BS Buzz
BS Buzz
BS Buzz
Published by BS Central
515 2nd Ave. S • Glasgow, MT 59230
406-228-4558 • fax: 406-228-4578
ol 2
. 12 26,
, Monday, June
Summer is a special time
for kids, and it’s apparent
Dayton Markle is enjoying
his! He was one of seven
Glasgow Kiwanis Swim
Team members competing
at the Roundup Swim Meet.
The Thunder also had three
trekking across the Hi-Line to
Cut Bank over the weekend.
Speaking of swimming,
here are Summer Reading
happenings at the Glasgow
City-County Library:
July 7th — Pool Day at the
Glasgow Swimming Pool -
1pm-3pm session - ALL ages
July 11th — 5th week
Activity/Reading Log (also
available online www.
July 12th — Fort Peck
Summer Theatre for Young
Audiences presents: A
Country Mouse and a City
Mouse 10 AM All ages
July 13th — The Lego Guy 2
PM All ages
Custer’s Last Stand
By Mike Brandt
It’s easy to remember
what June 25th is. It just
happens to be my folks
wedding anniversary.
However, June 25th is
also the day Lt. General
George Armstrong Custer
led the 7th Cavalry to
defeat against the Sioux
and Cheyenne Indians in
Custer was a glory-
Good chance hungry officer that
of rain
couldn’t wait for other
troops to arrive to help
Tuesday him against the Indians.
In May of 1876,
Today: Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Some of the
storms could produce gusty winds. Mostly sunny, with a high
Custer and the 7th
near 81. North wind around 8 mph becoming south in the Cavalry left Fort Lincoln The Battle of Little Bighorn
afternoon. in Dakota Territory to reenactment was held over
Tonight: Scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly before round up any S\ioux the weekend, but Rachel
9pm. Some of the storms could produce gusty winds. Partly or Cheyenne Indians didn’t make it as it was
cloudy, with a low around 57. East northeast wind 6 to 8 mph. not on the Great Sioux cancelled on Saturday due
Chance of precipitation is 30%. to heavy rain. This is one of
Reservation. In the Battle her file photos of “Custer”
Tuesday: Showers likely and possibly a thunderstorm after
noon. Partly sunny, with a high near 81. East southeast wind of the Little Big Horn, from her initial visit.
around 7 mph becoming north in the morning. Custer’s 7th Cavalry was
Tuesday Night: A 40 percent chance of showers and part of a three-pronged attack on a group of Indians
thunderstorms, mainly before midnight. Mostly cloudy, with being led by Sioux Chief Sitting Bull. During movement
a low around 57. North wind around 7 mph.Wednesday: A in June, Custer was sent off from the main force to
slight chance of showers, then a chance of showers and
gather reconnaissance.
thunderstorms after noon. Mostly sunny, with a high near 80.
North northwest wind 6 to 9 mph. On June 25, Custer’s Indian scouts reported a large
Wednesday Night: A 30 percent chance of showers and encampment on the Little Bighorn River in southeast
thunderstorms, mainly before midnight. Partly cloudy, with a Montana, which is Hardin now. Custer went ahead of
low around 56. North northwest wind 6 to 9 mph becoming his troops to see for himself, but could not see the large
northeast after midnight. gathering that his scouts claimed. He could, however,
Thursday: A 30 percent chance of showers, mainly after noon. see smoke from his camp’s fires from 10 miles away. His
Mostly sunny, with a high near 80. East northeast wind 7 to 9
worry was that the Indians could see the smoke and
mph becoming north northwest in the afternoon.
Thursday Night: A low around 58. North wind 8 to 10 mph
would scatter. So Custer decided to move for a quick
becoming east southeast after midnight. attack. But his orders were to report back to the large
Friday: A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms force.
after noon. Sunny, with a high near 83. The plan was for Custer’s cavalry and Brigadier
Saturday: A 20 percent chance of showers. Sunny, with a General Alfred Terry’s infantry to rendezvous with
high near 86. East northeast wind 8 to 14 mph becoming west troops under the command of Colonel John Gibbon
southwest in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 20 and Brigadier General George Crook. They’d find the
Indians and surround them and force their surrender.
Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 86.
continued on page 4
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Custer continued
Led by Sioux Chief Crazy Horse,
Crook was delayed, but Terry, Custer a mixture of Sioux and Cheyenne
and Gibbon Glasgow,
met up in mid-June and
MARKET Montana closed in on the ridge with bullets
after a scouting party found a trail June 27, 2023 and arrows. Within an hour of
headed towards Little Big Horn Valley, falling back to the ridge, every
they decided Custer should move Glasgow Elks Lodge member of Custer’s battalion was
in, surround the tribes and await 6pm killed, including Custer, who had
taken two bullets. That’s why it is
Custer forged ahead but things known as Custer’s Last Stand.
didn’t go as planned. Around midday Under skies darkened by smoke,
on June 25, his scouts located Sitting gunfire and flying arrows, 210 men
Bull’s camp. Instead of waiting for other of the U.AS. Army’s 7th Cavalry
troops, Custer planned a surprise attack Unit confronted thousands
for the next day. Custer moved it up of Lakota Sioux and Northern
The genuine George Custer, 1865...
when he thought the Indians’ forces Looking at page 2, the Little Bighorn Cheyenne warriors who had met
had discovered his position. Battle Reenactment crew does a their deaths.
Custer divided his more than 600 bang-up job of doing a reenactment! The engagement was in a series
men into four groups. He ordered one of battles and negotiations between
small battalion to stay with the supply train and the Plains Indians and U.S. forces over control of Western
other two, led by Captain Fredrick Benteen and Major territory, collectively known as the Sioux Wars.
Marcus Reno, to attack from the south to prevent the Custer’s brother and nephew were also killed.
tribesman from escaping. Custer led the final group Custer’s body was found near Custer Hill, also known
and planned to attack from the north. as zLast Stand Hill.
Reno’s group was outnumbered, losing at least 30 men. The battle didn’t end with Custer’s massacre and
Benteen’s group came to Reno’s aid. The combined his men. The Indians quickly regrouped and went after
battalions joined forces on what is now known as Reno Reno’s and Benteen’s forces. The troops fought until
Hill. General Terry arrived with his troops.
Custer’s scouts were spotted. Custer had already Now it was the Indians who were outnumbered,
begun to move south and his efforts to cross the river so they packed up the camp and fled. That led to the
were met by Indian sharpshooters. So Custer was forced Indians being defeated by the U.S. Army.
to fall back. Custer and his men had no formidable In May of 1877, Crazy Horse surrendered at Fort
cover to retreat to, so they formed a defensive position Robinson, Nebraska, where he was later bayoneted and
on a small ridge north of the camp. The 7th Cavalry killed after an altercation with an army officer. After
shot their horses in order to provide a better defensive fleeing to Canada, Sitting Bull surrendered in 1881and
Custer’s paternal ancestors, Paulus and
Gertrude Küster, came to the North American
English colonies around 1693 from the Rhineland in
Germany, probably among thousands of Palatines
whose passage was arranged by the English
government to gain settlers in New York and
According to family letters, Custer was named
after George Armstrong, a minister, in his devout
mother’s hope that her son might join the clergy.
George Armstrong Custer was born in New Rumley,
Ohio, to Emanuel Henry Custer (1806–1892), a
farmer and blacksmith, and his second wife, Marie
Ward Kirkpatrick (1807–1882), who was of English
and Scots-Irish descent. He had two younger
brothers, Thomas and Boston. His other full siblings
were the family’s youngest child, Margaret Custer,
and Nevin Custer, who suffered from asthma and
rheumatism. Custer also had three older half-
siblings. Custer and his brothers acquired a life-long
lived on the Standing Rock Reservation until he was love of practical jokes, which they played out among
killed by an Indian agent policeman during a conflict at the close family members.
his house in 1890. Custer entered West Point as a cadet on July
Terry, Montana was named after Gen. Terry. 1, 1857, as a member of the class of 1862. His
Custer, Montana could be named after Gen. Custer. class numbered seventy-nine cadets embarking
Custer County after Gen. Custer. on a five-year course of study. With the outbreak
If you haven’t toured Little Big Horn National Park, of the American Civil War in 1861, the course was
do so. It is too late for the reenactment that is done in shortened to four years, and Custer and his class
June every year, but there are still tours throughout the graduated on June 24, 1861. He was 34th in a class
summer and a museum to visit. I urge you to take your of 34 graduates: 23 classmates had dropped out for
kids and go there. academic reasons while 22 classmates had already
resigned to join the Confederacy.
Emanuel Custer was an outspoken Jacksonian
Democrat who taught his children politics and
toughness at an early age. In a February 3, 1887,
letter to his son’s widow Libby, Emanuel related an
incident from when George Custer (known as Autie)
was about four years old:
“He had to have a tooth drawn, and he was very
much afraid of blood. When I took him to the doctor
to have the tooth pulled, it was in the night and I told
him if it bled well it would get well right away, and he
must be a good soldier. When he got to the doctor
he took his seat, and the pulling began. The forceps
slipped off and he had to make a second trial. He
pulled it out, and Autie never even scrunched. Going
home, I led him by the arm. He jumped and skipped,
and said ‘Father you and me can whip all the Whigs
in Michigan.’ I thought that was saying a good deal
but I did not contradict him.”
Feeling overwhelmed? THANK YOU
Moving to Prairie Ridge, The I would like to say THANK YOU very much for all the support
Manor, or Valley View? and donations given to me for my medical journey. Its been a
rough journey with my gastroparesis and other auto immune
LET US HELP. illness but we are coping one day at a time.
Helping Senior Adults with their move The winner of the first board was Amber Swindler and she
thankfully gave a generous donation back.
$100/hr: Room to room in the same location The second board unfortunately did NOT get filled and when
$200/hr: Moving from home to Prairie Ridge, we drew, nobody had purchased the winning square.
The Manor or Valley View THANK YOU ALL AGAIN & please continue with the good
$250/hr: Moving from home to a different house vibes.
Call Shawn Beard • 230-1025 ~Breanna Barstad
SOUPS: Potato ∙ Chili
Hawaiian Burger
Nacho Supreme