On The Completeness of Total Spaces of Horizontall
On The Completeness of Total Spaces of Horizontall
On The Completeness of Total Spaces of Horizontall
DOI: 10.2478/cm-2021-0031
c Mohamed Tahar Kadaoui Abbassi, Ibrahim Lakrini
This is an open access article licensed
under the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
of the large class of g-natural metrics (cf. [17]) had given a second wind to
research in this topic during the last decades. When some restrictions are
taken on these metrics, the projection map of the tangent bundle becomes a
horizontally conformal submersion;
• The projection maps of vector bundles equipped with spherically symmetric
metrics (cf. [5]), or with the Cheeger-Gromoll metric or more generally (p, q)-
-metrics (cf. [6]). Spherically symmetric metrics on vector bundle manifolds
are two-weights Riemannian metrics naturally constructed from a Rieman-
nian metric on the base and a fiber metric on the vector bundle together with
a compatible connection. When we restrict ourselves to the case of a tangent
bundle, spherically symmetric metrics are examples of g-natural metrics.
In this paper, we are interested in the study of the completeness problem of
the total space of a vector bundle whose projection is a horizontally conformal
submersion, with a special focus on the cases of g-natural tangent bundles and
spherically symmetric vector bundles. We shall refer to this as the completeness
problem (CP). To the best of our knowledge, this problem had not been solved in
its full generality, and only one partial result had been established in the context
of Riemannian submersions. Indeed, R. Hermann proved that if the total space
of a Riemannian submersion is complete then so is the base (cf. [13]). On the
other hand, R. Albuquerque conjectured that the total space, when endowed with
a spherically symmetric metric, is complete if and only if the base manifold and
fibers are complete (cf. [5]).
We shall prove that the conjecture of Albuquerque is true even with weaker
hypotheses. More precisely, we have the following:
Main Theorem 1. Let G be a Riemannian metric on a vector bundle (E, π, M ) for
which the projection π : (E, G) −→ (M, g) is a horizontally conformal submersion
such that the dilation function λ satisfies a ≤ λ2 ≤ b, for some real numbers
a, b > 0. If the base (M, g) is complete, then so is the total space (E, G).
The converse holds for Riemannian metrics on a vector bundle E for which the
projection is a Riemannian submersion (cf. [13]). Actually, it holds also for the
case described in the following corollary:
Corollary 1. Let G be a Riemannian metric on a vector bundle (E, π, M ) for which
the projection π : (E, G) −→ (M, g) is a horizontally homothetic submersion with
constant dilation function. Then, (E, G) is complete if and only if (M, g) is com-
Since the projections of vector bundles endowed with spherically symmetric
metrics are horizontally conformal submersions, Main Theorem 1 achieves an an-
swer in affirmative to the problem CP not only for spherically symmetric metrics
but generally when the projection is a horizontally conformal submersion with a
bounded dilation function but without assuming completeness of fibers.
In particular, Main Theorem 1 answers the question of completeness for some
well known classes of Riemannian metrics on vector bundles for which the pro-
jection is a Riemannian submersion. For example, the Cheeger-Gromoll and the
On the completeness of total spaces of horizontally conformal submersions 3
generalized Cheeger-Gromoll metrics (cf. [6], [7], [20]). It also establishes the com-
pleteness of the class of Kaluza-Klein metrics (cf. [1], [2], [4]) on tangent bundles
and tangent sphere bundles. Those applications will be explored in detail.
The proof of our main results are based on topological techniques and the Hopf-
Rinow theorem. It relies on a comparison of the distances induced from the metrics
of the base manifold and total space.
This paper will be organized as follows. The first section is devoted to recall
the definitions of horizontally conformal submersions and spherically symmetric
metrics as well as a concise account of g-natural metrics on tangent bundles and
unit tangent sphere bundles. The second section contains the proofs of claims. The
third section concerns the application of Main Theorem 1 to solve the CP in the
different contexts as described above.
All manifolds are assumed to be smooth (by smooth we mean differentiable of
class C ∞ ) and connected. All geometric objects (functions, vector fields, . . . etc.)
are smooth.
1 Preliminaries
This section serves to recall the main concepts we will be using in the forthcoming
Generally speaking, given a map φ : (N, h) −→ (M, g), then for any point
x ∈ N , set Vx (φ) = ker(dx φ), this space is called the vertical subspace at x
associated with φ, and we denote Hx (φ) = Vx (φ)⊥ and we call it the horizontal
subspace at x associated with φ.
for all X, Y ∈ Hx (φ) and x ∈ Ñ . The function λ is then extended to the whole of
N by putting λ|Cφ = 0. The extended function λ : N −→ R+ is called the dilation
of φ.
It turns out that the dilation function of a horizontally conformal map is smooth
(see [12]). The gradient vector field grad(λ2 ) can be decomposed, with respect to
the decomposition Tx M = Vx (φ) ⊕ Hx (φ), as
fundamental tensors which relate the geometry of the base and total space in ex-
actly the same way the second fundamental form do (cf. [22]). Further, he gave the
equations, analogous to Guass and Codazzi, which relate the curvature tensors of
the two manifolds (cf. [22]). Moreover, geodesics of Riemannian submersions were
studied by many authors. For instance, B. O’Neill studied geodesics of the total
space of a Riemannian submersion in their relation to those of the base, he also
related the respective Jacobi fields and index forms (cf. [23]).
One of the geometrically interesting examples of horizontally conformal submer-
sions are the projection of certain vector bundles when endowed with certain classes
of Riemannian metrics. In [5], R. Albuquerque introduced the class of spherically
symmetric metrics on vector bundle manifolds.
More precisely, let (E, π, M ) be a vector bundle with a Riemannian base (M, g).
We assume that E is endowed with a fiber metric h and a compatible connection
D (i.e. Dh = 0). Denote by VE (resp. HE) the vertical (resp. horizontal) sub-
bundle of T E. Let K denote the connection map (the connector) associated with
the connection D. Vectors and vector fields which lie in HE (resp. VE) are said
to be horizontal (resp. vertical).
First, we recall some basic facts from the theory of connections on fiber bundles
and in particular connection theory on vector bundles. A curve in E is said to
be horizontal if its tangent vector is a horizontal vector at each point. Horizontal
curves are ultimately related to horizontal lifts of vector fields. More precisely, the
integral curves of the horizontal lift X h of a vector field X are the horizontal lifts
of integral curves of X.
Definition 3. Let γ be a curve in M , a horizontal lift of γ is a horizontal curve γ ∗
in E such that π(γ ∗ (t)) = γ(t), for all t.
The following result guarantees the existence of horizontal lifts of curves in the base,
for a detailed proof in the general context of fiber bundles, we refer the reader to
Ge (X, Y ) = e2ϕ1 (r) gπ(e) ((dπ)e (X), (dπ)e (Y )) + e2ϕ2 (r) hπ(e) (Ke (X), Ke (Y )), (1)
Proposition 4. (see [4]) The necessary and sufficient conditions for a g-natural
metric G on the tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold (M, g) to be Riemannian
are that the functions of Proposition 3, defining G, satisfy the inequalities
α1 (t) > 0, φ1 (t) > 0,
α(t) > 0, φ(t) > 0,
for all t ∈ R+ .
For n = 1 the system reduces to α1 (t) > 0 and α(t) > 0, for all t ∈ R+ .
The unit tangent sphere bundle over a Riemannian manifold (M, g) is the hy-
persurface T1 M = {(x, u) ∈ T M |gx (u, u) = 1} in T M . The tangent space to T1 M ,
at a point (x, u) ∈ T1 M , is given by
T(x,u) T1 M = X h + Y v /X ∈ Tx M, Y ∈ {u}⊥ ⊂ Tx M .
where αi and βi are the weight functions of a g-natural metric as given in Propo-
sition 3. In the same way, a g-natural metric G̃ on T1 M is Riemannian if and only
a > 0, α = a(a + c) − b2 > 0, φ = a(a + c + d) − b2 > 0.
If G̃ is a g-natural metric on T1 M , then at each point (x, u) ∈ T1 M , the metric
G̃ is completely determined by
It is worth mentioning that the tangent sphere bundle is not a vector bundle,
it is a fiber bundle so our results do not work directly in this case, but we shall
extend them without troubles nor extra assumptions.
8 Mohamed Tahar Kadaoui Abbassi, Ibrahim Lakrini
where H (resp. V) denotes the horizontal (resp. vertical) part of a vector. If L(δ)
denotes the length of δ, with respect to h, then
Z b . . 1
L(δ) = h(δ(t), δ(t) 2 dt
. .
Z b z }| { z }| { . . 1
= λ(δ(t)) g(π ◦ δ(t), π ◦ δ(t)) + h(V(δ(t)), V(δ(t))) 2 dt
Z b . .
1 z }| { z }| { 1
≥√ g(π ◦ δ(t), π ◦ δ(t)) 2 dt
µ a
l(π ◦ δ)
≥ √
On the completeness of total spaces of horizontally conformal submersions 9
l(π ◦ δ) l(c) 1
L(δ) ≥ √ ≥ √ = √ dg (x1 , x2 ),
µ µ µ
Remark 2. In Lemma 2 and the proof of Main Theorem 1, we have proved that if
(M, g) is complete and G is a Riemannian metric on E such that the projection
π : (E, G) −→ (M, g) is a horizontally conformal map with dilation function λ
satisfying a ≤ λ2 ≤ b, for some real numbers a, b > 0, then we have
√ √
adG (e1 , e2 ) ≤ dg (π(e1 ), π(e2 ) ≤ bdG (e1 , e2 ),
where e1 , e2 ∈ E are the ends of the lift of a minimizing geodesic relating x1 and
x2 , with xi = π(ei ) for i = 1, 2.
3 Applications
This section is devoted to the application of Main Theorem 1 to settle the com-
pleteness problem of spherically symmetric metrics and eventually the completeness
of the Cheeger-Gromoll and (p, q)-metrics, we will also study the completeness of
g-natural metrics on tangent bundles and tangent sphere bundles.
It is well known that if the total space of a Riemannian submersion is complete
then the base is also complete (cf. [13], [21]). Further, if G is a complete Riemannian
metric on E, then the fibers Ex are complete submanifolds because the fibers are
closed submanifolds of (E, G).
10 Mohamed Tahar Kadaoui Abbassi, Ibrahim Lakrini
Proof. Using the fundamental tensors of a submersion introduced in [22] and their
application in the case of horizontally conformal submersions studied in [11] and
[12], one can prove that
.∗ . 1 .∗ .∗ .∗ .∗ 1
∇G γ = (π ∗ ∇gγ. )γ + V[γ , γ ] + λ2 h(γ , γ )grad( 2 )
γ 2 λ
= (π ∗ ∇gγ. ∗ )γ ,
where ∇G and ∇g are the Levi-Civita connections of (E, G) and (M, g), respec-
tively, and π ∗ ∇g is the pullback connection of ∇g by π.
Thus, a curve in M is a geodesic if and only if its horizontal lift is a geodesic
in E. Hence the result.
Then, the Riemannian manifold (E, G) is complete if and only if (M, g) is complete.
For spherically symmetric metrics on vector bundle manifolds for which the
dilation function is not constant, the zero section is a global section that allows
one to embed the base manifold as a submanifold of the total space, but this can
not ensure the completeness of (M, g) from that of (E, G).
Now, we focus on tangent bundles and tangent sphere bundles with g-natural
On the completeness of total spaces of horizontally conformal submersions 11
Proof. We give only a sketch of the proof since it stems from the proof of Main
Theorem 1. Since the projection π : (T1 M, G) −→ (M,p g) is a horizontally con-
formal submersion with constant dilation function λ = (a + c) with a = α1 (1)
and c = α3 (1), Lemma 2 implies that the projection of a Cauchy sequence of the
total space is a Cauchy sequence of the base M . Moreover, the horizontal lift of
a geodesic, with respect to the Levi-Civita connection of G̃, exists by virtue of a
more general version of Proposition 1 in the case of fiber bundles (cf. [15]). Hence,
one obtains a limit point for the considered sequence, which implies at once that
(E, G) is complete. The converse follows from Lemma 3.
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