Paper Compound Sentence

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Lecturer : Dr. Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I., M.A

Arranged by :

1. Miftakhul Jannah (23060220025)

2. Hermawan Budi Santoso (23060220004)





Praise and gratitude we give to Allah SWT who has given His mercy and grace and
abundant love to writers so that they are still given the opportunity to finish this paper. the
whole universe. Do not forget to send our prayers and greetings to the great prophet
Muhammad SAW, whose blessings have brought us human beings from the realm of
ignorance to a world full of knowledge.

In this case, the writer intends to make a paper about "Compound sentence". Although
the purpose of making this paper is actually to fulfill the assignment given by the lecturer
which is the scope of the lecture study. The author hopes that this paper can fulfill the
assignment given and in the future it can be of benefit to anyone. Although there are still
many shortcomings. Acknowledgments do not forget the author goes out to my family and
friends, who have helped a lot, although not directly, but with understanding and attention to
the author. So that this paper can be completed on time.

Salatiga, 30 Marct 2023





A. Backround of the paper.

B. Formulation of the problems.
C. Purpose of the paper.


A. Definition Complex Sentence.

B. Types of Complex Sentence.
C. Examples of Complex Sentence.


A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion



A. Backround of the paper

English in its use is very often even the international language used by all
nations in the world. When someone has the ability to understand and understand
English, it will be very helpful, at least in the context of the language when he is
abroad or in any country that he might one day visit. Even at the stage of the world of
work, one is required to have an understanding of the English language. Although in a
context that is not too deep. But just understanding the grammar of everyday language
can help you if you are abroad or around foreigners. In understanding English, of
course it has something to do with sentences. This relation certainly refers to the types
of sentences and how they are used. And its use must be in accordance with the rules
and procedures that apply. Therefore, we will discuss compound sentences.
B. Formulation of the problems
1. What are complex sentence?
2. What are the types of complex sentence?
3. Hows the example of complex sentence?
C. Purpose of the paper
1. To find out the meaning complex sentence.
2. To find out the types complex sentence.
3. To find out the example of complex sentence.


A. Definition Complex Sentence.

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one
or more subordinate clauses; therefore, a good way to study complex sentences is to
study subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses can be classified as adverb clauses,
adjective clauses, or noun clauses. We have studied adverb clauses, the first of our
three clause types. Now we will move on to adjective clauses. Those subordinate
clauses that function as adjectives are known as relative clauses. Complex sentence:
One which contains more than one clause.
A complex sentence contains an independent clause joined by one or more
dependent or subordinate clauses. Dependent (subordinate) clause begins with a
subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun. In other words, a complex sentence
always has a subordinating conjunction (subordinator) or a relative pronoun. Clauses
in a complex sentence are not structurally equal. They express related thoughts.
Subordinators or relative pronouns are used not only to connect these clauses but also
to show the ‘clear and specific relationship’ between the clauses. In other words,
subordinator or relative pronoun show how one clause (dependent or subordinate
clause) is dependent on other. The two parts are no longer of equal importance.
Complex sentence
Not all sentences with more than one clause are compound sentences. There is
another category — complex sentences. Complex sentences, which are more

B. Types of Complex Sentence.

A complex sentence is a sentence with one independent clause and at least one
• An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence, it expresses a
• An independent clause normally has a subject and a main verb and can function as a
complete sentence.
• Examples:
- I love online learning.
Subject: I.
Verb : love.
- The cat ate the goldfish.
Subject: The cat.
Verb : ate.
• A dependent clause (or subordinate clause) is one that cannot stand alone as a
sentence. It does not express a complete thought.
• A dependent clause cannot be a complete sentence by itself. That is because it starts
with a word that connects to a main clause.
• A dependent clause, also known as a subordinate clause, is a clause with two specific
- Firstly, it does not express a complete unit of thought on its own; it cannot stand as
own sentence.
- Secondly, it depends upon an independent clause—one that can stand on its own as a
complete sentence—to form a complete idea.
• Examples:
- Which is very cute
- Where I put my book
- Until he comes
➔ Those examples need to be connected to another clause to share a complete
• The words “which”,” where”,” until”; are called the connecting words.
• They are examples of subordinating conjunctions.
• A subordinating conjunction is a word that links a dependent clause to an
independent clause.
• Commonly used Subordinating Conjunctions
• An independent clause is a clause that would make sense if it were a sentence on its
own, whereas a dependent clause will not form a sentence on its own.
• When these two types of clauses appear in a sentence and are connected by a
subordinating conjunction, we create a complex sentence.
• Examples:
1. After I came home, I made dinner.
2. We visited the museum before it closed.
3. He likes the gift that I made yesterday.
4. Your mom will not lie to you unless it is for your good.
5. When Susi was still a baby, she used to be fat
6. Although Nadine is a girl, she acts like a boy
• From the examples, we can notice that:
❖ If the independent clause comes first, there is no separation of the clauses by a
comma, which is the general rule in complex sentences starting with an independent
Example: Your mom will not lie to you unless it is for your good.
❖ If the dependent clause comes first, the dependent clause begins with a
conjunction (words like because, when), the clauses are separated by a comma.
Example: After I came home, I made dinner.
Exception: If it is an extreme contrast: the clauses expressing ideas that are almost
opposite in meaning or that must be heavily emphasized, there is a comma separating
two clauses even though the independent clause comes first.
Example: Annie was still crying, although she had been happy about the news.
Other contrast subordinating conjunctions are: whereas, while.
• As we have seen with the previous examples, the structure for a complex sentence
essentially looks like this:
➢ Dependent Clause + Independent Clause (comma splits the clause)
➢ Independent Clause + Dependent Clause (comma usually does not split the
• So, using that structure we can easily form examples of complex sentences:
▪ Because she was scoring many baskets, Elsa was considered the best player on the
▪ Elsa was considered the best player on the team because she was scoring many
o Since Hannah got here, she’s been nothing but trouble.
o Hannah has been nothing but trouble since she got here.
C. Examples of Complex Sentence.

A. Conclusion

B. Suggestion
We are as the writer want to to apology for the shortage of this paper. We
know that this paper is still far from perfect. So that we need the suggest from
thereader the perfection of this paper. Thank you very much for the reader.

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