Xie 2022 Smart Mater. Struct. 31 125017
Xie 2022 Smart Mater. Struct. 31 125017
Xie 2022 Smart Mater. Struct. 31 125017
E-mail: [email protected]
To meet the demand of designing piezoelectric actuators with long working stroke and high
resolution, a new parasitic motion principle (PMP) linear actuator based on the symmetrical
Z-shaped compliant mechanism was proposed in this paper. The mechanism design and the
operation principle of the proposed linear actuator were elaborated. The theoretical model of the
symmetrical Z shaped compliant mechanism deformation was established, and was verified by
the simulation analysis. Experimental studies were conducted on a manufactured prototype to
investigate the performances of the proposed linear actuator. The results indicate that a linear
actuator with bi-directional motion can be achieved, which has a resolution of 106 nm in the
forward direction and 84 nm in the reverse direction. Under the locking force of 0.8 N, the
maximum speed of 270 µm s−1 was reached, when the amplitude and the frequency of the
driving voltage were set to 60 V and 650 Hz. It is also noted that the proposed linear actuator
can work with a loading capacity of 25 g. This study has provided an alternative way for the
development of a PMP linear actuator with bi-directional motion.
Keywords: piezoelectric actuators, parasitic motion principle, linear actuator,
symmetrical Z-shaped compliant mechanism
Taking stick-slip actuators driven by sawtooth wave signals 2. Mechanism design and operation principle
as examples, they are commonly composed of two phases in
each cycle, namely stick phase and slip phase. At the stick The PMP linear actuator is mainly composed of a symmet-
phase, the deformed stator sticks with the slider, generating rical Z-shaped compliant mechanism, a cross slider, a pre-
a forward motion, which is corresponding to the gradually load mechanism and a base, as illustrated in figure 1. Both the
increasing period of the sawtooth wave driving voltage. At the symmetrical Z-shaped compliant mechanism and the preload
slip phase, the recuperative stator slips on the slider, generat- mechanism are fixed on the base. The cross slider is mounted
ing a backward motion, which is corresponding to the rapid on the preload mechanism, so that the position of slider can
drop period of the sawtooth wave driving voltage. The back- be adjusted to contact with the driving foot of the symmetrical
ward motion generated in the rapidly drop period is smaller Z-shaped compliant mechanism with different locking forces.
than the forward motion due to the inertia of the slider and a Two PEAs are embedded in the symmetrical Z-shaped com-
net forward motion of the slider can be obtained. Hence, a long pliant mechanism with the bolts for tuning the preload force.
working stroke is achieved by accumulating the net forward As shown in figure 2, the operation principle of the pro-
motion in each cycle. Based on this principle, a linear nan- posed actuator is illustrated in detail as follows. Taking the
opositioning stage driven by the stick-slip actuator had been positive X-axis (forward) direction as an example, a periodic
successfully developed, which could achieve a motion range sawtooth wave voltage is merely exerted on the PEA1, and the
of 35 µm [17]. In order to restrain the backward motion at the PEA1 extends and contracts correspondingly. The driving foot
slip phase, anisotropic-friction surfaces were introduced in the of the symmetrical Z-shaped compliant mechanism keeps still
design of the stick-slip actuator. The results showed that both at t0 moment, since no voltage is applied on the PEAs. From t0
the step efficiency and loading capability of the actuator had to t1 , the PEA1 extends slowly with the gradually increasing
been improved [18]. In addition, the backward motion of the voltage exerted on it, and the driving foot drives the cross slider
stick-slip actuator was also successfully alleviated by adopt- toward the forward direction with the static friction due to the
ing a new hybrid driving method with the combination of a deformation of the symmetrical Z-shaped compliant mechan-
sawtooth wave at the slip phase and a sinusoidal regulation ism. This is known as stick phase. From t1 to t2 , the PEA1
wave [19]. contracts rapidly with the voltage exerted on it dropping to
The parasitic motion principle (PMP) actuator is an zero in a sudden, and thus the driving foot of the symmetrical
improved stick-slip actuator, which has drawn lots of atten- Z-shaped compliant mechanism moves the slider toward the
tions from researchers in recent years. As the parasitic motion negative X-axis (reverse) direction with the kinematic friction.
can increase the static friction force at the stick phase and It is named slip phase. Due to the inertia of the cross slider,
reduce the kinetic friction force at the slip phase between the the generated forward displacement in stick phase is larger
slider and stator, the output performance of the actuator is than backward displacement in slip phase, and thus there is
expected to be improved. Many compliant mechanisms that a net displacement in forward direction in a stick-slip process.
can generate parasitic motions were adopted to design the Based on the same principle, a net displacement in reverse dir-
PMP actuators. Huang et al [20] firstly proposed a PMP actu- ection can be achieved as well, when a periodic sawtooth wave
ator by using the compliant micro-gripper which achieved voltage is merely exerted on the PEA2.
a velocity around 40 µm s−1 . Li et al [21] and Wang et al
[22] developed the PMP actuators based on bridge-type com-
3. Theoretical analysis and simulation validation
pliant mechanisms. A parallelogram-type compliant mechan-
ism based PMP actuator was studied in the literature of [23].
3.1. Theoretical analysis
Trapezoid [24, 25] and triangular [26] compliant mechanisms
were also employed in the design of the PMP actuators. Apart In this section, both theoretical and simulation analysis were
from that, the PMP actuators were widely studied based on conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed symmetrical
other different structures such as Z-shaped [27], L-shaped Z-shaped compliant mechanism, since it is the core compon-
[28], X-shaped [29], arc-shaped [30] etc. ent of the proposed actuator. The main structure parameters
As enumerated above, the development of new structures of the proposed compliant mechanism are given in figure 3.
for PMP actuators are still in demand. In this paper, a symmet- Al 7075 alloy was selected to fabricate the compliant mech-
rical Z-shaped compliant mechanism different from that repor- anism, due to its merits of high elasticity and low density. The
ted in [27] is adopted to develop a novel PMP linear actuator. detail material properties and the specific structure parameter
To the authors’ best knowledge, it is the first time to introduce values are listed in tables 1 and 2, respectively.
such structure in the design of the PMP linear actuator. The As shown in figure 4, the driving foot of the symmetrical
output performances of the newly developed PMP linear actu- Z-shaped compliant mechanism can achieve a motion in the
ator will be comprehensively studied. The rest of this paper X-axis with the parasitic motion along the Y-axis by applying
is organized as follows. Section 2 illustrates the mechanism an input displacement on the input-ends of the mechanism [31,
design and the operation principle of the PMP linear actu- 32]. For instance, when an input displacement is exerted on the
ator; the theoretical analysis and the simulation validation are left input-end of the mechanism, the driving foot moves toward
conducted in section 3; experimental performances are stud- the positive X-axis. In addition, the parasitic motion along the
ied in section 4; and section 5 draws the conclusions of this Y-axis can be also observed due to the bending of the long
paper. beam of the symmetrical Z-shaped compliant mechanism.
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
l1 47 t1 1
l2 125 lz1 10 Figure 4. Working principle of the symmetrical Z-shaped
l3 40 lz2 10 compliant mechanism.
l4 6 tz 1.6
l5 2.5 b 12.2
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
3.2. Simulation analysis from Keyence CO.) were used to monitor the output displace-
ment of the actuator, and the measured data was acquired with
To verify the theoretical analysis, the static simulation was
the help of an input model (NI-9201). A personal computer
conducted by using the ANSYS software. In the simulation
was employed to collect the measured data and program for
analysis, details of the selected material were set according to
controlling the output signal in real time.
table 1. The symmetrical Z-shaped compliant mechanism with
Before the tests, the output performance of the symmetrical
same structural parameters as listed in table 2 was adopted.
Z-shaped compliant mechanism was studied with the exper-
Fixed constraints were set to the eight holes and the right input-
imental setup shown in figure 8. Both the output displace-
end of the compliant mechanism. An input displacement of 6
ments along the X-axis and the Y-axis were monitored by laser
um along the positive X-axis was exerted on the left input-end
displacement sensors. The preloads on PEAs were carefully
of the compliant mechanism. Vertical and horizontal deforma-
adjusted by the bolts to improve the consistency of the out-
tions of the driving foot were measured and plotted in figure 6.
put displacements generated by PEA1 and PEA2. A sawtooth
It can be seen that a deformation of 3.31 µm along the X-
wave signal with 60 V and 1 Hz was exerted on PEA1 or PEA2.
axis and a deformation of 2.94 µm along the Y-axis could be
The results are illustrated in figure 9. The output displacements
achieved, when an input displacement of 6 µm was exerted on
of the compliant mechanism driven by both PEAs were close
the left input-end of the compliant mechanism. The maximum
to each other. For instance, the driving foot obtained 3.09 µm
deviation between simulation results and theoretical results is
along the X-axis and 2.32 µm along the Y-axis when it was
smaller than 13.27%, which verifies the validity of the estab-
driven by PEA1, and it obtained 2.93 µm along the X-axis and
lished theoretical model. The results will be further compared
2.16 µm along the Y-axis when it was driven by PEA2. Com-
with the experimental results in next section.
pared with the simulation results in previous section, the max-
imum deviation along the X-axis is 11.48%, and the maximum
deviation along the Y-axis is 26.53%.
4. Experiment and discussion
The prototype of the symmetrical Z-shaped compliant mech- A series of experiments were conducted to validate the capab-
anism was monolithically fabricated with the Al 7075 alloy ility of the actuator working in forward direction and reverse
via the wire electrical discharge machining for experiment- direction. The sawtooth waves with the same amplitude of
ally testing its performances. Figure 7 shows the experi- 60 V and different frequencies (1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz) were
mental setup of the testing system. An output model (NI- applied on the PEA1 or the PEA2 respectively to obtain for-
9264) embedded in National Instruments (NI) cRIO-9054 ward motion or reverse motion of the slider. The locking force
controller was adopted to generate the sawtooth wave sig- was set to 0.8 N, and the accumulated output displacements in
nal with the help of LabVIEW software. A voltage amplifier 5 s of the slider in both directions were employed to evaluate
(E01.B3, from Core-Tomorrow, CO) was employed to mag- the actuator performance as shown in figure 10. The locking
nify the signal for driving the PEAs (PSt150/7×7/20, from force mentioned here is equal to the force applied on the slider
Core-Tomorrow, CO). Laser displacement sensors (LK-H025, along the motion direction, when the slider is about to move.
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
Figure 9. Output displacements of the driving foot along different directions with the corresponding PEA. (a) PEA1, (b) PEA2.
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
Figure 11. The forward, backward and net step motion of the forward and reverse motion with different driving frequencies. (a) Forward,
(b) reverse.
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
Figure 13. The forward, backward and net step motion of the forward and reverse motion with different driving voltage amplitudes. (a)
Forward, (b) reverse.
Figure 14. The forward and reverse resolutions under 21 V and Figure 15. Output velocity versus driving frequency.
1 Hz.
shown in figure 7. The relationship between the velocity and The performances comparison between the proposed actuator
the load was tested when the frequency and amplitude of the and other some existing PMP linear actuators are listed in
driving voltage was set to 650 Hz and 60 V, respectively. The table 5. It can be seen from the table that the proposed actu-
results are plotted in figure 18. It can be noted from the figure ator in this paper has an improvement in motion speed com-
that the velocity of the slider decreases with the increasing pared with the earlier reported actuator in the literature of
load. For instance, the velocity of the slider dropped from 270 [20]. The feasibility of the proposed linear actuator working in
µm s−1 to near 0 µm s−1 with the load varying from 0 to 25 g, both forward and reverse directions has been validated, which
when the locking force was set to 0.8 N. It means that the was overlooked by the literature of [25, 28, 36]. This study
actuator is not able to work while the horizontal load is larger has provided an alternative way for developing a PMP lin-
than 25 g. Additionally, it can also be observed that the larger ear actuator with bi-directional motion, although its working
locking force can slightly improve the velocity with the same performances still need to be improved compared with some
load. previously reported PMP linear actuators.
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
Figure 17. Output velocity and step motion versus driving voltage amplitude.
Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 125017 Y Xie et al
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