Peh 11 Fidp
Peh 11 Fidp
Peh 11 Fidp
Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school students aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant people
around them as they make important career decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in personal development. Using the experiential learning
approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories, and tools in
different areas in psychology.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner is expected to be able to think critically and make concrete plans and decisions on the different aspects of his/her personal development; life
and significant relationship and career pathways.
What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?
Highest Enabling
Strategy to Use in
Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Developing the Highest
Content Assess Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Most Performance
Standards Essential Standard
Topics KUD KUD RBT Flexible Enabling Flexible
Complete Class Most Essential Class Level Assessment General Learning
ificati ificati Activities (FAA) Strategies
on on Strategy (FLS)
First Quarter
Health Optimizing The learner Personal The learner LC 3 Explains U LC 5 Describes the role of U Rem Pre-personal Rep Lecture
Physical Demonstrates Health should be relationship of health physical activity. Health Discussion
Education understanding Inventor able to lead behaviors (eating habits, assessments in Assessment (Face-to-
y fitness sleep and stress managing one’s Activities: Face)
of fitness in
Health Identify the events with management) to health stress
optimizing P.E. barriers in proficiency risks factors and physical
one’s health as
(H.O.P.E.) performing and activity assessment U MELC 1 Self- assesses health- U App Con
a habit; as confidence performance
1. Exercise for exercise for related fitness (HRF) status,
Fitness requisite for PA fitness resulting in
a. Aerobic performance, independen LC 4 Differentiates barriers to physical activity. Online
activities and as a career t pursuit types of eating (fueling U assessment Discussion
b. Muscle- and opportunity. and in for performance, participation and one’s diet.
bone influencing emotional eating, social U App Con
strengthening others eating, eating while LC14 Recognizes the value of
positively. watching tv or optimizing one’s health through
recreation events) participation in physical activity
training) assessments
LC 5 Describes the role U
of physical activity
assessments in
managing one’s stress
LC 6 Self-assesses
health-related fitness
(HRF) status, barriers to
physical activity U
assessment participation
and one's diet.
Health The learner Health & LC10 Observes K MELC 5 Observes personal U App Physical Con Lecture
Optimizing Safety personal safety safety protocol to avoid Discussion
Physical Demonstrate Orientati protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, Fitness (Face-to-
Education s on dehydration, hypo- and hyperthermia during Face)
understandin overexertion, hypo- Exercise
Health MVPA participation
g of fitness in -hygiene and
optimizing P.E. Injuries,
(H.O.P.E.) and hyperthermia
1. Exercise for sanitation during MVPA Prevention, and
one’s health as
Fitness -hydration participation First Aid
a Online
a. Aerobic -basic Brochure
LC11 Identify school and Discussion
activities habit; as health U
emergency community resources in
b. Muscle- and
requisite for PA protocols case of an injury or
performance, emergency.
and as a career
activities LC12 Demonstrate
(Resistance proper etiquette and
training) D
safety in the use of
facilities and equipment.
Principle of LC1 Distinguishes K MELC 2 Sets FITT goals U App Physical Com Lecture
aerobic from muscle based on principles to Fitness Discussion
Training and bone achieve and/or maintain Assessment Log (Face-to-
strengthening training HRF. and Goal Setting Face)
Program - activities. of Fit Goals
MELC 3 Engages in moderate U through
FITT LC10 Observes to vigorous physical activities Reasonin
Eval reporting
personal safety (MVPAs) for at least 60 g & Proof
Principles protocol to avoid minutes most days of the
dehydration, week in a variety of settings in Online
-FITT overexertion, hypo- and out of school Discussion
Goals MELC 4 Analyzes physiological
hyperthermia indicators such as heart rate,
during MVPA U
-Aerobic rate of perceived exertion and An Com
participation. pacing associated with MVPAs
U to monitor and / or adjust
LC7 Sets FITT goals participation or effort.
-Anaerobic based on training
Exercises principles to achieve
and/or maintain HRF.
LC9 Analyzes
physiological U
indicators such as
heart rate, rate of
perceived exertion
and pacing
associated with
MVPAs to monitor
and / or adjust
participation or
Second Quarter
Health The learner (continuatio The learner LC1 Distinguishes MELC 2 Sets FITT goals U App Fitness Reasonin Realtime
Optimizing n) should be. aerobic from muscle based on principles to Inventory g & Proof Lecture
Physical demonstrates and bone achieve and/or maintain Discussion
understandin Principle able to lead strengthening training HRF.
g of dance in of fitness events activities.
with MELC 4 Analyzes physiological Dialogue Reasonin
Health optimizing Training U Session g & Proof
LC10 Observes indicators such as heart rate,
optimizing P.E. one’s health; proficiency
Program personal safety rate of perceived exertion and
(H.O.P.E.) 1 as and
protocol to avoid pacing associated with MVPAs
Exercise for
-Resistance confidence dehydration, to monitor and / or adjust
Fitness requisite for
exercises overexertion, hypo- participation or effort.
resulting in
physical (for muscle independent and
a. Aerobic
activity and bone pursuit and in
activities assessment strengtheni influencing hyperthermia
performance, ng) others during MVPA
b. Muscle- and and as a career participation.
bone opportunity positively.
LC7 Sets FITT goals
strengthening based on
(Resistance training principles to
achieve and/or maintain
training) HRF.
LC9 Analyzes
indicators such as
heart rate, rate of
perceived exertion
and pacing
associated with
MVPAs to monitor
and / or adjust
participation or
Planning LC 13 Participates in an D MELC 7 Participates in an Doin Cre Activity Plan Problem Realtime
and organized event that organized event that addresses g Proposal Lecture
Organizing addresses health/ recreation issues and Solving Discussion
Concerns. Presentation:
health/recreation issues
Exercise- Video
and concerns.
D Documentation/
Fitness LC 16 Recognizes one’s
Program: MELC 8 Organizes Recreational Cre Portfolio
potential for health-and event for a target health issue
- recreation-related career or concern Doin Subject –
organization Opportunities. g Self
and D Evaluation
LC 17 Organizes Problem
t skills in recreational event
preparing/le for a target health
ading fitness issue or concern
Performance Task: Students should form groups of five or six members. Each group is expected to do this performance task.
As the instructor, you should demonstrate different physical activities that focus on cardiovascular, muscular and bone improvement. You need to also orient
them of the safety rules when exercising.
G – Your group is tasked to conduct an exercise that aims to enhance the cardiovascular system.
S - As the instructor, you should demonstrate different physical activities that focus on cardiovascular, muscular and bone improvement.
P – You need to come up with several moderate physical activities that are suitable and appropriate for your audience.
S – You should be able to demonstrate different physical activities, including aerobics, resistance, or stretching exercises.
Physical Education & Health Teacher School Principal
TEL. NO (046) 471 – 7853
[email protected]
This course is comprised of individual, dual and team sports in competitive and recreational settings. It consists of an array of offerings which learners can choose from.
Culminating Performance Standard: Develop self-efficacy in choosing a recreational activity to enhance overall wellness, thus resulting in a strong character foundation of a true leader.
Fourth Quarter
Health-Optimizing The learner Sports The learner LC 1 Discusses the nature Knowing LC 15 Displays Understanding App Conditioning exercises Connections Lecture Discussion
Physical Education demonstrates Activity should be of different recreational initiative, 1. Physical (Face-to-Face)
understanding Preparation able to lead activities responsibility 2. Mental
(H.O.P.E.) 4 of recreation in sports and leadership in Meditation/Self-
Recreational optimizing events with LC 15 Displays initiative, Understanding recreational talk Exercises
Activities one’s health as proficiency responsibility and activities 3. Social
a habit; as and leadership in recreational The effective Team
a. Aquatics requisite for confidence activities Member Checklist 4.
physical activity resulting in Emotional Readiness
b. Mountaineerin assessment independent Mantra (On
g (hiking, performance, pursuit and sportsmanship)
trekking, and as a career in influencing
camping, opportunity
Health-Optimizing The learner Technical The learner LC 7 Sets FITT goals based Understanding MELC 2 Sets Understanding Ana Individual Sport Communication Lecture Discussion
Physical Education demonstrates and Tactical should be on training principles to FITT goals based Skill Testing (Face-to-Face)
understanding Skills in able to lead achieve and/or maintain on training
(H.O.P.E.) 4 of recreation in Sports sports HRF. principles to Demonstration
Recreational optimizing events with achieve and/or (Recorded output
Activities one’s health as proficiency LC 8 Engages in moderate Doing maintain HRF. or through Photo
a habit; as and to vigorous physical Doing Cre or Process Problem
a. Aquatics requisite for confidence activities (MVPAs) for at MELC 3 Detailing) Solving
physical activity resulting in least 60 minutes most days Engages in
b. Mountaineerin assessment independent of the week in a variety of moderate to
g (hiking, performance, pursuit and settings in- and out-of vigorous
trekking, and as a career in influencing school Understanding physical
camping, opportunity activities
orienteering) LC 9 Analyzes physiological (MVPAs) for at
indicators such as heart least 60 minutes
rate, rate of perceived most days of the
exertion and pacing week in a
associated with MVPAs to variety of Understanding Ana Communication
monitor and/or adjust settings in- and
participation or effort. out-of school
indicators such
as heart rate,
rate of
exertion and
associated with
MVPAs to
monitor and/or
participation or
Health-Optimizing The learner Planning and The learner LC 13 Participates in an Doing MELC 7 Doing Cre Sports Activity Problem Lecture Discussion
Physical Education demonstrates Organizing leads organized event that Participates in Plan Proposal Solving (Face-to-Face)
understanding Sports recreational addresses an organized Presentation-Video
(H.O.P.E.) 4 of recreation in Activity events with health/recreation issues event that Documentation/
Recreational optimizing proficiency and concerns addresses Portfolio
Activities one’s health as and health/recreatio
a habit; as confidence LC 16 Recognizes one’s Understanding n issues and
a. Aquatics requisite for resulting in potential for health-and concerns Doing Cre Problem
physical activity independent recreation-related Solving
b. Mountaineerin assessment pursuit and career opportunities MELC 8
g (hiking, performance, in influencing Doing Organizes
trekking, and as a career others LC 17 Organizes recreational
camping, opportunity positively recreational event for a event for a
orienteering) target health issue or target
concern health issue
or concern
Performance Task: This activity will require only 2-3 members per output.
As the sport coordinator, you will choose one sport and create a handbook for it. Topics that should be included in the handbook are the
following: Court Dimension, Equipment, basic skills, technical and tactical skills, rules of the game and officiating.
Role : Suppose you are a sports coordinator, and your school doesn’t have any sports handbook.
Situation : As the sport coordinator, you will choose one sport and create a handbook for it.
Standards : You should be able to write a handbook that fits your school availability.
Physical Education & Health Teacher School Principal