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Highway Unit-1-Hand-Outs

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The road building techniques used by the Romans is a good model for present techniques.

basic idea is to provide a structure that has successively stronger layers as we proceed from the
sub grade to the surface. The major difference is in materials that were used. Present day surface
materials like asphalt and concrete are superior in ease of construction compared to the rock
slabs used by the Romans. In fact the major difference between then and now is in the amount of
human labor where slave labor is used instead of Caterpillar excavators. The typical Roman road
was a layered system as shown below and is described by (1,2)



development in India.• Classification of highways.• Institutions for Highway planning,
design and implementation at different levels• Factors influencing highway alignment•
Engineering surveys for alignment, objectives, conventional and modern methods.
 2. Roman Road Construction Basic cross section
 3. History of Road Development in India• Ancient Period (3500 BC)• Mughul Period
(15th Century)• British Period (17th & 18th Century)• Free India (1950 onwards)
 4. Types of Ancient Indian Roads• Indus Valley Civilization :  Roads with brick drains
on both sides.• Mauryan rule in the 4th century constructed  Rajpath (high roads) 
Banikpaths (merchant roads).• Ashoka Regime: Road networks with horticulture and
rest houses at 4.8 – 6.4km along the roads.• Mughul Period Trunk roads between
Northwest to Eastern part and also linking coastal and central part of India• British Period
 Trunk roads, bridges, PWD was formed, construction of Grand Trunk Road
 5. Indian Roads• India has a large road network of over 3.314 million kilometers of
roadways (2.1 million miles), making it 3rd largest road network in the world.• At 0.66
km of highway per square kilometer of land the density of India’s highway network is
higher than that of the United States (0.65) and far higher than that of Chinas (0.16) or
Brazils (0.20).
 6. Impact of Transportation• Economic Development• Social Development• Spatial
Development• Cultural Development• Political Development
 7. Institution for Highway Planning, Design and Implementation at Different Levels •
Jayakar Committee (1927) • Central Road Fund (1929) • Indian Roads Congress (IRC),
1934 • Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), 1950 • National Highway Act, 1956 •
National Highway Authority of India (NHAI),1995 • National highway act ( 1956 ) •
Second twenty year road plan ( 1961 ) • Highway Research board ( 1973 ) • National
Transport Policy committee ( 1978 ) • Third twenty year road plan ( 1981 )
 8. Jayakar Committee,1927• Road development should be made a national interest since
the provincial and local govt do not have financial and technical capacity for road
development.• Levy extra tax on petrol from road users to create the road development
fund.• To establish a semi-official ,technical institution to pool technical knowledge,
sharing of ideas and to act as an advisory body.• To create a national level institution to
carry research , development works and consultation.
 9. Central Road Fund , 1929 CRF Act , 2000Distribution of 100% cess on petrol as
follows:57.5% for NH MORTH30% for SH12.5% for safety works on rail-Road
crossing.50% cess on diesel for Rural Road development
 10. Indian Roads Congress, 1934• To provide national forum for regular pooling of
experience and ideas on matters related to construction and maintenance of highways.•
To recommend standard specifications.• To provide a platform for expression of
professional opinion on matters relating to roads and road transport.
 11. CRRIA constituent of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) 
engaged in carrying out research and development projects.  design, construction and
maintenance of roads and runways, traffic and transportation planning of mega and
medium cities, management of roads in different terrains,  Improvement of marginal
materials,  Utilization of industrial waste in road construction,  Landslide control, 
Ground improvements environmental pollution,  Road traffic safety,  Service life
assessment and rehabilitation of highway & railway bridges.
 12. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways• Planning, development and maintenance of
National Highways in the country.• Extends technical and financial support to State
Governments for the development of state roads and the roads of inter-state connectivity
and economic importance.• Evolves standard specifications for roads and bridges in the
country.• Serves as a repository of technical knowledge on roads and bridges.
 13. Classification of HighwaysDepending on weatherAll weather roads Fair weather
roads National highway act ( 1956 )Depending the type of Carriage way Paved roads
Unpaved roads Depending upon the pavement surface Surfaced roads Un surfaced roads
 14. Classification of HighwaysBased on the Traffic Volume Heavy Medium LightBased
on Load or Tonnage Class 1 or Class 2 etc or Class A , B etc Tonnes per dayBased on
location and function ( Nagpur road plan ) NH SHMDR ODR VR
 15. Based on modified system of Highways classification• Primary  Expressways 
National Highways• Secondary  SH  MDR• Tertiary  ODR  VR
 16. Urban Road Classification• ARTERIAL ROADS• SUB ARTERIAL• COLECTOR•
 17. Road Patterns• Rectangular or Block patterns• Radial or Star block pattern• Radial or
Star Circular pattern• Radial or Star grid pattern• Hexagonal Pattern• Minimum travel
 18. Classification of Roadways• Expressways 200 Km• National Highways 70,548 Km•
State Highways 1,31,899 Km• Major District Roads 4,67,763 Km• Rural and Other
Roads 26,50,000 Km
 19. Expressways• Heavy traffic at high speed (120km/hr)• Land Width (90m)• Full
access control• Connects major points of traffic generation• No slow moving traffic
allowed• No loading, unloading, parking.
 20. National Highways• India has a huge network of national highways.• The national
highways have a total length of 70,548 kms. Indian highways cover 2% of the total road
network of India and carry 40% of the total traffic.• The entire highway network of India
is managed by the National Highway Authority of India which is responsible for
development and maintenance of highways. The longest highway in India is NH7 which
stretches from Varansi in Uttar Pradesh to Kanyakumari in the southern most point of
Indian mainland.• The shortest highway is NH47A which stretches from Ernakulam to
Kochi and covers total length of 4 Kms.
 21. State Highways• They are the arterial roads of a state, connecting up with the national
highways of adjacent states, district head quarters and important cities within the state.•
Total length of all SH in the country is 1,37,119 Kms.
 22. Major District Roads• Important roads with in a district serving areas of production
and markets , connecting those with each other or with the major highways.• India has a
total of 4,70,000 kms of MDR.
 23. Other district roads• Roads serving rural areas of production and providing them with
outlet to market centers or other important roads like MDR or SH.
 24. Village roads• They are roads connecting villages or group of villages with each other
or to the nearest road of a higher category like ODR or MDR.• India has 26,50,000 kms
of ODR+VR out of the total 33,15,231 kms of all type of roads.
 25. Urban Road Classification• ARTERIAL ROADS• SUB ARTERIAL• COLLECTOR•
 26. ARTERIAL• No frontage access, no standing vehicle, very little cross traffic.• Design
Speed : 80km/hr• Land width : 50 – 60m• Spacing 1.5km in CBD & 8km or more in
sparsely developed areas.• Divided roads with full or partial parking• Pedestrian allowed
to walk only at intersection
 27. SUB ARTERIAL• Bus stops but no standing vehicle.• Less mobility than arterial.•
Spacing for CBD : 0.5km• Sub-urban fringes : 3.5km• Design speed : 60 km/hr• Land
width : 30 – 40 m
 28. Collector Street• Collects and distributes traffic from local streets• Provides access to
arterial roads• Located in residential, business and industrial areas.• Full access allowed.•
Parking permitted.• Design speed : 50km/hr• Land Width : 20-30m
 29. Local Street• Design Speed : 30km/hr.• Land Width : 10 – 20m.• Primary access to
residence, business or other abutting property• Less volume of traffic at slow speed•
Origin and termination of trips.• Unrestricted parking, pedestrian movements. (with
frontage access, parked vehicle, bus stops and no waiting restrictions)
 30. CUL–DE- SAC• Dead End Street with only one entry access for entry and exit.•
Recommended in Residential areas
 31. Factors Influencing Highway AlignmentRequirements:  Short  Easy  Safe 
EconomicalFactors controlling alignment :1) Obligatory points A. Obligatory points
through which alignment is to pass ( bridge site, intermediate town , Mountain pass etc B.
Obligatory points through which alignment should not pass.2) Traffic3) Geometric
design4) Economics5) Other considerationsAdditional care in hill
roadsStabilityDrainageGeometric standards of hill roadsResisting length
 32. Factors governing alignment• Obligatory points – The location should avoid
obstructions such as places of cemeteries, archeological, historical monument, public
facilities like schools and hospitals, utility services.• Geometric design features –
Facilitate easy grade and curvature – Enable ruling gradient in most sections – Void
sudden changes in sight distance, especially near crossings – Avoid sharp horizontal
curves – Avoid road intersections near bend or at the top or bottom of a hill
 33. Factors governing alignment• Precautions at river and railway crossings – Bridges
should be preferably be located at right angles to the river flow, not located on a
horizontal curve – Crossing railway lines should avoid intersections at gradient, frequent
crossing and recrossing
 34. Factors governing alignment• Topographical control points – The alignment, where
possible should avoid passing through • Marshy and low lying land with poor drainage •
Flood prone areas • Unstable hilly features • Avalanche prone areas – Flat terrain-below
3% – Rolling terrain -3 to 25% – Mountainous terrain – above 25% – A location on high
ground should be preferred rather than valley to avoid cross drainage works
 35. Factors governing alignment• Materials and constructional features – Deep cutting
should be avoided – Earth work is to be balanced; quantities for filling and excavation –
Alignment should preferably be through better soil area to minimize pavement thickness
– Location may be near sources of embankment and pavement materials
 36. Traffic• Trend, Direction and pattern of traffic are critical elements.• OD survey
should be conducted.• Desire lines based on survey should be drawn to indicate the
desired pattern of traffic flow.
 37. ECONOMIC FACTORS• Capital cost• Maintenance Cost• Operational cost• Road
User Cost• Embankment and deep cuttings cost.
 38. Other Considerations• Engineering feasibility• Environmental consideration• Social
consideration• Political Acceptability• Monotony.
 39. Engineering Surveys for Highway locations Provisional alignment Identification (
Map study) Reconnaissance survey Preliminary survey Final location to determine
center line and detailed survey
 40. Drawing and Report1) Key map2) Index map3) Preliminary survey plans4) Detailed
plan and longitudinal section5) Detailed cross section6) Land acquisition plans7)
Drawings of cross drainage and other retaining structures8) Drawings of road
intersections9) Land plans showing quarries etc
 41. SURVEY DATA COLLECTION• Natural and man made features.• Proposed
Geometric Design elements.• Number of cross drainage structures.• Soil characteristics•
Source of construction materials.• Geological formation, type of rocks.• Drainage
 42. MAP STUDY• Base Map preparation Topographical map (SoI) Scale -1: 2,50,000
1: 50,000 1: 25,000• Shows man made and natural features and contour lines at 15 or
30m interval.• Shows possible alignments with obligatory points and minimum number
of cross drainage structures.
 43. RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY• Map updating – to confirm features indicated on
map.• Checking for:  Number of cross drainage structures.  High Flood Level (HFL)
 Confirming Length and value of gradient to IRC standards.  Soil Characteristics. 
Geological features.  Proximity to source of construction materials- quarries, water
sources.• Prepare a report on merits and demerits and profile map of scale 1:50,000.
 44. PRELIMINARY SURVEY• Base Plan Hz Vr  Built up area/hilly terrain 1:1000
1:100  Plain and rolling terrain 1:2500 1:250• Establish center line• Incorporation of
natural and man made features• Longitudinal and cross sectional profile (Levelling). 
Plain Terrain` : 100 – 200m  Rolling Terrain : 50m  Hilly Terrain : 30m• Other
studies  Drainage, Hydrological, soil, Traffic and Materials.• Finalisation of the best
alignment  Comparative analysis.  Choose best alignment among alternatives. 
Design geometric elements.
 45. DETAILED SURVEY FOR FINAL LOCATION• Transferring the alignment on to
ground.• Detail Survey – levelling work for longitudinal and transverse direction.•
Intervals for cross sectional levelling  Plain 50 – 100m  Rolling 50 – 75m  Built up
50m  Hilly 20m• Soil Profile
 46. Alignment for hill roads• Minimum hair pin bends.• Bends should be located on
stable and flat slopes.• Cross section for hair pin bends should be at intervals of 20-25m.•
Avoid bends in valleys.• Survey for a width of ; 15 m on either side of centre line in
straight alignment 30m on sharp curves.
 47. MODERN SURVEY METHODS Provisional alignment Identification ( Map
study) Reconnaissance survey Hand held GPS giving 3D positions to an accuracy of
10-20m . Preliminary Survey  Mapping of topography and relief  Use of aerial
Photos  Airborne Laser Terain Mapping6) Final location and detailed survey.
 48. Modern Equipments for Surveying• EDM – Electronic Distance Measurement• Auto
level.• Digital level.• Total station.• GPS – global positioning system.
 49. DATA FROM AERIAL SURVEY• Mosaic for longitudinal and lateral overlaps.•
Control points• Examination of photos for spot levels and contour lines• Topo details•
Photo interpretation for geological features, soil and drainage for the study area
 50. GEOMETRIC DESIGN• Elements of design: – Sight distance • The length of road
ahead visible to drivers – Stopping sight distance – Passing sight distance – Horizontal
alignment • Super elevation rates (0.1 for rural areas, 0.06 for urban) • Minimum radius –
Vertical alignment – Pavement design – Intersection and crossing design
 51. Guidance for Route Selection• Straight line alignment preferred.• Avoid obstructions
and frequent railway and river crossings.• Avoid landslide, erosion prone and water
logged and marshy area.• Avoid alignment on clayey soil.• Alignment should aim at
maintaining uniform design speed, easy grades and curvature.
 52. Comparison of Conventional and Modern Methods of SurveyingElements of
Conventional ModerncomparisonMaps- Base Topo sheets RS data, Aerial
Photos,material Satellite ImageriesInstruments Chains, Tapes, Theodolite, EDM, Total
Station, GPS, Dumpy levels Auto and Digital Level, Photogrammetry.Accuracy
Chain/Tape 1 in 3000 to 1 in EDM/TS 1 in 10000 to 1 in 30,000 1,00,000 Tacheometer 1
in 1000 to 1 in Photogrammetry. 1 in 10000 10,000 to 1 in 1,00,000Plotting CAD
Systems SoftwareErrors Human errors Closing Errors hence re measuring is required.

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