Paralipomena (Classical Philology, 16 (2) )
Paralipomena (Classical Philology, 16 (2) )
Paralipomena (Classical Philology, 16 (2) )
The followingpassage appearsto have been omitted from von Arnim's
Stoicorumveterumfragmenta,and merits addition on page 32 of the first
volume. Alexander LycopolitanusDe placitis Manichaeorum12 (Migne
Patr. Gr. 18, 428C):
., '
Ka X)S y'ap 86' vrpos Trv Zv,'vovo; KLTeWs Etpm7Tat Xoyov, os ro 7rav
XEywv Hav To
EK7rVpwG?q/Or,ETat KaLovEXovov' ravao- 5oAov xat o0Xtos
7Tp 6cTt, xat 0 EXELov KavaEL; 6$ oV0(VVn7yErO, (Os 9ETo, TO 7raV fKT7vprw0crffrat.
7rpOs oV Ttl TOv XaPLE TEPOW Etpv)KEVat X`yETat 'AXX' 60) 7T0tX Ks Kat 7TpO
EvuLVOou Kat 7rpo 70At'Ovos Xpo'vov EOov KaLvuvVO/.LOLO)1 OpW, 0)o'ev V7rOTO)v 7V/AWV
7TErovTOVo. xpqv e (V' XPOVW KaT &\tyov yEvEOfOaLTOVO, tVa Kat OTt TOTe
With the last paragraphof No. 1012 (II, 302) should be comparedthe
very similarargument,doubtlessfromthe same source,in Ps.-Clem.Recogn.
After No. 7 (II, 3) may be added a furtherbit of scandalabout Chry-
sippus,taken from Fronto,De feriis Alsiensibus,page 227, Naber:
Nec Chrysippumtuum praeteribo quem quotidie ferunt madescere solitum.
Jerome'sprologueto his translationof Origen'sHomiliesonLuke,page245,
Vall. (Migne,Patr. Lat. 26, 219; Patr. Gr. 13, 1799-1800)reads:
Quamobrempetistis ut contemptis istiusmodi nugis saltem triginta et novem
Adamantii nostri in Lucam homilias, sicut in Graeco habentur, interpreter;
molestam rem et tormento similem, alieno, ut ait Tullius, stomacho et non suo
scribere; quam tamen idcirco nunc faciam, quia sublimioranon poscitis.
I have been unable to place this quotation anywhere in Cicero's works by
the use of the ordinary special lexica, indexes, etc., and Muller does not
appear to list it in his fragments of Cicero (Part IV, Vol. III). The expres-
sion has a proverbial sound and Cicero has other passages in which stomachus
occurs in more or less proverbial forms. This one, however, is not found
in Otto's Sprichwirter.