Ecd Lab Manual Lab 11
Ecd Lab Manual Lab 11
Ecd Lab Manual Lab 11
To study and implement wein bridge oscillator
Zener Diode
Oscilloscope\ with Probes
Trainer IT-2007
The oscillator is a circuit that produces a periodic waveform on its output with only DC supply
voltage as an input. The output voltages may be sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal. Oscillators are
classified into two types,
1. Feedback oscillators
2. Relaxation oscillators
Feedback oscillators return a fraction of output signal to input with no net phase shift resulting a
reinforcement of output signal. When bridge is an example of feedback oscillators.
An oscillator which uses RC lead-lag circuits instead of LC conventional tuned tank circuit to
produce sinusoidal output waveform is known as wein bridge oscillator.
It is called a bridge circuit because its circuit is based on frequency selective form of Wheatstone
bridge circuit. The wein bridge oscillator is two stage RC coupled amplifier circuit that has good
quality stability at resonant frequency.
Wein bridge oscillator uses a feedback circuit consisting of series RC circuit connected with
parallel RC circuit of same component value producing a phase delay or phase advance circuit
depending on frequency
At low frequencies the XL of series capacitor is very high so it acts like an open circuit blocking
any input signal and resulting in no output signal likewise at high frequency, the Xc of parallel
capacitor is very low so this parallel connected circuit act as short circuit across output so again
there is no output signal. So there must be a point where Vo reaches its maximum value. The
frequency value of input waveform at which this happen is called oscillator resonant frequency.
At this frequency from the circuit reactance becomes equal to resistance and phase difference
between input and output becomes zero. The magnitude of output voltage is therefore at its
maximum and is equal to 1/3 of input voltage.
𝑉 1
𝐴𝑣 = 𝑉 𝑜 = 3 (11.1)
fc is Resonant frequency, R is resistance and C is capacitance
Circuit Diagram
1. Connect circuit diagram according to given circuit shown in Figure 11.1.
2. Adjust oscilloscope as, CH1 For input and CH2 for output.
3. Using channel 2 of oscilloscope measure output voltages of circuit. Adjust R4 gradually
until the sine wave at output of circuit is oscillated. Adjust R4 until sine wave reaches
4. Record the output voltage’s (Vo) waveform.
5. Changes values of R1 and R2 to be 5KHz and observe output voltage waveform.
6. Change R1 and R2 to be 2.5 K-ohm and observe waveform.
7. Read frequency of output signal from all three waveform.
8. Calculate the resonance frequency fr by using (11.2).
Input R1=RL Theoretical Value Practical Values
Voltages(V) f(Hz) f(Hz)
Lab Task
1. Put R1 and R2 to be 20k-ohm and observe and calculate fr?