testing for low current speed power generation - Performance analysis of a modified
Savonius hydrokinetic turbine blade for
rural application
To cite this article: R Hantoro et al 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1022 012023 Armand Z. Anthony and Sukanta Roy
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Department of Engineering Physics, Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Marine Technology, Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding
Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Marine Technology, Department of Marine Engineering, Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract. This study examines an innovative turbine with the addition of the number and
arrangement of straight blade cascaded (SBC). SBC is a combination of passive variable-pitch
and fixed pitch of each turbine arm. This study was conducted in an open channel flow that has
a current velocity (V-m/s) of 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. RPM and torque ware measured for coefficient
of performance (Cp) and tip speed ratio (TSR) calculation. Without changing the turbine
dimension, the employment of cascaded blade (three blades in each arm) contributes to
improve energy extraction significantly. A significant increase in Cp value is seen when 9
blades (3 cascaded blades per arm) are used with a Cp 0.42 value at TSR 2.19 . This value has
reached 93% of the maximum theoritical Cp value.
Key words : vertical axis, hydrokinetic turbine, straight blade cascaded, passive variable pitch,
fixed pitch, Cp
1. Introduction
Hydrokinetic turbines extract mechanical power from flowing water without dam. They operate
essentially identical principles as wind turbines at low Froude numbers. Hydrokinetic turbines used for
harnessing renewable energy sources such as rivers, drainage flows, tidal flows, and ocean currents
[1]. The mechanical energy that has been generated from hydrokinetic turbine, then converted into
electrical using a generator.
Straight-bladed or Darrieus turbines has number of blades that rotate around an axis that
perpendicular to the flow. These turbines can receive flow from any direction, as long as the flow
perpendicular to the axis of rotation. These turbines do not require yaw control [1]. Straight-bladed or
Darrieus turbines is one type of Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine (VAHT).
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ICoSMEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1022 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1022/1/012023
VAHT should have high coefficient of perfomance (Cp) in order to extract current energy to
mechanical energy as much as possible. Several methods to obtain optimal Cp have been developed by
researchers. Aspects regarding these research are to optimize some design paramaters VAHT such as,
number of blades [2], height to radius ratio [3], type of airfoil [4], and solidity [5].
Theoritical model was used for the design and performance simulation of Darrieus-type vertical
axis turbine, such as number of blades affects, coefficient of performance (Cp), and structural stability.
As number of blades decreases, range of operating tip speed ratio increases. It should be noted there is
no significant difference of Cpmax when the turbines consist with one blade, two blades or three blades.
The lower number of blades used, the wider Cp curve. Implementing one bladed turbine is not
possible due to unbalanced centrifugal forces. Three bladed turbines gives more stability (Cpmax =0.1)
than two bladed turbines. Generally, some research use 3 blades on VAHT [1] [3] [6] [7] [8].
Other design parameter is height to radius ratio (H/R). Newly developed vortex method was used
for modelling three-dimensional effects vertical axis tidal current. The numerical results show that if
the height is more than six times radius, the Cpmax increases slower correspond to the turbine height.
The Cpmax reached more than 0.43 [3]. However, this study uses numerical study, not using
experimental study.
Type of airfoil affects the value of Cp. Reference [4] investigated the effect of several airfoils
toward Cpmax by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). These airfoils were NACA 00XX,
NACA 63XXX, S-series, A-series and FX-series. Airfoil S-1046 had highest Cpmax among others.
NACA 0018 had highest Cpmax among other NACA series. As a note, turbines which consist of
symmetrical airfoils have better performance than asymmetric airfoil turbines. As a note, turbines
consisting of symmetrical airfoils have higher performance than asymmetric arifoil turbines. NACA
0018 is the best airfoil for NACA series and usually used for Darrieus turbines [4]. Furthermore,
NACA 0018 has the best characteristics for VAHT. Due to the high value of thickness to chord ratio
so that have enough power to withstand bending, NACA 0018 is usually used for Darrieus turbines.
[6]. Thus, the airfoil with the highest max Cp is NACA 0018 (Cpmax = 0.2964) and S-1046 (Cpmax =
0.4051) [4].
Solidity is another parameter affecting the performance of turbines. Reference [5] investigated the
effect of solidity towards Cpmax by using numerical study. In this study, the solidity was variated of
0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6. This study confirmed that higher Cp max was obtained in lower solidity, highest
Cpmax is 0.43 obtained for solidity of 0.3. In addition, the field test was conducted for solidity of 0.84
and showed that Cpmax was 0.25.
Cp higher than 0.4 obtained on [3] [4] [5]. However, these researches are numerical study. To
validate numerical calculation results, experimental study was used. Experimental study also give
support for the design of the prototype which is investigate three types of variable pitch VAHT.
Considering the control rules, the turbine can classified as cycloid type controllable-pitch, spring-
control variable-pitch, and passive variable-pitch vertical axis turbine. Between those control rules,
highest Cpmax is 0.33 obtained from spring-control variable-pitch [8].
Cpmax or Cppeak which can be achieved by Darrieus type VAHT is 0.45 in the theoretical value [9].
So that still needed further research, to get Cpmax approaching the theoretical value. This experimental
study proposes an innovative turbine with the addition of the number and arrangement of straight
blade cascaded (SBC). SBC is a combination of variable passive pitch and fixed pitch of each turbine
arm. This study was conducted in an open channel flow that has a current velocity (V-m/s) of 1.1, 1.2,
and 1.3. RPM and torque ware measured for coefficient of performance (Cp) and tip speed ratio (TSR)
calculation. Considering the number of blade, the experiments can classified as VAHT 3 blades,
VAHT-SBC 6 blades, and VAHT-SBC 9 blades.
ICoSMEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1022 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1022/1/012023
2. Experimental Methods
2.1. VAHT-SBC Specifications
Fiberglass was used for blade materials, while shaft, turbine arm, and frame used steel as material.
Width and depth of the open channel was used to determine the design parameter of the turbine. Table
1 shows design parameter that was used in this research.
The position of passive variable-pitch gives the freedom to move within the range -200 to 200, as
shown in figure 1 (a) & (b). There are airfoil plate on the top of variable pitch blade. The airfoil plate
is used as a sacrifice that crash into the inner stopper and the outer stopper, as shown in figure 1 (c).
Passive variable-pitch located at turbine radius (R), while fixed pitch located at 0.75 R and 0.5 R.
Considering the number of blade and the arrangement of blade, the experiments can classified as
VAHT 3 blades, VAHT-SBC 6 blades, and VAHT-SBC 9 blades, as shown in figure 2. The VAHT 3
blades represents conventional turbines, while VAHT-SBC 6 blades and VAHT-SBC 9 blades
represents the innovative turbines proposed in this study.
Figure 1. (a) Fixed Pitch, (b) Passive Variable-Pitch and The Pitch Angle, (c) Stopper Mechanism
ICoSMEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1022 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1022/1/012023
Figure 2. (a) VAHT 3 Blades, (b) VAHT-SBC 6 Blades, (c) VAHT-SBC 9 Blades
2.2. Test location
Experimental study conducted in an open channel flow. The current velocity was 1.1 m/s – 1.3 m/s.
Width of the channel is 1 m and depth is 1.7 m, as shown in figure 3 (a). Width and depth of the open
channel was used to determine the design of the turbine and the frame.
Figure 3. (a) Width and Depth of The Channel, (b) The Open Channel Flow
ICoSMEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1022 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1022/1/012023
Turbine torque data on azimuth (ϴ) 0o, 90o, 120o, 180o, and 240o were taken using the JTN 4603BN
series torque wrench. Torque wrench was used by locking the tip of the torque wrench to the tip of the
turbine shaft, as shown in figure 5. Each azimuth performed 10 torque data retrieval, thus for one
model turbine and one variation of current velocity obtained a total of 50 torque data. The data ware
processed to obtain average torque for 3 model turbines and for 3 variations of current velocity.
The RPM data (rotation per minute) of the turbine ware taken using the ONOSOKKI HT-3200
series tachometer. The tachometer was used by locking the end of the tachometer to the tip of the
turbine shaft, as shown in figure 6. For one variation of current velocity and one model turbine, RPM
data ware taken as many as 10 data. The data ware processed to obtain an average RPM for 3 model
turbines and for 3 variations of current velocity.
ICoSMEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1022 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1022/1/012023
Tip Speed Ratio is the ratio between the tangential velocity of the blade and current velocity. The
TSR value states how fast the turbine is spinning against a certain current velocity. TSR is expressed
in equation (2) [10]. Where is turbine radius (m), is angular velocity (rad/s), and is current
velocity (m/s).
Based on figure 7, the relationship between RPM and current velocity is proportional. The higher
the current velocity, the higher the turbine RPM. VAHT 3 blades has the highest RPM on the three
variations of current velocity, followed by VAHT-SBC 6 blades, then 9 blades. The highest RPM of
68.4 rpm is obtained at a current velocity of 1.3 m/s by VAHT 3 blades. The increase of current
velocity has a positive effect on RPM, while the addition of blades has negative effect on RPM.
Moment inertia consists of mass (kg) and radius (m) variable. VAHT 3 blades, VAHT-SBC 6
blades, and VAHT-SBC 9 blades have the same radius. The variables that distinguish between the
turbines is the mass. The turbine mass will increase as the number of blades increases. VAHT-SBC 9
blades has a higher mass and a higher moment inertia than VAHT-SBC 6 blades and VAHT 3 blades,
respectively. Thus, VAHT-SBC 9 blades has the lowest RPM among the three other turbine variations,
because it has the highest moment inertia.
ICoSMEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1022 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1022/1/012023
Based on figure 8, the relation between current velocity and turbine torque is proportional. The
higher the current velocity, the higher the turbine torque. VAHT-SBC 9 blades has the highest torque
on all variations of current velocity followed by VAHT-SBC 6 blades and VAHT 3 blades. Increasing
the number of blades and current velocity has a positive effect on the torque of VAHT-SBC 6 blades
and VAHT-SBC 9 blades.
VAHT-SBC 9 blades has the highest torque between VAHT-SBC 6 blades and VAHT 3 blades for
three variations of current velocity. VAHT-SBC 9 blades has a higher moment inertia than VAHT-
SBC 6 blades and VAHT 3 blades. The turbine mass will increase as the number of blades increases.
The increasing in mass will increase the turbine moment inertia and the torque.
The darrieus type VAHT in this study is a lift device, a turbine that utilizes a lift force from a blade
to rotate. The addition of a blade causes an increase in the lift force acting on the turbine. VAHT-SBC
9 blades has more blade, so it gives the largest lift force and also the largest torque than VAHT-SBC 6
blades and VAHT 3 blades. It is because the higher the lift force, the higher the turbine torque.
Through the innovation of SBC mechanism, VAHT torque increased without increasing the
dimensions of the turbine.
ICoSMEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1022 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1022/1/012023
Based on the current velocity data, torque and RPM, the value of Cp and TSR can be obtained
using the equations (1) and the equation (2). Figure 9 shows the graph of the relationship between TSR
and Cp. The highest Cp was produced by VAHT-SBC 9 blades, followed by VAHT-SBC 6 blades and
VAHT 3 blades. The highest Cp is 0.42 obtained on TSR 2.19 by VAHT-SBC 9 blades. The Cp value
of 0.42 has reached 93% of the maximum theoretical Cp value. While the lowest Cp is 0.18 obtained
on TSR 2.2 by VAHT 3 blades. The addition of the number and arrangement of straight blade
cascaded has positive effect on Cp of the VAHT-SBC 6 blades and VAHT-SBC 9 blades.
4. Conclusions
In this study, an experimental study was conducted on an open channel to investigate an innovative
turbine with the addition of the number and arrangement of straight blade cascaded (SBC). Average
torque and average RPM of 3 model turbines (VAHT 3 blades, VAHT-SBC 6 blades, and VAHT-SBC
9 blades) on 3 variations of current velocity ware measured for coefficient of performance (Cp) and tip
speed ratio (TSR) of 3 model turbines calculation. The VAHT 3 blades represents conventional
turbines, while VAHT-SBC 6 blades and VAHT-SBC 9 blades represent the innovative turbines
proposed in this study.
The higher the Cp, the greater the power that can be extracted by a turbine. The highest Cp
produced by VAHT-SBC 9 blades (Cp of 0.42 at TSR 2.19), followed by VAHT-SBC 6 blades and
VAHT 3 blades. The Cp value of 0.42 has reached 93% of the maximum theoretical Cp value.
The addition of SBC causes to an increase in lift force and moment inertia which has an impact on
increasing torque and Cp. VAHT 3 blades, VAHT-SBC 6 blades, and VAHT-SBC 9 blades have the
same diameter and height, so the swept area of the turbines is also same. The addition of SBC can
increase energy extraction without increasing turbine dimensions. It was found that Cp and torque of
VAHT-SBC 9 blades and VAHT-SBC 6 blades (using SBC mechanisms) higher than VAHT 3 blades
(without SBC mechanism).
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