Quintana RD Smuggling Indictment
Quintana RD Smuggling Indictment
Quintana RD Smuggling Indictment
V 5:22: CR-00366-OLG
aka RRILI 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii), (a)(1)(A)(v)(I) &
aka RILAY, (a)(1)(B)(iv): Conspiracy to Transport
(4) FELIPE ORDUNA-TORRES Illegal Aliens Resulting in Death
ki NJUPU 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii), (a)(1)(A)(v)(I) &
(a)(1)(B)(iii): Conspiracy to Transport
Illegal Aliens Resulting in Serious Bodily
Injury and Placing Lives in Jeopardy
aka COWBOY, COUNT 3: Vio: 8 U.S.C. §
(7) ARMANDO GONZALES-ORTEGA 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii), (a)(1)(A)(v)(II) &
aka EL DON (a)(1)(B)(iv): Transportation of Illegal
aka DON GON, Aliens Resulting in Death
From at least December 2021 through June 2022, the defendants, HOMERO
human smuggling organization which illegally brought adults and children from Guatemala,
Honduras, and Mexico (collectively "aliens") into the United States. The aliens were not U.S.
citizens and did not have prior official authorization from the U.S. government to come to, enter,
2. Each alien, or their families and friends, paid money, generally the equivalent of$ 12,000-
$15,000 USD, to individuals in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, the United States, and elsewhere,
to be transported illegally into the United States. This fee normally included at least three
"attempts"----that is, if the alien was caught by U.S. law enforcement at or near the border and
deported, the organization would smuggle them into the United States again for no additional fee.
3. The smugglers worked in concert with each other to transport, and facilitate the
transportation of, their various "customer" aliens, utilizing each other's routes, guides, stash
houses, trucks, trailers, and transporters. This patchwork association enabled the smugglers to
4. To ensure proper accounting, each alien was given a code wordthe "clave"to provide
at various points along their journey. These code words established that the alien was a "customer"
of a smuggler who had arranged access for that portion of the journey, be it a stay at a stash house,
5. Once in the United States, the aliens were to be transported to various destinations within
the United States, including San Antonio and other areas within the Western District of Texas.
6. The smugglers operating in the United States worked in concert with smugglers operating
7. The organization maintained a variety of tractors and trailers, which it used to transport
aliens from near the border to San Antonio. Some of these tractors and trailers were stored at a
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8. Members of the organization managed stash houses along the border and coordinators
worked to consolidate aliens from these stash houses into larger groups that could be transported
10. On June 27, 2022, the defendants charged herein, and others, facilitated and coordinated
the retrieval of an empty tractor-trailer and the corresponding hand-off of the tractor-trailer to the
11. The organization recruited ZAMORANO to drive the tractor-trailer, as he had done
previously. MARTINEZ drove ZAMORANO from Palestine, Texas to a gas station in San
Antonio, where ZAMORANO picked up the empty tractor-trailer. Each was to be paid for their
12. ZAMORANO then drove the tractor-trailer to Laredo, where groups of aliens were
transported in box trucks from stash houses to the location of the tractor-trailer. ZAMORANO
received the load-up address from MARTINEZ, who was provided it by ORDUNA-TORRES.
GONZALES-ORTEGA also traveled to Laredo and met the tractor-trailer at the load-up location.
In total, at least 66 aliens were loaded into the back of the 53-foot trailer, including eight children
13. The organization demanded that the aliens give up their cell phones prior to entering the
trailer. An unknown powder was dispensed in the back of the trailer to mask the smell of the human
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14. Once the trailer was loaded with the aliens, ZAMORANO drove it north along IH-35 to
coordinated, facilitated, passed messages, and made each other aware of the tractor-trailer's
16. Known to some of the defendants charged herein, the trailer's air-conditioning unit was
not working properly and did not blow any cool air to the aliens inside.
17. As the temperature inside the trailer rose, chaos ensued. Some aliens screamed and
banged on the walls for help. Some passed out, unconscious. Others clawed at the sides of the
18. After making the approximate 3-hour journey, the tractor-trailer arrived at the designated
unloading location along Quintana Road in San Antonio. The location is easily accessible from
IH-35, but is desolate, private, and experiences little traffic. Members of the organization met the
19. When the doors to the trailer were opened, forty-eight of the aliens were either already
dead or died on site, including one who was pregnant. At least two surviving aliens were
immediately transported away by members of the organization. Other members fled the location
after discovering so many of the aliens had died. ZAMORANO was found hiding in the nearby
21. Of the 53 total aliens who perished, 27 were Mexican nationals, 20 were Guatemalan
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[S U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(AXH), (a)(1)(A)(v)(I) & (a)(1)(B)(iv)J
Paragraphs 1 through 21 of this Indictment are realleged and incorporated as though full
Beginning on or about December 1, 2021, and continuing through on or about June 27,
2022, in the Western District of Texas, Southern District of Texas, and elsewhere, Defendants,
and others, knowing and in reckless disregard of the fact that aliens came to, entered, and remained
in the United States in violation of law, did knowingly and intentionally combine, conspire,
confederate and agree with each other, to transport, move, and attempt to transport and move, said
aliens within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such
violation of law, and the offense resulted in the death of 53 persons, namely: 47 adults and six
children, in violation of Title 8, United States Code, Sections 1 324(a)( 1)(A)(ii), (a)(1)(A)(v)(I),
and (a)(l)(B)(iv).
[S U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(li), (a)(1)(A)(v)(I) & (a)(1)(B)(iil)J
Paragraphs 1 through 21 of this Indictment are reaUeged and incorporated as though full
Beginning on or about December 1, 2021, and continuing through on or about June 27,
2022, in the Western District of Texas, Southern District of Texas, and elsewhere, Defendants,
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and others, knowing and in reckless disregard of the fact that aliens came to, entered, and remained
in the United States in violation of law, did knowingly and intentionally combine, conspire,
confederate and agree with each other, to transport, move, and attempt to transport and move, said
aliens within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such
violation of law, and the offense resulted in the serious bodily injury to or placed in jeopardy the
life of 11 persons, namely: nine adults and two children, all in violation of Title 8, United States
(a)(1)(A)(v)(II) & (a)(1)(B)(iv)]
[8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii),
Paragraphs 1 through 21 of this Indictment are realleged and incorporated as though full
Beginning on or about June 25, 2022, and continuing through on or about June 27, 2022,
in the Western District of Texas, Southern District of Texas, and elsewhere, Defendants,
and others, aided and abetted by each other, knowing and in reckless disregard of the fact that
aliens came to, entered, and remained in the United States in violation of law, did knowingly and
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intentionally transport, move, and attempt to transport and move, said aliens within the United
States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law, and the
offense resulted in the death of 53 persons, namely: 47 adults and six children, all in violation of
[8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii), (a)(1)(A)(v)(II) & (a)(1)(B)(iii)J
Paragraphs 1 through 21 of this Indictment are realleged and incorporated as though full
Beginning on or about June 25, 2022, and continuing through on or about June 27, 2022,
in the Western District of Texas, Southern District of Texas, and elsewhere, Defendants,
and others, aided and abetted by each other, knowing and in reckless disregard of the fact that
aliens came to, entered, and remained in the United States in violation of law, did knowingly and
intentionally transport, move, and attempt to transport and move, said aliens within the United
States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law, and the
offense resulted in the serious bodily injury to or placed in jeopardy the life of 11 persons, namely:
nine adults and two children, all in violation of Title 8, United States Code, Sections
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Immigration Violations and Forfeiture Statute
[Title 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii)/(v)(I)/(v)(II),
subject to forfeiture pursuant to Title 18 U.S.C. § 982(a)(6)(A)]
As a result of the foregoing criminal violations set forth in Counts One to Four, the United
States of America gives notice to the Defendants of its intent to seek the forfeiture of property,
including any items listed below, upon conviction and as a part of sentence pursuant to FED. R.
CRIM. P. 32.2 and Title 18 U.S.C. § 982(a)(6)(A) which states the following:
This Notice of Demand for Forfeiture includes but is not limited to the following.