Artrodese Talonavicular 2
Artrodese Talonavicular 2
Artrodese Talonavicular 2
DOI 10.1007/s11832-009-0168-7
Received: 27 September 2008 / Accepted: 3 March 2009 / Published online: 24 March 2009
Ó EPOS 2009
180 J Child Orthop (2009) 3:179–183
the treatment of acquired flat foot in the adult [14–16], BTS), and a satisfaction questionnaire answered by patients
arthritis and arthrosis of the talonavicular joint [16–19], and/or parents.
residual deformities of club foot [20], and sequels of The information was analyzed with the SSPS v10 sta-
trauma or talus necrosis [21], there are no clinical reports tistical program, applying Wilcoxon’s test of ranges or
about its use in the spastic flat foot in CP. We report our Fisher’s test.
experience with this technique.
Operative technique
Materials and methods
The talonavicular joint is approached through a 3-cm
Between February 2002 and December 2005, as part of medial incision over the joint following skin folds. After
multilevel simultaneous surgery for the treatment of gait identification and preservation of the tibialis posterior
disorders, 38 ambulatory patients (68 feet) with spastic CP tendon and saphenous vein, the joint capsule is generously
underwent talonavicular joint arthrodesis in order to treat removed and articular surfaces are exposed and resected
their pes planus valgus deformity. We included 59 feet in with an oscillating saw. Care should be taken to remove
32 patients (26 of them bilateral); six patients were dis- just enough bone to obtain good cancellous surfaces for
carded because of incomplete data. Sixteen (30 feet) fusion so as not to overly shorten the medial column, else
patients were females and 16 (29 feet) males. The average the forefoot will go into adductus. Remaining cartilaginous
age was 13.9 years (range 9–20 years). Thirty feet were tissue is totally removed with a curette. Special care is
left and 29 were right. The average follow-up was 3 years required when restoring foot alignment by properly
and 4 months (range 18.3–66.7 months). The concomitant reducing the talonavicular joint and adequately pronating
simultaneous procedures are listed in Table 1. Twenty-one the forefoot. When the correct position is achieved, the
feet had previous surgeries: five os calcis lengthening arthrodesis is then fixated with a 3-mm percutaneous
(Evan’s procedure), 11 subtalar joint arthroereisis, and five Steinmann pin or a 4.5 cannulated cortical screw, with the
posterior tibial tendon lengthening. Thirteen extremities help of an image intensifier. The foot is immobilized in a
had previous Achilles tendon lengthening. short leg cast for 6 weeks. When a Steinmann pin is used,
Twenty-nine patients had spastic CP; 12 of them were removal is performed after 6 weeks. Proper ankle foot
diagnosed as quadriplegic, 16 diplegic, and one triplegic. orthosis are adapted and gait rehabilitation is started.
Two patients had mixed CP and one had dystonic CP.
Data were obtained from clinical history, preoperative
and postoperative weight-bearing X-ray films, gait parame- Results
ters from computerized gait analysis (Ariel Dynamics and
Clinical evaluation
Table 1 Concomitant simultaneous procedures
The preoperative clinical description of the foot was as
Surgery No.
follows: planovalgus 23 feet (39%), equino-valgus 23 feet
Intertrochanteric femoral derotational osteotomy 18 (39%), calcaneo-valgus 13 feet (22%). Postoperatively,
Over the brim psoas lengthening 12 eight feet (13.5%) were described as planus valgus. Pre-
Adductor longus tenotomy 23 operatively, all feet had midtarsal hypermobility and none
Hamstrings lengthening 28 had this feature postoperatively (Fig. 1).
Rectus femoris transfer 37 The preoperative hindfoot valgus (measured in a static
Supracondylar femoral osteotomy 30 barefoot video) averaged 20.96° (range 12°–34°) and the
Patellar tendon advancement 35 postoperative hindfoot valgus was 9.5° (range 3°–35°),
Distal tibial derotational osteotomy 21 P = 0.000 (Wilcoxon’s test of ranges). Ankle valgus
Intramuscular posterior tibial lengthening 5 (C10°) was diagnosed in six feet and was considered as the
Peroneus tendon lengthening 18 cause of the residual hindfoot valgus. This finding was not
Gastrocnemius (Strayer’s) resections 27 noticed preoperatively as a contributing factor of the
Anterior tibial lengthening/transfer 7 deformity.
Dorsal bunion or hallux valgus correction 9 Thirty-five feet had no preoperative or postoperative
Claw toe correction 6 pain. Twenty-four feet had pain before surgery. Nineteen
Botulinum toxin injection in hamstrings 4 feet improved, four showed no improvement, and one had
Botulinum toxin injection in psoas 9 severe pain postoperatively. This last case had inappro-
priate reduction of the talonavicular joint and the valgus
J Child Orthop (2009) 3:179–183 181
Radiographic evaluation
182 J Child Orthop (2009) 3:179–183
J Child Orthop (2009) 3:179–183 183
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Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Fernando Ortiz MD for arthrodesis for adult onset flatfoot deformity/posterior tibial ten-
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