CAMELIAS - SA1S - Summary

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Project: "LAS CAMELIAS" ETAP Page: 1

Location: BACHAQUERO Date: 06-21-2023
Contract: SN:
Engineer: ING. JOSÉ LUIS COLMENAREZ Revision: Base
Study Case: SC
Filename: LASCAMELIASVARIANTE Config.: Normal

Momentary Duty Summary Report

3-Phase Fault Currents: (Prefault Voltage = 100 % of the Bus Nominal Voltage)

Momentary Device
Bus Device Duty Capability

Symm. X/R Asymm. Asymm. Symm. Asymm. Asymm.

ID kV ID Type kA rms Ratio M.F. kA rms kA Peak kA rms kA rms kA Peak

Bus1 0.480 Bus1 Bus 1.132 2.4 1.074 1.215 2.044

Bus2 13.800 Bus2 Bus 3.727 3.1 1.126 4.196 7.199

Bus3 13.800 Bus3 Bus 2.022 2.2 1.054 2.132 3.535

Bus5 0.480 Bus5 Bus 19.929 6.2 1.315 26.207 45.203

Bus6 13.800 Bus6 Bus 1.993 2.2 1.055 2.103 3.489

Bus7 13.800 Bus7 Bus 3.002 2.2 1.059 3.177 5.287

Bus8 0.480 Bus8 Bus 15.820 6.0 1.302 20.604 35.574

Bus9 0.480 Bus9 Bus 1.130 2.4 1.074 1.213 2.039

Bus11 0.480 Bus11 Panelboard 15.252 6.1 1.311 19.998 34.503

Bus12 0.480 Bus12 Bus 3.636 2.4 1.073 3.903 6.561

Bus13 13.800 Bus13 Bus 2.830 2.1 1.052 2.977 4.925

Bus14 0.480 Bus14 Bus 15.074 6.0 1.304 19.652 33.926

Bus15 0.480 Bus15 Bus 1.869 2.4 1.073 2.005 3.369

Bus16 0.480 Bus16 Bus 15.074 6.0 1.304 19.652 33.926

Bus17 0.480 Bus17 Bus 19.605 5.9 1.302 25.518 44.059

Bus18 13.800 Bus18 Bus 1.986 2.2 1.055 2.095 3.476

Bus19 13.800 Bus19 Bus 2.796 2.1 1.051 2.938 4.857

Bus20 0.480 Bus20 Bus 19.605 5.9 1.302 25.518 44.059

Bus21 0.220 Bus21 Bus 1.825 2.3 1.062 1.937 3.231

Bus22 0.480 Bus22 Bus 20.445 5.9 1.300 26.580 45.899

Bus23 0.480 Bus23 Bus 10.602 2.2 1.059 11.227 18.688

Bus24 13.800 Bus24 Bus 1.502 1.5 1.014 1.523 2.375

Bus25 0.480 Bus25 Bus 10.059 2.2 1.059 10.657 17.746

Bus26 0.480 Bus26 Bus 19.605 5.9 1.302 25.518 44.059

Bus27 0.480 Bus27 Bus 1.108 2.2 1.058 1.173 1.951

Bus28 0.480 Bus28 Bus 1.106 2.2 1.058 1.170 1.947

Bus29 0.480 Bus29 Bus 1.804 2.1 1.050 1.894 3.127

Bus30 0.220 Bus30 Bus 1.778 2.1 1.047 1.862 3.066

Bus31 0.480 Bus31 Bus 3.483 2.4 1.070 3.726 6.250

Linea Corpoelec 13.800 Linea Corpoelec Bus 4.692 18.8 1.559 7.317 12.251

P3 13.800 P3 Bus 1.502 1.5 1.014 1.523 2.375

P8 13.800 P8 Bus 3.727 3.1 1.126 4.196 7.199

Project: "LAS CAMELIAS" ETAP Page: 2
Location: BACHAQUERO Date: 06-21-2023
Contract: SN:
Engineer: ING. JOSÉ LUIS COLMENAREZ Revision: Base
Study Case: SC
Filename: LASCAMELIASVARIANTE Config.: Normal

3-Phase Fault Currents: (Prefault Voltage = 100 % of the Bus Nominal Voltage)

Momentary Device
Bus Device Duty Capability

Symm. X/R Asymm. Asymm. Symm. Asymm. Asymm.

ID kV ID Type kA rms Ratio M.F. kA rms kA Peak kA rms kA rms kA Peak

P10 13.800 P10 Bus 3.002 2.2 1.059 3.177 5.287

P11 13.800 P11 Bus 2.830 2.1 1.052 2.977 4.925

P13 13.800 P13 Bus 2.022 2.2 1.054 2.132 3.535

P18 13.800 P18 Bus 2.015 2.2 1.055 2.126 3.526

P19 13.800 P19 Bus 1.986 2.2 1.055 2.095 3.476

P28 13.800 P28 Bus 1.993 2.2 1.055 2.103 3.489

P30 13.800 P30 Bus 2.796 2.1 1.051 2.938 4.857

- Method: IEEE - X/R is calculated from separate R & X networks.

- Generator protective device duty is calculated based on maximum through fault current. Other protective device duty is calculated based on total fault current.

- The multiplication factors for high voltage circuit-breaker and high voltage bus momentary duty (asymmetrical and crest values) are calculated based on system X/R.

* Indicates a device with momentary duty exceeding the device capability.

Project: "LAS CAMELIAS" ETAP Page: 3
Location: BACHAQUERO Date: 06-21-2023
Contract: SN:
Engineer: ING. JOSÉ LUIS COLMENAREZ Revision: Base
Study Case: SC
Filename: LASCAMELIASVARIANTE Config.: Normal

Interrupting Duty Summary Report

3-Phase Fault Currents: (Prefault Voltage = 100 % of the Bus Nominal Voltage)

Bus Device Interrupting Duty Device Capability

CPT Symm. X/R Adj. Sym. Test Rated Adjusted

ID kV ID Type (Cy) kA rms Ratio M.F. kA rms kV PF Int. Int.
Bus1 0.480 1.132 2.4

Bus2 13.800 FUS-CASONA Fuse 3.727 3.1 1.000 3.727 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

Bus3 13.800 FUS-RACEWAY Fuse 2.022 2.2 1.000 2.022 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

Bus5 0.480 19.929 6.2

Bus6 13.800 1.820 1.8

Bus7 13.800 FUS-ASERRADERO Fuse 3.002 2.2 1.000 3.002 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

Bus8 0.480 15.820 6.0

Bus9 0.480 1.130 2.4

Bus11 0.480 15.252 6.1

Bus12 0.480 3.636 2.4

Bus13 13.800 FUS-CONCRET 1 Fuse 2.830 2.1 1.000 2.830 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

Bus14 0.480 15.074 6.0

Bus15 0.480 1.869 2.4

Bus16 0.480 15.074 6.0

Bus17 0.480 19.605 5.9

Bus18 13.800 1.813 1.8

Bus19 13.800 FUS-CONCRET 2 Fuse 2.796 2.1 1.000 2.796 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

Bus20 0.480 19.605 5.9

Bus21 0.220 1.825 2.3

Bus22 0.480 20.445 5.9

Bus23 0.480 10.602 2.2

Bus24 13.800 FUS-FAB. HIELO Fuse 1.502 1.5 1.000 1.502 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

Bus25 0.480 10.059 2.2

Bus26 0.480 19.605 5.9

Bus27 0.480 1.108 2.2

Bus28 0.480 1.106 2.2

Bus29 0.480 1.804 2.1

Bus30 0.220 1.778 2.1

Bus31 0.480 3.483 2.4

Linea Corpoelec 13.800 FUS-CORPOELEC Fuse 4.692 18.8 1.025 4.809 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

P3 13.800 FUS-FAB. HIELO Fuse 1.502 1.5 1.000 1.502 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

P8 13.800 FUS-CASONA Fuse 3.727 3.1 1.000 3.727 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000
Project: "LAS CAMELIAS" ETAP Page: 4
Location: BACHAQUERO Date: 06-21-2023
Contract: SN:
Engineer: ING. JOSÉ LUIS COLMENAREZ Revision: Base
Study Case: SC
Filename: LASCAMELIASVARIANTE Config.: Normal

3-Phase Fault Currents: (Prefault Voltage = 100 % of the Bus Nominal Voltage)

Bus Device Interrupting Duty Device Capability

CPT Symm. X/R Adj. Sym. Test Rated Adjusted

ID kV ID Type (Cy) kA rms Ratio M.F. kA rms kV PF Int. Int.
P10 13.800 FUS-ASERRADERO Fuse 3.002 2.2 1.000 3.002 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

P11 13.800 FUS-CONCRET 1 Fuse 2.830 2.1 1.000 2.830 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

P13 13.800 FUS-RACEWAY Fuse 2.022 2.2 1.000 2.022 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

P18 13.800 1.840 1.8

P19 13.800 1.813 1.8

P28 13.800 1.820 1.8

P30 13.800 FUS-CONCRET 2 Fuse 2.796 2.1 1.000 2.796 17.000 6.65 14.000 14.000

- Method: IEEE - X/R is calculated from separate R & X networks.

- HV CB interrupting capability is adjusted based on bus nominal voltage.
- Short-circuit multiplying factor for LV Molded Case and Insulated Case Circuit Breakers is calculated based on asymmetrical current.
- Generator protective device duty is calculated based on maximum through fault current. Other protective device duty is calculated based on total fault current.

* Indicates a device with interrupting duty exceeding the device capability

** Indicates that the circuit breaker has been flagged as a generator circuit breaker. However, ETAP could not detect a single path, without a transformer, to the specified generator.
Therefore, this circuit breaker is treated as a regular circuit breaker in short-circuit calculations.
+ The prefault voltage exceeds the rated maximum kV limit of the circuit breaker - The rated interrupting kA must be derated.

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