3 - Q1 Emp Tech

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Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Advanced Presentation Skills
Manipulating Text, Graphics,
and Images
Compiler/Contextualizer: Wilfredo R. Tura Jr.
Quarter 1 – Module 3, Week 3
Advanced Presentation Skills and
Manipulating Text, Graphics, and Images

Content Standard : The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. The use of advanced tools and techniques
found in common productivity and
software applications in developing ICT
content for specific professional tracks.
2. How to manipulate text, graphics, and
images to create ICT content intended for
an online environment.
Performance Standard : The learners shall be able to:
1. Independently apply advanced productivity
tools to create or develop ICT content for
use in specific professional tracks.
2. Independently apply the techniques of
image manipulation and graphic design to
create original or derivative ICT content
from existing images, text and graphic
elements for use in specific professional
Competencies : Creates an original or derivative ICT content to
effectively communicate or present data or
information related to specific professional track.
: Evaluate existing websites and online resources
based on the principles of layout, graphic, and
visual message design.

Learning Objectives :
1. Use hyperlinks and embed files and data to
improve your slideshows.
2. Apply the basic principles of graphics and layout
in the making of a web page.
3. Create a simple infographic using web tools.

What I Know

True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False, if it is not.
Place the answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly
understand your message.
2. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual aid.

3. Most of the contents of your report through your PowerPoint
Presentation and not from the speaker himself/herself.
4. To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the Hyperlink
5. To embed an object, go to the insert tab and under the Text Group,
click Object.
6. Infographics are used mainly for text document with a little of graphs.
7. Emphasis is the area designed to attract the viewer’s attention.
8. Anyone can create Infographics using Piktochart.
9. Graphics allows you to upload images for your infographic.
10. Movement is a visual element which guide the viewer’s eyes around
the screen.

Advanced Presentation Skills

What I Need to Know

This lesson deals on the presentation software, Microsoft PowerPoint

which allows you to create and customize your own visual aids for
presentation and reporting. Are you excited? I know you are, so you may
now proceed…

What’s In

Which of the following are the features of Microsoft Word? Choose and
write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

mail merge smart art document

label generator image integration software
research pharming text wrap

What’s New

Are you familiar with this logo? What features of Microsoft

PowerPoint you are acquainted with?

What is It

Microsoft PowerPoint is a tool that helps you to present data whether

it is scientific, statistical, or a book report.

Creating an Effective Presentation

A pleasurable part of presenting a report is in designing your

presentation for it enables you to be creative. What maybe is in your mind
now is to place animations, transitions, and art. Whether these features
would help is generally up to you. Using these features could sometimes
distract your audience rather than help. Here are some quick tips in creating
an effective presentation.
1. Minimize. Keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain clear message
and keep the audience attentive.
2. Clarity. Use font style that is easy to read.
Tip: a font size of 72 is about an inch (depends on the screen
size). A one-inch letter is readable 10 ft away; two-inch letter is
readable 20 ft away.
3. Simplicity. Use bullets or short sentences by summarizing the
information on the screen. Limit the content to six lines and seven
words per line. (6 x 7 rule)
4. Visuals. Use graphics to help in your presentation. Instead of using a
table of data, use charts and graphs.
5. Consistency. Make your design uniform and avoid different font styles
and backgrounds.
6. Contrast. Use light font on dark background or vice versa.

Using Hyperlinks in Microsoft PowerPoint

Using hyperlinks in your presentation is an easy way to navigate slides
during your presentation.

Ways to insert hyperlinks:

1. Select an object or highlight a text.
2. Go to Insert>Hyperlinks (under links category) or use the shortcut
key Ctrl+K.

Link to options:
a. Existing File or Web Page – creates a hyperlink to website or a local
file saved in your hard drive. Just browse your file in the dialog
box or type the web address.
b. Place in This Document – creates hyperlink that allows you to jump
to a specific slide in your presentation.
c. Create a New Document – creates a hyperlink that once clicked,
creates a new document on your specified location
d. E-mail Address – creates a hyperlink that opens Microsoft Outlook
that automatically adds your specified recipient on a new email
3. When done, click OK to apply your hyperlink.

Embedding Objects in Microsoft PowerPoint

Embedding objects is easy using Microsoft PowerPoint. With this
option, you can insert an Excel file that would look like a table to a

Embedding an Excel File to your Slide presentation

1. Go to the Insert tab.

2. On the Text group, click on Object.

3. The Insert Object dialog box would appear:

a. Create New – creates a new file from scratch. You can select on a
wide variety of files listed.
b. Create from File – creates a file from an existing file saved on your
hard drive; simply browse the file to use it. Putting a check on the
“link” option will allow you to modify the Excel file inside your

4. Once you are done, click OK.

What’s More

Arrange the steps in chronological order In A (using hyperlinks-use

numbers 1-3) and in B (Embedding Objects- use numbers1-4). Answer
directly on your paper.

A. Using hyperlinks
______a. Go to Insert > Hyperlinks
______b. Select an object or highlight a text
______c. Click ok to apply hyperlink

B. Embedding Objects

______a. On the Text group, click on Object

______b. Go to the Insert tab
______c. Click ok once done
______d. Insert dialog box appears

What I Have Learned

Unscramble the letters to get the correct term. Write your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is a tool that helps you to present data.

2. Using this in your presentation is an easy way to navigate slides.
3. Shortcut in inserting hyperlinks.
K t l + r C
4. Keeping slide counts to a minimum.
5. Using light font on dark background or vice-versa.

Lesson Manipulating Text, Graphics, and Images
to Create ICT Content for an Online

What I Need to Know

The basic principles of graphics and layout necessary in creating your

own Infographics and using several image file formats used on the web is the
content of this lesson.
So, are you now thrilled to explore the topic? Come on and enjoy
learning this lesson!

What’s In

In the previous lesson, what are the tips you have learned in creating
an effective presentation?

What’s New

What is the most visited website in the world? Think about it for
a second. Yes, it is Google. On December 2014, Alexa.com, a
renowned website for ranking web page popularity, ranks this website
number one in the entire world. Why do you think Google ranks number one
despite the countless search engines and websites in the internet?

What is It

Creating a web page is like creating a work of art. There are certain
things that you need to consider in order to get your message across.

Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout

1. Balance. The visual weights of objects, texture, colors, and space are
evenly distributed on the screen.
2. Emphasis. An area in the design that may appear different in size,
texture, shape, or color to attract the viewer’s attention.
3. Movement. Visual elements guide the viewer’s eyes around the
4. Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm. These are repeating visual element
on an image or layout to create unity in it.
5. Proportion. Visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate
well with one another.
6. Variety. This uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s

Infographics or information graphics are used to represent information,
statistical data, or knowledge in a graphical manner usually done in a
creative way to attract the viewer’s attention. Infographics make complex
data become more visually appealing to an average user.

Creating Infographics using Piktochart

You will create an infographic about COVID19 prevention using
Piktochart.com, a free online app that allows you to create your own
1. Create a Piktochart account by going to www.piktochart.com and click
sign up on the upper right corner of the page.

Figure 1. The Sign-Up button of Piktochart is located on the upper right of the screen.

2. Fill up the information on the Sign Up page; alternatively, you can

connect with Google+ or Facebook.
3. Once you have created an account and logged in, select a template for
your infographic. Hover over the Presenta Board theme under Free
Themes then select Create.

4. The Piktochart editor will open. The Presenta Board theme consist of
three blocks. Select the blocks and input the information as you see
5. While editing a block, you can use various tools on the left side of the
a. Graphics – allows you to insert lines, shapes, icons, and even
b. Uploads – allows you to upload images for your infographic.
c. Background – changes the background of a selected block.
d. Text – allows you to insert text to your infographic with the option
to add text frames.
e. Styles – allows you to modify the color scheme of your infographic.
f. Tools – allows you to create charts, maps, and videos.
Editing Tips:
• Double-click a text to edit the content.
• When working with objects, the toolbox on top of the topmost
block will allow you to manipulate it.
• When working with charts, double-click the chart to open the
datasheet editor.
• You may rename the title of your infographic on the top
6. To save your work, click on Save on the top right of the page. To save
it in your computer, click on Download. In the Download options,
select the medium-sized and the PNG file type.

Online Image File Formats

Unlike images that are found in our computer, you must consider
that website images should be more compressed because data travels over
the internet and not everyone has a fast internet connection. Consequently,
we must use compressed images on our websites. Likewise, even though a
wide variety of websites already support high-definition (HD) photos, you do
not have to use HD all the time. In fact, most of the time, you do not even
have to.

Here are common image file formats used on the web. All of them are
already discussed in the previous lesson. Here, we will look at their use in
the web.
Name File Use Supports Supports
Extension Transparency Animation

1. Joint .jpeg /.jpg Real-life No No

Photographic photographs,
s Experts high compression

2. Graphics .gif Computer- Yes Yes

Interchange generated
Format graphics

3. Portable .png Screenshots, high Yes No
Network compatibility

There are plenty of other image file formats used in the web but most
of the time you will be using these three because of their compatibility with
all major web browsers.
When inserting text to a web page, you can simply copy a text to your
HTML editor, or you can upload it on a website as a PDF file. Most browsers
support “add-ons” so that you can open PDF files without leaving the

What’s More

Read the clues below and write the correct answer on a separate sheet of


5. represent information, statistical data or knowledge in a graphical

8. allows you to modify the color scheme of your infographic
9. a free online app that allows you to create your own infographic
10. guides the viewer’s eye around the screen

1.Allows you to insert lines, shapes, icons, and even photos
2. uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention
3. the area designed to attract the viewer’s attention
4. visual elements that create a sense of unity where they relate well
with one another
6.allows you to create charts, maps, and videos
7. visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space

What I Have Learned

I have learned that:

1. To create an effective PowerPoint presentation, I will ________________.

2. The basic principles of graphics and layout include _________________.

What I Can Do

For learners with computer and internet connection.

Create an Infographic about “The Signs and Symptoms of COVID19”.

Submit your output via online like messenger. Your teacher shall rate your
output using the rubric below.

Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
Content The output The output is The output is The output is
exceeds the complete. somewhat incomplete.
expectations complete.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive messy or very
terms of design, layout, and though it may poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. be a bit messy. It is not
neatness. attractive.

For learners with no available gadgets.

Make a poster about “The Signs and Symptoms of COVID19”. Use ½

size of white cartolina. Your teacher shall rate your output using the rubric
Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
4 3 2 1
Content The output The output is The output is The output is
exceeds the complete. somewhat incomplete.
expectations complete.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive messy or very
terms of design, layout, and though it may be poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. a bit messy. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Labels All items of Almost all items Many items of Labels are too

importance on of importance on importance on small to view OR
the infographic the infographic the infographic no important
are clearly are clearly are clearly items were
labeled with labeled with labeled with labeled.
labels that can labels that can labels that can
be read from at be read from at be read from at
least 3 feet away. least 3 feet away. least 3 feet


Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of
1. Balance is to even distribution; emphasis is to what?
A. attracting C. design
B. colors D. weight
2. Movement is to guide the eye; rhythm is to create what?
A. attraction C. unity
B. organization D. visuals
3. Which of the following visual elements creates a sense of unity where
they relate well with one another?
A. emphasis C. style
B. proportion D. variety
4. What visual element uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s
A. emphasis C. style
B. proportion D. variety
5. What makes complex data become more visually appealing to the
average user?
A. infographics C. slideshows
B. piktocharts D. tables
6. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
7. Which of the following stands for the file extension JPEG?
A. Japan Photo Excellence Guild
B. Joint Photographic Experts Group
C. Jotter Prime Element
D. None of the above
8. Which file format typically used for screenshots?
9. Which of the following means to avoid being fancy by using a font style
that is easy to read?
A. clarity C. consistency
B. contrast D. simplicity
10. What does it mean to summarize the information on the screen to have
your audience focus on what the speaker is saying?
A. clarity C. consistency
B. contrast D. simplicity

Answer Key


Books :

Empowerment Technologies : Rex Book Store, Inc. and Innovative

Training Works, Inc., 2016, 83-109
Empowerment Technologies Student Reader : Department of Education,
2016, 25-26
Empowerment Technologies Teacher’s Guide : Department of Education,
2016, 8-13

Online Source:

Crossword Maker on the teacherscorner.net



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