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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor

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6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor
Native Mode
Archivio blog
In this section, you are presented with the information to upgrade the software images on a Catalyst 6500
Series Switch with redundant Supervisor Engines that run in Native mode. ► 2017 (9)
It is recommended that a console connection be available for both Supervisor Engines for this procedure. ► 2015 (2)
The console port on the active Supervisor Engine is active and that on the standby Supervisor Engine is
inactive. ► 2014 (5)

Note: The images that this document uses are for example purposes only. Replace the images with the ► 2013 (34)
images that you use in your switch environment.
▼ 2012 (11)
Complete these steps in order to upgrade the Cisco IOS software images on the active and standby ► novembre (4)
Supervisor Engines:
▼ marzo (4)
1. Establish a console connection to the active Supervisor Engine and verify that the image
version runs on the Supervisor Engines.
6500 Upgrade
with Redundant
Cat-6509#show version Supervisor
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M), Understanding
Version 12.2(18)SXF, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) PPP over
Frame Relay
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc. (PPPoFR)
Compiled Fri 09-Sep-05 21:36 by ccai multicast helper-
Image text-base: 0x40101040, data-base: 0x42CC0000 map
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(17r)SX3, RELEASE MAC Address-
SOFTWARE (fc1) Based Traffic
BOOTLDR: s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M), Blocking
Version 12.2(18)SXF, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Note: If you try to establish a console connection to the standby Supervisor Engine, this
► febbraio (3)
message displays:
► 2011 (21)
Standby console disabled
2. Check the status of the Supervisor Engine modules.
Informazioni personali
Cat-6509#show module
Mod Ports Card Type
Model Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- -----------
------- -----------
5 9 Supervisor Engine 32 8GE (Active) WS-SUP32-
GE-3B SAD084401JD
Giovanni Bardetta
6 9 Supervisor Engine 32 8GE (Hot) WS-SUP32-
GE-3B SAD084401GG Visualizza il mio profilo
!--- The active Supervisor Engine is in slot 5 and standby
is in slot 6.

7 48 48 port 10/100 mb RJ45 WS-X6348-

RJ-45 SAL0618006V

Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw

Sw Status
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ -
----------- -------

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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor
5 0030.f273.a008 to 0030.f273.a013 0.406 12.2(18r)SX2
12.2(18)SXF Ok
6 0030.f273.9f90 to 0030.f273.9f9b 0.406 12.2(18r)SX2
12.2(18)SXF Ok
7 0009.1264.b648 to 0009.1264.b677 6.1 5.4(2)
8.5(0.46)RFW Ok

!--- Output suppressed.

The module status of the standby Supervisor Engine in the show module command output is
different for the different redundancy modes for Native IOS:

o RPR—Status shows Cold.

Cold redundancy refers to the degree of resiliency that a redundant system

traditionally provides. A redundant system is cold when no state information is
maintained between the backup or standby system and the system it protects.

o RPR+—Status shows Warm.

Warm redundancy refers to a degree of resiliency beyond the cold standby system. In
this case, the redundant system is partially prepared. However, the system does not
have all the state information that the primary system knows for an immediate take-
over. Some additional information must be determined or gleaned from the traffic flow
or the peer network devices to handle packet forwarding.

o SSO—Status shows Hot.

Hot redundancy refers to a degree of resiliency where the redundant system is fully
prepared to handle the traffic of the primary system. Substantial state information is
saved, so the network service is continuous, and the effect on traffic flow is minimal or
nil in the case of a failover.

3. Verify the redundancy mode status from the active Supervisor Engine.

Cat-6509#show redundancy
Redundant System Information :
Available system uptime = 8 hours, 32 minutes
Switchovers system experienced = 0
Standby failures = 0
Last switchover reason = none

Hardware Mode = Duplex

Configured Redundancy Mode = sso
Operating Redundancy Mode = sso
Maintenance Mode = Disabled
Communications = Up

Current Processor Information :

Active Location = slot 5
Current Software state = ACTIVE
Uptime in current state = 2 hours, 14 minutes
Image Version = Cisco Internetwork
Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M),
Version 12.2(18)SXF, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 09-Sep-05 21:36 by ccai
BOOT = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-
Configuration register = 0x2102

Peer Processor Information :

Standby Location = slot 6
Current Software state = STANDBY HOT
Uptime in current state = 31 minutes
Image Version = Cisco Internetwork
Operating System Software
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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor
IOS (tm) s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M),
Version 12.2(18)SXF, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 09-Sep-05 21:36 by ccai
BOOT = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-
Configuration register = 0x2102
Note: The default redundancy mode of operation with Supervisor Engine 32 is SSO with same
image versions and RPR if different image versions are installed.

4. Verify the boot variables for both of the Supervisor Engines.

Cat-6509#show bootvar
BOOT variable = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-18.SXF.bin,12;
CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
BOOTLDR variable =
Configuration register is 0x2102

Standby is up
Standby has 983040K/65536K bytes of memory.

Standby BOOT variable = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-

Standby CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
Standby BOOTLDR variable =
Standby Configuration register is 0x2102
5. Log your console session as a best practice.

The log enables you to capture a record of the session and compare the log to the steps in this
document, if you need to troubleshoot.

For example, in HyperTerminal, choose Transfer > Capture Text in order to log a console

Refer to Connecting a Terminal to the Console Port on Catalyst Switches for more information.

6. Issue the copy start tftp command in order to back up the configuration.

If you back up the configuration, the file can serve as a reference after the upgrade. Refer to
Managing Software Images and Working with Configuration Files on Catalyst Switches for
more information on the use of the copy start tftp command to back up configuration files.

7. Verify that the Cisco IOS image (s3223*) required for the upgrade is on either Supervisor
Engine bootflash (sup-bootdisk: and slavesup-bootdisk:), or on the CompactFlash card
(disk0: and slavedisk0:) of both the Supervisor Engines.

Cat-6509#dir disk0:
Directory of disk0:/

1 -rw- 27267012 Oct 12 2006 21:28:42 +00:00 s3223-

2 -rw- 27966916 Oct 12 2006 21:46:16 +00:00 s3223-

!--- This is the CompactFlash card on the active Supervisor

!--- This is the Cisco IOS software image (s3223*) release
for this upgrade.

63971328 bytes total (8736768 bytes free)

Cat-6509#dir slavedisk0:
Directory of slavedisk0:/

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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor
1 -rw- 27267012 Oct 12 2006 21:36:22 +00:00 s3223-
2 -rw- 27966916 Oct 12 2006 21:51:20 +00:00 s3223-

!--- This is the CompactFlash card on the standby Supervisor

!--- This is the Cisco IOS software image (s3223*) release
for this upgrade.

63971328 bytes total (8736768 bytes free)

If you do not have the Cisco IOS image for upgrade on either Supervisor bootflash (sup-
bootdisk: and slavesup-bootdisk:) or on CompactFlash card (disk0: and slavedisk0:), go to
step 8. If you have the Cisco IOS image installed, go to step 9.

8. Complete this step only if the Cisco IOS Software image (s3223*) is missing from either
Supervisor Engine bootflash (sup-bootdisk: and slavesup-bootdisk:) or on CompactFlash
card (disk0: and slavedisk0:). Step 7 determines the need for this step.

Note: You might need to format the CompactFlash if it has never been used before, or if it was
formatted with use of the CatOS Software algorithm. In order to format CompactFlash card on
a Supervisor Engine 32, issue the format disk0: command. You can also free up space as
necessary on the Flash devices. Issue the delete sup-bootdisk: filename or delete disk0:
filename command in order to delete the file.

Issue the copy tftp sup-bootdisk: command first, then the copy tftp slavesup-bootdisk: or
copy sup-bootdisk: slavesup-bootdisk: command in order to download the image to the
Supervisor Engine bootflashes. Or, issue the copy tftp disk0: command first, then the copy
tftp slavedisk0: or copy disk0: slavedisk0: command in order to download the image to the
CompactFlash cards.

Cat-6509#copy tftp disk0:

Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-
Destination filename [s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-
Accessing tftp://
Loading s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-18.SXF6.bin from
(via FastEthernet1/1):
[OK - 27966916 bytes]
27966916 bytes copied in 222.684 secs (125590
Verifying compressed IOS image checksum...
Verified compressed IOS image checksum for disk0:
Cat-6509#copy tftp slavedisk0:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-
Destination filename [s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-
Accessing tftp://
Loading s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-18.SXF6.bin from
(via FastEthernet1/1):
[OK - 27966916 bytes]
27966916 bytes copied in 275.427 secs (101540
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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor
Verifying compressed IOS image checksum...
Verified compressed IOS image checksum for
9. Configure the boot statement to boot the new image and save the configuration.

Cat-6509#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4933 bytes

upgrade fpd auto
version 12.2
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
service counters max age 5
hostname Cat-6509
boot system disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-18.SXF.bin

!--- This is the current boot statement.

no aaa new-model
ip subnet-zero

!--- Output suppressed.

Cat-6509#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End
with CNTL/Z.
Cat-6509(config)#no boot system disk0:s3223-

!--- This removes the current boot statement.

Cat-6509(config)#boot system disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-


!--- This modifies the boot statement to boot from

the new image.

Cat-6509#copy run start

!--- This also triggers a manual synchronization

!--- startup configuration on the standby
Supervisor Engine.

Destination filename [startup-config]?

Building configuration...

*Oct 13 03:21:05.331: %PFINIT-SP-5-CONFIG_SYNC:

Sync'ing the startup configuration to the standby
Router. [OK]
Cat-6509#show bootvar

!--- This verifies the modified boot statements.

BOOT variable = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-

CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
BOOTLDR variable =
Configuration register is 0x2102
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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor

Standby is up
Standby has 983040K/65536K bytes of memory.

Standby BOOT variable = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-

Standby CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
Standby BOOTLDR variable =
Standby Configuration register is 0x2102
Note: The configuration register in the startup-config must be set to autoboot (0x2102).

10. Reset the standby Supervisor Engine.

Note: Before you reset the standby Supervisor Engine, make sure you wait long enough to
ensure that all configuration synchronization changes have completed.

Cat-6509#hw-module module 6 reset

!--- This resets the standby Supervisor Engine in

slot 6.

Proceed with reset of standby supervisor? [confirm]

% reset issued for standby supervisor
*Oct 13 03:21:50.507: %OIR-SP-3-PWRCYCLE: Card in
module 6,
is being power-cycled (Module reset)
*Oct 13 03:21:50.895: %PFREDUN-SP-6-ACTIVE: Standby
removed or reloaded, changing to Simplex mode
*Oct 13 03:24:27.163: %PFREDUN-SP-4-
Defaulting to RPR mode (Different software

!--- Redundancy mode changes to RPR during software


*Oct 13 03:24:28.183: %PFREDUN-SP-6-ACTIVE: Standby

initializing for RPR mode
*Oct 13 03:24:28.467: %SYS-SP-3-LOGGER_FLUSHED:
System was paused for 00:00:00
to ensure console debugging output.
11. Wait for the standby Supervisor Engine to come online and synchronize the configuration.

12.*Oct 13 03:24:28.599: %PFINIT-SP-5-CONFIG_SYNC:

13.Sync'ing the startup configuration to the standby
14.*Oct 13 03:24:30.883: %DIAG-SP-6-RUN_MINIMUM:
Module 6:
15.Running Minimal Diagnostics...
16.*Oct 13 03:24:33.486: %DIAG-SP-6-DIAG_OK: Module 6:
17.Passed Online Diagnostics
18.*Oct 13 03:24:33.722: %OIR-SP-6-INSCARD: Card
inserted in slot 6,
19.interfaces are now online
20. Verify the redundancy status.

Note: In order to run in RPR+ or SSO redundancy mode, image versions must be the same on
the standby and active Supervisor Engines. In these redundancy modes, the active Supervisor
Engine checks the image version of the standby Supervisor Engine when the standby
Supervisor Engine comes online. If the image on the standby Supervisor Engine does not
match the image on the active Supervisor Engine, the software sets the redundancy mode to
RPR while a software upgrade is performed, and sets it back to SSO when the software
upgrade is complete.

Cat-6509#show module
Mod Ports Card Type
Model Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------
------ -----------
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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor
5 9 Supervisor Engine 32 8GE (Active) WS-SUP32-GE-
3B SAD084401JD
6 9 Supervisor Engine 32 8GE (Cold) WS-SUP32-GE-
3B SAD084401GG
7 48 48 port 10/100 mb RJ45 WS-X6348-RJ-
45 SAL0618006V

Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw

Sw Status
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ --
---------- -------
5 0030.f273.a008 to 0030.f273.a013 0.406 12.2(18r)SX2
12.2(18)SXF Ok
6 0030.f273.9f90 to 0030.f273.9f9b 0.406 12.2(18r)SX2
12.2(18)SXF6 Ok
7 0009.1264.b648 to 0009.1264.b677 6.1 5.4(2)
8.5(0.46)RFW Ok

!--- Output suppressed.

Cat-6509#show redundancy states

my state = 13 -ACTIVE
peer state = 4 -STANDBY COLD
Mode = Duplex
Unit = Primary
Unit ID = 5
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = rpr
Redundancy Mode (Configured) = sso
Redundancy State = rpr

!--- Output suppressed.

!--- This verifies that the operational redundancy
mode has
!--- changed to RPR during the software upgrade.

21. Manually switchover to the standby Supervisor Engine in slot 6.

Cat-6509#redundancy force-switchover

!--- This reloads the active unit and forces switchover to

standby [confirm].

Preparing for switchover..

*Oct 13 03:50:38.167: %SYS-SP-3-LOGGER_FLUSHING:
System pausing to ensure console debugging output.
*Oct 13 03:50:38.167: %OIR-SP-6-CONSOLE:
Changing console ownership to switch processor

!--- Output suppressed.

MAC based EOBC installed

00:00:04: %SYS-3-LOGGER_FLUSHING: System pausing to ensure

console debugging output.
00:00:04: %PFREDUN-6-STANDBY: Initializing as STANDBY

!--- This Supervisor Engine is initialized as standby.

00:00:05: %SYS-3-LOGGER_FLUSHING: System pausing to ensure

console debugging output.
00:00:04: %SYS-3-LOGGER_FLUSHED: System was paused for
to ensure console debugging output.

!--- Output suppressed.

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Press RETURN to get started!

00:01:21: STDBY: RP: Currently running ROMMON from S (Gold)

*Oct 13 03:54:38.319: %SYS-STDBY-5-RESTART: System restarted
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M),
Version 12.2(18)SXF6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 18-Sep-06 19:43 by tinhuang
*Oct 13 03:54:38.343: %SYS-STDBY-6-BOOTTIME:
Time taken to reboot after reload = 240 seco
Standby console disabled

!--- The Supervisor Engine in slot 5 now becomes the


The old active Supervisor Engine in slot 5 reboots with the new image and becomes the
standby Supervisor Engine.

Note: Establish a console connection to the Supervisor Engine in slot 6 simultaneously when
the switchover is initiated from Supervisor Engine in slot 5.

Note: In middle of the software upgrade procedure, the operational redundancy mode is RPR.
This is evident from the show redundancy states command output shown in step 12. In RPR
redundancy, during switchover, all switching modules are powered on again. So there is be a
few minutes of downtime. During normal switchovers, if the operational redundancy is SSO, the
installed switching modules are not reloaded, as both the startup and running config are
synchronized continually from active to standby supervisor engine. The new active supervisor
engine uses the current configuration.

22. Monitor the console messages on Supervisor Engine in slot 6.

!--- Output suppressed.

00:01:21: %PFREDUN-SP-STDBY-6-STANDBY: Ready for RPR mode

00:01:22: %SYS-SP-STDBY-3-LOGGER_FLUSHED: System was paused
for 00:00:00
to ensure console debugging output.
00:27:23: %PFREDUN-SP-STDBY-6-ACTIVE: Initializing as ACTIVE

!--- The Supervisor Engine is initialized as active.

00:27:23: %SYS-SP-STDBY-3-LOGGER_FLUSHED: System was paused

for 00:00:00
to ensure console debugging output.

!--- Output suppressed.

00:27:48: %SYS-SP-5-RESTART: System restarted --

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s3223_sp Software (s3223_sp-IPBASEK9-M),
Version 12.2(18)SXF6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 18-Sep-06 19:43 by tinhuang
00:27:48: SP: Currently running ROMMON from S (Gold) region
*Oct 13 03:51:07.331: %OIR-SP-6-INSPS: Power supply inserted
in slot 1
*Oct 13 03:51:07.387: %C6KPWR-SP-4-PSOK: power supply 1
turned on.
*Oct 13 03:51:09.907: %C6KENV-SP-4-FANHIOUTPUT:
Version 2 high-output fan-tray is in effect
*Oct 13 03:51:13.419: %OIR-SP-6-INSCARD:
Card inserted in slot 6, interfaces are now online

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!--- The Supervisor Engine in slot 6 now becomes the active.

23. Verify the status of the modules from the active Supervisor Engine.

!--- Output suppressed.

*Oct 13 03:53:46.531: %PFREDUN-SP-6-ACTIVE: Standby

initializing for SSO mode
*Oct 13 03:53:46.703: %SYS-SP-3-LOGGER_FLUSHED: System was
paused for 00:00:00
to ensure console debugging output.
*Oct 13 03:53:48.199: %PFINIT-SP-5-CONFIG_SYNC: Sync'ing the
startup configuration
to the standby Router.
*Oct 13 03:54:22.919: %DIAG-SP-6-RUN_MINIMUM: Module 5:
Running Minimal Diagnostics...
*Oct 13 03:54:25.547: %DIAG-SP-6-DIAG_OK: Module 5:
Passed Online Diagnostics
*Oct 13 03:54:26.299: %OIR-SP-6-INSCARD: Card inserted in
slot 5,
interfaces are now online.

!--- Output suppressed.

Cat-6509#show module
Mod Ports Card Type
Model Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ---------------
--- -----------
5 9 Supervisor Engine 32 8GE (Hot) WS-SUP32-GE-
3B SAD084401JD
6 9 Supervisor Engine 32 8GE (Active) WS-SUP32-GE-
3B SAD084401GG

!--- The active Supervisor Engine is in slot 6 and standby is in

slot 5.

7 48 48 port 10/100 mb RJ45 WS-X6348-RJ-

45 SAL0618006V

Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw

Sw Status
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ -----
------- -------
5 0030.f273.a008 to 0030.f273.a013 0.406 12.2(18r)SX2
12.2(18)SXF6 Ok
6 0030.f273.9f90 to 0030.f273.9f9b 0.406 12.2(18r)SX2
12.2(18)SXF6 Ok
7 0009.1264.b648 to 0009.1264.b677 6.1 5.4(2)
8.5(0.46)RFW Ok

!--- Output suppressed.

24. Verify the redundancy status to see if the system performs as expected.

Cat-6509#show redundancy
Redundant System Information :
Available system uptime = 10 hours, 12 minutes
Switchovers system experienced = 1
Standby failures = 1
Last switchover reason = user initiated

Hardware Mode = Duplex

Configured Redundancy Mode = sso
Operating Redundancy Mode = sso

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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor
!--- This verifies that software has set the redundancy mode
!--- back to SSO after the software upgrade.

Maintenance Mode = Disabled

Communications = Up

Current Processor Information :

Active Location = slot 6
Current Software state = ACTIVE
Uptime in current state = 7 minutes
Image Version = Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M), Version
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 18-Sep-06 19:43 by tinhuang
BOOT = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-
BOOTLDR = Configuration register = 0x2102

Peer Processor Information :

Standby Location = slot 5
Current Software state = STANDBY HOT
Uptime in current state = 2 minutes
Image Version = Cisco Internetwork
Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M), Version
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 18-Sep-06 19:43 by tinhuang
BOOT = disk0:s3223-ipbasek9-mz.122-
BOOTLDR = configuration register = 0x2102
Note: You can force another switchover in which the standby Supervisor Engine becomes the
active Supervisor Engine in order to restore the original roles of the Supervisor Engines (their
active and standby status).

25. Verify the image version that runs on the Supervisor Engine after the software upgrade.

Cat-6509#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M),
Version 12.2(18)SXF6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 18-Sep-06 19:43 by tinhuang
Image text-base: 0x40101040, data-base: 0x42D28000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(17r)SX3,

BOOTLDR: s3223_rp Software (s3223_rp-IPBASEK9-M),
Version 12.2(18)SXF6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

!--- Output suppressed.

The procedure to upgrade Cisco IOS software on redundant Supervisor Engines is complete.

Pubblicato da Giovanni Bardetta a 16:11

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6/2/2020 CCIE: 6500 Upgrade with Redundant Supervisor

4 commenti:

Unknown 15 dicembre 2015 03:50


Thank you for your explication.Can you please tell me if this method lost or no the
configuration that aready configured like vlan, routing,vrf .......

Thank you

Unknown 19 maggio 2017 13:20

Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches are Campus LAN Switches and can deliver
comprehensive 1/10/40G backbone services. Catalyst 6500 Series Switches are
widely deployed campus backbone switches. They are optimized for Multigigabit
Ethernet services to help you protect your network investment. 6500 Series Switch
Chassis with the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 2T can offer 80
Gbps-per-slot capacities and 180 Gbps-per-slot capable. Cisco 6500 Series Switch
deliver comprehensive network services, performance, and scale, optimized for your
campus core and distribution network.

suhas 2 luglio 2017 00:45

Can i follow the same steps for 6500 with VSS
please suggest

Ashley Rosa 16 febbraio 2020 06:22

Are you finding error while accepting the coin in Binance account? Do you want to
end this trouble at the earliest so that you don’t get any hurdle when you get into any
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can talk to them anytime to avail remedies related to issues. The team is always
available so contact them and get desired results in no time

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