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U.S. Department of Justice
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Information Management Division
FBI FOIPA Addendum
As referenced in our letter responding to your Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request, the FBI FOIPA Addendum
provides information applicable to your request. Part 1 of the Addendum includes standard responses that apply to all requests.
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(i) 5 U.S.C. § 552(c). Congress excluded three categories of law enforcement and national security records from the
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R e B u te lc a l t o New Y o rk , d a te d 5 / 1 / 8 1 .
E n c lo s e d f o r t h e B u re a u and WFO a r e f o u r ^ e ^ S ^ s o f
"■ In v e stig a fc iv e L ea d s'* nd one n e w sp a p e r a r t i c l e p r e s i d e d by
x e e u t 1 ye I n t e l 1 l i e n e e R e v ie w , ^ 0 4 ^ W e s t
.M e jL X o rk .,J T h is i s b e in g p r o v id e d /
by JjrD f o r y o u r
I L (RM)
MW IS 1981 b6
2-WFO (1 7 5 -3 1 1 Sub D) ( E n d s . 5) b7C
1-New York
jC om m en t \
not M ir y as was
p a b U c ly & i
Published by Executive Intelligence Review, 304 W. 58th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019
x Contents
II. Evidence
IV. Conclusion
\' April
U— ’--- - ----
. . .
I -v
Statement given to an
interviewer by
Dr. Foster W. Cline, Director,
Evergreen Consultants in Human
Behavior, Evergreen, Colorado
ing chronic schizophrenics. EST was used during the Korean War
and Vietnam War as a method of torture and as a tool for trans
forming the behavior of a prisoner of war by creating an aversive
environment for psychologically controlling the targeted victim.
Dr. Cline does not rule out the use of LSD therapy for short
term usage. Cline differentiates between long-term effects of LSD
and its possible short-term therapeutic value. He considers the
long-term use as causing neurological brain damage to tissue. Cline
employs a form of therapy called "rage therapy." This form of
therapy is carried out for the purpose of producing a "purgative"
and somewhat violent outburst of "rage" from the patient. It is ;
usually done by physically restraining the patients to produce an
explosive outburst or with psychological attack sessions either in
a group or through doctor/ patient interaction. The aim, according
to Cline, is to get the patient to remove the psychological blocks
from early childhood by getting the patient to recall the emotion
ally traumatic incidents and let loose with a burst of violent
rage. Cline's theory is based on the notion that all serious per
sonality defects stem from the first three years of life and be
come permanently locked into the individual unless released by
this "rage" reaction. ,
Cline characterized Hinckley as a "senseless killer without
remorse," and drew a close parallel to the recent assassination of
British rock star John Lennon by Mark David Chapman. Cline also
told investigators that the groups which most closely adhere to
.his method of psychological cure is the notorious Synanon and
Cenikor drug and deviant rehabilitation programs. These two pro
jects originated in California in the 1960s under Project MK-Ultra—
a special psychological warfare program pushed through the Central
Intelligence Agency by British Intelligence's Tavistock Institute.
ban town next to Evergreen and is the place where John W . Hinckley,
Jr. stayed at the Golden Hour Motel before traveling to Washington,
D.C. to shoot the President. It was also the area where the second
potential assassin, Michael Edward Richardson, stayed. Cenikor has
branches in the Dallas and Houston, Texas areas.
. ' The founder of Cenikor and its chief operator was Luke Austin.
Austin ran the Cenikor group until 1973 when he was replaced by
Edward Fresquez who has been its director since. However, the most
important individual in the organization has always been Dr. Steven
Bloom, originally a consultant to Synanon in San Francisco. Asso
ciated with Cenikor within months of its formation, Bloom designat
ed the attack group sessions which serve as the controlling feature
of the group. It is known that Cenikor has worked in conjunction
with Denver General Hospital. The constant surfacing and inter
facing of this case with the Denver General Hospital makes it of
interest. .
tion of wartime psychological techniques and operational capa
bilities, British intelligence undertook the creation within the
U.S. of a similar apparatus designed to carry out their programs.
One of their special warfare programs, MK-ULTRA, was in effect
laundered through offices of the Central Intelligence Agency. This
program and other spjecial psychological warfare techniques were
pushed through the ClIA on the basis that drug experimentation in
the use of LSD-25 could be utilized against Soviet espionage opera
tions. Before this particular program could be implemented, experi
ments were carried o^t against unsuspecting victims, including a
CIA agent who went on to commit suicide. •
The place where Hinckley has been taken, Butner, also re
quires a critical examination. The Butner Correctional Center in
North Carolina was originally designed as a "behavior modification"
facility by Norval Morris, Professor of Criminology at the Univer
sity of Chicago. Morris, a close collaborator of former Attorney
General Edward Levi, advocates the type of psychiatric treatment
for "socially deviant behavior" that the MK-ULTRA project employed.
According to a newspaper reporter in Raleigh, N.C., Butner Federal
Correctional Center was originally a "brainwashing" facility where
brain surgery (lobotomies), drug therapy, and group encounter
techniques were employed. The British-born Morris was a long-time
collaborator of University of Chicago-based Margaret Mead. In fact,
one of the leading proponents of the "lone assassin" theory is
University of Chicago professor of psychology Lawrence Freedman,
the directorbf the Institute for the Study of Behavioral Sciences.
Could there be a relationship between those who advocate the "lone
assassin theory" and the very institutions which have been involve
in brainwashing?
IV. Conclusion
The questions posed in this special report require a commit
ment to go beyond simple inductive and deductive methods of inves
tigation. The notion of perpertrator and motive becomes trans
formed by the criteria of investigation this report has laid out.
No simple motive explanation can be utilized where "love letters"
become the basis for prima facie evidence to explain why Hinckley
"desired" to carry out an assassination attempt.
Perhaps by looking at the other potential assassin, Michael
Edward Richardson, a deeper insight into the parallel profiles will
compel the investigator beyond looking for mere "clues". Richard
son is most likely another "brainwashed" assassin.
massive escalation df terrorism and assassination is absolutely
predictable. i
Through U.S. law enforcement agencies and within the CIA and
related circles, there is a realization that Hinckley was not a
"lone assassin." From interviews with leading figures throughout
the U.S., the consensus is that an all-out investigation must be
launched if the President is to be kept alive and if the republic
is to survive. Any wishy-washy attitude toward investigating this
apparatus will lead to an automatic escalation of political viol
ence unseen since the late 1960s and early 1970s. This is the
scenario which was forecast by Investigative Leads starting in
December 1980 and repeated in the Vol. 2, No. 1, January 20 issue,
where the possibility of an assassination attempt against Presi
dent Reagan was outlined. When President Reagan took his trip to
Canada in early March and his Secret Service was stripped of its
weapons, an assassination plot was rapidly unfolding. Proper
channels were informed, but no action was taken. Must we wait be
fore it is too late?
s ■
Published by Executive Intelligence Review, 304 W. 58th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019
April 5, 1981 Vol.2, No.4
1. Where did John W. Hinckley, Jr. receive his weapon training? Care
ful review of the videotape film footage of the assassination attempt
demonstrates that Hinckley was a proficient shooter, particularly
skilled in the execution of rapid fire under combat stress conditions.
His choice of weapon, in particular, bears all the earmarks of a sing
ular mission: kill the President at close range.
2. Why did the FBI fail to act on the basis of the arrest information
received on Hinckley in Nashville, Tennessee during October 1980?
Hinckley was detained by Nashville Airport Police attempting to board
a New York City-bound flight while carrying at least three weapons and
fifty rounds of ammunition. Yet, the U.S. Attorney's office in Nash
ville reports that the FBI did not indicate that multiple weapons had
been seized (had the U.S. Attorney been informed, Hinckley would have
been detained). Despite the fact that Hinckley was flying into New
York City, where both President Carter and candidate Reagan were sched
uled speakers, from a city where both had been scheduled to appear —
no report was made to-Secret Service or the Alcohol,. Tobacco and Fire
arms division of the Treasury Department.
While this FBI failure has already been cited in Congressional testi
mony by Treasury Secretary Regan and Secret Service Director Knight, a
thorough investigation is in order. Based on recent years' profile, it
must be determined whether Hinckley was already a known entity to fed
eral agencies at the time of his Nashville arrest.
Esalen Institute; the Rand Corporation; the Aspen Institute for Human
istic Studies; clinics and/or therapeutic communities run by Dr. Fred-
erich Hacker, Dr. David G. Hubbard, Dr. Jolly West, Dr. Robert J. Lif-
ton, Rabbi Maurice Davis or any of their proteges; any U.S. or Canadian
based institution affiliated with the London-based Tavistock Institute
and its affiliated Center for the Study of Conflict? These institutions
represent some of the leading witting centers of brainwashing, any one
of which possesses the resources and the trained personnel able to
create a "Manchurian Candidate" assassin.
The past decade’s proliferation of drug use among the nation's youth,
the epidemic-proportion outbreak of homosexuality and the populariza
tion 'of T-group and other self-brainwashina techniques among partis’-'1 -
arly the nation's middle and upner class ^ created n '
sive recruiting ground and labor pool for "Manchurian Candidates
schools such as those listed above.
Both Playboy magazine and key affiliated sections of the motion picture
industry have played pioneering roles in the fostering of this climate.
Playboy 1 s sponsorship of homosexuality, drugs and cultism has been re
cently documented in a special report being prepared by IL. The role
of the motion picture industry has already become a matter of direct
Script writer Paul Sch^eder has confi rmed that his screen play "Taxi
Driver" closely conformed to the psyc hological profile of Arthur Bremer
the would-be assassin 0f George Wallace. Hinckley cited that film as
one of the triggering factors in his 'own attempt on the life of Presi
dent Reagan. While the media publicity surrounding "Taxi Driver" rev
elations has been principally directed at bolstering the bogus "lone
assassin" claim, the same evidence points in a fruitful direction as
well. Was the film employed as an audiovisual aid in the brainwashing
of Hinckley? Are any officials of Columbia Pictures witting in the
overall "Manchurian Candidates" infrastructure? Columbia Pictures does
have close interface with both Playboy Foundation and the Huxley Insti
tute — two agencies that do bear immediate investigation re: institu
tionalized brainwashing capabilities.;
This mass-scale aversive conditioning of the American people and the
more targeted profiling and recruiting of Manchurian Candidate assas
sins poses a necessary further question: how many more John W. Hinckleys
are presently roaming the streets as controlled human time bombs?
4. Has the summer meeting of the Group of Five heads of state in Canada
been designated as a high-feasibility time and place for a second at
tempt on the life of Ronald Reagan? The Ottawa conference should be a
matter of grave concern to all security officials involved in protecting
President Reagan and the other attending state heads.
During President Reagan's recent trip to Canada to meet with Prime Min
ister Trudeau, there were a string of severe security breaches that at
several times placed the President in immediate physical jeopardy. IL
investigators have established that those security breaches were part
of a "dry run" profiling of the Reagan security screen, and that person
nel on Trudeau's executive staff and On the Privy Council's crisis man
agement unit were witting in this effort. Affiliates of the Internation
al Law Association, connected to a forthcoming, conference on internation
al terrorism at Carlton University in Ottawa," have been identified as
part of this "dry run" profiling team. Two of these individuals, Thomas
Mitchell and Michael Wittington, acknowledge collaboration with two lead
ing behavior modification specialists cited above — Dr. David G. Hubbard
and Dr. Frederich Hacker.
■ L E A D S A
, .
_ —. — ,
became closely identified with the Yippies and the Weatherunderground.
' i "
The December issue featured an interview with Lord Bertram Russell, who
just began his project to create the New Left. Russell supported Hux
ley's position on drug usage as a meaningful political statement.
1966-67: Playboy featured a running dialogue between Leary and Hugh Hef
ner's in-house sexology team, Masters! and Johnson.
1971: Keith Stroup was introduced to Hugh Hefner to discuss Hefner's
funding of the creation of the National Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws (NORML)4 Stroup was introduced to Hefner through the
executive vice president of the Playboy Foundation, Robert Gutwillig,
at the urgings of former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Ralph Nader.
Stroup had the backing of Clark, Nadet, Marcus Raskin of IPS, Max Pal-
evsky of Xerox Corp, and William F. Buckley. Hefner gave Stroup $25,000
in seed money for the ^irst year of NORML. Over the next decade, Stroup
was to receive over one million dollars in contributions from Hefner.
1975: Bob Gutwillig helped to start the pro-drug High Times magazine by
channelling $75,000 to Tom Forcade, a member of the Yippies and a secret
member of the Weatherunderground. The money was conduited via Gutwil
lig 's executive post at the New American Library (NAL). NAL is one of
the world's largest paperback publishing houses and a wholly-owned sub
sidiary of the Times-Mirror Corp, which, in turn, owns the Los Angeles
Times, Long Island Newsday, Dallas Morning News, and shares a joint wire
service with the Washington Post.
1975: In its January issue, Playboy editor Richard Rhodes called for the
legalization of cocaine. To support this campaign, the Playboy Founda
tion launched a legal research project to find the appropriate technical
ities in existing drug legislation as related to cocaine use. The re
sult was a book published in 1979 by Playboy Press, Cocaine: Legal and
Technical Defenses in Cocaine Prosecutions. The book argues that cocaine
is not an opium-based chemical compound and therefore all existing codes
mandating cocaine prosecution on the grounds that it is an addictive nar
cotic are void. The book was used in two legal suits in Illinois, argu
ing that criminal convictions in the state should be overturned. In
March 1981 a three judge appeals court panel ruled cocaine non-narcotic.
The book utilized the expertise of medical and psychiatric personnel,
many of whom were drawn directly from the MK-Ultra project. One such
person was Dr. Joel Fort, a San Francisco-based doctor who created a
journal called Psychedelic Review — promotion sheet for the use of
psychedelic drugs and publisher of MK-Ultra non-classified findings. In
1974, Fort's Haight Ashbury-based behavior modification center, Fort Help,
April 5, 1981, 7
Daniel Cohn-Bendit (aka Danny the Red): leader of the Paris 1968 riots
and close collaborator of the late leader of German SDS, Rudi Dutschke.
* Center for Constitutional Rights: CCR is the leading legal brains be
hind every significant left-radical terrorist group operating in the U.So
Headed by longtime Yippie member William Kunstler, CCR represents the
Puerto Rican terrorist FALN, the Weatherunderground, and the Black Lib
eration Army. CCR attorneys Kunstler, Ramsey Clark, and Lennox Hinds
are the American representatives of the International Association of
Democratic Lawyers which has a longtime history of sympathy for terror
ism and has been identified as strategists behind the FALN terrorists.
David Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam" mass murderer who took seven lives dur
ing a two-year killing spree in 1976-77 was NOT a lone psychotic. Accord'
ing to extensive evidence compiled by a Westchester County, New York re
porter and subsequently analyzed by investigators for IL, Berkowitz was
part of a satanic cult that had at least 20 members, many of whom have
been operative in other parts of the country.
The Berkowitz revelations represent critical experimental proof that
sophisticated behavior modification techniques are being widely used to
. April 5, 1981 9
On March 19, Today, the Gannett daily newspaper servicing the northern
suburbs of New York City, published a front-page article by Maury Terry
detailing new evidence in the "Son of Sam" case, including a series of
personal letters from Berkowitz. In those letters, Berkowitz admitted
he was part of a satanic cult following the teachings of Aleister Crow
ley and the Hermetic Temple of the Golden Dawn. Crowley was an early
20th century British satanist whose cult activities' participants in
cluded leading figures in the British Fabian Society such as H.G. Wells,
Bertrand Russell, Edward Bulwar Lytton and future Soviet KGB officials
H. Kim Philby, Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean.
Another critical series of leads emerge from further reviet of the . o..
Carr profile. During the "Son of Sam" killings, Carr ran a telephone
"hot line" answering service for a Westchester County mental health serv
ice called Hudson River Counselling Service. HRCS is a satellite center
of the Norman Vincent Peal Institute for Religion and Psychotherapy on
West 29th Street in New York City.
HRCS in turn was the principal "pastoral counselling" service employed
The Davis intersection with the activities of Sam Carr may prove to be
a critical lead for law enforcement agencies pursuing the Son of Sam
case. In the late 1950s, Davis was the religious counselor in resi
dence at the federal hospital in Lexington, Kentucky — a site of MK-
Ultra experimentation and an institution that David Berkowitz was placed
in toward the end of his tour of military service.
During the early 1960s, while a rabbi in Indianapolis, Davis was the
principle sponsor of another future satanic cult leader, Rev. Jim Jones.
The first headquarters of the Jones Peoples Temple was in a synagogue
that Davis turned over to the future mass murderer. Through Davis' urg
ing, Jones was given a position on the city's civil rights task force.
Sequence of Events
On Friday March 9th, just 4 days prior to President Reagan's arrival,
Progressive Conservative Party MP Alan Lawrence asked a highly-publicized
question to Canada's Solicitor General Kaplan on presidential security.
In that question, Lawrence loudly complained that Reagan's projected
security was "excessive" and would result in keeping crowds away from
the President.
April 5 , 1 9 8 T 11
The Profilers
During Reagan's visit, members of the private staff of Prime Minister
Trudeau, the Prime Minister's Crisis i-nnagemer.-t -.n' the Prig
Council constituted a team assigned- to irofilo the ; erfornance of w
President's security. When interviewed, members of this group character
ized their profiling as a "dry run" in "the way we set up the cattle bar
riers, the way the crowd was set up, and how close they were able to get
to Reagan."
Among the members of this team is a group of self-styled terrorist ex
perts based out of the Political Science Department of Carleton Univer
sity in Ottawa. These include:
Whittington, Mitchell and other members of the group are involved in the
security planning for the July heads of state summit meeting in Ottawa.
/ 73' o /-
■ Assassination Plot -2-
was also at this time that Hinckley was a "member in good standing" with
the National Socialist Party of America based in Chicago. His recruitment
and subsequent activity with the Nazis was short-lived, indicating to our .
investigators that the Nazi period of Hinckley can be considered signifi
cant only insofar as it serves as a "cover" for his further activity.
2. The J o d ie F o s te r C onnection
A no th er c r i t i c a l a r e a p f c o r o l l a r y i m p o r t a n c e i s th e f ilm "The k id n a p p in g
o f t h e P r e s i d e n t ." t T h i s / f i l m was p r a c t i c a l l y a -d ress r e h e a r s a l s c e n a r io
f p r th e t r i p t h a t :P r e s i d e n t Reagan to o k t b O ttaw a, w here h i s S e c r e t S e rv
ic e - p r p t e c t i o n w a s r t o t a l l y . . s t r i p p e d i t s ‘w eapons; : T^ S e t t i n g o f th e :
f il m was ;in Canada a fe .w e 'lli'i I t s h o u ld b e n o te d t h a t a lth o u g h S e c r e t S erv
i c e h a s n o t o f f i c i a l l y acknow ledged t h e s t r i p p i n g o f th e P r e s i d e n t 's s e c
u r i t y , p u r i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t o t h e C anadian s i d e o f t h a t 1a f f a i r c o n c lu s iv e
l y c o n f i r m e d ; t h i s f a c t . A ccording t o a :p r o f e s s o r a t C a r le t o n - U n iv e r s it y ,
Thomas M itc h e ll, <h e , : ]alo n g < w ith R oyal C anadian' Mounted Police"'(RCM P), con
d u c te d a ;-thorough p r o f i l e of. P r e s i d e n t Reagan and h i s s e c u r i t y . I n 1c o o r
d i n a t i o n w ith P r im e M in is t e r T ru d e a u 's bwn c a b in e t o f f i c i a l s , M i t c h e l l and
Assassination Plot -4-
3. Family Background ‘
tions of the 1978 period and with the more recent November, 1979
Greensboro, North Carolina gun battle with members of the Commu
nist Workers Party (CWP) in which five communists were killed.
Among the leading identified members of the NSPA are:
* Frank Collin, leader of the Skokie march efforts, now in jail
on charges of child molesting and related sex crimes. Collin
is widely reported to be the son of Jewish concentration camp
victims and a potential informant for the Anti-Defamation League
of B ’nai Brith, a private intelligence agency.
* Harold Covington, leader of the NSPA in the Carolinas and
the principle figure behind the November, 1979 shootout.
* Karl Hand, leader of the NSPA in the Buffalo, New York area.
Hand is closely associated with neo-Nazi circles in Canada,
including Don Andrews of the Western Guard Party, now called
the Canadian Nationalist Party. These networks were involved
in the 1973-74 project known as "Unity Now", an amalgam of
both leftwing and rightwing extremist groups who constituted
themselves as a phony Canada-based cell of the Arab terrorist
"Black September" group and were prepared to conduct a widescale
terrorist activation until U.S. intelligence agencies intervened
to preempt the actions.
* Vincent Allen, an NSPA member in Chicago with links to a
nationwide network of Nazi motorcycle gangs. These gangs go
under the name National Socialist Liberation Front in several
areas around the country, including Los Angeles. They are
known to be the most violent of all of the neo-Nazi gangs,
openly advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government through
the barrell of a gun. In the southern New Jersey-eastern Pen
nsylvania area, there are active National Socialist Liberation
Front cells. Among the identified members are: Ed Reynolds,
Frank Duffy and William Sickles. Sickles operates throughout -
the northeast, particularly in Connecticut, in conjunction with
a network of hardcore Nazi criminals with long records of prison
behavior modification treatment.
3. Behavior Modification
In the past week, under the guise of the MI-5 "spy revalations",
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has announced;the re
activation of the Security Commission (now called the;Diplock
Commission after its chairman Lord Diplock). ;
The Diplock Commission consists of seven longtime secret service
executives who report only to the Royal Household. The members
of the Commission are: ;
* Lord Diplock, Law Lord ;
* Lord Bridge of Harwick, Lord of Appeals and a former member
of the High Court i
* Lord Greenhill of Harrow, former director of the Diplomatic
Service and former director of British Petroleum '
* Lord Allen of Abbeydale, former Permanent Undersecretary of
the British Home Office 1
* General Sir Dudley Ward, former Commissioner of the JRoyal
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers I
* Admiral Sir Horace Law, former Commander in Chief of the Naval
Home Commission ; .
* Sir Allen Cottrell, former Science Advisor to the Government
and to the Defense Ministry, currently the Master of Jesus Col
lege, Cambridge ;
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FD-36 5-22-78)
I I T eletype | | Immediate □ TOP SECRET
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® A JR T E L ___ □ Routine O CONFIDENTIAL
D a t e ------ — 1922
TO: D IR E C T O R , F B I (1 7 5 -6 0 1 ) b7C
S U B JE C T : ^ E A G A T ;y
M K JO S C A S E 3 5
( 0 0 : WFO)
R e W F O te l, d a t e d 1 / 1 2 / 8 2 , N Y t e l , d a t e d 1 /1 2 /8 2 ,
W F O te l, d a t e d 1 / 2 8 / 8 2 , a n d N Y te l , d a t e d 2 / 1 / 8 2 .
E n c l o s e d f o r WFO i s a 1 / 1 5 / 8 2 e d i t i o n o f ’’ I n v e s t i
g a t i v e L e a d s " , o n e 1A e n v e l o p e a n d o n e F D - 3 0 2 . E n c l o s e d f o r
th e B u re a u i s o n e c o p y o f a b o v e e d it io n o f " I n v e s ti g a ti v e
L eads. ”
E n c l o s e d F D -3 0 2 c o n t a i n s i n t e r v i e w o f | ~|
J E x e c u t i v e I n t e l l i g e n c e R e v ie w , 304 W e st 5 8 t b7C
S t r e e t , NY, N Y . |______ E x e c u tiv e I n t e l l i g e n c
u n a v a ila b le f o r in te rv ie w | i s c lo s e a sso c
I | a n d w o rk s w ith P * | on th e ir in v e s tig
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( 1 - 1 7 5 - 3 1 1 SUB A)
( 1 - 1 7 5 - 3 1 1 SUB B)
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3 3 MAR 2 51382
NY 175-391
Bureau File #(175-601)
NY File # 175-391
{00: WFO)
■«TM n s
January 15,1982 , Published by Executive Intelligence Review
For in vestigativ e
purposes only
2 ^1
Vol. 3, No. 1
of the appropriate leads into the * president or Pope. Neither could However, a closer look at his
would-be assassins of President a small, well-trained team of as activities at this time finds Bloom
Reagan will be unearthed. sassins operating alone have field in the middle of the dirtiest
Until such time as that network much success. aspects of the international drug
is made the subject of systematic Only a highly organized con trade, preparing the groundwork
investigation, public expose and spiracy, penetrating presidential for establishing Permindex.
prosecution, the life of the Presi security at several levels, and hav During the period of the late
dent will remain in serious dan ing significant control over law en 1940s and 1950s, Bloomfield con
ger. ' forcement and judiciary agencies tinued to hold a high position
as well as the media, could con within the FBI's Division Five. His
Who Is Targeting the duct a successful assassination law firm to this day represents the
of a U.S. president, and also en interests of the Bronfman family, .
President and Why?
sure an effective "cover-up" of its notorious for their ties to interna
The immediate questions fac tracks. tional smuggling and narcotics
ing U.S. security services dealing As IL has identified repeatedly, traffic since Prohibition. He also
with the current deployment of the one assassination capability joined the United Nations Organi
Libyan assassination teams tar in the world with these qualifica zation as an expert in areas of
geting President Reagan, is why tions is run through the same international law dealing with in
they have been deployed at this Permindex network which suc ternational terrorism, piracy, and
time, and by whom. cessfully carried out the assassi civil aviation, and began to estab
As blunders by the security nation of President John F. Ken lish an international network of
forces of the late President Anwar nedy, and covered up both its mo clandestine shipping routes
Sadat of Egypt demonstrate, an tive and method of attack. The which are now utilized for narcot
excessive orientation towards Permindex network also financed ics traffic. This Bloomfield ac
only one potential line of attack over 28 assassination attempts complished in part by becoming
can be fatal. Although the Libyan against French President Charles director of the Israeli-Canadian
hit teams targeting the President de Gaulle.^, .r Maritime League, and simulta
are real, the enemy force which neously becoming the Consul
has dispatched them is not based General of the Western Hemi-
within Libya. Therefore, even a The Permindpx*organization, an sphere of the African State of Lib-
successful defusing of the Libyan acronym fq^PermanentJndu^- ^ ^ e ria . Liberia is a well known tax
threat will by no means diminish trial^Expasitkms, was estab haven and smuggler's port, since
the threat to the President. lished in 1958 as a commercial it has no shipping regulations.
Contrary to 'the myths widely front for a special international Under Bloomfield’s consulship.
circulated by news media, a lone assassination bureau linked to , Liberia became the flag of con
assassin, acting on his own, in the British Special Operations Ex venience under which a sizeable
the way Lee Harvey Oswald and ecutive (SOE). , portion of the ships carrying bulk
John Hinkley are supposed to The founder of Permindex was . cargoes of Far East narcotics are
have acted, could never carry out Major Louis Mortimer Bloom- registered.
a successful assassination of a fie ld , a Canadian citizen who Bloomfield also conducted a
figure as highly-protected as a joined SOE in 1938 and was de- thorough study of the history of
ployed into the U.S. Federal Bu- political assassinations in the
reau of Investigation's counteres- twentieth century, published as a
Investigative Leads is published twice- pionag^Division FiveTas book in 1962, which focused par
monthly by. । betweenSOE, ll ie UTS. Office of ticularly on the activities of the
Strategic Studies (OSS)—the war Irgun, the Zionist Clandestine
Executive Intelligence Review, 304 W.
50th St., New York, N.Y. 10019, © 1982,
time predecessor of the CIA— army, and the Irgun’s plots
NSIPS. i and the FBI. against'Sweden's Count Berna
At the close of World War II the dotte, and Lord Moyne during the
Editor: Robert Greenberg
l SOE was officially disbanded. 1940s.
Subscription by mail for the U.S.: 1 year— Bloomfield returned to Montreal, The founding of Permindex in
$50. To consult with Investigative Leads or Canada, to his prominent law firm 1958, and its two subsidiaries—
to arrange for private special project re
ports, mail inquiry Jto the address above of Phillips, Vineberg, Bloomfield Centro Mondiale Commerciale,
or call (212) 247-8291,247-5190. and Goodman, to build up his and the Italo-American Hotel
reputation as “above suspicion." Corporation—by Major Bloom-
January 15, 1982 3
field represented the j consolida ■ 9 Giuseppe Zigioti, head of Schlumberger DeMenil: the heir
tion of all of Bloomfield’s work, the Italian political party ’’Fascist of her late husband Jean DeMenil,
with that of other top SOE assets, National Association for Militia an officer of Permindex, and des
into the most powerful interna Arms." cendant of Russian aristocrats.
tional assassination capability in • Ferenc H. Simonfay, former Madam DeMenil is also heir to the
the World. ■ collaborator with Nazis in Hunga powerful Schlumberger banking
According to corporate records ry, leader of Solidarist movement. fam ily now based in Geneva,
on file in Berne, Switzerland, the 9 Colonel Clay Shaw Switzerland.
following individuals were official Although the Permindex Cor Through the widely dispersed
ly listed as officers and board poration is now "officially" dis family networks of the Schlum
members of Permindex at the solved, its capabilities are still in bergers and their bank, De Neu-
time of its incorporation by Major place. flize, Schlum berger et Mallet,
Bloomfield: , Madame DeMenil is directly in
« Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Directions for Investigation contact with the most important
President and Chairman of the Lyndon LaRouche, a noted au "black" oligarchy circles in Eu
Board, ( thority on international terrorism rope. These circles were exposed
• Ferenc Nagy , and counterintelligence, has re by the Vatican to have been in
4 Giorgio Mantello , volved, in the attempted assassi
cently emphasized that a reeval
• Roy Marcus Cohn, attorney, uation of the Warren Commission nation of Pope John Paul II,
New York City; former general files on the investigation into the through the Propaganda Two (P
counsel to Sen. Joseph Mc assassination of President John 2) Freemasonic Lodge, and were
Carthy; Chairman of the American Kennedy, would be extremely use the circles which formed the Per
Jewish League Against Commu ful for President Ronald Reagan's mindex network originally.
nism; President Lionel Corpora security. This information, cross- The apparatus which Madame
tion. ( gridded with information devel DeMenil inherited from her hus
° Joseph Bonanno, syndicate oped by former New Orleans Dis band, Jean, includes Schlumber
boss of Montreal, and Phoenix; trict Attorney James Garrison, ger Ltd, and its U.S. subsidiary,
Chairman of the BoardI of Lionel would result in cross-checking Schlum berger Wells Service
Corporation. „ abundant evidence of the conspir Company. Sworn testimony be
° Major General John Bruce acy unearthed by the Warren fore both the Warren Commission
Medaris, former director of De Commission. and James Garrison's investiga
fense Industrial Security Com Since the Warren Commission tors, identifies these firms as
mand; Board of Directors of Lio was dom inated by executives having expertise in terrorist and
nel Corporation. !
from the United Fruit Company, an weapons-running activities in
9 John (aka Jean) DeMenil institution closely linked to the Castro’s Cuba, as well as to right
• Paul Raigorodsky Permindex network (See IL vol. 2, wing Cuban terrorist networks in
9 Prince Gutierrez di Spada- No. 20), and the Commission wil Florida run by form er Cuban
fora, former Undersecretary of fully suppressed evidence, zero Prime Minister Prio Soccoras.
Agriculture to Benito Mussolini; ing in on the Commission's mis DeMenil's terrorist capability was
sponsor of the Sicilian Separatist direction and lies would be the merged with the FBI Division Five
Movement. 1
most fruitful line of investigation. office In New Orleans, run by
• Hans Seligm an,1 banker, Among circles uncovered by Colonel Clay Shaw, Permindex di
Basel Switzerland. !
such a cross-gridding will be a rector.
• Carlo D’Amelio, attorney, group known to have major capa Jean DeMenil’s networks also
Rome, representing the financial bilities inside Libya. This circle interfaced with the NTS Soltdar-
holdings of the Royal House of includes: Madame Dominique ist movement, composed pri
Savoy, and the House of Pallavici- DeMenil, controller of Schlumber marily of displaced Russian aris
ni; attorney for “ Circulo Rex” ; gen ger Ltd; Armand Hammer, direc tocrats whose stated goal is the
eral counsel for Centro'Mondiale tor of Occidental Petroleum; and restoration of Russia's Czarist no
Commercials. 1
Max M. Fisher of United Brands bility. To fulfill this goal, the NTS
• Max Hageman, editor, Mun and the Marathon Oil Company. worked directly with the Nazi SS
ich, Nationalzeitung (a neo-Nazi All are linked to the Permindex during World War IL The NTS and
publication). 1
network and are the most signifi its front organization, the Tolstoy
° Munir Chourbagi, 1uncle of cant American friends of Libya. Foundation, have served as a
King Farouk of Egypt. 1 9 Madame Dominique pool of agents and assassins-
o u ft
for-hire ever since. G eration Theologist Archbishop marily through King Farouk of
Warren Commission testimony Helder Camara of Brazil, who is Egypt, his friend since World War
also indicates1intitial planning for identified with numerous insur IL Farouk as early as 1939 had
the Kennedy‘assassination took rectionist operations in Central financed the Muslim Brotherhood
place at the Tryall Compound in and South America; David Du with Egyptian State funds, and
Jamaica, set 1 up by Sir William bois, editor of the Black Panther maintained a close link with the
Stephenson, 1 head of. Western News, who calls for revolution in Italian royal House of Savoy (de
H em isphere'operations of the side the U.S.; and others. posed in 1946). After his ouster
British SOE,1 At a Spring 1963 • Armand Hammer: owner and from Egypt in 1952, Farouk moved
Tryall planning meeting were head of the Occidental Petroleum to the Isle of Capri next door to
Louis Bloomfield, Jean DeMenil, Company, with major interests in U.S. mobster Lucky Luciano.
and Paul Raigorodsky of the NTS. Libya, and ties to the East Bloc, Farouk’s uncle, Munir Chour-
DeMenil was put in charge of on- as well as to White Russian exife bagi, was a founding board mem
the-scene deployment of the Per communities. ber of the Permindex Corporation.
mindex apparatus and the use of The son of Russian-born Rose • Max M. Fisher: Honorary
patsy Lee Harvey Oswald as an Robinson and Julius Hammer, a 1 Chairman of United Brands Cor
included element for misdirection member of the Socialist Labor ' poration, and a director of Mara
after the Kennedy assassination. Party, Armand Hammer first be ' thon Oil Company.
came involved in political intelli Max Fisher rose through the
Libyan Connections gence operations in 1921, when he ranks of the Prohibition era Pur
Beyond the Schlumberger Ltd. traveled to the Soviet Union. ple Gang crim e syndicate, a
major holdings in Libya, Madame There, he toured the nation col branch of Meyer Lansky’s inter
DeMenil has established a direct lecting artifacts from the Czarist national smuggling and crime or
liaison with the Muslim Brother families and aristocracy (which he 1 ganization. Following Prohibition,
hood through the Rothko Chap later sold in the United States), Fisher went "legitimate,” building
el, founded by Jean and Madame and securing exclusive rights to up a tightly controlled group of
Dominique in 1971 in Houston, represent American companies corporations uniquely structured
Texas. inside Russia, including Ford Mo to carry out drug and money laun
The Muslim Brotherhood, tor Co., U.S. Rubber, Allis Chal dering operations of about $90
founded in 1929 by the Arab Bu mers, Ingersoll-Rand, and others. billion a year.
reau of the British Secret Intelli Returning to the U.S., Hammer Through his M arathon Oil
gence Service (See IL vol. 2, no. began to move into the whisky Company, Fisher works closely
16), has been responsible for the business, ordering a supply of with Armand Hammer inside Li
majority of terrorist destabiliza wooden barrel staves from Rus bya. It was also the United Fruit
tions in the Mideast, most recent sia to build beer and w hisky Company, now subsumed within
ly including the assassination of casks, awaiting repeal of Prohibi Fisher’s United Brands, which
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat tion. By the early 1940s, Hammer participated in the Warren Com
in October 1981, and the overthrow had become the second largest 1 mission cover-up of the Permin
of the Shah of Iran and installation producer of bulk whisky in the । dex assassination of President
of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. U.S., surpassed only by Schen- John Kennedy. (The full dossier
On October 21-25, 1981 the leys. on Max Fisher is available in IL
Rothko Chapel sponsored an in In 1956 Hammer bought the Vol. 2, No. 20.)
ternational conference of the small Los Angeles-based Occi
Muslim Brotherhood under the ti dental Petroleum Company, build- , Disinformation Campaign
tle “ Islam: Spiritual Message and ing it into a m ajor com pany ।
Quest for Justice.” Behind this through a series of successful oil > An investigation of the threat
lofty title was a strategy session finds. against the life of President Rea
of the top 23 leaders of the Broth In 1961 Hammer made his first । gan must examine the source of
erhood, among them Hamid Al- visit to Libya, beginning a series massive amounts of disinforma
gar, who openly praised the as of moves which secured Occiden tion being fed into U.S. security
sassination of Anwar Sadat. tal major oil rights there, as well and intelligence agencies. That in
Such meetings are not unusual as securing the overthrow of Li vestigation must also examine the
at the Rothko Chapel. Over the bya's King Idres and the installa role that leading U.S. media have
past decade the Chapel has tion of Col. Muammar Qaddafi. , played over the last weeks in con
sponsored such terrorists as Lib Hammer did this working pri- ( ducing that misinformation, leak-
a - January 15, 1982 5
ing detailed security .plans, and "presidential motorcades" de the Israelis in the Sadat assassi
creating a dangerous climate of signed to draw out any live assas nation is examined.
skepticism and disbelief that the sination operation. One month prior to that inci
threat even exists. " , • Washington Post writer Mi dent, the Israelis began providing
The le a d in g p e rp e tra to rs chael Gertler comments that the Egyptian security with detailed re
throughout the week of December information on the plot to kill ports of Libyan hit teams dis
5-11 were the New York Times and President Reagan is confusing patched against Sadat. This en
the Washington Post. Both these and questions its credibility. Doz abled the Israelis to 1) gain th e 1
newspapers are committed to the ens of articles subsequently ap trust and confidence of Egyptian
Global 2000 depopulation policy pear questioning the credibility of security, and 2) contribute to nar
which President Reagan has re the plot, implying the Reagan ad rowing the focus of Egyptian se
jected. In the case of the Times, ministration might be lying in or curity onto Libyan hit teams, with
Cyrus Vance, a board member of der to “ divert attention from the the result that President Sadat
the Times, was director of the administration's economic woes." was hit from his "blind side,” by
Global 2000 project when he was • Dec. 9: Front page Washing the Muslim Brotherhood with Is
Secretary of State in' the Carter ton Post story by Beirut corre raeli and KGB complicity. (See IL’s
administration. spondent Loren Jenkins reports Vol. 2; No. 16, Special Report on
Both Vance and the Washington that the Arab world sees the plot the Muslim Brotherhood).
Post’s Katharine Graham are as "blown out of proportion.” Jen
leading members of the New York kins writes that the confrontation
based Council on Foreign Rela with Qaddafi is inadvertantly
Ground Level Capability
tions. It was the CFR which first boosting Qaddafi's image and tar It is important to keep in mind
developed Global 2000 policies nishing the U.S.’s reputation. from the outset that the various
under the name of "controlled * Dec. 10: Syndicated column domestic terrorist organizations
disintegration." ist Jack Anderson leaks the are a deployable asset of the Per
Moreover the Times and Wash names of 14 Libyan hit men in the mindex network. A review of the
ington Post, along with a slew of U.S. stalking President Reagan. case of the Italian Propaganda
investigative reporters linked to Anderson narrows the investiga Two (P-2) Freemasonic Lodge's
the terrorist Institute for Policy tion down to a group of Libyans. control over both left and right
Studies are leading attacks on • Dec. 11: Israeli intelligence wing terrorism throughout Europe
the Reagan administration and its stringer Uri Dan writes in the New demonstrates this fact. (See IL
allies. New York Times "leaks" en York Post that former CIA agents Vol. 2, No. 8). P-2 is directly inter
abled Thomas Puccio of the Wilson and Terpil trained Libyan connected with the Permindex
Brooklyn Organized Crime Strike hit teams, intimating the CIA may network through individuals such
Force to carry out the Abscam have trained would-be assassins as Prince Alliata di Monreale,
entrapments against traditionalist of the President of the U.S. who holds membership in both
political figures. The Times also organizations.
sent three of its top investigative Who Benefits?
reporters to California to attempt According to Los Angeles AJEX
to find links of President Reagan Times reporters Robert C. Toth When the Permindex network is
to organized crime. । and Ronald J. Ostrow, the focus tracked, the first level of organi
Beginning Dec. 5, 1981, the U.S. on Libyan hit teams was disinfor zations found with an active as
media began covering the assas mation peddled by elements of sassination capability, or capabil
sination threat to the President in Israeli intelligence and aimed at ity for harboring an assasination
such a way as to effectively sabo pushing President Reagan into a operation, is the Association of
tage security efforts, >pinpointing confrontation with Qaddafi. Jewish Ex-Servicemen (AJEX)
especially Secret Service plans IL has learned that much of the based tn London. AJEX, linked to
and measures against assassi flow of misinformation and nation Major Louis Bloomfield, is the in
nation attempts. . al security leaks has been direct ternational command for the Jew
• Dec, 5; New York Times writer ed by a faction of Israeli intelli ish War Veterans Action Com
Philip Taubman reported detailed gence which has attempted to in mittee, in the United States,
descriptions of how President sinuate itself into a trusted posi which provides financing for the
Reagan’s physical security was tion among U.S. security and in Jewish Defense League’s para
being reshaped, including secret telligence layers. This is particu militarytraining camps.
countermeasures such as decoy larly dangerous when the role of AJEX, based at AJEX House,
5A East Bank, Stamford Hill, Lon vehicles and at least three FBI and take violent action against the
don, was established in 1929. It vehicles, as well as numerous po Springboks South African rugby
currently operates under the con lice and fire departm ent uni team during its U.S. tour. SART,
trol of the Committee of Jewish forms, from the New York City which was co-founded by Mike
Defense and Group Relations of area. (See IL Vol. 2, No. 19). Young of the Communist Work
the British board of Deputies. An ongoing grand jury investi ers Party (CWP), was involved in
This unit is directly linked with the gation of the Weather Under- numerous violent actions. Two
London Institute of Jewish Af ground-BLA networks, utilizing CWP members in New York State
fairs, dominated by Major Bloom the RICO statutes, is examining face charges for illegal posses
field. AJEX, under the direction of the possibility of the merger of sion of weapons at a SART dem
Henry Morris, and vice president the two organizations for the pur onstration, in atrial beginning De
Martin Savitt, . is responsible pose of criminal conspiracy. Four cember 21. The lawyer for the
for the training of paramilitary individuals linked to the two CWP members is Vernon Mason,
style Jewish "self-defense” units, groups have already been con of the National Council of Black
by former military officer mem victed of contempt of the grand Lawyers, a legal advisor to Re
bers of AJEX. jury for refusing to answer ques public of New Africa leader Cyn
Similarly, in the U.S. the Action tions. They have been identified thia Boston. The APC has also
Committee of the Jewish War Vet as: Cynthia Boston, aka Fulani taken over from SART direct liai
erans is involved in operating par Sunni-AH, a leader of the Repub son with the African terrorist "lib
amilitary training camps for JDL lic of New Africa; Rita Jensen, a eration" movements SWAPO, the
terrorists, and for direct training former roommate of Weather Un Pan African Congress, and Afri
of young Jewish recruits by for derground member Kathy Bou can Peoples Congress. APC is
mer military operatives. din; Eva Rosahn, the individual preparing for a weeklong series
Beneath this level is the Muslim who rented one of the cars used of actions, April 24-May 3, 1982,
Brotherhood organization, de in the Oct. Brink's robbery at known as the "Days of Resistance
tailed in previous issues of IL. A tempt; and Yasmin Fula, em Against Reagan," modeled on the
newly discovered feature of this ployed as a paralegal aide at Weatherman 1971 "Days of Rage.”
apparatus is the Iranian-Libyan Bronx, N.Y., Legal Services, which
Underground Coalition, many of has been used as a recruitment Latin American Networks
whose members have been re center for supporters of the BLA. A similar activation of Puerto
cruited from students who en These supporters have later been Rican terrorist networks linked to
tered the country under the Car- involved in prison breaks, includ the FALN has also occured in
ter/Benjamin Civiletti administra ing Joanne Chesimard’s. past months. In November, the
tion in 1978-79. (See IL Vol., 2 No. Closely linked to the Weather Macheteros te rro rist group
18). t
Underground is the All People’s claimed credit for bombing two
Congress, (APC) founded at an electrical substations, blacking
U.S. Terror Groups October Conference on Detroit, out part of the island.
At the lowest level of operations Michigan. Featured at the APC In the past the Macheteros^ aka
capable of being deployed for a conference were Bernardine Popular Boricua Army, have van
presidential assassination are Dohrn and Bill Ayers, unrepen dalized U.S. Air National Guard
the domestic terrorist and terror tant leaders of the Weather Un aircraft, and claimed credit for the
is t-c o n n e c te d g ro u p s . The derground who were pardoned by 1979 sniper attack on a U.S. Navy
Weather Underground has dur former Attorney General Benjamin personnel bus in which two peo
ing recent months become ex Civiletti; Rev. Herbert Daughtry, ple were killed.
tremely active, and despite the leader of the Black United , On December 17 the White
a rre s t of several m em b ers Front; and representatives of the House received a live letter bomb,
charged with the unsuccessful FDR liberation movement of El postmarked San Juan, Puerto
Brink's robbery attempt in Rock Salvador, of the American Indian Rico.
land Co,, NY, is actively operating Movement, and the Black August In this context, the formulation
in direct collaboration with the Organizing Committee. recently used by Nicaraguan
Black Liberation Army (BLA). A The APC has absorbed many guerrillas and published in the
joint deployment of these groups of the activists from Rev. Daugh Mexican daily El Sol, that Presi
has been identified by law en try's Stop Apartheid Rugby Tour dent Reagan represents "a new
forcement authorities as respon (SART), an ad hoc grouping Hitler” are key-and-code to iden
sible for the theft of five police formed last summer to protest tify an assassination target.
January 15,1982 7