bch211 1st

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UNIT 1: Fluid Flow Basics

Fluid flow phenomena, Types of fluids, Basic equations of fluid flow: Macroscopic momentum
balance, Macroscopic balance in potential flow: Bernoulli theorem and its application. [9]
UNIT 2: Compressible and Incompressible Fluids
Flow of incompressible fluids in pipes and closed channels, Process of compressible fluids,
Liquid Mixing: Types of mixing patterns, mixing mechanism, and mixing equipment's. [9]
UNIT 3: Fluid Flow Measurements
Devices for measurement of Pressure, Fluid flow measuring devices. Calculation of Pressure
Drop in a Pipe, Minor Losses in Fittings. Concept of hydrodynamic boundary layer, growth over
a flat plate, different thickness of boundary layer. [9]
UNIT 4: Pumping of Fluids
Hydraulic pumps: Positive Displacement Pumps, Reciprocating Pumps, Rotary Pumps and
Screw Pumps. Centrifugal Pumps, Characteristic Curves of Centrifugal Pumps, NPSH.
Centrifugal pumps verses Reciprocating pumps pump losses and Efficiencies, Multistage
pumps, Work and power Input.
• Books
• 1. McCabe W., Smith J., “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill
Education (2017).

• 2. Gupta V., Gupta S. K., “Fluid Mechanics and its Applications”, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi

• 3. Shames I. H., “Mechanics of Fluids”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc (2002)

• 4. Coulson J. M., Richardson J. F., “Chemical Engineering: Volume-I”, 4th Edition, Pergamon
Press (1990).

• 5. Jain A. K., “Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi (2007).

• 6. Geankoplis C. J., “Transport Processes and Unit Operations”, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc
1. To find the flow rate using a V notch.
2. To find the friction losses in a Straight and bend pipe.
3. Study of Pipe fittings and Valves.
4. To study the Reynolds apparatus and verify experimentally.
5. To study the working principle of a reciprocating pump and to
determine the percentage of slip.
6. To study the working principle of a centrifugal pump and
determine its efficiency experimentally.
7. To find out the flow profile of water from hook’s gauge and
determination of coefficient of velocity, coefficient of discharge,
coefficient of resistance, coefficient of contraction.
8. To determine the pressure drop in a packed bed by Leva’s and Ergun’s equation
and verify experimentally.
9 To determine the minimum fluidization velocity in a fluidized/tapered fluidized bed
and verify experimentally.
10. Determination of discharge coefficient with Reynolds Number in case of an
orifice meter and a venturi meter.
11. Study and verification of the flow pattern in a Bernoulli’s apparatus.
12. Determination of the mixing, fluidization and segregation index of the given
sample of bed materials in a fluidized bed.
Properties of fluids and its characteristics:
The properties of fluid which greatly influence the working of fluids in
both practical and theoretical practices. The following are some of
the fundamental properties of fluids.

1. Mass density. 2. Specific Weight

3. Specific Volume 4. Specific Gravity
5. Viscosity 6.Compressibility 7. Vapor Pressure
8. Surface Tension 9. Bernoulli’s Theorem
Mass density: Mass density is a quantitative expression of the amount of mass
contained per unit volume. The standard unit is kilograms per meter cubed
(kg/m3 ).
The symbol most often used for density is: (the Greek letter rho ρ). Mass density
represents the mass (or number of particles) per unit volume of a substance, material or
object. Most substances (especially gases) increase in density as their pressure
increases or as their temperature decreases.

Mass density is also known as density

Specific weight: The specific weight, also known as the unit weight, is the weight per unit volume
of a material.
A commonly used value is the specific weight of water on Earth at 4°C, which is 9.807 kN/m3 or
62.43 lbf/ft3 .
The terms specific gravity, and less often specific weight, are also used for relative density. A
common symbol for specific weight is γ, the Greek letter Gamma.
Units and dimensions
Mass, length and time are
commonly used primary
units, other units
being derived from them.
Their dimensions are
written as M, L and T
Sometimes force is used as
a primary unit. In the
Systeme International
d’Unites, commonly known
as the SI system of units
Description of fluids and fluid flow
Continuum hypothesis
fluid flow is concerned with the macroscopic scale: the typical length scale of the
equipment is many orders of magnitude greater than the mean free path.
Even when an instrument is placed in the fluid to measure soma property such as the
pressure, the measurement is not made at a point-rather, the instrument is sensitive
to the properties of a small volume of fluid around its measuring element

Fluids can be treated as continuous media with continuous distributions of properties

such as the pressure, density, temperature and velocity.
Pressure gradient dP/dx,allowing the standard tools of mathematical analysis to be
used in solving fluid flow problems.
Two examples where the continuum hypothesis may be invalid are low
pressure gas flow in which the mean free path may be comparable to a
linear dimension of the equipment, and high speed gas flow when large
changes of properties occur across a (very thin) shock wave.
Steady flow and fully developed flow
Steady processes are ones that do not change with the passage of time. If θ
denotes a property of the flowing fluid, for example the pressure or velocity, then for
steady conditions

This does not imply that the properties are constant: they may vary from location
to location but may not change at any fixed position.

Fully developed flow is flow that does not change along the direction
of flow. An example of developing and fully developed flow is that
which occurs when a fluid flows into and through a pipe or tube.
Along the length of the pipe, there is a constant velocity profile: there is a
maximum at the Centre-line and the velocity falls to zero at the pipe wall.

In the case of laminar flow of a Newtonian liquid, the fully developed velocity profile
has a parabolic shape. Once established, this fully developed profile remains
unchanged until the fluid reaches the region of the pipe exit
Owing to the changes taking place in the developing flow in the entrance
length, it exhibits a higher pressure gradient.

Developing flow is more difficult to analyse than fully developed flow

owing to the variation along the flow direction.
Paths, streaklines and streamlines
the dye is introduced continuously, a streakline will be observed. A streakline is
the locus of all particles that have passed through a specified fixed point,
namely the point at which the dye is injected.

A streamline is defined as the continuous line in the fluid having the

property that the tangent to the line is the direction of the fluid’s velocity
at that point.
If the velocity components in the x,y and z coordinate directions are
vx,, the streamline can be calculated from the equation

Although in general, particle paths, streaklines and streamlines are different, they are all
the same for steady flow. As flow visualization experiments provide either the particle
path or the streakline through the point of dye injection, interpretation is easy for steady
flow but requires caution with unsteady flow.
Types of flow
Laminar The flow causes no
mixing of the dye with the
surrounding water
elements of the fluid flow in an
orderly fashion without any
macroscopic intermixing with
neighbouring fluid.

In this experiment, laminar flow is

observed only at low flow rates.
Turbulent flow
On increasing the flow rate, a markedly different type of
flow is established in which the dye streaks show a
chaotic, fluctuating type of motion, known as turbulent

Turbulent flow is that it promotes

rapid mixing over a length scaie comparable to the diameter
of the tube

Properties such as the pressure and velocity fluctuate

rapidly at each location, as do the temperature and solute
concentration in flows with heat and mass transfer.
In both laminar and turbulent flow
the velocity is zero at the wall and has a maximum value at the centre-line
For laminar flow the velocity profile is a parabola but for turbulent flow
the profile is much flatter over most of the diameter
If the pressure drop across the length of the tube were measured
in these
experiments it would be found that

the pressure drop is proportional to

the flow rate when the flow is laminar.

when the flow is turbulent the pressure drop increases more


almost as the square of the flow rate

In turbulent flow: promotes rapid mixing and enhances convective heat and mass

The penalty that has to be paid for this is the greater power required to
pump the fluid.
For Newtonian fluids
the transition from laminar to turbulent flow takes place at a critical value
of the quantity which is the

volumetric average velocity of the fluid, di is the internal diameter of the

pipe, and p and p are the fluid’s density and viscosity respectively. This
quantity is known as the Reynolds number Re
The volumetric average velocity is calculated by dividing the
volumetric flow rate by the flow area

Under normal circumstances, the laminar-turbulent transition

occurs at a Reynolds number of about 2100 for Newtonian
fluids flowing in pipes.

Compressible and incompressible flow

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