Understanding Provincial Achievement Standards in Reading and Writing - Grade Four
Understanding Provincial Achievement Standards in Reading and Writing - Grade Four
Understanding Provincial Achievement Standards in Reading and Writing - Grade Four
or he will use to build a successful future. Be a part of your child's learning by encouraging his or her progress and providing everyday opportunities to read and write at home.
Tear o these handy tips for helping your child develop strong reading and writing skills.
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Teachers look at six areas of a students writing to identify success, as reflected in the Provincial Achievement Standards for the end of Grade 4. The Dear Mayor Doe letter on this page is an example of acceptable writing by a student at the end of Grade 4.
Content is what a student writes. In the Dear Mayor Doe example, the content is an attempt to convince the mayor of the need for picnic tables on the playground. It stays focused and includes details that support the argument (the need for somewhere to sit; seniors could eat lunch with students). Organization means that the writing has a logical order or sequence. Dear Mayor Doe starts by giving the writers opinion (I believe there should be), includes at least three arguments to back up that opinion and sums up these ideas in the nal paragraph. Word Choice means some interesting words and phrases are used. The Dear Mayor Doe example uses some eective phrases (joy to the seniors; get them to be more active; Please help us with our lack of areas to sit outside) to convince the reader. Voice means that the students personality or style comes through in the writing. In Dear Mayor Doe, the writer makes his or her feelings understood (Please help us; Think of the children; We need this) and gives a glimpse of some personal style (and last but certainly not least). Sentence Structure means the type of sentence(s) used. In Dear Mayor Doe, sentences have a variety of beginnings and are mostly complete. A few longer, more complex sentences are also attempted (Think of the children, the adults and last but certainly not least the seinors). Conventions means spelling and punctuation. In the Dear Mayor Doe example almost all punctuation and use of capital letters is correct. Most common and familiar words are spelled correctly with the exception of "senior" (seinors).
During reading, ask: What extra information does the picture/diagram tell you? Skim this part to find information on _____ and tell me about it.
After reading, ask: How are you and the main character alike? How are you dierent? What is your opinion of this book? Would you recommend it?
This tree frog is rare in New Brunswic in Fredericton. The park was named k. One place it can be found is Hyla Park the Eastern Gray Treefrog is Hyla versHyla Park because the scienti c name of icolor. The habitat of Hyla Park has what the Eastern Grey Treefrog needs in order survive: to trees or shrubs growing in or near water wetlands damp rotten logs or hollow trees There are many fascinating amphibia There might be one hiding somewh ns in New Brunswick. Look around. ere near you!! Glossary Amphibian: A cold-blooded vertebra te that spen must breed and develop into an adu ds some time on land but lt Habitat: Environment in which a plant or anim in water Mucous: A thick, gelatinous uid secreted by al lives cells that line body organs
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The Department of Education is committed to your child's reading and writing success. If you have any questions about your child's progress or about how you can be an active part of his or her learning, contact your childs teacher or the provincial literacy team at 506-453-2812.