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International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

Probing awareness during sleep with the auditory odd-ball

Kimberly A. Cote*
Psychology Department, Sleep Research Laboratory, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada L2S 3A1

Received 7 July 2002; received in revised form 13 August 2002; accepted 3 September 2002


During the waking state, a late component of the auditory event-related potential, P300, is elicited when subjects
detect a rare ‘target’ stimulus. It is usually not elicited when subjects either ignore or fail to detect the stimulus. The
presence of P300 is therefore thought to reflect conscious processing of the stimulus. Since P300 has been shown to
be an attention-dependent cognitive component in wakefulness, one might suppose that it would be absent during
sleep—a time in which information processing of external stimuli is commonly thought to be inhibited. This review
examines the presence or absence of P300 in studies employing auditory odd-ball paradigms in sleep. Research to
date indicates that P300 can be recorded during the transition to sleep and then reappears in REM sleep. Stimuli that
are rare and intrusive are more likely to elicit the classic parietal P300 in REM sleep. There is, however, little or no
positivity at frontal sites. This is consistent with brain imaging studies that show frontal deactivation is characteristic
of REM sleep. These findings indicate that while sleepers may be able to detect stimulus deviance in stage 1 and
REM, the frontal contribution to consciousness may be lost. In non-REM sleep, a later positive wave at 450 ms does
not vary according to experimental manipulation in the same way as the waking and REM P300s. This non-REM
sleep-related positivity may therefore underlie mechanism distinct from the waking P300.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sleep; REM sleep; Event-related potential; P300; Consciousness

1. Introduction ‘«a recurring state of existence characterized by 1.

reductions in awareness of and interaction with the environ-
The nature of sleep has often been described on ment, 2. lowered motility and muscular activity, and 3.
partial or complete abeyance of voluntary behavior and
the basis of observable behaviours in the sleeper. consciousness (p. 2).’
These behaviours include: reduced movement,
diminished response to external stimuli, a stereo- Similarly, Carskadon and Dement (2000) define
typical sleep posture, and the ability to awaken sleep according to the extent to which information
(i.e. reversibility distinguishing it from coma and is processed:
death) (Flanigan, 1972). Anch et al. (1988)
describe sleep as: ‘«sleep is a reversible behavioral state of perceptual
disengagement from and unresponsiveness to the environ-
*Tel.: q1-905-688-5550x4806; fax: q1-905-688-6922. ment (p. 15).’

0167-8760/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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228 K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

Most definitions of sleep refer to inhibition of to these stimuli, and K-complexes and spindles
processing stimuli from the external environment, occupied the EEG tracing. In this definition, sleep
suggesting that there is little or no consciousness occurs when subjects are no longer conscious of
during sleep. Indeed, sleep and wakefulness are the external environment (i.e. no longer signaling
often described as unconscious and conscious awareness with a response). Stages 3 and 4 sleep
states. Perhaps sleep is commonly thought of as are referred to as slow-wave sleep (SWS) because
an unconscious state, where awareness of stimuli of the predominance of large amplitude delta
is blocked, because of reflection upon subjective (0.25–3 Hz, )75 mV) waves in the EEG. SWS
experience in which memory for external events is often also referred to as ‘deep’ sleep because
during sleep is quite impaired upon subsequent arousal thresholds are lower than in any other
waking recall. Broughton proposed that ‘retrograde stage of sleep (Rechtschaffen et al., 1966).
amnesia’ upon awakening may prohibit accurate Based on physiologic criteria, Carskadon and
recall of internal mental events (e.g. dreams) Dement (2000) summarize non-REM sleep as ‘«a
(Broughton, 1973). Similarly, subjective report relatively inactive yet actively regulating brain in
cannot be used as a reliable way to understand a moveable body’, and describe REM sleep as
information processing of external events during ‘«a highly activated brain in a paralyzed body’.
sleep. As will become apparent in the present Non-REM sleep consists of stages 1 through 4.
review, when appropriate methods are employed The transition from non-REM to REM sleep is
which allow the experimenter to access the mental marked by reduction in EMG activity and by the
state of the sleeper, a very different picture of presence of binocularly synchronous rapid eye
awareness during sleep emerges. Event-related movements. REM sleep appears approximately
potential (ERPs) offer a probe of awareness during every 90 min throughout the night with each period
sleep. being longer in duration. The electrophysiologic
characteristics of REM sleep are more similar to
2. Measurement of sleep wakefulness and stage 1 than to non-REM stages
of sleep (for review, see Kahn et al., 1997). During
The description of different ‘stages’ of sleep REM, wakefulness, and stage 1, the EEG consists
arose from observations of variability in arousal of high-frequency and low-amplitude activity.
thresholds and EEG characteristics across the Despite this similarity, a unique feature of REM is
night. Rechtschaffen and Kales (1968) edited a the presence of muscle atonia. REM sleep is
standardized manual for sleep scoring methods alternatively referred to as ‘paradoxical sleep’
that remains the primary guide for stage classifi- because although the EEG appears like wakeful-
cation today. Stage 1 is characterized by reduction ness, it is extremely difficult to awaken the sleeper.
in the relative amount of alpha frequencies (8–12
Hz) and the appearance of slower theta waves (4– 3. Cognition and consciousness during sleep
7 Hz) compared to wakefulness. This light stage
of sleep is usually accompanied by slow rolling The study of differences between sleep and
eye movements, which distinguish it from wake- wakefulness, as well as variations within sleep, is
fulness and REM sleep. Many researchers consider referred to as ‘state-dependent’ aspects of con-
stage 1 to be a transition period between the sciousness (Kahn et al., 1997), and is considered
waking and the sleeping states, rather than a stage to be within the domain of cognitive neuroscience.
of sleep per se (Johnson et al., 1976; Ogilvie et Information from the external environment is obvi-
al., 1991). Johnson et al. (1976) initially proposed ously processed throughout all stages of sleep, as
that sleep was more closely tied to stage 2 and the evidenced by the fact that the sleeper will reliably
appearance of phasic events—K-complexes and be aroused by increasingly intense stimuli or the
spindles. They observed that subjects were able to familiar sound of an alarm clock. Moreover, the
detect external signals within stage 1 sleep. In sudden call of one’s own name will often quickly
stage 2, subjects were no longer able to respond arouse the sleeper. Determining the extent of such
K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241 229

awareness during sleep (e.g. stimulus meaning or There is some evidence for consciousness during
conscious processing); however, is difficult to REM sleep. Support for this comes from studies
ascertain. of incorporation of stimuli into dream content,
A major problem with the study of information lucid dreaming, arousal thresholds, and the brain’s
processing during sleep is that the experimenter response to external, relevant stimuli (evoked
does not have access to the mental state of the potentials). The incorporation of external stimuli
sleeping subject. During the waking state, the into dream content during REM sleep suggests
researcher can ask subjects to make overt responses that consciousness may be possible in sleep.
by providing subjective reports of their mental Dement and Wolpert (1958) provided early reports
activity in order to determine the extent of cogni- that externally presented stimuli could be reliably
tive processing. Subjective reports cannot be com- incorporated into dreams during EEG-defined
municated in sleep. The experimenter could ask REM sleep. Their report has been subsequently
the subject to signal awareness, for example, by validated (for review, see Burton et al., 1988),
pressing a button. Again, this would be difficult indicating that incorporation of external stimuli
during sleep. Muscle tonus may be so low that the into dream content are more favourable during
sleeper is essentially paralyzed. If the sleeper fails REM sleep. Of course, the sleeper need not nec-
to overtly respond to the external stimulus, does essarily be conscious of the external stimulus in
this mean they are not conscious of the stimulus order to incorporate it into a dream.
or rather that they are conscious but cannot execute It is not easy to dismiss evidence of conscious-
the motor response? Or, perhaps the sleeper has ness provided by lucid dreamers. A lucid dream is
detected the stimulus but has forgotten the instruc- one in which the sleeper becomes aware of the
tion to respond which was given in the waking fact that they are dreaming (LaBerge and Levitan,
state. Researchers may awaken the sleeper and ask 1995). They are typically recorded during REM
for reports of prior mental activity. The inability sleep. In the laboratory, it has been shown that
sleepers are able to communicate their ‘lucidity’
to report awareness of prior stimulus presentation
to the experimenter. For the most part, muscles
may be due to a failure of memory storage or
are largely inhibited during REM sleep. An excep-
retrieval. As in the waking state, the interpretation
tion is the muscle controlling eye movements. In
of a failure to respond is equivocal.
order to communicate lucidity, the subject employs
In spite of these difficulties, evidence has accu-
a pre-established pattern of eye movements. Thus,
mulated to suggest that some form of awareness sleepers are able to not only become conscious of
or consciousness may persist during sleep. In non- the fact that they are dreaming, but also to con-
REM sleep, the so-called ‘disorders of arousal’ sciously signal to the experimenter that they are
such as sleepwalking and sleeptalking provide dreaming. It is possible that the lucid dream is
evidence of a type of consciousness within sleep triggered because of a brief arousal from REM to
(for review, see Broughton, 1982). During sleep- wakefulness. In support of this, Ogilvie et al.
walking, there is obviously some degree of aware- (1982) reported that lucid dreaming was associated
ness of the external environment since the person with increased alpha EEG activity, a neurophysiol-
typically navigates through their home successful- ogical marker typically associated with relaxed
ly. The behaviours carried out during sleepwalking wakefulness. Even if one accepts that lucid dream-
may seem quite purposeful, including eating, ers are indeed conscious of their mental activity
coherent conversations, driving a car, violence, and within sleep, only a small proportion of the pop-
even homicide (Guilleminault et al., 1995). ulation are able to do so.
Although there is complete amnesia of the expe- Arousal thresholds provide an indirect measure
rience upon awakening, the failure of memory of consciousness. In the usual arousal threshold
does not provide evidence that the sleepwalker study, subjects are presented with auditory stimuli
was unaware or unconscious of their physical at different times of the night. Stimulus intensity
actions at the time of the somnambulism. is gradually increased until the subject awakens.
230 K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

This arousal threshold is used to infer depth of mately 300 ms (thus the label ‘P300’). If the
sleep across the night. Auditory arousal thresholds subject ignores the stimuli, P300 is not elicited
have been shown to vary according to sleep stage, upon presentation of the rare stimulus (Duncan-
time of night, salience of the stimulus, and stimu- Johnson and Donchin, 1977). Moreover, even if
lus intensity (Williams et al., 1964; Rechtschaffen the subject is actively engaged in the signal detec-
et al., 1966; Busby et al., 1994). Arousal thresholds tion task, but fails to detect the target, P300 is not
are highest in SWS relative to both stage 2 and elicited. Thus, the presence of a P300 has been
REM. As the night progresses, there is a general said to reflect stimulus discrimination or conscious
decrease in arousal threshold, indicating that sleep- detection of the target stimulus (Picton, 1992).
ers can be more easily awakened by stimuli in the P300 is thought to be elicited when controlled
early morning hours (Williams et al., 1964). Stage processing is engaged (i.e. slow, effortful, and
2 and REM sleep occur more frequently in the conscious processing); rather than automatic proc-
second-half of the night, however, whereas SWS essing which is fast and unchecked.
(for which the arousal threshold is high) occurs The absence of a P300 is more ambiguous.
mainly in the first-half of the night. Meaningful Subjects can make detections yet a P300 will not
stimuli such as the sleeper’s name or a baby’s cry always be elicited. For example, if subjects are
require less intensity to evoke an arousal from any asked to push one button upon detection of the
stage of sleep (Oswald et al., 1960). These elicited frequently presented ‘standard’ stimulus and anoth-
awakenings indicate that detection of meaningful er button upon detection of the infrequently pre-
stimuli is maintained during sleep. sented target, a P300 will be elicited following the
Another way to investigate consciousness during target. No P300 (or only a very small amplitude
sleep is through the use of ERPs. They are changes P300) will be visible following the standard, even
in electrical activity of the nervous system that are though the subject clearly signalled their awareness
‘evoked’ by an external physical stimulus or ‘emit- of it. Thus, while the presence of a P300 can be
ted’ by an internal psychological event (Picton et used as positive evidence of consciousness, its
al., 1995). These psychological events include absence cannot be used to infer unconsciousness.
alteration of the subject’s level of attention or Although P300 is generally not elicited in inatten-
arousal, decision-making, memory comparison, or tive subjects, there is an exception to this rule. If
relevance of the stimulus. ERPs offer a method to the rare stimulus is sufficiently loud as to ‘intrude’
probe the extent of information processing in sleep into consciousness, a P300 may be elicited (Put-
independently of the subject’s overt response (for nam and Roth, 1990). An infrequently presented
review, see Campbell et al., 1992; Bastuji and stimulus that is intrusive, novel, or salient in
Garcıa-Larrea, 1999; Atienza et al., 2001). meaning will likely force the attention of the
subject, despite no specific task instruction.
4. The P300 component of the auditory ERP Since the first report of this late positive com-
ponent (Sutton et al., 1965), the P300 has been
The P3 component of the ERP is most often widely studied and the conditions required to elicit
elicited in the ‘odd-ball’ task. In this paradigm, it have been extensively outlined (Donchin, 1981;
the subject is presented with a train of frequently Picton, 1992; Verleger, 1997). Vaughan and Ritter
occurring ‘standard’ stimuli. At odd and random (1970) first described the scalp distribution of the
times, the stimulus is changed. The subject may P300 as maximum in amplitude at mid-parietal
be asked to detect this ‘target’ usually by keeping regions. The scalp distribution of the P300 has
a running mental count or by button pressing upon been shown to be somewhat variable depending
its presentation. If the rare target is detected, P3, on a number of factors, including modality of
a positive is elicited (Sutton et al., 1965; Donchin, presentation and task demands (Johnson, 1993).
1981; Picton, 1992; Verleger, 1997). When the In light of this widespread variability, the source
target is easy to detect (i.e. deviance between the generators of the P300 have been speculated to be
standard and target is large), P3 peaks at approxi- multi-focal (Picton, 1992), perhaps dependent on
K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241 231

the specific task and modality of stimulus presen- 5. Can P300 be recorded in sleep?
tation. The amplitude of P300 is inversely propor-
tional to the probability of the occurrence of the If P300 cannot be elicited in awake but inatten-
target (Duncan-Johnson and Donchin, 1977). The tive subjects, it is perhaps unlikely that it can be
functional significance of the P300 wave remains elicited in sleeping subjects. In earlier reviews,
disputed (see review by Verleger, 1988 and com- Campbell et al. (1992) and Harsh (1994) both
mentary). A commonly cited function of P300 is claimed that there was little evidence that P300
that of contextual updating of working memory ´
could be elicited during sleep. Bastuji and Garcıa-
(Donchin, 1981; Donchin and Coles, 1988). The Larrea (1999) note that detection of stimulus
memory for the frequently occurring stimulus is deviance and salience remains possible in stage 2
well formed. The memory for the rare stimulus is sleep as revealed by variation in the K-complex
with manipulation of stimuli parameters. They
relatively less well formed. Upon presentation of
conclude that the mechanisms underlying deviance
the rare stimulus, its memory representation needs
detection in REM sleep seem to be more similar
to be revised or updated. More generally, it seems
to those in the waking state, as indicated by the
that the presence of P300 indicates that information presence of a P300-like waveform. Atienza et al.
has been consciously processed. Following this (2001) point to evidence suggesting that P3a
level of information processing, responses includ- (automatic orienting response) may be possible in
ing memory updating, decision-making, and sleep. They indicate that studies reporting P3b or
behaviours may take place. P300 in stage 2 differ in amplitude, latency and
According to Donchin and Coles (1988), a true topography from the waking P300. Despite these
P300 must meet certain criteria: maximum over careful reviews of the literature, a controversy
parietal–central areas of the scalp; peak at approx- remains as to whether a ‘true’ P300, one that
imately 300 ms (if target detection is easy); and underlies the same mechanisms as the waking
vary inversely in amplitude as a function of stim- endogenous P300, may be elicited in any stage of
ulus probability. A number of other late positivities sleep.
can also be recorded to rare stimuli. These may be What evidence should we be willing to accept
distinguished by their response to experimental that a positive wave evoked by auditory stimuli in
manipulation and scalp topography. An earlier P3 sleep represents the P300? For a positive peak in
peaking at approximately 250 ms has a prominent sleep to be considered functionally equivalent to
frontal distribution (Squires et al., 1975). It can the waking P300, it should have the following
be elicited by highly novel and unexpected stimuli characteristics: a target-specific, parietal maxi-
even if the subject is not actively attending to the mum, positive peak at approximately 300 ms,
stimulus. This ‘P3a’ is thus considered to reflect whose amplitude varies inversely with the proba-
an automatic detection of novelty. The P300 (also bility of target presentation. If these criteria are
not met, a positive peak in sleep would be consid-
called P3b to distinguish from P3a), peaking later
ered suspect as a candidate P300. The auditory
at approximately 350 ms, has the more typical
odd-ball paradigm is ideal to investigate the pres-
parieto-central distribution. Unlike P3a, the ampli-
ence of P300 in sleep for a number of reasons.
tude of P3b or P300 is highly dependent on the First of all, the characteristics of P300 in the
level of attention of the subject. Researchers have waking state have been well described using such
also described a P3-like wave that is elicited by stimulus parameters. For instance, the 2-stimulus
novel environmental sounds (e.g. animal sounds paradigm is necessary to show that the candidate
or music) (Fabiani and Friedman, 1995; Spencer P300 varies in amplitude with changing probability
et al., 1999). It is similar to the P3a in that it has of the deviant stimulus. While a single stimulus
a more anterior scalp topography than the P3b. Its may elicit a P300 when it occurs infrequently, the
latency (350 ms) is too late to be considered a odd-ball paradigm permits evaluation of stimulus
P3a. It has thus been labeled the ‘novel-P3’. discrimination capabilities. Lastly, the use of audi-
232 K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

tory stimuli assures constancy of stimulus input to K-complex can also be minimized with amplitude
the inner ear in spite of variation of head position rejection criteria set to remove trials exceeding
and body movement (when the acoustic stimuli "100 mV in stage 2 sleep. In a subsequent paper,
are delivered through earphone inserts). Salisbury and Squires (1993) report on two sepa-
Early studies employing pitch odd-ball para- rate experiments run to investigate the effects of
digms during non-REM sleep reported a late pos- pitch and intensity deviance on P300 in non-REM
itive wave following the deviant stimulus sleep. Once again, peak-to-peak measurement
(Wesensten and Badia, 1988; Nielsen-Bohlman et methods were employed and K-complexes were
al., 1991; Van Sweden et al., 1994; Winter et al., not removed. In the first experiment, a late positive
1995). Refer to Table 1 for an overview of studies peak that authors label ‘P3’ was identified in stage
employing auditory odd-ball paradigms during 2 sleep. It did not vary in amplitude or latency
sleep. The delayed latency of these positive waves, across five different conditions where pitch devi-
between 400 and 800 ms, raises suspicion as to ance was manipulated (Table 1). The candidate
their functional similarity with the waking P300. P300 had an unusual occipital scalp distribution.
The late positivity recorded in non-REM sleep is In the second experiment, four different intensity
more consistent with components of the evoked deviants were delivered in separate conditions. The
K-complex (Bastien and Campbell, 1992). Rare latency of the P3, (stated as 388 ms in their text
deviant stimuli will also elicit the K-complex in but appearing closer to 450 ms in the grand
non-REM sleep. average waveforms shown), did not differ between
Salisbury et al. (1992) and Salisbury and stages 2 and SWS, nor did it differ across the four
Squires (1993) reasoned that an intrusive stimulus intensity deviant conditions. The amplitude of the
would be most likely to elicit a P300 in sleep. very small positive-going wave was again unusual,
They therefore investigated the effects of an inten- being measured as a negative potential at all
sity odd-ball paradigm in non-REM sleep. P300 electrode sites. It was maximum (less negative) at
was not elicited in either wake or sleep states Oz.
when a rare low intensity stimulus (40 dB nHL) In contrast to the above studies, many investi-
was employed; however, a late positive wave was gators have failed to record P300 in any stage of
elicited in stage 2 sleep when a louder deviant (60 sleep. Paavilainen et al. (1987) did not find evi-
dB nHL) was employed. There were a number of dence of P300 activity in non-REM sleep, even
methodological and interpretive problems with this though a pitch odd-ball task was employed. They
study. In the modified odd-ball paradigm, the suggested that the absence of P300 could have
deviant stimulus changed in both intensity and been due to the small magnitude of stimulus
pitch. Thus, the effects cannot be said to be due deviance (only 50 Hz). Loewy et al. (1996) used
to the intensity of the rare stimulus. Furthermore, a similar pitch odd-ball task. In different condi-
the small amplitude positivity (f2 mV) peaked at tions, a ‘small’ (1050 Hz) or ‘large’ (2000 Hz)
approximately 400 ms, but could only be detected deviant was presented infrequently. There was still
when employing peak-to-peak (N2–P3) measure- no evidence of a late positive wave. Similarly,
ment because of the overlapping negativity of the Nordby et al. (1996) found no P300 in sleep when
K-complex. To what extent this positive wave was pitch stimuli were presented at 800 and 1200 Hz
related to the K-complex cannot be determined in an odd-ball paradigm.
from their analysis. To demonstrate that a positive There have been recent reports of more con-
wave in sleep is independent of the K-complex, vincing P300-like waves in REM sleep when pitch
trials in which a K-complex is elicited need to be odd-ball paradigms were employed (Niiyama et
averaged separately from those in which it is not. al., 1994; Bastuji et al., 1995). Both studies report-
This is usually done by visual inspection of the ed small amplitude P300s (-4 mV) during REM
continuous EEG record. If the positive wave is sleep. Neither investigation observed P300 activity
independent of the K-complex, it should still occur in non-REM sleep. In addition to recording ERPs
in the non-K-complex trials. The influence of the during REM sleep, these studies had two further
Table 1
Review of studies employing auditory odd-ball paradigms in sleep
a b
Frequent stimuli Infrequent stimuli Sleep stage Properties of candidate P300
Paavilainen et al. (1987) 1000 Hz (90%); 75 dB; 1050 Hz Wake Passive: P250–300 ms (P3a)
50 ms; ISI 510 ms Stage 2 No P300
REM Not reported
Wesensten and Badia (1988) 1000 Hz (70 or 50%); 45 dB; In separate conditions: Wake Active: P300
50 ms; ISI 1 s Night 1: 1400 Hz (30%) Stage 2 P700

K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

Night 2: 1400 Hz (50%) REM P700
Nielsen-Bohlman et al. (1991) 1000 Hz (80%); 50 dB; 1500 Hz (10%) Wake Passive: P300 (only to novel stimulus)
50 ms; ISI 1 s Complex novel tones (10%) Stage 2 P420 (larger to novel stimulus)
(novel tones: 44 dB; 300 ms) REM Not reported
Salisbury et al. (1992) ISI 1.2 s; In separate conditions: Wake Passive: P300
Soft: 3 kHz, 60 dB (90%) Soft: 250 Hz; 40 dB Stage 2 Loud deviant: P400
Loud: 250 Hz, 40 dB (90%) Loud: 3 KHz; 60 dB REM Not reported
Salisbury and Squires (1993) Experiment 1: In separate conditions: Wake Not reported
1000 Hz (90%); 50 dB; 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 KHz Non-REM P404 (no difference across conditions)
100 ms; ISI 1.9 s REM Not reported
Experiment 2: In separate conditions: Wake Not reported
2000 Hz (90%); 50 dB; 55, 60, 65, 70 dB Non-REM P388 (no difference across conditions)
100 ms; ISI 1.9 s REM Not reported
Van Sweden et al. (1994) 1000 Hz (86%); 2000 Hz Wake Passive: no P300
100 ms Stage 2 P800
REM P500
Niiyama et al. (1994) 1000 Hz (80%); 60 dB; 2000 Hz Wake Active: P351
100 ms; ISI 1.5–2.5 s Stage 2 No P300 (no P300, KCs removed)
REM P361
Bastuji et al. (1995) 1000 Hz (90%); 70 dB; 2000 Hz Wake Active: P344
60 ms; ISI 1.2 s (5% variance) Stage 2 No P300 (P450)
REM P455
Winter et al. (1995) 1000 Hz (80%); 65 dB; 1200 Hz (10%); 2000 Hz (10%) Wake Active: P300; passive: P3a
50 ms; ISI 1 s Drowsy: P430
Stage 2 No P300 (smaller P430 to large deviant)
REM Not reported
Loewy et al. (1996) 1000 Hz (80%); 80 dB; In separate conditions: Wake Passive: no P300
55 ms; ISI 600 ms 1050 Hz (20%) Stage 2 No P300
2000 Hz (20%) REM No P300
Nordby et al. (1996) 800 Hz (80% or 20%); 75 dB; 1200 Hz (20% or 80%) Wake Passive: no P300

50 ms; ISI 1.5 s Non-REM No P300
Table 1 (Continued)
a b
Frequent stimuli Infrequent stimuli Sleep stage Properties of candidate P300
REM No P300
Sallinen et al. (1996) 1000 Hz (97%); 50 dB; 1100 Hz (1.5%); 2000 Hz (1.5%) Wake Passive: P250–P550
50 ms; ISI 625 ms Stage 2 Not reported
REM P450–P550
Cote and Campbell (1999a) 70 dB (95%); 1000 Hz; 90 dB Wake Not reported
50 ms, ISI 1.5 s Stage 2 No P300 (P446 KCs removed)

K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

REM P321
Cote and Campbell (1999b) 1000 Hz; 0, 60, 80, 100 dB; Equiprobable delivery Wake Passive: P373 (100 dB)
50 ms; ISI 2.0 s Stage 2 No P300 (KCs present)
REM P363
Cote et al. (2001) 80 dB; 1000 Hz; In separate conditions: Wake Active: P300 in all conditions
50 ms; ISI 1.0–2.0 s Pitch: 2000 Hz (05, 10, 20%) Passive: P315 (100 dB, 5% condition)
Intensity: 100 dB (05, 10, 20%) Stage 2 No P300 (P420)
REM Intensity (5%): P365
Note: This list does not include all studies in which odd-ball paradigms were employed (e.g. some studies of K-complexes or MMN used stimulus parameters or
sweep times such that P300 could not be ascertained).
Column 2 lists the stimulus parameters for the frequent stimulus (pitch, intensity, probability, duration, and inter-stimulus interval). In column 3, the stimulus
parameters for the deviant stimulus are the same as those listed for the frequent stimulus unless otherwise stated.
Active waking indicates a behavioural response was required to target stimuli; passive waking indicates no response was required.
K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241 235

strengths over prior studies: both topographic

recordings and waking data collection for appro-
priate comparison. During the waking state, sub-
jects were asked to detect rare, deviant stimuli.
Neither study included a waking condition in
which subjects ignored the stimulus. An ignore
condition would provide a more appropriate com-
parison to sleep since subjects also do not respond
while asleep (and presumably also ignore the
stimulus). The REM P300 reported by Niiyama et
al. is similar to the waking-P300 in polarity and
latency; however, it was only apparent in the
difference wave, having a much reduced amplitude
and an unusual occipital scalp distribution. The
positivity reported by Bastuji et al. had the expect-
ed scalp distribution, but was considerably delayed
in latency and reduced in amplitude. Other claims
of P300 in REM sleep, specifically following pitch
deviants, have been made; however, the latency
was quite delayed, peaking at approximately 500 Fig. 1. ERPs following rare auditory stimuli in the presence
ms (Van Sweden et al., 1994; Sallinen et al., and absence of K-complexes. The dark solid line represents
1996). The REM-related positivity reported by trials on which K-complexes were evoked by auditory stimuli
(KCq). The lighter solid line represents trials on which no K-
Niiyama et al. and Bastuji et al. may be a candidate complexes were apparent (KCy). A late positivity, P450, can
P300; however, the experimental manipulations be observed in both KCq and KCy trials at the occipital site.
that would allow for comparison with a wake- It is masked by the large negativity associated with the K-
P300 (i.e. waking-ignore condition, varying prob- complex (KCq trials) at frontal sites. Note: positive is an
ability) were not carried out. upward deflection in the waveform in this and all other figures.
(Figure is re-published from Cote and Campbell (1999a).)
Based on the suggestion by Salisbury et al.
(1992) that a loud stimulus may be more likely to
elicit a P300, and following from recent studies ent when K-complexes were absent. This non-
depicting P300 in REM sleep, a series of studies REM P450 was however maximum over
were carried out using odd-ball paradigms where occipito-parietal areas of the scalp (Fig. 1).
the rare stimulus varied in intensity rather than Because of the delayed latency and unique scalp
pitch (Cote and Campbell, 1999a,b; Cote et al., topography, the non-REM P450 was not consid-
2001). In addition, attempts were made to deter- ered to be a candidate P300.
mine if P300 in sleep varied according to manip- Cote and Campbell (1999b) again examined the
ulations in the same manner as the endogenous role of stimulus intensity in eliciting a P300 during
ERP recorded in wakefulness. Although P300 is REM sleep. Auditory tone pips having an intensity
typically only evoked when the subject attends to of either 0, 60, 80 or 100 dB SPL were delivered
the stimulus, it may also be elicited in an awake, at random with equal probability. During the wak-
inattentive subject if the stimulus is sufficiently ing state, when subjects read a book, the loud 100-
intrusive. An odd-ball task was therefore employed dB stimulus elicited short (P3a) and long latency
to determine if high intensity stimuli would elicit (P300) positive waves (peaking at 293 and 373
the P300 during sleep (Cote and Campbell, ms, respectively). In stage 2 non-REM sleep, a
1999a). A large amplitude parieto-central P300, P300 could not be observed in stage 2 sleep
peaking at 321 ms, was apparent in REM sleep regardless of the level of stimulus intensity. During
following loud deviant stimuli. In stage 2 sleep, a REM sleep, a P300 (latency 363 ms) was elicited
later positive wave, peaking at 446 ms, was appar- by the 100-dB stimulus. Contrary to Sallinen et al.
236 K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

(1996), there were no differences in P300 ampli- this discrepancy is that the sleeper may perceive
tude between phasic and tonic REM. The earlier pitch deviants to be relatively less salient in com-
positive peak (i.e. P3a) at frontal sites was not parison to loud deviants when delivered to the
apparent in REM. A P300 was elicited to the same subjects during a single night.
loudest of equiprobable tones without any specific
instruction to respond to a target. In this paradigm, 6. General discussion
it is likely that the loudest stimulus (i.e. most
salient) will automatically become an implicit The extent of information processing and con-
target, forcing the subject to attend to it sciousness during sleep is of interest to scientists
preferentially. and philosophers. Some may argue that awareness
In attempt to resolve reports of pitch-elicited of external events is not possible, particularly
P300s (Niiyama et al., 1994; Bastuji et al., 1995) during REM sleep when mental resources are
and intensity-elicited P300s in REM sleep (Cote focused toward internal dream activity. Others may
and Campbell, 1999a,b), a subsequent study exam- hold the view that consciousness must be possible
ined the effects of both types of deviants in the in order for the sleeper to be aware of their dreams,
same subjects during a single night (Cote et al., as in the case of lucid dreaming. A major meth-
2001). Probability of deviant occurrence was also odological problem in this area of research is how
manipulated since it is known to affect the ampli- to define and measure consciousness. Conscious-
tude of a true P300. Subjects were randomly ness may be measured in a number of ways—on
assigned to one of three deviant probability groups, the basis of the EEG, subjects could be said to be
in which the deviant occurred on 20, 10 or 5% of awake or asleep (conscious or unconscious). On
trials. During wakefulness, subjects were asked to the basis of the subject’s response to externally
either attend to (count the deviants), or ignore presented targets, they could be said to be con-
(read a book) the stimuli. A large amplitude P300 sciously aware of the stimuli. Finally, on the basis
was apparent following both pitch and intensity of P300, subjects could also be said to be aware
deviants during the waking attend condition. It of the external stimulus, even in the absence of a
was maximum at parietal sites and was also appar- behavioural response. The P300 is especially crit-
ent at fronto-central sites. Its amplitude decreased ical to defining consciousness within sleep, a
with increasing probability of deviant presentation. period in which behavioural responses are rare.
In the waking-ignore condition, a slightly smaller The presence of a P300 provides neurophysiolog-
P300 was evident to the intensity deviant. No P300 ical evidence for high-level processing (i.e. stim-
was evident to any of the pitch deviants in the ulus discrimination or perhaps conscious
waking-ignore condition. Refer to Fig. 2 for ERPs processing). Its absence is ambiguous.
in wakefulness for pitch and intensity odd-ball In the waking state, the endogenous ERP com-
paradigms. During stage 2 sleep, a small amplitude ponent, P300, may be identified as a target-specif-
positive wave was visible following pitch and ic, parietal maximum positive wave, peaking at
intensity deviants. Similar to many of the previous approximately 300 ms (in healthy adults when the
investigations, its latency was prolonged and its discrimination task is easy). A true P300 will vary
scalp distribution posterior compared to the waking in amplitude inversely with the probability of
P300. During REM sleep, an attenuated positivity target stimulus presentation (Duncan-Johnson and
having the usual P300 latency and parieto-central Donchin, 1977). P300 is typically elicited only if
scalp distribution was visible to the very rare the subject is attentive to the stimuli and detects
intensity deviant (Fig. 3). However, the frontal the relevant stimulus. An exception to this rule is
dispersion of P300 that was observed in the waking stimuli that are very loud will elicit a P300 in
state was absent during REM sleep. In contrast to subjects whose attention is directed elsewhere
studies by Niiyama et al. (1994), Bastuji et al. (Putnam and Roth, 1990), possibly because the
(1995), the pitch deviant failed to elicit a late loud stimulus intrudes into consciousness. In this
positivity in this study. A possible explanation for case, the loud stimulus becomes an implicit target
K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241 237

Fig. 2. ERPs following rare (5%) pitch and intensity deviants in waking-attend and waking-ignore conditions. (Note: solid line
represents deviant stimuli; dotted line represents standard stimuli.) P300 is apparent following the loud stimulus even when subjects
are instructed to ignore it. No P300 can be seen following rare pitch deviants in the waking-ignore condition. (Figures are re-
published from Cote et al. (2001).)
238 K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

because of its reduced amplitude and insensitivity

to task relevance.
The positivity recorded in REM sleep is a more
convincing candidate P300, although there is some
variability in response. Small amplitude positive
waves have been recorded following pitch deviants
(Niiyama et al., 1994; Bastuji et al., 1995), how-
ever, their latency and scalp distribution were not
similar across studies. Furthermore, a REM P300
could only be identified in 75% of subjects in
Niiyama et al. and 73% of responses (across all
subjects) in Bastuji et al. Still other studies
employing similar pitch odd-ball paradigms failed
to discern a positive wave in the expected latency
range (Table 1). Studies employing intensity odd-
ball paradigms to investigate P300 in REM sleep
have recorded positivities that conform more to
the waking P300 (i.e. parietal maximum, target-
Fig. 3. ERPs following rare (5%), loud (95 dB) pitch vs. inten- specific, -400 ms). It is perhaps the relevance of
sity deviants in REM sleep. (Note: solid line represents inten- these loud deviants that triggers the P300. This is
sity odd-ball; dotted line represents pitch odd-ball.) A parietal supported by recent studies employing name stim-
maximum positive peak occurs following the intensity deviants
only. (Figure is re-published from Cote et al. (2001).)
uli to investigate P300 in REM sleep (reviewed
elsewhere in this issue).
These auditory odd-ball studies indicate that the
where the subject is forced to attend to it as the subject appears to have some awareness of the
more salient stimulus, regardless of whether or not external environment during REM sleep, in a
there is instruction to do so. manner similar to that during wakefulness, as
Early sleep studies considered a late positive indicated by the consistent parietal P300. It is
wave in non-REM sleep, peaking at approximately perhaps not surprising that P300 is specific to
700–900 ms, to be a candidate P300 (refer to REM sleep. The similarities between waking and
Table 1). These late positivites were most likely REM states have led some to view REM as a
in fact components of the auditory evoked K- period of wakefulness within sleep, rather than a
complex (see other reviews in the issue for addi- different type of sleep (Horne, 1988). In addition,
tional information related to the evoked wakefulness and REM have been shown to be
K-complex). Other studies have reported small similar in EEG frequency and amplitude charac-
amplitude positive waves approximately 400–450 teristics, as well as other ERP components (e.g.
ms in stage 2 sleep, following presentation of a N1, P2, MMN). The presence of P300 in REM
rare, deviant stimulus. The similarity of this non- sleep may indicate that the mechanisms underlying
REM P450 to the attention-dependent P300 of its function in wakefulness are also engaged during
wakefulness remains to be shown through experi- sleep! That is, active contextual updating of work-
mental manipulation. The non-REM P450 differs ing memory is taking place in sleep. Alternatively,
from the waking P300 in its latency, target-speci- the presence of P300 in sleep may reveal that
ficity, and scalp topography. It is thus generated P300 does not actually reflect such high-level
by distinct brain mechanisms and likely represents cognitive processing when evoked in REM sleep;
functions altogether different from the attention- rather, P300 may reflect a type of automatic or
dependent P300 in wakefulness. Hull and Harsh pre-conscious processing. There is some evidence
(2001) argue that P450 is a state-dependent wave- that P300 might more accurately reflect a type of
form distinct from the waking P300, largely pre-conscious processing. In the case of a neuro-
K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241 239

logical patient with cortical blindness (i.e. damage tation’ of the forebrain during sleep. In support of
to the occipital cortex leading to a ‘blindsight’), this, neuroimaging studies of sleep show that REM
while engaged in a visual odd-ball task, the patient sleep is a period of reduced frontal activation
will fail to signal detection of a rare stimulus, yet (Hobson et al., 1998; Maquet, 2000). It may be
a P300 will still be elicited (Shefrin et al., 1988). that frontal contributions to consciousness are
In this circumstance, although evidence of con- much reduced during REM. Perhaps this explains
sciousness is not provided by the behavioural the bizarreness and lack of organization character-
response, P300 is still apparent. The P300 observed istic of REM dreams. The parietal P300 may
in REM sleep, lacking frontal activity, may be indicate that the deviant stimulus is detected;
automatically generated to the relevant stimulus. whereas, the frontal lobes may contribute to the
What might be the purpose of a stage of sleep ‘experience’ of consciousness. For instance, loud
that is characterized by enhanced information proc- stimuli will elicit a startle reflex in waking sub-
essing capabilities, allowing the sleeper to monitor jects. It is possible that the subject may not
the environment? In the case of REM sleep, this experience these loud stimuli as ‘startling’ during
monitoring ability is periodic (i.e. 4–5 REM per- REM sleep. This may explain why aspects of the
iods per night), and increases in duration as sleep startle reflex, such as blinking, and changes in
progresses (i.e. more monitoring towards early muscle tonus do not follow presentation of the
morning hours). This evidence of heightened loud stimulus during REM. The absence of affect
awareness during sleep is reminiscent of a sentinel and experience might explain another phenome-
theory of REM sleep function. The sentinel theory non. Very loud and longer duration stimuli will
proposed that REM sleep serves to periodically normally awaken the sleeper. The short duration
prepare the brain for arousal in the event that the stimuli typically used in sleep studies do not elicit
sleeper might need to respond to threatening stim- awakenings. It is possible that awakening from
uli (e.g. predators) in the environment (Snyder, sleep requires prior frontal activation and arousal.
1966). Contrary to the predictions of such a theory, The contribution of the frontal lobes to conscious-
species that are considered to be more prey than ness may be further investigated using a stimulus
predator do not have more REM sleep. Neverthe- novelty paradigm during sleep onset and through-
less, ERP studies during sleep employing odd-ball out the various stages of sleep. Fabiani and Fried-
paradigms indicate that REM is a period of man (1995) showed that novel auditory stimuli
enhanced stimulus processing capabilities. This elicit a frontal P3 component.
appears to be the case for both internal (i.e. Individual differences and variability in response
dreams) and external (i.e. stimuli) processing. to external stimuli during sleep may explain dif-
Perhaps the purpose of such processing capabilities ferences in P300 response between and across
during REM sleep is not specifically to protect studies. Recently, Voss and Harsh (1998) exam-
against threatening prey, but more generally to ined how a subject’s personality characteristics
provide sensory stimulation to the brain during a might be related to information processing at sleep
long bout of sleep. Alternatively, this enhanced onset. Individual differences in coping styles were
processing may represent a by-product of other categorized as Monitors (i.e. information seeking),
functions of REM sleep. and Blunters (i.e. information avoiding). Monitors
P300 recorded during stage 1 and REM differs were more responsive to stimuli (i.e. behavioural
in its topographic characteristics from that typically response) in wakefulness and stage 1. In addition,
elicited in the waking state. It is either attenuated the Monitors had a larger P300 response, and a
or absent at frontal sites. P300 at frontal sites has smaller N350 response. Voss and Harsh (1998)
been shown to be absent in stage 1 when subjects suggest that the sleep-related N350 response may
fail to respond (Cote et al., 2002), and also in reflect blocking of the stimuli. Other personality
REM sleep (Bastuji et al., 1995; Cote and Camp- characteristics might also influence the attention-
bell, 1999b; Cote et al., 2001) The absence of a dependent, endogenous P300 component of the
frontal P300 may be due to ‘functional deafferen- ERP. For instance, it is possible that introverts
240 K.A. Cote / International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2002) 227–241

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