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Review on vehicle

barrier protection guidance

Karlos, Vasilis
Larcher, Martin
Solomos, George


EUR 28938 EN
This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s
science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European
policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European
Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is
responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.

Contact information
Name: Vasilis Karlos
Address: Safety and Security of Buildings Unit, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, 21027, Ispra (VA), Italy
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +39 0332 78 5934

JRC Science Hub


JRC 109289

EUR 28938 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-77071-5 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/845599

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017

© European Union, 2017

The reuse of the document is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the original meaning or
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How to cite this report: Karlos, V., Larcher M., Solomos G. Review on vehicle barrier protection guidance, EUR,

All images © European Union 2017

Title Review on vehicle barrier protection guidance

A search and review of publicly available documents with guidance on the security of designated spaces against
vehicle-ramming attacks has been conducted. The current report provides a list of these sources, which focus on
the protection of public spaces, such as pedestrian areas, tourist sites, city squares or other perimeter protected
areas. The list aims at bringing to the interested security stakeholders information on measures to prevent
potential attacks and/or mitigate their consequences by properly designed and tested barrier systems.

Executive summary ............................................................................................. 1

1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 2
2 Availability of information sources ...................................................................... 4
3 Security Barrier Information Sources .................................................................. 5
4 Conclusions ...................................................................................................11
References ........................................................................................................12

Executive summary
The current document provides a list of available information sources focusing on the
design, testing and installation procedures of vehicle barriers used to protect special
security designated areas and the so-called soft targets against terrorist and other types
of malicious extremist attacks by the use of vehicles. Soft targets represent vulnerable
material or human assets, which in principle should not be specifically protected. However,
such assets are often the target of terrorist groups in their effort to maximize casualties,
inflict fear to the population and attain media coverage. Of particular interest are public
spaces, such as pedestrian areas, fairs, tourist sites, outdoor markets and city squares, as
was noticed during the recent attacks in Nice, Barcelona, London, Berlin and Stockholm.
The list aims at bringing to the interested security stakeholder existing documents with
information and practical guidance on the available methods for testing, selecting and
installing vehicle security barriers that can prevent a potential attack and to mitigate the
consequences, should such an attack materializes. Special attention is also given on
introducing “security by design” concepts in public space design and promoting
aesthetically pleasing barrier solutions in order to reach a balance between the open nature
of public spaces and their security measures.
The collected documents mainly address the testing, selection and installation of vehicle
barriers for security and not for safety purposes. The documents are grouped according to
the following broad domains relating to their contents: testing, selection, design,
aesthetics/security by design, application/installation, product availability and cost.
Clearly, many of the presented documents fit into more than one domain, but the
categorisation is based on the main piece of information that is provided.
The referenced information sources originate from various technical or standardization
bodies and countries, such as UK, France, USA, Australia etc. The list is quite
comprehensive but it is limited to the publicly available documents and practically to those
found in English and French.

1 Introduction

The worldwide rise of terrorism has been accompanied by a series of vehicle-ramming

attacks against targets that were characterized by limited protection measures. A tendency
has appeared for assaults at unprotected places of people congregation, irrespective of the
gathering purpose (recreational, political, religious, commercial etc.). The numerous recent
terrorist attacks (Nice 2016, Berlin 2016, Barcelona and London 2017 etc.), has led into
the realization that public spaces (pedestrian precincts, open-air festivals, fairs, outdoor
markets, city squares etc.) are becoming potential targets of vehicle-ramming attacks
performed by terrorist groups or extremists and often carried out by a single individual.
Fig.1 shows the number of victims from vehicle-ramming attacks that were performed
worldwide and in Europe in the last six years (numbers from [Jane’s], internal calculations).
From the numbers in this figure it can be concluded that there exists a recurrent targeting
of crowded places with the use of vehicles and that over the last years this has resulted in
a steady increase in the death toll.

Figure 1. Number of victims in vehicle-ramming attacks in the last six years in Europe
and worldwide.

It is a common belief among the public, the security officials and the administrators that
more effective protection measures are necessary. This is a considerably difficult task as
the public spaces vary widely and their characteristics range from fully open spaces with
no protection to areas where basic or more elaborate protection has been introduced.
Standardised solutions may not exist or may not be adequate due to the ever changing
nature of the hazard, and for this reason any available information on protection guidance
or best practice techniques is urgently needed. The European Commission has recently
presented an Action Plan that aims at supporting Member States in protecting and reducing
the vulnerability of public spaces [COM(2017)612]. As advocated in this communication,
technical solutions should be sought that can help to make public spaces more secure while
preserving their open and public nature. Further, it is pointed out that "security by design"
should become an essential principle from a very early stage in their development.
An effort has been made in the current document to provide a list of the available
information sources focusing on the testing, design and installation of vehicle mitigation
measures against terrorist and other types of malicious extremist attacks. These
documents aim at offering to the interested security stakeholder insight into how physical
security measures can be utilized for mitigating the consequences of such types of attacks.
The term “vehicle-ramming” is typically adopted to indicate the use of vehicles (cars, vans,
trucks etc.) used as a weapon against human targets by terrorists and other type of
extremists in their effort to maximize casualties, gain global attention and inflict fear to
the population. The methodology of the attackers during the last years has shifted by
placing the citizen as the main target instead of other critical infrastructures for which
attacks require better preparation, larger funds and have lower chances of success. The
increase in vehicle-ramming attacks is also attributed to the easy planning, the direct
accessibility to a wide variety of vehicles and the minimal expertise required. In response
to this threat, besides the intelligence and prevention measures for averting such attacks,
considerable attention has been directed by many countries to methods and techniques for
enhancing the physical security measures of public spaces. This has resulted in a
considerable number of guidance and best practice documents, which, by not being in the
form of official standards, may not always be known to all security officers, premise
owners, building designers, technical experts or other interested professionals.
For the purposes of this document vehicle barriers are devices or other structural obstacles
that allow the controlled access of vehicles to an area that is designated as protected.
These barriers should be specifically designed and capable of stopping an ill-intentioned
vehicle that attempts to breach the barrier. They are placed across roadways and passages
and can be active or passive, permanent or temporary, and come under various technical
and commercial names as bollards, wedge barriers, beam barriers, concrete Jersey barriers
etc., and they can even take the form of concrete sitting benches, flower planters etc.
The material that is collected and presented in the current report focuses on vehicle
barriers that are mainly utilized for security and not safety purposes. The distinction
between safety and security barriers is a challenging task, as they both share many
common characteristics and they can satisfy different protection needs. Safety barriers are
utilized for preventing and/or mitigating the results of an accident (errant vehicle) that can
result in life loss, injuries or environmental destruction. On the other hand, vehicle security
barriers are adopted for creating a physical obstacle against unauthorised entry and other
form of relevant attacks, aiming at protecting human life and damage of property.
The list of documents included in the present report can serve as a tool for establishing
techniques that could be adopted for enhancing the security of crowded spaces. The
referenced information sources originate from a wide variety of technical or standardization
bodies and countries (UK, France, USA, Australia etc.). The documents are in their majority
recent and, according to their contexts, are presented under the following non-strictly
separable categories: testing, selection, design, aesthetics/security by design,
application/installation, product availability and cost. As will be noticed, in the European
Union the listed guidelines originate mostly from the UK and France, while similar
documents were not found publicly available in the other Member States.

The documents are of public domain and most of them are freely downloadable from the
indicated web sites.
Towards enriching this list, the authors would be grateful to receive any additional
information regarding missing or newly-produced documents on the subject.

2 Availability of information sources
The following tables contain the guidance documents available from the various information
sources regarding physical protection measures against vehicle-ramming attacks. A short
description and keywords of each document are included. The identified sources originate
from several countries and the documents found, at the first phase of this search, are
predominantly written in the English, French, or German languages. As a result, in the EU
relevant guidance has been found in reports, the majority of which has been produced in
the UK. As mentioned above, it would be highly appreciated if informed readers point out
to the authors the existence of similar documents in other languages.
The first table below graphically summarises the current state of guidance availability and
completeness of coverage per security

*Publicly available in EU working languages

** USA, Australia

Good coverage/availability

Full availability in the UK, partial

availability in the rest EU member states

Partial coverage/availability

Partial availability in the UK, no

availability in the rest EU member states

No coverage/availability

Publisher/ Document Issue
Category Code name Specification Identifiers Link
Author type date

Vehicle Security Barriers- test methodology, parameter

International International Part 1: Requirement, definition, test site preparation,
ISO/ IWA https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:
Organization for Workshop vehicle impact test 2013 test vehicle preparation, impact
14-1 iso:iwa:14:-1:ed-1:v2:en
Standardization Agreement method and speed, vehicle category, test
performance rating report, measurements

Vehicle security barriers- performance requirements, test

CEN Performance conditions, classification, test
methods, item preparation, https://shop.bsigroup.com/ProductD
Workshop CWA 16221 requirements, test 2010
data, design criteria, etail/?pid=000000000030237303
Agreement methods and guidance
on application foundation, site assessment,
site design, barrier types
Road Restraint Systems- test site, instrumentation,
Part 1: Terminology and vehicles, data processing, http://www.extrudakerb.com/pdf/BS
EN1317-1* 2010
general criteria for test results, deformation, loading %20EN%201317-1%202010.pdf
methods conditions
Road Restraint Systems- safety barrier, vehicle

Testing Part 2: Performance behaviour, vehicle deformation,
classes, impact test https://infostore.saiglobal.com/previ
(1/2) barrier deformation, test
European EN1317-2* acceptance criteria and 2010 ew/is/en/2010/i.s.en1317-2-
methods, test site, impact
Committee for test methods for safety 2010.pdf?sku=1420452
point, impact speed,
Standardization barriers and vehicle
3 Security Barrier Information Sources

approaching angle
(EU) parapets
Standard Road Restraint Systems- crash cushion types, impact
Part 3: Performance severity, vehicle behaviour,
classes, impact test crash cushion behaviour, test http://www.extrudakerb.com/pdf/BS
EN1317-3* 2010
acceptance criteria and methods, test site, impact %20EN%201317-3%202010.pdf
test methods for crash point, impact speed,
cushions approaching angle

Road Restraint Systems- treatment of safety barrier, test

Part 4: Performance criteria, severity class, lateral
classes, impact test displacement, vehicle http://www.trafficlab.eu/bandi/doc_
EN1317-4* acceptance criteria and 2001
behaviour, transition, impact download/76-norma-en1317-4.html
test methods for requirements, impact points,
terminals and transitions loading conditions
of safety barriers
*regarding mainly on safety barriers
Publisher/ Document Code Issue
Category Specification Identifiers Link
Author type name date

Publicly Impact test test methods, vehicle classification,

British Standards specifications for impact assessment, test vehicle, data https://shop.bsigroup.com/ProductDetai
Available PAS:68 2013
Institution (UK) vehicle security collection, test preparation, barrier l/?pid=000000000030273707
Testing systems classification
American Society Standard Test Method impact speed, vehicle type, test site,
ASTM F for Vehicle Crash design basis, vehicle weight, http://www.astm.org/cgi-
for Testing and Standard 2015
2656-15 Testing of Perimeter performance, penetration limits, bin/resolver.cgi?F2656F2656M-15
Materials (USA)
Barriers preparation
Whole Building Bollard: Crash- and barrier types, running costs, impact https://www.wbdg.org/resources/bollar
Design Guide- G. - Attack-resistance 2016
resistance, selection procedure d-crash-and-attack-resistant-models
Oakes (USA) Models

Department of Guide mitigation planning, community

Integrating Manmade https://www.fema.gov/media-library-
Homeland FEMA support, risk assessment, mitigation
Hazards into 2003 data/20130726-1524-20490-
Security- FEMA 386-7 priorities, mitigation action,

Mitigation Planning 3869/howto7.pdf
(USA) implementation

Department of Guide to Active site planning, threat assessment, https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/

Homeland Guide - Vehicle Barrier (AVB) 2014 selection criteria, specifications, publications/Guide-to-Active-Vehicle-
Security (USA) Specification and recommended practices, planning, Barrier-2014-508.pdf
Selection Selection Resources operational considerations

Direction générale État de l'art des fence types, vegetation, gate design, gate http://www.stac.aviation-
Informative systèmes de protection
de l'aviation civile - 2012 types, barrier types, detection civile.gouv.fr/publications/documents/prot
note périmétrique des
(France) technology systems ec_perimetrique.pdf

American Public APTA SS- barrier overview, risk assessment, barrier

Informative Anti-Vehicle Barriers for design, selection procedure, training, http://www.apta.com/resources/standards
Transportation SIS-RP-009- 2012
note Public Transit maintenance, cost, liability, selection /Documents/APTA-SS-SIS-RP-009-12.pdf
Association (USA) 12
risk, protective measures, risk analysis,
Perimeter security site design, physical protection measures, https://vds.de/fileadmin/vds_publikationen
VdS (Germany) Manual VdS 3143 2012
manual landscape design, fences, walls, barriers, /vds_3143en_web.pdf
detection system, alarm, personnel
Publisher/ Document Code Issue
Category Specification Identifiers Link
Author type name date

The National
Capital Urban Designing and Testing of element design, contextual design,
Design and Guide - Perimeter Security 2007 foundations, barrier types, layout, vehicle
Security Plan Elements approach, testing principles

planning, aggressor characteristics,

penetration performance, detection,
Department Design Guidelines for
MIL-HDBK- threat assessment, fences, barriers, http://www.countermeasures.com/physical_s
of Defence Handbook Physical Security of 1987
1013/1 gates, access control, forced entry, ecurity_docs/Mil-HDBK-1013.pdf
(USA) Facilities
ballistic attack, standoff distance,
protection level, vehicle impact energy

FEMA- Reference Manual to vulnerability, risk, site design strategy,

426/BIPS- Mitigate Potential Terrorist 2011 barrier examples, building design,
06 Attacks Against Buildings glazing, security system design, CCTV

Design Department threat characterization, damage
Design of Commercial https://www.fema.gov/media-library-
(1/2) of Homeland prediction, design approach, design
Manual FEMA-427 Buildings to Mitigate 2003 data/20130726-1455-20490-
Security- guidance, perimeter security measures,
Terrorist Attacks 6114/fema427.pdf
FEMA (USA) protective barriers, occupancy, cost

Primer to Design Safe risk assessment, site design, perimeter

School Projects in Case of protection, layers of defence, access https://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/st/bips0
428/BIPS- 2012
Terrorist Attacks and control, blast protection, risk to CBR 7_428_schools.pdf
School Shootings agents

design strategies, protective measures,

FM 3- site design, perimeter barriers, speed https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/ARMYCOE/FIELD
Physical Security 2001
19.30 control, detection , protective barriers, MAN/fm31930.pdf
Department gates, fences, security entrances
of the Army Guidance
(USA) security planning, plan development, site
ATTP 3- design, barrier types, security perimeter, https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/attp3-39-
Physical Security 2010
39.32 access control, electronic security, 32.pdf
resource management
Publisher/ Document Code Issue
Category Specification Identifiers Link
Author type name date

Department of Physical Security Design site design, perimeter barriers, control

access, building envelope, column https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/VA/VAPHYS/dmp
Veteran Affairs Manual - Manual (for VA mission 2015
protection, anti-ram resistance, utilities, hysecmc_2015.pdf
(USA) critical facilities)
security systems

U.S. General
Services The Site Security Design risk reduction strategy, site design, https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/GSA/site_security
Guide - 2007
Administration Guide perimeter elements, site access _dg.pdf

Zealand National https://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/Media-
Design mitigation techniques, safety by design,
Counter- Hostile Vehicle Guidelines and-
(2/2) Guide - 2017 barrier types, pedestrian area design,
Terrorism for Crowded Places publications/Publications/Documents/hostile-
safety factors, impact angle
Committee vehicle-guidelines-crowded-places.pdf

Dams Sector-Active and security plan, access control, barrier
Guide Passive Vehicle Barriers 2010 types, operation, selection procedure,
Department of Guide certification rating
Security (USA) Buildings and Primer to design Safe risk assessment, design
Infrastructure School projects in Case of https://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/st/bips0
2012 recommendations, attack methods,
Protection Terrorist Attacks and 7_428_schools.pdf
access control, protection levels
Series School Shooting
National aesthetics considerations, design
Cooperative NCHRP Aesthetic Concrete Barrier techniques, affecting factors, http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/n
Highway Report 2006
554 Design assessment, viewer preference, crash chrp_rpt_554.pdf
Aesthetics Research test, design solutions
/security Program (USA)
by design
(1/2) safety, traffic, design elements, traffic
World Resources https://www.wri.org/sites/default/files/Cities
Guidance - Cities Safer by Design 2015 calming measures, pedestrian areas,
Institute (USA) SaferByDesign_final.pdf
medians, public space, safe access
Publisher/ Document Code Issue
Category Specification Identifiers Link
Author type name date

Department of Site and Urban Design lessons learned, design considerations, https://www.fema.gov/media-library-
Homeland Guidance FEMA 430 for Security (against 2007 blast effects, cost, defence layers, barrier data/20130726-1624-20490-
Security-FEMA potential terrorist design, barrier types, active/passive 9648/fema430.pdf
Aesthetics/ (USA) attacks) barrier overview, access points
security by
design (2/2) Terrorism, Risk and the defensive landscape, crime prevention, http://dlx.b-
Jon Coaffee Book - Global City (towards 2009 gates, barriers, landscape management, ok.org/genesis/398000/50f7bb31c2100535cf
urban resilience) resilient planning, working example 6393c2e7e80bb0/_as/[Jon_Coaffee]_Terroris
International International Vehicle Security threat assessment, site characteristics,
Organization Workshop ISO/IWA Barriers- Part 2 : 2013 asset assessment, barrier performance, https://www.iso.org/standard/64737.html
for 14-2
Agreement Application penetration distance, maintenance

British Publicly Guidance for the barrier types, selection procedure,

Standards Available PAS:69 selection, installation 2013 installation, threat assessment, asset https://shop.bsigroup.com/ProductDetail/?pi

Institution (UK) Specification and use of vehicle assessment, site design, requirements,
security barriers implementation, inspection
Barrières de Sécurité design, conception, barrier list,
Application/ Techniques des http://memoar.setra.developpement-
Guide - pour la retenue des 1999 aesthetics, adaptation, efficiency,
Installation Routes et durable.gouv.fr/_ftp/Barrieres_PL.pdf
poids lourds fabrication, application, repair
(1/2) Autoroutes

United States
Army Corps of failure modes, barrier types, system https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/DOD/UFGS/UFGS
Guide UFGS-34 Active Vehicle Barriers 2008
Engineers characteristics, execution advice, training %2034%2071%2013.19.pdf

design parameters, vehicle speed, barrier

Selection and types, design considerations, aesthetics,
Department of UFC-4-022- https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/DOD/UFC/ufc_4_
Guide Application of Vehicle 2010 reliability, installation requirements,
Defence (USA) 02 022_02_2009_c1.pdf
Barriers active/passive barriers systems overview,
cost analysis, debris

*regarding mainly on safety barriers

Publisher/ Document Code Issue
Category Specification Identifiers Link
Author type name date

Department UFC- requirements, fence types, gate types,

Security Fences and https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/DOD/
of Defence Guide 4-022- 2013 foundation types, installation
Gates UFC/ufc_4_022_03_2013.pdf
(USA) 03 characteristics

MIL- Design Guidelines for fence design, erection requirements,

HDBK- Security Fencing, Gates, maintenance, intrusion detection, http://www.cdse.edu/documents
Handbook 1993
1013/ Barriers, and Guard penetration, gate design, traffic /cdse/mil-handbook.pdf
Application/ Department
10 Facilities control, guard facilities
Installation of Defence
(2/2) (USA) DoD Antiterrorism physical security, threat detection,
Handbook - Handbook 2004 layers of security, access control, http://www.esd.whs.mil/DD/
(chapters 22-23) barrier systems, design considerations,
penetration, perimeter security,

United States risk management, threat assessment,
Installation Force vulnerability assessment, protection https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/AF/A
Air Force Guide - 1997
Protection Guide strategies, site planning, development FDG/ARCHIVES/afinstal.pdf
plan, vehicular access, controlled

United States DoD Anti-Ram Vehicle bollard, gate, net, wedge, cable, beam, https://pdc.usace.army.mil/library
List - 2017 impact speed, penetration,
Air Force (USA) Barrier List /BarrierCertification
maintenance, deployment
product list Department of https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/roadway
wooden barriers, cable barriers, stone
Transportation List - Aesthetic Barrier 2015 _dept/countermeasures/docs/Aesth
barriers, steel barriers, concrete barriers
(USA) etic_Mar2015Saferlogo.pdf

Department of Cost Estimates for Physical cost estimate, vehicle barriers, fences,
Cost Defence Manual - Security Enhancements- 2007 pedestrian screening, lighting, access https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/VA/VAP
(USA) Physical Security Design control, building envelope, column HYS/va_security_costs_dm_2007.pdf
Manual for VA Facilities protection, electrical systems
4 Conclusions
In the current document, sources of guidelines and other information material concerning
the protection from vehicle-ramming incidents by using barrier systems have been
collected and presented. The illustrated sources cover a wide range of areas, including
documentation on proper testing, design and selection methodologies for vehicle barriers.
The list included herein, is divided in categories based on the scope of each document and
contains practical guidance originating from various countries. As noted, in the European
Union detailed documentation on installation methodologies, cost and available products is
rather limited and there is strong encouragement by the European Commission for the
development of such material. As emphasized in several of the documents collected,
special care should also be paid on barrier aesthetics and the integration of security by
design concepts in the construction of such systems in particular for public spaces, like city
centres. The future guides to be produced should aim at providing advice to the security
stakeholders for reducing the risk of a vehicle-ramming attack and introducing proper
measures for mitigating the consequences, should such an incident occurs.
Finally, it is worth commenting that the CEN member states, UK and the USA have adopted
different barrier impact testing procedures, as per CWA 16221, PAS 68 and ASTM F2656-
15, respectively. This implies that after testing a barrier according to one of these
procedures, some ambiguity exists as to whether it complies with the requirements of the
other two documents. In order to avoid costly multiple impact tests, the industry usually
resorts to the impact testing prescribed in IWA 14 of ISO, which has been developed from
a committee that comprised representatives from several countries and organizations. IWA
14 has encompassed many of the testing recommendations of the previously mentioned
standards in an effort to combine acquired knowledge and introduce a document that can
be applied internationally and provide security certification.

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the
European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Action Plan
to support the protection of public spaces, COM(2017) 612 final.
American Public Transportation Association, APTA SS-SIS-RP-009-12, Anti-Vehicle Barriers
for Public Transit, Infrastructure Security Working Group, Washington D.C., 2012.
American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM F 2656-15, Standard Test Method for
Vehicle Crash Testing of Perimeter Barriers, United States, 2007.
Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee, Hostile Vehicle Guidelines for
Crowded Places, Commonwealth of Australia, 2017.
British Standards Institution, PAS:68, Impact test specifications for vehicle security barrier
systems, UK, 2013.
British Standards Institution, PAS:69, Guidance for the selection, installation and use of
vehicle security barriers, UK, 2013.
Coaffee, J., Terrorism, Risk and the Global City – Towards Urban Resilience, Ashgate
Publishing Limited, Surrey, England, 2009.
Department of Homeland Security, Dams Sector- Active and Passive Vehicle Barriers
Guide, Washington D.C., United States of America, 2010.
Department of Homeland Security, Guide to Active Vehicle Barrier (AVB) Specification and
Selection Resources, 2014.
Department of Defence, DoD Antiterrorism Handbook, Washington D.C., United States of
America, 2004.
Department of Defence, MIL-HDBK-1013/1, Design Guidelines for Physical Security of
Facilities, United States of America, 1993.
Department of Defence, MIL-HDBK-1013/10, Design Guidelines for Security Fencing,
Gates, Barriers, and Guard Facilities, United States of America, 1993.
Department of the Army, FM3-19.30, Physical Security, Washington D.C., United States of
America, 2001.
Department of the Army, ATTP3-39.32, Physical Security, Washington D.C., United States
of America, 2001.
Department of Transportation, Aesthetic Barrier, Federal Highway Administration, United
States of America, 2015.
Department of Veteran Affairs, Cost Estimates for Physical Security Enhancements-Physical
Security Design Manual for VA Facilities, Washington D.C., United States of America, 2007.
Department of Veteran Affairs, Physical Security Design Manual (for VA mission critical
facilities), Office of Construction and Facilities Management, United States of America,
Direction générale de l'aviation civile, État de l'art des systèmes de protection périmétrique
des aérodromes, Service technique de l'aviation civile, 2012.
European Committee for Standardization, CWA16221, Vehicle Security Barriers-
Performance requirements, test methods and guidance on application, 2010.
European Committee for Standardization, EN1317-1, Road Restraint Systems-Part 1:
Terminology and general criteria for test methods, 2010.
European Committee for Standardization, EN1317-2, Road Restraint Systems-Part 2:
Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for safety barriers
and vehicle parapets, 2010.
European Committee for Standardization, EN1317-3, Road Restraint Systems-Part 3:
Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for crash cushions,

European Committee for Standardization, EN1317-4, Road Restraint Systems-Part 4:
Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for terminals and
transitions of safety barriers, 2001.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Integrating Manmade Hazards into
Mitigation Planning, FEMA-386-7, Department of Homeland Security, Washington D.C.,
United States of America, 2003.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential
Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings, FEMA-426/BIPS-06, Department of Homeland Security,
United States of America, 2011.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Design of Commercial Buildings to
Mitigate Terrorist Attacks, FEMA-427, Department of Homeland Security, United States of
America, 2003.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Primer to Design Safe School Projects in
Case of Terrorist Attacks and School Shootings, FEMA-428/BIPS-07, Department of
Homeland Security, United States of America, 2012.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Site and Urban Design for Security
(against potential terrorist attacks), FEMA-430, Department of Homeland Security, United
States of America, 2007.
General Services Administration, The Site Security Design Guide, Public Buildings Service,
Washington D.C., United States of America, 2007.
Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V., Perimeter Security Manual,
VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH, Köln, Germany, 2012.
International Organization for Standardization, Vehicle Security Barriers-Part 1:
Requirement, Vehicle impact test method and performance rating, IWA 14-1, Vernier,
Switzerland, 2013.
International Organization for Standardization, Vehicle Security Barriers-Part 2:
Application, IWA 14-2, Vernier, Switzerland, 2013.
Jane’s Terrorism & Insurgency Centre, event database,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP 554, Aesthetic Concrete Barrier
Design, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., United States of America, 2006.
Oakes, C, Bollard: Crash-and Attach-resistance models, Whole Building Design Guide,
Service d'Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes, Barrières de Sécurité pour la
retenue des poids lourds, France, 1999.
The National Capital Urban Design and Security Plan, Designing and Testing of Perimeter
Security Elements, District of Columbia, USA, 2007.
Unified Facilities Criteria, UFC-4-022-02, Selection and Application of Vehicle Barriers,
Department of Defence, United States of America, 2010.
Unified Facilities Criteria, UFC-4-022-03, Security Fences and Gates, Department of
Defence, United States of America, 2013.
Unified Facilities Guide Specification, UFGS-34, Active Vehicle Barriers, United States of
America, 2008.
United States Air Force, Installation Force Protection Guide, United States of America,
US Army Corps of Engineers, DoD Anti-Ram Vehicle Barrier List, Department of Defence,
Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America, 2017.
World Resources Institute, Cities Safer by Design, Washington D.C., United States of
America, 2015.

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