Task Description

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Task Description: The students are required to present Rubric class reporting in any topic related to English language
that they want to select.
Criteria Weighted Not satisfactory Developing Satisfactory Excellent Rating
points 1 2 3 4
Content 5 points Points presented not clear. Points presented was Many good points Enough points
Information was far from somewhat clear. Too little presented. Most Presented. All details
the topic being discussed. information and there are information was explicitly were expounded
left unexplained. explained. clearly; no information
left unexplained.
Organization 3 points Information was very Information was vague and
disorganized and very that leads to ambiguity for Information was somewhat Information was
difficult to students’ extracting the organized with a little bit of thoroughly organized.
Understand. information. confusion between ideas. Clear delivery of ideas.

Delivery 3 points Presenter mumbles and Presenter was somewhat Presenter was somehow Presenter was confident
mutter. No eye contact at nervous; voice somewhat confident with good with great
all. audible with minimal communication skills. The communication skills.
frequency of eye contact. voice was loud and with eye The voice was audible
contact with the audience. and was able to
maintained eye contact.
Visual Aids 2 points Font size was not visible at Font size was fairly visible Font size was somewhat Font size was visible for
all; with no design and at the back; with minimal visible at the back; with everybody; could catch
failed to support the topic design; Somewhat support interesting design and interest; free from
presented the topic presented. support most of the topic errors and
presented appropriately supported
with varied sources.
Audience 2 points No listeners’ interaction at Hardly held listeners’ Held listeners’ attention Had active interaction
Interaction all and unable to answer attention; entertained a most of the time; responds with the listeners and
question being as by the limited questions and to most questions clearly. held listeners’ attention
listeners. provide insufficient throughout the
explanation for most of the discussion.

Total Points

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