Gilles Deleuze La Isla Desierta y Otros
Gilles Deleuze La Isla Desierta y Otros
Gilles Deleuze La Isla Desierta y Otros
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Degree Awarded:
Summer Semester, 2013
Jingjie Xiao defended this thesis on June 12th, 2013.
Carla Prado
Michael Ormsbee
Committee Member
Robert J. Contreras
Committee Member
The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee members, and
certifies that the thesis has been approved in accordance with university requirements.
I dedicate this thesis to my parents, Jianli Xiao and Xianfeng Yang, and my major professor Dr.
Carla Prado. Mom and Dad, you both have been an incredible influence in my life and without
your support I could not have the opportunity to study abroad. You have always been
encouraging me to overcome the difficulties in all parts of life and trusting me on my abilities to
pursue my dream. Dr. Prado, you have guided me throughout the whole project and persuaded
me to become the best I can be. Thank you for all you have done for me, with all my love!
I also would like to thank Dr. Michael Ormsbee and Dr. Robert J. Contreras for being on my
thesis committee and improving my writing techniques. Additionally, I would like to thank
Tallahassee Memorial Bariatric Center for offering me the opportunity to conduct this project.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to my lab colleagues, Sarah Purcell and Katelyn
Willbur for their advice on my writing.
4.4 Health Status: Comorbidities, Functional Outcomes, and Physical Activities by Body
Composition Phenotype ................................................................................................25
5. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................34
5.1 Review of Hypotheses and Conclusions .......................................................................34
5.2 Summary .......................................................................................................................34
5.3 Discussion of Results ....................................................................................................35
5.3.1 The FMI/FFMI Ratio .........................................................................................35
5.3.2 Gender- and Age-related Variations in Body Composition ...............................36
5.3.3 Metabolic Abnormalities ...................................................................................37
5.3.4 Comorbidities / Functional Limitations / Physical Activities ............................38
5.4 Limitation and Future Research ....................................................................................40
APPENDICES ...............................................................................................................................42
A. APPROVALS ........................................................................................................................42
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................56
4.2 Comparison of body composition characteristics between sarcopenic obese and non-
sarcopenic patients by gender ........................................................................................................28
4.3 Overall metabolic, comorbid, medical and functional characteristics of sarcopenic obese
and non-sarcopenic obese patients .................................................................................................29
4.4 Odds ratio and 95% CIs for the univariate effect of variables on low back pain ..............30
4.5 Comparison of daily activities between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese
groups .............................................................................................................................................30
3.1 Scheme of the relationship between fat mass index (FMI, depicted by larger grey circles)
and fat-free mass index (FFMI, black circles) portraying different body composition types .......20
4.1 Relationship between body weight (kg) and Fat mass index/Fat-free mass index ratio
(kg/m2) ...........................................................................................................................................31
4.2 Relationship between age (years) and A) Fat mass index (FMI, kg.m2); B) Fat mass
index/Fat-free mass index ratio (FMI/FFMI ratio, kg/m2); and C) Fat-free mass index (FFMI,
kg/m2) ............................................................................................................................................32
4.3 A) Fat-free mass index (FFMI, kg/m2); B) Fat mass index (FMI, kg/m2) and C) Percent
body fat (%BF) distribution between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients by
gender ............................................................................................................................................33
IL: Interleukin
TNF-α: Tumor Necrosis Factor
Adipose Tissue: A connective tissue formed by adipocytes, collagenous and elastic fibers,
fibroblasts and capillaries. There are four types of adipose tissue: subcutaneous, visceral,
interstitial and yellow marrow.
Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASM) Index: The sum of skeletal muscle mass from
arms and legs adjusted by height in meters squared (kg/m2).
Body Cell Mass (BCM): Body composition compartment consisting of all intracellular
components, including intracellular water.
Fat-Free Mass (FFM): The sum of lean tissues of the body including bone mineral content,
therefore it includes: total body water, total body protein, carbohydrate, non-fat lipid, soft tissue
minerals and bone mineral content.
Lean Body Mass (LBM) or Lean Soft Tissue (LST): the sum of lean compartments of the
body (excluding bone mineral content), it includes: total body water, total body protein,
carbohydrate, non-fat lipid and soft tissue minerals.
Conclusion: A wide variability in body composition was observed in this cohort of patients,
illustrating how the proportions of fat to fat-free tissues may differ among patients with similar
BMI. We suggest the use of the FMI/FFMI ratio as a potential approach for the assessment of
sarcopenic obesity in patients with severe obesity. Using this approach, patients with a
sarcopenic obesity phenotype presented with higher risk of certain metabolic abnormalities and
1.1 Background
Body composition refers to the amounts/proportions of fat and lean tissues in the body.
New in vivo technologies to assess human body composition have rapidly developed in the past
decades, such as bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and
computerized-tomography (CT) image analysis. These techniques have allowed for the
identification of abnormal body composition phenotypes, which are associated with increasing
health risks, such as physical frailty (1), functional limitations (2) and mortality (3). Abnormal
body composition phenotypes include sarcopenia (deficiency of muscle mass and/or strength),
obesity (excess adipose tissue) and sarcopenic obesity, which is defined as being sarcopenic and
obese simultaneously (4).
Of particular interest is sarcopenic obesity, which is difficult to detect since BMI (body
mass index = body weight/ height2) only provides an assessment of the patient’s overall body
weight rather than the composition of that body weight (i.e. body composition) (5). Although
obesity is commonly assessed body weight and BMI, more sophisticated tools are needed to
assess the presence of sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a common age-related disease, which is
characterized by gradual loss of muscle mass and decline of muscle function (6-8). One of the
most commonly accepted definitions of sarcopenia is a level of skeletal muscle mass lower than
2 standard deviations (SD) below the mean of a young reference population (9). The National
Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as having a BMI
of 30 kg/m2 or higher (10).
The prevalence of sarcopenic obesity has been reported to range from 2% among elderly
individuals aged 60 to 69 years (4) to up to 90% among women aged 18 to 87 years (11).
Nonetheless, the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity has not been well characterized for several
reasons such as different definitions, different populations and reference groups being studied,
and various measurements of health outcomes. However, the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity is
rising because our population has continued to get older and more obese (12).
At present, the pathogenesis of sarcopenic obesity is not clearly understood. Possible
factors may include a combination of aging, hormone changes, pro-inflammatory factors and
reduced dietary intake, especially protein intake (13). Roubenoff (14) has proposed a schema,
identifying possible cyclic metabolic behaviors: the accumulation of adipose tissue leads to loss
of muscle mass by increasing circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines and insulin resistance; and
in turn, muscle loss reinforces fat gain by impairing the ability of physical activity.
Various published studies suggest that sarcopenic obesity is the worst-case scenario for
health risks and has been associated with poorer functional status and health outcomes compared
with sarcopenia or obesity alone (9, 15). Sarcopenic obesity has been associated with physical
disability (16, 17), functional impairment (18), increased cardiovascular disease risk (19), and
reduced survival (5).
The distribution of FMI/FFMI ratio will present with a degree of variability greater than
two folds.
1.3.2 Hypothesis 2
- lower levels of albumin, creatinine, total protein, vitamin D, TSH, T3, T4, AST
and ALT.
- higher prevalence of co-morbidities (acid reflux, arthritis, asthma, alcoholism,
cancer, diabetes, diminished hygiene, fatigue, gout, heart disease, joint pain,
nausea, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction, shortness of breath, sleep apnea,
thyroid disease, and weakness).
- higher prevalence of immobility and low back pain.
b) will report lower physical activity readiness and levels:
- at least one impediment to becoming physically active on the PAR-Q & YOU
- lower frequency of physical activities as reported by the Exercise History and
Attitude Questionnaire.
5.76 to 6.75 kg/m2 or within 8.51 to10.75 kg/m2 were selected to define moderate risk physical
disability in women and men respectively, whereas cutoffs lower than 5.75 kg/m2 or 8.50 kg/m2
were selected to define high risk physical disability in women and men respectively (17).
The variation in diagnostic criteria leads to different prevalence rates of this disordered
body composition phenotype (21). Nevertheless, there is consensus that the occurrence of
sarcopenia is increasing with age and usually associated with reduced muscle strength (6).
Baumgartner et al. (9) reported that more than 50% elderly individuals (≥80 years) were
sarcopenic in the New Mexico Aging Process Study. Janssen et al. (18) analyzed a population-
based data set from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)
and reported a prevalence of sarcopenia of approximately 59% in women and 47% in men, aged
60 to 69 years. Additionally, prevalence rates increased from the 3th to the 6th decade of life.
More recently, the prevalence of sarcopenia has also been reported among different ethnicities.
Masanes and colleagues examined a cohort of healthy community-dwelling elderly in Spain and
reported sarcopenia prevalence rates of 33% in women and 10% in men, aged 70 to 80 years
(22). Using data from communities in Taipei, China, Chien and colleagues reported sarcopenia
prevalence rates of 18.6% and 23.6% in elderly women and men respectively (23). The
prevalence of sarcopenia was estimated at 23.21% among an elderly women cohort (≥60 years)
in Brazil (24). Although in most cases sarcopenia has been defined as a decline in muscle mass
for epidemiologic purposes, reduction in muscle strength and muscle efficiency (muscle strength
per unit of muscle mass) have also been characteristic features of sarcopenia (25).
A number of underlying mechanisms have been proposed to cause this loss of muscle
mass/strength, including changes in muscle structure and composition, metabolism and lifestyle
factors. Muscle contributes approximately 40% of the total body mass and 75% of the body’s
cell mass (BCM, body composition compartment consisting of all intracellular components,
including intracellular water), which is the metabolic active compartment of the body (26).
Muscle changes associated with aging include a disproportionate loss of fast myosin heavy-chain
(MHC) and actin, which are key contractile proteins (25-27). The ability to synthesize muscle
contractile proteins is directly associated with muscle strength (28). Progressive loss of motor
neurons, which stimulates muscle contraction; and losses of motor neurons from the spinal cord
may play a role in the development of sarcopenia (29). Oxidative stress and molecular
inflammation also play important roles in age-related muscle protein breakdown, modulating
transcription factors and kinases, and contributing to sarcopenia (30).
Furthermore, several studies have confirmed an age-related decline in muscle fiber size
and number, especially pointing towards fast-twitch type II fibers which are predictive of muscle
strength and power (31, 32). “The motor unit remodeling” can also be interpreted as a process
that the surviving neurons adopt muscle fibers as a compensation for dropout of motor neurons
(33). Considering motor unit remodeling, older adults were reported to have larger motor units
than young adults; nevertheless, the remodeled motor units are less efficient in stimulating fiber
function and in extreme cases can cause tremor or weakness (34). In addition to changes of
muscle mass and structure, alterations in muscle composition also contribute to the loss of
muscular strength. With the use of CT, an increase in connective tissue and fat tissue within the
muscle has been observed among sarcopenic subjects (35).
There is evidence that endocrine function deterioration with aging is associated with the
loss of muscle mass and quality. Many hormones are involved in the regulation of protein
metabolism throughout lifetime, such as testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone (GH) and
insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). As people age, testosterone production reduces, speeding
up the loss of muscle mass (36). As an anabolic hormone, testosterone treatments have been
associated with increased muscle mass, even though the effects on muscle strength are
contradictory (37). IGF-1 and GH have an anabolic effect on muscle protein synthesis (38).
Notably, circulating IGF-1 level is correlated with MHC synthesis rate (28). Therefore, the
decrease of these hormones with aging contributes to muscle loss or lack of maintenance (39).
The increase of inflammatory cytokines among elderly individuals is another complicating factor
that impetuses muscle atrophy. A high level of interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-α) is correlated with increased muscle catabolism (13).
Malnutrition is also a crucial risk factor in the development of sarcopenia in elderly
populations. Reduced energy intake leads to muscle atrophy with reduced muscle contraction
and metabolism (40). A lack of adequate amino acids intake will inhibit protein synthesis
affecting muscle anabolism and muscle strength increments (41). It is well established that
Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with low muscle mass and strength (40). Physical
inactivity plays an important role in the decline of muscle quantity and quality (33). In addition,
increased physical activity has multifactorial benefits on muscle function and performance.
Exercise training exerts a direct effect on several signaling pathways which improves anabolic
activities (42). It is suggested that exercise training is associated with improvements in insulin
sensitivity and increased lipid oxidation (43). Resistant training has been demonstrated to
increase muscle strength and size in older adults and aerobic exercise may also has an anabolic
effect on skeletal muscle (44).
females (46). However, when compared to the longitudinal analysis, the influence of sarcopenia
on disability was considerably stronger in the cross-sectional analysis (46). Sarcopenia has also
been associated with increased risk of overall death. Recently, Landi et al. (1) analyzed the
relationship between sarcopenia and mortality using data from the Aging and Longevity Study, a
prospective cohort study conducted among people over 80 years old. Sarcopenic patients had a
greater risk of death for all causes than non-sarcopenic subjects (HR =2.32, CI =1.01 to 5.43) (1).
In addition to clinical problems, sarcopenia has also been associated with increased
public health expenditures. The estimated healthcare cost attributable to sarcopenia in the United
State in 2000 was $ 18.5 billion, which represented about 1.5% of total healthcare expenditures
for that year (47).
The prevalence of obesity has been dramatically rising in the United State in the last three
decades. According to NHANES data, the prevalence of obesity showed a large increase
between NHANES II and NHANES III (NHANES I, 14.1%; NHANES II, 14.5% and NHANES
III 22.5%) (54). Approximately 36% of American adults were obese in 2009 to 2010, and the
prevalence significantly increased with age among women but not men (55). Likewise, a high
prevalence of obesity is observed among elderly individuals (aged 60 or older) (56). More than
one-third of older adults aged 65 and over were obese in 2007–2010 (57). By using values
greater than the median percent body fat for each sex (> 27% in men and > 38% in women), ,
Baumgartner et al. (4) reported a prevalence of obesity of 43.5% among elderly individuals (≥ 60
years old).
In addition to the consumption of extra calories, reduced physical activity, and other
lifestyle related misbehaviors, social economic status and cultural diversity are factors leading to
positive energy balance. Several studies have demonstrated that low incomes, low levels of
education and poverty are highly associated with obesity (64, 65). However, the correlation
between social economic status and obesity varies among different ethnicities and gender (63).
Overweight and obesity are strongly related with higher circulating levels of
inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6 or TNF-a (56). Low-grade
inflammation has been recognized as a potential mechanism in increasing adipose tissue storage
(66). Alteration in endocrine function also affect fat storage, and several hormones are believed
to play a role, including ghrelin, leptin, growth hormone, androgens, and IGF-1(67, 68). In
addition, hypothyroidism and hypercortisolism are potential contributors to obesity (69).
The economic costs for obesity are incremental. Additionally, the health care costs
associated with obesity include direct medical costs and indirect costs, such as medical care,
surgery, absenteeism and decreasing productivity (70, 71).
Obesity is closely associated to several metabolic abnormalities, such as insulin
resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and glucose intolerance; and the associations were independent of
genetic factors (72). The metabolic changes can further develop into a cascade of syndromes,
including diabetes, dyslipidemia, and even heart failure (53). In a 12-year prospective study,
adipocyte fatty acid binding protein, which is one of the most abundant circulating adipokines,
was reported to be predictive of the development of cardiovascular disease (73).
Excess body fat and high BMI influence the overall quality of life of obese individuals.
Based on the NHANES III study conducted from 1988 to1994, elderly individuals (aged 70 and
older) in the highest quintile for body fat had higher likelihood to report functional limitations
and the risk was higher for women (74).
2.3 Definition of Sarcopenic Obesity
Sarcopenic obesity is a simultaneous occurrence of low skeletal muscle mass (6) and
excess adipose tissue (52). Like sarcopenia and obesity, the definition of sarcopenic obesity
remains debatable.
Using DXA measurements, Baumgartner et al. (16) defined sarcopenic obese individuals
as those who presented with an ASM index below two SD and a percent body fat above the 60th
percentile of an age-matched population. Accordingly, males with sarcopenic obesity had an
ASM index lower than 7.26 kg/m2 and a body fat percentage above 28%; females with
sarcopenic obesity had an ASM index lower than 5.45kg/m2 and a body fat percentage above
40% (16). Chung et al. developed a modified method to define sarcopenic obesity among an
Asian population by using ASM/Weight (ASM/Wt) and BMI. Using a cross-sectional survey of
elderly individuals aged 60 years or older, these researchers classified patients as sarcopenic
obese if their ASM/Wt was lower than one SD below the mean of young healthy reference adults
and their BMI was equal or greater than 25kg/m2 (75). Using prediction equations developed by
previous studies (9, 76), Davison and colleagues defined sarcopenic obese as a body fat
percentage in the upper two quintiles and a level of muscle mass in the lower two quintiles (74).
There were also attempts to define sarcopenic obesity based on fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass
(FM). Schutz et al. (77) defined reference values of FFMI (FFM/height2) and FMI (FM/ height2)
for sarcopenic obesity. Additionally, residuals of the regression equation of FFM relative to FM
have also been used as cutoffs and shown to be associated with reduced muscle strength and
reduced aerobic fitness among postmenopausal women (78).
In the combined New Mexico Elder Health Survey and New Mexico Aging Process
Study, the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity increased from 2% in individuals aged 60 - 69 years
to up to 10% in individuals above 80 years of age (4). In a cross-sectional study of 1526 women
and 1391 men participants from NHANES III, Davison et al. (74) reported the prevalence of
sarcopenic obesity to be 7.4% in women and 9.6% in men aged 70 years and older. Zoico et al.
(79) reported a prevalence of sarcopenic obesity of 12.4% in a sample of 167 healthy women
aged 67-78 years old.
2.3.2 Etiology of Sarcopenic Obesity
Sarcopenic obesity is the confluence of two epidemics: aging and obesity (12).
Roubenoff (14) has contextualized sarcopenic obesity as a cyclical pattern. The increase in
adipocytes induces elevated secretion of leptin, tumor necrosis factors (TNFs) and other pro-
inflammatory factors. These metabolic changes interfere with muscle protein metabolism and
insulin sensitivity. Additionally, altered amino acid metabolism and impaired insulin sensitivity
further promote fat mass gain. The loss of LBM is also related with the loss of the metabolically
active BCM, which results in reduced resting energy expenditure. Ultimately, the cumulative
result of these metabolic changes leads to fat gain. Concurrently, muscle loss affects physical
activity level, which is also a contributor to fat mass accumulation, which in turn, reinforces
muscle loss (14). Therefore, this cyclical pattern of multifactorial processes, eventually lead to
muscle loss and fat gain. Excess adipose tissue causes increased production of certain hormone-
like cytokines, particularly leptin, TNF-α as well as IL-6, promoting protein degradation and
insulin resistance, enforcing muscle loss and fat gain (16). There is also evidence that altered
endocrinal functions, such as age-related hormone changes, are involved in the development of
sarcopenic obesity, including alterations of insulin, GH, IGF-1, corticosteroids and testosterone.
It has been well established that insulin acts as an inhibitor in muscle protein breakdown and
promotes skeletal muscle protein synthesis (80). Excess weight gain impairs the anabolic action
of insulin, leading to a decrease in muscle synthesis (41). GH and IGF-1 are anabolic factors
involved in protein anabolism and activation of satellite cell proliferation and differentiation
(41). Waters et al. investigated the relationships between hormonal alterations and body
composition among elderly individuals. Forty-five healthy participants were divided into normal
lean, sarcopenic, obese, and sarcopenic-obese groups. A decreased secretion of GH was reported
in obese and sarcopenic-obese individuals and this decrease was unresponsive to glucocorticoid
suppression in those with sarcopenic obesity, indicating a distinguished regulatory mechanism of
GH secretion in these individuals. In addition, no differences in cortisol concentrations were
found among all groups, although leptin levels were higher in obese and sarcopenic-obese groups
compared to the other two groups (81).
With advancing age, serum concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α,
IL-1β, IL-6, elevates as a result of the imbalance between catabolic and anabolic hormones (82).
The relationship between higher cytokine (IL-6 and TNF-α) levels and low muscle strength was
evident among elderly populations (83). In addition, obesity promotes inflammation status. IL-1β
is produced mainly by macrophages, endothelial cells and astrocytes. The pro-inflammatory role
of IL-1β is played through the activation of T-helper cells, the production of prostaglandin E2,
and self-induction effect. TNF-α, produced by macrophages and adipocytes, is a contributor to
cachexia syndrome, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. It works closely with IL-1β in the
regulation of IL-6 production. IL-6, released mainly from macrophages, myocytes, and T
lymphocytes, stimulates a pro-inflammatory process in the body, leading to muscle loss and bone
catabolism (84). As such, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 have been indicated as pathogenic factors
contributing to an imbalance between protein synthesis and breakdown (38). Cesari et al. (85)
evaluated the relation between body composition and biomarkers of inflammation, reporting that
both CRP and IL-6 had a strong and positive relation with total body fat mass. However, the
considered biomarkers were inversely correlated with ASM after adjustment of fat mass,
indicating that pro-inflammatory cytokines are major contributors in the vicious cycle between
fat gain and muscle loss.
The health outcomes of sarcopenic obesity involve the impact of both sarcopenia and
obesity. Evidence suggests that sarcopenic obese individuals have a greater risk of interrelated
health outcomes compared to those who have the onset of either body composition type alone.
Sarcopenic obesity has been associated with several clinical outcomes, such as impaired physical
function and quality of life (4, 86). By analysis of data from the New Mexico Aging Process
Study and the New Mexico Elder Health Survey, Baumgartner et al. (9) reported that sarcopenic
obesity was the strongest predictor of risk of falls and physical disabilities. The associations
remained significant after controlling for age, ethnic status, smoking and comorbidity. In an 8-
year follow up study, Baumgartner et al. (16) evaluated changes in self-reported disability,
assessed by the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) questionnaire among 451
community-dwelling elderly individuals. Sarcopenic obese individuals presented with a 2.5 to
3.0 times higher likelihood to report IADL disability compared to other body composition
phenotypes (nonsarcopenic-obese, sarcopenic-nonobese or nonsarcopenic-nonobese) individuals.
Additionally, sarcopenic obese individuals presented with the greatest drop in IADL scores
during the 8-year follow-up (16). Although sarcopenic obesity was not directly assessed,
Sternfeld et al. (2) reported negative associations between fat mass and physical performance
(assessed by walking speed and grip strength) and positive associations between LBM and
muscle quality (assessed by grip strength). Sarcopenic obesity has also been associated with knee
osteoarthritis. In a large cross-sectional study, the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis was higher in
sarcopenic obese individuals compared to those with sarcopenia or obesity along (87).
Sarcopenic obesity has also been associated with poor health outcomes in clinical populations. In
end-stage renal disease patients, Honda et al. (88) showed that the prevalence of cardiovascular
disease and diabetes were higher among those with sarcopenic obese. Sarcopenic obesity has
also been predictive of shorter survival in patients with solid tumors of respiratory and
gastrointestinal tracts (5).
derived from resistance (R) and reactance (Xc), representing the pure opposition of the conductor
and the dieletric component of impedance respectivly (94). Since the alternating current flows
through the body tissues at different rates, the current is partitioned into different body
components. BIA measures the conductivity of water content in human bodies which is the
electrolyte-rich fluid (94). FFM is an electrolyte-rich tissue and muscle mass is the major
component of FFM. Therefore, most current passes through muscle mass; whereras adipose
tissue, bone and organ restrain the flow of current and rarely allow it to pass through (76). In
summary, FFM is negatively associated with impedance and non-lean mass plays a minor role in
influencing impedance. The principle of BIA measurement is that different body components of
a conductor have different oppositions to the alternating current.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis is a commonly used technique in the assessment of
sarcopenic obesity. A summary of studies investigating the prevalence and clinical impact of
sarcopenic obesity (assessed by BIA) is presented in Table 2.1.
Sternfeld et al., To relate physical Relative measure of Total FM was inversely related to physical
2002 (2) function (self-reported body composition, the performance and functioning. Compared to
and measured) with body lean-to-fat ratio, lower muscle mass, excess FM was more
composition and to defined by dividing predictive of poor physical performance,
investigate the influence lean by fat mass functional limitation, and subsequent
of lean to fat mass ratio disability and mortality. Muscle strength
(absolute vs. relative) on was associated with lean mass but the
physical performance and magnitude of the association decreased as
functional limitation FM increased.
Davison et al., To investigate the Body fat% from Prevalence of SO was 7.3%. High% FM
2002 (74) associations between Baumgartner’s and BMI associated with functional
body composition and predictive equation. limitations with women but with a less
functional limitations Muscle mass from clear pattern in men. SO was not associated
Janssen’s predictive with greater likelihood of functional
equation. Upper two limitations.
quintiles for fat and
lower two quintiles for
relative muscle mass
Table 2.1. – continued
Author, Year Purposes Indexes used to Major results
define SO
Stenholm et To study the relationship OB: % FM and WC: Persons with SO had higher prevalence of
al., 2008 (86) of OB with walking sex-specific quartiles walking limitation compared with those
limitation and to examine with OB or SC. %FM, CRP and handgrip
the role CRP and BMI: WHO cut-offs. strength were associated with walking
handgrip strength in that limitation.
association Muscle strength: sex-
specific quartiles
Monteiro et To establish a reference Skeletal muscle mass The ratio between visceral fat and thigh
al., 2010 (95) dataset for temporal index from Janssen et muscle area was significantly increased in
parameters during al. (17). OB: BMI ≥ subjects with metabolic syndrome.
walking and to explore 25.5 kg/m2
the effect of OB and SO
on the same parameters
Siervo et al., To assess the prevalence SC: skeletal muscle Prevalence of SO ranged from 0 to 67% in
2011 (11) of SC or SO and to index Janssen’s those younger than 60 years of age and
determine the change in method (17) from 49 to 90% in those≥60 years.
prevalence using different
adiposity indexes OB: BMI ≥ 30kg/m2 ;
WC> 88cm; FM% ≥
35%; FM index ≥
Visser et al., To assess the impact of SC: defined as FFM Prevalence of SO was 2.1%. Low FFM
2012 (96) SO and FM and FFM index. 14.5 kg/m2 for was associated with postoperative
independently on adverse women , and 15.7 infections while FM was not. SO was
outcome and its relation kg/m2 for men associated with lower muscle function.
with muscle function in
patients undergoing OB: FM index. 11.8
cardiac surgery kg/m2 for women, and
8.3 kg/m2 for men.
Lu et al., 2012 To explore the SC was defined by the SO is a major independent risk factor for
(97) relationship between SO percentage of total metabolic syndrome with a 12-fold higher
and metabolic syndrome skeletal mass (total risk compared to those without SC and
skeletal muscle obesity.
mass/weight ×100).
Cutoffs were
established at <37% in
men and < 27.6% in
Barbat-Artigas To test whether low SC: skeletal muscle Muscle quality increased as skeletal
et al., 2012 muscle mass is associated mass index by Janssen muscle and skeletal muscle index
(98) with better muscle quality et al. (17). decreased. Muscle quality was also related
in obese individuals OB: FM ≥ 40%. to functional capacity.
Muscle quality:
handgrip strength
*Adapted from Prado et al. (99). Abbreviations: BIA: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, SO: Sarcopenic Obesity,
FM: Fat Mass, FFM: Fat Free Mass, OB: Obesity, WC: Waist Circumference, CRP: C-Reactive Protein, SC:
Sarcopenia, BMI: Body Mass Index, WHO: the World Health Organization
Numerous studies have developed predictive equations for estimating LBM/muscle mass
from BIA measurements. These BIA-derived equations have been useful in estimating the
prevalence of sarcopenic obesity (74, 86), public health costs (76) and clinical outcomes (100).
However, the accuracy and validity of this technique is still under discussion. Several factors
have been identified that might influence the accuracy of BIA measurement and should be
controlled in clinical settings.
Food and beverage consumed prior to BIA measurement might affect impedance. Slinde
et al. (101) reported a decrease of impedance lasted two to four hours after ingestion of a
standard meal. Nevertheless, no significant change in body composition measurement after fluid
consumption has been reported (102). In order to control for any variations, the recommended
standard technique is an overnight fasting before impedance measurement (103).
Recent exercise is another factor contributing to the variation in BIA measurement. The
hypothesized mechanisms are increased cardiac output, blood flow to skeletal muscle, heat
dissipation and dehydration after exercise (104).
Variations in body composition is extremely variable by ethnicity, ethnic-specific
predictive equations should be used for accurate BIA measurements. As the majority of BIA
predictive equations have been developed on Caucasian populations. Biological differences, such
as height, weight, fat distribution, and body density lead to major differences in body
composition (92). Therefore, predictive equations should be validated for specific populations. In
addition, medical conditions (edema), individual differences (menopause), posture of the subject
and environment factors (temperature) may also play a role in altering body composition
assessed by BIA measurement.
3.2.1 Demographic Characteristics
Body weight, FFM, FM, %BF, and TBW were the variables collected using a Tanita
Body Composition Analyzer, Model: TBF -310 (Tanita Corporation of America, Inc., Arlington
Heights, IL, USA). Measurements involving weight were rounded to the nearest 0.1 pound.
Height was measured to the nearest 0.1 inch by Accustat Ross Stadiometer. Body mass index
was calculated as the ratio of weight (kg)/height squared (m2) and classified according to WHO
categories (Class I Obesity, 30.0-34.9 kg/m2; Class II Obesity, 35.0-39.9 kg/m2; Class III Obesity,
≥40 kg/m2). Waist circumference (WC) was measured at a graduation length of 1/8 inch at the
narrowest point between the lower border of the rib cage and the iliac crest by SECA 201
Ergonomic Circumference Measuring Tape.
In view of the lack of a consensus definition on sarcopenic obesity (99), the fact that our
population was relatively younger (age ≥ 18 years) than elderly populations in which sarcopenic
obesity has been commonly studied, and presented with a high prevalence of extreme cases of
obesity (81.3% morbidly obese), the ratio of FMI/FFMI was used to categorize our cohort into
those with sarcopenia and those without sarcopenia. As proposed by Prado et al. (99), weight
gain normally occurs alongside a variable rate of accretion of FFM which can potentially give
origin to either an obese (normal FFM accretion) or to a sarcopenic obese (low FFM accretion)
phenotype. Since the proposed ratio includes both FMI and FFMI, we are able to account for
proportional differences in these body composition compartments.
Figure 3.1 illustrates the concept of the FMI/FFMI ratio. Because of our relatively small
sample size, we dichotomized the FMI/FFMI ratio using the gender-specific median. Therefore,
FMI/FFMI ratios below the gender-specific median were classified as non-sarcopenic obese and
ratios above median were classified as sarcopenic obese.
3.2.4 Health Status: Comorbidities, Functional Outcomes, and Physical Activities
Medical and surgical history information was collected to further investigate the
occurrence of certain conditions, including arthritis, asthma, gout, osteoporosis, cancer, heart
disease and sleep apnea. Information on comorbidity problems was also collected and those
related to body composition were selected: acid reflux, alcoholism, diminished hygiene, fatigue,
immobility, joint pain, low back pain, nausea, shortness of breath, sexual dysfunction, thyroid
disease and weakness. The PAR-Q & YOU questionnaire, adopted from American College of
Sports Medicine Standards and Guidelines for Health and Fitness Facilities (107), was used for a
pre-evaluation of patients’ physical activity readiness. Seven questions were asked with answer
options of either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each: 1)“Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart
condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?”; 2)“Do you
feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?”; 3) “In the past month, have you had
chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?”; 4) “Do you lose your balance because of
dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?”; 5) “Do you have a bone or joint problem (for ex:
back, knee or hip) that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?”; 6) “Is your
doctor currently prescribing drugs (for ex: water pills) for your blood pressure of heart
condition?”; 7) “Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?”.
Patients were further divided into two groups: ‘Yes’ to one or more of the above
questions and ‘No’ to all questions. These variables were further dichotomized into ‘No’ to
depict no problems and ‘Yes’ for the presence of at least 1/7 items and a comparison between
sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients was conducted. Relevant data were selected
from the Exercise and Attitude Questionnaire to investigate patients’ physical activity levels;
questionnaire items explored variables associated with daily activities: “How many hours do you
spend watching TV per day?”; “How many hours do you spend using your computer?”; “How
much of your work day is spent at a desk?”; “How much of your work day is spent walking
around?”; and “How much of your day is spent standing in one spot?”; “At least once/week do
you participate in regular activity like brisk walking, jogging, biking, swimming, etc. long
enough to work up a sweat? (‘Yes’ or ‘No’)”.
3.3 Statistical Analysis
In this descriptive, retrospective study, the total number of charts reviewed was estimated
to provide a small margin of error and a tight confidence interval. Although this is an ongoing
study, our current sample size of 91patients provides us an estimated margin of error of 0.1 =
0.98/√91. Such a small margin of error gives a tight confidence interval and high power.
Continuous data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and range. The
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to measure the strength of association between
continuous variables. Assumptions concerning normal distribution of residuals and constant SD
were checked. Comparisons between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese groups were
assessed by independent samples t-Test or Mann-Whitney independent samples test for
continuous variables, as appropriate. Categorical variables are presented as percentages and
compared using Chi-square (χ²) test or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate.
Binary logistic regression was used to obtain the odds ratio (OR) and 95% CIs for
outcome prediction, with multivariate analysis pursued for variables in the model reaching a
level of significance of ≤ 0.100. All tests were two-sided and statistical significance was reported
at the P≤0.05 level. All analyses were conducted using SPSS Statistics (version 21.0, IBM
Corporation, Armonk, NY).
4.2.1 Sarcopenic Obesity
The median FMI/FFMI ratio was 1.05 kg/m2 for women and 0.78 kg/m2 for men,
therefore, sarcopenic obesity was defined as a FMI/FFMI ≥ 1.05 kg/m2 or ≥ 0.78 kg/m2 for
women and men, respectively. Therefore, a total of 46 sarcopenic obese patients (74% women)
were identified, Table 4.2.
No age differences were observed among sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese
patients, although sarcopenic obese women tended to be older compared to their counterparts
(P=0.077), Table 4.2. The distribution of FFMI, FMI and %BF between sarcopenic obese and
non-sarcopenic obese patients for men and women is shown in Figure 4.3 A, B and C. In both
genders, body weight, %BF, FM, FMI and FMI/FFMI ratio were significantly greater in the
sarcopenic obese group, Table 4.2. Although FFM and FFMI were higher in non-sarcopenic
obese men compared to sarcopenic obese men, no differences were observed among women,
Table 4.2. Sarcopenic obese women had significantly greater BMI compared to non-sarcopenic
obese women, with no differences observed in men, Table 4.2.
No differences were found among BMI categories (obese classes I, II and III) by gender
(P=0.196, data not shown) but the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity was significantly higher in
morbidly obese patients. The prevalence of sarcopenic obesity among BMI categories was 0%,
33.3% and 56.8% for classes I, II and III obesity respectively, compared to 100.0%, 66.7% and
43.2% for non-sarcopenic obesity (P=0.022).
In order to investigate the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity among women receiving or
not receiving HRT, women were divided by age (< 50 or ≥ 50 years). Among women ≥ 50 years
(n = 55), 18.2% reported taking HRT. A greater proportion of women taking HRT were non-
sarcopenic obese although this difference was not statistically significant (80.0% vs. 20.0%
sarcopenic obese, P=0.078).
the assessed metabolic parameters. Albumin plasma concentration was significantly lower in
sarcopenic obese patients compared to non-sarcopenic obese patients (P=0.035). Although not
statistically significant, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was greater among sarcopenic
obese patients. Approximately 63.0% of the sarcopenic obese patients and 44.4% of the non-
sarcopenic obese patients reported metabolic syndrome (P=0.075), Table 4.3. All patients
presented with central obesity.
Only 2 patients were taking thyroid medication (levothyroxine). The prevalence of
thyroid diseases was not different between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients
(P=0.080), Table 4.3.
4.4 Health Status: Comorbidities, Functional Outcomes, and Physical Activities by Body
Composition Phenotype
As presented in Table 4.3, all patients reporting alcohol abuse were sarcopenic obese
(P=0.026). Compared to non-sarcopenic obese patients, the prevalence of sexual dysfunction was
also significantly greater among sarcopenic obese patients versus non-sarcopenic obese patients
(17.4% vs. 2.2%, P=0.030). Although not statistically significant, the prevalence of asthma was
higher among sarcopenic obese individuals compared to their counterparts (23.9% versus 8.9%,
respectively, P=0.088). Likewise, the prevalence of nausea was higher in sarcopenic obese
individuals, but only with a trend towards significance (P=0.059).
In regards to functional outcomes, the prevalence of mobility problems tended to be
higher among sarcopenic obese patients compared to their counterparts (17.4% vs. 4.4%
respectively, P=0.090), Table 4.3. A greater proportion of sarcopenic obese patients presented
with low back pain compared to non-sarcopenic obese patients (60.9% vs. 40.0% respectively,
In order to further explore the association between sarcopenic obesity and low back pain,
a univariate model was used including body composition variables, as well as variables known to
predict low back pain (psychological distress/ depression, age, and gender) (108), Table 4.4. A
multivariate analysis was not pursed for all body composition variables due to multicollinearity
(2), Table 4.4 Sarcopenic obesity was the strongest predictor of lower back pain; patients
presenting with sarcopenic obesity were 2.3 times more likely to present with lower back pain
compared to non-sarcopenic obesity patients, Table 4.4.
Selected daily activities from the Exercise and Attitude Questionnaire are shown in Table
4.5. No significant differences were observed between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic
obese groups for any of the reported activities. Overall, 23.8% of patients (n=80) reported being
involved in regular physical activity at least once/week; the mean FMI/FFMI ratio was not
different between patients participating (0.95 kg/m2) or not (0.99 kg/m2) in regular physical
activity (P=0.124, data not shown). No differences of physical activity readiness assessed by
PAR-Q & YOU Questionnaire were observed between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic
obese patients, Table 4.5.
Table 4.1. - Continued
Women (N = 67) Men (N = 24)
Variables Total (N = 91) Mean ± SD Mean ± SD P-valuea
(Range) (Range)
FMI/FFMI (kg/m2) 1.00 ± 0.29 1.06 ± 0.18 0.87 ± 0.44 0.005
(0.35-2.46) (0.73-1.43) (0.35-2.46)
TBW (kg) 47.5 ± 10.0 43.4 ± 6.3 58.7 ± 10.0 <0.0001
(32.0-83.4) (32.0-70.2) (33.9-83.4)
Data are expressed as mean ± SD and range.
Independent samples t-test, women vs. men.
N that differ from the whole group are shown.
WC = Waist Circumference; BMI = Body Mass Index; BF = Body Fat; FM = Fat Mass; FMI = Fat Mass Index; FFM = Fat Free Mass; FFMI = Fat Free Mass
Index; TBW = Total Body Water.
Table 4.2. Comparison of body composition characteristics between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic patients by gender
Women (N = 67) Men (N = 24)
Sarcopenic Obese Non-sarcopenic Sarcopenic Obese Non-sarcopenic
Variables (N = 34) Obese (N = 33) P-valuea (N = 12) Obese (N = 12) P-valuea
Age (yr) 54.1 ± 11.8 59.2 ± 11.5 0.077 56.1 ± 7.6 60.0 ± 8.8 0.255
(27.0-73.0) (28.0-79.0) (35.0-67.0) (41.0-73.0)
Weight (kg) 132.7 ± 17.9 111.3 ± 18.3 <0.0001 156.2 ± 27.1 134.5 ± 16.3 0.029
(109.1-169.6) (78.3-181.6) (118.7-191.6) (114.0-162.3)
Height (cm) 163.5 ± 7.2 161.5 ± 6.6 0.239 176.6 ± 7.1 175.7 ± 4.3 0.719
(152.4-182.9) (148.6-180.3) (166.7-190.5) (168.9-181.6)
WC (cm)
(23M)b 140.3 ± 11.7 124.1 ± 15.3 <0.0001 143.8 ± 18.0 139.5 ± 11.0 0.497
(112.4 – 160.0) (97.8 – 167.6) (119.4 – 170.2 ) (124.5 – 153.0)
BMI (kg/m2) 49.6 ± 5.4 42.8 ± 7.4 <0.0001 50.4 ± 10.2 43.5 ± 4.8 0.143
(39.4-58.8) (31.6-68.7) (36.0-65.6) (36.6-49.2)
BF (%) 54.6 ± 2.3 47.4 ± 2.4 <0.0001 50.7 ± 9.0 43.5 ± 4.8 <0.0001
(51.3-58.8) (42.0-51.1) (37.4-71.0) (25.6-43.6)
FM (kg) 72.7 ± 11.5 52.8 ± 9.4 <0.0001 80.1 ± 23.3 49.9 ± 11.2 0.001
(57.1-95.0) (34.1-85.7) (51.1-113.9) (29.7-63.6)
FMI (kg/m ) 27.1 ± 3.6 20.3 ± 3.6 <0.0001 25.9 ± 8.1 16.2 ± 3.8 0.002
(20.5-32.8) (13.7-32.4) (14.9-36.7) (9.4-21.0)
FFM (kg) 60.0 ± 7.4 58.5 ± 9.7 0.366 73.4 ± 15.8 84.5 ± 11.4 0.045
(50.2-77.0) (43.8-95.9) (46.4-100.5) (69.1-113.9)
FFMI (kg/m ) 22.4 ± 2.2 22.5 ± 4.0 0.711 23.7 ± 5.7 27.3 ± 2.8 0.052
(18.4-28.5) (16.4-36.3) (14.5-34.1) (22.8-34.5)
FMI/FFMI 1.21 ± 0.11 0.90 ± 0.08 <0.0001 1.14 ± 0.48 0.60 ± 0.15 <0.0001
(1.05-1.43) (0.73-1.04) (0.78-2.46) (0.35-0.77)
Data are expressed as mean ± SD, range.
Independent samples t-test or Mann-Whitney independent samples test.
WC = Waist Circumference; BMI = Body Mass Index; BF = Body Fat; FM = Fat Mass; FMI = Fat Mass Index; FFM = Fat Free Mass; FFMI = Fat Free Mass
Index; TBW = Total Body Water.
Table 4.3. Overall metabolic, comorbid, medical and functional characteristics of
sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients
Sarcopenic Obese Non-sarcopenic
Variables (N = 46) Obese (N = 45)
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD P-valuea
Metabolic Variables
Systolic BP (mmHg)(44SO,43OO)b 133.7 ± 17.0 135.5 ± 16.1 0.452
Diastolic BP (mmHg)(44SO,43OO) 76.7 ± 11.1 79.2 ± 17.2 0.652
Total Cholesterol (mg/dl)(30SO,26OO)b 187.0 ± 45.4 178.0 ± 36.6 0.628
LDL (mg/dl)(29SO,25OO) 105.1 ± 27.9 98.2 ± 33.8 0.362
HDL (mg/dl)(29SO,26OO) 53.4 ± 22.3 48.2 ± 13.8 0.637
Fasting Glucose (mg/dl)(32SO,27OO)b 111.2 ± 27.0 105.3 ± 32.4 0.152
Triglycerides (mg/dl)(29SO,26OO) 153.0 ± 79.0 170.0 ±104.5 0.637
Albumin (g/dl)(33SO,26OO) 4.0 ± 0.3 4.2 ± 0.3 0.035
Creatinine (mg/dl)(34SO,30OO)b 0.9 ± 0.50 0.9 ± 0.29 0.244
Total Protein (g/dl)(32SO,26OO) 7.0 ± 0.55 6.9 ± 0.3 0.637
Vitamin D (ng/ml)(21SO,21OO) 29.1 ± 12.6 34.2 ± 13.4 0.170
TSH (mIU/L)(23SO,21OO)b 2.3 ± 1.7 1.8 ± 1.3 0.452
T3 (pg/ml)(11SO,6OO) 5.1 ± 7.0 7.7 ± 11.4 0.404
T4 (ng/dl)(18SO,21OO) 1.9 ± 2.2 1.7 ± 1.8 0.530
AST (U/L)(32SO,30OO) 22.8 ± 9.8 21.7 ± 5.4 0.657
ALT (U/L)(31SO,28OO)b 27.2 ± 18.7 25.2 ± 10.3 0.903
Comorbidities / Medical Symptoms
MetSc (29SO,22O)b 29 (63.0%) 20 (44.4%) 0.075
Acid Reflux 21 (45.7%) 14 (31.1%) 0.154
Arthritis 26 (56.5%) 23 (51.1%) 0.605
Asthma 11 (23.9%) 4 (8.9%) 0.088
Alcoholism 6 (13.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.026
Cancer 4 (8.7%) 9 (20.0%) 0.145
Diabetes 12 (26.1%) 17 (37.8%) 0.231
Diminished Hygiene 4 (8.7%) 1 (2.2%) 0.361
Fatigue 23 (50.0%) 19 (42.2%) 0.457
Gout 7 (15.2%) 2 (4.4%) 0.158
Heart Disease 2 (4.3%) 3 (6.7%) 0.677
Joint Pain 31 (67.4%) 27 (60.0%) 0.463
Nausea 7 (15.2%) 1 (2.2%) 0.059
Osteoporosis 3 (6.5%) 3 (6.7%) 1.000
Sexual Dysfunction 8 (17.4%) 1 (2.2%) 0.030
Table 4.3. - Continued
Sarcopenic Obese Non-sarcopenic
(N = 46) Obese (N = 45)
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD P-valuea
Shortness of Breath 17 (37.0%) 18 (40.0%) 0.765
Sleep Apnea 23 (50.0%) 25 (55.6%) 0.596
Thyroid Disease 8 (17.4%) 15 (33.3%) 0.080
Weakness 11 (23.9%) 8 (17.8%) 0.472
Functional Outcomes
Immobility 8 (17.4%) 2 (4.4%) 0.090
Low Back Pain 28 (60.9%) 18 (40.0%) 0.046
Data are expressed as mean ± SD or number (percentage).
Mann-Whitney independent sample test for continuous variables and Fisher’s exact test or Chi-Square test for
categorical variables.
N that differ from the whole group are shown. cMetS (prevalence was reported as having three or more of the
following conditions: WC ≥ 88 cm or 35 inches for women and ≥102 cm or 40 inches for men; systolic blood
pressure ≥ 130 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 85 mmHg; fasting plasma glucose level ≥ 100 mg/dL;
triglyceride levels ≥ 150 mg/dL; and HDL- cholesterols < 40 mg/dL for men and < 50 mg/dL for women).
BP = Blood Pressure; MetS = Metabolic Syndrome.
Table 4.4. Odds ratio and 95% CIs for the univariate effect of variables on low back pain
Coefficient (SE) Odds Ratio (95%CI) P-value
Sarcopenic Obese 0.85 (0.43) 2.3 (1.01-5.41) 0.048
FMI (kg/m2) 0.11 (0.04) 1.1 (1.03 – 1.20) 0.007
FFMI (kg/m2) 0.04 (0.06) 1.0 (0.93 – 1.16) 0.484
BMI (kg/m2) 0.07 (0.03) 1.1 (1.01-1.15) 0.017
Age (yr) -0.09 (0.01) 0.1 (0.95-1.03) 0.626
Gender2 0.30(0.48) 1.0 (0.41-2.62) 0.950
1 2
Versus non-sarcopenic obese patients (defined as the gender-specific median FMI/FFMI). Versus men
Table 4.5. Comparison of daily activities between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic
obese groups
Sarcopenic Obese Non-sarcopenic
Activities P-valuea
(N = 46) Obese (N = 45)
Watching TV (hours/day) (39SO,39OO)b 3.0 ± 2.5 2.9 ± 1.9 0.705
Computer Use (hours/day) (28SO,39OO) 4.1 ± 3.6 3.8 ± 3.2 0.914
Work At Desk (hours/day) (36SO,40OO)b 5.2 ± 3.4 3.8 ± 3.6 0.132
Walking Around (hours/day)
1.5 ± 2.0 2.1 ± 2.2 0.107
Standing One Spot (hours/day)
0.6 ± 1.3 0.7 ± 1.2 0.500
PAR-Q & YOUc(40SO,38O)b 40 (87.0%) 45 (84.4%) 0.732
Data are expressed as mean ± SD or percentage.
Mann-Whitney independent samples test for continuous variables and Chi-square test for categorical variables.
N that differ from the whole group are shown.
Prevalence reported as having at least one out of seven PAR-Q & YOU questions checked as ‘Yes’.
Figure 4.1. Relationship between body weight (kg) and Fat mass index/Fat-free mass index
ratio (kg/m2)
Ratio ranges from 0.54 to 1.23 kg/m2 for a person at ~113kg. FMI = Fat Mass Index; FFMI = Fat Free Mass Index
r = -0.26, P=0.014 r = -0.19, P=0.077
r = -0.02, P = 0.848
Figure 4.2. Relationship between age (years) and A) Fat mass index (FMI, kg/m2); B) Fat
mass index/Fat-free mass index ratio (FMI/FFMI ratio, kg/m2); C) Fat-free mass index
(FFMI, kg/m2)
Figure 4.3. A) Fat-free mass index (FFMI, kg/m2); B) Fat mass index (FMI, kg/m2) and C)
Percent body fat (%BF) distribution of sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients
by gender
5.2 Summary
The major findings of this thesis demonstrated a wide variability in body composition as
assessed by the FMI/FFMI ratio in this cohort of obese patients illustrating how variable the
proportions of fat to fat-free tissues may differ even in patients with similar BMI. Furthermore,
sarcopenic obesity was associated with higher risk of certain metabolic abnormalities and
comorbidities. The findings reported here highlight the potential use of the FMI/FFMI ratio as an
index for the assessment of abnormal body composition phenotypes in patients with severe
5.3 Discussion of Results
As reported in Chapter One, this study sought to describe the variability in body
composition, as well as the relationship between abnormal body composition (defined as a high
FMI/FFMI ratio) and overall health of obese patients. Overall heath was defined using metabolic,
functional and physical activity characteristics of the study population.
In this study, we used the FMI/FFMI ratio to categorize patients into sarcopenic obese or
non-sarcopenic obese, which is an index that considers the potential inter-relationship between
these body composition compartments, rather than the absolute amount of each component (99).
As expected, the ratio was strongly correlated with FM, %BF and FFM, as well as BMI. Fat
mass was significantly higher in the sarcopenic obese group, compared to the non-sarcopenic
obese group in both genders; however, a difference in FFMI was only observed among men
(lower in the sarcopenic obese group). The inconsistency in FFM findings between genders may
be reflective of differences in adiposity, since women had a significantly higher %BF than men.
Moreover, the results of a study on a large cohort of healthy elderly individuals reported lower
rates of skeletal muscle depletion in women, compared to men (FFM was 1.0 kg/decade lower in
men and 0.4 kg/decade lower in women aged 60 years and older) (109). Therefore, FM
contributed the most to the FMI/FFMI ratio difference observed between the two body
composition groups in women and the concept of FMI/FFMI ratio may be particularly useful for
clinical evaluation of sarcopenic obesity in men.
Compared to body composition indexes of separate FM or FFM measurements (and its
derivatives), the FMI/FFMI ratio may be a more reliable prognostic index for the effect of body
composition on health (99). Using data from a convenient clinical sample of 560 obese women
(18 – 80 years old) with a BMI between 30 and 40 kg/m2, Prado et al. (99) reported an age-
related curvilinear relationship and a progressive narrowing of FM/FFM ratio with increased age,
suggesting that the ratio accurately depict body composition changes expected with aging (4). In
a similar approach, Sternfeld et al. (2) reported that a higher lean-to-fat ratio was related to faster
walking speed and less likelihood of functional limitation among elderly individuals ( ≥ 55
years). The association of adiposity to muscle ratio and physical limitation was also
demonstrated in a large community-dwelling elderly adult population ( >65 years) (110). The
above results suggested that the use of the lean-to-fat ratio considers the joint effects of lean
mass (a protective factor) and fat mass (a risk factor), and hence was a better predictor of
functional outcomes (2).
The results of the present study indicate that both gender and age have an impact on the
variability of body composition components. Although BMI was not different by gender, men
presented with more FFM while women had a higher %BF, again confirming the variability in
body composition independent of BMI. These gender differences in body composition were
expected, as men have greater amounts of FFM than women, and women have greater %BF than
men at any age (39). In a cohort of morbidly obese patients, Lafortuna et al. (111) reported that a
unit increase in body weight was accounted for by an almost equal increase in FM and FFM in
men, whereas female bodily weight gain consisted of nearly triple the amount of FM compared
to FFM.
In this present study, we showed that FMI decreased with age. Previous studies have
described contradictory results. A longitudinal cohort study of elderly individuals, reported a
significant increase in FM with increasing age in men (112). Many cross-sectional studies
indicate that FM increases with age in both men and women. Kyle et al. (109) have shown that
FM increased with age in both genders in a large cohort of individuals aged 18 to 60 years and
decreased from 60 to 94 years of age. Zhu et al. (113) reported a curvilinear pattern
between %BF and age, that %BF reached a peak at the age of 50-59 in blacks and 60-90 in
whites and decreased afterwards. Similar results were reported by Mott et al., (114) a
deceleration in the rate of increase in fat mass with age was observed in both genders among
almost all ethnicities (Asians, Blacks, and Whites), with exception of Puerto Rican men. The
discrepancy between our observations and previous studies may be due to differences in the
population studied, study design (cross sectional versus longitudinal) and body composition
measurements used. Moreover, our study sample size was relatively small which might also
confound the correlation between age and FM. Although a negative relationship was observed
between FMI/FFM ratio and age, this difference was only trending towards significance
(P=0.077), and likely driven due to differences in FM.
It is of interest that in the present study, age was not strongly associated with a decrease
in FFMI, even though FMI decreased with aging. Although a parallel change in both
compartments is expected, specific direction of FMI and FFMI changes remains controversial
(115). Additionally, the high prevalence of morbidly obese patients in our study (81.3%) may
help explain these conflicting results. We can speculate that in morbidly obese patients, FM
decreases with age but not enough to induce significant losses of FFM, suggestive that FFM or
even a slight increase in FFM is needed to support the heavy load of excess adiposity.
Although the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was not statistically higher in sarcopenic
obese patients (63.0%) compared to non-sarcopenic obese (44.4%) patients, a trend towards
significance was observed (P=0.075). The association between sarcopenic obesity and metabolic
syndrome has been contradictory. Barbat-Artigas et al. (98) reported that sarcopenic obese
postmenopausal women were metabolically healthy. Baumgartner et al. (16) showed that the
prevalence of metabolic syndrome was highest in the group of non-sarcopenic obese subjects
among healthy elderly individuals. In contrast, Kim et al. (116) used ASM to visceral fat area
ratio (muscle/fat ratio) in a large cohort of healthy Korean adults to examine the association
between sarcopenic obesity and metabolic syndrome. The authors reported that subjects with
metabolic syndrome had significantly lower muscle/fat ratio (116). It has also been suggested
that the increased prevalence of cardio-vascular diseases among sarcopenic obese individuals
would be predicted by a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome among these individuals (117).
Unfortunately, the precise relationship between FFM and FM and the incidence of metabolic
complications is unclear (118).
In the present study, plasma albumin concentrations were lower for sarcopenic obese
patients. Lower albumin concentration has been linked as a risk factor for muscle catabolism
(119). Likewise, a recent study in elderly individuals showed that low albumin concentration was
significantly associated with mortality and frailty (P<0.001) (120). Hemelrijck et al. (121)
showed a combination of CRP, albumin, gamma-glutamyl transferase, and HDL as predictive
factors for mortality in individuals aged 50 years or over. Although information on mortality and
frailty was not available in this study, our finding sheds light on the use of clinical biomarkers
that recognize people potentially at risk for sarcopenic obesity, which could in turn be associated
with these outcomes.
In this study, all alcohol-dependent subjects were sarcopenic obese. Previous studies have
demonstrated that protein degradation rate exceeded the rate of protein synthesis among alcohol
abusers, leading to impaired muscle function (alcoholic myopathy) (122). In a review study of
the pathology of alcoholic myopathy, muscle atrophy caused by alcohol abuse might be selective
of losing Type II fibers (123). Although the precise mechanism underlying the effect of alcohol
intake on muscle decline is uncertain, potential factors have been proposed. Fernandez-Sola et al.
(124) reported that apoptosis was present in the skeletal muscle of high-dose alcohol consumers
suggesting apoptosis might be involved in the pathogenesis of skeletal myopathy among alcohol
abusers by impairing cellular structures. Animal studies showed vitamin D deficiency could play
a role in alcoholic muscle fiber atrophy (125). The association of low vitamin D level with
muscle atrophy has been documented in human studies even though few studies reported this
association among alcoholic abusers (126). Likewise, no differences in vitamin D levels were
observed between alcoholic abusers and non-alcoholic patients (data not shown) or on vitamin D
levels between sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients in our study.
Alcohol abuse has also been associated with a lower body weight and FM because of
alcoholism-induced malnutrition though whether malnutrition is caused by alcohol itself or
alcohol-related organ dysfunction remains unknown (127). Addolorato et al. (128) showed a
low %BF and constant LBM in patients suffering from alcohol abuse and suggested that as
alcohol cannot be utilized as an energy source, fat oxidation and water content of FFM both
increase. This is contradictory to our results likely due to the lack of information on the duration
and dosage of alcohol consumed by our patients since the authors suggested that three months
are required to restore nutritional status of alcoholics (128).
In our study, the prevalence of sexual dysfunction was significantly different between
sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients (P=0.030). Seidman et al. (129) suggested
that testosterone deficiency was most consistently associated with sexual dysfunction and could
be reversed by testosterone replacement therapy in aging men. In a study attempting to determine
the relationship between testosterone, inflammation and symptom burden among male cancer
patients, testosterone levels were predictive of erectile function in these patients and testosterone
measures were potential markers of increased symptom burden, including sexual dysfunction
(130). It is intriguing that grip strength was also predicted by testosterone levels, in addition,
testosterone level was predicted by C-reactive protein levels, suggesting low testosterone level
and high inflammatory cytokines might affect muscle mass and sexual function differently (130).
Our finding is consistent with a recent report of lower muscle mass and higher fat mass in male
patients with late-onset hypogonadism (131) and is also consistent with a previous report of the
concurrent high prevalence of sexual dysfunction (64.1%) and muscle/joint problems (86.3%) in
postmenopausal women (132). Unfortunately, the mechanisms involving sexual dysfunction and
sarcopenic obesity are unknown, but we hypothesize that the high prevalence of sexual
dysfunction among our sarcopenic obese patients could be related to hormone deficiency and
increased inflammation.
Low back pain emerged as a significant condition associate with sarcopenic obesity. The
prevalence of low back pain is estimated at 15% to 20% among American adults and 50% to 80%
experience at least one episode of low back pain during lifetime (133). People with low back
pain often experience a vicious cycle of pain and disuse, suffering from impaired physical
function and reduced quality of life caused by little strength, endurance and flexibility in their
lower back (134). In addition, low back pain accounts for one-third of total compensation costs
and leads to approximately 40% of absenteeism from work (134).The present study asserts that
FMI/FFMI ratio was a better predictor of back pain compared to conventional anthropometric
parameters. Sarcopenic obese patients presented with a greater prevalence of low back pain
compared to their counterparts. To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies have examined
the relationship between the FMI/FFMI ratio and low back pain and most studies have relied on
anthropometric measures reporting conflicting findings. A systematic literature review reported
that body weight or BMI were not strongly associated with low back pain (135). In contrast,
Urquhart et al. (136) reported BMI was related to higher levels of back pain intensity.
Furthermore, by using dual radiograph absorptiometry, the researchers also reported that
individuals with high total body and lower limb fat mass were at higher risk for suffering from
low back pain, independent of LBM (136). On the contrary, a study sample from the Health,
Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) study suggested that the onset of low back pain
may be caused by poor trunk muscle composition, assessed by CT (137). Additionally, Monteiro
et al. (95) reported a pressure increase in different foot areas among sarcopenic obese
postmenopausal women, suggesting that high levels of FM loaded on the lower extremity placed
the patients at higher risk of functional impairment. Other possible mechanism includes an
increased fat load per muscle unit, or a pro-inflammatory milieu leading to muscle atrophy and
eventually low back pain (138).
No differences were observed in self-reported physical activities levels between
sarcopenic obese and non-sarcopenic obese patients. Previous studies have reported conflicting
results. Two studies concluded that sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity were not associated with
reduced physical capacity when compared to non-sarcopenic obese or normal groups in older
men and women (74, 139) . On the contrary, Baumgartner et al. (16) showed that low muscle
mass was predictive of decreased daily living activities and that sarcopenic obese individuals
were 2.6 times more likely to develop physical incapacity than other groups (sarcopenic, obese
or normal individuals) in a longitudinal cohort (16). Additionally, the authors reported that
sarcopenic obesity was associated with a lower physical capacity compared to other body
composition phenotypes (4). Unfortunately, we were unable to use validated and comparable
measures of physical activity and were therefore unable to make meaningful assumptions and
comparisons with our results.
adiposity to muscle ratio was predictive of physical limitation in a large cohort of older adults
(110). Sternfeld et al. (24) showed a higher lean mass/fat mass ratio was associated with faster
walking speed and less limitation. Likewise, the ratio of FFM/ body surface area has been
suggested to be a better index than BMI alone in clinical oncology (24).
As mentioned above, the use of the median as a cutpoint may underestimate the
occurrence and significance of sarcopenic obesity, especially in women who presented with a
less variable FFM than men. Furthermore, the use of the FMI/FFMI ratio does not account for
differences in muscle quality, which may be a more sensitive marker of sarcopenic obesity (140).
Another limitation of our study included the retrospective, cross-sectional design and the
relatively small sample size, with a smaller proportion of men. In addition, the health status
information was self-reported, introducing the problem of interpretation/definition of each
individual comorbidity, as well as mis-reporting the severity of the health problem (e.g.
exaggeration or under-reporting of physical function and physical activity). All these factors may
have affected the significant of sarcopenic obesity as a predictor of health in this patient
population. Likewise, no cause-effect relationships between the FMI/FFMI ratio and health
outcomes can be inferred.
We were also not able to collect potential confounder variables such as dietary intake and
menopausal status, which may substantially impact body composition (141). Last but not least,
patients were not fasting for BIA measurements and as mentioned in Chapter Two, food and
beverage consumed prior to BIA measurement might affect impedance but to which extent
remains unclear (92). Likewise, the use of BIA as a two compartment method (FM and FFM) is
also limited as the FFM compartment includes both LBM and bone mineral mass.
Our study is however the first to investigate the prevalence of abnormal body
composition among a relative young cohort of morbidly obese individuals. As this is an ongoing
study, we anticipate that further associations will emerge as our sample size increases.
Future studies should prioritize establishing a consensus definition and diagnostic criteria
for sarcopenic obesity and its related impact on metabolic abnormalities and health outcomes.
The use of state-of-the-art tools to assess body composition in morbidly obese patients (e.g.
DXA) is also recommended for a more in depth investigation of the biological validity of
sarcopenic obesity. The further understanding of this condition should ultimately lead to
appropriate strategies to prevent/ treat sarcopenic obesity.
1 1. Project Title and Identification
The training and education completed in the protection of human Occupational Position:
subjects or human subjects records: Faculty
(850) 645-5000
The training and education completed in the protection of human Occupational Position:
subjects or human subjects records: Faculty
FSU Training Module
Cain, Angelina ; Co-Investigator Bachelor's Degree
The training and education completed in the protection of human Occupational Position:
subjects or human subjects records: Other
The training and education completed in the protection of human Occupational Position:
subjects or human subjects records: Other
The training and education completed in the protection of human Occupational Position:
subjects or human subjects records: Student
Sarcopenic Obesity in Bariatric Patients
Weight History
Physical/Lifestyle assessment
Arthritis Gallbladder Disorder Polycystic Ovaries
Surgery:_____________ Location:___________ Date:_________
Surgery:_____________ Location:___________ Date:_________
Surgery:_____________ Location:___________ Date:_________
Surgery:_____________ Location:___________ Date:_________
Surgery:_____________ Location:___________ Date:_________
Surgery:_____________ Location:___________ Date:_________
Psychiatric History
Review of Systems: Please check any problems you have had over the last month.
Shortness of Breath Cough Irregular Heartbeats
Arm Pain Chills Brittle Hair/Nails
Cold Intolerance Constipation Dumping Syndrome
Heat Intolerance Diarrhea Immobility
Menstrual Changes Dizziness Diminished Hygiene
Infertility Blurred Vision Nose Bleeds
Social History
Partner Widow/Widower
Tobacco Yes No How often? ____________
Drugs Yes No How often? ____________
Alcohol Yes No How often? ____________
Laboratory Results
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 6-22 (calc)
Sodium 135-146 nmol/L
Potassium 3.5-5.3 nmol/L
Chloride 98-110 nmol/L
Carbon Dioxide 21-33 nmol/L
Calcium 8.6-10.4 mg/ dL
Protein, Total 6.2-8.3 g/ dL
Albumin 3.6-5.1 g/ dL
Globulin 2.2-3.9 g/ dL
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 1.0-2.1 (calc)
Bilirubin, Total 0.2-1.2 mg/ dL
Alkaline Phosphatase 33-130 U/L
AST 10-35 U/L
ALT 6-40 U/L
Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total 30-100 ng/mL
Vitamin D, 25-OH, D3 ng/mL
Vitamin D, 25-OH, D2 ng/mL
TSH mIU/L > OR=20 Years
0.40-4.50 mIU/L
T4, Free ng/dL 0.8-1.8 ng/ dL
T3, Free pg/mL 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
White Blood Cell Count Thousand/uL 3.8-10.8
Red Blood Cell Count Million/uL 3.80-5.10
Hemoglobin g/dL 11.7-15.5 g/dL
Hematocrit 35.0-45.0%
MCV fL 80.0-100.0 fL
MCH pg 27.0-33.0 pg
MCHC g/dL 32.0-36.0 g/dL
RDW 11.0-15.0%
Platelet Count Thousand/uL 140-400
Medication name Dose Taken by: Frequency Medication
(times per used for…
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
By mouth Injection
Inhaled ____
Tallahassee Memorial Bariatric Center
Bariatric Nutrition Initial Assessment Form
Weight History
How many years have you been overweight? __ _
How many times have you tried to lose weight? __ __
What is your maximum adult weight (non-pregnant) and when? ____ _______
When did you start to gain excess weight and why? _______ _________
YES NO 1.Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you
should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
YES NO 2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
YES NO 3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical
YES NO 4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose
YES NO 5. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for ex: back, knee, or hip) that could be
made worse by a change in your physical activity?
YES NO 6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for ex: water pills) for your blood
pressure of heart condition?
YES NO 7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?
Exercise History and Attitude Questionnaire
1. Please rate your exercise level on a scale of 1 to 5 (1= easy, 55= very strenuous) at each
Age: 15-20 ____21-30_____31-40_____41-50______51-60______61+_____
2. Were you a high school and/or college athlete?
YES NO If yes, please explain: ___________
3. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 (1= least and 5= most)
Athletic Ability Competition Cardiovascular Capacity
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
9. What other exercise, sport or active recreational activities have you participated in?
In the past 6 months? ______
In the past 5 years? ______
10. Can you exercise during your work day? Yes No
11. What types of exercise interest you?
Walking Cycling Stair Climbing Jogging Group Exercise Yoga/Pilates
Elliptical Swimming Strength Training Racquet Sports Rock Climbing
12. What do you want exercise to do for you? ______________________________
13. Rate each goal separately: 1 Not Important 2 Somewhat Important 3Extremely
a. Improve cardiovascular fitness ___
b. Lose weight ___
c. Lose body fat ___
d. Reshape my body ___
e. Improve performance for sports or other activity___
f. Improve my ability to cope with stress___
g. Improve flexibility____
h. Increase strength___
i. Improve balance___
j. Increase energy level___
k. Feel better___
l. Prevent/treat a medical condition___
14. How many pounds would you like to lose? ____ pounds
15. What is your usual pace of walking?
a. _____casual or strolling(less than 2 mph)
b. _____average or normal (2-3mph)
c. _____fairly brisk (3-4 mph)
d. _____brisk or striding (>4mph)
16. How many flights of stairs do you climb each day? _____flights/day
17. How many hours do you spend watching TV per day? ____hours/day
18. How many hours do you spend using your computer? ____hours/day
19. How much of your work day is spent at a desk? ___hours/day
20. How much of your work day is spent waking around? ___hours/day
21. How much of your day is spent standing in one spot? ____hours/day
22. At least once/week do you participate in regular activity like brisk walking, jogging, biking,
swimming, etc. long enough to work up a sweat?
No Yes How many times/week? ________ Activity________
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Jingjie was born in Gongyi, Henan, China to Jianli Xiao and Xianfeng Yang. She
attended high school at No. 2 High School in Gongyi. Jingjie majored in Food Quality and
Safety in Shandong Agricultural University for a bachelor’s degree in 2007. After she graduated
from college, she continued to pursue a master’s degree at the Florida State University in 2011;
and Jingjie switched majors to Nutrition Sciences. During her master’s study, Jingjie received
China linkage Scholarship for 2012-2013 term and she was also awarded the Pao-Sen Chi
Scholarship in 2012. During 2012-2013, Jingjie completed her master’s course work and started
working on her thesis project. She volunteered in the Youth Program in 2011 and later on
participated in the Understanding Nutrition Now (SUNN) as a peer health educator. Jingjie has
been dedicated with doing research and will continue to pursue a PhD degree under the guidance
of Dr. Carla Prado after her graduation.