Post-Modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary Reading of Dennis Cooper's "Frisk" (1991)
Post-Modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary Reading of Dennis Cooper's "Frisk" (1991)
Post-Modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary Reading of Dennis Cooper's "Frisk" (1991)
Received: 20 Apr 2023; Received in revised form: 05 Jun 2023; Accepted: 16 Jun 2023; Available online: 24 Jun 2023
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— This paper explores the representation of sexually motivated homicide in Dennis Cooper’s
“Frisk” (1991) while employing an interdisciplinary framework in methodology, specifically:
psychopathology and forensic psychology. First, the novel’s cultural context points to its postmodern
strategies, indicative of the psychopathological effects of late capitalist culture. Then the paper turns its
attention to the novel’s protagonist, Dennis, who is initially diagnosed with paraphilic disorder as defined
by the “Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders” (2013). Afterward, implementing a typology
developed by Anglo-Canadian criminologist Lee Mellor, Dennis is analyzed and categorized as a homicidal
necrophilic offender and a homicidal sexual sadist. The detailed investigation of his sexually motivated
crimes places the character among the most notorious serial killers in the world.
Keywords— Dennis Cooper, Frisk, forensic psychology and literature, serial killers in literature,
necrophilia in literature, sexual sadism in literature
I. INTRODUCTION and drug culture. Of these, the queer novelist, poet, critic,
Sexual sadism and necrophilia―two of the most revolting and activist, “[Dennis] Cooper is on the order of the
manifestations of abnormal sexual behavior and pervert Marquise de Sade: one which disrupts the demands of
sensuality―have been recorded since ancient times. utilitarian, or an ordered and rationally productive society”
Homicidal sexual sadism and necrophilia are themes and (Viegener 1994, 113). Whereas the publication of his
motifs that seldom obtain much literary space and even less novel Frisk (1991), along those of Bret Easton Ellis or
interdisciplinary academic exploration; however, a literary Chuck Palahniuk, caused the most histrionic reactions and
tradition dates back to the scandalous writing of the controversy, it received the least critical attention from
Marquise de Sade and his philosophy of libertine sexuality. scholars. Only recently has Dennis Cooper achieved wider
De Sade’s combination of pornography and hedonistic attention outside the obscure underground circles and
philosophical discourse resulted in Western literature’s gained some scholarly attention he deserves.
most controversial piece of fiction: The 120 Days of This paper addresses the novel’s protagonist, Dennis,
Sodom (1785). While the term ‘sadism’ is derived from his applying an interdisciplinary framework of
name, his opulent sadism did not denote a disposition for a psychopathology and forensic psychology.1 It employs one
mental disorder, but his licentiousness may have been of the most recent typologies of serial killers while
considered an impetus. attempting to categorize the character as a curious
Throughout the 80s and the 90s, a group of American combination of homicidal sexual sadist and a homicidal
authors―unbound by norms or convention―explored and necrophilic offender. First, the analysis approaches the
wrote about issues such as sexual freedom, violence, crime, novel’s cultural context; then, the attention is turned to the
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Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
postmodern framework of the narration. The multivalency tracked, bought and sold before it had
of the framework is very much reminiscent of the processes even happened.…”
operating in the late capitalistic culture’s background, the At the same time, another literary term inclusive of
same processes that have been pathologizing a cultural Cooper’s name, “transgressive fiction”, became part of
neurosis. As sexual sadism and necrophilia are classified as critical discussion. According to Michael Silverblatt (1993),
types of paraphilia by the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual, who was the first one to popularize and define―let us use
the 5th ed. (DSM-V) published by American Psychiatric the sacred word―genre of “transgressive fiction” in his
Association, Dennis is initially diagnosed with paraphilia. article for Los Angeles Times: “[E]xploring the sexual
While DSM-V (2013) is a valuable diagnostic tool, in order frontiers,” he argues that the transgressive writing, has
to analyze the particular paraphilic expression, the study violation at its core as definitive: “violation of norms, of
instead applies a more sophisticated typology of sexually humanistic enterprise, of the body. Really, it’s the Marquis
motivated homicidal offenders from the field of forensic de Sade who officiates at the American orgy” (Silverblatt
psychology, namely: Lee Mellor’s Homicide: A Forensic 1993).2 Thus, human body―often objectified and
Psychology Casebook (2016). commoditized―is the central object of narrations that
Dennis Cooper and Frisk disturbingly progress to subsequent intentional
James Annesley (1998, 140) dubbed the writing of Dennis transgressions. While providing explicit descriptions of
Cooper―together with artists such as Susanna Moore, such hideous crimes as sexual assaults, rape, torture,
Lynne Tillman, and Bret Easton Ellis, whereas Jay mutilation, homicide, and even pedophilia and necrophilia,
McInnerney, Gary Indiana, and Chuck Palahniuk and their the characters of transgressive fiction regularly harbor illicit
vapid, post-punk nihilism should have been also and distressing thoughts. At the same time, the concurrence
included―“Blank fiction/Blank generation” (note the of nihilism and antisocial behavior indicates persisting
reference to the generational cohort of the Beat generation mental illness among the genre’s protagonists.
that explored the issues of sexual freedom, drug abuse and Although Fran Mason (2016, 193), unlike Annesley (1998),
transgression of social norms as well). According to defines the generational cohort marked with ‘X’ as a
Annesley (1998, 140), the literary output of Blank specific literary movement―and most importantly
generation privileged minimalistic superficiality over subsequently derivative of “blank fiction” while referencing
complexity and valued the mass/pulp culture over the Bret Easton Ellis and Chuck Palahniuk as representatives of
highbrow one. In his discussion on violence in blank fiction, the latter―in summary, all three terms:“blank generation”,
Annesley obliquely references the ethics and aesthetics of “generation X”, or “transgressive fiction” are used almost
Generation X. The term Generation X was popularized by interchangeable. They attempt to encompass the same
Douglas Coupland’s Generation X: Tales for an assembly of authors, whereas each addresses different
Accelerated Culture (1991). As a demographic cohort, it aspects, whether it is the style, the philosophical orientation,
refers to the generation that came to age during the epilogue or the central object of this literature, yet predicated upon
of Cold War anxieties, the proliferation of free market similar impetuses.
economics, the dominance of conservative politics, the The countercultural movement of the 90s was consequently
demise of the nuclear family, and the labor emancipation of assimilated into the mainstream; the entertainment industry
women. As a countercultural movement that crystallized in labeled, commoditized, and sold the marginalized
Pacific North-west, Seattle, WA, in the second half of the demographic, geographic, and artistic subculture as
80s and reached its peak by the end of the first half of the “grunge”. Fisher―following Frederic Jameson’s (1988)
90s, this generation was characterized by existential assumption that postmodern culture is a mélange of “dead
nihilism, antisocial behavior, radical cynism, and passive styles” in an “imaginary museum”―described the process,
revolt, along their anti-consumerist, anti-establishment, and where the late capitalist culture pre-emptively employs the
non-conformist outlooks. Kurt Cobain was reluctantly gestures of the counterculture:
crowned the spokesman of Generation X, and according to
Cobain knew he was just another piece of
Fisher (2008, 9):
spectacle, that nothing runs better on
“In his dreadful lassitude and objectless MTV than a protest against MTV; knew
rage, Cobain seemed to have given that his every move was a cliché scripted
wearied voice to the despondency of the in advance, knew that even realizing it is
generation that had come after history, cliché. In the same context, the alternative
whose every move was anticipated, zone’s cyclical repetition of previously
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Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
recycled gestures of rebellion has proven on such popular contemporaneous slasher franchises as
to be pointless (2008, 9-10). Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Although
According to Mason (2016), Generation X’s postmodern the novel depicts the times when “[T]he detours around
employment of retro vision operates as a form of rebellion AIDS weren’t marked yet” (Cooper 1991, 39), the
against this capitalistic commoditization. Therefore, it was epidemics of HIV that affected the homosexual community
probably Kurt Cobain’s demise in the spirit of his is not an explored discourse in the narrative, nor serves as a
predecessors―Jimmy Hendrix and Sid Vicious―that most metaphoric/symbolic death in the exclusively homosexual
readily epitomized the impossibility of stylistic innovation. environment of the novel. Cooper rather transposes the
With its place at the heart of the American attention to the American decaying urban/industrial setting;
cultural mainstream, this cultural mode entered academic maybe therefore, Ben Gove (2000) excluded Cooper from
grounds; thus, “[N]o longer can blank fiction be dismissed the growing pantheon of recognized American queer
as the aberrant productions of a marginalized group” literature. According to Diarmuid Hesters, who wrote an
(Annesley 1998, 140). Even though Mason accused exhausting biography about Cooper, queer studies pioneers
Generations X’s questioning of grand narrative (Mason at the University of Sussex, Alan Sinfield and Jonathan
2016, 193), he does not recognize the fact that the particular Dollimore included Dennis Cooper’s Frisk on the syllabus
strain of fiction does so not by deconstructing them or in a class on Sexuality, Fiction, and Subculture (Jonathan,
through overt intertextuality, but through incorporation of 2020). However, Dennis’ queerness/otherness does not
marginalized, pulp genres such as snuff writing, scat represent what Dollimore considers the internalized cultural
pornography, splatterpunk, body horror, queer literature, guilt in texts of other queer authors, paradoxically
and neo-noir. affirmative with homophobic texts, nor confirms
Dollimore’s assumptions about homosexuality’s artistic
Cooper’s novel Frisk (1991) is evocative and inclusive of
imagination of death, cultural degeneration, and sterility
the fact since his combination of pornography with social
(1988, 295-305). Also, the narration does not perceive
discourse as a vehicle of his narration is justified by his
sexual orientation as a social restriction, nor regards
utilitarian ends. Seemingly, a novel of casual surfaces about
imposition of such labels as abusive or constituting the
sex, homosexuality, violence, sadism, pornography, death,
essence of radical difference, perpetuating what Phillips
HIV/AIDS, and drug culture but even such taboo issues as
considers the violence among homosexuals constructed as
necrophilia, pedophilia, coprophagy, and cannibalism; the
fragmented, fractured, and frustrated―creating an identity
text was composed as a reaction to Cooper’s stay abroad in
that simultaneously is a social taboo (Phillips 1999; 154,
Europe. While he called it his “revenge on Holland for the
156, 66-67). The last word to say has the author himself
unpleasant time [he] had there” (Hester 2020, 135), the
since Cooper has been distancing himself from the gay
novel is ipso facto a dissection of American society. Before
community with quite an audacity, he stated “To put it in a
providing minute insights into a character in Dennis
cliché, [my work is] a kind of thorn in [the homosexual
Cooper’s semi-autobiographical novel Frisk (1991), it
community’s] side or something” (Nicolini, 1993,3). So the
seems necessary to introduce some previous perspectives on
novel does not operate as a vicious probe into the American
the text. Even though there are only a handful of critical
queer society, specifically to the margins of this community
essays, the novel has achieved a notorious cult status. A
engaging with fetishism.
dominant portion of the narrative revolves around Dennis
and is focalized from his perspective―it primarily focuses According to Matthias Viegener, Cooper “demystifies” the
on the etiology of his deep sexual fascination with excessive interiority of post-modernism (1994, 112). Rather than
sexual behavior and his obsession with death influenced by focusing on a singular prominent protagonist, the narrative
snuff pornography; it also documents several of his failed offers several perspectives and points of view and presents
relationships. Conclusively, he embarks on a sexually some fictional accounts, digressions, and questionable
motivated necrosadistic killing spree in Amsterdam, which histories. Overall, the novel is a fragmented, erratic
is the object of the latter analysis. compilation―a pastiche of genres, containing letters,
telegrams, journal entries, and even “an artsy murder-
The transgressive author Jean Genet provides a paratextual
mystery novel, some salvageable fragments of which are
link in the novel’s epigraph. Furthermore, Young (1992,
interspersed through the section”(Cooper 1991, 40) “TORN
258) recalls references to Bataille’s Story of the Eye3, and
1986 (1987)”. The narration can be described as moving
argues that the text abounds with allusions and references to
away from the rigidly imposed hierarchy to a more
surrealism. Whereas his critical interpretations of Cooper’s
arborescent form, moving freely between characters,
fiction focused on the intertextual influences on his obscene
resulting in constant dynamic changes of interconnected,
and decadent prose, he somehow omits Cooper’s comments
fluent narrations with no boundaries or discreet units.
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Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
Despite its fragmented character, the non-linear narration Five. Close-up. The blotch is actually the
simultaneously indicates the post-modern self-reflexivity of mouth of a shallow cave, like the sort
the text. Cooper invites the reader repeatedly to explore the ocean waves carve in cliffs. The uneven
boundaries of fiction and reality, and the limits of narrative frame of ass skin is impeccably smooth.
truth: for example, Cooper’s fictional character of Dennis The inside of the cave is gray, chopped-
and the real persona confuse and span reality and fiction. up, mushy. At its centre’s a pit, or a small
Eventually, the narration’s last invitation of the reader to its tunnel entrance, too out-of-focus to
artificiality makes it apparent that the main body of the actually explore with one’s eyes, but too
narrative is a mere fabrication of Dennis. The series of five mysterious not to want to try (Cooper
murders that takes the form of bleak memoir and 1991, 4).
claustrophobic adjacent letters describing at length Dennis’ This quotation is very much indicative of Generation X’s
sexually motivated atrocities is revealed as a pure fantasy of indifference with its countercultural ethics and aesthetics
an unreliable narrator. The final confrontation between through the explicit pulp obscenity of marginalized genres.
Dennis and his ex-boyfriends―Julian and his younger Through the fragmented initial setup of five snuff photos,
brother, Kevin, who both traveled to the Cooper invites his reader into a never-ending loop of ropes,
Netherlands―consequently decenters the narration. Cooper orifices, and mysterious wounds, but also introduces the
personally accentuated how the disregarding cumulated bleak and fragmented landscape of American society where
suspension of disbelief and horror reveals the text’s ethical death and sex have been homogenized, serialized, and sold
orientations. Cooper does not engage in a conversation with along drugs, slasher horrors, images of death in the news,
the reader through post-modern minimalistic omissions; the prostitution, and pornography. The polaroid enumeration
communication instead functions as based on the points to the commodification of sexual experience, which
metafictional disturbance in the conclusion, which became an object torn by the economic processes taking
transposes the moral responsibility upon the reader as he is place between the social forces of offer and
confronted with these facts: demand―insistent on the necessary meditation between the
The novel is about the difference between realm of desire, the social production, and their respective
what is possible in one’s fantasy life, and repressions.
what is possible in one’s real life. It tries, Capitalist society requires an effective mechanism to
in various ways, to seduce readers into counteract the explosive force of desire with the potential to
believing a series of murders are real, threaten its structures of exploitation, servitude, and
then announces itself as a fiction, hierarchy. When Dennis discovers Henry―the young
hopefully leaving readers responsible for model from the photographic set―is very much alive, the
whatever pleasure they took in believing object of his desires and the center of their acquisition has
the murders were real. I mean it to been radically dislocated. The postmodern scholar Fredric
challenge readers around issues of Jameson (1988) accuses the incoherence of the postmodern
morality, and to make them wonder why economy and corporate media of society’s schizophrenic
the novel’s ending leaves them feeling ills. He argues schizophrenia is an extreme mental state
disappointed or relieved (Hester 2020, coexistent within capitalism, enforcing psychological
136). repression linked to social oppression. Further elaborating
Whereas the complexities of the postmodern framework on “the view of schizophrenia” by Lacan, although
point to specific strategies like fragmentation, generic questioning its clinical accuracy (118), he assumes that
hybridity, indeterminacy, metafiction, and intertextuality, schizophrenic ills of postmodern culture are “closely related
the novel is ultimately a critique of America: its decadent to the emergence of this new moment of late, consumer or
consumerism, obsession with destructive violence, multinational capitalism” (125).4
serialization and commoditization of sex, existential Jean Baudrillard (1983, 4) claims that substituting a sign of
nihilism, and artificiality of its experience in a real thing in hyperreality creates a simulation that no
hyperreality. Frisk introduces the narration with an longer refers to an external model. According to
ascending countdown, each number a picture presenting a Baudrillard, the first real novel about simulation, J. G.
young model―Henry―in five ephebophilic pornographic Ballard in Crash (1973), conflates the human body with the
snuff acts including bondage and mutilation. The quintet is car’s mechanics in the dimension of photography and
a central pivot of the novel that shocked the protagonist with cinema (1991). What inextricably links the texts is the lens
its mesmerizing power: of camera. However, Cooper’s dimension of hyperreality
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Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
does not operate as an analogical mixture of technology death attempts to counter the cyclical structures of post-
with sex. Dennis eventually discovers the photographies to modernity (1992, 260-61). Dennis’ perversion is no longer
be just an escamotge with its seductively arousing yet on the order of the neurotic, the repressed, or the
imitated reality of sex, violence, and death. Cooper transgressive. On the contrary, it leads to non-perverted
concludes the novel the same way he begins it, with a re- pleasure where every wound and eroticized vocabulary of
enactment of the initial photoshoot, this time pointing to its intimacy and sex is replaced by indifferent language. Thus,
artificial, simulated, recycled character. Following the Dennis Cooper’s Frisk is a prime example of a literary
cultural logic of late capitalism, where simulations replace account about the dysfunctionality of hyperreality. This
reality with hyperreality, the final composition becomes a dimension, which is inseparable from Cooper’s text as well,
Baudrillardian simulacrum of the initial composition, has become more than a thematic restriction of the text. His
which was a simulation of a snuff sexual act: imitation indicates an effort toward an expression of
Five. Close-up. The ‘wound’ is actually uniqueness while following its utilitarian ends
a glop of paint, ink, makeup, tape, cotton, and overcoming the continuously dysfunctional circulation
tissue, and papier-mâché sculpted to of figures in the capitalist market. So while Ballard’s
suggest the inside of a human body. It sits topography of the human body coincides with the
on the ass, crushed and deflated. In the industrialized landscapes and its machinery, Cooper’s
central indentation there’s a smaller notch corporal exploration of superficial appearances operates as
maybe one-half-inch deep. It’s a bit out of a vicious critique of shallow capitalism, deprivation and
focus. Still, you can see the fingerprints affluence of consumerist need, objectification and the
of the person or persons who made it deafening effects of serialization of sex, violence, and death.
(Cooper 1991, 128). Dennis: Paraphilia
Here Cooper’s style becomes more telegraphic and Both DSM-V (2013) and the International Classification of
artificial―the apex captured by an emblematic camera Diseases (ICD-10) (1992) by WHO (the World Health
deciphers the previous perverse imagery as a gabble of parts Organization) categorized necrophilia and sexual sadistic
that sound like a demented inventory, a list of unrelated disorder under paraphilic disorders. There is a consensus
objects, and a subject―all recruited to repopulate or, more that paraphilias are not ipso facto psychiatric disorders.
ambiguously, recombine them in an unexpected but more “The term paraphilia denotes any intense and persistent
meaningful way: sexual interest other than an interest in genital stimulation
Still, Kevin and/or his camera would have or preparatory fondling with phenotypically normal,
to be God, Julian thought, to transform a physically mature, consenting human partners” (APA 2013,
mud pie on someone’s ass into the sort of 685). The term “paraphilic coercive disorder” refers
nightmarish image one spends ones adult specifically to the preference for non-consenting sexual
life obsessing about. acts” (Thornton 2010). The number and taxonomy of
paraphilia have been debated and, in some cases, lists 549
Julian took his seat . . . clack, clack . . .
specific types (Aggrawal 2008, 369-382).
I came to mind. Not the psychotic me, but
the teenager gaying purposefully into the Ballard’s internalization of the dystopian setting and
holes in boys’ bodies. Back in those days technology in Crash is a probe into several paraphilic
my compulsions were rigueur, business as subjects and their derivative sexual fetishism. The novel’s
usual, part and parcel of sex, as far protagonist, Ballard, develops a specific car-crash sexual
as Julian knew (Cooper 1991, 126). fetishism combined with obsessive symphorophilic
thoughts about certain celebrities. Unbound by norms and
The quotation points to a postmodern fragmentation as
seemingly nihilistic, Dennis’ anti-social behavior also
manifested through an abrupt shift in perspective. The fluent
indicates a severe psychological disturbance. Hester defines
transfusion of identity cumulates in a potent sense of
the novel’s thematic restrictions to sex, death, and corporal
identity, and paradoxically, the seemingly empty centre
investigation as bordering with the attentiveness of a
functions positively as it is productive and produces new
“psychotic” (2020, 136). Collin Harrison (2010) identifies
reality, a material reality. In light of Jameson’s perspective,
not only the concerns of this defining piece of 90s fiction as
Cooper seems to depict the distinct culture arising from this
pedophilia, necrophilia, pornography, and drugs but regards
schizophrenia and accuses the postmodern industry of
the text as an elaboration on the “serial killer motif”. Even
pathologizing neurotic behavior, ruptured personality, and
though Hester and Harrison point in the directions this paper
isolated self and fractured identity. Maybe that is why,
ventures into, they do not engage with serious analysis.
according to Elizabeth Young, Cooper’s representation of
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Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
Their researches have not explored the links between sequentially”, includes such scenes as when Dennis “lay in
postmodern capitalism and its correlated social neurosis nor bed putting Finn through hell in [his] thoughts. [He] tore up
have entered into analyses of minute psychopathology and his body like it was a paper bag and pulled out dripping
forensic psychology in interpretation. fistfuls of veins, organs, muscles, tubes” (Cooper 1991, 38).
The etiology of paraphilia in connection with the Even Dennis’ atrocities with his two German companions,
character seems like a plausible point of entry into the including a handful of victims, are all paraphilic, revealing
diagnosis. While the current state of research in the field has Dennis’ “[I]nterest in sexual death” (Cooper 1991, 40). This
found so far no empirical evidence of genetic factors especially Sadean section is an explicit and nauseating
contributing to the development and no conclusive support excursion into the world of sexual sadism, necrophilia,
for brain trauma, “ineffective social environment” and coprophagia, and anthropophagi. Dennis’ confession
“formative events” are often cited as determinants, and portrays explicit details and representations of brutally
substance abuse is considered as inhibitive (Mellor 2016a, executed torture, rape, mutilation, armed assault, murder,
84-89). While there is no proof of substance abuse as an bondage, and drug abuse perpetrated upon innocent people.
etiologic factor, Dennis is a frequent drug taker, which However, the postmodern interplay decenters this narration,
could be considered an inhibitor of sexually motivated and the serial murder account is defacto a fantasy. Dennis
offenses, and explain how openly he articulates his violent, eventually confesses:
perverse, and destructive imagination. John Money I sort of know... well, basically because
(2011) offered a theory of paraphilia based on vandalized I realized at some point that I couldn’t and
lovemaps. Any change in the lovemap after puberty occurs wouldn’t kill anyone, no matter how
through “decoding” an already extant lovemap rather than persuasive the fantasy is. And theorizing
“encoding” it. In cases where a juvenile has been subjected about it, wondering why, never helped at
to abusive sexual activity with a partner that may be years all. Writing it down was and still is
older than them, he may act out a paraphilic lovemap that exciting in a pornographic way. But
mirrors this experience, but with themselves now in the role I couldn’t see how it would ever fit into
of the more senior participant. Dennis describes the anything as legitimate as a novel or
formation of his lovemap beginning in 1969, at the age of whatever (Cooper 1991, 123).
thirteen, as an avid reader of homosexual pulp pornography;
His imagination, repressed for years, is reconstructed; he
he is strongly affected by his regular visits to a local shop,
can exercise his most deviant impulses and no longer
where he often masturbates. Being sexually active by this
suppresses his wayward, malevolent needs. Ian Brady
age and engaging in light BDSM, his paraphilic preference
(2001, 92) talks about how the inability to enact fantasy
and interest in sexually gratifying sadism and necrophilia
fuels the compulsions of homicidal offenders. While Dennis
are constituted by his exposure to the same snuff
can conquer the desires of his Id, and the narration could be
pornographies presented at the novel’s beginning. Dennis
ascribed with a particular therapeutic effect, when he
claims they “went on to completely direct or destroy [his]
encounters Julian and Kevin, he confesses “[A]bout Kevin”.
life” (Cooper 1991, 30). As a result, he becomes obsessed
Their interaction after the years intensifies the postmodern
with sadism and death as his paraphilic preference. Another
cyclical structures, as “[Kevin] reminds [him] of something
character closely tied to the central polaroid quintet, Henry,
[he] felt before [he] stopped feeling anything. Pre-desire,
describes his sexual development in a similar fragmented
pre-violence” (Cooper 1991, 114). Thus, Kevin is proposed
framework of “encoding” and “decoding” as Money (2011):
as a subject capable of triggering the encoding process
‘Wild.’ Henry knew it. His feelings, retroactively. In the failing world of Dennis’ simulation,
thoughts, etc., were the work of people substituting the first model with Kevin operates as a
around him. Men particularly. The first compelling illusion, opening a glimmer of possibility.
made a weirdly detached person out of his However, rather than being a coping mechanism or a last
body and mind when he was thirteen or resort, the account was composed to invite Julian and Kevin
something. The next man corrected his into his escalating, accelerated madness. Without a
predecessor’s mistakes. The next changed gravitational pull, his desires―magnified here to an
other stuff. The last few only tinkered uncanny extent―are disfigured and may give rise to a more
because Henry was perfect, aside from neurotic lust and incorrigible perversion of drives. In
some bad habits (Cooper 1991, 5). contrast, his desired self-repressions as a purposeful
Dennis’ fantasyscape, borrowing Moller’s (2016b, 98) term variance is no romanticization of mental disorder:
referring to “the scenario in the imagination where
the lovemap becomes animated, and occurs in space and
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Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
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Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
necrochlesis, and thanatophilia” (Aggrawal 2016, 1). The including its innards. This allure is exhibited during the last,
fifth edition of DSM (2013) diagnoses it under “other most brutal murder of a prepubescent boy when he engages
specified paraphilic disorder” (705) with other specific in intercourse ante-,peri-, and post-mortem, indicative of
paraphilias and does not assign it a specific subclass, nor possible pseudo-vampirism and cannibalism. “The
does ICD-10 (1992), instead is grouped under Code 302.89 Germans felt weird about killing a kid, but they did it”
(ICD-10: F.65.89). It is characterized by recurrent, intense (Cooper 1991, 102); they assisted him throughout the act
sexual interests in corpses, causing obvious distress and and subsequent disposal of the mutilated body:
impairment in critical areas of social functioning; when I rolled the kid over, cut his ropes.
combined with associated and often comorbid sadism, the I pressed the point of the blade into the
specific paraphilia is called “necrosadism” (Aggrwal 2016, base of his throat and made a long,
2). From the four types of necrophilic attachment in straight slit all the way down his chest,
Mellor’s (2016a, 100) “Thematic-Derivative Model of stomach. It wasn’t deep enough, so I went
Sexual Progression”, Dennis enters only the first over it again....I licked all inside there. It
stage: necrophilic fantasies in the fantasy stage. Since it is was incredibly lush. … I went over the cut
revealed that his colossal crimes were not more than an once more. It opened up. I pulled back the
uncanny blur of fantasy, fiction, and reality, thus Dennis halves of white stomach flesh and saw his
belongs to a group of necrophiles who are somewhat less jumbled yellow guts, which had a weird
innocuous from a legal standpoint. However, from a strong stench. His chest was still rising
psychosocial perspective, their behavior manifests aberrant and falling. That fascinated me for some
impulses; they do not engage in intercourse with corpses yet reason, so I punched his face several more
are content with fantasying about these acts. times. Then I deep-tongued his slobbery
Mellor (2016b, 98) identifies several allures of necrophilia mouth for a while (Cooper 1991, 105).
that coexist in various combinations. The “passivity/inertia” Observing several factors related to the physical
is the most common allure in connection with corpses transformation of the body after death, the focus is on the
(unrejective, uncritical); however, not in the case of Dennis. corporeal/sensory necrophilic allure. Furthermore, this
While he casually comments on the passivity of his victims, allure is empowered by the appeal of “spiritual/magical”
in a few instances injects them with heroin for complicity, (Moller 2016b, 98), where the eroticization of the
even binds them, this should be perceived as his modus metaphysical ideas regarding death as a state or force,
operandi. For example, his vincilagnia is not paraphilic in including mythical figures. In one of his fantasies, he
character, and also, the rest of these actions do not satisfy “imagined that [he with his sexual parner, Finn] were on top
sexual arousal nor present an eroticized ritual relevant to the of an Aztec Pyramid. [He] held a knife or whatever they
motivation of his murders. Their employment functions but used in those days to sacrifice Finn to whoever they thought
a necessary precaution. He restrains his partner but for they worshipped back then. [He] couldn’t sustain an illusion
practical reasons, not erotic, aesthetic, nor somatosensory like that for more than a second or two, so [he] came on
stimulation: [Finn’s] chest, with groan . . .”(Cooper 1991, 39),
What’s weird is he didn’t fight back. He connecting himself casually with the ancient cult of bloody
just accepted death. Every single time I’ve sacrifices to gods. However, a deeper analysis of Dennis’
killed a Dutch boy this happens. It must homicidal motivations reveals other complexities arising
be a part of the problem that makes them from the combination of these two allures. While he
so cold and unknowable in general. identifies the corporeal/sensory allure of his sexual
They’re like rabbits, at least in the sense gratifications, stating: “ I’m pretty sure if I tore a guy open,
that when rabbit gets scared it freezes up. I’d know him as well as anyone could because I’d have what
You can threaten to kick it, it won’t move. he consists of right there in my hands, mouths,
If one of those boy sever actually fought wherever.”(ibid., 52), a murder for him has secret
with me now, I’d probably have a brain connotations knowledge and liberation, and in his account o
hemorrhage I’d be so shocked (Cooper fit he invites his ex-boyfriend Julian to “participate in this
1991, 94). discovery...this major transcendence or answer [he has]
Dennis–a “predator aesthete” (Cooper 1991, 39)―rather found in killing cute guys” (ibid., 107). His depiction of sex
represents “corporeal/sensory” allure. According to Mellor is not identifying, elating, liberating, or cathartic; it is hardly
(2016b, 98), this allure’s sexual stimulation arises from adequately satisfying with regard to the psychological
looking at, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching the body- intensity of his sexual deprivation.
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Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
Although the murders do not exhibit “ritual/iconography” of de Sade, Genet, Bataille, Ellis, or even Burroughs, which
allure and Dennis does not sexualize cultural symbols encompasses a narration of mechanical fantasies and
associated with death or funerary practices (Moller 2016b, insistence of quantitative obsession and fulfillment, and his
98), his fantasies and discussions include fascination with enfranchised exploration of necrophilia is not for the
splatter horrors and associated probes from the filming sets. squeamish. Following the vertical behavioral axis of
The last allure, “reminiscent/identity”, relates to necrophilic Moller’s model (see Figure 1), “duration” is determined by
attraction to deceased loved ones (Moller 2016b, 98); this the growing number of factors correlated with physiological
allure is echoed in his fixation upon a reminiscence of the transformations upon the body consisting of many stages
specific model, Henry, The choice of victims seems starting with clinical death and concluding with full
random, and the impulses often motiveless his victims are skeletonization (Moller 2016a, 103). After the second
preferentially male His obsession with the model manifests murder, Dennis becomes “more imaginative and violent
in his physiologic preferences in partners, as well his now” (Cooper 1991, 94-95). Furthermore, he becomes more
projection upon them: Male, younger, lean, pale, dark- methodical as he finds accomplices in the two German
haired, full-lipped, dazed looking. ... Every guy I’ve wanted murder guys, Jorg and Ferdinand, who live in a squat not far
since has had his same basic look (Ibid, 44). from the mill. Their initiative facilitates the orchestration of
Excluding Aggrawal’s (2016) focus on the severity the third murder just moments after their initial rendezvous.
of manifested psychosis in his typologies; Moller’s (2016a) The next victim “was a typical Dutch yuppie guy ...”
categorization of homicidal necrophilia―not defined by (Cooper 1991, 95). After an armed assault on him, “... They
motivation―considers the interplay of two relevant factors kicked every part of his body ... He was semi-unconscious
in profiling: destructiveness and duration. Both binary in when they quit the battering, etc.” (Cooper 1991, 96):
character, “destructiveness” refers to the propensity of The guy was all bruised and sliced up, but
paraphilic mutilation in opposition to “preservative” while cute nevertheless, though I’ve seen better
“duration” determines offenders as “warm” or “cold” based bodies. ... I stabbed the buttocks a couple
on the period of the sexual activities post-mortem (103). of times. They didn’t bleed. ... Jorg ran
Dennis engages in single situational post-mortem over and stomped the shit into his face. I
intercourse, but all of his murders depict ante-,and peri- heard more stuff break in his head. I asked
mortem coitus, sometimes post-mortem masturbation and If they thought he was dead. Ferdinand
fellatio. All the phases are a mixture of sexually motivated asked if I wanted that. I said, Okay.
sadistic torture and mutilation. However, he is not Ferdinand picked up a kitchen knife, Jorg
necessarily preferential to excision as a necromutilophil. took the Swiss army knife, and they
When returning to the last murder, it captures a dissection stabbed his chest, making ‘oof’ noises.
of an eleven-year-old boy, whom they inject with heroin, tie He bled really wildly. He had to be dead
up, eviscerate, and dismember. Dennis sodomizes the after that.
corpse, and engages in coprophagy as well: The paper has already discussed that the homicides
I was really delirious. …his system was executed by Dennis focus on the “corporeal/sensory” and
too broken down by that point or “spiritual/magical” allures. Dennis’ first necrophilic
whatever. When I looked up, Jorg was defining allure is closely related to his profiling as a “warm”
trying to carve off the kids left leg. …The homicidal offender. His fascination with corpses is limited
kid’s insides were much more science- to immediate post-mortem activity. He describes the
fictional than I imagined. Still, there was decapitation that happens during the fourth murder; Dennis’
something ugly and earthy about them. I primary interest in the mutilation of the corpse seemed
could understand why they were meant to “kind of pointless with him dead” (Cooper 1991, 101). Even
be hidden. …We tipped the kid onto his when he asks them to decapitate him: “They left the head
side. At that, guts sloshed out of the behind resting on one ear. It continued to hold this
stomach wound onto the futon. (Cooper incredible allure, but in a weird way, obviously, since it
1991, 105). didn’t mean much anymore” (Cooper 1991, 101-102). The
This dark scheme with two German accomplices, replete constellation of his excessive behavior sufficiently exhibits
with destruction and mutilation beyond simple incision enough evidence, and his predilections place Dennis in
appearing ante-, peri-, and post-mortem, includes beating Moller’s (2016a) category C of homicidal necrophilic
and bondage. However, it is Cooper’s language, offenders―belonging in a group including some of the most
unapologetic as Dennis’ murders and proportional with that bizarre and heinous serial killers. Based on the observable
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 380
Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
behavior, the character is an intersection of a “destructive” mutilation, disfigurement, and excision in the ante- and
and “warm” offender. perimortem stages transforming him from initially
Dennis: Sadism preservative into a destructive offender. He engages in
extreme kinds of “destructiveness”: dismemberment,
The presence of sadism in literature has already been
evisceration, even in the fourth murder decapitation:
mentioned briefly, yet the subject has attracted some serious
attention from academic circles. For example, Kearney I said, No, his death was important to
(1982) and Muchembled (2008) dates the theme in fiction me… When he screamed his mouth
back to the early modern writings, specifically: Nicolas opened incredibly wide.. Then I really
Chorier’s A Dialogue between a Married Woman and a wanted to kill him. The red mouth
Maid (1660). On the other hand, Storr (2013) ascribes triggered the need, because it was
sadism to Western society in general; maybe, therefore, a preview or something. ... I pulled out
Kuncich (2009) discussed its relevance in British colonial the knife and made a light horizontal cut
fiction. across his stomach, which dribbled more
blood I stretched out his penis and tried to
Sexual Sadism Disorder in DSM-V refers to “recurrent and
saw it in two. ... I wanted the Germans to
intense sexual arousal from the physical or psychological
cut off his head for some reason, so they
suffering of another person, as manifested by fantasies,
severed the rope suspending him and
urges, or behaviors ” (2013, 696). It is classified as
turned the corpse on its stomach. They
“algolagnic disorder” (685), characterized by causing
sawed through its neck-carving, hacking,
considerable distress in the individual and urges of inflicting
abrading, etc. ... When none of us cared
pain upon a non-consenting partner. As a paraphilic, Dennis
about the corpse anymore, the Germans
is an individual “whose satisfaction has entailed personal
picked it up by the armpits and started
harm, or risk of harm, to others” (APA 2013, 685-86). The
downstairs (Cooper 1991, 100-101).
paper has provided two examples of Dennis’ necrophilic
activities. Offenders, however, should not be regarded as a Description of the fourth murder orchestrated with his
single specific paraphilic deviation—instead, a curious German accomplices is accompanied by some beating,
mixture with dominant paraphilia. According to Moller bondage, necrophagy, incision, rape and mutilation of
(2016a, 92), the traits of a sexual sadist-typically sexual organs, and victim’s decapitation. Taking into
psychopathic - usually supersede those of the homicidal consideration the second binary factor, Dennis does not
necrophile. Money (1990, 27) characterized sexual sadism engage in prolonged or episodic tortures of his victims,
as involving “an obsessive and compelling repetition of defining him as a brief offender in opposition to a prolonged
sexual thoughts, dreams or fantasies that may be translated sadist who tortures his victim for an hour or more. For
into acts in which the mental or physical suffering of a example, the second murder of a boy of fifteen, which
victim is intensely sexually arousing”. Thus, homicidal commences as consensual hebephilic intercourse and
sexual sadist’s paraphilia pertains to the infliction of real culminates in his death by asphyxiation:
suffering and subsequent sexual arousal stemming from acts I was starving for him. . . . When he
of rape, torture, and mutilation. In order to categorize answered, Okay, I decided to kill him for
Dennis as a homicidal sexual sadist, the paper considers the some reason. Then I got so emotionally
typology created by criminologist Lee Mellor (2016a, 136). weird that I almost broke down. . . . He
The typology consists of eight classes oriented around three opened his eyes very wide. Otherwise he
binary factors in the killers didn’t fight me at all. It takes a lot longer
behavior: Destructive/Preservative; Prolonged/Brief; Elab to strangle someone than I’d think. At
orate/Simple (137). Additionally, he elaborates some point his eyes changed. They got
methodology of torture among elaborate sadists, following kind of empty, fake. . . . He looked so
four characteristics: (i) variation in torture methods, (ii) beautiful with his eyes empty, I don’t
complex torture apparatus, (iii) psychological torture, (iv) know why. I walked back to the futon, sat
record making (e.g., using notes/media to document the down, and gazed into their glassiness
process)(137-138). His rendering of eight possible a long, long time, daydreaming and numb.
categories, six of which Mellor identified and exemplified . . . I had million ideas how I wanted to
among multiple criminal offenders. Dennis is a carve up and study the kid. I couldn’t do
“destructive” sadist. His progressively more vicious it, I don’t know why (Cooper 1991, 92-
murders refer to incidences of intentional torture, 94).
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 381
Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
Sexual sadism is best understood as a process; the function all the murders mentioned above, it is evident that the vast
operates in a progressive eroticized communication- a majority of Dennis’ murders centers on motifs of sexual
sadistic cycle: 1. sadist inflicts negative stimulus; 2. he torture and mutilation driven by perverse lust; on the other
perceives victims reaction; 3. finally the murderer hand, the necrophilic murders and his willingness to have
experiences an enhancement in self-concept (Mellor 2016a, sex with a dead body more accurately reflect his
139). Here, the sadistic cycle follows the sensory/corporeal psychopathy - more specifically, the “secondary
allure, and the dynamism of responsiveness of behavior psychopath” type as understood by Karpman (1948). His
influencing the events and emotions occurring during the lack of self-control and impulsivity, combined with his low
homicide accentuates the necrophilic character of the emotional intelligence, stand in contrast to the
murder. Furthermore, the sadistic cycle in the example does communicative skills, persuasive charm, and histrionic
not follow a prescribed orgasmic fantasy narration, but nature of a “primary psychopath”. While affective deficits,
Dennis’ case is improvisational, experimental, and brief. grandiosity, and social predation indicative of narcism
The third dichotomy is the most subjective, and characterize primary psychopaths, Dennis, as a “secondary
Mellor (2016a, 137) states that a useful heuristic is the psychopathy”, is spontaneous and opportunistic in the
identification of at least three characteristics of an “simple” selection of his methods of execution. Thus, his
“elaborate” sadist. Dennis does not inflict pain in various behavior is theoretically phenotypical of his paraphilia’s
methods; he does not employ complex torture apparatus; he comorbidity with the antisocial personality disorder. In
does not intentionally engage in psychological torture; conclusion, Dennis is destructive/brief/simple. Therefore,
however, he documents the suffering of his victims, he belongs into class 5 of homicidal sexual sadistic
recording the murders in the form of letters. However, he offenders as outlined by Mellor.
does so in order to mediate his experiences, not recapitulate
them for his personal pleasure and gratification. His first CONCLUSION AND FURTHER DISCUSSION
murder―“Call him Jan” (Cooper 1991, 91)―best describes
In summary, through the demystification and employment
the simplicity of his methodology as its execution happens
of marginalized genres, Cooper analyzes the relationship
in a sudden outburst of violence during their intercourse:
between material reality and deprivation in acquiring a need
I was about to come. I picked up an empty in the capitalistic society. Dennis’ paraphilic ruminations
beer bottle without even thinking and hit here and there interrupted by scattered fragments of fiction
the guy over the head. ... I grabbed hold of confluently obsessed with a male body, sex, violence, and
his neck and ground the broken bottle into death ultimately constitute the postmodern framework
his face, really twisting and shoving it in. of Frisk where affluent society’s offered simulation
Then I crawled across the room and sat extracted the transcendent from the sexual experience,
cross-legged, watching him bleed to depriving it of its essence. In Dennis’ narration, no longer
death. (Cooper., 91) repressing his malevolent and wayward compulsions, any
What seems a situational, catathymic homicide is just a person can be substituted for another, and the airless
prelude to the superficial character of torturous and atmosphere has asphyxiated its reference. His realization
permutatory designs upon his subsequent captives. that the object of his desire revolves around an empty centre
Afterward, he describes his disposal of the body in a forces him to radically reconsider the psychological self-
detached, almost dissociative manner: repression imposed on him by the social oppressions of
Hours passed. At some point I dragged capitalism. Dennis attempts to break the chains of
Jan upstairs to the top of the mill. ... simulation through the positive force of production,
There’s a smallish room shaped like a bell constituting the new immanent model. The general image of
that nobody’s gone into for hundred of a serial killer, both in the media and popular culture, is
years or whatever. I stuffed him inside relatively consistent and complicit with etiology of
and washed the stairs, floor. Whatever’s paraphilia: a white male, odd and eccentric behavior,
left of the body is there. I’ve never dysfunctional relationships (Yaksic 2005); he tortures,
checked. I’m not interested in a dead mutilates, and murders animals, and his engagement in
body’s smell, no matter how cute it was sexually motivated sadism is a result of a severe
(Cooper 1991, 92). sexual/physical abuse and neglect in his childhood (Beasley
2004). Statistically homosexually oriented paraphilic
When the sexual sadism takes precedence, the investigator
homicidal offenders represent 17%, which Mellor regards
should expect a suspect to have more of the sex sadist’s
conflated and overrepresentation, while staggering in
charming, psychopathic character (Moller 2016a, 92). From
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 382
Briedik Post-modernism, Paraphilia, Sadism, Necrophilia, and Sexually Motivated Homicide: An Interdisciplinary
Reading of Dennis Cooper’s “Frisk” (1991)
number, 43%, victimize both children and adults (2016a, Dennis Cooper, Joan Didion, Bret Easton Ellis, Michael
139). These staggering facts do not provide a further insight Foucault, William Gass, Jean Genet, William Burroughs,
into Dennis’character. However, they inform on his obvious De Sade.
mediocrity among the actual homicidal sexual offenders. 3
The methodological origin of the concept of transgression
In conclusion, reconsidering the narration from the in fiction is associated with Michel Foucault’s essay A
perspective of Aggrawals proposed a ten-tier typology of Preface to Transgression (1963). Foucault analyzes Story of
necrophilic behavior determined by the severity of the Eye (1928) by Georges Bataille as an example of the
manifested psychosis. Dennis belongs to class III (2009, genre.
317): homicidal necrophiles that only fantasize about 4
However, it is necessary to add that Jameson perceives
murder. When the study eliminates the artificiality of the Lacan’s understanding of schizophrenia as essentially “a
narration from the premise and analyzes the fantasyscape, language disorder” and “schizophrenic experience of a
Dennis, the serial killer, can be categorized as an exciting whole view of language acquisition […], giving us a
combination of a type C homicidal necrophile with a pretty linguistic version […] in terms not of biological individual”
common type 5 sexual sadist. He belongs among the most (Jameson 1988, 118).
dangerous group of people globally; it includes killers who
compulsively prey on people and resort to killing to fulfill
their desires. The narration is equally gruesome as Dennis REFERENCES
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