3789434design and Fabrication of Coconut Punch-Cum-Splitter For Young Coconut
3789434design and Fabrication of Coconut Punch-Cum-Splitter For Young Coconut
3789434design and Fabrication of Coconut Punch-Cum-Splitter For Young Coconut
Abstract— There is a heavy demand for young coconut in the world, with a total production of 62 million tonnes per
today’s market as it contains nutrients, it helps in dissolving year Coconut is the ―tree of heaven‖, provides many
kidney stones ,reduces blood pressure, energy drink etc., and necessities of life including food and shelter. It is mainly
it’s a natural gift. But making a punching and slicing a cultivated for its nuts; it yields oil, oil cake and fibre. Water
young coconut have some difficulties it cause injuries, aged from tender coconut is a common refreshing drink and has
people ,handicapped people feel difficulties to do this. Our been used as an excellent isotonic in several tropical countries.
project aims to develop punching and splitting a young It is not only a thirst-quenching liquid, but also a mineral
coconut. The machine consists of 13 main parts: 1. Flywheel drink, which is beneficial to human health. It contains traces
, 2.Punch Tool ,3.Splitter Tool,4.Big Pulley ,5.Small Pulley of proteins, fats, and minerals like Na, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, P, S, Cl,
,6.Belt, 7.Chain, 8.Pedal, 9.Handal, 10.Seat, 11.Big Sproket, vitamin C, vitamins of the B group like nicotinic acid,
12.Base frame,13 Coconut Base. The punch cum splitter for pantothenic acid, riboflavin and biotin. Coconut water
Young coconut is operated by mechanical system. The K.E. contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth
generated by pedaling is stored in the rotating flywheel and promoting properties. It carries nutrients and oxygen to cells,
when clutch mechanism is engaged, this stored K.E. of raise the human metabolism, boost human immune system,
flywheel is imparted to splitter as well as punching tool detoxify and fight viruses, control diabetes and also aids the
thereby, punching and splitting simultaneously the coconut. human body in fighting against viruses that causes flue, herpes
After consuming its water it is placed on other side of the and AIDS
frame for splitting operation. Similarly the splitting
operation will be done. The force required to make a
punching a young coconut and for splitting a tender coconut
it measures to 712 N and 1277 N. The time required for
making punching and splitting a tender coconut measures to
be 8 second and 12 second. The time required to make a
punching and splitting a young coconut will be less, safer to
operate and the maintenance.
Keywords— young coconut, punching, splitting, force, time,
etc. Fig 1: Tender coconuts
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Paper Title:- Design and Fabrication of Coconut Punch-Cum-Splitter for Young Coconut
ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Design and Fabrication of Coconut Punch-Cum-Splitter for Young Coconut
Belt Small
Handle coconuts per hour depending on the operator, however, on
Big seat
Pulley average an operator cutting 445 coconuts per hour with this
Big Sprocket
ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Design and Fabrication of Coconut Punch-Cum-Splitter for Young Coconut
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