Science Performance Task
Science Performance Task
Science Performance Task
1. Compare the circulatory system to a community and cite representations of the different parts of
the circulatory system and types of circulation.
- The Circulatory System is a system of the network of blood vessels providing the body it’s basic
needs such as oxygen, and nutrients. The heart, is the main organ that pumps blood through out
the whole human body. It is contrasted with a community, because a community also has a
network of people managing it. In a community there would be a leader, the sub-leaders, and the
community. The Heart of the body, will be the leader, because, just as how the heart pumps out
blood, the leader pumps out orders and instructions among a community. The Sub leaders, are
like veins and arteries, and the lay people are capillaries.
We can also compare the types of circulation to a community. For example we have Pulmonary
Circulation, the heart pumps blood to the lungs and back, just as how one community leader
pumps relations with other neighbouring community. For Systemic Circulation, it supplies
oxygenated blood to de-oxygenated ones. Just as how a community helps those who are in need.
And lastly we have Coronary Circulation, it is the movement of the blood into the tissues of the
heart. This represents the help of the administration which lingers in an imaginary line.
2. Create an informative story that illustrates various ways of preventing diseases that affect the
respiratory and circulatory systems. You must also show the importance of keeping our bodies
healthy and free from illnesses. You can use another sheet/s of paper if the available space is not
I, am Josh, I live in a world where people do not listen to prohibitions stated by the Government. Where
people do not agree on everything the lawmakers publish. You can imagine it from basic things, to the
most complicated situations. Yes, that includes health. A lot of people disregard the importance of
preventing diseases. What they do is the opposite, they perform what is making their body lead to their
death. Today I will share you the ways of preventing these said diseases. Firstly, always, and ALWAYS,
get your Vaccinations done, when we are young, we should all get our anti-disease vaccines, so that when
we evolve as adults, we will be immune to these illnesses, and will pose a less threat to us. Second, is
washing your hands. This perfectly correlates with our situation in our world. A very basic and simple to
prevent diseases like the COVID-19, is to always wash your hands. Dis-infectants like soap can kill the
virus and will lessen the possibility of us having being infected. Next is eat healthy foods, on our stages of
our life, we must already have known this because it is taught by school. But, sadly, people still ignores
this. We should eat vegetables and fruits, because they have tons of nutrients. They act as organic
supplements of our body. Lastly is, Exercise. Exercise, because our body needs it, if we do not, it can lead
to obesity, it can lead to artery blockage caused by the fats. And many more.
Our body, according to philosophy, and biblical reference, is the temples of our soul. It is important to
preserve it and keep it healthy, because, our bodies, which may look very strong. Can still catch every
sickness. But through basic actions as stated above, we only not save our lives, but save every human
3. Cut out different examples of healthy lifestyle from old magazines or newspapers and create a
collage out of the cut outs. Please be guided on the rubrics below for photography and collage
4. Closure/ Reflection: Write your reflection regarding all the topic by simply writing
a. I learned that – That there many systems in our body, and the importance of why we should it
keep it safe. In regards with the topics about Environment and Genetics, I learned that nature is
complicated, but it is very fun to learn.
b. I enjoyed most on- The Environmental Topics, it gave me a lot of information on the current
situations regarding about it.
c. I want to learn more on – Genetics, I found genetics to be really fun, and I hope I can learn
more and dig deeply too.