Vulcan Machinery Catalog

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商州市i式 ffitK凯丽制宦自 PIU1司

ti:. .iíÌ~ sa es' , zIJulcan c回
电话: +86.51482081911
传真~: .8ó-51~-82081913


Yanglhou Vulca n Machlnery M a nufaclurlng Co. .Lt d

E.mal1 saies@yz:vu1can ∞m
Add Hanjiang Industria1 Park. Yangzhou Cny. Jiangsu Provlnce. Chlna
p琐Ilcøn 揭州市伏尔 t~Jn 阳市11 i童自 nag 司 卢VulClmE 揭州市伏尔阴阳阳市11 i童自 nag 司
低沉lX 1戎íRlX

公司简介 企业资质
扬州市伏尔坎机械制造有限公司成立于 2007 茸,位于江苏省扬州市刊江工业

园,总占地面积 25000 平方米,现有员工 200 余人,主要生产特种组合式液压半挂

车、多功能半挂车 。

公司拥有专业的设计团队和雄厚的生产能力 。 生产的特种车辆在国内外非常畅
实问 ~í ~!.. 利 id:. U

销,拥高多项技术专利 。 我们专业定制超大,超重,超宽,超长,超精密仪器运输

的组合液压式多功能低平板挂车或者自走车,运输重量可覆盖 100-5000 盹的货物,

产品主要用于军工,船舶,航天,能源和极限运输领域,已高国外市场 10 茸的销售

历史,有很强的定制能力 。

公司秉持为用户提供高质量产品和优质服务为宗旨 。 享有自营进出口权,产品

远销日本、欧洲、非洲、中东、等国家和地区 。

Established in 2007 , Yangzhou Vulcan Machinery Manufacturing Co. , Ltd is located in Hanjiang Certificate of Utility Model Patent
Industrial Park , Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. It covers an area of 25 ,000 square meters and currently Issued by
has 200 employees. Vulcan is a customized factory for special combination hydraulic semi trailer and
State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China
multifunctional semi trailer.
Vulcan has professional R & 0 team and strong production capacity,our special semi trailer is quite
popu lar all over the world.till now we have get several technology patents. Vulcan is specialized in
combination hydraulic low bed semi trailer and self walker for over-Iength , over-width , over-weight or
super delicate equipment transportation . The loading capacity can cover 100 ton to 5000 ton. Our semi
trailer is commonly used in transportation for milita印, vessel , spaceflight and extremity area .We have ten
years' sale experience in foreign market and the ability to design and produce based on customer's
requ irements is quite strong.
Vulcan adhere to the principle that providing customers high quality product and excellent service.
We enjoy the right of import and expo此 our semi trailer have expo 同ed to various countries and areas
such as Japan , Europe , Africa , Mid-East.
Product Information
120T Heavy Duty Hydraulic Semi Trailer
Tare weight 46T

Dimension 13700mm费2990mm叫 400mm

Max payload 120T

Axles 6Ax les

Wheelbase 1450mm

Rim 11.75-22.5

Tire 355/65-15 24PR

Tire wheelbase 1880mm

Tire No. 24PCS

Suspension Hydraulic suspension

upper plate is 35mm, middle plate is 20mm, down plate is 35mm

Main beam
height is 300mm, material is WELTEN80 Steel

Brake chamber No.30(type)

Light LED

Voltage 24V

Receptacle 2PCS

Painting Complete chassis sand blasting to clean rust , 1 coat of anticorrosive prime, 2 coats of fi nal paint
Ax le up and down automatically, loading platform keep balance automatically.
Core Technology
Commonly used in transpo同ation for military , vessel , spaceflight and extremity area.

Above is just one of our specialized semi trailers, we can design and produce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiry!!
Product Information
300T Super Heavy Duty Hydraulic Semi Trailer
Tare weight 8 1T

Dimension 16000mm*6000mm*1950mm

Max payload 300T

Ax les 6Ax les

Wheelbase 2100mm

Rim 11.75-22.5

Tire 12.00-20-22PRX48

Tire wheelbase 2390mm

Tire No. 24PCS

Suspension Hydraulic suspension

upper plate is 50mm. middle plate is 35mm. down plate is 50mm

Main beam
height is 320mm . material is WELTEN80 Steel

Brake chamber No.30(type)

Light LED

Voltage 24V

Receptacle 2PCS

Painting Complete chassis sand blasting to dean rust. 1 ∞at of anticorrosive prime. 2 ∞ats of final paint

Axle up and down automatically.loading platform keep balance automatically.

Core Technology
Commonly used in transportation for military. vessel. spaceflight and extremity area.

Above is just one of our specialized semi trailers, we can design and produce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiry!!
Product Information
Maximum Load Capacity Combination Hydraulic Suspension Trailer
Tare weight 31.7T

Dimension 20060mm-2990mm- 1188mm

Max payload 60T - 70T

Ax les 3Axles
Wheel base 17510mm

Rim 6.75- 17.5

Tire 235/ 75R17. 5 143/ 141

Tire wheelbase 2475mm
Tire No. 24PCS
Suspension Hydraulic suspension
King pin JOST brand 2.5 inch and 3.5inch

upper plate is 25mm, middle plate is 12mm, down plate is 25mm

Main beam
height is 400mm , material is WELTEN80 Steel

Side beam Length is 7040mm

Brake chamber NO.30 ( type )

Anti-Iock braking system and
ABS and EBS Al uminum
ABS WABCO ( Brand)

Light LED
Voltage 24V

Receptacle 4PCS
Painting Complete chassis and blasting to clean rust , 1 coat of anticorrosive prime , 2 coats of final paint

Ax le up and down automatically, loading platform keep balance automatically.

Core Technology
Commonly used in transportation for military , vessel, spaceflight and extremity area.

Above is just one of our specialized semi trailers, we can design and produce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiry!!
Product Information
Hydraulic Suspension Semi Trailer Train
Tare weight 8.5T

Dimension 5605mm - 3200mm赏 749mm

Max payload 三 46.5T

Axles 3Axles

Rim 6.75- 17 .5

Tire 235/ 75R 17 .5 143/141

Wheelbase 2684mm

T ire No. 12PCS

Suspension Hydraulic suspension

upper plate is 50mm , middle plate is 25mm , down plate is 50mm

Main beam
height is 320mm , material is WELTEN80 Steel

Brake chamber NO.24 ( type)

Anti-Iock braking system

EBS and Aluminum
and material

ABS WABCO ( Brand)

Li ght LED

Voltage 24V

Receptacle 2PCS

Tools 1PC

Painting Complete chassis and blasting to clean rust , 1 coat of anticorrosive prime , 2 coats of final paint
Axle up and down automatically , loading pla仔orm keep balance automatically.
Core T echnology
Comn、only used in transportation for military , vessel , spaceflight and extremity area.

Abov e is just o ne of o ur sp ecialized semi trailers , we can desig n and pro duce accord ing to custom町、 requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact m e if you hav e an y inquiry!!
Product Information
3 Axles Air Suspension Semi Trailer
Tare weight 6.5 T
Dimension 12400mm-2990mm'1605mm
Max payload 三 23 . 5T

Ax les 3Ax les

Wheel base 11100mm
Rim 6.75-17.5
Tire 235175R17.5 143/1 41
Tire wheelbase 1900mm
Tire No. 12PCS
Suspension Air suspension
Spring leaf Homemade or Fuwa Brand
King pin JOST brand 2.0 or 3.5inch bolts type or Welding type
Support leg JOST brand
upper plate is 16mm , middle plate is 8mm , down plate is 16mm
Main beam
height is 380mm , material is WELTEN80 Steel
Side beam 6mm channel steel (M aterial is Q235steel).
Brake chamber No.24(type )/Haldex(Brand)
Antl·lock brakahtnegriasy
l stem EBS and aluminum
and m
ABS WABCO ( Brand)
Light LED
Voltage 24V
Receptacle 2PCS
Tools 1PC
- Painting Complete chassis sand blasting to clean rust, 1 coat of anticorrosive prime, 2 coats of final paint

Core Technology AXle |uypuand down aubormtaatltolcnaf||oyr,loadlng platform keep balance automatlcaw-
Commonly used in transportation for military, vessel , spaceflight and extremity area.

Above is just one of our specialized semi trailers, w e can design and produce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please d on't hesit at e t o contact m e if you have any inquiry!!
Product Information
Raising and Falling Gooseneck Low bed Semi Trailer
Tare weight 10.8 T
Dimension 12550m m-2990mm叫 1 20mm

Max payload 33T - 34T

Ax les 2Ax les
Wh eel base 8050mm-10390mm
Rim 8.25-22.5
T ire 275/ 80 R2 2.5 151/1 48J
Tire wheelbase 2340mm
T ire No. 8PCS
Suspension Air suspension
Spring leaf Homemade or Fuwa Brand
King pin JOST brand 2.0 inch
upper plate is 16mm , middle plate is 8mm , down plate is 16mm
Main beam
height is 300mm , material is WELTEN80 Steel
Side beam Length is 4085mm
Brake chamber NO.30 (type)
Anti-Iock braking system
ABS and Al uminum
and material
Light LED
Voltage 24V
Receptacle 2PCS
Tools 2PCS
Painting Complete chassis sand blasting to clean rust, 1 coat of anticorrosive prime, 2 coats of final paint

Core Technology Axlenulyp and down aubmatlcallf|o,r|。m

adltnagryp, |a仔。 rm keep b~ lance automatically.
Commonly used in transportation for military , vessel, spaceflight and extremity area.

Above is just o ne of o ur sp ecialized semi trailers , w e can d esig n and pro duce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please d o n't hesit at e to contact m e if y ou have any inquiry!!
Product Information
Raising and Falling Gooseneck Semi Trailer
Tare weight 25T

Dimension 15345mm'2990mm汀 100mm

Max payload 120T

Ax les 5Ax les
Wheel base 11350mm

Rim 6.75-17.5

Tire 235/75R 17.5 143/141J

Tire wheelbase 2455mm

Tire No. 40PCS

Suspension Hydraulic suspension

King pin JOST brand 2.0 inch and 3.5inch

upper plate is 40mm , middle plate is 16mm , down plate is 35mm

Main beam
height is 500mm , material is WELTEN80 Steel

Brake chamber No.30(type)

Anti-Iock braking system
ABS and Aluminum
and material
Light LED

Voltage 24V

Receptacle 2PCS
Tools 1PC

Painting Complete chassis sand blasting to clean rust , 1 coat of anticorrosive prime, 2 coats of 白nal paint
Ax le up and down automatically,loading platform keep balance automatically.
Core Technology Commonly used in transportation for military , vessel, spaceflight and extremity area.

Above is just one of our specialized semi trailers, we can design and produce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiry!!
Product Information
Raising and Falling Gooseneck Low bed Semi Trailer
Tare weight 27T
Dimension 20440mm禽 2990mm-1100mm

Max payload 60T

Axles 3Axles
Wheel base 18690mm
Rim 6.75-17.5
Ti re 235/75R 17.5 143/ 141J
Tire wheelbase 2480mm
Tire No. 24PCS
Suspension Hydrau lic suspension
King pin JOST brand 2.0 inch and 3.5inch
upper plate is 25mm , midd le plate is 12mm , down plate is 25mm
Main beam
height is 320mm, material is WELTEN80 Steel
Brake chamber NO.30(type)
Anti-Iock braking system ABS and Aluminum
and material
Lig ht LED
Voltage 24V
Receptacle 2PCS
Tools 1PC
Painting Complete chassis sand blasting to clean rust, 1 coat of anticorrosive prime , 2 coats of final paint

Axle up and down automatically , loading platform keep balance automatically.

Core Technology Commonly used in transportation for military , vessel , spaceflight and extremity area.

Above is just one of our specialized semi trailers, we can design and produce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiry!!
Product Information
Raising and Falling Goose neck Low bed Se mi Trail er
Tare weight 19.5T
Dimension 19860mm-2990 mm-740mm
Max payload 34T
Axles 4Axles
Wheel base 15710mm
Rim 6.75-17.5
Tire 235/75R 17.5 143/141J
Tire wheelbase 2684mm
Tire No. 16PCS
Suspension Hydraulic suspension
King pin JOST brand 2.0 inch
upper plate is 32mm. middle plate is 15mm. down plate is 32mm
Main beam
height is 320mm. material is WELTEN80 Steel
Brake chamber No.30(type)
Anti-Iock braking system ABS and Aluminum
and material
ABS WABCO ( Brand )
Li ght LED
Voltage 24V
Receptacle 2PCS
Tools 1PC
Painting Complete chassis sand blasting to clean rust. 1 coat of anticorrosive prime. 2 coats of final paint

Axle up and down automat i ca 川 y. l oad i ng platform keep balance automatically.

Core Technology Commonly used in transportation for military. vessel. spaceflight and extremity area .

Above is just one of our specialized semi t railers, we can design and produce according to custom町、 requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have an y inquiry!!

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