bch211 1st
bch211 1st
bch211 1st
• 2. Gupta V., Gupta S. K., “Fluid Mechanics and its Applications”, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
• 4. Coulson J. M., Richardson J. F., “Chemical Engineering: Volume-I”, 4th Edition, Pergamon
Press (1990).
• 5. Jain A. K., “Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi (2007).
• 6. Geankoplis C. J., “Transport Processes and Unit Operations”, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc
1. To find the flow rate using a V notch.
2. To find the friction losses in a Straight and bend pipe.
3. Study of Pipe fittings and Valves.
4. To study the Reynolds apparatus and verify experimentally.
5. To study the working principle of a reciprocating pump and to
determine the percentage of slip.
6. To study the working principle of a centrifugal pump and
determine its efficiency experimentally.
7. To find out the flow profile of water from hook’s gauge and
determination of coefficient of velocity, coefficient of discharge,
coefficient of resistance, coefficient of contraction.
8. To determine the pressure drop in a packed bed by Leva’s and Ergun’s equation
and verify experimentally.
9 To determine the minimum fluidization velocity in a fluidized/tapered fluidized bed
and verify experimentally.
10. Determination of discharge coefficient with Reynolds Number in case of an
orifice meter and a venturi meter.
11. Study and verification of the flow pattern in a Bernoulli’s apparatus.
12. Determination of the mixing, fluidization and segregation index of the given
sample of bed materials in a fluidized bed.
Properties of fluids and its characteristics:
The properties of fluid which greatly influence the working of fluids in
both practical and theoretical practices. The following are some of
the fundamental properties of fluids.
This does not imply that the properties are constant: they may vary from location
to location but may not change at any fixed position.
Fully developed flow is flow that does not change along the direction
of flow. An example of developing and fully developed flow is that
which occurs when a fluid flows into and through a pipe or tube.
Along the length of the pipe, there is a constant velocity profile: there is a
maximum at the Centre-line and the velocity falls to zero at the pipe wall.
In the case of laminar flow of a Newtonian liquid, the fully developed velocity profile
has a parabolic shape. Once established, this fully developed profile remains
unchanged until the fluid reaches the region of the pipe exit
Owing to the changes taking place in the developing flow in the entrance
length, it exhibits a higher pressure gradient.
Although in general, particle paths, streaklines and streamlines are different, they are all
the same for steady flow. As flow visualization experiments provide either the particle
path or the streakline through the point of dye injection, interpretation is easy for steady
flow but requires caution with unsteady flow.
Types of flow
Laminar The flow causes no
mixing of the dye with the
surrounding water
elements of the fluid flow in an
orderly fashion without any
macroscopic intermixing with
neighbouring fluid.
The penalty that has to be paid for this is the greater power required to
pump the fluid.
For Newtonian fluids
the transition from laminar to turbulent flow takes place at a critical value
of the quantity which is the