Aspects of My Development
Aspects of My Development
Aspects of My Development
- It is the attributes of a
person’s consciousness
and beliefs, including
values and virtues that
guide and put meaning
into a person’s life.
holistic development is a PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT
process of self-actualization and
learning that combines an (Table)
individual’s, physical
(physiological), Mental
(intellectual), social, emotional Identity is the concept of an
(psychological), and spiritual individual about himself and is
growth. often referred to as “self-identity,”
MODULE 3 molded through various interactive
experiences around himself, such
DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES as their family and community, and
his responses in terms of thinking,
Human Development focuses on attitude and behavior to external
human growth and changes across stimuli.
the lifespan, including physical,
Identity is a self-belief of what the teenagers, to become a
individual thinks and feels about responsible adolescent prepared
himself. Roles oftentimes form part for adult life:)
of this self-identity, such as birth
order in the family, the nature of STRESS: NATURE, TYPES, AND
work, occupation or title, and SYMPTOMS
academic and social standing.
Identity is also influenced by how Stress is the body’s responds to
others perceive an individual. anything that makes us feel
threatened or pressured. It is
Role confusion is the negation of caused by any kind of demand, to
self-identity, in a sense that there is which we must adapt, adjust, or
confusion over one’s self-concept respond. It is the body’s automatic
or the absence or lack of such a way of reacting to changes,
concept challenges, and demands placed
on us.
Cognitive growth among
adolescents is usually marked by
the way they are able to Nature of Stress
comprehend abstract concepts, Stress is not a factor that resides in
such as freedom and human rights. the individual or the environment,
Lesson 2: Factors Affecting it is embedded in an ongoing
Period of Adolescence process that involves individuals
transacting with their
1. Generation Gap social
2. Emotional Instability
3. Career Consciousness
4. Treating the Adolescents: Types of Stress
5. Good Literature Physical and Environmental –
6. Socialization: demands that change the state of
our body
Environmental stresses are
aspects of our
surroundings that are often
MODULE 4 unavoidable such as air pollution,
(The following are eight (8) simple
rules which could help you,
Psychological – stresses that we abilities. Feels unpleasant.
generate ourselves in our minds Decreases performance. Can lead
and are to mental and physical problems.
unique to the person experiencing
The long-term effects of stress
Social – These are induced
externally and result from our . Physical. Frequent colds or flu,
interaction with headaches, trouble sleeping,
other people. Social events like muscle tension, skin problems,
death or illness in the family, trouble with digestion
strained relationships,
trouble with neighbors are some Mental. Poor concentration,
examples of social stresses forgetfulness, learning problems,
frequent negative thoughts, speech
MODULE 5 problems.