Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
There is a relationship between mathematics anxiety and
attitude toward mathematics, with high anxiety leading to low
performance and moderate anxiety leading to high performance.
(CM. Mugemi, CM. Gitong, & P. Rugano, 2021). Many students are
currently experiencing or being influenced by mathematics in
terms of their cognitive and psychological development. According
to the study, many students experience math anxiety which affects
their performance
Many Senior High School Students especially Grade 11
students involvement are not been fully realized due to their
fear of this subject that they are unable to express themselves
because they are afraid being judged by the other students and
teachers who have caused or managed to silence them. According to
J. Zhang, N. Zhao, and Q. Kong (2019), the negative math anxiety
performance link is stronger among senior high school students
than among lower-grade students. Therefore, this researcher was
meant to gather information on grade 11 students who are having
cognitive and psychological problems in math-related subjects.
Students appear to begin thinking about the course they want
to take in college as early as Senior High School or Grade 11.
However, it appears that the subjects related to mathematics are
becoming more difficult in this grade, which has a negative
impact on the student's psychological thinking. It turns out that
this subject is also affected by the student's strand and can
influence the course they want to take.
As included by CM. Mutegi et al. (2021), mathematics
performance was negatively correlated with mathematics anxiety.
This suggests that the two variables should be given appropriate
attention to produce a better and more positive result. The
researcher stated that the mathematics is poorly performed due to
resources, poor methods, a classroom and an assembly room, and a
mathematical attitude. Furthermore, math anxiety can account for
the association between math ability and strand outcomes,
suggesting that the past link may be partially explainable by
attitudes toward math, In this statement, the researcher states
that math anxiety leads to career avoidance. (R. Daker et al.,
Memory-based math problems stimulate a region of the brain
called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which has been linked
to depression and anxiety among Grade 11 students of LNHS, so
this phenomenon prompted researchers;
(a) To find out what is the psychological effect of math subjects
on grade 11 students, how does it affect them, and the possible
solution to this problem as soon as possible.
(b) To encourage the mathematics teachers of the SHS department
of LNHS to provide more simple explanations so that eleventh
grade students of LNHS can more easily understand the lessons
taught by their teacher.
(c) To make LNHS teachers aware of how students feel when they
cannot follow what their math teacher will teach.
The study was about the analysis of psychological effect of
math related subjects to the selected grade eleventh students of
Senior High School. This research will be conducted in Lolomboy
National High School. The place of the study was at LNHS which
located on Bunducan, Bocaue Bulacan. Tied on the period of March
to May 2023.
This review will assist researchers in identifying
gaps in current knowledge and areas that require additional
research, as well as in developing research questions and
hypotheses. It will review existing literature on the
psychological effects of math related subjects on students in
order to provide a comprehensive overview of current knowledge on
this area.
General academic anxiety and math anxiety in primary school.
The impact of math anxiety on calculation skills. This study
investigated the relationship between mathematics anxiety and
gender, grade, career choices, and academic achievement in Grades
10, 11, and 12. Results showed that Grade 12 students have higher
levels of math anxiety than others, and students choosing
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