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Ieee C37.99-2012

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IEEE Guide ٤٥٣ the Protection of

Shunt Capacitor Banks

‫ا‬٤٤ Power and Energy Society

Sponsored‫ط‬٧ the
Power System Relaying Committee

IEEE Std 57.991-2012
New York,
3 Park Avenue
100 6-5997 (Revision of
,EEE Std 37.99-2000)

8 March 2013
,EEE std 37.99111-2012
(Revision of
IEEE Std 037.99-2000)

‫ اااا‬Guide ٤٥٣ the Protection ٥٤

Shunt Capacitor Banks


Power 5٧5٤2٣٣ Relaying Committee

of the
‫ا‬٤٤‫ ع‬Power and Energy Society

Approved 5 December 2012

IEEE-SA Standards Board
Abstract: 12 protection of shunt power capacitor banks and filter capacitor banks are discussed
in this guide. The guidelines 0٣ reliable application 0‫ أ‬protection methods intended 0 ٣ ‫ﻻ‬92 in
many shunt capacitor bank designs are included. Also, a detailed explanation 0‫ أ‬the theory 0‫أ‬
unbalance protection principles is provided. Discussions 00 the protection of pole-mounted
capacitor banks on distribution circuits ٥٣ capacitors connected to the terminals 0‫ أ‬rotating
machines are not included as they are outside the scope of this standard.
Keywords: bank configuration, externally fused, filter bank, fuseless, IEEE 037.991, internally
fused, overcurrent, overvoltage, relay, shunt capacitor bank, unbalance protection

11٥ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc.

3 09 Avenue. New York. NY 100165997 USA

Copyright © 2013 ‫ ﺑط‬The Institute ‫ اه‬Electnca, and Electronics Engineers. Inc,

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٨1 the time this guide was submitted 10 the IEEE-SA Standards Board 10٣ approval, ‫ ﻋﺎ‬Protection 0‫ ا‬Shunt
Capacitor Banks Working Group had the following membership:

Pratap G. Mysore* Chair

1110 ٢0101.Vice </‫رزو‬

10111Appleyard Robert ‫ﻋﻂ‬ ‫ ااﻋﻞ‬0‫ﻋﻢ‬

Oscar Bolado ٦٧111111Gordon* ٨10111011 Sachdev
Sukumai Brahma 10101Harder* Sam Sambasivan
9110010 Chano Bogdan Kaszlenny 5111111Saygin*
A r v i n d Chaudhary Jeffrey Nelson♦ Gregory Sessler
Stephen Conrad James (-)’Brien Charlie Sufana
٨1 Darlinton* Russ Patterson Richard Taylor
٨112 Deronja Bruce Pickett Demetrios Tziouvararas
Paul E l k i n Rob Wilson

*Corresponding Members

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted 01 ‫ا‬15 gutde, Balloters 1113٧ have
voted 10٣ approval, disapproval, or abstention.

William Ackerman Stephen Grier James O'Brien

Satish Aggarwal Randall Groves Gearold o . H . Eidhin
A l i ٨‫ ا‬Awazi Daryl Hallmark Ted Olsen
Steven Alexanderon 1011 Harder J orraine Paddcn
John Appleyard Timothy Hayden 1001111Parker
1 Bartok Roger Hedding Christopher Petrola
Philip Beaumont Jeffrey Helzcr Bruce Pickett
Kenneth Behrendt Gary Houston Julian Profir
Wallace Binder Gary H o l l m a n Michael Roberts
W i l l i a m Blocthe Gerald Johnson Charles Rogers
Chris Brooks Bogdan Kasztcnny 1101005 Rozek
Gustavo Brunello Gael Kennedy Mohindar 9achdev
W i l l i a m Bush Yuri Khersonsky 5teven 5ano
William Byrd James Kinney Barticn Sayogo
Terry Chapman Joseph ‫ا‬. Koepi nger Gregory, Sessler
A r v i n d K . Chaudhary Boris Kogan D e v k i 9harma
Stephen Conrad 1111Kulchisky G i l Shultz
1٤11 Corkran Chung-Yiu 11111 James Smith
James Cornelison Benjamin 1112 Jerry Smith
Randall Crellin Cireg Luri Joshua Smith
142111 ‫ اا‬Cunico Bruce Mackie K e v i n Stephan
Gary 1001٦٤٣ Michael Maytum Gary Stoedler
Michael Dood ( )mar Mazzoni Charles Sufana
Randall Dotson W i l l i a m McBride Michael Swearingen
Donald 1011100 Kenneth Mcclenahan Richard 101110
Ahmed Elneweih, Michael Mcdonald Michael Thompson
Gary Engmann 101 M i l l e r Demetrios Tziouvaras
1011 Evans 1311311Mugalian 10‫ ع‬Uchiyama
Rabiz Foda Adi Mulawarman Eric dren
Marcel Fortin Jerry Murphy John Vergis
D a v i d Garrett R. Muiphy lliaVoloh
Jeffrey Gilbert PralapG. Mysore Kenneth White
Mielck Glinkowski Jeffrey Nelson Phil Winston
Jalal Gohari Arthur Neubauer Carry Yoncc
W i l l i a m (10[101 Michael 5. Newman J.arry Young
James Ciraham James Niemira Jian ٢11
Thomas Grebe Joe 11105 l u i s Zambrano
Gary Nis.sen

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

When the IEEE-SA Standards Board appro١ed this 21010 01 5 December 2012. it had the following

Richard 11. 111١٤٤٤. Chair

10111 Kulick. rice Chair
Robert Grow, Past </7 ‫رزو‬
0115٤21111105 Rarachalios. Secretary

Sat sh ٨2231٦3‫ا‬ Alexander Gelman Oleg Logvinov

Masayuki Ariyoshi Paul riouze Ted Olsen
Peter 1401111 11111 Hughes Gary Robinson
٦1 111111 Bartley 011111111111111 Jon ٦٦٢11٤‫ح‬٣ Rosdahl
1‫ ﻟﻊ‬Burse Joseph ‫ا‬. ٤0201112٤٣
* Mike 52٧‫ع‬
Clint Chaplin David J, Law Yatin Trivedi
Wael William Diab Thomas 1‫ﻋﻊ‬ Phil Winston
Jean-Philippe Faure Hung l i n g Yu 111

*Member Emeritus

3 ٤٦‫ ع‬tollowing nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board laisons:

٨150 included ٣‫ع‬
Richard 1021313510, /20 /٤2/9-2١227///١
Michael 1311221. ٨٧/57 Representative

Dun 15511‫ح‬
IEEE Stundurds Progrum Munuger* Document Development

Erin Spiewak
IEEE s tundurds Progrunt Muttuger,Technical progrunt Development

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. All rights reserved.


1115 introduction 15 not part of IEEE 5‫ل‬ (2012-37.99, IEEE (3111 ‫ ﻋل‬for 1‫ ع‬Protection of Shun! Capacitor Banks,

IEEE Std 37.99-2012 incorporates significant additions and ٤1211225 since the last 121510٦ 11 2000. These
additions include the theory 0‫ ا‬unbalance 0101221101 methods, impedance measurement techniques, and
settings examples 25 Annex ‫ﺗﺎ‬. Detailed discussion 011 grounding has now 02211 reduced 10 address concerns
related 10 protection, and the reader has been directed 10 ret٠er to IEEE Std 1036‫ا‬١‫ا‬-2010‫ ‘د‬or more details,

11١15 guide was e ised ‫ط‬٧ the shunt capacitor bank protection revision 011102 group of the substations
protection subcommittee ٥٤ 1١‫ ع‬1٥٧٤٣ Systems Relaying Committee 0‫ ا‬the ‫ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬
Power and Energy

‫ د‬Information 0‫ و‬references can he found in c lause 2

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.


‫( ‘ ا‬Overview ................................................................. ‫ا‬

1.1 Scope ................................................................ ‫ا‬
1.2 Purpose ............................................................. ‫ا‬

2٠ Normative references.............................................. 2

3‫ د‬Definitions ......................................... 3

4. Basic considerations ......................... 5

4. 1 Capacitor unit capabilities .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Capacitor unit connections ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Capacitor bank design ................................ 8
4.4 Overvoltage 01 remaining capacitor units .............................................. 10

5. Bank connections.............................................................................................................................................. ‫ا‬

5.1 Cfrounded wye- connected banks ............................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Ungrounded wye —connected banks ............................................................................................. 13
5.3 Delta-connected banks.............................................................................................................................. 14
5.4 11 configuration.......................................................................................................................................... 15

6. Other considerations .............................................. 15

6. ‫ ا‬Bank grounding ........................................................................................................................................ 15
6.2 Neutral grounding 15

7. introduction to bank 30‫ ل‬system protection.................................................................................................... 16

7.1 Bank protection.......................................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 System protection ..................................................................................................................................... 21

8. Unbalance relaying methods ........................................................................................................................... 27

8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 27
8.2 Theory 0٤ unbalance protection methods................................................................................................ 28
8.3 Ceneral unbalance relay considerations.................................................................................................. 4‫ا‬
8.4 Externally fused capacitor banks............................................................................................................. 55
8.5 Internally fijsed capacitor banks .............................................................................................................. 67
8.6 Fuseless capacitor 315 ........................................................................................................................... 78
8.7 Unfused capacitor banks........................................................................................................................... 84

9. Protection 0٤ capacitor filter banks................................................................................................................. 89

9. ‫ ا‬Filter bank protection ................................................................................................................................ 89
9.2 Multifrcqucncy harmonic filter protection considerations..................................................................... 93
9.3 Static var compensator (SVC ) capacitor protection......................................... 95
9.4 5٧ filter protection ................................................................................................................................ 96

10. Capacitor bank equipment considerations ................................................................................................... 97

10. ‫( ا‬2021٤0٣ bank switching devices.......................................................................................................... 97
10.2 Inrush control devices............................................................................................................................. 99
10.3 Surge arresters .................................................................. ‫ ا‬00
10.4 Voltage-sensing devices ....................................................................................................................... ‫ ا‬00
10.5 Current-sensing devices......................................................................................................................... 100
‫ ا‬0.6 Transient currents .......................................... 10 ‫ا‬
10.7 Control cables......................................................................................................................................... 107

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. All 198‫ا‬ reserved.

‫ ا ا‬. System considerations .................................................................................................................................. ‫ ا‬07
11.1 Resonance............................................................................................................................................... 107
11.2 Harmonics..................................................................................................................... 109
‫ ا‬1.3 Telephone interface .......................................... ........109

‫ ا‬2. Commissioning, operation, 3‫ ل‬maintenance .............................................................. ‫ا ا‬0

12.1 Reparation for initial energizing ........................................................................................................ ‫ ا‬10
12.2 Response to alarm 0٣ lockout (trip) ..................................................................................................... ‫ ا ا‬2

13. Microprocessor-based control and protection schemes ............................................................................. 1 13

٨٦٦9 ٨ (informative) Bibliography ................................................................................................................ ‫ا ا‬4

Annex 8 (informative) Symbol definition....................................................................... ‫ا ا‬5

٨٦٦٥ c (informative) Equations for effect 0٤ inherent unbalances .............................................................. ‫ ا‬17

Annex 10 (informative) Inrush current and frequency during capacitor bank switching .............................. 118

Annex ‫( ﺗﺎ‬informative) Unbalance relay setting examples .............................................................................. ‫ ا‬20

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

‫ اا‬Guide for the Protection ٥٤
Shunt Capacitor Banks

IMPORTANT ٧01٤٤: IEEE Standards documents ٤٤2 219 intended to ensure safety, health, or
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1.1 Scope

This guide applies 10 the protection 0٤ shunt power capacitor banks 211‫ ل‬t i t e r capacitor 2115. Included are
guidelines (0٣ reliable applications 0‫ ا‬protection methods intended for use 11 many shunt capacitor
applications and designs. The guide does not include ‫ ﻋﺎ‬protection o f pole-mounted capacitor banks 00
distribution circuits or capacitors connected to the terminals 0‫ ا‬rotating machines.

1.2 Purpose

1115 guide has been prepared 10 assist protection engineers 1111٦‫ ع‬application 0٤ relays and other devices for
the 01012101 0‫ ا‬shunt capacitor banks used 11 substations. I t covers methods 0‫ ا‬protection for many
commonly used shunt capacitor bank configurations including the latest protection techniques.
Additionally, this guide covers the protection 0٤ filter capacitor banks and large eMra-highvoltage (ElIV)
shunt capacitor banks.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved.

IEEE Sid C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Proteclion of Shunt Capacitor Banks

2. Normative references

The 101101100 referenced document 15 indispensable for 1‫ ع‬application 0‫ ا‬this document (i٠e., 1‫ ا‬must be
understood and used. 50 each referenced document 15 2110011 text and 15 relationship ٤0 15 document 15
20131024). 10٣ dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition 0‫ا‬
the referenced document (including any amendments 0٣ corrigenda) applies.

٨51 ‫ث‬37 .06. American National Standard ٨ High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated 01 3 Symmetrical
Current Basis- Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities.‫؛‬

!‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Std I8٦M,!EEE Standard ٤0 Shunt Pov١er Capacitors.2 ١

!‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Std 469 ٦ ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎا‬Recommended Practice for Voice-Frequency Electrical-Noise Tests 0٤ Distribution

! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Std 52 5٨. IEEE Cuide for the Design and Installation 0٤ Cable Systems in Substations.

! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Std 103 6٨‫ا‬. !EEE Cuide for Application 0‫ ا‬Shunt Power Capacitors.

‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎا‬Std ‫! ا‬43™, !‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎ‬Cuide on Shielding Practice for Low Voltage Cables.

!‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎ‬Std !531™, !‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎ‬Cuide ٤0٣ Application and Specification 0٤ !!armonic Filters.

!EEE Std C37.012™, ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎا‬Application Cuide 10٣ Capacitance Current Switching 10٣ ٨ High-Voltage
Circuit Breakers.

!EEE Std C37.O41. ! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Standard Rating Structure ٤0٣ ٨ High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.

!EEE Std C 3 7 . 2 ’ . ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬Standard 10٣ Electrical Power 5٧51٤1٦ Device Function Numbers. Acronyms, and
Contact Designations.

!EEE Std C37.4X’. ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬Cuide 10٣ the Application. (Operation, and Maintenance of High-Voltage Fuses,
Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches. Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories.

! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬51‫ل‬ 37.66٨‫ا‬. IEEE Standard Requirements 10 Oil-Filled Capacitor Switches ٤0٣ ٨ Systems ( ‫ ا‬٤٧
٤0 38٤٤٧).

!‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Std 37.90.1. ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎا‬Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (swe) Tests 10٣ Relays and Relay
Systems Associated w ith Electric Power Apparatus.

! ‫ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬51‫ ل‬C57. !3.3’. !‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎ‬Cuide for f o u n d i n g 0٤ Instrument Transformer Secondary Circuits 20‫ ل‬Cases.

! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Std C57.16™, !EEE Standard Requirements. 1211111110102. and 1 ‫ع‬5‫ا‬ 00‫ ع‬10٣ Dry-Type Air-Core
Series-Connected Reactors.

! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Std C62.2™, ! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Cuide for the Application 0٤ Capped Sihcon-Carbide Surge Arresters 10
Alternating Current Systems.

‫ا‬ ٨5‫ا‬0010‫ ا‬1221105 :‫ ﻋرا‬available 10 the American National Standards Institute (http://www.ansi.0rg/).
٠١IEEE publications are available 10 11‫ ع‬Institute 0٤ Electrical and Electronics Engineers (httD./Zstandards 1ece.org/).
‫ا‬ rhe IEEE standards 0 products referred 10 11 115 clause are trademarks of The Institute 0٤ Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

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IEEE Sid C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

1‫ اﺗﺎت‬Std C62.22™, !EEE Guide for the ٨ 100112211011 0٤ M e t a l - O d e Surge Arresters for Alternating-
Current Systems.

NEMA CPI, Shunt Capacitors.4

3. Definitions

Eor the 011100505 0٤ 1115 document, the 10110٦٢10 terms and definitions apply. 111‫ ع‬IEEE 5/0,1/045
Dictionary Online 5110111‫ ل‬he consulted for terms not defined in this claused

back-to-back capacitor bank witching (or back-to,back switching or 21-٤0-92 capacitor

switching): Switching 3 capacitor bank 11 close enough electrical proximity 10 one or more other energized
capacitor hanks and or cables 10 influence the inrush current significantly,

capacitor bank: ٨1 assembly at one location of capacitors) 31 ‫ ااه ل‬necessary accessories (such 35
witching equipment, protective equipment, controls, etc.) required ٤0٣ 3 complete operating installation.

capacitor control: The device required 10 operate ‫ع‬ switching device(s) automatically 10 energize and
deenergize shunt power capacitor banks,

capacitor element (0 element): The basic component 0٤ a capacitor 111٤ consisting 0٤ two electrodes
separated by a dielectric.

capacitor inrush current (or inrush current): The transient charging cun-ent that flows 11 3 capacitor
when a capacitor 15 initially connected ٤0 a voltage source.

capacitor line fuse (capacitor 20 0‫ م‬fuse): ٨ fiise applied ٤0 disconnect a faulted phase 0٤ a capacitor
bank from a power system,

capacitor outrush current (or outrush current): The transient discharge current that flows when 2٦
energized capacitor bank 15 initially connected 10 2٦ external 51011circuit.

capacitor unit (capacitor, power capacitor): ٨11 assembly 0٤ dielectric 211‫ ل‬electrodes 11 a container
(case), w ith terminals brought out, that 15 intended ٤0 introduce capacitance 1110 311 electric pow er circuit.

discharge device: ٨1 internal or external device intentionally connected in shunt w ith the terminals of a
capacitor for the purpose of reducing the trapped voltage after the capacitor 15 disconnected 1101٦ an
energized line,

externally fused 2021٤0 021 ٤: ٨ capacitor bank 1‫ﻻ‬ fiises external 10 the (power) capacitor units,

filter capacitor: (202 1101(5) utilized w ith inductors and or resistors 10٣ controlling harmonic voltages and
currents 11 the power system,

fixed capacitor bank: ٨ capacitor bank not designed for automatic or frequent 511 ‫ن‬11112

fused capacitor: ٨ capacitor having fuses mounted 011 its terminals, inside 2 terminal enclosure, 0 inside
the capacitor case, for ‫ ﻋﺎ‬purpose of disconnecting a failed capacitor element, unit, or group.

fuseless capacitor 0211: ٨ capacitor bank w ithout any 10505. internal 0 external, which 15 constructed 0٤
(parallel) strings of series-connected capacitor units.

‫ا‬ ‫ﻻ‬٨‫ا‬٨ 006‫ا‬1011005arc available from Global Engineering 1901011٤1‫( ا‬http://gl0bal.ilis.C0m/).

‫ ة‬٦٦١‫ ع‬IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at ‫ﺳﻌﻠدﺻﺻﺳﮭﺊ‬
standards dctionary.html.

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IEEE std C37. 99-201 2
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

individual capacitor ٤52: ٨ frise applied 10 disconnect an individual faulted capacitor unit from its 020.

internal ٤05‫ ع‬0٤ 2 capacitor: ٨ frjse connected inside 3 capacitor unit. 11 series with 31 element 0٣ a group
of elements,

internally fused capacitor (unit): ٨ capacitor unit that includes internal ftjses.

kilovar (1000 vars): The practical unit o f reactive po١١er equal ٤0 the product 0‫ ا‬the root-mean-square
(1٨15) voltage 11 kilovolts ( k V ) , the 115 current in amperes (٨). and the sine of the angle between them.

parallelelenicntconnected capacitor (unit): ٨ capacitor unit w i t h the elements connected 11 parallel

210005. with the parallel groups connected in series between the ‫ا‬1٦‫ ع‬terminals (Figure ‫)ا‬.

phase-over-phase: ٨ capacitor bank construction 0110٦‫ ع‬structure, w i t h the individual phases (0٣ 1225 10
delta connected capacitor banks) 0‫ ا‬1‫ ﻋﺎ‬capacitor bank installed above each other 211‫ ل‬insulated 110111each


‫د‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ل‬

‫ ﻟل‬.
in :
111 ٠
111 ;

Parallel connected Scries connected

capacitor unit capacitor ‫اا‬

Figure 1—Capacitor ‫ﻟﺎ‬٣٤ design

scries٠(clement)iconncctcd capacitor (unit): ٨ capacitor unit with the 21211125‫ ا‬connected 11 series with
each other between the line terminals, with one 0٣ more such series 5٣11125 within a capacitor unit
(Figure ‫)ا‬.

switched capacitor (switched capacitor 4111٤): ٨ 202110٣ bank designed 10٣ controlled operation a n d o r
frequent switching.

thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR): ٨ reactor whose effective value 15 changed by controlling ‫ ﻋﺎ‬110١ 0‫ا‬
current by phase-controlling ‫ ﻋﺎا‬tum-on signal 10 the thyristors.

thyristor-svvitchcd capacitor (TSC): ٨ capacitor switched 0 and 0‫اا‬ by thyristor control action.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

I E E E std 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

011101520 capacitor 211 ٤: Any capacitor hank 11101‫ل‬٤ 11595

. internal 0٣ external,

u n t i e d capacitor (unit): ٨ capacitor ٢110‫اﻟﺎ‬ any internal 11525.

4. B a s i c considerations

Protection 0٤ shunt capacitor banks requires 211 understanding 0٤ ‫ ﻋﻠﺎ‬terminology (see Figure 2).
capabilities, and limitations of the individual capacitor units and associated electrical equipment. Four types
0٤ capacitor units and their respective connections may affect the relay function selection for the protection

a) Externally 1sed ٠ ١vith individual 1525 10٣ each capacitor unit

‫ )ط‬Internally 1scd٠ with each element 1sed inside the capacitor unit
c) Fuseless, with capacitor units connected 11 series strings between line and neutral (0٣ between
‫ا‬10‫ ع‬terminals)
4) Unfused, with capacitor units connected 11 3 variety 0‫ ا‬series and parallel arrangements

Figure 2 shows the basic terminology 31 examples of wye-connected 005 (grounded 0٣ ungrounded)
w ith these tour types of capacitor units.

Clause 2 shows the applicable standards 10٣ the associated electrical equipment 10٣ the individual capacitor
units, individual capacitor-unit 1S2S, bank switching devices, power 1S2S, voltage- or current-sensing
devices, surge arresters, and reactors.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE std 037 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

"Internal Discharge


٦ ‫اك‬ Rushing


+ ‫ب‬ Elemem
. ٠



‫م —اﺑط‬١‫ذر‬

، ‫ —اب‬٩‫ﻛو‬
‫ه اﻧب‬




TI m m ٢٣

‫ا ﻟﻼ ﻟﻼ ﻟل‬

ً‫طﻔﺎ‬see note (bl
Physical Connection ‫ا‬
‫ ااادا‬Ca،١acilor Units
in 01‫ ) ع‬iroup

+ 1
‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬

‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬

‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬

+ ‫ب‬
Physical Connection
‫ه‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬
ol. Senes String

‫ ال‬٢٢ ■

‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ب‬ II ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ه‬

‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬ ‫ﻟﺞ —ق‬ ‫ﻟﺞ‬


T ً‫ا‬ ‫أ‬ ‫أ‬ ً‫ا‬

TTT *‫ﻟﺟﻠﺣﻠﺟﻠﺞ‬
‫ﻟﺞ ﻟﺞ أك ﻟﺞ ﻟﺞ‬

‫ﻟﻠم‬ ٢٢٩٦

‫ل‬٠ see ‫ا‬ ‫ااا‬

(2) Extcrnally-Hiscd (b) fntemally-fitscd

(٤) Fuseless (may use multiple 55‫ا‬٢11‫ ي‬pe٢ phase) (‫ )ل‬Unused
♦Note - 02042110 banks may ‫ ﻋط‬grounded

Figure 2--٧٧٧2 connected capacitor bank-grounded ٥٣ ungrounded

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

4.1 Capacitor unit capabilities

٦٧1٦٤1٦ protecting capacitor banks, 1115 important 10 realize the capabilities 0‫ ا‬capacitor units 50 that the
protection system can be applied 10 guard the capacitor units against system-induced events 211 upon
failures 0٤ some units 11 the bank. IEEE Std 1۴١ specifies the standard ratings 0‫ ا‬the capacitors designed
0٣ shunt connection to ac transmission and distribution systems.* IEEE 5 ‫ ﻻ‬1036™ gives application
guidelines for these capacitors. ٨5 per IEEE Std 18. the following 15 specified:

2) Capacitors 3٣‫ ع‬intended 10 be operated 3‫ ا‬0٣ below their rated voltage. Capacitors shall be
capable 0٤ continuous operation under the contingency system and bank conditions provided
٦0 ٦‫ ع‬0١٦‫ ع‬following limitations 3٣‫ ع‬exceeded:
1) ‫ ا‬100 % o f rated 115 voltage

2) 120% 0 rated peak voltage (i.e., peak voltage not exceeding 1.2 2 times (1‫ ع‬rated
115 01132. including harmonics, but excluding transients)

3) 1350% of nominal 15 current based 01 rated kvar and rated voltage

4) 135*% o f rated kvar

b) 11‫ ع‬capacitance 0 4 unit shall not vary' more than -0% 10 410% o f the nominal value 025‫ ل‬on
rated kvar, voltage, and frequency, measured at 25 ٥c uniform case 311‫ ل‬internal temperature.

c) Capacitor units mounted i n multiple ٣05 311‫ ل‬tiers should be designed for continuous operation
for a maximum 4 ‫ ا‬average ambient air temperature 0‫ ا‬40 ٥c during the hottest day. Capacitors
shall ‫ ع‬capable o f both continuous operation and switching operations at a minimum ambient
temperature of-40٥c.

‫)ل‬ Capacitor units rated above 600 ٧ shall have an internal discharge device 10 reduce the residual
voltage 10 50 V 0٣ less in 5 min. Capacitor units 3٣‫ ع‬available 111a variety 0‫ ا‬voltage ratings
(216٧10 24 940 V 0 and 51205 (2.5 kvar 10 about 800 kvar). Capacitor units designed for special
applications can exceed these ratings (see IEEE Std 18). See IEEE 51 ‫ ل‬1036 l o r capacitor short-
time overvoltage capability.

4.2 Capacitor unit connections

Depending 011the application, any 0٤ the four types o f capacitor units (i.e.٠ externally fused, internally
hised, fuscless, and unfused) may be suitable 10٣ ‫ا‬ capacitor bank design.

4.2.1 Externally fused shunt capacitor banks

Externally fused shunt capacitor banks 3٣‫ ع‬configured using one 0٣ more series groups o f parallel connected
capacitor units per phase. A n individual fuse, externally mounted between the capacitor unit and the
capacitor bank fuse bus, typically protects each capacitor unit. Figure 2(2) illustrates a typical capacitor
bank utilizing externally fused capacitor units. The capacitor unit can be designed for 3 relatively high
voltage because the external fuse 15 capable o f interrupting a high-voltage fault. ‫ ا‬lowever, the kilovar rating
of the individual capacitor unit may ‫ ع‬smaller because a minimum number 0‫ ا‬parallel units 15 required 10
311٥١٩٧ the bank to remain 11 service with one unit out.

4.2.2 Internally fused shunt capacitor banks

11 general, banks employing internally fused capacitor units 3٣‫ ع‬configured w i t h fewer capacitor units 1٦
parallel and more series 0101105 0‫ ا‬units 1131 3٣‫ ع‬used 1٦ banks employing externally fused capacitor units.

" Information 0‫ و‬references can he found m clause 2

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Figure 2) illustrates 3 ٤٧101 ‫ اع‬capacitor 000 utilizing internally fused capacitor 10101٤5.11٦‫ ع‬capacitor units
normally have 2 large kvar rating, and 3 complete unit 15 not expected 10 fail due to operation 0٤ 10595 0٦
failed internal elements.

A n internal 05 ‫ ع‬15 connected i n series w i t h each capacitor element. Each internally fijsed capacitor unit 15
constructed ٢٧1‫ ا‬a large number o f elements connected 11 parallel 10 form 3 group and w i t h only a few
210005 connected 11 series. This construction 15 the opposite o f that found in externally fused capacitors,
which normally 2111010٧ a large number 0‫ ا‬series groups made up of parallel connected elements, w i t h
correspondingly fewer elements connected 111parallel per series group. With internally fiised capacitors,
١121 2 capacitor element fails, the current through 115 individual fusible link w i l l be considerably higher
than the normal current. 1015 higher current w i l l b l o w the fusible link, thereby isolating the failed element.

4.2.3 Fuseless shunt capacitor banks

Fuseless shunt capacitor banks 3٣‫ ع‬normally used for applications where ‫ ﻋﺎ‬failure (short circuiting) 0٤ 0٦‫ع‬
capacitor element w i l l not cause excessive voltage 01 the remaining elements 11 that string. This 15 usually
at 0٣ above 34.5 ٤٧. The capacitor units 2٣‫ ع‬normally designed with ٤0 bushings with the elements
insulated from the case. 111 capacitor 11115 are connected 111series strings between 025‫ ع‬and neutral (0٣
between line terminals for delta-connecled 0٣ single-phase installations). The protection is based 011 the
capacitor element’s failing 111a shorted mode. 11١ discharge energy is small because 110 capacitor units are
connected directly 1٦ parallel. Figure 2(c) illustrates a typical capacitor 031 utilizing fuseless capacitor

4.2.4 Unfused shunt capacitor banks

The unfused shunt capacitor approach uses 3 series parallel connection of the capacitor units, similar to
externally or internally fused capacitor banks. This type 0‫ ا‬capacitor 0311 has not 0221 ١videly used. Some
users have removed fuses from externally fused capacitor banks because of excessive nuisance operations
and have ended ‫ ﻣﻠﺎ‬1‫ اا‬an unfused capacitor 0311. 11١‫ ع‬unfused approach may 0‫ ع‬useful 01٦1banks below
34.5 ٦٧ (where series strings 3٣ 110‫ ا‬practical) or 01 higher voltage capacitor banks with modest parallel
energy. 1115 design may 1101require as many 303110٣ units 11 parallel 35 311externally fused bank because
‫ ﻋﺎ‬voltage 011the fuse during operation 15 00‫ ا‬a consideration. Figure 2(‫ )ل‬illustrates a 101 ‫ اﻟﻊ‬capacitor
bank utilizing unfused capacitor units.

4.3 Capacitor bank design

4.3.1 Externally fused shunt capacitor banks

A n externally fused shunt capacitor bank 0‫ ا‬2 01٧21512‫ ع‬and voltage ٣311112 may be made ‫ ﻣﻠﺎ‬o f a number 0‫ا‬
series 2111 parallel groups. ‫ﻟﺎ‬5‫ ع‬0‫ ا‬capacitors with the highest 005510‫ ﻋﺎ‬voltage rating ‫ ااأ‬result 11 3
capacitor bank with 1‫ ي‬fewest number o f series groups. 1115 airangement generally provides the simplest
rack structure and the greatest sensitivity 10٣ unbalance detection schemes. The available unbalance signal
level decreases significantly as the number 0‫ ا‬series groups o f 202110٣5 15 increased 0٣ as the number 0‫ا‬
capacitor units 11٦ parallel per series group 15 increased.

1٦١‫ ع‬number 0‫ ا‬capacitor units in parallel per series group 15 governed by both 2 minimum 21 ‫ل‬2 maximum

he minimum number o f capacitor units per group 15 determined by the overvoltage considerations upon
150‫ا‬2‫ا‬101 0‫ ا‬one capacitor unit 11 the group 21‫ ل‬has sufficient overcurrent through 2 ‫ا‬05‫ ع‬011 2 faulted
capacitor unit 10 blow the fuse 11 3 reasonably 511011time (50 that the unbalance protection does 00‫ ا‬require

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

a long time delay). Hie general rule 15 that isolation of one capacitor unit 11 3 group should 00٤ cause
voltage unbalance sufficient ٤0 place more than ‫ ا‬109% of rated voltage on the remaining capacitors i n the
group. 1٦‫ ع‬value 0‫ ا ا‬%10 15 the maximum continuous overvoltage capability 0٤ capacitor units as per
IEEE Std 18.

The maximum number 0‫ ا‬capacitor units that 1113٧ be placed 111parallel per series group 15 governed ‫ ﻟﻂ‬a
different consideration. ١Vhen 3 capacitor unit fails* other capacitors 11 the same parallel group ٧1‫ اا‬contain
some amount o f charge. This charge w i l l drain off as 3 high-trequency transient current that flows through
the failed capacitor unit and 115 fuse. The fuse holder 21‫ ل‬the failed capacitor unit should withstand this
discharge transient safely until the fuse blows,

0٣ 3 large number 01 parallel externally fused capacitors* 10 minimize the probability 01 failure 0‫ ا‬the
expulsion fuse holder 0٣ rupture of the capacitor case* 0٣ both* ‫ت‬٨1٨ (1‫ ا‬recommends that the total
energy stored 111 3 parallel connected group o f capacitors should 110٤ exceed 15 000 ‫ ل‬for all-film dielectric
capacitor units (10 000 ‫ ا‬for older all-paper 0٣ paper-film dielectric capacitor 00115) at maximum peak
voltage (rated voltage X 1٠1 X ٧2). F o r b ) 112 applications* N E M A C P I recommends ‫ ه‬total parallel kilovar
limit 014650 ٤٧3٣ 10٣ all-film dielectric capacitor units (3100 kvar 10٣ older capacitor units). A l l - f i l m
dielectric capacitor 003115 have been applied up 10 9600 kvar 11 parallel with expulsion fuses (Mendis ‫ال اع‬.
[01017). Consult ‫ ع‬capacitor and fuse manufacturer before exceeding the 4650 kvar limit 10 assist 11
ensuring that the total available discharge energy (including energy from capacitors 11 a parallel ٧ and or
111parallel banks) does 10‫ ا‬exceed the discharge energy capability o f the fuse 0٣ the faulted capacitor.

113 capacitor bank having the minimum number 0٤ series 010005 has more 111314650 ٤٧3٣ per series group*
then capacitors o f a lower voltage rating requiring more series 010005 and fewer units 11 parallel per 0roup
may 0‫ ع‬a suitable solution. ‫ ا‬lowever, this arran0ement w i l l reduce ‫ ﻋﺎ‬sensitivity o f the unbalance detection
scheme. The bank may have ٤0 ‫ ع‬٢٤110‫ ﻟﻊ‬110111 service for 3 reduced number 0‫ ا‬isolated capacitor units
because the voltage 21055 the remaining units exceeds ‫ ا‬10 % o f their rated voltage. Splitting the bank 1110
two 522110115. 35 3 ‘٠double-wye٠١١may be 3 preferred arrangement 311‫ ل‬may permit 3 better unbalance
detection scheme. 11٦ 3 d uble-wye” arrangement* the failure 0‫ ا‬fewer capacitor units w i l l also result i n 1‫ع‬
removal 0‫ ا‬the bank. The use 0‫ ا‬current-limiting fuses 11 3 single wye configuration 001 ‫ل‬0‫ ع‬another

4.3.2 Internally fused s h u n t capacitor banks

A n internally fused shunt capacitor bank 0‫ ا‬3 0121 512‫ ع‬and voltage rating may be made up 0‫ ا‬3 number 0‫ا‬
series and parallel groups.

Use 0٤ capacitors with 1٦‫ ع‬highest 0055101‫ ع‬kilovar rating ٧1‫ اا‬result 11٦ 3 capacitor bank with the fewest
number o f capacitor units. 115 arrangement generally provides the simplest rack structure and permits ‫اا‬
largest number 0‫ ا‬element failures before unbalance tripping 15 required.

11 15 usually desirable 10 have al least 10 units 11 parallel 11 each series group. 11 the event 0‫ ا‬3 large
number 0٤ internal ftise operations 11 0٦‫ ع‬capacitor unit* the other capacitor helps 2‫ ﻣﻊ‬the terminal voltage
0٤ the affected capacitor dow n.

The maximum number 0٤ capacitor 01115 that 1٦٦3٧ 0‫ ع‬placed 11 parallel per series group 15 governed 0 the
parallel energy capability of 1‫ ع‬internal 10525. Placing 100 many capacitor units 11 parallel can jeopardize
the operation 0٤ the 0525. ٦he manufacturer 0‫ ا‬the capacitor units typically recommends the maximum
number 0٤ capacitor units 10 be connected directly 1٦ parallel.

rhe numbers in brackets correspond 10 those 0٤ the bibliography in Annex ٨

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

1٤a proposed capacitor 00 having the minimum number 0٤ 52٣125 2101105 has 100 1٦٦٩1٦ capacitor units 1٦
parade!, then it 1113٧ be possible to reduce ‫ ع‬parallel energy 0٧ changing the number of series 2101105 0٣
by rearranging the bank 11٤0 multiple wyes.

4.3.3 Fuseless shun‫ ؛‬capacitor banks

٨ fuseless capacitor bank 15 arranged with individual capacitor units in series (called 2 "series 51٣102))
connected between the phase terminals and the ground 0٣ neutral. 11٦‫ ع‬sum of the individual capacitor unit
rated voltages 11 a string should equal 0٣ exceed the normal phase-to-ground 0٣ phase-to-neutral voltage 0‫ا‬
the capacitor bank. The desired three-phase kvar 0‫ ا‬the capacitor bank 15 accomplished by adding series
strings 0‫ ا‬capacitor units 11 parallel.

Fuseless banks are usually used at a higher 5٧5٤٤1٦1 voltage (3٤ 0٣ above 34.5 kV). Capacitor units are
connected in series strings. 1١‫ ع‬capacitor units usually have two bushings and may have additional
insulation between the capacitor elements and the case. Each string usually has more 1131 10 elements 11
series 10 assist 11٦ ensuring that 1‫ ع‬remaining elements do not exceed ‫ ا‬%10 0‫ ا‬the nominal rating 1131
element 111 the 511112 shorts.

4.3.4 Unfused shun‫ ؛‬capacitor banks

٨11 unfused bank would have a series, parallel arrangement. 1٤23‫ا‬٧ unbalance functions are normally set 10
trip the bank when ‫ا‬١‫ ع‬voltage 01 remaining capacitor units exceeds ‫ ا‬%10 0‫ ا‬rated voltage or the
overvoltage on remaining eletnenls in a faulted capacitor unit 15 high enough that cascading failure 01
5٧52111 transient overvoltage 15 likely. 011 smaller 00115. tripping may 0‫ ع‬based 01٦ the failure of a single
element. (For small banks.٤‫ا‬١‫ ع‬probability of element failure may 0‫ ع‬small given the small total number 0‫ا‬

4.4 Overvoltage on remaining capacitor units

The overvoltages that occur w hen individual capacitor elements fail 0٣ internal 0٣ external uses operate
determine ١٣٦2٦٣ the bank should 0‫ ع‬removed from service. Usually, the larger the kilovar rating 0‫ ا‬31٦
individual capacitor unit, the simpler ‫ا‬١‫ ع‬31 * design.‫ اﻟﻤﺎط‬the unit 512 w ill atTect 1‫ ع‬resulting overvoltages
follow ing 105 operation or element shorting.

4.4.1 Externally fused s h u n t capacitor banks

٤0 an externally fused 0211* 0٤ 3 given size, 05‫ ع‬0‫ ا‬a larger individual capacitorunit *ilovar rating
decreases the number 0 parallel capacitor units per group and increases the overvoltage change due 10
isolation of a single capacitor. Failure 0‫ ا‬additional capacitors 15 likely 10 occur 11٦ the same parallel group
as the first failure because these remaining capacitor units have the highest voltage stress. However, if tw o
capacitors ‫ ااا‬in different parallel 010005. then the overvoltage percentage 15 1255 than that of the ٤٧0
capacitors failing 1٦ the same parallel group.

4.4.2 Internally fused shun‫ ؛‬capacitor banks

٨1٦ internally fitsed bank ٤21٦ connect the capacitor elements inside the capacitor unit in various series and
parallel configurations 10 minimize the overvoltage 51٣255 01٦ the remaining internal elements and
unaffected cai0acitor units when fuses operate. When a puncture 0٣ a short-circuit occurs 11٦ a capacitor
element, the current through the fuse increases 11٦ proportion 10 the number 0‫ ا‬elements connected 1٦
parallel. 1115 1٦٣245 15 sufficient 10 melt the fuse within a very short time. 1٦‫ ع‬capacitor units are

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I E E E std 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬P r o t e a n of Shunt Capacitor Banks

designed with a !arge enough number 0٤ elements 11 parallel 50 that the operation 0 one 105‫ ع‬0005 110٤
result 11 ٤00 much increase 11 voltage 01 the remaining parallel 2121112015. Further failures 0٤ elements
causes overvoltage 01 the health)’ units, and unbalance protection should ultimately operate when
overvoltage exceeds design level.

4.4.3 Fuseless shunt capacitor banks

Fuseless bank design depends 01 the capacitor elements being connected 11 series, and the expected 111‫ﻻ‬٣‫ع‬
mode o f the capacitor element w i l l ‫ ع‬a 511011circuit. 1٦‫ ع‬number 0٤ capacitor elements 11 series increases
with 1‫ ع‬increase 11 the nominal voltage rating 0‫ ا‬the capacitor bank, i f an element shorts, then the
remaining 202110٣ elements w i l l ‫ ع‬subject 10 overvoltage. The voltage increase 011each element w i l l be
approximately equal 10٤/(٤-1). where E 15 1‫ ع‬original number of capacitor elements 11 the string. ٦he
continuous 21‫ ل‬overvoltage capability' o f the elements 15 equal 10 the capability o f the capacitor unit divided
‫ ﻟﺄط‬the number o f elements in series w ithin the capacitor unit.

4.4.4 Unfused shunt capacitor banks

11١‫ ع‬unfused capacitor bank has 0 fuses. Unbalance protection should be applied 50 that follow ing failures,
1‫ ع‬resulting voltage 01٦ the remaining healthy capacitor units 0005 00٤ exceed ‫ ا‬%10 0٤ their rating or the
recommended level specified by the manufacturer.

5. B a n k c o n n e c t i o n s

51 common capacitor bank connections are shown 11 Figure 3. The optimum connection depends 01 ‫ﻋﺎا‬
best utilization 0‫اا ا‬1‫ ع‬available voltage ratings 0‫ ا‬capacitor units, fusing, 311‫ ل‬protective claying. These
connections can ‫ ع‬used for externally fused capacitor bank design, internally fused capacitor bank design,
fuseless capacitor bank design ( i f enough elements 3٣‫ ع‬connected 11 series for a protection scheme 10‫ﻋﻂ‬
applied), 311‫ل‬110 ‫ا‬15‫ ل‬capacitor bank design. ٧irtually all 5005101101banks 3٣‫ ع‬wye connected. Distribution
capacitor banks, however, may be wye or 02113 connected. Some banks 105 ‫ ع‬311I I configuration 01 each 0‫ا‬
1‫ ع‬phases with a current transformer 11 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬connecting branch 10 detect the unbalance.

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IEEE Sid C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capaci for Banks

12) %) (c)

‫دب‬٩ ‫” د‬
1‫ ﻟﺎا‬- ungruumkd ٨٤٤
‫ راا‬- ungHHKMkd 1٤‫س‬٨٠ ٦‫ل‬١‫ اا‬- tnaiir.il-s 111 or
K'l - ‫ا‬ ‫اﻟﺎ‬ ‫ اااا‬٨٤
‫ أا‬1٠،٦ml‘igiim٠،١ni


Figure 3— Common capacitor bank connections

5.1 G r o u n d e d wye-connected b a n k s

Grounded ١٧‫ ع‬capacitor 0215. composed o f series- and parallel-connected capacitor 001‫ا‬5 per phase, 1٦3٧
require overvoltage/ unbalance protection. Figure 2 510١٧5 typical bank arrangements.

Grounded capacitor banks provide a low-impedance path to ground for lightning surge currents and give
some protection from surge voltages. Some banks 1٦3٧ be operated without surge arresters, taking
advantage of the capability o f the capacitors to 35010 the surge.

Grounded capacitor 005 3150 provide 3 lowtmpedance path 10 ground for triplen harmonic currents.
These harmonic currents may cause communication facility interference, 1٤ such circuits parallel power
lines. Additionally, an open phase 11 the vicinity o f the capacitor bank produces zero sequence currents that
may cause capacitor bank ground relay operations. Harmonic resonance may also ‫ ع‬3 problem because
capacitor banks are 1 many cases part o f a resonant loop, resulting i n magnification 0٤ specific harmonic

١Vhen the neutral 15 grounded, recovery voltages encountered during switching are reduced: however,
careful consideration should ‫ ع‬given 10 the effect 0‫ ا‬inrush current 01 current transformer ((1) circuits
(see 10,6.1). communication circuits and bank protective relay performance (52 ‫ ا‬1.3).311‫ ل‬the 111211010‫ا‬
system grounding (see 6.1).

5.1.1 One unit phase to ground

There 15 10 overvoltage across the remaining capacitor units 11 3 failed, externally ftised capacitor unit 15
isolated with 3 fijse: therefore, unbalance relay protection 15 not required. The individual external capacitor
fuses should be capable 0‫ ا‬interrupting the 5٧5٤٤1٦٦ available fault current.

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Internally fttsed and unfttsed capacitor 0205 should have unbalance protection to 20 1‫ ل‬excessive element
overvoltages and 10 trip the hank for severe unbalance conditions.

5.1.2 Multiple units i n series phase to ground-single ٧٧2

Grounded wye externally fttsed capacitor banks above 34.5 k V are commonly composed 0‫ ا‬two 0٣ more
series groups ot١ parallel connected capacitor units per phase. T e presence 0٤ multiple series groups 0‫ا‬
units limits the maximum fault current 50 that individual current-limiting 155 are usually not required
011255 the parallel kilovar exceeds 4650 kv ar 0٣ the level specified by the manufacturer.

Internally 1sed capacitor units should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬arranged 11 the bank design 50 that the energy 11 the parallel
group does 0٤ exceed the interrupting capability of the internal 10525. Relatively small banks can ‫ﻋﻂ‬
designed with internally fused capacitor units 2‫ ل‬still use large capacitor units for a simple design.

The fuseless design 15 not usually applied ‫ا‬0٣ 55٧5٤٤11 voltages 1255 than about 34.5 ٤٧. 1٦‫ ع‬reason 15 that
there 5100111‫ ﻋﻂ‬more than 10 elements 11 series so that the 2 does not 2٦‫ ع‬to‫ ﻋﻂ‬removed from service
for the failure of one element because the voltage across the remaining elements would increase ‫ط‬٧ 2 factor
0‫ ا‬about £ / ( £ - 1)٠ where ٤ 15 the number o f elements 1٦ the string.

5.1.3 Multiple units in series ‫م‬52 ٤٥ ground—double wye

large capacitor banks may 0 ‫ ع‬5‫ام‬1‫ ا‬1110 ٤0 wy e 52210115.10 maintain the parallel energy o f a series group
w ithin the limits of capacitor units 0٣ fuses. The characteristics o f the grounded double ٧‫ ع‬are similar to a
grounded single ١٧‫ ع‬021 *. The two neutrals should ‫ ع‬directly connected with a single connection 10

The double ١٧‫ ع‬design allows a secure 3‫ ل‬faster protection with a simple uncompensated relay because
any system 2210 sequence unbalance affects both ٧٧25 equally, but a failed capacitor unit ‫ ااا‬0‫ ع‬detected
11 ‫ ع‬neutral unbalance. Time coordination may 0‫ ع‬required to allow’ a fuse 10 blow 1٦ or 01 3 failed
capacitor unit. I f 1٤ is a fuseless design, the time delay 311 be set short because 110 fuse coordination 15

11 fuseless capacitor banks, double ١٧٧‫ ع‬designs w i t h voltage differential schemes also may mitigate
nuisance alarms 0٣ trips caused by the unequal variation 0‫ ا‬capacitance ‫ ﻋﻠﺎل‬10 solar radiation.

5.2 U n g r o u n d e d wye— c o n n e c t e d b a n k s

Ungrounded wye 0215 00 not permit zero sequence currents, third harmonic currents, 0٣ large capacitor
discharge currents during 5٧5٤٤1٦ ground faults. (Phase-ophase faults may still occur and w i l l result i n
large discharge currents.) 1٦١‫ ع‬neutral point 0‫ ا‬the bank, however, 50011 ‫ ع‬insulated 10٣ full ‫ا‬1٦‫ ع‬voltage
because i t is momentarily at phase potential when the bank 15 switched 0٣ when one capacitor unit fails 1113
21 configured with 2 single 21000 0‫ل ا‬115 0٣ during close-in system ground fault.

5.2.1 One unit phase to neutral

٤0٣ systems with line-to-neutral voltages corresponding 10 available capacitor ratings, wye-connected
capacitor banks with 3 single series group per phase may be used. The capacitor bank neutral 1٦3 be
ungrounded 10 avoid ‫ ﻳﺎا‬need for power fttses 10 interrupt the system short-circuit fault current 0٣ 10
minimize the fiow o f triplen hamionics, w hich can cause telephone interference. This design requires that
single-bushing capacitor units 0 ‫ ع‬1110112‫ ل‬on 211insulated rack. I f two-bushing capacitor units are used
with a grounded rack, then 2 fault 10 the case 1 ‫ ع اا‬4 system line-to-ground fault. High 5٧5٤٤111fault

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

currents 13 lead 10 case rupture. ‫ت‬0٣ externally fused capacitor 03105. the 10525 511011 ‫ ﻻ‬he selected 10
interrupt the available phase-to ground short-circuit current, 1٤lower rated 11ses 3٣‫ ع‬used, then a fault 10 the
capacitor case may not he cleared by the capacitor-unit 105‫ ع‬and will require that the fault be cleared by٤‫ا‬٦‫ع‬
capacitor bank overcurrent protective devices. Ungrounded wye capacitor 0215 usually 00 110‫ ا‬require
current-limiting capacitor-unit fuses because current through a faulted capacitor unit 15 limited to 1.73 times
normal phase current. However, caution needs to be exercised when re-fusing a bank 0٤ 115 type because
faulted capacitors 11 different phases could result 11 a phase-to-phase system fault,

5.2.2 Multiple units i n series phase to neutral—single ٧٧2

٦٧٧‫ ع‬banks w ith multiple series groups 113٧ also 0‫ ع‬ungrounded. Such a bank 0005 not provide 2 path 10
ground ‫ا‬0٣ a surge voltage and provides 10 path 10 ground for third harmonic currents. 11١‫ ع‬entire bank,
including the neutral should be insulated 10٣ ‫ ااﻻ‬line 01122.

5.2.3 Multiple units i n series phase to neutral—double ٧٧2

When a capacitor 00* 022011105100 large 10٣ ‫ ﻋﺎ‬4650 kvar per group maximum for expulsion 1055 and 15
large enough 10 meet the minimum units per group requirement as outlined in 4.3. the bank may be split
1110 two wye sections. When‫ﻻ‬٦‫ ع‬10 neutrals are ungrounded, ‫ ﻋﺎ‬bank has the same characteristics as the
ungrounded single-wye bank outlined in 5.2.2. These two neutrals may 0 tied together through a current
transformer 0٣ 2 voltage transformer 10 facilitate certain protection methods. ٨5 for any ungrounded wye
bank, the ‫ اھﺎ اﻻع‬instrument transformers should 0‫ ع‬insulated from ground for ‫ ااﻻ‬Ime-to-ground voltage.

5.3 Delta٠connected banks

Delta-connected banks 3٣‫ ع‬generally used 01‫ا‬٧ at distribution voltages and 3٣‫ ع‬typically configured ٧11‫ ا‬a
single series group 0‫ ا‬capacitors because banks 3٣‫ ع‬small, rated at line-to-line voltage. Delta-connected
banks require a two-bushing capacitor 0٣ single-bushing units with insulated racks. Delta-connected banks
3٣‫ ع‬frequently used at 2400 ٧ because capacitor units for wye connection at 2400 ٧ are 110‫ ا‬readily

٦٧1٦ only 0٦‫ ع‬series group 0‫ ا‬units, 00 overvoltage occurs 221055 the remaining capacitor units from the
isolation of 3 faulted capacitor unit. Therefore, unbalance detection 15 00٤ required 10٣ protection ‫ اﻻط‬may
be used 10 detect the outage of units within the 031. No zero-sequence or third harmonic currents can flow
1110 2 delta-connected capacitor bank.

Where 0٦‫ ع‬series group 0‫ ا‬capacitors 15 used, the individual capacitor fuses should 0‫ ع‬capable of
interrupting the system short-circuit phase-to-phase fault curtent. 1115 design may necessitate current-
limiting fases.

If internally fused capacitor units 3٣‫ ع‬used, then unbalance detection 15 required 10 detect a capacitor w ith
failed elements. There 15100 visible indication 0‫ ا‬a blown fuse. 10 0٣ more senes groups are normally
required 11 each capacitor unit 10 enable the internal fuses 10 interrupt the fault current.

Static var compensators usually use the della connection for the thyristor-switched capacitor (15(5) 10
simplify the controls 21‫ ل‬optimize the use 0‫ ا‬the thyristor valve.

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

5.4 H configuration

Some larger banks use 21 11 configuration 11 each phase with 3 current transformer connected between the
1٧0 1205 10 compare the cutrent 00٧٧11each leg. ٨5 long as ‫ ااه‬the capacitors are normal, 110 current ٧1‫اا‬
flow through the current transformer. I f 2 capacitor fitse operates, then some current 1‫ اا‬flow- through 1٦‫ع‬
current transformer. 1115 bridge connection can be ٧٤٣٧ sensitive. This arrangement 15 used 01 large banks
١11‫ ا‬many capacitor units i n parallel.

6. other considerations
The performance 0٤ the protection method can 0‫ ع‬influenced ‫ ل‬the ‫ل‬251211 0‫ ا‬the capacitor bank.
Therefore, protection consideration begins 11‫ ﻻ‬bank design (52 ‫ ع‬4.3). 111general, shunt capacitor 00*
design requirements necessitate an increase 11 minimum 001* 512‫ ع‬١1‫ ا‬system voltage. The higher the
system voltage, the larger the bank investment 0 ‫[ ل‬15 o f costly damage, i f protection does 110‫ ا‬operate
correctly. Although capacitors having large 110٧3٣ ratings may reduce the overall cost of the bank, they
may also reduce the choice o f different capacitor connections 0٣ combinations.

6.1 Bank 90010‫و‬

١Vith grounded ١٧‫ ع‬capacitor banks, high-frequency, high-magnitude transient currents 1٦3 flow from the
capacitor bank neutral 1010 the substation ground. Voltages induced by these ground currents may cause
malfunction 0٣ damage 10 protection systems 0٣ other equipment, even 11 parts 0٤ the substation 110‫ ا‬directly
related 10 the capacitor installation.

Some 0 ‫ا‬1‫ع‬1105‫ ا‬onerous transient currents are caused by the following:

— Discharge 0٤ the capacitor bank 110111 ١‫ ع‬peak 0٤ the operating voltage 1110 3 nearby line-to-
01000‫ ل‬fault

— Restriking capacitor switch w ith back-to-back capacitor sw itching

— Line-to-ground fault 111the capacitor bank (large discharges may occur 35 scries groups arc
shorted out)

1125 high-frequency ground mat transient currents are 21 important consideration 1٦ the design o f the
ground mat 1٦ substations that include grounded wye capacitor 211*5. 1٦‫ ع‬use 0 102111 52‫ اﻻ‬grounding can
‫ ﻣﺎﻋﺎ‬keep the high-frequency transient currents out o f 03115 o f the substation not directly connected w ith the
capacitor. ١ here there are multiple capacitor banks 2‫ ا‬the same voltage 11 2 substation, the use o f single
point grounding w i l l reduce the ground mat currents between capacitor 205 associated with capacitor
switching. The subject o f capacitor bank grounding, including peninsula grounding 2‫ ل‬single point
grounding, 15 discussed more fully 11 ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬Std 1036.

These high-frequency ground currents 3٣‫ ع‬also 31 important consideration 111 the shielding and protection o f
relaying circuits associated with a capacitor bank. 11125 considerations are discussed 11 10.6. l o r
instrument transformer secondary grounding considerations, refer 10 ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬Std (57.13.31٨.

6.2 Neutral grounding

The application 0‫ ا‬large shunt capacitor banks w ith sw itched parallel 005 11 high-voltage transmission
5٧5٤٤115 involves 3 number 0٤ considerations, one 0‫ ا‬which 15 grounding. It 15 generally recommended that
the neutral of capacitor banks be grounded only in systems that are effectively grounded. 11 the event 0‫ ا‬3

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

phase-to-ground fault, a grounded capacitor hank neutral 11 an otherwise ungrounded 5٧5٤٤1٦٦ may lead to
10‫ ا‬transient overvoltages 11 the 5٧5٤٤1٦ 21‫ ل‬capacitor hank 35 3 result of restriking of the arcing fault ٤0
ground. One main advantage associated with 021113‫ ا‬grounding 15 less severity of the transient recovery
voltage (TRV) across the first pole of the sw itch 10 clear, interrupting the charging current of the capacitor
0211. The recovery voltage across the fjrst 001‫ ع‬10 open consists of trapped charges 01 the capacitors and
the variation in the 60 Hz voltage 0‫ ا‬the 5٧5٤٤1. Due 10 system parameters and capacitor hank size, ٤‫ع‬
recovery’ voltage can be approximately 10 times the normal peak voltage when 1‫ ع‬bank 15 grounded. 01
211 ungrounded bank, ٤‫ا‬١‫ ع‬magnitude 0٤ the first peak of the recovery voltage can ‫ ع‬as high as three times
the peak 5٧5٤211 line-to-ground voltage when the bank 15 switched. Because recovery’ voltage 15 4 critical
factor 111 determining the capability’ 0٤4 switching device 10 switch capacitive reactive power, it may 0‫ع‬
desirable (11 terms 0‫ ا‬switch performance) 10 ground the neutral 0‫ ا‬shunt capacitor banks.
IEEE 5 ‫ل‬ (37.04١ and ANSI (37.06-2000 recommend that both the shunt capacitor bank and 1 ‫ ع‬5٧512111
0 grounded at voltage levels 01121 ٤٧ and above. Many capacitor banks of higher voltage are installed
ungrounded, but the circuit breaker manufacturer should be consulted 10٣ the application of a breaker 1‫ا‬
these conditions 3٣‫ ع‬00٤ met. ١٧hile 11131٦٧ shunt capacitor banks are directly connected 10 2 high-voltage
substation bus, sw itched capacitor banks may 0‫ ع‬connected 10 tertiaries 0‫ ا‬power transformers that are
connected 10 the line or possibly 10 the bus. Grounding 1١‫ ع‬neutral 01 a wye-connected capacitor bank
should 0‫ ع‬done only 01 an effectively grounded system. For instance, the delta tertiary 0٤ the auto
transformer represents 31 isolated network: grounding the neutral 0‫ ا‬the capacitor 01* connected 10 the
tertiary winding 11135 this side 0‫ ا‬the transformer capacitively grounded. 02٧0114205 may 0‫ع‬
experienced during lineto-ground faults for certain ratios 010/1. depending 011 5٧5٤٤1٦. transformer, and
capacitor 03* 031311121215.1‫ ا‬the neutral 1510 0‫ ع‬grounded 01 3 system that 15 not effectively grounded,
then the application should 0‫ ع‬thoroughly analyzed for proper application 0٤ surge arresters, bank
configuration, bank sw Itching devices, and so on.

7. Introduction to b a n k a n d system protection

The protection 0٤ shunt capacitor 0215 involves both bank and 551٤1٦ protection schemes. Bank
protection schemes 3٣‫ ع‬provided 10٣ faults ٢٢ 111 the capacitor bank itself. Bank protection 1113٧ include
112105 such 35 3 means ٤0 disconnect a faulted capacitor unit or capacitor element(s), a means to initiate
tripping 0٤ the bank 11 case 0‫ ا‬faults that may lead ٤0 a catastrophic failure, and alarms 10 indicate
unbalance within the ‫اط‬

5٧5٤٤1٦ protection schemes 3٣‫ ع‬provided ٤0 protect the capacitor 31 11011stresses that may ‫ ع‬caused ‫ط‬5
the system and ٤0 protect the substation and system 110111 stresses that 1113 be caused ‫ط‬٧ the 002131010٤ the
capacitor bank. 515٤2111 protection may include 1٤٤1115 such 35 a means 10 limit overvoltage and excessive
transient overcurrents and 10 disconnect the bank 11 the event 0 3 major fault within the capacitor
installation or 0111‫ ع‬substation bus 10 which the capacitor bank 15 connected. System protection may also
include alarms and/or 3 method 10 disconnect ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬entire shunt capacitor bank 111 order 10 prevent farther
damage 10 the capacitors due ٤0 abnormal system conditions.

Table ‫ ا‬lists various bank and system protection schemes typically applied to shunt capacitor banks. Each
condition listed 5110111 ‫ ع ل‬considered w hen providing protection for 2 shunt capacitor bank.

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IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Table 1—Bank and system protection

Bank protection
٤٦01111101 Type of protection Remarks
Faulted capacitor element. External or internal fuse 10 fused Fuses should ‫ ﺣﻂ‬fast to coordinate w ith fast
banks: ‫ﻟﺎع‬. which occurs at the unbalance relay settings ‫ اﻟﺎط‬should not
failure, for banks Without fuses. operate during sw itching or external faults.
Fault 110111capacitor ٤ 11111115 ‫ﻟﺎ‬5‫ ع‬10 externally fused capacitor ٤0 externally fused capacitor banks, fuses
to case, bushing failure, faulty unbalance protection for internally should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬fast 0 coordinate with ‫اﻳﺎ‬
‫ن‬01112‫ن‬11011111capacitor unit. fused banks or banks without fuses. unbalance relay settings ‫ اﻟﺎط‬should not
operate during sw itching 0٣ external faults,
٤0٣ internally fused banks or banks w ilhout
fuses, the unbalance protection should ‫ ع‬115‫ا‬
10 avoid case rupture but should 110‫ ا‬operate
during sw itching 0 external faults.
Unbalance protection should be fast to
Fault 11 capacitor bank other Unbalance protection. Relay should
minimize damage 10 other units during a
than 111unit farcing fault 111 have an appropriate filtering 11
major fault. T ime delay of 0.05 5 10 0. ‫ ا‬5 has
bank). currents and/or voltages for security.
beenused. Sec 7.1.4 and K.5.4b)
Continuous overvoltage 01 Unbalance protection. Relay should Bank should be tripped 10٣ voltages ‫ح‬1 108%
capacitor elements or 110115 have an appropriate filtering 11 o f rated voltage 0 as recommended by man-
due to faulted elements or currents and,or voltages 10٣ 5221111. ufacturer 01 healthy capacitor 00115. ٨11
105 operations within the alarm may be added for 5% unbalance or 011‫ع‬
bank. unit out. (11 some critical applications 41
alarm w ith delayed tripping above ‫ ا‬%100 ٥٤
rated voltage 15 used: see 7.1.4.)
Rack-to-rack flashover 1 two Phase overcurrcnl or negative Fast operation is required 10 minimize
scries group phase-ovcr-phasc sequence relay: unbalance current 10 damage. 5 7 ‫ ا‬.4 1‫ ل‬7 ‫ ا‬.5.
single ١٧‫ ع‬banks. wye-wrye capacitor 115.
System protection
Condition Type of protection Remarks
System surge overvoltage. Surge arresters. Selection 0‫ ا‬surge arrester may require
consideration of bank energy, particularly for
larger capacitor banks.
Pha5 voltage relays. For a distorted voltage waveform, the
10١٨٤٣ frequency system
capacitor dielectric 15 sensitive 10 the peak
Harmonic current Relay sensitive 10 harmonic current. W here excessive harmonic currents are
overloading. anticipated, harmonic relaying may be
a) Circuit breaker or circuit
Bus fault 111 capacitor 1٤214٧5 or pow er fuses should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬as fast as
switcher w ith conventional
installation or major capacitor possible w ithout nuisance operations due 10
bank failure. outrush currents into nearby faults.
‫ )ط‬Power fuses.
Fault 11 or near substation, Inrush andoutrush limiting reactors. Reactors 1113٧ be required 10 protect circuit
‫ اﻟﺎط‬outside capacitor breakers, current transformer circuits, 11‫ل‬
installation. other components against excessive currents
or induced voltages. Use of reactors require
mitigation methods 10 address high 11٩٧
issues 0 circuit breakers
Excessive inrush current. (1) Insertion resistor 0٣ reactor 11 Energizing a capacitor bank ‫أ‬1 close
sw itch, breaker, or circuit proximity 10 11 energized capacitor bank
switcher 1103٧ result 111 excessive inrush currents,
(b) Inrush and outrush limiting damaging circuit breakers or sw itches.
reactors between capacitor ‫ن‬305‫أ‬110undcsired fuse operations, causing
banks excessive voltages 111 current transformers
(‫ )ن‬Synchronous (zero voltage) and relays, causing arcing al gate latches. 1‫ل‬
closing o f the sw itch or circuit so on.

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

System outage. Undervoltage relays. Capacitor banks ( w hich may be) energized
through 3 transformer w ithout 102‫ ل‬01 the
transformer may need 10 ‫ ع‬sw itched 01٤
before reenergizing the system.
Transmission line tripping (a) Transfer tripping o f the Capacitor 210*5 directly connected to 1
(10٤ capacitor banks capacitor bank sw itch transmission ‫ا‬1‫ ن‬w i t h 110 connected load may
connected 10 1 transmission () Undervoltage relays. need 10‫ ﻋﻂ‬disconnected 1101 the line before
line segment). closing the line.
Breaker failure. Breaker failure relays. Local 0 remote breakers should have
capacitor sw itching capability i f they trip‫اا‬١‫ع‬
bank w ithout parallel load during breaker
1411‫ ع[ر‬conditions.

7.1 Bank protection

11 externally fused capacitor banks, several capacitor element breakdowns may occur before ‫ا ﻋﺎا‬15‫ع‬
removes the entire unit. The external fuse w i l l operate when 3 capacitor ‫ﻻ‬1111becomes (essentially) short-
circuited, isolating the faulted unit. Unbalance protection 15 typically designed 10 remove the 000 10111
sen ice when ‫ اا‬resulting overvoltage becomes excessive 01 the remaining healthy capacitor units.

Internally fused capacitors have individual 303110٣ elements within 4 capacitor unit that are disconnected
w hen an element breakdow n occurs. The risk o f successive faults is minimized because the fuse ‫ اازأ‬isolate
the faulty element within a few cycles. Unbalance protection 15 typically designed 10 remove ‫ا‬ bank from
sen ice when the resulting overvoltage becomes excessive 01 the remaining healthy capacitor elements 0٣

For useless or unfused capacitor banks, 3 failed element 15 short-circuited by the weld 13‫ ا‬naturally occurs
at the 0011‫ ا‬o f failure. Unbalance protection 15 typically 405101 ‫ ﻟﻊ‬10 remove the bank 101 senice ٧111 ‫ﻋﺎ‬
resulting ovenoltage becomes excessive 01 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬remaining healthy capacitor elements 0٣ units.

7.1.1 General fuse requirements (٤٥٣ banks with fuses)

The fuse selection should provide sufficient safety margins 10 assist 11 ensuring the availability 0‫ ا‬the
capacitor banks. The fuses should be selected 10 isolate dielectric breakdown quickly and interrupt the
parallel energy at 11 fault location.

302110٣ fusing requires the careful protection considerations given 11 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 10٣ externally and
internally fused capacitor banks.

7.1.2 External fuse selection and operation

‫ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬51‫ ل‬C37.48™ covers in detail the application guidelines for high-voltage external capacitor 10525.

The 2100٣٤٧ stored 1٦ the healthy capacitors 0‫ ا‬0‫ ع‬5٣125 group 0‫ ا‬parallel-connected capacitors ‫ااا‬
discharge 1110 the failed capacitor unit o f that group and 1‫ا‬5 115 ‫ع‬. 1٦‫ ع‬fuse should ‫ ع‬able 10 interrupt the
energy supplied by 1‫ ع‬parallel group 0‫ ا‬capacitor units w hen they 2٣‫ ع‬charged 10 their 023‫ ا‬voltage.

I f the capacitor bank design has 21٦ available dischatge energy higher 1٦3٦ the 2022 110٣ units 0٣ expulsion
fuses can w ithstand, then cutrent-limiting fuses 1 ‫ ا‬31 adequate energy' rating should ‫ ع‬considered.

When ungrounded wye capacitor banks 3٣‫ ع‬supplied 1٦ 2٦ enclosure, current-limiting fuses 0٣ appropriately
designed expulsion fuses having exhaust control devices and intended 10٣ use 111511enclosures should be

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

1052. ٨٣‫ ع‬products t o m 105 5 without exhaust control 11٦3 cause 0rther evolution 0‫ ا‬.2 fault 111510‫ ع‬the
confined enclosure. ٨150 note that the 1155 may have 10 interrupt the 111 5٧5121 fi٠ault current and must ‫ﻋط‬
appropriately rated. Even ungrounded capacitor hanks could have 2 fi٠ault ٤0 ground. 10‫ت‬٣ example, 0٦
enclosed single-group ungrounded ١٧‫ ع‬02115 13‫ ا‬are designed ١vith 10 hushing units, the fitrst hushing 15
05‫ ل‬10٣ ٤١‫ ع‬phase connection, the second hushing 15 used 10٣ the neutral connection, and the case 15
connected 10 ground. 1115 arrangement requires the capacitor fiises to interrupt system fault current 11 the
event ot, 3 failure of, the unit insulation near the phase hushing. ‫ا‬1 applications having high short-circuit
current, current-limiting 0S2S may 0‫ ع‬recommended to reduce the energy during 2 t'ault.

NEMA CPI suggests 2 parallel energy limit 0٤ 15 ‫( ا‬4650 kvar) t٠or all-film dielectric capacitors.
Expulsion 0525 are frequently applied ١vith higher parallel energy (to 30 kJ) (Mendis et al. 13101). 11115
higher energy application 15 acceptable if٠the total available discharge energy of’ the hank does not exceed
the discharge energy rating of the fuse 0+ ‫ﻻ‬1‫ ع‬capability of the faulted capacitor unit.

10 determine proper 052 selection, the capacitor unit case rupture curve should be available from the
manufacturer. 35‫ ع‬rupture curves are different for different capacitor unit constructions 311‫ ل‬designs.

The total clearing curve 0٤ the fuse 0٣ fuse link 15 then compared 10 the case rupture curve: adequate
01012110 15 assured 11 total clearing curve of the use 1510 the left of and below the rupture curve of the
capacitor unit.

Other important considerations for external ‫ا‬05‫ع‬ selection 31‫ ل‬operation include the following:

— Fuses should ‫ع‬ designed and rated 10٣ the externally (used capacitor bank application.
— Fuses should provide for ‫ا‬1‫ا ع‬35‫ا‬ isolation 0‫ ا‬3 faulted capacitor unit.
— Voltage interruption capability, 0‫ ا‬the 0se should ‫ع‬ coordinated with the voltage withstand
capability 0‫ ا‬the capacitor unit.
— Fuses should handle ‫ا‬٦‫ع‬ transient 11011‫ل‬5‫ ا‬and outrush current vvithout inappropriately operating.
— Fuses should 0‫ ع‬designed ‫ا‬0٣ ‫ﻋﺎا‬ current loadability requirements, including harmonics 311‫ل‬
adequate alovance factors.
— Fuses should ‫ع‬ designed lor ‫ﻋﺎ‬ inductive 30‫ ل‬capacitive current interruption capability.
— Fuse characteristics should coordinate between the different shunt bank protection schemes and
the characteristics 0٤ the 11525 (that 15. expulsion, current limiting, or a combination 0٤ both).

7.1.3 Internal fuse operation

11١‫ ع‬optimum performance of 31 internally fused capacitor bank relies 0111٦‫ ع‬design 211‫ ل‬selection of fitses.
Adequate fuse 010213101should 0‫ ع‬assured 1٦ case 0‫ ا‬capacitor element breakdown. Element fuses in
internally fused capacitor 205 have current-limiting properties that 3٣‫ ع‬mainly dependent 01٦ the available
fault current, the discharge energy ( ‫ اح‬1 ) from the elements connected 11 parallel with the faulty' element,
and the voltage across the faulted element at the instant 0‫ ا‬failure.

The fuses should properly isolate the faulted element after fuse operation. Fuses should be designed ١vith 3
sufficient oveioltage-interrupiing capability 10 assist 11 ensuring reliable and safe operation under extreme
transient element ovei-voltage conditions, considering both the system transient overvoltage and the
unbalance within the capacitor unit resulting from previously blown 0525. Fuse selection typically
considers the following:

— Overvoltage interruption capability

— Tnsient conditions due 10 external faults where the 0se should not operate.

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

— Inrush and outrush currents ٥٧٤٣ the life 0‫ ا‬the capacitor units
The fastest appropriate element ‫'؛‬use that meets ‫ ﻋﺎ‬preceding requirements should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬selected. The
remaining fuses in a ‫ ﻟﻌﺎا ﻟﺎﺷﺎ‬capacitor unit should he capable of safely interrupting subsequent internal
element failures.

7.1.4 Capacitor unbalance protection

Unbalance protection normally provides the primary protection for capacitor elements 0[ unit failures, rack
faults within 3 capacitor bank, and other abnormalities that ,nay damage capacitor units 31‫ ل‬or fuses, Such
faults may cause substantial damage 11 a small fraction of a second. The unbalance protection should ha٧٤
minimum intentional delay 11 order 10 11111111112‫اا ع‬1‫ ع‬amount of damage 10 ‫اا‬1‫ ع‬0310 in the event of rack

Capacitor unbalance protection 15 provided 11 many different ways, depending 01 the capacitor bank
arrangement. The variety of unbalance protection schemes that are 05 ‫ ﻟﻊ‬for internally fused, externally
fused, fuscless, 0٣ unfused shunt capacitor 0315 15 illustrated 11 the figures 0‫ ا‬Clause 8 along ١vith
examples 0‫ ا‬the required settings calculations.

Unbalance protection normally senses changes associated with capacitor clement 0٣ ‫ﻟﺎ‬11failure andiOr 15‫ع‬
operation. It 15 not generally sensitive enough 10 detect 3 defective connection. Defective connections 1113٧
deteriorate until 3 fault occurs within the capacitor bank, causing the unbalance ‫م‬10122110110 operate. ٨
defective connection within 3 capacitor unit (usually a rare occurrence) may result 11 3 pressure buildup
3‫ ل‬capacitor unit rupture before the operation 0‫ ا‬the unbalance protection. 1‫ ع‬unbalance protection
therefore should operate quickly because of the possibility 0‫ ا‬13‫ ع‬fault after case rapture.

7.1.5 Protection tor rack faults ( a r o v e r within 2 capacitor rack)

With 3 shunt capacitor bank constructed 50 that ‫ ﻋﺎ‬individual phases are well separated 00 separate
structures, an arc-over w ithin the capacitor bank ١‫ ااا‬begin as an arc over 0‫ ا‬a single series group. Such 2
fault produces very' little phase overcurrent. If an unbalance relay protection scheme fails 10 operate, more
and more series groups 0 the same 035 ‫ ع‬31 become atTected until ١‫ ع‬bank overcurrent ٣213٧5 trip the
bank 0٣ fuses clear. 1٦15 fault 15 accompanied ‫ط‬٧ heavy damage to the bank, including many blown fuses
and ruptured capacitor units. Instantaneous overcurrent relays 3٣‫ ع‬usually 110‫ ا‬effective 10٣ rack faults
because 0٤ their required high setting.

1٦‫ ع‬most effective protection 10٣ an arc-over within the capacitor 21* 15 provided by 3 15‫ ا‬unbalance
relay. ٨ 5011 time delay for the unbalance relays minimizes the damage caused by 1‫ *ع‬faults. Intentional
delays as short 25 0.05 5 have been used. This short unbalance time delay, however, should 0 ٤ ‫ ع‬1255than
the maximum clearing time of the capacitorunit 0٣ element fuse.

٨11 unusually 101٦2 unbalance time delay may be required 10 coordinate with the power 5٧51٤1٦ adjacent
protection schemes, unless the unbalance relay scheme 15 a 1٧‫ ﻋﻢ‬that does not respond 10 (0٣ uses
compensation for) system unbalance (10٣ example, 22٣0 sequence voltage).

'1 he setting 01 the unbalance trip relay should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬5٤٦511‫ ع‬enough ‫ا‬0 010‫ اع‬the capacitor units or elements
from continuous overvoltages that result 1101٦1 individual unit 0٣ element failure 2‫ ل‬resultant fuse
operation. When 5 ‫ اع‬011this basis, the resultant sensitivity 15 typically adequate 10 detect the initial rack
fault, assuming the initial fault is across 0٦‫ ع‬series section 010‫ ع‬phase.

Although the unbalance trip relay 15 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬most effective protection 10٣ 3٣‫ ع‬detection 0‫ ا‬2 5٤115 section, the
neutral voltage 1٧0‫ ع‬0٤ unbalance relay [for instance, see figure 21(‫ ])ط‬should not be relied 011 for rack fault
protection 011capacitor banks where all three 0355 3٣‫ ع‬not well separated. For example, consider 31
ungrounded single ١٧‫ ع‬capacitor bank with ٤٧0 series groups per phase, where 3‫ اا‬three phases are

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IEEE std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

installed 01 a single steel structure. The individual phases are stacked over each other 50 that the initial
fault may occur 25 a midrack phase-to-phase fault, as sho١vn 1٦ Figure 4. 1115 fault 0025 not cause 2٦
unbalance 0٤ the neutral voltage (0٣ neutral cun-ent, if grounded); therefore, a neutral unbalance relay does
00٤ respond. ٦he initial fault may spread until 1٤ becomes severe enough 10 operate the overcunent relays.
However, there may 0‫ ع‬considerable damage involving ‫ اا‬three phases before the bank trips. Methods for
protecting a midrack phase-to-phase arcing fault include the 10110٦٢102:

— Using 3 fixed time overcurrcnt relay set typically 3‫ ا‬about 1.35 times normal 035‫ ع‬current and
using a short time delay (typically 0.1 5). The ovcrcurrcnt relay should have 3 fast dropout time.
— ‫ﻻ‬51112a current unbalance or negative sequence current relay. Negative sequence relays 35 a
backup protection can be 5‫ اع‬10 be 1110٣ sensitive than phase overcurrent relays, but tripping
should be delayed 10 coordinate with the other 12135 11 the system. ٨ setting 0٤ 10% 0٤ the
rated capacitor current, taking 11110 consideration the maximum system voltage unbalance and
the maximum capacitance variation together with 3 time delay setting 0‫ ا‬15 10 25 cycles, may
provide adequate coordination for faults external 10 the bank. However, it 1113٧1101 prevent
031112225 due 10 arcing faults within the bank structure.
10٣ wye-wye banks, the unbalance protection will operate ٤0٣ this type 0‫ ا‬fault, provided the correct groups
are bonded 0 ‫ ع‬rack (see 8.3.2).

Arcing ‫ع‬

Parallel‫ع‬000‫ع‬110‫ام م‬
capacitor units

Figure 4—Midrack phase٠to٠phase arcing fault

7.2 System protection

System protection may help reduce stresses and minimize damage 10 capacitors 01 the occurrence of the
following events:

— External 3٣100 (rack faults)

— Overvoltages, including harmonic ‫ ل‬15101110115
— 130 overcurrcnt
— Loss of bus voltage
— System ovenoltage

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‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

— Other considerations (such 35 1055 of voltage transformer fuse, breaker failure protection, and
surge arrester protection)

7.2.1 External arcing

External 3٣٤ 110 w ithout the prompt operation of the unbalance protection may cause case ruptures 0٣ other
damage 10 capacitor units 3‫ ل‬may blow fuses. It may ‫ ﻋط‬desirable 10 provide the capacitor 00* with
redundant unbalance protection and or phase or negative sequence current protection 10 minimize damage.
The ovcrcurrcnt protection 15 not normally sensitive 10 arcing within 3 capacitor 031 and, 1‫ ا‬1‫ ا‬senses 3
disturbance, 15 normally 100 slow.

7.2.2 Bank overvoltage protection

he capacitor bank and other equipment 11 the vicinity 1113‫ ﻋط ل‬subjected 10 overvoltages resulting 1011
abnormal system operating conditions. If the system voltage exceeds ‫ ا‬capacitor or equipment capability
w ith ‫ ا‬capacitor 00 01 line, then the bank should be removed w ith minimum time delay. (Removing the
capacitor bank from the 5٧5٤٤1٦٦ lowers the 5٧51211 voltage 11 the vicinity 0‫ ا‬the capacitor, reducing the
overvoltage 01 other 5٧51211 elements.)

In some cases, inverse time overvoltage relays may ‫ ع‬required 10 protect 1‫ ع‬capacitor units from severe
5٧5٤٤11 overvoltage conditions. 11 ‫ا‬15 case, a suitable overvoltage relay provided with adequate protection
algorithms should be used and set according 10 the capabilities provided by ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬51‫ ل‬1036 0٣ the capacitor
manufacturer. ‫ا‬٤ the capacitors 3٣‫ ع‬exposed 10 overvoltages 25 a result 0‫ ا‬3 combined fundamental and
harmonic content, then the manufacturer should be asked 10 provide the 023* voltage 5٣255 levels 35 a
function 0‫ ا‬time and temperature. Modem all-film capacitors are affected by crest voltage: therefore, 023*
overvoltage measuring relays are recommended for ‫اا‬15 application.

For very large EI1٧ capacitor banks, 1‫ ا‬15 advisable to install three-phase overvoltage relays (59 ‫ا‬8) ٤0
monitor the ‫ﻻط‬5 voltage. 11٦‫ ع‬59 B relays 11 Figure 8 may ‫ا‬٣1‫ م‬1‫ ع‬bank quickly 10٣ extreme overvoltage
conditions. 10 avoid nuisance tripping ‫ﻻل‬٣100transient overvoltage conditions, 11 some cases, tripping 15
delayed ‫ ط‬2 timer. Because this tripping 15 not due to 3 fault within the capacitor 00*. the capacitor bank
15 not 10‫ل‬ out. typically, the capacitor bank is locked out when bank protection operates 10٣ 21 internal
fault and 15 not locked out 1٤ trip occurred not due to a fault within a bank. 1115 facilitates ٤٤٧1٤ 0٤ ‫ا‬1٦
causes of bank protection operation: 111 addition, interaction 1‫ ﻻ‬the automatic voltage regulators (AVRs)
or other ‫ط‬0 controllers can ‫ ﻋط‬reviewed 05 well.

7.2.3 Overvoltage protection based ٥٦ current measurements

800* overvoltage protection relays 025‫ ل‬on phase currents have been used 11 ‫ا‬٦‫ ع‬industry' instead 0‫ا‬
conventional overvoltage relays saving ‫ع ﻋﺎ‬05‫ ا‬of installation of voltage transformers. 11١15 application 15
possible by recognizing dtat ‫ ﻋﺎ‬voltage !'across 3 capacitance c 15 tied with the current . ،lowing through
‫ ع‬capacitance, as 111 Equation (1):

()=‫ل‬40‫ا‬ (I)

1٦‫ ع‬relay estimates the instantaneous value 0‫ ا‬1‫ ع‬voltage based 01٦ Equation (1) and therefore incorporates
the impact of hamionics 2‫ ل‬other signal distortions. It then applies the voltage replica 10 2 standard
operating overvoltage characteristic 25 per ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎا‬Std 1036. The relay designers exercise ٤3٣‫ ع‬10 2551511٦
ensuring that the 00212101 of integrating 3 signal 15 stable 0٧٣ long periods 0٤ time and does not yield 10
drifts 11٦ the voltage replica signal. The current-based overvoltage protection can also ‫ ع‬considered 2
backup function 10٣ the 1055 of potential conditions.

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Temperature variations 111 the actual capacitance would cause some accuracy errors 111 this protection
function as it uses 1‫ ﻋﺎ‬nominal value 0٤ the capacitance per Equation (1). Also, undetected capacitor 1111٤
failures 21٤٣ the value 0٤ the actual capacitance 21‫ ل‬the function either underprotects 0٣ overprotects the
hank using the 101111‫ اه‬value of the capacitance when deriving 1‫ ع‬voltage replica signal,

7.2.4 Bank overcurrent protection

Each time 2 large grounded ١٧‫ ع‬capacitor hank 15 energized, momentary capacitor inrush currents 11 01‫ع‬
phase and 11 the neutral may approach the ground fault trip level. Where a parallel hank 15 already
energized, the 1112211110‫ ﻋﻞ‬and frequency of this inrush current 15 much higher than the inrush to an isolated
capacitor bank 211‫ ل‬can he 01 the order of thousands of amperes (Abdulrahim ‫اه اع‬. 1311). Spurious relay
operations, relay failures, current transformer failures, charged substation fences, and ground mat problems
may result. Where inrush currents are excessive, certain measures have 10‫ ﻋﻂ‬taken, such as usage 0‫ا‬
current-limiting devices, switching devices with preinsertion resistors, and preinsertion inductors, 211‫ل‬
proper grounding of parallel bank as described 111 IEEE 51 ‫ل‬1036.

Protecting the capacitor bank against 3 major fault, such 25 a line-Oline fault 0٣ a line-to-ground fault,
generally requires external 01012 ‫ن‬1101 . such as power fuses, circuit breakers, 0٣ circuit switchers with
associated relay circuits. For best protection, the relays should 0‫ ع‬set as 10٧ and fast as possible, with only
enough delay 10 avoid tripping 011 external system disturbances.

Tin eovercurrent relays can be applied with the desirable minimum pickup 0‫ ا‬%135 0‫ ا‬nominal phase
current 10٣ grounded ١٧‫ ع‬banks 0٣ 125% 10٣ ungrounded banks. Instantaneous relays, if used, should 0‫ ع‬set
high 10 override inrush or outrush transients.

Time overcurrent functions 11 modem relays with fundamental frequency band-pass filters 3٣‫ ع‬not 1131
susceptible 10 inrush or outrush currents. Successful operation may 0‫ ع‬obtained by setting instantaneous
relays at 3 10٧٤٣ value compared w ith relays without band-pass filters: typically, three 10 four 1111105 the
capacitor rated current (0٣ ١0٧٤٣) 15 sufficient 10 override back-to-back bank switching.

11 some large capacitor banks, redundant overcurrent devices may protect 10٣ short circuits within the
capacitor bank. Figure 8 illustrates 10 5‫ع‬15 0‫ ا‬three-phase overcurrent relays (50/51) with short-time
overcurrent 311‫ ل‬instantaneous functions. ٨ low, burden 10٣ 11115 neutral overcurrent ٣213٧ 5 IN reduces high
voltages 221055 current transformer secondaries caused ‫ ﻟﺎط‬high-frequency outrush currents 1101٦٦ the bank
during 311 external fault.

For ineffectively grounded systems with ungrounded capacitor banks, the neutral overcurrent relay 511
should ‫ ع‬set sensitively 10 detect and 10 provide fast clearing 10٣ ground faults of low' magnitudes not
detected by phase overcurrent relays.

For effectively grounded systems with grounded ٧‫ ع‬capacitor banks, the high-frequency outrush current
11010 31 external ground fault will not normally operate the 5 IN ground relay. The unbalanced capacitor
0311* load current caused by the external ground fault may be sufficient 10 cause the ٣2 ‫ا‬3 10 pick up and
٤٣110 the capacitor bank 1٤the 51٦115 set 100 low,,10 prevent this inadvertent tripping, the trip 0٤ the 5 IN
relay is normally set above the capacitor phase current.

Figure 8 illustrates one unbalance protection scheme in use 01٦ large single-wye grounded EHV capacitor
banks. Other schemes are also 111 use for different 00 arrangements (10٣ example, midpoint 1005.
11-0110225. and wye-wye). Refer 10 Cause 8 for unbalance protection schemes.

7.2.5 Impedance-based protection

Major 001 faults as ‫ ااع‬35 problems w ith capacitor elements can be detected 05 changes 11 the directly
measured impedance of the capacitor bank.

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IEEE Std C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

With reference 10 Figure 5. 31 impedance protection function can 0‫ ع‬used 10 monitor the apparent
impedance between the hus and the ground (-‫ز‬٤). T e (1 can ‫ ع‬located at the high potential 0٣ 2105‫ ع‬٤0
the bank neutral. The CT location 0005 not change sensitivity ٤0٣ detecting internal problems ١١ith capacitor
units. Response 10 major bank faults 15 not affected either by the (1 location because of the ١'ery small
restraint ٣221011111 the operating impedance characteristic.

٢‫آ‬ 1٦‫م‬-‫اا‬ 11‫ام‬


‫خ(ا‬ ٤1

Figure 5 - l m p e d a n c e protection method ٥٤ s h u n t capacitor banks

When monitoring each string individually (52‫ ع‬Figure 6). the impedance function retains maximum
sensitivity because 2 failure 0‫ ا‬2 capacitor unit generates 2 larger percentage change in the measured
impedance as compared ١١ith monitoring the apparent impedance of all parallel strings [Figure 7(2)1. One
can consider a solution 0٤ monitoring just two 0٣ three strings with 2 single impedance function 25 3
compromise between sensitivity and ‫ا‬ number of 15 and amount 0‫ ا‬relay equipment required
[Figure 7().

11011 this perspecti١e, locating (15 at the bank neutral can be beneficial. When using multiple current
measurements 10 monitor each string individually and placing them 10 5٣ 10 the grounded neutral 0‫ﻋﺎا ا‬
bank, the voltage insulation le١'el of the required (15 can ‫ ع‬lo١ver

The apparent impedance is affected ٧ (1, 01130‫ ع‬transformer (٧1). 21‫ ل‬relay accuracies. Given the high
sensitivity 0٤ the method. ‫ ﻋﺎ‬complete protection system measurement 1311 15 often calibrated 0٦
energizing the bank ‫ال‬11100initial commissioning or 211٤٣ major bank repair, ١١hich 15 similar 10 ‫ﻋﺎ‬
unbalance protection methods. 115 process involves selecting‫اا‬1‫ ع‬actually measured nominal impedance as
‫ ﻋﺎا‬relay setting rather 1113111‫ا‬5 ١'alue calculated based 011 the nameplate data.

Figure 6 —For maximum sensitivity, ٤٤2 impedance method s h o u l d monitor each
capacitor string individually

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

‫اد‬ (‫اأ‬٠
-'-.I'، ٦ p٣ A
٠,٠ ‫ ﺳﺪ‬4 Hmm ■

‫ا‬....,* MM ‫ا‬-‫ﻣﺤﻄﺢ‬

I H ‫و‬

Figure 7—Monitoring ‫ اا‬strings with one impedance element (2) reduces sensitivity:
‫ ه‬compromise between sensitivity and amount ٥٤ protection equipment is required (%)

11٦‫ ع‬capacitance 0٤ the capacitors 15 a 1011011 0٤ temperature. Thus, the impedance 0٤ the capacitor 15 a
fimction 0٤ temperature. Particularly with larger capacitor banks that require very 52115111٧‫ ع‬alarm and trip
settings, the relay impedance settings for unbalance might be of the same order of magnitude as the change
111 impedance caused by temperature variations. For 11125‫ ع‬applications, the relay needs 10 compensate for
the changes 11٦ impedance as 2 function of capacitor temperature. 11 estimating the capacitor temperature,
the effect of sun-loading 011 the capacitors may need to ‫ ع‬considered. Also, there 15 4 small change in
capacitance due 10 the temperature rise 111 the capacitor following energization.

7.2.6 Loss ٥٤ bus voltage

111 some cases, it may ‫ع‬ necessary’10 trip a shunt capacitor bank if the supply bus voltage 15 lost. Two
conditions 131 may 112‫ ل‬10 ‫ ﻋﻂ‬considered arc 05 follows:

— Reenergizing 3 00* w ith a trapped charge

— Energizing 3 capacitor ‫ا‬031 w ithout parallel load 111100011 a previously deenergized transformer
Circuit breaker reclosure schemes and capacitor voltage discharging 11122105 should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬considered 10 avoid
nuisance tripping 0٣ equipment damage upon 1055 of‫ط‬1‫ل‬5 voltage w ith 15‫ ا‬reclosing schemes.

Undervoltage relay, device 271311 Figure 8. will detect loss of 5٧512111 voltage 21‫ ل‬trip the capacitor 20‫*ط‬
after a sufficient time delay. This delay prevents 111001112 0٤ ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬bank for system faults external 10 the 211.
The undervoltage relay should be 5‫ع‬1 50 that the relay will 00‫ ا‬operate for voltages that require 1‫ ع‬capacitor
bank 10 remain 111 service. Because this tripping, 11‫ ع‬system overvoltage tripping, 15 2150 not due 10 a fault
1111 the capacitor bank, the bank 15 00‫ ا‬locked out.

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

ً‫أﻛﺗﺎ‬ ٦٦٦٦١
To IlL
DmaeM ‫ا‬


٩٦ ■71.r ■

52 ٠ Breaker
505‫ا‬ ٠ Ovcrcurreni relay
‫>طﺋﻲ‬ 5‫ااا‬ - Neutral overeurrent relay
59B - Buv overvoltage relay
27 11 - Bus unde٣١ ullage relay
٩7٦ - Voltage differemial relay
59‫ ﻟﺎل‬- ‫ اداس‬unbalance ،‫ا‬٥
l ٢٩

‫أ‬ ‫ع‬

See IEEE C37.2-2008 ‫أ‬١‫ ا‬for definitions

٤19‫ل‬٣2 8 — Sample protection scheme ٤٥٣ a ‫ا‬٣92 EHV capacitor bank

7.2.7 Fusing ٤٥٣ capacitor bank relaying

Many protective functions used 01 large capacitor banks 3٣‫ ع‬sensitive 10 loss 0‫ ا‬voltage. ٤0٣ ‫اا‬15 reason,
primary* fuses may 110‫ ا‬be installed 01 voltage transformers used for this purpose. In addition, ‫ا‬٦‫ ع‬circuit
supplying the potential for the protective relays should ‫ ع‬brought directly from the voltage transformer 10
the relay panel with 10 other connected loads. This arrangement prevents cable voltage drops, especially
from varying loads, from affecting the sensitive unbalance 0101221011 relays.

When other 045 0٣ standards require primary fuses 10 0‫ ع‬installed, the fuse 002131101should not cause
incorrect operation of protection function, which can ‫ ع‬achieved ٧ 50021510٦ 0٤ ‫ ﻋﺎ‬loss-of-potential
logic. ٨ voltage transformer with an 001 primary circuit may have high impedance between 1‫ ع‬secondary*
terminals, affecting relay operation.

Secondary* fuses usually do not present 3 problem because they 3٣‫ ع‬sized 10 protect 1 ‫عع‬20‫( ﻋﺎ‬usually 30 ٨)
2‫ ل‬the unbalance protection has typically enough time delay not 10 operate before the fuses blow, which
then can ‫ ع‬blocked‫ ﻟﺎط‬loss٠of-potential logic.

7.2.8 Capacitor bank breaker failure protection

If the capacitor sw itching device is 2 circuit breaker 0٣ a circuit sw itcher, then a breaker failure protection
scheme 1٦٦٩٧ 0‫ ع‬incorporated 10 provide 2 local backup protection if the sw itching device fails. If the device
does fail, then the capacitor bank 15 isolated 1011 the system‫ط‬٧ tripping the adjacent breakers connected 10
the bank after a breaker failure lime delay. 1٦ some cases, remote transfer tripping may 0‫ ع‬necessary. 1115

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

important 10 verify the capacitance switching capahihties of these adjacent devices 10٣ proper operation 0٤
the breaker failure scheme.

The local breaker failure detection logic 15 initiated by auxiliary relays. Standard breaker failure schemes
either have an overcurrent supervision logic 10 start 3 timer 0٣ have the output 0٤ the timer supervised by
overcurrent logic. ٦hese overcurrent elements are set 10 operate 10٣ ‫ اا‬types of capacitor faults. (Some
currents can 0‫ ع‬less than the nominal rated current.) ٨ phase overcurrent setting 0‫ا‬%500 0‫ ا‬the capacitor
bank normal rated current 15 generally considered adequate 10٣ both grounded and ungrounded banks.

7.2.9 Surge arrester protection

Eightning and switching transient overvoltages may ‫ ﻋط‬0111101 1‫ ل‬by using standard overvoltage protection
equipment, such 25 surge arresters. ٨ capacitor bank generally 2050105 overvoltages because it acts
temporarily 25 3 short circuit for step voltage changes. Overvoltages around capacitor banks 3٣‫ ع‬greatly
reduced, ‫ اﻻط‬complete 01012101115 not assured. The overvoltage on 2 bank depends 01 the length of line
between the shunt capacitor bank, the 00111at which the transient voltage 15 generated, and the surge
duration as w ell 35 the rating and location of any surge arresters that may 0‫ ع‬connected 01 nearby station
buses (IEEE Surge Protective Device Committee 1881).

8. Unbalance relaying m e t h o d s

8.1 Introduction

Unbalance 010122101 utilizes the unbalance that occurs 11٦ 3 normally balanced capacitor bank 10 detect 2٦
abnormality and initiate appropriate action. Te most important 102 10٦ 1510 remove the bank promptly
1101٦service 10٣ any fault 1113٤ may result 111 farther damage. ٨1 external fault 11 3 capacitor 30* 15 likely
to cause extensive damage (‫ع‬35‫ع‬2‫ل‬1112failure) and may create a safety hazard 1٤ the bank 15 not tripped
quickly. ٨1٦ external fault 11 a capacitor 21* 15 3 fault w thin the zone 0٤ protection 0٤ the unbalance
relaying, but external 10 a capacitor unit, for instance, across 31 insulator supporting a fase rail 0٣ frai11e.

Unbalance protection 10٣ capacitor ban* includes the following methods:

— Phase voltage differential

— Neutral voltage unbalance
— Unbalance method for banks grounded through 3 neutral capacitor
— Unbalance method for banks grounded through 2 CT w ith a resistive burden
— Phase current unbalance
— Neutral current unbalance
The fundamentals 0‫ ا‬these methods arc covered ‫ا‬31٣ 11 ‫اا‬15 subclausc. General application considerations
3٣ given first.

The unbalance protection 15 normally applied 10‫اا‬1‫ ع‬following:

3) Trip ‫اا‬1‫ ع‬ban* promptly 131 unbalance indicates the possible presence of external arcing or a
cascading fault within ‫ ﻋﺎا‬capacitor ban*.

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

‫)ط‬ Provide early unbalance alarm 51213‫(ا‬5) 10 indicate de operation 0‫ ا‬1525 or failure of capacitor

c) Trip the bank for unbalances that are large enough 10 indicate that continuing 0001411011may
result 1٦ the following:

‫)ا‬ Damage 10 remaining healthy capacitor units 0٣ elements 1101٦٦ overvoltage

2) Fuse malfunction (blown 105‫ ع‬0‫ ا‬healthy 0115/2121112115)

3) Undesirable Itlter operation (for capacitor banks that are a part of a harmonic filter)

Functions a) and c) are frequently combined by setting 11٦‫ ع‬trip level based 01٦ function c) and with a very
short timing based 011function 3).

Failure 10 provide adequate unbalance protection may lead 10 0٦‫ ع‬or more of' the following situations:

— Excessive damage 10 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬capacitor bank 5 ‫ ﻟﺎ‬as ‫ع‬35‫ ع‬rupture and undesirable discharge of
dielectric liquid and/or fire

— 501230 0‫ ا‬damage 10 adjacent equipment

— Outage o f the capacitor 20* and 1055 or limited volt/var control capability

Unbalance protection 5٧51٤1٦5 1٦٦3٧ not operate fast enough 10 avoid catastrophic failure ‫ ﻋﻠﺎل‬10 high system
short-circuit currents within capacitor units. Single series group grounded wye capacitor banks 0٣ capacitor
00105 with grounded 003٤110٣ unit cases may have system short-circuit current 10٣ 2 single fault within 3
capacitor unit. Conventional overcurrent protection should always compliment unbalance 0101221101
systems 10 provide fast fault clearing for high short-circuit cutrents. External fusing 113‫ ل‬2150 0‫ ع‬desirable
10 avoid major damage 0 these banks.

Most installations w i l l require 31٦ individual engineering analysis 10 determine the most appropriate
01012110٦ scheme. Bank design, ‫ﻟﺎ‬5‫ ع‬coordination, and selection of a sensing device w i l l directly afTect
sensitivity and the delay time requirements o f the 010121101 scheme.

Unbalance protection normally senses changes associated w i th capacitor element 0٣ unit failure and or fuse
operation. Defective connections may deteriorate until 3 fault occurs within 1‫ ع‬capacitor bank, causing the
unbalance protection 10 operate. ٨ defective connection w ithin a capacitor unit (usually 3 rare occurrence)
may result 11 3 pressure buildup and capacitor unit rupture before the operation o f the unbalance protection.
The unbalance 0101221101should operate quickly for the external arcing after case rupture.

8.2 Theory ٥٢ unbalance protection 12٤٥45

Unbalance protection methods detect 01001٤1115 w ith capacitor units using the presumed symmetry 11 the
impedances of the protected bank. 111other words, 10 provide increased sensitivity, they 3٣‫ ع‬based on the
known relationships among the many possible current or 01132 measurements taken around the bank.
Instead o f monitoring the impedance directly, these methods respond 10 unbalances 11 the measured signals
caused by the changes 11 the impedances.

This subclause derives and explains the basic unbalance 0101221101methods 10 demonstrate their
applicability 10 various bank configurations, limitations, and susceptibility’ 10 transients. Standing
unbalance 51011315 0‫ا‬1‫ ع‬10 capacitor tolerances, temperature drifts, and instrumentation errors 3٣‫ ع‬discussed,
311‫ ل‬the 1112110 ‫ل‬5 0٤ eliminating or reducing the 5101001100 unbalance 3٣‫ ع‬outlined.

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,EEE std 23/99-2012
،EEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

11٦‫ ع‬following unbalance protection 1112111005 are described:

— Phase voltage differential

— Neutral voltage unbalance
— Unbalance method for banks grounded through 3 neutral capacitor
— Unbalance method for banks grounded through a (1 w ith 3 resistive burden
— Phase current unbalance
— Neutral current unbalance
11115 subclause 15 focused 0111٦ protection principles rather than 01 the applications. All voltage and
currents 3٣‫ ع‬assumed primary values, and 3‫ اا‬impedances 3٣‫ ع‬physical (primary) values. The selection 0‫ا‬
voltage 3‫ ل‬current transformers, compensation for various ratios 0٤ the instrument transformers, 311‫ ل‬other
practical issues related 10 instrumentation 0٣ relay design arc 1101 discussed.

8.2.1 Phase voltage differential method

Consider 2 capacitor 01* 11 figure 9. 1115 assumed that a 1310 voltage measurement 15 provided 10 facilitate
3 ٧01130 divider principle 35 1‫ ع‬basis for this unbalance protection method.

٤19 ‫ل‬٣2 ‫ — و‬Derivation ٥٢٤‫ا‬2 phase voltage differential unbalance protection method

11٦‫ ع‬following relations 11 Equation (2) 10‫ ﻻ‬true for each phase of the bank:

٢TA?٠rV ٠ X2
‫ل'دب|'د‬ (2)


ً‫ا‬ and 2 3٣‫ ع‬the capacitive reactance values above 3‫ ل‬below ‫ا ﻋﺎ‬3‫ م‬point 111‫اا‬1‫ ع‬same
*TAP and I bis 3٣‫ع‬11‫ ع‬voltages corresponding 10 the same 005
TAP* ‫ء‬ BUS, 30‫ل‬ //.V 3٣‫ ع‬the fundamental frequency 011050٣5

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‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

٤0٣ 50‫ا‬1‫ال‬٧ grounded banks, V\ - 0. and therefore, 25 11 Equation (3):

r B us x t +x 2 (3)

‫ﻋﺎ‬٤ US introduce ‫ﻋﺎ‬ constant ،' as follows:


11٦‫ ع‬balance Equation (2) 3‫ل‬ Equation (3) can be rewritten 35 11 Equation (4):

٢TA P -h۶٢0 (4)

1 ٦٦‫ع‬ 20٢‫ع‬ signal stays 22٣0 as long 25 1٦‫ ع‬bank does 0‫ا‬ change and 05‫ﻻ‬ the original value 0٤ k.

٨ protection operating signal can now' 0‫ ع‬defined as 11 Equation (5):

= !*'tap -‫ ﻟم‬X g u s l (5)

where I I stands 10٣ the magnitude o f the signal, typically including some amount o f filtering as per design
013 given relay that implements the method.

Equation (5) constitutes 3 voltage differential function because it responds 10 a vectorial difference o f ٤٧0
voltages. The same result is obtained for 3 grounded bank even ‫ اأ‬a difference 111magnitude 0‫ ا‬٤٧0
components /٢٨1» and ، x K h l s 15 calculated because the voltage across the capacitor 15 due 10 the same
current fiow ing through the bank. K n o w n methods 311 ‫ ع‬applied 10 balance the sensitivity 311 the security
0‫اا ا‬15 protection function. 111addition 10 3 pickup threshold. 3 definite or inverse٠time delay can ‫ ع‬used. 0٣
a form 0‫ ا‬restraint 35 3 countermeasure 10 errors 111 the 10 involved voltages.

The ،'-value 15 a relay selling selected 10 zero-out the operating signal under normal 300٤110٣ bank
conditions. 11115 311 be done based 01 the nameplate data 0٣ measurements 0‫ ا‬the bank impedances while
follow ing Equation (3).

Alternatively, the ،'-value can be set using actual measurements performed by 1‫ ع‬relay itself, typically
during commissioning 0‫ ا‬the 031‫ ا‬protection system. 1٦‫ ع‬latter alternative 15 110٧1 as self-setting 0٣
،'-setting and stems from Equation (5). The ،'-value set automatically based 0٦ the acttjal measurements 15
as 11 Equation (6):

*SET fel (6)

Often, protective relays supporting the concept 0‫ ا‬self-setting perform a series o f measurements based 01
Equation (6). average the results, check 10٣ consistency, and require the commissioning engineer 10 approve
the derived ،'-value. In the case o f the 035‫ ع‬voltage differential function, per-phase ،'-values are used.

٦٧1٦٤1٦the protected bank experiences 3 failure 0٣ drifts out 0٤ tolerance, due 10 temperature. 10[ example,
the actual value 0‫ ا‬the ،' factor (٨٨٤٣) 15 different compared with the set value (511). Erom Equation (4). we
obtain Equation (7):

٢TAP - *ACT X ٢BUS (7)

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Inserting Equation (7) 11110 Equation (5) gives the value of the operating signal resulting 110111bank failures,
imprecise setting, 0٣ impedance drifts, as 11٦ Equation (8):

10, - I ‫'ة‬ACT *SE, | x | f BUS (8)

1٦ Other words, 1‫ ع‬voltage differential function responds 10 the unbalance 1113115 proportional 10 the
difference between the actual and set values 0‫ ا‬the k factor, and ‫ ﻋﺎا‬voltage applied 10 the 0311.
Equation (8) allows analyzing both the sensitivity 0‫ ا‬the function and its security under measurement errors
0٣ impedance drifts.

Equation (8) yields 01 2113 protection function. By analyzing the vectorial position 0‫ﻋﺎا‬ operating signal
with respect 10 the bus voltage (in-phase 0٣ out-of-phase), the relay ‫ع‬31 detect whether ‫ ﻋﺎا‬،’-value
increased or decreased 35 a result 0٤ the bank failure 00‫ ل‬determine w hether ‫ ﻋﺎ‬failure occurred above or
below the tap 00111. 11٦ addition, the voltage differential function is 3 perphase function and can 0111001
the affected phase. 11115 rttdimentary, yet effective, fault location can speed up troubleshooting and repairs
of the bank.

11٦‫ ع‬phase voltage differential method can be applied 10 ungrounded banks 0٣ banks grounded ٧13
impedance, 05110 the following operating signal 11 Equation (9) derived from Equation (2):

K) P :|(rTA P -K١-)-h(٢BlS-٢٦-)| (9)

This can be also written as 11٦ Equation (10):

Pqp = ‫ا‬٢٨, -‫اﻻ‬ BUS - ( ‫ا‬ - * ) X I (10)

11 other words, ungrounded banks requite the voltage differential method 10 measure 1‫ ع‬neutral point
voltage and apply i t 11٦ the operating signal with the factor of ( I - ) 10 correct 10٣ it.

Note that the operating principle o f the phase voltage differential 15 013 differential kind, meaning two
voltages are compared w ith 3 scaling factor being a real number (imag(،’) - 0). 11115 means that the voltage
differential unbalance method 15 not susceptible 10 transients and high-frequency components—these
components appear 11 both 0٤ the compared voltages and cancel mutually as 10112 35 the two voltages 3٣‫ع‬
measured by instrument transformers having similar frequency characteristics 3‫ ل‬3٣‫ ع‬filtered by the [213
using similar filters.

٨150 note that 1115 method does 10‫ ا‬1113‫ ع‬any assumptions 35 10 the internal connections o f the impedances
constituting the bank phases. Therefore, ‫ اا‬applies 10 both the w e- and H -connected bank configurations.

1115 subclause presented the typical scenario ١11‫ ا‬the 13‫ م‬and bus voltages compared through the voltage
divider 0111101. Other variants are possible, such 35 comparing 10 1310 voltages o f 1٧0 315 connected
10 the same bus voltage.

8.2.2 Neutral voltage unbalance protection method

Consider 311ungrounded capacitor bank 05 shown 11 Figure 10.

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IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks



٨ -] /٦١


Figure 1 0 — Derivator» of ٤‫ا‬2 neutral voltage unbalance protection method

The 10110 1102 relation 11 Equation (11) holds true 35 10112 35 1‫ ع‬bank 15 ungrounded:

/,+/*+/ =0 (11)

The phase currents 31 be expressed 35 follows 111 Equation (12):

/‫اه'ام‬7،=‫ﻫﻞ‬ (12)

Inserting Equation ) ‫ ا‬2) 1110 Equation (11) yields Equation (13):

‫ح‬+‫ف‬+‫ح‬-1٧*(‫ل‬+*+*)=0 (13)

١Vhen the 0010 15 perfectly balanced, the three phase impedances are equal, and Equation (13) simplifies 10
Equation (14):

31 ‫م‬-3*0-1٧ (14)

Thus, ‫ا‬٦‫ ع‬zero-sequence voltage 3‫ا ا‬٦‫ﻻط ع‬5 equals ‫ا‬٦‫ ع‬neutral-point voltage of the symmetrical bank. 11١15
simply reflects 10 alternative ١vays 0‫ ا‬deriving ‫اا‬1‫ ع‬zero-sequence voltage: ‫ط‬٧ summing the three ‫ﻻط‬5
voltages and by measuring the neutral point voltage of a symmetrical wye-connected load.

Equation ( 14) can now‫ ﻋﻂ‬the base 10٣ the neutral voltage 1100313 0101211010 method as in Equation (15):

10=31 -3*1 (15)

Strictly speaking. Equation (15) represents a voltage differential principle between two voltages inputs (31V
from the neutra) voltage transformer and 310 from the broken-delta busbar voltage transformer) 0٣ four
voltages (//. ‫ﻫﻤﺞ‬٩ ‫ ا‬. and ‫ا‬. 1‫ ا‬the bus zero-sequence 15 derived internally 11 the relay by adding the three
phase voltages). The neutral voltage unbalance method, being truly 3 differential principle. 15 also not
susceptible 10 transients and high-frequency components. These components 2003٣ in all the compared
voltages 311‫ ل‬cancel mutually 35 long as the instrument transformers used have similar frequency
characteristics and the relay uses similar fillers 10 treat all the involved voltage signals.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved'

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Known 101211005 can be applied 10 02131122٤ sensitivity 211‫ ل‬security of the protection ftnction
[Equation (15 ) ‫ا‬. 1٦ addition 10 3 pickup threshold, a definite 0٣ inverse-time delay can 0‫ ع‬used, 0٣ 3 ٤011٦ 0٤
restraint as a countermeasure 10 errors 11‫ا‬1‫ ع‬involved voltages.

Often, the 310 signal 15 understood as correction 10 a simple neutral overvoltage protection responding 10
1 During 5٧5٤٤1٦ faults with ground, both 310 and 31 increase 111 the same proportion, resulting 1٦ 3 low
operating signal 10, 211‫ ل‬therefore allowing 0٣ better sensitivity w ithout the need for time coordination.

Equation (15) yields an extra protection ftmction. By analyzing the ٧2210٣ 0051101 0٤ the operating signal
w ith respect 10 the ‫ﻻط‬5 voltage, and knowing whether the units fail short (bank w ithout fuses) 0٣ open (bank
with 10525). the relay can determine 111 which phase the unit failure occurred. This rudimentary, yet
effective, fault location speeds up troubleshooting 211‫ ل‬repairs of the bank.

Note that the operating principle [Equation (15)1 assumes a perfectly balanced bank. ٨1 inherent bank
unbalance will cause a standing operating signal limiting sensitivity 0٤ the ‫ اھﺎﻻع‬voltage unbalance
function. ٨ more accurate equation can 0‫ ع‬derived 110111[Equation ( 13)] as follows 111‫؛‬Equation (16):

‫ه‬+‫ه‬-‫ه‬+‫ه‬٠٠‫ه"ي‬+‫"ه‬ *(‫ه‬+‫ة‬+‫ه=)ه‬ (16)

Multiplying by X A and grouping the terms 10 lead 10 3 10 and 3 ٧ yields Equation (17):

1 +1,+ ‫ا‬+1 (‫ح‬-1)+‫ج(*ا‬-1)-١٧(3+-1+‫ع‬-1)-0 (17)

Equation (17) allows 10+ following the expected equation with the extra terms signifying the standing
unbalance signal, 35 11 Equation (18):

3*٢٠-3‫ح‬٢‫ه(ﺑﻤﻊ‬-1) + ‫ﺟﺲ‬1)-‫ه(ب‬-1 + ‫ي‬-‫)ا‬:0 (18)

Now', the 00131110 signal 0 the neutral voltage unbalance method compensated for inherent bank
unbalance can be written as 111 Equation (19):

٢OP : ‫؛‬3 X10 - 3 X‫ ب ﻵع‬1 LTNB I (19)

١Vhere the standing unbalance component 15. as 111 2900101 (20):

‫=ﻟطء‬ + 1) (20)

Introducing 10 k factors 10 describe the inherent bank unbalance, ١‫ ع‬obtain Equation (21) and
Equation (22):

. = ‫|ﯾﻶ‬٦ «««‫ل‬ ٤=‫ﻋك‬-‫ا‬ (2 ‫)ا‬

٢UNB = k A B ( 1 ‫و‬ -1٧ )+ k AC * ( ‫ا‬ -1) (22)

For balanced 0211*5.11٦‫ ع‬،’,values [Equation (21)] 3٣‫ ع‬zeros, and 1‫ ع‬standing unbalance signal 15 zero 35
‫ااع‬. ‫ا‬1 such circumstances, the more general Equation ( ‫ ا‬9) simplifies 10 Equation ( ‫ ا‬5 ).

Equation (21) and Equation (2) 3110٧ analyzing both 11‫ ع‬sensitivity of the function and 15‫ ا‬security under
measurement 0110٣5 0٣ temperature drifts.

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IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Note that the concept 0٤ self-setting 0٤ the ،’-values still applies. 11٦ ،’-values are selected 10 null out the
standing unbalance. The phasor equation 10٣ the standing unbalance 15 as follows 11 Equation (23):

‫ ﻧﻣﻊ‬UNB = k AB *( ‫ وا‬-1٧ )+ k.4C * ( ‫ا‬ -1٧)-0 (23)

15 ‫ ل‬set 0٤1٧0 equations (real and imaginary parts) that can be solved for the ٤٧0 unknowns ‫ ي‬and ،٦٠٠

Compensation 10٣ the inherent bank unbalance can ‫ ع‬performed using Equation (23) 0٣ using the
memorized (M) value of the standing unbalance as follows in Equation (24):

٢٠UNB = UNB(W)* ] (24)

where V\ stands for positive-sequence bus voltage.

٦٦ 01٦٣ words, when capturing the unbalance signal 25 a standing value of the operating quantity 10. the
positive-sequence voltage is captured as well. ١Vhen using it for compensation, the relay applies 1٦‫ع‬
positive-sequence voltage 2‫ ا‬the time 10 account 10٣ changes 11٦ the bus voltages between the moment 0‫ا‬
compensation and the historical moment 0‫ ا‬capturing the inherent unbalance value.

Note that the neutral voltage unbalance method does 0 ‫ ا‬1٦3‫ ع‬2٦‫ ل‬assumptions as 10 1‫ ﻋﺎ‬internal
connections 0‫ ا‬the impedances constituting 1٦ bank. Therefore, 11 applies 10 both the wye- 2‫ ل‬H-
connected configurations as long as the bank 15 ungrounded.

8.2.3 Unbalance protection ٤٥٣ banks grounded through a capacitor

Consider 3 bank as 1٦ Figure ‫ ا ا‬.



Figure —Unbalance protection ٥٤ a bank grounded via capacitor

II' the grounding impedance 15 relatively low, then this configuration 2311‫ ﻋط‬protected with the phase
voltage dificrcntial method. 11 1115 approach, cither the neutral-point voltage 15 measured ‫ ط‬the relay, and
used as shown 111 Equation (25). 0٣ the voltage 15 neglected resulting 11 the reduced sensitivity 10 maintain
security of the finction.

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IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection 0Í Shunt Capacitor Banks

l i the grounding impedance 15 relatively high, then this configuration can be protected using 2 modified
neutral voltage unbalance method. Equation (25) holds true 10٣ 1‫ا‬1‫ ع‬bank 0٤ Figure ‫ ا ا‬:

٠٠»,٠-٠,'1٠'í (25)

By performing similar mathematical manipulations as 10٣ the neutral voltage unbalance method. ١٧‫ ع‬obtain
the following balance equation i n Equation (26):

31 -(3+)٢1٧+٤1(1‫و‬-1)٤٤ ‫ﯾﺎ(ي‬-1٧)=0 (26)

which 3110١٧5 for creating the following protection Auction 11 Equation (27):

%1»=3٢16-(3+٦٤) ٢11٤4‫وا(و‬-١٨) +٤٩( ‫ا‬- -١٨)‫ا‬ (27)

)he operating signal 111Equation (27) 15 similar 10 the neutral voltage unbalance method 10[ ungrounded
banks. 11٦‫ ع‬last 10 terms compensate tor the inherent bank unbalance. The second ٤٤٣1includes the ratio
01 1 ‫ع‬0‫ا‬135‫ ع‬and neutral impedances 11٦ addition 10 the multiplier 0٤ 3 0‫ ا‬the traditional neutral voltage
unbalance method. Neglecting the inherent unbalance, one may apply ٦‫ ( ع‬b l o w i n g protection principle 11
Equation (28):

»=3‫ا‬%-(3+٨)*١ (28)

which can be implemented using 4 neutral voltage unbalance relay capable ot' ratio compensation, 50 that
‫ ع‬X A /X\ value 15 taken 1110 account.

Note that 11‫ ع‬bank 0‫ ا‬Figure ‫ ا ا‬15ungrounded ‫ر‬٢٧

( ‫ص ب‬ ). Equation (27) reduces 10 Equation (14) 2‫ل‬ this
approach can therefore ‫ ع‬considered 2 more general version o t h e neulra) voltage unbalance method.

8.2.4 Unbalance protection method ٤٥٣ bank grounded through ‫ ه‬CT with resistive burden

Consider a capacitor bank as 11 Figure 12.

‫وا واو‬

Figure 12—Unbalance protection ٥٤ a bank grounded ٧12 CT with 2 resistive burden

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٨ 551111111‫ ع‬10٣ simplicity the CT [3110 to he ‫ ا‬: I, the following balance equation 11 Equation (29) holds 111‫ع‬
(11 actual installations, one needs 10 (actor the CT ratio):

( ‫)ﻗﺑﻠﺑل‬٧‫ﻣذء = حا‬ (29)

Assuming the 011* 10 0‫ ع‬perfectly balanced, we can simplify Equation (29) as follows 11٦ Equation (30):

‫را‬+1»+‫ا‬+‫**ز‬1*-0 (30)

Or further 11 Equation (3 ‫) ا‬:

3670 + ‫*ز‬1*-0 (31)

٨5 Equation (31) balances the neutral voltage at 11٦‫ ع‬bus with a voltage associated with 1‫ ع‬ban* neutral,
this 1111‫ا‬10‫ ل‬15 sometimes referred 10 as the neutral voltage unbalance method. Indeed, the method ‫ن‬41 be
implemented using a neutral voltage unbalance relay capable 0 ( ratio compensation, 50 that the // ‫ ﻋﻼال‬15
taken 1110 account, l o v e v e r , the relay requires also shifting one of' the 10 compared voltages ‫ ط‬90٠ [the
،٧١٦ value 11 Equation (31)1.

The operating signal 0‫ ا‬this unbalance 0101221101 method 15 based 0٦ Equation (32):

FO p = | 3 x r 0 + y x | x r s | (32)

Knowm methods ٤3٦ ‫ ع‬applied 10 balance the sensitivity and security of the protection function. 1٦ addition
10 2 pickup threshold, a definite 0٣ inverse-time delay can be used, 0٣ 4 10111 0٤ restraint 25 a
countermeasure 10 ٤٣٣0٣5 11٦ the involved voltages.

111510 be noted that unlike the previously derived methods, 115 method 15 not truly 3 differential method.
One 0٤ the ٤٧0 voltages compared needs 10 be shifted 0٧ 90. which 102315 the balance holds true for
ftmdamental frequency phasors only. Transients 11٦ the measured signals will not necessarily mutually
cancel, calling for very strict filtering of the 10 voltages before using them 11 the operating equation 11
Equation (32).

The protection method defined by Equation (31) 15 related more 10 monitoring the apparent zero-sequence
impedance 0 the bank than 10 the true neutral voltage differential principle (the actual neutral point voltage
15 zero in this case, and as 511٤٦.11 cannot be balanced against any other signal 10 detect bank failures). 10
understand better, assume a simple pickup 15 used 10 actuate the protection ftmetion, 05 in Equation (33):

31%+ ‫**ز‬141١٤, (33)

Equation (33) can ‫ ع‬rewritten as follows 11٦ Equation (34):

|3x٢o + j x X x - ‫؛‬-| < ٢ pK p (34)

٨11‫ ل‬ftrther in Equation (35):

31% + J x X x 3 x I q \ > 1'|١KP (35)

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Or 111 Equation (36):

| ‫أق>اآﻻرﺑﺂ‬ (36)

٨1‫ ل‬further 111 Equation (37):

| Z() -(-7xl)|>٠٢ (37)

% 15 the apparent zero-sequence impedance 0‫ ا‬the bank: -jX 15 the expected value 0‫ ا‬the zero-sequence
impedance of, the bank: the left-hand side 0‫ ا‬Equation (37) defines a circle around the expected value of the
bank impedance: ‫ ﻻل‬the right-hand side 0‫ ا‬Equation (37) defines the radius 0‫ ا‬the circular pickup
characteristic (Eigure 13). 1115 radius 15 current dependent-smaller 14 large zero-sequence current 15
present, and larger if a small zero-sequence current is present, That dependence 011 the level of the zero-
sequence current has 4 positive impact 011 ‫اا‬1 security and sensitivity of this unbalance protection function.

Ztt impedance phne

■ ‫ااب‬٠،٠٢■


Figure 1 3 —Effective operating region of the unbalance protection method u s i n g voltage

across ٤12 resistor i n the grounding CT

٨5 50٨1 ‫ ﻻط‬Equation (37). however, the method effectively responds 10 the apparent zero-sequence
impedance of 1 ‫ ع‬010* 051010 3 circular (110110) characteristic with the center 31 ٨v, and 3 current-dependent

Referring 10 the original Equation (32) 311‫ ل‬examining 1‫ ع‬impact 0٤ the inherent bank unbalance, the
operating voltage can be obtained by rearranging the terms as was done for the neutral voltage unbalance
method 11 Equation (38):

‫<'ء‬٢|‫ب*ل‬./‫ﺑﺣﻶ‬٢‫ﺳﺎ‬ (38)

١vhere 11٦ Equation (39):

Onb - *‫ ور‬xE٥ + k A C X v c (39)

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Compensation 10٣ t i e inherent bank unbalance can be performed using Equation (39). or using the
memorized value 0٤ the standing unbalance 35 follows 11 Equation (40):

r n —
I ‫ن (ةﻵ’ا‬
vz > X 11 (40)

Note that 115‫ ا‬method does 00‫ ا‬make any assumptions as 10 the internal connections 0‫ ا‬the itnpedances
constituting the bank phases, Therefore. it applies 10 both the wye- and H-connecled configurations as long
‫ه‬5 ‫اا‬٦‫ ع‬neutral 0011115 solidly grounded.

8.2.5 Phase ‫ ﻟﺎع‬٣٣2٦٤ unbalance protection method

Consider 2 capacitor bank 35 5٦٦0٧1٦11٦ Figure 14 11‫ ا‬each phase comprising 10 parallel impedances. The
double bank 01 ‫ ع‬grounded 0٣ ungrounded. 1115 applies 10 a single bank with 10 strings per phase or 10
4 double 41* with a single string per phase 111 each bank.


Figure 14—Derivation of the phase current unbalance protection method

٨ common voltage 15 applied across the ٤0 impedances, 311‫ ل‬therefore, the following holds true 10٣ each
phase 0‫ ا‬11‫ ع‬00* 11 Equation (41):

‫ﺧﺎاا‬ 4‫ل‬ ‫ا‬2-‫ج‬ (41)

The phase current unbalance method responds 10 the vectorial difference bet١veen the two currents, as
1010١٧5 in Equation (42):


Note that the total phase current drawn ‫ط‬٧ the bank 111 the considered phase 15 as 10110٧5111 Equation (43):

/bank : ‫ؤ‬-‫خ‬ (43 )

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Using Equation (43) 10 calculate the hank voltage and substituting ‫ع‬ 010 voltage 11 Equation (42) yields
Equation (44):

Z01P - /٢٨ x(٠،y’) (44)

When the 10 banks 4٣‫ ع‬perfectly matched (٠٢, - ٢ ). the differential current 15 zero. ١ hen there 15 an
inherent unbalance between 1‫ ع‬banks or when the failure occurs, the differential current reflects the
amount o f unbalance.

111‫ ع‬،'- value 15 defined 45 111Equation (45):

‫ذب‬ (45)

The 002131110 signal o f the phase unbalance method compensated for the inherent unbalance 15 25 11
Equation (46):

/op=|/dif-*|X/i| (46)

I f the method 15 110٤ compensated 10٣ the inherent unbalance (the ،-value assumed 10 be zero), then the relay
51111 ‫اام‬٧ responds 10 the following measured differential current i n Equation (47):

/0» =/ ‫ا‬ (47)

Note that the operating principle 35 defined 11 Equation (46) 15 0٤ 0 dift٠erential kind, meaning 10 currents
are compared with a scaling factor being a real number (imag(،٦) - 0). 1115 means that the phase current
unbalance 11012110‫ ل‬15 1101susceptible 10 transients and high-frequency components these components
appear 11 both of the compared currents and cancel mutually. 11 contrast, 1‫ ع‬uncompensated principle 0٤
Equation (46) responding 10 the differential current 15 susceptible 10 elevated current reading during

The concept 0‫ ا‬self-setting can be applied 10 this protection method using Equation (48):

*SET ‫ج‬ (48)

Implementation 0‫ ا‬Equation (48) requires measuring the total bank current. More often, the ‫ﻻط‬5 0142‫ ع‬15
available 10 11‫ ع‬relay. ٤0٣ grounded banks, 4 fixed relationship exists between the phase voltage and ‫اا‬1
phase current. Therefore, the following implementation is feasible 10٣ the phase current unbalance method,
compensated 10٣ the inherent unbalance, as 1٦ Equation (49):

/0» = 70* — j x k y * 1Bus| (49)

Equation (49) can ‫ ﻋط‬followed directly, 0٣ the alternative method can ‫ع‬ used 35 explained earlier. 11
Equation (50) and Equation (51):

‫ا‬0‫م‬:70*“‫اا‬١‫|ةأ‬ (50)

/ ٧ NB : ‫ﻷا‬١‫(ﻵ‬٧) X، (51)

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The angle between the operating current and 1 phase voltage 0٣ current can be used to locate the ‫'؛‬ailed
unit, assuming the relay 1105 whether the elements t٠ail 511011 0٣ open ("left” bank ٧5. “right" bank). In
addition, the phase current unbalance method 15 phase segregated 211‫ ل‬naturally 001115٤0 1‫ا‬١‫ ع‬affected phase.

8.2.6 Neutral current unbalance protection method

Consider a capacitor bank 01 Figure ‫ ا‬5 with each phase comprising 1٧0 parallel impedances. The bank 21٦
be grounded 0٣ ungrounded. The ditTerential current measurement 15101 performed 01 a per-phase basis as
11 the phase current unbalance method but between the neutrals 0٤ the two banks.

‫ك‬٦١ ٨٢٦

‫أﻧم‬١ /٦١ /٦١ /٠٦١ ٨

I Inn».

tngnnmded bank ‫ل‬


(iroutklcd blink

Figure 1 5 —Derivation ٥٤٤2 neutral current unbalance protection method

1011 the derivation 10٣ 11٦‫ ع‬phase current unbalance method, we obtain Equation (52):

/ptF A - k A X I A . /11 = ** X / . /dir - ‫ع‬ X / ‫ع‬ (52 )

111‫ ع‬neutral differential measurement 15 the sum of the phase differential signals: therefore, 35 11
Equation (53):

Zdifv - Zdifa + 70FB + /difc =‫و‬ X ‫ وا‬+‫د‬٠‫ ه‬x / ٥+ ‫ج‬ X / ‫ع‬ (53 )

Equation (53) allows for waiting the following neutral current unbalance method compensated 10٣ the
inherent bank unbalance 11٦ Equation (54):

‫ا‬0‫= ا‬ DFN - ( ٤* /‫ و‬+ £ X ٥+ X ,٤ )| (54)

The uncompensated version uses just 1‫ ع‬measured neutral ditTerential current, 35 11 Equation (55):

Zop : ZptFN (55)

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Note that the operating principle as defined by Equation (54) 15 0٤ a differential kind, meaning that the
involved currents are compared with scaling (actors being real numbers, 11115 means that the compensated
neutral current unbalance method 15 not susceptible 10 transients and high-frequency components—these
201110010215 appear 11 all the compared currents and cancel mutually. 111contrast, the uncompensated
principle as defined by Equation (55) responding 10 the neutral differential current 15 susceptible 10 elevated
current reading during transients,

)he ('-values in Equation (54) cannot be, however, self-set by the relay. The three unknowns ( ٤٠ (‫ ز‬and ٨٤)
cannot be calculated 1011 the two equations available (‫ ااﻟﺎ‬out the real and imaginary parts 0٤ the standing
operating signal). Some implementations work 011symmetrical components rather than 01 phase currents
and ‫ ااﻟﺎ‬out the standing unbalance signal caused by the positive- and negative-sequence components only,
as in Equation (56):

/(0P - |/difn " ( h / | ‫ﻣﺐ‬٠ x / 2 )| (56)

w here 15 the complex conjugate.

Implementation 0٤ Equation (56) allows for self-setting the compensation for the positive- and negative-
sequence components of the inherent unbalance, leaving the zero-sequence uncompensated. The latter 1114٧
be acceptable, particularly for ungrounded banks w here zero-sequence currents are not present.

The method can be compensated ‫ا‬0٣ the inherent unbalance using 0114225 instead of currents 1٦ the way
explained for the phase current unbalance method.

The angle between the operating current and 1 ‫ ع‬035‫ ع‬01102‫ ع‬or current can be used 10 locate the fault
assuming the relay knows whether the capacitor units fail 511011 0٣ open ("left ٠ bank ٧5. "right bank and
the affected phase).

8.3 General unbalance relay ccnsideraticns

1٦‫ ع‬unbalance relays should be set 01٦1٦‫ ع‬3515 of maximum continuous system operating voltage.

8.3.1 Inherent bank unbalance, system unbalance, and other sources ٥٢2٣٣٥٣

11 practice, the unbalance seen by the unbalance relay, due 10 1055 0٤ individual capacitor units 0٣ elements,
15 somewhat different from the calculated value because 0‫ ا‬٤1٣0٣5described 1٦ the following list.

a) The primary unbalance, which exists 01 3‫ اا‬capacitor bank installations (with 0٣ without fuses),
15 due 10 basically ٤٧0 factors: 1) system voltage unbalance 311 2) bank inherent unbalance due
10 capacitor manufacturing tolerance. Secondary unbalance errors 1٦13٧ be introduced by sensing
device tolerance and variation and 0‫ ا‬relative changes 11 capacitance due 10 difference 1٦
capacitor unit temperatures in the bank.

The 10‫ اا‬unbalance error w ill be a vectorial combination of the primary 21‫ ل‬secondary effects.
The error may ‫ ع‬11 4 direction 10 prevent unbalance relay operation 0٣ 10 cause 4 false
operation. The amount 0‫ ا‬inherent unbalance 10٣ various configurations ,nay be estimated using
the equations 1٦ 8.4 through 8.7 211‫ ل‬Annex (. ٨ worst-case estimate ٤٩٦ be made ‫ط‬٧ assuming
the unbalance errors to‫ ﻋﻂ‬additive.

If the unbalance error approaches 500% 0‫ ا‬the alarm setting, then compensation may ‫ﻋﻂ‬
beneficial 10 correctly alarm for the failure of one unit 0٣ element as specified. Subclause 8.2
explains 1‫ ع‬principles of compensation. (011102115411011 can reduce errors ‫ ﻋﻠﺎل‬10 both system

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unbalance and bank inherent unbalance. 11 some cases, a different bank connection can improve
the sensitivity ١١ithout adding compensation.

0٣ example, a١٣٧‫ ع‬011* can be split 1110 a ١vye-١١,ye bank, thereby doubling the sensiti١tty 0‫ا‬
the 001221101and greatly reducing the effect 0‫ ا‬system ١oltage unbalance.

b) ١Vhere unbalance due 10 system variations or capacitor manufacturing tolerances 15 not

negligible, a compensating 11120115 should 0‫ ع‬po’ided to negate the effect of this unbalance.
Carefill consideration 0٤ bank design may also remedy the problem. Refore attempting any
compensation adjustments 10 reduce unbalance, the load current 0‫ ا‬each phase and 1‫ع‬
capacitance (or load current) 0٤ each capacitor should be checked for indication 0٤ failure 0‫ ا‬a
single capacitor element within the capacitor unit. The unbalance relay should ‫ ع‬set taking the
total unbalance 1٤‫ م‬account.
c) The influence 0‫ ا‬harmonic 00025‫ اا‬and currents 011 the 0001411011 0‫ ا‬the unbalance relay
depends 011111 unbalance scheme used. Few schemes such ‫ل‬5 ١ oltage differential schemes are
unaffected ‫اط‬٧ harmonics and transients as explained 1118.2.1. Power frequency 101 ‫ ل‬-0455 0٣
other appropriate filtering 15 needed 011 unbalance relaying schemes affected ‫ ﻻط‬harmonics.
‫ )ل‬Subclause 8.2.2 describes 1٦ detail compensating 5٧5٤2111 0‫ا‬122‫ ع‬unbalance 011 single
ungrounded banks. The 0‫ا‬140‫ ع‬appearing ‫ ا‬٦‫ ع‬capacitor bank neutral due 10 system unbalance
is the zero sequence component. Rus zero-sequence voltage can be derived by the neutral
01130‫ ع‬unbalance relay from three phase ١oltages 0٣ measured from three ١oltage-sensing
devices with their high-side wye-connected from line 10 ground, 211‫ ل‬the secondaries connected
11 ‫ ل‬broken delta. Ofien, the voltage transformers are already available 10٣ station relaying, ١١ith
the exception 0‫ ا‬low-voltage isolation transformers 10 derive the broken delta. The difference
١’01tage between the neutral unbalance signal due 10 system unbalance and the broken delta
output 0‫ ا‬the voltage transformers 15 then adjusted 10 zero. Once ‫اا‬15 adjustment 15 made, the
effect of system ١oltage unbalance ١١ill be compensated 10٣ ‫ اال‬conditions of system unbalance.
٨ compensating algorithm ١١ill eliminate 11٦‫ ع‬remaining error appearing at the neutral‫ال‬1‫ ع‬10 1٦‫ع‬
manufacturer’s capacitor tolerance,
2) Instrument transformer errors 3150 contribute 10 the unbalance signal seen ‫ ط‬the relay. Relays
providing compensation 10٣ the bank inherent unbalance ١vill greatly reduce the unbalance
signal under healthy bank conditions. Means 10 10‫ ع‬unbalance relays under instrument
transformer failures should be provided. ٨150. relays utilizing differential methods have 10 ‫ﻋط‬
blocked ١١’hen 0٦‫ ع‬source 0 differential signal 15 not energized. ٤0٣ example, a ١oltage
differential scheme using capacitor 01* bus ٧15 and 10‫ م‬٧15 has 10‫ ﻋط‬blocked ١١’hen the ban*
15 deenergized,
f> 11٦‫ ع‬effects 0٤ inherent ban* unbalance can be greatly reduced ١١’ith unbalance methods that use
compensating factors as described 1118.2. These 31 ‫ ﻋط‬calculated automatically 0٣ applied
manually during normal 5٧512111 and healthy 00* conditions. Also, if the relay 15 provided ٧111
biasing, then 11 will minimize measurement errors and reduce the risk of nuisance operations,
while providing sensitri e unbalance protection 0٣ the capacitor bank.

8.3.2 Undetectable failure m c d e s

For certain capacitor ban* configurations, some faults ١vithin the ban* will not cause 31 unbalance signal
using certain unbalance methods, such 35 the 10 10112:

— Rac*-10-rac* faults for banks ١١٠ilh٤٧0 series groups connected phase-over-phase 21‫ ل‬using
neutral ١ oltage 0٣ current for unbalance protection methods
— R3c*-to-rac* faults for certain ‫! ا‬-bridge connections
Refer 1‫ م‬7 ‫ ا‬.5 for a discussion of these conditions.

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٤0٣ phase-o١er-phase wye-wye and 11-0٣102‫ ع‬banks, correct bonding 0٤ the racks 15 required 50 that the
unbalance protection w i l l be responsive to rack-to-rack flashover. See Figure 16 ‫؛‬,or an illustration 0٤ the
bonding tor 3 wye-wye bank.

A-Phase A-Phase-


‫ﺗت‬ ‫آك‬١ ‫ا‬

B-Phase B-Phase


C-Phase. C-Phase-


(٨) Incorrect rack bonding (all 011 same side): 10 neutral current through the current transformer tor 4 rack٠to٠rack
insulator flashover.

(13) Correct rack 001 ‫ ل‬1110 (011 alternate sides): neutral current w i l l 110١٧ though a current transformer (or a r a c k o - r a c k
insulator flashover.

N()TE—B ding is similar lor a grounded wye٠wye bank for a phase٠ovcr٠phasc design.*

Figure 1 6 —B o n d i n g of the frames ٥٤ a n ungrounded wye-wye bank

8.3.3 Capacitor bank failures w i t h ambiguous indication

Ambiguous indications may come 101٦ 10 or more different conditions 0‫ ا‬the 01 but provide ‫ ﻋﺎ‬same
indication. Initial failure 11 indicate a failure. ‫ اﻟﺎط‬subsequent failures may cancel ‫اا‬٦‫ ع‬first failure 10
indicate a normal state. For instance, under 001 ‫ اﻟﻢ‬conditions with 3 balanced 311*. negligible current may

" Notes 1 text, tables, ‫ ﻻاد‬figures of a standard ‫ ﻋد‬given ٤0 information only and 00 not contain requirements needed10 implement
111‫ ؟‬standard-

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110٢ through the current transformer between 1‫ ع‬neutrals of 311ungrounded wye-wye capacitor hank.
Howe١’er٠ the same negligible current may flow through this current transformer i f an equal number of units
0٣ elements 3٣‫ ع‬removed 1101٦1the same phase 011both sides 0٤ the bank. This condition 15 undesirable, and
the indication 0٤ such 4 condition 15 obviously ambiguous.

Where ambiguous indication 15 a possibility’, 1٤15 desirable 10 have 4 sensitive alarm (preferably 011 fijse
operation for fused 0215 0٣ one faulted element 10٣ firseless 0٣ unftised banks) 10 minimize the probability’
of continuing operation with canceling failures that result 11٦ continuing, undetected overvoltages 01 the
remaining units.

The 01111110٦ failures with atnbiguous indication 3٣‫ ع‬as follows:

— ‫ا‬1 wyc-wyc banks (Figure 17). the operation 0‫ ا‬fuses 0٣ short-circuiting 0‫ ا‬elements 11 0 ‫ ع‬١٧٧‫ع‬
may cancel 1 unbalance signal generated 11 the other wye.

— 111!!-bridge banks (Figure 18). the operation 0‫ ا‬fuses 0٣ short-circuiting o f elements 111one leg
o f the ‫ اا‬may cancel 11 unbalance 51211‫ ال‬generated 111another leg o f the !1.

— 111midpoint-tapped banks (Figure 19). the operation 0‫ ا‬fuses 0٣ short-circuiting 0‫ ا‬elements

above 1٦‫ا ع‬0‫ م‬point 1113٧ cancel the unbalance signal generated 0٧ the 130 point.


Figure 17-Wye-wye compensating failures result in no unbalance signal,

2٧2٣ though the 2‫*ا‬ is unbalanced

When designing 3 capacitor bank protection scheme, i t 15 always desirable 10 select alternative schemes 10
reduce 1٦‫ ع‬possibility’ 0٤ maloperations during canceling failures. For example, for 1٦‫ ع‬scheme shown 1٦
Figure 17. failure of the neutral current unbalance scheme 1113 be backed ‫ ﻣﻠﺎ‬by application of the neutral
voltage unbalance scheme as well.

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‫ح‬ C-AC ‫ت‬ !

٢‫ل‬ ‫ل‬

Figure 18—H 1492: Compensating failures result in no unbalance signal 2٧2٦ though ٤2 bank
may 2 unbalanced

‫ ل‬. 7 ‫ﺗﺤﻊ‬
;; c

— R،٠la.١ (7٣)

TT ٢ ‫أ‬ ‫ه‬

Figure 19—Midpoint taps: Compensating tailures result in no unbalance signal even

٤09٤ ٤2 bank ٣٧ be unbalanced

8.3.4 Unbalance ٤1‫ م‬relay considerations

Unbalance ٣2 ‫ا‬0 1110delay times are set based 0٦ the following considerations:

3) The unbalance 11110 relay time delay should 0‫ ع‬minimized 10 reduce damage 110111 01 arcing fault
within the 021 structure 00‫ ل‬prevent exposure 0‫ ا‬the remaining capacitor units 10 overvoltage
conditions beyond their permissible limits. For a single-phase 0٣ an open-phase condition, the
time delay should also be 511011 enough 10 avoid damage 10 the current transformer 0٣ voltage
transformer and 10 the relay system.
b) The unbalance trip relay should have enough time delay 10 avoid false operations due 10 inrush,
system ground faults, switching 0‫ ا‬nearby equipment, and nonsimultaneous pole 002101101 0‫ا‬
the energizing switch 1‫ ا‬these affect the applied unbalance protection principle. 0٣ 111051
applications, 0.1 5 should be adequate. 0٣ unbalance relaying systems that do 110‫ ا‬compensate
for system unbalance and may therefore operate 01 a system voltage unbalance (ground fault),
time coordination w ith upstream protection 15 required 10 avoid tripping due 10 a system fault.
However, longer delays increase the probability 0‫ ا‬catastrophic bank failure.

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‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

c) With grounded capacitor batiks, the failure of one pole of the switching device or the single
phasing from a blown bank 105 will allow' zero-sequence currents 10 flow’ 1٦٦ 5٧51٤1٦٦ ground
relays. Capacitor bank relaying, including the operating time 0٤ the switching device, should be
coordinated w ith the operation of the system ground relays 10 avoid false tripping.
‫ )ل‬11‫ ع‬unbalance 1٣1‫ م‬relay may need 10 ‫ ع‬delayed 10 account for the settling lime 0‫ﻋﺎا ا‬
protection 5512111011 initial energization and for the transient response of certain capacitor
voltage transl'ormers, and 50 01. w hich may‫ ﻋﻂ‬4 part 0f the unbalance 101021101 system.
) 11٦‫ ع‬unbalance 1٣10 relay scheme ٤4٦ have a lockout feature 10 prevent inadvertent closing of the
capacitor 01* sw itching device if an unbalance trip has occurred.
f) 10 allow 10٣ the 2112215 0‫ ا‬inherent unbalance, the unbalance relay trip should ‫ ع‬set 10 operate
at a signal level halfway betw een the critical step and the next low er step. The critical step 15 the
number 0٤ fuse operations or shorted elements that ‫ اا‬cause 311 overvoltage 01 healthy
capacitor units 11٦ 2055 0‫ ا‬%110 0‫ا‬11‫ ع‬capacitor ‫ا‬11‫ ا‬rated 01102 ‫ ع‬0٣ 1١‫ ع‬capacitor unit
manufacturer’s recommended maximum continuous operating voltage, 11 addition, for
internally fused capacitor units, the critical step may be the number 0‫ ا‬internal fuse operations at
w hich tripping 510011 occur 45 recomiended by the capacitor manufacturer.
2) 1‫ ا‬sw itch failure 0٣ single phasing due 10 4 blown main fuse could result 11٦ continuous voltage
exceeding 11٦‫ ع‬relay rating, operation of the lockout relay should deenergize the voltage relay. 11
chattering of the seal-in unit 15 4 problem w hen used 011ac, a lockout relay contact can bypass
1‫ ع‬voltage relay contact.
1٤15 desirable 10 apply 01 unbalance relay w ith ٤٦٧0 0٣ more sensing 510295. each w ith individual pickup and
time delay settings. 1٦15 allows flexibility 10 set 1‫ ع‬stages with different operate times 10 provide better
coordination 10٣ unbalances 0٤ different severity.

8.3.5 Unbalance alarm relay considerations

Ideally the alarm level should be set 10 detect failure 0٤ 3 single capacitor unit, but not to assert a nuisance
alarm due 10 system unbalance. The unbalance signal during normal 021 operation may be signiflcant due
to errors 35 described earlier 11 8.3. 1. It is a good practice 10 monitor the unbalance signal over 3 period 0‫ا‬
lime and then set the alarm level accordingly. The alarm signal should have sufficient time delay 10
override external disturbances if they affect the applied unbalance protection principle.

8.3.6 Comments o n various protection schemes Neutral voltage unbalance protection method

Subclause 8.2 explains the fundamentals 0٤ the neutral voltage unbalance method. The neutral voltage
unbalance protection method 15 mostly used ‫ا‬0٣ ungrounded banks where the voltage-sensing device 15
connected between 1 ‫ ع‬00 * neutral and the ground. 11115 method compares the zero-sequence voltage at
the bus w ith the zero-sequence voltage at the bank neutral point, Figure 20 and Figure 21 show protection
connections 10٣ 4 single-wye ungrounded 0. Neutral voltage unbalance protection 2٤٥0 ٤٥٣ ungrounded ١٧٧2 banks
٨ neutral unbalance protection method with ‫ن‬01110211541101 ‫ا‬0٣ inherent unbalance 15 normally required for
very, large banks. The neutral unbalance signal ‫ ﻋﻠﺎل‬10 the loss of one 0٣ 10 individual capacitor units 1114٧
be 1055 than the normal inherent unbalance. Unbalance compensation should be used 1‫ ا‬the inherent
unbalance exceeds 011‫ ع‬half of the desired setting for‫ل‬012‫ن‬1110failure 1٦ a capacitor unit.

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IEEE Sid C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

The voltage-sensing device tnay be a voltage transformer, capacitive potential device, or resistive potential
device. 11‫ ع‬voltage-sensing device should be selected 10٣ the lowest voltage ratio attainable, ١vhile still
being able 10 withstand transient and continuous overvoltage conditions 10 obtain the 1113111011111 unbalance
detection sensitivity. Ho١vever, 4 voltage transformer used 11٤15 application should be rated 10٣ ‫ ااﻻ‬system
voltage because the neutral voltage can under some conditions rise 10 as high 35 2.5 per-unit during
switching. Under these conditions, an underrated voltage transformer 1‫ اا‬be driven into deep saturation
(Hamer 2‫ ل‬Owen ‫ ا‬1461).

11٦‫ ع‬use of an underrated resistance potential device, with secondary voltage limiter, 311 permit relay
operation with an open phase 10 the capacitor bank. The resistive potential device should ‫ ع‬capable 0٤
١vithstanding this overvoltage condition.

De-energized ungrounded wye capacitor banks may have voltage induced 011 the capacitor bank from an
overhead transmission line, adjacent energized capacitor bank, or other energized object. (01 occasion, 11115
has caused the unbalance relay 10 alarm or trip, even though the capacitor bank 15 not energized. 10 201‫ل‬
this situation, 1٤15 suggested that an auxiliary contact 0٤ the capacitor s١١٠itch ‫ ع‬used ٤0 short circuit the
output 0٤ the neutral 10 ground transformer ( 0 11 some other way disable the unbalance protection) when
the 5٧1٤٤ 15 in the open position.

/٦ a enatjve
bus 3V0

Neutral Voltage
Unbalance ‫ﺑﮭﺎه‬

٤19٣2 20—Neutral ٧٥1٤292 unbalance protection basic method ٤٥٣ single٠wye

ungrounded bank

Figure 21(a) shows a variation of the neutral unbalance relay 0101221101scheme for 01 ungrounded١٧٧‫ع‬
capacitor 310 using three line-to-ncutral voltage transformers with their secondaries connected 111 broken
delta and then connected 10 an overvoltage relay. Compared 10 the scheme 11 Figure 2 1 ( ) . ‫اا‬15 scheme has
1‫ ع‬advantage 0‫ ا‬00‫ ا‬being sensitive 10 5٧512111 voltage unbalance. Also, the unbalance voltage 10 ‫ﻋﺎا‬
overvoltage relay 15 three times the neutral 51 ‫ا‬1 voltage as obtained from Figure 21(0). ٤0٣ the same
voltage transformer ratio, there 15 3 gain 0‫ ا‬three 11 5٤٦511٧11٧ over the single neutral- 0 ground voltage
transformer scheme. The voltage transformers should be rated for line-to-line voltage.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved.

IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Proteclion of Shunt Capacitor Banks

١cutral ١ol٠ag<*
‫ ا‬n b« liner R ، li١
(59١‫ج ا‬

MJ) ‫اا‬

٤19‫ل‬٣2 21 —Voltage unbalance measurements variants

However. ‫ط‬0‫اا‬1 hemes 50١11 11 Figure 21 ‫ل‬0 00‫ ا‬take into account 010* inherent unbalance, 3‫ﻋﺎ ل‬
additional scheme 50١11 11 Figure 21(a) does not compensate 10٣ 5٧51٤1٦ unbalance. Both of, these
disadvantages 3٣‫ ع‬accounted !'or 11 the scheme shown 111 Figure 20.

8. 3.6.1. 2 Neutral voltage unbalance protection method ٤٥٣ grounded ٧٧٧2 banks

'!'he protection 15 based 011a voltage measurement derived from a current transformer connected bet١vcen
1‫ ع‬capacitor 0010* neutral and the ground. 11٦‫ ع‬current transformer output can ‫ ع‬put through a burden
resistor. ٨ sensitive voltage relay ١vith a fundamental band-pass filter should be used for ‫ ﻋﺎ‬unbalance

Fhc current transformer with a wound primary used 11 this application has unusual overvoltage and current
requirements (Harder 1351) (10.5 311‫ ل‬10.6). Single-turn CTs 0‫ ا‬600 ٧ ratings have been used 111 the
industry. 11٦‫ ع‬ratio 15 selected 10 give both adequate ovcrcurrcnt capability 41‫ ل‬appropriate signal for

/ 2‫ل‬00‫ﻋﻼ‬
/٦ ٦ measured bus 300

Neutral Voltage
Unbalance Relay

Figure 22—Neutral voltage unbalance protection method ٤٥٣ grounded single-wye bank

1٦‫ ع‬neutral 01102 unbalance relay shown 11 Figure 22 could be 4 voltage relay connected across the
neutral (1 with the [251510[ 45 15 the case 111 small, grounded wye capacitor banks.

Because of the presence of harmonic currents (particularly the third, a ero-sequence 1131111001 that 110١٧5
1٦ 100 neutral-to-ground connection), the relay should‫ ﻋﻂ‬tuned 10 reduce 1‫ ا‬sensitivity 10 frequencies other
141 ‫ ﻋﺎا‬power frequency.

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IEEE Std C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

The voltage 221055 the burden resistor 15 11 phase w i t h the neutral-to-ground current, 11115 neutral-to-ground
current 15 the vector 511111of the three phase currents, w h i c h are 90 out 0٤ phase w i t h the system phase-to
ground voltages. 11115 scheme may ‫ ع‬compensated 10[ power 5٧5٤٤1٦ voltage unbalances, by accounting
٤0+ the 9(0 phase shift, and 15 110٤usually appropriate ٤0٣ very' large capacitor banks requiring very sensitive
settings. 11115 90 phase shift may be accounted 10٣ internally‫ﻻ‬5‫أ‬112 relays supporting ٤1115 application 0٣
compensated externally using appropriate phase-shifting components and techniques. The value 0‫ ا‬the
resistor 1 should 0‫ ع‬chosen such 35 the voltage measured at 1١‫ ع‬bank neutral 0011٦1input 0‫ ا‬the relay
matches 115 3٧0 during system unbalance.

11 some designs, the voltage relay operates a latching 0٣ lockout relay 10 initiate the opening 0‫ ا‬the
capacitor sw i t c h and 10 block 15‫ ا‬closing. Contacts 0‫ ا‬the lockout relay should also short out the neutral
current transformer secondary'.

8 .3 .6.1.3 Neutral voltage unbalance protection method for ungrounded double-wye banks

Ungrounded double-wye 01*5. as shown 11 Figure 23. can be protected 1151112 the neutral voltage
unbalance method. 1115 method 15 not sensitive 10 system voltage unbalance 0٣ 1٣‫ ل‬harmonic components.
Protective relays designed 10 compensate 10٣ inherent unbalance 0٤ the bank ٧1‫ اا‬achieve greater

The neutral voltage value can be determined 111the same manner used for 4 single-wye bank as one section
o f the double-wye 0. Protection scheme connection i s as shown i n Figure 23(4). Although a low-ratio
voltage transformer w o u l d be desirable, a voltage transformer rated for 5٧512111voltage 15 required 10٣ the
ungrounded neutral. The resulting unbalance signal voltage may ‫ ع‬very small.

‫ا‬801‫ ا‬schemes 1٦ Figure 23 00 not compensate 10٣ 001 inherent unbalance and may 110‫ ا‬provide sufficient
sensitivity 10 protect individual capacitor units.

‫ا‬ ‫ااا‬1
Kein. ‘

h> |b>

(‫)ل‬ neutral 0‫ا‬13‫ع‬ unbalance protection method, ungrounded

double w y e connected capacitor bank ‫؛‬neutrals isolated►
[b ‫ا‬ neutral voltage unbalance protection method, ungrounded
double wye-connected capacitor bank [neutrals tied together►

Figure 23—Neutra! voltage unbalance protection methods ٤٥٣ double-wye banks

I n scheme ( b ) 11 Figure 23. the neutrals 0‫ا‬ ‫ ﻋﺎ‬two capacitor sections are connected 10 4 voltage
transformer. T h e voltage transformer. 0٣ potential device, i s used 10 measure the voltage (shift) between ‫ﻋﺎا‬
capacitor 001 neutral and ‫ ﻋﺎا‬ground. 111 relay should preferably have 4 harmonic filler and respond o n l y
to the fundamental.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved
IEEE Std C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

8 .3.6 .2 Neutral current unbalance protection method ٤٥٣ double٠wye banks

The neutral current unbalance method responds 10 the cunent circulating between the connected neutrals ol,
10 parallel banks. 1115 used 10٣ both grounded and ungrounded banks. ‫ا‬٤ 1٦‫ ع‬banks are 001 perfectly
balanced, then the circulating cunent 15 not zero, which degrades the sensitivity 0‫ ا‬protection. Therefore,
relays providing compensation for bank inherent unbalance facilitate more sensitive and reliable protection.
11 Figure 24. basic schemes 10٣ both grounded 21‫ ل‬ungrounded banks are shown. ٨‫ اا‬schemes respond 10 a
differential cunent. This 15 the vector difference of the neutral cunents flowing 11٦ the paralleled banks. The
scheme 1٦ Figure 24(3) 15 for an ungrounded ١٧٧ bank, while the schemes 11 Figure 24(b) and Figure 24(c)
3٣‫ ع‬for grounded banks. 10 compensate 10٣ unwanted circulating zero sequence current caused by capacitor
unit differences, the total bank zero sequence current can be measured. The dashed lines 111 Figure 24 show
this 11 ‫اﻟﺎم‬. This additional compensation allows for more sensitive relay settings.



‫ا‬ ٠'f'،, ,,٠'٠

‫ ارا‬1 unt

‫<ا‬٠‫اا‬٠١ M>١ I

(‫ >د‬nculrul ،‘urrcni ‫ﻻﻟطﺎاﻻ‬1٤٤ pMcclton mdhod lor ‫ﻻ‬1‫ﻟﻼﻻش‬ ‫اﻻل‬٤ ١١٠١

، ٤0101٤‫ ﻻ‬01٤110٢ bank
) neutral eurrent unbalance protection method lor grounded double ١١ connected capacitor bank
using ١١mdo١٩ ‫ا‬ ‫اﻧم‬
-١ neutral current unbalance protection method lor grounded double ١١١ connected capanior
bank using d i l t r n t i a l conn ،٢tion ot ٤ ‫ ا‬s

Figure 2 4 - N e u t r a , ‫ ﻻع‬٣٣٦٤ unbalance protection methods o n double-wye banks

11٦‫ ع‬neutral current 15 one halt, that 0‫ ا‬2 51‫ ﻋﺎع‬grounded bank 0‫ ا‬the same size. However, the current
transformer 12110 and relay rating may ‫ ع‬selected 10٣ the desired sensitivity because they are not subjected
10 sw itching surge currents 0٣ single-phase load currents 251 ١‫ ل‬2٣ w ith the grounded neutral scheme.

٦٦ (٤) 1٦ Figure 24 (10٣ grounded-wye 211*5). the neutrals 0٤ the two sections are grounded through
11٦ 5٤٦٤1
separate current transformers 10 a common 010‫ا‬11‫ل‬. The current transformer secondaries are cross
connected 10 4 neutral current unbalance relay 50 that the relay 15 insensitive 10 any outside condition that
affects both sections of the capacitor bank 1٦ the same manner. The current transformers ٤21 be subjected
10 switching transient currents and, therefore, require surge protection. They should be sized ‫ا‬0٣ single-
phase load currents if possible. Alternatively, the connections from neutral 10 ground from the 1٧0 wyes
may ‫ ع‬11 opposite directions through a single-window? current transformer as shown 111 scheme (‫ )ط‬11
Figure 24.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

, EEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks Voltage differential protection method ٤٥٣ grounded-wye banks

Voltage differential protection methods for grounded-wye capacitor 0215 3٣‫ ع‬illustrated 11٦ Figure 25(a) 10٣
3 single wye-connected bank 311‫ ل‬11 Figure 25(b) 10٣ a double wye-connected bank. 1115 approach 15.1٦
essence, three separate single-phase voltage differential relays monitoring 22٤1٦ phase 0‫ ا‬the 000110٣ bank.

٨ signal responsive 10 the 1055 0‫ ا‬individual capacitor elements 0٣ units 15 derived ‫ط‬٧ comparing the
capacitor 3 tap voltage with the bus voltage. The capacitor bank 10‫ م‬voltage is obtained ‫ ل‬connecting a
voltage-sensing device 41055 the ground end parallel group (0٣ groups) of capacitors as 1٦ the case of fused
capacitor banks. This may ‫ ع‬a midpoint tap, where the voltage 15 measured between the midpoint of the
phase 21‫ ل‬ground. Alternatively, the tap voltage may be measured across low-voltage capacitors (that 15. a
5 111 ) at the neutral end 0‫ ا‬the phase 45 11 1‫ا‬١‫ ع‬case 0‫ ا‬a fiiseless capacitor bank. The bus voltage
15 usually available. Tapping 21055 the bottom series groups 0٣ a midpoint tap 15 not possible for fuseless
banks ١٧11 multiple strings because the 51٣1105 are not connected 10 each other at the tap point. Tapping
421055 the low-voltage capacitors 15 suitable 10٣ fuseless capacitor banks.

A Her checking that ‫ ااه‬capacitors are 200‫ ل‬and 110 fiises have operated 111 the externally fused bank, the
voltage levels 4٣‫ ع‬initially adjusted 10 be equal. The initial difference signal between the capacitor bank tap
voltage 0‫ ل‬the bus voltage signals 15 zero, and the capacitor tolerance and initial system voltage unbalance
15 compensated. 1٤ the system voltage unbalance should vary, then the relay system 15 still compensated
because 4 given percentage change 111‫ﻻط‬5 voltage results in the same percentage change 011 the 204110٣
bank tap. Any subsequent voltage difference between capacitor lap voltage and bus voltage 1‫ اا‬be due 10
unbalances caused ‫ ﻻط‬1055 0‫ ا‬capacitor units within that particular phase. Secondary' errors may ‫ع‬
introduced ‫ ﻻط‬sensing device variation and temperature differences between capacitor units within the
00*. 1055 of capacitor units 11 each phase 15 delected independently (Alexander 1132] and 101٦ [BI3]).



Rrla١ ٠MT١٦

(4) - Grounded single wye-connected capacitor bank
(b) - Grounded double wye-connected capacitor bank

Figure 25—٧٠, age differential protectien 2٤٥45

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

The sensitivity 0‫ ا‬this method 15 high, and 1٤15 particularly well suited 10٣ high-voltage banks or banks that
consist of a large number 0٤ capacitor units.

It, the Htsed bank 15 tapped at the midpoint. 11121 the sensitivity 15 the same ٤0٣ failures within and outside
the tapped 0011101. If the bank 15 tapped belo١v (above) the midpoint, then the sensitivity 10٣ failures within
the tapped portion will ‫ ع‬greater (1255) than 10٣ failures outside the 10‫ م‬portion. 11015 difference may cause
difficulty 11٦1 achieving an appropriate relay setting. The sensitivity for a midpoint tap and 3 10‫ م‬across low-
voltage capacitors 4‫ ا‬the neutral 21‫ ل‬of the phase 15 the same.

For grounded double wyconnected capacitor banks having both tap and bus voltages available, it 15
possible 10 connect the voltage differential protection between 00111 tap voltages 0٤ the parallel bank strings
and between bus voltage and each tap voltage. 11115 approach will still finction 1‫ ا‬there 15 a unit failure both
above 211‫ ل‬10٧ the VT connection point.

The voltage differential relay has 10‫ا‬0‫ ع‬blocked from operation 114 VT fuse fails. The voltage differential
must 4150 be disabled w hen the bank 15 taken out of service. The single ‫ﻻط‬5 voltage input may cause an
unw anted operation. Voltage differential protection i n split ١٧٧2 grounded fuseless bank

In fitseless single-wye 005 11‫ ا‬a large number of series elements, the capacitance changes due to
unequal solar heating 01 the capacitor ‫ل‬1‫ا‬5 could be sufficient 10 cause nuisance alarms 0٣ 11105 with
conventional relays. The use of modern relays w ith dynamic unbalance compensation w ill mitigate this
problem. Differentially connected voltage 0٣ current unbalance configurations 0٤ double-wye banks have
inherent compensation 10 reduce the unequal solar heating effect.

Figure 26 5٦0٧5 a special (split-wye) configuration 01 fuseless banks similar 10 the double-wye
configuration 10 mitigate the effect 0٤ unequal solar heating 01 51٣11105. The 10‫ م‬voltage transformer 15
connected across the phase 51 ‫ ع‬0‫ ا‬low-voltage capacitors connected 011 the neutral 51‫ ﻋﻞ‬of tw o groups 0‫ا‬
capacitor strings. 1٦‫ ع‬differential voltage will be zero 1٤ 1٦‫ ع‬number 0‫ ا‬strings 01٦either side 0٤ 1٦‫ع‬
transformer 15 ‫ اﻟﻠﺎوع‬0٣ there will 0‫ ع‬a standing voltage across the transformer with an ‫ﻻ‬1 ‫ اﻟﻠﺎوع‬number of
51٣11105 011 either side. Unbalance calculations ٣‫ ع‬the same as those for single ٧‫ ع‬011*.


‫ﻋﺳﺎاﻣﻣﺎ‬١ 1٥ ‫ ﻋﺤﺪام‬٤

Figure 26—Spirt ٧٧2 configuration, voltage differential measurement
(only ‫م‬252 B shown)

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I E E E Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

8٠3.6٠5 Phase current unbalance method

Figure 27 505 1٧0 basic schemes using phase current unbalance protection. Tie scheme 111Figure 27(2)
15 using a 1٦40٧-1٧0 ‫ع‬ (1 with parallel banks connected at the neutral point, ٧11‫ ع‬the scheme 1٦
Figure 27() 15 for an H-bridge 31.

The (1 is used 10 measure the vector sum 0‫ ا‬the 10 currents. The relays that can compensate 10٣ capacitor
unit differences w i l l provide more sensitive protection. I t h e two banks are slightly different 111size, then
the resulting circulating current can ‫ ع‬compensated 10٣ ‫ اط‬monitoring total phase current (dashed lines).
This w i l l also allow’ 10٣ a more sensitive relay setting.

\ 100012
٣ '
‫ا‬ Phitr ( urrrlt
‫ا‬ I n!i*l»nti‘
‫ل‬- Rdl) iwh
\ grounded or
(1) ungrounded


‫ ا‬nbalinct
Rrl،١ <t»O|٠»

(‫)ه‬ grounded or

(4) - phase current unbalance protection method for double w y c onnectcd capacitor
00* using w indow' type ٤15 at the neutral point connection
(b) - phase current unbalance protection method for double w e-connected »,bridge
configuration capacitor bank

Figure 27—Phase current unbalance protection methods

The scheme shown 11 Figure 27(2) can be applied 10 banks w ith the same string reactances only, while the
scheme 50١٧1٦ 11 Figure 27(0) can ‫ ع‬applied 10 H-bndge configurations where string reactance 15
different. For H-bridge configurations, the crossbar should 0‫ ع‬connected at the bank 11111100111‫ا‬. I f a regular
CT 15 used 11٦ the H-bridge configuration, then surge protection 15 required. Alternatively, the connection
٤311be made with 2 w indow-type C T w ithout surge protection.

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

8.3.7 Very large capacitor banks

Very large grounded wye-connected capacitor banks (1... al voltages of 345 ٧ and above) require a
protective device sensitive enough 10 detect the 1055 of a single-capacitor unit in externally fused banks 0٣
1٦‫ ع‬10550٤ 3 few elements 111 internally fused 0٣ fuseless 2115. «ecause the failure 0‫ ا‬3 single unit 1٦ 1‫ع‬
large bank generates 211 operate signal that 15 50 low, the signal may be belo١v 1٦‫ ع‬sensitivity (cutoff) level
0٤ 1٦14٦٧ traditional protective devices. Depending 01 the unbalance method, the system and bank inherent
unbalance can make the situation worse: During normal operating conditions, the operate signal may ‫ ع‬100
‫ا‬1. ٦ herefore, when the protective method 2‫ ل‬particular protective device are 1112 selected 10٣ a large
capacitor bank, 1115 preferable 10 105‫ ع‬11105‫ ع‬that compensate 10٣ system and inherent bank unbalance, and
that allow for achieving the required sensitivity. Typically, few protective ftnctions 3٣‫ ع‬used 10 protect
large capacitor banks, including ٤٧0 10 three unbalance functions and three 10 five conventional functions.
For example, the voltage differential relay 11 Figure 8 compares voltages 011secondaries 0‫ ا‬voltage
transformers connected 10 the capacitor 311*5 tap 0011 and the bus. ٨ capacitor bank's tap 0011
connection depends 01 the type and configuration of the bank, 35 shown 111 Figure 8. 11 the case of many
capacitor banks (for example, externally fused, internally fused, and fuseless banks), low-voltage protection
capacitors 4٣‫ ع‬used, as shown 111 Figure 8. Resistors 1114 ٧ ‫ ع‬used 111 series with voltage transformers 10
avoid ferroresonance problems, 11 many externally fused banks, the voltage transformer 111 each phase 15
connected across 0 ٦‫ ع‬0٣ more series groups depending 0٦ the sensitivity requirement.

For ٧٣٧ large EHV capacitor banks, 4 backup (redundant) capacitor 001 neutral voltage unbalance
protection scheme is generally provided. The unbalance 0101221101 relay 11٦ Figure 8 15 connected 10 a
voltage transformer that measures the voltage across 4 lo١v-voltage capacitor unit 111 the capacitor bank
neutral. The unbalance relay 15 5 ‫ اع‬10 detect the 1055 0‫ ا‬a specified number 0‫ ا‬capacitor units 0٣ elements
depending 01 the type of the capacitor bank. The relay 15 set 10 trip after a lime delay if the overvoltage
greater than the allowable level occurs 01 the remaining units 0٣ elements. The relay criterion 15 described
11 detail 1118.2 through 8.6. Relay setting philosophies may differ from 0٦‫ ع‬application 10 another.
However, a 511011 time delay should be provided 10 prevent nuisance tripping (of a capacitor bank 1٦ 31
alarm state) 0 a system overvoltage transient. However, both voltage differential 3‫ ل‬neutral voltage
unbalance relays rely 0٦ the same bus VT 10٣ correct operation: 11 case 0‫ ا‬failure 0‫ ا‬the latter, 011
functions become nonft nctional. Therefore, provision should be made 10 back up ٧1 0٣ use a current-based
method as well.

11٦‫ ع‬overvoltage relay mentioned previously 510011 either use fundamental frequency quantities 0٣ ‫ﻋﻂ‬
equipped w ith 3 fundatnental frequency band-pass filter 10 avoid false operations due 10 harmonic currents.
٨ third harmonic blocking filter may not prevent all false operations of this relay.

Some relays provide compensation schemes 10 overcome the effects of system and bank inherent unbalance
on sensitivity. 11 1115 regard, the neutral voltage 15 compared 111٦٣ with the open delta voltage 01٦ the ‫ل‬5
voltage transformer 11 grounded ١vye-connected banks 0٣ w ith voltage across another ,ow-voltage capacitor
(not show n 11 Figure 8) 1٦case of double wye-connected banks.

8.3.8 Protection 0٤ unbalance 2٧5‫ا‬

The unbalance relay should be protected against the following:

3) Damaging transient voltages appearing 011 control ٢1٣1111(see IEEE Std (37.90. ‫(ا‬٨‫)ا‬.
‫)ط‬ Excessive current ‫؛‬lowing 10٣ longer limes due 10 the failure 0‫ ا‬the switching device. The
latching 0٣ lockout relay operated ‫ط‬٧1‫ا‬1‫ ع‬unbalance relay should have contacts 1 ٣‫ ل‬10 51011out
the neutral current transformer secondary.

٨ current transformer loading resistor, if used, should ‫ ع‬able 10 withstand rapid 12411112 111 the event 0‫ا‬
single 01135100 until 1‫ ع‬unbalance protection voltage relay and lockout relay 002101.

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

8.3.9 Current trans ormers ٥٢ unbalance relaying

١Vound primary current transformers used 10 measure neutral current may be subject 10 damaging high-
voltage transients associated 11‫ ا‬capacitor switching 0٣ capacitor discharge 1110 nearby faults and may
require special protection. Current transfonners installed neutral 10 ground for unbalance protection are
particularly vulnerable because 0٤ the sensitivity requirements. I f metal 01 ‫ ﻋل‬٧311510٣5 (10٧5) are used 10
protect 1‫ ع‬current transformers 0٣ relays, then ٤3٣‫ ع‬should ‫ ع‬taken 10 ascertain that the 10٧5 have
adequate energy-absorbing capability. ٨ capacitor switching 0٣ fault transient may have very high energy.
٨ shorted 10٧ may disable the unbalance protection (Harder 851‫)ا‬. See 10.5 for additional comments.

8.4 Externally fused capacitor banks

8.4.1 General considerations

The unbalance relay should coordinate with the individual capacitor unit fuses 50 that the fuses operate 10
isolate a defective capacitor unit before the protection switches the bank out 0‫ ا‬sen ice. (٨ reliable fuse
operation provides a convenient, visual means 10٣ locating the defective capacitor unit(s)[٠

١Vhere possible. ‫ اا‬unbalance relay should be sensitive enough 10 alartTt for ‫ ا‬1055 0‫ ا‬0‫ ع‬unit within 4
group. ‫ا‬1 should also trip 4‫ا ل‬0‫ اع‬0‫ اﻻ‬01 the 105 0‫ ا‬additional 004٤110٣ units that cause a group
overvoltage 11 excess 0‫ ا‬%1100 0‫ ا‬capacitor unit rated voltage (0٣ the capacitor unit manufacturer’s

8.4.2 Using the calculated values

11٦‫ ع‬trip level 15 based 01٦protecting ‫ا‬٦ capacitor units 31‫ ل‬fuses from excessive voltages. 1٦‫ ع‬alarm level
15 based 0٦ providing 31 early indication 0‫ ا‬failures within the 31.

The number o f blown fuses 10٣ trip can be determined by knowing 1٦ voltage 0٦ the capacitor units 11
parallel with the blown fuses (ICu) indicated 11٦ 8,4.3 10 8.4.6 and the capability 0‫ ا‬the units based either 01
industry standards 0٣ 01 the documentation provided ‫ ﻟط‬the manufacturer. 11 the example calculated 11
Table 2 and Table 3, for standard units applied at rated voltage with 4 continuous contingency overvoltage
capability o f ‫ ا‬10%, tripping should occur after the operation 0‫ ا‬the first fuse, ٨1 this point, the voltage 0٦
the capacitor units 11 parallel with the blown foses is greater 1131 11‫ا‬% (above the 110% overvoltage

The number 0‫ ا‬capacitor units 11٦ parallel per series group 15 governed ٧ 0 ‫ ﻻ‬3 minimum and 4 maximum
limitation and can ‫ ع‬either single ١٧‫ ع‬0٣ double wye (see IEEE Std 1036). 1٦15 arrangement may result 11
1255 than ‫ ا‬%10 ٧01‫ا‬32‫ ع‬01٦1 parallel units after the operation 0٤ the first fuse. Alternatively, the bank might
‫ ﻋط‬made o f slightly higher voltage units 50 that the resulting overvoltage w ould not ‫ ع‬above ‫ ا‬100% o f the
unit rating after the operation 0‫ ا‬the first fose.

The trip level 001‫ ل‬normally be set 10 operate reliably afier the operation 0‫ ا‬the fuse that results 11 more
than 1100% o f capacitor unit rated voltage 01٦parallel units. The relay may be set midway between the
unbalance signal with that fose having operated 3‫ ل‬the unbalance signal with one 1255 fose having
operated. (Alternatively, ٦ ‫ ا‬%100 0‫ ا‬capacitor
the trip relay could be set at an unbalance that would result 11
unit rated voltage 011the remaining elements, regardless o f w hether ‫اا‬15 condition could be anticipated 1٦

٦‫ ع‬0021211010 f the first fuse. 1115 alarm set point

The alarm would normally be set 10 operate reliably 01111
would typically be 500%10 75% 0 ‫ا‬1‫ع‬510‫ ال‬associated with 0٦‫ ع‬fose having operated.

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

‫ا‬0٧2‫ ل‬٤0٣the hank, ٨ wide variety 0٤

The actual unbalance signal will depend 0٦ the protection scheme 21110
protection schemes 15 11 use 011 externally fused shunt capacitor hanks. Sample calculations of, unbalance
signals 10٣ some protection schemes for wye, delta, 0٣ single phase are given 11 8.4.4 Other calculated
values are given 111 8.4,5 211‫ ل‬8.4.6 under separate discussions 0٤ tap voltage and H-bridge 0101221101

8.4.3 introduction to capacitor 2‫*ا‬ unbalance calculations

111‫ ع‬sample calculations 1118.4.4 through 8.4.6 are 11 three groups, as follows:

a) ١Vye٠delta, and single٠phase (see 8.4.4 10٣ discussion. Figure 28 through Figure 30 10٣ the 0010
diagram, and Table 2 through 1001 4 (0٣ tabulated calculations). These calculations provide the
110111121101 required (0٣ setting ‫ ﻋﺎا‬unbalance protection based 011 the 10110٧100:
‫ ) ا‬Neulral-to-ground voltage for ungrounded ٧‫ ع‬banks
2) Neutral current 10٣ ungrounded wye-wye banks
3) Neutral voltage difference for ungrounded wye-wye 03115
4) Neutral-to-ground current for grounded wye banks
5) Voltage across low-voltage capacitors at 11 neutral end 0‫ ا‬each phase 0٣ 11 1‫ ع‬neutral-
to-ground connection 0‫ ا‬grounded wye banks
6) !difference in neutral-to-ground currents for grounded wye-wye banks
7) Delta and single-phase bank protection based 01٦schemes similar 10 item a l ) through
item a6)
‫ )ط‬Tap voltage 010102101٦schemes (see 8.4.5 10٣ discussion. Figure 3 ‫ ا‬10٣ the bank diagram, and
Table 5 for tabulated calculations). These calculations provide 1‫ ﻋﺎ‬information required ‫ا‬0٣
5211110 the unbalance 0101221101 based 01 the 10101112:

‫ ) ا‬Midpoint-to-ground tap voltages 10٣ grounded wye hanks.

2) Differential protection 10٣ comparing the voltage across one or more series groups with
1‫ ع‬system line-to-ground voltage 10٣ grounded wye banks
3) Della and single-phase bank protection based 0٦ schemes similar 10 item 1‫ )ط‬and
item 02)
c) H-bridge 010101101 schemes (see 8.4.6 for discussion. Figure 32 for the bank diagram, 411‫ل‬
100 ‫ ع‬6 for tabulated calculations). These calculations provide 11٦‫ ع‬information required for
setting the unbalance protection based 011 the current between midpoints 0٤ 10 similar 1225
connected phase 10 ‫ اﻻﻟﻣﺎع‬or ground, phase 10 phase, or 111 the phase (series capacitors).

The system of units used 10٣ 11105٤ of these calculations assumes every normal nonzero voltage, capacitance,
and current 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit under 1101111 ‫ اه‬conditions, w ith 100 foses having operated.

Some examples are not realistic. ٤0٣ instance, for high-voltage banks with several series groups, 11 15
desirable 10 have at least 10 parallel capacitor units in each series group 50 that voltage 15 not excessive 011
the remaining capacitor 111115111a group after the 002141101of one fuse. ٨150. having many parallel units
2125 substantial overcurrent for fast fuse 0102101101 011 a faulted unit. Fewer parallel units have been used 11
some examples 111 this subclause 10 keep 1‫ ع‬diagrams simple enough 10 read.

In addition 10 providing the 1122255‫ ﻟﮫ‬information for protective relay settings, 1115 type of tabulation gives
4 200‫ ل‬feel for the performance of the bank w ith varying numbers 0٤ fuses having operated.

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

٤0٣ specific 000 configurations, it 15 possible 10 combine the calculations 0٤ the various columns and to
calculate only 1‫ ع‬following:

— The current through the fuse 0 a shorted capacitor unit

— The voltage 01٦1‫ ع‬capacitor units 11٦ parallel with blown tuses
— The unbalance signals for the type of protection 10‫ ﻋﻂ‬utilized

٤0٣ some cases, because 0‫ ا‬the complexity of the configuration, 1‫ ع‬resulting 2014110105 become onerous.
The layout 0٤ the tabulated calculations 1118.3.4 through 8.3.6 15 general 4‫ ل‬allows for the analysis 0‫ ا‬3
w ide variety 0‫ ا‬capacitor bank configurations.
'tabulations ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬those illustrated 1118.4.4 through 8.4.6 have been ‫ اﻟﺎ ﻣﺎﻋﺎ‬111understanding‫ﻟﺎ‬1‫ ع‬performance
0‫ ا‬a proposed bank before purchase. In addition, a ٤0‫م‬٧ of the tabulation at ‫ ﻋﺎا‬capacitor bank location can
‫ ﻋﻂ‬helpful ‫ا‬0٣ those concerned w ith the future maintenance of the bank. Some manufacturers of capacitor
banks may provide ‫ا‬151٧‫ ﻋﻢ‬of tabulation 10٣ the banks they propose or supply.

8.4.4 Unbalance calculations—wye, delta, single, and double banks

Step-by-step calculations 3‫ ل‬principal equation for each column for banks configured as per Figure 28
through Figure 30 are given 111 Table 2 through Table 4 [50111 equations for the conditions where 4
capacitor unit was short-circuited (50) but ‫ﻟﺎ ﻋﺎا‬5‫ا ع‬105 00‫ ا‬yet blown (5 ‫ )ﻟﺎ‬0٣ different from the equations
11 the tables. Also, different equations are used for cases w here ‫ ﻋﺎا‬equations shown 11 ‫ ا‬tables result 111 4
division ٧ 22٣0. Some of these equations 10٣ unusual conditions are 001 01٧21 11 the tables.)

These tabulations illustrate the unbalance that occurs 111 the affected parts 0‫ ا‬this 000 as ‫ ل‬result 0‫ا‬
individual fuse operations.

The column headings 11 the tabulations are based on wye-connected, three-phase capacitor banks. For
delta-connected banks, 1 same formulas and tabulation(s) can be used by treating 1 leg 0‫ ا‬the delta 45 one
phase 0‫ ا‬a grounded wye bank: ‫ اال‬formulas are identical. ٤0٣ a delta bank, the currents shown as per-unit
of-phase current become per-unit-of-leg current (phase current divided by ٧3) The difference current
(equal wyes) 2201105 the difference 111 current between two equal delta-connected legs.

(‫ه‬ 43 ‫ﻟم‬
‫ ﺳﻌﻠﻼ‬٠ ‫ﻟﻣﻠﻠﺗﻠﻠل‬
nun, ٠ 3005353
1 3333 3333

5-4 senes 20001 ‫ا‬111 10 11211041 Pl ٠ 8 parallel units per phase

n-2 ‫ا‬01‫ت‬٦ (1 - 0" ‫اا‬٤‫ ﻟﺤﻠﺎ‬-‫ا‬ 1414‫ﻟﻜﻞ‬

Figure 2 8 —Illustration ٥٤‫ه‬ single wye-connected capacitor bank

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 ٢292٧20

IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

TR 111 Figure 28 represent.‫ ؟‬a resistor potential device 0٣ a voltage trans ormer 01 an ungrounded bank; 3
current transformer 0٣ a low-voltage capacitor; 0٣ a direct ground 011 a grounded bank.

Table 2 illustrates the unbalance calculations 10٣1‫ ع‬single wye-connected bank and gives tabulated results
for the sample bank shown 11٦ Figure 28.

Table 2—Unbalance calculations ٤٥٣ the single wye-connected capacitor bank in Figure 28
Number 0٤ blown capacitor fuses "
( The number o f f uses that have blown 11 one
Column title F rmula 111 ctimmeiif ‫ع‬ parallel group of capacitor units, n 0 is the
,system normal c o n d i t i o n . )
0 su 1 2 3 4

Parallel Cg = ٥٢ 0 1.0000 ‫ﻧﺎﻟﺂ‬ 0.8750 07500 062510 0 6000

group 10٤1-
11١‫ ع‬capacitance ‫ام‬11‫ ع‬parallel group of capacitors tohato
includes the blown fuse(s).
capacitance 1 1.0000 sc 08750 07500 06250 05000
Affected wye
capacitance ‫ي‬-‫ح‬ 0 1.0000 ‫ ا‬3333 09655 0.92-31 08696 0.8000
٢? Fhc per-unit phase-to-ncutral capacitance of the
series parallel group 0‫ ا‬capacitor units that includes the
blown fuse(s). For the group including the affected unit,
the per-unit capacitance 15 ٤9 ٤0 all other 210005. the 1 1.0000 1 3310 00655 00: 0.8696 0.8000
per-unit capacitance 15 1٠
1‫ي‬ -0( -1)
21001‫ل‬ 0 00000 0 0000 00000 0‫ ا‬1 0 0 00000 00000
voltage (per, For grounded banks ( - 0)٠ this voltage 15 always 0 For
0110117) ungrounded wye banks, the calculation 15 made assuming
١'HR the affected phase has 2 capacitance Cp, 2‫ ل‬the other ٤0 ‫ا‬ 00000 -0 1 0 0 0 00116 00263 00455 00714
phases each have a per-unit capacitance 0٤ ‫ ا‬.
Voltage 0٦ 17/7 = 1 ‫ ب‬I n g
affected The voltage‫ا‬1٦‫ ع‬10 neutral 31055 the phase that includes ‫ؤآ‬ 1(0000 10(000 1 0(00(0 10000 1 00(00 10000
phase the blown fuse(s). 1٦‫ ع‬operation of' the fuse(s) reduces the
‫ا‬/‫ور‬ capacitance of that phase and increases the voltage across
the affected phase; therefore, the numbers are always 1 1 (0000 09(000 1 0 1 1 6 10263 ‫ا‬ 0455 10714
greater than 0٦ except ‫ن‬0٣٤ 11٤ operation of’ the fuse 01
3 faulted capacitor unit-
Voltage 0٦ ٧01‫ﻋﺘﺤﻞ‬
affected 0 1.0000 40(000 11034 1 ?WK ‫ا‬3913 1 . 6 0 0 0
series group (lfCg-0,
Veil The per-unit voltage 01 the capacitor units 1 the group
with the blown fusc(s)٠ based 01 the capacitance ‫ل‬115101
1 1(0000 1 6 0 0 0 1116-3 12612 14545 17143
011‫ ع‬actual voltage 011 the affected phase (//1)

Current luzVcttxCu
through 0 1.0000 10667 1 1034 12308 13913 16000
The current through the individual capacitor units 11 the
group with the blow n fusc(s), per-unit of the value with 110
capacitors) fuses blown. Note that for healthy capacitor units Cli ‫ ا‬.
fhc value for 5‫ ﻻ‬indicates the short circuit current
available 10 blow the fuse 0٦ 2 faulted capacitor unit. 11115
value may be used 1٥ estimate die maximum clearing lime 1 1(0)00 10662 11,63 12632 14646 17143
of the fuse (assuming 110 discharge from parallel
capacitors 100 the faulted one). ‫= (ﻟﺎك(ا‬ ‫ﻋﺘﺈ‬

Phase current I|>h = C|)xV!n 0 1(0000 ‫ا‬ 3333 09666 09231 08606 0.8000
The current 11 the phase with the blown fuses. This 1113 1 1(0000 to.2toXX٠0.9767 0.9474 0.9091 0.8671
be useful for setting protection based 011 phase current.
Ground /‫ى‬-(‫ا‬-7)*(‫ا‬-/0‫)اا‬
1111111 0 0.00.0) -0 33 3 3 00345 00743 0.1207 0.1769
change "The change 1٦ cufrcnto10 ground, which 1 used witoh

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬std 037.99-2012
,EEE Guide for the Protection ٥‫ أ‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

N u m b e r 0٤ b l o w n capacitor fuses "

(The number o f fuses that have blown 111 011‫ع‬
Column ،itlc I ' o r m u l a 1111 comment ‫ع‬ parallel group of capacitor units, n 0 is the
system normal condition.)
‫اا‬ su 1 2 3 4
protective relay .schemes utilising cither neutral-lo-ground
current, or the voltage 01055 a low -voltage 01041101(5) in 1 00000 <0 0000 0,0000 0 1■* ١00 0 0 0 ( ) 0,0000
the neutral or 1٦ each phase.

NOTE ‫ا‬ voltage equation 1 convenient 10 develop based 011 ‫ ال‬instant in time when the affected phase has 0‫ ع‬per-unit voltage
3‫ ل‬the other 1*0 phases have 0 5 per-unit voltage Eor 11115 condition, the 1*0 unaffected phases can ‫ ﻋط‬paralleled, and the voltage
divider between -05 per-unit and -1 per-unit ٤31 be calculated for die midpoint voltage, which 15 recorded as 1214

NOTE 2/٤ the per-unit change 111current 10 ground 1‫ ى‬the per-unit change 111 voltage across 3 low-voltage capacitor 111 the affected
phase. ‫ اا‬is also the per-unit change ‫أ‬1 voltage across ‫ ا‬low-voltage capacitor 111 ‫اا‬1 ncutral-to-ground ٤01111٤1011because the other ٤0
phase cutTcnts ‫ل‬0 not change 11 3 grounded ٦٩9‫ ع‬bank.

NOTE— A ‫ا‬1‫ ل‬number u f unbalance protection methods 15 available 10٣ the single wye-cunnecled bank‘ However,
when the bank 15 connected in a double wye, the number 0‫ ا‬protection methods available 15 increased, thus, allow ing
more flexibility 21‫ ل‬security tor protective purposes.


‫ﻟﻠﻠﻠﻠل‬٤ ‫ﻻ ﻟﻠﻐﻠﻠﻠﻧﺎ‬,‫ل ﻟل‬5‫ﻟﻠﻠل ل‬

‫ﻟﻠﻠل"ﻟﻠﺊ ﻟﻠﻐﻠل ا‬ ‫ﻟﻠﻠل‬ ‫ﻟﻠل‬ ‫ﻟﻠل ال‬
٠ ‫ل‬،‫ ﻋﻺﻟﺊ‬2311335٤٤*11٤14*11 ٤1٤11
‫ﺑل‬ ‫ ﻣﻠل‬É ٠٠ ٠
5-4 *cries group* line lo neural Pl-,4 parallel unit! pa pha٥٧١
1-2 blowndM Pt - ‫ﺑﺎ‬ parallel ‫ ﻋﺎﻧر‬per pha*0 1 *l«n٠ Wyo
0-? 0:٢‫ع‬01‫ﻟل‬1‫ﻟﻼﻻاأ‬

Figure 2 9 —,llustrati٥n of ‫ه‬ double wye-connected capacitor bank

11٤ 111Figure 29 represents 3 current transformer 0٣ a resistor potential device 0٣ 3 voltage transformer 0٦
31 ungrounded bank: a current transformer 0٣ a lo١v-voltage capacitor: 0٣ 3 direct ground 01 3 grounded

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved

IEEE Std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Table 3—Unbalance calculations ٤٥٣٤٤2 double wye٠connected capacitor bank in Figure 29

N u m b e r 0‫ ا‬b l o w n c a p a c i t o r fuses „
(111‫ ع‬number of fuses ihat have blown 11
C o l u m n title 11011111 a n d 0111111111 ‫ع‬ one parallel group of capacitor units, n 0
is the system normal condition.
Ik su ‫ا‬ 2 3 4

Parallel group 0=‫آ‬ 0 10000 8 0750 0.7500 06250 18000

per-unit T e capacitance 0 3 the parallel group ol٠ capacitors that
capacitance includes 1‫ ع‬blown fusc(s).
‫ا‬ 10000 9 0 8 750 0,7500 0 0 2 5 0 0 5000
Affected w y e
Q: ‫ﻋﻲ‬
capacitance 0 1 0 0 0 0 13333 09655 0,023‫ا‬ 0 8 6 9 6 0 8000
<٦- T h e per-unit phase-to-neutral capacitance 0٤ the
series/parallel group 0 3 capacitor units that includes the
b l o w n fuse(s). For the group including 1‫ ع‬affected unit the
per-unit capacitance 15 ٤9 For all other groups, the per-unit 1 1 0 0 0 0 13333 0.9655 0,923‫ا‬ 0 8 6 9 6 0,8000
capacitance 151
Per-unit ‫ع‬ ‫ي‬
capacitance, ip: ‫ح‬ 0 1 0 0 0 0 119005 09803 00 560 00255 0.8857
phase w i t h T h e per-unit capacitance 0 3 t h e phase (both wyes) that
‫ط‬1٥١٩ fijses includes 1٦‫ ع‬blown 15(5) ٤0٣ single wye banks, /‫ م‬- /‫ا‬
and Cp - ٤. ‫ا‬ 1.0000 1105 0.980.3 0.9500 09255 0.883
ground 1‫ي‬-0(‫*ي‬-1) ‫ﻻ‬ ()(XXX) 0 ( 0 0 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 0 0.0000 0 0000 0 06 900
voltage (per- ٤0٣ grounded banks ( - 0) 1115 voltage 15 a l w a y s 0 ٤0٣
unit 011/*) ungrounded١٤٧‫ ع‬banks, the calculation is made assuming
١’‫ةاا‬ t h e affected phase has a capacitance Cp 2‫ ل‬t h e 011 ٤٣ t w o ‫ا‬ 00000 00597 00066 0.0149 000 0 6.390
phases each have 1 per-unit capacitance of ‫ ا‬.

0‫ا‬13‫ ع‬0 1/7-1/7‫ي‬+1

affected T he voltage line 10 neutral 2٤1055 the phase that includes 0 Id 1.0000 1(0)00 I d 1.0000 I (XXX)
phase the 10٧1 3use(s). The operation of the fuse(s) reduces the
capacitance of that phase 0‫ ل‬increases the voltage across
t h e affected phase: therefore, the numbers are a l w a y s
‫ا‬ 1.0000 09403 ‫ا‬ .0066 10149 10255 ‫ا‬ 0396
greater than one except before the operation 0‫ ا‬the 15‫ ع‬o n
a faulted capacitor unit.
Voltage on ٧‫آا = ان‬
affected 0 !(XXX) ‫اﻟﺈ‬ ‫أ‬ OU 1.2308 13913 1.6000
scries group (14-0 ‫ا‬٤ ‫ا‬- 1115 )
Vcu 1٦‫ ع‬perunit voltage 0٦ 11٦‫ ع‬capacitor units 11 t h e group
w ith the blown fuse(s), based 01 h e capacitance division 0
the actual voltage 0٦ the affected pha.se (1/7).
‫ا‬ 1 (XXX) 8 11107 1 7 4 9 1 1 4 2 0 8 ] (634

Current hfzCcuxCit
through 0 1 (XXX) 10667 11034 123 08 1 3 9 1 3 1.6000
T h e current through the individual capacitor units 1 t h e
group w ith the blown fuse(s), per-unit 0 the v a l u e ١1 ‫ ا‬110
11155 blow n.‫ل‬01‫ ع‬that for healthy capacitor units Cu - 1.
11‫ ع‬value for 5‫ ﻻ‬indicates the power 3re٩uenc٠١ current
available 10 blow the fuse 01 3 faulted capacitor unit. 11115
‫ا‬ 10000 10667 1‫ا‬107 1,2491 1.4208 ‫ ا‬6634
v a l u e may be used 10 estimate t h e m a x i m u m clearing t i m e
o f the fuse (assuming 110 discharge from parallel capacitor
units into the faulted one).
Current 11 lyzCsxVln
affected ١١٦‫ع‬ 0 1 (XXX) 13333 09655 0,92-31 0.8090 ‫)ااااا‬
The per-unit current 111 t h e series/parallel 210 0‫ م‬with t h e
Iv blown ftise(s). 1115 v a l u e may be useful for differential
schemes comparing 111 current 111 different scries, /parallel ‫ا‬ 1(000) 12537 109719 0,9.308 0.8917 0317
(11,11 111 IphzCpxVln
0 1(000) ‫ا‬ 1905 09٤03 00500 09255 0.8857
The current 11 the phase w ith the blow n fuses. 11115 may be
useful 10٣ setting protection based 01 phase current. ‫ا‬ 1.0000 1.119*1 1 6 8 1 0,970-3 0.9490 0 9208

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved'

IEEE Std 23799-2012
IEEE ‫ ﻷﻻق‬for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

N u m b e r 0‫ ا‬blown c a p a c i t o r fuses n
(The number of fuses 11131 have 1011 1
(,»Il, 1 ,1 title f o r m u l a 111 comment ‫ع‬ 011‫ ع‬parallel group of capacitor units, n 0
is ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬system normal condition. n)
II st ‫ا‬ 2 3 ‫ل‬
(110111‫ل‬ te = (l-G)x(l-٠٨)
current () 0.0000 01905 00197 00440 00745 0.1143
change The change 11 current 10 ground, which 15 used ١1‫ﻻ‬
protective relay schemes utilizing either ncutra!,Oground
current, or the voltage across a low-voltage capacitors) in ‫ا‬ 00000 0000 0 0000 (0.0000 0 0 0 0 0 ‫)ااااااا‬
the neutral or 111 each phase.
Neutral ‫ﺛﺘﺜﻴﺚ»ا‬
current 0 0 0000 0 010 010 0 0 0 0 0 00000 00000 0(0000
between wyes Unbalance current for ungrounded wye-wye banks, [The
‫ط‬ current 15 calculated assuming the neutral-to-ground (zero
sequence) voltage 15 applied 3‫ ا‬the neutral of the ١‫ ع‬w ith ‫ا‬ 0.0000 0,0896 0.0099 00223 0 . 0 8 2 0.(594
no blown fuses,]


Figure 3٥— Capacitor bank arranged to measure difference current between

two equal 1295 of each phase (only one phase shown)

Calculations arc similar 10 a double ١٤٧‫ع‬-0111‫ ﻟﻌﻌﻊ‬00 with uneven 105‫ ع‬shown 111Figure 30 with all
formulas applicable. Additionally, differential current between two equal legs 15 calculated, which makes i t
suitable 10٣ the phase current unbalance method.

Table 4—Unbalance calculations for ٤٤2 double wye٠connected capacitor bank i n Figure 30
N u m b e r 0‫ ا‬blown c a p a c i t o r fuses n
(The number of ftises that have blown ‫أ‬1
( (»Innin title F o r m u l a 1111 ٤0 111,11
‫ع‬11٤ ‫اﻟﻢ‬
011 parallel group of capacitor units. 0 - 0
15 the system normal condition !
0 st ‫ا‬ 2 3 4

Parallel group
‫ي‬-‫ع‬ 0 1.0000 0857‫ ا‬0.7143 0.5714 0 4 2 8 6
The capacitance of the parallel group of capacitors that
‫ا‬ sc
includes the blow n I'U5C(S). 1.0000 0457‫ ا‬07113 0.571 (0 4286
Affected wye
capacitance ٥= ‘ 0 ‫ا‬ 0000 ‫ا‬ 3333 090600 0.9091 0.8421 07500

٢5 The per-unit p h a s e - n e u t r a l capacitance of the

scries/parallcl group of capacitor units that includes the
blowTi 105٤( 5) ٤0٣ the group including the alTected unit, the
‫ا‬ 1.0000 13333 0.9600 0.9091 0.8421 07500
per-unit capacitance 15 Cg. Por all other groups, the per-unit
capacitance is 1.
Per-unit ‫اك‬ ٤٤1‫اا‬4‫ا‬
capacitance. Cp: ٦١ 0 1.0000 ‫ا‬ 33 3 3 00600 0 9091 0.8421 07500

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

‫ﻻى ﻋﻌﺎ‬ 2012-23799
‫ﻻق ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬1‫ ل‬٢٥٢ ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

٢111٤٤ of blo١١n 2021٤0 fuses „

(‫اا‬1‫ ع‬number of fuses that have blown in
C o l u m n title f ormula and comment (‫ع‬ 011‫ ع‬parallel group ٥ capacitor units, n 0
15 the system normal condition.)
w SI ‫ا‬ 2 3 4
phase with The per-unit capacitance 0‫ا‬ ‫ ع‬phase 0 ‫ اا‬١١٦٤5
) that
bliwvn fuses includes the blown fuse(s). 1 10000 ‫ا‬ 3333 0 9 6 0 0 09091 0.8421 0,7500
1 1 1)6-‫)ي‬
ground voltage 0 0000‫ا‬0 0.0000 0000‫ا‬0 0.0000 0.0000 0.000‫ا‬0
(per-unit o f 10 grounded banks ( ‫ ى‬0 ) this voltage 15 always 0 For
19) ungrounded ١‫ ع‬215 , the calculation 15 made a s s u m i n g
179* the affected phase 1105 4 capacitance Cpy 3‫ ل‬the other 1١١0 1 0.0000 0 1000 00135 0.031.3 ٩‫آ‬١‫ج‬٩(١ 0 0 9 0 9
phases each have 3 per-unit capacitance of ‫ ا‬.
Voltage 0٦ Vln - Vng + ‫ا‬ 0 1 0 0 0 0 10000 10000 ‫( ا‬0000 1.000(0 1,0000
affeeled phase 1 ٦‫ ع‬0‫اا‬32‫أا ع‬٦‫( ع‬0 neutral across the phase that includes the
١٦n b i o n fuse(s). The 00٤1011011o f 11c fusc(s) reduces ‫ﻋﺎ‬
capacitance o f that phase and increases the voltage across
‫آ‬ I ‫د‬ 09000 10135 ‫ ا‬03 13 1.0556 10909
the affected phase; therefore, the numbers are a l w a y s
greater than one except before the operation 0‫ ا‬the fuse 01 a
faulted capacitor unit.
Voltage 0٦ Veil : ‫ث‬
V :‫ت‬
affected senes 0 I 0000 4 00010 1 1 2 0 0 12127 1.4-737 ' 7300
group (114-0 1175-‫)اا‬
‫ررا‬ f l i c per-unit voltage 01 the capacitor units 11 the 210 0‫ م‬١١ith
the blo١١n fuse(s), based 0٦ the capacitance di١ision o f the 1 10000 1000 11351 ‫ا‬3125 1 5 5 5 6 1,000‫ا‬
actual voltage 01 11٦‫ ع‬affected phase (171).
Current /‫رر‬ -‫"<*رر‬
1٦٦‫ ع‬cunent 111101121 the indi١idual capacitor units 1٦ the 0 100100 03333 1 1 2 0 0 12127 14137 1.7500
group ١١ilh t h e blo١vn fusefs), per-unit o f the value with 10
fuses 10١ The v a l u e for 5‫ ﻻ‬indicates the 00١٧٤٣
frequency cuncnt available 10 bl )١١111٤fuse on ‫ ا‬faulted
capacitor unit. 11115 v a l u e 1113 ١‫ ع‬used 10 estimate t h e 1 1.(00(00 03333 1.1351 13125 1.5556 1.9091
m a x i m u m clearing t i m e 0 ‫ا ا‬ fuse ( a s s u m i n g 10 discharge
from parallel capacitor 1101‫ا‬5 1110 the faulted one).
Cunent 1 IvzCsxlIn
atfcclcd ١٨‫ع‬ 0 1 0000 13333 0 96(00 0.9091 0*‫د‬2>‫( ا‬0.7500
11٦ per-unit cunent 11 1٦‫ ع‬series parallel 21000 with the
lv blown fuse(s). 11115 v a l u e may ‫ ﻋط‬useful for differential
schemes comparing t h e cunenl 11 different scnes/parallel 1 110000 1.2(000 090730 09375 0,8X89 0.8182
Current in IphzCpxVln 0 1(00(00 ‫ا‬ 3333 0.9600 0.9(091 0.8421 0 75(00
affected pha.se
The cunenl 11 the phase w i t h t h e blow n fuses. 11115 may be
useful for s e t t i n g protection 0‫ﻟﻊ‬ on phase cunenl. 1 1.(00(00 1.2000 002 30 09375 0.8880 0.8182
C o u n d cunent /‫ي‬-(‫ا‬-7)*(‫ا‬-//0‫)إ‬ 0 0 00() (33333 0(01(00 0(09(09 0 1519 02 500
11٦‫ ع‬change 11 cunent 10 ground, ١١'hich 15 05 ‫ ﻟﻊ‬١vith
protective relay schemes utilizing either neutral-toground
current, 0 the voltage across a 1٥-0113‫ع‬ capacitors) 111 ‫ا‬ 000100 00000 00000 0 0000 0.0000 0,0000
the neutral 0٣ 11 each phase.
Neutral current /‫ع دح‬
bct١veen ١٦25 0 010000 0.0000 0(0000 0(000(0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000
Unbalance cuncnt for ungrounded ١١ye-wye banks. (111٤
current 15 calculated a s s u m i n g the ncutral-to-ground (zero
sequence) voltage 15 applied at the neutral o f the ١١ye ١11 1 00000 ( 0 . 1 0 0 00201 00400 00833 01304
00 blow n fuses ]
Di ،Terence ld٩١-C|>١xVfn
cunent equal 0 000100 -0 3333 0.040(0 0(0900 0.1579 0.2500
Fur grounded wye-wye banks, w here the difference 11 the
neutral cuncnt betw ecn ‫ اا‬two equal wyes 15 used 35 a
basis for protection (Figure 30) Values are per-unit of total 1 0(00100 0.0000 0 0000 0‫ ا‬000 0 0000 0(000(0
phase current for seven parallel units 11 each group.

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Std ‫ى‬37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻛﺎ‬Guide for the Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

8.4.5 Unbalance calculations— tap voltage

٨ variety 0٤ protection schemes, primarily 10٣ grounded ٧٧‫ع‬ 015. 15 based 01 the measurement 0‫ ا‬a
voltage across some number 0٤ series groups 0‫ ا‬the bank. 1٧0 common schemes are 10

— Measure a ٧01140 near ‫ ﻋﺎ‬middle 0٤ a phase (midpoint tap: see Figure 3 ‫) ا‬

— Measure the voltage across the bottom series group(s)

1٦ either case, the measured voltage may be compared ١vith the phase 0110295 (differential protection) 0٣
combined ١vith each other to determine unbalance.

Regardless 0٤ the relay 10‫ ع‬used, the schemes are based 0٦ the change 111 tap voltage caused by a change 11
the 211٤٤1٧‫ ع‬capacitance 0٤ one 521125 group, resulting 110111 4 Failure and/or capacitor tfrse operations. 11١15
change may depend 011 whether the aft٠ected capacitor units are located outside 0٣ inside the tap 0011101of
the 00. 11٦‫ ع‬calculations assume ‫ ااه‬of the blown tfrses 3٣‫ ع‬1٦ 011‫ ع‬series group 1٦ 011‫ ع‬035‫( ع‬either inside
0٣ outside the tap portion, ‫ اﻻط‬10٤ both places at the same time).

Figure ‫ ؤ‬I illustrates a midpoint-tapped capacitor bank. Table 5 gives the unbalance calculations 10٣
grounded wye, delta, 0٣ single-phase banks.

For delta 0٣ single-phase banks, tap 15 from the 10‫ م‬point 10 1١‫ ع‬reference end of the 120 or bank (instead of
the neutral). The calculations are made 111 the same 3 ‫ ﻷ‬25 shown 10٣ three-phase grounded wye 211*5.


Blown fUMfi-
45441411141 TTTT1144T4 1 41111
41111111111 1111٤ 4‫ﻟﻣل‬

‫»ل‬ tiinlliii!

‫ﻟﻠﻠﻠﻠﻠﺑﯾﯾﻛم‬ Y

‫إ‬ ٠


٦ Blown Kimi-
n ‫{ ا‬xxlKin

55 scries groups - total

St 2 series groups within ‫ ﻣﻣﺎ‬00111011
‫ ا‬- 11 parallel units ‫ م‬phase

Figure 31 -Illustration ٥٤a tapped wye-connected capacitor bank

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Table 5—Unbalance c a l c u l a t e s ٤٥٣ the tapped wye-ccnnected capacitor bank i n Figure 31

d u m b e r 0‫ ا‬blo١١n c a p a c i t o r fuses „
( The number 0٤ fuses that have blown 111 one
) (,Ill ,٠٠,٠ ti l،‘ Formula and comment pa٢allel group of capacitor 1111115 rt - 0 ‫ا‬5 the
system normal condition.)
‫اا‬ su ‫ا‬ 2 3 4
Affected phase
capacitance Cp 0»=‫ﺛﻲ‬2‫ك‬
22000 27500 21509 2.1014 2.(0465 19744
1٦‫ ع‬capacitance o f t h e 025‫ ع‬from end 10 end, assuming١٦‫ع‬
capacitance o f one healthy capacitor unit is 1 per-unit
Voltage 0٦
Voltage 221055 the group o f capacitors that includes the
capacitor 10000 00000 ‫ا‬0784 1 1 7 0 2 1.2791 1.41(03
affected capacitor unit, per-unit o f the normal voltage 41055
that group
Current 7
Ii٠:١ cuxCu
11٦‫ ع‬current through the affected capacitor unit(s), per-unit 0‫ا‬
11‫ ع‬v a l u e w i t h no fuses blowm. 11‫ ع‬v a l u e for ‫ ﻻى‬indicates t h e
power frequency current available 10 blow the fuse 0٦ a
faulted capacitor. 11115 value may ‫ ع‬used 10 estimate the 10000 1.1750 30784 1 1 7 0 2 1.2791 ‫ا‬4103
m a x i m u m clearing l i m e o f the fuse ( a s s u m i n g no discharge
from parallel capacitor 11115 1110 the faulted one). For h c a h h \
capacitor 110115 ‫ اا‬- 1, and the equation can ‫ ع‬simplified 10
hl - V'cu.
F o r hlo١١n fuses outside ٤1‫ م‬001011

Capacitance Ctn :‫ﺛﻞ‬

tap 10 neutral
1٦‫ ع‬capacitance o f t h e 10 ‫ م‬0011101 0‫ ا‬t h e phase, assuming the 55(00(0 550) 5 50(00 5 5(00(0 55(0(0(0 5.50(00
capacitance o f one healthy capacitor unit 15 1 pcrunit.
Tap voltage, ‫ي‬-‫ي‬
per-unit 0‫ ا‬1 The voltage across t h e 10 a s s u m i n g ‫ا‬ 0٠ r-unit voltage 15 the
(0 4(000 0.5(000 03022 0.3850 10.3721 (0.3590
١٠ig actual voltage on the phase.

Tap voltage
<l v >g =
change, 0٤٣-
unit o f normal The per-unit change 11 the 10‫ م‬voltage, assuming ‫ا‬ per-unit 15 00000 02500
0.0196 0.(0426 0.(0698

dVlR the normal tap voltage.

for blnwn fuses inside tap portion

tap 10 neutral
55(000 11.000 5238, 4 0 5 0 0 4.6316 4.2778
Ctn 11‫ ع‬capacitance o f the tap portion o f t h e phase, a s s u m i n g t h e
capacitance o f one healthy capacitor unit 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit.
Tap s oilage, ‫ﯨﺎ‬-‫ي‬
per-unit o f ،‫ »ﻵ‬The voltage across the tap, 1511111111 ‫ ا‬per-unit voltage 15 the 0 11000 02500 0.4118 01255 0,1419 01615
19 actual voltage on the phase.
fap voltage
change, per, ،‫=ﻳﺄال‬
unit of normal The per-unit change 11 t h e lap vohage, assuming ‫ ا‬perunit i s
0100010 03750 0.0294 0.0638 0.1047 (0.1538
the normal tap voltage.

8.4.6 Unbalance calculaticn—H"bridge

٨1 11-0٣1‫ل‬0‫ ع‬may ‫ا ع‬15‫ ﻟﻊ‬10٣ unbalance protection 111 3 variety of* capacitor 001* connections: grounded
wye, ungrounded wye, delta, and single phase (series capacitors). The !!,bridge 15 based 011a current
measurement 11 a leg connecting 10 strings of* capacitors together near the midpoints of the strings. 11‫ع‬
current transformer for unbalance detection appears 01‫اا‬1‫ ع‬crossbar of the capital letter ‫( ا ا‬figure 32). thus,
the designation ‫!؛‬-bridge. Any change 11٦ the capacitance of any capacitor 111 the bridge will cause a change
in the II current.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE ‫ ﻟﺎى‬2012-23/99
‫ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬ Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection 0‫ ؛‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

Calculations (130 ‫ ا‬6) are based 01٦ ftise operations 11 one parallel group of capacitor 1110115. The ambiguity
resulting 11011٦ the operation 0٤1155 11 another part of 1 bank that may cancel the unbalance signal needs
a sensitive alarm level (preferably 01٦‫ ع‬fijse) 50 that the defective unit‫ع‬311 be replaced before there are many
scattered 115‫ ع‬operations, 1٦ addition, assuming that one 0٣ ٤0 ‘canceling” fuse operations occur at 1٦‫ع‬
٦‫ ع‬0‫ ا‬unacceptably high voltages 01 the affected capacitor units, 11 may be desirable 10 set the 1٣10 level
somewhat low er than suggested by the overvoltages of Table 6.
‫ا‬1‫ع‬ End

٢٣ ٢٣ ٢٢٢ ٢ ‫آ‬١٢ ٢٦ ً‫ا‬١٢‫ﻣﻣم‬٣


٢٣ ‫اﻣﻣم‬

;‫؟‬٢ ٩٣ ٢ ‫أ‬١ ‫آت‬٣

5 5 15 ‫ﻣﻣﻣﻣم‬1 5 ‫ ﻧم‬5

١ ١‫ ﻻﻟﺗم‬١ ١ ‫ﻟﻠﻠﻠﻠلﺟﻠر‬




1 ‫ﻟﻣﻣﻣﻣﻣم‬
1 ‫آﻧم ﺟﻠﺣم ﻣﻧم‬١ <‫ﻟﻣﻠﻣﻣمأﻧم م‬
1 1 1 1 ١ ٦١
1 T T

١ ‫أت؟‬ ‫أ ﻟﻠﻠﻠك‬ T IT ‫ﻟﻠﻼﺗﺗﺎﻟﻠﻠل‬

T T ‫ﻟل‬ T

‫دا‬ Blown

‫ اﻣﺮرﻋﺎ‬or reference 1

٠٩ series groups - total

‫’م ي ق ﺟﺎح‬

3 series groups. 11 leg to neutral

‫ ا‬5 parallel units per plrase
8 parallel units on "left” side of 11
٠? 0- grounded wye ‫ ا‬- ungrounded ٦٦•

Figure 3 2 - l l l u s t r a t i o n ٥٤one phase ٥٣ ,eg ٥٤a n H-bridge capacitor bank

٤0٣ an unsymmctrical arrangement .such as shown 1٦ Figure 32. the effects 0٤ biowing fuses 1٦ units 1٦
other 03115 of the bank 0٦ the overvoltages ‫ا‬1 current, 311‫ل‬50 0٦. may easily be investigated by changing the
values 0‫ ا‬St and /2 50 that the affected unit appears 10 be 11٦ the lower left quadrant 0٤ Figure 32. ٨‫ اا‬0‫ا‬
1125‫ ع‬calculations assume that all blown fuses 3٣ 1٦ 0٦‫ ع‬parallel group of capacitor units 01٦ 0 ٦‫ ع‬51‫ ﻋﻞ‬0‫ ا‬the
‫ا‬1 01٧ .

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 ٢292٧20

IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Table 6—Unbalance calculations ٤٥٣٤٤2 H-bridge capacitor bank 1٦ f i g u r e 32

١umbcr 0‫ ا‬blo١١n capacitor fuses n
(The number of fuses that have btown 1 one
C o l u m n title F o r m u l a a n d comment G parallel group 0‫ ا‬capacitor units, fl = 0 is the
system normal condition-)
(1 su ‫ا‬ 2 3 4
٢‫ا‬١٠١:‫ﺋﺒﻐﻜﺤﻠﺂ‬ 0 5,0000 6.3333 4 8 7 8 8 4.7333 4 5556 4 3333
!!"bridge 10
neutral The capacitance from ٦‫ ع‬11 leg 10 the neutral or reference
<"/‫ورر‬ end o f the phase, assuming the capacitance o f one ‫ا‬ 5.0000 63333 48788 4.7333 45556 4.3333
capacitor unit 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit.
Affected ١١٤
‫ﻣﻬﻲ‬ 3,0000 34337 2 9559 2 9019 28341 2 7465
Cp The capacitance of the phase 1101٦٦ 211‫ل‬10 end, 25511 11‫ع‬
the capacitance 0٤ 0٦‫ ع‬capacitor unit 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit. ‫ا‬ 3.0000 34337 29559 2 9019 28 34‫ ا‬27465
= 1+ G x ( 2+<p ,’<>,„> - 1)
phase voltage 0 I 0000 10000 10‫ا‬000 10000 10000 1 0(000
‫ا‬/‫ور‬ The voltage across the affected phase 1‫ اا‬be ‫ ا‬101
grounded ١vye o r della, ١١here ‫ ى‬- 0 For ungrounded
١٣١ this voltage 15 the per-unit voltage across the
1 ‫ ا‬0000 090 5410 1(9049 1.0110 10188 1 0 2 9 0
affected phase including the effect o f the neutral shift
10 capacitance unbalance.
171-‫ي‬ 0 0 6000 lOOOO 0 6 ) 5 9 0*131 0.6221 0.6338
voltage, per*
unit of ‫اﻟﺂ ل‬ The voltage of the ‫ ا ا‬leg, per-unit o f the actual voltage 01٦
Vhn the affected phase. 1 06000 0 ٦422 06)59 0.6131 106221 0.6338
“I ’ current,
10 ٤‫ا‬ 0 00010 07778 0.0114 00 2 54 0.0430 00657
unit of total 111‫ ع‬current 11 the ‫ ا ا‬leg, per-unit o f the normal total phase
phase current current for 1 ١١yc-connccted or single phase bank 0٣ per-
nt unit o f total leg current for a delta bank. t 0.0000 101073 00115 010257 0 . 0 4 38 0.0676

Voltage 01 ‫اا‬ ٠ ‫ﺛﺚ‬

affected 11,-‫اد‬-‫اﺷﺎ‬- 0 9 0000 ‫ﺟﻠﺄ‬ 11016 12262 13825 1.5845
capacitor The ٧01142 across 1‫ ل‬capacitor units 111parallel ٧111‫ ل‬the
units ‫ا‬0٧11 fuses, per-unit o f the value ١11 n o fuses blo١١n.
‫ا‬ 9 0000 ‫ﺣﻠﺂ‬ 110710 12397 14085 1.6304
Current hizVcuxCu
The current through the capacitor units 1٦ the 10 ‫ ﻣﻞ‬1111
111 blü١vn fusc(s)٠ per-unit of the value ١١ith 00 fuses
0 I M « , ) 10,4842 11016 ‫ا‬ 2262 ‫ ا‬3825 15 ‫؟‬45
0١١ 11١‫ ع‬value 10٣ su indicates 1‫ا‬1‫ ع‬power frequency
current available 10 blo١١ the fuse 0٦ 3 faulted capacitor
unit 11115 2 ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬٦٩ be used 10 estimate the m a x i m u m
clearing time o f the fuse (assuming 110 discharge from
parallel capacitor units 11010 the faulted one). ] 1.0000 10.4842 110710 12390 14085 1.6304


The example illustrated 11 Figure 32 and Table 6 15 not 3 recommended 1!-bridge design 05 the overvoltage
01 remaining units may ‫ ع‬excessive after the first ftise operation. Better practice ١١ould normally be 10
have more parallel units or fewer series groups, 50 that there could ‫ ﻋط‬an alarm before trip.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

8.5 Internally fused capacitor banks

8.5.1 Genera! considerations

1٦٤٤1113‫اا‬٧ ‫ﻟﺎا‬5‫ ﻟﻊ‬capacitor units (Figure 33) 3٣‫ ع‬subject 10 0210 ‫ا‬142 41055 elements and uses within ‫ﻋﺎا‬
unit as internal uses blew' and remove elements‫ا‬10111 4 parallel group. The overvoltage 011 these remaining
elements and fuses should be considered in addition 10 the overvoltage 01 units without blown fuses. The
bank design W'ill dictate unbalance signals available 10 the relay, which 11115‫ ا‬turn affects ‫ ﻋﺎا‬protection


‫ا‬ 14 parallel elements in a group

Su 3 series groups in the capacitor unit
‫ا‬ 2 blow n fuses ‫ اا‬one group

Figure 33—Schematic ٥٤ an internally used capacitor unit

The setting of the unbalance 0101221101 of an internally fused capacitor bank should ‫ا‬0‫ ع‬into consideration
the capability of the internal fuses, the transient overvoltage capability 0‫ ا‬the 211121115. 41 ‫ ل‬1‫ﻋﺎ‬
consequences of a failure 10 the case or the failure of an internal fuse. These considerations are 11 addition
10 the usual considerations 0‫ ا‬external arcing within the 0011 and avoiding exposure of healthy capacitor
units 10 voltages 111 excess 0‫ ا ا‬%100 0‫ ا‬their rated voltage.

11 an internally fused capacitor bank.‫اا‬1‫ ع‬unbalance detection gives an indication 0‫ ا‬the total number 0‫ا‬
failed capacitor elements within 3 capacitor unit. 11 practice, the actual number 0‫ ا‬failed elements can‫ﻋﻂ‬
determined only ٧ a complete measurement 0‫ اال ا‬units 111 4 bank. 11115 measurement may be
recommended 011‫ ا‬w hen 2 relay alarm 0٣ trip occurs, and 11 ,nay 0٣ may not be 3 0011 of the regular
maintenance schedule.

8.5.2 Using the calculated values

1 ٦‫ ع‬111‫ م‬level should be set 05 follow s:

— The number 0‫ ا‬operated fuses 11 the affected capacitor unit 0005 not exceed the maximum
number recommended by the manufacturer.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 ٢292٧20

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

— The 01142‫ ع‬011the healthy capacitors does 110‫ ا‬exceed‫اا‬1‫ ع‬contingency overvoltage capability 0‫ا‬
the capacitor units (usually ‫ ا‬%100 0‫ ا‬rated voltage). 01 that ‫ ﻋﺎ‬clement voltage 11 1‫ ع‬unit
with blown fases may exceed ‫ ا‬100% of normal
10[ instance. 10٣ ‫ ﻋﺎا‬example 51١0١٧1111 Figure 34 and Figure 35, the number of blown fuses is shown 11 the
top ٣0١٧ of Table 7. If the capacitor manufacturer recommends that the bank should‫ ﻋﻂ‬tripped after the
operation 0‫ ا‬the seventh fuse, then 10 assure reliable operation, the ‫[ا‬1‫ م‬relay 5‫ اع‬001‫ ا‬would‫ ﻋﻂ‬midway
between ‫ ﻋﺎا‬unbalance signal with 51 fuses having operated and the unbalance 5101‫ ال‬١1‫ اا‬seven fuses
having operated. For this example, ‫اا‬٦‫ ع‬voltage 011 the healthy capacitor units with seven fuses blown 111 011‫ع‬
capacitor 15 about 1.069 per-unit, w hich 15 Ie55 than 10% overvoltage. For banks ١٧11٣ the voltage 01 the
healthy units becomes excessive before the maximum number 0‫ ا‬blown fuses recommended ‫ط‬٧ ‫ﻋﺎ‬
manufacturer, the trip relay 5‫ ان‬level would be set halfway between the signal associated w ith ‫ ﻋﺎ‬maximum
number 0‫ ا‬blow n fuses w ith acceptable voltage 011 healthy capacitor ‫ل‬1115and ‫اا‬٦ signal associated with ‫ﻋﺎ‬
number 0‫ ا‬fuses that results 11 excessive voltage 00 healthy capacitor units.

The alarm would be set above natural errors 50 that it would operate reliably 0٦ the 1055 0‫ ﻋﺎ ا‬first 0٣
second 105. 115 alarm set point would typically ‫ ع‬halfway ٤١221 the signal associated with the
selected number 0‫ ا‬11505having operated and ‫ ﻋﺎا‬signal associated with one fewer fuse having operated.

The actual unbalance signal will depend 01 1‫ ع‬protection scheme employed for the bank, ٨ w ide variety 0٤
protection schemes are 11 use 011 internally fused shunt capacitor banks. 11٦‫ ع‬unbalance signals for some of
the more 0111110٦connections 4٣‫ ع‬given 11 Figure 34 41‫ ل‬Table 7. ( h e r calculated values arc given 11
8.4.5 and 8.4.6 under separate discussions 0٤ tap voltage and ‫! ا‬-bridge protection schemes.

11 addition 10 providing‫اا‬1‫ ع‬necessary information for protective relay settings, this type of tabulation gives
a good ‫ اﻋﺎ‬for the performance 01‫ ع‬bank with varying numbers 0‫ ا‬internal fuses having operated. Some
manufacturers 0‫ ا‬internally fused capacitor banks w ill provide this 10 ‫ ع‬0‫ ا‬tabulation 10٣ the banks they
propose or supply.

0‫ ا‬course, it 15 possible 10 combine the calculations 0٤ 1 various columns and calculate only the

— The 01102 01٦1 the affected elements

— The voltage 011 the affected unit (w hich 15 also the voltage on ‫ ﻋﺎ‬parallel units)
— The unbalance signal for the type of protection 10‫ ﻋﻂ‬utilized

Because 0٤ the complexity’ 0٤ the configuration (for example, parallel elements and series 010105 11٦ 3
capacitor unit, parallel capacitor 1111511 a group, series 210110511 a string, 3‫ ل‬parallel capacitor units 111 a
phase), the resulting equations become complex.

111‫ ع‬time delay for tripping should‫ ﻋﻂ‬minimized ٤0 reduce the probability’ 0٤ case rupture 11 the event 0٤ 2
fault 10 the case 0٣ fase failure w ithin 3 capacitor unit. 11 addition ٤0 the considerations 0٤ 8.2.4. 111٦35 be
desirable to coordinate with the melting 0٤ an individual fase element where there 1510 parallel energy to
speed up the fase operation. [The manufacturer 0٤ the capacitor units should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬able 10 supply the
1113٢111111111 clearing time (curve) for the internal 11525.] There 15 no need 10 ٢٧31110 coordinate for fase
operation with unbalance signals that are larger than would occur for 3 shorted element before tuse

Normally, a time delay of 0.01 5 ٤0 0.05 5 15 adequate for this coordination. With this intentional time delay
11 1‫ ع‬trip clay, the additional time required 10٣ the lockout relay 3‫ ل‬breaker operation may result 11٦1 total
clearing 1111105 of 11٦‫ ع‬order 0٤ 0.1 5 for a capacitor unit with 311 internal fault 0٣ 2 capacitor bank 1 ‫ ﻟﺎ‬21
arcing fault. ٨ time 0٤ 0.1 515 reasonably achievable 10 clear a capacitor bank w ith 3 problem, but it still
may result 11 substantial damage, ( n e e 03115 of 2 capacitor bank start to become damaged, then farther
damage will escalate rapidly. Such escalation will increase the [15 of major damage and I r e and 114٧

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

result 11 increased damage 10 the capacitor 021. Keeping the clearing time 51101115 important 10
minimizing damage 11 1‫ ع‬e ent 0‫ ا‬a fault ١١*ithin 2 hank.

With internally fused capacitors, it 15 not appropriate 10 use protection schemes ١١ith enough delay 10
override the effect of system faults (١١*hich may persist 10٣ cycles).

fienerally, the 111051 appropriate alarm level 15 the lowest le١*el that‫ع‬311 ‫ ع‬set without resulting 11 false
alarms from thermal ١ariations 11 capacitance within the hank, practical initial hank balance, and 50 on.
(11٦‫ ع‬earliest reliable alarm gi١*es maximum opportunity* 10 repair the capacitor bank during 4 scheduled
outage.) Responding reasonably 10 early alarms and maintaining the bank 11٦ the best possible condition
tend 10 minimize the probability of farther element failures and forced 0٣ unscheduled outages and 10
maximize the availability 0‫ ا‬the hank. False or unreliable alarms ٤31 be costly, and they decrease the
credibility 0٤ the capacitor protection.

11 unbalance protection schemes with ambiguous indication, 1115 desirable 10 use an alarm setting sensitive
10 ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬loss 0‫ ا‬the first element 10 avoid the ambiguity. This alarm should seal in 50 that 1‫ ا‬should be
manually reset after the removal of' the failed capacitor units 110111 the bank. It would ‫ ع‬undesirable to ha١e
1‫ ع‬alarm shut off after the operation 014 subsequent ‫ل‬5‫ ع‬that cancels the unbalance signal.

11٦‫ ع‬timing 0‫ ا‬the alarm should be long enough 10 a١’0id operation during system faults or temporary*
overvoltages but 511011 enough 111 the case of ambiguous schemes 10 minimize the probability 0 10
compensating fase operations before the initiation of the alarm. Usually about a i d s delay 15 appropriate
for the alarm.

11 managing the protection of an internally fased capacitor bank, 11٦‫ ع‬unbalance 01012210 should not ‫ع‬
reset 0٣ *rebalanced,' without first making sure that all capacitor units with failed elements have been
removed from the bank.

If the installation 1510‫ ﻋﻂ‬rebalanced ١vith units having one (0٣ ٤٦٧0) 111‫ ل‬elements remaining in service,
then the trip level should‫ ﻋﻂ‬adjusted downward 50 that the 111505 31‫ ل‬elements 1٦ these units 00 not exceed
their capability before operation of the trip relay.

8.5.3 I n d u c t i o n to capacitor bank unbalance calculations

11٦‫ ع‬sample calculations in 8.5.4 through 8.5.6 3٣‫ ع‬1111‫ ع‬10 ‫ا‬101110three groups:

4) Wye, delta, and single phase (see 8.5.4 for discussion. Figure 34 for the bank diagram, and
100 ‫ ع‬7 for tabulated calculations). These calculations provide 11٦‫ ع‬information required for
setting the unbalance protection based 01 the following:
‫)ا‬ Neutral-to-ground 01130‫ ع‬for ungrounded wye 015
2) Neutral current for ungrounded w*ye-wy*e banks
3) Neutral voltage difference 10٣ ungrounded wye-wye 03115
4) Neutral-to-ground current for grounded wye banks
5) Voltage across low*-١*o!tage capacitors at the neutral 211 0‫ ا‬each phase 0٣ 1٦ neutral-to-
ground connection 0‫ ا‬grounded ١١*ye banks
6) Difference 1 neutral-to-ground currents for grounded wye-١١y banks
7) Delta and single-phase bank protection based 0٦ schemes similar 10 item a l ) through
item 26)
b) ‫!؛‬-bridge 0101221101schemes (see 8.4.5 10٣ discussion. Figure 36 for the 00* diagram, and
Table 8 10٣ tabulated calculations). These calculations provide 11٦‫ ع‬information required for

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IEEE std 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬P r o t e a n of Shunt Capacitor Banks

setting 1٦‫ ع‬unbalance 01012211011 based 01 the current between 11110100111٤5 0٤ 10 similar 1295
connected phase 10 neutral or ground, phase 10 phase, or 1٦ the 0025 (series capacitors).
c) Tap voltage protection schemes (see 8.4.6 tor discussion. Figure 37 ‫ا‬0٣ the bank diagram, and
Table 9 10٣ tabulated calculations). These calculations provide the information required for
5211‫أ‬112the unbalance protection based 01 the following:
‫)ا‬ Midpoint ٤0 ground tap voltages 10٣ grounded wye banks
2) Differential protection, comparing 11٦‫ ع‬voltage across 0 ٦‫ ع‬0٣ 1110٣ series groups with
the 5٧5٤٤1٦ line 10 ground voltage for grounded ٧‫ ع‬banks
3) Delta and single-phase bank protection based 01 schemes similar 10 item c l ) and
11211 2)
11٦‫ ع‬system 0‫ ا‬units used 10٣11105 0٤ these calculations assumes e١'ery normal nonzero voltage, capacitance,
and current 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit under normal conditions, w ith 110 fttses having operated (exceptions 0٣‫ ع‬indicated).

8.5.4 Unbalance calculations— wye, delta, and single-phase banks

11٦‫ ع‬principal equation 10٣ each ٣0٢ of tabulated values 15 01٧٤1٦11٦ the first column of Table 7. [Some
equations 10٣ the conditions where 21 element has faulted, ‫ اﻟﺎط‬the fijse has 10‫ ا‬٧‫ اع‬blown (SE), are
different. Different equations 3٣‫ ع‬0150 052‫ ل‬10٣ cases where the equations 11 Table 7 result 11 dividing ‫ط‬٧

These 1001013110٦5 illustrate the unbalance that occurs 11 the affected phase 0‫ ا‬the bank as 3 result 0٤
individual fuse operations.

Tabulations 0‫ ا‬the sample 01* 3٣ provided 10٣ both grounded and ungrounded banks. 10٣ delta-connected
banks, the same formulas 3111 tabulation(s) ‫ع‬31‫ ﻋﻂ‬used ‫ط‬٧ treating 3 120 0٤ the delta 35 one phase 0‫ ا‬3
grounded ٦‫ ع‬bank; all formulas 3٣‫ ع‬identical. For 3 02113 bank, 11‫ ع‬currents 51101 35 per-unit-of-phase
current become pcr-unit-of-lcg current (phase current divided by ٧3). The difference current (equal wyes)
becomes the difTercnce 1٦ current between 10 equal delta-connected legs.

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IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks


--‫ص ل‬ ‫ا‬

Capacitor 1 construction Capacitor ‫ ارﻣﻼ‬construction

s-4 senes groups line to neutral
- 1 parallel elements m a group
‫ا‬ ‫اا‬ parallel units per phase
Su - ‫ؤ‬ number ofsertes groups m capacitor unit
ia - ٤ parallel umts per pha٩em ’left * w y e
I* - ‫ؤ‬ parallel units 111 affected string
ً‫ ﻓﺎ‬- ‫م‬ ) 0 -grounded . ‫ ا‬- ungrounded‫؛‬

figure 34—Illustration ٥٢ an uneven double wye-connected bank

NOTECT is a current transformer 011 ungrounded wye-wye 1115.

T R in Figure 34 represents 4 resistor potential d e v i c e 0٣ a v o l t a g e transformer 01 31 ungrounded bank; a

current transformer 0٣ low-voltage capacitor: 0٣ a direct ground 0٦ a grounded bank.

Table 7 - U n b a l a n c e calculations ٤٥٣ the double wye-connected capacitor bank In Figure 34

Number 0‫ ا‬blown capacitor 10525/
(The number o f fuses that have blown 11
01٦‫ ع‬parallel group o f elements inside one
capacitor u n i t . / - 0 15 the system normal
Column 1٤1‫ع‬ Formula :1111comment ‫ع‬ condition. /- SF 15 ‫ ع‬condition with 3
faulted element (51‫ )ت‬before the operation
011‫ ع‬element fuse.)
0 St 1 2 3 4
Ci;٦ ft 1 ()(MX) s٢ 10,0286 0 . 0 5 7 1 0 . 7 8 5 7 07113

per-unit 1‫ ع‬per-unit capacitance 0‫ ا‬the group, based 01 the number

o f blown tbses.
capacitance ‫ا‬ 10000 sc O.02J6 0 . 8 5 7 1 0 . 7 8 5 7 0 , 7 1 4 3
group voltage ٢‫ك‬:<‫ع‬-‫د)ا‬،-/١‫ﻻه‬
() 1 0000 01000 1 0 5 0 0 11053 11667 2353
(for capacitor *The voltage that would occur across the affected group 0‫ا‬
01‫ ا‬at ‫ ا‬per- elements where the fuses arc blowing i f there was ‫ ا‬per-
unit voltage) unit voltage on ‫ ع‬capacitor unit. ٤0٣ the calculation, ٦‫ع‬
1* capacitance of all groups except the affected group 15 ‫ ا‬per- 1000 10(00 00 1 050(0 11053 11667 1.2353
unit. 11‫ ع‬capacitance 0٤ the 21122120 group 1‫ ى‬Ci.
unit pcr-unit ‫ده‬ 10000 1.5000 00750 00474 09167 0‫ﺑﺮ‬24
capacitance The capacitance o f the affected capacitor unit, assuming all

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IEEE Std 23799-2012
‫ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬ ‫ ﻷﻻق‬for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

d u m b e r 0٤ blo١١n capacitor 1525/

(The number 0٤ fuses that have blo١vn 11
01٦‫ ع‬parallel group of elements inside 0٦‫ع‬
capacitor u n i t / - 0 15 the system normal
C o l l i m n 111 11011111111111 comment ‫ع‬ condition/ 5‫ ا‬15111 condition ١١ith a
faulted element (51‫ )ت‬before the operation
011‫ ع‬element ftrse.l
‫ﻻ‬ SE 1 2 3 4
<‫رر‬ 2101005 except the affected group have ‫ ا‬per-unit
capacitance and the affected group has the capacitance Ci. 1.0000 1.50(00 097 50 0 , 9 4 7 4 00167 (0 524

Parallel group c ‫م‬,٠٤،،

per-unit 0 1000 11667 09917 09825 09722 0 9608
capacitance 1‫ع‬ capacitance of the group of capacitors 3‫ ا‬includes the
affected unit. For all of the units in that group except the
٩■ affected unit, 111٤ per-unit capacitance 1‫ ؟‬1. 1 or 111 affected
unit, the per-unit capacitance 15 ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ 1 (0000 11667 0 9 9 1 7 0.9١2١ 007 22 0 9608

string ً‫ﻫﺪﺳﺎ‬ 0 10000 103710 09079 00956 09929 0 9899
capacitance The per-unit capacitance o f the string of (parallel groups
0‫ )ا‬capacitor units from phase 10 neutral that includes the
affected capacitor unit. For the group including the affected
unit, the per-unit capacitance is Cg For all 01٦٤٣ groups, ‫ا‬ 1(0(000 ‫( ا‬03710 100079 0 . 9 9 5 6 00929 0 9899
the per-unit capacitance 151.
Per-unit ‫ع‬ ‫ع‬
capacitance, Cp: ; 1 1(0000 101(01 0.9994 00988 0.9981 0 9972
phase ١١ilh The per-unit capacitance of the phase (all parallel 5‫ ﻻ‬1125)
affected 111 1111includes the affected unit. For 1111calculation the
capacitance of the affected string 1 Cs. 111 capacitance 0٤ ‫ا‬ 10000 10101 09994 0.9988 0098‫ ا‬0 9972
all the other 511100515 ‫ ا‬per-unit.
ground 0 0001 0.0000 (0.(00(00 0,000(0 0 0000 00000
voltage (per- The neutral-to-ground voltage. 10 210 ‫ ﻟﻌﻠﻼ‬banks (7 -
unit of ,7g) 0)١ this voltage is always 0 For ungrounded wye banks, the
Ing calculation assumes the affected phase has 3 capacitance
Cp, and the other 1٦0 phases each have a per-unit ‫ا‬ 0 0000 0.0034 0.(00(02 0.0004 0.0006 0 018)9
capacitance 0٤1.
Voltage 0٦ ‫ا‬/=11‫ي‬+1
affected 11 ‫ع‬٧0112٤‫ ع‬line 10 neutral 22105511‫ ع‬phase that includes 0 10000 100(00 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 . 0 0 0 0 ‫ ا‬00100
phase 1٦‫ ع‬affected unit. ١٨٧11‫ ا‬fused units, the operation of the fuse
‫ا‬/‫ور‬ reduces the capacitance of diat phase and increases the
١oltage 01055 the affected phase; therefore, the numbers
are a,١١ays greater 111111 one except before the operation 0٤
‫ا‬ 1 ( 0 0 0 ) 0 9066 10002 1 . 0 0 0 4 1.(0006 1(0009

the fuse on a faulted element.

Voltage on Vai: t?‫ﺛﺜﺎ‬
affected unit 0 1000) 08889 10063 1 0 1 3 3 10213 1 0303
‫را‬ (lfCg-0, Vai-V!n*S)
1‫ ع‬actual per-unit voltage 01 11 affected capacitor unit,
based 01 the capacitance ‫ل‬1٧151011
of the actual voltage 01٦
‫ا‬ Id) (0 8 8 5 9 10065 1 0 1 3 7 10219 110313
the affected phase (17)

Voltage 0 Ve:VcuxVg
affected 0 10(000 0 0000 1 0 5 6 6 11200 1 . 1 9 1 5 12127
The actual per-unit voltage 01 the affected elements, based
01 the actual voltage 01 the affected unit.
١’e ‫ا‬ 1 0 ( 0 0 ) 0.(0000 1 . 0 5 6 8 1.1205 1 . 1 9 2 1 1.2739

Current ٦u:١ ?ciixCi٠

through 0 1(0000 13333 (0 9 8 1 1 09.362 0.9091
The current through the affected capacitor unit, per-unit of 00600
the value ١111no fuses blown. 11‫ ع‬value for SF indicates
capacitor(s) the power frequency current available 10 blo١١1‫ ع‬fuse 01 3
faulted element. 11115 value may be used 10 estimate the
maximum clearing time of the fuse (assuming 110 discharge ‫ا‬ 1(000) 1 3X9 0913 00604 0 9099

10 parallel elements 1010‫اا‬١‫ ع‬faulted one).

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved'

IEEE Std 23799-2012
‫ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬ ‫ ﻷﻻق‬for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

Number 0٤ blown capacitor 1525/

(The number 0٤ fuses that have blown 11
01٦‫ ع‬parallel group of elements inside 0٦‫ع‬
capacitor unit/- 0 15 the system normal
C o l u m n 111 F o r m u l a 1111 c o m m e n t ‫ع‬ condition/ 5‫ ا‬15111 condition with a
faulted element (51‫ )ت‬before the operation
011‫ ع‬element fuse.)
11 SE 1 2 3 4
Current 1 ٦st:٢sx١٩n
affected 0 1.0000 11032100,9919 0,9956 (0.99229
1٦‫ ع‬perunil current 111 the affected string. 11115 value ٦٧
string ‫ ع‬useful for differential schemes comparing the current ‫أ‬1
parallel strings. ‫ا‬ 10000 10336 099*1 0.9960 0.9935 0 99(05

Current 111 //9/-٤0111 ft 10000 1.(0101 (0999، 0,99 (0 99*1 0 912

affected 11١‫ ع‬current 11 the affected phase. 11115 equation may be
useful 10 setting protection based on phase current. 1 Id 10067 ٠ 0.0902 0.99*7 ( ) 9 9 * 2
Ground Ig٩١-G١A١-Iph١
change For use with protective relay schemes utilising neutral-lo- (1 00000 0010‫ ا‬0 0(406 0,0012200019 00028
ground current, or the voltage across 3 low-voltage
capacitor 11 1٦‫ ع‬neutral 0٣ in each phase. 1٦‫ ع‬perunil
change 111٤11٤٤1110 ground 15 the per-unit change 111
voltage across a low-voltage capacitor 1٦ the affected
phase. 1115 also the per-unit change 1 voltage across 4 low- ‫ا‬ 0.0000 0(0000 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0(000 00000 0-0(000
voltage capacitor 11 the neutral-to-ground connection
becau.se the other two phase currents do 00‫ ا‬change 11 a
grounded bank.
Neutral In٠ ‫ك‬
current Unbalance current for ungrounded ١٦•-٦٦٧‫ ع‬banks. ,The 0 010000 0.(0000 10010000,0000 0.0000 0,(0000
between wyes current 15 calculated assuming the neutral-loground (210‫ع‬
lit sequence) voltage 15 applied at the neutral of the unaffected
‫ا‬ 00(000 0102520(0014 (00 030 (0 0(-4* 0 ( 0 0 6 9
w ye, which 15 half the o f the bank).
Applicable 10 equal wyes only ( ‫;م‬ -2 1 )
current, 0
For grounded wyc-wyc 205 w here 1٦‫ ع‬difference 11 the
equal wyes
neutral current between 1٦‫ ع‬two equal wyes 15 used as 3
basis for protection. Values arc pel -unit of total phase ‫ا‬ Applicable 10 equal wyes only (‫ دم‬:?X /1)
current (Figure 35).

NOTE ‫ ا‬-For Vng calculations, it 15 convenient 10 develop this equation based 01 an instant 111 time when the affected
phase has ‫ ا‬perunil voltage and the other ٤٧0 014525 have 0.5 per-unit voltage. ٤0٣ 115 condition. 1‫ ع‬two
unaffected phases can be paralleled, and the voltage divider between - 0 . 5 per-unit and +‫ ا‬per-unit can ‫ ن‬calculated
tor the midpoint voltage, which 15 recorded as I ng,

NOTE 2-Calculations above apply 10 t0olh single 31‫ ل‬double wye-connected banks: double wyc-connccted banks
calculations are applicable starting from the 1st value calculation onward.

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IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks



Figure 35—Capacitor 2‫*ا‬ arranged to measure difference current between two

equal legs ٠٠ each phase (phase current unbalance)

11٤ 111 Figure 35 represents a resistor potential ‫ل‬٧1‫ ﻋﻊ‬0٣ a 0‫ا‬100‫ ع‬transformer 011 an ungrounded 0010 0٣ a
direct ground 01 a grounded bank.

8.5.5 Unbalance calculations—H-bridge

٨1 I!-bridge may‫ ﻋﻂ‬used 10٣ unbalance protection 111 3 variety 0‫ ا‬capacitor bank connections: grounded
wye, ungrounded wye. delta, and single phase (scries capacitors). rhe I!-bridge 15 based 011 4 current
measurement in a leg connecting 10 strings 0‫ ا‬capacitors together near the midpoints of the strings. 11‫ع‬
current transformer appears 10 ‫ ع‬0٦ ‫ ﻋﺎا‬crossbar 0‫ا‬ ‫ اا‬capital letter ‫( اا‬sec Figure 36). thus, the
designation ! ‫؛‬-bridge. ٨٦٧ change 11 the capacitance of any capacitor 111 the bridge ١١ill cause a change 11
the current in the II.

Calculations (see Table 8) 3٣‫ ع‬based 01 internal 15‫ ع‬operations 11٦ one group 0‫ ا‬elements 11 01٦‫ ع‬capacitor
unit. The ambiguity resulting 110111 the operation 0‫ ا‬1525 111another part 0‫ ا‬the bank ‫ اﻟﺎ‬1113٧cancel ‫ﻋﺎ‬
unbalance signal needs 10 be addressed (see 8.3.3).

٤0٣ an unsymmetrieal arrangement such as shown 1٦ Figure 36. 1 effects 0‫ ا‬blo١١’ing fuses 11 units 11
other 00115 of the bank 01 the overvoltages and H current, 41 ‫ ل‬50 01. may easily be investigated by
appropriately changing the 4 ‫اا‬125 05/. /20. 41‫ وﻟﻢ ل‬50 that the affected unit appears 10‫ ﻋﻂ‬11٦ ‫ ﻋﺎ‬I0١١er 1211
part of Table 8. ٨‫ اا‬0‫ ا‬these calculations assume that ‫ اال‬blo١١T! fuses are 11٦ 01٦‫ ع‬group 0‫ ا‬the affected unit

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IEEE std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks


‫ اﻻراﺟل‬0٣ Kclerenee Lnd

Capacitor hank ٤1٣11٤1101٦‫ا‬ Capacitor 11111٤11٤11,٤1101
‫ﻓﺎ‬ 7 senes 10U0S total N ‫ا‬6 ‫ اااام‬٤٤111٤11‫ ا‬111 a 10110
St - ‫ ؤ‬series 10U0S. H leg 10 ‫اﻟﺎﻟﺎ‬ ‫ﻟﺎا‬ ‫ؤ‬ number ot series 10110‫ ؛‬111٤001٤110٣ 11111,
‫اا‬ ‫ و‬parallel units per phase
11 ‫ د‬parallel units on *lett I side o t H
‫ا‬ 2 parallel units 11 attected string
( ! ( 0 grounded. ‫ا‬ ungrounded)

Figure 3 6 —Illustration ٥٢ one 129 ٥٢ a n H٠bridge capacitor 2‫*ا‬

Table 8 —Unbalance calculations tor toe H-bridge capacitor bank i n Figure 36

١umber 0‫ ا‬hl ١١11capa cit or fuses/
1٦‫ ع‬number of fiises that ha١ e blown 11 0٦‫ع‬
parallel group o f elements 11051 ‫ ل‬011٤capacitor
C o l u m n title Formula and comment ‫ﻧﻠﻢ‬ unit. ‫ = ر‬0 15 1‫ ع‬55 ٤٤٦ 001‫ ا‬condition.
/ - 5‫أ ا‬5111‫ ع‬condition with a shorted element
(SE) before the 002101100 of the element fuse.‫ل‬
0 SE 1 ٦ 3 4
Affected Cu = S t *
capacitor per, 0 1.001)() 1.5(00) (‫ن‬٢١‫ ﺟﺪ‬0 . 9 5 4 5 5 09257 09000
unit The per-unit capacitance 0‫ ا‬the affected capacitor unit,
capacitance based 01 11‫ ع‬number of blown uses. 1 1 (WOO ‫ ا‬5000 097826 095455 092857 0 90010
Capacitance Ch ٠ (<’»‫ا‬٠‫م‬-‫ﻣﻤﺎ‬ pli'
H-bridge 10 d٠|O٠٠P-l١x(S/-1|٠P٣ * 0 3,0000 3.0476 2 0076 22049 2 9 9 1 9 2.9885
neutral 11٦‫ ع‬capacitance 10 the 11 1٤ 10 11٦‫ ع‬neutral or reference
<"/‫ورر‬ end 01 the phase, assuming the capacitance of, one healthy
‫ا‬ 3,0000 30176 20076 29019 29019 2 9885
capacitor unit is ‫ ا‬per unit.
Affected c _ ‫ث‬
phase ‫ﺑﺎال ااب(اوا‬٨ 0 12857 12941 12853 12848 ‫ ا‬2842 1.2836
capacitance 111٤ capacitance of the phase 110111 end 10 end. assuming
Cp the capacitance o f 0‫ ع‬healthy capacitor unit 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit.
12857 12944 1 2 8 5 3 12848 ‫ ا‬2842 ‫ ؛‬236

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬std 37.99-2012
‫ﻻقﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬1‫ ل‬for 1‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor 620

١umbcr 0٤ b l o w n c a p a c i t o r 10525/
111‫ ع‬number o f fuses ihat have blown 11 0‫ع‬
parallel group o f e l e m e n t s inside 01٦‫ ع‬capacitor
01 111‫ع‬
11111 formula and comment ‫ع‬ unit/ 0 15 the system normal condition.
/ 5‫أ ا‬511‫ ع‬condition w ith 1 shorted c l e m e n t
(5٤) before the operation 0 the element fuse ]
(1 SE ‫ا‬ 2 3 4
phase ٠,‫م(د‬-‫ا‬, 0 1.0000 ‫ ا‬0000 101(00 1,0000 1 0 0 0 0 10000
voltage The voltage across the affected phase, that 15, 1 for
‫رراا‬ grounded wye 0٣ delta, w here ‫ ى‬- 0. ٤0٣ungrounded
wye, this voltage 15 the per-unit voltage 41055 the
affected phase including t h e effect 0‫ ا‬the neutral shift ‫ا‬ 1.0000 0 9978 1,0001 10002 1 0 0 0 4 10005
from capacitance unbalance.
H leg
17‫إ‬-‫ي‬ 0 0.4280 04247 0.4288 0,4290 0 4 2 9 2 0.4295
(per-unit 0٤ The voltage o f the 11 leg, per-unit o f the actual voltage on
1/91) t h e affected phase.
‫ا‬ 104246 04247 (04288 (04290 0 4 2 9 2 04295
H current, per
unit of total 0 0(00010 0 0(004 0 (0008 0(0012 0(0017
phase current 11٦‫ ع‬current 1٦ the ‫ اا‬leg, per-unit o f the normal total
th phase current for a wye-connected 0 single-phase bank 0
‫ا‬ 00000 00001 0<MX)S 00012 0(0017
per-unit 0٤ total leg current for a d e l t a bank. 0.0070
Voltage 0٦ ‫ ررا‬- ‫ا‬ ‫ﺛﺚ‬
affected CH - ‫ر‬،+(‫ع‬-1٠‫ب‬،‫م*ز‬-‫|ا‬ 0 1 0(00 04494 1.0078 1.0164 1.0260 1.0368
capacitor unit The ٧01132 across the affected capacitor unit, per-unit 0‫ا‬
Vcu 11‫ ع‬value w ith 110 fuses b l o w n , ‫ا‬ 1.0000 0,8475 1.0079 1.0166 I 0 '4 10373

Voltage 011
affected ١٤ --٤٢٢٢ 1 0 ) 0 0 0 0000 1,0510 1.1088 1 1 7 2 5 I 2 4 1
element The voltage 21055 the remaining elements 11 the affected
Ve element group (0150 t h e voltage 11055 the blown fuses in
that group), per-unit o f the v a l u e w i t h 110 fuses b l o w n . ‫ا‬ 1 0000 010(000 10517 1.1090 11730 1 2445

Current /‫ر‬-‫رﻳﺮرا‬
through 0 1(0000 1 2 7 4 2 0.0450 0.9702 00527 0.9331
The current through the affected capacitor unit, per-unit 0٤
11‫ ع‬v a l u e ١111‫ ﻣﻢ‬fuses b l o w n . T h e v a l u e for S E indicates
capacitor unit
the 00١٤٤ frequency current a v a i l a b l e 10 ٤10 the fuse 01
In a faulted element. 1115 0‫ﻋﻼ‬ may ‫ ع‬used 10 estimate the
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬2713 0,9410 (0.9704 0 9 5 3 1 0 9 3 3 6
m a x i m u m clearing l i m e o f the fuse (assuming 10
discharge 110 parallel elements 1010 the faulted o n e ) .

8.5.6 Unbalance calculations—(midpoint) tap

٨ variety 0٤ 101012٤1101schemes, primarily 10٣ grounded wye banks, are based 01 the measurement 0‫ ا‬4
voltage 21055 some number 0٤ series groups 0٤ the 001. 10 common schemes are 10 perform the

— Measure a voltage near 1‫ ع‬middle 0٤ 3 phase (midpoint tap).

— Measure he voltage across foe bottom series group(s).
11 either case, the measured voltage 1110٧ be compared with the phase voltages (differential protection) or
combined w ith each other to determine unbalance,

Regardless 0‫ ا‬1‫ ع‬relay 10‫ ع‬used, the schemes 3٣‫ ع‬based 01 the change 11 tap voltage as 3 result of a
change 1٦ the capacitance 01 an affected capacitor unit. 11115 change may depend 01 whether the affected
capacitor unit 15 located outside or inside the tap portion 0٤ the bank, f igure 37 illustrates a midpoint-
tapped capacitor bank. Table 9 gives foe unbalance calculations for grounded wye or single-phase banks.

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks



1 ‫؛‬
‫ﻟﻣﻠﮭﻲ‬ - ٦

‫ ﺳﺨﻠﻠﻪ‬tha ‫م‬ 1 1 ‫'آ‬


Aftcdtd ‫اا‬ ‫ ﻣﺎ ﻋﻠدا‬٠nx*f«

Capacitor btmk construction

59 series groups - total ‫ ل‬- 16 parallel elements in ‫ ئ‬grvup
-3 parallel units per phase 5 ‫ﻟﺎ‬- 3 number of series groups in
8 ‫ ا‬- 4 series groups ١vithin tap portion capacitor unit

Figure 37—Illustration ٥٤ ‫ ه‬midpoint-tapped internally fused capacitor bank

1 ‫اطﮫ‬2 9 — Unbalance calculations ٤٥٣ voltage differential protection for the tapped
wye-connected capacitor bank i n Figure 37
d u m b e r , 0‫ ا‬blo٠١n capacitor fuses ‫ﻧم‬
(11٦ number,of fuses that have blown 11 one
parallel g r o u p ,0 f elements inside one capacitor
C o l u m n title 1«0٣11111 a n d ٤011111٤11٤ 001./-015 the system normal condition. - SE
i s t h e c o n d i l i t n ١v‫؛‬th a shorted element (SE)
before 1 ‫ ع‬0 pcration 0‫ ا‬the clement fuse.]
10 SE 1 2 3 4
‫دم‬:‫ﻟﺎﻟﺂ‬١‫ال‬٠‫ﺋﺔ ل‬:
capacitor per-
unit The per-unit capacitance 011‫ ع‬affected capacitor unit, based 1(0(00(0 .5000 0 . 9 7 0 2 6 0.95455 0 - 9 2 0 5 7 (0,900(0
capacitance on the number of blown fuses 111 one group (11 111 affected
Cit capacitor).
Affected phase ‫ وع‬- ‫ي‬
capacitance ‫ي‬- p،+<p٣-(i+c«0x(í-l
03133 03387 03331 03328 03324 03321
٢٠’, 11٦ capacitance 0٤1٦‫ ع‬phase 10 ‫ ﻟﻢ‬10 end, as,suming the
capacitance of one healthy capacitor unit 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit

Copyright © 2013 IEEE ‫ ااه‬rights reserved

IEEE Std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ٥‫ أ‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

Xiimbcr ٠of blow n c a p a c i t o r 10525/

!The n u m b e r ,of fuses that have blow n 111 011‫ع‬
parallel g r o u p ,of elements 1051‫ ﻋﻞ‬0٦‫ ع‬capacitor
"0111111111‫ع‬ Formula and comment u n i t . 0 is the system normal condition. SF.
151٦‫ ع‬condilit01 11 ‫ ا‬1 shorted clement ( S F )
before the o 0101101 o f the clement fuse ]
٥ SE ‫ا‬ 2 3 4
0 100011
capacitor Voltage across the group o f capacitors that includes the 1.0000 08710 1,0065 10137 10216 ‫آ‬ 0305
10‫ﻻ‬0 affected capacitor unit, per-unit of the normal voltage 221055
‫ا‬ ‫ر‬ that group.
Voltage on V’.- ‫ال‬
element The voltage across the remaining elements in the alTected ‫ ا‬0000 0 010) ‫ ا‬0502 1.1058 11676 12-466
group element group (0150 the voltage across the ٤10١٨1fuses 11
Ve that group), per-unit of the value with 10 fuses blown.
furrent IkzVcuxCu
through The current through the affected capacitor unit, per-unit 0‫ا‬
affected the value with no fuses blown. The value for SI indicates
capacitor the power frequency current available 10 blow’ the fuse 01 a 1.0000 13065 0 0 8 4 6 090676 (09486 09275
‫؛‬٠ faulted element, 11115 value 113‫ ل‬be used 10 estimate the
maximum clearing time of the fuse, assuming 10 discharge
from parallel elements into the faulted one).
For affected unit outside t a p 001011
Capacitance Chn= ١
tap 10 neutral
The capacitance o f the tap 001110٦ 0٤ the phase, assuming the 0150) 07500 0150) 071500 01500 0150)
capacitance of one healthy capacitor unit 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit.
Tap voltage, 1‫ي‬-
per-unit o f f ' / # The voltage across the lap, assuming ‫ ا‬per-unit voltage 15 the 04444 0.4516 04441 0,4437 04432 (),4427
‫ﻟﺂل‬ actual voltage 0٦ the phase.
Tap voltage
change, 0٤- 4‫=*اا‬5
0 0 0 0 0 <,.(,1(١1 -0.0008 100017 001027 O.W3X
unit o f normal The per-unit change 11 the lap voltage, assuming ‫ ا‬per-unit
d.R 15 the normal tap voltage.
٤0٣ affected unit inside t a p portion
‫ا‬3‫ م‬10 neutral Chn:;_x٠١١
02500 0 7 7 7 8 07486 0,7471 0.7455 00436
</‫ورر‬ The capacitance o f the lap portion o f the pha.se, assuming the
capacitance o f one healthy capacitor unit 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit.
13‫ م‬voltage, 1‫ي‬-‫ي‬
per-unit ofJVg The voltage 221055 the lap, assuming ‫ ا‬per-unit voltage 15 the 0 4444 0 4 3 5 5 0 4449 04454 04459 04466
119 actual voltage 0 the phase.
Tap voltage
change, per- ٠‫ﺣﺮ‬١
0(0000 10,02102 0 0 0 1 0 0(0021 0.0054 0 0048
unit of normal 11‫ ع‬per-unit change 11 the lap voltage, assuming ‫ ا‬per-unit
،/1‫و‬ is the normal 12‫ م‬voltage.

8.6 Fuseless c a p a c i t o r b a n k s

8.6.1 General considerations

The internal construction o f the capacitor units used 111 fuseless capacitor 0315 15 similar 10 that used for
externally fused hanks. The parallel-connected capacitor unit o f Figure 38(4) illustrates 3 unit with 10 series
210005 of three elements each. 11 1115 construction. 1٤one element fails, then 11short-circuits itself and 11٦‫ع‬
1٧0 elements 11 parallel ٧111 11.

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IEEE ‫ﻻى‬ 2012-23/99
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

In ٤ capacitor bank, individual capacitor units 2٣‫ ع‬connected 111series with each 01٦٣ from the phase
connection 10 1‫ ع‬neutral connection. Each such series connection 15 a "string.” Within the 511100. all 0٤ 1‫ع‬
2121112115 (groups) are 11 series with each other. ٤0٣ instance, if the 51٣100 0051515 of 51 capacitor 111115.
each having eight series (21011105 of) elements, the string would have 6 *8- 48 elements 11 series (see
figure 39). 1٤0 ‫ ع‬01١‫ ع‬elements fails, the applied voltage 1511121 divided among the remaining (2101105 01)
healthy elements 11 series with ٤‫ ع‬faulted element, )he voltage across the remaining elements will thus ‫ع‬
48/47 of what ٤ 10101 been before the failure.

٢١‫ﺣم‬٠"٦‫ﺟم‬٦ ٢٩‫""م‬٦‫م‬
٨٨ ‫ا‬ I ٨٧٨٨


3) Parallckonncctcd capacitor ‫اااﻻ‬

b) Scrics-conncctcd capacitor unit

Figure 38—Schematic ٥٤ ‫ ؛ ه‬useless capacitor unit

The calculation 0٤ unbalance performance of 11521255 capacitor banks 15 based 011 the number 0٤ tailed
elements (element 2101105) 311‫ل‬01 the total number of (groups 01) elements 111 series.

(011 occasion, series connected capacitor units [see f igure 3 8( ‫ ])ط‬have been offered for useless capacitor
banks. Series connected capacitor units have the individual elements connected 111 series 51111125 between
the terminals, 111 a number of such series strings 111 each unit, üanks built with series connected capacitor
units need more sensitive unbalance protection requiring 31 advanced protection compensating system 10
correct 10 inherent unbalances and utilizing biasing for security.

٨5 indicated, the number of elements 11 series 11 ‫ ل‬string 15 the number of capacitor units 111 5115 times the
number of elements 11 series 11 each capacitor unit. Sometimes the manufacturer will provide the number
of elements 11 scries. Sec‫ﻻ‬1‫ ع‬capacitor unit nameplate or data sheet. 1‫ ا‬1‫ ع‬number of scries elements per
capacitor unit 15 00‫ ا‬available 11011‫ا‬ manufacturer, then the number may ‫ ط‬estimated, tach clement
usually 135 3 0001 11‫ اﻟم‬voltage rating 0٤ 1800 ٧ 10 2400 ٧. Dividing the capacitor unit voltage ‫ط‬٧ 2400 0‫ل‬
rounding up 10 the ٤٤ integer will usually ‫ع‬1‫ ل ع‬useable estimate 10٣ the unbalance calculations and
settings. 10٣ instance, 1 7960 ٧ capacitor unit will probably have about 7960 / 2400 - 3.3. which rounds ‫ﻣﻼ‬
10 10‫ﻻ‬٣ scries elements. (11 may have five series elements per capacitor unit, which will 1100 a small
difference 11 the overvoltages 11‫ ل‬unbalance signals. However, the settings based 01 four scries elements
١vill still provide adequate protection for the five scries element design.)

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 ٢292٧20

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

11 a 10521255 capacitor bank, the unbalance detection gives an indication 0 the total number 0٤ failed
elements within a string 0٤ capacitor units. The location 0٤ these failures 15 determined by capacitance
measurements 01 the strings indicated by the unbalance protection,

8.6.2 Using the calculated values

The trip level should be set 50 that 1٦‫ ع‬voltage 0٦ the remaining elements 1٦ the atTected string 0005 1101
exceed the maximum recommended by industry standards 0٣ 1٦ manufacturer.

The number 0٤ shorted elements for trip and alarm can be determined by knowing the ٧01122 01٦ the
affected elements (for instance, the Ve value calculated 11 Table 10) and the capability of the elements
(either 110% 0‫ ا‬٣411112based 011 industry standards 0٣ the information provided by the capacitor
manufacturer), ttased 01 the example calculated 11 Table 10. 10٣ standard capacitor units applied at rated
voltage and element capability of ‫ ا‬%100. 11001112should occur after the shorting of the fifth element. ٨‫ ا‬this
point, the voltage 01٦ the remaining elements 15 ‫ ا‬10.26 .

(.alculations may also ‫ ع‬made w ithout know ing the number 0‫ ا‬series 221112015 by using the total string
capacitance and tripping 01٦ the capacitance change that w i l l result 11 a ‫ ا‬100 % voltage 01 the remaining
capacitors 1٦ the string. ٨150.10 avoid case rupture 11٦ the event 0‫ ا‬a terminalto-case fault, the bank should
trip on the loss o f elements equivalent 10 the shorting of one capacitor unit. ٤0٣ capacitor banks 11 ‫ا‬1110٣‫ع‬
than 1) capacitor units 00٣ string, the tripping 10٣ the 1055 0٤ one capacitor unit w i l l be lower than ‫ ا ا‬00 %
0 ‫ا‬142‫ ع‬0٦ the remaining units.

10 verify that elements are 1101subjected 10 voltages 1٦ excess o f their intended application, the trip would
normally be set halfway between the signal associated with four shorted elements and the signal associated
w ith five shorted elements (10٣ the example calculated in Table 10). Alternatively, the trip relay may be set
at an unbalance 11131 w ould result 1 ٦ ‫ ا‬10 % voltage on the remaining elements.

11 managing the protection 0‫ ا‬a fuseless capacitor bank, the unbalance protection should 101 be reset or
"rebalanced" without first verifying that ‫ ااه‬capacitor units w ith failed elements have been removed 110111
the bank 3‫ ل‬replaced w ith healthy capacitor units. I f the installation 15 10 be rebalanced w ith units having
0٦‫( ع‬0٣ 10 ) shorted elements remaining 1٦ service, then the trip fevel should ‫ ع‬adjusted downward 50 that
the elements 111 these ‫ﻻ‬1115do not exceed 11٦٤1٣ capability before operation of the trip relay.

11٦‫ ع‬time delay for tripping should be minimized 10 minimize the probability 01 major damage 111 the event
0٤ a major problem 11 the bank. Practical limitations 01٦1 the minimum l i m e include the follow ing:

3) Preventing a bank that is operating in the alarm state from tripping on a system transient

b) Accounting for the settling time 0‫ ا‬the protection 5٧5٤٤1٦٦ 01 initial energization and for the
transient response 0‫ ا‬certain capacitor voltage transformers, and 50 on, which may be 3 part of
the unbalance protection system,

c) Preventing smaller banks that do not incorporate system unbalance compensation in the
protection scheme 1101111٣1001110‫ﻟﺎل‬٣11103 5٧51٤1٦fault.

Normally a time delay 0‫ ا‬0,0‫ ا‬5 10 0.05 5 15 adequate 10٣ this coordination. ١٧ith this intentional time delay
11 the trip relay, the additional time required 10٣ 1‫ ع‬lockout relay and breaker operation may result 11٦ total
clearing times 0‫ ا‬the order of 0.1 5. ٨ time 0‫ ا‬0. ‫ ا‬5 15reasonably achievable to clear a capacitor bank w ith a
problem, but 11 still may result 111substantial damage. (0٦٤‫ ع‬parts 0‫ ا‬2 capacitor bank Stan 10 become
damaged, funher damage w i l l escalate rapidly. Such escalation w i l l increase the risk of other datuage 11 the
substation. Keeping the clearing time shon 15 important 10 minimizing damage in the event 0‫ ا‬a fault within

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Longer time 02105 are 501112111125 ue0 for uncompensated protection (10 avoid tripping during 4 system
fault that may persist 10٣ a longer period of time), and the risk 0‫ ا‬major damage 111 the hank 15 accepted.
Other users may allow the hank 10 trip 10٣ these conditions 111 order 10 minimize the possibility’ 0٤ hank

the alarm would he 5‫ اح‬above natural errors 50 that it would operate reliably 01 1‫ ع‬shorting 0‫ ا‬the first 0٣
second element. ٦his alarm set point would typically ‫ ع‬halfivay between the signal associated with the
selected number of shorted elements 00 ‫ل‬11‫ ع‬signal associated with 0٦‫ ع‬fewer shorted elements.

(’,enerally, the most appropriate alarm level 15 the lowest level that can 0‫ ع‬set without resulting 111 false
alarms from thermal variations 111 capacitance within the bank, practical initial 011* balance, and 50 0.
(The earliest reliable alarm gives maximum opportunity’ 10 repair the capacitor bank during 4 scheduled
outage.) Responding reasonably 10 231٧ alarms 2‫ ل‬maintaining 1‫ ع‬bank 1٦ the best 00551‫ ﻋﺎط‬condition
tend 10 minimize the probability 0‫ ا‬further element failures and forced 0٣ unscheduled outages and 10
maximize the availability 0‫ ا‬the bank. False 0٣ unreliable alarms can 0‫ ع‬costly, and they reduce the
credibility of the capacitor protection.

11 unbalance protection schemes with ambiguous indication, it 15 desirable 10 use an alarm setting sensitive
10 the 1055 0‫ ا‬1‫ ع‬first element 10 avoid any ambiguity. 11115 alarm should seal ‫أ‬1150 that it should be
manually reset after the removal of the failed capacitor‫ﻻ‬1011( 5) 11011111‫ ع‬bank. 11 w ould ‫ ع‬undesirable 10
have the alarm 20 44٧ after the 5‫ا‬10111110 0‫ا‬4 subsequent 212111211 that cancels the unbalance signal.

11٦‫ ع‬timing 0 the alarm should be long enough 10 avoid operation during system faults 0٣ temporary’
overvoltages but short enough 111 the case 0٤ ambiguous schemes 10 minimize the probability of 1٧0
compensating fuse operations before the initiation 0٤ the alarm. Usually about 4 105 delay 15 appropriate
tor the alarm.

8.6.3 lntroducti٥n to capacitor bank unbalance calculations

11٦‫ ع‬sample calculations 1٦ 8.6.4 provide the information required 10٣ setting the unbalance protection
based 01٦ the following:

24) Neutral-to-ground voltage ‫ا‬0٣ ungrounded wye 0115

b) Neutral current 10٣ ungrounded wye-wye 015
c) Neutral voltage difference 10٣ ungrounded wye-wye 00105
d) Neutral-to-ground current ‫ا‬0٣ grounded wye 005
e) Voltage across low-voltage capacitors at 11٦‫ ع‬neutral end of each phase 0٣ 11٦ the neutral-to-
ground connection 0‫ ا‬grounded ١٧‫ ع‬banks
٤) Difference 11 neutral-to-ground currents 10٣ grounded wye-wye banks
2) Delta and single-phase bank protection based 011schemes similar 10 item 4) through item 1).
The 5٧51٤1٦ 0‫ ا‬1115 used 10٣ 11105٤ 0٤ these calculations assumes every normal nonzero voltage, capacitance,
and current 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit 1111٣ normal conditions, with 110 shorted elements.

11 addition ٤0 providing the necessary information 10٣ protective relay settings, 115 10 ‫ ع‬0‫ ا‬tabulation gives
3 good feel 10٣ the performance of the bank with varying numbers 0٤ shorted 212112115. Some
manufacturers 0111521055 capacitor banks w ill provide 11151٧0‫ ع‬of tabulation 10٣ the 015 they propose 0٣

11 15. 0٤ course, possible 10 combine the calculations of the various columns and 10 calculate 01٧ the
voltage 0٦ the affected elements, the voltage 0٦ the affected unit (which 15 also the voltage 01 1‫ ع‬parallel
units), and the unbalance signal for 1٦‫ ع‬ty pe 0٤ protection 10 ‫ ع‬utilized, because 0‫ ا‬the complexity’ of the

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

configuration (for 2211101. parallel element and series groups 11 a capacitor unit, parallel capacitor units
11 a group, series 210105 111 a string, and parallel strings 11٦ a phase), the resulting equations become

8.6.4 Unbalance calculations

Figure 39 illustrates 23 generalized wye-connected fuseless capacitor bank. The figure shows two strings 1٦
the left ١٧٧ and one 51٣11011 the right w٧e. 11٦ the calculations of Table 10. the total number 0٤ strings (59)
and the number 0‫ ا‬strings 111 the left wye (5/) can be specified. For 2 single-wye bank, 5 ‫ ا‬- 59. ٤0٣ the
calculations, all failures 2٣‫ ع‬assumed 10 be 11 the leftmost string. This 51٣10215 defined 35 0٦‫ ع‬string. ‫اا‬
other strings have more 0٣ less capacitance than the leftmost string, then they may be specified as fractional
strings. For instance, if the leftmost string 15 made ‫ ﻣﻼ‬0٤ 400 k a r units 211‫ ل‬0٦‫ ع‬of the other strings 15 made
‫ ﻣﻼ‬0‫ ا‬the same number 211‫ ل‬voltage rating 0‫ ا‬600 ٧3٣ units, the string with the 600 k a r units would be
considered 1.5 51111125 0٣ calculation purposes. 0٣ the example of Figure 39. the bank 15 considered 10
have 10 strings 11 each phase 0٤ the left ٧‫( ع‬SI) 31‫ ل‬three 51111125 in each phase of the bank (5/9). With
such an unbalanced arrangement, the calculations would normally ‫ ع‬done both ١1‫ ا‬SI - 2 2‫ ل‬5/ - 1 10
investigate the effects of failures 111 both wyes.


11 11 11 11 11


Note: 11.12 ٨‫ ل‬13 arc 11‫ ع‬appropriate low voltage capacitors, current transformers, voltage transformers, etc.
for ‫ اا‬protection being ‫ﻻ‬

،'apacilor hank construction

E - 40 series elements, phase to neutral

5‫م‬ 3 parallel units per phase
56‫ا‬ parallel units per phase in "left” wye
G٠? ( 0 “ grounded, 1 ungrounded)

Figure 3 9 - U n s y m m e t r i c a l fuseless double wye-connected capacitor bank

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

11١‫ ع‬principal equation for each calculated value 15 given 11 the second column 0٤ Tahle 10 These
tabulations illustrate the unbalance that 02211151٦ the affected phase of the bank as 2 result of the shorting of
elements 111 one string.

The actual unbalance signal 1‫ اا‬depend on the protection scheme 21110‫ا‬0٧‫ ﻟﻊ‬10٣ the 21. ٨ 11‫ ع‬variety of
protection schemes are in use 0٦ fijseless shunt capacitor 011*5. 11٦2 unbalance signals for usual
connections are given 111 Table 10.

The column headings 11 the tabulations 3٣‫ ع‬based 01٦ wye-connected, three-phase capacitor banks. For
delta-connected 0215. the same formulas 31‫ ل‬tabulation(s) can ‫ ع‬used by treating a leg 0٤ the delta as one
phase 0‫ ا‬3 grounded ١٧٧‫ ع‬bank: all formulas are identical. 0٣ a delta bank, the currents shown 35 per-unit-
of-phase current become per-unit-of-leg current (phase current divided ٧). 111 difference current (‫اﻟﻠﺎوع‬
٧25) becomes the difference 111 current between two equal delta-connected legs.

Table 10 —Unbalance calculations ٤٥٣٤ ‫ا‬2 fuseless double wye-connected capacitor bank
i n Figure 39
‫ل‬111٤ 0‫ ا‬shorted c a p a c i t o r e l e m e n t s c
(111‫ ع‬number o f e l e m e n t s that have shorted
f ,111111,> t i t l e F u r m u l a ‫رر‬11 c o m m e n t ٤ ‫أ‬1 one string o f e l e m e n t s between phase
00‫ ل‬neutral.)
‫ﻟﺎ‬ 1 2 3 4 5
S t r i n g per-unit
0 1.0000 1.0213 10435 1.0667 1.0909 1.1163
capacitance T h e capacitance of the affected string o f capacitor 11115
Cst 1 1.0000 1.0213 1 ( 0 4 3 , 10667 109(09 11163
Affected ٦ ‫أ‬ - ‫ﻋﻴﺚ‬
capacitance ‫ه‬ ‫ ا‬0000 10106 ‫ا‬0217 1 0 3 3 3 1 0 4 5 5 1 0 5 8 1
The capacitance o f all s t r i n g s o f capacitors 111 phase 0‫اا ا‬1‫ع‬
wye that includes the affected string. 10 ‫ اا‬0‫ا‬11٦‫ ع‬strings
111 that wye except the affected string, the per-unit
capacitance i s SI — 1 . ٤0٣ the affected string, t h e per-unit ‫ا‬ ‫ ا‬0000 10106 10217 1 0 3 3 3 1 0 4 5 5 10581
capacitance i s ‫ا‬

Affected 0٤٣- ‫ح‬,‫ م‬٠ ‫ﻋﺘﺌﻘﺨﻜﻴﺜﻠﻜﻞ‬

unit phase 0 1(0000 1(0071 1(0145 10222 10303 1(0388
capacitance The per-unit capacitance o f the phase (all parallel 111005)
Cp that includes the affected string. For this calculation the
capacitance of the affected y e is ( The capacitance 0٤ 1 1.0000 1007‫ ا‬1 0 1 4 5 ‫ا‬0222 1 0 3 0 3 10388
the other wye 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit.
Vng:G ٩١ — ‫د‬١
ground voltage 0 0(0000 0(0000 0 00(01 00(000 00(0(00 (0(0(0(00
(per-unit 0٤ For grounded banks ( - 0), this 011 ‫ا‬5 always 0. For
14) u n g r o u n d e d wye banks, the calculation assumes 11‫ع‬
179 affected phase has 3 capacitance Cp and 1١‫ ع‬other t w o
phases each ٦3‫ ع‬3 per-unit capacitance of l . ‫ا‬ 0,(0000 0,(0021 0.(0048 (00074 0.0100 0.0128

Voltage 0٦ 1171-17‫و‬
affected phase The voltage line 10 neutral 31055 t h e phase that includes
Vln 0 1.0000 1(00(00 1(0000 1 0000 1(0000 1(0000
111 affected string. W i t h useless capacitor banks, the
shorting o f elements increases the capacitance o f that phase
1‫ ل‬decreases the voltage across t h e a l t c c t e d phase:
therefore, t h e voltage 15 always less than ‫ ا‬per-unit with
shorted elements, except ١111 grounded wye banks. ‫ا‬ 1,(0000 0,9976 00052 0 9 9 2 6 (0 99(01 0 98"’22

Voltage 0 V'e = Vlny٦٢-

affected 0 1000(0 1.02‫ا‬3 ‫ ا‬0435 ‫ا‬067 1 0 9 0 9 1.1163
T h e pcr-uni, voltage 01 the r e m a i n i n g elements 11٤‫ا‬١‫ع‬
affected string, based 01٦ the actual voltage 0٦ 11٦‫ ع‬affected
١’e ‫ا‬ 10000 1 0 1 8 9 ‫( ا‬0385 1 0 5 8 8 108(00 11020
Current 11 ly:CvxVln
affected wye 11‫ ع‬per-unit current 11 the affected phase 0٤1‫ع‬ affected 0 10(000 1 0 1 0 6 10217 10333 ‫ ا‬0455 1 0 5 8 1

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE std 37.99-2012
,EEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ٥‫ أ‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

N u m b e r of s h o r t e d c a p a c i t o r e l e m e n t s c
( T h e number o f elements that have shorted
1011 11111 tit,،‘ 10 1٠111 11 a n d ٤011111111‫ع‬٤ G 111 011‫ ع‬string o f elements between phase
and neutral.)
‫ﻻ‬ 1 2 3 4 5
wye. 11115 e q u a t i o n may ‫ ع‬useful for estimating the
increase 111 voltage 11055 a low-voltage capacitor a t the ‫ا‬ 1.0000 ‫ا‬.008‫ و‬1.016X 1.0257 1 0 3 5 0 10146
neutral 1‫ ل‬of the affected phase o f the affected wye.
Current 1٦ /9-٤91/7
0 1.0000 1.0071 1 0 1 4 5 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 3 0 3 ‫ا‬ 0388
affected phase
The current 1111٦‫ ع‬affected 01105 1115 equation may ‫ع‬
useful 10٣ setting protection based on phase current or the
voltage across 2 low 204٤110٣ at the neutral end o f t h e ‫ا‬ 1.0000 10047 1.0096 1.0147 ‫ ا‬0200 10255
affected phase.
Groand ‫ع‬-(1-7)*(1-9‫))إ‬
current ٤11011٤
٤0٣ 105‫ ع‬with protective relay schemes utilizing neutral-to 0 0.0000 00071
‫و‬ 0.0145 00‫ وو‬0.0303 (00300
ground current, or ‫ل‬1‫ ع‬voltage 11055 a low-voltage
capacitor 111 the neulral-lo-ground connection.

The perunit change 11 current 10 ground 15 t h e per-unit

change 1 voltage across a low -voltage capacitor 11 the
affected phase. 11 i s 050‫ ا‬the per-unit change 1٦ voltage ‫ا‬ 0.0000 < ) 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0000 0.0000 0 0000
1٤105 a low -voltage capacitor 111 the neutral-lo-ground
0111221101 because the other ٤0 phase currents 00 1101
change 1 a grounded bank.
‫ ت ا‬-
Neutral current In:
between wyes 00000 0.0 000 00000 0 0000 0 0000 (0 0000
T h e unbalance current for ungrounded wye-wye 2
[ T h e current 15 calculated a s s u m i n g the ncutral-to-ground
(zero sequence) voltage 15 applied at the neutral o f the ‫ا‬ 00000 0.0024 00048 00074 00100 00128

unaffected wye.]
Difference /٤9-‫ل‬-119*(‫)ا‬ Applicable 10 equal wyes only (5‫م‬ 2 X SI)
current, equal 0
wyes For 2100‫ﻟﻌﻞ‬ wye-wye banks where lhe difference 111 lhe
neutral cutrent between t h e 10 equal wyes 15 05‫ ل‬as 3
basis 10 protection. Values are per-unit of total phase ‫ا‬ ‫ل‬0‫ ا‬applicable

NOTE ‫ا‬ For Fhg catenations. ‫ا اأ‬5 convenient to develop 115 equation Eased 01 an install! ‫ ااأ‬time when (‫ا‬1‫ ع‬affected ptiasc lias
‫ ا‬per-unit voltage and the other two phases have 0,5 per-unit voltage. For this condition, the two unaffected phases ٤311be paralleled.
3‫ ل‬the voltage divider between -0,5 pe٢-un,t 3 ‫ ل‬+1 per-unit can be calculated for ‫ ﻋﺎا‬midpoint voltage, which 15 recorded as 1912

101 ‫ ﻗﺎ‬2 —Calculations above apply 10 both single 31‫ ل‬double wye-connected 3115 double wye-connected banks calculations are
applicable starting 110111 the /١■ value calculation onward.

8.7 Unfused capacitor banks

8.7.1 Genera! ccnsideratons

This subclause covers the 101111 ‫ﻻ‬1051,01unbalance calculations for unfused capacitor banks ‫ ااأﻻط‬11 the same
way as conventional externally 0٣ internally fused banks (groups of capacitor units in parallel with each
other and the groups connected 111 series from phase 10 neutral 0٣ ground) but with 10 fuses either internally
0٣ externally. These banks are normally of modest 512: therefore, fuses or subdivision of the bank 11110
multiple strings are 110‫ ا‬required 10 limit the 21110٧ 1110 a fault within the 0010.

Capacitor units in unfused capacitor banks 3٣‫ ع‬subject 10 overvoltage across elements within a unit ‫ل‬5
elements become shorted within the unit. The overvoltage 01٦ these remaining elements should be
considered 11 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬protection 0‫ ا‬unfused capacitor banks. Excessive voltage 01 remaining elements may lead
10 cascading violent failure during system transient overvoltages. 1115 consideration 0٤ excessive voltage

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

011 retraining element 151٦ addition 10 the usual considerations of 1010122110110٣ externa! arcing within the
hank and avoiding exposure of healthy capacitor units 10 voltages 11 excess 0٤ ‫ ا‬100 % of their rated voltage.

11 an unfused capacitor hank, the unbalance detection gives an indication 0٤ the number 0٤ failed element
groups within one capacitor unit. 11 practice, the actual number of failed 2121112015 throughout the bank can
only ‫ ﻋﻂ‬determined ‫ط‬٧ a measurement 0‫ ا‬all series groups 111a bank. 'This measurement may ‫ﻋﻂ‬
recommended only when 21 alarm 0٣ relay trip has occurred and may 0٣ may not be a part of the regular
maintenance ‫ﻋﺎﻟﻠﻌﻊ؟‬

10 calculate the overvoltage 01٦ the remaining element groups 11 a capacitor unit, the number of element
groups 111 each capacitor unit should be specified. Sometimes the manufacturer will provide the number 0‫ا‬
elements 11 the series. 52‫ ع‬the capacitor unit nameplate or data sheet. ‫ اا‬the number of series elements per
capacitor unit 15 not available f٠rom the manufacturer, then the number may be estimated. Each element
usually 1135 a nominal voltage capability 0‫ ا‬between 1800 ٧ and 2400 ٧. 1011 ‫ل‬1110 11‫ ع‬capacitor unit
voltage by 2400 and rounding ‫ ﻣﻠﺎ‬10 the next integer will usually give a useable estimate ‫ا‬0٣ the unbalance
calculations and settings, l o r instance, a 7960 ٧ capacitor unit will probably have about
7960 / 2400 - 3.3. which rounds ‫ﻻ‬0 10 tour series elements. (1‫ ا‬may have five series elements per
capacitor unit, which w 11 make a small difference 111 the overvoltage and unbalance signals. However, the
setting based 011 four series elements w ill 5‫ ااا‬provide adequate protection 10٣ a five series element design.)

8.7.2 Using the calculated values

The trip level should be 5‫ ام‬45 follows:

— The voltage 01 the remaining elements 11 the affected capacitor unit does 10‫ ا‬exceed ‫ﻋﺎا‬
maximum recommended‫ط‬٧‫اا‬1‫ ع‬,nanufacturer.
— The voltage 01٦ the healthy capacitors does 101 exceed the contingency overvoltage capability 0٤
the capacitor units (usually ‫ ا‬10 % of rated voltage).
For simplicity, the protection may be set 10 trip 011 the shorting of the first element group.

The number of shorted element groups 10٣ trip and alarm can‫ ﻋﻂ‬determined by knowing the voltage 01 the
remaining elements 11٦ the capacitor unit with the shorted element group(s) (10٣ instance, the Ve value
calculated 1 Table ‫)ا ا‬311‫ ل‬the capability 0٤ the capacitor ‫ﻻ‬1115based 0٦ the information provided by 11٦‫ع‬
manufacturer. Based 011 the example calculated 11 Table ‫ ا‬I, for capacitor units with 31 element capability
0 1252%. tripping should occur after the 511011110 0‫ ا‬the third element group. ٨1 115 point, the voltage 0٦
the remaining elements 15 39‫ا‬%.

10 352113111 reliable operation after the shorting 0‫ ا‬the third element, the trip level 001 ‫ ع ل‬normally set
midway between the unbalance signal associated w ith 10 operated elements 411 the unbalance signal with
three shorted elements. Alternatively, the trip relay could be set 31an unbalance that would result 11 125%
voltage 01 the remaining 212111215.

If the capacitor unit capability 1510٤ available from the manufacturer, then usually a value of about 125%
01 the stressed eletnenis 15 reasonable 1٤ 3 restrike free switch 0٣ circuit breaker 15 being used 0٣ the
installation 15 being protected with surge arresters at 0٣ below’ 2 per-unit. For 31 energizing transient
voltage 0٤ 2 per-unit, 1‫ ع‬remaining element 2101105 would ‫ ع‬subjected to a stress 0٤ (2 X 1.25 -) 2.5 per-
unit, w hich should ‫ ع‬w ithin the capability' of standard capacitor units.

The alarm would be set above natural errors 50 13 ‫ ا‬11would operate reliably 01 the shorting 0٤ the 11٣5٤
element. 1115 alarm set point would typically be 50% 10 75% of the signal associated w ith one shorted
clement. For unbalance protection schemes w ith ambiguous indication, 1015 alarm should seal 11 50 that 1٤
should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬manually reset after the removal 0٤ the failed capacitor 1110115 110111 the bank. 1٤ would be
undesirable to have the alarm 11111 off after the shorting 0 3 subsequent 21211121 that cancels the unbalance

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

‫ا‬0٧2‫ ل‬٤0٣ the hank. ٨ ٧11 variety 0٤

The actual unbalance signal w i l l 02021110٦ the protection scheme 21110
protection 51211125 15 available tor use 01 unfused shunt capacitor banks. ٦he unbalance signals 10٣ some
of the more 011111011connections are given 11 Table ‫ ا ا‬.

T e lime delay tor tripping should be minimized 10 decrease the probability, 0٤ 35‫ ع‬rupture 0٣ excessive
damage in the event of' an internal capacitor unit t٠ault 10 the case 0٣ an arcing fault i n the capacitor bank.
Practical limitations 01 the minimum time include the following:

a) 10 avoid tripping during 4 nearby 55٤٤111fault (10٣ protection systems sensitive 10 unbalanced
system voltages)

b) 10 401 ‫ ل‬4 bank 1١4 15 operating 111the alarm state 110111tripping 01٦ a system temporary

c) 10 account 10٣ the settling time 0‫ ا‬the protection system 0٦ initial energization and 10٣ ‫ﻋﺎا‬
transient response 0‫ ا‬certain capacitor voltage transformers, which may be 3 03٣1 0‫ ا‬1‫ع‬
unbalance protection system

Normally, a time delay 0‫ ا‬0.01 5 10 0.05 5 15 adequate for 1115 coordination. W i t h 115 intentional time delay
11 the trip relay, 1‫ ع‬additional time required for the lockout relay 01‫ ل‬breaker operation may result 11٦ total
clearing times o f the order of 0.1 5 for a capacitor unit with 411internal fault 0٣ 4 capacitor 00* ١١٠ith 0٦
arcing fault. ٨ time o f 0.1515 reasonably achievable 10 clear 3 capacitor 01* ١11‫ ا‬a problem ‫ اﻟﻣﺎط‬still may
result 1٦ substantial damage. Once 03115 0‫ ا‬3 capacitor bank start 10 become damaged, further damage ٧1‫اا‬
escalate rapidly. Such escalation ٧‫ ااا‬increase the [15‫ ا‬o f major damage and ‫ا‬1٣‫ ع‬11‫ ل‬1114٧result 111increased
damage 10 the capacitor bank. Keeping the clearing time short 15 important 10 minimize damage ١vhen a
fault occurs within a bank.

The timing 0‫ا ا‬٦‫ ع‬alarm should 0‫ ع‬long enough 10 avoid operation during system faults 0٣ temporary
overvoltages but short enough 11٦ the case 0‫ ا‬ambiguous schemes 10 minimize the probability 0‫ ا‬10
20111021015311110 fuse operations before the initiation 0٤ 11٦ alarm. Usually about a 10 s delay 15 000100٣101
for 1‫ ع‬alarm.

11 managing the 010122110110٤ an unfitsed capacitor bank, 11٦‫ ع‬unbalance protection should 1001be reset 0٣
“rebalanced" without first assuring that all capacitor units with failed elements have 0221 removed from the
031* and replaced with healthy capacitor 0115.

8.7.3 Introduction to capacitor bank unbalance calculations

The sample calculations 1٦ 8.7.4 provide 1‫ع‬ information required for 52111112 the unbalance protection
based 01٦ the following:

a) Neuiral-to-ground voltage for ungrounded wye 3115

‫)ط‬ Neutral current for ungrounded wye-wye banks

c) Neutral voltage difference for ungrounded wye-wye banks

‫)ل‬ Neutral-to-ground current 10٣ grounded wye 2105

e) Voltage across low-voltage capacitors at the neutral 21110‫ ا‬each phase 0٣ 111 the neutral-to-
00 ‫ﻻ‬111connection 0‫ ا‬grounded ١٧‫ ع‬banks

‫)ا‬ Difference 11 neutral-to-ground currents for grounded wye-wye 0215

0) ٦٦‫) ا‬
Delta and single-phase bank protection based 011schemes similar 10 item a) through 1٤٤1

The system o f units used for most of these calculations assumes every normal nonzero voltage, capacitance,
and current 15 ‫ ا‬per-unit under normal conditions, ١vith no shorted elements.

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

٣‫ ل‬111011114110110٣ protectie relay settings, 111510‫ ع‬of tabulation gives

11٦ addition 10 providing the 11222550
4 good feel for the performance 0٤ the 0211* with varying numbers 0٤ shorfed elements. Some
manufacturers of unftised capacitor banks will provide 115 ٤٧0‫ ع‬of tabulation for 1 ‫ ع‬005 they propose 0٣

1٤ 15. 0٤ course, possible 10 combine the calculations 0‫ ا‬the various columns and 10 calculate only the
voltage 0٦ the affected elements, the voltage on the affected unit (which 15 also the voltage 01 1‫ ع‬parallel
units), and the unbalance signal 10٣ the type 0٤ protection 10 ‫ ع‬utilized, because 0‫ ا‬the complexity of the
configuration (10٣ example, parallel elements and series groups 11 a capacitor unit, parallel capacitor units
11 a group, series groups 111 4 string, and parallel capacitor units 11 a phase), the resulting equations become

8.7.4 Unbalance calculations

Table ‫ ا ا‬illustrates unbalance calculations for unfused capacitor 015 when elements (element groups) 4٣‫ع‬
shorted 11 0‫ ع‬capacitor ‫ﻻ‬1٤ The principal equation for each calculated values 15 given 11 the second
column of Table 11.

The ٣0٧ headings 111 the tabulations are based 01٦ wye-connected, three-phase capacitor banks. For delta-
connected banks, the same formulas and tabulation(s) can be used ‫ا‬0‫ ا‬treating a leg 0‫ ا‬the delta as 011‫ ع‬phase
0‫ ا‬4 grounded١٧٧‫ ع‬bank; all formulas are identical. For ‫ ل‬delta bank, the currents shown as per-unit 0‫ا‬-
phase current become per-unil-of-leg current (phase current divided by 3). 1٦‫ ع‬difference current (equal
١vyes) becomes the difference 11٦ current between ٤٧0 equal delta-connected legs.

11 11 11 11 11 11

١1‫ اﺣﺎ‬C٥p،KltO٢

( ٧٥‫ ﻋﺎ‬1‫ا‬. 12 and 13 arc‫اا‬١‫ ع‬appropriate low ١0111‫ ﻋﻊ‬capacitors, current transformers, voltage transformers,
etc., for the protection 2100 used.)

Capacitor bank construction Capacitor unit construction

5 - ‫ا‬ scries groups Su ! 10 nun١2r of scries groups in capacitor unit
‫ا‬6 parallel units per phase
1-3 parallel units per phase 11 "‫ "ااﻋﺎ‬wye
(‫ن‬ - I? ( 0 - grounded, !-ungrounded)

Figure 4 0 —Unfused ٧٧2-٧٧2 capacitor bank

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IEEE Std 3799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Table 1 1 —Unbalance c a l c u l a t e s ٤٥٣٤2 unfused capacitor bank in Figure 40

Number 0٤ shorted capacitor element?» 2
(The number of elements (element groups)
Column ١١٤ Formula and comment G that have shorted inside one capacitor unit..
0 1 2 3 ‫ل‬ 5
202٤110٣ unit ‫ا‬-‫ﺣﻪ‬
0 10000 11111 ‫ا‬ 2500 1 4286 16667 2(01000
The eapaeilanee 011٦‫ ع‬41٤‫ن‬1‫ ﻟﻊ‬capacitor unit based 0٦
capacitance number of shorted elements. \ 100010 11111 ‫ا‬ 2500 1 4286 ‫ ا‬6667 ?11.11,11

Parallel group
per-unit 0 1 . ( 0 0 0 ) 10370 10٩33 I |4‫)اد‬ 12222 1.3333
1٦‫ ع‬capacitance ot٠lhe group of capacitors that includes
the affected unit. For all of the units 11 that group ‫اﻣﻊ‬
t-K the affected unit ‫اا‬1‫ ع‬per-unit capacitance is 1. ٤0٣ the
affected 1111 the per-unit capacitance 15 ( ‫ا‬ 1(0000 1037(0 1(0033 ‫ا‬ 1420 1.2222 1.3333

Affected wye
capacitance ‫ده‬ 0 1.10000 10370 ‫ا‬ (0033 1 1120 12222 ‫ا‬ 3333
٤ 11‫ ع‬per-unit capacitance of the ( phase 01) the wye that
includes the affected capacitor unit. For the series group
including the affected unit, the per-unit capacitance 18
1 1.10010101 0*710 ‫ا‬ (0833 1 1429 ‫ ا‬2222 ‫ ا‬3333
Cg٠ For all other 511٤5 groups, the per-unit capacitance
is 1
Affected per, c ‫ﺗﺜﻴﺜﺚ‬
0111 phase 0 l.(XMX) 10105 10417 110714 1111 11667

Capacitance 1٦‫ ع‬per-unit capacitance of the phase (both wyes) that

includes the affected unit. For this calculation, the
capacitance of the affected wye 15 Cs. 1٦ capacitance 0٤ l 1101000 10185 ‫ا‬ 0417 10714 11111 11667
the other wye 15 1 per-unit.
ground 0 ,).(XXX, (0.(0000 (0(00(00 ( 0 ( 0 0 0 0 (0,1000(0 (0(0.000
voltage (per- For grounded banks ( 0) this voltage is always 0 For
unit of 17g) ungrounded wye banks, the calculation assumes the
r)w affected phase has a capacitance Cp, and the other 1١0
phases each have 3 per-unit capacitance 0٤ ‫ ا‬. ‫ا‬ (0.(0000 ( 0 , ( 0 0 1 (0,10137 10,10233 (0,(0357 10,(0526

Voltage 01 Vln:\-Vng
affected phase 11‫ ع‬voltage line 10 neutral 21055 lire phase that includes 0 1.10000 l.(XXX) I (XXX) ).(XXX) !.(XXX) 1 (XXX)
١٦H the affected unit. With unfused banks,
the shorting of the elements increases the capacitance 0‫ا‬
that phase 0‫ ل‬decreases the voltage across the affected 1 1 10000 09 930 ( 0 , 9 8 6 3 00767 10,9643 (0.9474
phase: therefore, the numljers arc always less 1113111.
Voltage on ‫ﻋﻧﻣﺈ‬٠،/‫آع‬
affected unit ‫ه‬ : 00010 1 (000(0 I ( X X X , 1 10000 1(000(0 1(0000
١٦٦< The actual per-unit voltage 01 the affected capacitor
umt. based 0 the capacitance division 0‫ ا‬the
actual voltage 01 the affected phase (1/7). 1.0000 09939 10,9863 09767 10,9643 09474

Voltage 0٦ Ve = VcirxCu
affected 0 1 10000 1,1111 12500 14286 1,6667 20000
The actual per-unit voltage 01 the remaining elements 111
the affected capacitor unit, based 011 the actual voltage
٦’e ‫ا‬ 1.0000 11(043 1.2329 13053 1.10071 1,8947
01 the affected capacitor unit.
Highest The highest voltage 01 capacitor units 11 the bank, 10
voltage 01٦ multiple-series groups, the capacitors are 11 the same
other umts phase and the per-unit voltage 15 ) 1,10000 1 (000(0 1(0000 11000(0 1,(0000 1(0000

‫راا‬ 17-‫ﻟﯿﺪ‬
For single-series group banks. ٦‫ ع‬overvoltage 0‫ا‬
interest 15 11 the other 1٨0 phases:
I (XXX) 10053 1(0119 1 0202 10*11 10459

1»-0054(‫ل‬3:2 41*)
Affected wyc /١٤1/7 0 1.10000 0370 1033 ‫ا‬ 1420 ‫ا‬ 2222 13333

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬std 37.99-2012
‫ﻻقﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬1‫ ل‬for ‫ اا‬Protection 0Í Shunt Capacitor Banks
d u m b e r 0٤ shorted capacitor elements c
111٤ number «،elements (element groups)
‫ررا‬11111 ‫ﻋﺎ‬ Formula and comment ‫ع‬ that have shorted inside one capacitor unit.]
Ü ‫ا‬ 2 3 ‫ل‬ 5
current The per-unit current 11 the affected phase o f the
‫ا‬ 100010 10307 106 5 11163 117٩6 ‫ ا‬2632
fy affected wye.
Affected lph:٢pxV1 0 1 IXMMI1 . 0 1 8 5 1 . 0 4 1 7 1 0 7 1 4 11111 11667
phase current
The perunil current 11 the affected phase o f the bank. ‫ا‬ 1,0000 10123 10274 ‫ ا‬0465 10714 ‫ ا‬10 53
Neutral-to- Zg=(l-G)x(l-Z/}A١)
ground current
1٦‫ ع‬neutral-lo-gr nd current, which is 0 ‫ ﻟﻊ‬١٧111
lg 0 0-0000
protective relay schemes utilizing neutral-t - g r i n d 00185 00417 0071 011 ‫ اا‬0 . 1 6 6 7
current, 0٣ the voltage across 3 low-voltage capacitor 11
the neutral or in each phase.
1٦‫ ع‬per-unit change 11 current 10 ground 151٦‫ ع‬per-unit
change 1٦ voltage across a low -voltage capacitor 1٦ the
affected phase. Il 15 also the per-unit change 111 voltage ‫ا‬ Not applicable
across ‫ ل‬low-voltage capacitor 111 the neuiral-to-ground
connection because the other two phase currents ‫ل‬0 not
change 10 ‫ ا‬grounded 00
Neutral in - ‫ﻋﻲ‬
current 0 00000 1(0(0100(0(00(00 00000 0(0(0(000(0000
belw een ١٦25 11‫ ع‬unbalance current 10 ungrounded wye-wye banks.
/‫رر‬ (11٦ current 15 calculated assuming 111 neulral-to-
ground (2٤10 sequence) voltage 15 applied at the neutral 0 0000 0.0092 00205 0.0349 0.0536 0.0789
of the unaffected wye, w hich 15 hall' the 01.]
difference ld:V٦nx٧Cp-\١
current, equal 0 00000 001٩5 00417 00714 0.1111 0.1667
٦‫ا‬٠١‫ئ‬١ For grounded wye-wye banks w here the difference 11 the
Id neutral cureenl between the ٤١١0 equal wyes 15 used 05 a
0515 tor protection. Values arc per-unit of normal (total) 1 Not applicable
phase current.

(01‫ﺗﺎ‬ !—For 1/1‫ ع‬calculations. 1٤15 convenient 10 develop this equation based 011311 instant 111 time when the affected phase lias
‫ ا‬per-unit 0 ‫اا‬3‫ ﻻال ﻋم‬the other ٤٤٥ phases have 05 per-unit voltaic. For this condition, the two unaffected pliases can be
paralleled, and the voltage divider between 05 per-unit and 1 per-unit can ‫ ﻋط‬calculated lor ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬midpoint voltage, which is
recorded as

٢01 ‫ ﺗﺎ‬2 —Calculations above apply 10 both ‫أ‬1‫ ﻋﺎ‬31‫ ل‬double w٦ye-connected banks: double wye-connected banks calculations are
applicable starting from the ‫ ا‬value calculation onward-

9. Protection ٥٤capacitor filter banks

9.1 Filter bank protection

Capacitor unit,‫ ؟‬used 11 111٤٤٣ banks may be required 10 have more stringent ratings than typical capacitor
units due 10 the harmonics normally present 1٦ the filter 00* environment. 11 these applications, higher
capacitor voltage ratings and fitse current ratings may ‫ ع‬required. Generally, the additional overloading
specifications 01 the various filter bank components should accommodate 1‫ ﻋﺎ‬higher peak voltages and the
increased losses imposed 01 the reactors 211‫ ل‬٣251510٣ assemblies. For more details on applications, please
refer to IEEE Std ,531™.

Figure 4‫ ا‬illustrates 0٦‫ ع‬possible primary protection scheme 10٣ 3 solidly grounded-wye connected filter
bank (redundant protection 15 typically applied but 15 not shown 111 figure). ‫ل‬0٤‫ ع‬that the ٤11٠" arrangement
0٤ the four (‫ و‬capacitors results 11 31 equivalent capacitance 0٤ c? and likewise that the ٠11٠" arrangement of
the four Cl capacitors results 11 an equivalent capacitance of (. 111‫ ع‬reactor ‫ ا‬and capacitor c١ are tuned 10
the findamental frequency (/٠٠ typically 50 112 0٣ 60 112) 10 minimize the fundamental frequency losses 11

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved-

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

٠٠ ‫ﻣﺾ‬
(‫ ات‬15 selected 50 that 15‫ ا‬series combination with ‫ داح‬and ‫ ﻣﺎ‬tunes 10 the frequency that 15 desired 10‫ﻋﻂ‬


Figure 42 shows a similar protection scheme lor an ungrounded-wye connected filler bank.

9.1.1 Overcurrent a n d overload protection

1٦‫ ع‬overcurrent finction (50/51) provides Fast 11100111210٣ high-level 5011 circuits near the circuit breaker
terminal. 11٦ 225 0‫ ا‬low-magnitude overcunrents, properly coordinated, time-delayed alarm 211‫ ل‬tripping
signals are initiated due 10 the abnormal conditions 11 the filter bank, special emphasis 15 given 10 the
response 0٤ the overcument relays (50/51) 10 hatmonic cumenls present because some types 0٤ relays
operate 01 peak current measurements and improper‫ﻟﺎ‬5‫ ع‬ot٠these relays 20iay result 111 undesired operations.
11115 010121101115 redundant 10 the differential (87).

Thermal overload protection 14٧ be implemented using 4 thermal overcurrent relay (49) 111 each phase 0‫ا‬
the filter bank. This relay 15 responding 10 root-mean-square (115) current used with thermal analog
modeling and ambient temperature and can ‫ ع‬set 10 trip al 115 ‫ﻟﺎع‬٢٢21 values 0٣ temperature that will
cause damage 10 the reactor. 11١15 sensitive 01012٤ 101115 not achievable with fuses and 15 ,nore sensitive
than a traditional 51 relay.

9.1.2 Ground fault protection

٨ neutral (51) overcurrent may 0‫ ع‬used 10 detect ground faults sensitively 11 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬solidly grounded-wye
bank. 11115 relay would operate 011 the residual sum of each phase current (/* - / ‫ و‬+/‫ي‬+ /( ). 115 51191
2٣0‫ﻻ‬1‫ ل‬overcurrent relay 15 time-delayed and coordinated ١vith system ground relaying 10 avoid undesired
tripping ‫ا‬0٣ system ground faults as the grounded-wye filter bank 15 4 path for ground fault current. Il may be
possible 10 supervise ("torque control,) this element with a voltage element that monitors the zero sequence
terminal voltage, 3٧0. System ground faults 111 the vicinity of the filter bank generally produce substantial
3٧0. while little 3٧0 15 produced for slight unbalances 111 ‫ ﻋﺎا‬filter bank itself. Both phase and ground
overcurent relays provide backup 10 the differential protection. 1‫ ا‬it 15 determined ‫ اﻟﺎا‬this phase dilTerential
15110‫ ا‬sensitive enough for adequate ground fault protection, then 3 restricted earth fault (87٨٢) differential
can be applied. 115 relay compares ‫ ﻋﺎا‬residual current al the terminals 0‫ ﻋﺎا ا‬filter bank 10 the neutral
current. With modem microprocessor relays, this element 15 easily achieved and implemented inside the
three-phase 87 relay shown in Figure 41.

1٦ the ungrounded-wyre filter bank (Figure 42). the potential device connected from the neutral bus 10 the
ground 15 typically a ٧2٣٧ high resistance ‫ل‬1‫ل‬٣ [‫ ﻟﻌﺎل‬for ‫ ااﻟﺎا‬line-ground potential. 1115 scheme delects
the neutral voltage shift resulting 110111 capacitor failures 11 1‫ ع‬high-voltage ((1) 0٣ low-voltage ((0‫)و‬
sections 0‫ ا‬the filter bank. The 59‫ ل‬relay can be compensated with the bus residual voltage (3٧0) 10
accommodate existing 5٧512111 voltage unbalance for improved relay sensitivity, ff not compensated, then
1115 relay must ‫ ع‬coordinated with 1٦‫ ع‬upstream ground fault relays 50 that 11 0005 not trip during upstream
ground faults. The protection relay should ‫ ع‬set 10 detect 1 0٣(‫ و‬failures and trip the bank for failed units
11 either capacitor 3.

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE std 23799-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

‫اا‬ ‫ام‬


*‫طﺑﻌﺎ ي‬
١c٠nr٠il unKiJ.i k،

٤1‫ﻟﺎو‬ 2 41 .520‫ا‬ protection scheme ٤٥٣ a grounded-wye filter bank

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IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

‫اا‬ phasr



Span ‫ت(م‬

‫ﺗل ل‬
I* ll

Figure 4 2 —Sample protection scheme ٤٥٣ 2 ungrounded-wye filter bank

9.1.3 Resistor overload protection

The 0311101110 resistor R 11٦ each phase 0‫ ا‬the 1111٣ hank should also he protected against fundamental and
harmonic overloads. The 511٤ relay shown 11 Figure 4‫ ا‬10٣ 115 purpose should respond 10 the true 115
current flowing through the resistor. The time overcurrent curves should provide coordination with the 121
overload capability 0 the resistor.

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IEEE Sid C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

9.1.4 Overvoltage protection

Fach Filler 15 protected ‫ط‬٧ an overvoltage relay that serve.‫ ؟‬10 protect the filler bank against continuous
fundamental Frequency overvoltages as ‫ ااع‬35 against severe overvoltages. The continuous overvoltage
protection should ‫ ع‬lime-delayed and coordinated with the system automatic voltage controls.

Severe overvoltages cause excessive stress 0٦ the capacitor units. Peak measuring relays 3٣‫ ع‬recommended
For 115 application and should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬set 10 coordinate with 1٦‫ ع‬withstand capability curves as specified by lhe
capacitor manufacturers. ()vervoltage and overload protection can ‫ ع‬provided using current integration
methods 10 calculate lhe t i e overvoltages imposed 011 ‫ ﻋﺎا‬capacitor units.

9.1.5 Capacitor unbalance protection

T e high-voltage Ci and low-voltage c? capacitor banks 0‫ ا‬a typical filter (as shown 1٦ Figure 4‫ ا‬and
Figure 42) are protected by separate unbalance protection schemes as detailed in Clause 8 oF this guide.
However, many other unbalance protection schemes can be applied 0٦ filter 4105 depending 0٦ the
arrangement 0٤ lhe capacitors and 011 whether lhe system and 41* unbalance compensation Features 4٣‫ع‬

٨1٦01٦٤٣ unbalance protection scheme 15 illustrated in the 51 R and 60 discrete relays shown 11٦ Figure 41
and Figure 42. 111 this case, 4٦ unconventional capacitor unbalance scheme 15 provided by means oF current
measurements 11 the resistor branch or between 1225 oF the high-voltage and low-voltage capacitor banks as
4 result oFcapacitor Failures. Note that the 60 ٣‫ا‬4٧ 111 000 C | (Figure 41 ) 15 only sensitive 10 imbalances 11
the ‫ ال‬bank 31‫ ل‬that lhe 60 11٦ bank c. likewise 15 only sensitive 10 imbalances in 11 ‫ و‬00 *. Also. 1115
protection may require that ‫ اﻟﻠﺎل‬bushing capacitor units be provided 50 that the current through the ٤٧0
1205 can be measured independently.

This unbalance protection scheme should carefully evaluate the effect 01٦ the protection oF 01٦ 1101111‫ال‬
55٤111 Frequency as well as deviations 1٦ capacitor values as a Function 0٤ temperature ((JOcfT). In 11115
regard, lhe availability’oFthe filter bank is considerably improved iFcompensation means 3٣‫ ع‬provided.

9.2 M u l t i f r e q u e n c y h a r m o n i c filter protection c o n s i d e r a t i o n s

MultiFrequency filter banks are normally applied 11 applications such as high-voltage ‫ ﻋﻞ‬converter stations
where two 0٣ more harmonics are 10 0‫ ع‬shunted off lhe system. The high-voltage capacitor can ‫ ع‬used 10٣
both Frequencies. The low-voltage 5221101٦15 tuned 50 that more than 0٦‫ ع‬Frequency can ‫ ع‬shunted off lhe
5٧5٤٤1٦. Standard protection may be applied 10 the high-voltage and low-voltage sections. Figure 43
illustrates 01٦‫ ع‬005510‫ ﻋﺎ‬10٣111٦3٣٧
protection scheme For 3 multiFrequency filter bank.

Neutral unbalance protection may be used (59٢). but 1115 important 10 verity ihat lhe relay has a narrow
Fundamental (e.g.. 60 112) Frequency band-pass filter. There may be 3 high level 0‫ ا‬harmonics present,
which could cause False alarms and trips 1‫ ا‬the relay operates on anything other than 1‫ ع‬Fundamental
Frequency. The filter bank likely would ‫ ﻋﻂ‬large and. therefore, should have 4 compensation circuit 10
handle system unbalance and the inherent unbalance of lhe bank as described for 1 ‫ ع‬59 N fimciion 11 9. ‫ ا‬.2.
1115 1010121101 will detect 2 shorted turn 111 the ٣2210٣5 35 well as failed capacitor units. 01‫ ع‬that lhe low-
voltage capacitor shown 11٦ Figure 43 may actually ‫ ع‬the parallel combination of tw o 0٣ more low -voltage
capacitors. 11٦‫ ع‬high-voltage 311‫ ل‬low-voltage capacitor banks ((‫ ات‬and c.) can be protected ‫ﻟﺎ‬5‫أ‬112 an ‫ا‬1
connection 25 described 111 9. ‫ ا‬.5 (60 relay).

٧ollage differential protection is not recommended For a multi frequency filter bank because 1‫ ع‬voltage 15
normally connected from ‫ﻻط ا‬5 10 ‫ا‬٦‫ ع‬ground. The low-voltage section makes it difficult 10 balance lhe
1٧0 voltage sources because the voltage change will be different 1‫ ا‬a high-voltage capacitor unit fails as
compared 10 a low-voltage capacitor unit. 11٦‫ ع‬voltage across a section 0‫ ا‬the high-voltage 41* may ‫ع‬

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IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

compared 10 the bus voltage, but 2 special voltage transformer would be required 10 accommodate the
required basic impulse level (811).

T i e low-voltage 5221101may be protected by connecting voltage transformers across the lo١v-voltage

capacitor, summing the three voltages, and measuring only the fundamental frequency component (59 ‫ ﻟﺎ‬11
Figure 43). The relay can‫ ﻋﻂ‬balanced 0٣ nulled ١vhen the bank 15 energized 10 accommodate manufacturing
tolerances. This protection 15 sensitive and can easily detect 4 low-voltage capacitor unit failure as well 45 3
shorted torn 11 the low-voltage reactor. 11 can also detect a major impedance change 11 the high-voltage
5221101. (011‫ ع‬advantage 01115 scheme 15 that only single-bushing capacitor units are required.



Voltage 1٢1-1٨1111
11 ‫ا‬ phase!

Neutral lou voltage

‫ ا‬apacilor ‫ﻻ‬1‫ اا‬٠ ‫ه‬ 4‫ا ﻻ‬

Figure 43 —Multifrequency protection scheme

trigital relays may be influenced ‫ط‬٧ harmonic distortions i f the predominant orders of, harmonic 05111411005
3٣‫ ع‬not predicted. 11٦‫ ع‬digital band-pass 111٤٤٣ response provided 11 ‫ا‬ relay may have 4 10١ attenuation
factor at a given harmonic frequency and may cause undesired tripping o f the filter banks.

The expected reliability 0٤ ‫اا‬1‫ ع‬relay protection depends 01 the protection technology used, the design 31‫ل‬
manufacturing approaches, and ‫ ﻋﺎا‬environment 11 ١vhich ‫ ﻋﺎ‬relays 3٣‫ ع‬applied. 10 improve ‫ﻋﺎا‬
availability 0‫ ا‬filter banks, appropriate ‫ل‬014 and experience related 10 harmonic distortion 5 ‫ﻋﻂ ﻟﺎ ﻟﺎﻫﺎ‬
considered 11 the selection of the protection scheme.

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IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

9.3 Static var compensator (SVC) capacitor protection

5٧5 3٣‫ ع‬used 11٦ strategic installations 10 compensate reactive po١ver rapidly for maintaining 21 acceptable
5٧5٤٤11voltage profile and for improving 1٦‫ ع‬overall stability 0‫ ا‬the poer system. Voltage flicker is also
reduced in industrial applications (such as steel m i l l arc furnaces) when SVCs and harmonic filters are
provided. ٨1 example 0٤ 41٦ 5٧( installation 15 illustrated 11 Figure 44.

‫ا‬ hkr


‫ ا‬٠١ r ‫ ا‬,11،
‫ا‬ ‫؛‬1■■■ L l C٠-Il<.ir ‫ﻻﺳﺊ‬

‫اا‬ II
‫ا‬ hJttn

'■٠■٠٠■■ I

Figure 44—Typica! 5٧‫ ى‬schematic

Protection 0 ‫ا‬5٧(5 15provided ‫ اط‬a combination o f conventional protective relays and protective 10111005
contained 111the SVC control system (IEEE Power System Relay Committee [1371). These functions 4٣‫ع‬
made up 0‫ ا‬a number 0‫ ا‬20٦5 10 ‫اا ﻋﻠﻠﺎ اع‬٦‫ ع‬SVC 50٧1‫ﻣﻊ‬-‫ل‬ transformer, low-voltage buses, reactor
branches, capacitor branches, fillers, and thyristors.

This guide applies equally 10 the protection 0‫ ا‬the fixed 0٣ thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC) banks
provided as an integral part 0‫ ا‬an S V C installation. In this regard. Clause 7 and Clause 8 describe various
protection methods that 241 be applied ‫ط‬٧ conventional relays 10 shunt capacitor banks along with additional
methods illustrated 11٦ Table 12 and Figure 45.

Table 1 2 —Suggested 5٧‫م‬ protection methods

Protected Protection Protection function Notes
٣٤111٤ device
18 60 CnKalance 11-0110‫ ﻋﻊ‬unbalance measurement

TSCTCR 50/51 Overcurrenl Branch fault o f limiting reactor overloads

TCR 46 Negative phase sequence Unbalance
TSCTCR 60 Phase unbalance Unbalance 11 ‫ ر]ا‬0346
TSC 59 Overload Capacitor overvoltage using current
TSCTCR 50N ( ‫؛‬round ovcrcurrent Branch faults

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IEEE Sid 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

٠ ً‫ﻟﯾﺎ‬

Figure 45—Capacitor unbalance pro ection ‫ أ‬the TSC mode

5٧ capacitor 0115 11٦ the 15( mode are provided with air-core reactors connected 1٦ series 10 limit the
inrush generated 1101٦ thyristor switching. The 52192110٦ 3‫ ل‬setting of the overcurrent protection should
consider 3 mistire 11 the 15( valve (accounting 10٣11‫ ع‬magnitude 3‫ ل‬time duration 01 inrush and outrush
currents) and should coordinate ١vith other protective functions provided 11 the controls.

Harmonics 3٣ an important factor 10 consider 11 the protection 0‫ ا‬capacitors 11٦ the 15( mode. Adequate
overcurrent and overvoltage protection 1025 211‫ ل‬settings should 0‫ ع‬provided 10 counter the effect 0٤
harmonics generated ‫ط‬٧ the thyristor-controlled reactors (T Rs) 2 ‫ ﻟﺄ ل‬other unusual hamionic distortion
such 45 those resulting from geomagnetic disturbances (Henmouyal et al. 1831). In this regard, true 115-
based overcurrent relays are required 10 protect the series limiting ٣22210٣5 adequately against overloads,
while peak-measuring voltage relays should be provided ‫ا‬0٣ the protection of capacitors against
overvoltages (see Table ‫)ا‬.

9.4 5٧‫م‬ filter protectton

Harmonics are produced by the switching elements 0‫ ا‬SVCs. which may require harmonic filtering. For
instance. 3 six-pulse* phase-controlled reactor unit employs three TCRs connected 11٦ delta. 0‫ ﻟﻞ‬hamionics
(2.0.. 51‫ا‬٦. 711٦. 11th, 0 ‫ ل‬13th) will be injected into the power system during balanced steady-state

Il’ filters are required. 1٦‫ ع‬effectiveness 0‫ ا‬such filtering depends mainly 01 the 5٧5٤٤111 impedance nomially
referred 10‫اط‬٧ an R٠x locus, which 1114٧ detemiine the need lor additional single, 0٣ double-tuned shunt

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IEEE std 23/99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

112٣5. These ‫“؛‬liters w i l l operate 25 an equivalent shunt capacitor hank generating reactive power at system
frequency. 501 ‫ ع‬0٤ the 010121101 methods discussed 111Clause 7 and Clause 8 3٣‫ ع‬applicable 10 5٧ ‫’؛‬liter
bank protection. However, as noted 11 9‫ ا‬and 9.2. the unbalance protection can ‫ ع‬1110٣‫ ع‬demanding,
depending 01 1١‫’؛ ع‬liter configuration (single-frequency tuned 0٣ multifrequency tuned) and the system
voltage 10 which the harmonic ‫’؛‬liters 3٣‫ ع‬connected.

10. Capacitor b a n k e q u i p m e n t considerations

10.1 Capacitor bank switching devices

Capacitor switching devices require special attention because more severe switching duties 215‫ ا‬for the
interruption of shunt capacitor banks than for other forms of switching. The various devices that may be
used 10٣ capacitor switching include the following:

Circuit breakers Circuit switcher interrupter switches

5 S Fft Oil
Vacuum 5٤
01‫ا‬ Vacuum
Air-magnelic Thyrislur

٨‫ اا‬capacitor switching devices should be applied within their maximum voltage, frequency, 0‫ ل‬current
ratings, including transient inrush current and frequency. Reference should ‫ ع‬made 10 ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬Std (37.04.
A N S I (37.06 ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎا‬5‫( ﻻ‬3.012™, and ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎﺗﺎا‬Std C37.66™ ‫ا‬0٣ rating and application information.

The current 1411112 0‫ ا‬the switching device should include the effects 0‫ ا‬system overvoltage (<1100%).
capacitor-unit capacitance tolerance (< ‫ ا‬15%), and system harmonics (<‫ا ا‬%00) 10 0٣011‫ ع‬adequate margins
for most capacitor switching duties.

Capacitor switch opening Capacitor restrike

‫ اﺻم‬1‫ا‬

Itage, Current


Voitape ‫و‬ Voliaoo mgi• ‫ل‬

(a> No restnke ()(0‫ع‬ restrike

Figure 46— Opening the circuit to ‫ه‬ single-phase capacitor ‫أ‬ 02 step

٨1٦ important consideration involving application 0‫ ا‬circuit breakers 0٣ circuit switchers 10٣ capacitor
switching 15 11٦‫ ع‬transient overvoltage that may ‫ ع‬generated ‫ ﻷط‬restrikes during the opening operation. ٨1
current zero, the capacitor 15 left charged 10 nearly f t l l p e a k ‫ا‬1٦‫ ع‬voltage. Little recovery voltage appears
across the switching device contacts at this instant, and the capacitance-current arc 15 usually interrupted 2‫ا‬

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

the first current 22٣0 after the switching device contacts open. After interruption, the normal frequency
alternation 0٤ the voltage 01 the source 511‫ ع‬0٤ the switching device results 11 a recovery voltage across the
open contacts, 0.5 cycle later, approaching tw ice the peak ‫ا‬1٦‫ ع‬voltage I see Figure 46(a)]. If, a breakdown
were 10 occur at 90٥ as shown 1٦٦ Figure 46(‫)ط‬, the capacitor voltage immediately attempts 10 equalize with
the system voltage. The circuit 15 oscillatory’. ٨1 the first peak 0‫ ا‬the transient, the 2102110٣ voltage w ill,
depending 01 0011101102. overshoot by an amount approaching the ditTerence between the two voltages
immediately 10٣10٣10 the restrike. 11115 high transient overvoltage 1113٧ damage equipment. If,1‫ ع‬current 15
interrupted at 11٦‫ ع‬first high-frequency current zero, then 11‫ ع‬transient voltage peak 15 trapped 01111٦‫ع‬
capacitor bank. The recovery' voltage reaches a value greater than that Following 11‫ ع‬first interruption.
However, the contacts have moved Farther 40311 and٤‫ا‬1‫ ع‬buildup of, dielectric may prevent additional

1 ‫ ا‬11‫ ع‬gap between the open contacts breaks ‫ل‬0٧٦ 1255 than 0.25 cycles after current 2210. then the
amplitude oF the voltage oscillation will not exceed the normal transient voltage that occurs when the bank
15 first energized. The breakdow n 15 defined as reignition rather than as 4 restrike.

11 Figure 46(b), the restrike 15 shown 10 occur 2 ‫ ااﻟﺎ‬0.5 cycle after current interruption. This condition 15
the worst possibility 10٣ the first restrike because ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬recovery voltage has reached 115 maximum 3‫ ل‬the
resultant surge voltage can, theoretically, reach three times normal line-to-ground crest voltage. 111 actual
practice, 11seldom exceeds 2.5 times normal Additional restrikes can produce higher crest voltages, and
the sudden voltage changes and high-frequency oscillations may produce other relatively higher voltages
elsewhere 01 1‫ ع‬system. Therefore, 10 protect the entire system, it 15 desirable to limit restrikes and ‫ﻋﺎ‬
voltage phenomena resulting 1101٦1 them.

Under special circuit arrangements, 11 may ‫ ع‬0055101‫ ع‬10٣some switching devices 10 interrupt the transient
current caused by 3 prestrikc w hen energizing 3 capacitor bank. Overvoltages may result w hen 1٦‫ ع‬contacts
close after 31 interruption of the transient current. The resulting transient can produce overvoltages.

11 4 station where large capacitor banks 4٣‫ ع‬connected 10 4 common bus, 11 may ‫ ع‬prudent 10 verify that the
transient capacitor discharge current 1110 3 nearby fault docs 10٤ exceed the capability 0‫ ا‬3٧ circuit
breakers ٥٣ circuit sw itchers connected to 11‫ ع‬bus.

The peak discharge current 0311 individual capacitor bank 1:


15 the peak discharge current (٨)

15 the capacitance (F)
is the total inductance, capacitor bank 10 fault (1)
15 the line-toline voltage (٤٧)
is the power frequency (112)

٤0٣ 4 60 Hz system, the peak discharge current is:

‫ ددا‬1.33

11 addition to involving the contact capability, the transient inrush current through 1 switching device may
also cause secondary flashover 0 bushing current transformers (8(15). The voltage developed 11 the
secondary circuit 15 proportional to the frequency and magnitude 0‫ ا‬the 1٣31٤1٦‫؟‬٦٤ inrush current:

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

V B C T ، ( / p i ، / B C T R ) * (4) * (/٢//)


٧ BCTsec 15 the secondary voltage ٤٣25101٦ the bushing current transformer

/‫م‬ 15 1‫ ع‬peak transient current on the primary side
8(1 1٤ 15 the 151102 current trans ormer turns ratio
.٢se،. 15 ٦‫ ع‬reactance of٠the 522003‫ل‬٣٧ burden at power 55٤1٦ frequency
/ 15 the oscillation frequency of, the transient

101‫ﺗﺎ‬11١‫ ع‬current transformer burden reactance 15 the sum of the reactances ٥‫ ﻧﺎ ا‬current transformer, the leads,
211‫ ل‬the relay,
111‫ ع‬switching equipment manufacturer should be consulted if the /// ‫ ال‬0٣ crest values of the inrush current
exceed the limits specified 11 Table 1 ٨ through Table 3٨ 0‫ ا‬٨‫ل‬5‫( ا‬2000-37.06.

10.2 I n r u s h control d e v i c e s

Energizing a capacitor bank ١11‫ ا‬result 11 a transient inrush current. The magnitude and frequency 0٤ 11115
inrush current are 2 function 0٤ the applied voltage (point 011 the voltage wave 3‫ ا‬closing), the capacitance
0٤ the circuit, the inductance 0٤ the circuit, the initial charge of the capacitor bank at the instant of closing,
3‫ ل‬the damping 011‫ ع‬circuit due 10 closing resistors or other resistance 11 ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬circuit. See Annex 10 for
inrush current calculations.

The transient inrush current 10 a single isolated bank 15155 13٦ the available short-circuit current at the
capacitor location. Because a switching device should meet the momentary current requirement 0٤ ‫ﻋﺎ‬
5٧5٤٤11٦. transient inrush current 15 not 3 limiting factor 11 applying switching devices on isolated capacitor
banks. However, 1115 important 10 check the momentary’ rating of other sw itching devices not intended for
fault current interruption.

When capacitor 0115 arc sw itched back 10 back (that 15. 011‫ ع‬0٣ more energized w hen another is connected
10 the same 115). transient currents of high magnitude and high frequency 1113٧110١٧ betw een the banks 0٦
closing of the switching device or 11 1‫ ع‬event of a restrike 01 opening. 11٦‫ ع‬oscillatory current 15 limited
only by the impedance 0‫ ا‬the capacitor banks and the circuit between them, and the peak inrush may be
much higher than the peak 0 the available short-circuit current at the bus. The transient current usually
decays 10 zero 11 a fraction 0‫ ا‬a cycle 0‫ ا‬the power frequency. 11٦‫ ع‬component supplied ‫ط‬٧ the 00١٧٤٣
source 15 usually 50 small it may ‫ ع‬neglected.

The magnitude 0٤ inrush current 0 ‫ ل‬115subsequent cfTccts10 3 sw itched capacitor 030 may ‫ ﻋﻂ‬greatly
reduced by use 0‫ ا‬inrush-currcnt-limiting reactors. ٨ capacitor sw itching device furnished with preinsertion
resistors 0٣ inductors or 3 sw'itch that uses zero-crossing controls minimizes the sw itching inrush transient,
but 11 does 10‫ ا‬help the outrush transient for close 111100115. When used for daily sw itching of back-to-back
capacitor banks, the ‫ا‬1‫ ﻋﺎ‬0‫ ا‬the sw itching device contacts can ‫ ع‬extended by increasing the inductance
between 005 ‫ ط‬adding 11 currcnt-limiting reactors. 1he reactors will also reduce the outrush currents
(see IEEE Std (57.1 61٩‫)ا‬. Evaluate the effect 0‫ ا‬the outrush 01 the components that w ill be affected before
adding 3 reactor.

Capacitor 21* installations using series reactors 10 control back-to-back capacitor bank switching
transients 3٣‫ ع‬potentially subject to capacitor terminal faults 35 well 35 faults between the capacitor bank
and 115 series reactor that 113 ‫ ع‬problematic 10 clear due 10 the excessive rate of [15‫ ع‬0٤ 1131151211٤recovery
voltage (11٤1٤٧) across the capacitor breaker contacts. See 6. 1 for discussions 01 the use 0٤ current-limiting
reactors. Refer to 11‫ ع‬IEEE Std 1036 for more information.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved
IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

The 10211011121101٦ of inrush 10 a single switched shunt capacitor bank 211‫ل‬10 a 01* switched bac* 10 back
١11‫ ا‬a parallel energized 0011* 0٣ banks 15 discussed 16.1.1113 given application, the 11112115 and 0112225
associated with inrush 10 a capacitor bank may precipitate undesirable resonant effects with other parts of
the 5٧5٤٤1٦. induce hazardous surges 11 51311011 control cable, and interfere w ith communication facilities in
the area,

(losing resistors 0٣ inductors 01 the 311* switching device, 0٣ current-limiting reactors installed 1٦ series
١1‫ا‬ a switched capacitor ban*, ‫ ااا‬serve 10 alter the frequency of the inrush transients and reduce the
magnitude 0٤ the transients. ٦he reactors applied should have a sufficiently high ‫ا‬81‫ ا‬rating 50 that 2405 0٣
surge arresters required for reactor protection will not short out the ٣2410٣5 during energization 0‫ ا‬the
capacitor 01. Synchronous 0٣ zero voltage closing of the switched 01* can also reduce the severity 0‫ا‬
the switching transients (see 6. ‫) ا‬.

In bac*-t0-back sw itching applications, the addition of even 4 minimal amount of inductance between
banks w ill significantly reduce the magnitude of inrush currents flow ing from 1٦‫ ع‬energized bank(s) 10 1٦‫ع‬
bank being energized.

(‫؛‬rounded wye shunt capacitor banks (as well 45 other substation equipment capable 0‫ ا‬generating 0٣
transmitting high-frequency transients 10 the ground 11131) should 0‫ ع‬installed 05 far away as practical from
the control building 30‫ ل‬cable trenches.

10.3 592 arresters

1 ightning surges and the switching 0‫ ا‬capacitors can result 11 significant system overvoltages. The ability
0‫ ا‬the surge arrester 10 dissipate energy' that results during capacitor switching operations 15 0‫ ا‬particular
importance 10 assure proper surge arrester 512٤110. Restrikes 0٤ the capacitor bank switching device
generally cause the highest transient overvoltages, particularly ‫ا‬0٣ isolated banks. Significant transient
overvoltages 31 also occur at the capacitor bank due 10 surge magnification of resonant circuits 01 the
power 5٧51211٦ associated with switching 0‫ ا‬4 remote capacitor bank, cable, 0٣ transmission line. Metal,
01‫ ﻋﻞ‬surge arresters are generally better than silicon-carbide surge arresters because they usually have 3
higher energy duty 10٣1 same airester rating and typically absorb less energy per transient event.

Refer 10 1٦‫ ع‬surge arrester application guides 1٦ IEEE Std C62.21١| (10٣ 02‫ م‬silicon carbide surge arresters)
and IEEE Std £62.22™ (10٣ metal 011‫ ع‬surge arresters) 10٣ fitrther information 0٦٦surge arrester

10.4 v٠ltage-sensing devices

1٤ a voltage transformer capacitor-coupled voltage transformer, or potential device connected 110111 the
bank neutral 10 ground 15 used for unbalance detection, then it should be capable 0٤ w ithstanding sw itching
surge 011005 010.5 10 2.5 times system phase-to-neutral voltage w ithout malfunction (Hamer 311‫( ل‬0٧21
[136]). ٨‫ ا‬higher system voltages, higher 14110 voltage transformers are required. The use of these higher
ratio voltage transformers can make the neutral voltage unbalance detection methods become insensitive.
٧ ‫ ع‬required (52‫ ع‬Clause 8).
Special relaying techniques 1114

10.5 Current-sensing devices

٨ reasonably conservative voltage rating 10٣ the neutral wound primary current transformer to withstand
the 511٣22 voltages appearing at the bank neutral 15 0,2 1111125 the system line-to-line voltage (Harder |B5]).
However w indow-type current transformers rated 0.1 0٤ system voltage (even 600 ٧ rated (15) have been

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

2010112‫ ل‬without trouble, 01 small banks, these curtent transformers are often 01111‫ ل‬0٣11110٣٧types with
١0٦ ratios, during switching, 1‫ ع‬bank neutral transient voltage rise can stress the insulation across the
current transformer's wound primary, 11can 050‫ ا‬stress the insulation between the case (which 15 usually
grounded 10 3 local 51100011structure) and the secondary winding due 10 the fact that the secondary neutral
15 usually grounded at the remote end (that 15. at the relay location) 10٣ 541٤٧ reasons. Although the voltage
stress between 1‫ ﻋﺎ‬grounded case and the secondary winding could ‫ ﻋﻂ‬eliminated by grounding the
secondary circuit at the current transformer location, this alternative 15 not recommended, 10 do 50 would
impress the bank transient potential rise 01 the secondary cable and present hazardous voltages at 1‫ ع‬relay
location, Refer 10 IEEE 51‫( ل‬57.13.3 for more information, (ienerally, the secondary winding can
withstand these short-duration transients without difficulty, ٨150. coupling of this transient voltage 10 the
secondary cable can 0‫ ع‬greatly reduced by routing the cable closely parallel 10 the primary ground
conductor down 10 the ground mat and 111211 closely paralleling the ground mat conductors en route 10 the
relay location. 111 special instances where excessive neutral transient voltages are encountered, 1‫ ا‬may be
necessary 10 insulate 11٦‫ ع‬transformer case 11011 the local ground 10 allo١v connection 0٤ 011 ‫ ع‬51‫ ﻋﻞ‬0٤ the
secondary winding 10 the transformer case, 11115 approach ٧1‫ اا‬eliminate the stress between the secondary
11 ‫ل‬1112and the 0٣‫ ع‬and will increase the stress between 11٦‫ ع‬primary winding and 1‫ ع‬core. However, the
primary insulation ٤3٦ generally ‫ ع‬expected 10 be more robust 11131 the secondary insulation.

10 protect the primary w inding insulation 013 wound primary current transformer, it 15 common practice 10
install a 10‫ ل‬gap 0٤ 1.2 1٦٦11110 1.6 1٦٦1٦1 connected directly 2210551٦‫ ع‬primary terminals (Harder [1351).11115
arrangement 1‫ اا‬limit the voltage impressed 221055 the winding and prevent primary tum-10-tum
breakdown, ٨ high-energy, gas-tilled protector tube or low-voltage surge arrester (varistor) should be
connected across the secondary terminals 10 protect the secondary ٧10 ‫ل‬100 from tum-10-tum breakdown.
(Eailurc of an inadequately rated varistor 15 likely 10 short-circuit the current transformer 0‫ ل‬cause the
unbalance protection 10 be inoperative.) 11115 device should ‫ ع‬insulated from local ground, again 10 avoid
impressing the bank transient potential 01 the secondary circuit. The surge arrester should ‫ ع‬chosen 10
limit the current transformer secondary voltage 10 coordinate with the secondary circuit insulation voltage

Nonsimultaneous 1113110 and 1231110 1111105 of the three poles 0٤ the capacitor bank switching device may
3110٧ ftdl phase current 10 flow,11 the neutral current transformer and relay during the sw itching time. 11115
current can flow' for 31 indefinitely long period 0‫ ا‬time 110 ‫ ع‬0٣ two 00105 0‫ ا‬11٦‫ ع‬bank switching device fail
10 operate. 10٣ 11115 reason, 11 may be desirable 10 select 3 neutral current transformer that can 2201111110101
this current without damage or malftnction. ٤0٣ more information 01 surge protection 0 current
transformers, see 10.6.1.

10.6 Transient currents

11 15 ١‫ ااع‬documented that the switching 0‫ ا‬capacitive currents produces transients that are markedly
different 1101111105‫ ع‬produced ‫ اط‬other power system switching operations (Greenwood et al. 1341). For
capacitor bank switching, the difterences 3٣‫ ع‬as follow s:

4) Highly dampednonoscillatory, transient-current pulses may be produced when preinsertion

resistors are employed 11 the bank switching device, leak currents range 1101111000 ٨ 10 3000 ٨.
The ٣15‫ ع‬time 15 about ‫ ا‬gs. and the ‫ ااا‬lime 15 about 600 5‫ﻻ‬. Initial ‫ل‬//‫ ال‬is about 3000 5٨/‫ل‬.
b) ١Vhen the 1٦٦31٦ contacts 0٤ the capacitor bank sw itching device close, 5110111110 the preinsertion
resistor, oscillatory transient currents may be produced that have 3 frequency of 1000 112 10
20 000 112. cuirent 0٤ 1000 ٨ 10 2500 A, and 3 subsequent dlldt 0‫ ا‬about 100 A g s .
c) ‫ اا‬resistor preinsertion is not employed, then the transient 14٧ be oscillatory ‫ ال‬frequencies in ‫ﻋﺎا‬
range of 1000 112 10 20 000 112 41‫ ل‬the initial /// ‫ ال‬١‫ ع ااز‬about ‫ ﻋﺎا‬same as with resistor
preinsertion: 1000 A/gs. However, the peak current w ill be much greater, especially during back-
to-back switching. Similar transient current components ٤01 be superimposed 01 60 ‫ا‬12 fault
current waveforms for faults 11 the bank, for bus faults 11 the station, and for close-in‫ا‬11‫ ع‬faults.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37, 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

1٤ preinsertion inductors are utilized, then 023* transient currents are generally 1255 than 3000 ٨. The
oscillatot-y frequency 15 01 the order 0٤ several hundred hertz, ٦he maximum /// ‫ ال‬15. therefore. 1255 than
10 ٨/45, One source (Abdulrahim et al, 18‫ ا‬1) 135 pointed out that additional ver high-frequency switching
transients 0٤ several megahertz (due 10 traveling waves 011 the capacitor 001‫ *ا‬bus) w 110150 be produced
211‫ ل‬superimposed 01 the transients already described, 11115 transient 15 similar, 1‫ ا‬1101identical. 10 the
transients generated by switching a length 0٤ high-voltage bus w ith 2 disconnect sw itch.

Te rate 0‫ ا‬change of the current (///) 15 a usefol indicator of the potential for inducing interterence 11
nearby control circuits. Although switching with preinsertion resistors reduces the peak current and
eliminates the oscillation, it 0095 110٤ reduce 11‫ ع‬initial 0// ‫ل‬/. 11115 131‫ ع‬of change 15 determined only by the
voltage across the sw itch before closing and the circuit-loop inductance:


Surge 0101221101 techniques for capacitor bank applications should take 1110 consideration the different
character 0 ‫ ا‬11‫ ع‬transient currents produced during bank switching (higher 023* currents 21‫ ل‬lower
oscillation frequencies) 11131 are experienced with other pow er system switching operations.

11٦‫ ع‬circulating paths 0‫ ا‬the transient currents are 050‫ ا‬important. These currents low' 11110 11٦‫ ع‬capacitor
31* buses, 00 ground connections, 0‫ ل‬capacitor bank ground grid, For some conditions, the currents
3150 flow 1110 the bus interconnections between the 111311 switching station 3‫ ل‬the capacitor bank, as ٧‫ع‬11
as 1110 the main station buses and ground grid. 10‫ ﻋﻠﺎ‬10 the combination of high cunent and high frequency,
significant transient potential differences can appear across 001110٦5 0‫ ا‬the ground 0[1‫ ﻋﻠﻤﺎل ل‬10 the grid
inductance. The currents 3٣‫ ع‬0150 accompanied by strong high-frequency magnetic fields. Therefore,
control cables 111 these areas are prone 10 inductive interference and require careful 41120110110 routing,
shielding, and grounding.

10.6.1 5٣92 protection ٤٥٣ current transformers

When the transient currents produced during capacitor 0011* switching pass through 11٦‫ ع‬primary 0‫ ا‬the
current transformer 115 secondary circuit can experience a large transverse-mode interference voltage. 1115
not induced through 5113٧ coupling but by the normal transformer action of the current transformer. 11115
can present 3 serious problem 10٣ both 11٦‫ ع‬current transformer and the equipment and instruments that
make ‫ ﻣﻠﺎ‬115secondary' burden, such as protective relays and data transducers. The reactance of the burden
components ‫ ال‬these frequencies can be more than 100 times their 60 112 values. ٨5 a consequence, high-
frequency transient currents, which can ‫ ع‬a few hundred amperes, can produce extremely high voltages
across inductive burdens.

The suggestion 15 sometimes made that current transformer saturation w ill prevent the production of such
high secondary 0110025 1٦15 suggestion 1510‫ ا‬true for this situation, how ever. The secondary' volt-second
product 10٣ each half cycle 0٤ the high-frequency oscillation 15 small compared 10 that required 10 produce
current transformer core saturation 3‫ ا‬60 112. Therefore, voltage limiting ‫ط‬٧ current transformer saturation
15 not likely to occur.

Overvoltage protection of the current transformer secondaiy circuit 15 thus required 10 prevent damage 10
the current transformer w inding and the connected burdens, 115 protection usually takes the form 0٤ high-
current-rated varistors 0٣ spark 2205 connected directly across the current transformer secondaiy terminals.
1٤the current transformer 1135 a w ound primary, then 3 gap 0٣ a surge arrester 1113٧ 2150 be needed across the
primary (l a d e r |B5|). ٧aristors applied 10 the secondary’ should be selected ١111 a sufficient energy’-
absorbing rating 10 withstand the 52201110 current oscillations (52‫ ع‬10.5). Also, 10 maintain voltage-
limiting action, the varistor 512‫ ع‬should ‫ ع‬selected 50 that the peak current 4005 not drive 11 422‫ م‬1110the
voltage tum-up region on the varistor’s ٧/1 curve. Figure 47 illustrates this 0011. Manufacturers 0٤
varistors can supply ٧/‫ ا‬characteristic ٤1105 suitable for checking 115 condition.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

١٦٠riMor ١’٠tt٠Rc‫ ا‬111111

1 ٤1112٤
Turn ‫ﻣﻞ‬

‫اا‬ ‫اااا‬


Figure 47 - V a r i s t o r V/1 curve s h o w i n g voltage t u r n‫ﻣﺎ‬

10 2 degree, the secondary’ high-voltage problem can be minimized ٧ selecting the current transformer
ratio and burden 10 reduce the level of 11٦‫ ع‬secondary’ current‘ ٨150.eliminating inductive components 11 the
secondary’ burden ٧1‫ اا‬reduce the secondary* voltage. Solid-state 1213٧5 3٣ particularly beneficial 111 this
respect because their current burdens are lo١v and essentially resistive.

The 1012201102 discussion 15 best illustrated by a numerical example. Figure 48 shows 2 one-line diagram
for a 230 ٤٧station 1‫ا‬ a shunt capacitor bank. 11٦‫ ع‬bank 15 rated 40 000 kar and ١٧‫ع‬ 15 connected 1‫ﻻ‬٦
2 grounded neutral. 11 the figure, the line circuit breakers have 1200/5 ratio current transformers, and the
capacitor bank 15 111service ٧ 11211 a phase-to-ground fault occurs 01 ٦ ‫ا‬1٦ 3 just outside the station. The
distance along the 230 ٤٧circuit 110111 the capacitor bank 10 the fault 15 about 150 1.

t i n e 41 ‫■ ا‬٦< 2 ‫ ﻋﺎرا‬4 3

< ‫ﻧم‬ ‫ااس‬




Capacitor Bank
40 MV٨٠ O k V
(110‫ﻟﻠﻞ‬ Wye
23(1 k V


،III *1

‫ﻻو‬٣2 48 — One-line diagram ٥٢230 kV station w i t h 2 shunt capacitor bank
Upon occurrence of the fault, the capacitor bank discharges through the bus-ground loop inductance, which
15 about 350 1411. Because there 15 little resistance 111 the loop.‫ ﻋﺎ‬current 15 oscillatory. The frequency 0‫ا‬
1‫ ع‬oscillation depends 011 the loop inductance and 01 1٦‫ ع‬bank capacitance. The capacitance of the bank
can 0 found 110111115 voltage rating and its power frequency kilovar rating:
c٠ : 2.65xkvar> I
٠٨‫»«اا ﻟﻌﺂ‬

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE std 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Cf - 2٠65x|40 ooojx[ ‫ﺳﺎ)ل‬

(,=2.0 ‫ﺗﻼ‬

The frequency 0٤ oscillation () 15:

٢:٦K١١Ls XC8 ١١l

/ ‫ ا اي‬،

1٢011-111‫ ع‬capacitance 1511 microfarads (111) and the inductance 15 111 microhenries (1111).

/-6105 ‫ا‬12

11٦‫ ع‬peak current 15:


٤--»2«2 ٨

The 0231 secondary current 15:

(secondary) = 14 196/( 1200:5 )

= 59.1 A ‫ ده‬6015 Hz

11٦‫ ع‬current transformer secondary burden impedance, at 60 Hz, 15 1 +1‫ ز‬Q، ٨‫ ا‬6015 Hz, the burden
impedance 15 about ‫ ا‬0 ,,100 ‫ﯾﻊ‬, 1٦‫م ع‬23* magnitude 0‫ ا‬1٦‫ ع‬oscillatory voltage transient across the
‫ل‬3٣٧ 0٤ the current transformer 15 then:

= 0(591*(1141591 *(100)]

= 5910 V @ 60,5 Hz

1115 voltage 15 100 much 10 allow across the relay and instrument burdens 0٣ the current transformer
secondary' winding insulation. Some 11123٦510 clamp 0٣ limit the voltage 10 3 lo١ver amount 15 required,
such as a spark 03‫ م‬0٣ high-current varistor. Protective relays operating 1101٦ these current transformers 0٣
from the bank-tie current transformers should also have 3 filter 10 exclude the 6 kHz discharge current
calculated previously 0٣ be designed 10 ignore its presence.

The peak voltage, peak current, and frequency produced 111 3 21٧٤1٦ installation will vary 110111٤115 example
depending 01 the bank capacitance, current transformer ratios, 5٧51211 voltage, and burden impedance.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved

IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

10.6.2 Surge protection ٥٤ voltage transformer, 22‫م‬2‫ع‬٤٥٣-200‫ا‬2‫ل‬ voltage transformers,

and resistance potential devices

Voltage signal sources of various 105 are used 11 capacitor bank protection schemes 10 detect abnormal
conditions 11 the bank. Because they are located close 10 the capacitor bank, these devices can be directly
200 52‫ ل‬10 the transients 0٣ surges produced during capacitor bank switching. Surge 0101921101 0٤ these
devices 15 mainly 10 prevent overstress 111 the primary-to-secondary insulation and the secondary-to-ground
(case) insulation by the transient ground potential differences produced 11٦ the bank area during switching,

٨ peninsula 010
‫ا‬11‫ل‬1012arrangement 10٣ the capacitor bank (along with proper control cable shielding,
grounding, and routing) provides better surge protection for 2‫ ع‬voltage signal sources than the single-point
grounding scheme. The higher cost of peninsular grounding may be justified ‫ا‬0٣ large ‫ﺗﺎ‬11٧ capacitor bank

١Vith the single-point grounding arrangement, the 01 neutral transient potential will be about 0.25 that 01
the capacitor bank bus (20 kV 10 60 kV 0٣ higher). 111 this case, a voltage transformer connected 10 measure
the capacitor bank voltage, bus 10 neutral, would need 10 be 4 10-0115 11112 design 50 the case could be
safely grounded 10 the station ground grid (refer 10 6.1).

Use 0٤ a single bushing transformer, with the case (primary ground) connected 10 the 0210* neutral, would
impress the neutral transient voltage between the case 2‫ ل‬11‫ ع‬secondary* winding, ١٧1111115 grounded
through 1 control cable at the relay location. Failure 0٤ the secondary winding insulation would ‫ ع‬4
511011٤ 0055111‫ا‬٧. Figure 49 and Figure 50 illustrate the situation.
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬


'Trin ‫ا‬ StiTMO ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬

‫ا‬ ٠١،٧٦

Bilik Ulturid ‫ا‬ MHirutHm

tn a Smpic BiNTink ’ ١٦
‫’( » ﻋﺮ ﻋﺎ‬،lamld III

5‫*ﻟﺎ‬ ‫اا‬ Bmm ١‫ااااﺳﺄ‬


Suliim (irvunit

Figure 4 9 — Single-point grounded bank with single-bushing voltage transformer

Copyright © 2013 ,EEE . ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks


٤ Two ‫ا ا‬ \'T

Hank \cii٢٢.r٠l
1 ‫ا‬
‫ا‬ Elution (iwund

Hiink (iround ('onncvham

Single ٢‫ﻟﺎ‬
‫ي‬ Station ،,round

Figure 5٥— Single-p٥int grounded bank w i t h two-bushing voltage trans ormer

(021110 ‫ ال‬1110 ‫ا‬-01130‫ ع‬and El IV 111301‫اع‬1‫ ع‬voltage transformer often have primary winding 5‫ااع‬-
resonant frequencies 11 the range 0 ‫ا‬500 ‫ ا‬lz 10 2000 ‫ ا‬12. If the bank switching frequency coincides w ith this
self٠rcsonance. then the capacitor 00 transient may ‫ ﻋﻂ‬strongly amplified 111 the voltage transformer
output voltage. There 15 probably little risk of damage 10 the voltage transformer, ‫ اﻟﺎط‬the operation 0‫ ا‬relays
and controls connected 10 ‫ ﻋﺎا‬voltage transformer may‫ ﻋﻂ‬adversely a fleeted. ٨ resistor 11 series 0٣ parallel
with the secondary of the transformer can ‫ ﻋﻂ‬used 10 dampen the oscillation. The resistor value should ‫ﻋﻂ‬
such that 11 does not influence the signal level 10 the rclay.

Finally, ‫ اال‬types 0‫ ا‬voltage transducers, voltage transformers, capacitor-coupled voltage transformers, and
resistance potential devices ٤3٦. with some 1055 11٦ fidelity, reproduce the capacitor bank switching transient
voltage. 1٤ will appear 11 the transverse mode 4 the output terminals 0٤ the device. 1115 011422. 100. may
affect the operation of relay 55121115.

10.6.3 Surge protections of relay systems associated with capacitor banks

11 25 already 221 mentioned 13‫ ا‬capacitor 21* switching produces the same megahertz transients that
occur 11٦ other high-voltage switching operations, as ‫ ااع‬as 15‫ ا‬characteristic high-energy kilohertz
transients. Protective relay systems for capacitor bank applications should have incorporated 11 1٦٤1٣ design
surge protection 12 ‫ ا‬15effective for both types of interference.

Experience has 5٦٥١٨1 that interference 11 control circuits caused by high-voltage switching operations 15
always stronger 11111٦‫ ع‬common mode than in 1٦‫ ع‬transverse mode. Surge protection techniques have been
directed mostly toward reducing the 011111001 mode. Some 0‫ ا‬these techniques (such 25 control cable
routing, cable shielding 211‫ ل‬210‫ا‬1‫ل‬111. and isolation), which 3٣‫ ع‬highly effective at megahertz frequencies,
are 2150 effective against 1 ‫ ع‬11012112common mode interference due to capacitor bank sw itching 3‫ ل‬are,
therefore, recommended for such installations.

On ‫ﻟﺎ‬٦‫ ع‬other 31 ‫ل‬. the surge filters [for example, passive electromagnetic interference filters] used in ‫ﻋﺎا‬
inputs 10 relay systems, although highly effective at megahertz frequencies, are ineffective against capacitor
bank switching transients 11 the kilohertz frequency range. Passive kilohertz surge filters for relay input
circuits would require much larger inductors and capacitors, w hich could present severe loading problems
for current transformers and voltage transformers. Such filters are often not practical.

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‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

11 capacitor bank switching, the kilohertz interference 111 the s٠ econdary circuits 15 511011225111٦ the
transverse mode because. 3‫ ى‬already described, 1٤ 15 coupled 10 the secondary circuits of, current
transf'ormers and voltage transformers by the normal transformer action of 1105‫ ع‬devices. Recause it 15 not
practical ٤0 use passive kilohertz filters 11 1‫ ع‬current transformer and voltage transformer secondary ac
relay input circuits, the required filtering action should be achieved by other means. 011‫ ع‬approach 1510
design active filters 35 an integral 031 of the relay analog signal processing circuits.

Finally, all 2‫ ع‬111 ‫ اﻟﺎم‬connections 10 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬relay system should be protected 20311151 overvoltages by using
varistors 0٣ spark 2205.

10.7 Control cables

IEEE 5 ‫ ﻟﺎ‬525’١٠ provides guidance 011 routing 01’ control cables. ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬Std ‫ ا ا‬43‫آ‬١‫ ا‬provides guidance 01
shielding of low-voltage cables. 11٦‫ ع‬folloving information is extracted ‫ا‬10111these guides.

٨‫ اا‬control cable duct runs, cable trenches, 0٣ direct ‫[ﻟﺎط‬1 ‫ ﻟﻦ‬control cables 00‫ ا‬specifically associated with
capacitor controls or protection should be removed 110111 the iminediate area around the capacitor bank.
This step 15 10 avoid induction of surges 1110 relaying systems or possible control cable failure during
capacitor 001 switching.

The routing 0‫ ا‬control cables 1’rom neutral current transformers 0٣ voltage transformers should ‫ ع‬kept al
right angles with respect 10 the common neutral for single-point grounding 41‫ ل‬in parallel with ‫اا‬٦‫ ﻋﺎا ع‬to the
substation ground for peninsular grounding 10 minimize induction. These induced voltages can also ‫ﻋﻂ‬
minimized by shielding the cables and using a radial configuration 10٣ circuits (circuits completely
contained within 01٦‫ ع‬cable 50 that inductive loops are not formed),

Control cables entering 1٦‫ ع‬capacitor bank area should ‫ ع‬kept 05 close 35 0055101‫ ع‬10 the ground 0111
conductors (that 15.144/0 AWG copper minimum) 11 1٦‫ ع‬cable trench, or 01 10‫ م‬of the duct run, 0٣ alongside
a ground grid conductor if direct buried. 11115 grounding arrangement 15 mandatory if a peninsula ground 15
used. Multiple conol cable shield grounds 3٣‫ ع‬recommended: 0 ٦‫ ع‬21the cable termination 11٦ the capacitor
area, another where the cable enters the main cable trench or duct run, 001 another where the cable enters
the control house, 0٣ at the final termination 0٦ the relay panel. ٨‫ اا‬spare 0٣ unused conductors 0‫ ا‬control
cables should be grounded at least at one end.

The induced voltages [011111101 mode (between a signal pair and ground) 31‫ ل‬transverse mode (between the
signal wires)] will be affected 0٧ the 30‫ ا‬construction (10٣ example, shielded twisted pairs 0٣ random lay
w ithout shielding) and by w hether 1٦ shields and unused conductors are grounded. 1٦‫ ع‬outer shield should
normally be grounded at both ends 10 reduce the common and transverse induced voltage.

If 1 ‫ ع‬503٣‫ ع‬conductors and internal shields are grounded at both ends, then the induced common mode
voltage 1 ‫ ع اا‬reduced, but the induced transverse mode voltage can be increased due 10 1‫ ع‬current flow'
through the spare conductors coupling 10 1٦‫ ع‬other cable conductors.

11. System considerations

11.1 Resonance

٨ shunt capacitor bank forms 4 resonant circuit with 5512111 inductive elements. The natural resonant
frequency may be excited while sw itching a remote capacitor bank and give rise 10 excessive 0110025 ‫ﻟﺎل‬
currents and the possible failure 0‫ ا‬equipment such as other capacitors, surge arresters, instrument

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IEEE std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection 0Í Shunt Capacitor Banks

transformers, and 10505. These undesirable resonant effects are more likely 10 occur if the capacitor bank
switching device 135 a long arcing time and multiple restrike characteristics.

The natural resonant frequency 0٤2 single-capacitance shunt capacitor bank (10 a ‫؛‬liter bank) 15 simply
related 10 the inductance of the system 211‫ ل‬the capacitance of the bank:

/ ‫ﺻﺪ‬
11١1515 ‫ ﻋﺎا‬frequency ‫ ال‬which the magnitude of the system inductive reactance equals that of the capacitive
reactance 0‫ ﻋﻠﺎ ا‬bank presenting 1 lo١v-impcdance ‫ ﻟﺎﻟﻢ‬for current llow at ‫ اﻟﺎ‬frequency. ‫ﻋﺎا اا‬
fundamental frequency 0‫ ﻋﺎا ا‬power system is /o١then the resonant frequency can‫ ﻋﻂ‬expressed 45:

( ٥: ٧٦ ‫(" ت‬1)0

where 7 154 0051 ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬number (Do - 270 011‫ل‬0 - 27 /.


(.arrying this birther, 31٦1 expression for the harmonic resonance 0٤ 4 particular capacitor 00* in ٤٤11105 0٤ its
512‫ ع‬and the short-circuit capacity of the system can be developed 45 101105:

Neglecting resistance, 1٦‫ ع‬impedance can be approximated 10 the reactance: 2( ‫( ح‬ and ZSYS ‫ ح‬XL:

”| ١ n | :‫ج‬

So, 4 50 mvar shunt, single-capacitance 0011 applied 10 a power system bus w ith 1350 mva of short circuit
‫ط‬1‫ ﻋﻂااز ع‬tuned near 1‫ ع‬fifth harmonic:

٥/٠rise ‫ي‬ ‫ﺗﻚ‬

11 15 interesting 10 note that 115 equation can ‫ ع‬related 10 the equation 10٣ the percentage voltage ٣15‫ع‬
produced by the capacitor bank as well:

٧ 50 - ٧%risc

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IEEE S t d C 3 7 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

What 115 111201511 practical terms 15 that 4 single-capacitance shunt bank installed 11 the power system 10
produce 2 2% voltage rise would naturally ‫ ع‬resonant near the seventh harmonic. Likewise, 2 4% 15‫ع‬
would tune near the 111‫ ا‬harmonic. Refer 10 Figure 5‫ ا‬٤0٣ a plot of the harmonic number against the
percentage voltage rise.
<٥٠ ‫ب‬
H a r n o i c Number
‫؟‬١٠١‫ه؟ ﻫﺞ‬
٠ ‫ج دب ﻫﺞ د‬








1 25%






٧0٤292‫ ا‬Rise 2‫م‬ Bank Sized to Produce (%).

Figure 51 -Single-capacitance shunt ‫*ھط‬ harmonic tuning 25 unction ٥٤percentage

voltage rise

11.2 Harmonics

The capacitor bank may also resonate with harmonic currents produced elsewhere, such 35 remote loads.
The use 0٤ thyristors 11 industry ٤0 derive variable potential ‫ ﻋﻞ‬101٦ an ac source 15 extensive and growing.
Such phase-controlled thyristors generate harmonics, particularly third, fifth, seventh, 3‫ ل‬eleventh. More
instances 0٤ parallel resonance are occurring due to this cause. Some examples 0٤ hannonic series
resonance with utilities, due 10 adjacent utility loads, have ‫ط‬221 noted. These resonant circuits also include
utility distribution circuits 1‫ ﻻ‬capacitors that supply medium-voltage industrial 3‫ ل‬commercial loads. 11٦
most instances, some form of harmonic voltage 3‫ ل‬highharmonic capacitor currents 3٣‫ ع‬involved.
Capacitors rated 10٣ higher voltage may ‫ع‬ ‫ا‬5‫( ﻟﻊ‬Steepes and Stratford [8121: Miller [Bll];
McCauley et al. ‫ا‬891).

٨٣‫ ع‬furnaces, 11 the 111 part 0‫ ا‬their cycle, produce 4 similar array 0٤ troublesome harmonics, including
even-ordered harmonics. While the large lumaces are connected 10 51111 high-vollage sources, small
installations 011 distribution circuits nevertheless produce the same effect.

113 Telephone interface

Another objection 10 harmonics 1٦ the po١ver system 15 the noise interference produced 111 communications
circuits. ٧01‫ ع‬frequency noise interference comes primarily from the residual 0٣ zero-sequence currents
that are odd multiples 0‫ ا‬the third (the ninth and fifteenth harmonic 0‫ ا‬the fundamental frequency),
(rounded capacitor banks provide a 10٧ impedance path 10٣12 5‫ ع‬currents 10 flow.

The measure 0‫ ا‬the capability of a power circuit 10 act as a noise source 15 the telephone influence factor
(IEEE 511 469 r١’). Before attempting 10 apply corrective measures 10 3 capacitor bank that 15 suspected 01

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IEEE Std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

causing interference, the source of the noise should he located. The 95٤ corrective measures are usually
applied at the source, if corrections should be made at the capacitor 01. then modifications to change the
resonant frequency can be made.

12. C o m m i s s i o n i n g , operation, a n d maintenance

12.1 Preparation ٤٥٣ initial energizing

Before energizing power equipment, there are the usual pre-commissioning checks 10٣ instrument
transformer ratio, polarity, and excitation: circuit dielectric withstand; proper 0021311010 protective
devices; and visual verification 0‫ ا‬proper connections 3111clearances, clean insulators, 211 50 on. 1٦‫ع‬
nameplate information 211 wiring should be checked 10 verify that the construction 15 correct 31‫ ل‬agrees
with 1١ construction drawings. Test trip and verify the logic 0٤ 1‫ ع‬schemes. 1٦ addition, some
recommended checks specific to capacitors are addressed in 12.1.1 through 12.1.6.

12.1.1 Visual and switching device inspection

inspect all capacitor unit fiises (if used) for proper connections 211‫ ل‬clearance. The 211* switching device
211‫ ل‬ground 5٢٧1٤ (1٤used) should be checked 10٣ proper operation. Capacitor unit nameplates should be
checked for the correct voltage for the desired number of units 11 series (fieless design) 0٣ units in series
210005 with parallel capacitor units per series group. Secondary circuits should be checked for proper
grounding of cable shields and spare control ٢٢٧1٣25 (52‫ ع‬10.7 ).

12.1.2 Capacitance testing

The capacitance of each capacitor unit should ‫ ﻋط‬checked 10 verify' that it 15 w ithin specified tolerance and
for future testing reference. Usually, the capacitor manufacturer w ill maintain capacitor tolerances to w ithin
±2% of each other w ithin 2 01٢21 bank. ٤0٣ fuseless designs, measuring and comparing the capacitance 0‫ا‬
each series 5٣112 of units 15 adequate.

12.1.3 Relay protecticn testing

٨‫ اا‬relaying associated with the capacitor installation should be checked 10٣ proper operation. Where
possible, this step should be done by putting the appropriate signal 01 1‫ ع‬primary terminals of 10‫ ع‬sensing
device (CT and/or ٧1). 211‫ ل‬checking for appropriate operation 0٤ the relays 21‫ ل‬circuit breakers.

The unbalance 213‫ ل‬installation that detects the change 11 capacitance should be calibrated 10 verify both
proper pickup current 011‫ ل‬proper 11111 delay. (Excessive time delay 111 ‫ ع‬11‫ م‬operation 31 result in severe
damage 10 the capacitor bank and associated equipment.) 11٦ lockout and trip operation should 2150 be

Backup or redundant overcurrent relays should ‫ ع‬tested ٤0 verify proper pickup current 21‫ ل‬time delay.
The 521111125 used should be compared with the desired values that 1٦2‫ ع‬been calculated.

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

12..4 Special recording

1٦‫ ع‬oscillographic recording capability 0‫ ا‬a microprocessor relay 0٣ 2 portable recorder can assist 1٦
diagnosing problems associated with initial energization 0‫ ا‬3 large capacitor bank. The following
parameters should ‫ ع‬recorded:

— ٨‫ اا‬three phase currents

— ٨‫ اا‬three phase voltages (110110225 are available)
— Capacitor bank neutral current (or voltage)
— The outputs 0 the capacitor bank 52051012 devices
٨ calibration trace should‫[ ﻋﻂ‬111 01 each channel used.

12.1.5 Initial energization

Verity that all relaying systems 3٣‫ ع‬operational prior 10 energizing the capacitor bank. The oscillographic
equipment should ‫ ﻋﻂ‬started immediately before the circuit breaker, circuit switcher. 0٣ equivalent
switching device 15 closed. It' the relay protection operates 10 trip immediately after initial closing, then the
follow ing procedure should be initiated:

a) Perform the procedures 0٤ 12.2.1 through 12.2.4.

b) If no problem is found wth the capacitor bank or relay installation, review’ the setting of the
relay that tripped w ith the oscillographic 03 ‫ا‬3311‫ ل‬revise the setting. 1٤appropriate,
c) 1٤ the sensitive unbalance relay 15 operating 011 the inherent unbalance 0 the capacitor bank, 1٤
may‫ ﻋﻂ‬necessary' 10 raise 115 setting until the capacitor bank remains energized 10 adjust the
relay properly.
With the bank energized, 1٤1113٦ be necessary’ 10 calibrate the protection equipment with acttJal system
voltages 211‫ ل‬currents applied, especially 1٤ compensation for inherent unbalance 15 involved. Secondary
currents 11011 the current transformers should ‫ ع‬recorded along w ith phase angles 10 verily that 1‫ع‬
installation 15 correct and 10 provide 10 ftture reference.

12.1.6 Additional ٤25٤5 (optional)

After the capacitor bank 1135 been energized and all protection has been properly adjusted, the alarm level
(1٤ used) 211‫ ل‬the lockout operation 13 be checked. Depending 0 ٦ ‫ ﻋﺎ‬bank construction, it may ‫ﻋﻂ‬
‫ط‬1‫ ع‬10 check for proper trip and alarm performance 11 operation by removing or adding 200100111
capacitors 1٦ the bank. Modify the bank 10 create 211 alarm situation. Measure the unbalance and verify that
the level measured 15 close 10 the expected value. The alarm should ‫م‬1‫ *ع‬up. Verify operation of any remote
displays, if used.

Modify ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬bank to create 2 trip situation. L rgize the bank. 10 ‫ل‬11٧1102units 110111 different groups, series
strings. 0 02505 instead 0٤ 3 ‫ اا‬110111 0٦‫ ع‬group, string, or phase tests the unbalance protection and produces
less stress 01 ‫ ﻋﺎ‬remaining 110115. Verify 01000٣ relay targets and remote displays, if used.

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

12.2 R e s p o n s e to a l a r m ٥٣ l o c k o u t (trip)

12.2.1 Oscillographic records

It, available, review oscillographic records 10 determine 1٦‫ ع‬magnitude 0٤ the unbalance current 0٣ collage
0٦ 1‫ ع‬phase.

12.2.2 Inspection (after deenergization)

Immediately inspect the bank 10٣ ‫ا‬0٧1 fuses (1‫ ا‬applicable), possible flashover damage, and obvious
capacitor unit failures.

12.2.3 Testing

11 externally fused banks, test capacitors that are not obviously defective ‫ اﻟﺎط‬have blown fuses. 11 cases
where a large number 0‫ ا‬the capacitor units 1٦ the bank have blown Rises (10٣ example, 25% 0٣ more), it 15
advisable 10 test all capacitor units and verify Rise ratings. Measure the capacitance 11 other 1٧005 0‫ ا‬banks.
Measure the series strings 111 the 10521255 design and the individual capacitor units 111 the internally and
unfused designs.

12.2.4 Capacitor unit removal and replacement

Replace the defective capacitor units andOr Rises. ١٧1٦٤٦ capacitors are arranged 11٦ parallel, units can be
removed 0٣ relocated from other phases 10 rebalance 1‫ا‬٦‫ ع‬series-parallel groups for capacitance and voltage.
Relocation of capacitor units 31‫ ل‬changes 10 the bank configuration may require a change 11 the unbalance
relay settings.

If only 1 ‫ ع‬115(5) 15 (are) blown, then make sure that 1٦‫ ع‬capacitor unit(s) 15 (are) checked 10[ 1‫ع‬
capacitance value and visual deformation such 45 bulging. If the capacitance 15 out 0‫ ا‬tolerance 0٣ if the
unit 15 bulged, then it 15 recommended 10 replace both the fuse(5) and the capacitor unit(5).

12.2.5 Returning bank to service after lockout

If only a few capacitor units have been replaced, then the bank can ‫ ع‬relumed 10 service with a 111 111 ‫ﻻ‬1
of readjustment of the unbalance relay. 1115 adjustments 311 be performed after ‫ ﻋﺎ‬010* 15energized.

1‫ ا‬a large number 0‫ ا‬the capacitor units have been replaced, then attention tnay have 10 be given 10
recalibration 0‫ ا‬the sensitive protection after the bank 15 reenergized. Refer 10 12. ‫ ا‬.5.

Additional tests, as noted 1112.1 .6, 114٧ be performed 10 verity the 010122101scheme.

12.2.6 Servicing bank following alarm condition

When system conditions permit, the bank should be taken out of service 10 replace defective capacitor units
and/or capacitor fuses. If replacement capacitor units are not available, then 10[ some 030 designs, 11 may
be possible 10 rebalance the bank ‫ط‬٧ disabling corresponding units from all phases. Such rebalancing, or
other changes 10 the bank configuration, may require 3 change 11 unbalance relay settings.

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IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

13. Microprocessor-based control a n d protection s c h e m e s

11 addition 10 lheir protective functions, microprocessor relays 311‫ ل‬010010111110 ‫ط‬1‫ ع‬logic devices can
provide enhanced monitoring and control 0٤ 3 shunt capacitor hank. These devices are capable 0٤ providing
automatic s١vitching based 0٦ time 0‫ ا‬day, 5٧51٤1٦ 01100. and power factor, 0٣ any combination thereof.
During system contingencies, these devices ‫ع‬31 provide fast bank switching and coordinate device
operation. These relays may 2150 provide detailed operational data 110111‫ ع‬capacitor bank, including but
10‫ ا‬limited 10 annunciation 0٤ capacitor can failure and bank unbalance conditions.

In addition 10 the features mentioned, modem relays provide the following features:

— Easy unbalance compensation adjustment for inherent system unbalance 0٣ capacitance

tolerance and instrument transformer errors
— Dynamic compensation adjustment 10٣ 51٥ variations 11 capacitance due 10 unequal solar
heating of capacitor units 1٦ a bank
— Easy setting 0٤ 10 different types 0‫ ا‬unbalance detection 10 001‫ ل‬protection blind zones as
discussed in 8.3.3
— «locking differential functions 011 loss of measuring inputs 21‫ ل‬alarming such events

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IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide or ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Annex A



Bibliographical references 3٣‫ ع‬resources that provide additional 0٣ helpful material but 00 not need 10 be
understood or used 10 implement this standard. Reference 10 these resources 15 made or informational 115‫ع‬

(Bl) Abdulrahim, 1. ‫ل‬., p. ٧1. Anderson, and ٨. ٨ . Fouad. “Inrush Currents 11 a Switched Parallel
Capacitor Bank,” /٤٤ Conference /20/92( 66-101.
[132] Alexander, 1٤. w . , “Synchronous (1051110 (’ontrol for Shunt Capacitors,” /٤٤٤ Transactions on
/291٤2/,1/2/91/1/1 and Systems, vol. PAS-104, no. 9. pp. 2619-2626. Sept. 1985.
[33‫ ]ا‬Benmouyal, Ci., 11. Bilodeau, 5. 1٤. c'hano, and Ci. Sybille, ٠٠٧٤١٨٧ Algorithm 10٣ Protection 0‫ا‬
C apacitor Banks Exposed 10 Harmonic (-)vervoltages,” /٤٤٤ Transactions on /201١2 /02/٤12. vol. 8. 10. 3,
pp. 898-904, July !993.
[34‫ ]ا‬Greenwood, ٨. .. D. 1٤. Kurtz, and ‫ل‬. (. Sofianek, ٨ Ciuidc 10‫اا‬1‫ ع‬Application 0‫ ا‬Vacuum Circuit
Breakers,” /٤٤ Transactions 097 /201٤21/9/91٤1/115 and Systems , vol. 1٨5 90. pp. 1589-1597. July/Aug.
[35‫ ]ا‬Harder, ‫ل‬. ‫ﺗﺎ‬.. “Selection and Protection of Current Transformers 10٣ ‫ﻻ‬5‫ ع‬111Shunt Capacitor Banks.’*
IEEE PES Conference Paper ٨ 76 335-0.9
[36‫ ]ا‬Hamer, 1٤. 11.. and Owen, 1٤. E.. *‘Neutral Displacement 0‫ ا‬Ungrounded Capacitor Banks During
Switching,” /٤٤ 770/11٤/19975 991 /201 24/9/901/11 0/1/51 /2991. vol. 10٨5-90. pp. 1631 1638. 1111٧/٨112.
[137] ! ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎ‬Power 5٧51٤1٦1 Relaying Committee, “Static ٧٨1٤ Compensator Protection,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery٠ vol. 1224-1233, July 1995.
[BX] ‫ ﺗﺎﺗﺎ ﺗﺎا‬Surge Protective Device Committee, ‘,Impact 0‫ ا‬Shunt Capacitor Banks on Substation Surge
Environment and Surge Arrestor Applications,” /٤٤ Transactions ٠„ /20١٤2٠ Delivery. vol. 11.10. 4. pp.
I798-I8o9.()ct. 1996.
[39‫ ]ا‬McCauley, 1. M.. 10. ‫ا‬. Pelfrey, w . (. Rocttger, and . ‫ﺗﺎ‬. Wood, “The Impact of Shunt Capacitor
Installations 01 Power Circuit Breaker Application,” /٤٤٤ Transactions on /201 24/7/9 0/15 and Systems.
vol. PAS-99, 00. 6. pp. 2210-2222, Nov. Dec. 1980.
[BIO] Mendis, 5. 1.. M. 1. Bishop. J. (. McCall, and ١٧. M. Hurst, “Dvercurrent Protection of Capacitors
Applied 01 Industrial Distribution Systems,” /٤٤ Transactions 997 Industry 4/9/9/121/ 9,1‫؟‬. vol. 29, 110. 3,
May/June 1993.
[311‫ ]ا‬Miller, D. F., “Application Guide for Shunt Capacitors 01 Industrial Distribution Systems at
Medium Voltage Levels,” /٤٤٤ Transactions on //7///٢/,٦ 4/9/9/ 201/19 1. vol. 1٨-12. 110. 5, ‫ﻣم‬. 444459 .
Sept./0ct. 1976.
[13121Steepes, 10. E., 2‫ ل‬1٤. 1. Stratford, “Reactive Compensation 21‫ ل‬Harmonic 511001255101for
Industrial Power Systems Using Thyristor Converters,” /٤٤٤ Transactions 6997 Industry 4/7/9/٤21/027. vol.
1A-I2, 110. 3. pp. 232-254, May/June 1976.
[ ‫ا‬313] 10٦. ٨. o . , “A Static Voltage Differential Relay for Protection 0‫ ا‬Shunt Capacitors.” AIEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 80, part 111.00. 10861088. Feb. 1961.

11115 document can ‫ ع‬accessed 011 the 10010‫ا‬15‫ا‬1‫ ﻟﻊ‬Reports** page 3٤ http:Z/u٦vw.pe5-p5rc org

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IEEE Std 23799-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Annex 8


Symbol definition

Cg 15 the per-unit capacitance 0٤ the affected parallel group 0٤ capacitor 111115.

Chn 15 the capacitance 1101٦1‫ اا‬120 or ٤0‫ م‬10011٤10 neutral 0٣ reference 211‫ ل‬0٤ a capacitor bank.

7 15 the per-unit capacitance 0٤ the affected group 11٦ 211 internally fused capacitor 11 1٤

Cp is the per-unit capacitance of the phase (leg if the bank is delta-connected) with the
affected capacitor 11111(5).

Cs 15 the per-unit capacitance 0٤ 3 string (0٣ 122) 0‫ ا‬capacitor units with affected capacitor

Cst 15 ‫ ع‬capacitance of 2 string 01 capacitor units with shorted elements.

Ctn 15 the capacitance 110111 tap 10 neutral 0٣ reference end for 3 tapped capacitor bank.

‫أ‬ 1511‫ ع‬per-unit capacitance 0٤ the parallel strings 11 the phase 0 the wye with affected

Cu is the perunit capacitance o f a capacitor unit

AC 15 the perunit variation 0٤ capacitance between phases.

41 15 the change 1٦ tap voltage, per-unit 0٤ normal tap voltage.

١117 15 the variation 01 VLG between phases* per-unit

e 15 the number of shorted elements 11 4 string 0٤ capacitor elements.

E 151‫ ع‬total number 0‫ ا‬series elements 11 a string 0‫ ا‬capacitor elements.

/ 15 the number 0 blown fuses (eliminated elements) 11٦ 0٦‫ ع‬group 0‫ ا‬an internally fused
capacitor unit.

‫دﺑﻰ‬ 15 the variance of phase angle bet١veen two phases 110111‫ ا‬20 °.

7 15 the grounding 0٤ bank: 0 - grounded, 1 - ungrounded.

/‫ل‬ 15the difference in neutral-to-ground current between two equal grounded wye banks.

Ig 15 the neutral-to-ground cunent 10٣ 2 grounded wye bank.

/1 151‫ ع‬current through the 1‫ ا‬122 (current transformer) 0٤ 311‫! ا‬-bridge.

//1 15 ‫ا‬ neutral current between wyes for wye-wye 00105. per-unit of normal total phase

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IEEE Std C37.99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

//9/1 15 the current 1٦ affected phase, per-unit 0٤ normal phase current,

1st 15 the current 1٦ affected string, per-unit of normal string current.

/1 15 the current 1٦1٦‫ ع‬affected capacitor unit.

Jy 15 the current in affected phase 0٤ the aft'ected wye.

\ 15 the 11110٤٣ of parallel elements 1٦ one 210 0‫ م‬0‫ ا‬311internally fused capacitor unit.

15 the number of external fttses blown 11 one series group.

p 15 the number of parallel capacitors 0٣ series group (11٦ the affected group 01111115).

/227 151‫ ع‬parallel units 01 1‫ ع‬left (aft٠ected) wye 0٣ side of 11.

Ph 15 the parallel units 01 the right (unaffected) wye 0٣ side 0‫ ا‬11.

Pt 15 the total parallel 110115 111 a 31* (Pt -/24+ Ph).

5 151٦‫ ع‬number 0‫ ا‬series 010005 1٦ a ban* (phase-to-neutral for wye-connected banks and
phase 10 phase 10٣ delta-connected banks).

SI are the parallel strings in the left wye.

Sp 15 the 1‫ ع‬total number of parallel strings 0٤ 11101511 0 ٦‫ ع‬01125(122) of 3 ftiseless capacitor


St 15 1‫ ع‬number of series groups, sensing tap to ground 0٣ reference end for tapped banks
211‫ ل‬sensing ‫ا‬1 leg 10 ground or reference end for 11-bridge banks.

Sa 15 the number of series 210005 0٤ capacitor elements 11٦ a capacitor unit.

127‫ر‬ 15 the voltage across capacitor units 11٦ affected series group (per-unit 0٤ normal voltage).

Ve 15 the voltage across affected elements 11 31 internally fiised capacitor unit (per-unit 0٤
normal voltage).

19 15 the voltage across affected elements 111an internally fused capacitor unit ‫ ﻋﻼل‬10
unbalance w ithin the unit (per-unit of actual unit operating 011422).

Vh 15 11 highest voltage 01 other units 11 the 410 when this 15 higher than the voltage on
the parallel units Vcu 0٣ 111 the same string ‫ا‬.

17‫ورر‬ 15 the voltage of the ‫ا‬1 122 0‫ ا‬the !-bridge.

17 01/‫ي‬ 15 the line-to-ground voltage (use maximum value w here appropriate).

١'1 15 the line-to-neutral voltage of affected phase, per-unit of normal line 10 neutral voltage.

٧7 or Vng 1511‫ ع‬ncutral-to-ground voltage or per-unit of normal line 10 ground voltage.

VNNorVnn 15 the voltage between neutrals.

77 01‫ي‬ 15 the voltage between intermediate tap 00111and ground.

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IEEE std 23799-2012
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Annex ‫ع‬


Equations ٤٥٣ effect ٥٢inherent unbalances

Table ('.I 15 intended as a rule 0٤ thumb ٤0٣ determining the eft'ect 0٤ inherent unbalances 01 the
displacement 0٤ carious bank protection schemes.

Table C.1—Effect ٥٢Inherent unbalance on displacement signal

Shunt Effect of system
Effect o f capacitor Effect 0‫ ا‬system voltage
capacitor 111* voltage magnitude
manufacturing tolerance phase angle change
configuration changes
Grounded ١٨٧ ٨٤٤ ‫ل‬ ً‫اﺷﺎ‬0‫ﻟﻛﻛث‬
2۶xf٦0 sin٠ var,
with neutral ‫م‬ 3‫ا‬ 5(
current sensing ‫؛ا‬،: SxV(
wye with
neutral ‫ب‬٠‫'ئ‬0‫س'ﺑرآ‬
Ungrounded ACxvar„ 0=0 0=0
double ١٨٧
‫ما‬ 6
with neutral
current sensing
Ungrounded ‫اد‬-0 ‫ح‬٢\٦ =٥
double ١٧ ‫ﻋﻛﻛد=اه‬
with neutral
Grounded ١٧ AP 0 A Flo = 0
with ‫(ﺋﻌﺑﻊ‬٢،،٠(5-5‫])آ‬
101‫ﺗﺎ‬ I — /١٠is neutral current, ٨ 15 per-unit variation o f capacitance between phases, varb is capacitor bank
reactive power rating, varL 15 individual capacitor-unit reactive power rating, ‫ ا‬15 rated capacitor voltage, 1 15
variance o f phase angle between two phases from 120٠, 31 ‫ ل‬٨1[ 15per-unit variation o f the voltage between the
intermediate 11‫ م‬00111‫ ا‬1‫ اا ﻻ‬ground.

٢011 2-See ٨100* B for other symbols.

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Annex ‫ه‬

Inrush current a n d frequency d u r i n g capacitor bank switching

0.1 Energizing an isolated bank with no previous charge




/( (/‫ﺟﯾو‬

0.2 Energizing ‫ ه‬bank with another on ٤2 same bus ٧٧٤٤ no charge on ٤2 bank
being switched

(kA‫ ؛‬H


(‫و‬ 15 the bank capacitance (pF)

/‫ى‬ 15‫اا‬٦‫ ع‬system inductance (‫)اﻟﻣر‬
js is the system frequency (112)
‫م ا‬ is the total equivalent inductance pc٢ phase between capacitor banks (1‫)ﻟﺮ‬
is the load current 0‫ ﻋﺎا ا‬capacitor bank being switched (٨)
‫طﺔ‬ is the line-10-linc voltage (kV)
kvar، is the 3 0 ٤٧٨ 0‫ ﻋﺎا ا‬capacitor bank being switched
h is the load current 0‫ ﻋﺎ ا‬capacitor bank already energized (٨)
kar is the 3 0 ٤٧٨ 0‫ ا‬the capacitor bank already energized
،‫ل‬ is the 023 current without damping (actual value about 900%)

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IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection o f Shunt Capacitor Banks

k١a٢T 15 kva٢٦ + k a 2
/‫ﻋو‬ i s t h e symmetrical 11115 short-circuit current (٨)
GTE -The previous expressions tor inrush current a p p l y 0‫ﻻ‬ t o r energizing uncharged capacitors. I t ' capacitors 1٣
charged, 15 d u r i n g 1 rcstrikc across an interrupting s w i t c h , then‫اا‬1‫ ع‬inrush current n a y be t w i c e these values.

0.3 Typical values ٥٤inductance between capacitor banks

See I E E E S t d <25()20-7.012‫و‬.

inductance per phase Typical inductance

Rated n,a١,’n,unt ‫ ا‬Ilajje
0٤ ‫ر‬5 between banks“
(٤٦) (1111/111) (/111)
17.5 and below' 0.702 10 10 20
36 0.781 15 10 30
52 0840 20 I . ' J O
725 0.840 25 10 50
123 0.8.56 3510 70
145 0.856 40 IO 80
170 0.870 60 10 120
245 0.935 85 lo 170
'Typical values ٥٤ inductance per 001135 between capacitor banks. This ‫ ﻋﻼاد‬docs not include
inductance 0‫ ا‬the capacitor bank Itself. Values 0٤ 5 1‫ ا‬for banks below 52 k V 1‫ ل‬of 10 p H for
banks above 52 ٤٧ arc typical 10 tlic inductance 0‫ ا‬tlic capacitor banks.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE std 37.99-2012
،EEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ٥‫ أ‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

Annex ‫ع‬


Unbalance relay setting examples

٤.1 Grounded ٧٧٧ externally fused bank

E x t e m a l k fiised bank— neutral unbalance calculations

.1.1 Technical data/ratings

Bonk rating:
٤٦٧ 69 k V
mvar 180 mvar
Connection f o u n d e d wye
Rated current 150.79٨ kvar/(l.73xkV)
Series groups 'phase* s
Number 0‫ ا‬cans per 52٣125 group. Pt 20

Capacitor unit rating:

٤٧ 19.9 kV
kvar 150 k١ar

Protection system rating",

Neulral (-1 50/5 A
Resistor ،()ohms



٠٠٠ ‫اب‬٠٠٠‫ ﻟﺞ‬٠٠٠ ‫ب ب‬ ‫اب ج ب ب ﺗن‬ ‫ب‬

1117‫ل‬7...1 ‫ﺋﻠﺋﺋﺊ‬٠* ‫ﺋﺋﺋﺋث ه‬٠|٠‫ئ‬

‫ •ا‬1 1‫ل‬1 ‫ا‬ I ‫ا اا‬ ‫ال‬1

٠ 064 8

S-2 ١ene٠s groups line to neutral ‫ا‬ - 20 parallel units per phase
11 bionuses ‫ ﻓﺎ‬- 10 ٠0”‫ا‬1 grounded. ٠٠l’,tl ungrounded

Figure E,1— Sample grounded ٧٧٧2 externally ‫؛‬used capacitor bank

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IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

.1.2 Unbalance calculations (8.4.4)

Series 210005/0135 5
Number 0٤3٦5 0٤٣ series group. Pt ٠
Grounding, 7 (grounded) 0
Neutral 1 ratio—50/5 ٨ 10

Assume the 5٧5121115 operating at 69.0 ٧ nominal voltage.

1he nominal capacitor parallel group voltage is (690 kV / ٧3) / 2 series groups - 19,92 ٧.

Alarm and trip criterion:

٨5 per the statement 11 8.4. ‫ا‬. the unbalance relays 3٣‫ ع‬5 011the basis 0٤ ‫ا‬1‫ ع‬maximum system operating
voltage, 11٦‫ ع‬maximum system operating voltage 15 72.5 ٤٧ 10٣3 69 ٤٧ system:

“Where possible, the unbalance relay should be sensitive enough 10 alarm for 1‫ ع‬loss of one unit ١vithin a
group, 11 should 2150 trip 41‫ ل‬lock 0 ‫ ﻻ‬01 1‫ ع‬1055 0‫ ا‬additional capacitor units that cause a group
overvoltage 11٦1 excess 0‫ ا ا‬10 % of capacitor unit rated voltage (0٣ the capacitor unit manufacturers

From Figure 28 and Figure 29. and from Table 2 and Table 3:

Veil 15 the voltage 0111‫ ع‬affected series group, 11 per-unit

Cp 15 the phase-to-neutral capacitance 0٤ the series/parallel group that includes the blown fuses, 1٦
Cg 15 the capacitance of the parallel group of capacitors that includes the blown fuses, 111 per-unit

٤٣01٦٦ Table 2 and Table 3 (note that 11٦ Table 3. Pt - Pa and Cs - Cp for ‫ ل‬single ٧‫ ع‬bank):

Vcu - * . Cp - ٦)١) I . and *

This simplifies to:

Pt — n

٤0 the ‫ا‬055 0‫ ا‬one individual capacitor unit, the voltage of the affected group will be:

Vcu( 1) = - 1.026 ‫ﻻم‬

20 - ‫ا‬
(1-2 )+‫ا‬

٨‫ ا‬maximum system voltage, 121( ‫ ) ا‬would‫ ا ﻋط‬.026 X [72.5 / 69] - ‫ ا‬.0780‫ﻻ‬.

The neutral unbalance protection ١1 ‫ ع اا‬programmed 10 43٣111‫ ا‬for 115 condition. The alarm setting will be
equal 10 50% of the value 35 suggested 111 8.4.2.

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I E E E std 337 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

For the 1055 of two 111‫ل‬11‫ اﻟﻼل‬capacitor units, (1‫ ع‬voltage 0٤ the affected g٢oup ‫ ااا‬he:



٨1 maximum system voltage, 1٤1(2) - ‫ ا‬.053 X (72.5 / 69] - 1106 0‫ﻻ‬.

11115 exceeds the continuous maximum rating 0‫ ا‬the capacitor units when the system 15 operating 31
11141111‫ﻻ‬111system voltage,

11٦‫ ع‬neutral unbalance protection will be programmed 10 trip for 1115 condition, 11٦‫ ع‬5111112 ‫ ﻻﻻم‬be
halfway 1٦ between the trip and alarm setting 05 discussed 1118.4.2.

‫ ءي‬/‫ر‬.‫ر‬/1/‫ر‬1/‫ر‬/‫رر‬1‫ﯾﻊ‬

11٦‫ ع‬equation 110111 Table 2 15 used 10 determine the neutral unbalance current, 7g٠ following the 1055 0٤
capacitor units:




1115 simplifies /g 10:


Tie unbalance alarm will ‫ ع‬set 10 detect the 1055 0‫ ا‬01٦‫ ع‬individual capacitor unit, 0٣ 1 ‫ ع‬1055 0‫ا‬0٦‫ ع‬unit,
٤‫ ع‬neutral current 11‫ ا‬be:

2 20
/‫(ي‬1) = ‫ ا‬- * - ‫)ا‬ - 0.026 pu = 0.026x1 50.79 = 3 ‫ وو‬Apri

٨1 maximum system voltage, / ‫(ي‬1)- 3.92 X (72.5 / 69] -4.12٨.

The resulting secondary 1 current will 00 4.12/10-0,412 ٨5. and the voltage applied to the unbalance
relay will 2 4.12 ٧. Set the relay alarm pickup at 500% of this value, 2.06 ٧٠

The unbalance trip will be set 10 trip 10٣ the 1055 of 10 individual capacitor units assuming maximum
5٧51٤11 operating voltage, ٤0٣11
٦‫ ع‬1055 0‫ ا‬10 units, the neutral current will be:

Zg(2) = (1 - ■(20 ‫ج‬٢<‫~آ‬

2 |)>;2q)xÍ72'5 ‫ ا‬69] : 0.0553 pu = 8.338 ٨««

111‫ ع‬resulting secondary' CT current will be 8.64 / 10 - 0.833 ٨5. and the voltage 2100‫ا‬1‫ ل‬10 the unbalance
relay ١‫ ااا‬be 8.33 ٧. Set the relay 10 trip at 8.0 ٧.

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1he relay ٣‫ ااأ‬not trip 10٣ the 1055 of one capacitor unit 411‫ ل‬will trip only if the current unbalance 12225 3
١’alue that results 111‫ ا‬%100 ‫ ؟‬oltage on 1‫ ع‬capacitor units. Note that the tripping 15 delayed 10 coordinate
with other relays 11 the system as described 11 8.3.4.

٤.2 Ungrounded ٧٧2 externally ٤52 bank

‫ ا ل] ل ]] ﻟل‬٦‫آآآ‬ ‫؛ي‬
٢١‫ ؛ي ﺿﺟن‬، 7٦‫آآآ‬٢ ‫ ]ﻟل] ﻟل‬:
‫ﻟﻣل ﻟل‬ ‫ال‬ ‫أل ﻟل‬

; -1 [ [ [ [


1٦‫ﻟﻠل‬ ‫ل ﻟل‬ ‫ﻟل‬





‫اا‬1 1٠ .1 ً‫ا‬ ً‫ا‬ ً‫ا‬



[ ‫ب■"ﻟﻠم أ‬ Í )ً‫ل[ا‬
[ ٦‫ﻟﻠل‬ ‫ﺣﺳﺎن‬



‫ ﻧم‬-٠٦٦ ‫ك آ‬١‫ ' ]ﻧم آ‬٦‫ل‬I ] I ‫ﻧم آ‬٦■ ‫ل!ﻟﻠلﻟل‬

—— ‫;—ﺣﺎد‬
— ‫اﺣﻤﺐ‬



— ‫ا‬:■

‫ب‬١‫— ﻣب‬

r [ [ ‫آ‬ r٦١ ‫ ﻧم‬١ ‫أﻧم‬١ [ ‫' ﻧم‬ ‫وﻧم‬٦ rl ■ ‫ ر‬٦ ‫[ ھﻧم‬

ifim Iffn Hum‫؛‬


Figure E.2—Sample ungrounded ٧٧٧2 externally used capacitor bank

5٧5٤٤1٦٦ nominal phase-phase 01100‫ = ع‬138٤٧ Rated bank 5٧512111 0‫ا‬140‫= ع‬151 ٤٧

Rated three-phase ٤٧2٣ - 50 000 ٦٢2‫اﻻ‬13‫ا‬-10-210‫ﻻ‬11‫ ل‬PT ratio - 300

* Series groups (5) =5 Grounded/ungrounded - ‫( ا‬ungrounded)

# Parallel units per phase (/2/) - 14

# Parallel units per phase 11 left ١٧‫( ع‬/21) - 14

8997 rating:

k٧ 151 k٧

11٦٦1٣ 50.0 mvar

Connection Ungrounded wye

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Rated current kvar /(1.73 kV) 191,4٨

52٣125 groupsphase. 5

Number of parallel units per series group, /‫ا‬ 14

Capacitor unit rating:

٧(151/1.73)/5 I7.4k٧

k١ar(50x 1()6 /total units) 238.1 kar

Protection ١12297/‫ ؟‬rating:

Neutral PT 300٠

Maximum system operating voltage 105%( 145 kV)

4/11717 and //9 criteria:

As state(‫ ؛‬11 8.4.1:

،’The unbalance relay should coordinate ١1‫ ا‬the individual capacitor unit fuses 50 that the 1525 operate 10
isolate a defective capacitor unit before the protection switches the 21* out of service. (٨ reliable 1se
operation provides a convenient, visual means ٤0٣ 10311112 the defective capacitor unit(s)٠]

Where possible, the unbalance relay should be sensitive enough 10 alarm ١0٣ the 1055 of 0٦‫ ع‬unit within 4
group. It should also trip and lock out 01 the 1055 0‫ ا‬additional capacitor units that cause 4 group
overvoltage 11 excess of 110% 0٤ capacitor unit rated voltage (or the capacitor unit manufacturer’s

‫ ا ا‬00 % of the capacitor ‫ﻟﺎ‬1‫ ا‬rated voltage 15 17.4 ٧*1.1- 19.14 ٤٧.

Unbalance calculations 11 8.4.4 00‫ ل‬Table 3:

NOTE— Calculated values 0٣ the following situations 2٣‫ ع‬025‫ل‬ 1011 tbe output of a ٧12٤٨10‫أا‬ document.

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For ero ,use failures (٦ - 0)970 7970/ condition:

Pa-n Parallel group capacitance

‫ﻛﺎ‬-- ‫ع‬-‫ا‬

Cs٦= — Affected wye capacitance ٤٢ -‫ا‬
Cg * ( 5 - 1 )
(Cs X 1١‫ﻻ‬١‫ ب‬Pt - P a‫ا‬ ٨‫ ﻻﻧﻨﺎا‬01 5‫ ع‬capacitance
(/2:=- ٠ : ٦‫ا‬

1, :-‫ث م‬ -‫ا‬ Neutral-to-ground voltage ‫ا‬

(2 ٠0,) Vng - 00

‫ا‬/‫ور‬:-‫ ا‬+ Ing Voltage 011 affected phase ‫ا‬/‫ور‬- ‫ا‬

1‫رر‬ — ú Voltage 011 affected series group Vvu ; ١
I'/n X s otherwise

hl 1٠ ١‫ ا‬X ١ Current through affected capacitors) /‫ﻣﺮ‬ -‫ا‬

‫ اا‬:‫ ح‬Cs x١،h٦ Current 11٦ affected١٨٧‫ع‬ -‫ا‬

Convert per-unit quantities, above to primary system quantities:

SYSVLN - Maximum system voltage ً‫ا‬-1/59٣3 - 145 * 103/ 1.732 -83.718٧

UVOLTS - Normal unit voltage at maximum system voltage - SYSVLNS - 16.74 ٧

UIRATE - Normal unit current at maximum system voltage - UVAR/UVOLTS - 238 A * 10/
,6.74x103 =14,22 A

LrtgPRi = Kng X SYSVLN Voltage neutral 10 ground 1721011-0

‫ال‬ R I - Jin *SYSVLN Voltage 011 affected phase 1//1101٤1 -83.72 kV

J '،j،PRI=J'cux UVOLTS Voltage 011 affected group J : I » R I - 16.74 kV

M>RI = l u x UIRATE Current through affected capacitor(s) /»PRI-I4.22A

Capacitor rated voltage is ‫ ا‬7.4 kV. Voltage 01 group with 110!’use failures 15 16.74 kV. At 105% system
voltage. ‫ ﻋﺎا‬capacitor units are operating al 96.20% of rated voltage.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved

IEEE Std C37. 99-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﺎﻋﺎ‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Fo٠٠ 991 / ‫؟‬2/17/٤‫ ا‬within ٠ para٠1e1 9791/9 (٦ - / /٠

Pa-n Parallel 010‫ ﻣﻼ‬capacitance

Cg 2-0.929

c,:. Ü Affected wye capacitance ٥ = 0.985

c (5-11,1
(C.‫؟‬٣ffl + r / - r ، 7 Affected phase capacitance
Cp٠.= (Same 35 Cs 10٣ 3 single wye bank) ٤/- 0.985
‫ر‬ ٢2111‫ال‬٣3‫ا‬-10-210‫ ل‬voltage
(٤9+2) 19 - 5.076*101

Vln٠.:١‫؛‬Vn9 Voltage 011affected phase 1/1.005

Veil if C g > 0 Voltage 01٦ affected series 010‫ﻣﻼ‬

Cg ‫رﻋﺎ‬ -1.066

1/1 *‫ ى‬otherwise

lu Veit X ‫ا‬ ( u n e n t through affected capacitors) /‫رر‬- 1.066

1,12101٤‫ا‬-14*5٧‫؟‬٧‫ﻻا‬ Voltage neutral 10 ground 1/72101٤‫ا‬-424.95٧

J7”PR1 = V / / P S Y S V L N Voltage on affected phase J / R 1 = 84.14 kV

1٠"PR1=1.„xUVOLTS Voltage 011affected group 1™PRI= 17.85 k V

/«PRh/wxUlRATE Current through affected capacitor(s) 7f/PR1= 15.159 A

W i t h 0٦‫ ع‬115‫اط ع‬0١11 within a parallel group, the voltage 01 ‫ ﻋﺎا‬affected group (the group experiencing the
fuse failure) rises 10 17.85 ٤٧. This 15 102% of the capacitor unit voltage rating. The primary ncutral-o
ground voltage 15 425 ٧. ٨ reliable alami threshold for detecting this condition would ‫ ع‬set at 80% 0‫ ا‬the
calculated voltage level.

Alami threshold - (0.8 X 425) / 300 -1.13٧ secondary (340 ٧ primary).

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IEEE std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection 0Í Shunt Capacitor Banks

For two fuse failures within a single group (1 - 2):

Pa- ‫أج‬ Parallel group capacitance

Cg:- - ،£=0.857

‫ﺑﮫ‬1 Affected wye capacitance Cs = 0.968

‫وع‬:‫ﺛﺜﻜﺜﻨﻚ‬ Affected phase capacitance
٤/- 0.968

Vng :-‫—ﻣﻲ‬ — - ‫ا‬ Neutral-to-ground voltage

(2+٤/9) l'ng = O O H

Fin ‫ ب ا‬I ng Voltage 01 afTecled phase ‫ا‬/‫ور‬- 1.011

Vcu :‫ت‬ c if Cg Voltage on affected series group Few = 1 . 1 4 1

1/7 xV otherwise

lu := l e u X 1 Current through afTected capacitors) 7,, = 1.141

lyi.zCsxVIn Current 111 affected wye /1- 0.978

f w g P R l= /14*5٧٧‫ﻻا‬ Voltage neutral 10 ground ،■■'ngPRI = 909.954 V

17'711*1= 1/7 X SYSVLN Voltage 0٦ affected 025‫ع‬ 17„PR1 = 84.63 k V

f c w P R l = Vcu X UVOLTS ٧0
‫ا‬142‫ ع‬011afTected group H™PRI=19.11kV

/1/0141- : / / X UIRATE Current through afTected capacitors) /«PR! =16.23 A

With two fuses blown within 2 single 210‫مﻻ‬.‫ا‬٦‫ ع‬voltage on the affected group rises 10 19.11 ٤٧. which 15
109.7% of rated voltage. Set 1‫ ع‬trip threshold for the bank halfWay between the ‫ ا‬and 2 fuse blown
neutral-to-ground voltage levels 10٣ reliable detection of the second fuse failure.

Trip threshold -(910 ٧ - 425 ٧) /2+425 ٧‫ ح‬667.5 ٧ primary, 2.225 ٧ secondary.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved'

lEEEStd 23/99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ا‬ Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

E.3 Grounded wye-fuseless bank

[- ٠

٤19٣2‫ ل‬E. 3— Sample grounded ٧٧2 useless capacitor bank

System nominal voltage - 6 9 kV # Parallel strings 11 left wye (same 35 # strings per phase - 4)

Rated bank system voltage - 69 ٤٧ Grounded/ungrounded - 0 (grounded)

Rated 3-0135‫ ع‬kvar - 12 000 * Series elements per-unit ( Su ) - 6

٠٦ Series groups (5) - 4

# Parallel strings per phase - 4

Bank rating:

٧ 76 kV

111٦11 12.010٦2[

Connection Grounded wye

Rated current kvar/ (173 X٤٧) 91.27 ٨

Series groups.phase. 5 4

Number of parallel strings 4

Number of parallel strings 111 left wye

Number of series elements per-unit 6

Capacitor unit rating:

*٧(76/1.73)/4 11.0 kV

Copyright © 2013 tEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE Std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

kvar (12 *‫ ا‬0١/total unit‘‫)؟‬ 2500 kvar

Capacitor element rating:

٧( 11.0/6) 1.83٦٧

/2 0/2٤/76021 system /1/7/1‫ي‬٠

Neutral CT ratio 50:5

Maximum 5٧5٤٤1٦ operating voltage ‫ ا‬%05 (72.5 ٤٦٧)

Alum and //7 criteria:

As .stated in 8.6.2:

"The number 0‫ ا‬shorted 10 11121‫ا‬5 tor trip 311‫ ل‬alarn can ‫ ع‬determined ‫ ط‬kno١ving the voltage 011 the
affected elements (for instance, the 1 value calculated 11 Table 10) and 111 capability of the elements
(either ‫ ا‬%10 0‫ ا‬rating based 011 indus/’ standards 0٣ the information provided by the capacitor
‫ ا ا‬00 % of capacitor element rated voltage 15 1.83٧*1.1- 2.02 ٤٧.

For 219/1 /2/2/2991297 (‫ = ع‬0/٠

E = SS\1 Total elements in a string " -٠

Shorted capacitor elements Cs ١

‫ب‬- ‫ﻟﻜﻴﻠﻚ‬ Shorted per-unit capacitance Cy=١

6» ‫ﻟﺤﺜﻴﺜﺎ‬ Affected phase capacitance -1

٢«‫ج‬:٠٧(‫ا‬-‫)د‬ Neulral-to-ground voltage //74-0

Vln = ١-Vng Voltage 0111٦‫ ع‬affected phase Vln=١

‫ة'ل‬:٧‫اا‬٦‫ﺧﻠﺎ‬ Voltage 011 affected elements -1

ly = CyxVln Current 111 affected wye /١ -‫ا‬

//9/7 -01//7 Current 11 affected phase /ph=١

/g=(l-G)x(l-/p/t)) Ground current ٨g = o

- 3xPm٠xü٦x ‫إ‬5‫ر‬1
Neutral current between wyes /‫ور‬-0

//-1771(٤9-1) Difference current |/d|O

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬19‫ا‬8 reserved'
‫ﻟﯨﻌﻌﺎ‬ 237 2012-99
‫ ﻋﺗﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for the Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

٢NCi:z |/g|> Z/'٦rRT*S! Neutral-to-ground [NG:0

,'„PR‫ل‬ :‫ا‬7 SYSVLN Voltage neutral 10 ground FrtgPRl : 0

/,,011 :-//9 //9/,10181/ 7

Neutral current between ١٧٧05 MPRI:()

/،9PRk=/=///,PR1 ‫ا‬ Difference ‫ اﻟﻼوع‬١٧‫ع‬5

cunent between WPR! = 0

1/,00 ‫ ا‬1/‫ ور‬X SYSVLN Voltage 01٦ affected phase

F/',PRI = 43,88 kV
1٤112 ::٢c ■ Voltage 011affected elements

With zero element failures, the voltage on the elements 15‫ا‬8 28 ٧٠which 15 91.35% o f rated voltage.

For a /79/2 element jailure in 1 string (e - ٦ /٠

E=S.Sh Total elements 11٦ 3 string /4- 24

‫اةء‬:‫اًإ‬ Shorted capacitor elements cs/= 1.043

‫ ل‬- ‫ﻛﻜﻮﻟﺘﻚ‬ Shorted per-unit capacitance ‫؟‬1'= 1.011

‫ه( م‬١'*‫ﻵﺑﺮﺳﺪ‬1-‫ﻣﻊ‬
‫ري‬: ‫ﻟﺞ‬ Affected phase capacitance (=1.011

11‫م‬-0*(‫ا‬-4*) Neutral-to-ground voltage Vng: 0

1/,7=1-197‫و‬ Voltage 01 the affected phase VI ١

1=1/ ‫ﻟﻲ؟‬ Voltage 01 affected elements ‫وا‬1.043

ly = CyxVIn Current 11 affected ٧‫ع‬ =1.011

//9/ -٤ 91/ /1 Current 11 affected phase //97-1.0‫اا‬

/ = (1-7)(1-/9)) ( round current =-,.01,(1

/ ‫اﻟﺜﻜﯿﺜﺜﺜﻠﺚ‬
In: ‫ة‬ Neutral current between ١vyes /7 = 0

Z،/ = r/wx(l-C//) Difference current 1/4-0.011

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved.

IEEE std 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

ING := ‫ﻛﺚ اااا‬ ‫اد‬ Neutral-to-ground current ING =1.982

IrtgPRl :=p'„gxSYS١'LN Voltage neutral 10 ground ITigPRl = 0

/,1011 R|x/,
Neutral current betveen ١vyes ‫"اى‬-"

//1‫ا‬ /974911/‫ال‬ difference current bet١veen equal wyes ,.mot - i n n .

r/jpRI -.=Vln X SYS١٦.N Voltage 011 affected phase

1/‫ر‬11011- 4388 ٤
٤11‫ل‬2 ;= ‫[ﺋﺎ‬
Voltage 011 al’fected elements
101112-1.90 kV

With one element shorted 1٦ the ,string, the voltage on the remaining elements in the string 15 ‫ا‬908 ٧٠ hich
15 94.5% of the rated element voltage. Primary neutral-to-ground current 15 1.982 primary 0٣ 0.198 ٨
secondary. Set the alarm threshold ٤0 800% of this level 10٣ reliable detection 0‫ ا‬3 single element failure
within a string.

Alarm threshold - 1.98* 0.8 - 1.584 primary'. 0.158 ٨ secondary.

For ,bur )،riled elements within ،‫ ا‬string (- 4)٠

E = s. Su Total elements 111 3 51٣100 E=٦A

Shorted capacitor elements Csf : 1.2


٦ - SI-1+Csi ‫أ‬- 1.05

Cy- ‫ة‬ Shorted per-unit capacitance

‫م‬ ‫ااا‬١+‫دد‬
‫>|ا‬- ٦
Affected phase capacitance ‫ي‬: 1.05

111‫=ي‬.(1-) Ncutral-to-grund voltage Fn& = 0

Vln:١-Vng Voltage 011 the affected phase ‫ا‬//‫ ور‬- ‫ا‬

‫ا‬-117‫ي‬ Voltage 011 affected elements -1.2

0-01/97 Current in affected WYE (V = 1 . 0 5

//9/7-91/7 Current 111 affected phase //91- 1.05

‫ى‬-(1-0)*(1-/0‫)))ا‬ (1-0111 current /4 -0,05

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved

I E E E std 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

, - ‫ﻛﻴﺜﺎة‬2‫ﻟﺖ‬
Sp Neutral current bet١veen wyes 1٠‫أ‬:‫ه‬

/‫ل‬ =171(1-07) Difference current ‫ا‬/ -0.05

|NG:= |/٥|*—‫؟•* —ي‬z Neutral-to-ground current 1NG = 9.I16

hgPRI Vng X SYSVLN Voltage neutral 10 ground 11212111- 0

/1101 :-/0/,*0/,111‫ا‬
Neutral current between wyes hl P R 1 - 0

/،/PRl:=/pAx/p٨PR|x|/،4 Difference current between ‫ اﻟﻼوع‬wyes /،/PRI 1 4.786

,'/,PRI = 7-/,xSYSVLN Voltage 011 affected phase P M P R I - 43.88 kV

1 / 10‫ا را‬
P.PR12 -
Voltage 01 affected elements
11412-2.104 ٤

With four ‫ا‬11‫ ل‬elements, the voltage 011 the affected elements 15 109.6%. 10 trip the bank 10٣ this level 0‫ا‬
unbalance reliably, set the unbalance current element halfway between the neutral-to-ground current for
four element failures, and for three element failures:

1[1‫ م‬threshold - (9.116 - 6.511)/2+6.51 1- 7.836 ٨ primary, 0.78 secondary (50:5 (1 ratio).

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved

IEEE Std 23799-2012
‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Guide for the Protection ٥‫ أ‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

٤.4 Undergrounded ٧٧2 fuseless bank

‫ﺳﻢ‬V‫ ذ‬٢٠٢‫ر‬٦١‫*ﺛﻢدت‬٢•iy*٠٣
1‫ ل‬1 1 1 1 1 1 T

Figure E.4—Sample ungrounded ٧٧2 useless capacitor bank

System nominal voltage - 230 ٤٧ # Parallel 5‫ا‬٣1110511 left wye (5/) - ‫ا‬

Rated bank system voltage - 250 ٤٧ (rounded undgrounded - ‫( ا‬ungrounded)

Rated 3 0105‫ ع‬kvar - 60 000 # Series elements per-units(،‫ )اﺗم؟‬- 4

# Series groups (5) - 10 # Parallel elements per group (٨٧) - 8

# Parallel strings per phase (59) - 2

/207 rating:

kV 250 kV

invar 50.0 mvar

Connection Ungrounded wye

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

IEEE Std 23799-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Rated current kvar /(1.73 kV) 115.5٨

52٣125 groups'phase, 5 10

Series element groups 1٦ capacitor unit, Su 4

Parallel elements pe٢ group (٨٧) 8

Capacitor unit 21/771‫ي‬

٧*(250/1.73)/10 144 ٦٧

kvar (50 X 1}-١/total units) 833.33 ٦0٣

Capacitor element rating:

٧( 14.4/ 4( 3.61٦٧

Protection system rating:

Phase imbalance CT ratios 5:5

Maximum system operating voltage 105%(241.5*٧)

Alarm anti /77 criteria:

٨5 stated in 8.6.2٠

The number 0 shorted elements 10٣ trip 211‫ ل‬alarm can ‫ ع‬determined ‫ط‬٧ kno١ving the voltage 01 the
affected elements (10٣ instance, the 12 value calculated 11 Table 10) and the capability of the elements
(either 110% 0‫ ا‬rating based 011 industry standards 0٣ the information provided ‫ا‬0٧ the capacitor

‫ ا ا‬%00 0‫ ا‬capacitor element rated voltage is 36 k٧ * I٠1 = 3.96 ٤٧.

For ero ,ailed units ( ‫ ع‬- 0/٠

E=S.Su Total elements 111 3 string “ -

‫|ﻋﺢ‬:‫ي‬ Shorted capacitor elements Cs, = \

E —e


‫ﻟﻠﺗك‬ Shorted per-unit capacitance ١- ‫ا‬

‫ع‬ ۴‫*ﻟﺎ‬S1١*Sp-S١
Cp- Sp Affected phase capacitance ٩٦= ١

‫ﻛل‬//‫'ن=ج‬٧(1-‫)د‬ Neutral-to-ground voltage 1/14-0

١٩n:\-Vng Voltage 011 the affected phase Vi١=«٠

1-177‫ي‬ Voltage 01 affected elements Ve=\

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved'

lEEEStd 3799-2012
‫ﻋﺎ‬٤‫ع‬ ‫اق‬1‫ ل‬for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

ly = CyxVln Current 11 affected ٧‫ع‬ ‫ا‬-‫ا‬

Iph= CpxV٦n Current 11 affected phase //91- ‫ا‬

/g = ( l - i ; ) x ( l - / 9 / ) ) ( r o u n d current /4-0

/‫ر‬,-‫ﺛﺜﺜﺜﺔ‬ -0
‫ اﻻﻻع‬current between wyes
5‫م‬ /0

/ =171(1- 9) Difference current /-0

ING:: |‫ا‬.|<‫ﻟﻠﺋﻲ‬ Neutral-to-ground current ÍNG-0

1/121011 :-174*5٧5٧1٢ Voltage neutral 10 ground P/RI=0

/ ,11 :-//9/ *//9/71210191

Neutral current between wyes /nPRI ‫ ئ‬0

MR := /9/ x/9/PR !*| /،/‫ا‬ Difference current between equal ٧05 MPRI - 0

(79;PRI P79J*SYS٧LN Voltage 011affected phase

Í 799PRI = 1,19.4 kV

1210112 ‫رﯾﺎ‬
Voltage 01 affected elements
RRI2 = 3,486 kV
The voltage 01٦each element with zero tailed elements 15 3486 ٧ al 105% nominal system 01142. 1115 15
96.8% o f the rated element voltage.

Copyright © 2013 ‫ﻋﻌﺎ‬. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved.

IEEE std 337 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks

Fo٠٠a single toiled element in a‫؟‬//77* (‫ع‬- //٠

E = S.Sh Total elements 111 a siring /7- 40

Shorted capacitor elements C s / : 1.026


Cy — ‫ﻛﻛﺎﺗك‬
C) ‫ة‬ Shorted per-unit capacitance Cy: 1.026

‫م‬ ‫رددرا‬
Cp; ، Affected 01135‫ ع‬capacitance £.),= 1.013

‫'ا‬,£7 = ‫ا(*ة‬-‫)د‬ Neutral-to-ground voltage ٥ = 0.00425

V!n = \-Vng Voltage 011 the affected phase ،/,7 = 0.996

٢‫= وع‬ 1 7 ,7X ‫غ‬ Voltage 011 affected elements 12=1.021

Iv ‫ ح‬٤ 01/97 Current 11 affected ١١'ye / , ’ = 1.021

//9/-91//7 Current 111 affected phase //,/7 = 1 . 0 0 9

/g = (l-G)x(l-//?٨)) Ground current /4-0

/‫ر‬, -‫ﻟﻠﺛﻛﺛﺎﺛث‬
Sp Neutral current between wyes ln = ‫>؟‬

ld = V٦nA١-Cp١ Difference current /- 0.00 13

ING:- ‫اا‬£‫* إآ*ا‬SI Neutral-to-ground current ING = 0

1RI ;= 1‫ ﯾوؤ‬X SYSVLN Voltage neutral 10 ground 1721211- 5 93.32

/,01 1 :-//0/7//0,1011 1 7
Neutral current between ٦٦٢٧15 /,,PR! = 0 . 7 1 8

/،/PRI :-//,/,*//,/,PRI I/Í/I Difference current between equal ٧05 /Í/PRI- 1.436

J7,,PRI :-17n *SYSVLN Voltage 01٦ affected phase

I777PRI - 1.388* 105
‫ل‬/ ‫)ا‬Ri‫ا‬
٢'ePRI2:=Kex- —
Voltage 01 affected elements
120812 -3.545‫ي‬ 103

For 4 single failed element, the voltage 0111‫ ع‬affected elements nses 10 3545 ٧. ١١hich 15 98.5% of the
rated element ١٠oltage. 10 detect this condition reliably, set the phase unbalance elements 10 800% 0٤ 1‫ع‬
calculated difference current bet١١een‫ اﻻ وع‬١١yes.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved

‫ ﻋﻌﻌﺎ‬Sid C37 99-2012
IEEE Guide for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

A l a m threshold - ‫ا‬ .436 ٨ 0.8-1.148٨ primary.

For seven failed elements ( ‫= ع‬7/

E = s.s٦t Total elements 11 3 51٣110 £"=40

‫ار‬ Shorted capacitor elements (٦١7= 1.212


٢١’ = ‫س‬ Shorted per-unit capacitance ‫•ب‬: 1.212

٢p_WySi١،s (>-si Affected phase capacitance 09=1.106

’‫= ج«ﺗم‬ ‫ا(ﺣﮫ‬-‫)د‬ ‫اﻻع‬14‫ا‬-10-010‫ﻻ‬1‫ل‬0110‫ﺛﻊ‬ 197 - 0 . 0 3 4

Vb٦ = \ - V ' n g Voltage on the affected phase 17‫ور‬ -0966

Ve = ٧lnx-b Voltage 01٦ alTected elements 11.,7,

ly = CyxVIn Current 11 affected ٧‫ع‬ (,-=1.17,

//9/ -٤91//7 Current in affected phase //9/7 - 1 . 0 6 8

/j = (l-G١)x(l-/>/)) Ciround current /4-0

/,- -‫ث‬0
5‫م‬ Neutral current between wyes / 0.05,

7/-171(1-0)) Difference current /-0.102

‫|اا‬/‫ﺟض‬٠‫اى‬ Neulral-to-ground current ,NG-0

1ÍJI-PRI : - J g Y S V L N Voltage neutral 10 ground 1,gPR1=4.76,x,O

/PRI :=/,/x/,/PR,x/,,
Neutral current between ١٧5 /PRI -6.103

/11/٤ :=/9/,01 1‫اﻻ‬ Difference current between equal wyes //10141-12.207

1//,01٤1 . .... Voltage 011affected phase

17RI1347X 105
12101412 ‫ﯾﺎ‬
Voltage 01 atTected elements
1 ,2 - 3.942* 1)5

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. All rights ٢282٧20.

l E E E S t d 037.99-2012
‫ﻋﺎ‬٤‫اق ع‬1‫ ل‬for ‫ اا‬Protection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

With seven failed elements, the voltage 01 each element [150510 3942 ٧. 1115 15 109.5% of the [ated
element voltage.

For، eight faded elements ( ‫ع‬- 8١:

E=S.Su Total elements 11 a 51٣110 ٥ = 40

٢‫ﻟد‬،:‫ل‬ Shorted capacitor elements ٢/-1.25

-‫ﻟﻜﻬﻠﺘﻚ‬ Shorted 02[-1‫ل‬011capacitance C١|Z\٠٦5

‫ي ع‬
‫=و|ا‬ ‫ة‬ Affected phase capacitance (-1.125

112 -0(‫ا‬-7) Neutral-to-ground voltage 1/14-0.04

Vln = \ - V n g Voltage 01 the affected phase ‫ا‬/‫ور‬- 006

1=171‫ل‬ Voltage 011 affected elements ‫ﻳﺎ‬-1.2

1‫ﻟﺎ‬ - ٢‫ﻟﺎﻟﺎ‬٦'|‫ا‬٦ Current 11 affected wye A' = 1 . 2

//9/7 -001/7 Current 11 affected phase //9-1.08

/‫ى‬-(1-7)(1-/7‫ا‬7)) (1101101 current /4-0

j ٦x١٠ngxGx٢Sp-ÍU١
In: Sp Neutral current between ١٧25 f« 0.06

Id=Vln*(y-Cp} Difference current ‫ا‬/-0.12

l N G : = | / g | ‫ﻟﺋﺞ‬/ Neutral-to-ground current 1NG=O

gPRI:=1gX SYSVI.N Voltage neutral 10 ground P«gPRI = 5 . 5 7 7 x l 0 3

Neutral current between wyes M P R 1 : 7.228

H١ -.=Ipl٦ *■٦phvv.\x\1‫؛‬.!\ Difference current between equal ١٧٧25 /،/PRh 14.-156

P/«PR1:=W«xSYSVLN Voltage 011 affected phase

K / « P R r = 1 . 3 3 9 x l O4
1 P R l 2 : = f e X— Voltage 01 affected elements
P?PRI2 ‫ ت‬4.0 16 X 10٦

Copyright © 2013 ‫ﻋﻌﺎ‬. ‫ااه‬ 19‫ا‬8 reserved.

IEEE Sid 3799-2012
‫ﻋﺎ‬٤‫ ع‬Guide for ‫ اا‬Prelection ‫ اه‬Shunt Capacitor Banks

With 210٤ failed elements, the voltage across the remaining elements 11٦1 the string rises 10 4016 ٧. 1111515
‫ اا‬%1.5 0٤ the rated element voltage. 10 determine the trip threshold, find 4 current unbalance point
halfivay bet١veen seven and eight unit failures.

1ip threshold - (14.456 - 12.207) / 2 + ‫ ا‬2.207 - 13.33 ٨ primary.

Copyright © 2013 IEEE. ‫ ااه‬rights reserved.

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