Commercials Tata Projects, AMNS Hazira

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PRW Unit rates, terms and conditions:

Sl. Rate
Item description Unit
No. (Rs.)
A) Earth work
Dressing and levelling the base of concrete works by moving earth rammer,
1 Sqm 25
removing stones Manual cut and fill as per site requirement
Labour charges for barricading Excavated pits with MS scaffolding pipes with
vertical pipes of about 1.2Mtr Height, Sufficiently Inserted in the ground and two
2 layer of horizontal binder fixed with clamps including shifting of material from Rmt 15
store/yard to work site Housekeeping stacking at etc. as per the instruction of
Engineer in charge.
Labour charges for earth protection net fixing including internal shifting of material,
3 cleaning proper stacking housekeeping etc. complete As directed by Engineer in Sqm 6
Labour charges for removing of earth protection net including internal shifting of
4 material cleaning proper stacking housekeeping etc. complete As directed by Sqm 4
Engineer in charge.
Labour charges for stair case making approach into excavated pits with fixing of
5 wooden batten etc including internal shifting of material cleaning proper stacking Rmt 125
housekeeping etc complete As directed by Engineer in charge.
Manual excavation in ordinary soil 0-2 Mtr depth & disposal with in a lead of 50
6 Cum 250
mtr including housekeeping etc complete as directed by Engineer in charge.
Labour charges for Slush removal from excavated pit within a lead of 50m, as
7 Sqm 200
directed by Engineer Incharge sqm 200
B) Concrete Works :
Labour charges for laying of PCC (All grades) manually by chute arrangement
without boom placer or concrete pump) at any depth including bed preparation,
1 Cum 300
levelling smooth finishes, cost fixing and removal of chute cleaning proper
stacking housekeeping etc complete as directed by Engineer in charge.
Labour charges for laying of P.C.C. or R.C.C ( any grade) directly from transit
mixtures through chute arrangement (Without boom placer or concrete pump) for
2 road, Precast footing etc, including Levelling, finishing, smooth finishes, cleaning Cum 200
& stacking of chute housekeeping etc complete as directed by Engineer in
Labour charges for laying of P.C.C. or R.C.C ( any grade) at any height below /
3 above ground level using Boom Placer including levelling and smooth finishes Cum 250
housekeeping as directed by Engineer's in charge
Labour charges for laying of P.C.C. or R.C.C ( any grade) at any height below /
above ground level including leveling, Smooth Finishes with using Concrete Pump
4 Cum 200
including fixing and removal of pipeline, cleaning, stacking, housekeeping etc as
directed by Engineer's in charge
Labour charges for laying of RCC (all grade) manually by chute arrangement
(without boom placer or concrete pump), drain, cable trench, Hume pipe & HDPE
5 Cum 300
Pipe encasing ,inspection pit at any depth including bed preparation cleaning,
stacking, housekeeping etc as directed by Engineer's in charge
Labour charges for curing work for footing/pile cap/pedestal as per the directions
6 Cum 6
of Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for Finishing & repair works of the concrete surface as per the
7 Sqm 25
directions of Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for Starter making for column / pedestal as per the directions of
8 Sqm 150
Engineer In-charge
9 Labour charges for Hessian cloth fixing as per the directions of Engineer in-charge Sqm 5


10 Labour charges for grouting as per the directions of Engineer in-charge Cum 500
Labour charges for chipping of concrete in foundation / column upto 25mm as per
11 Cum 400
the directions of Engineer in-charge
Labour charges for Making or remaking Shuttering board with timber & plywood
1 including internal shifting, housekeeping etc complete as directed by Engineer In- Sqm 65
Labour charges for shuttering and de shuttering below FGL for footing, Pedestals,
Columns, floor beams, slab, walls, tunnels etc, including shifting of material,
2 Sqm 300
cleaning, proper stacking after de shuttering, housekeeping etc complete as
directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for shuttering and de shuttering for beams, slab, walls up to 6mtr
3 level etc, including shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking after Sqm 350
deshuttering, housekeeping etc complete as directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for shuttering and de shuttering at Curved span including internal
4 shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking housekeeping etc complete as Sqm 400
directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for pocket making for bolts – shutter making, fixing as per the
5 Sqm 300
directions of Engineer in-charge
Labour charges for pocket making for bolts – shutter removing as per the
6 Sqm 200
directions of Engineer in-charge
7 Labour charges for thermocol fixing as directed by Engineer in-charge Sqm 20
Labour charges for fixing scaffolding /staging at any height below or above GL
1 Including internal shifting of material, cleaning ,proper stacking housekeeping etc Cum 40
complete directed by Engineer Incharge
Labour charges for removing of scaffolding/staging at any height below or above
2 ground level including internal shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking after Cum 15
destaging, housekeeping etc complete as directed by Engineer Incharge
Labour Charges for fixing & removal of Handrails with necessary support at any
3 Rmt 30
height below or above ground including internal shifting of material,
Labour charges for Tie rod making without consumables including internal shifting
4 of material, cleaning, proper stacking, housekeeping etc complete as directed by Nos 10
Engineer Incharge
Labour charges for Tie rod welding and cutting without consumables including
5 internal shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking, housekeeping etc complete Nos 10
as directed by Engineer Incharge
Labour charges for Cutting & Bending of reinforcement up to 12mm dia at Steel
1 yards including shifting reinforcement within steel yard area housekeeping etc MT 1800
complete as directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for Cutting & Bending of reinforcement of 16mm dia and above
2 at Steel yards including shifting reinforcement within steel yard area housekeeping MT 1600
etc complete as directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for placing and binding of reinforcement up to 12mm dia including
3 fixing of cover blocks, internal shifting of material, housekeeping etc complete as MT 5200
directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for placing and binding of reinforcement of 16mmdia and above
4 including fixing of cover blocks, internal shifting of material, housekeeping etc MT 4900
complete as directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for loading & unloading of cut bend reinforcement steel with
5 crane and trailer for shifting from yard to site (crane and trailer will be provided MT 100
free of cost by TPL)


Labour Charges For manual shifting of Reinforcement/structural Steel within lead

6 of 100 mtr including proper stacking, housekeeping etc complete as directed by MT 350
Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for fixing or erection of Anchor bolts above 50mm dia without
1 consumables including internal shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking etc. Kg 12
complete as directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for fixing or erection of Anchor bolts up to 50mm dia without
2 consumables including internal shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking etc Kg 14
complete as directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for Fabrication of inserts Plates, angles, etc without consumables
1 including internal shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking etc. complete as Kg 12
directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for Placing, welding of inserts Plates, angles, etc without
2 consumables including internal shifting of material, cleaning, proper stacking etc. Kg 14
complete as directed by Engineer In-charge
Labour charges for chipping of 600dia pile heads including electric breaker
machine deployment & consumables, internal shifting of material, cleaning, rod
1 RMt 700
cutting, debris removal till 20mtr vicinity etc. complete as directed by Engineer In-
Terms & Conditions
1 Payment Terms :
Contractor shall submit Invoice by 26th of every month duly enclosing certified measurements.
Contractor are liable to pay their worker's wages as per latest minimum wages act into workers bank
a) accounts and has to submit the proof of remittance to TPL on or before 7th of every month. TPL will
support the contractors by providing once a month advance, which shall be regularized within 30
Balance Contractor payment after adjusting advance will be released within 15 days after submission
of the all relevant document following the TPL standard terms.
b) PRW item rate work i.e. 97.5% amount of bill shall be released as progressive payment and 2.5%
shall be kept as retention which shall be released within 6 months from the date of completion
liquidation of punch points.
2 Company Obligations :
Workmen & staff accommodation facility, Transportation from workmen camp to work location is in
TPL Scope.

b) Supervisor charges, cook charges in Contractor scope.

Safety materials including but not limited to all types of PPE shall be provided by TPL on returnable
basis, however material shall be reconciled. If the worker/ contractor not returned the material, for
reissuing PPE’s within 6 months, an amount as per RCM’s decision may be deducted from contractor
Required tools & tackles including its 3rd party certifications, scaffolding & staging materials, material
consumables, construction / project materials, RMC, boom placer, concrete pumps etc required for
satisfactory completion of civil works shall be provided by TPL free of cost on reconciliation/ returnable
PF Employer’s Contribution shall be in scope of TPL. PF Employee contribution shall be in vendor


Charges for medical check-up, for processing of gate pass for workers shall be TPL Scope. In case a
f) worker fails at screening AND or OR leaves the site within 3 months after completion of medical/gate
pass, the amount incurred by TPL towards the process shall be debited to contractor account.

Area for Vendor site office and store facilities, Working yard preparation for steel, shuttering etc., shall
be provided by TPL.

h) Power supply (Electrical / DG sets), area & job specific illumination shall be provided by TPL.
Drinking water arrangement, Workmen rest sheds, Provision for Toilet for Staff & Labour with proper
i) septic tank, soak pit as per standard labour Norms shall be provided at one designated location as
decided by TPL.
3 Contractor Obligations:

Contractor has to return gate passes & Scrum ID Cards of their workers after completion of entire
scope of works / workers left from site. Our HR-Admin departments shall do regular reconciliation. If
a) the contractor are not able to return gate passes an amount as per TPL norms shall recovered from
the bill for each gate pass. Police verification certificate will be arranged by the Contractor. Required
support will be extended by TPL for the same.

b) Any other expenses shall be under Contractor scope.

c) No advance for Labour mobilization shall be paid.

d) Food for Labour shall be in contractor scope. No ration advance shall be paid.
TPL shall reimburse one side travelling expenses of workers from hometown to HSM#2, AMNS
e) HAZIRA PROJECT SITE once the particular individual completes continuous three months working
period. Contractor shall submit the details along with supporting travel tickets for the same.
f) Housekeeping of work premises shall be in contractor scope.
g) Contractor responsible to maintain attendance of their Labour minimum 90% on daily basis.
h) Contractors are liable to pay their worker’s bonus, leave wages, full & final settlements.
Loading/ Unloading, Transportation, handling, storage of free issued Material within Site shall be in
Contractor’s scope
In case of chipping contractors, concrete breaker machine (chipping machine) and debris clearing till
20 mtr area shall be in Contractor scope.
Permit to Work during all shifts, adherence to safety norms, EHS compliance, Minimum wages
k) compliance, Statutory compliances, timely wages payment through ECS mode, Gujarat State Labour
Commission policy requirements shall be Contractor’s scope
Daily, weekly & monthly progress reports, all stage wise inspection request as per approved ITP and
report generation, mobilization schedule submission and adherence shall be in Contractor’s scope.
4. Scope of work :

The total scope of work comprises of Civil item rate works as per schedule of items, quantities and
unit prices. The works are to be executed as per TPL / AMNS specifications.

5. Price Basis :
This is a unit rate Contrast and contractor shall be paid based on actual quantities executed. The unit
rates shall be firm & fixed during the contractual period and not subjected to any escalation during
execution of the order
6. Time for Completion :
The entire scope of Works / Services shall be completed as directed by Engineer Incharge. Suitable
amendments will be issued based on the progress and as per TPL requirements.
7. Taxes & Duties :


The unit rates / Total Contract Price is inclusive of all applicable taxes, duties, levies and cess
except GST on finished goods/ services which shall be as indicated in Annexure-1 to this Order.
(a) If there is a loss of credit or additional liability and/or interest etc., arising due to non-compliance of
GST provisions by the supplier/ contractor of goods/services, the same shall be paid by the supplier/
contractor to TPL.
(b) If there is any delay in remittance of GST liability to statutory authorities by the supplier /contractor
of goods/ services, the same shall be withheld from the due amounts, and the same shall be paid only
after submission of documentary proof pertaining to such remittances.
(c) If the bill is not technically & commercially correct, payment will be withheld with respect to any
liability to TPL.
(d) TDS, if applicable shall be deducted from contractor bills as per applicable laws.
8. Insurance :
Workmen compensation policy shall be in TPL Scope.
9. Warranty/ DLP :
Contractor shall ensure that the workmanship and quality of the site works, fixing and commissioning
work is of high standards and warrant that all the works executed by Contractor would be free from
any defects due to poor workmanship during fixing and up to 15 days.

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