Gaudet 2016
Gaudet 2016
Gaudet 2016
Non–small cell lung cancer VATS Thoracoscopy Lobectomy Segmentectomy
Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy has developed into a safe and effective treat-
ment for lung cancer and is superior to lobectomy via thoracotomy in many regards.
Development and further refinement of its technique has allowed thoracic surgeons to
perform a wide variety of complex procedures in a minimally invasive fashion.
With future improvement in optics, energy devices, and anesthesia management, the thor-
acoscopic technique will continue to serve as the pillar for development of thoracic surgi-
cal interventions.
Pulmonary resection as treatment for lung cancer has been performed for more
than 100 years. The first lobectomy for lung cancer was described in 1912, but
pneumonectomy remained the gold standard for many years thereafter. In the
1960s, lobectomy became widely accepted as an oncologically sufficient operation.
As technology advanced, thoracic surgeons took on the challenge of performing com-
plete oncologic resections for lung cancer with minimally invasive video-assisted thor-
acoscopic surgery (VATS) in the early 1990s.1 The VATS approach to pulmonary
resection has continued to evolve significantly over the last 25 years. In addition to pul-
monary resection, thoracic surgeons are using thoracoscopy to perform complex op-
erations on the airway, chest wall, mediastinum, esophagus, and even the certain
cardiac procedures. Although there are no multicenter, prospective, randomized,
controlled trials comparing pulmonary resection for lung cancer via thoracotomy
Dr T.A. D’Amico is a consultant for Scanlan Instruments. Dr M.A. Gaudet has nothing to
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Ochsner Medical Center, 1514 Jefferson Highway,
New Orleans, LA 70121, USA; b Section of General Thoracic Surgery, Duke University Medical
Center, DUMC Box 3496, Duke South, White Zone, Room 3589, Durham, NC 27710, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
and VATS, the minimally invasive approach has produced excellent outcomes and
gained widespread acceptance.
hospitalization were shorter in the VATS lobectomy group. Similar findings were re-
ported by Paul and colleagues12 in a review of more than 6000 patients undergoing
lobectomy for non–small cell lung cancer from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Data-
base. In an even larger review of data from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons data-
base, Boffa and colleagues13 confirmed that patients with stage I non–small cell
lung cancer undergoing resection fared better. In this study, patients who underwent
thoracotomy experienced significantly more pulmonary complications (21% vs 18%),
atrial arrhythmias (13% vs 10%), and were more likely to undergo transfusion (6% vs
4%) than those who were treated with VATS resection, although the mortality was
similar. Even when compared with a total muscle-sparing thoracotomy, 1 surgeon
found that duration of stay was less for patient who underwent VATS procedures.14
VATS lobectomy has also been shown to facilitate delivery of adjuvant treatment, an
important component of treatment for patients with advanced stage non–small cell
lung cancer. Peterson and colleagues15 reported a higher percentage of patients
receiving 75% or more of their planned adjuvant regimen without delayed or reduced
doses after undergoing VATS lobectomy compared with patients who had open lo-
bectomy (61% vs 40%; P 5 .03).
The cost of VATS lobectomy has been reviewed in a study of close to 4000 lung re-
sections16 and found to be less compared with open lobectomy ($20,316 vs $21,016;
P 5 .027). This study also found the risk of adverse events was significantly lower in
the VATS group (odds ratio, 1.22; P 5 .019). Recently, Farjah and colleagues17 even
showed that 90-day costs are lower with VATS lobectomy when compared with
open technique, explained by decrease in incidence of prolonged duration of stay
(>14 days) and less health care use after discharge.
There is also growing evidence to suggest that patient’s immune function is better
preserved after VATS compared with thoracotomy, as documented by the release of
proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines, immunomodulatory cytokines,
circulating T cells (CD4), and natural killer cells, as well as lymphocyte function.18
Fig. 2. Traditional 2-port (A) and modified Uniportal (B) approaches. ICS, intercostal space.
with impressive results. The majority (96%) of lobectomies were accomplished with
the uniportal technique, with no operative mortality. Mean chest tube duration and
length of stay were 2 and 3 days, respectively. An average of 14.5 lymph nodes
were harvested per resection with 154 minutes of mean operative time. Tam and col-
leagues27 reported similar results in 38 uniportal VATS lobectomy. Six patients
required thoracotomy. In all, 97% of patients did not require intravenous analgesia
and mean time to return to full normal activities was 7 days. Gonzalez-Rivas and col-
leagues28 have also reported uniportal right pneumonectomy without any major com-
plications. McElnay and colleagues29 showed no difference in median morphine use
or visual analog pain score in the first 24 hours postoperatively, or in patient-
controlled analgesia duration, chest drain duration, or overall length of stay in 15 uni-
portal VATS lobectomies compared with the standard multiport technique.
Single-lung ventilation is required and may be achieved with a dual lumen endotra-
cheal tube or a bronchial blocker. The patient is placed in the lateral decubitus posi-
tion. Most thoracoscopic lobectomies may be performed via 2 or three incisions, and
the overwhelming majority in our experience has been performed with only 2.
In general, the port positions are the same whether an upper, lower, or middle lo-
bectomy is performed. The first port, placed in the seventh or eighth intercostal space
Thoracoscopic Lobectomy 509
in the posterior axillary line, is used predominantly for camera placement and, ulti-
mately, chest tube placement. The second port is placed in the fifth intercostal space
anteriorly, where the intercostal space is the widest (Fig. 3).
Instrumentation is critically important when performing thoracoscopic surgery,
including the use a 30 videoscope and long, curved instruments to allow for ease
of retraction and dissection. High-definition video equipment improves visualization
for difficult dissections. Linear staplers are used to control and divide lung paren-
chyma, vessels, and bronchus.
Most of the hilar dissection may be performed bluntly, with either a dissecting instru-
ment (Figs. 4 and 5) or a thoracoscopic suction device, which also keeps the field dry
during dissection, although some surgeons prefer sharp dissection or dissection with
an energy device. In most cases, the fissure is completed at the conclusion of the
dissection with the stapling device and the specimen is removed using a protective
bag. Mediastinal lymphadenectomy is subsequently performed, although this may
be done before hilar dissection at the surgeon’s discretion.
In addition to the dissection strategy, which varies according to the which lobe is
being resected, the surgeon should have a planned strategy for conversion if bleeding
is encountered or if there is failure to progress with the dissection thoracoscopically.
Most of the bleeding encountered can be controlled with direct pressure using a
sponge stick, and that conversion need not be performed emergently.
Fig. 5. Isolation of superior pulmonary vein during thoracoscopic left upper lobectomy.
Thoracoscopic Lobectomy 511
directed to the bronchus by retracting the lobe cranially, a perspective not obtained
via thoracotomy. A plane is created between the bronchus and the artery by dissecting
close to the bronchus, which is then divided. For right lower lobectomy, this dissection
is begun at the bifurcation with the middle lobe bronchus, which must be preserved.
The arterial trunk is then encircled and divided, although it is sometimes easier to
divide the branches to the superior and basilar segments individually. Ultimately,
the fissure is divided and the specimen removed.
Over the last 20 years, VATS lobectomy has developed into a safe and effective treat-
ment for lung cancer and is superior to lobectomy with thoracotomy in many regards.
Development and further refinement of its technique has allowed thoracic surgeons to
perform a wide variety of complex procedures in a minimally invasive fashion. With
future improvement in optics, energy devices and anesthesia management, the thor-
acoscopic technique will continue to serve as the pillar for development of newer
thoracic surgical interventions.
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