1 Aws
1 Aws
1 Aws
[email protected]
On-premise Infrastructure
Leadership Time Capacity
Experience consuming planning
Business Requirements
High Availability
Creating the architecture in such a way that your system is always available
HA ensure that we can always access our data in the cloud
Fault Tolerant
The ability of our system to withstand failures in one/more of its components & still remain available
FT ensure that if one of our web server failed, the backup server immediately took over
Scalability handles the changing needs of an application within the confines of the infrastructure via statically adding
or removing resources to meet applications demands if needed.
Elasticity is the ability to grow or shrink infrastructure resources dynamically as needed to adapt to workload changes in an
autonomic manner, maximizing the use of resources. This can result in savings in infrastructure costs overall.
What is Cloud Service ?
A cloud service is any service made available
to users on demand via the Internet from a
cloud computing provider's servers
Availability Zone
o Availability Zone are distinct locations that are engineered to be isolated from failures in
other AZ
o By launching instances in separate Availability zones, we can protect our application from
the failure of a single location.
o AZ is a local data center in a region
& it can be a collection more than
one data center.
EC2 Basics
o Allows us to purchase an instance for a set time period (1/3 yrs)
o Significant price discount
o Once you buy a reserved instance, we are responsible for the entire price -
regardless of how often we use it
o Amazon sells the unused instances, for short amount of time at lower price
o We can Bid on an instance type & only use when the spot price is equal to or
below your bid price
o Charged by hour
o Spot price fluctuate based on supply & demand in market
How are we charged for using EC2 ?
1) Purchasing Options:
o on-Demand
o Reserved
o Spot
2) Instance Type:
o General Purpose
o Compute Optimized
o GPU Optimized
o Memory optimized
o Storage Optimizes
3) EBS Optimized (Option for higher IOPS performance)
4) AMI Type (price varies on distribution/software packages)
o Linux
o Windows
5) Data Transfer (in/out of the instance)
6) Regions
AMI - Amazon Machine Image
Firewall Security
Security Groups
IP Addressing ?
o Similar to having home street address to send mail
o IP address is the instances address on the network
Private IP:
o By default every EC2 instance will be provided with a private IP address
o Private IP addresses allow instances to communicate as long as they are located in the
same VPC
Public IP:
o EC2 instances can be launched with/without public IP address
o Public IP address is required for the instance to communicate with the network
Elastic IP:
o Static public IP address for the instance.
o Chargeable for each elastic IP.
Launching an EC2 Instance:
o Select an AMI
o Select an Instance Type
o Configure Instance Details:
o Add Storage
o Add a Tag ( give the instance a name )
o Configure/Assign a Security Group
Create a new security group
o Review & Launch
o Create a new Key pair & Download it.
Connecting to an EC2
o Select the instance
o Under "Actions", choose "connect"
o Follow these in order
Open a terminal to access the cmd line
Navigate into the dir that contains the Key pair we
Run the chmod on Key pair
Run commands