Cepheus Journal Issue 011

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Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!

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Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
l From the Editors 2 l
i Cepheus Deluxe Personal Combat 3 i
e The Koszrans 5 e
n Designing Aliens 10 n
A Other Folks Gold 15 A
l Converting PCs from CE to CD 22 l
i Dump Demons 26 i
e Chatting with... Omer Golan­Joel 28 e
n Four Aliens 31 n
s Almost Alien 37 s
a The Raiders Lament Part 5 42 a
n Beast From Beyond The Stars 48 n
d Down and Out in Low Orbit 52 d
M The Imko and The Flertvad 55 M
o What's New 57 o
r 100 Ton Ships 58 r
e Open Gaming License 60 e
A Contributing Authors A
l Brett Kruger
Norton Glover
Jim Vassilakos
P­O Bergstedt
Jo Jaquinta
Paul Drye
Jon F. Zeigler
Todd Bradley l
i Art i
e Cover, Backpage, 4, 25, 51, 54
40, 41, 53, 54
Wikimedia Commons e
n 8, 9
Paul Drye
By https://www.netflix.com/title/80174608, Fair use n
s 27
28, 30
Brett Kruger
Omer Golan­Joel s
! 2, 47, 55, 56

Layout and Editing

P­O Bergstedt (Starryai)
Brett Kruger
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lWelcome to our eleventh issue. The theme
for this issue is aliens. We hope that you will
enjoy it.
Have you thought about how aliens are Finally, our Brett Kruger has interviewed
one of the important ingredients for your
CE setting? Are there few or many aliens?
Omer Golan­Joel and an article about
borrowing ideas from a TV show.
A(Or no aliens?) Are the aliens primitive, or
very advanced, or at the same level as the Have fun!
lhumans? Are there precursor races? Is
there a mostly mechanical alien race that
P­O Bergstedt

is basically a brain in an advanced
combat armor that wants to exterminate
all life? (Daleks) Is there a race that tortures
their prisoners with their bad poetry?

In previous issues there have been a few
alien write­ups (like the Eroctopi by Timothy
Collinson in issue #007 or the Nissi by Neil
Lucock in issue #003). Now we wanted
more aliens, and we got it. Thanks to
everyone that has submitted an article or
more to this issue.

MWe have Four Aliens from Jon Zeigler about

four aliens from his own setting. We have
Almost Alien from Jo Jaquinta about
uplifted animals, and an adventure with
that. Norton Glover gives us an alien for the
Barbaric! and SoC settings. Jim Vassilakos
has written an article (with an example)
about designing aliens for your setting. Our
Aeditors have also contributed with The
Koszrans from Paul Drye, Dump Demons by
lBrett Kruger and two aliens by me.

We also have several other interesting
articles. There are two starships from
Cepheus Journal Editorial Team
Ricardo Emilio. Todd Bradley has made a
Cepheus Deluxe Personal Combat Quick
Michael James Cross
Brett Kruger
Reference Chart and an article about
converting PCs from Cepheus Engine to
Ian Stead
P­O Bergstedt
Cepheus Deluxe. Jo Jaquinta has written
about orbital stations and gives us part 5 of
Paul Drye
The Raider's Lament.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
A Quick Reference by Todd Bradley
([email protected]) i
From Cepheus Deluxe © 2021 Stellagama

Combat Procedure Outline n Special Melee Combat Notes

• Frenzy: If you are trained in Melee
1. Check for surprise (p. 87). If you surprise
the enemy, you gain one free combat Combat and kill or disable an enemy in
melee combat, you may move 2m and
2. Determine Initiative for all combatants immediately attack another adjacent
enemy. Repeat as many times as your
3. Start the combat round
• Combatants act in Initiative order, Melee Combat skill level.
highest first
• On their turn, each character has two Special Ranged Combat Notes
• Thrown weapons effective range
4. Once the combat round is over, begin a STR x 4m, maximum range STR x 8m
• Auto wpn / Single mode: attacks are
new round
5. If necessary, triage and treat the made normal, uses 1 round
• Auto wpn / Burst mode: add Auto score
a to damage, uses 1 x Auto rounds
• Auto wpn / Full Auto mode: make
Initiative = 2D6 + Tactics + INT DM
Leadership/INT 8+ gives bonus equal to number of attacks equal to Auto score,
optionally against separate targets
effect to your party’s initiative rolls
within 6m, uses 3 x Auto rounds
• Full Auto, Suppressive Fire: 3m x 3x area,
• Attack M
Actions (you get 2 per round):
anyone in area gets hit on 10+ (12+ if
under cover), uses 3 x Auto rounds
melee attack at DM+2 o
• Charge: run up to 10m and make a single

• Inspire: Leadership/INT 8+ to add +2 to a
single character’s next throw • Damage = weapon dice + Combat skill
from prone e
• Move: up to 10m, or fall prone, or get up
• Melee attack damage: add STR DM
• Apply (Damage ­ Armor) to Stamina
attack in new initiative A
• Overwatch: delay then immediately
• After Stamina reaches 0, additional
damage goes to Lifeblood Stamina > 0 is
DM +1 per action l
• Aim: (ranged only) up to 3 actions,
• Lifeblood > half is Minor Wounds; DM ­1
• Other: as decreed by Referee
• Lifeblood < half is Serious Wounds; DM ­2;
make END 8+ or fall unconscious
• Melee Attack: Melee Combat/STR 8+ • Lifeblood = 0 is Mortal wound; you have
60 minutes to receive trauma surgery or
Heavy Weapons/DEX 8+ n
• Shooting Attack: Gun Combat/DEX 8+ or

• Thrown Weapon Attack: Athletics/DEX 8+
• Grappling: see p. 90

!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
A Ranged Combat DMs
Condition DM
l Target obscured (smoke, foliage)
Target behind hard cover
iTarget in heavy cover
Target running
eTarget behind total cover
Target prone
­4 and direct fire impossible
nTarget prone behind cover
Cover DM with additional ­1
A Dim Light
Per Aim
+1 per action, max 3
i CJ
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
By Paul Drye l
Koszra (CA66378­1) is a desolate world a
little larger than Earth and orbiting an F­
recently, some 550,000 years ago, and so
a follow­up expedition took a closer look.
class star. While life is abundant in the
oceans and there is oxygen in the
There they found the scorched, dead
remnants of a terrestrial biosphere and a
atmosphere, the land is a wasteland of
sand, boulders and dried mud. It came as
technological civilization that
become extinct when the planet died.

a great surprise when first survey of the
planet found several dozen oases of
Further modeling showed that,
coincidentally, the parent stars of Iphis
complex life, inhabited by a complex
ecology made up of dozens of species,
and Koszra had been much closer
together at the time, the two passing by
with none more than a couple of square
kilometers in area. Even more surprising
each other at roughly 0.2 light years—as
happens periodically to every star in the
was that the oases were inhabited by an
intelligent species that toiled endlessly to
galaxy as they wend their way around
their 200­million­year orbits of the galactic
maintain the oases, which would have
been unstable and prone to dying out

without their efforts. s Though there was precious little biological

material left on Iphis to analyze, the
History a
The Koszrans and their accompanying
planet’s investigators were able to prove
that the multicellular organisms found on
biospheres were unrelated to the ocean
life biochemically, which suggested that
Koszra were related. Perhaps those in
Iphis’s civilization knew that they were
life evolved twice on Koszra—once in the
seas and once on land, probably in a
doomed or perhaps it was just a
coincidence, but they must have used
large endorheic lake before moving onto
terra firma itself. This led to the additional
relatively primitive space drives such as
light sails or Orion nuclear propulsion to
theory that the planet had once had
abundant life on land and what remained
bridge the nearly 13,000 AU between the
two star systems and colonize Koszra.
was what was left over after a mass
extinction event. But evidence for this was
Though a poor settlement target by
galactic standards, to the point that the

puzzles; there were

scant and the universe presents many
no follow­up
Koszrans have dwindled in technology
back to early farming­age technology,
investigations, and it took another entirely
unrelated world survey elsewhere to crack
Koszra became a final refuge for the
species after they went extinct on their
the mystery. l original planet.

Iphis is an even less­promising planet over
30 parsecs from Koszra. It had been known
Culture and Psychology
While it’s difficult to say how the Koszrans
but ignored for many years, as it was one
of the many Venus­type worlds found
lived on their homeworld, on this planet
they have settled into a culture of small­
throughout space; it was accordingly of
little interest to settlers, scientists, or
scale, local terraforming. While Koszra has
abundant water and oxygen, life had
megacorporations. A late analysis of its
initial, cursory survey suggested that it had
never taken hold on the land prior to the
arrival of the offworlders. Faced with a set
flipped over into this state relatively of dead continents the Koszrans took the
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
plant and animal species they brought with
Athem and constructed a stable ecological
network suited to small areas—roughly 50
keeping their garden homes from tipping
over into collapse and extinction. The

lhectares (half a square kilometer, or 125

acres), with none larger than a few square
endless effort has molded Koszran
psychology just as much as they have

kilometers. Each of the several dozen that
now exist in the present day is enough to
shaped the environment they live in.

support several dozen Koszrans, who live in
the centerpiece of each colony: a
Koszrans have two main themes to their
thinking which colour everything they do.

rounded spire some 30 meters tall and five
wide, made from cemented sand and the
First, they are aware of how things
connect to one another, and are very

Asaliva of a hand­sized insect­like organism

analogous to an ant or termite. This is one
interested in how changing one thing will
affect another thing. For example, humans

lof the things that is known to have been

done by the Koszrans on Iphis, with
are often surprised to find that, as alien as
they are, Koszrans can quickly decipher

collapsed “skyscrapers” up to 200 meters
found here and there in that planet’s
their visitors’ social arrangements: who
likes and dislikes whom, who’s a mentor

present­day scorched landscape. Scientists
studying the Koszrans hypothesize that the
and who’s a student, who’s
charge…who’s really in charge. They are

pre­intelligent ancestors of the species lived
commensally with the insects in their
also not averse to manipulating humans
based on what they discern. Fortunately,

mounds, perhaps in exchange for general
maintenance and cleaning of their mutual
this doesn’t grant them any near­
supernatural ability to do so, but

home. Certainly, this is what they do in the
present day, though the insects are now
nevertheless humans can find them very
canny at getting what they want.

completely dependent on their erstwhile
roommates and are more like
Their other major psychological trait is

domesticated animals to them.
conservativeness. Making the wrong
choice in relation to the web of life that

MAll of the other plants and animals in a

Koszran local biome have a purpose too.
they maintain every day could mean the
death of their home, and its reversion to

The proportion of trees that produce edible
fruits or seeds is far higher than in any
the dead sand that covers most of the
planet. This is not a hypothetical fear: it

natural circumstance. No less than fourteen
different types of shrub produce leaves
has happened in the past to some
unfortunate oases, and every Koszran

with medicinal value to the Koszrans or their
domesticated animals. Even the “grass”, on
knows their stories.

Aclose examination, resembles organic steel

wool—all the better to break up and
Like all the animals on their original

lchannel the planet’s usually torrential rains.

Moreover, everything supports everything
homeworld, the Koszrans are trilaterally
symmetrical. Their body is a rounded

else, not just the Koszrans.
triangle, point downward, and is flat in
front while being convex at the back. Two

Even so, these miniature biomes are not
permanently stable, though they are far
limbs extend from each of the body’s
three points, one pair of which at the

closer to that standard than they have any
right to be. For 500,000 years the aliens
bottom is specialized to serve as a base to
stand on—this frees the other two pairs of

have had to carefully prune, fertilize, plant,
and breed all of their charges, slowly
limbs to act as manipulators. When
walking, however, a Koszran tips forward

building them up and always, always
and moves on all of its limbs at the same
time. This means they can’t carry anything
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
while moving, and so most wear a cloth were not related to the planet’s sea life
webbing into which they can tuck objects
that they want to use when they reach
was the fact that the Koszrans were based
on something much more unusual: 1,5­
their destination.
l anhydrohexitol nucleic acid (HNA), which
until then had only been seen in artificial
The species is somewhat smaller than a
human, with average height while standing
laboratory conditions.

being 1.2 meters (3’11”) and mass being 35
kilograms (80 pounds)—the latter actually
There are many different ways for life to
code genetic information but, in general,
being a bit higher on Koszra itself due to
that planet’s higher­than­terrestrial gravity.
if life in the galaxy does not use DNA it uses
something very different indeed: consider
There are three eyes around the edge of a
the Penrose­tile sheets of the Zorreshi, or
the aluminum­copper­iron quasicrystals of
Koszran’s body, and so when prone they
can see in all directions; when standing,
the Lisher­Unuria. Koszran biochemistry was
particularly unusual because their HNA
the edge of the body folds forward slightly
so that all three eyes point in that direction,
was similar enough to DNA that it could
interact with human DNA, but different
which hurts their situational awareness but
compensates by making it easier to see
enough that it opened up new possibilities
for DNA­ and viral­vector based medicines
fine details of what they are doing with
their manipulators. In the center of their flat
that had never been seen before. A small
ampoule of sap or blood from the Koszran
front is a single, radial mouth used solely for
eating. They breathe through six apertures,
biosphere could serve as the foundation
for a pharmaceutical scientist’s
one located on either side of each eye.
The two on the side of the sturdy bottom
career—and promise huge profits to their
employers should its study pay off.
tentacle breathe in continuously as the
Koszran’s triple lungs work in sequence; air Relations with Humans
likewise flows out constantly from the four
breathing holes on the upper part of their
This difference, and the lust for profits
based on it, has colored Human­Koszran
body. Koszrans speak with these outward­
bound apertures, producing meaning out
interactions ever since it was discovered.
The aliens cherish the place each plant
of their whistles. The species can’t
reproduce human language, but humans
and animal species occupies in their
oases, and rightly so: all are necessary, all
have invented small vocoder units which
clip to their speaking holes and translate on
have their purpose. While not totally set
against giving some to humans, their
the fly; not many Koszrans have them, but
they are ubiquitous among those of the
inherent conservatism makes them slow to
reach that stage. Impatient humans have
species who interact with humans regularly. sometimes short­circuited the process and,
if they successfully get off­world with their
Though their appearance is not particularly
unusual by the standards of the many alien
loot, put themselves beyond any possible
restitution or retaliation. Every time it
species encountered by humans, the
Koszrans are quite different at a more
happens, the Koszrans are made more
reluctant to trade legitimately, and the
fundamental level. Life in the ocean was
based around DNA, albeit with amino
human authorities strain to keep open that
channel while also having to deal with
acids of opposite chirality to that used by
terrestrial organisms—a common type
powerful corporations that can protect
malefactors, or at least keep the product
throughout the galaxy. What made
researchers realized that the Koszrans and
of their thievery no matter what.

the plants and animals of their microbiomes
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
AAccordingly, access to Koszra is restricted.
The free­trade elements of the off­world
Koszran NPCs

lhuman government have made sure that

the planet stays open to some extent, but
A Koszran will be 105+2D centimeters tall
and mass 32+1D kilograms; they are much

those who are looking to protect relations
with the Koszrans have managed to make
less variable in these ways than humans

the human port of Creswell Terminal,
located on the shore near a half­dozen Despite their alien shape and biology,

Koszran oases, the only allowable landing
place. Human colonization is absolutely
Koszrans have characteristics superficially
similar to those of humans. Roll 1D+1 for ST

Aforbidden, and the planet still belongs to its

quasi­native inhabitants.
and 2D­1 for DX. Social Standing in human
society will be 1D/2, rounded up, while in

lBut as always, the authorities are

their own society it will be 2D­1. If their
social standing is 10, it will mean that they

overstretched, and have a hard time
keeping 100% of visitors within the port as
are the leader of a single oasis, while 11
makes them the leader of a small

required by law. If nothing else, the system
for getting a scientific study permit to travel
confederation of oases. Other
characteristics are rolled in a standard

is notoriously corrupt. manner.

While individual Koszrans vary, a few basic rules can cover most NPCs of the species:

• All Koszrans have at least Farming­1 and Veterinary Medicine­1

• The Koszran ability to quickly pick apart and understand social relations can be
modeled by giving them some combination of Admin, Advocate, Bribery, Liaison, and

M Streetwise. The exact combination should be tailored to that character's life up to that
point (e.g., Advocate and Streetwise are more likely for characters who have been

o offworld and experience human society).

• Oasis leaders will have Admin­1 and Leadership­1 or ­2. It’s rare for either skill to be

r much higher as most oases have a population under 100 and are not particularly
complex societies as a result.

• Some Koszrans will specialize in Medical, which will teach them how to use the bounty
of their plants and animals to treat ill or injured Koszrans.

A• Koszrans do not have vehicle related skills, as their oases are small, low­tech, and they
do not even have any riding animals. The exception might be one who has been

l offworld, but even in that case they are much likelier to have been passengers than

• Other skills are constrained by Koszra’s tech level of 1.

Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Adventure Seeds
Race for the Prize: A group of bio­pirates
has raided a distant oasis for several
My Old Koszrani Home: A recent chance
discovery of records on Iphis have finally

samples of Koszran life, intent on escaping
off­world and selling them. Their ship is far
elucidated the method by which the
Koszrans on that planet managed to

off in the desolated landscape and will
take time to reach but is similarly far from
travel to their new world. When the two
planets’ stars were close to one another a

the authorities at the starport. The thieves
will likely make it to their destination. The
very large comet bound to the
destination sun was nudged by their

PCs are in a better position to catch them
but will have to deal with the hazards of a
gravitational interaction and ended up
passing through Iphis’ outer solar system.

planet­sized desert, from the punishing light
and heat of the F­class sun to flash floods
This 100­kilometer body meandered
through over the course of more than a

when it rains. They will also need to decide
if they are on the side of the angels, or if
decade, which gave the Koszrans time to
turn it into an ark. Its orbit was perturbed

the booty for themselves. e

they intend to rob the robbers and claim enough that, while it carried the Koszrans
to their new home system, it was now on a

No Plan Survives First Contact: An accident,
hyperbolic arc and carried off into
interstellar space after a single pass. The

either in orbit or while traveling the desert,
leaves the PCs stranded. They will be able
Koszrans off­loaded to their new world
and the comet carried on. Somewhere

to arrange a pickup by the port authorities
in a week, but they have minimal resources
out in space is a massive slower­than­light
starship, abandoned for half a million

to keep them alive until then. There is an
oasis just a few kilometers away, but these

Koszrans’ history with humans has made
them highly suspicious and prone to
While it will be difficult to find, the orbit
retrieved from the Iphisian records is good

violence. The adventurers can choose to
make contact and try to smooth things
enough to narrow down the possibilities
for its position in the present­day.

over enough to obtain some supplies, or if
they decide to take their chances with
Sufficiently determined adventurers just
might be able to track it down and board

staying put the Koszrans will decide to
come and deal with the interlopers on their
it to see what might be worth
examining—either as scientists or looters.
own terms.
Tricks of the Trade: Our heroes have
received permission to negotiate with a

friendly settlement of Koszrans for whatever
they will agree to, up to and including the

ever­valuable biosamples. However, two
other groups have received the same go­

ahead and only one will be permitted to
actually trade in the end. The contenders

will have to compete with one another by
means fair and foul, while also having to

CJ s
account for this being exactly the sort of
complex social situation that Koszrans are
good at exploiting.
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lBy Jim Vassilakos
([email protected])

Prior Literature
There have been numerous books and creatures. When it comes to alien design,

articles published about aliens and alien
design. Indeed, several RPGs also come to
other books spring to mind: Schmidt’s
Aliens and Alien Societies as well as

Amind: Star Trek, Star Wars, and Traveller

among others. These each have numerous
Pickover’s The Science of Aliens, Michael
White’s Life Out There, and Cohen’s and

lalien compendiums. There was also Alan

Frank’s Galactic Aliens, the Spacefarers
Stewart’s What Does a Martian Look Like?
To name only a few. Likewise, there have

Guides to Alien Monsters and Alien Races,
Patrick Huyghe’s Field Guide to
been several articles in the RPG magazine
literature discussing alien design. Here’s a

Extraterrestirals, and Dickinson’s and
Schaller’s Extraterrestrials. These, of course,
pruned list that my little RPG magazine
database program (still a work in progress)

are all compendiums of imagined spit out:

sAres #2: alien life forms: speculation on extraterrestrial creatures

aAres #16: creating alien races for traveller

nDragon #51: make your own aliens (traveller)

dDragon #58: traveller alien generation

M Dragon #123: designing aliens for star frontiers

oJudges Guild Journal #15: planning ecology (monster/alien creature design)

rNuts & Bolts #12: ahh... those aliens (comments on designing alien races)

eOmni 10/92: how to build an alien (designing aliens & alien cultures)

A Shred #2: aliens (random tables for alien design)

l Troll #2: non­humanoid alien design (soapbox, gygax)

iValkyrie #22: babylon 5’s real ancients: incorporating powerful aliens into sfrpgs; dark

e they were, and kind of petty: godlike aliens in sf & gaming; would you let an orc
babysit? (thoughts on aliens & speciesism)

nVIP of Gaming #1: alien races & how to identify them (alien design, sf­rpgs)

Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Random Aliens
Many years ago, in preparation for work strange results, results so strange, in fact,

on an Science Fiction RPG project, I wrote
a program called Rand, a random stuff
that Jaron finally decided (rightly, in my
opinion) that this really wasn’t a very

generator for MS­DOS, and as part of this
program I included some tables for
good method for alien design, although it
could help in terms of brainstorming. In

random alien generation. Jaron Martin
helped to flesh these out, and so this
any case, the tables are too long to
reproduce here, but if anyone wants a

section of the program essentially became
a collaborative effort which we eventually
copy of the program, you can find it at

process. A
test­drove, generating several aliens in the programs/rand.html. In the meantime, I’ll
have the program draw up one random

Unfortunately, there was a bit of a problem
alien just to give you a feel for how it
works and how I would try to interpret the

in that the program often produced results.[1]

Possible Racial Names: Dallpen, Brakenholm, Metellus

Homeworld Gravity: High
Natural Habitat: Jungle
Size: Tiny
Basic Design: Bilateral
Legs (locomotional appendages): 2
Leg/Foot Structure: Unguligrade (Walks on toes supported by pad like elephant or rhino)
Arms (manipulatory appendages): 2
Arm Joints: 2 (shoulder/elbow)
Fingers (manipulatory digits): 7
Wings: None
Tail: No
Skin texture: Smooth
Skin Color: White
Skin Patterns: None (solid)
Number of Horns: 0 o
Number of Eyes: 2 (short visual angle but good depth perception)
Eye stalks: No
Visual Sensitivity: Infrared
Number of Ears: 1 e
Audio Sensitivity: Sharp (able to hear faint sounds)
Smell/Taste: Excellent
Poisonous Sting: No
Diet: Carnivore l
Sexes/Castes: 2 (f/m, males rare, each is owned by a group of females)
Male Genitalia: External
Birth: Live birth
Liter Size: Small (1­3) e
Feeding of Young: Milk glands on mother
Language: Vocal (similar to human speech patterns)
Cybernetics: Uncommon (up to minor accessories such as voice­comms)
Society: Restricted Monarchy
Control: Moderate
Status/Power: Slave race (captive associate, powerless, fully controlled)
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
Commonality Outside Home Territory: Very rare
A Friendliness: Conservative (business­like but impatient)
Demeanor: Agreeable (ultra­polite, will rarely speak openly/honestly)
l Specialty: Starships
Recent Event: Tournament
Initial Thoughts
The first thing that jumps out at me is that
the program says they’re tiny, but it also
to run the show, and also at the excellent

has them walking on padded toes, usually
a feature of heavy animals. Granted, their
sense of smell. Such creatures tend to be
highly territorial, or, at least, the larger

Aworld’s gravity is high, and being

descended from jungle inhabitants,
gender (usually the male) is this way. Yet
these guys are apparently

lperhaps their padded toes are a

defensive mechanism against attacks
psychologically agreeable. In short, they
seem to be anything but territorial.

from poisonous plants and smaller jungle
Proceeding into the social dimension,
they’re also a slave race. Given that

Second, the program has them building
we’re already assuming some degree of
genetic manipulation, why not also

starships for which they’d presumably
need either large brains or the cybernetic
assume that their psychology and, in
fact, their whole society has been

enhancements to make due with small
ones.[2] The only other thing I can imagine
manipulated as well? Perhaps, by
carefully selecting which males are

is that their brains are the work of design
rather than evolution, and hence perhaps
allowed to breed, the race has been
psychologically conditioned away from

can pack more raw intellect into less
volume. Assuming this to be the case,
territoriality and confrontation and
toward a demeanor highly amenable to

we’re looking a product of genetic
subjugation. In this way, they might be
slaves who prefer slavery to such an

MThird, I sort of have a problem with the

extent that they consider their masters to
be their best friends in the universe.

way these guys look. At least structurally
speaking, they look a lot like we do. It is
A fifth and final thought, before I begin

not too often that the program generates
a creature with two arms, two legs, two
this travesty. There’s an alien species on
pages 86­87 of Patrick Huyghe’s Field

arm joints, and two eyes, so I’m afraid that
you’re not going to get a feel for the
Guide to Extraterrestrials which is based
on a 1951 encounter by Illinois resident

Aweirdness that usually results. Nonetheless,

I’m going to roll with it and see what
Harrison Bailey. Bailey, a steelworker at
the time, purported years later to have

encountered a number of short, walking
amphibians who briefly took him captive.

Fourth, there seems to be a potential for
joining some of the physical, psychological
Because the program has generated this
guys to be short, basically humanlike in

and social attributes into an interesting
synthesis, a sort of nexus that can give this
structural design, and descended from a
jungle environment, it seems to me that I

species a story by which they might be
better understood. This is something I look
might be able to draw a bit from this
supposed encounter, although I’ll have

for every time I generate a random alien,
so I’m pleased to see it here. I’m looking
to change the color of their skin from
solid white to brown and striped if I want

mainly at the fact that the females seem
to stay consistent to Bailey’s description
of them.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Preliminary Write­Up – The Dallpen

Brakenholm is a large, terrestrial world in
the Metellus system. It is the homeworld of
Society: The Dallpen are matriarchal, using
chemistry to ensure that some 99% of all

the Dallpen, a small humanoid species
which fell under control of the Hafaru
births are female. The remaining males are
kept solely for their breeding potential,

during their territorial expansion. and most of these are housed at facilities
controlled by the Queen Mother. This

Physical Characteristics: The Dallpen are
fairly small, only around eighteen inches
queen descends by blood lineage from
the original queen crowned during the

(45cm) on average. Normally, such a small
species would never have developed
time of the Emancipation when the males
of the species were nearly all killed

intelligence, so their genetic manipulation
by the Old Ones, even at first glance, is
through targeted biological warfare.
Although originally highly warlike, the
most obvious.
i Dallpen have since been bred to be more
cooperative, a genetic conditioning

Humans find them somewhat “froglike” in
apperance, their bellies tan, dark brown
program that the Hafaru have continued
into the present day.

mottled stripes covering their back and
limbs. Structurally, they are very similar to

humans, being consistent with the sorts of
creatures the Old Ones preferred to uplift:
Interspecies Relations: The Hafaru claim
the Dallpen are a free species and a close

Two arms, two legs, two eyes. Their feet,
however, despite initial Solian descriptions
friend of the Hafaru race, yet the Dallpen
are in reality, for all practical purposes,

of the species dating as far back as the
1950s, are heavily padded, allowing them
slaves of the Hafaru. Their genetic and
psychological programming has

to sprint as well as aiding them in jumping
from trees. Likewise, their seven­fingered
conditioned them to defer to their Hafaru
masters in all matters. Noting this fact, the

hands are ideal for grasping tree branches
or manipulating objects in their natural
Coalition Assembly has refused to offer
them a seat, regarding them as merely an
jungle environment.
o arm of the Hafaru. However, there are said
to be some Dallpen who have somehow

Natural Senses: Bred to be starship
engineers, their vision extends naturally
broken free of Hafaru control, although
such members of the race are certainly a

into the infrared wavelengths so they can
easily discern temperature fluctuations, a
minuscule minority and likely live in fear of
being discovered.

sure sign of impending power leaks and
other containment breaches. Likewise, Needless to say, the Dallpen often serve

instead of having two or more ears, a
common feature of many naturally
on Hafaru starships as engineers, and they,
of course, also build ships for the Hafaru

evolved species, they have only one, a
finely­tuned subdermal ear in the area of
fleet. Also, on a regular basis, they hold a
tournament of starship design, where the

their forehead which they often press to
various parts of mechanical systems in
best design will usually go into production.
In this way, the Dallpen continue to stay

order to aid in diagnostics. As for their
sense of smell, that is handled by their long
focused on what they do best.

snake­like tongue, which can discern
scent so well that they can identify

individuals by smell alone and can often
tell which among them has recently been
in a particular area.
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
Obviously, I didn’t touch on all the points of or somehow explained. In this particular

lRand’s output. Likewise, the Huyghe book

mentions their control over a species of
example, I was able to explain away the
most obvious inconsistencies, but it’s not

small bugs. I’d imagine these bugs might
be useful for making repairs in very tight
always so easy. If I were to rewrite the
tables, I’d try to do a better job, but as it

areas. In any case, I think this gives enough
material to make the alien usable while at
currently stands, I think the program still
has value as a brainstorming device. In

the same time leaving loose strings for
further expansion.
any case, it can do more than just
generate random aliens, so if you’d like a

A The main problem with these alien tables

copy, download it and give it a whirl,
however, beware that you will probably

lis that, just as with the UWP system for

Traveller, they generate too many
need to run it under DOSBox[3]. If you have
any questions, contact me via email or

inconsistencies that either have to be fixed Facebook.[4]

This essay was originally published in Alarums & Excursions[5] #362. To see Jim’s other

contributions to A&E, see https://mega.nz/folder/hGYliCKK#a0fr1dDhy3no6Ey5xNPukQ.

[1]Rand actually has two separate sets of tables for this task. I’m using the first set, as the
other one sometimes crashes the program for some reason.

[2]Generally speaking, small animals seem to need a greater brain­to­body ratio than
large animals in order to be as smart (see

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encephalization_quotient), although there’s a fairly small
species of octopus which may end up overturning this theory.




rThis fanzine and more can be downloaded from the official Cepheus Journal Website!

Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
By Brett Kruger l
In this article, which I hope will be the first This episode is NSFW, having some nudity

of many, I’ll be looking at the Netflix
original series called Love Death and
and graphic violence. The underground
beast fights could add some colour to any

Robots to see what role­playing nuggets I
can mine from it, hence the title. Season
game taking place in the underbelly of a
future city. Players searching for

one was made up of eighteen episodes. In
future articles I’m going to be mining the
information, a patron or leads could
happen upon such an arena.

movies for gaming goodness. l

science fiction of tv shows, short films and
I really like the idea of remote­controlled

Fair warning, if you haven’t seen this series
beasts for gaming. Players could be roped
into such a situation and must control

yet and you want to, divert your eyes now,
spoilers ahead! First up I’ll touch on each
such a beast. I think this concept could
also be expanded and used in a dark

episode in series one, give a brief outline
and then some thoughts on its role­play
future game, or even in a version of a
Hostile setting. Instead of battle armour or

possibility. Each episode is between six and
seventeen minutes long, so they can pack
mechs, players could send in their bio­
beasts as their avatars, safe while the

in a lot. Another warning, several of the
episodes are NSFW and one or two are
beastie gets in the thick of things.

downright explicit. Personally, none of my
games have been adults only, but I know
Episode two is Three Robots. Long after
the fall of humanity, three robots embark

episodes in the brief. d

of gamers that do, so I’ll mention those on a sightseeing tour of a post­
apocalyptic city, learning human

After that I’ll go in­depth for those episodes
concepts and surmising what lead to their

that I think have potential for use in a role­
playing session, give a bit more overview of Pretty tame stuff with little to mine, except

the episode and how I would use it in a
game. If the episode is an absolute
for one great twist.
engineered cats that can speak and

goldmine, I’ll try and break it out into a
separate article. Right then, let’s get stuck
which hint they may explode if you stop
petting them, otherwise could be used in
A a Cyber Punk style game. That’s all, I’ll
leave that right there.
Episode Briefs
l Episode three is called The Witness. After

Episode one is called Sonnie's Edge. In
London’s underground world of "beastie"
seeing a brutal murder, a woman flees
from the killer through the streets of a

fights, where remotely controlled bio­
engineered gladiator beasts battle each
surreal city. The woman kills the man, then
realises the same man just saw her kill him.

other, the fighter Sonnie is unbeatable as
long as she keeps her edge. The fact is Another NSFW episode with graphic

Sonnie’s human body is only a front end
and her consciousness is actually in the
nudity and some violence, about the only
thing of interest is the apparent reality

combat beast. Each time she goes into the
ring she really is fighting for her life.
loop, the male and female switching roles
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
with each loop. It reminds me of another government changes its mind when the
Ashort series I recently watch on YouTube, Yogurt goes to make the same offer to
which I hope to cover in a future article. China. Despite being told not to deviate
l from the plan in the smallest detail, the
Episode four is called Suits. A community of American government can’t help itself
farmers use their homemade mechs to and within six months the global economy
defend their families from an alien invasion. collapses, except tor Ohio.
When their defences fail, the farmers must
flee to their underground shelters. The government then lets the Yogurt take
n over completely and a decade later
This is the first episode where I really thought humans are prosperous under their dairy­
A“this could be used in a game”. Then I based overlords. The Yogurt then decides
thought of Zozer’s Hostile setting, what a to embark on space exploration, leaving
lmatch made in heaven. There is the rare mankind to their own devices. Nope, I got
swear word in this episode. An alien nothing on this one. Almost as silly as a
invasion of a colony is right up Hostile’s alley silicon­based virus destroying the known
and would make a great adventure for a universe.(1)
party of players. Help the farmers fight off
the horde. The homemade mechs are Episode seven is called Beyond the Aquila
really cool too. Rift. Awakening after traveling light years
off course, a ship's crew struggles to
Episode five is called Sucker of Souls. If you discover just how far they've come.
thought ‘vampires’ when you saw this title,
well you’d be mostly right. Unleashed by an The captain, Thom, wakes
archaeological dig, a bloodthirsty demon suspended animation (think low berths) to

(styled after Dracula) battles a team of find an old girlfriend, Greta, on the space
mercenaries armed with... cats? station where his ship is docked. She tells
d him they are thousands of light years from
Well, sort of. The doctor in the group Earth, out past the Aquila Rift and
Mexplains that Dracula fears and hates cats. hundreds of years has passed.
The mercenaries have all the usual guns
and explosives. The team manages the kill Thom is disbelieving of the situation and
the Dracula demon, only to flee further into presses Greta for the truth, and reluctantly
the caves and find themselves surrounded reveals the truth, that his ship is caught in
by more of the monsters. a giant space web, his crew are dead,
e and that Greta is an alien arachnid
This episode is your basic dungeon crawl creature that eases the crews of the
Afilled with monsters. It could easily work in a marooned ships to their final rest. Thom
Hostile setting with any number of xeno­ loses his mind so ‘Greta’ returns him to the
lbeasts swapped for the vampire demons. dream world where he presumably starts
the cycle again.
Episode six has the title When the Yogurt
Took Over. The episode is exactly that, after This episode has got some good potential
scientists accidentally breed super­ for a game session. This episode has nudity
intelligent yogurt, it soon hungers for world and a sex scene, so definitely NSFW. The
domination. giant space web acts as a ‘catching
point’ for ships that mis­jump, ending up in
The Yogurt offers to eradicate the US an area of space that has little chance for
national debt, but in return they want the escape, little but not none, a sort of
state of Ohio. Initially mocked, the Sargasso Sea in space.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Episode eight is called Good Hunting. The
son of a spirit hunter forges a bond with a
That night the camp is attacked, and
everyone is killed. Decker arrives back and

shape­shifting huli jing after his father kills its
mother. The young Liang leaves home to
rightly assumes the carnage was caused
by another werewolf. Decker is ordered to

become a train engineer and in Hong
Kong encounters Yan, now stuck in human
find the enemy werewolf and bring him in

removed the huli jing’s magic.e

form as steampunk industrialization has
Decker sneaks out of camp and meets an

After Yan is drugged and turned into a
old man and a younger man he has
encountered before. The pair morphs into

cyborg sex toy, she kills her tormentor and
turns to Liang for help. Using his newly
werewolves and they fight. Although
injured, Decker kills them both, before

developed robotics skills Liang morphs Yan
into a robotic huli jing. They then part and
returning to camp and ends his service in

who abuse women. i

Yan becomes a vigilante, hunting those
Just like episode eight, you can have a

e shape­shifting alien, though this time the

Given that I just said ‘cyborg sex toy’ do I alien is a member of your team, and you

really need to say this episode is NSFW? This are hunting rebels or an enemy. Your team
episode is very suitable for a cyberpunk or could be a small recon team, or a unit of a

steampunk game, but I think the idea of a much larger force.
shape­shifting alien could be slotted into

any sci­fi game. The alien could be being Episode eleven is called Helping Hand.
held captive and its family could approach Stranded in orbit, an astronaut must

the players to help, or the alien could be choose between life and limb before her
stuck on some world and approach the oxygen runs out. Knocked away from the

players for assistance to get off­world, all satellite she was repairing, Alex is faced
the while being chased by others who wish with running out of air or removing her
to do it harm.
M glove and using it to push her back
towards the satellite and her ship.

Episode nine is called The Dump. Ugly
Dave calls the garbage dump home, and She seals her suit and throws the glove

he's not about to let some city­slicker take away from her, which pushes her back
it away from him. After Dave’s friend is toward the satellite, but she narrowly

eaten by a muck creature, he befriends misses and starts to drift past her ship.
the creature, and it becomes his pet. Exposed to the vacuum of space, her left

his ‘pet’ eats the inspector. A

When an inspector arrives to evict Dave, forearm is frozen, so she decides to break
off the forearm in a last ditched effort to

Not much for role­play, but I do like the
get back to the ship.

elsewhere in this issue. i

idea of a muck creature so look for it While not a great episode for a multi­
player gaming session, this would make for

e an interesting session for a solo game in a

Episode ten is called Shape­Shifters. Deep near­future universe. It could even be a
in Afghanistan, two
Marines with good way to introduce a new player, with
supernatural powers face a threat from the rest of the group arriving after a call for

one of their own kind. Although despised help from the solo player.
by normal humans, the werewolves are

nevertheless used by military forces for their
unique senses.
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
AEpisode twelve is called Fish Night. After
their car breaks down in the desert, two
Zima was upgraded each time he passed
to a new owner, eventually becoming self­

lsalesmen take a dreamlike voyage to the

dawn of time. The desert, once a sea floor
aware. Longing for meaning, Zima
‘deconstructs’ himself to become a simple

teaming with life, is now the playground for
the ghosts of prehistoric marine life.
pool cleaning robot once more.

The younger of the two salesmen decides
Another cyberpunk suitable episode, the
players could be tasked with helping an

to strip off and ‘swim’ with the ghosts.
Despite warnings from the older man, he
advanced AI return to its roots. A suitable
twist could be the AI is a celebrity, or even

Acontinues to swim, becoming

luminescent being who then is consumed
asome top­secret military AI.

lby a primordial shark. Episode fifteen is called Blind Spot. A gang

of cyborg thieves stage a high­speed heist

While not a regular sci­fi game situation, of a heavily armoured convoy. Everything
this scenario could be morphed into a that can goes wrong, does, leaving only

cyberpunk game, with the desert the new guy standing. The rookie retrieves
environment being inside a computer with the target of the heist, an advanced

the players hunting something hidden in microchip, and while lamenting the loss of
the primordial digital ocean. his teammates is told by the team’s

s coordinator that their brains are backed

Episode thirteen is called, funny enough, up before every mission. The rookie is then

Lucky 13. After the drop­ship Lucky 13 lost greeted by holograms of his lost
two crews, no pilot would fly her... but teammates.

rookies don't get a choice. Lt Colby
manages to rack up twenty missions in This episode is basically a cyberpunk

what many consider a curse ship, but version of the classic train robbery
eventually her luck runs out. Lucky 13 scenario. It’s great fun and could easily be

Mcrashes and is overrun by enemy troops. run in a single game session. The whole
Watching from a trench, Colby sees 13 self­ ‘back the brains up’ situation does take

destructs, taking out the enemy and saving most of the danger out of the scenario, so
her and its troops. could be skipped, unless you really want to

The star of this episode really is the dropship
make games lethal to players.

‘Lucky 13’, which you find out towards the Episode sixteen is called Ice Age. A young
end is semi­sentient, an AI computer that couple moves into an apartment and finds

Asacrifices itself to save its crew. This would a lost civilization inside their antique
make a great NPC in any game that freezer. There is a time dilation in the

lsupports AI characters. freezer and, as they watch, the civilization

goes from Medieval era to Industrial

Episode fourteen is called Zima Blue. The Revolution then modern­day and tactical
renowned artist Zima recounts his nuclear warfare. With time the civilization

mysterious past and rise to fame before moves forward to advanced technology,
unveiling his final work. Many assume Zima then evolving into energy beings that

is a cybernetically enhanced man, but in vanish into a singularity.
truth he began as an advanced android

pool cleaning robot. He fascination with Believing the mini people are gone, they
the colour blue stems from the fact that unplug the refrigerator to clean it in the

that was the first colour he saw in the pool. morning. The next day they find the freezer
now has a prehistoric world, with primitive
sapiens under attack by dinosaurs.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
There are plenty of tropes with mini
creatures, from the locker creatures of Men
Episode Four. A small community of
farmers pilot mech suits to defend their

in Black to any number of fantasy films.
Why not include some mini creatures in
land from an invading swarm of insectoids
which they call "DeeBees". When the

your game, just for fun or even as a plot
defence field fails, DeeBees pour in faster
than they can be repelled, so the

The seventeenth episode is called
community heads for underground

Alternate Histories. Want to see Hitler die in
a variety of comically fantastic ways? Now All arms are called in and one neighbour,

you can. Welcome to Multiversity! Six
timelines not only show Hitler dying, but also
Jake, sacrifices himself to kill a large
portion of the swarm. A giant insectoid

the outcomes of his death at that
particular point in time.
breaks through, but one of the farmers'
wives destroys it with a well­aimed shot

I’ve got to say, I love alternative histories
from a turret gun.

and while this episode is restricted to Hitler
(although timelines for Lincoln shoots first is
Come dawn, the barriers are back to
normal and the town has returned to a

hinted at) it gives food for thought for
anyone who wants to take a standard
sense of safety. The camera zooms out to
show that DeeBees populate the whole

game with a know history and twist it into
something completely different.
planet, and the farmers are the invading
force, having set up domed colonies

The final episode is called The Secret War.
across the planet.

Elite units of the Red Army fight an unholy
evil deep in the ancient forests of Siberia.
The world looks like a garden world, until
you get to the end of the episode and

The Russians attempt to summon demons
to fight for them, but it goes horribly wrong.
realise some terraforming has taken
place. Some of the tech doesn’t really fit

A special force is sent in to destroy the
demons, but it becomes a Russian version
in to most Cepheus games, such as the
force­field domes, but you could
of Custers last stand.
o substitute that for glass domes (Outland
anyone?) or even some type of electro­

Who doesn’t love a good last stand? Well
unless you’re playing Paranoia, I’m
magnetic field fence.

guessing not your players. It does make for
a really good session of Hostile though, you
Suits, there’s not much published in
Cepheus Engine to help out here in the

send the characters in to investigate a
research station that’s gone silent, only to
way of mechs or giant power suits,
something that hopefully some publisher

discover that they’ve opened to proverbial
gates of hell and the players are now in a
will fix soon. The two I know of are
Mongoose’s “2300AD: Hard Suits, Combat

desperate race to get out alive. Walkers and Battlesuits” and JBE's “Mech
Tech 'n' bot: Mech Squadrons”, although
Expanded thoughts.
e I’ve been told you can design mechs with
the Vehicle Design Guide – something

While there’s lots in the first season that can
be used in games, I’m going to focus on
else to put on my to do list.

episodes four, seven and fifteen. I’ve
ripped the episode descriptions in this
The domes act as a limiting factor for
game play, half a dozen homesteads

section directly from the wiki page
scattered throughout, with one or two
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
locations with a hardened shelter to retreat As a horrified Thom loses his mind from the
Ato when things get really bad. encounter, "Greta" returns him to the
dream world, minus his recent memories,
lSet the scene with one or two aliens just as she had with his crew and the
breaking through the barrier and, just when others. She reawakens him and greets him
the players think they’re on top of things all over again, a process that presumably
and the dome is back up, hit them with repeats until Thom eventually dies.
surge of creatures. You can have the
mechs run out of ammo and have them The ‘Greta’ alien is benevolent, wanting to
retreat, breakdown and be overrun and help the characters escape the reality of
have to be rescued, beat the tide back or their situation. In the episode that ‘help’
Afight a running battle back to their shelter. comes in the form of a dream world to
ease them into their afterlife, but in a
lBut once in the shelter how do they defeat Cepheus game that help could easily be
the aliens? In the episode they kill the in the form of helping the players scrounge
queen with a missile fired from the shelter’s the parts and fuel they need to get their
defences, or you could have the dome ship jump­ready again.
self­repair and have your team reload and
go out and keep fighting the leftovers. All the marooned ships are connected by
n a web of strands, allowing movement
Episode Seven. The Blue Goose spaceship's between the ships. There may or may not
crew members, Thom, Suzy, and Ray, are be other survivors fighting for resources.
returning home from a successful mission, The crew may even be attacked as soon
but an error in the routing plot causes as they come out of stasis, having to fight
unexpected events to happen. Thom for their lives. The hunt for fuel in the
awakes from suspended animation and is Sargasso could even extend the scenario
greeted by Greta, an old flame. if all the trapped ships have empty tanks,
d or they have to figure out how to get the
She tells him that he and his crew are fuel from the other stranded ships.
Mhundreds of thousands of light­years from
Earth, nearly beyond the Aquila Rift, and Episode Fifteen. A cyborg crew ­ Hawk,
centuries have passed: there is no way for Kali, Sui, and Rookie ­ attempt to rob a
them to get home. They rekindle their convoy for a heavily guarded microchip
relationship, but Thom is still in disbelief of as it is in motion to a tunnel. As they plant
the situation. explosives on the back car, Sui drops one
e of his when swerving to avoid a desert rat,
He demands the truth from a tearful Greta, alerting the guards.
Awho tells him that his experiences are a
simulation and that he is not ready to see Kali opens cover fire as Hawk moves in to
lreality, as she truly does care for him and all deal with the turrets. Once in the tunnel,
those who find their way there. He insists, so they have a limited window to get the
she reluctantly relents and awakens him. microchip, but as Hawk readies, he is
blindsided and destroyed by a massive
Thom is revealed to be an emaciated old defence bot. Using the distraction, Sui
man; their ship caught in an enormous web knocks it off the convoy, but it shifts into
with countless others; his crew either dead vehicle mode and gives chase, crushing
or trapped in their own trances; and Kali as it does.
"Greta" an alien arachnid creature.
Sui sacrifices himself to destroy the
! defence bot's CPU and the convoy.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Rookie survives and takes the targeted before it gets to the end of the tunnel,
microchip, lamenting the loss of his team.
He is greeted by Bob, the team's
where the
at the
coordinator, who congratulates him and
tells him that he copied all of their brains

before the mission. The crew greets Rookie
in hologram form, commending him for a
While it doesn’t happen in the episode
(jamming maybe), you could have the
job well done. e convoy signal the compound at a certain
point, bringing in more defenders if the
So, train job on wheels, with killer warbots team seems to be having too easy a time
as opponents. The copying of the team’s of it.
brains reminds me very much of Netflix’s
series Altered Carbon, which I also enjoyed. So there you have it, some of the gaming
l gold to be found in Netflix’s original series
The team has to catch up to the convoy, Love, Death and Robots. If you have a
take out the guard bots on wheels, break favourite series you want reviewed, or
into the main truck, overcome the want to add some of your thoughts for
defences and then take out the boss bot. game ideas, just drop me a line on the
A couple of key points to this scenario, they Cepheus Journal Facebook or MeWe
have to get on board the truck before it pages.
hits the tunnel, and they have either stop
the truck or steal the chip before the truck Till next time, keep gaming!

(1). This is a joke on my behalf, I really like that particular setting, despite how implausible

it was. But hey, it’s just a game!

CJ d
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lBy Todd Bradley
[email protected]
updated 09­March­2022

Converting PCs from Cepheus Engine to

Cepheus Deluxe ­ Introduction
Cepheus Deluxe is a new rule set for space Skills

Aopera sci­fi RPG campaigns, published by

Stellagama Publishing. It is similar to
General Rules

lCepheus Engine but changes a few things

to simplify the game, improve playability,
The skill list in CD is much shorter. Some
skills have been combined.

and add some extra depth in places.
CD doesn’t have cascade skills. So, you

One thing that is simplified is character
creation. But for my campaign, all the
no longer get a default zero­level skill in
the other branches of the cascade tree

players already had characters created
under the Cepheus Engine rules. So, I wrote
that you didn’t specialize in.

these conversion rules to apply to the
existing characters to make them more
“Subsumes” below means that the skill
existed in CE and includes that meaning

compatible with Cepheus Deluxe. of the skill plus it also includes the other
listed skill(s).

Note to other referees: All these are “house
rules” for my These Stars Are Ours! “Replaces” below means the skill either

campaign. None of this should be
considered canon. Maybe these
didn’t exist in CE or was a cascade skill
and you no longer must choose a

Mconversion rules will work for your

campaign, maybe not. You decide.

Page numbers are from Cepheus Deluxe
If you had any of the skills in brackets (one
of the subsumed or replaced skills), the

Original Printing ­ September ­ October
2021. In some cases, I quote text from that
skill level is now the maximum of the main
skill and any that have been subsumed or

rule book; literal quotes are set apart using

AFor brevity, I often use the acronym CE to

Example 1: If you had Gambling­1 but not
Carousing, you now have Carousing­1.

lmean Cepheus Engine and CD to mean

Cepheus Deluxe. Example 2: If you had Gambling­1 and

Carousing­1, you still have Carousing­1.

Cepheus Deluxe uses the same traditional
six characteristics (sometimes called
Skill List
Below is the list of all 31 skills. In square

“attributes” or “stats”) as Cepheus Engine
and Traveller. Nothing changes here.
brackets are notes about converting
each one. Some of these notes come

Characteristic Modifiers stay the same, too.
from the CD book, and some are things
that just felt right to me when I compared

! the CE skill list to the CD skill list.

Aliens,Aliens and Aliens! The Unusual Case of Survival Skill
• Admin
• Aircraft [replaces Airship, Rotor Aircraft,
In Cepheus Engine, the Survival skill was a
cascade skill off Animals. But in Cepheus
and Winged Aircraft]
• Animals [replaces Farming, Riding, and
Deluxe, it’s now a separate skill and not
subsumed by the CD Animals skill. To me,
Veterinary Medicine]
• Athletics [this is the only skill you can’t use
that makes much more sense.

• Carousing [subsumes Gambling]
How Not To Be Seen ­ Recon and Stealth
In Cepheus Engine, the Recon skill was
• Computer [subsumes Comms and
n used both to spot hidden things and to
hide from people trying to spot you.
• Deception
• Demolitions
A Cepheus Deluxe has two separate skills for
that. Recon is now for spotting hidden

and Wheeled Vehicle]

• Driving [replaces Mole, Tracked Vehicle, things, but Stealth is used to hide from
others. If you had Recon in CE, choose
• Engineering
• Grav Vehicles
i one or the other skill in CD, but not both,
unless you have a level of 2 or more in
• Gun Combat [replaces Archery, Energy
Pistol, Energy Rifle, Shotgun, Slug Pistol,
which case you can split the levels
between the two.
and Slug Rifle]
• Gunnery [replaces Bay Weapons, Heavy Languages

Turret Weapons]
Weapons, Screens, Spinal Mounts, and CD characters know a number of
languages equal to 1 + EDU modifier
• Heavy Weapons
• Investigation
a (minimum 1). There is no longer a
Linguistics skill. If you had Linguistics in CE,
• Jack Of All Trades
• Leadership
n you now simply know that many more

• Medicine
• Liaison [subsumes Bribery and Broker]
Homeworld Skills
• Melee Combat [replaces Natural
Weapons, Bludgeoning Weapons,
Throw out any Homeworld Skills from
Cepheus Engine that are still at level 0.

Piercing Weapons, and Slashing Refer to the Cepheus Deluxe Homeworld
Skills on p. 19. You get one skill relevant to

• Recon
• Piloting [subsumes Navigation] your homeworld, at level 1. For the
purposes of converting existing

and Mechanics]
• Repair [replaces Electronics, Gravitics, characters, this only applies to skills you
don’t already have at level 1 or greater.
• Science [replaces Physical Sciences,
Social Sciences, and Space Sciences] Contacts
• Stealth
• Steward
l Cepheus Deluxe doesn’t have Allies and
Enemies in the same way that Cepheus
• Streetwise
• Survival
i Engine does. Instead, there are Contacts
(p. 36). Normally, you start the game with
• Tactics
• Watercraft [replaces Motorboats, Ocean
a number of Contacts equal to your SOC
DM, and can gain more through the
Ships, Sailing Ships, and Submarine
• Zero­G [subsumes Battle Dress]
course of your career.

s For the purposes of converting existing CE

characters to CD, just take any Allies you
! already have, and start calling them
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
Contacts instead. If your number of Allies is Other Notes for My Players
Aless than your SOC DM, make up enough Here is a list of other things to point out to
new Contacts to fill in the gaps. my gaming group in converting from
lStamina and Lifeblood
Cepheus Engine to Cepheus Deluxe.

Cepheus Deluxe bucks the old Traveller Collaboration
tradition of using the 3 physical The CD Collaboration rule (p. 11) replaces
characteristics for “hit points”. Instead, it the CE Aiding Another rule.
has 2 other characteristics. From p. 39:
n In some cases, characters may work
The character’s Stamina represents their together on a task throw. The character
Atoughness, and their ability to take a hit with the highest combined skill and
and shrug it off. Stamina is equal to the sum characteristic DMs make the main skill
lof character’s END Characteristic + throw. Any assistant can make a skill throw
Athletics skill. For example, a character with at the same difficulty as well; if they
END 7 and Athletics 1 will have Stamina 8. succeed, add DM+1 to the primary
character’s throw; if they fail, the primary
The character’s Lifeblood represents their character suffers no penalty. There can
resistance to injury. It is equal to twice their only be one assistant to the main skill
Stamina. throw. However, the Referee
encouraged to allow other characters to

If the character lacks the Athletics skill, their assist the assistant. Each throw has the
Stamina simply equals their END score, and same difficulty as the original skill throw.
their Lifeblood simply equals twice their Note that characters who are assisting in
END score. the throw do not necessarily have to use
n the same skill. If the player and Referee
Speaking of Athletics, here’s some funny agree, a related skill task throw can assist.
trivia. Athletics is the one skill in Cepheus For example, a ship’s engineer might throw
Deluxe that you can’t use untrained (not Engineering to assist the Pilot’s skill throw.
Mcounting Jack Of All Trades, of course). Teamwork!

Traits are a new concept in Cepheus
Hero Points
We’ll use the optional Individual Hero
Deluxe, and there’s a whole chapter
devoted to them, starting on p. 41.
Points rule in the Terran Borderlands
campaign. See p. 12 for the Hero Points
Read the wonderful list and choose one

ATrait for every two career terms you You’ll get two individual Hero Points at the
completed, with a minimum of one. start of each session; use ’em or lose ’em.
But we won’t use group Hero Points.

Keep your existing equipment. CD has Experience Points
some new equipment and changes some Unlike Cepheus Engine, Cepheus Deluxe
details of old equipment. But for simplicity has an experience point (XP) system. In
and continuity, nothing in my campaign Cepheus Deluxe, you learn new skills (and
will immediately change regarding old languages and Traits) by spending XP for
equipment. them.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
To convert a CE PC into CD, take the
number of weeks you have been studying
By the way, don’t make the mistake of
thinking that just because the game uses

of unspent XP you have. l

a new skill and just use that as the number XP now, there are levels or ranks. There
aren’t. XP is simply earned for

i adventuring, and then spent to improve

So, if you’ve been on a training program your character, one thing at a time.

and have accumulated 4 weeks toward

CJ n
Piloting and 8 weeks toward Gun Combat,
you now have 12 unspent XP. You can
spend those immediately on skill

advancement or hold on to them and use
them later.

!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lBy Brett Kruger

The Dump Demon is not actually an week until they expire. When they get

individual entity but, just like coral reefs, is a
colony of creatures that act together as a
below 100 kilograms they will revert to
being wild if they had previously bonded.

single semi­sentient creature. Like a reverse
hermit crab, as the colony grows it collects Dump Demons reach maturity once they

Aobjects from its surroundings to build its

form. Dump Demons grow by consuming
reach 1500 kilograms, after roughly three
years. While Spawn Dump Demons are

lobjects and incorporating them into their

mass, and especially love the discarded
quite easy to kill, if you can find them,
Juvenile and Mature Dump Demons are a

rubbish locations of sentient creatures. whole different matter.

Dump Demons do not like environments
where they can't consume waste to grow.
Projectile weapons only do quarter
damage and are mostly absorbed into

Dump Demons spawn when a piece of at
least one kilogram of the colony is broken
the mass of the creature. Poisons and
toxins have no effect on them. Only

off from its host colony. This never happens
naturally and is always the result of
energy and flame weapons do normal
damage to these creatures.

Dump Demons cannot be knocked out,

At this size the natural instinct of the mass is
to run and hide. Dump Demon spawn grow
and will keep fighting if cornered, or will
flee if given the opportunity. Dump

at the rate of one kilogram a week,
reaching the next stage of their life after
Demons have the natural trait of Ghost,
giving them Stealth 1 in their natural

Mten weeks. surroundings, as well as +2 to initiative.

At ten weeks the colony will have grown
enough, and added enough extra mass, to
If the sentient a Dump Demon has
bonded with is under attack the Dump

have gained their semi­sentience. It is this
juvenile form that can imprint onto another
Demon will attack until either the threat is
eliminated, or the Dump Demon is killed.

sentient being, thus forming a permanent
bond. If this bond is not formed by the time Cepheus Deluxe Stats

Athe juvenile reaches 20 weeks and 200

kilograms, then the Dump Demon can no Spawn Dump Demon

llonger bond. Size: 1

Weight: 1Kg

Bonding takes a week of close contact
and interaction. Wild Dump Demons are
Stamina: 1
Lifeblood: 4

exceptionally dangerous and are often
hunted, but bonded ones make excellent
DM: ­2D
Weapons: Claws and Teeth ­/­

guards beasts ­ as long as the environment
contains enough waste for them to
Armor: 0
Speed (Min/Max): 10/30

consume. Where this becomes the case
the Dump Demon will lose one kilogram a
Reactions: Flees if surprised

Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Juvenile Dump Demon
Size: 7 A Mature Dump Demon
Size: 11
Weight: 100Kg
Stamina: 7 l Weight: 1500Kg
Stamina: 18
Lifeblood: 18
DM: ­ i Lifeblood: 45
DM: +4D
Weapons: Claws and Teeth 2D/2D
Armor: 1 e Weapons: Claws and Teeth 2D/2D
Armor: 3
Speed (Min/Max): 10/30
Reactions: Attacks 11+, flee 6­
Speed (Min/Max): 10/30
Reactions: Attacks if it has surprise

CJ l
otherwise 8+, flee 3­

Dump Demon caught with night vision. Note they are more reflective than un­absorbed
materials. i
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lInterview with Omer Golan­Joel of

By Brett Kruger (CJ Editor)

CJ ­ First up, thank you for taking time out

of your busy schedule to answer some
questions for our readers. Could you tell us

Awhen did you first get into roleplaying

games, what was your first and what was

lyour favourite?

OG – I began with AD&D 2E, which was the
primary game available in Israel in the mid­

1990's. I soon moved to Shadowrun when it
was available, and then to Classic Traveller

­ I got the books­0­8­in­one­volume
Traveller reprint at a discount when I

purchased several Shadowrun
sourcebooks. Nowadays I run Old School
CJ – How did you get into writing

Essentials (an old­school D&D­type game)
and Cepheus Deluxe, and I play in a
roleplaying games and what do you enjoy
most about it? What inspiration do you

Savage Worlds game. Classic Traveller was
my all­time favorite since I found it,
draw from?

eclipsing any d20 game or Shadworun. OG – I began creating fan material for
Classic Traveller early in this century; I

MCJ – Your bio says you are a freelance

translator as well as an RPG publisher, how
ended up publishing an official third­party
Traveller setting, Outer Veil, under the old

do you balance the two and what do you
like to do in your downtime?
logo license, though Spica Publishing.
Later, I founded my own company,

OG – If I could, I would have devoted
Stellagama Publishing, to publish open­
content and open­source role­playing

myself full­time to tabletop role­playing
game writing and publishing. As I still
game material. I enjoy creating new rules
for people to enjoy at the table, and,

Arequire additional income, I spend

approximately 20 hours a week doing
more than that, building interesting and
deep settings. I draw game­design

lfreelance translation work,

approximately 20­25 hours doing my role­
and inspiration from the many great game
designers who came before me, and

playing game work. In my downtime, I
spend a lot of time cooking; I also play
science­fiction inspiration both from older
novels (such as stories by Niven and

video games, though I play them far less
often nowadays than even a decade ago.
Pournelle) and from newer sci­fi media
(such as Babylon 5 or Mass Effect).

My hope is that Cepheus Deluxe's Second
Printing Kickstarter will catapult my game CJ ­ Stellagama, how did that name

design career far enough that I will be able
to devote my entire work time to
come about?

Stellagama Publishing. OG – I am an amateur herpetologist; I love
lizards with a passion, and my favorite
lizard is the rough­tail rock agama,
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Stellagama stellio, a very common lizard
where I live (Israel). Its name also means
OG – Our initial plan was to publish These
Stars Are Ours, our space­opera setting.

"Star Agama" or "Star Lizard", which is
appropriate for a sci­fi game publishing
Other titles came organically, based on
our ongoing brainstorming process, as we
i strive to offer a diverse and interesting
selection of science­fiction and sword­

CJ – Stellagama has four other members
on the team, Richard Hazlewood, Josh
and­sorcery books for our audience to

Peters, Robert L. S. Weaver and Hannah
Saunders. When and how did they join CJ – What attracted you to the Cepheus

Stellagama and what unique qualities do
they bring?
Engine? Which of your titles was the most
fun to write?

OG – Richard Hazlewood was my founding OG – I love the simplicity and straight­

partner in Stellagama Publishing; together
we began work on our projects, most
forwardness of the 2d6 skill­based
mechanics, as introduced by Traveller and

notably These Stars Are Ours!; soon after, in
2016, Josh Peters joined us in the same
propagated by the Cepheus Engine. You
can do almost anything you want with

project, and Robert Weaver the next year,
first as an indexing expert, and then as a
these rules, from the original science
fiction to fantasy and even further. There

writer. Around the same time, Hannah
Saunders joined us as an illustrator, who
are over 700 Cepheus Engine titles on
DriveThruRPG right now, by a variety of

eventually published her own products
through our company. Last but not least,
authors and publishing companies,
attesting to the system's versatility and
Ivan Cantero Muñoz
n joined
approximately a ear ago as an expert
us ease of use. Writing Cepheus Deluxe was
a great joy ­ a challenge to improve on

translator into Spanish, and as a writer of
sword & sorcery adventures and settings.
the already­awesome existing
Cepheus mechanics and make them

CJ – Stellagama was founded in 2016,
more accessible to newer audiences.

what was your first product, which is your
best­selling product and which product
CJ – What are you working on now? Any
plans for future titles you would like to
are you most proud of?
r share with our readers?

OG – Our first product was Scum and
Villainy, a rogue supplement for the White
OG – On July 1st, 2022, we will launch a
Kickstarter campaign for Cepheus Deluxe

Star d20­based sci­fi RPG. Our best­selling
product, which is also our joy and pride, is
Enhanced, a version of the same best­
selling Cepheus Deluxe rules repackaged

Cepheus Deluxe ­ a Mithral Best Seller on
DriveThruRPG and an excellent sci­fi ruleset
in much better layout and with much
more full­color art. Alongside this

combining a classic spirit with modernized
campaign, we will also publish Terra
Arisen, a concise and action­packed

CJ – Stellagama has a range of
retellion of These Stars Are Ours, in the
coming month. Beyond that ­ we have

settings/rules, Cepheus Light/Deluxe, The
sword of Cepheus, These Stars are Ours
many plans for the future ­ a second
edition of The Sword of Cepheus sword &

and Near Space, as well as quirky titles like
Cauldrons & Casseroles. Was there a plan
sorcery rules, more adventures set in the
Terra Arisen universe ­ and more!

for how these titles came out, or just an
organic growth, or maybe something else?
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
ACJ – Besides DriveThruRPG, what other OG – We had no official convention

lavenues are available for purchasing your

books? Any other web presences (blogs,
presence so far, but we intend to use the
newly­available post­pandemic freedom

Facebook, etc.) you’d like to promote for
to make ourselves available for various
conventions in the future.

OG – Some of our books are available in CJ – One final question, your bio says you

print from Lulu and from Amazon. We also
have a semi­official blog (my own personal
have two pet cats as well as an entourage
of house geckos. Given that the

Ablog) and a Facebook page: Stellagama logo is a gecko, which would

you say is your favourite pet?

OG – My favorite pet is Saki, my old cat,

https://www.facebook.com/StellagamaPu who has turned 15 this year. The geckos
blishing and agamas are wild animals living in our

e homeand backyard... My other cat,

CJ – Do you, or Stellagama, ever make it Chicha, passed away in 2021.

to any conventions, at least before Covid?
Do you get to interact much with fans? CJ – Again, thank you for your time, Omer.

s CJ
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
By Jon Zeigler l
Four Aliens for the Human Destiny Setting One detail that may be of interest regards

As I announced in issue #10, I’m currently
working on a space­opera setting of my
the way Social Standing (SOC) works in
the setting. The Cepheus Engine game is

own, called the Human Destiny universe.
This the setting for some of my original
being designed around
characters, who have SOC scores no

fiction, and I’m (slowly) working on a series
of tabletop game sourcebooks under the
higher than 15 (F) as expected. SOC 15
represents the very elite of conquered
Cepheus Engine.
l humanity, one­in­a­million individuals who
carry a “red card” indicating full trusted

The premise is that in the mid­21st century,
Earth and humanity are “annexed”
citizenship in the Khedai Hegemony.
Average SOC scores indicate a “white

(conquered) by a vast interstellar empire,
the Khedai Hegemony. The Hegemony
card” that carries no specific privileges.

doesn’t seem interested in exploiting us for
its own benefit. Instead, as has happened
Non­human characters, even those in
ordinary professions, are likely to hold high

with many other pre­interstellar cultures,
we were on the verge of self­destruction;
Social Standing in human terms. Non­
humans with SOC lower than 9 are rare,

the aliens wanted to rescue us and guide
us into mature membership in interstellar
and senior non­human officials of the
Hegemony will have SOC of 12 or higher.
n Khedai

The “present day” of the setting is in the
late 23rd century, a time when more and
Khedai are big bipedal creatures,
standing about 2.0 meters tall and

more humans are getting the opportunity
to move to colony worlds and serve
averaging about 100 kilograms in mass.
They vaguely resemble small bears,

aboard Hegemony spaceships. Human
Destiny characters are those exceptional
although their heads have a distinctive
shape and (in males) are topped by

humans who are striving to earn a place
for themselves in a universe that doesn’t
heavy spiraling horns like those of mouflon
sheep. They are covered with dense,
belong to us.
e dark­colored fur. Their faces are
dominated by a cluster of four large eyes

As a taste of the growing Human Destiny
setting, this article describes four non­
and a heavy jaw full of strong teeth. Their
voices tend to be very deep and
human species that
encountered by human characters.
often rumbling. In their natural environment,
they prefer shade and dark places, and

A Note on Character Design i they are not fond of direct sunlight or

bright lights in general.

The Human Destiny setting is about humans
finding ways to survive in an interstellar The khedai evolved into tool­using

culture far larger and older than anything
we have dealt with in our past. Non­
intelligence a little more than three million
years ago, on a planet circling a cool K5V

humans are conceived as almost always
being non­player characters. At this point,
class star. Their home world was slightly
smaller than Earth. Lacking any large

full character design rules for non­human
characters have yet to be constructed.
natural satellite to stabilize its rotational
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
axis, the planet exhibited large shifts in khedai are born female. They grow
Aaxial orientation, causing occasional
drastic changes in planetary climate. The
quickly, reaching physical maturity at the
equivalent of 8­10 years of age. However,
lkhedai natural environment was a cold
boreal forest, which covered over half the
at this point they are still only bright
animals, not yet capable of participating
land surface of their home world. The
proto­khedai were hunter­browser
in a complex high­technology society. By
tradition, young female khedai are sent
omnivores, who developed intelligence to
survive periods of rapid climatic change.
out into a wilderness reserve, to survive as
best they can without tools or protection.
The khedai rise to high­technology
Many female khedai die in the wilderness,
their life cycle coming to a premature
Acivilization was somewhat smoother than
most. They never got into the habit of

lfighting massively destructive wars among

themselves, and they did relatively little
A female kheda advances to the next
stage of her life cycle when she
damage to their home world’s ecology.
After annexation, their patrons found them
encounters a male during the mating
season. In their natural habitat, this usually
to be very promising subjects, intelligent
and well­disciplined. The khedai do not
occurs in the early to middle spring. A
female kheda will become pregnant only
speak of how they became the leading
species of the proto­Hegemony, but the
once in her life, bearing a litter of four to
six cubs. The hormonal changes that take
process seems to have taken place with
minimal upheaval.
place during and after her pregnancy
cause her to grow and take on mass. They
Today the khedai remain in undisputed
also stimulate rapid growth and increased
connectivity in her brain. After giving birth,
command of the Hegemony. They are
careful and competent rulers, although
she changes gender completely and
becomes an adult, fully sapient male.
after millions of years they have become
rather hidebound. It has been a very long A newly male kheda has his closest
Mtime since khedai civilization went through
a significant period of artistic or technical
personal relationship, not with his
biological parents, but with the older male
innovation. Some of their subjects quietly
speculate that they may be long overdue
who mated with him and sired his cubs.
He joins his once­mate’s clan­association
for “retirement.” as a junior member, and receives an
education, social contacts, and
The khedai only occupy about 2,000
habitable worlds of their own, selecting
employment from them.

Aonly those which are particularly

congenial for their species and can
As an adult, a male kheda spends most of
the year cool and rational, effectively
lsupport large wilderness reserves. A khedai
colony usually has only a low population,
asexual. Only during the mating season is
he likely to display emotional turmoil,
averaging about 50 million or so
individuals. Close to half of the population
becoming bad­tempered and distracted.
When a clan­association sees the need to
lives as “expatriates” on cosmopolitan
worlds, or on worlds assigned to other
replenish its numbers, it selects a few of its
members to travel to the wilderness
member cultures of the Hegemony. reserves and locate promising females for
mating and later recruitment. This is
Khedai have a reproductive life cycle
which humans find rather unusual. All
regarded as a great honor for the chosen
males, a reward for devoted service to
! the association and to the Hegemony.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Khedai males organize themselves into
clan­associations, which work a little like
around 55 kilograms. They are covered
with very short fur, which becomes a ruff
extended families
among humans.
Members of a clan­association are not
or mane around the shoulders and the
back of the head. Fur colors tend to range

expected to exercise nepotism toward
one another; indeed, that would be a
from golden to orange to a dull crimson,
with dark stripes and countershading.
grave violation of
standards. On the other hand, clan­
ethical Many humans think sarvasha resemble big
cats, although their cranial structure and

associates do socialize on a regular basis,
have their own private rituals and
faces are only vaguely feline. They have a
biochemical dependency on arsenic, in

traditions, and provide one another with
emotional and other appropriate forms of
amounts that would be quite toxic to
humans. Arsenic compounds play an
l important role in sarvasha metabolism
and reproduction.

Most clan­associations specialize in certain
roles within khedai society. For example, Sarvasha evolved on the large habitable

the Rámetai association, based on the
long­established colony world of Vidaruun,
moon of a gas giant planet, circling an
F6V class star. In their natural environment,

has overseen exploration in the rimward
sectors of the Hegemony for the past
they were herder carnivores, living in loose
packs on open grasslands, cooperating to

several thousand years. Many Rámetai
came to Earth to serve as provincial or
prey on large herbivores. They became
sentient as the result of an evolutionary

regional governors after the Conquest. “arms race,” developing empathy,
language, and tool use to compete with

Female khedai do not have names or
spoken language. Male khedai carry two
other smart predators.

names, an “association name” which
identifies their clan, and a “face name”
The ancestral sarvasha were aggressive
and rather violent. They nearly ruined their

which identifies the individual. Most name­
words are two or three syllables in length.
home world’s ecosystem through over­
predation, and then fought among

Thus, the Intendant (provincial governor)
Rámetai Khatta is the one named Khatta
themselves in a series of devastating wars.
They were annexed by the Hegemony
from the Rámetai association.
r about 200,000 years ago. They remained
under direct khedai supervision for an

It is estimated that there may be no more
than 2000­2500 khedai in the Human
unusually long time, close to 40,000 years,
before being released from client­species

Protectorate, most of them on Earth.
Humans rarely encounter khedai, who
status. During that time, they were
thoroughly “tamed,” losing much of their

usually remain isolated inside their
residences on Earth or other human worlds.
aggression and replacing it with a strong
sense of discipline.

Humans with gold­card or red­card
privileges have the right to petition khedai Today the sarvasha are very good citizens

officials for an audience on an occasional
of the Hegemony, thoroughly committed
to the Praxis. They provide many soldiers,

Sarvasha n starship crew, military officers, and

bureaucrats. Among themselves, sarvasha

Sarvasha are bipedal, about the same
height as humans, although they are much
like to live in close­knit communities that
share social, professional, and sexual

lighter in build. They stand about 1.75
meters tall and have an average mass
bonds. Their worlds are normally governed
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
by representative democracies, with resemble chimpanzees or bonobos in
Aofficials advancing on merit according to
the Praxis.
many respects, although they have four
arms rather than two. They are effectively
lSarvasha, like most higher animals on their
naked, with little or no body hair, although
males normally sport a strip of thick fur
home world, are hermaphroditic. All of
them are capable of bearing or siring
from the back of their heads down the full
length of their spines. Skin colors range
offspring, although the details of their
reproductive mechanism mean that it is
from ruddy brown, through dark brown, to
deep black.
very difficult for a sarvasha to impregnate
itself. Sarvasha tend to engage in short­ Azuri faces are surprisingly human­like,
Aterm sexual partnerships, many of which
involve more than two individuals.
although they have four eyes rather than
two, usually a deep orange or reddish
lOffspring spend several months in their
parent’s pouch after birth, after which
color. Their voices have extraordinary
range and flexibility, stretching far into
they receive attention from the entire
what humans would consider the subsonic
range. Many humans call the azuri “spider­
Sarvasha carry three names: a personal

name, the personal name of their birth
parent prefixed by na­, and the name of
The azuri are recent arrivals on the
galactic stage, the last species to be
the province where they were born
prefixed by raj­. Names usually have
brought into the Khedai Hegemony before
the discovery of humanity. Their home
between one and three syllables Thus,
Ajeras na­Vatheer raj­Shestani is Ajeras,
world is an Earthlike planet, circling a
yellow G8V class star. Thirty thousand years
child of Vatheer, born in Shestani
province. The given name takes
ago, they had just developed a global
industrial civilization and begun exploring
precedence when addressing a sarvasha
by its title.
their home star system, when they were
contacted and conquered by the
MSeveral million sarvasha in the Human

Protectorate. Since the khedai are so
reclusive, sarvasha are the non­humans
The conquest almost certainly saved the
azuri species from extinction. The azuri
most likely to be encountered when
dealing with senior Hegemony officials.
natural environment is temperate forest,
but while developing a high­technology
They are rather chauvinistic, often looking
down on other species (especially
society they destroyed most of their home
world’s primeval woodlands. Damage to
Ahumans) as savage upstarts. In private,
they sometimes express puzzlement at the
the ecology led to widespread climate
change, desertification, famine, and
lrapid pace of human integration into the
outbreaks of disease, which in turn
triggered a series of devastating wars over
the remaining habitable territory.

Azuri are bipedal creatures, somewhat
shorter than humans but rather sturdy of
The azuri remain clients of the Hegemony
to this day, although the khedai have
build. They stand about 1.6 meters tall and
have an average mass around 70
hinted that they may be released to semi­
independent status sometime in the next
kilograms. Females tend to be slightly taller
and more robust than males. They
few thousand years. They are very good
subjects, hard­working and loyal, although
! the khedai often consider them too
inquisitive and playful.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Like humans, azuri have two sexes and a
very active sexual drive. They exhibit a
but strong tail ending in a large gripping
claw like that of a sloth, which helps them

range of sexual behaviors very like those of
humans, including romantic attraction and
maneuver on the ground and gives them
extra agility when climbing. They are

frequent casual sex. Females tend to be
slightly dominant in azuri society, taking the
covered in short fur, which tends to be
white to golden in color. Their eyes are

initiative in romantic matters and tending
to gravitate toward leadership roles. Azuri
very large and generally brightly colored.

give live birth and care for their helpless
young much as humans do. They remain in
The qerrach are unusual in that they no
longer have a home world, and in fact it

mothers, well into adulthood.A

contact with their parents, especially their isn’t clear whether they originally evolved
within the boundaries of the Khedai

The azuri have a limited amount of self­
Hegemony at all. The khedai claim that
the little creatures migrated into our

government on their own worlds. They tend
toward a free­wheeling open democracy,
region of the galaxy over a million years
ago, and accepted citizenship in the

remaining in strict obedience to the Praxis,
but settling discretionary matters through a
Hegemony without going through the
usual period of client­species indenture.

web of “town meetings,” network forums,
and consensus­building exercises.
They have adapted to life in space,
preferring to live on board spaceships and

Azuri follow the same naming convention
space stations. They can deal with any
environment in which humans are

as many humans. The first name is a family
name, inherited from the individual’s

mother. This family name normally has two
or three syllables. The second name is a
Qerrach are very gregarious creatures,
living in enormous extended­family clans

given name, and almost invariably has
only one syllable. Thus, Hûzati Ren is the son
of at least forty or fifty individuals. Most of
the members of a given clan are
of Hûzati Marr.
M effectively neuter at any given time,
anatomically male or female but

Many millions of azuri live in the Human
Protectorate, the non­humans most likely
uninterested in sex. Only the highest­status
male in the clan, and three or four of the

to be encountered by ordinary citizens.
They get along quite well with humans,
highest­status females, are actively sexual
at any given time.

who usually find them the most congenial
of the Hegemony’s subject species. Azuri Qerrach are egg­laying, each female

are almost completely lacking in species
prejudice; they are very good at striking up
producing a clutch of five to seven eggs
per mating cycle. In their natural

personal or professional friendships, and
they have active and very human­like
environment, qerrach were low on the
food chain, so they produced very large
senses of humor.
i numbers of offspring to survive. Civilized
qerrach use various medical techniques
Qerrach are among the smallest sentient
to avoid unplanned reproduction. Clan
leaders still engage in sexual activity on a

beings known to the Hegemony. They are
about 1 meter in length, with an average
regular basis; this behavior causes the
release of social pheromones, which

mass around 20 kilograms. They are
bipedal, but with a semi­upright posture
reduce tension and encourage solidarity
among the rest of the clan.

that permits them to run on their knuckles
and feet for extra speed. They have a short
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
AClans usually make decisions through a
process of consensus­building, with every
clans as part of their crew. Much of the
Hegemony’s merchant shipping is also

lmember given the opportunity to

contribute. The leaders of the clan do
managed by qerrach clans.

receive deference, but their authority is
constrained by the Praxis, long­standing
Qerrach have single names, which are
usually no more than two syllables long.

traditions, and the preferences of the
entire membership. If a clan finds itself
Their names have no meaning and are
chosen simply for their pleasant sound. If

amid an intractable dispute or without a
clear leader, the males will go through a
necessary, a qerrach will augment his
given name with the name of his clan’s

Aperiod of irritable status displays and social

competition, during which one male will
current leader.

lemerge as the new leader. He will then

select several females to become his
There are usually tens of thousands of
qerrach living in the Human Protectorate

sexual partners and co­leaders of the clan.
This process can be adapted to take over
at any given time, although they tend to
remain aboard Hegemony ships and

an existing clan, divide an existing clan
after a serious dispute, or organize several
space stations, and Earth­bound humans
rarely encounter them. Humans who have

unattached qerrach into a new clan. become spaceship crew or who have
joined the Interstellar Service are much

Young qerrach grow up quickly, cared for
and educated by the entire clan. Upon
more likely to meet qerrach, and usually
find them rather weird, but easy to get

reaching adulthood, they usually spend
several years as neuters in their original
along with on a strictly professional level.

clan, developing useful technical skills and
building a reputation. Adult qerrach are
For More Information

always free to join a new clan, and in fact
clans often trade neuter members to avoid
Anyone interested in the Human Destiny
project is invited to follow my writer’s blog

Minbreeding. (https://wordpress.sharrukinspalace.com).
My patrons

Qerrach are not terribly creative or
imaginative, but they tend to have a clear
(https://www.patreon.com/Sharrukin) also
get occasional updates for game material

talent for mechanics and engineering.

Many large spaceships and space stations
in development.

within the Hegemony host one or more


By Jo Jaquita
l If you go down to the docks today, you're in for a big surprise.
i If you go down to the docs today, you'll never believe your eyes.
For every greeble who ever there was,
e Will gather there for certain because,
Today's the day the alien's have their picnic!
n Chorus:
s Picnic time for B.E.M.s!
The aliens are having a lovely time today.
! See them writhe their tentacles!
And see them picnic on the harborway.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
By Jo Jaquinta l
Aliens are a great way in science fiction
role playing to bring a touch of the
group of creatures, whose life is steered by
both instinctual nature, but also the social
unknown and unexpected to the game
play. The challenge with super­exotic aliens
nurture of its fellow creatures, and the
environment around it. We can bring back
is that they can be so unknown and
unexpected that the players have
a physical creature, but we can’t bring
back the social and environmental
problems building empathy with them.
Although that can be desirable for many
context it lived in. A mammoth born and
raised by an elephant may be wooly, but
plots, what we present here is something
that is both alien, and also close to home.
all of its learned behaviors will be from an
alien. Where it lives is not what its biology
The concept of “uplift” ­ transforming a
evolved for. Will it ever truly be home?

species of animal into a more intelligent
variety, was started in Science Fiction as far
Taking this discussion back to uplifted
“almost aliens”, the same questions are
back as H.G.Wells, but was most
popularized by a series of David Brin’s
applicable. When used in a game, if such
creatures have not already been created,
novels. The essence is that the particular
genes or traits that code for intelligence
it can be posed as a moral and ethical
subject for pondering by the players. If
are determined, and these are spliced into
existing creatures to create intelligent forms
they are already in existence, who are
they? How do they see themselves? What
of them. This is a handy tool that a referee
can use to create any number of
is their place in the greater culture? That iis
the direction we will look at in the scenario
interesting entities to add to their games.
Rather than dwell on that, this article will
we present here.

focus on one example and look at it in
terms of not just physical stats, but a
Lava Surfing on Las Solus
The world of Las Solus is an old world, but
broader social aspect.
o not currently an important one. It was
settled in mankind’s first great diaspora,
In modern society we are on the cusp of
being able to bring back extinct species.
but changes in technology, other
discoveries, and the fashion of trade
We have already had limited success
bringing back species that have gone
goods have shifted the major trade routes
in other directions. It is part of the
extinct in the modern era, and there are
research projects actively working on
interstellar economy, but not to the
degree its lineage would suggest.
cloning animals from tens of thousands of
years ago. We’re a long way from Jurassic It does have a minor tourist trade. There
park, but we are far enough along to see
that this is something that we can do. That
are examples of architecture from all of
humanity’s history in this region. None are
has engendered much discussion around
the question of if we should do it or not.
particularly stunning, but that they are all
in one place makes it an economical
Beyond the scaremongering of creation
place for the historically curious.

being “only god’s purview”, there are This tangential reference to past glory won
important ethical questions. A species is not it a place on the list of things to see for the
just a self replicating strand of DNA. It is a region’s local nobility to visit on their
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
Acoming of age “grand tour”. And if the
local sights aren’t the most inspiring, then
The lava is extraordinarily hot, and veteran
instructors pick up extra tips by cooking

lthe company you keep might be. That led

to the establishment of a quality resort, far
kebabs for their patrons on it. However, the
suits are extremely well insulated. They will

enough away from the space port to be
exclusive, near enough to historical districts
be taught to demonstrate this to their
patrons by, literally, lying down in the lava.

to claim to be educational. But, mostly,
finely appointed and with brilliant views of
The only real thing they are cautioned
about is to keep them away from any lava

the continually erupting volcanoes in the
falls. It is remotely possible they could get
trapped under one of those and actually

A immersed. Other than that, it is impossible

Your players are unlikely to be in the social to sink, since it’s many times denser than

lset that typically stay here, so the hook to your body.

getting them involved is for their

circumstances to require them to work The job mostly involves getting a patron
here. Rich people like to do outlandish standing on their board on a moving river

things that appear dangerous to show their of lava, keeping them upright for the
bravado and disdain for risk. On Las Solus twenty minutes or so it takes to run the

that is “lava surfing”. course, and to see them safely out at the
end, while keeping their hors d'oeuvres

The Igneous Resort employs a crew of lava warm and their champagne cold.
surfing instructors. They have a pretty high

turnover rate and there are always spaces Territorial Challenges
available. (See included advert.) The pay is When the novelty of the job is beginning to

fairly modest, but the recruiter they talk to wear thin, and the players start wondering
will stress that most of the money is made if the high turnover is because of

through tips, and their cliente are very rich. boredom, you may bring it to their
Room board, uniforms, equipment, training, attention that at the end of several runs

Mand anything else they need is included. If they’ve noted that there are often two
the players press, the job will be described hovercraft flying about the place at the

as mostly making sure that rich people end of the stream, where the lava reaches
don’t hurt themselves. It really isn’t all that the sea. If necessary, a treasured surfboard

dangerous. Honestly. of one patron may not have been
secured properly, and the players have to

If the novelty of having “lava surfing run it down before it gets to the sea.
instructor” on their resume isn’t enough to

Ahook your players, you can stress the The hovercraft appear to be local high­
chance to have contacts with the nobility, end models painted in garish colors. One is

lor whatever incentive you need. predominantly red, the other blue.
Makeshift water cannons have been

Although you are encouraged to make the attached to the sides and they can be
recruiter sound desperate, and far more seen blasting at the pooling lava and,

interested in talking about the meal plan occasionally, each other. There are
than the health plan, the actual danger is several near collisions as they jockey for

minimal. Lava surfing involves fitting rich position. The drivers occasionally lean out
people (and themselves) into extremely of the window and hurl objects down at

efficient thermal suits, finding a foamed the lava, and hurl abuse at each other.
asbestos surfboard with designs they like on

it, and leading them out to the slopes. At one point the red hovercraft will zip out
over the ocean, lower a hose, and begin
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
to refill its water tanks. The blue one zips The blue car’s driver will laugh and chortle
erratically about, surveying the landscape.
It then appears to notice the players and
over the loudspeakers and praise the
players highly. He promises to give them
zooms over. l what he offered, plus a big tip, and since
they are his new best friends, a
A loudspeaker comes up and the driver
calls to them. “Hey, you! Number one big
celebratory dinner in a great restaurant in
the city. He makes them promise to be
banana if you come! Promise. Come now!
Big reward!” The accent and diction are
there at 8pm and to ask for Dunston. He
then zooms off.
very unusual but understandable. Urgency
gets in the way of clear instructions but the Meeting Dunston
gist appears to be that the driver wants the
players to go and smash all of the red car’s
The restaurant they are directed to is one
of the best in the city. The chauffeurs at
markers on the cooling lava and that it’s
prepared to pay well over their weekly
the resort are all familiar with it. They think
it might be challenging for the players to
wage if they can do so. i meet the dress code though.

It turns out to be a little more complicated
than that. Each car is throwing down
Only the other lava surfing instructors know
anything about the dueling hovercraft.
electronic balls onto areas of the lava that
have become sluggish and nearly solid.
And they don’t know much. They never
come to the resort and just fly around
They are trying to maximize the area their
makers cover. The markers can be moved,
insanely wherever the lava reaches the
ocean. They are impressed (and a bit

underneath reaches
crushed, or blasted away until the lava
a certain
resentful) by the payout the players have
been promised.
temperature. At that point an anchor
embeds itself into the rock underneath, an The restaurant is, indeed, very high end,
antenna comes out, and they start
blinking. The drivers appear to consider
with reservations only and no walk­ins
(unless you know the right people). They
them “off limits” after this.M will be highly skeptical of the players, no
matter how they are dressed, until they
The other driver will not be pleased if the
players aid the blue car. It will roll down its
mention they are there at Dunston’s
invitation. Then they will sigh, roll their eyes,
window and scream incoherently at them.
It will make several passes at them, and
and with artificial politeness, escort them
to his private room.
even shoot them with its water cannon.
Even a modicum of strategy will thwart its They are brought to an elegant room with
attempts, though. Neither are very
strategic thinkers, are easily distracted, and
a large central table with intricate
presentations of sculpted fruit. The

on their adversary
seem more interested in getting one over
than actually
centerpiece is in the shape of an
enormous banana.

lava forms.
accomplishing whatever task marking the
“Big banana, as I promised!” booms a
e voice at them. “Come my chum friends!”
Eventually they will run out of small It is certainly the voice from the car, but
electronic balls, and after an extended what comes knuckling over the carpet is a
screaming match, the red car will depart in chimpanzee, grinning and shaking its
the direction of the main city. head. He’ll throw his big (and very strong)
arms around each of them in turn, praising
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
Athem, as he did on the lava fields. He
invites them all to sit and eat.
What he does know is that there have
been Chimpanzees on Las Solas for as

lAt each place is also an envelope with a

long as there have been humans here.
They are mentioned in the laws and

bank note in it made out to the amount
he promised them.
statues going back to the founding. They
have never really thrived, though. Not as

He will continue to praise their actions,
well as the humans.

encourage them to eat, and denigrate
the other driver, who is named “Chuckles”
He will become somewhat maudlin at this
point. He’s not resentful towards humans,

Aand is another chimpanzee. although he will imply that some, like

Chuckles are. He’s just so sad that their

lApparently the point of it all is that as the

lava solidifies into new land, it is unowned,
numbers have dwindled down to the level
they are at. There’s probably no more

and open to be claimed by anyone.
When the temperature drops to a value
than 30 or so of them left. And that leads
him to his proposal.

mandated by local law, it is considered
up for grabs. The device goes off, Dunson’s Proposal

documents and broadcasts their claim to
the local government office. The two of
With the numbers so low, it makes things
that are simple for humans, like marriage

them compete in gaining the most new
land they can.
and breeding, much more complicated.
They have to be very careful about who

“Chimpanzees are territorial”, he’ll explain.
carries the children of whom, to make sure
the bloodline isn’t compromised any more

“It is in our nature.” than it already is.

When the conversation comes around to
it, Dunston will give them some details on
But, fortunately, there is one excellent
choice for him. A perfect specimen, who

Mhis own history. If they do not already

know what a chimpanzee is, he will
is not only genetically well suited, she is
also kind, sweet, and has the most perfect

explain that it is another creature from the
same origin world as humanity. They came
posterior he’s ever seen. (He will brush it off
as a “chimpanzee thing”.) He is totally,

with the original settlers to the stars, but it is
unclear if they were raised to intelligence
irrecoverably, and absolutely in love with

either before or after that time period.
Her name is Sandra.

A He says the name almost distastefully. He

l will explain that “Sandra” is not a

traditional chimpanzee name. Bubbles or

i Muffin would be better, but that’s the

problem. He is a traditional chimpanzee,

e keeping to the cultural traditions and

practices brought from Earth. He’ll freely

n admit that the record is fairly sparse. It’s

unclear what are genuine chimpanzee

s practices, and what are human

depictions of practices, but that it’s more

! a matter of what’s in the heart. He wants

to be true to the unique lineage of his
people. It doesn’t matter if it is a genetic
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
what he has. A
disposition or a comedic caricature, it’s She will quite firmly say that she is not
interested in Duston, not interested in the

He wants to enlist the player’s aid in
chimpanzees of Los Santos, or their history
or so­called culture. Her diction and

wooing Sandra. Any proposals from him
have been rejected out of hand. She says
bearing are very much in line with the
local culture. She dresses much like

she doesn’t like bananas, isn’t interested in
his territorial conquests, and finds his views
everyone else. (Duston only wore fancy
watches, sunglasses and hats.)
n From her point of view, intelligent

He’s hoping that they will have some
unique human insight that can help
chimpanzees are an aborrational quirk.
They were some weird experiment, and no

change her mind. She’s trying hard to be a
human, so that may speak to her. He’s
one should care if the experiment comes
to an end. She is not the last scion of some

happy to fund anything they want, but
they are both “old money” for this planet,
noble and important lineage, she is
Sandra, a real estate developer from Los

as their families go back to the founding.
She’s not going to be impressed by
Santos. She may very well marry if she
meets the right person (heavily implying it
expensive trinkets.
n will be a human), may very well adopt
children, who will carry on the family
Sandra Brown
If the players take up Dunston’s offer, they
business. What is important is the
connections, values, and personality of

won’t find it hard to track down Sandra.
Although chimpanzees only legally have a
who she is, not what her genetics happen
to be.

single name, she has taken up the last
name of “Brown” (the color of her fur). She She’ll turn this all back on him and tell

lives in a trendy apartment complex in the
central district of the city. She has a fairly
them if they could convince Dunston of
that, and get him to abandon this bizarre

regular routine, taking a cab from her
apartment to the real estate office she
notion of following a made up legacy,
then he’d be a happier person.

works in. She has a small circle of friends
and usually has dinner or goes out with Conclusion

working late. r
one or other of them when she’s not And that’s where we’ll leave it. There is no
right ending, or wrong ending. Science

She has a bevy of assistants to run
Fiction is alluring because it allows us to
examine the human condition through

interference for her. She’s a senior partner
at the firm (and is, in fact, a majority
hypotheticals. Through an uplifted “alien”,
a referee provides their players a thought

shareholder) and doesn’t want to be
hassled by various people with various
provoking scenario that provides them
with a good bit of fun, great chances to

deals. Proper business contacts need to go
through her office and be vetted by her
role play, and also a bit of pondering
about what makes us who we are.

CJ e
If the players are inventive and manage to

get through her security, or are persistent
enough and it eventually becomes

apparent that they’re working for Dunston,
she will, with great annoyance, grant them

one meeting, for one hour, to finally put
this matter to rest.
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lBy Jo Jaquinta

Chapter 7
“Entering station zone” said Seldon. “Idle “Station, orbitals, surface, hospitals and
speed.” Station broadcast guidewires
were superimposed on the screen giving
deceased” she replied.

them passage through the busy lanes of
Port Newark station. “Navigation. You may
“You are nothing if not thorough.” He
piloted a bit further in silence. “Have you
Arotate off bridge to prepare for docking.
Notify gunnery to join you.”
placed any active inquiries?”

l“Thank you, sir” said Heleni. “Will we be

“No sir. I can only think of a few reasons
that someone would not have a listed
getting leave here?” name.”

“If we can conclude our business in short
order, I think I would be so inclined. Are
“And none of them would take too kindly
to having an active search done for
there sights to see?” them. I see. We do have an address.”

“Not much. Most of the orbitals are new
cheap pre­fabs; leaky and dodgy. But
“Yes” said Elise. “It's the other side of the
extrality line. On the Acter Col orbital.”
some are from the Old Empire. Historical
but not stunning architecture. I have a Seldon concentrated briefly as a large
distant relative who lives on one. I thought I
might visit.”
container ship slipped past them on its
own trajectory. “Tell the Chief, Juanita
“We're on station data link” said Elise. “You
and Vikhagen to make sure their
passports are in order. They're going to
Mcan connect to the local network from
your cabin now.”
have to make a house call.”

“Great! I'll get prepped now and look

them up when I'm done.” “Did you check those against the
weapon regulations fact sheet from
Seldon steered the ship in the wide
sweeping turns that station gave them for
Elise?” asked the Chief. Vikhagen and
Juanita stood on the cargo deck at the
Atheir approach. “Any leads for the next
contract?” he asked Elise.
ship's armory. They were tossing back and
forth a variety of heavy blades.
l“It's a busy port. I did a quick check and “Sure” said Juanita. “Pretty rough end
the job roster has a number of entries.” regulations. Blades for self­defense are
fine, single edged only. No projectiles, of
“But?” course.”

“I also checked and there is no listing for a
Valio Eskola in the user directory.”
“Well, duh” said Vikhagen. “It's an orbital?
They don't want some lunatic to punch a
“Hmm. Complications. I take it you
hole in the side of it and let all the air out.”

checked surface and orbitals?” “But they have no problem with lunatics
like us skewering each other?” asked the
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Chief. Juanita tossed him the long straight
sword he favored. He looked at it
He let that sink in. “We've only taken you
on as a passenger, not as a consignment.

dubiously. “Not that subtle, is it?” I cannot stop you leaving the ship. If you
have a valid passport you can march

“We've got a back scabbard for it. Under a
Greatcoat no one will be the wiser”, replied
right out to customs. But I think that I
would highly recommend that you wait

Juanita. She thought for a moment. “Well,
customs will. But Elise has run the papers so
here, and we will endeavor to bring your
uncle to you.”

we should be all right there.”
Ritva weighed this for some moments. She
“Head's up”, said Vikhagen.
A then sighed deeply. “I understand.”

Ritva was crossing the deck towards them,
followed by Seldon. “Come to wish us good
“Back in your cabin we have the latest in
monitoring equipment” he said, leading
luck” asked the Chief.
i her off. “We keep quite close tabs on our
crew. We can patch you into bridge ops

“I'm coming with you”, said Ritva. The Chief
looked to Seldon.
and you can track everything that's going
on.” The hatch shut behind them.

“Now, my lady Ritva,” said Seldon “I never thought I'd be thankful for

smoothly. “As I've explained, finding your
uncle may not be quite as straightforward
customs”, said Vikhagen. Juanita and the
Chief laughed.

as we had hoped. My crew is quite
capable of checking things out and seeing ***

what the situation is. If it's a simple
misunderstanding, we invite him around for “For a high­class brat, her uncle sure lives

tea and to take our delivery. If it's
something more... complicated, well, it's
in a dump” said Vikhagen. The transport
had left them on a fairly run­down looking
just safer this way.”
M level. The air was warm, humid, and badly
filtered. A number of lights were out and

“I am here to find my uncle. I have to go
with them”, she insisted.
more flickered.

Seldon smiled patiently. “I know he is very
“Reminds me a bit of home”, said Juanita.
“Other than this queasy feeling in my

dear to you. But putting aside the fact he is
unlisted, and the possible danger to

yourself, we are still left with the fact that
the one address we have is outside the
“Something is shot in the gravity
generators” said the Chief. “Feels like a

port.” She looked annoyed and frustrated.
“We're a registered star ship, traveling from
5% oscillation. That can happen when
they start to go. They probably don't send

main port to main port. We have no
concern ourselves with your world of origin,
maintenance around here that often.”

the contents of your cargo, and any
number of personal details. Within The 40
They walked down past several doors and
corridors. After a few wrong turns and

Worlds all space is extra­territorial. If you
dock at a local port or leave a star class
suspicious stares from passers by they
reached a door. The Chief leaned on the

port you cross into local space then you
have customs, import duty, and local law
buzzer. After the third try footsteps
approached and the door slid open a
to consider.”
! few inches. “Yeah, yeah,” came a tired
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
voice. The figure in the shadows on the The Chief and Juanita watched her leap
Aother side wore some sort of dark baggy
garment. “How much do you want?”
and looked at each other. “I'm not that
mad” said Juanita, and double timed it
lThe Chief smiled amiably. “We're looking
down the stairs. The Chief followed.

for Valio. We've got something for him.” The two had run down an alley leading off
from the courtyard. Vikhagen was not
The man paused for a few moments and
leaned left and right to see who else was
that far behind and was keeping pace
with them. They scurried up some girders
out there. “Valio eh? You can leave it
and into the hanging support structure
getting lost from sight quickly amongst the
A“I think we really need to give it to him
turns. Vikhagen slid to a stop at one
junction and dropped to the ground. She
lpersonally”, said the Chief, still smiling. flicked on a wrist light and saw smudges in
the greasy surface indicating someone
The voice grunted “You wait right there
then,” and slid the door closed.
took a sharp turn. She jumped up and
headed in that direction.
They looked at each other and Vikhagen After a few more turns it dead ended with
shrugged. The Chief nodded to her and
she turned around, giving cover to the
one broken door open. She jumped
through and barely had time to duck as
door. Juanita slid something out of her
pocket and pressed it to the door. She
one of them swung for her head. She
back­pedaled across the room, throwing
concentrated for a moment. “Not much
movement. I hear cycling. Something fell
back her coat and drawing her saber. The
two stepped in front of the entryway with
over. They aren't happy about it. Footsteps
again, going away.” She then shook her
their own short blades out.

head. “It's gone silent now.” “OK lady. You've cost us plenty today.
Who the hell are you?”
M“Hey” shouted Vikhagen, who had been
keeping watch. Two figures had come out Vikhagen checked her footing left and
a door a little way down the corridor. They
started at her shout, and started to run. She
right. “We're just selling kitchen appliances
door to door. We wanted to make a
took off after them followed by Juanita
and the Chief.

They rounded a corner and ran down a
They advanced a bit towards her, blades
waving. “Yeah, right. Narc? Vice? Allison's
Awide ramp. When it made a turn around a
courtyard, they jumped the parapet and
gang? Sing bitch, or we'll gut you.”

lsailed through the air, in much slower

motion than made sense. “Grav chutes?”
“Oh, wait, I know one”, said Vikhagen,
moving the tip of her saber in small circles.
asked Juanita. “What do you call a helluva big
“No”, said the Chief. “Coriolis force. It's an
old orbital. It rotates.” “What are you talking about?” said the
“Good enough for me” said Vikhagen and
second one.

launched herself into the air after them. “An Astronomical Unit!” Vikhagen lunged
and their blades clashed briefly.
! “A wiseass, eh?” He jumped in but
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Vikhagen had the longer blade and drove so. Vikhagen straightened out her coat
him back.
A and grinned madly at them.

“Did you hear about the new diner they
opened on one of the asteroids?”
“OK, folks. Now let’s be nice and friendly
like. We're not the police. We're not the
Vikhagen continued, lightly. The two split
and began to approach from different
government. We're not even from around
here”, said The Chief. They looked puzzled.
sides. “Nice food but the place lacked
atmosphere!” They both slashed at her. She
“And we'll be gone right quick once we've
found what we're looking for.”

backed into the corner.

feinted at one, swung for the other and
“We dumped the stash” started the first
“You better start giving us some straight
one. The Chief held up his hand.

answers. We've got you pinned down and
alone. You're fast, but your friends aren't
“I don't care two neutrons for your stash. I
just want to know where Valio Eskola is. I
and there's no way they're going to find
their way here to help you.”
really do have something for him.”

“Unless of course they have a homing
They looked at each other and looked
kind of nervous. “He's not here anymore.
beacon” said the Chief from the doorway.
The two of them spun around to confront
He's gone.”

the Chief and Juanita, both with blades
“Nothing is simple”, muttered the Chief.
“Where did he go?”
“Yeeeeaaaahhhh!” shouted Vikhagen and “He's gone. His goons roughed up the
shoulder charged one of the attackers. He
went down in a heap and the Chief and
wrong person and he's gone.”

Juanita closed on the remaining one. After
a few exchanges he was backed into the
“What” asked Vikhagen, “dead?”

same corner that Vikhagen had been
backed into.
“No way”, said the other. “He's too well
connected for that. They just took him out
“Drop it” said the Chief. The ruffian
of circulation for a while.”

hesitated and glanced at his companion.
But Vikhagen was sitting on top of him,
“They?” asked the Chief.

firmly pinning him to the ground. Juanita
tapped his blade with hers and the Chief
“The bosses. Finley and his crowd. Golden
handshake. Retirement. You know. They
pressed in closer. “Last chance”, he
warned. With resignation the local
moved him somewhere safe.”

dropped it and put his hands on his head.
“That's more like it.” Juanita slid the blade
“And where would that
shrugged. Then the other.
be?” One

away, then moved to where the other had
been trying to get leverage to slash at “Nice blade” said Vikhagen, picking up
Vikhagen. A touch of her blade to his wrist
and he gave up. Vikhagen dragged him
one of the dropped swords and making a
show of examining it closely. “Mind if I
up and threw him roughly into the corner
with the first.
keep it.” Some choice words sprang to the
first one's mouth, but the Chief waved his
“Good work crew” said the Chief. “Now
sword and they didn't get further. “Looks
like it's worth, oh, at least 500 talents.”
Juanita, watch the door so they can't pull
the same stunt on us.” She nodded and did
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
“More than that!” he said, unable to resist. Elise looked into the middle distance
A“Yeah, look at this engraving here. It's what,
briefly. “I'm not seeing it.”

la supernova or something? Real radical.”

She moved it about, feeling its balance
“Check the Tomsk system” said the Chief.

point. “See, my boss here needs this
information. You don't have it. That makes
“Oh,” she said, reading invisible script. “It's
not a mainworld port. Oh. I see. It's not
him sad. I don't like having a sad boss. But
right now, you're there, I'm here, and I've
even in The 40 Worlds.”

got your blade. It's a nice blade, but it's not
really my style. I could sell it, but I'd
“Not technically” said the Chief. “The
system is, but the world is independent.”
Aprobably only get 200 for it. Seems like it's
worth a lot more to you.”
“Been there?” asked Seldon.

l“What's your point?” he asked sullenly.

“Once, during the Jana campaigns. I was
in a corvette that ran some Jane patrol
“You want your blade, we want
boats to ground there. It's a bitch of a
world. Covered in ice but for a few hot
information. If you can find that information
out for us, we'll be happy. So happy, we'll
spots deep down. The ice melts and
gasses out these long tunnels. Phols. At the
give you both your blades back, dust you
off, buy you a drink and then vanish from
right depth there is a reasonable air
pressure. They are too deep for
your lives.” She waved her hands
dramatically. “Think you can make that
bombardment and impossible to storm so
they've escaped absorption so far. They're
deal?” mostly full of criminals and malcontents.
They spend too much time fighting one
They muttered back and forth for a while.
“OK. Let me make a call.”
another for Polhishe to be a problem that
anyone wants to deal with anytime soon.”
**** “Sounds most unpleasant”, said Elise. “Are
MThe three of them cycled back through the
you sure he's there?”

airlock on the Raider's Lament. Vikhagen
was busy mimicking some details of the
“Unfortunately, yes” said the Chief. “The
local criminal establishment seems to
action to Juanita who was laughing
through parts of it. The Chief dragged his
have good relations with them. They told
us which Pohl he's in and which lord he's
coat off and threw in on a hook. He glared
at Seldon and Elise, who were waiting
under the protection of.”

Athere. “He's not here.” “Too good a lead to abandon the

consignment with a clear conscience”
l“How unfortunate,” said Seldon. “But I take said Seldon.
it there is a further complication?”
i “It's outside The 40 Worlds”, said Elise.
The Chief pulled off the sword harness, “Give me time and I'm sure I can find a
tossed it to Juanita over by the armory and loophole.”
sat on a nearby crate. “We squeezed some
of the local boys till they squealed. He was “Elise, Elise, Elise. Business is not always the
running some sort of protection racket here letter of the law. Sometimes we have to
that got hot and so they shipped him out to hold to the spirit.”
! “I was afraid you were going to say that”

said the Chief.
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lAn alien invader for Barbaric! and Sword of Cepheus

By Norton Glover

The Beast, an alien being of immense
power, travels the universe in its vast Dark
The Beast primarily uses its Slayers to
defend the Dark Fortress and enslave the

Fortress, invading defenseless worlds with its
armies of Slayers. It drains each world of life
worlds it conquers. In addition, the Beast
has collected strange alien servants from

Aand treasure, before moving on to the

next. The Beast and its minions are directly
across the galaxy that also serve its ends,
such as the shape­shifting Changelings.

linspired by the 1983 movie Krull.

The Beast (Sword of Cepheus)

The Beast
The exact origins of the Beast are unknown.
15000kg Outsider, MDMCCC
#App: 1

Some scholars claim that the Beast was a
god that grew corrupt and fell from divinity.
Treasure: Hoard
Athletics­2, Melee Combat­5, Recon­1,

Others hold that it is a demon that battled
its way out of some extraplanar Hell­
Bite (5D), Claws (3D); armor 8; speed

dimension. Still others believe the Beast was
once a mortal sorcerer who transformed

himself into a creature of pure power and
malevolence. Whatever its origins, it has
Can only be harmed with magical
weapons. Knows 3D spells.

existed for countless eons, extending its
unnatural existence by draining life from The Beast (Barbaric!)

innocent worlds. 30/60, Move 20m/round, Armor 8, Bite and
Claws (melee, 5D and 3D damage,

MThe few souls who have seen the Beast and

survived to tell the tale, all report that it
respectively, claws are slashing, teeth are
piercing). Physical 4, Combat 5, Sorcery 4.

appears as a large (10m) humanoid
creature with dark gray skin. It has cat­like
Knows 3D spells. Can only be harmed with
magical weapons

red eyes, and a savage­looking maw,
riddled with fangs. The Dark Fortress

It is a highly intelligent creature, capable of
A vast fortress of alien stone, the size of a
mountain. It is capable of traveling across

Astrategy and guile. The Beast is an

accomplished sorcerer, and will have
the void between worlds. It has traveled
for millennia across the universe, invading

lmany powerful spells ready for use. If the

Beast requires the cooperation of a
world after world, draining them of life
and treasure. Once it lands on a new

creature, it is willing to bargain, but will
always negotiate dishonestly, and is full of
world, the fortress roots itself deep into the
earth, where it leeches power and life

trickery. from the surrounding countryside. Slayers,
mounted on their black Destriers, ride forth

The Beast dwells in the heart of the Dark
Fortress, from where it gains its power. The
to terrorize the populace and destroy any

walls of the Dark Fortress serve as a foci for
the Beast's spells. Every morning at sunrise, the powerful

! thaumaturgical engines of the fortress

teleport it to a new location on the
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
planet, selected at random. This makes it When their humanoid form is slain, Slayers
difficult for the armies of any given world to
mount an effective counterattack.
emit a high­pitched inhuman cry, and the
true larva­like form of the slayer emerges
The interior of the Dark Fortress is of strange,
from the armor. It will burrow into the earth
for safety, or scuttle into the nearest crack
alien design, seemingly more organic than
constructed. The fortress is maze­like, and
or crevice. In their larval form, Slayers are
quite vulnerable, and will usually hide until
patrolled by an army of Slayers. Here's
some of the terrible wonders you might find
the other Slayers can retrieve them. If not
returned to the Dark Fortress within a day,
n the larva will die.

• Bridges without railings over bottomless The Slayer's primary weapon is the alien
necroblade. A necroblade can fire one
• Shifting walls and secret passages
• Nutrient pools where the Slayer larva
bolt of necronic energy from the hilt, and
thereafter can only be used as a long
• Hoards of gold, gems, and magical
sword. The necroblades can only be
recharged within the Dark Fortress itself.
items from across the galaxy.
• Vermin and parasites from a multitude When the Dark Fortress arrives in a new
of worlds lurk in unused corners of the
fortress. Some of them are dangerous.
location, the slayers ride forth on black
alien destriers to pillage the surrounding
• Scrying pools to monitor what is
happening elsewhere on the planet.
land, and destroy any opposition.

• In the Slayer armory, mindless servitor
beetles endlessly construct and repair
Slayer ­ Humanoid Form (Sword of
Slayer armor and weaponry.
• Deadly traps designed to toy with their
100kg Humanoid, B9A770
#App: 2D
victims for the Beast's amusement.
• A menagerie of curious alien creatures.
Treasure: None
Archery­2, Athletics­0, Melee Combat­2,

The Slayers
M Recon­1, Riding­1, Stealth­1, Survival­0,
The Slayers are the feared soldiers that
make up the bulk of the Beast's forces. They
Attacks on sight, or when ordered to.
Necroblade (5D/3D); armor 5; walks
appear as humanoid figures in their
chitinous black armor, though their true
Chaotic; Morale DM+2
form is quite different. They are relentless
fighters who will always attack unless Slayer ­ Larval Form (Sword of Cepheus)
hopelessly outnumbered. Slayers are
absolutely loyal to the Beast. They can
10kg Beast, 555770
#App: 1
communicate with each other, but have
no known language. Any form of magical
Treasure: None
Athletics­2, Stealth­2
communication will fail, as their minds are
too alien for humanoids to comprehend.
Flees and hides. Will only attack in self­
The armor they wear is closer to a spacesuit
Bite (1D); armor 1; scuttles 20m/action,
burrows 5m /action
than ordinary armor. It provides all of their
biological needs, including air. In their
Chaotic; Morale DM­4

armor, Slayers can travel underwater and
are immune to any gas attacks.
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
Slayer ­ Humanoid Form (Barbaric!) Beast's plans. They are considerably more
A10/20 Move 10m/round, Armor
Necroblade (melee 3D damage; slashing,
5, intelligent than the Slayers, and can be
communicated with.
lbolt 5D; piercing) Physical 2, Combat 2,
Stealth 1. Changelings (Sword of Cepheus)
Slayer ­ Larval Form (Barbaric!)
100kg Humanoid, A9A990
#App: 1
5/10 Move 20m/round, Armor 1, Bite (1D Treasure: None
damage; piercing) Physical 0, Combat 0, Athletics­0, Deception­2, Melee Combat­
Stealth 2 1, Recon­1, Stealth­2, Survival­0
Behaves as an NPC at the Referee's
Wgt: 5kg
Claws (3D) or by weapon; armor 0 or as
lRange: 30/60
RoF: 1
worn; speed 10m/action
Chaotic; Morale DM+2
Damage: 5D bolt / 3D blade Can change shape into another creature
Aspects: AV 1D (bolt only), Bulky, Two within 1D rounds. Requires an INT 10+
Can only wielded by Slayers. Can fire one
throw to detect.

bolt of energy. Changelings (Barbaric!)
Destriers Move 10m/round, Armor 1,
These are the black alien mounts ridden by Bite (1D damage; piercing)
the Slayers. They appear similar to large Physical 2, Combat 2, Social 2, Stealth 3,
horses but for their dead black eyes, and Can change shape into another creature
they are all eerily silent. They are loyal within 1D rounds. Requires a Formidable
servants of the Beast and cannot be tamed (10+) Social roll throw to detect.
or ridden by non­Slayers.
MDestrier (Sword of Cepheus) The Beast and the Dark Fortress were
800kg Beast (Grazer), plains walker, G9L09A designed to shake up an existing fantasy
#App: one per Slayer
Treasure: None
world, and provide an alien invasion
scenario. The players may witness the
Athletics­3, Melee Combat­1, Recon­1, initial landing of the Dark Fortress on their
Survival­2 world, or may just hear rumors of its arrival.
Attacks when ordered.
Trample (3D); armor 1; speed 40m/action
Gradually, the Slayers will assault
someplace close to the players, and they'll
AChaotic; Morale DM+2 need to take action.

lDestrier (Barbaric!)
16/24, Move 40m/round, Armor 1, Trample
Players who wish to take on the Beast will
have to accomplish two things: Find the
(melee 3D damage, crushing). Physical 3,
Combat 1. 
Black Fortress, and defeat the Beast itself.
Both of these can make up an entire

Agents of the Beast, these humanoid
creatures can take any form. They are used
Finding the Dark Fortress
To determine the current or future location
to collect intelligence and to assassinate
any powerful figures that might oppose the
of the Dark Fortress will inevitably require
sorcery of some kind. Powerful oracles and
! seers may have a chance to locate the
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Dark Fortress, so the players will need to
undertake a quest to find one. The Beast is
If the Beast is slain, the Dark Fortress will
crumble. Only the Beast's powers keep

aware of this and will certainly send
assassins after such figures and those who
most of its minions alive, so the Slayers
themselves will soon perish. The ruins of the

seek their counsel. GMs can decide for
themselves if a Commune spell will be
fortress might contain any number of
great treasures, or surviving creatures.

effective in finding the Fortress.
If the Beast isn't defeated, it will eventually
Defeating the Beast
n enslave the entire planet, gradually
The Beast is an incredibly powerful being, draining it of all life, and will then depart,

and has an army of minions to defend itself. leaving a dead husk of world behind.
It will require either an army to assault the

CJ l
fortress directly, or a small stealthy band to
infiltrate the Dark Fortress and attack the
Beast directly.
The GM may wish to introduce a powerful,
mythical weapon or artifact to the game

that the players could seek that would give
them an advantage when opposing the
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
lBy Jo Jaquinta

“Are there sights to see?” the air. Poorly maintained systems will be
hot, humid, and short of oxygen. Locals
“Not much. Most of the orbitals are new
cheap pre­fabs; leaky and dodgy.” may be used to it, like high altitude
villages on Earth. But visitors without
Many of our sci­fi adventures take place in supplemental oxygen respirators may find
themselves quickly out of breath.
Arougher areas. Places that would be
deemed “the wrong side of the railroad
ltracks”. Evocative though that phrase is, it
doesn’t sit right in a typical space based “Something is shot in the gravity
generators” said the Chief. “Feels like a 5%
oscillation. That can happen when they
start to go.”
Anyone who has lived through college is
probably fairly familiar with cheap
Low tech space stations may have
accommodation, and all the shortcomings
and calamities it can entail. But how do centrifugal gravity. But the strength of the
gravity depends on the radius of rotation.
you portray this if it is, for example, on a
space station? I give here a few Cheaper accommodation may drift from
standard gravity.
suggestions that can be used in a space
station to convey the same “mildewed
Higher tech stations may have artificial
peeling wallpaper” feel, but with a space
edge to it. gravity. But that takes energy and
maintenance. Areas overdue on their rent
Environmentals may have their gravity cut off, reduced, or
rationed. Badly maintained equipment
MThe transport had left them on a fairly run­
down looking level. The air was warm, may have varying gravity fields. It may be
stronger when close to a node, and
humid, and badly filtered. A number of
lights were out and more flickered. weaker away from it. Or it may vary over
time, either slowly or rapidly.
A space station is an artificial environment.
Hybrid orbitals may supplement rotational
It has to be carefully maintained to be
livable. But livable is a broad definition. gravity with artificial gravity. They may
have been sold an upgrade that mostly
ACertainly, the higher rent districts will be
perfect, but when budgets are tight, works, but with weird or exaggerated
coriolis effects in certain areas.
lcorners can be cut. If only the
disenfranchised are disadvantaged, it may
not come to official notice. Especially if
those officials are bribed by people You should move beyond the normal,
mice, pantry moths, or crickets, when
skimming off the maintenance budget.
describing infections in low class areas of
space stations. Say that there’s a local
Air quality is going to be the first to suffer. A
tin can in space has to be actively cooled hybrid of broccoli and slime molds,
engineered to grow quickly in food vats.
to keep it from overheating. People
constantly exhale water vapor and carbon However, some has escaped, grown feral,
and now flourishes with the high humidity
dioxide, which has to be scrubbed from
and carbon dioxide levels of the slums.
Out of any cracks, crannies, or anywhere
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens! been considered. Large areas can have
A air currents of their own. And where you
have rising humid air you can get
l convection, and with that condensation
or even precipitation. Some walls may just
i always have water running down on
them, or other areas may be constantly
e dripping.

that doesn’t get regularly cleaned grows As the space station revolves on its axis,

lovely green bunches of broccoli. In an
adaptive dash to reproduce as fast as
and rotates around what it is orbiting, it
may come in and out of the shadow.

herbicide the e
possible, and shrug off the disinfectant and
local municipality
Certain surfaces may heat up or cool
down and local systems may not be able

occasionally puts down, it has lost a lot of
its nutritional content. It’s edible, but not
to deal with it, or may be too stressed to
deal with it. Moisture in the air may directly

very tired of eating it. s

that nutritious, and the locals are very very freeze shaded areas and form ice slicks, or
blocks. When heat returns they may

Radiation a suddenly become loose and produce

further hazards.

Space is a harsh environment. Most planets
do not have natural magnetospheres. So Sound

artificial ones, or shields, need to be there
In noir films the low rent districts are always
to protect against harmful stellar radiation.
near noisy train lines. There are any variety

Cheap areas may not have as much, it
may be degraded, or someone may have
of transport systems, of people, solids,
liquids or air, that may be similarly noisy

stripped it for illicit resale.
The locals in this area may be
and drive rent prices down.
But, as with weather, moving in and out of

unexpectedly tan, as the melanin in their
bright sunlight and shadow can cause
skin reacts to the higher ambient radiation
heat effects. Not just to the air, but to the

levels. They may have a higher incidence
of skin cancer, and general health
metal of the hull itself. Expanding or
contracting metal will pings and click,
A sometimes loudly, based on the size and
Apartments near any water reservoirs may
heat difference. Depending on the

be highly desirable, as it provides shielding
from some directions. Lacking adequate
frequency of passing through shadow,
that could make regular sleep difficult.

shielding for the areas they live in, they
Or it may just be that there are certain
may wrap themselves (or their oldest and
resonant frequencies a station is

youngest) in whatever they have that can
susceptible to. Ships docking and
(or they think will) shield them from the
undocking may cause shudders and
cumulative effects.
n booms. These may get amplified and
focused in certain areas. It may not
s threaten the structure, but it may make life
Although the environments are designed unpleasant for those who live there.

to control the air of a space station,
certain areas or factors may not have
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
ABeing airtight is one of the primary
functions of a space habitat. But within a
lstation, there may still be pressure
differentials. Artificial gravity (and varying
heat) may have an affect on air density in
different locations.
Most stations will have section seals, to
protect against unexpected breaches.
When closed, the above ambient effects
may lead to different pressure in different
Asections. When opened, pressure will
normalize. On a broad scale, this isn’t likely
lto have a great effect. But the shape of
the internals of the station may make this that consumes a lot of the bandwidth in
more pronounced in some areas rather deprived areas, that the authorities can’t,
than others. or can’t be bothered to track down.
Locals might have a much harder time
accessing high tech services in such areas.
If our current obsession with “how many
bars” our cellphones have is projected into And there you have it
the future, being constantly connected to You are all set now with several ideas to
a computer network will be an important give your orbital slums some color. Surprise
part of our functioning future life. and challenge your players
Deprived areas of stations may be less unexpected limitations to their activities.

serviced the better areas. Rates may be Or give an empathetic background to
different, or lower cost providers used that factors or patrons asking them for favors.
aren’t supported
connectivity plan. CJ
by your player’s

MAlternatively, there may be criminal activity

Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
By P­O Bergstedt l
The Imko i
The Imko are a reptiloid sophont race that
can be found in only one sector of the
and scouts. There are now billions of Imko
in the sector, but on their old homeworld,
Interstellar Empire.
n there are only about 10000 Imko working
there to eventually restore the planet.
Long ago, the Imko first used sub­light ships Appearance:

and later the help of other races with jump
drives. They spread to many worlds in the
The Imko is a small reptiloid race. They are
about 150 cm tall. They have green and

sector. Unfortunately for the Imko, a hostile
race called the Gebbebem (from CJ
white skin, usually white in their face and
on their chest, while everything else is

#003) attacked the sector and destroyed
their homeworld, Imkoban. A small number
green. They have two legs and two arms.

worlds. n
of Imko survived in hiding on five garden In the game:
Roll them up with the standard rules but

The Interstellar Empire and others fought a
add ­3 to Strength and ­1 to Intelligence.
The Imko grow up faster than humans and

war with the Gebbebem and, after about
100 years, they were driven out of the
start their career when they are 10 years
old. The also age faster and aging starts

their hiding. n
sector. The Imko could now come out of when they are 18 years old. If they are
NPCs, they are most likely diplomats or

The Imko are very grateful to the Interstellar
scouts. The Imko can speak the language
that is most common in the region, but

Empire and can often be found working
for them. They prefer working as diplomat
among themselves they speak their own
language. They can see in ultraviolet.

!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
A In the game:
The Flertvad are too powerful and have

l too many secrets to be a playable race.

Roll them up using the standard rules but

i double all skills. Also, raise Intelligence to

at least 10. Don’t use aging. The Flertvad

e can see infrared.

n It is not common to meet a Flertvad. They

can be encountered in a starport or on a

A luxury space cruise. If they travel in their

own ships, these are built at the highest

l tech level available. All Flertvad seem to

have unlimited resources and can buy

i anything they like. They don’t use their

resources to control corporations or the

e economy. They travel alone or in small


The Flertvard
The Flertvad are a very old race. They can Flertvad worlds are garden worlds that are

be found anywhere in the galaxy. located at least 5 pc from any other
system. These worlds usually have a

It is not known how old the Fletrvad race is.
population of 5 or 6 (100,000 – 9,999,999)
and seem to have a tech level of about

Some scholars say that they may be older
than 100 million years. The Flertvad
10. Flertvad worlds can exist within or
outside any Interstellar Empire. Within an

themselves say that this is correct. They say
that they are the third race. They also say
empire, the Flertvad agree to some things
that the Empire impose but are mostly

Mthat the first race has ascended, and the

second race was destroyed in a war
independent. There is not a lot of trade
between the Flertvad worlds and other

which destroyed their homeworld. worlds. All visiting ships must dock and
trade at a high­port. No foreigners are

They consider themselves the guardians of
the galaxy and say that they will stop any
allowed on the planet. All invasion
attempts against Flertvad worlds have

evil empire trying to take over the galaxy,
but historical records show that the
failed, so far with no survivors. This could
mean that there are ultra­high­tech

AFlertvad hasn’t been in a war in at least

10,000 years.
weapons hidden somewhere, or that
psionics have been used.

lAppearance: The Flertvad seem like a very peaceful

The Flertvad are tall, about 250 cm.
Humans might call them catlike. They are
race and are never seen angry or upset.
They don’t carry anything that looks like a

carnivores and they usually don’t eat
vegetables. Their fur is gray, and they
weapon. But, in a fight, they may use
lasers implanted in their fingers. However,

usually don’t wear clothes. They have two
legs and two arms.
they rarely get into a fight since they may
use psionic powers to calm things down.

s CJ
Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
By Brett Kruger
The following products were released during the months of April and May. Quite a few,
and varied, titles with Michael Brown putting out the most publications, more than the
next four combined. Mind you, his titles tend to be only a couple pages each, but are
still good value.

Michael Brown
n Chaosium
Cry of the Forsaken
Port of Call: Malkadunia
A Shape­Shifting Horrors

Port of Call: Asherah

Hazard: Tropical Cyclone!
l Earl of Fife Games
Fear Factory V ­ Adventure for
Hazard: Wildfire! i
Burst Transmissions, vol. 8
Cepheus RPG

2D6 SF Adventures, vol. 13 [BUNDLE]
2D6 SF Adventures, vol. 14 [BUNDLE]
FSpace Publications
Far Encounters paper character
A Starship's Story
The Jester's Colors
n flats 1

On Every Golden Scale

And the Deep Blue Sea
s Independence Games
Pleiades­class Light Freighter

Old School Role Playing

a Long Shadows Press
Engine Trouble n
The Frontiers of Space II
1520:HRE 2D6 Adventure in the Holy
Roman Empire
A Beacon in the Night
Signs of Life
d Menagerie Press

CyborgPrime Publishing
M Westlands 2D6 System Role­Playing

Edition [BUNDLE]
Herald Class Starships Complete
Nuther World
Starship Deck Plans For VTT: Herald­
Class Yacht
Deadlocked at Endora Station

Classic Starship Deck Plans For VTT
Surreal Estate Games
Aliens & Entanglements

Felbrigg Herriot
A Wild Bee Publishing
Fantasy Scenario Generator
Cepheus Scenario Generator

Monachus Press
i Zozer Games
Prelude to Freedom
Starship Engineer's Course
Pilot's Course
Moon Toad Publishing
CJ n
Scout Base 947 Adventure s
Quick Ship File: Rokke Class Research
Vessel !
!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
l By Ricardo Emilio
eCourier Long Range

Tonnage Cost Mcr

A Armor

l Maneuver Drive
Power Plant

iJump Drive
4 TL 13
One Jump 4

eBridge 10 0.5

nElectronics Model/3adv DM +1 3 7.5

sArmament 1 Single Turret

Double Turret

a Triple Turret
Missile Rack
0 0

n Sandcaster
Mining Laser

d Beam Laser
Plasma Beam

M Fusion Beam 0

oOther Components

r Fuel processors
Escape pods
5 tons/day p 0

eAccommodation 1 Stateroom(s) 4 0.5

A 1
Low Berths
Emergency Cryotubes

l Cargo
Crew: 1 Pilot

iTotal before Discount Mcr 55.5

eTotal after Discount Mcr 49.95

Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
Frontier Trader i
Component e
Size/Number Type Tonnage Cost Mcr
n Streamlined 11

Maneuver Drive 1 A 0.9 2.25

Power Plant
Jump Drive
1 l 1.5
i 10

Electronics e
Model/1 DM ­2

Armament n Single Turret 0 0

s Double Turret
Triple Turret

a Missile Rack

n Mining Laser
Beam Laser

d Plasma Beam
Fusion Beam

Other Components M
o Fuel processors
per 5 tons/day
1 0.1

r Escape pods 0 0

Accommodation 2
15 e
Low Berths

Cargo A
Emergency Cryotubes 0

Crew: 1 (or 2) Pilot/Captain Optionally, add Gunner/
Total before Discount
Total after Discount i Mcr

!sneilA dna sneilA,sneilA
AThe following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc

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1. Definitions:
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Aliens,Aliens and Aliens!
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
High Guard System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Mercenary System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 20022004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb,

Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker,
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell,

John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch System Reference Document, Copyright 2000,

Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.

T20 The Traveller's Handbook Copyright 2002, Quiklink Interactive, Inc. Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises
and is used under license.

Traveller System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.
Traveller is © 2008 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller and related logos, character, names, and distinctive likenesses

thereof are trademarks of Far Future Enterprises unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.
Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User.

Cepheus Engine System Reference Document, Copyright © 2016 Samardan Press; Author Jason "Flynn" Kemp
Sword of Cepheus, Copyright © 2020 Stellagama Publishing, Authors Omer Golan­Joel, Richard Hazlewood, and Josh
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License
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