Why The Sea Is Salty Teachers Notes
Why The Sea Is Salty Teachers Notes
Why The Sea Is Salty Teachers Notes
Reading or listening
You can listen to the story on CD or read it aloud to the students, take turns to read or read together
silently. Each double page spread in the book is one track on the CD, so that you can pause between
tracks or repeat tracks if your students need it. The first reading is in a British English accent, and it is
followed by an American English reading. The words are exactly the same. After the story, there is a
short selection of key phrases that can be used for pronunciation practice.
After reading
How could the thief have avoided losing the millstone? What else should he have asked the guard?
[How to make the millstone stop!]
What do you think the King will do, now that he doesn’t have a magic millstone to make gold, jewels
and spices for him? [You could explore various options: the King might come up with a scheme
to make more gold and jewels, or he might decide he didn’t need any more treasure.]
Would you prefer it if the sea were sweet? What about all the things we use salt for –
can you think of some examples? (Cooking; preserving meat and fish; in some
countries, melting snow and ice on the roads; fixing dyes in materials.)
Do you know where the salt you use every day comes from? (In some countries,
it is mined underground, and in others, it is harvested from the sea or from
salt pans inland). Maybe you can find out more as a homework project.