Sodexo FAQ
Sodexo FAQ
Sodexo FAQ
Sodexo Cafeteria system – general questions .................................................................................. 2
Multi Pass Card ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Salary swap ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Meal Flat Rate benefit ............................................................................................................................ 9
Multisport card ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Request Benefit..................................................................................................................................... 11
Charity .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Pension and Life Insurance................................................................................................................. 14
It is recommended to review FAQ section (located at the bottom of the main page) where the
system is introduced in detail:
You can also review Help section that provides answers to common questions related Benefits
in general, Multi Pass Card, Payment Gateways, Paper vouchers and Sodexo contact details:
Internal benefits Infor: Charity, Pension and life insurance, Sport card (Multisport)
4. Q: When do I get cafeteria points and how many points will I receive?
A: You will receive 250 points each month retroactively from your employment start. After
the trial period you will be provided with the free budget in the annual amount of 8.300 points in
advance (in case you join Infor during the year, this amount is reduced proportionately). Free
budget for the upcoming calendar year is always assigned in the beginning of January.
For more details please read Cafeteria Benefit Policy available here: Policies
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5. Q: Where can I find out how many points I currently have?
A: You can check the current balance in Cafeteria in My Overview section:
• Multi Pass card – payment with the card at selected partner places in the Sodexo network
• Payment gateways – direct payment withing the on-line shop
• Sodexo vouchers – paper voucher delivered on provided address
11. Q: When do I get my Multi Pass card and what is it used for?
A: Sodexo Multi Pass Card is received within first two weeks of employment. It is a payment
card which you can use to pay for leisure activities at selected partner places in the Sodexo
network – it contains from Gastro pass card (Catering / meal vouchers – not applicable for
Infor) and Flexi pass card (leisure points).
For more details please read Sodexo Multi Pass card leaflet
Then you can set the new PIN while making the next payment (which needs to be a contact
one) at a payment terminal. Proceed the same way if you wish to change your PIN.
14. Q: I have technical issue with the card. What can I do?
A: As the first step it is recommended to reset the PIN as described above. If the problem
persists, please contact Sodexo Customer Care Line at 233 113 435 or by e-mail
at [email protected] and copy us at [email protected].
15. Q: I´ve lost my Multi Pass card / my card has been stolen. What can I do?
A: Please log into your Cafeteria account as soon as possible and block the card and request
new one.
At the main screen, please choose Account – Leisure – in blue section click on Block card and
Request new card issuance.
Salary swap
17. Q: What is salary swap and what are the conditions of its use?
A: By salary swap, you can increase number of your cafeteria leisure points. You can transfer
up to 5.000 CZK of your gross salary into Cafeteria points (salary in kind) and save up to 26%
on income tax and health/social insurance. An access to salary swap is enabled only after
signature of Agreement on conditions for provision of salary in kind. Excluded are employees in
probation period, termination period, those on maternity/parental leave and those who have
execution or insolvency. Salary swap is voluntary option (i.e. only you decide whether you use
it or not). Entered swap in not saved for next months, in case you would like to optimize regularly,
you have to enter requested amount each month.
For more details please read Infor Salary in Kind Policy available in folder Policies
19. Q: Am I entitled to a meal allowance and what are the rules and conditions?
A: Yes, we are providing meal allowance as the Meal Flat Rate benefit. Each employee is
entitled to 82,60 CZK per working day. To get meal flat rate you have to work 8 hours per day
and sign Salary Deduction Agreement. Meal flat rate is provided on quarterly basis.
For more details please read Infor Meal Flat Rate Policy available in folder Policies
22. Q: I just joined Infor and I would like to get a Multisport card. Is it possible?
A: As a new joiner, you will receive a voucher for one-month trial Multisport card for free
within two weeks of your employment. You can buy prepaid Multisport card for six or twelve
months after the trial period, as soon as you receive Cafeteria Free budget points.
For more details please read Infor Multisport Card Policy available in folder Policies
25. Q: I would like to buy Multisport card, but I do not have enough Cafeteria points. What
can I do?
A: If you don´t want to wait until January´s upload of Free budget points, you can use the
option of salary swap (see the section Salary swap of this document) to increase the number of
your Cafeteria points. Please note that if you submit salary swap in given period (between 1st
and 15th day of the calendar month), you will get the points on the first day of following month
and after that you can make an order of your Multisport card. Example: in September you submit
salary swap in the first half of the month, you will get the points on October 1st, make an order
of Multisport card in the first half of October and get your card with validity from November 1st.
26. Q: My Multisport card has been stolen / lost. What can I do?
A: Please contact us via [email protected]. We will arrange you a duplicate of the card.
Request Benefit
28. Q: What is the Request Benefit and what are the conditions for its use?
A: The Request Benefit may be drawn for services in following areas:
• Recreation for children (summer and winter camps, suburban camps, school trips with
• Kindergarten
• Tuition fees
Separate bus / train / plane tickets may not be reimbursed as they are not classified as tax-
The supplier you choose is a contracted partner of Sodexo. Please use one of the
payment methods offered by the supplier - payment by Sodexo card, payment gateway,
payment with SMS verification or possibly FlexiPass paper vouchers.
• The supplier you have chosen is not a Sodexo partner, but has already signed a
"Cooperation Agreement for the area of" Benefit on Demand "
This supplier has already signed a "Cooperation Agreement" for the invoicing of Benefit
on request. You can continue to submit your application.
• The supplier you have chosen is not a Sodexo partner and has NOT yet signed a
"Cooperation Agreement for the area of" Benefit on request "
This supplier has not yet signed a Cooperation Agreement with SODEXO for the invoice
payments. Please download the template here, fill in the missing data, have it signed and
enter it into the system. You can also use an online form
at Without this contract, the invoice cannot be
reimbursed in accordance with Act No. 370/2017 Coll., On Payment
Systems. Click here for more info
3. Completion of the application: Requests for payment of the invoice are accepted
exclusively via the form on the website Do not send the invoice by e-mail,
post, etc. (the variable symbol must match the variable symbol stated on the invoice, in case
the variable symbol is not on the invoice, enter the invoice number)
4. Payment of the invoice: The last step in entering the application is the payment of the
benefit. You will be redirected to your Sodexo account (Cafeteria) and you will pay for the
application via the payment gateway (you will be asked to log in).
5. Processing: If your application contains all the necessary information, payment for the
invoice will leave Sodexo within three working days. If the application does not meet all the
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necessary requirements, you will be asked to complete the data or correct the invoice, in which
case the approval process may be extended.
ATTENTION: The entity issuing the invoice must have a Czech ID number and payment is only
possible in CZK (crowns).
• Invoice: the supplier you selected will enable you to draw the Benefit by issuing an
invoice to Sodexo in line with the invoice data below.
Attention! The textual part of the invoice must also contain your name and your
employer's name.
The invoiced amount must correspond to the amount requested afterwards to be paid from your
leisure-time account.
30. Q: I would like to donate my Cafeteria points to Charity purpose – how can I proceed?
A: You can donate any amount of Cafeteria points at your discretion via Cafeteria.
Please go to My Benefits section – scroll down to Internal benefits Infor – Charity:
33. Q: How can I increase employer´s contribution to my pension / life insurance within
A: If you are eligible for employer´s contribution to your pension / life insurance, you can use
your free annual budget, i.e. up to 8.300 CZK in Cafeteria to increase employer´s contribution.
The necessary condition is to provide a copy of the supplement of relevant pension / life
For more details please read Infor Pension Insurance Contribution Policy available in folder
You can assign the points via Cafeteria system.
Please go to My Benefits section – scroll down to Internal benefits Infor – Pension and life