1st Q SUMMATIVE EXAM IN Philippine Politics

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It is a set of related beliefs about political theory

GRADE 11 - INTEGRITY and policy held by an individual, group of individuals
or a particular social class.
NAME:_______________________ SCORE:_________ A. Political Ideology C. Political Opinion
11. Soldiers pledge their life to defend our country.
1. Which of the following considers a democratic They had an oath to serve first the land rather than
leader? A. Prime minister C. King their own family. Which political ideology best fits it?
B. Sultan D. Kim Jong-il A. Absolutism C. Liberalism
B. Fascism D. Communism
2. Who is the leader of the branch in executive?
A. Senator C. Prime minister 12. Is it fine to a country if there’s no leader? Why?
B. President D. Legislative A. No because there is no one to follow and praise
B. Yes because each one of us is capable of living
3. Which describes political science? without a leader
A. The study of society C. No, there should be a leader to lead its constituents
B. The hoarding of resources and the practice of in guiding the country to its progress
deception and manipulation D. Yes because the leader will control its citizens so
C. The systematic study of political institutions it’s better not to choose one
D. The misunderstanding of the relationship between
individual and political institutions 13. Which point of view is under the right wing in the
political spectrum?
4. Which is an element of good governance? A. Emphasis on personal liberty and human rights.
A. Accountability C. Irresponsiveness B. Seeks the “middle ground” in the political issues.
B. Inefficiency D. Confidentiality C. Aims to show strong image in international affairs.
D. Government is controlling its people
5. It is a political philosophy that tends to support the
status quo and advocates change only in moderation 14. Which political ideology believes that an individual
upholding the value of tradition and seek to preserve can own land, can build family or can vote?
all that is good about the past. A. Liberalism C. Anarchism
A. Conservatism C. Socialism B. Conservatism D. Socialism
B. Environmentalism D. Communism
15. Which statement is a tenet of Anarchism?
6. Why study politics? A. believes in group rights
A. Politics prepares you for toddler life B. advocates for the individual good
B. Makes you believe on what you want to believe C. emphasizes tradition, hierarchy and law
C. Helps you to misunderstand our nation's policies D. focuses on the abolishment of government
D. Helps you to know your rights
16. Which of the following is NOT a function of
7. Which describes the importance of POLITICS? political ideology?
A. It allows the group of people to decide for majority. A. Evaluates whether a political program good or bad
B. It allows the rich to succumb the marginalized. to prescribes a preferred or desired social order.
C. Allows data freely unavailable and indirectly B. Provides program that brings about political change
accessible to those who are in the lower class. C. To be aware of the complexities and implications of
D. It builds instability in the society. democratic life in the society.
D. Offers an analysis on how society and politics are
8. Ideology does not provide its believers a sense of organized and how various aspects of politics work.
understanding history and with clues about what kind
of things they should pay attention to or ignore. 17. Which of the following belongs to the left wing?
A. True C. Maybe A. Anarchism C. Individualism
B. False D. Partially True B. Liberalism D. Communism

9. He coined the term ideology during the French 18. This nature of power allows the leader to
Revolution in 1796. collaborate with other leaders.
A. Distrut de Tracy C. Karl Marx A. "power over" C. "power with"
B. Adam Smith D. Erich Fromm B. "power to" D. "power for"
19. This nature of power allows the leader to make 29. The following are the pre-colonial system of
laws or ordinance to avoid social conflict. stratification in the country, except.
A. "power over" C. "power with" A. Ruling Class C. Slaves
B. "power to" D. "power for" B. Alcalde D. Timawa

20. Mr. Sanchez wants his students to strictly follow 30. The name of the group that lead the revolutionary
the dress code inside the school. Which ideology is his era.
holding in? A. GumBurZa C. Prayles
A. Socialism C. Conservatism B. Gobernadorcillo D. KKK
B. Fascism D. Centrism
31. The current president of the fifth republic.
21. Rico does not like the new ordinance being A. Bongbong Marcos C. Ferdinand Marcos
regulated in his barangay. As a result, he filed a B. Corazon Aquino D. Fidel Ramos
complaint against the leader and protested that he
will not follow it. What kind of political ideology he 32. The first president of the post war period
has shown? A. lpidio Quirino C. Ramon Magsaysay
A. Fascism C. Conservatism B. Jose P. Laurel D. Manuel Roxas
B. Socialism D. Liberalism
33. The paramount datu of large town. The term hari
22. Type of power that has the ability to choose or king was only used to refer foreign monarchs.
his/her cabinet members. A. Halili C. Timawa
A. Political Power C. Budgetary Power B. Maharlika D. Rajah
B. Appointing Power D. National Power
34. The Judicial council was established during this era
23. Which of the following is not a positive A. Spanish C. American
consequence of power? B. Revolutionary D. Japanese
A. Encourages Productivity C. Gains Respect
B. Demerits individual D. Builds Confidence 35. What best describes our Philippine politics
24. It is the type of power that has the ability to make A. It’s running smoothly and growing since pre-
or influence political decisions. colonial
A. Political Power C. Military Power B. Nothing much has changed
B. Economic Power D. National Power C. The type of governance depends on the leader
D. Stagnant and oppressive
25. Which best defines power?
A. Aspect of a relationship between one social leader 36. Can the President borrow money from the World
B. The heart of politics and does not focus on it Bank?
C. Head in a group of humans to achieve their goals A. True C. Maybe
D. Right to impact or control the behavior of people B. False D. Cannot be determined

26. It is a dimensional view of power that focuses in 37. Who is the successor if both the President and the
the formal political arena only. Vice-President fail to perform their duties?
A. two-dimensional view C. three- dimensional view A. House Speaker C. Chief Justice
B. one-dimensional view D. four- dimensional view B. Senate President D. General

27. He was the president of the republic known 38. The following are the qualifications for presidency
Puppet Government during the Japanese Era. except:
A. lpidio Quirino C. Ramon Magsaysay A. Citizen for 5 years C. Natural born Filipino
B. Jose P. Laurel D. Manuel Roxas B. at least 40 years old D. Literate

28. Why are there reports of crimes against politicians 39. My father is a grade 6 graduate but knows how to
when election is near? read and write. He was born in the Philippines on
A. It is a natural occurrence January 12, 1991 and has never left the county since
B. Dislike the other party then. Can he run for presidency this coming 2029?
C. They want to acquire authority over the place A. Yes C. Maybe
D. One wants to instill fear among running mates B. No D. Cannot be determined
40. What do you call the President who is exercising 47. What kind government does the image depicts
his powers to attend international summits? below if the one holding the gun is the leader?
A. Chief Diplomat C. Chief Executive
B. Chief Administrator D. Chief Legislative

41. What power did President Gloria Macapagal-

Arroyo practice when she shortened the sentence of
Joseph Estrada?
A. Pardoning Power C. Military Power
B. Integrative Powers D. Power to appoint

42. Which of the following is NOT a power of the

A. Appoint officials of the judiciary and hire
employees for the judicial branch.
B. Commander in chief of the Armed Forces. A. Liberalism C. Anarchism
C. Issues proclamation and administrative orders. B. Conservatism D. Communism
D. Has the power to declare martial law.
48. If you are the president, how will you address the
43. Can the president be jailed even though he/she societal issue shown from the picture below?
has been proven to be guilty?
A. Yes, because he/she is also a citizen
B. No, due to immunity against the law
C. Yes, after he/she is impeached
D. No because who will lead the country if yes?

44. What non-violent protest has done by many

Filipinos to oust Ferdinand Marcos?
A. Edsa People Power C. Treaty of Paris
B. Tydings -Mcduffle Act D. KKK

45. The first president to have elected from Mindanao A. I will increase the salary of all the workers in my
A. Bongbong Marcos C. Ferdinand Marcos country
B. Corazon Aquino D. Fidel Ramos B. I will call a press conference and lay down all my
46. What best describes the picture below? C. I will strengthen the local production by subsidizing
crops and land.
D. I will encourage foreign investors to invest in my

A. The citizen is helping another people to travel since

there is water below them
B. People are oppressed due to the burden from
pandemic and corruption
C. They are in a show to entertain the audience
D. The man in the middle is having a hard time from
balancing in the rope

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