2023 03 17 Client Agreement BVI

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Agreement. The Offer does not need to be

1. GENERAL CONDITIONS signed by the Client and becomes
1.1. The Client Agreement (the effective once the Client accepts its terms
“Agreement”), Regulation and Notice of by clicking the appropriate button during
risk determine conditions and procedure the registration process on the
of rendering of services on organizing Company’s website or by using the
conversion currency arbitrage operations. Company’s services.
The terminology used in the above 1.5. Access to and use of the Company’s
documents can be found in a separate website and data, content, products and
document. services made available on or via the
1.2. This Agreement has been entered into Company’s website is subject to the
between E-Global Trade & Finance Agreement. By accessing the Company’s
website and/or using any other part of the
Group, Inc., (the “Company”), TFG
Global Limited, a limited liability Service, the Client agrees to be bound by
company incorporated in the Republic of this Agreement. The Company reserves
Cyprus, registration No. HE 256089 the right, at its sole discretion, to change,
suspend, or discontinue any part of the
(“TFG”) and an individual - You (the
“Client”), an individual who opened an Service, including Content, at any time
account with the Company. The without prior notice.
Agreement refers to services offered by 1.6. The place of Company’s registration is
the Company unless specifically noted accepted to be the place of signing of the
otherwise, in which case, the mentioned Agreement and provision of the relevant
services is provided TFG. Services offered by the Company.
1.3. The Company is a member of the 1.7. Company opening hours: 24 hours a day
Financial Commission, a dedicated from 00.00.01 Central European Time
external dispute resolution organization. (CET) Monday till 23.00.00 CET Friday.
1.4. The Company’s website 1.8. Holidays listed on the Company’s
www.trade4you.vn/ is a public offer (the website are the exception to the preceding
“Offer”) of the Company. All licensed clause.
services are provided by E-Global Trade
& Finance Group, Inc. which is 2. ACCOUNT OPENING
authorized and regulated by the BVI FSC
under the Securities and Investment 2.1. To open an account Client must fill-in the
Business Act, 2010 License#: registration form on the Company’s
SIBA/L/12/1027. The terms described on website: www.trade4you.vn/.
the website have the same force as the
2.2. The Client expressly accepts terms and 3.6. If there is doubt that a Client has
conditions of the Agreement, Regulation complied with clauses 4.7 and 4.8 of the
and Notice of Risk by clicking the Agreement, the Company can extend
appropriate button during the time of order consideration up to five
Registration process on the Company’s working days.
website or by using the Company’s
services. 3.7. The Client incurs all costs connected with
depositing and withdrawing funds
3. FUNDING AND SECURITY to/from the Client’s account, unless
ROCEDURES stated otherwise by the Company on its
website. Notwithstanding the above,
3.1. US Dollar or Euro is the deposit currency; where the Company in its justified
all deposit and withdrawal operations opinion has reasons to believe that the
shall be made in US Dollars or Euro. Client or a Group of Clients misuses the
Company’s Services, the Company’s in
3.2. The Client has the right to control
depositing funds into and withdrawing its sole discretion has a right to collect
funds from the Client’s trading account. from the Client the relevant Client fund
deposit/ withdrawal fees charged by the
3.3. Automatic deposits are possible at any respective payment system providers in
time. an amount of up to 10% from the Client’s
respective deposit and up to 5% from the
3.4. The Client may withdraw any amount of withdrawal amounts.
funds from the Client’s account, except
for the margin required for the Client’s 3.8. The Company has a right not to transfer
open trades. Lack of available funds on Client funds from one payment system to
the Client’s account may lead to a margin another.
call and forced closure of the Client’s
trades. 3.9. Client funds must be deposited or
withdrawn from the Client’s personal
3.5. Requests for fund deposits and credit card, debit card, bank account or
withdrawals are accepted during the payment system. Bank account, debit
regular business hours of the Company card, credit card or payment system
(08:00 – 17:00 СЕТ). The Company will names and identification that do not
transfer money to the specified Client correspond with that of the Client's
account details within two working days, verified documents or declared name,
provided such payment details are the will be deemed as a third-party deposit or
same as the Client’s account details used withdrawal. Deposit or withdrawal of
for deposits. Exceptions may be funds to and from third parties' cards,
considered separately and will take payment systems or bank accounts is
longer to process. strictly prohibited.

3.10. If the Client violates clause 3.9 of the understating that failure adhere to the
Agreement, the Company reserves the stated conditions may lead to the Client’s
right to immediately close any of the payment request being delayed, declined
Client’s open positions, withdraw any of and/ or the Client’s Trade Room,
Client’s funds to refund the funds accounts and/ or transactions being
transacted with the third party, and lock terminated and/ or permanently closed
the Client’s account without prior notice with an indefinite ban on future
or explanation. operations with the Company and/ or its
payment partners and/ or the Client’s
3.11. The Client is informed that the new credit/ debit card providers.
AML/ CFT regulations and the
Company’s payment partners require the 4. PRIVILEGES AND
Client to use a unique IP address when RESPONSIBILITIES
depositing to/ withdrawing funds from
the Client’s Trader Room accounts. The 4.1. The Company keeps the right to change
Client undertakes not to use internet this Agreement by sending a letter of
access networks with shared IP notification five days before changes
addresses, whether public or private, officially become effective.
computers, other electronic devices
4.2. The Company can increase spread and
which do not provide the Client with a marginal requirements according to
unique IP address for identification Regulation.
during the payment withdrawal/ deposit
process transaction process. 4.3. The Company does not take
responsibility for the Client’s activity or
3.12. The Client is informed that the AML/ inactivity. Information offered by the
CFT regulations and the Company’s Company is general in its nature and does
payment partners require the Client to not in any way or manner contain advice
present and/or submit various KYC for any commercial actions.
documents, as well as proof of source of
assets. The Company has a right to freeze 4.4. The Company is not responsible for
Client funds and/or decline to accept dereliction of duties caused by failures in
deposit and/or withdrawal requests from connection channels or Internet
the Client in the event the requested problems.
documents were not provided by the
Client in the specified time period. 4.5. The Client is responsible for the state and
security of the Client’s trade account.
3.13. Sharing of the Client’s login name and/ or
password, as well as credit/ debit card, 4.6. The Client has the authority to sign this
on-line wallet information and details Agreement, fulfill requirements, give
with any third party is strictly prohibited. orders and meet relevant commitments.
The Client expressly undertakes to follow
these terms and confirms the Client’s
4.7. The Client confirms that all information performed with the trading account for
provided during the registration is true, the period of three (3) years or more, the
precise and up to date. Company is entitled to archive and close
access to such trading account.
4.8. The Client confirms the Client’s funds
are of legal origin. 4.17. In the event the Client does not have any
active trading account(-s), the Company
4.9. Actions carried out by the Client can archive the data of such Client and
according to the Agreement and close access to the Client’s Trader Room.
Regulation do not violate laws,
regulations and other rules applied to the 4.18. Data from archived trading accounts of
Client under the Client’s and the the Client is kept for five (5) years from
Company’s jurisdictions. the date the Client’s access to the Trader
Room is closed and can only be accessed
4.10. The Company can nullify any order or by contacting customer support.
close one or more of the Client’s
positions at any time according to current 4.19. The Company is entitled at any time and
price if Client violates clauses 4.7 - 4.9 of exclusively to protect its legal interests
the Agreement. and the normal run of the services
rendered, regardless the activities and
4.11. The Company can cancel orders handled intentions of the Clients. Due to this the
with apparent dealer’s mistake or fulfilled Company shall unilaterally execute all
according to non-market quotation. the necessary and reasonable actions
4.12. In the case of quotation errors, the against individual Clients, who act
Company can cancel orders made by the contrary to the interests of the Company,
Client. use the services of the Company without
good faith, apply for the Services of the
4.13. The Company can recognize operations Company with the unfaithful intentions
on the trade server as non-market, if there or carry out unfaithful activities while
are objective reasons for such actions. using the services provided. The
protection of the interests of the
4.14. The Company can ask the Client to Company might result as, including but
submit the Client’s identity and any other not limiting to: (a) partial or full blocking
relevant documents per the Company’s the access to the respective trading
policies in electronic and/ or certified accounts/ trader room/ trading servers/
format. certain account types; (b) unilateral
termination of contractual relations with
4.15. The Company can block a Client’s
the Client with the immediate effect; (c)
account not used for its intended purpose
unilateral transition of the Client’s
(including conversion).
account to a different trading server.
4.16. In the event the Client’s trading account
balance is zero (0) and no trades were
4.20. The Company is entitled unilaterally to sense errors in regular, special or
terminate any trading activities of the additional conditions Company services,
Client at any time, if such activities any quoting, software or hardware
vulnerabilities, including, but not limited
negatively affect: (a) the infrastructure of
to, Server vulnerabilities. In case of
the Company; (b) any IT solutions/ tools/ violation of this Clause, the Company has
devices of the Company devoted for the a right to invalidate historical Trading
provision of the services; (c) other Clients transactions of the particular Client or
of the Company decreasing the quality of group of Clients and close all of the
the service they expect to obtain. relevant Client’s or group of Client’s
positions, and to terminate the Trading
4.21. The Company at its sole discretion is account and/ or Trader Room of the
entitled unilaterally to terminate the Client or each Client within the relevant
group of Clients without prior notice.
contractual relations with the Client,
restricting fully or partially the Client’s 4.24. The Company shall charge the Client, by
further use of the particular service, with deducting from the balance of the
the immediate effect and providing no Client’s inactive trading accounts
notices of this to the Client, if the (including Share4you Follower and/or
Company detects the objective and Share4you Leader accounts), a monthly
justified reasons for such action. The inactivity fee. The inactivity fee will be
charged where a Client has not placed any
Company is not obliged to disclose such
trade, or does not have any current open
reasons to the Client. trades, or has not performed any balance
operations, for a period exceeding 12
4.22. The Client consents that the Company (twelve) months, and in this case the
reserves the right to immediately inactivity fee will be charged in the
terminate the Client’s access to the amount of 10 USD/ 10 EUR, or
trading platform(s) and/ or the Client’s equivalent in another currency depending
Trader Room and/or any and all Client’s on the chosen account currency of the
accounts, or refuse or cancel any order, in Client, and, after 24 (twenty-four)
the event the Client voluntarily and/or months, in the amount of 20 USD/ 20
involuntarily partakes in arbitrage EUR, or equivalent in another currency
unrelated to market inefficiencies, depending on the chosen account
including but not limited to, latency currency of the Client. The time when the
arbitrage and swap arbitrage and/or acts inactivity fee becomes applicable is
contrary to good faith; under such calculated from the moment of the last
circumstances, the Company may at its trade on any of the Client’s trading
discretion, close the Client’s Trader accounts. The Client shall be charged the
Room, and/or any and all Client’s inactivity fee from any remaining
accounts, and recover any losses incurred positive account balance until the account
by it due to the above-described Client balance equals zero, or the Client resumes
practices. activity on any of the Client’s accounts.
The fee is non-refundable. The Client has
4.23. The Client or group of Clients undertakes the right to request withdrawal of funds
to not use any Trading strategies which using available means of funds
are based on non-market conditions, withdrawal. The Client shall be notified
unintended vulnerabilities or common-
one (1) month in advance prior to 4.28. The Company reserves the right to cancel
application of the inactivity fee. Failure to the Swap-free status of the Swap-Free
notify the Client does not relieve the Account unilaterally without prior
Client from the inactivity fee. Any
notification to the Client if the Client acts
account subject to inactivity fee shall be
considered dormant and access shall be contrary the lawful interests of the
restricted for security purposes. To Company and/or does not act in good
resume access, Clients are advised to faith.
contact the Company via e-mail at
[email protected] or via Live Chat. 4.29. All the risks (including, but not limited to,
The Company may request the Client to risk of financial loss), related to the
produce proof of identity documents. removal of the Swap-free status of the
Swap-Free Account from the particular
4.25. The Client may open a new, special
Account, are borne by the Client.
Swap-Free Account. The relevant
conditions and commissions associated 5. ADMINISTRATION OF CLAIMS
with the Swap-Free Account are specified AND DISPUTES
on the Company’s website. The
Company has the right to change the 5.1. Claims for lost profit are not considered.
conditions and commissions by posting
the relevant changes on its website, 5.2. The Company does not accept and/ or
"Swap-Free Accounts" section. Existing compensate claims for moral damages.
Accounts cannot be converted into Swap- 5.3. All claims shall be sent to
Free Accounts. [email protected], not later than
4.26. If the Client has opened account with in one day from the day when the daily
trade maintenance fee - the Swap-Free Confirmation receipt.
Account, Swap (swap fees) will not be 5.4. Term of the claim consideration is not
credited/debited, however, the Client will more than 15 working days.
be charged a specific commission for
transferring positions over midnight. A 5.5. If a disputable situation is not described
complete commission table is available in the Agreement, Regulation or Notice
on the Company’s website, "Swap-Free of Risk, the Company will resolve the
Accounts" section. issue at hand in accordance with its best
business practices.
4.27. In the event the Client's Swap-Free
Account balance is zero (0) and no 5.6. All disputes shall be resolved amicably.
trading activities were performed with
this Account for the period of six (6) 5.7. This Agreement is governed by the laws
months or more, the Company is entitled and regulations of the British Virgin
to change the type of the Account to Islands.
regular Account and to apply the Swap ***
(Swap fees).

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