NEA Foundation Lesson Plan FINAL

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Lessons To Open
Classrooms & Minds
To The World.

Fernando M. Reimers,
Robert Adams Jr., & Meghan Berka
The NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellows
Edited by Michelle McKenzie
Graphic Design by Miranda Galas
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

robert adams jr ., ph . d .
former senior vice - president
of programs
nea foundation

In 1969, the National Education Association (the As the NEA Foundation celebrates its fiftieth
NEA) spun off its charitable giving activities into the anniversary, the mission, strongly rooted in the
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education generosity of America’s educators, remains the same:
(NEAF), an independent public charity. Prior to the The NEA Foundation, through the unique strength
Foundation’s creation, the NEA earmarked a portion of its partnership with educators, advances student
of its members’ annual dues to support educational achievement by investing in public education that will
experimentation. The NEAF was charged with investing prepare each of America’s children to learn and thrive
these annual funds into strategic grantmaking geared in a rapidly changing world.
toward improving American education. The NEAF The NEAF combines educators’ generous contributions;
operates like other philanthropic foundations with their monetary resources and their collective wisdom,
one significant difference—U.S. educators provide a with donations from individuals, corporations, and
majority of the NEAF’s resources. other foundations. The Foundation redeploy these

resources to support educational innovations in to borrow the global education lesson plan template
classrooms and districts to sponsor professional he developed with his Harvard graduate students as a
development for educators across the nation, and to foundation for this book.
incentivize collaborative decision-making that include The GLF represents a significant investment by the
educator perspectives in schools and districts. Foundation to facilitate leadership in global education.
The Global Learning Fellowship (GLF) has been Therefore, the NEAF is always looking for ways to
an important programmatic manifestation of scale its efforts beyond the forty to fifty fellows the
the Foundation’s mission for the last decade. The Foundation directly hosts each year. The lesson plan
Foundation believes global competency—access to book in particular shares the wisdom of the GLF
diverse language instruction; exposure to globally educators to a larger audience. GLF fellows gathered in
oriented content; and ample opportunities to participate Washington, D.C. for a three day in-person workshop
in study abroad or international exchanges—is one where Dr. Reimers introduced the model and walked
of the fundamental skills public schools should offer the fellows through the steps required to produce the
to every student. Unfortunately, global competency lesson plan book. Fellows were then organized into
is inequitably concentrated in wealthier districts, small subgroups according to grade levels. Following
signaling a critical need to broadly and equitably allow the in-person workshop, the grade level subgroups
access to global education regardless of zip code. collaborated virtually for the duration of the program.
The NEAF’s Global Learning Fellowship responds The groups benefitted from the close attention of GLF
to the current inequitable concentration of global mentors and program alumni with expertise in global
education in wealthier school districts. The program education and advocacy. The extensive collaboration
gathers a national cadre of globally oriented education yielded a draft lesson plan for each grade level. External
leaders who are capable of advocating for equitable global curriculum experts reviewed each draft lesson
access to global education in their schools, districts, plan and offered constructive criticism to the groups.
and states. The GLF provides fellows with ten months The teams then revised their lesson plans based on the
of professional development training organized around feedback. Finally, the NEAF staff and external editorial
peer-to-peer learning. The fellowship concludes with a consultants prepare the book for publication.
nine-day international field study that exposes fellows As the 2019 GLF lesson plan book process comes to
to the educational systems of other countries. Brazil, a close, I would like to thank the GLF Class of 2019
China, Peru, and South Africa have all hosted our GLF for their hard work and patience. The Global Learning
delegations. Fellowship team—Joanne Korandu, Meghan Berka,
The GLF represents a significant investment by and Anna Smith—have done a wonderful job of holding
the Foundation to facilitate leadership in global the whole so that the fellows could have a meaningful
education. Therefore, the NEAF is always looking experience. Special note of appreciation for Kristen
for ways to scale its efforts beyond the forty to fifty Shannon for her continued assistance. This project
fellows the Foundation directly hosts each year. The would not have been possible without the constant
lesson plan book in particular shares the wisdom of support of the NEAF’s President and CEO, Sara A.
the GLF educators to a larger audience. Dr. Fernando Sneed, the NEAF’s Board Chair, Kevin Anderson,
Reimers, Ford Foundation Professor of Practice in and the NEAF’s Board of Directors. Finally, a special
International Education at the Harvard Graduate thanks to our editorial team, Michelle McKenzie and
School of Education, generously allowed our fellows Miranda Galas.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Developing Teacher Professional
Capacity to Educate Global
Citizens Through Collaborative
Curriculum Design
Fernando M. Reimers, Ed.D.

For several years now, I have had the privilege of dispositions to do this work, and on the support
working with the National Education Association they receive to help their students gain capacities
Foundation (NEAF) supporting the leadership that empower them as architects of their own lives
development of the participants in the Global Fellows and contributors to a better world. High quality
Program. I value this opportunity for at least two curriculum, and the instructional resources and
inter-related reasons: The first, is that there is no partnerships essential to teach it, are the foundation
more important challenge in education than to help of good instruction, and teachers must participate
our students understand the world in which they live, in developing such curriculum both bringing their
a world increasingly interdependent in which we all expertise to the task, as well as developing their
share challenges and opportunities with others across expertise as they partake in the task. But high quality
all lines of difference, and where part of what we need curriculum requires more than the individual
to learn is to collaborate across those lines of difference. expertise of teachers working in isolation, it requires
Global education is a way to help students develop the effective professional collaboration with colleagues.
capacities for such collaboration with others on issues The work I have done with the Global Fellows of the
that matter. NEA Foundation over the years has served to develop
The second is that the future of global education and demonstrate an approach to engage teachers in
rests, as does the future of education more generally, collaborative curriculum development in ways I hope
on the work that teachers do, on their capacities and has also empowered them as leaders in the profession.

The Urgency of Global Education

Since 2006, the World Economic Forum produces them. Helping people develop those understandings
each year a report on the major global risks facing and skills is one goal of global education. Secondly,
humanity. Drawing on the insight of a panel of experts, because these risks require difficult choices for
and on survey to a group of well-informed global governments, it is necessary that many people develop
leaders, the report identifies those risks in terms of a deep understanding of these risks, so they can provide
their likelihood and impact. The risks identified are the political support necessary for governments to
economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and address them. Thirdly, as these risks require global
technological. Economic risks include asset bubbles, cooperation it is necessary to help people in various
deflation, failure of financial institutions, failure of countries gain these capacities, so governments can
critical infrastructure, fiscal crises, high structural collaborate constructively with the support of their
unemployment or underemployment, illicit trade, respective populations. All of this will be very difficult
severe energy price shock and unmanageable inflation. as illustrated by the most recent report which sounds
Environmental risks include extreme weather, failure an alarm bell on the complexity of the challenge of
of climate change mitigation and adaptation, major sustaining collective will to address these risks:
biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, major “Is the world sleepwalking into a crisis? Global
natural disasters and man-made environmental risks are intensifying but the collective will to tackle
disasters. Geopolitical risks include failure of national them appears to be lacking. Instead, divisions are
governance, failure of regional or global governance, hardening. The world’s move into a new phase of
interstate conflict, large scale terrorist attacks, state state-centered politics, noted in last year’s Global
collapse or crisis, weapons of mass destruction. Risks Report, continued throughout 2018…The
Societal risks include failure of urban planning, food energy now being expended on consolidating
crises, large-scale involuntary migration, profound or recovering national control risks weakening
social instability, rapid spread of infectious diseases collective responses to emerging global challenges.
and water crises. Technological risks include adverse We are drifting deeper into global problems from
consequences of technological advances, critical which we will struggle to extricate ourselves.”
information infrastructure breakdown, large scale (World Economic Forum 2019).
cyber-attacks and massive data fraud and theft (World One of the most severe global risks, climate catastrophe,
Economic Forum 2019). has dominated the risk assessment for several years.
The most recent report identifies as the most likely The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has
risks: extreme weather events, failure of climate- stated that we have a decade to put in place serious
change mitigation and adaptation, natural disasters, changes to prevent global temperatures from rising
data fraud or theft and cyber-attacks. In terms of above 1.5 degrees Celsius (IPCC 2018). In the US,
potential impact, the top five risks are weapons of the National Climate Assessment warned that absent
mass destruction, failure of climate change mitigation significant reductions in emissions, average global
and adaptation, extreme weather events, water crises temperatures could rise by 5 degrees Celsius by the
and natural disasters (World Economic Forum 2019). end of the century (National Climate Assessment
It is noteworthy that many of these risks, particularly 2018). These changes in climate will have several
those related to climate change, conflict and misuse negative effects. A recent UN report predicts global
of technology, have persisted as top risks for multiple disruptions in the supply of food, food shortages will
years, underscoring that these are difficult issues to likely cause involuntary cross-national migrations.
tackle, in part because they require global cooperation. To prevent further climate change the report calls
This highlights three related motivations for global for changes in food consumption and agriculture
education. The first is that, if we are to effectively production (IPCC 2018). A recent report documents
manage those risks, people will need to be aware of that 17 nations are currently experiencing extreme
them, care about them, and have the skills to address water stress, which could impact a quarter of the
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

world’s population (Hofste, Reig and Schleifer, 2019). to be able to work productively and find common
These changes will in turn induce other changes that ground across lines of difference. In a more diverse
will impact sustainability. For instance, warming context, the severe harm and conflict that prejudice
oceans are leading to an increase in methylmecury, and bigotry begets can augment its impact. In the
a neurotoxicant, in fish. These increase levels of United States, for example, higher population growth
methylmercury will impact marine life, and humans for minority groups and declining birth rates among
who consume fish (Schartup et al. 2019). whites will cause a country where ethnic minority
These global trends and risks interact with each other, groups will constitute the majority of the population by
potentially compounding their effects. For example, in 2045. Whites will account for 49.7% of the population,
the United States, there are partisan political divides Hispanics for 24.6%, blacks 13.1%, Asians 7.9% and
in how much confidence people have in scientists, multiracial groups 3.8% (Frey 2018). “Most Americans
which limits the credibility of scientists to inform (57%) say the fact that the U.S. population is made up
public understanding on some of the risks discussed, of people of many different races and ethnicities is
such as climate change. Whereas 43% of democrats a very good thing for the country, and another 20%
report that they have a great deal of confidence in say this is somewhat good. Small shares say this is
scientists to act in the best interest of the public, only somewhat (5%) or very (1%) bad, while 17% say it is
27% of republicans share this view. Confidence in neither good nor bad for the country. Similar shares
scientists increases with the level of science knowledge of whites (55%), blacks (59%) and Hispanics (60%)
of the person, for those with low levels of science say racial and ethnic diversity is very good for the
knowledge, only 26% report a great deal of confidence country.” (Horowitz 2019).
in scientists, compared to 45% among those with high Despite these positive views of the majority of the
levels of science knowledge who report a great deal of population about racial and ethnic diversity, a recent
confidence in scientists (Funk, Hefferon, Kennedy and survey to a nationally representative sample of
Johnson 2019, 3). Americans on attitudes towards race in the United
A challenge to global education is the emergence of States shows that the majority of the population (58%)
a new tribalism, a form of intolerant and xenophobic believes that race relations are generally bad. This
nationalism, which explicitly challenges democratic percentage is higher among blacks (71%) than whites
norms and cosmopolitan ideas. A significant (56%) (Horowitz, Brown and Cox 2019).
percentage of the population is dissatisfied with how
democracy works in their country. 51% on average
in 27 countries (Wike, Silver and Castillo 2019).
Dissatisfaction with democracy is related to economic
frustration, the status of individual rights and the belief
that political elites are disconnected from the concerns
of ordinary citizens and are corrupt (Ibid).
Societies are divided over race, religion, class and over
how they view immigrants, one of the manifestations
of globalization. Over the last decade, government
restrictions and social hostilities based on religion
have increased in 52 countries surveyed by the Pew
Organization (Pew Research Center 2019). In the
United States, the FBI has reported increases in hate
crime over three consecutive years, they increased by
22% in 2017, more than half of them were anti-Semitic
incidents (Byrd 2018).
Demographic changes and immigration are changing
the ethnic and racial composition of many societies,
which augments the urgency of educating people to
understand the positive potential of this diversity and

Public opinion surveys document also discrimination

against immigrants. While the majority see immigrants
as a strength, there are also many who see them as a
burden to the country. Figure 1 summarizes the results
of a 2018 Pew Research Survey in 18 countries, which
account for half of the world’s population of migrants,
in which people were asked whether immigrants made
the country stronger or whether they were a burden.

“Most Americans (65%) – including majorities

across racial and ethnic groups – say it has become
more common for people to express racist or racially
insensitive views since Trump was elected president. Liberal democracies are experiencing several
A smaller but substantial share (45%) say this has challenges reflected in declining support for democracy
become more acceptable.” (Horowitz, Brown and Cox and in decline in democracy around the world. In
2019). 2018 democratic freedoms declined in 71 countries,
“About three-quarters of blacks and Asians (76% whereas they improved in only 35 countries, this is
of each) – and 58% of Hispanics – say they have the twelfth consecutive year of decline of democracy
experienced discrimination or have been treated globally (Abramowitz 2018). A survey conducted by
unfairly because of their race or ethnicity at least from the Pew Research Center in 38 nations shows that
time to time. In contrast, about two-thirds of whites while representative democracy is preferred by most
(67%) say they’ve never experienced this.” (Ibid). of the population, there is also significant support
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

for non-democratic ways of government. Just under Each of these goals has in turn a number of specific
half of the population across these countries favors a targets, which operationalize the goals. Goal number
system in which experts made decisions not elected 4, for example, focused on quality education for all,
representatives, and one in four persons thinks a includes a target which focuses on global citizenship
system in which a strong leader can make decisions education, in ways reminiscent of the language of the
without interference from parliament or the courts right to education in the Universal Declaration of
would be a very good way to govern (Wike and Human Rights:
Fetterolf 2018,139). Another 24% believe that a system “Target 4.7. by 2030 ensure all learners acquire
ruled by the military would be very good (Ibid). knowledge and skills needed to promote
In contrast to these pressing risks and challenges, sustainable development, including among others
a more hopeful vision for the future of the world is through education for sustainable development
expressed in a compact of seventeen goals, adopted at and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender
the UN General Assembly in September of 2015, they equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-
articulate the conditions for a world which is inclusive violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of
and sustainable. cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to
These goals are: sustainable development” (UNESCO 2019). An intentional global education which responds to
these cultural imperatives would create opportunities
for students to learn about and develop the skills to
address the kinds of risks identified by the World
Economic Forum and to contribute to achieve the
United Nations Development Goals. In 2009-2010,
with a group of colleagues, I developed a comprehensive
curriculum, spanning from kindergarten to high
school, aligned with the UN SDGs (we initially worked
with the Millennium Development Goals, and later on
substituted them with the Sustainable Development
Goals as they were adopted at the UN General
Assembly in 2015), with the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, and with the World Economic Forum
Risk Assessment Framework. From the study of those
goals, we developed a framework of competencies
which a high school graduate should have in order to
contribute to achieve such goals, and then used such
framework to guide the development of 350 units to be
taught in a special course, that would provide students
explicit opportunities to integrate knowledge gained in
various disciplines, as they worked on projects aligned
with those competencies (Reimers et al 2016).
“… the overarching goal of our curriculum is to
support the development of global citizenship,
which is understood to be the result of competencies
in understanding, caring about, and having the
capacity to influence global affairs and to advance
human rights. We built on a conceptualization of
global competency that included knowledge, affect,
and skills" (Reimers, 2009, 2010.)

Central to our conception of global competency is We defined those competencies as encompassing

the notion of human agency—of empowerment— intercultural competency, ethical orientation,
and we therefore sought to cultivate the mindset that knowledge and skills, and work and mind habits:
individuals can make a difference, the desire to take
initiative, the ability to act in leadership roles, and an 1 . i n t e r c u lt u r a l c o m p e t e n c y
understanding of responsibility. This includes the ability to interact successfully
The principles that guided our curriculum design were: with people from different cultural identities and
defining clear outcomes for knowledge, affect, and action origins. It encompasses interpersonal skills as well as
and focusing on interdisciplinary units that would be intrapersonal skills and ways to govern oneself in the
aligned with coherent themes in each grade as well as face of cultural differences.
with an overall scope and sequence. Finally, we audited A. Interpersonal Skills
the entire curriculum to ascertain whether there were i. Work productively in and effectively lead
adequate opportunities for developing the intended intercultural teams, including teams distributed
capabilities throughout. We balanced such curriculum in various geographies through the use of
mapping with various features designed to support telecommunication technologies
personalization, i.e. providing students opportunities to ii. Demonstrate empathy toward other people from
develop their own interests, to discover their passions, different cultural origins
and to learn deeply about issues that were of interest iii. Demonstrate courtesy and norms of interaction
to them. In particular r, we depended on project- appropriate to various cultural settings
based learning, student collaboration, engagement iv. Resolve culturally based disagreements through
from parents and community members, and student negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution
agency in shaping the high school curriculum as ways B. Intrapersonal Skills
to personalize learning. i. Curiosity about global affairs and world cultures
One of the pedagogical principles on which this design ii. The ability to recognize and weigh diverse
was grounded was to rely extensively on project-based cultural perspectives
learning and on active learning methodologies, such iii. An understanding of one’s own identity, of
as Design Thinking, that place students at the center others’ identities, of how other cultures shape their
of their learning. We also sought to give students own and others’ identities, and of where one is in
abundant opportunities to demonstrate understanding space and time
in the form of products that could be shared with peers, iv. The ability to recognize and examine assumptions
teachers, and other audiences, including students in when engaging with cultural differences
other grades in the school and parents. v. The recognition of cultural (civilizational,
We also sought to create multiple opportunities for religious, or ethnic) prejudice and the ability to
students to directly collaborate with peers in other minimize its effects in intergroup dynamics
countries with the use of technology for project- vi. An understanding and appreciation of cultural
based work and remote communication. We viewed variation in basic norms of interaction, the ability
this collaboration to help them find their common to be courteous, and the ability to find and learn
humanity with diverse students. about norms appropriate in specific settings and
The curriculum also provides multiple opportunities types of interaction
to directly engage students and teachers with parents
and community members who can directly contribute 2 . e t h i c a l o r i e n tat i o n
knowledge and experience to support global A. Appreciation of ethical frameworks in diverse
education and thereby help students identify authentic religious systems.
connections between the local and global. B. Commitment to basic equality of all people.
Throughout the entire K-12 curriculum, but particularly C. Recognition of common values and common
in grades nine through twelve, are opportunities humanity across civilizational streams.
for students to pursue their personal interests with D. Appreciation of the potential of every person
greater depth, and to co-construct with their teachers regardless of socioeconomic circumstances or cultural
a significant portion of the curriculum. origin.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

E. Appreciation of the role of global compacts such as B. Politics and government.

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in guiding i. Comparative government.
global governance. ii. How governments work in different societies.
F. Commitment to supporting universal human rights, iii. Major international institutions and their role in
to reducing global poverty, to promoting peace, and to shaping global affairs.
promoting sustainable forms of human-environmental iv. Contemporary global challenges in human-
interaction. environmental interaction.
G. Ability to interact with people from diverse cultural v. Sources of these challenges, options to address
backgrounds while demonstrating humility, respect, them, and the role of global institutions in
reciprocity, and integrity. addressing these challenges.
H. An understanding of the role of trust in sustaining vi. History of contemporary global conflicts and
human interaction as well as global institutions and the role of global institutions in addressing these
recognition of forms of breakdowns in trust and challenges.
institutional corruption and its causes. C. Economics, business, and entrepreneurship.
i. Theories of economic development and how they
3. kn o wle dge & sk ills explain the various stages in economic development
In addition to highlighting the cosmopolitan links of nations, poverty, and inequality.
infused in the curriculum, as Kandel recommended ii. Institutions that regulate global trade and work
a century ago, a global education curriculum should to promote international development.
provide students with the knowledge and skills iii. Contemporary literature on the effectiveness
necessary to understand the various vectors of and limitations of those institutions.
globalization. These include culture, religion, history iv. The impact of global trade.
and geography, politics and government, economics, v. The consequences of global poverty and the
science, technology and innovation, public health, and agency of the poor.
demography. vi. The demography and factors influencing
A. Culture, religion, and history and geography. demographic trends and their implications for
i. World history and geography, with attention to global change.
the role of globalization in cultural change. D. Science, technology and innovation, and
ii. The study of religions as powerful institutions globalization.
organizing human activity. E. Public Health, population, and demography.
iii. Historical knowledge, which includes various
perspectives and an understanding of the role of 4 . w o r k & m i n d h a b i ts
ordinary citizens in history. A. Demonstrate innovation and creativity in
iv. World geography, including the different areas of contributing to formulating solutions to global
the world, what unites them, what differences exist, challenges and to seizing global opportunities; seek
and how humans have changed the geography of and identify the best global practices; and transfer
the planet. them across geographic, disciplinary, and professional
v. World religions, history, and points of contact contexts.
between civilizations over time. B. Identify different cultural perspectives through
vi. Major philosophical traditions and points of which to think about problems.
connection. C. Understand the process of cultural change and that
vii. Performing and visual arts (e.g., theater, dance, there is individual variation within cultural groups.
music, visual arts, etc.) as a means to find common D. Carry out research projects independently.
humanity. E. Present results of independent research in writing,
viii. Different arts and ability to see connections orally, and using media.” (Reimers et al 2016, lvii-lx).
ix. Ability to view art as expression, to use art for
expression, and to understand globalization & art.

Helping Teachers Gain Knowledge and Skills in

Global Education

Because curriculum is not self-executing, a quality various conceptualizations include an education that
program of global education will require teachers is global, including understanding interconnectedness
with the expertise to teach that curriculum. Studies and interdependency, the process of globalization,
on deeper learning and 21st century skills emphasize themes like climate change, migration. A second
the significant challenge and priority which building conceptualization included an education to be global,
teacher capacity to translate 21st century curriculum encompassing understanding and respecting other
into effective instruction represents. A recent National cultures and people and gaining competencies to live
Research Council Report calls for significant changes in a global world. Finally, a third conceptualization
in teacher preparation: included global education as teacher and school work,
“Current systems of teacher preparation and emphasizing the need for a coordinated approach
professional development will require major changes and sharing resources at the school and the different
if they are to support teaching that encourages challenges of integrating global education in various
deeper learning and the development of transferable subjects (Nilsson 2015, 31).
competencies. Changes will need to be made not only In a study of curriculum reforms in Chile, China,
in conceptions of what constitutes effective professional India, Mexico, Singapore and the United States we
practice but also in the purposes, structure, and found that as more ambitious goals were embraced
organization of preservice and professional learning by States and countries, the topic of teacher education
opportunities.” (Pellegrino and Hilton 2012, 186). and professional development received greater priority
Similarly, the US National Commission on social, (Reimers and Chung 2016). A comparative study of
emotional and academic development, underscores programs of teacher professional development that
the urgency of the professional development challenge, focused on supporting teachers in developing the
calling to redesign educator preparation programs, capacities to educate the whole child in Chile, China,
create collaborative decision making in schools and Colombia, India, Mexico, Singapore and the United
districts, prioritize social, emotional, and cognitive States, identified the following as characteristics which
skills and competencies in recruitment, hiring, they shared:
orientation, and professional learning, incentivize 1. These professional development programs reflect
innovation in teacher preparation programs, redesign a conception of adult learning that sees it as socially
licensure and accreditation, ensure that induction situated and responding to current needs of teachers
programs for new teachers support these domains and for learning.
restructure adult workforce systems (Aspen Institute 2. This form of professional development involves
2019, 50-53). sustained and extensive opportunities for teachers
Teachers need to develop knowledge and skills to build capacities, often extending an entire school
in global education, and need to develop shared year, or spanning across multiple school years, that
understandings with colleagues within their schools contrasts with the more prevalent opportunities of
in order to be able to collaborate in the design and short courses out of the school.
implementation of a coherent and rigorous curriculum 3. The modalities of professional development
which extends across grades and subjects beyond a examined in this book are varied. They include
few lessons on global topics here and here. A study of independent study of new material, discussion with
teachers in a network of schools in Denmark which peers and others, individual or group coaching,
were committed to advancing global education, found demonstrations of new practices, independent
important variability in understandings of what global research projects and opportunities for reflection.
education was and in how it related to various subjects 4. The curriculum of the programs examined
across teachers in these schools (Nilsson 2015). These covers a blend of capacities, from a broad focus
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

on helping students develop capacities to a highly curriculum illustrated with the World Course. When
granular identification of particular pedagogies and the book Empowering Global Citizens was published in
instructional practices that can help students gain 2016 I began to receive feedback that underscored the
those skills. need to support the development of teacher capacities
5. The curriculum of these various programs reflects to design and teach this kind of curriculum, aligned
a view of learning which includes cognitive skills, in with an ambitious framework of competencies, in turn
interaction with dispositions and socio-emotional aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
skills. To address this need I developed, in collaboration with
6. Professional development includes exposure my graduate students, a resource book which included
to visible routines, protocols and instructional a protocol to establish a school-wide process of global
practices, where teachers see in practice new forms education, that explained how to develop curriculum
of instruction or assessment. aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
7. These programs rely on a mix of opportunities and that illustrated with a small number of lessons
for learning situated in the context of the schools what this curriculum could look like in practice
where teachers work. (Reimers et al 2017). The proposed thirteen steps
8. To support the intensive and sustained activities process recognized the importance to create a process
of professional development that these various specific to the school which would help teams of
programs advance, the organizations in charge build teachers collaborate in developing a shared vision for
a range of partnerships with institutions outside of global education, develop a curriculum prototype, and
schools that contribute various types of resources. learn from experience. The protocol also suggested
9. These programs see teacher practice as situated that schools sought to join networks with other schools
in specific organizations and social contexts, and in following a similar process to accelerate the learning
general adopt a whole-school approach, rather than opportunities resulting from their shared experience
helping individual teachers increase their capacity. in attempting similar goals. The steps proposed in this
10. The question of measurement. These process were:
programs all develop capacities among teachers 1. Establish a leadership team. This team will form
to advance pedagogies with the goal of developing the guiding coalition that will design and manage
competencies that are not formally assessed in the the implementation of the whole school global
school or school system. In this sense, the programs citizenship education strategy.
challenge the notion that “What gets measured gets 2. Develop a long term vision. What are the long
done,” and suggest that teachers can make decisions term outcomes for students, for the school and for
about what and how to teach that can transcend the the communities that these graduates will influence
formal accountability structures in the school. that inspire this effort?
11. The organizations that support these various 3. Develop a framework of knowledge, skills and
programs all model a learning orientation. They dispositions for graduates of the school that is
approach schools with an inquiry mindset, engage aligned with the long term vision.
in dialogue with school staff about their learning 4. Audit existing curriculum in the school in
goals, use various forms of feedback to assess light of the proposed long term vision and global
whether their work is achieving the intended competencies framework.
results, and implement measures to course correct 5. Design a prototype to better align the existing
and generate continuous improvement in their curriculum to the global competencies framework
work. (Reimers 2018) in step 3 (the sixty lessons presented in this book
can serve as an initial prototype, or as a sacrificial
These features of high-quality professional proposal that leads to the prototype a particular
development programs can be replicated in programs school adopts).
to increase the level of expertise of teachers for global 6. Communicate vision, framework and prototype
education. Some of these principles were reflected to the extended community in the school, seek
in a book I wrote, with my graduate students, to feedback and iterate.
help disseminate the approach to global education 7. Decide on a revised prototype to be implemented

and develop an implementation plan to execute the new knowledge and skills. Essentially, teaching any
global education prototype. curriculum is based on two hypotheses: If we teach A
8. Identify resources necessary and available to students will learn B, and if students learn C outcomes
implement the global education prototype. D, E and F will be achieved for them and for their
9. Develop a framework to monitor implementation communities. Most teachers do not formally test their
of the prototype and obtain formative feedback. hypotheses, much less do so publicly. The process
10. Develop a communication strategy to build and we have devised is one that allows teachers to work
maintain support from key stakeholders. within a transparent framework that helps them make
11. Develop a professional development strategy. visible what are the hypotheses they are testing, and to
12. Execute the prototype with oversight and learn from that process. As teachers do this work in
support of the leadership team. collaboration with their colleagues, in a school wide
13.Evaluate the execution of the prototype, adjust as process, this helps build shared knowledge about what
necessary, and go back to step 4. works well.
I have found that engaging teachers in collaborative
This process sees the task of creating a global education work discussing the relationship between curriculum,
curriculum as an opportunity for professional pedagogy and big challenges such as how to build a
development, based in the school, and the collaboration world that is inclusive and sustainable resonates with
among teachers in developing, teaching and evaluating deep values for many teachers. Many teachers joined
this curriculum as a means to build their own expertise the profession in order to contribute to society and
in doing so, as a result of experimentation. In effect, the to make a lasting impact in helping their students
process is designed to build the capacities of teachers to develop, as shown by table 1 which presents data from
advance global education as they embark on designing an OECD study of teachers on some of the reasons
and implementing a school wide program of global teachers joined the profession. Engaging teachers in
education. The approach is built on the premise that all the design of curriculum to ‘improve the world’ taps
learning requires an opportunity to practice, and that on this powerful intrinsic motivation of many teachers.
it is the reflection on that practice, that helps develop
m ot i vat i o n to j o i n t h e p r o f e ss i o n , by t e ac h e r s ' t e ac h i n g e x p e r i e n c e ( f r o m OECD 2019 I.4.1)
Table 1.
Results based on responses of lower secondary teachers
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

1. For example, hours, holidays and part-time As schools join others in improvement networks,
positions. these networks of schools become a means to augment
Notes: For additional information on interpretation of the collective capacity of the participating schools
the results, see Annexes A and B. and their access to expertise resident in the network,
Statistically significant values are indicated in bold and this augments the capacity to test the hypotheses
(see Annex B). underlying any curriculum. This is what Tony Bryk
Information on data for Cyprus: and his colleagues have called ‘improvement networks’, adapting to the field of education well established
Information on data for Israel: principles of the field of improvement science (Bryk et at 2015).
Source: OECD, TALIS 2018 Database.

Engaging Teachers as Constructors of Expert

Knowledge in Global Education

The process described above of school based accessible only to the practitioner, because it is not
innovation with support of a school network, is one processed in a way that allows others to learn from it.
that simultaneously recognizes teachers as experts of This is called ‘tacit’ knowledge.
the process of curricular innovation, while engaging Constructing opportunities to learn from such
them in a learning community that further develops knowledge as in the thirteen step process outlined
that expertise and that enables them to create earlier, transforms tacit knowledge into public
knowledge based on practice. knowledge and is critical to the development of
In The Reflective Practitioner, a classic book on education as a profession.
professional practice and education, Donald Schon Some of the most fundamental critiques to university-
argues that the ability to reflect on the knowledge based professional education concern whether the
which guides practice is essential to the improvement curriculum provides enough access to knowledge
of professional practice (Schon 1983). A reflective essential for effective practice, and whether such
practitioner "turns thought back on action and on the university-based professional education remains
knowing which is implicit in action." While trying too theoretical and disconnected from the fields of
to make sense of an action, a reflective practitioner practice for which it is preparing individuals. Donald
"reflects on the understandings which have been Schon in The Reflective Practitioner argues that the
explicit in his action, understandings which he classical model that sees practice as a mere application
surfaces, criticizes, restructures, and embodies in of foundational principles is responsible for this
further action" (Schon 1983). Practitioners often guide disconnect. It is not uncommon to hear voices from
their practice with problem-solving knowledge that various fields of practice state that the deficiencies
goes beyond the mechanic application of principles of professional preparation require that novices are
or conclusions drawn from basic science. Schon also taught what they need to know in the first years of
argues that the failure to comprehend this often leads professional practice. This challenge is compounded
institutions involved in professional education to base as technological change has increased the demands
the curriculum on a paradigm which assumes that for professional practice in most fields, making clear
professional practice is simply the application of the that initial professional preparation is but one step in
general principles drawn from basic research in the a long trajectory of development, that should extend
field to problems of practice. I share Schon’s view that throughout the careers of most professionals. Life-
such a paradigm is limited and insufficient to fully long professional preparation is recognized as essential
support effective professional practice, particularly to support people in their careers, especially as they
when professionals encounter ‘messy problems’. take on new assignments for which their previous
This epistemological stance recognizes that when preparation and experience does not adequately
practitioners solve problems they learn from the prepare them.
consequences of their actions, and the knowledge Using the book ‘Empowering Students to Improve
they gain makes them better at solving problems the World in Sixty Lessons’ as a starting point, I have
in the future, hence better professionals. Solving worked with networks of teachers in developing global
problems, especially complex, messy, adaptive or education curriculum, such as the Rete Dialogue, a
divergent problems, thus requires much more than network of teachers in Italy committed to democratic
mechanically applying lessons drawn from research education, in translating and adapting this book
to new situations, and involves forms of creation, to the Italian context. Over a year, this network of
design of solutions, and experimentation. While good teachers translated the original book, taught these
professionals learn from these private experiments lessons, and then modified them, as part of a learning
that constitute their practice, this knowledge is often community in which they collaborated in this process
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

across various regions in the country. The result of and Shannon 2018). This book is another product of
this process was a revised curriculum, reflecting the that collaboration.
learning these teachers had drawn from their practice While this approach to professional development
in experimenting with the original lessons (Reimers, based on peer learning and networking is capacious,
Barzano, Fisichella and Lissoni 2018). it is relatively rare, only 44% of the teachers reported
Similarly, this is the work I have done with the Global participating in it, in the OECD study of teachers, this
Learning Fellows and the NEA Foundation. The is low in comparison to 70% of teachers who report
result of our work includes a curriculum, inspired by participating in traditional forms of professional
‘Empowering Students to Improve the World in Sixty development, such as courses or seminars (OECD
Lessons’ in which teams of teachers from all US States 2019, 152).
collaborated designing grade specific lessons aligned I am delighted to see this book, the product of a group
with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, taught of exemplary public educators in designing lesson
them in their respective schools, and then improved plans to help empower students as global citizens,
based on their various experiences teaching them. available to the public. It stands as an example of the
This collaboration over a year, relying on the use of power of teacher collaboration to develop relevant
communication technology, led to a publication which curriculum that prepares students to understand and
this group of teachers then used to further advance positively transform the communities in which we live
global education in their schools (Reimers, Adams into more inclusive, just and inclusive communities.
Lesson Plans
k i n d e r ga r t e n l e ss o n p l a n

Kindergarten Lesson Plans

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

What is Hunger?
Lydia Rayfield: [email protected], Luke Merchlewitz: [email protected], Lydia Bustos:
[email protected], Elizabeth Rich: [email protected], Terrilyn Fleming: terrilynfleming@gmail.
com, and Jennie Robinette: [email protected]

i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l
s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e • Recognize that there are people in the world who do not
This lesson will teach students have access to food
about hunger. Students will reflect • Describe emotions and behaviors associated with hunger
on what it means to be hungry • Develop an understanding or empathetic attitude towards
and explore emotions/behaviors those who are facing hunger
that are tied to hunger
u n d e r sta n d i n g
Students will understand that food gives them energy and
makes them feel good. Students will learn that some children
grade and families do not have enough food to eat. Student will gain
Kindergarden an understanding of what it might feel like to face hunger.
time frame e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
35-45 minutes • Why is food important?
• What do you feel like when you are hungry?
s u b j e c ts • How would you feel if you didn’t have any food to eat when
Social Studies you were hungry?
Language Arts • Do you think it is fair that some people in our community
Social-Emotional Learning do not have food to eat?
sta n da r d s st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
Sustainable Cities and Communities • Identify an emotion linked to hunger
(SDG 11) and Peace, Justice, and Strong • Understand that food helps our bodies
Communities (SDG 16). • Recognize that hunger is an issue that some children and
families struggle with
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

ass e ssm e n t
Students will complete a drawing response 4 Advanced Student successfully responded to 6 out of 6 questions

during Activity One. These responses 3 Proficient Student responded to 5 out of 6 questions
(drawing or verbal) can be used to consider
2 Emergent Student responded to 4 out of 6 questions
students’ understanding.
1 Basic Student responded to 3 or less questions

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

introduction c lo s i n g ac t i v i t y
5 minutes 10 minutes
Explain to students that they are going to be After the reading lead a classroom discussion. It
learning about food and hunger. Provide the is suggested to have students answer the following
students markers, crayons, and paper. questions with a partner. This technique will engage
more learners and allow for more ideas to be shared.
While students are partner-sharing, the teacher can
ac t i v i t y o n e walk around to different groups to hear the ideas being
10 minutes discussed.
• Have students draw their favorite foods on one • How did it make you feel when you learned that
side of a sheet of paper. Maddie’s family did not have enough money to buy
• Have students turn their paper over and draw food?
pictures to the following questions. • Why did Maddie ask Sofia to keep her empty fridge a
• How do you feel when you eat your favorite foods? secret?
• How does your body feel when you are hungry? • What is the difference between Maddie’s fridge and
• How would you feel if you didn’t have food to eat Sofia’s fridge?
when you were really hungry? • Why did Sofia bring food to school in her backpack?
• What would you do if you did not have any foods • If you were Sofia what would you do to help Maddie?
or snacks at home? • How do you think Sofia feels when she is eating
• What activities are hard to do when you are dinner with her family and thinking of Maddie?
hungry? • How would you feel if you didn’t have any food to eat
when you were hungry?
• How did both characters help each other?
ac t i v i t y t w o • What activities are hard to do when you are hungry?
20 minutes
Explain to the students that you are going to read
them a story about two friends. r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts
• Family Resource Guide
One of the characters has a refrigerator full of yummy hungrytohelp/pdfs/Feeding_America_FamilyActionPlan.pdf
and healthy foods. The other character only has milk • Worksheets and recipes from the read aloud Maddie’s Fridge by
and bread. This character and her family is facing an Louis Brandt
issue called “hunger”. This means that they do not
have enough food to eat and they do not have money
to buy more food. r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
• Anchor Chart Paper
• Writing Utensils-markers, crayons, and pencils
Read aloud Maddie’s Fridge by Louis Brandt. • Online read aloud of Maddie’s Fridge by Louis Brandt https://
The online version can be found here • Picturing Hunger Worksheet
k i n d e r ga r t e n l e ss o n p l a n

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Who Doesn’t Have Food?

Luke Merchlewitz: [email protected], Lydia Bustos,: [email protected], Elizabeth Rich:
[email protected], Terrilyn Fleming: [email protected] and Jennie Robinette: [email protected]

i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l
s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e Students will identify if hunger is present in their community.
Students will be able to identify
hunger in their community and u n d e r sta n d i n g
what community resources there Students will understand that not all children or adults in
are to help eliminate it. their community have enough food. There are children just
like them in their neighborhood/community who do not
have enough to eat. Students will understand that they can
grade help alleviate the problem.
e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
time frame • Who is hungry in our community? (how many children do
30 minutes not have enough to eat?).
• Are there local resources to help feed those who are
s u b j e c ts hungry?
Performing Arts
Social Studies st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
Language Arts The students will learn that there is a need in their community,
Social-Emotional Learning voice that need, and be able to explain how they and others
Empathy can help.
sta n da r d s
This lesson helps achieve SDGs 11 and 16.

ass e ssm e n t
Students’ accurate explanation of how everyone in the story contributed to the soup,
the similarities/differences to our community, and how sharing is important are formal
assessments. Checking for understanding with the paper plate activity can be a formal
assessment. No summative assessments for this lesson.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

m ot i vato r worktime
15 minutes 10 minutes
Students will read or watch the story “Stone Soup” Remind students that food is necessary for humans
and then act it out. As a group, students will explain to survive. Show students a blank paper plate and a
how the main character elicited everyone in the town’s grocery ad. Explain to students that they are going to
participation to create the stone soup and alleviate all get 6-7 minutes to cut out pictures of food and glue it
their hunger through cooperation. to their paper plate.
q u e st i o n s to as k After students finish the paper plate activity, have
• Who was hungry in the story? students sit in a circle with their paper plates. Explain
• How did all the characters participate in feeding the to students that 1 out of every 5 children in our country
crowd? struggle with hunger. Show children this statistic by
• Did the stone have magical properties/was the stone taking away the paper plate from every 5th child in
magic? the classroom. Hold a classroom discussion about this
• How did working together help everyone? statistic. If teachers want to find statistics for their state can provide data for all 50 states.
Students will discuss how the village in the story is
like their community. Basing “Stone Soup” from the q u e st i o n s to as k
Stories to Grow on series of books is best, but here are • How did you feel when your plate was taken away?
two good video versions: • How did it make you feel when your classmate’s plate was taken away? • Do you think it is fair that some children in our
community face hunger?
• Why is it important that every child has a plate of
• How can we help people who are facing hunger?

c lo s i n g ac t i v i t y
5 minutes
The teacher will introduce students to local resources
that help hungry people in their community. This can
prepare students for lesson 4.
k i n d e r ga r t e n l e ss o n p l a n

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Why is Food a Human Right?

Luke Merchlewitz, [email protected]; Lydia Bustos, [email protected]; Elizabeth Rich,
[email protected]; Terrilyn Fleming, [email protected]; Jennie Robinette, [email protected]

grade u n d e r sta n d i n g
Kindergarden Students will understand that all living things need food and
water to grow. Just as no one kind of flower or plant deserves
time frame food more than another, we are all connected here on this
30-45 minutes Earth and every single one of us deserves food to live, grow,
and thrive too. In this way, food is a human right for all people
s u b j e c ts because each person has value. The students’ actions can make
Social Studies, their school, neighborhood, and the world better by helping
Geography make sure everyone has the food they need.
Language Arts
Social-Emotional Learning e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
Empathy • What do plants need to grow?
• Is it the same for all living things?
sta n da r d s • Is one type of plant greater than another?
Sustainable Cities and Communities • What do people need to grow?
(SDG 11) and Peace, Justice, and Strong • Are any people better than another?
Communities (SDG 16). • What can students do to help make sure people have the
food they need?
i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l
• Lesson 1: st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
Students will understand what hunger is The students will learn that all living things have value and
• Lesson 2: need food and water to grow. Students will learn that they
Students will identify if hunger is present can share to help others who are hungry and that all people
in their community deserve healthy food to eat.
• Lesson 3:
Students can explain why food is a human
ass e ssm e n t
• Lesson 4: Student performance on sorting the plants into which
Students can generate ideas about how to ones needed water can be used as an informal assessment.
help fight hunger in their community The engagement of students and participation in the
• Lesson 5: discussions during carpet time is a good measure of their
Students will increase awareness about understanding. The charts produced during work time and
the coloring/drawing pieces offering ideas of ways they can
hunger around the world
share will assess their understanding of the standard.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

m ot i vato r c lo s i n g ac t i v i t y
10-15 minutes 5 minutes
As a whole group on the discussion carpet, students Encourage the students to think the same about our
will view a variety of pictures of plants and flowers food. Sharing what we have and being aware that
that are living and in several states of failing to thrive. everyone deserves to have good nutritious food to eat.
They will sort these pictures by which ones have what This is called a “human right” and there are people
they need and which ones need help. What do the all over the world working together to make sure
plants need to grow well? Students who need some everyone has these things. They can wrap up watching
prior knowledge can view the 2 minute Sesame street the compilation “We are all connected”
video before resorting of pictures to conclude that
plants need water to survive. Then have students color or draw ways they can share food with others.

worktime r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts
10-15 minutes
Students will discuss in small table groups what they
think people need to live and grow. They will draw
their ideas on chart paper to be displayed around the
room. After 10-15 minutes of work time, the students
will regroup on the carpet for the discussion of their
charted ideas. What do people need to grow? Then
they will watch this minute and a half video from
Compassion International that explains about good
nutritious food to help kids grow and thrive.
The teacher will refer back to the plant pictures to pose
a critical thinking question: “If there is only one pitcher
of water, how should we water the plants? Let students
talk to their ‘elbow partner’ to come up with ideas and
let them share after about 5-7 minutes. Ask students
if one plant should get more water than another and
try to steer the conversation toward ‘sharing’ the water
we have or ‘spreading around less to give all the plants
some water”.

r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
• List print or online resources that can help teachers prepare
the lesson.
• We are all connected
• Compassion International about nutritious food
• Sesame Street Grover growing a plant video clip
• Plant sorting cards (next page)
k i n d e r ga r t e n l e ss o n p l a n

p i c t u r e s to s o r t :
Who has what they need?
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Hunger Around the World

Luke Merchlewitz:[email protected], Lydia Bustos: [email protected], Elizabeth Rich:
[email protected], Terrilyn Fleming: [email protected], and Jennie Robinette: [email protected]

grade u n d e r sta n d i n g
Kindergarden Students will understand that there is food insecurity in our
country as well as in countries around the world. Students
time frame will understand that sharing food with those who need it is
30-45 minutes one way to help more people be fed.
s u b j e c ts e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
Social Studies • Is hunger a problem in other countries around the world?
Geography • What would a world without hunger look like?
Language Arts • How could we make that happen? This question is the
Social-Emotional Learning beginning of generating ideas about how to fight hunger in a
Empathy community.
sta n da r d s st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
Sustainable Cities and Communities • Students will understand that hunger exists in other
(SDG 11) and Peace, Justice, and Strong countries around the world.
Communities (SDG 16), and SDG 2. • Students will identify continents that experience the most
i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l • Students will learn that one way to help people that do not
• Lesson 1: have enough food is to share what you have.
Students will understand what hunger is • Students will brainstorm ways that we can help people that
• Lesson 2: do not have enough food in our community and abroad.
Students will identify if hunger is present
in their community
• Lesson 3: ass e ssm e n t
Students can explain why food is a human
right Written on a circular pancake-shaped piece of paper like
• Lesson 4: in the Kenyan story Mama Panya’s Pancakes, students will
Students can generate ideas of how to help answer the question with a picture, phonetic spelling or
through dictation.
fight hunger in their community
• Lesson 5:
How did the families in this story work together to make
Students will increase awareness about sure everyone had enough food?
hunger around the world
k i n d e r ga r t e n l e ss o n p l a n

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

opener n a i r o b i , k e n ya
5 minutes Identify the country of Kenya where one in four
We have learned a lot about how everyone does not children do not have enough food to eat. (Use
have enough food to eat and how that isn’t fair. You representation to help understanding). Explain that
have thought of some good ideas of how we could help there are big cities in Kenya (show photos), but most
people in our city and make a difference. People that people in Kenya are farmers and live in small villages.
care about the world try to think of ways to make things It is important to show a diversity of photos when
better for everyone. We call them “changemakers”. teaching this lesson including photos of big cities and
That’s what you are! people dressed in western clothes, so children don’t
think that all people in Kenya live in huts and wear
traditional clothing.
e v e n ts There has not been enough rain over the years (drought)
30 minutes so growing food has been hard. When food is hard to
Explain to the children that we have many families grow, it is difficult to have enough food to feed your
in the United States that do not have enough food. family or to sell at the market. (Show photos of a few
Ask, “Do you think that this is a problem in other huts, farmers, and children in Kenya) Tell the children
countries around the world?” that you are going to read a book about Mama Panya
Show students the World Hunger Map and her son, Adika, who are walking to the market to get the ingredients to make her special pancakes.
This map from 2018 shows the degrees of hunger Along the way, her son invites many people to dinner,
around the globe with a color-coded system. The and she is worried that they will not have enough food.
darker the color the more hunger and poverty. After Find out what happens at dinner time!The teacher will
explaining how the colors work, ask students what introduce students to local resources that help hungry
they notice. They will eventually comment on how the people in their community. This can prepare students
continent of Africa has countries with the hungriest for lesson 4.
people. Find Kenya on the map and share the story, If we have enough food, sharing is one way that others
"Mama Panya's Pancakes" by Mary Chamberlin. can get some of the food they need.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

• How was there enough food for everyone? c o n c lu s i o n

• What does it feel like to share? 5 minutes
• Does it ever feel hard to share? Food is a human right and everyone in the world
should have enough food to eat. If we are going to
Tell the children that we are going to make Mama reach the Sustainable Development Goals to help the
Panya’s Pancakes today. Explain that pancakes are made world, we need to create ways to make things more
all over the world, but that they can taste differently equitable.
than what you are used to. Show the students the
ingredient for Mama Panya’s Pancakes. You could have
the batter ready to cook or have the children work in r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
• World Hunger Map
small groups to measure and combine the ingredients.
While the pancakes are cooking… • Mama Panya’s Pancakes: A village Tale from Kenya by Mary
Students will each be given a large, paper pancake and Rich Chamberlin
made of light brown paper. Students will draw a • Perhaps a possible pancake breakfast can be a money
picture and write an answer to the question, How did fundraiser for a cause?
the families in this story work together to make sure • Perhaps to ask families / teachers to have pancakes for a meal
and contribute any leftover meal money to a cause.
everyone had enough food? Mama Panya had enough • Possible partnership with an IHOP or Perkins restaurant to
food because…. raise funds “Pancakes with a Purpose, Pancakes for a Pal type
First & Second
Grade Lesson
f i r st & s e co n d g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n s

First & Second Grade Lesson Plans

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Take Action for Peace

Erica Jones:[email protected], Susan Koch:[email protected], Jennifer Morris:jennifermo@, and Melissa Collins:[email protected]

s p e a k i n g & l i st e n i n g
s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e
This lesson encourages primary
learners to explore the concept of l i t e r ac y
peace, discover activists for peace, Reading informational text
and determine ways in which
they can make the world a more
peaceful place. r e a d i n g l i t e r at u r e
grade sta n da r d s
1st & 2nd This lesson addresses Sustainable Development Goal #16. This
(appropriate for K-2) lesson supports systems thinking competency. Students will
learn how systems operate to encourage peaceful interaction.
time frame The lesson also supports problem solving. During role-playing
1 hour and 15 minutes experiences, the students will identify problems and generate
real-world solutions.
s u b j e c ts
Writing u n d e r sta n d i n g
Reading Children can be peacemakers by identifying problems and
Social Studies developing solutions. Children will create a more peaceful
Speaking world through their actions. Children will understand the role
Listening activists play in promoting social justice.
prerequisite e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
Pre-read at a prior session: “What is • Why is peace important? Without peace, what would the
Peace” by V. Radunsky and “Children world look like? Would it be the same or different?
Around the World” illustrated by Donata • What does peace mean to you ?
Montanari. • Can this mean different things for different people?
• How do communities deal with conflict?
• What are some peaceful ways to deal with conflict?
• How can we contribute to make the world a more peaceful
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

f o r m at i v e ass e ssm e n t

Checklist for participation in activities

4 Full participation and independent extension

3 Independent participation

2 Participation with support

1 Unable to Participate

w h y i s p e ac e ta k e a sta n d r o l e p l ay
names of learners i m p o r ta n t ? (whole group ( sm a l l g r o u ps )
( pa r t n e r ac t i v i t y ) ac t i v i t y )
f i r st & s e co n d g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n s

s u m m at i v e ass e ssm e n t

Groups will complete “Response to Reading Template.”

4 3 2 1
The group defines a The group defines a With prompting, the With prompting,
problem and offers two problem and offers a group defines a problem the group defines a
or more solutions to the solution to the problem. and offers a solution to problem.
problem. the problem.

s u m m at i v e ass e ssm e n t

Criteria checklist for “What does peace mean to you?”

4 3 2 1
The learner describes The learner describes With prompting, the The learner orally
peace using words or peace using words or learner describes peace describes peace.
pictures and provides pictures. using words or pictures.
examples of activists.

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

o p e n i n g ac t i v i t y - m ot i vato r “ ta k e a sta n d ”- g r o u p m ov e m e n t ac t i v i t y
5 minutes 5 minutes
• Teacher asks class: What does the word peace mean The group will create a line with two endpoints “agree”
to you? and “disagree’. In this activity, students will find a place
››Write or draw it on the note card. on the line to describe their feelings in response to
• Pair up students. Have them share with their these prompts.
partner (person next to them) what they think they • Quiet spaces make me calm
know about what peace means. • I sometimes make mistakes
• Teacher asks class: Why is peace important?“ accept • I feel good when I help people
all responses • Listening is hard for me
• I notice when someone is left out.
• I think about how others might feel
• I know what peace feels like
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

p e ac e r o l e p l ay i n t r o d u c t i o n to v o c a b u l a ry & ac t i v i sts
• Teacher asks the class: “What does peace look like in 10 minutes
action?” Vocabulary: Activist, Activism and Taking Action
• I want you to silently think about what peace looks
ac t i v i st
like at school, in our community, and in our world.
››List responses on a “Peace Anchor Chart” - An activist is a person who campaigns for
Ways to respond- list peaceful actions and not some kind of social change.
peaceful actions. Example: Someone who's actively involved in
››Students are grouped into small teams of 2-3. a protest or a political or social cause can be
Each group will have a different scenario called an activist.
describing a conflict. Groups will have a chance
to demonstrate how they can respond to the
• Scenario 1: “You and a friend are waiting
in line to go up the ladder and go down the
slide on the playground. Another child runs
over and cuts in front of both of you in line.
What do you do?”
• Scenario 2: “There is a child in your
ac t i v i sm
neighborhood who often calls you names.
You do not know why they call you these Activism is the use of direct action to achieve
names, but you do know that it hurts your an end, either for or against an issue.
feelings. You think maybe this other child Example: When people tie themselves to trees
could be jealous of you. What do you do?” to protect the forest from being cut down, it is
• Scenario 3: “You accidentally bump an example of activism.
someone on the playground and they fall
down and begin to cry. What do you do?”
• Scenario 4: “Two students reach for the
playground ball at the exact same time. They
each say that they touched it first. What do
you do?”
• Scenario 5: “At story time, one learner
keeps interrupting, and making noises. It is
hard to hear the story. What do you do?”
ta k i n g ac t i o n
group reflection The process or state of acting or of being active.
• How did it feel to be a peacemaker? Example: When you participate in a march
• There are many peacemakers in the world they are protesting the closing of a neighborhood
called activists? library, you are taking action.
f i r st & s e co n d g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n s

i n t r o d u c e ac t i v i sts

Share stories and photos of 5 global activists- brief overview of each

Malala Yousafzai Cesar Chavez Isatou Ceesay Karim Wasfi Wangari Maathai

b o o k : r e a d a lo u d
10 minutes
Students choose on which activist they want to learn
more about.
• Wangari's Trees of Peace: A True Story from Africa
• One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling
Women of the Gambia

m a l a l a yo u sa f z a i c e sa r c h av e z
As a young girl, Malala Yousafzai defied the Taliban in Cesar Chavez is best known for making people aware
Pakistan and spoke out publicly against the Taliban's of the struggles of farm workers for better pay and safer
prohibition on the education of girls. She demanded that working conditions. He knew all too well the hardships
girls be allowed to receive an education. She was shot in farm workers faced. Cesar succeeded through nonviolent
the head at the age of 15 by a Taliban gunman, but survived tactics (boycotts, pickets, and strikes). Cesar Chavez and
and went on to be the youngest person to receive the Nobel his United Farm Workers union sought recognition of the
Peace Prize, which is one of the most important awards that importance and dignity of all farm workers.
anyone can receive. Malala is fighting to give back to girls
what poverty, war and discrimination tried to take away.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

i sato u c e e say k a r i m was f i

Isatou has been empowering women and contributing to The famous conductor of the Iraqi National Symphony
one of the most important issues around waste in Gambia Orchestra, played his Cello on the site of a car bomb in
by teaching plastic recycling and organic waste recycling an act of defiance and appeal to the humanity of both
for over 17 years. She has educated her fellow villagers not terrorists and civilians. He established the Peace Through
to let trash pile up around their homes. Instead she has Art initiative. Karim has been appearing at the sites of
taught them the importance to reclaim waste and do plastic explosions across Baghdad. Just hours after attacks, he
recycling by making items with it to make money. can be seen seated in the ash and rubble in a black suit
jacket, long hair combed back, playing his cello. For him,
this combination of music and place has become a form of

e va lu at e : r e s p o n s e to r e a d i n g
15 minutes
• How will your group work to make the world a
more peaceful place sheet?
››“How can you make the world a more peaceful
››Explain the problem and what you can do.
• Connect it to the UN Sustainable Development
• Groups share out with one other group and give
them time to make revisions.
wa n ga r i m u ta m a at h a i
Wangarĩ was a Kenyan environmental political activist and
Nobel laureate. She saw that in her country a lot of trees p o st - ass e ssm e n t
were being chopped down so she decided to do something 5 minutes
about it to help her environment and the people. She ended
up winning the Nobel Peace Prize, which is one of the most • Teacher asks class: What does the word peace mean
important awards that anyone can receive, for contribution to you?
to sustainable development, democracy and peace.
››Write or draw it on the note card.
››Share with a friend
››Add or revise What
f i r st & s e co n d g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n s

group name: dat e :

h o w c a n yo u m a k e t h e w o r l d a m o r e p e ac e f u l p l ac e ?

• As a group look at the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. Circle the one you want to
work on and talk about the problem and what you can do.

• Write and//or draw the issue and how you would fix the problem.

r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
• Peacemakers, SDG cards, manila paper or other foldable • What Does Peace Feel Like? By V. Radunsky
• One Plastic Bag (YouTube) • Good People Everywhere by Lynea Gillen
• What Does Peace Feel Like? By V. Radunsky • I am Human: A Book of Empathy by Susan Verde
• Good People Everywhere by Lynea Gillen • We Can Get Along by Lauren Murphy Payne
• I am Human: A Book of Empathy by Susan Verde
• We Can Get Along by Lauren Murphy Payne
Third & Fourth
Grade Lesson
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Third & Fourth Grade Lesson Plans

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Internet Access for All: A Question of Equity

Jennifer Metzler, Erin Sears, Wendy Turner, Lisa Jacobsmeyer
s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e
The internet is an important component of 21st century life, particularly in education, yet not all homes,
schools, communities have access to the internet. This lesson serves to raise awareness of the internet as
an essential utility that enables people to have access to information, government and financial services,
and educational opportunities. Students will practice perspective-taking to help students understand
how access to the internet supports sustainable communities and strong institutions.

grade sta n da r d s
3rd & 4th • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: Make cities and human
settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
time frame • SDG 16: Peace and Justice and Strong Institutions. Promote peaceful and
1-2 sessions, 45-60 min. each inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for
all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
s u b j e c ts
Language Arts u n d e r sta n d i n g
Science • The internet is an essential utility that impacts quality of life.
Social Studies • The internet is a critical component of a quality 21st century education.
Mathematics • Access to the internet affects many groups of people (stakeholders).
Arts e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
• Why is access to the internet an essential utility?
i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l • How does access to the Internet contribute to a quality 21st century
Students will gain awareness education?
and build empathy regarding • How can communities increase internet access for residents?
internet access in their
community. Students will st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
identify stakeholders who • Students will analyze and respond to Internet access data (small and/or
are affected by the presence whole group).
or absence of the internet. • Students will identify groups or individuals who are affected by the presence
Student perspective-taking or absence of Internet access.
will foster empathy toward • Students will think about (with a partner or small group) the perspective
people and communities of a stakeholder and share (orally or in writing) that stakeholders’ thoughts
with limited internet access. about equitable internet access.
• Students will write an individual reflection on their changing understanding
of how access to the Internet affects people.
t h i r d & f o u r t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n s

ass e ssm e n t
As an assessment, students will write a reflection demonstrating their changing understanding of how
access to the Internet affects the stakeholders within the community. The reflection will be in the form of
an exit ticket which asks them to describe what they used to think before the lesson and explain how their
thinking has changed. We will know that students have met the objective if they are able to demonstrate their
broadened understanding of the importance of the Internet in modern life and how equitable access affects
the quality of life for members of their community.
Suggested exit ticket: “I used to think…. Now I think…...

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

opener c i r c l e o f v i e w p o i n ts ac t i v i t y
Students reflect on and respond to the following Brainstorm stakeholder perspectives using the
questions: following scenario based on the video:
• Do you have access to the Internet at home? A family who does not have internet access needs to use
• How do you use the Internet for school work? computers at the public library to complete students’
• Why is it important for your education and homework.
learning to have access to the Internet? 1. Teacher places photograph of a library’s public
• What would happen if you didn’t have access to the computers in the center of large chart paper. (See
Internet? Circle of Viewpoints image.)
2. Students brainstorm stakeholders affected by
Teachers may use the following methods to gather this scenario and teacher writes stakeholders in a circle
data: Google Forms, Menti, Poll Everywhere, or even radiating from the photo (like sun’s rays).
chart paper and post it notes. Student responses are 3. After students have completed brainstorming,
shared with the whole group. class discusses the perspectives of the different
4. Students work in pairs or small groups to write
c o r e e v e n ts short descriptions about internet access from a
• Introduce vocabulary: internet, access, education, chosen stakeholder’s perspective.
perspective, stakeholder, empathy 5. Student groups role play the perspective of their
• Video Provocation: Students watch and discuss stakeholder.
video. 6. Students discuss the different perspectives and
• “75 million Americans don’t have internet. Here’s how the stakeholders are affected by the lack of
what it’s like” video: internet access.
c o n c lu s i o n
A possible next step could include student-led
brainstorming of how they can take action to increase
Internet access within their community.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts
videos b o o ks
• If You’ve Never Heard of the ‘Homework Gap’ : • Roone, Anne. (2015). You Wouldn't Want to Live Without the Internet! New York: Franklin Watts.
• 75 million Americans don’t have internet. Here’s what it’s like: • Bjerklie, David. (2017). Technology For All: Wi-Fi Around the World - TIME FOR KIDS® Informational Text. New York:
• If the World were 100 People: Teacher Created Materials.

p r i m a ry s o u r c e s
• US Census Computer and Internet Use Visualizations:

p r i m a ry s o u r c e s
• US Census Computer and Internet Use Visualizations:
b ac kg r o u n d i n f o
• Internet access:
• Digital Divide:
• Strategies: Analyzing Maps

p o e t ry

c i r c l e o f v i e w p o i n ts
Fifth Grade
Lesson Plans
f i f t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

Fifth Grade Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

A3 : Awareness, Advocacy, Action

Allison Shriver: [email protected], Isabel Bozada: [email protected], and Michael Pope: maddscientist50@, assisted by Peter Mili: [email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e sta n da r d s
In this lesson, the teacher will introduce • United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11.
the United Nations Sustainable Sustainable Cities and Communities, through the lens
Development Goal 11, Sustainable Cities of access to clean water (Global Goal 6).
and Communities, through the lens of • 3-5-ETS1-2. Generate and compare multiple possible
access to clean water (Global Goal 6). solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely
This is a lesson that could proceed a larger to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
conversation about the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals, access p r i m a ry i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l
to clean water, and development within a • Students will learn about how access to clean water
city or community. Through this lesson, and other resources impacts global communities.
your students will learn about the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l s f o r e x t e n s i o n ac t i v i t i e s
and consider how they might be impacted • Students will generate proposed solutions to increase
if they lacked a resource as essential as access to clean water in a community.
clean water. When your students are done • Students will compare their proposed solutions
with this lesson, they will be ready to including how communities can increase access to clean
explore issues of community development water to make their communities more sustainable.
and sustainability with both a local and • Students will be able to communicate how access to
global lens. clean water leads to sustainable cities and communities
around the world.
grade u n d e r sta n d i n g
3rd to 5th • Clean water is an essential part of human life.
• Access to clean water impacts the sustainable
time frame development of a community.
1 hour (with possible extension if needed) • Citizens can engage in direct action to promote access
to clean water and promote the sustainable development
s u b j e c ts of a community.
Social Awareness
Current Events
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s awa r e n e ss
• How does access to clean water contribute to a Given small group class discussion, exploratory videos
sustainable community? and inquiry based facilitation from the teachers,
• How is clean water essential in everyday life? students will create their own understanding of
• How can people promote the need for access to water access and fair practices in two different areas.
clean water? Students should be able to explain issues caused by
water issues, and areas affected by water issues with
st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s 90% improvement from pretest to post test.
• Students will develop an understanding of access to
clean water impacting global communities. ass e ssm e n t
• Students will generate proposed solutions to
increase access to clean water in a community. Pre/Post Test
• Students will compare their proposed solutions
including how communities can increase access 1. What are UN Sustainable Development Goals?
to clean water to make their communities more 2. What is Global Goal 11?
sustainable. 3. What does sustainable mean for communities?
• Students will communicate how access to clean 4. What is the impact of water on communities?
water leads to sustainable cities and communities
around the world.
s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

b e f o r e t h e l e ss o n : p r e pa r at i o n o p e n e r : b u i l d i n g awa r e n e ss
Before the lesson, all your students should take the 10 minutes
pretest (above). This will give you valuable information Have a piece of paper and pencil ready for each student
to guide the work that you and your students are about or have an online word processing document prepared
to do together. and shared out with your students. Students will begin
Students should be seated in groups of 3-5 with ample by individually creating a list of all the ways they use
space to work individually and collaboratively. Have water in their everyday life. Ignite their thinking by
a piece of paper and pencil ready for each student or asking the following questions:
have an online word processing document prepared • How do you use water in the morning, afternoon,
and shared out with your students. or evening?
Have a means to write down what your students say, • How does your family use water?
whether that is a chalkboard, whiteboard, electronic • What are things you do that use water that you
whiteboard, or a large piece of paper that all students might not think of?
can see. • What kinds of foods do you cook with water?
At the end of the lesson, you will need enough space • What kinds of drinks are made with water?
to bring your students together in a circle. It is also • How do you use water to make your body or
highly recommended that you choose a talking piece environment cleaner?
to ensure that all voices are heard. This talking piece When students have had about five minutes to create
could be something small like a special rock or other their lists of different ways they use water, share with
item. them that they are going to be learning about how
something as simple and basic as water can deeply
impact the ways humans live. Explain that you are
going to be learning about the problems that exist both
around the world and in their community, and how
people work together to solve these problems.
f i f t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

On a smart board or computer that all students

can see, introduce the United Nations Sustainable
Development goals by watching the video “The
World’s Largest Lesson” on YouTube

In this video, the idea of basic need” like “fresh water,

clean air, and healthy food” is introduced, and how
problems like climate change and inequality keep
people from meeting their basic needs. As the video
shares different problems, students will see video
representation of the problems in a child-friendly
format. The video introduced the United Nations
Global Goals for Sustainable Development and shares
how these goals we will make the world “safer, fairer,
and more just for everyone” and that there is a plan for
us to check our progress towards these goals, but first,
we need to make these goals “famous’, so everyone
knows about them! Use the following questions to spark their thinking if
they get stuck:
When the video is finished, explain to students that • What do you notice the people are doing in the
they are going to be working on something that other cartoon?
students and experts from around the world are • What do you notice about the words in the cartoon?
working on, that they are part of a much larger group • What do you wonder about why the United Nations
of people that are all working hard to solve problems. had to create this goal?
• What do you wonder about our world if one of
these conditions were missing? What if all of them
a dv o c ac y were missing?
20 minutes
Give each group a full page copy of the cartoon below, After students have spent about 5 minutes working
which was created by Margreet De Heer for World’s with their group to write what they notice and wonder,
Largest Lesson to help students understand Global have them share out. Write their ideas where everyone
Goal 11. Have students work in their groups of three can see them under headers “notice” and “wonder”.
to five to share what they notice and wonder about the Continue until all groups have shared and all ideas
cartoon. have been added.
Have students take a few moments to look over their
thinking. Pause for questions or things that they notice.
When students have finished sharing out have them
go back to their lists of ways that they use water.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

In their groups, have them come up with how not access These ideas are a lot to think about for today, but this
to clean water having would impact a community. reflecting provides an excellent jumping off point for
Prompt them: How would it impact a community’s an entire unit about community development. Below
ability to be “inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”? are some extension activities that provide next steps in
What if only some people do not have access? How your curriculum and valuable opportunities for your
would that impact their lives? students to engage in action to solve global problems:
For example, if some people in a community do not Learn how access to water impacts the community in
access to water for basic sanitation like bathing and Cape Town, South Africa. Connect with individuals
toilets, then their community will be dirty, and people in Cape Town to learn about what they experience.
will not be able to stay healthy. Give students 5-10 Explore innovative solutions to water shortages (see
minutes to come up with different ideas how access to video resource below)
water might impact a community and their ability to • Learn about how the water crisis in Flint and how
be “inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”? Little Miss Flint (video below) worked within her
community to help people. Have students consider
the question, “Are there ways you could help
ac t i o n communities like Flint?”
20 minutes (or more as needed) • Engage in an analysis of community resources and
Gather students together in a circle, either seated or on come up with a plan of how to connect individuals
the floor. Introduce norms for your time in the circle in the community with those resources (ex. If your
(the person with the talking piece should be the only community is a food desert and people do not have
person talking, practice active listening, all ideas are access to fresh groceries, how could you connect
welcome and valued, etc.). them with fresh groceries?)
You will be working with your students to make three • Brainstorm a theme or slogan for a sign or poster
rounds in your circle (everyone will get three chances you could create to bring attention to the crisis of
to speak). As you progress through the rounds, the access to community resources like water.
talking piece will be passed on to the person sitting to • What are ways water can be purified (see below,
the left of the current speaker. under action), waste can be processed, and pollution
can be decreased? Engage in the scientific process to
These are your first two questions: unpack solutions and try them for yourself!
• What did you learn today that surprised you or
made you think differently?
• How would your life change if your family no resources
• Initial Video: 2 mins Water Cycle for Kids.
longer had access to clean water?
• Video: 24 mins Water Crisis Cape Town South Africa.
At the end of the first two questions, when the talking
piece comes back to you, explain to your students that • Little Miss Flint and the Flint Water Crisis
many people around the world live in communities
that have things that impact their ability to be making-difference-community-years-water-crisis-62543899
• Video: 6 mins Water Crisis looms in South Africa.
“inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable” sometimes
this is a lack of access to necessities like access to water, • Video: 3 mins Flint’s water crisis, explained in 3 minutes.
housing, transportation, and even clean air to breath.
Have students sit and think about those words for a
moment. On the final pass around the circle, have
students respond to the question: “How would you e n d o f l e ss o n r e f l e c t i o n
feel if your no longer had access to something that 20 minutes
you need?” Students discuss what they learned about:
››1. Basic human needs for clean water and its
importance to others around the world
f i f t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
• List print or online resources that can support students in • List print or online resources that can help teachers prepare
carrying out the activities. the lesson.
• The Power of Student Activism Awareness
• 10 Kids that Have Changed the World • Initial Video: 2 mins Water Cycle for Kids.
• Be the Change • Video: 24 mins Water Crisis Cape Town South Africa.
• Video: 6 mins Water Crisis looms in South Africa.
• Video: 3 mins Flint’s water crisis, explained in 3 minutes.

• Teaching Social Justice In the classroom.
• World’s Largest Lesson, Goal 11
• (cartoon for lesson)

• Article: 4 ways to address the water crisis.
• Articles on natural purification in 2nd/3rd World:
• Using natural seed to purify water:
Sixth Grade
Lesson Plan
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Sixth Grade Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

The Value of Water: Use it, Abuse it, and Lose it

Jacqueline Carrero: [email protected], Erlynn Kirsch: [email protected], Myla Liljemark:
[email protected], and Susan Pomasko: [email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e ov e r v i e w
Since ancient times water has been • Day 1 - Review of historic and modern use and abuse
one of the most important substances of water systems
on earth and needed by both animals, • Day 2 - Small and Large group Discussion: Compare
marine life, humans, and plants. Students and evaluate
will investigate the various uses of • Day 3 - Local expert visits class to discuss local use,
water including domestic, agricultural, management of water resources, and conservation
industrial, recreation and hydropower. efforts (prevention, intervention, and damage control)
Students will examine the impact of • Day 4 - Presentations on water problems and
human reliance on water and necessity of solutions to promote active civic involvement
protecting water on a global level.
i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l

grade i n t e r c u lt u r a l c o m p e t e n c y
6th • Intrapersonal Skills: The ability to recognize and
weigh diverse cultural perspectives on the use of water
time frame resources.
Four 50-minute classes
knowledge & skills
s u b j e c ts • Politics & Government: Contemporary global
Social Studies challenges in human-environmental interaction.
(Science, Reading / Language Arts, and Math) • Culture, religion, and history and geography -
››Map ancient river civilizations.
ac c o m m o dat i o n s & m o d i f i c at i o n s ››Understand the historic uses and abuses of bodies
Take into consideration that ESOL (English of water.
to Speakers of Other Languages) & ESE
(Exceptional) students will need modifications w o r k & m i n d h a b i ts
to the lesson (chunking, teacher-student • Identify different cultural perspectives through which
assistance, peer partnering, accommodations, to think about problems.
extended time, for ESE students following their • Carry out research projects independently identifying
IEP, etc.). current and global challenges related to water and
possible solutions.
s i x t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

sta n da r d s st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s

u n s d g 11 : s u sta i n a b l e c i t i e s & c o m m u n i t i e s cognitive learning objectives

• 11.4 - Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard • The Learner is able to evaluate and compare the
the world’s cultural and natural heritage sustainability of their and other settlements’ systems
• 11.5 - By 2030, significantly reduce the number in meeting their needs, particularly in the areas of
of deaths and the number of people affected and food, energy, transport, water, safety, waste treatment,
substantially decrease the direct economic losses inclusion and accessibility, education, integration of
relative to global gross domestic product caused by green spaces and disaster risk reduction.
disasters, including water-related disasters, with a • The learner understands the historical reasons for
focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable settlement patterns and while respecting cultural
situations heritage, understands the need to find compromises
• 11.6 - By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita to develop improved sustainable systems.
environmental impact of cities, including by paying
special attention to air quality and municipal and s o c i o - e m ot i o n a l l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
other waste management. • The Learner is able to connect with and help
community groups locally and online in developing a
u n s d g 11 : s u sta i n a b l e c i t i e s & c o m m u n i t i e s sustainable future vision of their community.
• #3 - Good Health & Well-being • The Learner is able to contextualize their needs
• #6 - Clean Water & Sanitation within the needs of the greater surrounding
ecosystems, both locally and globally, for more
u n d e r sta n d i n g sustainable human settlements.
• Humans both past and present have relied on rivers
and other bodies of water. b e h av i o r a l l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
• Humans impact rivers and other bodies of water. • The Learner is able to speak against/for and to
• Through sustainable management, the use of rivers organize their voice against/for decisions made for
and other bodies of water can continue to support their community.
human life and all living things into the future.
e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
ass e ssm e n t
• How have rivers or bodies of water contributed to
the development of human settlement? f o r m at i v e ass e ssm e n ts
• How have humans negatively impacted bodies of • Interactive class river/Post-it activity
water? • Ancient river civilization blank map
• How do humans positively impact bodies of water? • Threats to Rivers research
• How can bodies of water be protected for use today • Guest speaker questions and reflection
and in the future?
• Why are rivers or bodies of water important to your s u m m at i v e ass e ssm e n ts
community? • Presentation
• Flipgrid reflection
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

o p e n e r & day 1 ac t i v i t y

objective supplies
Students will examine historic and contemporary uses • Black permanent markers
and abuses of water around the world. Students will • Blue, red, yellow square Post-It notes(cut in half to
determine actions that they can take to preserve water conserve)
sources. • Large blue paper cut into the shape of a river taped
on the wall or board.
• Computers (one for each student)
• Earphones
opener ac t i v i t y pa r t 1 : a n c i e n t r i v e r c i v i l i z at i o n s
• View YouTube video: Colorado River - I am • Inform students that like the Colorado River
Red today, rivers in ancient times were important to the
continue=30&v=mqYcC7jEe44 societies they supported. Review the rivers that were
• Randomly group students into threes or fours. Give important to early river civilizations.
each group blue and red Post-it notes. • Display Early River Civilizations map on the
• Inform students that blue and red Post-it notes will SmartBoard.
be used to communicate ways that rivers are used • Ask: “What rivers do you recognize?”
(blue Post-it tabs) and abused (red Post-it tabs.) The • Ask: “How did people in ancient civilizations use the
purpose of the red Post-it notes is to draw attention rivers?” (Possible answers include: transportation,
to the toxic or damaging nature of the abuse. religious ritual, trade, agriculture, habitat for plants/
• Each Post-it note will be used to communicate one animals used by humans, mud for architecture, fresh
idea. water for drinking and washing) “How did ancient
• As students view the video, they record on Post-it people abuse their rivers?” (Ideas might include over
notes all the ways they saw or heard that humans use irrigation/salinization, damming of rivers, overuse of
(blue) or abuse (red) the Colorado River. water.)
• When they are finished viewing the video, students • Students are to use prior knowledge and record on
will compare their sticky tabs looking for similarities the blue and red Post-it notes; all the ways ancient
and trends. Students will determine 3-5 strong people used and abused the rivers they lived along.
examples of uses and 3-5 strong examples of abuses. • Students will then compare their Post-it notes
One person from each table group will read the as a group, looking for trends in ideas. They will
examples out loud to the class as they place the Post- decide on 3-5 strong examples of uses and 3-5 strong
it tabs on the ‘river’ hanging on the wall. examples of abuses. One student from the group
will read the “abuse” Post-it notes to the class as they
place them on the river. Another student from the
group will read the “uses” Post-it notes to the class as
they place them on the river.
s i x t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

ac t i v i t y pa r t 2 : u s e o f b o d i e s o f wat e r to day ac t i v i t y pa r t 3 : a b u s e o f b o d i e s o f
• Say: “Today, communities depend on water from wat e r to day
all kinds of sources including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, 10 minutes
aquifers, inland seas, and the ocean.” • Students use the websites provided to explore
• Ask: “How do people today use rivers or other bodies more ways that humans use and abuse rivers today.
of water?” Students will each need a laptop and earphones.
• Students should reflect individually on the • Youtube: Sacred but polluted (Ganges)
question. They should record all ideas on blue Post-It
notes. These ideas should not include anything that • The Guardian: Threatened Rivers of the World
has already been shared. These should be in addition
to how ancient civilizations use rivers. (Answers may gallery/2016/sep/22/worlds-threatened-rivers-
include: hydroelectricity, cooling power plants, salt pollution-industry-agriculture-in-pictures
production, mining, recreation, sanitation, fountains, • Smithsonian: Exploring the World’s Most
firefighting, manufacturing, toilets, pools) Imperiled Rivers
• Students should compare their ideas as a group
looking for trends in answers and determine 3-5 the-worlds-most-imperiled-rivers-47048630/
strong examples. These examples will be read out • As they find something to add to the class river,
loud by a student in the group as the Post-it tab is they should use either the Post-it notes, or blue and
placed on the river. red permanent markers. Writing with permanent
• Collectively discuss how rivers or bodies of water markers on the class river itself will get kids up
are used or abused in your local area. Every time a for longer and will encourage them to pause at the
student suggests an idea, have them write it on the river and read some of the other ideas. It will also
respective colored Post-it note, and put it on the river help you conserve Post-it notes. The teacher will
on the board. also be able to monitor the progress of students
1. Discussion Question Prompt: How are rivers or during this independent work as he/she will be
bodies of water used in our local community? able to distinguish between information that was
2. Discussion Question Prompt: How are rivers or contributed by the individual and the group.
bodies of water abused in our local community?
3. Discussion Question Prompt: How are local
rivers or bodies in our community protected? c o n c lu s i o n s : ta k i n g ac t i o n
4. Discussion Question Prompt: Why is it important Display the images from World’s Watershed mapped
to protect our local rivers or bodies of water? in detail and remind students that even if we don’t live
directly near rivers, each of us use and affect them.

Students are to go to the website 50 Ways to Save Your

River! and read through the list, identifying one action
they could take to reduce the abuse on local bodies of
water. Students are to record this item on the yellow
Post It note and put it on the class river. These Post
It notes are to represent the ‘boats’ that clean up the
poison of the river.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

day 2 ac t i v i t y - g u e st s p e a k e r • “How does our community use bodies of water ?”

• “Will water management by the local community
objective be enough to sustain water resources and human
Students will develop questions and interview a development?”
guest speaker from their local water management, • “Who should be responsible for water
including uses and abuses. Students will devise a plan management?”
to remedy any issues their town has regarding water • “How did/does the indigenous people who live/
use and management lived in this area use bodies of water?”
• What steps can be taken globally to ensure water
k e y to p i c s s u g g e st e d f o r p r e s e n tat i o n use and management is sustainable for all future
• Community water needs and use generations?
• Threats to the water resources
• Management of the water sources
pa r t 2 - wat e r p r o b l e m s & s o lu t i o n s
p o ss i b l e q u e st i o n s f o r g u e st s p e a k e r p r e s e n tat i o n r e s e a r c h
• Is our town water safe to consume? Students choose a water related topic, selecting their
• How much water waste do we generate as a town? preference of presentation (individual, pairs, triad,
• What steps can be taken to keep our water clean? quad), and demonstrate their creativity by creating
• How do the factories in our town use and protect an informative video, oral presentation, PowerPoint,
our water? poster board, dramatization, artwork, skit, rap or
• Are there problems with our water system that poem.
should be addressed? Students choose from a Choice Board of Multiple
Intelligences on how to create a presentation for other
p r e s e n tat i o n w r a p - u p students within their school community explaining
1. Have students discuss and/or devise a plan to problems and solutions to water management.
remedy any issues their town has regarding water use
and management. Brainstorm and discuss challenges The presentation must include the following
or obstacles for the town to overcome. information:
2. And/or have students circle back to their Rivers • Use of water systems
from Day 1 and add anything after the expert • Abuse/potential threats or loss of the world’s water
presentation. system
• Management of water systems/solutions to water
system problems
day 3 ac t i v i t y - d i s c u ss i o n & r e s e a r c h Rubric on the next page to be used with oral
presentations including: organization, subject
objective knowledge, graphics, mechanics, eye contact,
Students will discuss, reflect, and research local, articulation
national, or international water management resulting Suggestions: Waterborne diseases, pollution in the
in a presentation on water problems and solutions. drinking water in Flint, Michigan (national) and
in Jakarta, Indonesia (International), Red Tides
pa r t 1 - wat e r m a n ag e m e n t c l ass d i s c u ss i o n that kill marine life, toxic green algae, hydroponics,
Students will engage in a class discussion, reflecting on aquaculture, aeroponics
what they learned from the guest speaker. Suggested
Discussion Questions:
• Were you surprised about the water use in your
• How does the community dispose of their waste?
• “Where does our community get its fresh water?”
s i x t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

day 4 ac t i v i t y - p r e s e n tat i o n & r e f l e c t i o n

objective p r e s e n tat i o n
Students will synthesize their research on a water- Students share their presentations to students in grades
related topic, while using presentation skills, to K-5. The five minute presentations should include
demonstrate comprehension of site specific water use, the uses and abuses of water sources and sustainable
abuse, and management. management of water resources.
s i x t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

c o n c lu d i n g r e f l e c t i o n ac t i v i t y • Threats to the Ganges River
Students create a Flipgrid video where they must state peoples-livelihoods/a-17237276
and explain: • Cleaning up the Ganges - Financial Times
(a) three ideas or concepts they learned
(b) two ideas or concepts that surprised them and • Youtube: Sacred but polluted (Ganges)
(c) one thing they intend to start doing based on what
• Go Ganges! Video of two adventurers who follow the Ganges
they learned. from the headwaters to the river’s mouth
Collective responses should indicate if students
demonstrated comprehension of the material. Flipgrid • National Geographic’s Learning Framework, the mindset of
responses can be peer reviewed, or privately viewed by an explorer: ASK (Attitudes, Skills, Knowledge)

e x t e n s i o n i d e as
• Field trip to local water treatment planned
a d d i t i o n a l w e b l i n ks f o r st u d e n ts • Visit local river/water bodies
• YouTube Video: Colorado River - I am Red • Participate in beach, lake, or river clean up service learning activities
continue=30&v=mqYcC7jEe44 • Exploration of spiritual and religious significance of rivers and
• Early River Civilizations Blank Map other bodies of water • Impacts of water abuse on threatened species and habitat loss
WH13a_Attachment_A.pdf • Threats to water scarcity, climate change, and population
• YouTube Video: Sacred but Polluted: River Ganges drowns in growth
a sea of rubbish • Explore historic cases of water management • Identify 2 creative ways humans in the past used water. For example, in 1695, the oldest fort in St. Augustine Florida called
• The Guardian: Threatened Rivers of the World Castillo de San Marcos was designed in a way that the latrine was on the top level and human waste would fall to the bottom
gallery/2016/sep/22/worlds-threatened-rivers-pollution- level. Then, when it was high tide, the Atlantic Ocean would
industry-agriculture-in-pictures enter the lower level of the fort and wash away the human waste.
• Smithsonian: Exploring the World’s Most Imperiled Rivers • Four Corners (Physical activity to demonstrate comprehension)- To plan, put a list of multiple choice questions
most-imperiled-rivers-47048630/ together. Each question should have four answers. Students
• World’s Watershed mapped in detail gather in the center of the room, reading each question and its possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner
maps?rebelltitem=5#rebelltitem5 that represents what they believe is the correct answer. For
• 50 Ways to Save Your River example, the top-left room corner can be option A, the bottom- left can be B and so on. Depending on which answers students
select (which corner they choose), the teacher should gain an
understanding of class/student comprehension.
additional weblink resources • Red light/Green Light Activity - Allow students to give you
• Water pollution || What are the causes of water pollution? real-time feedback as you teach with double-sided red/green cards made from red/green construction paper cut into index
• What is water pollution and how can you help? card size, glued and laminated. As you deliver a lesson, students should hold the green side toward you if they understand
pollution.php everything. If something’s unclear, encourage them to turn
the red side forward. When you see red, stop and clarify — or
w e b l i n k r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s expand upon — your points until you see green again. This
• WWF - Threats to Rivers should help you quickly assess if students are processing content as you deliver it.
• WWF - Threatened Rivers (List of rivers and how they are
Seventh Grade
Lesson Plans
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Seventh Grade Lesson Plans

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Student-Led Community Needs Assessment

Loryn Windwehen, Cassidy Urie: [email protected], Maryellen Wolfinger: [email protected],
Sarah Hicks: [email protected], and Chris Gleason: [email protected].

sta n da r d s
s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e
• SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions: Promote
Provide an overview of the lesson. peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,
Explain how it fits into the entire provide access to justice for all and build effective,
curriculum. This lesson encourages accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
7th graders to examine what is ››16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent
essential for effective and safe schools institutions at all levels
across the world and to consider the ››16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and
role of school as an "accountable and representative decision-making at all levels
inclusive" institution. ››16.8 Broaden and strengthen the participation of
developing countries in the institutions of global
grade ››16.B Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and
7th policies for sustainable development
time frame • Global Competencies
45 minuntes ››Recognize Perspectives
››Articulate how differential access to knowledge,
s u b j e c ts technology, and resources affects quality of life and
Social Studies perspectives
ESOL ››Investigate the World
Language Arts ››Identify an issue, generate questions, and explain its
i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l ››Analyze, integrate, and synthesize evidence to construct
Students will be able to… coherent responses
• Explain what an SDG is
• Identify the components of SDG 16 u n d e r sta n d i n g
• Audit their own community as a strong • Schools as strong institutions
institution • Resources provided by schools
• Resources students need to attend school/learn/succeed
s e v e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
What two to four essential questions guide this lesson? • Cognitive Learning Objective
These should be aligned with the understandings ››The learner is able to analyze and describe the
and stimulate inquiry and discussion. The questions strengths and weaknesses of institutions, their
inspire critical thinking. The questions inspire critical role and importance in society, and ways they
thinking and posting them here will serve to remind need to be supported and held accountable.
you to ask these questions. ››The learner will generate solutions to
• Why are schools important and necessary institutions that have gaps in support or systemic
institutions? problems.
• Without schools what would the world look like? ››The learner will examine, compare and contrast
• What is necessary to have a strong school? other institutions in society and how the
• Who is responsible for supplying the "stuff " needed institution provides justice, peace, and safety in
to create and maintain a school? our world.
• Why do schools need accountability? • Socio-Emotional Learning Objectives
• What would education look like without ››4. The learner is able to reflect on the role of
accountability? strong, effective institutions such as school and
• If gaps exist in supporting schools, what might be their meaningfulness in a peaceful society.
some solutions? • Behavioral Learning Objective
• How can we support strong schools across the ››1.The learner is able to critically assess issues of
world? peace, justice, inclusion, and strong institutions
in their region, nationally, and globally.

ass e ssm e n t

Describe assessment tools which could help teachers know whether students have achieved the intended objectives,
include checklists, rubrics, tests and quizzes, informal checks for understanding.

d i ag n o st i c ass e ssm e n ts f o r m at i v e ass e ssm e n ts

• Observe students brainstorming to gauge concepts • Partner generated ideas and suggestions (#2 below)
that students already have about school as a • Monitoring group discussion (#3 below)
transparent institution. (#1 below)
s u m m at i v e ass e ssm e n ts
• Proposed solutions (#5 below)

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

List the sequence of events for this lesson. Include an 2. With a different partner (consider different ways
opener (motivator), core events of the lesson and a to group students) ask: “ What are some obstacles
conclusion. Indicate how students should be grouped that would make it difficult to be ready for school
and the question or provocation that will guide their each day; what do you need for school each day?”
work in each event. Give students a few minutes to generate ideas to
1. As students walk into class have this question on share with the class. [5 min]
the board: “Why do we have school?” Ask students 3. Split class into groups based on birth months and
to discuss with an elbow partner the reasons why give each group a different school scenario or type
we and others across the world have institutions where students don’t have everything they need.
called school. Capture the student’s ideas on the Students will answer the following questions based
board and generate a list of reasons why we have on their scenario and then report back to the class.
schools. [5 min.] Findings can be gathered by the teacher on the
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

board or online using a shared spreadsheet so that r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s

students can see the comparison between areas. List print or online resources that can help teachers
[20-25 min] prepare the lesson.
a. Does the school appear to be safe? If not,
what could be done to solve this? Resources for Strong Institutions Lesson:
b. Is the school accessible to all children? If not, • Create scenarios
what could be done to solve this? Tell Global Education Statistics
c. Does the school have a conducive data
environment essential for learning? If not, what • Create scenarios
could be done to solve this? Show different classrooms around world
d. Does the school have materials (furniture,
books, technology) necessary to be successful? world-2017-7
If not, what could be done to solve this? • Create scenarios
Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize Speech
e. Does the school have competent educators
and support staff necessary? If not, what could EAIaIQobChMIsYzr2tul3wIVgSaGCh01xgNGEAAYASAAEgL
be done to solve this? H8_D_BwE
f. Is the school accountable to the community • Create scenarios
and other stakeholders? If not, what could be Show Education Index (data on education across the world)
done to solve this?
• Create scenarios
4. Bringing It Home. Students are now asked Show Education Index over several years
to answer the same questions about their local
schools. Students will reflect and offer suggestions • Discusses Peace of Mind (Mindfulness)
and solutions to improve their own schools. [5 min]
5. Exit Slip: Say “Today, we have been focusing on • Create scenarios
school as one example of an institution that plays SDG 16 description, facts/figures, links
an important role in society. On the index card • “Storytelling For Action #ENDViolence In and Around
you were given write down other institutions that Schools” Lesson Plan/Resources for Teachers
exist in our communities and nation and explain
HOW they provide justice, peace, and safety in our UNICEF-Comic-Contest1.pdf
world.” [5 min]
Resources regarding SDG 16:
• Teaching the SDG’s Handbook - SDG 16 → pg. 72
r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts teaching_the_sustainable_development_goals.pdf
• United Nations description of SDG 16
List print or online resources that can support students
in carrying out the activities. envision2030-goal16.html
• Comics that teach SDG’s • SDG 16 description, facts/figures, links
• A guide to the SDG’s for students and young people • Blog dedicated to teaching SDGs
SDG 16→ pg. 25 • Resources to teach SDG’s
• Poster that describes SDG 16 • Description of SDG by UNICEF
Do-List-for-the-Planet_Page_17_Image_0001.jpg every_child_2_pager_Sept_2015_.pdf
• Description of SDG 16 by UNICEF
s e v e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

• Resources for SDG 16
• Description of SDG 16
• Teaching the SDGs Guidebook - 16 → pg. 72

exit ticket rubric

e xc e e d s m e e ts emerging

Student is able to name

n a m e s o f ot h e r at least three other Student is able to name two Student is able to name one
i n st i t u t i o n s institutions. other institution. other institution.

e x p l a n at i o n o f Student describes in brief

h o w t h e i n st i t u t i o n Student describes in detail Student describes in some or non-complete terms how
p r ov i d e s j u st i c e , how the institution meets detail how the institution the institution meets the
p e ac e , a n d sa f e t y i n all these criteria. meets some of these criteria. criteria.
our world

Student uses numerous Student uses a few examples Student does not support
e x a m p l e s u s e d to
examples to support his/her to support his/her ideas. ideas with any examples.
support idea
Eight Grade
Lesson Plans
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Eight Grade Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Youth-Led Social Activism

Aaron Baker: [email protected], Jennifer Rose: [email protected], Kimberly Eckert: kimberly.eckert@wbrschools.
net, and mentor, Jake Miller: [email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e sta n da r d s
If young people understand that their • UN Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies
actions can make a difference they may for sustainable development, provide access to justice
be motivated to bring about change in for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive
their school or community that brings institutions at all levels
more equity. Learning about activism will • Targets
allow students to better understand the • 16.3: Promote the rule of law at the national and
injustices they and others around them international levels and ensure equal access to justice for
face. Social issues like racism, inequality, all
violence, bullying, etc. are real problems • 16.7: Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and
they experience every day. These are representative decision-making at all levels
important skills to prepare them for real • 16.B: Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws
life. and policies for sustainable development
Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points
grade in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence,
8th sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use
appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear
time frame pronunciation.
2-3 class sessions • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.8.5
(a larger time commitment if it leads to action) Integrate multimedia and visual displays in
presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims
s u b j e c ts and evidence, and add interest.
Social Studies
Language Arts e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
• What is justice?
p r i m a ry i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l • What is worth fighting for?
The ability to recognize perspectives, while • What are the roles and responsibilities of citizens and
accessing divergent sources of knowledge, government regarding issues of social justice?
opinions, and experiences in order to • What are the responsibilities of the individual
understand one’s role and responsibility as regarding issues of social justice?
active citizens in a global community. • How do citizens participate effectively in bringing
about social change/justice?
e i g t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

u n d e r sta n d i n g s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s
Individual citizens can and do access power and affect
change through participation in civic society. b e f o r e t h e l e ss o n : p r e pa r at i o n
• Individual citizens and groups participating in 1. Create a gallery walk of at least 5 posters that
movements and organizations continually shape and illustrate a variety of student-led protests or examples
reshape society. of activism. ( Posters can include images, text, quotes,
• Knowledge of the past helps one understand the clips from newspapers etc.,).
present and make decisions about the future. 2. Divide students into groups of 4. Give each student
• Examining social and civic issues helps to expand a handout with the title of poster. Direct each group to
one’s understanding of the world, its people, and stand at a different poster. Students will spend 1 minute
themselves. examining the poster and write on their paper one
• Recognizing a diversity of viewpoints benefits all. thing the poster makes them question or something
they remember learning about the event.
st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s 3. After students view all the photos ask them to stand
• Students will be able to understand how local action near the poster they are most curious to learn more
connects with regional, national, and global issues. about. Which one resonates with you the most? Stand
• Students will be able to show empathy and near that poster. Share their different questions with
solidarity for those suffering from injustice in their their classmates about all the posters. Then, have them
own country as well as in other countries. discuss why they chose this event/ poster.
• Students will be able to ask meaningful questions, 4. Have a large group discussion about some of the
find information, drawing conclusions, and reflect things students are questioning and/or thinking.
on possible solutions relevant to an important social 5. Students will work in small groups to research the
issue. different protests lead by young people.
• Students will be able to present research based 6. Students will create a Google Slide presentation that
on evidence that considers multiple perspectives outlines the historical background, challenges faced,
and draws reasonable conclusions concerning an outcome, and lasting impact.
important social issue. 7. Students will share their findings in small groups so
• Students will be able to articulate their personal and that all students become familiar with the variety of
collective responsibility as citizens relative to issues of protests/youth led activism.
social justice? 8. Students will discuss their role and responsibilities
• Students will be able to act individually or as citizens, regarding issues of social justice? What is
collectively, in response to a local, regional, or global worth fighting for? Share in a large group discussion.
issue, in order to impact change.

ass e ssm e n t
r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s & st u d e n ts
Describe assessment tools which could help teachers
• Activism isn’t just for adults and teens. We need to teach
know whether students have achieved the intended
younger kids to be activists, too:
objectives, include checklists, rubrics, tests and
quizzes, informal checks for understanding. we-need-to-teach-younger-kids-to-be-activists-too/
• Classroom Walkouts and School Protests. Freedom Forum
Institute. 2019. 30 January 2019.
• Knight Lab:
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

• Kurzius, Alexa. “He Solves Conflicts With Kindness.”
• Smith, Patricia. “We’re the Generation That’s Going to End It”:
• National School Walkout: Thousands Protest about Gun
Violence Across the US.:
• Smith, Patricia. “We’re the Generation That’s Going to End It”:
• The Youth Activists who Proved Critics Wrong in 2018.:
• The 50th Anniversary of the Tinker v. Des Moines Schools
• Tinker vs. Des Moines:
• “7 Times in History When Students Turned to Activism.” New
York Times.5 March 2018. 2 February 2019.:

ot h e r r e s o u r c e s
• Sample Gallery Walk Poster (this is on a Google Doc, posters
should be made full size. Sticky chart paper works well):
• Grading Rubric:
Ninth Grade
Lesson Plan
n i n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

Ninth Grade Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Making Waves: Discussing Water and Quality of Life

Nelly Korman: [email protected], Cody Vest: [email protected], Sandra Makielski: sandra_
[email protected], Jody Lynn Tolley: [email protected], and (mentor) Joan Soble.

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e

The United Nations Sustainable Goal number 6 states that due to bad economics or poor
infrastructure, millions of people including children die every year from diseases associated with
inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene. Having access to clean water is an essential part of
life and a human right, and therefore an essential concern for urban, rural, and other communities
in an urbanizing world.
In this lesson, students will research efforts that different communities in the world are making
to help people access clean water and maintain it. Students will explore what causes shortages
of water and how people survive in environments that lack good drinking water. A three to four
day lesson plan that includes questions and research activities will provide students with the
opportunity to compare the issues and efforts surrounding water in their own communities to
issues and efforts in other US and global communities. Making these comparisons will allow
students to reflect and propose possible solutions to issues and challenges found in different types
of communities: urban, rural, suburban, or urbanizing.

grade i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l :
9th To recognize having access to water as a human right
that is essential for individual’s daily living, as well as for
time frame sustainable development in all communities.
Two days - 45 Minute Lessons • To learn through research what various societies in
the world are doing to help individuals have access to
s u b j e c ts water in their communities (urban, rural, suburban or
Social studies urbanized), and what they are doing to maintain it.
science • To compare the efforts that different societies
English (including my own) are making to guarantee that all
ELL individuals have access to water, and to recognize
world languages differences and similarities between them.
• To make connections between global and local issues
in relation to access to water, and to find possible
solutions to those issues.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

sta n da r d s u n d e r sta n d i n g
• Access to clean water is a human right that is
1. UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 16: essential for both the survival of the species and for
Promote Just, Peaceful, and Inclusive Societies. living daily life in a healthy and successful way.
Peace, Justice, and Strong institutions. • All communities worldwide have the responsibility
to ensure that all members have access to water in
g oa l ta r g e ts
an equitable way, regardless of race, socioeconomic
• 16.6 Develop effective, accountable, and transparent status, age, area of living, etc.
institutions at all levels. • All communities should create and foster an
• 16.12 Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws environment that promotes appropriate discourse
and policies for sustainable development. surrounding equitable ways of accessing clean water
both locally and globally.

2. UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 6: e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s

Ensure Access to Water and Sanitation for all. • How do different communities in the world (urban,
Clean Water and Sanitation. rural, or urbanizing) support access to clean water for
g oa l ta r g e ts
• How do individuals survive with limited access to
• 6.4 By 2030, substantially increase water-use clean water?
efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable
withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of • Students will be able to identify arguments to
people suffering from water scarcity. support a position on an issue by achieving 2 out of 3
• 6.B Support and strengthen the participation of on the rubric.
local communities in improving water and sanitation • Students will be able to articulate positions while
management. responding to the ideas of others while using
discussion/starter stems by achieving 2 out of 3 on
the rubric.
3. UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 11: • Students will reflect on the quality of participation
Make Cities Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and in the debate.
Sustainable: Sustainable cities and communities. • Students will be able to distinguish between
opinion, preferences, and biases from researched
g oa l ta r g e ts
facts and will use confirmed data to uphold their
• 11.3 By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable discussion contributions by achieving 2 out of 3 on
urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated the rubric.
and sustainable human settlement planning and • Students will be able to use appropriate presentation
management in all countries behavior during the group discussion by using
• 11.5 By 2030, significantly reduce the number appropriate volume control and turn taking by
of deaths and the number of people affected and achieving 2 out of 3 on the rubric.
substantially decrease the direct economic losses • Students will be able to use appropriate
relative to global gross domestic product caused by participation behavior during the group discussion by
disasters, including water-related disasters, with a using appropriate eye contact, body language, active
focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable listening skills, and appropriate respectful behavior
situations. when others are speaking during the discussion by
• 11.A Support positive economic, social and achieving 2 out of 3 on the rubric.
environmental links between urban, peri-urban and
rural areas by strengthening national and regional
development planning.
n i n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

ass e ssm e n t
Rubric for assessment of information/test-based constructed response

f i s h b o w l d i s c u ss i o n
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

Prior to this lesson: Students will have been given the 4 or 5 guiding questions to help guide students in their
research. Students will be gathering information on two communities, their own and one of their choosing (or
the teacher’s choosing).
g u i d i n g q u e st i o n s room setup
• How has water impacted culture? Place half the desks in a circle in the center of the
• What actions do people take when they have limited room. Form a second circle of desks around the first.
access to clean water?
• Why do some communities not have access to clean
• What impact does shortage of water have on quality
of life?
• What actions can have an impact water shortages?

Students examine the four photographs that display
images of water throughout the world. How can you
relate to the different pictures shown? Think, pair,
share these photographs. This leads to the teacher
introducing the lesson and leading the discussion
before students are broken into groups.
n i n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

Here are some copyright free pictures.

These pictures are from
search/water/. Teachers may use pictures from this
website free of charge.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

l e ss o n
Students will be broken down into two groups. Using the research completed the day before, students will use
their data to respond to the four key questions. Students will have been given the discussion questions the day
before and they will prepare to answer all of them but, they will discuss only two during the Fish Bowl. Students
will be encouraged to use accountable talk during the discussion.
Half the group will discuss two questions while the other half listens and makes observations. Then the groups
will flip-flop. The half that is observing the discussion is expected to fill out a “Student Spectator Comment
Each discussion will be 10 minutes long. Students will not know before-hand which question they will be
discussing. Students will be graded on the quality of their discussion as well as their written comments as

name: dat e :

wat e r n ot e s

• Question:

A helpful fact I learn... This fact made me I found out... Document resources
curious about... here
n i n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

st u d e n t s p e c tato r c o m m e n t s h e e t

yo u r n a m e :

• Listen carefully as your classmates discuss two questions.

Jot down your observations on how your classmates
discuss their responses to the two questions. Listen to see
if your peers use evidence to support their statements.

p o s i t i v e p o i n ts

name p o s i t i v e p o i n ts

m i ss e d o p p o r t u n i t i e s

name o p p o r t u n i t i e s m i ss e d
n i n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

c lo s i n g
r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts
Students will complete an Exit Slip - How could you
• What is a fishbowl discussion? What should you expect to do
impact a water shortage? during this assignment?
• Use the discussion points collected during the Fish • *Fishbowl Discussion: Examples and Techniques
Bowl to write a position or argument paper. • A guide to the SDG’s for students and young people
• Create a work of art that reflects both sides of the SDG 16→ pg. 25
• Role play a perspective in this discussion (represent • How Has Water Impacted Culture? Here is a starting point to
a corporation, government representative, a student, help you research this topic.
a farmer, etc.) •
• For students with more experience in organized Water&cultureEnglishv2.pdf
discussions, have students prioritize water needs in •
their discussion. resources-sustainability-relation-water-sanitation/water%2C-
• Develop a piece to be used on social media that •
shares both sides of the discussion. SAADFCulturalWaterUseJun05.pdf
• Write a take-action letter to a local or international • What actions do people take when they have limited access to
legislator proposing a plan that is supported clean water? Here is a starting point to help you research this
by evidence collected during the research and topic.
arguments used during the discussion . •
• Perform an experiment to see how much water is sanitation-mapped
used when brushing your teeth, bathing, cleaning •
dishes, etc. Adjust see if you can cut down the •
amount of water used in your home. Share ideas could-make-people-sick-91255
on how you can persuade other family members to •
reduce the amount of water used in your home. impacts-water-resources_.html
• Why do some communities not have access to clean water? Here
• Create a survey to better understand the views your is a starting point to help you research this topic.
peers and/or community members have about water. •
As a class or small group use the information you climate-change-water
gained from the fishbowl activity to decide which •
views are healthy and which ones are concerning. challenges-in-the-united-states/
Create a plan to help make local changes to better •
impact our views on water. •
• Decide the most important facts you learned during countries
the fishbowl discussion. Create an infographic • What impact does shortage of water have on quality of life? Here
showing what you have learned. Share your is a starting point to help you research this topic.
infographic with your peers. •
• Prepare to participate in a formal debate about •
water. Use the information you learned during the water
fishbowl discussion to help you prepare. •
• Create a list of water related idioms. In teams •
identify a connections of what was learned during •
the fishbowl discussion and how they might relate to 2016-what-happens-when-you-dont-have-clean-water-a6946026.
the listed idioms. html
• What are the impacts of water shortages?
• Optional for the teacher who wishes to have •
students decide on making a global change about help/#x7z0k1urAPq7
water by creating a campaign to spread the message •
around this issue: Ex. Display presentation in the •
gym or the cafeteria. communities-have-drinking-water-for-only-nine-hours-a-
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s ›› Ninth graders will know what a system is and be able

• Accountable Discussions to recognize local systems and perhaps others.
accountable-discussions • Develop a tool kit allows students to ensure safety and
• Accountable Talk Stems rights of all community members
• • Exercises civic rights and responsibilities that promote
AccountableTalk-Stems.pdf peace and justice
• Fishbowl
• food for thought
strategies/fishbowl (not learning expectations for ninth graders)
• Engage Your Students with Fishbowl Discussions
• • What are the systems that make cities sustainable and
with-fishbowl-discussions/ unsustainable? How could ninth graders come to recognize
• Elements of a Fishbowl Discussion these systems?
• • Are sustainable cities just and peaceful--how important is
• that to their sustainability?
Interesting challenge: if our ninth graders are in the first
u n s u sta i n a b l e d e v e lo pm e n t g oa l s l i n ks year of a new school, they may just be learning what systems
• operate in that new school--but they could interview older
• kids to learn about those kids’ perceptions of the school’s
• systems; kids who are the oldest kids in a “middle school”
sanitation/ may be able to describe all the systems that have dictated the
• last few years of their school lives.
sanitation/ • How do different communities support the right for all
• people to access clean water?
• How do different cultures communicate the importance of
maintaining clean and safe water for human consumption?
g r o u p n ot e s • How do individuals survive with limited access to clean
• Capacity and desire to mediate conflict water?
• Volunteer in programs that advocate for youth • What actions can we take to solve our water shortage
(community service). problems?
›› Ninth graders will begin to understand, through
their own experience, the need, importance, and Pick a quadrant(s) from a global approach:
impact associated with community service and • Q1: Investigate the World
advocacy (so should we shape this to have something
• Q2: Recognize Perspectives
to do with urbanization and cities?)
• Q3: Communicate Ideas
• Recognizing and reporting signs of students struggling • Q4: Take Action
with mental health issues
• Upstander/bystander ****How do different communities support access to clean
• Learning how to take action within a school system water for all?
• Recognizing the NEEDS of a school community • Why do some communities not have access to clean water?
• Making connections between local and global issues • What actions do people take when they have limited access
• Fostering empathy skills to clean water?
›› Ninth graders will further develop and apply their • What actions can we take to solve our water shortage
empathy-building skills, then use them to understand problems or what actions must we take to maintain access
the connections between empathy and justice. to clean water?
Through exploring their own and their classmates’
• What impacts does shortage of water have on quality of
perspectives (through dialogue and stories, perhaps),
they will recognize their different experiences of peace
and justice. • What is the cultural impact of water on a community?
• Recognize and identify systems that unequally distribute
power and justice (local, national, international), in cities Opener: painting/piece of art
and other places. Closing: Exit Slip -- How could you impact a water shortage?
Tenth Grade
Lesson Plans
t e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

Tenth Grade Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Fighting the Garbage Monster - A Lesson in Two Parts

Laura Wommack: [email protected], Maggie Wachtl: [email protected], and
Rachael Arens: [email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e

This lesson is composed of two parts. In the first part, students learn how their actions at the local level
(trash) can impact other areas of the world. In the second part, students concretely measure that impact
and try to create and implement a solution. Depending on the goals of the teacher, more time might be
spent on Part I with students tracking trash from the local watershed to the ocean and look at the action
project as an extension. Alternatively, if the teacher wishes to focus more on the action-oriented aspect,
they might briefly introduce Part I and spend more time with Part II where students create a plan, carry it
out, gather data and reflect on the results.

grade s u sta i n a b l e d e v e lo pm e n t g oa l s
7th-12ed • The Learner is able to contextualize their needs within the
needs of the greater surrounding ecosystems, both locally and
time frame globally, for more sustainable human settlements.
One class period can be budgeted for the • Students will be able to describe the interconnectedness of
initial investigation. One class period for artificial and natural systems, as well as the interconnectedness of
the trash audit and one for the Socratic local and global systems.
seminar. Multiple class periods (and as
much as much as multiple weeks) may i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l s
be used for Part II the action-oriented • Students will be able to explain the geography of their local
part of the lesson depending on how watershed and its connection to the world’s oceans, animals and
much data you wish students to gather ecology.
and if they are to present to stakeholders • Students will be able to assess the impact of their community’s
outside of the classroom waste production on other parts of the world and design possible
local solutions.
s u b j e c ts • Students will be able to identify a quantifiable goal to reduce
Biology plastic and/or other solid waste in their school/community.
Environmental Science • Students will evaluate the effectiveness of their plans based on
Geography quantitative data gathered.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

sta n da r d s e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
• MS-ESS3-2. Analyze and interpret data on natural • Why is it important to preserve all components of
hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and the local and global ecosystem?
inform the development of technologies to mitigate • How do actions you take on a local level affect the
their effects. environment on a global level?
• MS-ESS3-3. Apply scientific principles to design • What can, and should people be doing to improve
a method for monitoring and minimizing a human local and global environment conditions?
impact on the environment. • What are the possible forms of action a person can
• MS-ESS3-4.Construct an argument supported by take to solve a problem?
evidence for how increases in human population and • What forms of action are effective?
per-capita consumption of natural resources impact
Earth's systems. st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
• HS-ESS3-1. Construct an explanation based on • Students will be able to describe how trash related
evidence for how the availability of natural resources, in their local ecosystem could travel to the ocean.
occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate • Students will be able to describe the Pacific Ocean
have influenced human activity. Garbage Patch.
• HS-ESS3-2. Evaluate competing design solutions • Students will be able to develop an action plan for
for developing, managing, and utilizing energy and decreasing trash and debris in the world’s oceans.
mineral resources based on cost-benefit ratios. • From The Asia Society’s “Global Performance
• HS-ESS3-3. Create a computational simulation to System Rubric” for 10th grade science in the domain
illustrate the relationships among the management of “Take Action”:
of natural resources, the sustainability of human • Develop an action plan that details individual and
populations, and biodiversity. collaborative actions or policy based on experimental
• HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate or refine a technological or research findings that increase awareness and
solution that reduces impacts of human activities on improve local and/or global conditions.
natural systems. • Evaluate available technology and personal views
• HS-ETS1-1. Engineering Design. Analyze a to determine the impact on actions and to consider
major global challenge to specify qualitative and additional ways to address alternate viewpoints or
quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that solutions to the science issue.
account for societal needs and wants. • Implement an action plan in creative or innovative
ways and collects data and analyzes it to determine
u n d e r sta n d i n g the impact of actions on the local or global science
• Students will be able to explain the connection of issue and identify possible unintended consequences.
their local watershed to the ocean. • Articulate how the project influenced feelings,
• Students will be able to internalize that their actions thinking, choices, actions and awareness of
on a local level have global consequences. alternative thoughts and ideas.
• Through extensions, students will be able to
develop an action plan on a related topic that
interests them.
• Students will understand that actions taken on a
small scale locally can have far-reaching benefits as
well as consequences.
• Students will be able to explain that “taking action”/
activism can take many forms and requires an
understanding of the barriers to the solution.
t e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

ass e ssm e n t

• Students could create a journal entry describing an understanding of the learning objectives above.
• Students could create an advertisement (paper or digital) explain the problem and possible solutions.
f o r pa r t i i
The following checklist from the Asia Society (
could be used:

planning e v i d e n c e o f i m p l e m e n tat i o n reflection

• Considers previous actions • Concrete evidence from a • Honest analysis of data/

and/or barriers third party observer (letter, documentation
• Steps clearly described review, interviews) • Explores change in
• Student identifies personal • Transparent data gathered viewpoint
steps • Other documentation (i.e. • Articulates limitations
• Student identifies photos, journaling, etc.) and/or notes suggestions for
collaborative steps improvement
• Plan is implementable • Evaluates unanticipated
• Appropriate forms of consequences of action taken
media communication
• Appropriate forms of data
• Plan is clearly linked
to quantifiable goal (i.e.
reduction of waste) informed
by earlier audit
• Bonus: creativity of plan

pa r t i - b ac kg r o u n d s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s

The learner will trace the journey of a piece of trash Use the following or something similar (another video
from their own local watershed to the ocean. They will or article) to introduce the lesson:
be investigating the larger question of how garbage can
get from their hands to the oceans if it is not properly
disposed of (and sometimes even when it is), directly how-did-sea-turtle-get-a-straw-up-its-nose.aspx
demonstrating their own interconnectedness with
natural systems and the connectedness of their own
local watershed with global ones. researchers-remove-straw-from-sea-turtles-
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

• Pose the questions to students: “Where do you local watershed. Have students choose the closest
think that straw came from? Could it have come stream or river to them and trace where it goes until
from here? IF it came from here, HOW could it have it gets to the ocean. Students could be given a map to
gotten to the turtle?” trace the path, so they can see this graphically. Then
• Have students use computers or tablets with they should look at the ocean currents in the region
internet access to trace where the rivers in their local where the final river enters the sea to determine where
watershed go until they exit to the ocean. their trash might go from there.
• Look at ocean currents and determine where trash
might go from where the trash enters the ocean.
• Have students create maps showing the journey
of garbage from their hometowns to the ocean. pa r t i i - ac t i o n p l a n
Challenge them to look for the furthest place they
can trace a direct route to. ov e r v i e w
• Have students discuss implications for improper
disposal of garbage on local watersheds as well as the s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s
oceans via a Socratic Seminar. (see attached resources 1. Review conclusions reached during Part I (it may
for directions on Socratic Seminars) be worth doing a school audit) 5- 10 minutes

• Investigate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and 2. Examples of Different Types of Actions (10 -20
develop a publicity and action campaign. minutes)
• Investigate the use of plastics in our society and try ››Videos of different types of actions-
to recommend alternatives. reducing waste by reusing materials, creating
• Investigate where recycled plastics go and what they biodegradable alternatives, engineering design to
can be used for and create a publicity campaign. remove existing waste
• Create a publicity and action campaign challenging
other students to eliminate plastics from their lives. Is 3. Student plan action to reduce plastics (see
it even possible? Collect feedback. following page). Depending on the class size and
• Research the garbage patch, plastics or other related atmosphere, they will carry out the action in groups
issues. Write letters to their legislators asking for or as a class. Some examples students could pursue:
change, citing scientific data. placing recycling bins in classrooms and creating
an environmental club to empty them, replacing
plasticware and serving trays with reusable silverware
or paper trays, campaigning local government for a
r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts bag ban, creating a video to encourage classmates to
List print or online resources that can support students use reusable bottles.
in carrying out the activities (see teacher resources
below). 4. Students Carry Out the Determined Action-
Resources will vary based on geographic location. Depending on time, class size, and initiative of
There should be a state department in charge of keeping students, the action plans could be carried out during
data for your local watershed. Have students choose class or outside of school.
the closest stream or river to them and trace where it
goes until it gets to the ocean. Students could be given 5. Students fill out Reflection Sheet-depending
a map to trace the path, so they can see this graphically. on time and scale of project, this could also be a
Then they should look at the ocean currents in the presentation made to the class or other stakeholders
region where the final river enters the sea to determine
where their trash might go from there.Resources will
vary based on geographic location. There should be a
state department in charge of keeping data for your
t e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

g r o u p p r oto c o l w h o l e c l ass p r oto c o l

a. Provide individual students with paper/ a. Provide individual students with paper/
whiteboards/computer to brainstorm possible whiteboards/computer to brainstorm possible
solution actions for 5 minutes solution actions for 5 minutes
b. Students join groups of 3 to 4 students and b. Students share ideas with whole class 10
share ideas 10 minutes minutes
c. Groups will evaluate and select a plan (as a class c. Class deliberates and selects an action plan (as
or in groups) 10-20 minutes a class or in groups) 10-20 minutes

Questions to ask in groups: Questions to ask class:

• Is the plan concrete? • Is the plan concrete?
• Does the plan involve data gathered from the • Does the plan involve data gathered from the
audit? audit?
• Is the plan implementable? • Is the plan implementable?

d. Groups fill out the Action Plan sheet 45 D. The class discusses how to fill out the action
minutes plan
e. Once the Action Plan sheet is filled out, groups
should conference with the teacher for critique
and approval using the assessment rubric for
“Planning” provided earlier. If action plan is
unsatisfactory, the teacher could instruct students
to rewrite it.

d i f f i c u lt i e s w i t h l e ss o n

Students may have plans such as “Recycle” or “Stop

Using Plastic” which is not specific enough, so it will be
important to have a check-in conference with individual
groups before they try to implement their plan.
You may need to prompt with further questions such as:
• What specific objects will you target for recycling/
reduction etc.?
• How will you ensure that it is recycled/reduced etc.?
• How will you get buy in from others to recycle/reduce
those items?
Another option is to present example action plans before
students begin brainstorming. See included materials
below. One example uses an unrelated problem (so
students won’t copy the example). Another example is a
possible action related to the trash project.
Ask student:
• What makes the “Meets” side better than the “Do not
• Are any of the answers connected to each other? How?
(i.e. if people thought impoverished shouldn’t have to
buy bags, action is to give away free reusable bags)
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts

i n i t i a l q u e st i o n s f o r b r a i n sto r m i n g & e va lu at i n g i d e as

p l a n n i n g a s o lu t i o n

• What is your goal? Relate it to your findings during the trash audit. Express in quantifiable terms
(i.e. how many kg of plastic waste will be reduced or removed).

• Why is this goal important for your community and the planet?

• What has already been done in your area to help reduce plastics or other solid waste?

• What barriers/obstacles existed then or now that might get in the way of your plan? Think of
physical, economic or cultural barriers (i.e. people think a bag ban will restrict their freedom).

• What form will your action take? Is your solution education/advocacy/engineering/behavioral


• Describe concrete steps to your plan.

• What steps can you personally take towards the goal?

• What steps require the assistance of others? How will you enlist their help?

• What forms of media will you use to communicate with others? Why?

• What do you need to learn?

• What resources/materials do you need? How will you acquire them?

• How long will it take you to implement your plan?

• What forms of evidence can you gather to show that you attempted your plan?

• What forms of evidence can you gather to show the impact of your plan? How will you collect
and record data?
t e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

reflection after the experiment

• What parts of your plan went well? Why?

According to the data you gathered, what progress did you make towards the goal we set?
Please explain how the data was collected and informs conclusions.

1. Was the goal realistic?

2. Could the goal be reached if given more time?

3. How might the progress you made impact the global concern of trash/solid waste/plastic?

4. What barriers or obstacles did you come across as you tried to implement your plan?

5. How did you try to overcome these barriers/obstacles?

6. What unanticipated consequences or benefits came about because of your plan?

7. If you were to repeat your plan, what changes would you make?

8. Overall, how did this project impact your view of yourself as someone who could take
action and create change?

9. How did this project impact your view on the problem of solid waste/plastic on the global
scale and the future?

p l a n n i n g a s o lu t i o n - t e ac h e r e x a m p l e a
This is an example to show to students to give greater clarity of expectations and depth of answers.

What is your goal? Relate it to your findings during Why is this goal important for your community and
the trash audit. Express in quantifiable terms (i.e. how the planet?
many kg of plastic waste will be reduced or removed).

d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts

Get students to Increase the amount of Students Homework provides

do homework homework completion need to do important practice for
from 20% to 90% homework students outside of school,
reinforces instruction in
long term memory, and
prepares students for in class
learning activities.
Students who do meaningful
homework assignments
learn more.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

What has already been done in your area to help What barriers/obstacles existed then or now that
reduce plastics or other solid waste(or in this case might get in the way of your plan? Think of physical,
increase homework completion)? economic or cultural barriers (i.e. people think a bag
ban will restrict their freedom).
d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts
d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts
Lots. Students have planners.
Teachers maintain Students don’t Some students refuse
websites with homework like to do to carry backpacks and
assignments. Teachers call homework. planners because they think
home when students do they aren’t cool. Many
poorly in class. students have lots of sports/
jobs/activities and little time
to do work. Some students
don’t have support at home.
Some students believe
homework is just “busy
work”. Some students don’t
have access to internet at
home and can’t access the

What form will your action take? Is your solution Describe concrete steps to your plan.
modification? How will it help reach the goal?

d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts

Make Create a 25 minute time 1. Hand out 1. Draft a schedule that

students slot for whole school where planners. consider lunch and other
write in their students can complete 2. Tell conflicts
planners “homework” and ask students to 2. Discuss with school
every day teachers for additional help. take them “Time and Space”
before class Students who have difficulty out at the committee
arranging rides for after beginning of 3. Meet with school board
school support will be able class each day for schedule change
to see teachers. They will approval
still be at school and have 4. Explain new schedule to
access to the internet and students
websites. 5. Arrange make up times
with students during time
t e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

What steps can you personally take towards the goal? What steps require the assistance of others? How will
you enlist their help?

d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts

Tell students to Draft the schedule School order Need buy in from other
do homework Have more one on one planners teachers. Ask them to look
conversations with over proposed schedule.
students Explain reduction of calls
Create presentation for home and after school time
school board supporting students.
Need school board approval.
Explain increased learning
and no increase in teacher
hours as some time will
come from contract hours.

What forms of media will you use to communicate How long will it take you to implement your plan?
with others? Why?

d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts

Whiteboard Emails to other teachers A lot Potentially 1 year as will

and board members have to wait until new
Prezi for board meeting- school year to begin to make
engaging schedule changes.
Then will need 1 month to
gather data

What forms of evidence can you gather to show that What forms of evidence can you gather to show the
you attempted your plan? impact of your plan? How will you collect and record

d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts d o e s n ot m e e t m e e ts

Students’ “Time and Space” A lot Create a spread sheet of all

homework committee meeting homework assignments
minutes and number of students
School Board meeting completing each assignment
minutes BEFORE schedule change
Documentation of and AFTER schedule change
arranged times with
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

p l a n n i n g a s o lu t i o n - example b
This is an example to show to students to give greater clarity of expectations and depth of answers.

What is your goal? Relate it to your findings during Why is this goal important for you community and
the trash audit. Express in quantifiable terms (i.e. how the planet?
many kg of plastic waste will be reduced or removed).

Stop using Decrease the use of Plastic is bad for A lot of our trash is
plastic bags plastic bags from 100 kg the ocean. plastic bags which won’t
a week to 20 kg a week at decompose. We find lots
the local grocery store of plastic bags around
town. They can strangle
ocean life.

What has already been done in your area to help What barriers/obstacles existed then or now that
reduce plastics or other solid waste? might get in the way of your plan? Think of physical,
economic or cultural barriers (i.e. people think a bag
ban will restrict their freedom).

I don’t know People have already People like People think reducing
spoken to the town convenience. plastic is important, but
council to introduce a they believe a bag ban will
bag ban or charge 10 restrict their freedom.
cents per bag, but it was Some have said poor
voted down. people shouldn’t have to
choose between buying
grocery bags and food.

What form will your action take? Is your solution Describe concrete steps to your plan.
modification? Tell 1. Carry out fundraisers or
people approach local business to
Tell people to We will set up a media to use donate to purchase of reusable
use reusable center at the local reusable bags.
bags grocery store for 1 week bags 2. Create a video presentation to
and distribute free display on laptop about reusable
reusable bags. bags.
3. Find a company to make
reusable bags online or locally
and make an order
4. Contact grocery store to ask
permission to set up table.
5. Hand out reusable bags for
free to customers.
t e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

What steps can you personally take towards the goal? What steps require the assistance of others? How will
you enlist their help?

Take reusable Contact individual Other people- Contacting the grocery

bags to the store. businesses tell them store-tell them our free
Write script and film plastic is bad bags may reduce their costs
video. Business donations-offer to
put names of businesses on
reusable bag
Art department or Graphics
Design at vocational school
- to design bags.

What forms of media will you use to communicate What do you need to learn?
with others? Why?

Talking? Phone calls and emails Nothing. Who makes reusable bags
for grocery store and I know that and how much they cost?
businesses - need to plastic is bad. How to use graphics
write script design software
Video is engaging,
and we might get tired
explaining to lots of

What resources/materials do you need? How will you How long will it take you to implement your plan?
acquire them?

Bags Funding from local 1 day to 1 week to contact businesses

businesses get bags A couple days to design bags
Access to graphics Time it takes for bags to be made
design software 1 week at grocery store
1 months’ worth of data

What forms of evidence can you gather to show that What forms of evidence can you gather to show the
you attempted your plan? impact of your plan? How will you collect and record

Picture of people Emails Count Ask supermarket to tell us how

with reusable Photos of finished bags bags many bags they use in 1 week
bags and photos of us at before plan (boxes opened)
supermarket Ask supermarket how many bags
were used each week for 4 weeks
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s

s c h o o l wast e au d i t

st u d e n t g r o u p :
lo c at i o n : dat e :

1) Collect garbage from a variety of locations around the school (cafeteria, classrooms, gym,
hallways, etc.)
2) Separate garbage into appropriate waste streams (compost, recyclable plastics, nonrecyclable
plastics, glass, landfill, milk cartons, etc.)
a. Place each waste stream in large bags so they can be weighed
3) Using a fish weight scale, weigh and record each waste stream
a. Determine the overall weight and the percentage of total waste for each waste stream
b. Determine the appropriate destination for each waste stream

b e st d e st i n at i o n f o r wast e

p e r c e n tag e
wast e weight
o f tota l landfill r e c yc l e reuse reduce c o m p o st ot h e r
st r e a m (po und s)
wast e

tota l w e i g h t c o l l e c t e d :
Eleventh Grade
Lesson Plans
e l e v e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

Eleventh Grade Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Show Me The Clean Water!

Kerry Konda: [email protected], Ruth Cebreros: [email protected], Mark Easterday:
[email protected], and Gabriel Tanglao: [email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e
The Earth is 70% water, yet 2.7 billion people find safe drinking water scarce for at least one month every
year. One in nine or 844 million people lack safe drinking water. Of the 500 largest cities in the world,
one out of four is now “water stressed.” Natural resource problems like these are rarely the result of one
country, region, or city and never solved without the active collaboration of many. The United Nations’
SDG #11, Creating Sustainable Cities and Communities, targets to enhance inclusive and sustainable
urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and
management in all countries.
In this lesson, groups of 3-4 students will learn about national and international water problems, then
select water issues and develop an action plan that seeks to educate their school or city community.

grade sta n da r d s
11th • CA HSS.11.11- Students analyze the major social and domestic
policy issues in contemporary American society.
time frame • CA RH.11.7- Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of
Three 50-minute periods or an extended information presented in diverse formats and media to address a
three more 50-minute periods question or solve a problem.
• CA WHST.11.7- Conduct short as well as more sustained
s u b j e c ts research projects to answer a question or solve a problem; narrow
History or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple
Social Studies sources on the subject, demonstrating an understanding of the
Environmental Science subject under investigation.
• PA 4.3.12.B. - Analyze factors that influence the local, regional,
i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l s national, and global availability of natural resources.
Students will learn that water issues exist • S-ESS3-1- Construct an explanation based on evidence for
all over the world and it is the role of how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural
both governing bodies and citizens to hazards, and changes in climate have influenced human activity.
provide awareness and develop solutions
to these issues. u n d e r sta n d i n g
In 2010, the UN declared water as a human right, but there is a
problem with clean water availability throughout the world, and
more so in poor and rural communities. However, causes can be
studied, and solutions can be made through advocacy and action.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s graphic organizer. Teachers can choose to find other

Civilizations and cities have historically developed articles, videos, podcasts that meet their student’s
along water sources. academic needs, align with their community, or select
• What happens when that water source cannot only one story for all students.
sustain the city?
• What are similar causes for water problems in the ac t i v i t y 3
world’s major cities? As a class, students share out the “interesting facts”
• Who is charged with developing solutions? they found. Through class discussion, determine which
fact was the most alarming. Open sharing about ideas
st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s the United States government could do to help the
• The student will be able to analyze information situation. Apply information about the discussion to
from multiple sources. our community. How would we react to a situation like
• The student will be able to categorize causes, that of other U.S. cities? Would our reactions be any
problems, and solutions. different than someone else from around the world?
• The student will be able to develop solutions for a As a ticket-out-the-door, write what you can do about
water problem in their school or community. the city water crisis.

ass e ssm e n t
day 2
Students will create a Public Service Announcement
and Awareness Posters or (extension) a presentation to ac t i v i t y 4
school or local city officials. Students will share their In groups, students choose one of the twelve cities to
product with the school community. For example, research, and answer the outside of the U.S. graphic
students can create QR Codes of their PSA and post organizer about water issues.
throughout campus on Earth Day or they can display
their advocacy poster near drinking fountains. ac t i v i t y 5
As a class, discuss how water issues in the U.S. are
similar and/or different than water issues outside the
s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s U.S. What are some solutions? What does thinking
global but acting local look like in our school
day 1 community?
ac t i v i t y 1 ( o p e n e r ) ac t i v i t y 6 ( c lo s e r )
Where does the water in the school’s drinking fountain Introduce the assessment. Students will create a 30
come from? Trace the source of that water as far back second Public Service Announcement on a water issue
as you can (natural source) and the process to get it in or and/or an advocacy poster. Students can use an
the building (infrastructure). Another option, What online tool such as Adobe Spark to create their PSA.
is in the tap water? Students can use this website to get
started This website Here is a good article for students to read about how to
will provide the utility company that provides water compose a PSA
to their community and tells what is found in the tap news/How-to-Create-the-Perfect-Public-Service-
water. Announcement.html
Example of PSA:
ac t i v i t y 2
As individuals students are assigned to read or listen to If the advocacy poster is selected, students follow
stories about water problems in the United States and the same suggestions for the PSA but create a poster
complete the inside the U.S. graphic organizer. Links instead.
to all articles, video, and podcast are located on the
e l e v e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

day 3
Workday for PSA/Advocacy Poster.
day 4-6 ( e x t e n s i o n )
• First, students will learn about the role of the school
and city governance, the process members of the
community must complete to presentation at their
public meetings.
• Second, students will discuss the water problem
they want to address and the solutions. This is a
continuation of a problem that was brought up
during days 1-3.
• Finally, students will create the presentation and
complete the process of signing up to speak at a board
meeting or city council meeting.

r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
• Online resources can be found linked throughout the lesson and graphic organizers

wat e r i ss u e s i n s i d e t h e u n i t e d stat e s


Read or listen to your respective story and complete this graphic organizer. Be sure to answer with
concise details.
#1: Read about what is happening in Michigan.
#2: Listen to what is happening in the Navajo Nation.
#3: Read about what is happening in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvanias-Water-Crisis-Challenges-Impacting-Every-Community and
#4: Listen to what is happening in California.

What is the water problem? What caused the problem?

c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

List and explain the significance of three List three interesting facts or figures from the
people, places or things mentioned in the article:



What can the United States government do to What can we do to make sure that this
solve the problem? problem does not happen in our community?

wat e r i ss u e s o u ts i d e t h e u n i t e d stat e s
Research one of the following cities who is/will be facing a water shortage. A good place to start your
research is the article The 11 cities most likely to run out of drinking water - like Cape Town at Be sure to answer with concise details!
e l e v e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

Bangalore Cape Town London New Delhi

Beijing Istanbul Mexico City Tokyo

Cairo Jakarta Moscow Sao Paulo

Which city did you choose? What is the city’s current population?

In which country is it located?

What is their water problem? What caused the problem?

List and explain two people, places, or things List two interesting facts or figures from the
connected to the water issue: research:

1. 1.

2. 2.

Compare and contrast water issues from the U.S. city and the international city.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

p u b l i c s e r v i c e a n n o u n c e m e n t r u b r i c (20 p o i n ts )

c at e g o ry 4 3 2 1

Point of View Strong awareness Some awareness Some awareness Limited

- Awareness of of audience of audience of audience in the awareness of
Audience in the design. in the design. design. Students the needs and
Students can Students can find it difficult to interests of the
clearly explain partially explain explain how the target audience.
why they felt the why they felt the vocabulary, audio
vocabulary, audio vocabulary, audio and graphics
and graphics and graphics chosen to fit the
chosen to fit the chosen to fit the target audience.
target audience. target audience.

Point of View - Establishes a Establishes a There are a few It is difficult to

Purpose purpose early on purpose early on lapses in focus, figure out the
and maintains and maintains but the purpose is purpose of the
a clear focus focus for most of clear. video.
throughout. the video.

Content The video The video The video seems The video needs
includes exactly composition is to need more extensive editing.
the right typically good, editing. It is It is too long or
amount of detail though it seems noticeably too too short to be
throughout. It to drag somewhat long or too short interesting.
does not seem OR need slightly in more than one
too short nor more detail section.
does it seem too in one or two
long. sections.

Sound Quality Sound quality Sound quality Sound quality Sound quality
is clear and is clear and is clear and needs more
consistently consistently consistently attention.
audible audible audible through
throughout the throughout the some (70-84%)of
presentation. majority (85- the presentation.
95%) of the

Visual Clarity Video did not Video did not Video had a little Problems with
rock/shake rock/shake and rocking/shaking, rocking/shaking
and the focus the focus was but the focus AND focus.
was excellent excellent for was excellent
throughout. much of the throughout.
e l e v e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

a dv o c ac y p o st e r r u b r i c (20 p o i n ts )

c at e g o ry 4 3 2 1

Use of Class Used time well Used time well Used some of the Did not use class
Time: during each class during each time well during time to focus on
period. Focused class period. each class period. the project OR
Productivity on getting the Usually focused There was some often distracted
and Focus project done. on getting the focus on getting others.
Never distracted project done and the project done
others. never distracted but occasionally
others. distracted others.

Graphics - All graphics All graphics are All graphics Graphics do

Relevance are related to related to the relate to the topic. not relate to
the topic and topic and most Most borrowed the topic OR
make it easier make it easier graphics have a several borrowed
to understand. to understand. source citation. graphics do not
All borrowed All borrowed have a source
graphics have a graphics have a citation.
source citation. source citation.

Graphics - Several of the One or two of the The graphics No graphics

Originality graphics used on graphics used on are made by the made by the
the poster reflect the poster reflect student but are student are
an exceptional student creativity based on the included.
degree of student in their creation designs or ideas
creativity in their and/or display. of others.
creation and/or

Required The poster All required All but 1 of the Several required
Elements includes all elements are required elements elements were
required included on the are included on missing.
(TBD by elements as well poster. the poster.
teacher) as additional

Knowledge Student can Student can Student can Student

Gained accurately answer accurately answer accurately appears to have
all questions most questions answer about insufficient
related to facts related to facts 75% of questions knowledge about
in the poster and in the poster and related to facts the facts or
processes used to processes used to in the poster and processes used in
create the poster. create the poster. processes used to the poster.
create the poster.
Twelfth Grade
Lesson Plan
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Twelfth Grade Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Developing Sustainable Cities

Christopher Erickson: [email protected], Ted Halbert: [email protected], and Jane Rosenow:
[email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e

The sustainability of our neighborhoods, communities and cities are the responsibility of each
citizen of the world. It is imperative that as global citizens, we preserve our planet for ourselves
and for future generations. This can be achieved on a local level with the goal of building and
maintaining sustainable communities by getting students to recognize the gaps in their own cities,
it is a way to begin the process of sustainability at the grassroots level.

grade i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l
12th • Students will connect United Nations SDG 11 to their
own community.
time frame • Students will research and identify how their
Two-50 minute periods communities already are working toward sustainability.
• Students will identify possible solutions to make their
s u b j e c ts communities more sustainable.
Social studies
Language Arts st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
Any research project • In groups of three or four, students will review SDG
Independent or collaborative study #11, define what it means to have sustainable cities,
Science brainstorm ways in which students can contribute
Engineering/Project Lead the Way toward the preservation of the planet, research their
local government’s sustainability efforts, and brainstorm
sta n da r d s possible solutions to address any gaps in those efforts.
SDG 11 which reads: Make cities and human • Students will complete assigned projects with 80%
settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and accuracy within the allotted time.
sustainable. • Students will be able to define sustainability,
brainstorm ideas 2-3 ideas leading to the preservation
u n d e r sta n d i n g of the planet, identity 2-3 efforts towards sustainability,
Students will review SDG#11 and understand identify 2-3 gaps in sustainability, and brainstorm 2-3
that it is their responsibility to advocate for possible solutions to make their city more sustainable.
sustainable cities and a sustainable earth.
t w e l f t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s
• What can we do as individuals to contribute
towards a sustainable neighborhood? r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts
• What can we do in our communities to ensure that A computer
we are contributing toward the sustainability of our Pen or pencil
cities? Paper
• What is our responsibility as global citizens toward Access to city document
ensuring that we preserve our planet for the next
generation? r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
• In what ways is my community (un)sustainable? A computer
How can my community become more sustainable? City documents
Video about SDG 11
Link to UN Sustainable Development Goal 11
p l a n o r s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s
Students will work in groups of three or four to extension
complete the following activities: If more time is available OR as part of a CAPSTONE
PROJECT lead students a more in-depth process
1. Watch the UN video on sustainable cities of understanding the intricacies of local city
and communities. Discuss how the UN defines governance. Have students work towards ACTION
sustainability and have students brainstorm about encouraging greater sustainability in their
how students see sustainability in their own local community through the process of governance.
communities. NOTE: students could also consider these issues from
2. Working in groups or partners, students Google a STATE perspective
their city or state to examine 1. 2-3 ways that their
city or state is sustainable, 2. 2-3 ways that their 1. Students will read closely and understand complex
city is not sustainable. city governance documents that address sustainability
3. Look at the UN Sustainable Development Goal specifically.
11 Targets, examining gaps in their own cities/ 2. Identify areas of needs within the city based on
states. the goals and objectives of SDG #11 and connect it
4. Brainstorm 2-3 possible solutions to make their to a process of addressing those needs within the city
city more sustainable. process of governance.
5. Students research sustainability efforts in one 3. Design solutions in collaboration with other
other city in another country of their choosing. stakeholders to address greater sustainability.

ass e ssm e n t

Completed graphic organizer and final paragraph that

demonstrates understanding of the gap between their
city and the UN’s ideal with possible ways to move
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

e n g l i s h 12 , UN s u sta i n a b l e d e v e lo pm e n t g oa l #1 :
s u sta i n a b l e c i t i e s a n d c o m m u n i t i e s

st e p 1

After watching the UN SDG video, consider how you would define sustainability:

Sustainability is...

st e p 2

From your own experience, write down 1-2 ways do you see sustainability around you
in your city?



st e p 3

Research and Google our city/state. Many cities will include information including sustainability
plans. If you can’t find any information on your specific city, consider searching your state to see
what it outlines.
t w e l f t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

st e p 4 st e p 4

Identity 2-3 ways that your city/state is Identity 2-3 ways that your city/state is
already sustainable: already not sustainable:

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

st e p 5

Examine the UN Sustainable Goal 11 Targets document and identity 2-3 gaps between the
document and what your city/state does not do (these may relate to the items in Step 4 that you’ve
already identified).


c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

st e p 6

Consider the gaps that you’ve selected

1. With your group, brainstorm possible solutions and steps towards that solution, aiming for
specificity (ex: develop a composting program at school - develop a proposal for the school that
considers location of compost pile or composting bins, look up possible grants, etc.).

2. In addition, consider allies within the city or community who could assist with the proposed

st e p 7

Considering the larger context: What is our responsibility as global citizens toward ensuring that
we preserve our planet for the next generation?
Secondary STEM
Lesson Plan
s e co n da r y STEM l e ss o n p l a n

Secondary STEM Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Sustainable Cities
Kirstin Bullington: [email protected], Holly Miller: [email protected], and Kathleen Wilson:
[email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e

In this lesson, students will design solutions to make cities more sustainable. As there are multiple targets
within this goal, high school students will be given choice as to their grouping, scope, and approach to
creating a working prototype using an engineering design process.

grade u n d e r sta n d i n g
Secondary STEM • With half of humanity (3.5 billion people; estimated 5
billion by 2030) living in urban areas, global communities
time frame will need to work together to ensure that these cities are
Three weeks (50-60 minutes each class sustainable.
with optional extension time) • Equal access to fresh, nutritious, affordable food is often
lacking in urban areas, impacting people’s overall health and
s u b j e c ts wellbeing. Some cities are addressing this issue by creating
Science community gardens, which have additional benefits for the
Math environment.
CTE (Career, Technology, Engineering)
e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s
sta n da r d s • How can we design solutions to improve urban quality of
UN Sustainable Development Goal #11: life?
Sustainable Cities and Communities • How can we optimize urban infrastructures to minimize the
• Target Goal 11.7: Provide universal impact of cities on human health?
access to safe, inclusive and accessible, • How can we ensure access fresh, nutritious foods for all?
green and public spaces, particularly for
women and children, older persons and
persons with disabilities
• Competencies:
››Systems Thinking
››Integrated Problem-Solving
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l s st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s
Design solutions to identified challenges to I. By the end of the Sustainable Cities project,
sustainability in their community. students will be able to identify sustainability
• Identify community stakeholders and laws/ problems specific to urban areas.
regulations applicable to the problem. ››A. Percent of students correctly defining
››Be able to contact local community organizers sustainability issues on post-KAP survey
and officials to navigate existing infrastructure. ››B. Percent change in students’ rubric scores in
• Identify the needs of a community to describe the technical content
necessary components to a sustainable city (including ››C. Percent change in students’ rubric scores in
affordable housing, green spaces, accessible creating a decision matrix
transportation systems, cultural and natural heritage II. By the end of the Sustainable Cities project,
sites, and air quality and waste management). students will create solutions to the challenges
• Use a decision matrix (or decision-making associated with sustainability in urban areas and
process) to objectively prioritize the challenges of a quantify their improvements.
community to focus resources on the most needed ››A. Number of prototypes created to address
areas. identified sustainability problems
• Apply the science and mathematics principles ››B. Percent reduction in sustainability indicator
behind urban infrastructures, spaces and gardens to (water, air, carbon, and/or energy), as selected by
create prototypes to improve conditions. student group
• Conduct quality tests (water, air, soil, heavy metals, 1. Significant sustainability progress is 30% or
etc.) to determine baseline statistics for the targeted higher of positive change.
community. III. By the end of the Sustainable Cities project,
• Analyze the carrying capacity/the max population students will be able to see themselves as change
that can be sustained by local/global resources. agents for problems in sustainability.
››A. Percent change in students agreeing or
strongly agreeing with the belief that they have
the knowledge and skills to solve sustainability
problems, as measured in pre and post-project
KAP Surveys.
ass e ssm e n t

f o r m at i v e ass e ssm e n t
Students will be required to keep a project journal to record daily progress, respond to teacher prompts, and to
complete a reflection activity upon conclusion of their presentations. Teachers may grade each journal entry on
a scale (for example 1-3; 1-5; 1-10), based on the level of detail, and/or read journal entries when meeting with
groups, as a daily check-in conversation starter.
Journal ~ Daily Check-in Questions

Today’s Date:

Today my group completed (or

worked on) this task/step:

Questions/concerns I have
after today’s work:

Our plan for the next project

working day:
s e co n da r y STEM l e ss o n p l a n

Journal ~ Final Reflection Activity

Which group’s presentation

(not your own) best met the
challenge posed by our three
essential questions? Provide
specific evidence for your

Thinking about your own

group’s solution/product, what
are the next steps that need to
be taken to implement your
idea to address the challenges
of sustainable cities?

s u m m at i v e ass e ssm e n t
Teacher will assess student work by using the NGSS Engineering Practices Rubric. Students will also be using this
rubric as one of their self-assessment tools. (See rubric below.)
Additional assessment option: For a more personalized learning experience, one option for final grading is to have
the students create their own rubric with Rubistar once they have identified the deliverable they will create. There
are simple frameworks that they can select and modify for their specific deliverable (prototype, website, etc.), and
students can easily submit to the instructor for approval.

n g ss e n g i n e e r i n g p r ac t i c e s r u b r i c

st u d e n t ( s ):
dat e :

p r ac t i c e beginning p r o g r e ss i n g proficient a dva n c e d

Defining We understood We understood the We had a good We had an exceptional

problems the design design problem. understanding of understanding of
problem. We attended the design problem. the design problem
to some of the We attended to and could clearly
constraints of multiple criteria articulate it. We
the problem. We and constraints. attended to multiple
used some science We used science criteria and constraints
knowledge to limit knowledge to limit and understood the
possible solutions. possible solutions. relationships between
them. We used science
knowledge and could
clearly articulate the
science behind our
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Planning We collected We collected We collected data We collected significant

and carrying data on the data on the on the performance amounts of data
out the performance of performance of of our prototype under a wide range
our prototype their prototype under a range of of conditions. We
under at least under more than conditions. We improved the accuracy
one condition. one condition. evaluated the of our data collection
accuracy of our methods.
data collection

Analyzing We collected We collected We collected We collected some

and some performance data performance data performance data of
interpreting performance on our prototype of our prototype our prototype using
data of our using a single using multiple trials. multiple trials. We
data prototype. trial. We analyzed We analyzed the analyzed data on
the performance performance data the performance of
data of the single from multiple trials. our prototype using
trial. We considered multiple trials. We
the limitations of created and/or used
data collection and different tools to
analysis. improve precision and
accuracy of the data.

Designing We completed a We completed a We completed a We creatively used the

solutions design project, design project, design project, engineering design
engaging in the engaging in the engaging in the process to implement a
design cycle, to design cycle, to design cycle, to solution that exceeded
construct and construct and construct and specific design criteria
implement a implement a implement a and constraints. We
solution. solution that met solution that optimized performance
specific design met specific of a design. We
criteria and design criteria applied and could
constraints. and constraints. clearly articulate many
We optimized scientific ideas or
performance of a principles to design,
design. construct, and/or test a
design of an object, tool,
process or system.

Obtaining, We described We described We described We creatively described

evaluating, and our solution our solution our solution our solution using
communicating in writing or using scientific using clear and clear and accurate
through oral and technical accurate scientific scientific and technical
presentations. information in and technical information in writing
writing or through information in or through oral
oral presentations. writing or through presentations.
oral presentations.
t e n t h g r a d e l e ss o n p l a n

s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s If working collaboratively with a global partner,

students will complete the defining and planning
o p e n e r / m ot i vato r documents in tandem and refer back to their targeted
a. Prior to launching the project, students will take city.
a brief KAP (knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions)
survey to determine their pre-existing knowledge d. Students will conduct research related to the
and beliefs about sustainability, challenges in urban problem statement and selected community and
areas, and the extent to which they believe they can ensure that their proposed solutions are sustainable
design solutions to urban problems. and appropriate for that community. (This may be
the students’ own community or a community with
b. Kickoff video & total class discussion: https:// which they have a connection.)
most-densely-populated-city e. Based on student groups’ planning documents,
i. What is the value of having green spaces within students will create a reference design, test their
a city? prototype, and make quantifiable improvements to
ii. How does the video show examples of people their reference design until it meets the criteria they
creating local solutions to a global problem? established previously.
i. Optional activity: If students have access to
c. Optional activity- read NPR Article (as a class), Solidworks (CAD software), they can quantify the
“And This is How We Stopped Climate Change” and sustainability improvements of their project, and
have students discuss their impressions. earn a Certified Sustainability Associate credential.
See teacher references.
c o r e ac t i v i t i e s f. Depending on the size of the class and availability
a. Speed brainstorm: Whole class brainstorm on of resources, teacher may elect for all students to
what problems exist in cities - gallery walk - each work jointly on one project, or to have multiple
subtopic of SDG 11 is written on chart paper and projects occurring concurrently.
students move from paper to paper as instructed,
writing either a question they have about the topic
or an idea for a solution. Students may not repeat an c o r e ac t i v i t i e s
idea or question already on the paper. This allows for g. Students will present their solutions to an authentic
rapid generation of ideas and piling on, without the audience, including the community for which the
judgment students sometimes feel in groups. solution has been proposed. After presenting,
students will be given feedback and will complete a
b. After brainstorming rounds are complete, students reflection activity in their project journals to consider
move freely to read other ideas around the room what their next steps should be.
and then stand near the target that they most want
to work with. (Alternatively, students may create a h. Students will complete a post-project KAP survey
decision matrix in which they rank each target based to determine what effect the project has had on their
on number of ideas, their personal interest, feasibility knowledge, attitude, and perceptions of their capacity
of a solution within three weeks, etc.). to affect change regarding sustainable cities.

c. In groups based on target/solution interest, i. Students will complete a self-assessment, using

students will use the PMIEF Project Management the NGSS Rubric for Engineering Design. (Rubric is
Framework to define their problem, plan their adapted to meet specific needs of this project.)
class time, and narrow the scope of their problem
to one community. Teacher will help students
identify available resources and refine their problem
statement to reflect the scope of their problem.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

p h oto s o f st u d e n t w o r k
r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts Student prototype of city gardening using recycled
• United Nations SDG website - Goal #11 Sustainable Cities and materials:
• Newsela article “What is Sustainability?” - Good introduction,
overview, and connection to STEM:
• Good article for stimulating discussion on possible
sustainable cities:
• “Vertical Farming is Here” (TEDxYouth - speaker Dickson
Despommier - The Greenhouse Project: Science and
Sustainability for K-12) Students researching aquaponics as source
• “How a Rooftop Farm Feeds a City” (TEDxUdeM - speaker for sustainable food
Mohamed Hage) production:

r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s

• Project Management for Youth Framework:

org/ (Excellent resources on teaching project management
either within the PBL framework or traditional project
management terminology).
• Asia Society STEM Modules for Building Global
(Requires free registration; 10 modules designed to help
teachers facilitate globally-focused projects with students. There
is a wealth of resources in their toolkit for this purpose) Students researching aquaponics as source for
• Practical Action: A wealth of resources on design challenges, sustainable food production:
background on global sustainable development projects, and
lesson plans.
• Rubistar: Great rubric generator for instructors who do not
have set rubrics for their curriculum (and a great way for high
school students to have a voice in how they will be graded; if
they have to create a rubric for their final grade)
• Solidworks Sustainability: For schools using Solidworks
as their CAD program, there is an add-on tool that allows
students to quantify improvements to energy, carbon, air,
and water. For schools that do not have access to Solidworks,
students can still be credentialed as a Certified Sustainability
Associate by studying the online module (
introduction-terminology.htm) and scoring 80% or higher on
the Sustainability exam.
• Global Cities: One option for
students to work collaboratively with another school (intended
for middle school students)
Secondary Art
Lesson Plan
s e co n da r y a r t l e ss o n p l a n

Secondary Art Lesson Plan

l e ss o n p l a n t i t l e

Playground Utopias:
Designing Safe, Accessible, and Sustainable Parks, Playgrounds or Communal Spaces

Sarah Johnston: [email protected], Lindsay Johnson: [email protected], Michelle
Cromer: [email protected], Amie Robinson: [email protected]

s u m m a ry a n d r at i o n a l e

Students will explore how artists, designers, and architects create work that shapes or impacts public
awareness of a social issue: Sustainable Parks and Cities. They will brainstorm to identify a problem
impacting living environments at a local, domestic, or global scale. Students will collaborate using the
creative process to envision, design, or improve the identified concern. They will investigate how artists
consider health and safety concerns when designing spaces in addition to the materials (recycled) used.

grade i n st r u c t i o n a l g oa l s
9th - 12th • Students will use the artistic process to further understand and
analyze The Global Goals for Sustainable Development Goal 11:
time frame Sustainable Cities and Communities.
3-4 sessions • Students will recognize how they, as artists, can become
active members of their communities and the greater world
s u b j e c ts around them, and learn from other artists who have designed
Art or redesigned spaces and cities or human settlements to be
Math inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Social Studies • Students will appreciate the need for universal access to safe,
Language Arts inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, particularly for
Career/Vocational women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities.
Technology • Students will consider ways in which artists can use recycled
materials and design spaces that align to policies embracing
resource efficiency, sustainability, utilize local materials, etc.
u n d e r sta n d i n g • Students will analyze and research solutions to existing
People create and interact with objects, environmental problems facing many urban communities such
places, and design that define, shape, as air quality, clean water access and waste management.
enhance, and empower their lives. • Students will build teamwork and collaboration skills in
Artists play a powerful role in shaping working together to conceptualize, design, and build models of
our understanding of these concepts, their sustainable spaces.
especially in a global context.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

n at i o n a l c o r e a r ts sta n da r d s ( s e c o n da ry ) of their design using recycled materials.

• High School Proficient: VA:Cr1.1.Ia Use multiple • Students will use a template to write a public art
approaches to begin creative endeavors. VA:Cr1.2.Ia proposal and prepare a presentation that promotes
Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present their design for a sustainable park.
day life using a contemporary practice of art or
design. VA:Cr2.2.Ia Explain how traditional and
nontraditional materials may impact human health ass e ssm e n t
and the environment and demonstrate safe handling
of materials, tools, and equipment. VA:Pr6.1.Ia Sketchbooks
Analyze and describe the impact that an exhibition Self-Reflections
or collection has on personal awareness of social, Rubrics
cultural, or political beliefs and understandings. Gallery Walks
VA:Re.7.2.Ia Analyze how one’s understanding of Critiques
the world is affected by experiencing visual imagery.
VA:Cn10.1.Ia Document the process of developing
ideas from early stages to fully elaborated ideas.
• High School Accomplished: VA:Cr2.2.IIa s e q u e n c e o f ac t i v i t i e s
Demonstrate awareness of ethical implications of
making and distributing creative work. VA:Cr2.3.IIa m ot i vat i o n
Redesign an object, system, place, or design in Share images of parks and communal spaces-consider
response to contemporary issues. VA:Pr6.1.IIa Make, emphasizing a global perspective when selecting
explain, and justify connections between artists or artists. View video of Isamu Noguchi’s Moerenuma
artwork and social, cultural, and political history. Park and engage students in a class conversation about
VA:Re.7.1.IIa Recognize and describe personal their own experiences with communal spaces such as
aesthetic and empathetic responses to the natural parks and playgrounds.
world and constructed environments. VA:Cn11.1.IIa
Compare uses of art in a variety of societal, cultural,
and historical contexts and make connections to uses c o r e l e a r n i n g ac t i v i t i e s
of art in contemporary and local contexts. Discussion:
Divide students into smaller groups and distribute
cards (and images) with guiding discussion questions:
e ss e n t i a l q u e st i o n s What makes a park, playground, or communal
• How do objects, places, and design shape lives space fun? Safe? Sustainable? Are these spaces in our
and communities? How do artists and designers community safe? How do they different from spaces
determine goals for designing or redesigning objects, in other environments-rural, suburban, urban? How
places, or systems? are they the same or different from spaces in other
• How do artists and designers create works of art or countries/cultures? Are these spaces accessible to all?
design that effectively communicate? Are these spaces sustainable? Do they provide green
• How can we use art and design to create inclusive, space? What materials were used to create them?
safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities? Do they reflect/respect the culture of the inhabitants
around them? How can we design/redesign a given
space that empowers us as artists to improve the
st u d e n t l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s community or environment?
• Students will work together in small groups to Design:
brainstorm and identify a problem and solutions for After teams have identified what elements make a
sustainable parks, playgrounds, or communal spaces. safe, accessible, and sustainable parks, playgrounds
• Students will create sketches and drawings detailing or communal space, students will work together or
their own designs to address the identified problem. individually to create drawings and sketches of a
• Students work in teams to build small scale models new or improved design. Considerations for designs
s e co n da r y a r t l e ss o n p l a n

should include the percentage of nature or green d i f f e r e n t i at i o n

space, vertical or horizontal layout, environmental Use pre-sticky collage board for base of model to
innovations (rainwater collection, etc.), transportation adjust for motor skill development. Allow students
(bike lanes and safe well-lit walkways), accessibility to use gloves if desired for sensory aversion to certain
of playground equipment, location, economic cost, materials, provide adaptive tools including scissors
public art and community pride, etc. and handles for drawing materials, designated
Building Models: communication devices and symbols handouts to
Students will create small scale models of their designs facilitate student participation in discussion, large
using recycled materials. Inspiration can be drawn image printouts and slant-boards for students with
from models created by artists such as Noguchi and trouble seeing Smartboard.
In a mini critique, have each group present their
models and ideas with the entire class in a chance
to perceive and analyze their artwork. Encourage r e s o u r c e s f o r st u d e n ts
students to ask each other questions that dig deeper •
into the essential questions and ask, “what if?”. Based kingelez-review-moma.html
• Bodys Isek Kingelez: City Dreams | MoMA LIVE
on comments and feedback from teacher and peers,
students will revise their model designs and move on • Global Cardboard Challenge Resource Guide:
to the reflection stage.
Reflection: • List of High School Design Contests:
As a culminating activity, have students write or
complete a public art proposal template. Proposals
should consider location, cost, materials, etc. Students
can then create a visual campaign or community r e s o u r c e s f o r t e ac h e r s
presentation with models, public proposal, and/or • Bodys Islek Kingelez: City of Dreams
slideshow to influence stakeholders.
• Isamu Noguchi: Playspaces (https://
• Video: Isamu Noguchi’s Moerenuma Park
Consider taking field trips to local parks, green spaces,
or community If possible, invite local artists, architects, • Carsten Höller: Slides
and urban planners from the community to meet
with students and share in their design process and adults-slides-seriously
discussion of global concerns connected to sustainable • Artists’ Playgrounds:
cities and living spaces. Encourage students to submit 11-artists-designed-spectacular-playgrounds
their sustainable park design to high school design • Ideas for vertical gardens/rooftop farms:
• Ana Serano: Cartonlandia
m at e r i a l s
Drawing paper or sketchbooks, pencils, color pencils, • El Anatsui: Artist using recycled materials
templates, scissors, glue, glue sticks, cardboard pieces • Snarkitecture: The Beach
for bases, contact collage board, cardboard scraps, pipe
cleaners, wire, recycled materials (bottle caps, lids,
plastic water bottles, foil, cardboard tubes, newspaper,
small boxes, egg cartons, cork, etc.), rubber bands,
natural materials (sticks, leaves, etc.)
Global Leadership
Fellows (GLF) 2019
Class Bios
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Global Leadership Fellows (GLF) 2019 Class Bios

Rachel Arens Lydia Rayfield
High School Science Educator Elementary School Kindergarten Educator
Omaha, Nebraska Cheyenne, Wyoming

Rachel holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and a Lydia graduated from the University of Wyoming
Master of Science in Biology. She uses those skills with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and
to teach science, technology, engineering and also received a Master of Arts in Reading with an
mathematics (STEM) classes at a high school level. emphasis on Elementary Education. She has taught
She teaches Advanced Placement (AP) Environmental as a Kindergarten educator for the past six years and
Science, Plants/Propagation, Advanced Horticulture, also serves as a mentor for college students studying
Anatomy/Physiology courses, and Biology courses. in the field of education. Lydia is very involved in her
She is very connected at her school along with the other community by being a foster parent and running her
educators and expects the most from her students. She ice cream truck business.
enjoys getting her students involved in service learning
projects in order to teach state standards while also
helping the community.

Aaron Baker Kirstin Bullington

Middle School Social Studies Educator STEM Educator
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Columbia, South Carolina

Aaron has seven years of experience teaching U.S. Kirstin is a 15-year STEM educator who is National
History and Local and Global Citizenship at the Board Certified in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
middle school level. He sings and plays the guitar, Science. She teaches Biology, Physical Science,
which he brings into his class lessons, as well as his Computer Science, and Pre-Engineering courses all
great communication skills that allow him to convey at the high school levels. Kirstin graduated university
his messages. Aaron has a Bachelor of Arts in Bible with a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a Bachelor of
and Missions as well as a Master of Arts in Theological Science in Biology and hold a Master of Public Health
Studies – concentration in Youth Ministry. in International Health and Development.

Isabel Bozada Jacqueline Carrero

Elementary School Innovation Educator Middle School ESOL Educator
Reynoldsburg, Ohio Hollywood, Florida

With a Bachelor of Science in Education focusing on Jacqueline is a National Board Certified educator
Early Childhood Education, Isabel is an expert on who teaches ESOL (English for speakers of other
early elementary school learning. She has taught in languages) and Intensive & Advanced reading
second and third grade classrooms, using a globally classes. She mentors new and student teachers, as
focused STEM curriculum. She was also elected as well as prepares ELL (English language learners) and
a member of the Principal’s Advisory Council and students with disabilities (SWD) for state assessments.
has piloted programs in the school that focus on Jacqueline has a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood
the connection between student success and social- and Elementary Education along with a Master of
emotional learning. Science in Special Education.
g lo b a l l e a d e r s h i p f e l lows ( GLF ) 2019 c l ass b i o s

Christopher Erickson Kimberly Eckert

High School English and History Educator High School English/Language Arts/Literature Educator
Ann Arbor, Michigan Brusly, Louisiana

Christopher graduated from the University of Kimberly graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work
Michigan with a Bachelor of Arts in Education: and holds a Masters of Education in Special Education
English and History), and a Master of Arts in Teaching: and teaches English at the high school level. Kimberly
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. He teaches is very involved with Student programs at her school,
Gender Studies, English, and History at the high she led a Best Buddies Club and sponsors the GSA
school level along with acting as the CAS (Creativity, (Gay-Straight Alliance) Club, Dance Team, EF Tours
Activity, Service) Coordinator for the IB (International Group, Genius Hour, and Chess Club all at the high
Baccalaureate) program. Chris is very involved in his school where she works. Kimberly also supports her
community and spends much of his time volunteering fellow teachers by serving as an Instructional Coach at
to provide support to other teachers and spread his the school.
knowledge of teaching.

Mark Easterday Melissa Collins

High School Social Studies Educator Elementary School Second Grade Educator
Elliottsburg, Pennsylvania Memphis, Tennessee

Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts in History with minors Dr. Collins graduated with a Bachelor of Science
in Anthropology and International Relations as in Early Education, is a Master of Education in
well as a Master of Arts in East Asian Studies with a Administration, and holds a PhD in District-Level
minor in Mandarin Chinese Language. He has lived Administration. Melissa is a second grade educator
all of the world and served with the United States and chair of her department and is very involved in
Air Force, giving him a very interesting perspective the school where she works. She is on the Climate
when teaching Modern World History, Pennsylvania and Culture Team, the Marketing Team, Chair of the
History, and U.S. History at a high school level. Mark STEM Fest, Chair of Parental Involvement, Co-Chair
is very involved in the community and works to serve of School Leadership, and coordinates the mentor
it as best as he can. program.

Ruth Cebreros Terrilyn Fleming

High School Social Studies Educator High School Drama/Performing Arts Educator
Hawthorne, California Louisville, Kentucky

Ruth Cebreros holds a Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Terrilyn holds a Bachelor of Science in English and
Science as well as a Master of Arts in Education. Theatre as well as a Master of Arts in English with
She teaches U.S. History and AP Macroeconomics Emphasis on Playwriting. She has a passion for
at the high school level. Ruth is the International theatre and uses that passion to be the best educator
Baccalaureate Program Coordinator at her school and for her students. Terrilyn teaches Drama and Arts &
is the IB Student Club Advisor. Ruth has held many Humanities and sponsors the Gay-Straight Alliance,
different positions within the high schools where she’s Competitive Dance Team, and Black Student Union at
taught, giving her a wealth of experience to bring to her school.
the classroom and further her students’ education.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Edward (Ted) Halbert Lindsay Johnson

High School English and Theatre Educator Middle School Visual Arts Educator
Brighton, Colorado River Forest, Illinois

Edward holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Lindsay holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual
with an emphasis on Public Relations and a Masters Communication, a Master of Arts in Teaching, and a
of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with an Master of Education in Technology in Education. She
emphasis on the Arts. He teaches English classes at brings technology skills into the classrooms by co-
the high school level and directs and produces quality teaching with educators at all grade levels and leads the
theatrical performances which are great opportunities fifth to eight grade Animation Club and fifth to eight
for students to become involved in something fun grade Tech Genius Bar. Lindsay also facilitates many
and stimulating. Ted also supports his fellow teachers professional development workshops to educate her
through holding leadership positions and membership fellow educators on best practices to bring technology
on different departmental teams of teachers. into the classroom.

Sarah Hicks Erica Jones

Middle School ESOL Educator Elementary School Second Grade Educator
Alabaster, Alabama Byram, Mississippi

Sarah graduated from the University of Alabama with Erica holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary
a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in Education K-8 English and Mathematics, and a Master
Education specializing in English as a Second Language of Science in Elementary Education. She is a Second
(ESL). She is an ESOL (English for Speakers or Other Grade Classroom Educator and is involved in many
Languages) Classroom Teacher and teaches English as leadership positions at her school. Erica serves on the
a foreign language to newcomer students. Sarah works Mississippi Department of Education Task Force, is a
to use different types of innovative technology in her State Coach on the Teacher Leadership Initiative, and
classroom to support learning and also provides ESL is on the Leadership Team at the school where she
professional development to other teachers within her works.

Christopher Gleason Lisa Jacobsmeyer

Middle School Instrumental Music Educator Elementary School ESOL Educator
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin Dumfries, Virginia

For fifteen years, Christopher has been a Middle Lisa is a National Board Certified Teacher and
School Instrumental Music Educator teaching Grade holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Conceptual
Bands, Jazz Ensemble, Friday Morning Ensembles, Foundations of Modern Medicine, a Master of Arts
Marching Band, and serves as the Band Lesson in History of Science, and a Master of Education in
Academy Coordinator. Chris holds a Bachelor of Music Education and English as a Second Language. She
Education and a Masters of Education in Professional teaches Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and
Development and shares his passion for music through Science to English language learners in grades K-5.
leadership opportunities and community engagement. Lisa supports her fellow teachers by conducting
professional development workshops, serves as a
mentor to new teachers, and serves as an educational
g lo b a l l e a d e r s h i p f e l lows ( GLF ) 2019 c l ass b i o s

Susan Koch (Alba) Nelly Korman

Elementary First Grade Educator High School Spanish Language Educator
Montpelier, Vermont St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Susan has thrived as an Elementary Educator for Nelly holds a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages:
20 years. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language Teaching and Linguistics and a
Elementary Education and holds a Master’s Degree in Master of Arts in Educational Leadership. She is an AP
Education. Susan is an advocate for all her students so Spanish Language and Culture Educator and serves
in order to reach all learning styles, she has created an as a translator for students and their families during
outdoor learning curriculum called ECO, Educating parent-teacher conferences and other events.
Children Outdoors.

Kerry Konda Sandra Makielski

High School Social Studies Educator Middle School Social Studies Educator
Aberdeen, South Dakota North Kingstown, Rhode Island

Kerry is a Debate, Speech, and American Government Sandra has been a Middle School Educator from over
Educator at the high school level. She also serves as the twenty years teaching World Geography and Current
Head Speech and Debate Coach at the school where she Events courses. She also supports students by offering
works and has proven to be outstanding. Kerry holds a tutoring sessions before and after school as well as
Bachelor of Science in Education: Secondary Speech/ working to incorporate all learning styles into her
Debate and Secondary Social Studies, and a Master of lesson plans. Sandra graduated with a Bachelor of Arts
Science in Education: Leadership and Administration. from Michigan State University.

Myla Liljemark Jennifer Metzler

Middle School Social Studies Educator Elementary School Fourth Grade Educator
Seward, Alaska Tuscan, Arizona

Lyla teaches United States History and Ancient Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary
Civilization courses at the middle school level. She Education, with a minor in TESOL and has a Master of
incorporates many aspects of global education in her Education in Educational Leadership. She has traveled
classroom by having regular Skype calls with other extensively across the world, through educational and
students from Australia and Uganda and has also scholarship opportunities, learning all about many
organized professional informational calls for the cultures. She attempts to bring global learning and
students, including one with an FBI agent. Lyla holds her knowledge of these different communities in the
a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in German classroom through story books and other works of
and a Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Education literature.
in Social Studies.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Holly Miller Jennifer Morris

Middle School Stem Educator Elementary School Third Grade Spanish Immersion
Fishers, Indiana Educator
Spokane, Washington
Holly received a Bachelor of Science in Social Work/
Psychological Science, a Master of Social Work, a Jennifer is a third grade class Educator teaching, in
Master of Arts in Teaching, and is currently a Doctoral Spanish, Math, Science, Spanish, and Global Issues. She
Student studying Pragmatic Research in STEM graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood
Education. Holly is an Elementary School STEM Development, minoring in Spanish and a Master’s
Educator who works to reach all learning styles in her Degree in Teaching, Elementary Teacher Education
classroom and uses many hands-on teaching skills Program. Jennifer is very involved in her community
in order to ensure the highest achievement from her and school and works with her fellow teachers to make
students. global competency more of a priority in the classroom.

Susan Pomasko Michael Pope

Social Studies Educator Middle-High School STEM Educator
Marlborough, New Hampshire Japan

Susan instructs sixth through eighth graders in Michael holds a Bachelor of Science in Middle School
geography, civics and government, history, economics, Education as well as a Master of Science in Middle
writing, and reading courses. In addition to her School Education, Science and Social Studies. Michael
responsibilities in the classroom, she works with her is very involved at the school where he works and
fellow teachers to further develop the curriculum to invested in each and every one of his students. He does
be in line with district and national standards, as well this through the GT AVID program he coordinates, the
as contain elements of initiatives that better support projects he has started in order to get students more
all students. Susan holds a Bachelor of Science in interested in science, and through coaching soccer at
Elementary and Special Education and a Master of the school.
Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Michelle Pauken Elizabeth Rich

High School Visual Arts Educator Elementary School Discovery Educator
Rockwall, Texas Atlanta, Georgia

Michelle holds a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Art, Elizabeth graduated with a Bachelor of Science in
a Master of Arts in Art History, and a Criminal Justice and Pre-Law and a Master of Education
Ph.D. in Humanities, Aesthetic Studies. As a visual arts in Educational Psychology. She is a Discovery
educator, she incorporate aspects of global learning Educator, grant writer, and Technology Committee
into her lessons. She tasks students to incorporate Member. As a Discovery Educator, Elizabeth supports
different cultures into their work and make that their a very diverse group of students with many different
mission to expand their minds and further develop learning styles.
g lo b a l l e a d e r s h i p f e l lows ( GLF ) 2019 c l ass b i o s

Allison Shriver Jane Rosenow

Elementary School Fifth Grade STEM Educator High School English/Language Arts Educator
Mt. Hope, West Virginia Kansas City, Kansas

Allison is National Board Certified and holds a Jane is an English Language Arts/Composition and
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Research Educator as well as a Senior Academic
a Master of Arts in Special Education. She is a fifth Advisor. Jane is committed to supporting at-risk
grade science and math teacher and has developed students and those who have disabilities in addition
many innovative programs in order to cater to all to giving those motivated students the resources
students’ needs. These programs include: grades needed to take charge of their own learning. She has
three through five task forces, programs that delve a Bachelor of Arts in English and Political Science, a
deeper into math comprehension, hands-on STEAM Master of Arts in Journalism and Communication,
activities, and family and school gallery walks to share and a Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speaker of
the information learned in STEAM classes Other Languages (TESOL).

Amie Robinson Erin Sears

Special Education Educator Elementary School Third Grace Educator
Brooklyn, New York Altoona, Iowa

Amie is very dedicated to making sure she reaches Erin is an Elementary School Third Grade Educator
all students and their learning styles. She is involved who brings global education to the classroom through
in Special Olympics and Best Buddies and organizes inquiry and service-based teaching practices. She tasks
activities for students with disabilities to visit students to think critically and ask questions in order
museums and theaters. Amie has a Bachelor of Fine to be the most socially conscious. Erin graduated with
Arts, a Master of Fine Arts, and a Master of Education a Bachelor of Arts in Art History and a Master of Arts
in Special Education and Early Childhood Education. in Teaching, Elementary Education.

Jennifer Rose Jennie Robinette

Middle School Social Studies Educator Elementary School Kindergarten Educator
Easton, Connecticut Asheville, North Carolina

Jennifer is a seventh grade Global Studies Educator. Jennie is a Kindergarten Classroom Educator who
She takes advantage of teaching this course by using teaches all subjects. In addition to her classroom
it as an opportunity to educate and broaden the responsibilities, Jennie serves on the Executive Council
minds of all her students globally so that they are at her school and attends and leads professional
well-informed citizens. Jennifer has a Bachelor of development for educators. She has a Bachelor’s
Arts in Interdisciplinary Social Science, a Secondary Degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s
Education Teaching Certification in History and Degree of Education with a concentration in Creative
Social Studies, and a Master of Science in Curriculum Arts in Learning.
and Instruction.
c r e at i v e l e ss o n s to o p e n m i n d s & c l ass r o om s to t h e wo r l d

Gabriel Tanglao Cassidy Urie

High School Social Studies Educator Middle School Math Educator
Bergenfield, New Jersey Columbia, Missouri

Gabriel holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Cassidy received a Bachelor of Science in Education,
a Master of Science in Teaching Secondary Social Secondary Mathematics with a minor in Human
Studies Education, and a Master of Arts in Economics, Development and Family Studies as well as a Master
Education, and Entrepreneurship. He teaches Social of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and a
Studies and AP US History at a high school level and Master of Education in Educational Leadership. She
is an advisor to his school’s Lemon Club and Together has had the opportunity to travel to many places and
Everyone Can Help (TECH) Club. Gabriel supports learn about different cultures and works to bring this
his fellow educators by keeping involved in his local into her classroom instruction. Cassidy teaches Math
teachers’ associations and councils. 6, Math 8, and Algebra 1 courses.

Jody Lynn Tolley Cody Vest

High School American Sign Language Educator High School English/Language Arts Educator
Salt Lake City, Utah Rogers, Arkansas

Jody Lynn is a High School Sign Language Educator Cody teaches Pre-AP English 9 and English 12 at the
who has developed many projects to support deaf high school level. He holds a Bachelor of Science in
students. She has created an American Sign Language Education in English and a Master of Education in
textbook along with supplementary materials to Instructional Improvement and is currently finishing
support other educators and has also directed plays his Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies. Cody
using American Sign Language (ASL), taught honors assists in curriculum development at the district level
classes using ASL, and coaches a team at the American and is also involved in coaching teams and sponsoring
Sign Language Competition. Jody Lynn has a Bachelor clubs at the High School where he teaches.
of Science in Special Education and a Master of
Education in Communicative Disorders and Deaf

Wendy Turner Maggie Wachtl

Elementary School Second and Third Grade Gifted High School Science Educator
and Talented Educator Augusta, Maine
Wilmington, Delaware
Maggie holds a Bachelor of Arts in Genetics with a
As Delaware Teacher of the Year, Wendy has been minor in Spanish as well as a Master’s in Teaching and
able to travel around Delaware and the United States Learning. She is an AP Biology and AP Chemistry
attending professional development workshops and educator, along with other sciences courses. She works
conducting a few of her own. She holds a Bachelor of to share her knowledge of technology by training
Science in Accounting and a Master of Education. She other teachers how to use helpful programs within the
currently works at an Elementary School as a second classroom.
and third grade Gifted and Talented Educator.
g lo b a l l e a d e r s h i p f e l lows ( GLF ) 2019 c l ass b i o s

Kathleen Wilson Laura Wommack

Middle School Science Educator High School STEM Educator
Scituate, Massachusetts Plummer, Idaho

Kathleen holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Laura received a Bachelor of Science in Family and
Education as well as a Master of Education in Critical Consumer Science Education as well as a Master of
and Creative Thinking. She teaches grade eight Science Arts in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis
using a variety of project-based techniques that allow on STEM. She is currently a High School STEM teacher
students of all learning types to succeed. She even and works to infuse global education in the classroom.
holds some lessons in the local museum where she She does this through sharing personal stories of travel
works and conducts evening lessons for elementary and exposing her students to different cultures in their
age students. lessons.

Maryellen Wolfinger
Middle School Science Educator
Bethesda, Maryland

Maryellen is a Science 8 Investigations in Earth Space

Educator at the Middle School level. She received her
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, her
Master of Education in Secondary Science Education,
and is currently in the process of getting her Doctor of
Education in Curriculum and Instruction. Maryellen
has shown leadership as an educator by presenting
in different venues, representing groups of teachers,
leading professional development workshops, and
leading student groups.
In this increasingly flattened world, learning to think critically about global
affairs is of utmost importance. Students need to learn how local and global
affairs are interdependent; they need to be able to identify shared interests
and to collaborate with others across national borders. Twelve Lessons to
Open Classrooms and Minds to the World is the result of a collaborative
effort organized by the NEA Foundation to support outstanding teacher-
leaders in developing 21st century global curriculum that is aligned with
the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals – a universal call-
to-action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy
peace and prosperity. This collection of k-12 lesson plans created by the
NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellows is an easily- accessible guide that
provides educators with the essential tools to be able to prepare students for
active global citizenship.

“The NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellowship inspires, educates, and opens minds and
hearts to limitless learning opportunities... I have no doubt that their students will experience
deep and permanent lessons on how to live well in this global society.”

Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh, Former Chair, NEA Foundation Board of Directors,

2009 Utah State Teacher of the Year

“The NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellowship is a gift to us all...I witnessed how Fellows
asked questions and used their wonderful learning community – each other – to digest
invaluable lessons and experiences. These will undoubtedly enhance their worldview and
simply enrich their leadership in the classroom from a global perspective”

Kevin Anderson, Chair, NEA Foundation Board of Directors,

Senior Vice President of National Partnerships, EverFi, Inc.

v i s i t w w w . n e a f o u n dat i o n . o r g
to l e a r n m o r e

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