi 30 MKI and MiG-21 jets. India and
Russia co-produced the BrahMos missile.
Moscow handheld India in the nuclear sub-
marine programme; it converted a warship
into an aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya, and
supplied the S400 air-defence missile system.
Similarly, France joined hands with India
to make the Scorpene class submarines in
India. It sold the cutting-edge Rafale jets in
2019 and in 1980s, provided the Mirage 2000
jets, the latest at the time.
Sweden-based think tank Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute in
March released its assessment for a five-
year period (2018-2022). It said: “Russia THE UNMANNED MQ-9B. GA
remains the largest supplier of major arms
and supplied 45 per cent of all Indian
imports.” France and the US were second UNMANNED
and third with 29 per cent and 11 per cent
the five-year period with the previous five- VERSUS Costs 86 per cent less to operate $5,000/per hour $35,000/per hour
year period to show that Russia’s share in
India’s market was declining.
MANNED More time in air, increasing ± 25 hours ± 10 hours
probability of detection of enemy
New Delhi was officially ‘non-aligned’ AIRCRAFT 90% less fuel than similarly 90 litres an hour 2,200 litres an hour
during the Cold War (1945-1991) but was an configured manned ISR aircraft.
ally of the Soviet Union, including signing in
August 1971 the Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, US WARSHIP USNS CHARLES DREW AT L&T YARD IN CHENNAI. US NAVY
Friendship and Cooperation. It allowed Sovi-
et Union to intervene to stall a possible US
strike during the 1971 Indo-Pak war.
The India-US strategic relations took baby
GE ENGINE PERFORMANCE India and USA also have a Space Situation-
al Awareness (SSA) arrangement. The India-
steps after the Cold War. In 1995, the two (SEA LEVEL/STANDARD DAY) US Civil Space Joint Working Group spans
agreed on having ‘defence relations’. Ten cutting-edge earth observation capabilities
years later, in 2005, the two signed a ‘frame- F414-GE-400; F414G, F414-INS6 SI measurement to interplanetary exploration. India is now a
work of defence relationship’. A buyer-sell- Thrust class 98 kN signatory to the Artemis Accords and joins
er relationship emerged. India sourced 26 countries committed to the peaceful, sus-
planes like the C-17, C-130 and the Boeing Length 391 cm tainable and transparent exploration of
P8I maritime reconnaissance planes. Heli- Airflow 77.1 kg/sec Moon, Mars, and beyond. Another $318 mil-
copters included the Apache, the Chinook lion investment has been made to construct
and the submarine-hunting MH 60R. There Maximum diameter 89 cm a Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave
was no technology transfer involved. Inlet diameter 79 cm Observatory in India, which will work in tan-
The India-US technology shift was dem with US, Europe and Japan.
described thus by President Biden at the Pressure ratio 30:1
joint press conference: “We have made criti- Semiconductors, the holy grail
Thrust-to-weight class 9:1 GE F414 ENGINE AT GE PLANT IN US. GE
cal and emerging technologies the pillar of Semiconductors are used by the military for
our next-generation partnership.” Biden is avionics on warships, planes, guiding mis-
not off the mark, as over the next three ered by GE F404. The transfer of technolo- operations) facility in India to support ship and marks the beginning of a new siles, computing and communications,
decades, US-origin technology will be a part gy includes critical and restricted technolo- India’s long-term goals to boost indigenous chapter for deeper engagements”. among other applications. SCL-Mohali, BEL
and parcel of India’s war-fighting effort. gies like crystal blade coating, laser drilling defence capabilities”. That means, similar Now, apart from L&T, the US Navy is final- and HAL cater to the defence and space sec-
and polymers, to name a few. The US, drones of other countries can undergo ising ship repair agreements with Mazagon tors. Capacities are limited and technology
US-origin engines France, UK and Russia have these elusive repair and overhaul here. Indian-origin Docks Limited, Mumbai, and Goa Shipyard. has overtaken these public sector entities.
US aerospace giant General Electric (GE) technologies. “India will get technology Vivek Lall, Chief Executive of General “These will allow mid-voyage US Navy The Modi-Biden meet announced a $825
and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) never transferred to any country,” said a top Atomics Global Corporation, was leading ships to undergo service and repair, facilitat- million investment by Micron Technology,
will produce the GE-F414 engines for fighter functionary in the defence establishment. this effort of getting India on board. ing cost-effective and (be) time-saving,” a another $400 million by Applied Materials,
jets in India. The US okaying technology The MQ-9B is classified as a category-1 fact sheet issued by the White House said. while Lam Research will train 60,000 engi-
transfer of 80 per cent of the engine means a Access to armed drones equipment under the Missile Technology The Indo-US Defence Industrial Roadmap neers. The new ecosystem is expected to spill
geo-strategic shift is set to unfold. Some three years ago, in August 2020, India, Control Regime (MTCR). It can be used to looks to work together for the creation of over into the military and strategic domains
US-origin engines could be put on 440 during the military standoff with China along target enemy positions on ground, warships logistic, repair and maintenance infrastruc- in terms of knowledge. Union Minister of
fighter jets scheduled to be made in India the Line of Actual Control (LAC), leased two at sea, submarines, airbases and even small ture for aircraft and vessels in India. State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chan-
over the next two decades. This includes the MQ-9A surveillance drones from the US targets like planes, besides providing 24x7 drasekhar termed these “significant and
83 Tejas Mark 1A, the production of which company General Atomics. The images and surveillance capability. Space missions meaningful milestones”.
starts in February using the already contract- videos beamed live to controllers on the At sea, the drones buttress the Navy’s fleet In April 2024, it will be 40 years since
ed General Electric engine F404. ground provided inputs at a much lesser cost of P8I surveillance planes. “The drones can Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma’s space Crucial information sharing
The next lot of Indian jets will get the high- than a manned surveillance plane. pick up signals from existing ‘sonobuoys’ flight onboard a Russian spacecraft. The The US and India are working to strengthen
er-powered F414 engine with a 98 kilo new- Now, India is ready to induct 31 armed at sea and remain focussed on target for year will mark a major transition for India- undersea domain awareness cooperation.
ton (kN) thrust. The F414 engine is good for drones, the MQ-9B, made by General Atom- longer periods,” says Vice Admiral Ravneet US space activities. NASA and ISRO have For the first time, Indian liaison officers will
130 of the Tejas Mark 2 jets and 100 of the ics. The US and its allies like the UK, Japan, Singh. On land, the Himalayas create a announced a joint manned mission to the be placed in three US commands — deepen-
twin-engine deck-based fighters (TEDBF) Canada or Australia have these. boundary between India and China. Vast International Space Station. Also, the NASA- ing critical information sharing. The two
for the Indian Navy. Besides this, the 126 Former Deputy Chief of the Navy, Vice areas that are physically inaccessible will be ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) sides are in talks for a Security of Supply
Indian Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft Admiral Ravneet Singh (retd), says: “The monitored by the drones. satellite is to be launched in 2024. Arrangement and Reciprocal Defence Pro-
(AMCA) are planned in two phases. The F414 MQ-9A increased our maritime domain The radar of the satellite was delivered to curement Arrangement that will enable the
engine is compatible with the first lot of 40 awareness. The MQ-9B has better sensors, US warship repairs ISRO’s UR Rao Satellite Centre in Bengalu- supply of defence goods in the event of
AMCAs. For the later version, GE has sub- range, endurance, electronic surveillance In August last year, US Navy Ship (USNS) ru in March this year. ISRO has identified a unanticipated supply chain disruptions.
mitted a proposal of co-developing and co- and can carry weapons.” Charles Drew arrived at L&T’s shipyard at range of applications of relevance to India, The defence industries are enabled for co-
manufacturing a higher-powered 110 kilo The India-US joint statement said: “MQ- Kattupalli, Chennai, for repairs, the first ever including monitoring of snow and glacier production of advanced systems as well as
newton thrust engine, it is learnt. 9Bs will be assembled in India. General repair of a US Navy ship in India. studies, coastal and ocean studies. India’s collaborative research, testing and prototyp-
The Tejas Mark 1 — 40 jets have been Atomics will also establish a comprehen- The Ministry of Defence said it “assumes boundary with China and a large part of the ing of the technologies that will determine
inducted in the Indian Air Force — is pow- sive global MRO (maintenance, repair and special significance in the strategic partner- boundary with Pakistan are snow-bound. the future of military power.
2 Arts CHANDIGARH | 25 JUNE 2023
theatre Women as Neelam Man Singh Chowdhry and playing, have increasingly blurred. They were completely disenfranchised
The play used every nook and corner of and confined to a marginalised position,
ET me start by being subjec- the campus and took theatre out of the- robbing women of their own representa-
tive and talk about the influ- atre buildings, changing the relationship tion throughout modern theatre history.
ences that created the con- between the audience and performers. The inclusion of women in the pan-
tours of my theatre making. I The audience became participants. theon of this male-dominated industry
had heard of Pina Bausch per- It also changed the relationship the has been a slow and silent revolution. It
forming her latest production, audience had with each other. At that was inevitable that very little notice was
‘Nelken’ (‘Carnations’), in Delhi. Even time, going to the theatre involved sit- taken of the events that precipitated it.
though I was unfamiliar with her work, ting in the dark and hardly acknowledg- This, to some extent, became the by-
her reputation as a director was formida- ing the presence of strangers with product of the women’s movement,
ble. With my band of students from the whom we sat shoulder to shoulder. See- which encouraged more women to study
theatre department at Panjab University, ing a play where I, as an audience, was direction and inadvertently change the
we hopped onto a train and joined the ser- in a constant state of movement, templates of theatre-making.
pentine queue outside the theatre in 1994. changed my perspective on a play being The question now is that have women
I had no references about her work. Mere a ‘frontal viewing experience’. Sudden- managed to create an independent form
whispers of her being one of the most ly, the performance and life, art and of aesthetics, a new way of looking at
unusual theatre makers intrigued and everyday activity between the play and space, text and characters? Have they
propelled me to experience her work. It playing were blurred. managed to move away from a stereotyp-
was the pre-Google, pre-Wikipedia era. At the helm of these two plays were ical interpretation of gender? Is there a
Seeing her work had me transfixed and women directors. But what does it feminine way of doing things?
bewildered. Her visual, textural and mean to be a woman director? Does it I think it was the urge to tell their sto-
kinetic spectacle on the stage tossed my indicate women in general — such as ries from their own point of view and in
tidy and safe definitions on what was those who are playing their role within their own voice that created this genre
possible on the stage. The stage, covered the conventional formulations — or known as women’s theatre. It is not to
Nadira Babbar with silk carnations, had dancers in cock- does it suggest a group of women who say that women were not telling their sto-
Sanjana Kapoor tail dresses crawling among the flowers, are holding a certain political position ries before that, but they seemed to be
giggling and playing leapfrog before within a performance, and their vision more on the fringe, creating a peripheral
they were confronted by passport offi- and artistic choices? contribution, while men were clustered
Mita Vashisht cers and snarling dogs. Later in the play, The term ‘woman director’ implies a at the top of the echelon.
actors sniffed onion slices and cried copi- certain amount of ghettoisation. It sug- But the real change is noticed in the
ously while a nude woman carried an gests that, in some ways, women are dif- choice of subject matter. Suddenly, large
accordion, silently and hauntingly. ferent. This has changed drastically events and the spectacular were replaced
I remember one scene in which an since I joined theatre in the 1980s. Today, by the quotidian. Women received their
actor emptied a bottle of coffee over her women directors are acknowledged for inspiration from daily life — the sound of
head, while reciting a poem. Buckets of ‘the art they make’. bubbling oil, clothes being washed...
water were thrown on the stage. Some questions persist nevertheless. Every day, mundane images were trans-
Pina Bausch, the legendary German Does gender affect the success and failure formed and made ‘anew’ to be scruti-
director, ditched classical precepts of one’s work? Do women coming from nised, examined and interrogated. They
(straight storytelling) and created shows different regional and social proclivities saw in these little parts of life an impor-
that drew on, among other things, the share anything in common, beyond their tance, equalling those climatic events that
performers’ childhood memories, biology? Are they accepted on the same are usually associated with high drama.
dreams and subjective experiences. platform as men, viewed through the The historical development and forms
There was shouting, conflict, collision, same lens? Are the rules for both the of women’s theatre in India have one crit-
The urge to tell and much rushing around to a sound- same? The funding, the sponsorships… ical political lesson for us: the response to
their stories Usha Ganguly track of popular songs and classical Women directors, despite the unity of stasis, rigidity and formalisation is some-
from their own music. I found the work incoherent and their concerns, have had an array of times ordinary, fluid and quiet. The
point of view illogical and had no tools to access it. My viewpoints, with diverse outlooks and essence of earlier representations of
and in their limitations in comprehending a new per- practice methodology. The existing blue- women in the theatre — moving from
own voice formance language made me restless. I prints have been avoided, in fact uncon- props to images to clichés to absences —
created the took the easy way out and rejected it sciously rejected, in the search for some- is now taken up as a mantle from where to
genre known outright. But the show clung to me, thing new, something fresh. Innovation begin. The images become the real, the
as women’s gnawing at me, making me restless. and experimentation are a heady mix, absent becomes the visible, and the prop
theatre. Lillete Dubey My students looked at me for affirma- and women directors have plunged into becomes the character — but not through
tion, analysis and a dialogue but I it as they have nothing to lose. a switch as much as a switch in perspec-
averted their gaze as I had no vocab- The word ‘director’ has a resonance tive. Let women be absent, you hear them
ulary to explain this performance. that seems to suggest male authority, say, because in absence, when represent-
The idea of a Many days later, it dawned on me and that has made acting the obvious ed properly, there is great power. After all,
woman’s voice in like an epiphany: the immense pos- career choice for women. In the past, if modernism is as comfortable with muta-
sibilities revealed through this artistic you were poor but pretty, or came from a tion as it is with stillness.
theatre is finally being encounter. Anything can be made possi- family of dancers or musicians, theatre If culture wants us to nurture and grow,
heard, but prejudices ble on the stage. It was empowering. was a good alternative to penury. Even we will transform, mutate and shake.
‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, performed by though some of the women left their That is how, beyond the manifestations of
still mar the space students of the National School of Dra- mark on the professional stage, they nev- our methods, genders and ideologies,
ma and directed by Anuradha Kapur, er came into positions of power, restrict- women directors are united through
made me realise that the lines between ed by the blatant prejudice of not allow- modernism. It is the womb that does not
art and everyday activity, between play ing women any say in decision-making. gestate as much as it accelerates.
the Rockefeller Foundation. Later, he also
ORMAC McCARTHY can won the MacArthur Fellowship, which
make you very uncomfortable. supported the writing of ‘Blood Meridian’,
Because to understand him but initially, for many years, even ‘Blood
and his writings, you need to Meridian’ fared extremely poorly.
look inward — to see, imagine, In fact, an article by the New York Times
feel the pulsating flesh, dipped states that McCarthy wrote to a friend:
and corralled in its own blood. “I’ve been a full-time professional writer
That, actually, was just one part of Cor- for 28 years, and I’ve never received a roy-
mac. Or just the way he expressed himself, alty cheque. That, I’ll betcha, is a record.”
his thoughts to the world, especially in The story of how McCarthy moved to
‘Blood Meridian’. Three words would Alfred A Knopf is also part of folklore. The
describe that book for every reader who agent Amanda ‘Binky’ Urban, who repre-
read, tried to read, gave up reading — pow- sented Toni Morrison, Haruki Murakami
erful, unsettling, memorable. and Mary Karr, among others way back,
Can one book describe an author? The was then working at International Cre-
easy answer is ‘No’. But, for Cormac’s ative Management (ICM) for Lynn Nesbit,
legions of fans, who have read ‘The Coun- who one bright morning threw a letter on
selor’, ‘Outer Dark’, ‘Suttree’, ‘The Crossing’, her desk and said, “You might want to fol-
‘Cities of the Plain’, ‘The Sunset Limited’, low up”, as reported by The Cut.
nothing sets him apart more than ‘Blood The letter was by McCarthy in which he
Meridian’. Probably even more than ‘No writes he ‘never had an agent’ and if any-
Country for Old Men’, which won four one is interested ‘please call me before
Oscars. After the book was released in 2005, noon Rocky Mountain time’.
Walter Kirn, reviewed it in the New York A little research told Binky Urban that
Times: “The conflicts set on a stage as big as none of McCarthy’s books at Random
McCarthy’s writing
Texas but as spiritually claustrophobic as a House had sold more than 2,500 copies. compels you to read,
back-room cockfight ring, resolve them- Urban called Sonny Mehta, who had just
selves with a mechanistic certitude that sat- taken over at Knopf, and asked him if he reread and then swallow
isfies the brain’s brute love of pattern and
bypasses its lofty emotional centres.”
wanted to publish McCarthy as ‘Random
House is not really doing a great job by
the words, lines,
McCarthy died on June 13 at his home in him’. Sonny said, “I’d love that.” sentences — dismal,
Santa Fe at the age of 89. Those fingers, at Random House agreed to let McCarthy
their end, may have become knobby, beat- move to Knopf.
dreary and desolate.
ing down on those typewriter keys but, he And, as it happens in fables and stories, Before you realise it, you
was revered, underlined as one of the his next book, ‘All the Pretty Horses’,
greats to an extent that the critic Harold became the super-nova. It was followed by have become part of his
Bloom put him in the same group, anoint-
ing him as one of the four major American ultimate dark dramatisation of violence. like the head of a great red phallus until it
‘The Road’, a post-apocalyptic novel
describing the journey of a father-son
open-throated writing
novelists of his time, alongside Philip Again, I don’t see anyone surpassing it in cleared the unseen rim and sat squat and across a landscape destroyed by a cata-
Roth, Don DeLillo and Thomas Pynchon. that regard.” pulsing and malevolent behind them.” clysm. It won McCarthy a Pulitzer and was hardly gave any interviews, probably a
Once, in an interview to the AV Club, McCarthy’s writing compels you to read, After his first five novels, McCarthy’s made into a film directed by John Hillcoat. couple of them in three decades or more.
speaking about ‘Blood Meridian’ and its reread and then swallow the words, lines, career seemed destined to flare out with Stylistically, ‘The Road’ was, if not com- In an interview to The New York Times
place in American literature, Bloom said: sentences — dismal, dreary and desolate. him being just another notable novelist, pletely, a departure from his earlier novels. Magazine in 1992, he spoke about the vio-
“The Judge is the book, and the Judge is, Before you realise it, you have become part talented but not finding that one super- McCarthy was 73 when he wrote it and one lence in his books. “There’s no such thing
short of Moby Dick, the most monstrous of the man’s open-throated prose. A para- nova. And, then he wrote ‘All the Pretty does not know whether he believed a as life without bloodshed. I think the
apparition in all of American literature. graph from ‘Blood Meridian’ sums it up: Horses’, which won the National Book world devastated by us only would play out notion that the species can be improved in
The Judge is violence incarnate. The Judge “They rode on and the sun in the east Award and was also made into a film star- in the end as he envisaged in ‘The Road’. some way, that everyone can live in harmo-
stands for incessant warfare for its own flushed pale streaks of light and then a deep- ring Matt Damon and Penelope Cruz. The father and son, hanging onto each oth- ny, is a really dangerous idea.”
sake.” And whether McCarthy was suc- er run of colour like blood seeping up in sud- Even in the low phases, where his hard- er, their odyssey, aimed at reaching the In the ‘Blood Meridian’, the Hermit
cessful in using violence in the book, den reaches flaring planewise and where the backs never sold beyond 5,000 copies, he Gulf Coast across the ‘barren, silent’, of speaks to The Kid: “You can find meanness
Bloom said, “More than successful. It’s not earth drained up into the sky at the edge of had the support of prestigious fellowships whatever is left of the barren, ruined land. in the least of creatures, but when God
only the ultimate Western, the book is the creation the top of the sun rose out of nothing like the American Academy of Arts and As reclusive as a platypus, McCarthy made man, the Devil was at his elbow.”
CHANDIGARH | 25 JUNE 2023 Focus 3
T was a chilly morning on January 6, sleep. Retired Junior Warrant Officer
1949. At 6.30 am, DS Sabhiki was the Pradip Mallick was the Physical Training
first cadet to report at the makeshift Instructor at NDA from 2003 to 2008. “If a
Joint Services Wing (JSW) academy cadet is not physically fit, he can’t be
in Clement Town, Dehradun. The mentally fit. There is no shortcut for
barracks which housed Italian prisoners
of war during World War II were spruced Events lined up till January next year GALLANTRY AWARDS
moulding young cadets from various
backgrounds into fighting-fit officers
up for the first batch of JSW. Over four ■ NDA has initiated a year-long series of ■ The celebrations will culminate in a Param Vir Chakra 3 strong in every field. Instructors have to
days, close to 190 cadets reported — 144 events under ‘75 Glorious Year grand finale on January 15 and 16, Ashok Chakra 12 work equally hard and give extra time to
for the Army, 25 for the Navy and 21 for Celebrations (GYC)’ from January 16, 2023. 2024, where alumni are also invited. weak cadets.”
Maha Vir Chakra 32
the Air Force. Among them were SF Some of the events include ‘Open Sailing Activities on both days would include a He recalls how Ground Training
Rodrigues, NC Suri and L Ramdas, who Regatta’, ‘Superdimona Ferry’, drawing, leadership seminar, ceremonial events, Kirti Chakra 45 Instructors from the Air Force had to
later became chiefs of the Army, Air painting and poetry competitions, and the sporting activities involving alumni and Shaurya Chakra 152 undergo a three-month course at the
Force and Navy, respectively. Their inter-school competition ‘WIZQUIZ’. cadets, and cultural evenings. Vir Chakra 163 Army School of Physical Training in
batchmates RM Vohra, Hanut Singh and Pune before imparting training at NDA.
KS Pannu won the Maha Vir Chakra in
MILESTONES “Only the best instructors are posted at
the 1971 war. Sabhiki rose to the rank of October 6, 1949: PM Jawaharlal Nehru Parade takes place at Khadakwasla, colours to NDA in recognition of 30 training centres.”
Air Marshal and returned as Comman- lays the foundation stone of NDA attended by PM Nehru years of service On moulding 18-year-olds, Maj Gen Raj
dant of the National Defence Academy January 16, 1955: NDA is formally May 30, 1959: Sudan block unveiled September 22, 2021: Supreme Court Mehta (retd), who served as an instructor
(NDA), his alma mater, in 1988. inaugurated December 16, 1978: President orders Centre to admit women cadets at NDA from 1981-1984 as a Captain/Major,
Setting up a joint training academy to June 5, 1955: First Passing-Out Neelam Sanjiva Reddy presents from the current session says, “You need to become a child to teach
bring about synergy among the three a child. How would you teach a cadet to
arms of military was a significant lesson Military Academy at West Point. More than 38,000 cadets have been officers fought from the front in 1971 and face life’s challenges? You have to empha-
World War II taught the strategists. On trained into scholar-warriors at the NDA in Kargil. “Our brave soldiers have sise taking challenges as serious fun. In
May 2, 1945, a committee was formed Gift from Sudan so far, along with over 1,000 cadets from demonstrated the academy motto ‘serv- the end, it’s mental strength which makes
under the chairmanship of the Comman- The Sudanese government had gifted friendly foreign countries. ice before self’ during the testing times — you succeed. For that, you need patience
der-in-Chief, Field Marshal Sir Claude J £1,00,000 to Lord Linlithgow, then each time, every time.” and you only learn from mistakes.”
Auchinleck, to examine the viability of Viceroy of India (1936-1944), for a war Unique jointmanship On comparisons with foreign armies, Air Citing an example, he says, “You are fac-
training officers of the Army, Air Force memorial to commemorate the sacrifices Air Marshal KS Gill (retd), who served as Marshal Kler says, “Our ability to lead ing bullets. A task has to be completed with
and Navy together. There was no such of the Indian troops for the liberation of the Commandant of NDA from 2013-14, from the front in any battle scenario minimum loss and maximum gain. Your
institution across the world at the time. Sudan during World War II. The corpus describes it as a unique academy makes us stand out. Officers of the Indian bullet has to hit the enemy, and you have to
The committee worked on the idea for 16 was utilised to build the Sudan block at premised on the solid foundation of aca- armed forces tower head and shoulders dodge his bullet. There may be other ways
months. After Auchinleck left India fol- the NDA. The Sudan block resembles a demic and service training. “The educa- above the rest with their traits of ethos, to make him surrender. Now, it is a mental
lowing Partition, the idea was put on the field gun of the Army. On one side of it is tion branch caters to 70 per cent of the commitment, courage, the ‘izzat’ of the thing and not a physical one. A soldier in
back burner. The report was finally the Vyas Library that appears like an training and offers graduation courses, regiment, and the adulation of the men the end will say that his best friend was the
referred to the Chiefs of Staff Committee anchor, and on the other, Habibullah Hall along with a degree in BTech. The adapt- they command.” failures he experienced.”
in 1947. An interim JSW at the Indian Mil- that is shaped like an aircraft. ability trait and constantly-evolving pat- The inclusion of women cadets does not On reporting to the NDA, a cadet is allotted
itary Academy (IMA), Dehradun, was giv- On January 16, 1955, the NDA was for- terns of academics define NDA’s vision surprise the veterans. “As of today, 38 are one of the 18 squadrons which then becomes
en the go-ahead while a plan for a perma- mally inaugurated. The book ‘National towards jointmanship.” being trained. They were able to make a his/her home for the next three years. Admi-
nent war academy at Khadakwasla in Defence Academy: The Cradle of Military Air Marshal Jasjit Singh Kler (retd), who smooth entry due to the embracing ral Sunil Lanba (retd), former Chief of Naval
Pune was envisioned. Prime Minister Leadership’ mentions that Khadakwasla served as the Commandant of NDA from approach and adaptability trait of NDA,” Staff, is from the 51st course of NDA. “My
Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation was chosen for its “salubrious climatic 2016-2018, agrees that only the physical says Gill. It was inevitable, adds Kler. favourite memory,” he says, “was being part
stone of the NDA on October 6, 1949. conditions, suitability of terrain for mili- regimen has not been diluted since it “Despite the hullabaloo, the girls will only of the Golf Squadron. There were 15 of us
Three eminent educationists and a rep- tary training, proximity to the Arabian directly impacts the mental strength of add to the essence of our armed forces and who joined together. If any of us made a mis-
resentative from each of the three Ser- Sea, the existence of an operational air- the cadets. “In my heyday, we were not give us strength. Of course, their exposure take, all 15 used to be punished. Such was
vices visited military training institu- field at Lohegaon, vicinity of military tech-savvy but now we produce scholar- in combat will be a graded response.” the bonding.”
tions in the UK, USA and Canada. The establishments and the presence of a lake warriors — the tip of the spear.” Lt Gen KJ Singh (retd), former Army Air Marshal Gill has the last word as he
Indian Military Academy was modelled nearby”. Spread over 6,720 acres, NDA is On what makes NDA passouts stand out Commander, Western Command, recalls recalls what actor Amitabh Bachchan had to
along the lines of Sandhurst (UK) but the situated with Sinhgad Fort (Lion’s Fort) in as officers, Air Marshal Gill says the proof the Passing-Out Parade (POP), or the say when he was invited to the NDA: “Why
NDA was largely influenced by the US the backdrop. of the pudding is in the way the young lack of it, of his 50th course (1973). “It was can’t India be like NDA!”
Versatile sattu: Ready-to-eat wonder food CAPTION CONTEST 1413 MUKESH AGGARWAL
ATTU — ground parched gram and bar-
ley — has been the staple sustenance
for the abjectly poor in north India for INGREDIENTS
generations. Those embarking on a
journey carried this food with them Sattu 1/2 cup
tied in a gamcha that also served as a towel, Lemon juice 2 tbsp
belt and headgear. It is only in recent times Black rock salt A pinch
that city folk have woken up to the exception- Fresh mint leaves for garnishing
ally nutritious properties of sattu. Dieticians Jaggery to taste
don’t tire of recommending it to those who
have a weight issue or diabetes or are coping METHOD
with non-romantic heart problems.
Slowly dissolve sattu into some water in a
It is indeed a ‘ready-to-eat’ flour of many
bowl. Then add a jug full of chilled water.
delights. It may need a little getting used to but Add lemon juice and black rock salt and stir
once you acquire the taste, well. Crumble jaggery and add to taste. Stir
FOOD it can be addictive. One
can enjoy it almost effort-
again. If you prefer, you may substitute
jaggery with a few drops of honey or
TALK lessly in savoury and
sweet dishes. Sattu can be
molasses. Garnish with mint leaves.
HE blurb opens with an arresting in Raj Ghat was, Seshan suspected, a con- ity for dictatorship: “Like all praises, this
observation: “2 August: A red-let- spiracy by his own buddies. “They merely criticism was part of what came on my plate.
ter day for democracy in India.” wanted to scare him, not hurt!” There was Even now I do not need a certificate of mer-
That day in 1993, TN Seshan, again a theory of conspiracy, this time with it, most certainly not from those who had
who made a difference to Indian sources abroad. A commission of inquiry axes to grind or feathers to nest.”
elections as Chief Election Commissioner, went about interrogating everyone CEC Seshan was becoming
put on hold all elections. It was like the life- who was someone. There was still a popular. Many looked up to
giver becoming the hangman, the man to question hanging fire, even after him as a role model. The
conduct elections cancelling them. muddy water flowing down the masses viewed him as a man
That day, my editor asked me to meet Coovum river. of destiny. His diatribes
and make sense of this unusual man and If any official exercise in against self-important politi-
his moods, his moves. And that led to a Seshan’s career mattered much, cos pleased them. Sitting
quick book, ‘Seshan: An Intimate Story’, though not as much as CEC, it was cross-legged on the floor,
an early precursor to his own comprehen- during his tenure as district collec- clad in no more than a vest,
sive account. tor, Madurai. It was the fulcrum of he would enquire, he would
Seshan’s epic order left India’s political the anti-Hindi agitation in the Six- THROUGH THE solicitously ask what people
system vulnerable to one man’s whim. The ties. It was Seshan’s job to contain BROKEN GLASS: AN thought of him.
deadlock was, he argued, “solely the mak- it, using force minimally. Violence AUTOBIOGRAPHY Cloistered corridors of the
ing of the government”. Postponement of erupted in one college where a pro- by TN Seshan. power tower were agog with
“all and every election” was a Seshanesque fessor of Seshan was the principal. Rupa. gossip about what Seshan
response to the government’s ploys to ren- A 1991 photograph of TN Seshan, who made waves as the Chief Election Commissioner. PTI Seshan had pangs of conscience might do. The government
Pages 368.
der the Election Commission into one of its when the agitating students were outdid him, inducting two
departments. Seshan’s mission was to raphy, he recaptures the power play of Though India is acclaimed as the land of disciplined by force. more Election Commission-
recover its autonomy. those times with thoroughness. the “largest electoral exercise in the The sporadic agitation had, ers. Trusting people’s moods,
He was mercurial. There was something One dull evening, Cabinet Secretary Vin- world”, it had long-standing election rules Seshan suspected, some foreign encour- he joined the race for Raisina Hll. Soon he
about him that intimidated people. I took od Pande called to tell him he was being which were flouted widely and unabashed- agement. He had a lot of sensitive infor- realised there was dichotomy in realpolitik
to him a journalist who was somewhat of a made CEC. Seshan said he was “not fit for ly. Seshan’s camera contingents went mation coming his way. So be it. Unautho- between reality and delusion. He lost mas-
Seshan acolyte. Seshan was a picture of the job”. It was a rare show of modesty. around recording wall writings and expen- risedly, I watered down the fury of certain sively, garnering no promised support.
amiability. He was asked what book had Three years later, Subramanian Swamy, sive election conventions. That had a salu- inferences when I was writing his story “Everyone ditched me barring Shiv Sena.”
influenced him most. Pat came the reply, who was a prime mover in making Seshan tary effect for some time. with a chapter on “A CIA Agent”. Tamil That was an embittering end of a stellar
“Bhagavad Gita.” The next question was CEC, shouted from the housetops that he Rajya Sabha, envisaged as the council of sensitivities were hurt. Tamil politicians of mission. Bitterness and equanimity, in an
deadly: “How did he face the Emergency?” had “begged” for the position. states, had to have its members representing all hues jumped into the fray in an orgy of unlikely combination, marked his conclu-
The man who was a study in calm lapsed Seshan sought the views of three persons their respective states, where they were reg- competitive extremism. Chief Minister sion. “As I look back on my life and career,
into paroxysms of anger. Such display of other than astrologers: President ular residents. It was traditionally a sham. Jayalalithaa led the agitation by waking up all that I can think and say is: ‘Life has
outrage was not unusual. Venkataraman, former Prime Minister For instance, a Kannadiga could be thrown a judge at an odd hour to obtain a stay on been great, stormy but great.’”
He was a reluctant CEC. So he would Rajiv Gandhi and Paramacharya of up from Kolkata or a Punjabi from Palakkad. the book release. Seshan’s autobiography He died four years ago, he had made
have us believe. As Cabinet Secretary, he Kanchi. Venkataraman asked if he could One could falsely affirm one’s regular resi- makes no mention of CIA’s peccadilloes. waves three decades earlier. Why he chose
was no darling of VP Singh. When he not find another job. Rajiv said they would dency of a place which one had not visited There was a certain masochist streak in to release his memoir now is a pointless
became PM, Seshan was eased out. His “repent” for making him CEC. Para- more than a few times. When Seshan rolled Seshan. He has a full chapter on his public thought. ‘An Autobiography’ has been
stars were again aglow when Chandra macharya mumbled his approval. And his eyeballs, they changed the statute. and private persona. Questions are raised presented by Nixon Fernando, his research
Shekhar replaced Singh. In this autobiog- Seshan took the job. For a civil servant of his stature, he had and instantly answered about his megalo- assistant. Copyright rests with Nixon.
N 1857, the British rule in India seven hundred!” claimed one of the of that rebellion as it unfolded in
Manu Moudgil and thrust on private transport. It’s a book was hit by a huge tsumani which rebels. It was a battle between raw Awadh, particularly during May-
that lays bare the ecological wonders and shook its foundations. It started passion, patriotism and fierce deter- October 1857. There were crucial
HERE are very few storytellers human blunders of India. from Bengal with Mangal mination on the one side and the episodes of struggle in this rebellion
who can let go of their comforts The stories of people living on the margins Pandey’s rebellion and soon mighty British imperialism on the with Begum Hazrat Mahal as the
and immerse themselves in the are told with empathy. Whether it’s a widow reached Delhi, Lucknow, Jhansi, Kan- other. The outcome of the battle was leader. At the micro level, however,
harsh environments they talk trying to raise money for her son’s exams by pur and many other places. It lasted not clear to the actors involved. Their the novel tells the stories of important
about. Arati Kumar-Rao is one of catching crabs in crocodile-infested waters or for a whole year and subsided by the resources were evenly matched. The individuals with their dilemmas and
them, which is why her work never fails to a man who has been displaced eight times by end of 1858 without meeting its objec- rebels were short on predicaments. It also tells the
inform and astound. Her first piece of jour- barrage-induced floods, or a Kerala family tive. The book under review tells the ammunition and were at story of love, longing, lust and
nalism involved observing a landscape in huddled in a small kitchen because rest of story of the rebellion through one of risk of running out of it. betrayal. A particularly
the Thar desert in different seasons for one their house has turned into rubble, Rao gives its central characters, Begum Hazrat But there was no shortage endearing character is that of
year. In the era of clickbait and desk/studio- a glimpse into their challenges and that of mil- Mahal. It belongs to the genre of his- of food and other ameni- Kamla, who experiences a
based reporting, such an effort seems lions of others who are either forced to leave torical fiction. To her credit, Malathi ties, all of which were romantic life in the midst of
bizarre, even unnerving at first but tremen- their homes or turned into paupers overnight. Ramachandran, the author, has not generously supplied by the turmoil. She and a young
dously inspiring afterwards. It is rare for such accounts to reach the urban fictionalised history and has the people. British officer, James Grant,
What makes this book special is that audience, which is instead fed an overdose of remained as close to the actual histor- It was just the other way fall in love with each other.
it’s not an academic exercise on Indi- positive news on governance and GDP. ical process as possible. All the histor- round for the British. She carries their baby in her
an landscapes. It is more about the Rao also introduces us to a few special peo- ical events and many of the characters They had the weapons but womb with the promise of
lives, both human and wild, that are ple who inspire hope. The local guides, shep- described in the novel are real. Using were greatly at risk of marriage at the end of the
an intrinsic part of these ecosystems. herds, fishers and farmers, who uphold the history as the backdrop, the author being starved to death rebellion. However, Kamla
Rao combines folklore, science, histo- traditional wisdom and scientific tempera- has created a fictionalised world inside the Residency soon discovers that he has no
by Malathi
ry, personal accounts and policy deci- ment. They are the ones offering sustainable around the life of Hazrat Mahal. The because of scarcity of food. Ramachandran. intentions of fulfilling the
sions to paint images through words solutions and countering the onslaught of rot account is authentic, enchanting and The rebels were opti- promise. Her love turns into
Niyogi Books.
that illuminate our understanding. learning, which is alienating people from tragic, at the same time. mistic; the British low in rage, both against James
From the floodplains of Assam to the their ecosystems. What comes as a pleasant Begum Hazrat Mahal was the queen morale. Finally, the Pages 330. Grant and the British. Kamla
MARGINLANDS: sand dunes of Thar, from the shores of surprise is the spirituality in this book. It is of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah of Awadh. British were rescued by ~595 decides to follow Hazat Mahal
INDIAN Kerala to the artificial glaciers of made possible only because the author chose When he was dethroned by the British the arrival of supplies and joins her army by becom-
LANDSCAPES Ladakh, dense forests of Arunachal to tell the stories through people rather than and exiled to Calcutta, she chose not from Kanpur and that ing a Veerangini (warrior). She
ON THE BRINK Pradesh to the coasts of Goa, sandbar the western concepts of conservation and to go with him and instead stayed turned the tables on the rebels. The fights the British army valiantly and
by Arati Kumar-Rao. islands on Ganga, perilous Sunder- environmentalism. Rao’s slow trek through behind in her beloved Lucknow along battle took a very different turn. We also makes a determined though
Pan Macmillan. bans, rivers of Punjab and the backyard these landscapes is itself a meditative prac- with her 12-year-old son Birjis Qadir. now know that eventually the mighty unsuccessful effort at eliminating the
Pages 240. of an urban settlement in Bengaluru, tice. Whether it’s walking through the ver- The novel tells the story of how she British imperialism with its great sup- once-upon-a-time love of her life. The
~699 all these landscapes with varying soils, dant forests, gazing into the starry skies of fought the British in Awadh with a port system triumphed over the patri- novel offers a glimpse of many such
vegetation and skies become thriving Himalayas, floating on the vast arms of the fierce determination to expel them otism of Hazrat Mahal. Awadh was people — birds caught in a storm —
habitats. Tigers, wolves, vultures, eels, Brahmaputra, plodding through sand dunes from both Awadh and Hindustan. In recaptured by the British. The queen whose lives are changed forever.
egrets, black-necked cranes, limpet and or listening to the night through the window this venture, she was helped by a exiled herself and her son to Nepal It is a novel whose climax happens
many more creatures who make these places of her bedroom, she tunes into the universal strong team of local rulers who were towards the end of 1858. not at the end but somewhere in the
functional walk through the pages. Hunting heartbeat that connects everything. just as patriotic and fiercely anti- The historical novel proceeds at middle, with the prospects of a victory
with dolphins, hosting bees, fostering the The writing is supplemented by photo- British. In the war against the British, three levels. At the macro level, it tells for the rebels. The novel ends tragical-
non-glamorous plants, Rao allures us with graphs and sketches which make the book Hazrat Mahal had the full support of the story of the great pan-Indian ly, not with a bang but with a whimper.
the marvellous and then offers the bitter pill part coffee table book, part travelogue and the merchants, zamindars and the encounter between British imperial- That was exactly how the Rebellion of
of how all these places and lives are under part socio-ecological research. A few portions local people. They organised a suc- ism and the great resistance to it from 1857 ended. It would take a whole cen-
threat because of short-sighted government can seem heavy for some, especially those cessful siege of the Residency in June different parts of the country. It cul- tury for multiple patriotisms to trans-
policies focussed on profiteering through not acquainted with environmental writing. 1857 with around 3,000 British form into a robust Indian nationalism
dams and weirs, waterways, mining, defor- But what’s the point of reading a book if you hostages, both officials and civilians. which would eventually achieve what
estation, commercial fishing, concretisation don’t get to learn something new? The battle was evenly matched. The 1857 could not.
Making sense of free trade agreements
F REE trade agreements (FTAs) have
proliferated around the
world and their number
The author points out that India’s past
FTAs have been limited even as
L ONG before he became the enlight-
ened leader Gautam Buddha, he
was a boy oblivious of the world. As
a young prince, Siddhartha navigates
D O offices have secrets waiting to be
discovered? Can these secrets help
us become more effective man-
agers? Yes, says author Harish Bhat.
the government has taken politics and relationships and slowly These secrets are beyond financial num-
today exceeds 350. Former revived interest and recently begins to question his oppressively per- bers and confidential strategy docu-
ambassador VS Seshadri says it signed FTAs with the UAE and fect life. Meanwhile, his family strug- ments hidden away in locked drawers.
is important to recognise that Australia. It is essential that India gles to maintain their deception — from Instead, these are pretty simple ones,
every new FTA, whether India remains alert to various develop- banishing the old and sick to hiding like good filter coffee, generosity and 30
is party to it or not, can poten- ments related to FTAs. their own advancing age — in the hope SIDDHARTHA minutes of me-time. Through real and OFFICE SECRETS
tially affect its trade prospects Divided into seven chapters, that they can mould him into a dutiful by Advait Kottary. fictional stories, the book offers a selec- by Harish Bhat.
to a small or large extent. Some the book focuses on the develop- king. In Advait Kottary’s intricately Hachette. tion of fascinating and useful secrets Penguin Random
impact could be in the form of FREE TRADE AGREE- ment of FTAs and looks at the woven narrative, raw human emotion Pages 316. that can help you be far more successful House.
market access. They could also MENTS: INDIA AND way ahead for the nation. It also and conflict are tempered with the ~499 at your workplace. It covers a range of Pages 237.
be in the form of regulatory THE WORLD flags the key aspects that may boundless compassion of the Buddha. subjects: the best methods of fighting ~399
changes and facilitatory frame- by VS Seshadri. need to be kept in view taking ‘Siddhartha’ is both a riveting story exhaustion, organising your work desk,
works developing elsewhere. Oxford University forward the ongoing or future and a profound meditation on our the power of listening, why kindness is
This book is a comprehensive Press. negotiations. Seshadri outlines a shared quest for truth. In the Foreword, so important, workplace lessons from
work on the evolution of FTAs Pages 394. fivefold plan on monitoring and singer Rekha Bhardwaj says the sim- Hercule Poirot, et al. The author, brand
across the world and how India ~1,495 implementation of FTAs once plicity of Kottary’s language will appeal custodian at Tata Sons, has been with the
should navigate these. they are concluded. — TNS to an impatient generation. Tata Group for 35 years.
the shameful tale of those natives who betrayed their own motherland for a
HIS was one of the many moments middle-English goes? Did it decide to become markets. For example, the fiddlehead fern few pieces of silver. Incidentally, the word ‘loot’, he tells us, entered the Eng-
that have, subsequently, been rued. an unforgiving appendage in a haze of alcohol with a thick stem, called lungru or lingri, lish language from this shameful plunder of a land the English left impov-
It was another one of those times and no exercise? While one still works out, the grows in the mid-hills; this is cooked in erished and shattered. From the Kohinoor to the shiploads of gold, silver and
when the larynx and the brain were modus operandi of the paunch, one knows yoghurt and can also be pickled. It can also be precious stones to paintings, manuscripts and heaven knows what else.
not connected and yet, the mouth that one day it wasn’t there, and the next, it lightly sautéed. Bichhu buti, the stinging net- Robert Clive, Warren Hastings and others like them have much to answer
found a mind of its own and opened had arrived, sneakily whispering, “You are tle; kachnaar, Bauhinia Tomentosa’s flowers; for. It is not surprising that the wealth of 19th century England that many
to speak. The rather plump teacher in school now middle-aged”. With bags full of calories, and bathu, a chenopod, are collected from the now believe came from the Industrial Revolution was the loot that destroyed
informed the rather skinny me, “Looking at the unwelcome guest had come to stay. But hillsides and cooked. But of all things that the flourishing crafts and textiles here. Human rights? What are those?
RAAJA BHASIN you, one would think there is a famine in the now that it was here, there was little choice come from nature and form a part of regular The third one is the oldest in this series, Pankaj Mishra’s ‘Age of Anger:
country.” Without thinking, I had retorted, except to deal with it and even make friends cuisine, perhaps nothing can surpass guchhi, A History of the Present’, and brings this trio lying in my study to a close.
“And looking at you, sir, one would think that with this new addition to the body. the morels that grow in cedar and oak woods This is the hardest to read as I have discovered over the last few summers.
I have never cared for you are the cause of it.” Needless to add, we did I have never cared for the word ‘foodie’. In and sell for substantial amounts in the mar- Mishra’s canvas is huge: from 200 years of European imperialism to the
not see paunch to belly after that. my head, it seems to imply that food is some- kets. And this is apart from the endless array rise of the Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Boko Haram. His argument is that the roots
the word ‘foodie’. In Our older son, who was good at drawing, thing we can do without. One may as well use of herbs that find their way to markets in Del- of anger in our age lie in the forgotten promise of freedom, equality and
my head, it seems once made a picture of me in my uniform of
jeans, sneakers and a tee. Not to be outdone,
words like ‘air-ie’, or ‘water-ie’. It becomes
even worse when one thinks of the thousands
hi, Amritsar and elsewhere.
Just before the outbreak of Covid-19, we
dignity through growth, industrialisation and nation-building. The trau-
matic social and economic changes these led to created a vast population
to imply that food the younger one presented his own version of that sleep on less than full stomachs. The were invited to a meal that had been curated of betrayed and rootless youth, who were in search of wealth, a secure
me. This was a rather large representation of Buddhist saint Milarepa survived for several by a Michelin star chef out of ingredients col- future and a reliable messiah. It is only through an understanding of this
is something we the alphabet ‘p’. The explanation that came years on nettle soup and many of his images lected from the forests. Seeds, sorrel, nettle that we can begin to comprehend the rise of militant movements, lawless-
can do without with it was simple — head to toe, the stick was
me and the bulge was my stomach. Com-
depict him with a large earthen pot of what
sustained him. That’s when even my
stems and much else was used with aplomb
and served with finesse. That our stomachs
ness and a self-destroying anger that has spun out of control.
To build a future that will appease this anger, we will have to go to the past
bined, they made ‘daddy’. thoughts turned to how some ingredients still reeled with these unfamiliar ingredients and create a present that provides dignity and safety to all. And although this
So how did that paunch, the subject of fam- come from the wild. makes for another tale. And that one time of is easy to write about, where are political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nel-
ily portraits and assorted comments, arrive? At different times of the year in the hills, food culled from the wild, at least for me, son Mandela and Abraham Lincoln whose lessons have been forgotten and
Did it sneak in at night while one slept after a many leaves, fungi and flowers collected from decided that one would happily stick with the twisted out of recognition? The Age of Innocence never existed, it seems,
‘hearty and handsome’ repast, as a phrase of the wild are readily available in vegetable familiar. Paunch or no paunch. except as a dream that we have been fed by self-serving politicians.
the criminal caucus of telemarketers ties. They don’t have to spend huge mon- they don’t want to spend on client secu-
and telecom thieves proved more formi- ey on advertising themselves as motiva- rity. The Telephone Regulatory Author-
dable than the judicial luminary thought. tional speakers or gym rats. All they ity of India (TRAI) has almost shrugged
Almost every minister or corporate cap- need are telephone numbers to flood off all responsibility to protect consum-
HIS week more than a dozen political parties came to- tain gets pesky calls offering them fur- with enticing email and texts as sms or ers. Ironically most TRAI chairpersons
gether to forge a front to oust the Modi regime. The ag- niture, hotel, flats, insurance, interior WhattsApp. Since smart phones and are superannuated Secretaries of the
gression in the speechifying which followed was aggres- POWER & POLITICS decoration services, swimming classes their software vulnerabilities provide Telecommunications Department who
sive and reflects the urge for preservation. Nitish Kumar, PRABHU CHAWLA and dancing lessons at home. The irony ample options to lure and loot unsus- are disinterested in resolving the very
who hosted the jamboree in Patna, said “We have come [email protected] of democracy is transparency. Power pecting users, many have lost their life issues they have created themselves
together in national interest; those in power at Centre are Follow him on Twitter @PrabhuChawla loves control and governments love to savings, property and premium posses- through a faulty policy framework. Re-
against national interest.” DMK chief MK Stalin called the snoop on their citizens. A phalanx of sions. Apple and Samsung make billions cently Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Union
meeting a “war cry” against a “fascist and autocratic government agencies that store individ- of dollars selling cell phones, without Minister for Communications, cau-
regime.” HE paradox of technology is ual data is a karmic metaphor that spans uploading enough preventive software tioned, “People should never pick up
Omar Abdullah underlined that he and “Mehbooba Mufti that what starts as a blessing is life and death: by issuing birth certifi- in their overpriced gadgets. calls made from unknown numbers. I re-
belong to that part of the country where democracy is mur- fated to become a curse. Almost cates, death certificates and everything If handsets are at the receiving end of quest every citizen that they should re-
dered.” Mehbooba asserted: “We can’t let Gandhi’s India be- over a century ago Finnish in- in between, they are squarely responsi- slippery seduction, criminal neglect by spond to calls from only (telephone/mo-
come Godse’s country.” TMC chief Mamata Banerjee declared: ventor Eric Tigerstedt created a ble for the pilferage of private informa- telecom companies, government agen- bile) those numbers they recognise.”
“We will fight together with the aim of ending BJP rule.” Con- “pocket-size folding telephone” tion from their cies, big e-com- According to a published report “Indi-
gress President Mallikarjun Kharge said: “we have decided to for radio communication be- servers. They have merce giants and ans were the ninth most affected among
contest together.” And NCP chief tween ships and trains. Little become a gargan- other digital para- people from 20 countries being targeted
Sharad Pawar proclaimed that “just did he know that the 21st century ver- tuan shopping sites are behind by spam calls.” Vaishnaw said that the
like the JP movement, our united sion of his mobile phone would become mall where cell the data leakages. government had recently launched the
front will get blessings from the Frankenstein’s monster. The ubiquitous phone numbers In fact, Aadhar ‘Sanchar Saathi’ portal to block spam
public.” The rhetoric echoed the smart tool of myriad shapes and sizes as can be sold and was the beginning calls and cyber frauds. He also claimed
spectre painted five decades back varied as Bruce Lee’s moves has infil- bought covertly when data stealing that his ministry had blacklisted over 40
prior to the 1971 polls. trated the privacy of boardrooms and for a price. Digital became as com- lakh dodgy SIMs and 41,000 crooked
“Never before has a Prime Minis- bedrooms, recording confidential con- India was a power- mon as toothpaste. “points of sale” agents. So far, it hasn’t
ter in a democracy entered into versations, emptying bank accounts, ac- ful slogan meant Though the gov- stopped them from popping up like toxic
THE THIRD EYE such open collusion with anti-na- cessing intimate details like photos, to empower India. SOUMYADIP SINHA ernment denied re- mushrooms after a malefic monsoon. Yet
SHANKKAR AIYAR tional and anti-democratic forces. messages, contacts and such personal The country takes cent reports of a it is a big business as number robbers
Author of The Gated Republic, Aadhaar: Never before has a clique in power data, and resorting to bluster and black- pride in leading the world in digital massive breach, it’s unclear whether the are willing to give as much as one dollar
A Biometric History of India’s 12 Digit treated the judiciary and Parlia- mail. However, the cell phone is an es- transactions. In the process, it is also technology itself isn’t vulnerable to in- for every ten digit number.
Revolution, and Accidental India ment with such contempt. Never sential evil of the New World. Mobile plagued by spammers and scammers. filtration: Aadhaar has the maximum Private banking and financial institu-
([email protected]) before has a government had such calls are invisible invaders, not differen- Since India is the world’s biggest con- private details on its servers since users’ tions are even bigger culprits. Going by
a dismal record of unmitigated fail- tiating between the rich and poor. They sumer market, global tele-terrorists are mobiles are compulsorily linked to it. spam calls ostensibly from banks, it’s
ure in the maintenance of law and have become weapons to steal wealth obsessively pursuing its quarry offering During Covid, another data collection gi- clear that less banking and more com-
order…” The assertions are from the 1971 Manifesto of the with stealth. The Spampedimic is the everything from potatoes to potassium. ant Covin was launched with much fan- merce is the norm. Even credible banks
Bharatiya Jana Sangh. current curse of capitalism sans cure. A tech savvy mafia of mobile number fare and lauded for its sheer size and like the HDFC, Axis, Kotak and more
The battle then was against Indira Gandhi and her Congress. With the global Smartphone market hawkers operates all over the world with faultless implementation. Now it has be- seem to have engaged faceless salesmen
The battle cry now is against Narendra Modi and the avatar size touching $ 457.18 billion in 2021, mo- a technology-driven target-oriented come an egregious embarrassment with- to hawk insurance, motor vehicles etc to
of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, namely the BJP. Participating bile models are proliferating faster than modus operandi. They divide the market out ownership after news about a mas- their account holders. HDFC leads the
entities included the Congress, TMC, AAP, NCP, Shiv Sena, proverbial rabbits. There are over 14 bil- by products. While one agency harvests sive data leak hit the headlines. More nefarious pack of spam callers. With Big
DMK, Samajwadi Party, National Conference, PDP, JD (U), lion mobile devices in the world, averag- intel on guests checking into luxury ho- disturbing is the unwillingness by tele- Business dictating and directing poli-
RJD, CPI, CPM, CPI ML and others. Missing from what Home ing two mobile connections per person. tels, others go after high value shoppers com companies to install tools to spot cies worldwide, no vaccine will be in-
Minister Amit Shah called a “photo session” were the BSP, the India, with 1.30 billion SIM cards is in and pricey hospitals to collect informa- and stop spam calls passing through vented to prevent the Spampedimic
BRS, Biju Janata Dal, Janata Dal (S) and Akali Dal. the lead while China comes second with tion on aspirations and antibiotics. their gateways. Spammers have easy ac- whose viruses of corporate greed are de-
India’s political geography is defined by history. Every party 1.60 billion. The US has over 350 million Within moments of a high roller check- cess to greedy telecom executives who stroying the mental and financial health
is either an offshoot of the Congress or was created by the urge smart and not so smart phones. Accord- ing out of a hotel, they get calls, SMSs sell them phone numbers in bulk. Spam- of mankind. Unregulated and excessive
of anti-Congressism. It is verily a collection of frenemies. ing to government sources, over a mil- and WhatsApp chats, offering them bet- mers have bagged even VIP numbers use of technology provides them with a
Shiv Sena has fought against Congress and NCP, the TMC has lion spam calls are generated daily in ter deals and a room with a view on their originally allotted to important opinion mantra of minimising costs and maxim-
defeated Congress and the Left front, the Abdullahs have India. A former finance minister and the next visit. As tech giants make access to makers in the late 1990s. Unscrupulous ising profits. For them a wrong
fought the Muftis and the Congress, and AAP is still warring President of India got phone calls offer- technology cheaper, they have fathered tele-saboteurs purvey these digital digits number is now the prevalent phrase of
with the Congress. For sure, the BJP may dub the alliance as ing personal loans. A furious judge who an illegitimate brood of telemarketers. to agents who harass potential custom- the times.
opportunistic, dynastic or the coalition of the corrupt. The fact
is most of the parties have partnered with the BJP and the
Congress – the DMK in Tamil Nadu, the Shiv Sena in Mahar-
ashtra, the JD (U) in Bihar, the NC and PDP in Kashmir and
so on.
The binding glue of alliances is either conviction – for in-
stance after the Emergency in 1977 and in 1989 -- or existential
angst. The images from the Patna summit reflect the old cliché
that politics makes strange bed-fellows. The Opposition is fac- ited Kozhikode at least six times. His called Vikramapuram with a Siva temple of this place [Kozhikode] are so wealthy
ing the toughest challenge in decades. The BJP’s success is itinerary mentions most of the ports on at its centre. But this name did not be- that one them can purchase the whole
built around the blend of Hindutva and nationalism, organi- the west coast, like Mangalore, Valapat- come popular. The people called it Kolik- freightage of such vessels as put in here
sational potency and above all, the charisma of Modi. tanam, Pantalayini and Kollam, but ig- kotu.” Many misunderstood the word de- and fit out others like them.” Another
The playbook of Mission 2024 is familiar. The Opposition nores Muziris and Kochi, clearly hinting riving from the Malayalam for rooster, merchant Ibn Battuta met was Nakhuda
alliance is scaffolded by the arithmetic of votes – in 2019 the at the destruction of Muziris. Ibn Bat- Koli [Kozhi]. Krishna Ayyar clarifies: Midkhal from Yemen. It might have been
BJP bagged 37.7 per cent of the votes polled and the hope is tuta was elated to see the big Chinese “The town derives its name from Koyilko- the same person, Nakhuda Mishkal, who
they can garner a bigger share of the rest. Electoral success ships which could carry more than a tu or Koyilkotta, the fortified palace of built the magnificent Mishkal Palli in
however is more than just arithmetic and demands a curious A COUNTRY OF MANY GODS thousand people. He also reports that Zamorin, which was its commanding fea- t h e Ku t t i c h i r a p r i n c i p a l i t y o f
confluence of voter-leader chemistry and believability among DR JAYARAM PODUVAL ports which could accommodate these ture.” Though we know that the palace of Kozhikode.
contesting claims. Head, Department of Art History & Aesthetics, Faculty of Fine ships were Haili [Ezhimala, North Ker- Samutiri was somewhere near Tali Siva Kuttichira is between the erstwhile
Mandates and regime change in India, beyond the basic Arts, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat ala], Kozhikode and Kollam [South Ker- Temple, presently, no building can claim palace complex of the Samutiris and the
math, are powered by public trust and the magic of persua- ([email protected]) ala]. Comparing Battuta’s travelogue such a position. Soon Kozhikode was Kozhikode beach. Built around a water
sion. In 1977, the voters were persuaded in the north of India with present-day geographical locations, preeminent among northern Kerala’s nu- tank [Chira], this locality still has some
(but not in the south) of the horrors of Emergency. In 1989, we can assume that the Kozhikode port merous and active ports, enabling the old houses and two mosques dating back
Rajiv Gandhi was ousted by allegations of corruption in de- city’s misfortune always marks of call also included ports of call at Pan- Samutiris to develop lucrative mercantile to the 13th and 14th centuries. The oldest
fence deals. The Rao regime was ousted following riots and the rise of another city. We see talayini, Kappad [where Vasco Da Gama of the Mosques is Muchundi Mosque
scandals. In more recent years the Congress-led UPA won in this often in medieval India. landed], Elatthoor, Kozhikode, Chaliyum which has a granite inscription, the
2009 despite serial blasts and the 26/11 attacks. The greatest example is the de- and Beypore, many of them on the estu- script of which is datable to the 13th cen-
In 2014 the BJP highlighted corruption in the UPA raj and struction of Vijayanagara and aries of the Rivers like Korappuzha, Ka- tury CE. The text is written half in Ma-
presented an aspirational alternative. In 2019 the Modi regime the rise of Vijayapura, both in llayippuzha, and Chaliyar. After the layalam Vattelutthu script and the rest
won more seats in spite of anger about demonetisation and Karnataka. The former’s dev- downfall of Muziris, the spice export Kozhikode’s ascendance is also linked to in Arabic, recording the endowment to
stalling growth as voters invested in the idea of “strong India.” astation and loot and the possession of business might have been looking for an the emergence of a dynasty that the Mosque by Samutiri himself. It also
The Congress forfeited deposits in 148 of 421 Lok Sabha seats the fertile Raichur Doab enabled the alternate port of call on the west coast, remained the patron of the flourishing mentions one Shahab al-din Raihan as
it contested. Adil Shahi Sultans to invest in great and Kozhikode was the answer. the chief patron. Mishkal Palli, on the
Politics cannot be merely an argument industry producing buildings at Vijayapura. This, indeed, Kozhikode’s ascendance is also linked
trade. This ruling house is known as the other bank of Kuttichira Tank, is one of
memes on social media. Parties sense there is a distinct dis- was a man-made destruction. A similar to the emergence of a dynasty that re- Samutiris or Zamorins the unique mosques in India. Built fully
quiet about disharmony, disenchantment among sections of story occurred in Kerala but by an act of mained the patron of the flourishing of wood, it has exquisite decorative mo-
the middle class and distress at the lower levels of the income God. Major floods in the Periyar River in trade. This ruling house is known as the tifs and calligraphy carved out of wood.
pyramid but struggle to weave a narrative. The Congress, bu- 1341 CE destroyed the ancient port city Samutiris or Zamorins. The ancestors of The great settlement of the Moham-
oyed after the wins in Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka, may of Muziris. Though the same flood gave the Samutiris, principal rulers of north- connections with the Red Sea, Persia, Ma- madan merchants, which Ibn Battuta
be onto something in their thesis of localised polls and guar- birth to the port of Kochi, it also allowed ern Kerala from the 14th century on- laysia and China. mentions in his travelogue, is probably
anteed freebies. However, the context of Lok Sabha polls is another port city on the Malaibar coast wards, were the Eratis of Nediyirippu. The picture Ibn Battuta paints of the same. But the Mishkal mosque might
national and post-2014 very presidential. The question is to prosper. That port was Qaliqut, as the The Keralopatti relates that after the Era- Kozhikode is that of a great metropoli- have been under construction during his
whether the opposition alliance can evolve beyond the oust medieval travellers referred to it, or tis received a gift of land from Cheraman tan city. Noting the ruler as non-Muslim, visit because Battuta is silent about the
Modi slogan to engineer an idea and an identity. Kozhikode as we know it now. Perumal, they moved north to Kozhikode, Ibn Battuta was surprised to see a Bah- mosque. Such a magnificent structure
India’s political discourse is thirsting for competing ideas. The writings of Ibn Battuta, the cele- from where they set about subduing their raini Muslim, Shihab-ud-Din Khasaru- would have meant a lot to an eloquent
The architects of Mission 2024 will need to produce a compel- brated Moroccan traveller, tell us how rivals, the Porlatiris of Polanad in the fer- nias, as the port officer [Shahbandar]. traveller like Ibn Battuta to write about,
ling alternative of what it stands for and how it will deliver or Muziris stopped being a port of call on tile hinterland to the East. KV Krishna He also reports that Muslims controlled along with the description of Kozhikode,
else Mission 2024 could well turn into Mission Impossible. It the west coast. Battuta, as Mohammed Ayyar, in his book, The Zamorins of Cali- all commerce in Kozhikode. “The great- the great metropolis of the East, the me-
will be yesterday once more! bin Tughluk’s ambassador to China, vis- cut, informs, “Samutiri founded a town est part of the Mohammadan merchants dieval destination city.
Kejriwal’s role Modi tells US lawmakers’ (June 24). By saying this, 24 X 7 for days by world media and given unprece-
Kejriwal cannot play a national role in Opposition Modi has given a strong warning to the nations dented support. What is the world coming to?
In the post-COVID era, the world order is taking a new unity with the lame excuse of Congress going sponsoring terrorism. It is most gratifying that he M Balakrishnan, Bengaluru
Rural polls against the Centre’s ordinance. Kejriwal’s role is got a warm welcome wherever he went in the USA.
shape. In this time period, the friendship between Nation’s integrity
Poll-related violence and loss of lives are not ac- minuscule and his party will make a mess of itself The way US Congress members gave him a standing
India and the U.S. will be instrumental in enhancing ceptable in a democracy (Violence continues ahead in Opposition unity parleys. In the next Shimla ovation 15 times during his address shows how im- Apropos of Balkanisation, delimitation, and rum-
the strength of the whole world. The two countries are of WB rural polls - June 24). As the Bengal governor meet, he may shake hands with Kharge and all will pressed they were. Prime Minister Modi has become bling in the states (June 24). The sacrifice of lead-
committed to work together for the global good and pointed out correctly, victory depends on votes, not be hunky dory. The AAP is neither a bump on the a brand for India and his firm faith in climbing to ers during the freedom struggle gave our nation a
for global peace, stability, and prosperity dead bodies. One can imagine the scenario on elec- road nor a storm in the tea cup. It is a minor ripple the third position from the fifth vis-a-vis the world strong integument of unity. The delimitation should
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India tion day. The central forces may not be of any use in the lake, which must be ignored by all. economy shows his commitment. The world is opti- be utilised for making the administration handy,
unless parties come to a compromise, ensuring free Parthasarathy Mandadi, Tirupati mistic about the Indian economy. Kozhikode’s as- and not for perpetuating the ruling party.
and fair polls. cendance is also linked to the emergence of a dy- S Madhavan Thampi, Haripad
Together, India and the United States are working closely on everything from Dr M Haneef, Kottayam Patna meeting nasty that remained the patron of the flourishing
The parties in the Patna meeting will surely defeat trade. This ruling house is known as the Samutiris Employment opportunities
ending poverty and expanding access to healthcare to addressing climate Party chemistry Modi in 2024, provided there is a leader of great or Zamorins. With reference to ‘Job creation: A big challenge for
change to tackling food and energy insecurity stoked by Russia’s unprovoked Apropos of AAP bump on Oppn’s march to 2024 stature among the present Opposition leaders. Jayaprakash Reddy, Michigan the govt (June 23), both the Centre and state govts
war on Ukraine polls (June 24). The decision of the Opposition par- Their aim should be to unseat Modi and not grab are wooing investors to create jobs for the youth,
Joe Biden, President of the United States ties to put up a strong Opposition candidate against power. Only then will people have hope and confi- Obama’s interview which does not always fructify. The govts can fill
the BJP in 300 Lok Sabha seats, with the weak par- dence in an alternate mechanism. President Obama was right in his recent interview. the lakhs of vacant posts in the Railways, police
t i es s u p p o r t i n g t h e co m m o n ca n d i d a te, i s Sundaram Govind, Aluva Both tragedies this week were immensely disturb- departments, etc. The education sector can create
What all of us have to do is to make sure we are using AI in a way that is for the arithmetically correct. But what about their ing: The Titan submersible collapsed and the refu- millions of jobs. Efforts in upskilling for self-em-
benefit of humanity, not to the detriment of humanity chemistry? Modi’s commitment gee boat sank off the Greek coast. Yet, as he la- ployment need to be strengthened.
Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer of Apple G Nataraja Perumal, Tenkasi Apropos of ‘No ifs and buts in dealing with terror, mented, the first one, not the second, was tracked A M Chakravarty, Hyderabad
Across Fifth
Incompetence, injury & insult COLUMN
ARTICLE 355 of the Constitution reads as Manipur — not even appeal for peace. 1993, there were violent clashes be- ILL-ADVISED
under: Nor has he considered it necessary to tween Meitei Hindus and Meitei
“It shall be the duty of the Union to visit Manipur.Meanwhile,over120peo- Muslims (Pangals) and over 100 people DIRECTION
protect every State against external ag- ple have been killed. were killed. History repeated itself on As I noted, the trigger was the judg-
in our DNA?
gression and internal disturbance and to If some critics think this to be mad- May 3, 2023. This time, the violent con- ment of Mr Justice Muralidaran, Acting
ensure that the government of every ness, we must examine the reasons be- flict is between Meiteis and Kukis. The Chief Justice of Manipur. Noting that the
PCHIDAMBARAM Stateiscarriedoninaccordancewiththe hind the madness. I can think of the fol- trigger was an ill-advised order of the state government had not submitted a
Website:pchidambaram.in provisions of this Constitution.” lowing reasons: High Court of Manipur. recommendation on inclusion of
Twitter @Pchidambaram_IN TheArticleissignificantinmoreways 1. Manipur is ruled by the BJP and if The Meitei community has de- Meiteis in the ST list for 10 years, the IN THE pomp and pageantry that defined
than one. The Union (central govern- the central government reprimanded manded for long that Meiteis should be Court directed the state government to our Prime Minister’s visit to Washington
ment)hastheduty toprotect everyState, or dismissed the state government it included in the list of Scheduled Tribes send a recommendation to the central last week there was one thing that re-
not to undermine or destroy it. Thus, may be a self-inflicted wound. So much for Manipur. Successive state govern- government in four weeks. There is mained unsaid. This was the dodgy hu-
Article 355 is an affirmation of the fed- for the boast of “my country above my ments, advisedly, did not act upon it be- much that can be said on both sides, man rights record of the Modi govern-
eral nature of the Indian State. The cen- party”. cause there were conflicting interests in but it was certainly not an issue on ment. If Joe Biden brought it up privately,
tral government is also obliged to ensure 2. Mr Narendra Modi may wish to a state thatiscomprisedof, mostly, three which the Court should have issued a as he may have done, it did nothing to
that every State is governed according to dissociate himself from the unpopular communities — Meiteis, Kukis direction. The Court ought to have spoil the magic of marching bands in the
the Constitution. It is a reminder to the Mr Biren Singh, chief minister of and Nagas. The governments were ac- lobbed the ball into the corner of the po- lawns of the White House or the specially
central government that it cannot be a Manipur. So much for the boast of “dou- cused of “dragging their feet”, but there litical institutions such as the legislative designedstatebanquetwithsaffronflow-
bystander when a State is misgoverned ble-engine government”. wasalargerpurposeinnottakingaquick assembly and the Commission for the ers decorating the table and a vegetarian
or not governed at all. These are two dis- 3. Manipur is distant. What happens decision. Before Independence, Scheduled Tribes. menu. At the first and only press confer-
tinct obligations. in Manipur has no reverberations in the the Meiteis were listed as one of the A 30-member delegation of BJP ence that Modi has addressed in the past
The Union is a constitutional con- restof thecountry.Somuchfortheboast tribes of Manipur but the community MLAs was not given an appointment by nine years he was asked a direct question
cept. Ultimately, it is men and women of “Act East”. was not included in the Constitution the prime minister. Ten Opposition par- about human rights by an American re-
who act and speak on behalf of the 4. Let the Meiteis and the Kukis fight. (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950. ties led by a former chief minister of porter, and he gave an indirect answer.
Union government. That body of men With the support of the Meitei-con- Presently, most Meiteis are categorized Manipur, Mr Ibobi Singh, waited in vain “Democracy is in our DNA. Democracy is
and women is the Council of Ministers. trolledstategovernmentandtheMeitei- inthegeneralcategory;about17percent for an appointment. The honourable inourspirit.Democracyrunsinourveins.”
The lynchpin of the council of minis- dominated BJP, the Meiteis will ulti- are OBCs. prime minister left the state of The implication being that where there is
ters is the prime minister. mately prevail. So much for the boast of Thepoliticalbalanceamongthethree Manipur to burn. Incompetence, democracy there cannot be any threat to
One engine in Manipur (state “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka major communities is delicate. Of the 60 neglect and partisanship have marked human rights.
government) has run out of Vishwas”. constituencies in the legislative assem- the tenure of the Biren Singh govern- Not true, Prime Minister. In the past
fuel; the other engine (central TWIN OBLIGATIONS If one or more of the above reasons is bly, 40 are dominated by Meiteis, 10 by ment in Manipur. Insult has been nine years we have seen the targeted
government) has decided to In the case of Manipur, both obliga- true,itisevidentthattheManipurpolicy the Kukis and 10 by the Nagas. The Kukis added now. lynching of Muslim cattle farmers by vig-
tions are being violated every day since of the central government is a cynical and the Nagas are among 36 One engine in Manipur (state gov- ilanteswhooweallegiancetotheRSS.And
decouple itself and hide in May 3, 2023. Instead of discharging the mixture of selfishness and callousness. communities categorized as scheduled ernment) has run out of fuel; the other because Modi has not condemned these
the loco shed. Thanks to the dutiesimposedbyArticle 355, theUnion tribes. If Meteis are categorized as ST, it engine (central government) has de- horrific murders, they are now so routine,
double-engine, Manipur is a (that is the council of minsters and the
BLACK DAY REPEATED may make little difference to the elec- cided to decouple itself and hide in the they barely make news. On top of this
boiling cauldron. Cry, my prime minister) is violating the toral map but there are implications for loco shed. Thanks to the double-engine, havecomedemandsforlawsagainst‘love
Constitution. Since May 3, the prime May 3 is a black day in the history of owning land in notified tribal areas and Manipur is a boiling cauldron. Cry, my jihad’ from BJP chief ministers and when
beloved country minister has not uttered a word on Manipur. Thirty years ago, on May 3, government jobs. beloved country. there has been violence or riots, Modi’s
chief ministershavesentbulldozerstode-
molish only the homes of Muslim rioters.
Democracy may be ‘in our DNA’ but it has
Atrocities on Dalits HEADLINE Before NDA came into ing of Muslims. Bulldozer justice is a di-
rect threat to democracy because it gives
officials the right to violate the rule of law.
Sunday, June 25, 2023 13
The Hindu Bureau other study demonstrated Ronald DePinho from quency of metastasis and darsSinai Medical Center, that tumours lacking the Y
how the loss of the Y chro the University of Texas MD worse survival in male Los Angeles and colleagues chromosome were more
Two studies have shed mosome in bladder cancer Anderson Cancer Center mice, mirroring the out investigated how the loss aggressive and had a dam
light on the role of the Y generates a more immuno and colleagues assessed comes seen in humans. of the Y chromosome pened T cellmediated im
chromosome in cancer suppressive tumour mi sex differences in colorec Analyses reveal upregu might affect cancer mune response compared
outcomes, in which males croenvironment and con tal cancer in a mouse mo lation of a gene for an en outcomes. with tumours which had
are often more adversely tributes to worse del of the disease. zyme which drives tumour Loss of the Y chromo the Y chromosomes intact.
affected than females. The outcomes. Sex is known to Colorectal cancer is the invasion and immune es some is a feature observed They note that loss of
results of the studies were affect cancer incidence, second most common cape. in multiple cancer types. the Y chromosome is asso
published in Nature. clinical outcomes and tu cause of cancerrelated This gene is expressed They first looked at clin ciated with an increased
One paper identified an mour biology, with most deaths, which is more ag on the Y chromosome, the ical data from 300 male pa response to a specific type
upregulated gene on the Y cancers causing worse out gressive and metastatic in reby providing a potential tients with bladder cancer of immunotherapy called
chromosome that contri comes in males than in fe males. The model is a spec basis for sexspecific diffe to identify an association antiPD1 checkpoint block
butes to colorectal cancer
in mice by driving tumour
males. Some studies have
suggested that the function
ific form of the disease, dri
ven by a known oncogene
rences in the progression
of KRASdriven colorectal
between Y chromosome
loss and poor prognosis.
ade therapy in both mice
and humans, suggesting a
Tundra diversity decline seen
invasion and aiding im of the Y chromosome may called KRAS. The research cancer. In an other study, They studied bladder potential treatment for this with sea ice disappearance
mune escape in males. The have a role. ers observed a higher fre Dan Theodorescu from Ce cancer cell lines and found subset of bladder cancers.
Tundra diversity, including plants, lichens and
fungi, declined over a 15year experiment in the
Arctic due to warming temperatures mediated by
Mosquito surveillance in
the disappearance of sea ice. However, the
presence of large herbivores such as caribou and
musk oxen slowed this decline, by affecting the
plant understory with their different browsing
behaviours, a study found. The findings offer
In contrast to World Health Organization’s door-to-door larval surveillance protocol, a study found that urban
environments with non-residential locations too harbour ideal breeding sites
R. Prasad Ae. aegypti and Ae. albop
ictus larvae. But the preva
longitudinal stu lence in stagnant water
A dy conducted
between Febru
ary 2021 and
June 2022 in Bengaluru ci
ty has found how urbanisa
was less as these are open
water bodies and more
polluted,” Dr. Ishtiaq says.
While plastic containers
such as cups and coconut
tion affects mosquito ecol shells were abundant, dis
ogy and how mosquito carded tyres were not. For
species diversity and abun
dance changes across ma
Ae. aegypti, tyres and co
conut shells did serve as
Hard and soft materials form
cro and microhabitats. The ideal habitats but were li a fatigue-resistant fan
study found that the quali mited in numbers. In the
ty of breeding sites deter case of Ae. Albopictus, al A mussel shell opens and shuts without damage
mines the abundance and beit at low frequency, plant for hundreds of thousands of cycles during
distribution of mosquito axils and tree holes served bivalve’s lifetime. A study found that the hinge of
species, specifically the as breeding sites while co the valve gets its unique properties through a
ones that cause dengue. conut shells did not. structure that resembles a folding fan, with
Water containers, dis The heterogeneity in biomineralised aragonite nanowires making up
carded grinding stones, macrohabitat types was the ribs of the fan, and a softer organic matrix as
tyres and plastic contain masked by the manmade the folds. The nanowires provide rigidity and
ers served as perfect man microhabitats, which were distribute stresses toward the circumference of
made larval habitats, the ubiquitous in all the six the hinge. The soft matrix absorbs compressive
way mosquitoes interact landscapes studied, and and shear stresses as the valve opens and closes.
with larval habitats in diffe these microhabitats played
rent macrohabitats did key ecological roles. Habi
play an important role in surveyed during all four nearly 1,300 mosquitoes be affecting the localised tat preference by the two
determining mosquito di seasons — dry ( January emerged comprising 16 dengue outbreaks,” says Aedes species appeared to
versity and abundance. March), premonsoon species from five genera. Dr. Farah Ishtiaq from the be driven at the microhab
Whereas plantations, ow (AprilJune), monsoon ( Ju Aedes aegypti was the Bengalurubased Tata In itat level.
ing to diverse habitat lySeptember), postmon most dominant species stitute for Genetics and So Mosquitoes that
types, proved to have high soon (OctoberDecember). (55%), followed by Aedes ciety, and the correspond emerged from the discard
mosquito species diversity In addition, 98 random albopictus (28%). ing author of the preprint. ed grinding stones had sig
and richness compared grids representing a ma While the WHO proto “We found manmade nificantly larger wing
with highdensity populat crohabitat type were sur cols are restricted to door artificial containers ac length than discarded con
ed areas in the city, even veyed during two seasons todoor larval surveillance counted for over 90% of tainers or coconut shells.
barren lands did have mi (AprilJune and JulySep and looking for mosquito larval habitats. Water stor When both Aedes spe
crohabitats conducive for tember). larvae in containers, the age containers came out as cies coexisted in a micro
breeding. This allowed sampling study has demonstrated the most common breed habitat, Ae. albopictus al
The results of the study, mosquitoes in varied eco that urban environments ing habitat for Ae. aegypti, ways ended up with
posted in the medRxiv pre
print server, are yet to be
logical niches in the city
while surveying fixed grids
with nonresidential loca
tions too harbour ideal
but since the containers
are actively in use, they
reduced wing.
“Our findings show that
The role of hybridisation
peerreviewed. on a seasonal basis. In each breeding sites. serve only as ephemeral sampling strategies for in mammalian evolution
Six macrohabitats were macrohabitat the research Any programme aimed habitats due to high distur mosquito surveillance
studied. These include: ers visually inspected for at reducing dengue trans bance,” she says. must include urban envi A study has now focused on hybridisation in
barren lands, lakes and the presence of mosquito mission should also factor The surprise finding ronments with nonresi mammalian evolution. The researchers studied
their surroundings, planta larvae. in neighbourhood surveil was not just the preference dential locations. And den the genome sequences from a group of monkey
tions, and high dense, me A total of 8,717 container lance to prevent and con for discarded grinding gue transmission species in the Rhinopithecus genus and
dium dense, and low breeding sites were in trol the rising threat of stones as breeding sites but reduction programmes foundevidence that the grey snubnosed monkey
dense urban areas. A total spected by the researchers Aedes species. “We found these microhabitats con should focus on ‘neigh is derived from hybridisation between the golden
of 48 index grids (fixed) and 1,619 mosquito larvae landscape ecology drives taining the highest preva bourhood surveillance’ as snubnosed monkey and the ancestor of two
were selected with eight were collected from six mosquito diversity and lence of Aedes larvae. “Dis well to prevent and control extant Rhinopithecus species. One group of
replicates of each macro macrohabitats and nine abundance even at a small carded grinding stones the rising threat of Aedes species that has been identified as having a
habitat type, which were microhabitats. Of these spatial scale, and this could showed high prevalence of borne diseases,” she says. history of hybridisation is the baboons.
What does U.S. Why is U.S.India fighter jet deal important?
approval for lab With General Electric and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited signing a memorandum of from the Defence Research and Development
meat mean? understanding to coproduce F414 engines in India, how will it boost IAF strength? Will the U.S.
government and Congressional approvals come through for the deal?
Organisation (DRDO) had stated earlier. The CCS
sanction for the AMCA is expected soon.
The LCAMk2 will feature enhanced range and
endurance including an Onboard Oxygen
Is it viable to sell cellcultivated chicken? Generation System which is being integrated for
Dinakar Peri Except for a licensing systems for sharing sensitive and niche the first time; it will also have the ability to carry
Why are stakeholders hailing it as a
small technologies. The final deal can be concluded heavy weapons of the class of Scalp, Crystal
major step to reduce carbon emissions? The story so far: component, only after the U.S. Congress approves it, though Maze and Spice2000. The Mk2 is 1,350mm
oinciding with Prime Minister Modi’s with the bipartisan support for India at the longer than Mk1 featuring canards and can carry
first state visit, India and the U.S. have Congress, officials on both sides have expressed a payload of 6,500kgs compared to 3,500kgs by
Vasudevan Mukunth announced a slew of deals in defence
F414INS6 confidence that it will go through. Mk1.
cooperation, space technology, AI and engine will The F414 also powers the F/A18 Super Hornet
The story so far: other areas. The U.S.India joint statement be entirely Why is it significant? and Swedish Gripen among others. According to
n June 21, two Californiabased mentions the “landmark” signing of a made in If the deal goes through, it will mean transfer of a GE data sheet, the F414 shares its basic design
O companies were cleared to make and
sell cellcultivated chicken, the ‘official’
name of chicken meat that is grown in a
Memorandum of Understanding between
General Electric (GE) and Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the manufacture
India almost the entire engine technology compared
to the ‘Engine Development Agreement’ worked
out in 2012 between GE and HAL for the F414
with the F404 engine; it stands on a foundation
of over 5,600 F404/F414 engines built, and a
combined 18 million engine flight hours. More
laboratory for human consumption. As a of GE F414 jet engines in India, for the Light engine with 58% technology transfer, officials than 1,600 F414 engines have been delivered,
concept, it is being hailed by stakeholders as a Combat Aircraft (LCA) Mk2. A fact sheet issued said. This heralds a major high technology accumulating over five million engine flight
major step towards reducing carbon emissions by the U.S. said a manufacturing licence cooperation between the oldest and largest hours, it stated. This deal makes GE the front
associated with the food industry worldwide. agreement has been submitted for democracies, which the U.S. has shared with runner for another Indian proposal to jointly
Congressional notification. only its closest allies. produce a 110kN jet engine for the AMCAMk2
What did the FDA approve? While the most critical technologies of the for which Safran of France and Rolls Royce of
The two companies, Good Meat and Upside What is the status of the deal? engine will be off limits, Indian industry, both the U.K. are competing and have submitted
Foods, have received the U.S. government’s A senior Defence Ministry official said it is an public and private, will get a chance to upgrade detailed technology transfer proposals. In this
approval to make and sell their cellcultivated “almost done” deal with some commercial their capacities and skills as significant sourcing regard, GE said it will continue to collaborate
chicken. In cases like these, a company in terms pending finalisation, in addition to the as well as manufacturing will be done in the with the Indian government on the AMCA Mk2
question is required to assess the safety of its U.S. Congressional approval, while stating that country, with the technologies that GE has engine programme.
own facilities and the veracity of its production there would be an 80% transfer of production agreed to transfer.
process. Sometimes, in order to boost consumer technology which will see some critical What is the timeline for production and
and investor confidence, it may consult with the technologies transferred to India. What is the status of indigenous tech delivery?
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). At the end “It will take three years for the first engine to development? According to GE, a total of 75 F404 engines have
of this process, if the FDA is satisfied by the roll out once the contract is signed. It will see Jet engine technology is the proprietary right of been delivered and another 99 are on order for
company's submissions, it will send a “no 80% technology transfer to HAL. Such a thing very few countries and is a closely guarded the LCA Mk1A, while eight F414 engines have
questions” letter, signalling its tacit approval. has never occurred before in the history of secret due to its extreme criticality in modern been delivered as part of an ongoing
The FDA provided such letters to Upside in India’s quest for high technology,” the official warfare. India made unsuccessful attempts in development programme for LCA Mk2.
November 2022 and to Good Meat in March said. Except for a small component, the the past to develop an engine locally under the The F414 engine has been long chosen to
2023. In June, the U.S. Department of F414INS6 engine will be entirely manufactured now shelved ‘Kaveri’ project. The Kaveri project power the LCA Mk2, which has been designed
Agriculture provided a ‘grant of inspection’, in India which also shows the trust India has was sanctioned by the Cabinet Committee on around the engine, making it a larger, heavier
which is required to operate production evoked in the U.S., the official stated. Security (CCS) in 1989, and over the course of 30 and more capable jet, equal to the Mirage2000
facilities, to the companies. The U.S. has stringent export controls and years before it was shut down it entailed an in terms of capability, as stated by officials
expenditure of ₹2035.56 crore which led to the earlier. The IAF has ordered 40 LCA Mk1, most
What is cellcultivated chicken? development of nine full prototype engines and of which have been inducted, and 83 LCAMk1A,
To make cellcultivated meat, the two four core engines. on order under a ₹47,000 crore deal with HAL.
companies isolate the cells that make up the As per schedule, HAL is expected to deliver the
meat (the meat that we consume), and put them Where will the GE engines be fitted? first three Mk1A aircraft in 2024 and 16 aircraft
in a setting where they have all the resources The F414 engines are meant to power the per year for the subsequent five years
they need to grow and make more copies of indigenous LCAMk2, a larger and more capable completing the deal by 202829.
themselves. These resources are typically variant of the LCA currently in service, and also The LCAMk2 is a major fillip for the IAF to
nutrients, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, the the initial version of the fifth generation arrest the dwindling fighter squadron as several
right temperature, etc. The ‘setting’ in which Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) that frontline fighters like Mirage2000, Jaguars and
this process transpires is under development. The F414 is from the MiG29s will be phased out by the end of the
The proponents of is often a bioreactor family of the F404 engine that powers the decade. The three existing Mig21 squadrons will
alternative meat (also known as a current LCAMk1 and also the LCAMk1A that the also be phased out by end2025. The strength of
have advanced ‘cultivator’), a Indian Air Force (IAF) will start receiving India’s fighter squadron is 31 now from a
several arguments sensorfit device — like early2024 onwards. An F414 engine produces sanctioned strength of 42.
on its behalf, from a container — that has 98kN thrust compared to 84kN by the F404 While the number of Mk2 jets are yet to be
been designed to engine. approved by the Defence Acquisition Council
emissions and land support a particular Last August, the CCS approved the (DAC) headed by the Defence Minister, it is
use to prevention of biological development of the LCAMk2 at a total expected to be between 120 and 130 fighters,
animal cruelty environment. Once development cost of ₹9,000 crore of which according to officials. With the combined
there are enough of ₹2,500 crore has already been spent. The rollout requirement, the number of F414 engines
these cells, which takes around two to three Major haul: Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the 14th edition of Aero India of the LCAMk2 is targeted by 2024 and the plan needed over the next two decades could be well
weeks in Upside’s process, they resemble a mass 2023, in Bengaluru on February 13. PTI is to complete the flight testing by 2027, officials over 200.
of minced meat. They are collected and
processed with additives to improve texture.
Which forms of cellcultivated meat exist?
Chicken is the second most widely consumed
meat in the world, according to the UN Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO). However, in
Does ChinaPak. Ndeal flout global rules?
the U.S. it has been the highest consumed meat
since 2010. Good Meat and Upside have focused What are the Pakistan government’s reasons for going ahead with a nuclear power plant with the nuclear side, gross capacity of nuclear plants
on chicken, and plan to expand their offerings to had increased by 39% annually to 3,530 MW.
include other meats in the future. The New York Chinese help? Why has Beijing not sought waivers from the Nuclear Suppliers Group? How will it
Times wrote that “beef, with its higher fat impact the governance of nuclear commerce? What are the broader implications?
content and more complex flavour, is harder to China’s civilian nuclear projects with Pakistan
replicate.” Researchers are also developing have come under scrutiny because the Nuclear
cellcultivated versions of sea bass, tuna, and Ananth Krishnan Pakistan’s the construction amid Pakistan’s continuing Suppliers Group (NSG), which describes itself as
shrimp. A 2021 report estimated that there were Ministry of financial crisis and ongoing negotiations for a a group of nuclear supplier countries “that seeks
107 companies in 24 countries working on The story so far: Energy says bailout from the International Monetary Fund to contribute to the nonproliferation of nuclear
developing similar alternatives to meat (two n June 20, China and Pakistan signed (IMF). C5 will be the biggest reactor at weapons through the implementation of two
the country
companies were from India). an agreement for a 1,200 MW Chashma, where China has already constructed sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and
nuclear power plant in the Chashma needs to four phases of the complex, with four reactors nuclearrelated exports”, explicitly prohibits the
Why was cellcultivated meat created? nuclear complex in Pakistan. The urgently of around 325 MW each. It will use China’s transfer of nuclear technology by its members to
Its proponents have advanced the following deal, reported to be worth $4.8 billion, comes increase Hualong One reactor, which has also been countries that have not signed the nuclear
arguments, among others — emissions, land use, amid Pakistan facing a dual energy and nuclear installed in two plants in Karachi. NonProliferation Treaty (NPT). China joined the
prevention of animal cruelty, and food security. economic crisis. The latest nuclear deal between energy 48member grouping in 2004, and argued
The first two are related to climate mitigation. China and Pakistan has implications not only for How many other nuclear plants has China subsequently that the Chashma 3 and Chashma
The FAO has estimated that global livestock is the crisishit country but also for the global built for Pakistan? 4 reactors were “grandfathered” under its
responsible for 14.5% of all anthropogenic governance of nuclear commerce, with Beijing Pakistan is currently operating six Chinabuilt earlier Chashma deals with Pakistan that
greenhousegas emissions. Of this, the proceeding with the recent deal without seeking nuclear plants, four smaller reactors at the predated its joining of the NSG.
production of beef as a commodity accounted necessary waivers from the Nuclear Suppliers Chashma complex and two at the Karachi Chinese analysts have now justified the
for 41% whereas chicken meat and eggs Group (NSG). Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP). Pakistan’s oldest continuing nuclear commerce, despite Beijing’s
accounted for 8%. Similarly, the 2021 report reactor, the Canadabuilt KANUPP1, is now NSG commitments, by pointing to the IndiaU.S.
estimated that labcultivated meat would use What is the latest deal? decommissioned, while KANUPP2 and nuclear deal. There are, however, significant
63% less land in the case of chicken. Alternative Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on KANUPP3 both use 1,100 MW Chinese Hualong differences. For one, India and the U.S. had to
meat’s proponents have advanced it as a way to June 20 witnessed the signing of the agreement One reactors. KANUPP3, with a $2.7 billion seek a waiver from the NSG for their civilian
meet the world’s nutritional security needs. for the construction of a 1,200 MW nuclear investment, went fully online in the past year nuclear deal, which was granted in 2008, paving
plant. This is the fifth reactor at the Chashma and was hailed by Mr. Sharif as helping ease the way for India to enter the tent of global
What are the challenges? nuclear complex (C5). The financial details have Pakistan’s energy crisis. An agreement for nuclear commerce.
There are broadly four kinds of challenges. not been spelled out, but Mr. Sharif said China KANUPP3 was signed in 2013, the year Chinese That was, however, only granted after India
First is consumer acceptance. Perfectly had given “special concessions” for financing President Xi Jinping launched his Belt and Road undertook a number of commitments such as
substituting animal meat with alternative meat Initiative (BRI), and became a flagship energy placing facilities under International Atomic
requires it to match the original in taste, texture project as part of the China Pakistan Economic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards, separating
and appearance. Researchers have achieved Corridor (CPEC) of the BRI. civilian and military nuclear programmes and a
some success on these counts but it remains a According to Pakistan’s Ministry of Energy, continued moratorium on testing. Neither has
work in progress. Second, the cost of faced with a continuing energy deficit, financial China sought any such waiver from the NSG nor
cellcultivated meat is expected to remain high crisis and rising import bills, the country needs has Pakistan undertaken similar commitments.
in the near future. One 2020 analysis concluded to urgently increase the share of renewables and China has suggested that the reactors being
that it may never be costcompetitive, while nuclear energy. “The energy sector is heavily under IAEA safeguards would suffice.
reports have also expressed concerns about the dependent on imported fuel including oil and While China had explained its C4 and C5
costs imposed by quality control, especially at LNG and will continue to rely on its imports deals as being part of an earlier agreement, the
scale. Third, for cultivation, researchers require because of the low domestic capacity,” the KANUPP2 and KANUPP3 plants were agreed to
high quality cells, a suitable growthmedium in 20212022 Economic Survey said. “Higher oil in 2013, a decade into its NSG membership.
which the cells can be cultured, plus other prices in the global market and massive Meanwhile, longrunning negotiations to include
resources required to maintain the quality of the depreciation of the Pakistani rupee is making oil India as a fullfledged NSG member have run
final product. And fourth are the uncertainties imports more expensive, triggering external into a Chinese wall. A yearslong effort, which
associated with it. A recent study by the sector pressure and widening trade deficit of the included talks with China, appeared to run
University of California, Davis, found that if cell country.” aground in 2015 when Beijing started to link
cultivation requires a “highly refined growth The Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy India’s aspirations for NSG membership with
medium”, like that used in the pharmaceutical rolled out in 2019 envisages increasing the share that of Pakistan’s. Experts fear the latest deals
industry, the “environmental impact of of renewables to 30% by 2030. Currently, have only further eroded the global rules
nearterm [cellcultivated meat] production is thermal sources account for 61% of the energy governing nuclear commerce, and also raised
likely to be orders of magnitude higher than mix, while hydropower accounts for 24%, questions about both the continuing relevance
median beef production.” The paper is yet to be Power needs: Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif with Chinese nuclear 12%, and wind and solar only 3%, and future of the NSG and governance of global
peerreviewed. President Xi Jinping in 2022. REUTERS according to the 202122 Economic Survey. On nuclear commerce.
Sunday, June 25, 2023 15
n June 18, a jury headed by 15 languages since its inception. At Mahatma and the running battles it Gita Press claims to have
Prime Minister Narendra least 70,000 books are printed every carried on with him on his political, published more than 910
Modi announced to confer day at its modern printing press. The religious and social agenda. The million copies of 1,800 different
the Gorakhpurbased Gita Press has printed more than 162.1 decision is really a travesty and is like religious and spiritual books
Press with the Gandhi Peace Prize for million copies of Shrimad Bhagwat awarding Savarkar and Godse.” Mr. and other materials in 15
2021 for its “outstanding contribution Gita and 26.8 million copies of Puranas Ramesh also shared the cover page of languages since its inception
towards social, economic and political and Upanishads so far. More than 41% Gita Press and the Making of Hindu
transformation through nonviolent of its publications are in Hindi, while India, written by Akshaya Mukul. 쑽
and other Gandhian methods”. The 5% make up English books. It has “We never comment on such The Press has printed more
press, established in 1923 by Jaya Dayal published 729 different Hindu religious statements,” said Mr. Agarwal, than 162.1 million copies of
Goyanka and Ghanshyam Das Jalan, and spiritual texts in Hindi, 78 in Tamil referring to the criticism. “Why those Shrimad Bhagwat Gita and
two Marwari businessmen, has and 131 in Bangla. Similarly, the Gita people are commenting like this. They 26.8 million copies of Puranas
become a household name in most of Press prints 88 religious texts in don’t know anything about Gita Press,” and Upanishads
the Hindi heartland with its English, 164 in Telugu, 98 in Oriya and he added.
lowpriced, popular Hindu religious 44 in Nepali. But the Press had its share of 쑽
texts. It now claims to be the world's The books published apart from the controversies. According to Mr. The press printed more than 24
largest publisher of Hindu religious popular ones such as Shrimad Bhagvad Mukul’s book, Hanuman Prasad million copies of various texts,
texts with an objective to “promote Gita include Ramcharitmanas, Poddar, one of the former editors of including Kalyan, a monthly
and spread the principles of Sanatana Literature of Soordas, Literature of Kalyan, the Gita Press magazine, was magazine containing topics of
Dharma, the Hindu religion among the Tulsidas and children's books. The among the key organisers of the Hindu devotion, dharma, detachment
general public”. The Gita Press press printed more than 24 million Mahasabha’s annual convention in and spirituality, in 202223,
publications can be found in most bus copies of various texts, including Gorakhpur in 1946 and was briefly in worth ₹111 crore
stops and public places across North Kalyan, a monthly magazine trouble after the assassination of
India. containing topics of devotion, dharma, Mahatma Gandhi on January 30, 1948
The publisher which started its detachment and spirituality, in by Nathuram Vinayak Godse due to his
journey a century ago at a ₹10 rented 202223, worth ₹111 crore. alleged association with the then
accommodation in Gorakhpur, a The Gita Press building's entrance banned rightwing organisations.
smalltown in Eastern U.P. famous for takes inspiration from renowned
the Gorakhnath Math, whose Mahanth ancient temple architecture: the pillars Local support
is U.P. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, of the entrance, for example, are In Gorakhpur, the city whose name
has now evolved into a giant institution inspired by the pillars of the famous has been associated with the Gita
with a wide variety of publications. cavetemple of Ellora, Maharashtra. Press, the locals, irrespective of their
The idea of the Press was sown years The entrance of the building, where ideological and political affiliations,
back in the early 1900s, when Jay 450odd employees of Gita Press work, largely support the publication, calling
Dayal Goyandka, who was travelling was inaugurated by Dr. Rajendra the prize it won a proud moment for
across north Indian towns for business Prasad, India's first President, in 1955. the city.
purposes, formed groups of friends to In the contemporary age of Internet and manuscripts through its website. Agarwal, hinting at the political change “It is a proud moment for every
discuss religious texts. Goyandka, a revolution, the Press is aiming for a According to its website, “the in India that saw the BJP coming to person of Gorakhpur as the Gita Press
trader of textiles and cotton, failed to major expansion, aided by tech, by institution neither solicits donations power in the year. “The Press is able to gained national and international
get any authentic translation of the making available Gita, Ramayana, nor accepts advertisements in its meet only 6070% of the demand.” recognition. It is not the time for
Gita for discussion. After his attempt to discourses of eminent Hindu saints, publications. criticism,” said Rakesh Yadav, a former
get the text published by an external Upanishads, Puranas and other The deficit is met by the surplus ‘Political agenda’ district chief of the Congress in
publisher failed, Goyandka decided to religious books and magazines online, from other departments of the society Hours after the award for Gita Press Gorakhpur. Similar sentiments were
start his own publishing house with many free of cost. which render services at reasonable was announced, Congress Rajya Sabha shared by many locals, including the
the support of fellow businessmen. “A mobile application of the Geeta cost, in accordance with the objects of member and general secretary Samajwadi Party (SP) district
Ghanshyam Das Jalan, informed him Press will be ready very soon, from the society.” incharge of communications, Jairam president, Brajesh Kumar Gautam.
that in Gorakhpur, it could be initiated where people can download books The Press sees a huge demand for Ramesh, said, “The Gandhi Peace People in the city are aware of the fact
as it's a religious place along with and also order them,” said Devi Dayal its offering and is struggling to meet it. Prize for 2021 has been conferred on that wherever they go, by trains or
concentration of the Marwari business Agarwal, one of the 11 Trustees of the “There is religious awakening among the Gita Press at Gorakhpur which is buses, Gita Press books would be
class. society which manages the institution. the people since 2014 and and they celebrating its centenary this year. there. For them, “the institution that is
Gita Press now claims to have The publisher also aims to provide free want to learn and read more spiritual There is a very fine biography from contributing to Hindu religion”, is also
published more than 910 million downloading of 500 different books and Sanatana texts,” added Mr. 2015 of this organisation by Akshaya bringing goodwill to Gorakhpur.
icron Technology $3 billion. n June 18, contact its employee David Lo
is an unusual tech Some estimates note was lost with a 6.7 chridge and sued him after
giant. It does not that the company has a metre long sub he filed a whistleblower
have the signature Silicon 25% market share in the mersible named ‘Titan’ complaint with the Occu
Valley origin in which the country. But its market has which was carrying one pi pational Safety and Health
founders start a company taken a hit because of the lot and four crew members Administration over the sa
from a garage in California. titfortat trade moves bet to a depth of around 3,800 fety of the Titan, CBS re
The memory chip maker ween Washington and Beij metres to see the wreckage ported. Mr. Lochridge al
was incorporated 45 years ing. Most recently, in May, of the RMS Titanic in the legedly pushed for better
ago in Idaho, a State that the Cyberspace Adminis frigid waters of the North testing of the submersible’s
largely depended on agri tration of China (CAC) Atlantic Ocean. The U.S hull before sending it down
culture and food process banned operators of criti Coast Guard confirmed on for dives.
ing industries at that time. cal infrastructure in the June 22 that parts of the According to Mr. Lo
The fourmember found country from buying Mi submersible and “debris” chridge’s court filings from
ing team from Dallas, Tex cron products, citing na were found near the Titan- August 15, 2018, he learned
as, moved into a dentist’s signed a deal with South cesses continue to be the tional security risks. Still ic, and said this was consis with the help of a surface a grave site where victims that “the viewport at the
basement in Boise, Idaho, Korea’s SK Hynix that most labourintensive Micron continues to invest tent with a “catastrophic vessel. Made of carbon experienced unimaginable forward of the submersible
with a goal to design the would give the American parts in chip production. in mainland China. On Fri loss of the pressure cham fibre and titanium, and horror and suffering in was only built to a certified
next gen memory chip. company control over Hy According to some esti day, it committed to invest ber.” All those onboard weighing 10,432 kg, Titan their final hours. Ocean pressure of 1,300 megtres,
The startup shipped its nix’s memory operations, mates, a fifth of the cost of $603 billion in the country. have died. The U.S. Navy was built with “offthe Gate noted its expeditions although OceanGate in
first 64K DRAM (Dynamic including its chip design such a facility is labour. So, But the hostility bet also confirmed evidence of shelf” components, ac were meant to document tended to take passengers
Random Access Memory) asset. Such deals marked a as Micron increased its ween the U.S. and China is an implosion or explosion cording to OceanGate’s the Titanic and its rate of down to depths of 4,000
chip from its fabrication fa growing trend towards presence in Asia, it was al making the memory chip near Titan’s last recorded website, making it lighter decay on the ocean floor. metres.”
cility in Boise in 1981. consolidation in the me so cutting corners at the maker rebalance its portfo location. and less expensive to re OceanGate said in a
Three years later, it un mory chip industry, mak Boise facility with a series lio in Asia with a $2.7bil Titan’s five crew mem place. Its CEO had shown statement on June 23 that Experimental design
veiled the world’s smallest ing Micron one of the top of layoffs. By 2009, it end lion semiconductor as bers were billionaire Ham BBC that Titan was operat the five crew members had His filing said OceanGate
256K DRAM chip, an indus three players alongside ed chip making in Boise, sembly and testing plant in ish Harding, businessman ed with one button and a “sadly been lost”. Howev refused to pay for the ma
try milestone and a spring Samsung and SK Hynix. and in the years since, the India. To set up a testing Shahzada Dawood and his “Sony PlayStationstyle er, the company had been nufacturer to build a view
board for future efficien But during this time, its re campus has remained its and packaging plant in Guj universitygoing son Sule controller” made by Logi called out over Titan’s safe port that would meet the
cies in memory devices. lationship with Boise start headquarters and princi arat, the company will get man Dawood, and Titanic tech. Titan had a small por ty standards in the past. expedition requirements.
Since then, the Ameri ed to change. It was invest pal research and innova 50% fiscal support and an researcher PaulHenri Nar thole window and toilet at CBS Sunday Morning cor The fired employee’s
can semiconductor com ing in production facilities tion centre. additional 20% in the form geolet. Piloting the sub one end, and needed ex respondent David Pogue other concerns included
pany has been revolutio overseas, particularly in of incentives from the State mersible was Stockton ternal crew to open it from claimed that Titan was lost the “experimental” design,
nising the memory storage Asia. Within a span of five China phase government. Rush, the CEO of the com the outside. There was for a few hours when he a lack of comprehensive
devices industry through years, starting in 1998, it Boise’s loss was Xi’an’s The company’s invest pany which operated Titan enough space to sit, was part of an expedition hull testing, and the use of
cuttingedge innovation opened two production fa gain. Just two years before ments in India and China, — OceanGate Inc. The tour though not stand inside. last year as a journalist, hazardous flammable ma
and strategic business ac cilities in Singapore to test the end of production in however, pale in compari reportedly cost $250,000. though he was on a ship terials inside the submersi
quisitions. It synchronised and package NAND flash Idaho, Micron announced son to the Megafab facility Titan was one hour and Past expeditions and not on the submersi ble, as per the filings.
and predefined cycles for memory. Its workforce in plans to set up its first plant it plans to build in Clay, fortyfive minutes into the OceanGate said it had con ble at the time. He claimed While authorities furth
data transfers with the Syn the citystate grew to al in China’s Xi’an to test and New York. It will invest dive when it lost contact. ducted “successful” Titan- the company could text Ti er investigate the tragedy,
chronous DRAM (SDRAM), most a sixth of the compa package DRAM, NAND $100 billion over the next Through the week, U.S., ic expeditions in 2021 and tan that day but did not the Titan deaths have ignit
and then introduced high ny’s global workforce. flash memory chips, and two decades to develop the Canadian, and French 2022, in line with National know where the submersi ed debate about the discre
capacity, low power Semiconductor is a cy CMOS image sensors. In plant. In the past two de authorities used planes, Oceanic and Atmospheric ble was. pancy between the ad
DRAMs for cell phones as clical business that is China, the company got cades, Micron’s compass boats, and remote operat Administration (NOAA) Mr. Pogue added that In vanced rescue efforts for
mobile handhelds started prone to both high de more than it bargained for. moved east as a result of ed vehicles to reestablish and UNESCO regulations. ternet was shut off to stop the crew onboard the mis
to support multimedia be mand and supply glut. As a It was not just exporting globalisation and cost effi contact with Titan, which The British passenger liner those on the surface from sing submersible and the
sides voice and text result, firms have had to products; it was also buy ciencies. The next two de had life support of 96 Titanic sank on April 15, tweeting, though he did chaotic aid received by mi
features. cut costs to maintain prof ing from the chip maker. cades could possibly bring hours for five persons. 1912 after hitting an iceb not report this on the show grants on a sinking boat off
Micron also bought a itability. One of the major By 2022, China had be the chip maker back to the As a submersible, Titan erg, killing over 1,500 peo at the time. He also the Greece coast, where
part of Japanbased Toshi costs is labour. And chip come an important market West because of national was designed to be ple. It is important to re claimed the submersible dozens died and are still
ba’s DRAM business, and testing and packaging pro for Micron, accounting for interest. launched and recovered member that the Titanic is did not have a beacon that missing.
16 Sunday, June 25, 2023
Business Delhi
쑽 Airlines battle problem of ‘parking full’
Network planners say they often assign final flights for the day to smaller cities or Gulf countries to overcome parking constraints at hubs in Delhi
and Mumbai; Air India, IndiGo and Vistara — which control 85% of the market — now avail of only about half the parking capacity they would like to
Jagriti Chandra them. Recent orders of The lack of night park work planning team of an
NEW DELHI 500 aircraft by IndiGo, on ing stands often forces air airline.
top of its previous order of lines to fly the last flight of Alternatively, airlines al
ndian airlines await 480, and 470 by Air India the day to smaller cities so deploy their aircraft for
the delivery of almost along with a threedigit or such as Ahmedabad (the redeye flights (late night
1,500 aircraft over the der by Akasa likely by the alternative airport for departure and early morn
Edtech firm Byju’s global next 7 to 12 years. But at
half that fleet size today,
end of the year imply that
by 2030 end, when a large
Mumbai) and Lucknow (al
ternative for Delhi), which
ing arrival) such as a three
hourlong DelhiChennai
investors confirm board exits they often grapple with chunk of these planes ar are unlikely to record high flight or to Gulf countries
parking challenges for rive, expansion of airport seat occupancy or com to obviate the need for
All three global investors at Byju’s confirmed on their aircraft. capacity including space mand high airfares as they parking space.
Friday that their representatives had resigned Two of the biggest air for parking these planes would on metrotometro The parking space is re
from the board of the once highflying Indian ports — ie in Delhi and will have to keep pace. flights. quired to carry out mainte
startup that has been battling pressure from Mumbai — used as hub air There are 233 parking nance checks that can take
lenders amid a steep drop in its valuation. The ports for flight operations stands in Delhi for narrow ‘Additional burden’ 2 to 3 hours, which are
resignations of G.V. Ravishankar of Peak XV by various Indian airlines body and widebody that airlines such as Air In have to help plan flights in “This is an additional fi scheduled in the night for
Partners, earlier Sequoia Capital India, Russell as well as bases for their pi planes, according to the dia, IndiGo and Vistara a commercially viable nancial burden on the air domestic flights because of
Dreisenstock of Prosus, and Chan Zuckerberg lots and cabin crew, have a Aeronautical Information that control 85% of the manner. Delhi and Mum line as only the most price the low passenger de
Initiative’s Vivian Wu mean Byju’s board now combined parking capaci al Publication, and 131 for market are able to avail on bai airports account for sensitive customers will mand, explained another
only comprises the founder’s family. REUTERS ty of 364 aircraft for the narrowbodies in Mumbai. ly about half the parking one in three domestic and opt for such flights,” said official handling opera
close to 700 planes among An airline executive said capacity they would like to international flights. an executive in the net tions at an airline.
World Bank okays $255.5 mn
loan for govt. tech institutions Google’s Pichai meets PM Modi, ‘PM Modi’s U.S. visit
The World Bank has approved a $255.5 million
loan for improving the quality of technical
education in governmentrun institutions in
announces Gujarat fintech centre to bolster bilateral
India. Over the next 5 years, the Multidisciplinary
Education and Research Improvement in Sriram Lakshman Digitization Fund in 2020. $12.9 billion in the country
Technical Education Project will support about WASHINGTON DC The Hindu reached out by the end of 2030.
275 governmentrun technical institutions in to Google on Saturday for Earlier, Amazon had an Press Trust of India India Inc. expects
select States, benefitting more than 3.5 lakh Prime Minister Modi’s visit details of the fintech nounced a $6.5 billion in NEW DELHI collaboration in
students each year. Students will get access to to the U.S. has sealed some centre, which have not vestment plan, largely to
areas such as space,
upgraded curricula, the World Bank said. REUTERS big wins for his home State been announced. boost its ecommerce busi Prime Minister Narendra
of Gujarat, including with ness where it competes Modi’s U.S. visit will boost semiconductor,
Google, which announced Amazon invests further with Walmart’s Flipkart bilateral ties and deepen defence and AI
the opening of a Global Amazon.com Inc. said on and billionaire Mukesh strategic technology col
Ipca Labs’ formulations unit FinTech Operations Center
in GIFT City, Gujarat. Sundar Pichai
Friday it would take its in
vestments in India to $26
Ambani’s Reliance Retail.
The investment amount
laboration in areas such as
defence, semiconductor, ‘we see new areas where
gets U.S. FDA observations “It will cement India’s billion by 2030, adding committed now comes to space and artificial intelli industry on both sides
fintech leadership thanks progress is definitely excit $6.5 billion in new planned around $6.5 billion. gence, India Inc. said on would benefit significantly
Drugmaker Ipca Laboratories’ formulations to UPI, and we are going to ing,” he added. investments in an announ The announcement dur Saturday. from the outcomes’.
manufacturing facility in Pithampur, Madhya build on that foundation GIFT City, which is in cement made after CEO ing Mr. Modi’s trip adds to CII Director General Another industry body
Pradesh, has been issued a Form 483 with eight and take it globally,” Goo the process of being built, Andy Jassy met Mr. Modi in other firms’, including Chandrajit Banerjee stated Assocham said the Prime
observations by the U.S. Food and Drug gle CEO Sundar Pichai said is the business district in the U.S. semiconductor toolmaker that the visit had culminat Minister’s visit had taken
Administration U.S. (FDA). The U.S. FDA had on Friday, when he met Gandhinagar. Though Mr. Jassy gave Applied Materials and me ed in laying a strong foun IndiaU.S. strategic and
inspected the facility from June 1523. The Form Prime Minister Narendra Mr. Pichai voiced his no breakdown, the an mory chip firm Micron dation for further streng commercial relations to
483 was issued on conclusion of the inspection, Modi in Washington DC. support for the govern nouncement follows Ama Technology, which made thening the IndoU.S. ‘greater heights, paving the
the company said in an exchange filing on Friday. “… And with the advent of ment’s ‘Digital India’ vi zon’s cloud computing unit commitments during the relationship. way for immense oppor
The company said it would be submitting a AI, I think the opportunity sion. Google had an Amazon Web Services say Prime Minister’s state visit. He observed that the vi tunities’ for bilateral
comprehensive response on the observations. for India to make more nounced a $10billion India ing last month it will invest (With Reuters inputs) sit was also significant as engagement.
WS Industries shifts focus to Govt. approves
wage hike for
infrastructure development nonexecutive
N. Anand Porur into a 1 million sq. ft
staff of CIL
The manufacturer of
porcelain insulators
This would be complet Press Trust of India
Chennaibased WS Indus shut down its ed in 3648 months. KOLKATA
tries Ltd. (WSIL) said it is business unit at A government order to
betting on its ‘huge’ land Porur in 2018 this effect has been ob The Coal Ministry said it
bank in and around Chen tained and the partnership had approved a wage revi
nai to develop IT and logis will be announced soon, sion agreement that was
tics parks as well as elec Prakash said during a call he added. reached with trade unions
tronics factories to revive with analysts. Besides, WSIL is also for nonexecutive em
its fortunes. “The insulator business close to signing up orders ployees of Coal India Limit
The sixdecadeold ma was very challenging and worth about ₹400500 ed (CIL).
nufacturer of porcelain in so it was phased out. We crore in the next quarter. The agreement provides
sulators for electrical don’t intend restarting the “In the infra segment, for 19% of minimum gua
transmission lines had shut business,” he said. we’ve executed the storm ranteed benefit from July 1,
down its business unit at “The new set of promo water drain project to the 2021, on emoluments –
Porur in November 2018. ters is in the infra segment. tune of ₹70 crore in Chen basic, Variable Dearness
However, it is back in So, we intend carrying this nai and another one for Allowance (VDA), Special
the limelight after the take business to the next level ₹47 crore. We are also con Dearness Allowance (SDA)
over in June last year by its and as you can see, the tur structing a bus terminus at and attendance bonus – be
new promoters, who are nover has shown a signifi Tiruchi estimated at ₹200 sides a 25% increase in
said to have two decades of cant increase,” he added. crore,” Mr. Prakash said. allowances.
experience in the infras Mr. Prakash said that A recent announcement The agreement will be
tructure segment. WS Industries is in an ad of two infrastructure or nefit about 2.81 lakh em
“WSIL was out of busi vanced stage of discussion ders saw WSIL shares hit ployees of CIL and SCCL
ness for almost 10 years,” with a leading realtor to de ting a 52week high on the who were on the rolls of
wholetime director K.V. velop its 7acre property in NSE at ₹103.10. the firm as on July 1, 2021.
25 JUNE 2023
Ranjona Banerji
Off the beaten track
turned out to be dust and gas. Like Delhi meets a he Gandhi Peace gious text — to millions of and only superficially assassination, he did come
Great Dimming every winter. Explosion was not Prize for 2021 has Hindus. It also put the cosmopolitan. under suspicion, but was
Congress unless the latter
imminent nor contingent on the loss of brightness. been given to the Ramcharitmanas, which never convicted. In fact, publicly announces sup-
Now a new theory says the explosion is immi- Gita Press. The Gandhiji described as “the Ramesh and his ilk forget port on the contentious
nent. Callooh Callay! Earth will witness a superno- Press was found- greatest book in all devo- opposed to Gandhi? And that PM Indira Gandhi her- Delhi ordinance issue.
va after ages — the last one we all saw was in 1604! ed in 1923, and started pub- tional literature”, in almost since when has pride in self issued a postage stamp
People in the southern hemisphere were lucky lication in 1927. Its avowed every Hindu home, espe- Hinduism and propagating in 1970 to commemorate Amit Shah, the Union
with 1987A, a star that went supernova in one of Betelgeuse, as seen by the purpose was to make avail- cially in north India. In its texts become a crime his contribution as a free- home minister, mocked
our small companion galaxies, the Larger Atacama Large Millimeter/sub- able at affordable prices 1926, Hanuman Prasad comparable to what Godse dom fighter. All of this has the meeting, claiming the
Magellanic Cloud. millimeter Array (ALMA) seminal texts pertaining to Poddar, who was one of the did? In any case, the Prize been authentically docu-
But. And here’s the but in the midst of all the Hinduism. By now, it has co-founders of the Press, has been given to Gita mented in Vikram BJP will have 300 seats
excitement. The new research is not peer-reviewed, which means something in published some 160 million and the editor of the maga- Press as an institution and Sampath’s majestic two in 2024.
science. The researchers say that Betelgeuse has reached the end of the line in star copies in 14 languages of zine Kalyan published by not to Poddar. volume biography of N.J. Ravi Chander
life — the burning of its core. Other scientists disagree. Also it is at the end of the the Bhagwat Gita, over a it, accompanied Jamnalal Ramesh conveniently for- Savarkar. Bengaluru
day, as vague as all the other predictions. Could be tomorrow, could be whenever. 100 million copies of Bajaj to meet Gandhiji and gets that Congress Prime No prize is perfect in
And then there’s the “could have already happened but when will we know”. The Tulsidas’ Ramcharit- seek his blessings for Minister (PM) P.V. every respect. Previous
light from our sun takes eight minutes to reach us. Betelgeuse is 642 light years
away from us. So if Betelgeuse went supernova yesterday, we would only know
manas, and other texts
including the Maha-
Kalyan. Gandhiji blessed
it, but asked Poddar not to
Narasimha Rao issued a
postage stamp in 1992 to
recipients include interna-
tional luminaries like
642 years from today. And so it goes. Basically, our best shot is that Betelgeuse bharata, Puranas, Upani- take advertisements and do honour Poddar and the Julius Nyerere, Nelson WHENEVER man had cared to dare,
went supernova 642 years ago today. shads and Surdas. It also book reviews. The Gita Gita Press. The reflex secu- Mandela and Desmond progress of every description willingly
Then up comes the story in a very reputed Indian journal which confuses The has an archive of 3500 Press honoured both com- larist demonisation of Tutu. But in the case of embraced him. That daring arises sole-
Great Dimming and the rumours of 2019 with the new non-peer reviewed research Hindu manuscripts. mitments, and even now Savarkar, too, is extreme. I Nyerere, for instance, ly out of his curiosity in pursuit of his
of 2023. And thus repeats the old story of 2019 as the reason for the expected Today, it is the world’s has refused to accept the Rs emphatically disagree with while he was a staunch imagination. If ancient warriors for-
supernova. largest publisher of Hindu 1 crore prize money accom- Savarkar’s espousal of a freedom fighter, and an ayed into unexplored lands to expand
I understand why the media gets frustrated. The editor tells you “give me some- religious texts. panying the Prize. Hindu Rashtra, but I have inspiration for the struggle their rule, explorers travelled over
thing big”. So a supernova is a good way to go. Or you want to a prominent byline The announcement of If religious fundamental- no doubt that he was a rev- against colonialism across uncharted seas to discover new habita-
and you know your editor is a gullible fool. I just read something in a British news- this Prize led Congress ism is irrationally bigoted, olutionary patriot, who Africa, he also ran an tions. These added cumulatively to our
paper — not a Harry-Meghan type tabloid even — that made my brain go super- media head, Jairam shallow liberalism is smug- greatly suffered for the authoritarian one-party wisdom. The Titanic, the largest ship
nova. Aliens “might” use a recent supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy to commu- Ramesh, to issue a vitriolic ly dogmatic. If one is doc- courage of his convictions, government in indepen- afloat even prior to WW1, sank in its
nicate with earth. tweet stating that giving trinaire and prone to vio- spending over a decade in dent Tanzania, which maiden voyage. Earlier, the Wright
The Pinwheel Galaxy (Messier 101) is 20.87 million light years from earth. I leave the Gandhi Peace Prize to lence, the other is cultural- the horrific Kala Pani jail enabled him to remain brothers pursuing the dream of
you to work out the maths. The aliens sent us a message 20.87 million earth years Gita Press was a “travesty ly rootless and superficial- in the Andamans — most of President for over two manned flight seeded modern day avi-
ago. We get it now. Then we reply. We have no technology that covers even at the and like awarding ly cosmopolitan. In both which in solitary confine- decades (1964 to 1985). Was ation. Space shuttle Challenger disin-
speed of light such distances. So some millions of earth years later our signal Savarkar and Godse”. there is no space for bal- ment — and was no ‘cow- giving him the Gandhi tegrated after take-off and yet we cease-
reaches these aliens. Then they visit us to colonise us. Some more millions of Frankly, I was taken aback ance or nuance. The ire of ard’ begging for pardon Prize thus equivalent to lessly plan to land on a planet. The
earth years later. And so on. What fun it will be for whatever’s happening on the by this ill-informed and Ramesh is based on a book from the British. It is the endorsing dictatorship? deep diving submarine, tragic may its
planet then. trigger-happy response. by journalist Akshay ultra-right in India which Secularism is an impera- end have been, would only add to our
For non-science people, the scale of the cosmos, the distance equals time issue, I am against all religious Mukul, titled Gita Press has myopically latched on tive for the plural, multi- scientific and technological progress.
these are not easy to grasp. It takes effort. You look up at the night sky; you’re look- bigotry, and I do not sup- and the Making of Hindu to his argument of Hindu religious reality of India. Intelligence can only be of as much
ing at the past. You look at the sun — you shouldn’t, except at sunrise and sunset port Hindu majoritarian- India, which argues that Rashtra, which was a short But to be credible it must utility to man as his curiosity.
— and you’re looking at eight minutes ago. It’s fascinating and sends a shiver ism, or the outdated and the Gita Press was silent polemic he wrote while not automatically conflate R. Narayanan
down your back. impractical idea of Hindu after the assassination of still under house arrest in recognition of Hindu Navi Mumbai
The small part we play in the cosmos should come back to us, as we look up. Carl Rashtra. But I am a proud Gandhiji, and contributed Ratnagiri, and in response achievements for commu-
Sagan’s words resonate: “Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delu-
sion that we have some privileged place in the Universe are challenged by this
Hindu, who believes there
is a profound grandeur in
to the growth of Hindu
revivalism. Mukul also
to certain specific develop-
ments then, including the
nalism. Respect for all
faiths, and the right to GLORY OF HAJ
point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic Hindu philosophy. I have, points out that Poddar and support by Gandhiji to the “freely profess, practice THE MEANING of the word, Haj, is to
dark.” therefore, great respect for Gandhiji had differences of pan-Islamicist Khilafat and propagate religion”, as think and intend. Haj is a special pil-
I have spent my life staring at Betelgeuse, no matter how I mispronounced it. I the Gita Press that has opinion later on, and that Movement, the demand by guaranteed by Article 25 of grimage that takes place from the 8th to
would love to watch it go supernova. To see the constellation of Orion changed for- enabled Hindu thought to Poddar was arrested in some Muslim League lead- the Fundamental Rights of the 13th of Dhul Hijjah, the last month of
ever. Even though I know there is no constellation and it is all perspective. be widely disseminated, 1948 after Gandhi’s assassi- ers for a separate state for our Constitution, need to the Islamic lunar year. About 4,000 years
And in case anyone gets worried, the Sun will not go supernova. It is too small, not only among Hindus, nation. These facts are Muslims, and the down- be harmonised. Ramesh ago, the Haj was initiated by Prophet
below the Chandrasekhar limit. But do get worried. In about four or five billion but beyond. This was par- true. But Poddar was playing by the Congress of should think before he Ibrahim’s announcement. The acts of
years, it will become a red giant and expand up to the surface of earth scorching ticularly necessary after among 25,000 people arrest- the terrible killing of impulsively tweets, and Haj refer to the memories of Prophet Ib-
everything. Obviously, it will gobble up Mercury and Venus. Around the same centuries of colonial rule ed after the assassination, Hindus in the Moplah riots one can only hope that his rahim (Abraham), his wife Hajara (Ha-
time, the Milky Way will merge with Andromeda. and the earlier Turkic released soon thereafter, in Kerala. That was in 1923, views are not that of the gar) and their son Ismael (Ishmael) who
Meanwhile, those aliens in the Pinwheel Galaxy might still be sending us mes- invasion had broken the and never convicted. As and it is on record that Congress Party. rebuilt the Kaaba. Haj commemorates a
sages. My next prediction for science “journalism”: Will Earth be swallowed by a continuum of Hindu regards differences of opin- Savarkar himself subse- model family setting an example. The
passing black hole? civilisation. ion, Dr Ambedkar and quently downplayed his The writer is an author, family gives us the lesson that no matter
If we’re lucky, that might also be an end to bad journalism. The Gita Press took the Jawaharlal Nehru also dif- earlier ill-thought advoca- diplomat and former how much we value each other in the end
sublime message of the fered with Gandhi on key cy. We are now in 2023, a member of Parliament we have to live with our own conscience.
The writer is a senior journalist who writes on media affairs, politics and social Bhagwat Gita — Mahatma issues. Did that automati- century after what he (Rajya Sabha) Habeeb Rahman
trends. She tweets at @ranjona. Gandhi’s favourite reli- cally make them viscerally wrote, and over seven Calicut, Kerala
hile Prime Minister including those who worked hen Priyanka Gandhi Vasundhara Raje as its Sachin Pilot ings at Jaipur’s prime spots.
Narendra Modi was behind the scenes. But there was no Vadra was given charge of given her persistent efforts to
being feted by US acknowledgement for his predeces- Uttar Pradesh on joining extract a fair deal for herself in the hile Congress leaders wait
Anita Katyal President Joe Biden, his
Cabinet colleagues back home are
sor Sushma Swaraj who steered the
ministry for five of the nine years.
politics in 2019, it was expected that
she would revive the Congress in
run-up to the year-end assembly
poll. There is no clarity on Ms
anxiously for
announcement on the con-
racing against time to complete the Incidentally, Mr Jaishankar served this electorally-crucial state. Raje’s status though she is pushing stitution of the new working com-
Political “homework” assigned to them as foreign secretary under her for Though she made no headway in the leadership to project her as the mittee, insiders bemoan the emer-
Gup-Shup before the expiry of the month-end
deadline set for them. Tasked with
three years. the electoral arena, she had pub-
licly declared that she was commit-
BJP’s chief ministerial face or
ensure that her legislator son
gence of multiple power centres in
the party. They point out that there
highlighting the Modi govern- esponding to the all-round ted to strengthening the Congress Dushyant is rewarded well in case was one power centre when Sonia
ment’s achievements over the past criticism of the Centre’s con- in Uttar Pradesh. But, from all the party comes to power. Congress Gandhi was party chief, with her
nine years, Union ministers and tinuing indifference to the accounts, Priyanka appears to have rebel leader Sachin Pilot finds him- all-powerful political secretary
Bharatiya Janata Party chief min- prolonged ethnic violence in given up on this assignment. She self in a similar situation. He is Ahmed Patel handling contentious
ence where he was gracious enough conveyed to media houses that they he Bharatiya Janata Party’s the Gandhi family’s support. Mr
to acknowledge the role of the steer clear of any negative coverage Rajasthan unit jokingly refers Pilot also plans to put up these Anita Katyal is a Delhi-based
external affairs ministry’s staff, during Mr Modi’s US sojourn. to former chief minister posters close to Mr Gehlot’s hoard- journalist
EDITOR: KAUSHIK MITTER, PRINTER & PUBLISHER: K. SUDHAKAR; THE ASIAN AGE office is located at: New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: (011) 23211124;
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06 NEW DELHI, 25 JUNE 2023 Vol. CXXXXXVII 26 (S)
state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) ince passing of an order by court, must maintain and en- in Bahrain. He was taken to the
to produce fighter jet engines for the Indian Air the Supreme Court on 28 hance the confidence of all who hospital and provided with emergency
April 2023 (in Special may come in or may be expected care. After 10 days, he was sent back
Force (IAF). The deal, inked on Thursday, draws a
Leave Petition (Civil) Diary to come in the way and field of home, his critical injury hardly treated.
line under Washingtons technology-denial regime No. 15883/2023 i.e., Abhishek Though Iqbal had insurance coverage
his occupation. He must conduct
which began after Indias nuclear tests in Pokhran in Banerjee vs Soumen Nandy and himself, as far as reasonable, to and his employer had promised to bear
1998 and had obstructed Delhis pursuit of advanced Kuntal Ghosh vs State of West minimise the occasions on which all his expenses, he has not received a
combat jet engine technology. As the GE Aerospace Bengal) directing the then Acting it may be necessary for him to be penny in the last three years since he
Press statement put it, the pact marks a major mile- Chief Justice of Calcutta High disqualified from hearing or has been back.
and is a key element in strengthening Court to reassign two cases Jus- deciding cases. With his dream shattered, Iqbal is
defence cooperation between the two countries. tice Abhijit Gangopadhyay was A sitting Judge should not now a burden on his family. After
This is no hyperbole. For, the deal includes the hearing to some other judge, an knowingly, while a proceeding is enduring a lot of abuse at the hands of
potential joint production of GE Aerospaces F414 issue hinging on the contours of before or could come before him, her Saudi employer, domestic worker
judicial conduct of sitting judges make any comment that might Meher Nigar (of Birganj, Dinajpur)
engines in India, for which the aerospace major is has emerged in the public reasonably be expected to affect became very ill and was admitted to
working with the US government to receive neces- domain. The Supreme Court in the outcome of such proceeding hospital. However, instead of continu-
sary export authorisation, widely expected to be a its utter anguish passed the order or impair the manifest fairness of ing with the treatment, without any
formality. The IAF is in dire need of this jet engine. openly expressing its displeasure the process, nor should he make prior consultation she was put on a
The indigenous Kaveri jet engine project that began after being apprised of the inci- any comment in public or other- flight back home, for which she was
in 1986 had to be shut down by the Indian govern- dent of Justice Gangopadhyay wise that might affect the fair trial made to pay from her savings.
ment because of a lack of progress despite attempts giving an interview to a TV chan- or lead any member of the public For the sake of her childrens
to revive it with the help of French engine-maker nel in respect of the two cases. to lose confidence in him, or dis- future, Zakia (of Savar) endured wage
Snecma. This galvanised the IAF to emphasise to The anguish of the Supreme qualifying him from hearing the theft and abusive work conditions for
Court is understood to be a case. more than a year. Her Saudi employer
the Defence Ministry the need to seek foreign
reflection of Apex Courts out- There is however need for a refused to take any action when she
engines to meet its immediate requirements. Espe- right disapproval of the conduct proviso that his disqualification reported that there was a lump in her
cially significant is the need for India to maintain of a sitting judge. may not be required if no other breast causing pain. When her condi-
strategic parity in the region; it requires jet engines There is no law prohibiting a tribunal can be constituted to tion aggravated, Zakias employer
that can match or exceed Chinas advancements. A sitting judge from giving an inter- deal with the case. In other transferred her to the placement
high-thrust engine is essential for India's fighter jet view to any print or electronic words, his integrity should be agency. She was finally sent back home
programmes such as the Tejas Mk2 and the media. On the contrary, a sitting above reproach in the view of only after her family arranged to pay
Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA). The judge in India, like any other indi- As opposed to a retired judge tic society. reasonable observers. for her return air ticket.
GE F414 offers the necessary thrust levels to meet vidual, has his freedom of speech who is no more than an ordinary In 2001, at the second meet- Propriety and also appear- Though Imdad (of Natore) was
these requirements and is expected to be a good fit and expression. citizen, a sitting judge is more ing of the Judicial Group on ance of propriety are essential to placed in construction instead of pipe-
The pertinent question in than an ordinary citizen because Strengthening Judicial Integrity the performance of all activities fitting work, his six-year stint in Qatar
for the Tejas Mk2 ~ a substantially heavier fighter
the context is: Is his freedom of of his especially ordained current held in Bangalore, the Chief Jus- of a sitting Judge. As a subject of
jet than the LCA Tejas Mk1. This would enable the speech and expression truly at state in life and consequential tices were unanimous on the constant public scrutiny he must
Tejas Mk2 to carry a payload of more than six tonnes par with freedom of speech and demands of his occupation. need for standards of judicial freely and willingly accept per-
compared to the three-and-half tonnes carried by expression of any other individ- He is especially selected by a integrity and drafted the Banga- sonal restrictions that might was largely successful. One day, he was
the LCA. The increased payload and advanced elec- ual? It is however not so and the legally approved process and lore Principles of Judicial Con- be viewed as burdensome by apprehended by the authorities along
tronic systems of the Tejas Mk2 demand a higher reasons are replete in the code of placed in the position of an duct endorsed by various judicial any ordinary citizen. He is also with two other undocumented migran-
level of thrust and electrical power and the F414 conduct applicable to and ex- arbiter in the higher rung of his fora including the Round Table to conduct himself in a way ts. A migrant with regular status, Imdad
engine, with a maximum thrust of 98 kN, is consid- pected from sitting judges. Such society as an adjudicating author- Meeting of Chief Justices held at consistent with the dignity of demanded the reason for his detention
ered by experts as well-suited for the Tejas Mk2. It code of conduct however has no ity in respect of disputes brought The Hague on 25 and 26 Novem- his judicial office giving no scope only to suffer severe assault by mem-
legislative support. before him by the people of his ber 2002. for variation in perception of bers of the law enforcement agency. He
may be recalled that the indigenous Kaveri engine
In India nobody including a society for adjudication. The Bangalore principles impropriety. was in severe pain and was subse-
programme suffered from various technical difficul- sitting Judge has absolute free- What may be proper for an have set six values namely, Therefore a sitting Judge: quently taken into custody.
ties and significant delays. The engine was unable to dom of speech and expression. ordinary individual of that soci- (i)independence, (ii) impartiality, (i) shall avoid impropriety and Initially, he was denied any treat-
produce sufficient thrust, suffered poor performance Freedom of speech and expres- ety may not be so for a sitting (iii) integrity, (iv) propriety, (v) the appearance of impropriety in ment, but when other detainees inter-
at high altitudes, and had excessive weight. Further, sion although constitutionally Judge and again what may be equality and (vi) competence and all of the judges activities; vened, he was taken to a medical facili-
it was only able to produce thrust which was much protected as a fundamental right improper for an individual may diligence for a judicial officer. (ii) shall not, in the performance ty and a plaster was put on his broken
lower than the targeted 81 kN. An additional imped- in India (Article 19(1)(a)) never- be a virtue or a vice for a sitting These six values are prerequisites of his judicial duties, by words or leg. Within days, Imdad was deported
iment was the lack of testing facilities in India; inad- theless is not absolute as Article Judge. This situation leads us to for good conduct of a Judge to conduct, manifest bias or preju- home. His mobile phone was confiscat-
equate funding severely hampered the programme 19(2) expressly provides that free- the question of sen- uphold rule of law dice towards any person or ed by the authorities. He was not even
too. It is to the Prime Ministers credit that despite dom of speech and expression se of propriety ap- and a guarantee group; allowed to contact his employer to
would not affect operation of any plicable to and exp- for fair trial. Under (iii) shall maintain order and claim his outstanding benefits and
his emphasis on the Make-in-India scheme, espe- law imposing reasonable restric- ected from a sitting the heading of decorum in all proceedings other entitlements.
cially for the defence sector, he has not hesitated to tions on exercise of the right in judge. Absence of a each value there before the court and be patient, The Gulf states shift to mandatory
ensure the Indian armed forces get what they need. the interests of sovereignty, sense of propriety are clusters of cla- dignified and courteous in rela- private health insurance for all, includ-
That Mr Modis American interlocutor President Joe integrity and security of the state, befitting a sitting uses providing gu- tion to litigants, jurors, witness- ing low-paid workers, has created fresh
Biden has delivered on the technology transfer friendly relations with foreign Judge is sure to be idelines for good es, lawyers and others with whom hurdles to healthcare access. The non-
aspect of the deal must be appreciated as well, con- states, public order, decency or damaging and at conduct of a sit- the judge deals in an official citizens are no longer eligible for free
sidering the pressure on him from the left-radical morality or in relation of con- times disastrous from ting Judge. As a capacity and correspondingly he non-emergency care and require pri-
(in the American context) cabal in the Democratic tempt of court or defamation or the point of view of constituent of the also shall require and/or enforce vate health insurance or government-
Party. It is a big deal. incitement of an offence. his obligation to be judiciary he is similar conduct of legal represen- issued health cards to access healthcare
The issue of exercise of right careful and cautious expected not only tatives, court staff and others in government hospitals and private
of freedom of speech and expres- in preserving dignity, BIMAL KUMAR to uphold but also attending the court, and clinics. Often, employers fail to adhere
Opening doors sion by a sitting judge boils down
to two questions: (i) is there any
impartiality and in-
dependence of his The writer is Barrister-at-Law,
Senior Advocate and former
to exemplify judi-
cial independence
(iv) shall not engage in conduct
incompatible with the diligent
to the contract and buy or renew insur-
ance for the workers. In instances in
specific law imposing any restric- judicial office in par- Advocate General of the both at his per- discharge of his judicial duties. which they do so, those are not of qual-
mericas decision to set up two new consulates tions on his freedom of speech ticular and the judi- state of West Bengal sonal level and It will not therefore be an ity and have limited acceptance, and
~ in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad ~ in addition and expression?, and, (ii) does ciary as a whole. also at institution- over statement if it is said that thus do not cover the workers needs.
to consular services it already offers at New an interview given to a print or All resolutions historically al level. All these values however before the said order and/or Good insurance isnt cheap and
Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad, electronic media by him in and unequivocally adopted at do not touch upon the limited direction had been passed by the cheap insurance isnt good, as the
will prove to be a boon to Indian travellers. But the respect of cases which are being United Nations level say that a issue this essay has embarked Supreme Court, Justice Gan- saying goes.
decision, announced during the Prime Ministers heard by him fall into any of judge, like any other citizen, is upon. It needs to be noted that gopadhyay had disqualified him- The above narratives collected
visit to the United States, is guided as much by those restrictions? The Supreme entitled to freedom of expression, said six values are prefaced with self from hearing and deciding from the returnee Bangladeshi migra-
Court while passing the said belief, association and assembly, these words: those two cases by giving an nts by the Refugee and Migratory
Washingtons need to further bilateral ties as it is to
order has not reminded us of any but in exercising such rights he (a) The principles are intended interview to the TV channel. Movements Research Unit (RMMRU)
feather its own nest. Last year, India generated Asias such restrictions. shall always conduct himself or to establish standards for ethical It is equally needless to say provide important insights on their
highest outbound travel volumes, overtaking China, The Supreme Courts direc- herself in such a manner as to conduct of judges. They are that the Supreme Court by its health vulnerability in destination
Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Nearly two-thirds of tion means and implies stripping preserve the dignity of his judi- designed to provide guidance to said order/ direction was only countries, including those in the Gulf.
those who travelled outside the country were on hol- Justice Gangopadhyay of his cial office, and impartiality and judges and to afford the judiciary affirming the said disqualification The case studies also shine a light on
iday and leisure tourism is always more lucrative for jurisdiction and power to hear independence of the judiciary. a framework for regulating judi- expressing its instant displeasure. the gaping holes in the migrant protec-
host countries. Only Dubai attracted more Indians and decide those two cases. It Therefore, contours of a sit- cial conduct. Nonetheless the question rem- tion and service structures of those
than the United States did. Travel to American desti- may not be that impertinent for ting Judges right to freedom of (b) These principles presuppose ains if the Supreme Court was countries.
nations more than 12,000 km away exceeded that anybody to ask what then clothed speech and expression according that judges are accountable for right in expressing its displeasure Over the last two years, a five-
to countries in the vicinity such as Thailand, Saudi the Supreme Court with the pow- to those resolutions have been their conduct to appropriate in the manner and language it did country Vital Signs study has garnered
er either to make those deprecat- outlined by those three words e.g. institutions established to openly, apparently adversely important evidence and insights about
Arabia and Singapore. Indians made up the third affecting the fitness and image of
ing observations openly in court dignity, impartiality and inde- maintain judicial standards, the health vulnerability of low-skilled
highest group of foreign visitors to America. These or to pass the said order direct- pendence of judiciary and in par- which are themselves indepen- Justice Gangopadhyay as a migrant workers who are subjected to a
facts, brought out in a report by an international ing the Acting Chief Justice of the ticular of his judicial office oblig- dent and impartial, and are Judge in the eyes of the public at wide range of cumulative risks to their
travel consultancy, would not be unknown to the High Court to reassign those two ing the Judge to conduct himself intended to supplement and not large, particularly when the issue physical and mental health. The study
Americans. They would similarly know that travel cases to some other judge? (he embraces she) according- to derogate from existing rules of public confidence not only finds that those risks originate from
plans of Indians to the United States are increasing- The answers to both the qu- ly. The international judicial of law and conduct that bind in a particular judicial officer but their workplace, living conditions and
ly frustrated by the slow pace of visa processing, estions lie not in law but in the community have shown their the judge. in the entire judiciary is of the environment, and include heat and
with wait times of 337 days reported in April this sense of propriety of the Judge concern in a Judges duty to There are however no known vital importance for judicial inde- humidity, pollution, abusive working
year. With the prospect of earning nearly Rs 12,000 concerned and/or in code of uphold rule of law and constitu- existing legislative rules and pendence and a guarantee for a conditions, excessive working hours
conduct applicable to him. How tionalism with a view to ensure conduct that bind the Judge uni- fair trial. Was it not also at the and heavy physical workloads, lax
from each visa issued, with US airlines such as
come then that a code of con- and also enhance public trust versally. same time necessary for the occupational health and safety (OHS)
American, Delta and United hoping to pick up a duct which has no backing of and confidence in the judicial A sitting judge is required to Supreme Court to be more practices, exposure to long-term chron-
chunk of the traffic, and with trips to the US being of any law anywhere and not at least system of a democracy. Existence be absolutely impartial in per- restrained in its language while ic psychosocial stress, and, in the case
longer duration than to those in the vicinity, there in India comes into play to guide of public trust and confidence in forming his judicial duties with- reacting to the conduct of a sit- of female domestic workers, acute vul-
are spin-off benefits that the Americans cannot pos- freedom of speech and expres- the judicial system is a sine qua out favour, bias or prejudice and ting Judge of the High Court in nerability to physical, psychological
sibly ignore. Indeed, American Airlines had returned sion of a sitting judge? non or prerequisite of a democra- his conduct, both in and out of the said Special Leave Petition? and sexual abuse.
to India after nearly a decade in 2021 after seeing
the potential for business. Data from the US Depart-
ment of Commerces National Travel and Tourism [email protected]
Office shows that travel from India to America has
crossed pre-pandemic levels in the first five months
Stronger teams
of this year, and the Americans have issued 44 per
cent more visas to Indians this year than they did in
the same period in 2019, the year before the pan-
demic struck. On the other hand, India last year
drew the third highest number of foreign visitors in SIR, The Indian senior mens opportunity for our coach, Igor Sti-
Asia. Driven largely by the need of members of the team's resounding 4-0 victory over mac, to observe and analyze the
Indian diaspora to visit relatives and aging parents Pakistan in the SAFF Champi- players' performances, as well as
after the Covid years, most visitors to India were onship Football tournament is identify their shortcomings, which
excellent news for football enthusi- I am confident he will address in
from the United States, followed by the United asts and the team itself. The ongo- the coming days. India's men's
Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates. Thus, ade- ing 8-nation tournament, along current FIFA ranking is 101. Our
quate provision of consular services to their own with the recently concluded Inter- highest-ever ranking was 94,
nationals would also have been a factor that helped continental Cup where India tri- achieved when the ranking system
the Americans decide to open additional consulates. umphed over Lebanon, not only was first introduced, but unfortu- pete against teams ranked above Pakistan (195) does not serve much Qatar, and others.
The outlook for the rest of 2023 looks just as promis- boosts the morale of our players nately, we have not surpassed that us, especially those within the 75- purpose in terms of improving our Therefore, I believe we should
ing, with a 26 per cent jump projected in travel from but also provides crucial match achievement. 100 range, such as Oman, Uzbek- FIFA ranking or preparing the team carefully consider the selection of
India to the United States. It is not surprising there- practice for the upcoming Asia Cup To set a realistic target of istan, and North Macedonia. Play- to face challenges from Asian pow- participating teams.
fore that the Americans have decided to up their scheduled for January next year. breaking into the 85-90 range in the ing against weaker opponents like erhouses like Australia, South Yours, etc., Dibyendu Mitra Roy,
These matches offer a valuable FIFA Rankings, we need to com- Vanuatu (168), Mongolia (183), or Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kolkata, 22 June.
consular game.
NEW DELHI, 25 JUNE 2023 07
Sustainable fishing to offset
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दै निक जागरण, राजस्थाि पत्रिका, दै निक भास्कर, ह द
िं स्
ु ताि, िवभारत टाइम्स, त्रिज़िस स्टैंडडड, अमर उजाला,पिंजाि
केसरी, उत्तम ह न्द,ू जिसत्ता, लोकसत्ता, ररभूमम, द पायिीयर,जागरूक टाइम्स, राष्ट्रीय स ारा, दै निक हरब्यूि, युवा
गोरव, भारतीय स ारा, स्विंतिंि वाताड, सीमा सिंदेश, दै निक सवेरा,एक्शि इिंडडया, मदरलैंड वॉइस, दे शििंध,ु ह माचल दस्तक,