Jurnal 1
Jurnal 1
Jurnal 1
There is the fact that the students' learning outcome in Applied Physics course related to the application
of the mining industry is unsatisfactory. Based on the results of the final score, the rate of successful
students was only around 40%. Moreover, students' understanding application is also not by the desired
competencies. In this research, a learning model was developed from the Contextual Teaching and Learning
Model (CTL), i.e., DILA model which consists of four syntaxes (Display, Inquiry, Learning Community, and
Authentic Assessment). The effectiveness of the DILA learning model was investigated to improve students’
learning outcomes in the Applied Physics course. This research employed the quasi-experimental design
where the experimental class was treated by DILA model based on Contextual Teaching and Learning;
whereas control class was not treated by the model. Data were obtained from the results of the pre-test
and post-test scores; then it was analyzed by a parametric with an independent t-test, related t-test, and the
effect size. The results indicate that there was a significant increase in students’ learning outcomes in the
experimental class compared to the control class. In conclusion, DILA model can improve students’ learning
outcomes in the Applied Physics course effectively.
Hasil belajar Fisika Terapan yang diperoleh mahasiswa yang terlihat dari nilai akhir semester dan penerapan
pada industri pertambangan pada umumnya tidak memuaskan. Tingkat kelulusan mahasiswa hanya sekitar
40%. Sehingga pemahaman mahasiswa dalam penerapannya juga tidak sesuai dengan kompetensi
yang diinginkan. Model DILA merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dari Model
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Model DILA terdiri atas empat sintaks yaitu: Display, Inquiry,
Learning Community, dan Authenthic Assessment. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengukur efektifitas Model
Pembelajaran DILA guna meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada matakuliah Fisika Terapan. Penelitian
ini merupakan quasi eksperiment dimana kelas eksperimen diberikan pembelajaran dengan Model DILA
berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning. Data diperoleh dari hasil pre-test dan post-test dan diolah
secara parametric dengan t test sample independent dan t test related serta effect sizenya. Hasil penelitian
ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran DILA yang diterapkan pada matakuliah Fisika Terapan di
Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan adalah efektif. Ini berarti model Pembelajaran DILA dapat meningkatkan
hasil belajar mahasiswa pada matakuliah Fisika Terapan.
Keywords: Applied Physics Course; Contextual Teaching; Learning; DILA Learning Model; Students’
Learning Outcomes
science where Applied Physics is a basic cour- studied. The change from TCL to SCL in App-
se in science engineering. As an applied study, lied Physics learning indeed requires proper
the integration of theory and application is nee- planning such as by developing a model to
ded to improve students’ skills. There are diffe- achieve meaningful learning goals.
rences in the example of use in Applied Phy- In this study, DILA model which consists
sics learning among the Department of Mining of four syntaxes, i.e., Display, Inquiry, Learning
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electri- Community, and Authentic Assessment (Fadhi-
cal Engineering, and Civil Engineering majors. lah, Mawardi, & Ridwan, 2017) was employed
In some higher education institutions, to help the transformation of TCL to SCL as the
Applied Physics learning usually provides a development of contextual teaching and lear-
general example of application. Therefore, the ning (CTL). This model aims to provide contex-
skills of students related to the study field are tual learning following the expected expertise.
difficult to obtain optimum results. Regarding For example, in Applied Physics subjects for
this problem, the contextual teaching and lear- Mining Engineering, the learning will be con-
ning as a learning concept can help teachers to ducted by the application in the mining industry.
integrate the study material with the phenome- In the DILA model, the principle of
na and situations in the environment. This lear- constructivism can be seen at the display sta-
ning model can encourage students to make ge. Students build their knowledge from the
connections between their knowledge and app- knowledge they have by paying attention to the
lication in their lives as a member of the family video application of the material in the mining
and community (Johnson, 2014). industry. The principles of inquiry, questioning
In Indonesia, the contextual teaching and modeling are summarized in the Inquiry
and learning (CTL) model have seven basic stage. Students find concepts about the ma-
principles, i.e., constructivism, inquiry, questio- terial to learn by asking questions, conducting
ning, learning community, modeling, reflection, experiments and answering questions. The
and authentic assessment (Rusman, 2014). principle of the learning community is in line
CTL does not have its own syntax in its imple- with the stages of a learning community which
mentation and with various strategies such as is in the model development syntax. The prin-
“RANGKA” which stands for Rumuskan (For- ciple of reflection is incorporated into the lear-
mulate), Amati (Observe), Nyatakan (Express), ning community because students respond to
Gabungkan (Combine), Komunikasikan (Com- what they learn through discussion in solving
municate), and Amalkan (Practice) (Suryawati, problems. The authentic assessment principle
Osman,& Meerah, 2010); and REACT which is applied completely in the last stage of this
stands for Relating, Experiencing, Applying, development model syntax.
Cooperating, and Transferring (Crawford, DILA model has strengths compared to
2001). the development of other CTL models such as
Based on the Standard of Learning Pro- RANGKA and REACT. DILA model has simp-
cess by Ministry of Research, Technology, and lified syntax in describing the seven principles
Higher Education (Permenristekdikti) Article 10 of the CTL learning model; students can imme-
Number 44 Year 2015, the characteristics of diately see the application of the material con-
the learning process include interactive, holis- textually at the display and authentic assess-
tic, integrative, scientific, contextual, thematic, ment stages.
effective, collaborative, and student-centered Therefore, theoretically, DILA model is
learning (Sutrisno & Suyadi, 2015). Standard very suitable for the applied science subject
of Learning Process by Ministry of Research, learning. The effectiveness of the DILA mo-
Technology, and Higher Education (Permen- del in Applied Physics course in the Mining
ristekdikti) Article 10 Number 44 Year 2015 Engineering Department to improve students’
suggests a shift in the paradigm of the learning learning outcomes was investigated in this re-
system, from teacher-centered learning (TCL) search.
to student-centered learning (SCL). Therefore,
CTL is a suitable model to use in the learning METHOD
The fact that Applied Physics learning is The research employed a quasi-experi-
more TCL than SCL, and students have diffi- mental with pre-test and posttest design (Cres-
culties with the application of Applied Physics well, 2012) which was conducted in the D3 Mi-
material in the Mining industry is exciting to be ning Engineering study program at the Faculty
48 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 15 (1) (2019) 46-51
of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, front of the class. This demonstration could be
Indonesia. The subject of this study was the 50 obtained through the internet or personal ideas
students enrolled in the Applied Physics course from reading the learning material. Then some
with 16 times of meeting. DILA learning model concepts from the material were obtained from
was applied in the experimental class whereas this demonstration. The demonstration was
the control class experienced general teaching carried out by students who have been notified
and learning model by lecture. The students’ one week before learning was given. Students
learning outcomes between experimental and were given the subject topic to be discussed in
control classes were measured, and the effec- the following week of the meeting. Then, the
tiveness of the model was determined. Also, students were asked to demonstrate the mate-
the assessment of learning outcomes was also rial for the next week according to the learning
based on the results of the midterm exam, final experience they have.
exam, and practicum. At the Learning Community stage, the
Data were obtained from the score of lecturer and students concluded the learning
pre-test and post-test in the experimental and material and students were divided into several
control classes. The pre-test was given at the groups to solve problems regarding learning
beginning of Applied Physics learning, while materials related to the mining industry. Ques-
the post-test was performed at the end of the tions were given during lectures according to
lecture. the lecturer guidance. Students were allowed
Then, data of pre-test and post-test re- to collaborate in solving problems. The experi-
sults were processed using SPSS version 16. mental class consisted of 31 students, and it
The homogeneity and normality of research was divided into 10 groups.
subject are necessary to carry out t-test. The In the Authentic Assessment stage,
homogeneous requirements can be fulfilled if the lecturer assessed the cognitive, affective
Fvalue < Ftable. The t-test performed an indepen- and psychomotor abilities of students by giv-
dent sample t-test (Beins & Carthy. 2012). The ing tests for cognitive aspect, filling observation
results of T-test were significant if tvalue < ttable at instruments for affective aspect, psychomotor
p 0.05. assessment, and filling out assessment rubrics
The pre-test was conducted in both for project assignments. The cognitive aspect
classes to measure the initial concept mastery was measured by answering post-test ques-
of students. In case both classes have the ho- tions (30 objective questions that have been
mogeneous variant and normal, as well as the tested first). All of these questions represent
same initial ability (proven by the t-test), then Bloom taxonomy by the cognitive domain.
both classes can be divided as the control class A post-test was given to both classes af-
and the experimental class. The control class ter 16 meetings on the lecture. The same ques-
was given the conventional learning of Applied tion item was given to the experimental class
Physics, where the learning was conducted in with the control class, regarding all the material
a lecture, and the determination of student abil- that has given for one semester. The post-test
ity was based on the results of student exami- results were also calculated for normality and
nations. The experimental class was treated homogeneity. Then, the t-test was carried out.
by DILA learning model with display, inquiry,
learning community, and authentic assessment RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
In the Display stage, the lecturer ex- The control class with 19 students sho-
plained the learning outcome and learning wed the average pre-test score (M) at 29.26
achievement indicators, and then displayed the with a standard deviation (SD) 9.24. The ex-
video application material in the mining industry perimental class with 31 students showed a
related to the material to be studied. Students pre-test score average at 29.80 and SD 11.02
observed and built their knowledge by associ- (Table 1).
ating the video with their knowledge. The results of the pretest were analyzed
In the Inquiry stage, the lecturer de- to determine the normality and homogeneity of
livered questions to students about the video both classes and to examine whether the initial
that was played with the material to be studied. abilities of students in the two classes were the
Students found the concept of learning mate- same or not. Both classes showed that norma-
rial. Moreover, students demonstrated their un- lity > 0.05 indicates that it was normal. There-
derstanding related to the learning material in fore, homogeneity tests could be carried out.
Fadhilah, Z. M. Effendi, Ridwan, M. Alias - Effectiveness of DILA Learning Model Applica- 49
The homogeneity test showed Fvalue < F value of 2.18 indicates the significant differen-
meaning that the two classes have homo- ce in the effect of the DILA learning model on
geneous variances. After both classes were ca- students’ learning outcomes (Table 3). N rep-
tegorized as normal and homogeneous, then resents the number of samples, M shows the
the t-test was carried out. The result of the t- average value, SD is the standard deviation, t
test showed tvalue < ttable. Therefore, both classes shows the results of t and d test shows the va-
significantly have the same initial ability. lue of effect size.
Effect Size (d) was calculated to see Overall, the results of this research in-
how much influence the treatment given to the dicate the effectiveness of the DILA Learning
experimental class. The criteria proposed by Model in learning Applied Physics. Each syntax
Cohen about the size of the effect size are as in the DILA model is by the existing learning
bellow (Beins & Carthy, 2012:191): theory, especially to information processing
0 < d < 0.2 Small Effect theory. In this research, the stage of Display
0.2 < d < 0.8 Medium Effect learning, the learning step includes the lecturer
d > 0.8 Large Effect explanation on the syllabus, learning outcomes
The post-test results were analyzed to and indicators of learning achievement. Then,
determine the normality and homogeneity of the lecturer displayed a video about the ap-
classes to allow in performing a significant test. plication of learning material in the mining in-
The normality test was carried out with SPSS dustry. It was expected that by watching this
version 16 using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. video, students could associate the knowledge
Both classes showed values > 0.05 indicating they have obtained with the application shown.
a normal distribution. The homogeneity test By the theory of cognitive information pro-
showed Fvalue < Ftable thus two classes have cessing, Muijs & Reynolds (2008) stated that
homogeneous variances. After these normal stimuli could be obtained from the senses of
and homogeneous conditions are matched, an sight, hearing or other senses. It will provide
independent sample t-test can be performed initial perceptions that will be stored and pro-
(Beins & Carthy. 2012). The results of the t-test cessed according to the existing knowledge.
showed tvalue > ttable indicating differences in the Early knowledge in teaching helps students
acquisition of learning outcomes significantly to build the bridges for connecting between
with p 0.05. Effect size (d) 0.82 meaning that new knowledge and existing knowledge. The
this difference has a large effect on learning results of the study by Amin, Kamaruddin, Ah-
outcomes between the control class and the mad, & Alias, 2011 stated that the application of
experimental class (Table 2). The effect of gi- contextual videos for learning is more effective
ving treatment to the experimental class was than learning without video.
noticed from the difference between the results The stage of inquiry learning involves
of the pre-test and the post-test results. The t- students to think critically and creatively. In this
test of sample related (Beins & Carthy, 2012) strategy, the lecturer gave questions related to
was used to see the effect of the DILA learning the video that was played; then students could
model application in Applied Physics course on find a connection with the material to be stu-
students’ learning outcomes. died. The following step, students demonstra-
The results of data analysis showed tva- ted the experiment by the material and the
> ttable
where the administration of treatment lecturer provided an opportunity for students to
caused a very significant increase in learning develop their ideas to find concepts in learning
outcomes by 36.9 points. Effect size (d) with a material.
50 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 15 (1) (2019) 46-51
Learning is a process of thinking (Wina, tinuous process and learning outcomes that
2006). At the inquiry stage, students were as- reflect students’ abilities when the learning
ked and conducted experiments by the lear- process takes place. Authentic assessment is
ning material. According to Brunner (Warsita, a form of assessment that requires students to
2008), a person’s cognitive development oc- carry out real-world tasks that show a meaning-
curs through active, iconic and symbolic sta- ful application of an essential knowledge or skill
ges. Abdi (2014) carried a study by providing (Ismet & Hariyanto, 2014).
inquiry-based learning in the experimental The DILA learning model has simple
class. Learning outcomes in the experimen- syntaxes and can produce meaningful lear-
tal class were higher than the control class. ning because it is based on CTL. CTL motiva-
Sinuraya (2016) also carried out inquiry-ori- tes students to make correlation and relation
ented in General Physics learning. The results that express meaning. Alfred North Whitehead
of the study prove that inquiry-oriented learning states that the child must make it (their ideas)
increased learning outcomes. Almuntasheri, their own and must understand its application
Gillies, & Wrightl (2016) conducted a guided in real-life situations at the same time (John-
inquiry in learning about density. Students who son, 2014).
have guided inquiry learning could understand Based on the description of the learn-
concepts and explain density concepts better ing steps, the DILA model is very close to the
than students who did not experience a guided scientific approach with the goals of the 2013
inquiry. The results of the study by Fayakun & curriculum. Scientific approach is a learning
Joko (2015) using the method of predict, ob- process designed to make students actively
serve, explain (POE) as a learning method with construct concepts, laws or principles through
the three main steps of the scientific method as the stages of observing (to identify or find prob-
the key to the inquiry stage of CTL showed that lems), formulate problems, submit or formulate
it improved students’ high-level thinking skills. hypotheses, collect data with various techni-
The stages of learning community sti- ques, analyze data, draw conclusions and
mulated the students to work in teams. The communicate concepts, laws or principles that
learning step in realizing this strategy was; are ”discovered”. In addition to providing phy-
lecturers divided students into heterogeneous sics learning in the form of theory, the teach-
groups, and they concluded about the material er also has to teach how to discover science
that had been studied. Lecturers gave the as- scientifically (Kabil, 2015).
signments that were completed in groups. At The scientific approach generally con-
the end of the lecture, each of these groups tains a series of data collection activities
presented their project assignments by the ma- through observation and experimentation, pro-
terial provided. In correlation with the mining cessing information or data, analyzing, then
industry, collaboration in teams are necessary. formulating, and testing hypotheses (Mudlo-
Solid teamwork will give good results of work. fir & Rusyidah, 2016). The syntax in the DILA
At this stage, students collaborated to apply learning model is in line with the learning steps
teaching materials to solve problems. By this using this scientific approach.
method, students were more open with their fri- One example the DILA model application
ends in solving problems (Panitz,1999). Gregor is in learning material on Magnitude and Units.
(1992), Laal (2012) stated that collaborative Teachers can display videos about the activi-
learning involves joint intellectual endeavors by ties of excavating and filling the dump truck by
students, or students and teachers together in excavators. Students will think about how to
discussion, creation, and decision making. determine the number of excavator buckets to
The stages of learning authentic as- fill one dump truck. Then demonstrate about
sessment are manifestations of learning as- measuring a box. They see that measurement
sessment standards that have one of authentic is always followed by uncertainty. After kno-
principle (Permenristekdikti No. 44 Year 2015 wing the size of the box, they calculate the
Article 20). Assessment is oriented to a con- volume. Here they understand how to convert
Fadhilah, Z. M. Effendi, Ridwan, M. Alias - Effectiveness of DILA Learning Model Applica- 51
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