Avila Marquez Glossary3
Avila Marquez Glossary3
Avila Marquez Glossary3
Basis noun
stated verb
awful adj
worse adj
unjust ajd
fir noun
neighborhood noun
wallet noun
kindred Adj
Adapt Verb
Appeal Verb
Conjure verb
Degree Noun
Dreamer Noun
Effort Noun
Experience Noun
Flyer Noun
Ideal Adj
Issue Noun
Magic Noun
Qualification Noun
Requirement Noun
Sociable Adj
Suit Noun
savage Adj
Clubby Adj
reclusive Adj
heel noun
cartwheel noun
rough Adj
screw Verb
hung Adj
Jury noun
stoop verb
Hood noun
Noose noun
sights noun
dialects noun
ancient Adj
Mixology noun
flack noun
slang noun
brave adjective
fear noun
gunman noun
huddled adjective
pebble noun
auriferous adjective
clay noun
amputate Verb
clawback noun
increase Verb
workload noun
wound noun
reopen Verb
Inquiry noun
preliminary adjective
nourishment noun
bigorexia noun
schizoid adjective
kleptomaniac noun
hypochondriac noun
dummy noun
hazard noun
playful adjective
survey noun
surrender verb
mugger noun
sole adjective
leisure noun
jigsaw noun
forecast noun
waitress noun
restful adjective
mushroom noun
butthurt adjective
downcast adjective
lovelorn adjective
chickpea noun
brougham noun
carryall Noun
sporran Noun
grip Verb
stromal adjective
landscape Noun
Acquire Verb
Annoyance Noun
Anxiety Noun
Apologize Verb
Apology Noun
Apprehensive Adjetive
Argument Noun
Ash Noun
Availability Noun
Awkwardly Adverb
Beyond Prep
booklet Noun
Broaden Verb
checkout Noun
Claim Verb
Clue Noun
complain Verb
complaint noun
compulsory Adjetive
Crate Noun
Crawl Verb
Delay Verb
delight Noun
Encounter Noun
encourage Verb
Excitement Noun
Exhaust Verb
Exhilarated Adjetive
fare Noun
fearless adjective
fencing Noun
Flaut Noun
gasp Verb
Heel noun
Hunt Verb
luggage Noun
joy Noun
menacing adjective
nonetheless Adverb
overwhelm Verb
Rather Adverb
regret Noun
relieved adjective
rumbling Noun
seasickness Noun
threatening adjective
stunned adjective
steep adjective
mistake Noun
slope Noun
shipwreck Noun
thrifty adjective
thrill Noun
tie Verb
Tour Noun
Tutor Noun
vacancy Noun
wealthy adjective
wonder Verb
backwards Adverb
delightful adjective
misunderstanding Noun
outcome Noun
path Noun
puzzled adjective
wooden Adjetive
raft Noun
loose-fitting adjective
stroll Verb
indeed Adverb
less good
not based on according to what is morally rigth
sustantivo: el abeto
suburb (barrio)
handbag (billertera)
of a similar nature or character
Exime adjust to new condition
to arouse a sympathetic response
to summon by or as if by invocation or incantation
a step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification
one that dreams
conscious exertion of power : hard work
something personally encountered
an advertising circular
a vital or unsettled matter
an extraordinary power or influence seeminglyfrom a supernatural source
a condition or standard that must be compliedwith
something wanted or needed
inclined to seek or enjoy companionship
set of garments
not domesticated or under human control
characteristic of a club or club members
retiring from society
the back of the human foot below the ankle and behind the arch
a lateral handspring with arms and legs extended
marked by inequalities, ridges, or projections on the surface
Turn, twist
unable to reach a decision or verdict
a body of persons sworn to give a verdict on somematter submitted to them
Bend down
a flexible covering for the head and neck
a loop with a slipknot that binds closer the more it is drawn
a thing regarded as worth seeing
a regional variety of language
of or relating to a remote period, to a time early in history, or
to those living in such a period or time
the art or skill of preparing mixed drinks
Criticism, apposition
very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written,
used especially by particular groups of people
showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things
an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you
are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that
is happening or might happen
a man, usually a criminal, who is armed with a gun
standing or sitting close together
a small smooth round stone, especially one found on a beach or in a river
containing gold
thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dryor baked, used for
making bricks and containers
to remove by or as if by cutting
a situation in which a government or company takes back money that it has
already paid
to (make something) become larger in amount or size
the amount of work to be done, especially by a particularperson or machine in
a period of time
a damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh made by
a weapon
If a place or business, etc. reopens or is reopened, it begins to operate, or
it becomes open for people to use, after being closed for a period of time
(the process of asking) a question:
coming before a
more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it
Stromal tissue supports some organs such as the uterusand ovaries
a large area of countryside, especially in relation to itsappearance
to get or buy something
the feeling or state of being annoyed
an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that
is happening or might happen in the future
to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that
has caused problems or unhappiness for them
to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit
the bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with
you when you are travelling
great happiness
making you think that someone is going to do something bad
despite what has just been said or done
expressing a threat of something unpleasant or violent
very shocked or surprised
rising or falling at a sharp angle
an action, decision,
or judgment that produces an unwanted or unintentional result
a surface that lies at an angle to the horizontal so that some points on it
are higher than others
an accident in which
a ship is destroyed or sunk at sea, especially by hitting rocks, or a ship that has
been destroyed or sunk in such an accident
showing a careful use of money, especially by avoidingwaste
a feeling of extreme excitement, usually caused by something pleasant
to fasten something with string, rope, etc.
a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around
the place or area and learn about it
a teacher who teaches a child outside of school, especially in order to give
the child extra help with a subject he or she finds difficult
a space or place that is available to be used
to ask yourself questions or express a wish to knowabout something
towards the direction that is opposite to the one in which you
are facing or opposite to the usual direction
very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable:
studied both ancient and modern history Adj
Bar aperators profit from trendy mixology and premium-priced cocktailsnoun
She has taken a good deal of flak for espousing thatview. noun
I have a fear of heights. noun
The three men were held hostage for two days by maskedgunmen. noun
We stood huddled together for warmth. adjective
This part of the coast has pebble beaches. noun
Auriferous quartz veins were subsequently found in surface exposures
at the site of the current open pit. adjective
He died from multiple stab wounds to the neck and upperbody. noun
We've decided to change the design based on ourpreliminary findings. adjective
Young babies obtain all the nourishment they need
from theirmother's milk noun
The child crawled across the floor. Verb
My plane was delayed by an hour. Verb
My sister's little boy is a real delight. Noun
I had an alarming encounter with a wild pig. Noun
The council is encouraging the development of the propertyfor
both employment and recreation. Verb
Robin's heart was pounding with excitement Noun
The long journey exhausted the children Verb
At the end of the race I was exhilarated Adjetive
Train fares are going up again. Noun
a fearless fighter adjective
I did a little bit of fencing while I was at college. Noun
Her presence is felt more in the flute motif, paradoxically a motto of
departure and absence. Noun
Some passengers were suffering from severe seasickness. Noun
As the threatening clouds approached, the winds suddenlyblew up
into a blinding snowstorm adjective
They stood in stunned silence beside the bodies adjective
It's a steep climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it. adjective
now or never
Bump into
utmost secrecy
go on
have an eye for sth
back away
Get trapped
from far and wide
Food poison
have something in mind
jet lag
set eyes on
Top priority
needless to say
Made very happy
there was no competition
Sad or depressed
very sick
not well
Wake up and be happy
you were very close, but you did not make it
Very hard rain
very easy
A mild punishment
making me very annoyed
it is extremely expensive
just joking
i don´t understand
be happy
Be patient
All of us are in the same position
accidentally told a secret
escaped without punishment
went crazy
difficult to believe
Looking for
He´s an inteligent person
He is died
She´s studying hard
good look
Don´t try to do something difficult before mastering the basics
An unfriendly welcome
a good thing that seemed bad at first
Somethind common
Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
better to arrive late than not to come at all
To get something over with because it is inevitable
Stop working on something
Don´t be so critical
Doing something poorly in order to save time or money
Slow down
Get out of control
start over
Don´t give up
Work betteror leave
it´s too late
You have to work for what you want
Doing a good job
calm down
Things are going well so far
An ideal situation
Make a problem worse
That´s true, i agree
I have no idea
understand something complicated
To get upset
you don´t notice how something lasts when it´s fun
the person we were just talking about showed up
tell me what you´re thinking
Money you save today you canspend later
The worst possible situation
better to show than tell
Believe what people do and not what they say
To make a bad situation worse
To be mistaken, to be looking for solution in the wrong place
People who are alike are often friends
Something that is brought to attend
To try to hide something, sucha memory, the truth, etc
yuu´re prepared for something that isn´t going to happen
very expensive
comparing two things that cannot be comapared
take on a project that you cannot finish
Make people feel more comfortable
just barely
Do something without having planned beforehand
treat peoplefearly
don´t count on something good happening until it´s happened
there´s no reason to complain about something that can´t be fixed
you´re not verry good at this
what you´re doing is too risky
good things come after bad things
get treated the way you´ve been treatingothers
to do something pointless
be patient
he has bigger things to take care of than what we are talking about now
the son is like the father
get somethingexactly right
you´re better off not knowing
this isn´t over yet
you´re just as bad as i am
get two things done with a single action
i made a mistake
take only calculated risks
on probation. If you make another mistake, there will be trouble
To suddenly or immediately materialize in one's mind
actually happen or become the case
last in order of mention or occurrence but just as important
to try to discover the facts about something
it is not the type of thing that you like
to learn a new skill or language by practising it ratherthan being taught it
the ability to find things funny
To decline to answer, especially on grounds that it might be incriminating.
one is absolutely serious and is not joking
almost; hardly
be a coward.
to suffer because of a particlar action
to tell lies shamelessly.
attractive, pleasant to look at
be rich
used to tell someone to rouse themselves from sleep and get out of bed
a miserable, unhappy existence
to become very angry
I can't answer your question
Old enough to be considered an adult
to watch or look after something or someone.
cause problems or disturbances
said when you don't want reveal the source of your information
to hurry to do something before a deadline.
you tremble violently because you are afraid, nervous, or very cold
to be suspected of something
an extreme example which is the biggest
refers to someone having a dual personality
mean that everything is perfectly fine; all right
If you call in sick, you inform your employer that you will be absent because you are ill
uncertain, unsettled
an annoyance.
to die.
said when you have to do something right now because you may not get another chance
to do it later
to meet someone you know when you have not plannedto meet them
a children's game in which a group of children hide in secret places and then
one child has to go to look for them
said by a child who has found an object to the child who has lost it, to show that
they intend to keep it
to write something quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it
to remove clothing quickly and easily
the skills of making objects, such as decorations, furniture, and pottery (= objects made
from clay) by hand
You can use utmost to emphasize the importance or seriousness of something or to
emphasize the way that it is done
to happen
to be good at noticing a particular type of thing
said about something that seems to be good on the surface, but might not be when
you look at it more closely
something that is very easy to do
extremely quickly:
En sus marcas, listos, fuera
to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly
up to now : even now : continuing until today
to write someone a letter
If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each other
to be friendly with each other immediately
to hit something or someone so that the person fallsdown
If something blows your mind, you are very excited or surprised by it
Understand something complicated
Better to arrive late than not to come at all
You have to work for what you want
Do the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move on
There's no reason to complain about something that can't be fixed
You'll make mistakes if you rush through something
Destroy relationships
Everything is going wrong at once
Make people feel more comfortable
Things are going well so far
The person we were just talking about showed up!
Very expensive
He has bigger things to take care of than what we are talking about now
Put a projet on hold
A big fuss about a small problem
to be completely different from something
a lot of something useful or good
moving first in one direction and then in the oppositeone
to move backwards away from something or someone, usually because you
are frightened
The closure of the blocked channels can be inferred because the blocker remains
stably trapped in the closed channel.
People came from far and wide to see the parade.
The illness resulting from eating food or drinking water containing poisonous substances
to have a plan or intention
the act of staying in someone's house while they are away in order to keep it safe
the feeling of tiredness and confusion that peopleexperience after making
a long journey by plane to a place where the time is different from the place they left
to see someone or something for the first time
of greatest importance.
as you would expect; added to, or used to introduce, a remark giving information that
is expected and not surprising
Prefix Meaning Examples
de- from, down, away, reverse, pposite decore, decrease
dis- not, opposite, reverse, away disagree, disappear
ex out of, away from, lacking, former exhale, explosion
il- not illegal, illogical
im- not, without impossible, improper
in- not, without inaction, invisible
mis- bad, wrong mistead, misplace
non- not nonfiction, nonsense
pre- before prefix, prehistory
pro- for, forward, before proactive, profess, program
re- again, back react, reappear
un- against, not, opposite undo, unequeal, unusual
multi- multicultural
over- overwork
super- supermarket
a- not, in, on, without atypical, aside
en/em- in, within, make enslave, embolden
com- together community, combination
intro- into introduce, introspective
ante- before, preceding antecedent, ante-room
out- surpassing, exceeding outperform
under- beneath, below underarm, undercarriage
ultra- beyond ultraviolet, ultrasonic
semi- half, partly semicircle, semi-conscious
peri- round, about perimeter
inter- between, among interact, interchange
extra- outside, beyond extracurricular
mini- smaller or less Minilibrary, minirefrigerator
stear- also found in these entries Stearate, stearic
suffix meaning
..able able to, having the quality of
..al relating to
..er comparative
..est superlative
…ful full of
..ible forming an adjective
..ily forming an adverb
..ing denoting an action, a material, or a gerund
..less without, not affected by
..ly forming an adjective
..ness denoting s state or condition
..y full of, denoting a condiction, or a diminutive
..tion noun, quality, action
..ial related to, like
..ed in the past, quality, state
..age a result
..like similar to, like
..ous full of
..some a tendency to
-age result of an action
-ary place for, collection of
-ism doctrine, belief
-ology study of
-ship art or skill of, group of
comfortable, portable
annual comical
bigger, stronger
strongest, tiniest
beatiful, grateful
reversible, terrible
eerily, happuly, lazily
acting, showing
friendless, tireless
clearly, hourly
kindness, wilderness
glory, messy, victory
marriage, pilgrimage
glossary, library
communism, socialism
biology, mineralogy, ecology
leadership, citizenship, ownership
Word Kind of word
Due adverb
Due noun
Due adjective
Adapt Verb
Appeal Verb
Conjure verb
Degree Noun
Dreamer Noun
Effort Noun
Experience Noun
Flyer Noun
Ideal Adj
Issue Noun
Magic Noun
Qualification Noun
Requirement Noun
Sociable Adj
Suit Noun
carelessness noun
crack adjective
dig verb
ensure verb
landscape noun
logbook noun
membership noun
shiny adjective
ring noun
spade noun
trespass verb
trinket noun
blame verb
blast verb
fair adjective
indecisive adjective
juggler noun
leisure noun
merely adverb
master noun
non-refundable adjective
present-day adjective
root noun
shape noun
budget noun
dealer noun
indoors adverb
inexpensive adjective
outdoors adverb, noun
spelunking noun
weightlifting noun
alongside preposition, adverb
bareback adjective
cartwheel noun
cavalry noun
chariot noun
odd adjective
heyday noun
endurance noun
colonist noun
outrun verb
overcome verb
racetrack noun
remarkable adjective
saddle noun
sandy adjective
swing verb
thoroughbred adjective, noun
(with reference to a point of the compass) exactly; directly.
a person's right; what is owed to someone
expected at or planned for at a certain time
Exime adjust to new condition
to arouse a sympathetic response
to summon by or as if by invocation or incantation
a step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification
one that dreams
conscious exertion of power : hard work
something personally encountered
an advertising circular
a vital or unsettled matter
an extraordinary power or influence seeminglyfrom a supernatural source
a condition or standard that must be compliedwith
something wanted or needed
inclined to seek or enjoy companionship
set of garments
the fact of not taking or showing enough care and attention
to break up and move soil using a tool, a machine, or your hands
to make something certain to happen
a large area of countryside, especially in relation to itsappearance
an official document that records information about a carand
the people who have owned it
the fact of belonging to a group or an organization
A shiny surface is bright because it reflects light
a circle of any material, or any group of things or peoplein
a circular shape or arrangement
a tool used for digging especially soil or sand, with a long handle and
a flat blade
The kids took their buckets and spades to the beach.
I hope this is a public footpath and we're not
trespassing onsomeone's land.
She always returns from vacation with a
few souvenirs, mostly just cheap trinkets.
We moored the boat to a large tree root.
I like the shape of the jacket.
get along
get around to
get away
get by
get through
take after
take down
take in
take on
take up
take off
take over
Set off
take sth in
end up
If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each
to do something that you have intended to do for a longtime
to leave or escape from a person or place, often when it is difficult to do this
to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just
enough of something you need, such as money
to succeed in talking to someone on the phone
to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character
take down
to completely understand the meaning or importance of something
to agree to do
to begin to do something
If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the groundand begins to fly
to begin to have control of something
to start on a trip
to understand completely the meaning or importance of something
to finally be in a particular place or situation