Learning Generation For Business

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Achieving a Learning Generation

The Role of Business

Over the coming decades, education and skills will matter more than ever to the prosperity of
individuals and economies. With up to half of today’s jobs – especially low- and medium-skilled
jobs – at high risk of disappearing due to automation, and with shifting global demographics
placing greater pressures on productivity, higher levels of skills will become increasingly vital
for growth. Some 40 percent of employers globally are already finding it difficult to recruit
people with the skills they need. If current trends continue, more than 1.5 billion adults will
have no education beyond primary school in 2030. If education in much of the world fails to
keep up with changing skill demands, the growing skills gap will stunt economic growth around
the world, and threatens to have far-reaching social and political repercussions.

The International Commission on Financing and participate in post-secondary education as a child

Global Education Opportunity has set out a proposal in a high-income country today.
for the largest expansion of education opportunity Business has a major stake in the future of educa-
in modern history: creating the Learning Generation. tion, nationally and around the world. The success of
If all countries accelerate progress to the rate of the the private sector depends both on the future skills
world’s top 25 percent fastest education improvers, of the workforce and on the health and success of
then within a generation, all children in low- and the economy as a whole. Business will have a critical
middle-income countries will have access to quality role to play in creating a Learning Generation – as
pre-primary, primary, and secondary education, and employers and providers, as investors and innovators,
a child in a low-income country will be as likely to as leaders and advocates.
reach the baseline level of secondary school skills
In presenting its conclusions and recommendations, status of vocational training; and help the existing
the Commission invites business leaders to consider workforce to adapt to changes in the workplace and
in particular: new skill demands.

• Proposals for how to strengthen business’s voice • How employers can help support and expand inno-
in education; its leadership in advocating for edu- vation in the recognition and accreditation of skills,
cational reform and investment; and its role as a including through ”badging” or other new forms
partner of government in helping to ensure that the of recognition and qualification – vital for enabling
design and delivery of education and training keep the growth of new delivery models, such as online
pace with changing labor market needs. learning, which can radically expand access and
lower costs of learning.
• A range of recommendations to encourage increased
business investment in education. These include, • Ways to encourage corporate philanthropy and
among others, the development and deployment of corporate social responsibility – including consid-
innovative financial instruments, financing mecha- ering how core business practices or investment
nisms, and results-focused investment approaches; decisions can be ”pro-learning”; and a proposed
strengthening government procurement and partner- “Education Giving Pledge,” encouraging business
ing capacity; and action to encourage investment in leaders and high net worth individuals to make a
educational infrastructure, technologies, platforms, substantial and public commitment to education.
and resources.
The International Commission on Financing Global Educa-
• Action to encourage employer-led innovation in the tion Opportunity is a major global initiative engaging
design and delivery of education and training – in world leaders, policymakers, and researchers to develop
particular, to help support transitions into work a renewed and compelling investment case and financ-
through programs such as apprenticeships or ing pathway for achieving equal educational opportunity
employability training; improve the quality and for children and young people. For more information,
please visit www.educationcommission.org.

The International
on Financing Global
Education Opportunity


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