SEDIMENTS Assessment
SEDIMENTS Assessment
SEDIMENTS Assessment
Apostol, Kylamarie T.
Banado, Francis Ian C.
Caigoy, Mea Joy
June 2023
Research Paper in Envi 112: Geomorphology and Geology
Instructor: Syrus P. Decena
A sediment is the loose sand, silt, and other soil particles that are moved and deposited
into a new location. This can consist rocks, minerals, and even the remains of plants and
animals (Abowei et al., 2005). Sediment in rivers gets deposited as the river slows down.
Larger, heavier particles like pebbles and sand are deposited first, whilst the lighter silt and
clay only settle if the water is almost still. This sediment composed of the environment’s
various physicochemical properties and in this study case, sediments can be characterized in
terms of the readily available physical properties that reflects their provenance and depositional
environment which includes the bulk density, and their porosity and water content (Harrison et
al., 1964). There are studies that states that the different sediment properties influence the
vegetation, composition and the structure of the different ecosystem developments (Alongi et
al., 1996). It is important to determine the physical properties that compliments and control the
Sediments are a major cause of various problems related with the care and
managements of lakes and reservoirs in general, since sedimentation is the process by which
process will lead to shallowing of lakes and reservoir. Too much sediments collected in lakes
and reservoirs, when in rainy season will lead to being more susceptible of flooding (Syarifah,
et al., 2019). sediment is inorganic and organic material that is transported by, suspended in,
stream, is a function of stream discharge, soil and land-cover features, weather conditions, land-
use activities, and many other factors. Sediment load carried by streams and rivers can be
composed either of fine materials, mostly silts and clays, or larger materials such as sand. When
this sediment is contaminated, a significant environmental problem occurs affecting many
marine, estuarine, freshwater and other environment throughout the world (Adesuyi et al.,
2016). A dangerous trend in the case of contamination is the accumulation of toxic elements,
such as heavy metals. The accumulation of trace elements in bottom sediments occurs along
with the complex physical and chemical mechanisms of absorption, which depend on the
compositions of several factors (Piper et al., 2006). Human activities can alter the properties
and cycles of sediments, resulting in increased contamination (Tyler et al., 2015). Some
parameters of assessing the different properties of sediments are the particle size, bulk density,
porosity, water content, pH, organic matter and the contamination of phosphorous and
potassium (Adesuyi et al., 2016), but in our study only the physical properties are to be
measured. Additionally, sediments serve as a reservoir for pollutants and as a potential source
This study which focuses on the assessment of sediments physical properties could be
information that may be used to inform people of the possible contamination of water due to
sediments condition, and also into developing an effective and suitable management plan. To
the best knowledge of the researcher, there are only a few studies conducted that aim to assess
the sediments physical properties in the Philippines, most specifically at the researcher's chosen
site of study.
Objectives of the Study
This study aims to assess the physical properties of the sediments across Mainit River.
1. to determine the physical properties of sediments (e.g. bulk density, porosity and
2. to evaluate the relationship of the physical properties of sediments between two sites.
This study is limited only to the assessment of sediments physical properties in Mainit
River, located at Brgy. Binongto-an, Alangalang, Leyte. The assessment includes only the
identification of the bulk density, porosity and the water holding capacity of the sediments.
Definition of Terms
Sediments - a solid material that is moved and deposited in a new location. It can be as
Water Holding Capacity - the amount of water that is held by the sediments.
River Ecosystem
River ecosystem services (rESS) provides important benefits that impact our day-to-
day lives. They provide drinking water, irrigation, transportation, food and more. They also
provide habitat for important fish species, flood protection, or spaces for recreation that are
important to human well-being (Jähnig et al., 2022). Specifically, this study will focus on the
which is one of the main sources of reservoir sediment and pollutants (Liu et al., 2022). Flowing
water has tremendous energy and an affinity for sediment, as water seeks path with least
resistance for erosion, thus transports eroded materials or sediments downstream. The riparian
zone serves as a buffer for this source of pollutants entering a river or stream from runoff and
also controls erosion (Baniya et al., 2019). The erosion and deposition of sediments in
floodwaters and the interaction of these processes with floodplain vegetation creates a wide
range of soils found in riparian areas as most riparian soils are heavily influenced by their
geomorphic setting. Gradient is the key for the composition of soil substrates along streams. In
high gradient stream riparian soils are typically coarse textured to the surface with large
percentage of coarse fragments, while in low gradient stream it typically has finer textured
surface horizons over layers of coarse sand gravels or cobbles (Arizona, 2006).
Linking land use to sediment nutrient processes in large modified watersheds has been
river networks. Land use is a major driver of sediment nutrient processes in river networks of
heavily modified watersheds. Models developed from these studies have shown that that
nutrient buffering capacity of the sediment decreases with an increase in land use modifications
Land uses such as crop cultivation and animal grazing from formerly forested riparian
lands altered the physical and chemical characteristics of environment. The transport of river
catchment, including alluvial fans, terraces, floodplains, etc., in which sediment may be
retained for a long time (Fryirs and Brierley, 2001). Some land use changes increase the
accumulation of fine sediments and elevate nutrient concentrations in river networks draining
agricultural and urban areas, which in turn affects nutrient cycling (Allan, 2004). For instance,
the agricultural intensification together with poor land management practices accelerate
erosion and increase the number of source areas that contribute sediment to the stream network
Causes of Sedimentation
Sediments can come from soil erosion or from the decomposition of plants and animals.
Soil erosion naturally occurs over time, as people clear and cultivate the land. According to
Morse (2013) erosion can hasten, washing valuable topsoil and nutrients into rivers and other
water sources which causes sedimentation. As soils consist of varying percentages of clay, silt,
and sand, they also have varying type of erodibility. In general, silty soils tend to be highly
erosive, clayey and loamy soils tend to have moderate erodibility, and sandy soils generally
have low erodibility, however fine sands can also be highly erosive (Arbor, 2015).
Sedimentation is the direct result of the loss or the erosion of sediments from other aquatic
areas or land-based areas to which can be both detrimental or beneficial to the aquatic
environments. It is the process in which particulate matter carried from its point of origin by
waterbodies. Sediment is a natural product of stream erosion; however, the sediment load may
be increased by human practices. According to Atkins (2010) changes in land use, streamflow
characteristics, and drainage patterns can alter the natural sedimentation rate. Historically,
problem. Water bodies in lowland areas with high population densities are often affected and
experiences multiple stressorrs (Rico et al., 2016). Since the river sediments accumulate
pollutants over time causing direct or indirect effects on aquatic environment as well as human
beings, assessment of river sediments is essential (Nair and Kumar, 2019). According to Dahls
et al. (2017), fine sediment particle is an integral part of the aquatic ecosystem, and many
aquatic creatures rely on sediment quality for survival (Vivien et al., 2020).
that live in and on top of the sediment (Beasley et al., 2002), where they play an important role
in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems by driving energy flows and nutrient cycling through
freshwater food webs (Covich et al., 1999). The effects of sediment-associated contaminants
on benthic macroinvertebrates may have far-reaching consequences for the structure and
sediment into the quality assessment of aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the degree of
sediment heavy metal contamination and its associated ecological implications requires
research. Sediment contamination is of particular concern due to the persistence and
environmental toxicity of heavy metals in this matrix (Coulthard and Macklin, 2003), that is
location is contaminated or not, in this study case even only by assessing its physical properties.
Bulk Density
One sediment characteristic that does not have a well-known effect on benthic
macrofauna and their behavior is sediment bulk density. It is an indicator of both the sediment
compaction and water content (Grabowski et al., 2011). The bulk density is measured to
characterize the compactness in response to land use and management practices (Hakansson
and Lipiec, 2000), and also the sand content of sediments (FAO, 2005). Both the bulk density
(ρ) and porosity (β) are measures of the mass and/or volume of sediment particles and pore
fluid in fully saturated sediments. Sediment bulk density is the most fundamental sediment
Bulk density is inversely related to the sediment porosity, or the amount of water
retained in a waterlogged sediment. It influences the sediment oxygen content, chemistry, and
organic matter (Gray and Elliott, 2009). The bulk density tends to increase with grain size
(Ysebaert et al., 2005) and sediment strength (Lucking et al., 2017). In terms of soil, the bulk
density reflects the mass or weight of a given volume of soil. Infiltration, available water
proliferation, and nutrient availability. Thus, sediment bulk density (dry sediment weight per
example, increased the bulk density of soil at a campsite by 21% (Legg and Schneider, 1977).
Total pore space (especially pores larger than 50 m) decreases as bulk density increases, while
The depth at which air and water can enter the subsoil is determined by porosity. It is
described as the volume of nonsolids to the total volume of soil. Porosity is the quantity of
liquid-holding voids (spaces) within a rock. The porosity of a sedimentary rocks is never
perfectly packed, as the porosity generally varies from 1 to 50% (Graham, 2018). The
unconsolidated sediments tend to have higher porosity than those of the consolidated ones
because they have no cement, and most have not been strongly compressed. In soil, the porosity
refers to the fraction of total soil volume occupied by the pore space (Nimmo, 2004). The
distribution of porosity and pore size in the soil influenced various soil hydraulic properties
such as hydraulic conductivity, water retention, infiltration, and available water capacity
(Luxmoore, 1981).
According to Reynolds et al. (2002), soil porosity and water release characteristics have
a direct influence on a variety of soil indices such as soil aeration capacity, plant available
water capacity, and relative field capacity. Temperature changes are said to affect soil porosity
and the interactive surface between liquid and solid, particularly in heavy loam with a high clay
porosity and water retention capacity while decreasing bulk density as soils with different bulk
densities have different volumes of air and water at any given value of water-filled pore space,, 2021).
Water Content
Water content, bulk density and porosity are important properties of soils and bottom
sediments (Avnimelech et al., 2001). It is often used as a key physical parameter of lacustrine
deposits due to its relative ease of measurement and because of its physical and empirical
associations with other sediment parameters (Håkanson and Jansson 1983). This water content
is a combination of moisture that naturally exists and moisture that has been absorbed from
precipitation or the atmosphere. The water content of lake-sediment cores provides informative
According to a study by Cohen (2022) the primary physical characteristic that indicates
its capacity to withstand detachment by water flow or raindrop impact is known as resistance,
frequently accounts for varying yield and erosion rates in places with various soil types.
(Goudie, 2013). Although it is widely acknowledged that the resistance depends on both the
intrinsic qualities of the soil and exogenous dynamic environmental factors (Bryan, 2000), the
latter's impact is rarely explicitly accounted for in the concept of soil resistance. (Knapen et al.,
2007). Soil moisture is one such exogenous environment property that is known to impact the
soil's resistance to erosion (Fell et al., 2017). An obvious and a widely studied effect of soil
moisture on sediment yield is through runoff generation. Drier soils tend to generate less runoff
(Chen et al., 2015) thus have less sediment transport capacity than a wet soil where more runoff
Mainit River is located in the province of Leyte traversing the municipalities of Jaro,
Alangalang and San Miguel with an area of 8,521.17 ha. (DOCSTO, 2011). A river that is a
class H - Hydrographic stream in Eastern Visayas (Leyte), Philippines with the region font
code of Asia/Pacific. It has the latitude 11° 08.558 0 latitude and 124° 46.762' longitude with
an elevation of 160 m above sea level. The climatic condition in the area is tropical in which it
received significant rainfall that averages to 2153 mm and the average temperature of 27.3°C.
The type of soil in the area was clay loam soil which is suitable for agricultural cultivation
(Africa, 1996).
A total of two sites were established in the riparian forest area of Mainit River. The first
study site is located on the riverbank of the river, and with a vertical interval of 2 m lies next
the second site which is in the riparian bank zone of Mainit River. For every study station, five
1 x 1 m quadrat, with 3 m interval each will be established parallel towards the river. The
establishment of sample sites were chosen in order to see the difference between the physical
properties of sediments in the riverbank and riparian bank. Tape measure were utilized for the
sample site establishment, in order to accurately implement the desired sample size.
Using core method, cylinders of a known volume are driven into the ground to collect
sediment sample. The instrument used to collect samples are tin cans of sardines to substitute
the soil auger. Samples gathered will be dried in an oven set at 60°C until a constant weight is
reached for twenty-four hours. The collected samples were labeled and brought to the
physical analysis.
Physical Properties
a. Bulk Density
diameter by 8.5 cm in height and a volume of 166.81 cm3. It was pushed into the ground
to the required depth. To protect the sediment core, it was removed with care (Blake and
Hartge, 1986). The collected samples’ fresh weight will then be determined, and they will
be dried in an oven set at 60°C until a constant weight is reached (McKenzie et al., 2004).
5 cm
8.5 cm
b. Percent Porosity
Porosity will be calculated using the data from bulk density and the constant value
𝑓 = (1 − ) 𝑥 100
f = porosity (%)
Before drying the samples, the moisture content will be measured and estimated in
percentage. The sample will be transferred into a previously weighed metal sampler, and
both the metal sampler and soil sample will be weighed. Weighing both the metal sampler
and the sediment sample will yield the moisture content before the samples are oven dried.
It will then be dried in an oven until it reached a constant weight and will be desiccated and
weighed again. The formula below will be used to calculate the percentage soil moisture
𝑀𝑠 − 𝑀𝑡
𝑊𝐻𝐶 % = 𝑥 100
𝑀𝑡 − 𝑀𝑏
Data Analysis
This chapter presents the results and discussions of the data gathered on the assessment
of sediment physical properties. This include determining the bulk density, water holding
capacity, and porosity from two study sites, namely, (1) Riverbank, and (2) Riparian bank zone
extracting five samples from each site in the Riparian Forest of Mainit River, Alangalang,
Physical Properties
Bulk Density
The bulk density refers to the mass of solids per unit bulk volume including the volume
of the cylinder which is expressed in g/cm3 (Jahn et al., 2006). This physical property is used
as an indicator of compaction and can also be used to estimate porosity (Berlejung, 2017).
Generally, figure 2 shows the bulk density data of each site including the comparison
of each sample. As seen on the figure, the riverbank site on average, has higher bulk density
compared to the riparian area. The highest value of bulk density is from site 1 which is 1.46
g/cm3, while the lowest is from site 2 with a value of 1.33 g/cm3. High bulk density is an
indicator of compaction and low porosity, however according to FAO (2005) higher bulk
density is also an indication of high sand content. Bulk density impacts available water
capacity, root growth, and movement of air and water through the soil, but in the case of the
collected sample, sand have relatively high bulk density because they have less total pore space
than silty or clayey soils. According to Andersen et al., (2005) sediments typically have 0.2-
1.5g/cm3. Furthermore, the bulk density of sediments tends to increase with erosion.
The sediments found in the riverbank are generally sandy soil which are characterized
by a lack of structure. A study by Coquet (1995) measured the shrinkage properties of two soils
in Senegal with different texture. On the sandy soil, results obtained in the field and in the
laboratory, showed very small shrinkage: bulk volume variation. When they dried, the sandy
soils develop only very few thin cracks organized in a loose network. The poor shrinkage
properties are related to the low clay content of many tropical sandy soils.
1.36 1.36
Riverbank Riparian
Figure 2. Bulk density of sediment samples from riverbank and riparian bank zone of Mainit
The porosity refers to the fraction of the total volume of voids within a sediment that is
taken up by the pore space (Nimmo, 2004). Higher porosity indicates the number of fine pores,
which are plainly visible during field morphological investigation, as with greater proportion
of fine sands, the porosity would increase. The relative volume of pores in the sample is
comparison of each sample. As seen on the figure, the riparian area has higher rate of percent
porosity compared to the riverbank, as porosity is inversely proportional to bulk density. The
highest value of percent porosity is from site 2 which is 49.81%, while the lowest porosity rate
comes from site 1 which is 44.91%. According to Kebebew (2022), the higher the organic
matter content in a land type, the higher the porosity is. Very small porosities are generally
observed in sandy soils of the tropics as the porosity in sandy soils is usually smaller than in
clayey and silty soils (Lamotte et al., 1997). Samples from two sites both contain sand, coarser
sand have lower porosity compared to sandy loam as they have generally bigger but fewer
pores in number, while sandy loam have smaller but greater number of pores.
48.68 48.68
Riverbank Riparian
Figure 3. Percent (%) porosity of riverbank and riparian sediment samples from the riparian
The water holding capacity (WHC) refers to the ability of a soil to hold the maximum
quantity of water at saturation. This attribute is inversely related to bulk density and has a direct
relationship with percent porosity. According to Wang et al. (2013), the higher the organic
Figure 4, shows the water holding capacity in percent data of each site including the
comparison of each sample. As seen on the figure, the riparian area has higher rate of water
holding capacity compared to the riverbank, as just like porosity, water holding capacity is also
inversely proportional to bulk density. The highest value of water holding capacity is from site
2 which equals to 22.79%, while the lowest water holding capacity comes from site 1 having
15.19%. Missanjo and Kamanga-Thole (2014) stated that when porosity decreased due to
compaction, the available water holding capacity also decreases. Sandy soils drains water fast
Riverbank Riparian
Figure 4. Water holding capacity (WHC) of riverbank and riparian sediment samples from the
riparian forest of Mainit River.
Paired Sample T-test Results
Base on the results from the t-test for paired samples, there is a significant difference
between all the physical properties of sediments from the two sampling sites. Results of the
paired-t test as seen on table 1 for the variable bulk density indicated that there is a significant
difference between riverbank and the riparian sediments bulk density. In table 2, results of the
paired-t test for the variable porosity indicated that there is a significant difference between
riverbank and the riparian sediments porosity. Lastly, as seen on table 3, the result of the paired-
t test for the water holding capacity parameter indicated that there is a significant difference
Measure 1 Measure 2 t df P
Riverbank (Db) Riparian (Db) -34.29 4 0.0000043
Measure 1 Measure 2 t df P
Riverbank (f) Riparian (f) 34.17 4 0.0000044
Measure 1 Measure 2 t df P
Riverbank (WHC) Riparian (WHC) 11.78 4 0.00030
This study was conducted in order to assess the sediments physical properties of the
established site in the riparian forest of Mainit River. Specifically, its objectives were to (a)
determine the physical properties of sediments in terms of its bulk density, porosity and water
holding capacity across different sites in Mainit River; (b) evaluate the relationship or
differences between the different physical properties of sediments. McCauley (2005) stated
that understanding and recognizing sediment properties and its connections with one another
The results showed that sediment physical properties varied depending on the type of
soil, texture and its other morphological characteristics. In terms of bulk density, the site with
the highest data is riverbank while the lowest is in riparian (Figure 2). The high bulk density in
riverbank could be attributed from its high sand content. Additionally, the site with the highest
porosity is riparian due to its small but higher in number of pores, while the least was riverbank
due to it having larger but fewer pores (Figure 3). According to Chaudhari et al. (2013) bulk
density is inversely proportional to porosity, when the porosity increases, its bulk density
decreases. Meanwhile porosity has a direct relationship with % water holding capacity. The
site with the highest water holding capacity is in the riparian while the one with least is the
Based on the findings of the study, riparian has lower bulk density than the riverbank.
The result also shows that riverbank has a higher porosity, and water holding capacity
compared to the riparian site. and as seen on the results for the t-test for paired sample, it stated
there is a significant differences between the sediments physical properties of the two
1. Riverbank has the highest bulk density among all the sites established.
2. Riparian has the highest percentage of porosity while riverbank has the lowest.
3. Porosity is directly related to water holding capacity thus, the riparian has the highest
4. Base on the results from the t-test for paired samples, there is a significant difference
between all the physical properties of sediments from the two sampling sites.
1. Further study should be conducted on the sediment chemical properties (i.e., pH,
organic matter) parameters that are related to the physical properties of sediments.
3. Future studies should add more study sites for better comparison between physical
properties of sediments.
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