Dynamic Analysis of Serum MMP 7 and Its Relationship With Disease Progression in Biliary Atresia: A Multicenter Prospective Study
Dynamic Analysis of Serum MMP 7 and Its Relationship With Disease Progression in Biliary Atresia: A Multicenter Prospective Study
Dynamic Analysis of Serum MMP 7 and Its Relationship With Disease Progression in Biliary Atresia: A Multicenter Prospective Study
Received: 31 August 2021 / Accepted: 28 November 2021 / Published online: 22 June 2022
© Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver 2022
Purpose We aimed to assess the dynamic changing trend of serum matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) in biliary atresia
(BA) patients from diagnosis to LTx to further elucidate its clinical value in diagnosis and prognoses and its relationship
with disease progression.
Methods In this multicentre prospective study, 440 cholestasis patients (direct bilirubin level of > 17 μmol/L) were enrolled.
Serum MMP-7 levels were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at diagnosis, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month,
6 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and then every 6 months post-KPE. The medical record at each follow-up visit for
post-Kasai portoenterostomy patient was collected and analyzed.
Results Using a cut-off value of > 26.73 ng/mL, serum MMP-7 had an AUC of 0.954 in BA neonates and 0.983 in BA infants.
A genetic mutation (G137D) was associated with low MMP-7 levels in serum of BA patients. MMP-7 showed a mediation
effect on the association between inflammation and liver fibrosis in BA patients. Four dynamic patterns of serum MMP-7
post-KPE were associated with prognosis. Serum MMP-7 was the only significant predictor at 6 weeks post-KPE and the
most accurate predictor at 3 months post-KPE of survival with the native liver in 2 years.
Conclusion As one of the critical factors associated with BA occurrence and progression, serum MMP-7 can be used for
early diagnosis of BA and post-KPE MMP-7 level is the earliest prognostic biomarker so far.
Keywords Biliary atresia · Cholestatic liver diseases · Diagnosis · Prognosis · MMP7 · Kasai portoenterostomy · Neonates ·
Diagnostic biomarker · Dynamic monitoring · Native liver survival
Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963 955
liver fibrosis [11–14]. A previous research reported that BA telangiectasis (HSST) signs [18] and pathological pictures.
neonates have lower serum MMP-7 levels; thus, more evi- The final diagnosis for each included patient was made by
dence is needed to prove serum MMP-7’s diagnostic value pediatric hepatologists and pediatric surgeons together. The
in BA neonates [13]. diagnostic criteria for BA were the same as those noted in a
Failed KPE is common in BA patients, and the vast previous study [12]. BA was excluded in all infants with neo-
majority of liver transplants occur in BA children less than natal hepatitis and idiopathic cholestasis by laparoscopic-
2 years of age [3]. A Markov model simulation found an assisted cholangiography and liver biopsy. We developed
increase of 17.45 additional expected life years when an LTx a neonate cohort (n = 65) from 440 cholestasis patients as
was performed in a patient with a pediatric end stage liver validation cohort one and cholestasis patients without age
disease (PELD) score of 15–25 with one or fewer systemic limit as validation cohort two (n = 440) (Fig. 1a). A total of
complications as compared to those with PELD scores > 25 191 BA patients without age limit who underwent KPE in
who had more than one systemic complication [15]. Iden- the same period were included in the follow-up study. All
tifying early predictors of progressive liver fibrosis would feces samples of BA patients were collected before discharge
help surgeons plan individualized treatment interventions (usually 2 weeks post-KPE), and fecal MMP-7 levels were
and determine the appropriate time for performing LTx. tested. Urine samples were collected daily before discharge,
Clearance of jaundice at 3 months post-KPE is widely used and urinary MMP-7 levels were tested. Serum samples
in the evaluation of the prognosis of BA patients [16]. There- were collected for MMP-7 and liver function tests weekly
fore, this time point was chosen to evaluate the capacity of before discharge. Follow-up of BA patients was performed
each prognostic factor in the following studies. Few studies at 1 month, 6 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, and
reported the prediction value of dynamic patterns of serum then every 6 months post-KPE. Serum MMP-7 levels, liver
biomarker levels in post-KPE BA infants for LTx. function tests, Fibrotouch, and abdominal ultrasonography
In this multicenter prospective study, we evaluated the were conducted in BA patients at each follow-up visit. The
role of serum MMP-7 in diagnosing BA in cholestatic neo- follow-up endpoint was the date of LTx or death. SNL was
nates. We also investigated the utility of dynamic patterns defined as normal bilirubin levels and no cholestatic com-
of serum MMP-7 for predicting 2-year survival with native plications at the second year visit post-KPE. Eighty-three
liver (SNL) in post-KPE BA patients. BA patients who had a follow-up of less than 2 years or
were lost to follow-up after discharge were excluded from
the dynamic trend analysis (Fig. 1b). Informed and written
Materials and methods consent to participate in the study was obtained from all
patients’ parents. All included patients received the unified
Study design and population post-KPE treatment plan in all centers. (ursodesoxycholic
acid and Reducedglutathione for 1 year, and Tebipenem Piv-
From August 2017 to February 2020, a total of five hos- oxil for 6 months).
pitals participated in this prospective study (Department
of Pediatric Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical Col- MMP‑7 sample acquisition and measurement
lege, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan; Department of Neonatal Surgery, Xi’an Children’s There were three ways to obtain MMP-7 serum samples in
Hospital, Xi’an; Department of Pediatric Surgery, Wuhan the current study: (1) No transportation required (blood sam-
Children’s Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong ple from the Wuhan Union Hospital): blood samples from
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan; Depart- 224 subjects were collected in a coagulation-promoting tube
ment of General Surgery, Shenzhen Children’s Hospital, and placed in a 4 °C refrigerator. (2) Transportation time less
Shenzhen; Department of General Surgery, Hebei Chil- than 12 h (other two hospitals in Wuhan): the blood samples
dren’s Hospital). A total of 440 cholestasis patients (direct from 83 subjects were gathered, stored in an ice box (≤ 4 °C)
bilirubin level of > 17 μmol/L) within 6 months of age with and transported to Wuhan Union Hospital for tests. For the
unclear diagnoses were included in this study [17]. Exclu- above two situations, the blood samples were tested directly
sion criteria included refusal to perform the MMP-7 test after centrifugation (4000 rpm/5 min) at 4 °C. (3) Trans-
and known diagnosis/cause of cholestasis before the test. portation time greater than 12 h: serum samples from 133
All patients underwent a workup for cholestasis, includ- subjects were packed in a thermally isolated box filled with
ing general information, blood tests, urine tests, abdomi- dry ice and transported to Wuhan Union Hospital. Samples
nal sonograms, and metabolic or genetic workups, and all were tested directly after they were received.
serum MMP-7 level tests were performed in Wuhan Union According to the protocol, serum, urinary and fecal
Hospital. The diagnosis of BA was confirmed by intraop- MMP-7 levels were measured using a Human Total
erative cholangiography, hepatic subcapsular spider-like MMP-7 Quantikine ELISA Kit (R&D, USA). The dilution
956 Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963
Other diagnostic tests and examinations(Liver functional tests, Liver stiffness measurement, genome sequencing,
amino acid analysisorganic acid analysis, liver biopsy, intraoperative cholangiography, etc)
191 Kasai portoenterostomy
Fig. 1 a Flow chart of patient selection, diagnostic process and b flow chart of the follow-up study
times were 8 and 32 for serum samples. Feces samples MMP‑7 expression and gene polymorphism
were washed with PBS three times immediately after col-
lection. The final concentration of feces was 1 g to 9 mL All exons and promoter regions of MMP-7 in 7 patients
PBS, and the sample was subjected to ultrasound for 30 s. with low serum MMP-7 levels (LSM, < 26.73 ng/mL) and
The feces solution was centrifuged for 5 min at 5000g, and 33 patients (randomly chosen from 207 BA patients with
the supernatant was used for ELISA tests. high serum MMP-7 levels) with high serum MMP-7 levels
Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963 957
(HSM, > 26.73 ng/m) were sequenced using the Sanger curves and log-rank tests were used to determine the ability
method. of different factors to predict prognoses. Significant differ-
ences between two groups were tested by Student’s t test or
Inflammation grades and fibrosis classifications the Mann–Whitney U test. The data were analyzed using
SPSS 26.0, and p < 0.05 was used to determine significance.
The liver pathology of 256 patients (BA = 191; non-BA = 65,
laparoscopic biliary lavage) undergoing surgery was ana- Ethics approval
lyzed and recorded independently by two pathologists,
and discrepancies were resolved by discussion. The stages The research program was approved by the Institutional
of inflammation and fibrosis classifications were defined Review Board of each center, and this clinical trial was
according to the Scheuer scale system, ranging from G0 to approved and registered in the Chinese clinical trial registry
4 and S0 to 4 [12]. Inflammation grades are: G0: no inflam- (Number: ChiCTR1900028456). The medical records of all
mation; G1: mild inflammation; G2: moderate inflamma- included patients were collected and analyzed.
tion; G3: moderate-to-severe inflammation; and G4: severe
inflammation. Fibrosis classifications are: S0: no fibrosis;
S1: enlarged fibrotic portal tracts; S2: portal fibrosis with Results
rare septa; S3: fibrosis with architectural distortion, but no
obvious cirrhosis; and S4: numerous fibrous septal with Demographic characteristics
pseudo lobule formation.
Of the 440 patients, 214 were diagnosed with BA, and 226
Statistical analysis non-BA jaundice patients were recognized as the control
group. All included patients were followed up to confirma-
Categorical variables are described as frequencies and per- tion of diagnoses, and the diagnoses of 440 patients are
centages; continuous variables are described as the mean listed in Supplementary Table 1. The baseline demographic,
(standard deviation) or median (interquartile range) accord- clinical, and laboratory profiles of the included patients are
ing to the distribution of the data. The diagnostic cut-off shown in Table 1.
value of serum MMP-7 was determined by receiver operat-
ing characteristic (ROC) analyses and area under the curve Age‑related changes and optimal threshold value
(AUC). Spearman's correlation was used to analyze the cor- of serum MMP‑7 levels
relation between MMP-7 and different factors. The stepwise
multivariable linear regression model was built consider- To investigate whether MMP-7 was age related, we divided
ing all significant variables from the univariate regression. the included patients into three age groups (Group A:
Mediation effect of MMP-7 on the association between 4–28 days, n = 65, Group B: 29–60 days, n = 234, Group C:
inflammation and liver fibrosis was tested by Bootstrap pro- ≥ 61 days, n = 141). Analysis based on age groups showed
posed by Preacher and Hayes [19]. Kaplan–Meier survival that BA patients in group C had significantly higher serum
958 Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963
MMP-7 levels than those in group A and group B. No sig- lower than 26.73 ng/mL. To assess the reason for the low
nificant differences were identified between group A and MMP-7 expression level in these BA patients, we per-
group B. In non-BA patients, no age-related differences were formed polymorphism sequencing on exons and promoter
noted. regions of MMP-7. The heterozygote mutation percentage of
Considering the progression features of BA and to elimi- c.410G > A (rs17884789 C > T) in exon 3 was significantly
nate the potential age interference, we calculated the cut off increased in LSM patients compared with HSM patients
values of serum MMP-7 separately for cholestasis neonates. (42.86% vs 3.03%, p = 0.002) (Supplementary Table 2).
In neonate cholestasis patients (n = 65, validation cohort one;
BA = 34, non-BA = 31), using a cut off value of > 26.73 ng/
mL, serum MMP-7 had a sensitivity = 91.2%, specific- Correlation of serum MMP‑7 levels with multiple
ity = 100%, and AUC of 0.954 [95% CI 0.897–1.000]. clinical characteristics
(Supplementary Fig. 1a) We further examined the diagnos-
tic accuracy of using > 26.73 ng/mL in all patients with- Serum MMP-7 levels at diagnosis were found to positively
out age limit (n = 440, validation cohort two; BA = 214, correlate with total bilirubin (TBIL), direct bilirubin (DBIL),
non-BA = 226). Using a cut-off value of > 26.73 ng/mL alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase
in all cholestasis patients, serum MMP-7 had a sensitiv- (AST), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GT) at diagnosis and
ity = 96.7%, specificity = 95.6%, and AUC of 0.983 [95% fibrosis classification and inflammation grade at KPE in BA
CI 0.970–0.996] (Supplementary Fig. 1b). The positive patients (Supplementary Table 3). The multivariable linear
predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), regression model showed that the γ-GT level at diagnosis
and diagnostic efficiency of serum MMP-7 level > 26.73 ng/ and inflammation grades and fibrosis classifications at KPE
mL for predicting BA were 95.39%, 96.86%, and 96.14%, were significant factors associated with serum MMP-7 levels
respectively. at diagnosis (Supplementary Table 4). Moreover, MMP-7
showed a significant mediation effect with an effect ratio
Reasons for low serum MMP‑7 level in BA patients of 0.35 on the association between inflammation and liver
fibrosis in BA infants (supplementary Fig. 2 and Table 2);
Although serum MMP-7 has high diagnostic accuracy, however, no mediation effect was identified in non-BA
seven (3.27%) BA patients in our cohort had serum MMP-7 infants.
Table 2 Mediation effect of MMP-7 on the association between inflammation and liver fibrosis in BA and non-BA infants
BA Fibrosis classification Fibrosis classification Serum MMP7
B t B t B t
*p < 0.05
Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963 959
At 3 months post-KPE, serum MMP-7 levels were posi- MMP-7 level dynamic patterns were observed. The detailed
tively correlated with TBIL (Correlation coefficient: 0.483), post-KPE serum and fecal MMP-7 levels of two representa-
DBIL (0.433), γ-GT (0.638), APRI (0.453), Fibro touch tive patients are shown in Fig. 2c, d. Patient 1 had a rapidly
(0.672). The multivariable linear regression model showed increased fecal MMP-7 level with a decreasing/fluctuating
that total bilirubin, Fibro Touch results and APRI were sig- serum MMP-7 level (fecal pattern 1, n = 31, Fig. 2c). Patient
nificantly associated with serum MMP-7 levels at 3 months 2 had a stable low fecal MMP-7 level; however, her serum
post-KPE (Supplementary Table 5). MMP-7 level increased continuously after KPE (fecal pat-
tern 2, n = 9, Fig. 2d).
Dynamic changes in serum MMP‑7 in BA patients
post‑KPE The power of postoperative clinical indicators
to predict SNL at 2 years post‑KPE
No significant differences were identified between the
demographics of the included (n = 108) and excluded The ROC analyses showed varying degrees of power for
patients (n = 83) and SNL percentages of each centre. 62 serum MMP-7 levels, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, γ-GT,
(57.41%) and 51 (47.22%) post-KPE BA patients had event- Fibro Touch levels, and APRI post-KPE in predicting
free survival with their native liver (SNL) during the 1st SNL at 2 years post-KPE (Fig. 3). Delong’s test showed
and 2nd-year post-KPE, respectively. The dynamic trends that serum MMP-7 level at 6 weeks (AUC (95% CI) 0.796
of serum MMP-7 levels in BA patients post-KPE with dif- (0.707–0.867), p < 0.01) and 3 months (AUC (95% CI) 0.861
ferent prognoses (SNL vs. non-SNL) are summarized in (0.781–0.920), p < 0.05) post-KPE has the highest prognos-
Fig. 2a. Significant differences between the two groups tic value among all current minimally invasive indicators.
began to appear from 4 weeks post-KPE. After analyzing However, the prediction ability of serum MMP-7 did not
the dynamic characteristics of post-KPE serum MMP-7 in increase when combined with other indicators at 6 weeks
each BA patients, we observed four patterns. MMP-7 pat- post-KPE. The Cox regression results showed that serum
tern 1 (n = 11, 10.19%) involved a rapid decline and then MMP-7 level, total bilirubin, and APRI at 3 months after
gradually increased or remained relatively stable at a low KPE were significant indicators of SNL at 2 years post-KPE
level (below the postoperative level), finally presenting a and that serum MMP-7 level had the highest hazard ratio
downward trend (Supplementary Fig. 3a). MMP-7 pattern 3 (5.34, 95% CI [2.50–11.39]) (Supplementary Table 6).
(n = 29, 26.85%) showed elevated or fluctuating MMP-7 lev-
els around a relatively high level and then a stable downward
trend (Supplementary Fig. 3b). MMP-7 pattern 4 (n = 51, Discussion
47.22%) involved a drastic fluctuation in the first 1–2 months
post-KPE and subsequently elevated MMP-7 levels, even The results of this study showed that serum MMP-7 could
though the jaundice-free status ever achieved post-KPE be applied in neonate BA diagnosis. High sensitivity and
(Supplementary Fig. 3c). MMP-7 pattern 4 (n = 17, 15.74%) specificity were maintained when applying the optimal cut-
involved a continuously rising serum MMP-7 level post-KPE off value in neonate cholestasis patients to all patients for BA
and usually had persistent jaundice (Supplementary Fig. 3d). diagnosis. To find more BA patients at an early stage, we rec-
The percentage of SNL patients at the 2-year visit in the ommend using 26.73 ng/mL for BA diagnosis. Several stud-
dynamic pattern 1–4 is 100%, 79.31%, 31.37%, and 5.88%, ies proved the diagnostic value of serum MMP-7 levels in
respectively. No cholangitis, thrombocytopenia, spleno- BA patients, but the diagnostic values differ greatly [11, 13,
megaly, or esophageal varices were found in patients with 14]. The inconsistency of the cut-off value of serum MMP-7
MMP-7 pattern 1, while the incidence of the above com- among different centers could be attributed to the different
plications was the highest in patients with MMP-7 pattern ELISA kits, differences between laboratories, different dis-
4 (Table 3). Survival curves with log-rank test showed that ease distributions in the control group, and different average
BA patients with different MMP7 patterns have different ages of the included patients. Although highly sensitive, a
SNL times (Fig. 2b). small part of BA patients could not be diagnosed by MMP-
To determine the reason for the rapid decline in serum 7. Our sequencing results showed that MMP-7 (rs17884789
MMP-7 levels in some BA patients post-KPE, we analyzed C > T) in BA patients associated with a low serum MMP-7
MMP-7 levels in urine and feces samples of 40 post-KPE concentration. A previous study focused on liver cirrhosis
BA patients. Continuously low concentrations of MMP-7 reported that this SNP could lead to the extracellular mem-
were detected in urine samples of BA patients, and no cor- brane’s distribution of MMP-7 and rarely secreted into the
relation was found between serum and urinary MMP-7 blood [20]. However, the MMP-7 (rs17884789 C > T) muta-
levels. However, in response to the two changing direc- tion was only identified in three of seven patients in the LSM
tions (increase/decrease) in serum MMP-7 levels, two fecal group. Whether the low serum MMP-7 levels in another four
960 Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963
b Pattern 1
Pattern 2
Pattern 3
Percent survival
Pattern 4
0 10 20 30
c d
Fig. 2 a Dynamic changes in serum MMP-7 levels after hepatoportoenterostomy in different prognosis groups. b Survival curves of BA patients
with different post-KPE dynamic patterns. Dynamic patterns of fecal MMP-7 levels, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001 (c) pattern 1 (d) pattern 2
Table 3 Incidence of Pattern 1 (n = 11) Pattern 2 (n = 29) Pattern 3 (n = 51) Pattern 4 (n = 17) p value
complications in BA patients
with different post-KPE serum Cholangitis 0 (0.00%) 7 (24.14%) 18 (35.29%) 13 (76.47%) < 0.001
MMP-7 patterns
Thrombocytopenia 0 (0.00%) 7 (24.14%) 20 (39.22%) 12 (70.59%) 0.001
Splenomegaly 0 (0.00%) 10 (34.48%) 26 (50.98%) 13 (76.47%) < 0.001
Esophageal varices 0 (0.00%) 8 (27.59%) 17 (33.33%) 10 (58.82%) 0.012
Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963 961
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
100% - Specificity% 100% - Specificity%
Fig. 3 ROC curves of different post-KPE indicators at 6 and 3 months post-KPE for prognosis prediction
cases were related to the polymorphism of other introns or as well as prognosis [7, 22, 24]. In clostridioides difficile
exons needs further study. Almost no T alle exists at SNP infection, fecal MMP-7 levels served as biomarkers deter-
rs17884789 except for the Asian population (1000 genomes mining disease severity [25]. Two previous studies reported
project phase 3 allele frequencies from the ensemble), which that MMP-7 levels at 6 months post-KPE were positively
indicated serum MMP-7 might have higher diagnostic accu- correlated with the severity of liver fibrosis and native liver
racy in other races. survival rates [13, 26]. To find more substantial evidence
Chatmanee et al. found that preoperative serum MMP7 that can explain the mediation effect of MMP-7, we per-
levels were correlated with inflammation classifications [12]. formed dynamic monitoring of serum, urinary, and fecal
Jiang et al. reported that the preoperative serum MMP-7 MMP-7 levels in post-KPE BA patients. Different dynamic
level was correlated with the fibrosis stage in liver biop- patterns of serum MMP-7 corresponded well to clinical
sies, whereas no significance was found within different symptoms (cholangitis and liver cirrhosis complications)
inflammation grades [11]. In the current study, we found and prognoses. A continuously high level of serum MMP-7
that serum MMP-7 level at diagnosis positively correlated post-KPE was more frequently seen in patients with chol-
with both inflammation and fibrosis grades. We also found angitis, liver cirrhosis complications, and needed LTx in
a significant mediation effect of serum MMP-7 between 2 years. Moreover, a high fecal MMP-7 level post-KPE is
inflammation and fibrosis in BA patients, which suggested usually accompanied by a decrease in serum MMP-7. Persis-
that MMP-7 was produced by severe bile duct inflammation tently undetectable low levels of fecal MMP-7 would lead to
and could promote liver fibrosis. Moreover, serum MMP-7 continuously high serum MMP-7 levels, while there was no
at 3 months post-KPE was positively associated with indi- correlation between serum and urinary MMP-7 levels. Thus,
cators that reflect the degree of liver fibrosis (total biliru- the observed decrease in serum MMP-7 levels post-KPE
bin levels, Fibro Touch results, and APRI). These results was attributed to extrahepatic bile duct surgical reconstruc-
indicated that MMP-7 could be a factor that participates in tion, which relieved biliary obstruction. A portion of MMP-7
the whole course of BA occurrence and development rather could be excreted via the reconstructed bile duct. The mas-
than the result of fibrosis. Further work is required to find sive excretion of MMP-7 through feces could maintain a low
out whether MMP-7 promoted liver fibrosis through the level of MMP-7 in the liver and bile duct, thus the fibrosis
E-cadherin/β-catenin pathway, like kidney fibrosis [21, 22]. remained stable or even resolved over time in post-KPE BA
There are two ways to clear MMPs in the human body, patients. While the accumulation of MMP-7 in bile ducts,
degradation clearance and excretion with urine or feces. A-2 liver, or serum was related to progressive liver fibrosis and
Macroglobulin was the major plasma inhibitor of MMPs, would lead to end-stage liver disease rapidly.
and TIMP is a key inhibitor in tissues [23]. In idiopathic Prior studies have shown that TBIL, γ-GT, APRI, liver
pulmonary fibrosis and kidney fibrosis, MMP-7 levels in stiffness, fibrosis gene signature, interleukin-8, interleukin
serum or urine correlate very well with clinical symptoms 12B, inflammation gene signature, and collagen hybridizing
962 Hepatology International (2022) 16:954–963
peptide levels could predict the prognoses of BA patients Funding National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant nos.
post-KPE [27–34]. In the current study, serum MMP-7 81670511 and 81270481).
levels at 6 weeks and 6 months post-KPE made the most
Availability of data and material The data can be obtained by reason-
accurate predictions among all the indicators according to able request from the corresponding author. STT has access to all data.
Delong’s test of the ROC curves, and combination with
other indicators would not increase the prediction accuracy. Code availability Not applicable.
This finding highlighted MMP-7’s reflective ability in the
early stage of bile duct injury before the bile duct obstruction Declarations
develops, while other indicators (TBIL, DBIL, GGT, APRI,
Fibro touch) could only reflect the result of bile duct obstruc- Conflict of interest Shuiqing Chi, Peipei Xu, Pu Yu, Guoqing Cao,
tion and liver fibrosis. Similar to MMP-7’s early diagnostic Haibin Wang, Yongqin Ye, Shuai Li, Yun Zhou, Xiangyang Li, Ying
Zhou, Xi Zhang, Huizhong Niu, Lei Xu, Pengcheng Cai, Shaotao Tang
ability, this evidence suggested that MMP-7 is the forerun- declare no competing interests.
ner of the known indicators related to BA progression. As
a much less invasive detection method, serum and fecal Ethics approval The research program was approved by the Institu-
MMP-7 level measurement could optimize pre-transplant tional Review Board of each center, and this clinical trial was approved
and registered in the Chinese clinical trial registry.
care and maximize transplant outcomes of BA patients. Fur-
ther work is required to explore the metabolic pathway and Consent to participate Informed and written consent to participate in
pathogenesis of MMP-7 in the liver of BA patients. the study was obtained from all patients’ parents.
Several limitations of the current study are worth noting.
Consent for publication All authors agreed to publish this manuscript.
First, most included patients were from two provinces of
China (Hubei and Shaanxi), potentially limiting the appli-
cability of the study's results to other populations or ethnic
groups. Second, the prospective study randomly included
BA and non-BA patients who visited the outpatient depart- References
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