Wilkins 2015
Wilkins 2015
Wilkins 2015
Chris Wilkins
To cite this article: Chris Wilkins (2015) Education reform in England: quality and equity in
the performative school, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19:11, 1143-1160, DOI:
This article argues that contradictory forces affect teachers’ work in the neo-liberal
school system in England, with a diversity of governance models alongside
increasingly dominant orthodoxies of what constitutes ‘effective practice and
leadership’. School reforms in England have focused on increasing overall
attainment and on closing the achievement gap for pupils from ‘disadvantaged
communities’; whilst there is evidence that reforms have delivered on the
former, evidence is inconclusive on the latter, with some critics arguing that
some reforms have increased social inequality. The future for teachers’
professional identity and practices in this landscape is uncertain. Whilst this
article broadly concurs with many studies of teacher identity which argue that
the ever-extending reach of performative mechanisms has restricted teachers’
opportunities to develop as activist professionals with ‘a moral purpose’, it also
argues that the diversified landscape may provide the opportunity for new
autonomous spaces. It goes on to suggest that further research is needed into the
forms of locally determined values and practices emerging in ‘quasi-privatised’
academies and free schools in England, to explore whether these professional
communities will be entirely managerialist/entrepreneurial in character, or
whether models of practice underpinned by a concern with social equity and
social justice issues may emerge.
Recent decades have seen a global preoccupation with the effectiveness of education
systems, reflecting the dominance of neo-liberalism in economic and social policy
arenas, and an orthodoxy focused almost entirely on seeing improving educational out-
comes in terms of competition in the ‘global knowledge economy’ (OECD 2005;
Rasmussen et al. 2009). This global neo-liberal project has been extensively analysed
and conceptualised during this time, with particular attention paid to the impact of the
performative frameworks that characterise it on the values and the practices of schools
and of teachers.
Another important area of study has been the relationship between the demands of
competing on a knowledge economy and issues of equity. Some argue that neo-liberal
reforms can deliver greater efficiency and competitiveness in parallel with a socially
progressive, even egalitarian agenda; Giddens argues that this ‘European Social
Model’ is at the heart of the European Union’s (EU) Lisbon Treaty (Giddens 2007).
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However, this is countered by those who argue that the demands of performative
systems preclude practice that is driven by values and principles of social justice and
equity (Ball 2000, 8).
This debate has run alongside one about the impact of performative systems on the
work of teachers and on teachers’ professional identity. For some, neo-liberal manage-
rialism has for many years been seen as ‘de-professionalising’ teachers, reducing them
to classroom technicians charged with the delivery of an instrumentalist curriculum.
(Barton et al. 1994; Robertson 2000), whilst others argue that it has created opportu-
nities for ‘professional empowerment’ in schools where distributive leadership
models allow for a more collegial environment (Gronn 2003; Coles and Southworth
This article explores the phenomenon of performative reforms in education with a
particular focus on the impact these may have on social justice and equity issues. It does
so by examining recent and current policy trends in England, which has long been seen
as being in the ‘vanguard’ of the neo-liberal reform agenda (although the article also
draws on international perspectives, particularly school reforms in the USA). Different
models of education reform have emerged in different systems, with specific policy
approaches developing as a consequence of local political contexts, but of the national
reforms taking place over the past two decades, the English context provides the most
striking evidence of the neo-liberal project at work (Furlong 2013). Nowhere else has
the marketisation and diversification of educational delivery been so extensive;
nowhere else has the performative regulatory framework become so intensive
(Wilkins et al. 2012). An exploration of the impact on performative reforms on edu-
cational equity in England, therefore, may provide useful insights into the potential con-
sequences for the many national systems across the world who appear to be, a varying
speeds and degrees of enthusiasm, following ‘the English way’.
The article discusses of the way in which the structures and governance of schooling
in England have been diversified over recent years, in particular, the way the increasing
autonomy of schools to self-govern in a ‘third space’ between the public and private.
This diversification came initially through devolvement of financial and staffing
responsibilities to all state schools, then by the growth of academies and ‘free
schools’, with even greater autonomy, and entirely independent of local government
influence. In particular, it explores the potential consequences for teachers’ professional
values, identity and practices, and considers the possible impact of what are effectively
quasi-privatised state schools on teachers’ engagement with equity issues.
performance, and so shape policy responses (Grek and Ozga 2010). PISA has become
particularly influential in shaping political and public discourse within the EU, where
macro-level education policy has been driven by the aspiration for the EU to be a
global ‘knowledge-based’ economic superpower (Ertl 2006; Dale and Robertson
Evidence certainly suggests systems seen as ‘high performers’ (such as Shanghai,
Singapore and Finland) share a crucial common characteristic; their ability to recruit
the highest quality of entrant into teaching and to build on this through highly effective
professional development (Barber and Mourshed 2007, 16). With the ever-increasing
reach of neo-liberal policies across the globe, there have been many attempts to repli-
cate the key features of high-performing systems; certainly the political profile of
teacher education policy has never been as high as it has in the past two decades
(Furlong 2013).
Perhaps the defining characteristic of recent education (and particularly teacher edu-
cation) reforms across the globe has been the attempts to ‘capture the essence’ of what
enables school systems to ‘come out on top’ (Barber and Mourshed 2007). The sol-
utions adopted are overwhelmingly neo-liberal ones; marketisation, assumed to bring
fiscal efficiency, diversification of provision to facilitate ‘consumer choice’, and some-
what contradictory performative deregulation, in which the state’s role is apparently
reduced to that of oversight of the market whilst actually exerting immense power
through data-driven performance management at every level; on individual teachers,
schools, local/metropolitan authorities and national systems (Ball 2000; Robertson
2000). The neo-liberal reform project, across all public services, not just education,
has been effectively ‘normalised’ through its ubiquity in international political dis-
course; the World Bank and the OECD, the EU’s Lisbon Treaty 2009 and national gov-
ernments across the globe have promoted neo-liberal policies as being not only the most
effective way of bringing about economic and social development, but the only way
(Lynch 2006; Rizvi and Lingard 2010).
Education policy, therefore, shifted in the New Labour era from being simply a social
policy to being social and economic at the same time (Furlong 2013). According to
Anthony Giddens, Third Way politics aimed to reshape social democratic principles
in response to the revolutionary imperatives of globalisation and the knowledge
economy (Giddens 2000).
others have claimed that this improvement ‘disappears’ when the pupil and staffing
mobility that occurs when schools convert to academy status is taken into account
(Machin and Wilson 2009; Wrigley 2011; Allen 2013). A recent parliamentary
Select Committee Report came to the conclusion that there was no conclusive evidence
regarding the impact of academisation on overall attainment (House of Commons Edu-
cation Committee 2015), also noting the variability in impact of academy conversion on
‘closing the gap’ for socio-economically disadvantaged students (Francis, Hutchings,
and R. De Vries 2014).
One notable feature of education reforms in England has been the undoubted
success on the London Challenge, a conglomeration of initiatives that led to a signifi-
cant improvement in student outcomes in London from 2000 to 2010; this improvement
cut across boundaries of social class, ethnicity and type of school governance (Baars
et al. 2014). Further research will be needed to unpick the complex factors that have
led to the success of London Challenge (in both overall attainment terms and in
terms of equity; the extent to which it has contributed to closing the attainment gap).
However, the fact that improvements were seen across academies and community
schools, across the wide range of ethnic communities in London and across a range
of local authority districts where very different models of governance were favoured,
suggests there will be no straightforward answers.
Debate around the impact of neo-liberal school reforms on overall academic attain-
ment, and on the consequences for social equity outcomes, are not confined to England.
Separate OECD reports on the marketisation of school systems found that the introduc-
tion of ‘quasi-market’ incentives brought, at best, modest gains (Hatcher 2011, 490),
and the debates around system reforms in the USA have been particularly heated,
where the charter school and contract school initiatives parallel the academies and
free school developments in England. Proponents of US school reforms argue that lib-
eralising school governance has made at least some contribution to delivering the ega-
litarian goals of No Child Left Behind (Dillon 2005), but many other studies have
pointed to the opposite outcome, that the array of neo-liberal reforms (of governance,
curriculum and assessment) have had a disproportionate negative impact on equity
(Fuller et al. 2007; Hursh and Lipman 2007).
Despite the relatively modest evidence of a positive impact of these structural mani-
festations of neo-liberal reforms, set against a significant amount of evidence of their
adverse impact on equity in educational outcomes, it seems unquestionable that
global education policy will continue to be characterised by a multilayered, multile-
veled marketisation, and in some respects privatisation, measures (Ball 2009).
partnerships with parents, business and the community’ (Blair 1996). Blair emphasised
that his mission was ‘practical’ and intended to ‘ . . . put behind us the political and
ideological debates that have dominated the last thirty years’ (Blair 1996). This charac-
terisation of neo-liberal policy solutions as being ‘common-sense’ and ‘above or
beyond politics’ echoes the prevailing conceptualisation of globalisation within politi-
cal discourse; Rizvi and Lingard argue that neo-liberalism has become the ‘social ima-
ginary’ of globalisation, giving it sense and legitimacy (2006, 201). The persuasiveness
of this normalising discourse is apparent in the extent to which the neo-liberal ‘account-
ability and standards’ agenda has come to dominate global education policy, with pro-
fessional dissent offset by wider public acceptance of the ‘common-sense necessity’ of
reform (Torres 2011).
Blair’s ‘Ruskin 20 years on’ speech went beyond the reach of Callaghan’s by tar-
geting not just the restructuring of schools and the curriculum, but by setting out a
mission to reframe teacher professionalism, overturning the traditional notion of indi-
vidual professionalism in favour of a collective endeavour in which professionalism
entailed multiple accountabilities; to parents, colleagues, school leaders and govern-
ment. Under New Labour, teacher professionalism required teachers to take personal
and collective responsibility for their professional development and to be ‘open to
change’ based on evidence of ‘what works’. This vision of new teacher professionalism
was set against a portrayal of ‘traditional’ professionalism in which ‘ . . . isolated, unac-
countable professions made curriculum and pedagogical decisions alone without refer-
ence to the outside world’ (Department for Education and Employment 1998). In
summary, teachers needed to accept an externally managed vision of their own pro-
fessional expertise (Furlong 2013, 34).
away from universities and their presumed focus on ‘academic knowledge’ comes from
proposals to undermine the requirement for teachers to hold formal postgraduate teach-
ing qualifications (Furlong 2013). For some, the promotion of a school-led system rep-
resents a concerted political assault on universities (Browne and Reid 2012), although it
is perhaps more accurately a consequence of the neo-liberal ‘imagining’ of a diversi-
fied, marketised delivery as not so much the most effective approach, but simply
‘common-sense’; the only approach. As Blair might have put it, it is a practical not
ideological imperative; this perhaps reflects the ‘normalising’ of neo-liberalism, to
the extent where the widespread privatisation of state education (Ball 2009) is
largely unremarked upon in public and political discourse.
For many, this has led to the notion that teachers have been deprofessionalised
(Ozga 1995), through a process by which their work has been reshaped as being a
set of post-professional activities (Hargreaves 2000; Ball 2003; Apple 2005). Performa-
tive mechanisms have been characterised by the ways in which they undermine pro-
fessional values based on critical reflection and practice, and imposing external,
frequently data-driven, priorities that consequently devalue or suppress more creative,
interpretive aspects of teachers’ work (Galton and MacBeath 2008). Ultimately, it is
argued, this leads to an ‘inauthenticity’ of practice that has ‘potentially profound con-
sequences [ . . . ] for the inner-life of the teacher’ (Ball 2003, 226). Evans argues that the
framework of professional standards, first introduced in 1998 in England and currently
in their fourth iteration, have shaped teacher professionalism in complex ways, but pre-
dominately as a ‘demanded or required’ professionalism that is relatively narrowly
defined by teachers’ behaviour rather than their attitudes or intellectuality (Evans
2011, 868).
Others have argued, however, that there is potential for resistance to this post-pro-
fessional teacher identity, despite the dominant entrepreneurial, managerialist dis-
course. For Sachs (2003) this resistance is dependent on the maintenance of a robust
collegiality that values and promotes an ‘inquiry-oriented’ approach. Where this colle-
gial professional culture prevails, in which teachers feel a strong affiliation to their
professional community, Sachs argues that teachers are able to uphold a more
‘values-driven’ notion of the professional as ‘an active agent pursuing a moral
purpose’ (Sachs 2003).
Sachs (2003) argues that dissent is crucial to professional innovation through
‘system adaption’, and that it allows for the growth of a transformative professionalism
driven by internally generated professional values rather than externally imposed
models of ‘good practice’ (Avis 2005). The notion of collegiality and collaboration
as being central to the maintenance of ‘traditional’ professionalism is a common one,
and some studies of school leadership have drawn attention to this, noting that pro-
fessional identities are more likely to remain stable in schools where school leaders
promote a culture of collaborative professionalism rather that individual ‘self-improve-
ment’ (Hord 1997; Katzenmeyer and Moller 2009). This has led in turn to the notion
that the most effective school leaders are those that are committed to fostering a ‘pro-
fessional learning culture’ (Stoll and Louis 2007; Day and Gu 2010).
Sachs’ notion of the activist professional is obviously an appealing one for educa-
tors with a strong commitment to a social equity agenda, and one that at first sight res-
onates with the notion of teachers as ‘productive pedagogues’ (Lingard and Mills 2007)
who locate their practice in a wider context of social justice and the purpose of edu-
cation, rather than the ‘reproductive pedagogues’ who simply enact (and therefore legit-
imise) extant inequalities (Lingard and Mills 2007, 234), However, this optimistic view
of the potential for pursuing egalitarian goals within neo-liberal policy arenas is a ques-
tionable one for a number of reasons. As Sachs makes clear, values-driven practice can
only flourish in a collegial professional culture, and there is a significant body of evi-
dence suggesting that genuine collegiality is difficult to maintain in schools where ten-
dency of performative frameworks to create an environment in which authoritarian
principals are lauded as ‘transformational leaders’ (Courtney and Gunter 2015). In
such unpromising environments, the teaching profession is re-fashioned through a
new generation of teachers more accepting of the discourse of performativity
(Goodson 2014). For many of this new generation of teachers, compliance with perfor-
mative practices is normalised (Wilkins 2011).
1152 C. Wilkins
bias’ that enhances the legitimacy of particular actions, and so encourages the compli-
ance of all members of the professional community (Busher, Hammersley-Fletcher, and
Turner 2007, 417).
performative school (Avis 2005) could create the conditions for teachers to pursue a
genuinely progressive social equity agenda.
Critics of the neo-liberal diversification of school governance models, however,
argue that the liberation of academies from the constraints in force over ‘traditional’
community schools has failed to deliver significant improvements in attainment
(Machin and Wilson 2009; Wrigley 2011; Allen 2013), let alone any closing of the
achievement gap. Meanwhile, the evidence from the USA on Charter Schools suggests
that whilst there is ambiguity about the impact on overall attainment (Dillon 2005), in
some studies have been shown to have a disproportionately adverse impact on out-
comes for minorities (Bifulco and Ladd 2007). Ultimately this is likely to remain a con-
tested issue for some time; the rapid expansion of academies and the demographic
variability between schools makes it difficult to produce clear evidence either way.
Similarly, whilst ministers insist marketising school choice enhances social mobility,
critics argue that it increases social inequality because middle-class parents will
always be better placed to ‘game the system’ and ensure their children ‘win’ places
at the most successful, and desirable schools (Hatcher 2011).
As yet, despite the huge amount of research into teacher identity over recent decades,
much of which has been exercised by the question of how this is re-shaped and re-
formed in performative systems, the particular impact on teacher identity of working
under archetypal neo-liberal governance models in academies and free schools
remains a mystery. By virtue of the liberalised, diversified system constructed in
England over the past two decades, researching this topic and trying to identify the dis-
tinctive features of teachers’ work in such a complex and volatile landscape would
present obvious challenges. However, whilst free schools are still at a small ‘exper-
imental’ scale, academies are now a ‘mainstream’ governance model; introduced in
England in 2002, expansion accelerated from 203 in 2010 to over 3000 (15% of all
schools) in 2014 (DfE 2014). Although it is right to be concerned about the growth
of academies and free schools in respect of the impact on social equity, the question
of how teacher identity in these ‘quasi-privatised’ state schools might be evolving
deserves much greater attention. It may be that the individualised model of ‘colonised’
professional learning (Ball 2000), with its overriding culture of coercive instrumental-
ism (Wilkins and Wood 2009) will continue to encourage compliance with external
models of innovative practice, and exacerbate the sidelining of equity issues.
It may be, however, that these schools provide a greater degree of autonomy for tea-
chers, whether it is solely ‘granted’ through ideological partiality or ‘earned’ through
success in meeting performative targets, and that this could provide space for diversity
and values-driven professional practice. Although cross-national comparisons are
fraught with danger, there are some indications from the USA that the Charter
School movement, whilst frequently subjected to intense criticism for de-professiona-
lising teachers, narrowing the curriculum and increasing the attainment gap (Hursh and
Lipman 2007, 167), there is some evidence that this is not inevitable, and as the move-
ment has matured there are examples of more ‘progressive’ practices emerging
(Carpenter 2008; Blitz 2011). Lipman describes how the first wave of Charter
Schools of Chicago, although predominately ‘corporate’ in organisation and ethos,
included schools where the relative pedagogic freedom Charter status entails opened
1156 C. Wilkins
spaces for progressive agency, and attracted ‘social justice- oriented’ teachers to work
in them (Lipman 2008, 76–77).
What is clear is that further research is needed to see whether this can create the con-
ditions not just for transformational leadership, but for transformational teaching and
learning. At present we have little evidence to call upon, and those studies that have
investigated the cultures developing in the early (2002–2010 era) ‘sponsored’ acade-
mies suggest that they do create an enhanced entrepreneurial domain (Woods,
Woods, and Gunter 2007, 353). However, although the authors of this study argued
that this created the potential for cultural progressivism, in practice the school cultures
they found were predominately constructed as sites of enhanced private entrepreneuri-
alism, and so private influence (Woods, Woods, and Gunter 2007, 254). If the evidence
is inconclusive for these ‘first wave’ academies, then this is even truer of the post-2010
‘converter academies’.
It is clear that the neo-liberal governance model for state schools in England,
whether in traditional ‘community schools’, academies or free schools, is not conducive
to the values-driven professionalism envisaged by Sachs (2003); however, even where
this teacher-initiated culture does exist, it will only lead to a meaningful engagement
with social equity issues where these are central to the teachers’ values. Genuine col-
laborative leadership is essential for productive pedagogies (Lingard and Mills 2007)
that connect schools’ curricula and practices to the pursuit of a social justice agenda,
but it is not enough on its own. We need teachers committed to this agenda, and
whilst teachers entering the profession still overwhelmingly do so for ‘altruistic’
reasons (Wilkins 2011), altruism does not necessarily lead to activism. Evidence of
the past decade suggests that teacher values are mostly suppressed in the face of the
coercive compliance imposed by performative managerialism.
The potential consequences of recent education reforms in England, therefore, are in
almost every respect discouraging for social justice advocates. Paradoxically, however,
as the performative grip tightens across the ‘traditional’ community school sector, it
may be that the most promising arena for teachers to ‘pursue a moral purpose’ and a
social justice agenda could be within the ultimate symbol of the neo-liberal reform
project; the privatised state school.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
Notes on contributor
Chris Wilkins is a Reader in Education and currently Director of Teacher Education at the
University of Leicester.
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