Lesson 131 Non ts25
Lesson 131 Non ts25
Lesson 131 Non ts25
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be to listen and understand specific information and details of the text by
sequencing the dialogue correctly.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to give detailed information about something they have lost using
indefinite pronouns and adverbs.
Pupils can:
a. sequence the cut-up lines of the dialogue according to the dialogue heard.
b. make a new dialogue about something they have lost using indefinite pronouns and adverbs.
1. Using key words from the text, play a word definition/spelling game.
2. Please see Workbook Activity 1, p.92 (Teacher’s Book, p.171) for some ideas.
3. Activity 1:
a. Write the words from the vocabulary panel. (pg 112)
b. Read out an example sentence for each word (see Pupil's Book, page 142).
c. Elicit a definition for the words. ·
d. Have pupils check the definitions in the dictionary on page 142.
e. Show the picture from the Pupil’s Book, p.112.
Lesson delivery
f. Ask pupils what they can see to elicit the context and speakers.
g. Ask pupils to listen to the girls talking (Audio 2.14) and to tell their partner what has happened (Alice
lost her tablet, but her friend Tomoko found it).
h. They should listen, not read the text, so make sure their books are still closed.
i. Hand out the cut-up lines of the dialogue to pairs.
j. Pupils try to put them in order.
k. Encourage pupils to look for clues to see which lines are linked, referring them back to Lesson 129
(reference pronouns and other reference words).
l. Play the recording again.
m. Pupils listen and check their answer.
4. Activity 2:
a. Refer the pupils to the Look! box.
b. Have them find the sentences in the dialogue that have these words.
c. Ask a pupil to read out the first sentence. Ask Is this sentence affirmative or negative?
d. Have the pupils circle the correct word (somewhere).
e. The pupils complete the activity individually, referring to the Look! box as necessary.
f. Check answers as a class, asking the pupils to give reasons for their answers using the information in
the Look! box.
5. Activity 3:
a. Have two volunteers read out the example dialogue.
b. Pupils work in pairs and make a new dialogue about something they have lost, using the dialogue in
Activity 1 as a model. (Assessment)
c. Circulate, monitor and help as necessary .
d. Have volunteers come to the front and act out their dialogues.
Post lesson 6. Ask pupils to tell the class what their partner lost and whether they found it.
a. ___ /___ pupils are able to achieve the stipulated learning objective.
b. ___ /___ pupils are not able to achieve the stipulated learning objectives Lesson postpone:
and they are given remedial activities / enrichment activities.
a. Course c. CRK
Other :
_____ :
_____ :
_____ :
_____ :
_____ :
_____ :
What’s wrong?
Don't worry! Someone will find it. Have you told anyone else?
Have you started your research for our healthy eating project?
I've looked all over the school. There's nowhere I haven't checked!
L Name:
M Name: