Patent Application Publication (10) Pub - No .: US 2022/0354707 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub - No .: US 2022/0354707 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub - No .: US 2022/0354707 A1
( 19 ) United States
( 12 ) LINCOLN
Patent Application Publication ( 10 ) Pub. No .: US 2022/0354707 A1
- WASSER et al . (43 ) Pub. Date : Nov. 10 , 2022
( 54 ) MANIPULATABLE WITHDRAWAL STRINGS Publication Classification
FOR TAMPONS (51 ) Int. Ci .
( 71 ) Applicant: Flextring Ltd , Haifa ( IL ) A61F 13/34 ( 2006.01 )
A61F 13/20 ( 2006.01 )
( 72 ) Inventors: Maya LINCOLN - WASSER , Haifa (52) U.S. CI.
( IL ) ; Shlomo Abraham Avi WASSER , CPC A61F 13/34 (2013.01 ) ; A61F 13/2022
Haifa ( IL ) ( 2013.01 )
( 73 ) Assignee : Flextring Ltd , Haifa ( IL ) ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
( 21 ) Appl . No .: 17 / 769,749 A tampon apparatus including a tampon having distal ,
insertion end and a proximal end , and a tampon - withdrawal
(22 ) PCT Filed : Oct. 15 , 2020 string having a tied end and a free end . The tied end of the
tampon -withdrawal- string is securely attached to the proxi
( 86 ) PCT No .: PCT/IL2020 /051096 mal end of the tampon , At least a portion of the tampon
$ 371 (c ) ( 1 ) , withdrawal- string is a devised -portion, wherein the devised
( 2 ) Date : Apr. 17, 2022 portion is either elastic or pliant. While the tampon is in an
inserted position, the devised -portion facilitates the user to
Related U.S. Application Data manipulate the tampon -withdrawal - string or a portion
thereof. Typically, the free end of the tampon -withdrawal
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62/ 916,264 , filed on Oct. string is comfortably reachable to a user when the tampon is
17, 2019 . in an inserted position .
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US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
MANIPULATABLE WITHDRAWAL STRINGS shortening and hiding the withdrawal string, and the coil is
FOR TAMPONS not intended to return to its original compressed state after
opening the package and during usage .
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [ 0010 ] U.S. Pat . No. 3,037,506 suggests an extensible
[ 0001 ] The disclosure relates to a tampon apparatus hav elastic withdrawal string aimed at causing a small absorbent
ing a tampon body and a pulling string fastened onto one end pad to springingly engage against the vaginal opening. One
of the tampon body and more specifically, to manipulatable of the suggested configurations in the current patent, as
withdrawal strings for tampon apparatuses having a rest, detailed below, also includes an extensible elastic with
compact form and a pulled , straightened form . drawal string, but the string of the present disclosure dif
ferentiates from the string in U.S. Pat. No. 3,037,506 in the
BACKGROUND following ways: ( 1 ) the string of the present disclosure is
aimed at shortening the withdrawal string; (2 ) in preferred
[ 0002 ] A tampon , in particular a tampon for feminine embodiments the string of the present disclosure is not used
hygiene , is typically provided with a withdrawal string. The for pulling any object against the vaginal opening; and (3 ) in
withdrawal string enables to easily pull out and remove the preferred embodiments the string of the present disclosure is
tampon from the user's vaginal opening. not connected to any absorbent pad .
[ 0003 ] One of the drawbacks related to a . common tam [ 0011 ] The following patents also aim at shortening and / or
pon - withdrawal-suing is that the string may get wet and hiding the tampon -withdrawal - string in the following ways :
dirty during usage , e.g. while urinating, defecating or wiping [ 0012 ] According to FR Patent publication 2,345,989 the
after defecation and also as a result of its proximity to the tampon -withdrawal- string is made short enough to remain
internal part of the toilet , that might contain pee , feces, and within the vaginal lips , or alternatively, not to protrude by>4
toilet water. A wet and dirty withdrawal string wets under cm . In another configuration the string is long and is rolled
wear and cloths, and makes the tampon uncomfortable to up and secured at the end of the tampon, to be undone when
wear, and is also a source of infection . required.
[ 0004 ] Another drawback related to a common tampon [ 0013 ] DE utility model 9,011,100 suggests applying a
withdrawal- string is that the withdrawal string might also be color coating to the tampon -withdrawal - string that seems
visible through different outfits ( e.g. short trousers , swim
ming suits , semitransparent cloths, dancing cloths , etc. ) , or like the natural body hair in order to hide the withdrawal
when the woman is naked . Such a visible string is a source string
of embarrassment for some woman . [ 0014 ] JP utility model JP3033710U and JP Patent appli
[ 0005 ] Therefore , there is a need for tampons having a cation 2006 / 271919A suggests a tampon -withdrawal - string
short withdrawal string that will be invisible as much as that looks like a pubic curl, in order to camouflage the
possible . On the other hand , a withdrawal string with a string's appearance.
normal length ( typically, with no limitations, 10 to 15 cm) is [ 0015 ] U.S. Pat. No. 9,566,194 proposes a withdrawal
considered by most women as more comfortable for the string for a tampon in the shape of a loop in order to avoid
purpose of gripping and pulling the tampon out of the problems encountered with long strings because the loop is
vaginal opening. Thus , the string has to be fairly long to preferably short enough that it will not accidently be
allow the fingers to get a solid grip on the string before exposed from a garment and stay out of the way of the urine
pulling to remove the tampon. Therefore , there is aa need for stream .
a short withdrawal string that is also convenient for han [ 0016 ] U.S. Pat . No.9,744,081 also proposes a withdrawal
dling . string for a tampon in the shape of a loop in order to shorten
[ 0006 ] Some prior art publications deal with the with the withdrawal string. In the present disclosure one end of
drawal string length issue and others suggest means for the loop can be removed to make the cord longer.
solving one or more of the above problems as follows: US [ 0017] The present disclosure aims at providing a solution
Patent application US / 2007/ 1919805 specifies a tampon to prevent the exposure of a . tampon - withdrawal- string,
which allows a user to change the effective length of the while maintaining the safe, reliable and convenient usage of
withdrawal string before or during usage . This suggested tampon withdrawal strings. Another intention of the present
withdrawal string configuration requires an additional activ disclosure is to maintain the tampon -withdrawal - string close
ity to the usual process of handling a tampon (extending as much as possible to the user's body and distant as much
shortening the string) , which might be cumbersome for as possible from wetness / dirt sources in order to avoid
some women .
[ 0007] U.S. Pat . No. 6,312,419 deals with the problem that
situations in which the string gets wet and dirty ( e.g. while
urinating, defecating or wiping after defecation , and also as
the standard length of the withdrawal string of the tampon is a result of its proximity to the internal part of the toilet) .
considered too short. This patent suggests a lengthening
device which can be added to the withdrawal string in order SUMMARY
to improve its handling and usage .
[ 0008 ] U.S. Pat . No. 6,142,489 deals with the problem that [ 0018 ] An embodiment is an example or implementation
the withdrawal string sometimes gets saturated with liquid of the present disclosures. The various appearances of “ one
as a result of urination . This patent suggests a coating for the embodiment,” “ an embodiment” or “ some embodiments ” do
withdrawal string, This specification, however, does not deal not necessarily all refer to the same embodiment. Although
with the length of the withdrawal string. various aspects of the present disclosure may be described in
[ 0009 ] U.S. Pat. No. 2,587,515 suggests a coil at the loose the context of a single embodiment, the aspects may also be
end of the withdrawal string of the tampon for improving the provided separately or in any suitable combination . Con
packaging process of tampons: This patent is not aimed at versely, although the disclosure may be described herein in
US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
the context of separate embodiments for clarity, the present [ 0033 ] Optionally, the elastic devised - portion reaches both
disclosure may also be implemented in a single embodi the free end of the tampon -withdrawal - string, or proximal
ment. thereto , and the proximal end of the tampon , or proximal
[ 0019 ] Reference in the specification to " one embodi thereto .
ment ” , “ an embodiment”, “ some embodiments ” or “ other [ 0034 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion does not
embodiments ” means that a particular feature , structure , reach both the free end of the tampon -withdrawal - string , or
characteristic, or other aspects described in connection with proximal thereto , and the proximal end of the tampon , or
the embodiments is included in at least one embodiment, but proximal thereto ,
not necessarily all embodiments, of the present disclosure. It [ 0035 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion is arranged
is understood that the phraseology and terminology in a one - dimensional ( 1D ) form or a two - dimensional (2D )
employed herein are not to be construed as limiting and are form or a three - dimensional ( 3D ) form .
for descriptive purpose only. [ 0036 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion is made
[ 0020 ] According to the teachings of the present disclo from an elastic material, wherein the elastic material is
sure there is provided a tampon apparatus including a selected from a group of materials including silicon and
tampon having distal , insertion end and a proximal end, and polyester.
a tampon - withdrawal-string having a tied end and a free end , [ 0037 ] Optionally, the elastic devised - portion is semi
wherein the tied end of the tampon - withdrawal- string is rigid , wherein the semi- rigid elastic devised -portion may
securely attached to the proximal end of the tampon. At least include a common , non - elastic string coated with a semi
a portion of the tampon -withdrawal- string is a devised rigid material selected from the group of materials including
portion , wherein the devised -portion is either elastic or silicon , and polyester.
pliant. While the tampon is in an inserted position , the [ 0038 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion is made
devised - portion facilitates the user to manipulate the tam from aa knitted yarn .
pon -withdrawal - string or a portion thereof. [ 0039 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion elasticity is
formed by applying manufacturing methods selected from
[ 0021 ] Typically , the free end of the tampon -withdrawal the group of methods including:
string is comfortably
? reachable to a user when the tampon is [ 0040 ] a . twisting yarn ;
in an inserted position . [ 0041 ] b . knitting the yarn in a compact and elastic form
[ 0022 ] The manipulating of the tampon -withdrawal - string with memory like a spiral shape, a zigzag , or as a skein ;
includes activities selected from the group including: [ 0042 ] C. shaping the yarn in a compact form and applying
[ 0023 ] a . maintaining the tampon - withdrawal- string less different types of coating to the yarn ;
visible ; [ 0043 ] d . using an elastomeric thread as the core , wherein
[ 0024 ] b . maintaining the tampon -withdrawal - string in a the core is wrapped with a non - elastic textile fiber: and
comfort position ; [ 0044 ] e . producing the yarn using the pneumatic looping
[ 0025 ) C. maintaining the tampon -withdrawal -string in a [ 0045 ] Optionally, the elastic devised - portion ends with a
position far from wetness/ dirt sources, thereby making the pulling tail .
tampon -withdrawal- string more hygienic; [ 0046 ] Optionally, the pulling tail of the elastic devised
[ 0026 ] d . straitening the tampon withdrawal string; and portion is non -elastic.
[ 0027 ] e . pulling out and rearranging portions of the [ 0047] Optionally, the pulling tail of the elastic devised
tampon -withdrawal - string, with or without pulling the tam portion is pliant.
pon from the inserted position . [ 0048 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion is arranged
[ 0028 ] While the tampon is in an inserted position , the as a 3D coil , wherein the 3D coil may be a compact coil .
devised -portion may extend to a maximum length of Ds [ 0049 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion is arranged
when pulling the tampon -withdrawal - string with a force Fin in a 3D skein form .
Fs , without pulling the tampon from the inserted position , [ 0050 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion is arranged
and when pulling the tampon -withdrawal -string with a force in a 2D form and selected from the group of 2D shapes
Fp2 >Fs, at some point the tampon pulls out of the vaginal including one or more closed rounded loops , one or more
opening open rounded loops , one or more rhombuses and a zigzag .
[ 0029 ] In one embodiment of the present disclosure , the [ 0051 ] In other embodiments of the present disclosure , the
devised - portion is elastic . devised -portion is pliant.
[ 0030 ] Typically, the elastic devised - portion , when in [ 0052 ] Preferably, manipulating of the pliant tampon
compact form , has dimensions that keep the tampon -with withdrawal - string includes shaping the tampon -withdrawal
drawal -string close to the user body and thereby hidden from string in a desired form .
potential observers. [ 0053 ] Optionally, the pliant devised -portion reaches a
pulling tail , wherein the pulling tail is either non - elastic or
[ 0031 ] Typically, the elastic devised -portion , when in elastic .
compact form , has dimensions that keep the tampon -with [ 0054 ] Optionally the pliant devised -portion reaches either
drawal- string away from the anus and the urethral opening the free end of the tampon -withdrawal -string or proximal
to thereby keep the tampon -withdrawal - string cleaner and thereto , or reaches the proximal end of the tampon or
drier during usage. proximal thereto .
[ 0032 ] Optionally, the elastic devised -portion reaches [ 0055 ] Optionally, the pliant devised - portion reaches both
either the free end of the tampon - withdrawal -string or the free end of the tampon -withdrawal -string ( or proximal
proximal thereto , or reaches the proximal end of the tampon thereto and the proximal end of the tampon ( or proximal
or proximal thereto . thereto ).
US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
[ 0056 ] Optionally, the pliant devised -portion does not and conceptual aspects of the present disclosure . In this
reach both the free end of the tampon -withdrawal - string, or regard , no attempt is made to show structural details of the
proximal thereto, and the proximal end of the tampon , or present disclosure in more detail than is necessary for a
proximal thereto . fundamental understanding of the present disclosure , the
[ 0057] According to further teachings of the present dis description taken with the drawings making apparent to
closure there is provided aa method for enhancing a tampon those skilled in the art how the several forms of the present
apparatus user's ability to place and manipulate a tampon disclosure may be embodied in practice . In the figures:
withdrawal - string that is secured to a tampon of a tampon [ 0069 ] FIG . la schematically illustrates an example tam
apparatus, during usage by a user, the method including the pon apparatus having a tampon -withdrawal - string with a
steps of providing the tampon -withdrawal -string with a
devised -portion facilitating the user to manipulate the tam
three - dimensional (3D ) , elastic compact coiled string por
tion , according to aspects of the present disclosure, wherein
pon -withdrawal- string or a portion thereof, wherein the the tampon -withdrawal- string is in a rest state .
devised -portion is either elastic or pliant. [ 0070 ] FIG . 1b schematically illustrates an example tam
[ 0058 ] Preferably, when the devised -portion of the method pon apparatus as in FIG . la . , wherein the tampon -with
is placed in a rest state and not manipulated, the tampon drawal -string is in a rest state and wherein the coil ends with
withdrawal - string is kept hidden from potential observers. a pulling tail .
[ 0059 ] Preferably , when the devised -portion of the method [ 0071 ] FIG . 1b ' schematically illustrates an example tam
is placed in a rest state and not manipulated , the tampon pon apparatus as in FIG . 1b , wherein the tampon -with
withdrawal - string is kept away from the urethral opening drawal- string is in a straightened state , for example, while
and the anus to thereby keep the tampon -withdrawal- string pulling the tampon out of the vaginal opening .
cleaner and drier during usage. [ 0072 ] FIG . 1c schematically illustrates another example
[ 0060 ] Optionally, the devised -portion of the method is tampon apparatus having an elastic 3D helical tampon
elastic . withdrawal - string, according to aspects of the present dis
[ 0061 ] Optionally, when in compact form , the elastic closure , wherein the tampon -withdrawal -string is in a rest
devised -portion of the method has dimensions that keep the state .
tampon - withdrawal - string close to the user body and thereby [ 0073 ] FIG . Id schematically illustrates an example tam
hidden from potential Observers . pon apparatus having a tampon -withdrawal -string with a
[ 0062 ] Optionally, when in compact form , the elastic non - elastic segment and an elastic 3D helical segment,
devised -portion of the method, has dimensions that keep the according to aspects of the present disclosure, wherein the
tampon -withdrawal -string away from the anus and the ure tampon - withdrawal -string is in rest state .
thral opening, to thereby keep the tampon -withdrawal - string [ 0074 ] FIG . ld ' schematically illustrates an example tam
cleaner and drier during usage.
[ 0063 ] Optionally, when the tampon apparatus of the pon apparatus as in FIG . 1d, wherein the tampon -with
method is in use and the elastic devised -portion is pulled drawal -string is in a straightened state .
outwardly to a straightened form , the length of the straight [ 0075 ] FIG . le schematically illustrates another example
ened elastic devised -portion provides a comfortable length tampon apparatus having a tampon - withdrawal - string with
for the user to comfortably pull out the tampon apparatus. two non - elastic segments and an elastic 3D skein segment,
[ 0064 ] Optionally, the devised -portion of the method is according to aspects of the present disclosure , wherein the
pliant, and the method further includes the step of shaping tampon -withdrawal -string is in a rest state .
the pliant devised - portion of the tampon -withdrawal - string. [ 0076 ] FIG . 2a schematically illustrates an example tam
[ 0065 ] Optionally, the method further includes the step of pon apparatus having a tampon -withdrawal - string with an
placing the pliant devised -portion in different locations, for elastic two - dimensional ( 2D ) rhombus form , according to
example with no limitations , distal from the urethral opening aspects of the present disclosure , wherein the tampon
and the anus. withdrawal - string is in a rest state .
[ 0066 ] Optionally, when the tampon apparatus of the [ 0077] FIG . 2b schematically illustrates another example
method is in use and the pliant devised -portion is shaped to tampon apparatus having a tampon -withdrawal - string with
a straightened form , the length of the straightened pliant an elastic 2D rounded loop form , according to aspects of the
devised -portion provides a comfortable length for the user to present disclosure, wherein the tampon -withdrawal- string is
comfortably pull out the tampon apparatus. in a rest state .
[ 0067] Optionally, the method further includes the step of [ 0078 ] FIG . 2c schematically illustrates another example
shaping and placing the pliant devised -portion of the tam tampon apparatus having a tampon -withdrawal - string with
pon -withdrawal -string in a comfortable way, including two non - elastic segments and a compact segment shaped in
adapting the pliant devised -portion to the anatomy of the an elastic wide 2D zigzag form with rounded corners ,
user. according to aspects of the present disclosure, wherein the
tampon -withdrawal- string is in a rest state .
[ 0079 ] FIG . 2d schematically illustrates more example
[ 0068 ] The present disclosure is herein described, by way tampon -withdrawal- strings for a tampon having various
of non - limiting example, with reference to the accompany elastic 2D shapes in a rest state , according to aspects of the
ing drawings. With specific reference now to the drawings in present disclosure.
detail, it is stressed that the particulars shown are by way of [ 0080 ] FIG . 2e schematically illustrates an example tam
example and for purposes of illustrative discussion of the pon apparatus having a tampon-withdrawal -string with two
embodiments of the present disclosure only, and are pre non - elastic segments and a row of 3 elastic rounded loop
sented in order to provide what is believed to be the most forms, wherein the tampon -withdrawal- string is in a rest
useful and readily understood description of the principles state , according to aspects of the present disclosure .
US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
[ 0081 ] FIG . 2e' schematically illustrates an example tam of the following interpretations of the word : any of the items
pon apparatus as in FIG . 2e , wherein the tampon -with in the list , all of the items in the list , and any combination
drawal - string is in a straightened state , of the items in the list .
[ 0082 ] FIG . 3 schematically illustrates an example tampon [ 0089 ] Moreover, conditional language used herein , such
apparatus having an elastic tampon -withdrawal - string, as , among others, “may,” “ could , ” “ might , ” “ can , ” “ e.g .."
according to aspects of the present disclosure, wherein the “ for example . ” “ such as ” and the like, unless specifically
solid line illustrates an elastic tampon -withdrawal -string in stated otherwise, or otherwise understood within the context
a rest state and the unification of the solid and segmented as used , is generally intended to convey that certain embodi
lines illustrates the extended tampon -withdrawal - string up ments include, while other embodiments do not include ,
to the maximum length of the straightened state . certain features, elements and /or states . Thus, such condi
[ 0083 ] FIG . 4 schematically illustrates an example tampon tional language is not generally intended to imply that
apparatus having a twisted tampon -withdrawal -string , features, elements and / or states are in any way required for
according to aspects of the present disclosure, wherein the one or more embodiments or that one or more embodiments
tampon -withdrawal - string is in a rest state, necessarily include logic for deciding, with or without
[ 0084 ] FIG . 5 schematically illustrates an example tampon author input or prompting, whether these features, elements
apparatus having a pliant withdrawal string, according to and /or states are included or are to be performed in any
aspects of the present disclosure , wherein the tampon particular embodiment.
withdrawal - string is in an example rest state . [ 0090 ] Unless the context clearly requires otherwise ,
throughout the specifications including the summary , the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION description and the claims , when reference is made to the
tampon apparatus including the tampon and tampon -with
[ 0085 ] The present disclosure will now be described more drawal-string., where the tampon is inserted into the vagina
fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying draw of a user , the words “ distal ” and “ proximal ” is described
ings , in which preferred embodiments of the present disclo with reference to the vaginal opening .
sure are shown . This disclosure may, however, be embodied [ 0091 ] The teachings provided herein can be applied to
in many different forms and should not be construed as other systems , not only the systems described herein . The
limited to the embodiments set forth herein ; rather, these elements and acts of the various embodiments described
embodiments are provided, so that this disclosure will be above can be combined to provide further embodiments .
thorough and complete, and will fully convey the scope of [ 0092 ] The tampon apparatus of the present disclosure
the present disclosure to those of ordinary skill in the art. includes an ordinary tampon , such as a common cylindrical
[ 0086 ] Various modifications to the implementations tampon, and a tampon -withdrawal -string, wherein one end
described in this disclosure may be readily apparent to those of the tampon -withdrawal - string is a tied end, being securely
of ordinary skill in the art, and the generic principles defined attached to the proximal end of the tampon , and wherein the
herein may be applied to other implementations without string, while at a rest state, is arranged in a compact form and
departing from the spirit or scope of this disclosure. Thus, as much as possible in an invisible location .
the claims are not intended to be limited to the implemen [ 0093 ] The tampon apparatus can be used with the com
tations shown herein , hut are to be accorded the widest scope pact form of the tampon -withdrawal - string, which has the
consistent with this disclosure , the principles and the novel advantage that during usage , the tampon -withdrawal- string
features disclosed herein . in its compact form is barely visible , if at all , and gets less
[ 0087] Certain features may be described above as acting wet and /or dirty, if at all .
in certain combinations and even initially claimed as such , [ 0094 ] The present disclosure proposes two main embodi
one or more features from a claimed combination can in ments of the tampon apparatus, in one embodiment, the
some cases be excised from the combination , and the tampon -withdrawal- string remains in a compact state ( also
claimed combination may be directed to a sub - combination referred to as a “ rest state ” ) as long as no pulling force is
or variation of aa sub - combination . applied on the tampon -withdrawal- string, typically, but not
[ 0088 ] Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, limited to , on the string part located outside the vaginal
throughout the description and the claims , the words " com opening . Typically, the length of the tampon -withdrawal
prise ," " comprising, " and the like are to be construed in an string in the compact state is shorter than the tampon
inclusive sense, as opposed to an exclusive or exhaustive withdrawal - string length of an ordinary tampon.
sense ; that is to say, in the sense of “ including, but not [ 0095 ] In this embodiment at least a portion of the tam
limited to .” The word “ coupled ”, as generally used herein , pon -withdrawal -string is elastic . Therefore, when pulling
refers to two or more elements that may be either directly the tampon - withdrawal -string ( e.g. in order to pull the
connected, or connected by way of one or more intermediate tampon out of the vaginal opening) the effective length of
elements. Likewise , the word “ connected ” , as generally used the tampon - withdrawal -string becomes longer ( e.g. when
herein , refers to two or more elements that may be either pulling a coiled string its effective length grows), because it
directly connected, or connected by way of one or more is easier for the user to grip and handle a longer tampon
intermediate elements . Additionally, the words "herein ,” withdrawal- string. At some point, the elastic portion of the
“ above , " “ below , " and words of similar import, when used
tampon -withdrawal - string reaches its longest state , without
in this application, shall refer to this application as a whole pulling the tampon itself. This length is referred to as the
and not to any particular portions of this application . Where maximum straightened length DS, which is reached when
the context permits , words in the above Detailed Description applying a pulling force Fpi sFs on the tampon -withdrawal
using the singular or plural number may also include the string.
plural or singular number respectively. The word “ or ” in [ 0096 ] When releasing any of the pulling force, the form
reference to a list of two or more items, that word covers all of the tampon -withdrawal - string returns to a compact state
US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
( e.g. as much as possible similar to its initial rest state ) , and The manipulating of the tampon - withdrawal- string may
the effective length of the tampon - withdrawal- string further include pulling out and rearranging portions of the
becomes shorter until reaching the rest state . When pulling tampon -withdrawal - string, with or without pulling the tam
the tampon -withdrawal - string with a force Fp2 >FsS , at some pon from the inserted position .
point the tampon is being pulled out of the vaginal opening. [ 0103 ] Reference is now made to the drawings. FIG .
[ 0097 ] The elasticity of the tampon - withdrawal- string can laschematically illustrates an example tampon apparatus
be achieved by manufacturing the tampon -withdrawal - string 100a , including a common cylindrical tampon 110 and a
from various known in the art optional materials , techniques tampon -withdrawal- string 120a , according to aspects of the
and technologies . For example, the elasticity of the tampon present disclosure , wherein the tampon -withdrawal - string
withdrawal - string can be achieved by using elastic materials 120a is in a rest state . Tampon -withdrawal - string 120a
( e.g. silicon, polyester ); by applying knitting methods that includes a common non - elastic string segment 112 and an
generate elasticity to threads; by twisting yarn ; by knitting elastic , three -dimensional (31D ) , compact coiled tampon
the yarn in a compact and elastic form with memory like a withdrawal- string devised -portion 122 .
spiral shape, a zigzag , or as a skein ; by shaping the yarn in [ 0104 ] FIG . 1b schematically illustrates an example tam
a compact form and applying different types of coating to the pon apparatus 100b , including a common cylindrical tampon
yarn ; by using an elastomeric thread as the core and wrap 110 and a tampon -withdrawal- string 120b , according to
ping it with a non - stretch textile fiber; or by producing the aspects of the present disclosure, wherein the tampon
yarn using the pneumatic looping technique. withdrawal - string 120b is in a rest state . Tampon -with
[ 0098 ] In aa second embodiment of the present disclosure, drawal -string 1206 includes a common non - elastic string
at least a portion of the tampon -withdrawal- string is made of segment 112 , an elastic 31 ) compact coiled tampon -with
semi- rigid , pliant material that enables the user to arrange drawal - string devised -portion 122 and a pulling tail 116. The
the tampon -withdrawal- string in many different desired and pulling tail 116 may ease the grabbing of the free end of
convenient shapes, in order, for example without limitations, tampon -withdrawal- string 1205 and pulling out tampon
to facilitate placing the tampon - withdrawal - string hidden withdrawal- string 1205 , when so desired by the user. It
from occasional observers ( for example without limitations, should be appreciated that pulling tail 116 may be pliant.
up and back along her butt crack, or up and forth along her [ 0105 ] FIG . 1b ' schematically illustrates an example tam
vaginal opening ). After the user finishes arranging the tam pon apparatus 100b ' as in FIG . 1b . wherein the tampon
pon -withdrawal -string, the shape of the pliant portion of the withdrawal -string 1206 ' is shown in a straightened state .
tampon -withdrawal - string is preserved as arranged by the While pulling of the pulling tail 116 of tampon -withdrawal
user . In the second embodiment of the present disclosure, the string 120b in direction 125 ( see Fig , 1b ) the devised -portion
effective length of the tampon -withdrawal-string does not 122 straightens and extends in length up to the maximum
necessarily grow when applying a pulling force on the straightened length , being the straightened state , as illus
tampon -withdrawal- string ( typically, but not limited to , on trated in devised - portion 122 ' in
the string part located outside the vaginal opening ). In this [ 0106 ] FIG . 16 ' . When releasing the pulling force tampon
embodiment the user can change the form and the direction withdrawal- string 120b' returns to the rest state , having the
of the tampon -withdrawal - string at any time , e.g. in order to shorter effective length ( 120b ) .
pull the tampon out of her vaginal opening. ( 0107] FIG . 1c schematically illustrates another example
[ 0099 ] The tampon -withdrawal -string in the second tampon apparatus 100e , according to aspects of the present
embodiment of the present disclosure can be made of several disclosure . Tampon apparatus 100c includes a common
materials , techniques and technologies. cylindrical tampon 110 and a tampon -withdrawal - string
[ 0100 ] In summary, the present disclosure discloses a 120e , wherein tampon -withdrawal -string 120c is shown in a
tampon apparatus that includes a tampon having distal , rest state. Tampon -withdrawal - string 120e includes an elas
insertion end and a proximal end, and a tampon -withdrawal tic 3D helical tampon -withdrawal- string 124 , being the
string having a free end and a tied end that is securely devised - portion.
attached to the proximal end of the tampon. [ 0108 ] FIG . 1d schematically illustrates an example tam
[ 0101 ] At least a portion of the tampon -withdrawal - string pon apparatus 100d, according to aspects of the present
is a devised -portion , wherein the devised -portion is either disclosure . Tampon apparatus 100d includes a common
elastic or pliant, While the tampon is in an inserted position , cylindrical tampon 110 and a tampon -withdrawal - string
the devised -portion facilitates the user to manipulate the 120d shown in a rest state .
tampon -withdrawal - string, or a portion thereof. The free end [ 0109 ] Tampon -withdrawal - string 120d includes a com
of the tampon - withdrawal- string is comfortably reachable to mon non - elastic string segment 112 and an elastic 3D helical
a user when the tampon is in an inserted position . tampon -withdrawal- string 126 , being the devised -portion .
[ 0102 ] The manipulating of the tampon -withdrawal - string [ 0110 ] FIG . 1d schematically illustrates an example tam
may include straitening the tampon withdrawal string ( for pon apparatus 100d as in FIG . id, wherein the tampon
example with no limitations, before pulling the tampon out withdrawal- string 120d is shown in a straightened state .
While pulling of the proximal section of the devised -portion
of the vaginal opening ). The manipulating of the tampon
withdrawal -string may further include maintaining the tam 126 of tampon - withdrawal- string 120d in direction 125 ( see
pon -withdrawal -string in a comfort position . The manipu FIG . 1d ) the devised -portion 126 straightens and extends in
lating of the tampon -withdrawal -string may further include length up to the maximum straightened state length , as
maintaining the tampon -withdrawal-string in a mostly invis illustrated by devised -portion 126 ' in FIG . 1d . When releas
ible position . The manipulating of the tampon -withdrawal ing the pulling force tampon -withdrawal -string 120d returns
string may further include maintaining the tampon with to the rest state , having the shorter effective length ( 120d ).
drawal string in a position far from wetness / dirt sources in [ 0111 ] FIG . le schematically illustrates an example tam
order to make the tampon -withdrawal - string more hygienic . pon apparatus 100e , according to aspects of the present
US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
disclosure . Tampon apparatus 100e includes a common rest state , having an initial rest length. The tampon - with
cylindrical tampon 110 and a tampon -withdrawal -string drawal -string 120b can be extended in length when a pulling
120e shown in a rest state . Tampon -withdrawal-string 120e force is applied.
includes a common non - elastic string segment 112 and an [ 0121 ] In this example, at a rest state , the effective length
elastic 3D skein segment devised -portion 128 and a pulling
tail 116 .
of tampon -withdrawal-string 120b can be designed to be
shorter than that of a regular withdrawal string. If, for
[ 0112 ] FIG . 2a schematically illustrates an example tam example , the effective length of a regular withdrawal string
pon apparatus 200a , including a common cylindrical tampon at a rest state is 12 cm , then the effective length of tampon
110 and a tampon -withdrawal- string 220a , according to withdrawal- string 120b can be , for example, 8 cm , which is
aspects of the present disclosure, wherein the tampon 4 cm shorter than the regular tampon withdrawal string
withdrawal - string 220ais in a rest state . Tampon -with length.
drawal -string 220aincludes a common non - elastic string [ 0122 ] When applying a pulling force to the coiled
segment 112 , an elastic two -dimensional (2D ) rhombus devised -portion 122 in direction 125 , the effective length of
segment devised -portion 224a and a pulling tail 116 . the compact string 1206 is extended . example, in FIG . 16 , if
[ 0113 ] FIG . 2b schematically illustrates another example the effective length of the tampon -withdrawal - string 120b at
tampon apparatus 2006 , including a common cylindrical a rest state is 8 cm , and the compact coiled tampon
tampon 110 and a tampon -withdrawal -string 220b , accord withdrawal - string devised -portion 122 has 4 loops , each
ing to aspects of the present disclosure , wherein the tampon having a diameter of 1 cm , then the effective length of the
withdrawal- string 220b is in a rest state . Tampon -with extended tampon -withdrawal- string 1205 at a straightened
drawal-string 220b includes a common non - elastic string state ( see FIG . 16 ' ) can reach a length of about 20 cm , with
segment 112 , an elastic 2D rounded loop segment 224b as no limitations.
the devised -portion, and a pulling tail 116 . ( 0123 ] In another example , with reference to FIGS . 2e and
[ 0114 ] FIG . 2c schematically illustrates another example 2e' , if the effective length of the tampon -withdrawal - string
tampon apparatus 200c , including a common cylindrical 220e at rest state is S cm , and the compact tampon
tampon 110 and a tampon -withdrawal - sting 220c , according withdrawal- string devised -portion 224i has three elastic 2D
to aspects of the present disclosure, wherein the tampon rounded loops , each having a diameter of 1 cm , then the
withdrawal- string 220e is in a rest state . Tampon -with effective length of the extended tampon -withdrawal- string
drawal-string 220c includes a common non - elastic string 220e ' at a straightened state ( see withdrawal string segment
segment 112 , an elastic 21 ) wide zigzag segment 224c with 224i' in FIG . 2e ' ) can reach a length of about 9.7 cm .
rounded corners as the devised -portion 224c , and a pulling [ 0124] FIG . 3 schematically illustrates an example tampon
tail 116 . apparatus 300 having an elastic tampon - withdrawal -string
[ 0115 ] FIG . 2d schematically illustrates more example 320 , according to aspects of the present disclosure , wherein
tampon -withdrawal - strings for a tampon apparatus having the solid line segment 324 illustrates an elastic tampon
various 2D shapes (224d, 224e , 224 , 224g, 224h , 224i) in withdrawal- string ( 320 ) in a rest state and the unification of
a rest state , according to aspects of the present disclosure . the solid line segment with the segmented line segment 324
[ 0116 ] FIG . 2e schematically illustrates an example tam illustrates elastic tampon -withdrawal - string (320 ) extended
pon apparatus 200e , according to aspects of the present up to the maximum length of the straightened state .
disclosure. Tampon apparatus 200e includes a common [ 0125 ] FIG . 4 schematically illustrates an example tampon
cylindrical tampon 110 and a tampon -withdrawal - string apparatus 400 having a twisted -withdrawal -string 420 .
220e shown in a rest state . Tampon -withdrawal - string 220e according to aspects of the present disclosure , wherein the
includes a common non - elastic string segment 112 , a row of compact and extendible tampon -withdrawal - string 420 is
3 elastic 2D rounded loops 224i as the devised - portion, and made of non - elastic material and is shown in a rest state .
a pulling tail 116 . ( 0126 ] It should be appreciated that the compact and
[ 0117] FIG . 2e ' schematically illustrates an example tam extendible devised -portion of a tampon -withdrawal - string
pon apparatus 200e' as in FIG. can be hidden fully or partially within the vagina, or located
[ 0118 ] 2e , wherein the tampon -withdrawal - string 220e is outside of the vagina , preferably in proximity as much as
shown in a straightened state . While pulling of the pulling possible to the vaginal opening .
tail 116 of tampon -withdrawal- string 220e in direction 225 [ 0127] FIG . 5 schematically illustrates an example tampon
( see FIG . 2e) the devised -portion 224i straightens and apparatus 500 having a pliant tampon -withdrawal- string
extends in length up to the maximum straightened state 520 , according to aspects of the present disclosure , wherein
length , as illustrated by devised -portion 224i in FIG . 2e' . the tampon -withdrawal -string 520 is shown in an example
When releasing the pulling force tampon -withdrawal - string rest state. The pliant tampon -withdrawal- string 520 may
220e ' returns to the rest state , having the shorter effective include common non- elastic string segment 112 , wherein the
length (220e ) . portion reaching the free end of tampon -withdrawal - string
EXAMPLES 520 , or proximal thereto , is pliant, being the devised -portion
524 .
[ 0119 ] Currently, the withdrawal string of many tampons [ 0128 ] After the user finishes arranging the devised -por
in the market (namely : a “ regular string " ) has an almost tion 524 of tampon - withdrawal -string 520 , the shape of the
straight form when in use and at rest state , and its length pliant devised -portion 524 of the tampon -withdrawal - string
extends only slightly ( negligibly ) when the string is being 520 is preserved as arranged by the user . In order to pull the
pulled out . tampon 110 out of the vaginal opening , the user can change
[ 0120 ] In a first non - limiting example, with reference to the form and / or angle of the pliant devised -portion 524 for
Figs . 1b and 16 ' , the tampon -withdrawal- string 120b having easier gripping and pulling -out ( e.g. shaping the pliant
a coiled devised - portion 122 that is organized in a compact, devised -portion 524 in a straight line form with its free end
US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
heading to the direction of the floor when the user is 44. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein , while the
standing, or shaping the pliant devised -portion 524 in the tampon is in an inserted position and said tampon -with
form of aa hook , or a loop ) . It is possible to change the form drawal -string is in said rest state, said tampon -withdrawal
of the pliant devised -portion 524 several times , and after string has dimensions that keep the tampon -withdrawal
each change the form of the pliant devised -portion 524 string away from a urethral opening of a user using said
remains as last shaped by the user . The pliant devised tampon apparatus.
portion 524 can be made of, but not limited to , a thin metallic 45. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein , while the
string embraced with a soft material, for example with no tampon is in an inserted position and said tampon -with
limitations, silicon and cotton . drawal -string is in said rest state, said tampon -withdrawal
[ 0129 ] While example materials and manufacturing tech string has dimensions that keep the tampon -withdrawal
string away from pee exiting a urethral opening of a user
niques and technologies for elements have been described ,
the present disclosure invention is not limited by these using said tampon apparatus.
materials, techniques and technologies. 46. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein , while the
[ 0130 ] Various modifications can be made in the design tampon is in an inserted position and said tampon -with
and operation of the present disclosure invention without drawal -string is in said rest state, said tampon -withdrawal
departing from its spirit. Thus, while examples of construc string has dimensions that keep the tampon -withdrawal
tion of the present disclosure invention have been explained string away from feces exiting said anus.
in what is now considered to represent its example embodi 47. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein , while the
ments, it should be understood that within the scope of the tampon is in an inserted position and said tampon -with
patent, the present disclosure invention may be practiced drawal - string is in said rest state, said tampon -withdrawal
otherwise than as specifically illustrated and described . string has dimensions that keep the tampon -withdrawal
[ 0131 ] The features disclosed in the above description and string close to a user body and thereby hidden from potential
in the drawings may be significant both individually and in observers.
any desired combination in order to realize the various 48. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein aa free end
embodiments of the present disclosure . of said tampon -withdrawal string is comfortably reachable
[ 0132 ] Although the present disclosure invention has been to a user when the tampon is in said inserted position .
illustrated and described herein with reference to preferred 49. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein in said
embodiments and specific examples thereof, it will be read straightened form , said tampon -withdrawal - string extends to
ily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that other a maximum length of DS when pulling said tampon -with
embodiments and examples may perform similar functions drawal -string with a force FP1 <FS , without pulling the
and / or achieve like results. All such equivalent embodiments tampon from the inserted position , and wherein when pull
and examples are within the spirit and scope of the present ing said tampon - withdrawal -string with aa force FP2 >FS , at
disclosure , are contemplated thereby, and are intended to be some point the tampon is being pulled -out of the vaginal
covered by this patent. opening
[ 0133 ] While certain embodiments of the inventions have 50. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein said
been described , wherein these embodiments have been pre tampon -withdrawal-string is arranged in a one - dimensional
sented by way of example only, and are not intended to limit ( 1D ) form or a two - dimensional (2D ) form or a three
the scope of the disclosure. Indeed, the novel methods and dimensional ( 3D ) form .
systems described herein may be embodied in a variety of 51. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein said
other form furthermore, various omissions , substitutions tampon -withdrawal- string comprises one or more of:
and changes in the form of the methods and systems a . elastic materials ;
described herein may be made without departing from the b . non - elastic materials .
spirit of the disclosure. The accompanying claims and their 52. The tampon apparatus of claim 43 , wherein elasticity
equivalents are intended to cover such forms or modifica of said tampon -withdrawal- string is formed by applying
tions as would fall within the scope and spirit of the manufacturing methods selected from the group of methods
disclosure . including:
a . twisting yarn ;
1-42 . (canceled) b . knitted yarn ;
43. A tampon apparatus including a tampon having distal, c . knitting the yarn in a compact and elastic form with
insertion end and a proximal end, and a tampon -withdrawal memory like a spiral shape, a zigzag , or as a skein ;
string; d . shaping the yarn in a compact form and applying
wherein said tampon -withdrawal -string is elastic ; different types of coating to the yarn ;
wherein said tampon -withdrawal -string comprises a rest e . using one or more elastic threads, possibly wrapped by
state, which is a compact form of said tampon -with one or more non- elastic threads;
drawal - string, and a straightened form , which is a f . using one or more elastic threads, possibly twisted with
longest state that said tampon -withdrawal - string can one or more non- elastic materials ;
reach without pulling the tampon itself; said tampon g . using one or more elastomeric thread as a core , wherein
withdrawal - string is configured to return to said rest said core is wrapped with a non - elastic textile fiber ; and
state after being released from said straightened form ; h . producing the yarn using the pneumatic looping tech
wherein , while the tampon is in an inserted position and nique.
said tampon -withdrawal -string is in said rest state, said 53. A method of use by a user of a tampon apparatus
tampon - withdrawal- string has dimensions that keep the comprising a tampon - withdrawal -string, said user having a
tampon -withdrawal- string away from the anus of a user urethral opening, a vaginal opening of a vagina and an anus,
using said tampon apparatus. the method comprising :
US 2022/0354707 A1 Nov. 10 , 2022
a . inserting said tampon apparatus in said vaginal open 57. The method of claim 53 , wherein said elastically
ing ; pulling said tampon - withdrawal - string comprises elastically
b . maintaining said tampon -withdrawal - string away from pulling said tampon -withdrawal- string until reaches a
the anus while inserted in said vagina ; straightened form .
c . elastically pulling said tampon -withdrawal - string until 58. The method of claim 53 , further comprising main
a length of said tampon -withdrawal- string is comfort taining said tampon -withdrawal-string away from said ure
able for the purpose of gripping and pulling the tampon thral opening .
apparatus out of the vaginal opening; 59. The method of claim 53 , further comprising main
d . pulling said tampon -withdrawal - string until said tam taining said tampon -withdrawal -string away from pee exit
pon apparatus is pulled out of said vaginal opening . ing said urethral opening.
54. The method according to claim 53 , wherein said 60. The method of claim 53 , further comprising main
tampon -withdrawal -string is elastic . taining said tampon -withdrawal- string away from feces exit
55. The method of claim 53 , wherein said tampon ing said anus .
withdrawal- string is in a rest state , which is a compact form 61. The method of claim 53 , further comprising main
of said tampon -withdrawal - string, while said inserting and taining said tampon - withdrawal-string close to the user body
said maintaining. and thereby hidden from potential observers .
56. The method of claim 53 , wherein said tampon 62. The method of claim 54 , wherein said tampon
withdrawal- string is in a rest state , which is a compact form withdrawal - string performs said maintaining .
of said tampon -withdrawal - string, after said inserting and
before said elastically pulling . *