Fastrip Logistics Center

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Fastrip Logistics Center

I. Statement of the Problem

A new investor from China entered into joint venture arrangement with an established
Filipino entrepreneur in the transport industry. The joint venture company was registered
with SEC under the name Fastrip Logistics Corporation. The joint venture wants to expand the
existing transport hub business of the Filipino entrepreneur by increasing the existing
development by two times. The existing logistic hub or center, located in Sto. Tomas,
Batangas, is one hectare in area thus the joint venture acquired the adjacent lot at the right
which is the same slope, area and measurements as the existing.
The existing development is with improvements as follows:
A. Service Station with Commercial Building occupying a total land area of
3,000sqm inclusive of the driveway. The station contains one lane gas canopy,
a carwash lane, air & water island, underground storage tanks, parking slot
and a 2-storey commercial building.
Other details of existing improvements at commercial area:
1. Gas refilling lane canopy, 10m width x 7.5m depth with 6
pumps and a cashier booth, 13
2. Five (5) underground storage tanks of 4920mm length
x2040mm diameter,
3. The ground floor of the commercial building measures at 28m
length x 12m depth and is of the same size as the 2nd floor for
they are on top of each other. The ground floor contains the
access stair to second floor, the restaurant, the mini-grocery
store and toilets. The 2nd floor contains the café, sporting goods
shop, computer store, office, toilets, and stairwell,
4. Carwash lane is good for 4 cars occupying a space of 12m x 8m
5. Abundant softscape
6. Ten (10) parking slots
7. Driveway going to light industrial area and residential area of
6m width located at the right side portion of the existing lot.
B. The residential area at the rear part of the lot is 50m width × 55 m length
containing a 2-storey detached house, staff/driver's house, basketball court,
swimming pool, paved playground, garden, gazebo, and vans parking.
Other details of the improvements at residential area:
1. 2-storey owner's house of 3205qqm building footprint and
total gross floor area of 560sqm
2. Staffs/driver's house of 300sqm building footprint.
3. Recreational area to include basketball court, swimming pool
and playground.
4. Ten (10) vans parking slots,
5. Abundant softscapes
6. Paved playground of 200sqm
7. Gazebo of 6m x 6m
C. The light industrial area is 50m wide x 4250sqm containing warehouse no. 1,
warehouse no. 2, motor pool, truck parking area, driveway, loading/unloading
space, generator/utilities houses and softscapes.
Other details of the improvement at industrial area:
1. Warehouse no. 1 for heavy materials such as metals, lumber,
plywood and the likes, 28m width x 40m length,
2. Warehouse no. 2 for light materials such as soft drinks, snacks,
boxed goodies and the like, 28m width x 30m length,
3. Motor pool for 2 trucks simultaneous servicing, 200 sqm
4. Pond and abundant softscapes as fire barriers
5. Truck parking, 8m x 85m
6. Driveway, 6mx 85m
7. Loading/unloading bay, 640 square meters
8. Generator room/ utility room, 8m width x 10m depth
II. Project Site Features:
The existing/old site is a parcel of land, regular rectangular inside lot and fronting a
Provincial Road in Sto. Tomas, Batangas. The lot is sloping at 2% inward starting at the
sidewalk. The lot bounded on the East, the shorter side, along line 1-2 by provincial road 18m
wide; on the North along 2-3 by private lot; on the West along 3-4 by private lot; on the South,
the longer side of the lot, along line 4-1 by private lot. The lot is 50m wide x one (1) hectare.
The newly acquired lot in addition to the existing is the lot on the immediate right with the
same slopes, size and measurements. The two lots combined is now 2 hectares. The project
will maintain the 3 zones namely-commercial, light industrial, and residential. Each zone will
double in size due to the acquisition of the new and adjacent lot. The Office of the Building
Official declared the new development as composed of 3 zoning classifications and each must
comply to the NBC. The entire new project has cleared in its totality by the DPWH Secretary
through the Office of the Local Building Official as SPE.
III. Design Objectives:
The new project will preserve the existing improvements of the old lot and existing lot. The
RLA was tasked to review the existing site and submits to the joint venture company its
findings and recommendations for the consideration of the latter. Focus should be made on
the compliances to laws, codes, and ordinances. While doing so, the RLA will proceed with
the assessment of the combined lots to determine the new TGFA, the new PSO, the new ISA,
and the new USA to be submitted to the joint venture company as reference in establishing
probable project cost by its accountants and its quantity surveyors. Abundant softscapes and
open spaces be provided to soften the heavy use of steel and concrete in the existing and new
buildings. The commercial area shall be separated from the rest of the areas by firewall with
see through steel gates.

Compiled Questions
1.What is the total lot area of the expanded site, in square meters?
a. 20,000
b. 30,000
c. 10,000
d. 12,000
2. What is the allowable MAXIMUM TGFA of the expanded commercial zone alone in square meters?
choices appeared:
a. 22,500
b. 8,050
c. 102, 000
d. 11,550
3.What is the allowable MAXIMUM TGFA of the expanded industrial zone alone in square meters?
a. 22,500
b. 8,050
c. 102,000
d. 11,550
4.What is the allowable MAXIMUM TGFA of the expanded residential zone alone in square meters?
choices appeared:
a. 22,500
b. 8,050
c. 102,000
d. 11,550
5.What was the USA of the light industrial zone in its existing/old lot, in square meters?
a. 680
b. 510
c. 820
d. 180
6.What was the ISA of the light industrial zone in its existing/old lot, in square meters?
a. 820
b. 640
c. 1,190
d. 1,830
7.What was the total building footprint in square meters of the buildings at residential zone in its
existing/old lot?
a. 1,280
b. 656
c. 896
d. 1,180

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