Thought Of: Political Lnayatuli, Ah Khan Mashnqt
Thought Of: Political Lnayatuli, Ah Khan Mashnqt
Thought Of: Political Lnayatuli, Ah Khan Mashnqt
I ."i..''
;" ci"" j
t e.t.9
{'J 3J----a I'
l" l1l 't] nL r4tll '
I hercby declare thal this th.sts is the results of ,rU tndiltdual
,search old that ls has aot been abnitud cona nenl$ to arOt ott@r
dee$i,tlor any other &gree
: ..:"i
P o$ct ;"
Introducilo! I
ciapt.! I
cDrp€.r II
r|l|r rhtur.: r..Ddqt,r roErC_vld a3
Chapt.! III
Tazkirhr, vot
i r""' f
PurpoEe of Inquiry
This srudy 5eek5 ro pieEent a sysre@lic Ereat@nr of
political ideas of rndyarutlah Khan, ber.e, eom as Ma6hliqi,
ha6 eirher been ignoled o! Eu@rtly rleatsed
by Echotais con.e!.ed
vlrh Mustim poticical rhoughE in hdla be.seen the cwo kolld
Mash.iqi {as born in 1330 ln a atisrlicr of rhe EasEern
no, in Jndia. He proved hiGelf a. a pelson ot greaE
porer fiisE as a;Etudenr ar rhe uni€rsily of punjab,
Lahole, lhen
ar lhe canblidge untversiry in England aad larer, in 1924,
as Ehe
aulhor of an idporcant book namety Tazktrahlr fhe
ta2kilah rried !o
shoo t.tan !o be rrhe 6o6c auccesslul and univelsa1
plinci91e of
nalion bu ding.. - - rhe infillible and dtwina"2,
foregh.dowing 'a hea\.y programe of acEion and
nacio! buildirglj,
({hen Mashriqi founded
bis rhaksar !4ovemenr (!iterarly, .dusc_rike,)
rr r93r, he sas describeal as ittle onty potirical leader
in India,
,ho had iar exceprionaUy blilri,arE academic
Belole his ptunge into hdian policics dashltqi
had fofrulaled
hrE poliEical philosophi ald *as kno,n fo!.hls views
in rhe
Ta:ki.ah and arso his rshalar which wa6 pubtished
in 1931rj. The
I(hak6ar rlove@nE grew tnro an orgdizarion
,ich 6eve.a1 rhorsand6
ol devoled and disciplineat pelEotrs ready co obey
rhe olatels o!
lelevaDE supelior., even at lhe .o€t of
rheir lives, Ttte rcvemenE
a good name fo! irs gociar sewice activiries aod lor
Ehe physical ricne.s a'.r nr"o *J.r .n...."., o, ftE rembe!.. as a
Muslimlevivatis! novenenr rhe Khaksars cane.1trro confticr,ith rh€
Aricish India govelrhenE, were bahed, anat aEhriqi ,a6 puE in
ja . He Bas ilreftirrenrly jalte<t in pakiEcan as ,elt, during
shich ci@ he callied on his inleti6cEual wo!k, rn connecrion,rrh
6ome of rhe sork durtng rhe inpll6onmenr in rakisran,
Mashliqi ,as
hailed by a foleigi co@nCaro!, ifo! Ehe generous vara.rrcy of his
idecs and rhe amplilu<te ot his appear-6.
when paki6Ean movemen! gre, qulre srlong, Mashfiqi devi6ed and
propagared a of a corporaEls! conEricution on rhe basj.s of
qirh 30t 6eac5 lesetued fo! :he.poo! sirhin eacb ralga
comuntty, IL
'as opriona] fo! a provirce Eo beco@ indep:ndenr
arrer an experimenral period of keeping rndia uniEed fo! len years.
Buc he incuted rhe animosiCy of bolh tle hdian
Nariolal Congless
a.d Ehe rlustim
Leagle. Ee took Ehe posiEion rhar Euiopean
alemocracy neitsher suired arundivi<leat
rwo prcposed
dominiotrs vbich ,ould co@ inEo €xisCence after rhe envlsaqed
Pa*irion of the sub,conridenr. se aigued rhar each nev dfrinio.
,ould .ohe unde! rhe dominance oa one of Ehe.poliCical parEies,
namery congress in rndia and Mu.ttm League ir pakisran.
8e lhougbt
che !tro ve.e eliris! in naEure. thelr @@e!s
devoid ot qlatiries
oa senice !o che cffiuniEy or belief rn nu@n drgnrly.
rn his
opinion, rhe parEies wele ,anilnq i, qualiries absolurely
for escabtishtng volchrhile poliEieE. asnriqi,s opposiEion ro
Ieadership of rhe t'o palries atrcEE Eeaied hi6
faEe as a 1:ade!,
and also of his potirical ideas.
Nor'i,rhsrand1ng his achievfrenrs in lhe incefl€clual and
socio-lolitica1 field€, no eolrhrhite acad6mic,volk has been done
o. Mashriql. l{hatseve! IiEeraEure has core ouc of tshe pen of !on-
&haEsa!r!r,re!s doe6 noc @ke use of i{a6hriqi,s wririnss, Even 60,
'ifaEional,, ,anrl-dehocfaric, and .aascis!,? Leaning5 have been
tfrpured !o Ma6h!1q1 on rhe basl6 of celLain o! lhe posirions ne
took in active poliric.. Art rhis virhour prope! alpreciation of
such po6iEions and,iEhouc.eferenc€ ro r.tashriqi.s e1?1iciE wiels
Do lhe conElary regardlng such lnpularions.
?llere i5 need ro undeltake a fut,l_scale Ecudy ro highlight cbe
political of a scienriet-inreflecrual.rho ,as, a6 noEed
hailed as the onry poliEicat Leade! of India {ho had
rhe dietincrlon or having ran exceptionatly bli11ianr academi.
enphasi.estrhe nocion of @ a3 vl.egere.r of God .id prowides
ba6is fo! Ehe asseliion oa laEionaliry in pubric aftair$, de,
emphasizing parricutarisiic artlrudes, such artirudes
consideled as
agalnsr polMcal develop@n!. ar the same lime tlashriqi !:gards
letigion a3 rhe "viraf pait oa rhe Erlaign! paEh. Fo. rhe Eurvivar
of a naEion, 1!' i3 essenrial thar rhe chalacEer ot rcs indiwiduals
should be pacrerned as fa! a5 posgible on rna characEe!
of rhe
Desrgner of (he u^rver6e'16,
pakistan ha6 tagg€d behln.t in socio-econonic
uashriqi was a €cieniisE and hld gtven corgide.abte lhough! nor
only Eo Eechnology bur atso ro organizaEion or ecoromic acElviEy
a Gnne! which courd coDElibule ro rbe esr+li.hnenr of
efficient, jusr effecEir econdlc sy6ren37: lxdiGrio! of rhe
p.emises of lashriqi,6 ldeas itr thls rield could conrribur€ to
beErer ulaterstandiDg of ploblec ot iterel,olnenc. uashriqi provides
a mo.te1 of socio-economic change rhich is based on rsra(ic ncrions
an.t repiesenEs an alrelnatlve Eo levelaI hoitets which have been
advan.ed by keslarn rlirers on rbe €ubjecr38. Mashliqi ,as crirical
of Ehe tsragnanr Eas!, Eo whom ,,che 1men6e wolkhouse of Narule is
ess,pnriarry pulpo6e1ess and fal.er39. lhing in ecrnofric
The basic
and soctal developmenr ras acquisiLton of knowredge of narure. No
nation could develop economicrlly wlEhouc conquesc of forces of
narure. $irh such change ln arricude Eorarat! natule and cons.quenc
nobili2arion of Eh€ narion as a rhote, olganlzaEron tor ec.nonic
develop@nr courd be erfecred in a ju6t @nne!, teading ro maidun
efficiency_ plim facie, sru(ry of ti{ashliqi,s ideas can help look ar
Pakisran,s PoliEico-con6rtrurionat and socio,econmic p!ob1:ms io
a re'arding Enner,
Revier of Litselatule:
tn our srare@lr of rhe ploblem se :ndicared Ehar no
worchwhile scholalty wolk ha6 been atone on.Mashliqi.
This should
rhe fact Eha! 6ome vo!k, lhough parchy and loi much
scholarlyi has been don€. A levtew of lne sane does poinr
cerEau issues *hich should be lulty consideled iD a sysE.EEic
srualy of Ma.hiiqi,6 porirical thoughr. Belole embalking
upon such
a revievi a poin! musE be noced ard i! lernrorces our conrenrion
Ehar Hollh,hire ,ork on Mashrj.qt has yec Eo De udelraken. T.he
poinr. is abour mission of Ma6hriqi frd scholarty ,o!k6 uherei!
one would have expecced aore discusBlon of his conrliburiotr. Anong
llaEh!iqi,a conEemporalIes Mran Fazl-i_Itus.ain,s piarv and Nores
rhlch itoeE cove! rhe pellod berweetr Aprit 1930 and end of 1936
mkes no meDlton of r.taghriqi o, his Khaksar Movemenr in Bplre of
che faet tha! Masiid Shahoed eant,s case (invotving confticring
claims about righr of po66ession berfeen Muslims and sitls in
IJahole) is @.cioneal4o; l,rastrriqi and FazI-j,:Sussain boeh sere
lesrdenls of rhe sahe .rcy, Lahole.
Sevelal othe! authols in Ehe fleld of Sourh Asian stuatles have
ei,Eher maate raDgenrial renrionr o! have alcogerne! agloled nashliqi
in thei! flirings. Arcng Euch aurbols is s.M_ Iklam who, atep:nding
upon an anonymously publ1.hed ro!k, .rtmah paces An Assassin4l, and
upon Canpbel l - \tohison, 5 p.rsoral idlPlessions in his Missidn virh
I't6pnlbar ren{ 2
, Ebo occasions on whrch ouaid,i-Azan
Jj,nnah is said !o by .Mash!iqi,6 @n,43, Ikram
have been acrackoat
fails Eo poinE ouE tha! a court of lar did ndr find rhe a.cused
person a .!'ashrrqi,s En,, and rhaE canpbertirohq6on,s obses:!ions
uere based on a police repo*... o",,.-i.ql rr*,u, *r". onu
cangenr:aI lereren.e. and tko enEries under che qoror
'Mashriqi, and trGaksa!6, are nor tlaceabte io bis book.
t(.8. Sayeed, in his
che rhaksars twice, both times !:ngenrialty. Once lGaksrrr are
n€nLioned along ,ich Ahr:rs. bolh of rhd had been prea.hinq,
dulrng 1930,s, ro Ehe Mu8lim loIk Char El€y could regain po?e! j.n
India if rhey becahe good rtu61im6, The comes uD in
.,*- 15
che ]elrerrhelltrroEes !!m si. FlatrciE Mudie, covedo! of lhe punjab
in 1943i r€Doltilg ro rhe Quaid-i_azan Jiua!, chaE anri_governmelE
stogans in lahore leflecred genuiDe feelirg6 on rhe parr of lhe
public rarhe! rhan sinpty beilg @chinarions of xruksars againsr
Ehe Punjab govem@ntas.
one of Aziz Ah@d,s book6 calrtes Ehe rIEi rslani. Modelnism
-rgsr46, but rr Mke6 no menrion srche!
of l.lashriqi o! hi5 book, Tazkir:h, fo! ehich chere had bee! froves
for conFlatelation fo! Nobel plize in 1tr€!aEu!e. Noo! Ahmd 1n his
w47, wonaers abouc moriwes of
rhar he desclibes rhe trhaksa! or6up, in their acEeq)t Eo di,srurb
ehe meeEing of rhe Mu61jfr leagle vhich,as
the 3rd.rune
Ptan envi5aging creaElon of pakiECan as a separa!e sra!.. Tbe
book's edico!, craig Baxre!, noces in tshe Elansfareal velslod
adwers€ c@nr Ha6 Ma.hriqi,E rcE@lr ro pr4surize I!<tia tulally
ro give up her hold on t€EbEi! shich t{ashltqi thought would be in
of rhe p.ople of both rDdia and pakisEan_
,rcng iru6lin schoraB, uash!1qi,6 aueged uleasoiabLedess
been 6rared tn a @ie sophl.Eiaaced Gee!. sore, !o, exahple, have
rhoughE ic iunlealiBctc,, on Ehe
lair of xa6h!1qi tso have Dur an
oppo6rtlon to che ituslih r,eague, palEicularty during
lhe peliod
'hen rhe aliti6h had accepred che |,rugtih deMnd for pakisla65
soc pakisEani schotals consider t! against leasonaltenes€ on rhe
palr of Ma6hriqi not ro have fulty suppolleit rhe Mu6lim
destinaEion, heloteEsness,
filthineEs ard their Eattels,
cleally indlcare rhar, whateve!
rhe leader. of Chis
v:er, :g trsdlr,universals
;ft .,:9.3::,","""",i:T,o^.rEvoruriom-ry trg !i
ffiffi ,"+,*#g&:li*,+*"":"':"::r
!I:l:T!:9r. snnd"t:-ra-t
tepresenrar.rves or i.a r.iou!
.eri.".a tn rshriaq *,@a,
H:*::"":j.:1",:g.?resr;.ia fris#
Frances prnLer rp,urr.i.."i,'iiiiiil
Rah@n, op.ciE; p.
Mashliqi, tazkilab, vol, 1, !as6im.
Iluci e-n !t'..pye, cdnmnicaEion. ,nd
:l:..::::::),. political
f::+::g!!: Joseph rrparonbalal ed. Bureavclacy and por!!icar
9:::::pTg:1_*"!:*. p. r{ard and Danr.warL A. Ru;Eor. porir!;;.
E+{:r+4+r++g!+js9!p€"", Ja@. S,ColeDn, ed;
"I\ift; Lucien fl. P,ye and a,
l::.:1, Fp:lgryi::.
and Poliri.,l 9ld M1d-rGt.",,
pe ve r oonen i.
iii i::iilll::"{riJ*"x:"
u!e+--.Y!rrl.E4r-!€!slap!er! ExiEt: c"mrari.n ir ora aic:r:"
3:;:::i'",['"'j" *e. ;;;;;;;;;;;i
;ff j:;l"il"#?l,Ii"T;f '*liL"f i,."":',-'#*,.oo;:l:;.":;,
Il:I".jlli.f. (hil e) -.r"rdshfiqi, cod. Man anc unive"re. .rcns
rPawarplndi : Akh!JUa! Pubrrcacion".
:{ffi ,,";:::::rr**"'"
ciE; p 2e and Mashliqi' God Mrn a'd
Hii::::: .il|iii";.
This is .he geneiat Eelor ot Mashligi, s thoughE,
reflecred in alle consL1iuri o of Frpe Indir 1946 Ac rl,rhor-.
Idara !.al inlah, 19a5)
Dis.iple and son i1-tau of Mashliqi, Al(hcar Hadeed yhan, h"s
lepure Eo! hi6 ComitI6 Model, o! !ula
oFweropmenr, AB rr!sE direcror of Rurat Developren. Academy d1
comrrra, EasE-pakisre (now Banglade.h), lGan evotved a m;d.:
and, iher€by, irplovins rhe srandard ad qiarj,cy or tire oL
1i..-a'"r a p:9pr" an9 !ii) esrablishment -ot a-proce:,s tor
ensurrng more equiiable
benefils. see pdiis Andreoudrsc!ibuLion o! the inclerenral
and Ahmed chaui, .The .c)mrtld
Mode| and Rural DevelopmenE .in Banqlcdesh, " J0tJ_EDdI___9-l
AdministraEion overseas, ig tr.grst, zro-_
33, For a levlev of resEern Alejanitro porEes,
'Nacional Developmen! | Theo!ieg and Issues,!, Arertcan Jotrrnat Ot:
s..ior6qv, 32 119?6), 5s-35.
" iiilllSl:;, jlqff"" c'p ciL; p 2? Arso cad M,n and
:L3ho:e: pesearch so. j ery-;?_F;Fffi;:-ffi eat; waheeat lbmad
*ll::.,^,1"':!__o-.-1". rk;;;.,-;;;-;;;,.;:, :T"lj:
l*X:,"^',\I 1e.13,
As3assin _--^ri;"\.1-;;d;"i:
rpr : xara*,i, J.d:iil,#= ":;
i3;.,tlil,.i"TB??11-".hnsoni MtBsion wirh M6unrbaften (L.ndon,
4r. Ikran, op.cir, p.45s.
4;- Campbell-Johr6on, op. .ic, pp.115,115.
45. rhalrd Brn Sayeed,
rx*""ti, o*rf i iri'ri,!l'"'ffi?""., ,^ffi
43. 1btd., p.214.
.re rr.{u4shi,ewFor)
s0. Qureshi, The Sctuqqte for pakisEan, op,c1!,
ii;"?!l t, ii""il' si! sved se rdbar rdk (rn u!du) ,Lahore Eook
Neha, prrme
rrhes, 22 |ray,Minr6cer
of India, repolced in Ehe pakisran
Fo! a brief Hu6sarn, op.crE. pp.226-227.
l.i. ji1,111'1ct^"r- 11.i.*har naider Marik,
f i?:;::'."1"!:f ,
77 Jalal, op.cir., fn
sounaat ion, .r gie rl-EEi
!."iiTHi,.i1i ", #,"i:
Annemalie schimeL
. P .r. Bntt, 19Bo),
, cambriage univers-t-F;;;iif
, op.cit., pp.5?-70,
Mashliqi, rsha;ar, op. ciE.
I!ilI.Fl""33*#Ri--Eii. (1s3s, 4r r, Raw6rplndi : Falcsh-e_
i:i".:*i"ri; F!,ri1. r vor". (,pr.. I,ahole : rdala ra.ri@!_e,
93 xashriqi, !E
9a. li.tbrlEl, l$liulb (t9ao. : r.ros6_.-tu1.r
rblldatrd, r.d.).
uuhamd, is ssi<t !o have enbraced rslas dullng che
,eign o, rtrushal
aripelo! Aurangzeb (161s_1?o?) anat giv€n a ftilitary
lank and a jagi!
j.n curdaspur (arso nov in rhe
hdian pujalt . Theleafrer, four
6u.cesaive generarions oa che ,amlly seweat
urde! various Mughal
lulels ard wele giwn addlEional Ja9ir6. rne. ramity
c1oud6 during iniriar yeals of Siklh
are..Hotreve!, unde! Ranjir
Singh (1307-1841), rhe fafri1), Bucc€eded
nor only in se.uling
appoiornenLs bu! also in gecrrng back
rherr ancestlal jagirr.
Mashriqi,5 farhe!, AEa lrulra@d,
{1346_t925) aurholed s:weral
adfrission gives us a bj,g clue ro t4ashliqi, s .stsate o! hind, and
jusrj,ries @! 1@king ar !r!e-1913 coDditioo of uusliN.
almst coincidilg ,lch Ma6b!1g1, s stay in canili<tge, Mus1ift
affails began to take a aellous turn Eowardg de.line. ourEide Ehe
subconrinenL, Iran ca@ unde! llestem influence, rhe consrlrurioct
levolurion o! 1905 nolrich6Eandirg. me octoMn Efilpire beca@ a
larget of che tles!, and valids Buropean pow.rE began co plan 1!E
furrher conque6c/palEitlon ir6 a!ea635. aulgalta seceded f!o! the
Etpire and unate! Bulopean p!e88u!e Tulkey recognt2ed her
Irdependence ln 1909, AbouE rhe sa@ ri@1 fnportaac areas ot
Balkan srarea, like Bosnla dal Heizegdina, fetl ro rhe Ausrlia_
P.ungarydomlnation. arench enteled t orrocco i,n 191r. In Ehe saoe
ye.! Italy lnvaded Libya and annexed Tlipo]i. Mashliqi was scirt
ae cambri<lse qhen, in 19!2, fou! satkat#Ee6, narely, I,ronr.enesro,
at 6.z
serbia. sursariT,
'iEh BliEish connivance, declaled ea! oo Turkey.
In Indla, duiing Ma6hriqi,6 6!ay ar caFblidge, many Musrim
Ieaders came ro hold che view hbats rhey c6u1d not rnsr Ehe
Alirisr! in rheir lesi6Eance again6r possible Hindu atmi6rion36.
Annulcnc of particion of Bengat 1n 1911 fas a scriking insratrce of
the ineffectlvenes. and herplessnes. ot Muslift6 of rhe
rtulthe! fnstslations wele generaa€d by Ehe
Govern@n!'s !efq6a1 Eoe6r.blish a Muslin rhrvelsrry ar Aligarl! and
by Ehe eFotional 6hock of atercllrion of a ho6que, appalenily ro
lacilitate the constocEiotr of a road. rr uas in chi6 aErcsphele
rhar Mashliqi rished Eo wrire abolr rhe decline o! uusllms.
r,4ash.lqi dtd ror wlitse anychins on .Ehe 6urrjecr; his
poscponerenr, it seens, *as occasloned by pulsuir of suitable
6epice. conErary ro young hatians, an|baEaon Eo cmpere fo! rndia,
civ E{-rritiis-iitrelFrrEi Seryice ( job, he joi@d Etre
nerry fouftted Islania coltege, pesbarar, as vice plincipal and
plotesso! or Marh@rica(41). alrer sefrlnq iitu,.,
lhe Educario! DepalE@nrl6esice, he evenru.atty accepred rhe
Headcsrer6hip of Cowern@nE tjigh Schoot, peshavar. JusL four days
berole Mashriqi rooJ. ove! his nes Job, cne Musric obsered rhe
KtiilafaE{caliphate) day on 1? occobe, 1919, ,iE}1 the su6pension of
buE1ne6s, fasrins and Flayels, He wa. synparheric,iErr
rhe Oiitafa!
movedelE leadership
but he only saLched lhe move@nE, rteenrv3?. se
arso obseeed rhe enrhusiass as retl as rhe end, ,hich ,as
foitless. An offshooEof rhe rhitafar ras lne Hiirar {ftigreEior!)
@!'emenr, glEn call ro by leltgi@s leadeis Ehat tluslihs
noa rrve under infidet, aliclsh a1e, Hund!€ds
df fanities sotd Ehe properfy cheapry, serLred up Ehei! xorrdly aiLdrrs,
!hei! trives and chitarlen in ca!!s, and depalled in rbe direcrion
(hyber Dass and Afghanislan. Afghan
aulholiEies stsopped Ehe i.ftux,
Eh€ tid€ of emiglarion ebbed stosly
bu! Ehe loads fofr pesha,ar ro
Kabul va6 sErern ilIrh glave6 of ord men, vomen
and childrei. The
reEulnrng .niglanrs, found theGelves hfreless and pennrless, their
propefty aold ea!1ier only fo! Ehe fitth
of iiE value was i. .he
nanals of oEhers. A aunbe! pelished
Ehlough e*hausEion or
seErled wlch the congless. Any orhe! eay fo! the cleaEion
Paj.tstan {a5 6u!e to lead !o comunat vioterce, bloodshed
and loss
of hu@n fife. Ma6hrlqi,s role ro brlng rhe C6ngleEs aDd rh€
reague EogeEhe! ro regol@ tshe lssue eaE noE shote_healed1y
accepred by eirhe! parcy. Lare!, Ma6hriqi cook quire seriousty rhe
BliEish challenge ro r&ti& leactelship ro
.plepare an asreed
.onsclrurion for lrttia. He seE hiEelf ro che rask and plepaled
constirurion of Free IndiaaT. r.'re consticucion wa6 nis plaifon
dultng lhe 194s eleclIons. rr plovtared fo! a uDiEed hd:a
srjpulaEed a province,B lighr for secession a! any Eine
atier five
years of independelce o! India. ,be!€by, it also proviate<t
lealiza!1on of pakiscan as eell_
Mashliqi disbanded hi6 Khrksar MovedenE in June
pa..rrron and ird€pen tence cane Eo be agreed 'Jhen
upon by rhe r,eague anc
th: Congress; Afre! lhe cleaEion of pakiscan, Mashliqi
Islan League appa.enrly to keep rhe narion ftitiEariry
alerr, B.
spoke againsc coirupcion in che Muslin l]eagle gove
of rbich he jalt in Janua.y 19st and ,as leleared
July 1952. whire in Jail he p.epaled a leccer
ro scienriscs or che
xorldi asktng rhen Eo Eake conlrol of gove!!frenr
in rheir
cornErieg, ser che mnhind on prope! parh
ot plo6pertly and fullher
nu@n evoluiion. During rhe fi:sr half
or 1950s Mashliqi alchored books of poetry and prose, Thlee
books o! poeuy ,ere
pubrished tn 1952. Hadlrb_u1_ouran
iDrelpreLarion of !!e Qulan, ,a5 .lso pub.Lrshed
1n 19s2. Duling lhe
5Os, r.taFhliqi espouged rhe ploblen o!
Kasl@! and ,nremiEcenEly
palr rn d€bar€. o, Fubll. 16s!es dd his speeches u€re
printeat, In 19s?, he wa6 latl€d otr suspiclon o, D!. Xhan sahlb,s
frurder. Be ea6 !ele.6ed fr.h jaj.LLthour Ehe chalge beins
establi6hed, By then t4a.hriqi,. health baat derellolated ald he died
in 196l afcer a proEracEed il1nes6,
Mashriqi,6 original plobtem,as ro explaln the deeline of
]€adlng pore! 1n !h€ wollii. rn rhe eally .enEulies of
rhei! hisroly, Muslim6 gained phetro@nat aEce(tancy.
Thei! living
Faith i! rhe Untry of cod and p!a.!ice o! orhe!
Frinciples .t rhe
d..alogle inhelent in Euch faith, resulceat iD rhe expanslo! of
Isran. HIrh codly aclion3 of rbeig nemberg ot rhe ealIy rslanic
comu.rcy atlracred peoples of orhe, !ace. and countlies !o cod,s
cssage creaclng condiEions lor the unifi..ri,ot ot Enkird.
Ar one
!1he, r4uslin tute spaDned Ehe chlee gleac conErnen!6 of Asia.
Atrica an<t Europe. By lhe beginntng of lne cuenlteEh cenrury
had 'been caughc in a volcexfconEinuing dectine ... dlaggins
lhenselves !o urler allihilation and cercain areaEh.48.
Id .cudyirg rhe Muslis decrine, .shliqi genelalizes rhe
problenr he does noi look .inply ar ihe
ot Muslih pou:!. 6e
ra*es into accounr all Darions 0t the *o!ld and rheoli2e.
abour rhe
rise and fa1l of any nalion. Indeed, he goe. rulthe!
and lhi.ks in
cefrs oa relaare of hucnlry a6 a,hol€, Tb6 creaE t{a!
had laised rhe quesEioD o! .urival of
unkild as a sp:cies.
r4ashli,qt,s concen!o! che nqnkhd eas Jusriltear i, vie{ of Ehe,a,
toll ,hich shocked all rhlnking people in Ene world. to tira6hri,qi?
anlthilarion ot rhe humn kind seereat co be a dl.rincr po6Eiblliry.
Ir aeeking ro anare! rhe prcbtm so fomlar.d xashliqi Mde use .f
his rlalning. ,te elabolaraat a vie, baseal on
5yrthe.i6 of rerigion and science, borh of ,hich {ere consideled
{eighty folceg in hutb affa1.s. In !e€! of the cbaprer ee
di6cuss tbe ray hd Mashliqi brirg3 leligion untte! sctearific study
by redefining tr in Eem€ of hu@r conitucE relevanr
ro aturable and
plospelous poliEy. This
'i,11 be fou4ed by a di6cus6ion of rhe rbo
sroupa thaE MaEhriqi rhoughr courd bling lbour ch.nge by i.ki4s
hi3 v!.r ot Eligron seliou5ly.
Ret igior, accolding !o ashltqi, vas "rheg!.acesE o! att
i5 Lhat
belj,eved and pracriced in Ehe *olldi49, Ri.tualE,
c::erj,nss, atms, pirg!i@9e6, pr.yere, .dolarions erc,
c:irinuing nyslelies o! leltgious praccj,ces ano cuscons;
rhey rere
Eaken to! gr.nEed by foltoeels ot valious
retigion. plevaten! in
rhe ,ortd. overhelnirg Ejoriry of p€opr. felr no
need !o
uderstand the my6Eery or lhe ongoins lelisious praclice€.
No! onry
but rhe leamed lrd ,jee !l.o pa.ticip.led ia
!!Euala. ,irhour tuch aDalysls. one ald au conEidered
riturls as
a lviEal purpose ot Ehei! lite,. Itriteect, s.ys M:shfiqi:
In-the entir..hi6Eory ot En,s{' betief,
of uhar con.rilure. .n .ccount or hiE !n
ac4esr. and aclion, n.ligion ar""._-rs ;;;;.;sl;;
j\T#:F:liii !"i$.,1x,""1r""1r'*:r,i.i;";i'l"
-unc;a;i;i :
nentage or nan thac everv urarglrbl€, and
tnhere;i rishr ." *";i r ji,,.iil,".
i r"."*'o'Xi'".Sff ,.
Science bad o! a poweltul sociat
Ehe sraru€
lorce duling rbe Dinereen rhe ceulury; uritiralian
apprications or
scienrific kndledg€ leal ro Ehe p&ducc$n or 6uch @gnilicenr
reEults in placEicat Ii!6 as thouBards of stles of railray alack,
mitlionE ot yalds of ctoth, ulislceit BEean powe!, rlon
and sleet
ma.nrnely, dsices fo! in6tsanr cohuoicaiion, ald rotripricaiion or
rnnuherable colveniences fo! the benefit of.DEikind. They all
sttuck rhe i@giErion so lolcibry a. co mal.e any quesrion
of rhe
sct6nri(ic assumprion look tike supei6cltlous ,o11y. t{ashriqi *as
.onvin.ed rhar rirh rhe development of screrrific knorledge
fifr conclu6ion and wele ted !o inew openirgs !o
porer,sI, rr was on che rheoleEical fronE lhar science,a6
mole lelevanr co his pulposesr sclence had besu! to vin consensus
of ever increasing numbe! of people on Mny contesred is6ues.
sclence could creace unanisiEy aB Eo ir6 findinss, i15.crurhs,.
r4a6hrlqt noEed Ehar. iHu@n beinsE ,6!e unanin;us
on che fac!5 of
Glhe@cicsi. The.e ,as, accoldlng even an iola or
differetrce o. ant of irs propositions. kegarding Ehe
findings of
pDysrc., che,hote *o!ld €venruarly b€care
u,animous on rhe orbirat
norion of ch€ earrh. Thus ,,knorl€dge eyerywnere grves
birEh ro
untty anal consensus, .eculiEy and p.ace, errolr and acrion
o164fr5 everybodt; rhen ir rakes bilEh, conflicr becomes
iopossible, doubr is iendeled inconcelvabre,
inacrion is
unllkety'52, (norleatge of EcienEific tar6, e,g.,
Ehe lav of
gravitation acEed co endEny quarrels arcng peopre. This was so
because, said Mashliqi/ iall have seen rhe lealicy qrlh
lherr orn
eyes; because every body expelierces rheh
eEry m@a! and in every
E!a!."t.1. rn every d@in of resealch and inqviry
ertect or scfence
{as a poserful colrecror oi huEn actlonE
ard opinion. acring every
wrtereito irCegrace, ro F!!ow doh rhe
atlviating gutf anal, by
evolving a cffion, ro enforce a univerBal agleemenri54,
resuli6 thar science reaches, rn its .y;c6cr.ic endeavou!
discove! r4ths are use.t ln the seftice of p!€aricrion and
and gain objecEiviry, people evely uhere can aglee
upon such
lesultsE and such tbEh6.
If the charactselizatsion 06 Bcience yas corlecr, ald i! sas
rargely believed Eo be so, rhe, Bcience courit help in
.otving rhe
most impoiranr problen faced in rhe scuoy ot
!e1i9ion5, Th€
ploblen, of tha! che oniverEaliry o! leligious
devotrons and !iruats, Has @Ec}led by equal,y
disdgreemenl on lhe naLure of leligion. rE
had noE been posslble,
moaned Mashrlqi,
"Eo find an irrefucabre and unanifrous agieemenr
even aDour rhe aei49 ot
€od dd His !ea1 fiillnss. rndeed! chere sas
!o sign of decrease in tuEua] diftelence abng
Hinitus, audhis.s,
chiisrians and Mu6rins, ie@ry @n considering
hrs * Faich ine
and the lest a meie falsicyrss.
There,a6 rhe univelsat conuicr,
negaring rhe clair of alt lerigioDs
!u possess any teth. The
hivelsatiry o! religlon ,th irs \m!de!@s
mucual conf1iccs,s7,
presenc.d a greaL ploblem. iMuch
Ehe blood6h;d rn rhe Horld. ire
ho!rirying kars, iLs gre|t confticEs
ard @3Eac!es,ere ar!ribured
lo differences in tairh. Often a peopre
diat @ssacre anoEh.r
becau.e it had a diaEelene letigion, Lecause
1r plofessed a
.liffelent failh, wo!6htp6d anoEh€! god,
belleved in a diftelent
p!opher's8. To Mashfiqi, Euch
a sEate ot atlails,as,ot in lhe
intelest of @nki!at. H€ thtught it
vas ot uive.sat imporEance Eo
8ee,( sotutton ro th. p!obl.r. In rht!
comecrlon he lai€ed celrah
quesrions: t4hy alid leltglon,
*htch sh rbtc€ @tr' ctivtde ched
in.teaat? rrny atiar not rhe clatred
au-a *rure or lerisiou.
rturh, brins peopre lound .. .
rn rhaE pre.tse GMer could """*":;..rt;
Bclenco h.rp? It 1s inpolranr
..k rhlB question !o
becau66in rbshltql,s oh esttEtioD, so@
of Ehe
reached by scienEi.frc
":":r*-* sru.ry ,e!e p.!, or a! teasc,
hisl.a<ting in Ehei! appricacion.
v Palttcuralry ttue of the
concepc of evolurton. "h1.
accolaring co MaEa
evorulto, conrained
"*. *"r.,". .TJ;:".::: .:
have @de crear lbac in rhe ".,;"::ff:
suFival sc, or livr'g clearures,
pnysrcar !o!ce o!,ve
n."., ," t" tnot"n ro! the stabilirv
or the 6pecies. The .eal EecleE ",-""tt
oa ,." and sueivar ries
and hEecuritv viev,'shicheve.
specie. t.ced rhe obsracles
o, .*"nttnt't
eers:ve*rce ed elappred,irh .*_
iE .tit, in the narure,s temiDotogy, "J,"
Ehat arone is rhe,nheliEo!
of Ehe slrh anat rhe uietde!
of Foyer, :ad lhar alone is
plogles.ive, sE.bte aad rtuly
Ddelful. r
Ehe huee mmorh, .,u
.n. ,"r*;'i::
popuration ln rhe plehiErori "-*"" ";"_ _.:::::":
c Dlelsrocene ) ages,
courd hare as.u@d
rurl .ulholtry over Eh6 earrh
reavlna * i'ch o! rard lor
na,.50. rhe ."..*....*";.;..;;.";::,-'
aarions Eo .b.,ieve thar,!i.ness. ;;'.:l;"",.J-::
tEterial rolce.., oblivious
o! che gplriru.t poEeneial or
individuals and lbe sky
shart€rlng p*e! or rhe @tcule
o! rheir
nind,,51, Mashriqi,6 viee, cet.@y,€ .dtirarisn.aad \Blirain,s
pirarical ru6c fo! Iard,52 re.e @rifescaslon6 ot Danin,s lheory
of .naEuial gelection, and'.ufrlval of the lirtesi,. The ,teste4
scienrtsrs geemed ro be tul1y Barislied rhat Daein had given rhe
de.isive veldicr, legalaring suryival and prospeliEy of co@nlries:
that ionly Ehai co@niEy is en6u!e.r 6u-ival !.hi.h xas .FiE, onty
!ha! is 6table vhich excer4ln rhe cea6ete6s economic sEtussle, and
Religioo consis!ed of plinciptes
r naEions,, ''ise and fafr
ald Ehe same:emed'itsh
sage broushE bv lbe
rophet. Mashtiqi sas convinc€d rhaE
unan lnrty anong mankind coutd
e re,creared by showing rhar Religion
,.rs bo'ledge' Etuchi
ndeed one rruch. Righr
rhlnking pelsons rcutd see lor 'as
of uNr1., of reEsage hns hlough
all lhe exiscing
ev.n in LhEi
"73. All ihplied rhe same
)jecEive and goat add che
saE direcEiv€, Ehough fomB anar
aciices differed in Gny caEe6.
ashliq1 ,as convinced rhaE if
€e na<t a.r*n any difference
in rhe appricalion of che divine
.recrive,'iE is @rely : diffeledce
of vieo poinr of rhe shade of
'e piccule, ic is celrainty no! the, dilference
of nrDd,s
all plophetss had rhe kno*Iedge of cn€ 6are dlrecrive,
saFe tar. iThei! atst€nr1on ,aE focus6ed on thac lar,
fundarenEal Eturh, Cha! Refigion of NaEule wlllch evely{hele
leate--the peace of cffiuniEte6 aid cribes, or hoEs
individuals'8o. ?hi6 n€ans rhat @nkind,s lerigion
is one, and
consists in c@rse of conduc! In rhe woltd. Fo!
Mashriqi, ic was Ed,s iiboulateD duEy co
conprehenal Ehe Imulabte
l,au rhrch govehs lhe ri6e and fall
ot narions, The knowledge o:
Ehis a10ne constirules s.1.:
O!,E; ii is Ehis course
rhich i! every boary,s ulgenr need. The
sense or good and bad, Elue
and false, rignE and ,!oDg, developed
i! Gn only !h!o!gh
levetacion. rhe collecEi?e vilEues
an<i .rlrDess, of acEiotr, are
delived !!oo rhese reachirgs of prophels;"
and Mashriqi conrinues,
'The principles of suryival aDd srabltlry
shich Eoday are
a.slduously pulsued by all plogressive
Inations_ale the remnan's
cnrs suprefre of
proptecs have exe!!ed
aGzrng idfluence on che @nkind
and rr
is slitt being rerr ,i!h atl lls inrensiry,
a lhirking person mus.
lecognize rne rdrh and deprh
of Joowledge and action connecred
rith plophecic teachilg6 wirh
an open hearc. Th€ kno,tedge
by chem musE be enrercained as
Ehe ce! basis ro! knowledqe
abouts hu*n socieEy, T!ue,
,"rr"ro"" ora,ttt" d1d rent huruliEv
aparc, bur Eha! is rhe re6u1r o, ."t"t"ntt"
::::: :: -"*.*
oounacto!- ",, "o-"...,.;
-- unificaEion "".;"":'"i1,'"",1,".1?
of- mnkind "ii;iiil;
co.eraided Mashliqi, ;"" ;.:*"", ?hls vision o! rslam,
lr:.erplerarions by many Musrim bv sholt-sighred
rn Eh: enreiprise of unde!€tandrno
rre good of cnkid - uneche! lelrgron !-s fdr
arcogethe!. plophecs got chei! rr Ehoutd be drscarded
knorledd. a unique sense o'
uniersrandjoei t" *"i,t"t."-*i""]-l; '*-* a iiEo!dr vieu o-
!,!i Lnrwerse." ,,.**;;#;;;:v€aEraired
rearnrn9 ",;'
ill--'"_';" and -'rhe*." ".;';.';;
:i;'1 "::':::'
hoEizon of pelception'
tneh.erves severar bv rirtinq
"G"" ;;;;"
::::::'-j": :: :.";' rhev acquiled 1E ;:#':f
:::l::: "* passron, hediEarron
nuulLy dnd lhloush leverrrlon
ana comnion,ss
Mashriql s charge agains. ,r6gre!n scienttsrs
i6 th.r chey
nave noE propeiry exanined rhe phendenon.of plopherhood. according
Eo hin, ir oliginares in inrerse @diiario!/concenrlari.on o!
obsefed evenls, issue. folth ln a mes6ase ba6ed on conviclion born
ot knouledqe. Such propheEhood f@nds a 6oclery baseit on knowredge
claimeat, and caken by people, ro be ce!!a1r. on such c:rrain
principles, durabre narion6 a,e raiEed. ,{esrer! rhinkers
rakllg @del ihe sEudy of natule ( che ,ork of coat) and
lgnotrns Ehe r!€rendous concllbuEion Gate by plopbere ctainrng
ilspilarion erbodying lhe,o4t of cod vheleby conducE appropliar;
ro esiablishfrent and mintenance of peace was lncurcared
among a
1a!9e nlmbe! of people89,
we6!e4 Ehinkers ,e!e concedtslariDg on cne srudy
of narule !o
rhe exclusion of Ehe srudy of poliricai
ino claimed ro have received levelatsion, and of prophecsi
., *r.f .n.y
appalenrry built peacefur, prosperous socaeEae6. .word
of codi tras
d proper fietd for srudy wirh ,egard ro ron
and 6ociery. Atso !,esr
nad,adopred varue Relaclvish in iEs
approach aoa" * "_io," and polirical sroups. Masbriqi,s rhhsr
was on value
vnivelsaliso, ro hir, eulan ,as rhe rcsr upro .dd
ataEe undefiied
veraion of cod,s ievelalion ro mar.
,iesleh ch,nkers ki,b d.,,".;"..'";l.J;:::l"
of revealed religlon !o che fomrion or peaceful; :i::".,,_1""j::
and proslelous
the shape of lerigion as rairh, as ikdotre!
:::1..-"" '"***
narure, a scienrisE cabor bur adnir lhac ttle objecrive or of
valious plopheEaras !o ceach rhe naliong :he
Lhe.princrp e ro sLcb!ish durable
in ,hich Ehey ,ere .alsed
and p!osper@6 poltries. w:sreri
screnlisls had noE been able rD unlavel
:^::::i: *"; "."; ;::;:, i:il;:'.".:'J::T::
on rhe parh io pouer ind eeace_
::- i::,*1,*
;," ",:;;.;,; ':::=
easerness and securicy. "i:j;.:'.,:'::.T.":;;:
:-:l*t..*. rhi6 rad been sore pur!,o5e o!
and o!1v co achleve Ehi6 Ehey
:I::.":il"-' nade sulre(e
Mashliqi askE sone rherorlcal
- ,Hee alt chose gianrs bu! nevercheress lerriDe!!
dd ]elat€rs ot @nj<ind, cod
forbid, lia.6, impostols ard idioEs, eho, afre..tifelorg erfoft and
Ecsion, put huMn beg1ns on rhe !igh! {ere .o
Lhac rhey ofleled rhei! heads inEread of giving up rhei! lesoture
fias all cha! they creaced a neluork of flaud and
deceptio! !o rrap
people? fiele they unde, such an ilfu€ior
ri!,ed, in deceprion Ehey pleached, r;;"-:.rfi :1.;T::::,'":::;
ro imenae helsh!. of peace and plospeliry, and In
de.eprion rhey died?. Tll63e gue6rton were
rh.y should have drah rhe imediare aEEenElon a nacure rhar
of lhe Besreft
che essence of Ehe Me56
reftplaEion or knowins rhe '""' and rhie va6 rear
Accolding ro Mashliq1, i! uas leag clea! ihat iD evelv
ase Ene conieftporary
:*"1*"" ,. o" .."..
"."ro" ", """;o"tot" "n::::::":i:
appealed !o lhem !.mo!e shj.nirs
grarlng even chan Cie lars of and
rhe-;sun *'J
anr Ehe lishL of the moon'92
Ycshlrqi did appreciace
sc:enrir:c sludy ., .:;,r;. invorved rn Lh.
;;. two obvious one6' dafrerv
lhe nurlipricily or ,.'.;;;";t.;;"r;:i: ";'oblens
_" che hurtrpr !c!!y or
""." ";_;;"; ;""-..,".:,"
::ev "ere *, rhenselve6ei.*".
mn-er'brms': ;-J"".::
"* illlil li'"]illilll
successrve rorrokerc or prophers
:::::: ": vourd
'ourd be eurned lnro ignora,ce. DifferenE
o'r'"'"n. ,"..*,..".r'*;, ;;,#:r".''' """"s would cme up rrrh
tohed lourd craim io be,"i,;".';" co sectarianism secls so
has been che *"";-;;**: vrek' retiqlon
prophels. uirh.'"t*, arnrHashriq|s*"'" bv d,rrelenc
i.':;' "'" and
ke dccepL N.shriqi s t,."**."",".'*.j rnsLiEucions. Ir
Lhe eood or *' ***;-:;.;""- ! i"rs js
'eriston concerned ui' h
bv DropneEs !o retrov'
,"". ':ncrcdued
., .,, ";J,";;:;;;
:i: :::,,*rhe murrrpticiEy ;,"11"",.,. #::H:c
ans,er rnrer-r6raced o( scr.
'.*"r;r* Mash!iqi ras an
",.; ";. ".ules
Emeleence of **" *".,,,;;;";;;il;.1,:: ji"iijiililjH
".,".***. "
25. rbid., p.10 - tt.
26. Ibid_, p,11,
??. Ibid-, p.46.
3l*oiIi"ii!"oii":"".u*^--r'o."*", i."
"iI.33;",-;. "l"n'.i. "".."
lr. Mashliqi, pRorrEGor4ENA,' op.ciE._ D
Ela\rion ed. srt*'r.-,u-*in' ]-t^ind.MaEhriqr'- ouran and
FoundaEion, 193?),, _---_' tlsraGDad I El-M's5!iql
55. rbid.
94_ tb1d.
lbid., p.61,
rhat it is 1in!!1':35 glory God shose ai1
a.! thou noE a{a!e
rarural timirarions o! @n/s po,6!s, and ms! afE.! att aatnir EhaE
che unknoE Auiho! of rhe unirerse is u,loo,abt€, tandt rhar
dinurest inwesrigarion of rhe ploperEies of @rre! (erecrron,
and of Ehe cause and causes of alt iEs @nifesrarions pilr bring !o
,ealth of Ehe 6ou!ce6 of cc,intolc anat enjoyn:nr in
this earthly ]ile, buc norhilg rcre,3t. ?har is, scienrific
ilvestigarion can lead !o cod only by j,nrerence, rn shicb
a fur.her
ste! to belleve in Hi6 exisrence is lequiled. rE is @n,s orn
de.ision based oD scaEenencs of rhe pa.c propners rn
scripEures and
r le mo6r ,onderfut objecEi@ oniverse
r€ dareccry perceiw:, and
fron rhich se infe! the e*iscence of lrs Creacor,.
For Mashriqi,32
itrere is no alEelnalive fo! a chlnking lelreve .ha!
lhere ftus!, and, rhelelole does exisr rhe LivinE
suplere Altho! and
creator of che univelse, and Ehe clearo; of
ankind,r3. .he
"nic!o.copic ordeltine6s of srecEure in Narure"
leveated b7
science has prdmpced John t4acnully
Ehe algrunenE :rom
oeslgn ln narure ro che existsence of cod
eve! nad any cogency, Ehe
advance or science ha6 iDcleaseat ic!
cogency a lhousaodfold,; eaen
1f rhe 'breathtaking, inEricace and ordefly sEncrured does aor
prove cne exisEence of co<t, he adats. i
ir Gke6 rhe betief i! cod
a reaEonable belief!34. And Ehis i6
Ehe cry ot Mash!1qi,6 arglmenu
as veIL
ln rhe Quran, Naru!€ tEs been consisEellly
described as
leality. During rhei! dectlne, 6ays r,{asr|liqi,
Xuslifrs. cahe .o
somthtng 7un!eat, pelishable. Tna. arEtcu<re
tec theR
co believe in half tturhs an<t
9!eEse6r lney ro€r rhe parb of
science35. NaEule l. Che only lealj,ty clea.ed by
cod. Mashliq1 ciEe8 e flm the oufan. For examptei
view lhe Quian i!6elf says tha! a! ?as creared chiolgh rhe
evorucion of lesser crearures, and rhar a very 1on9 rime eas
rhe finalizaEion of ltis .imense rewoturion,r;0, so
even rransfotulion of one species_inEo rhe nexr srage
took .housands of yeals. In rhis conne.lioo, Mashliqi ciles some
Ie eeopler.cod i6 glear, Lord of all, yrho cleaEed rhj
duralion, and, e6cablished on Ehe Th!oni
or aurhorrEy rs tunning rhrs Euplere
ye have none baside6adhinrsElaLion, O y.
Hifr co prrrecr i,,
il:ei::=.:!:-yolr lrs curholicy r6 ope,"ti"e .'..ry"n.,..
::trili:i?:.,."1.^ rhis
qondrouE rorla and 1Es sLp,ere
'o!k ard roil. ehich ale derlvnble llofr the srudy or.aru!e,s lae.
1r is Gn,s duEy ro exer! himserf, acquile kno,redge of such
ilirecEives anat srletrgEhen his Dorers. whaceve! coc has c.ealed in
and on eaith has been Mde subserienc to mn, to be
conqu6red, caplured and Mde use of. In addrrion, c:ose scrdy of
EEurar phenonena and use iheleo! can fumisn Gn ,ir-f, piinciplea*
and godly comand fot hi6 condu.E in lif6.
The hosE imporEadi learule o! @n,3 unde*laDating of narure
aid in underEcarding oodr coffecc rhink:ng abour llis
!ays, sIs accribuces and ttiE nlcule can co(e flom Ehe 6Eudy of His
creatlonsso. The Fpiliruat sphele i6 feIE and known only ibrough
rentar corcerpta.ion and is dbEolurely lree trom any .onclere
element, alrhough it6 pelcepttDn arises fror Ehe conrenplario. of
ehe concr6-e oy hu@n mindr !h. mind examrnes .he con=ere, Lhurs
hos ard rhy ir appealed in rhe vollar anct, aideit by!,
is led to poslulare rhe exisrence o! a .upe! hu@D or super,rcural
agency oi por6r. such an agen.y trould have caused o! .reared Ehe
univei6e anat all it6 concenls.
Ma6hriql haE efiphaaiz.d the spiliEual asp€.c in rhar ir
,,sirh spillEual realicles, j,!rroduce6 tlin ro an
erdle66 lietd fo! leftecrlve acEiviti6., @kes hin Ehilk of Ebe
universe as a giganric organj,c trechaniEm, cleated, seE in ,unclion,
regurared and conrlolleat by an oEipoEenr Being, r{ho is cbe source
of arl pore! and folce and rhe aurho! of au life, rrho derehines
ant oidains ch€i! varioug @nifeB€lrlon6, rhicri,e Bum up inro irle
un welse or co6rcs'91-
Mashliqi regalds €pj,liElal aepecE Eo be hnn,s cruciar
characreriscic distingui6hing bi,n frm rhe lesr or olganisos_
wirhouc che spilirual a6p€cr, s.y3 Mashriqi, rtun uould have no
objecr or life beyond rha! of a supefj,or aniMl, ,ho goveas and
tules in chis rorld, and rho 6ffug91es rhelein aor r.he sole gulpose
or escablishidg and etrjoytng rhaE superioriEyi32. rE is lhe
sgiricual aspeci which iai6es @n fa! above a larional tivilg, which, as a Mtter of fac!, consriruGs !h€ essence, rhe
soul of atl tife, and Hhich besr@E upon Gn rhe privilege of
ii@lrali,ry, in 6piEe of Mn,E physical rcrra1iry. The spiricual
aspe.r takes evoluEion as a qleat purposeful for.e, gladualty
elevaring nan, purqins him or e.,il, and exalring him Eo becore fiL
to! che holy Pre3ence of che c!oato!. The tst.mic do.Erlne of cod_
@n lelalionshlp is su@ftze<t jn Ehe Qulanlc desclipLion of man a6
loth che selvarE and vicegelenr of cod; ir i. rhe prinordial narule
ot En to be pa88ive vis_a_vis cod, !o be recipier! of r{ie
t 105
blessings and grace and !o be acllvo rorarats rhe,o!ld, as cod,s
lepresentarive ro Hi3 creation. Man ts thu6 able ro,ield power
ove! creation bur rusr also cale for all the crearules ,bo are xis
creaEules and no! @n, s,,33,
Man is rhus s€en as a God,s clearion vely much separare and
different frofr His arl oEher cleacLonB. Bmphasizing man as a
slprere clearion, Mashriql cties a nurbe! or verses rroh Lhe ?Jrar.
Mastlriqi atvetts on rhe fact Ehac En has b€en endored,i!h lreason.
discemmeni, definiEe rayE of lohing and expleEEing his rhoushr,
,iEh other pokels and quatlci6. highe! and ,obter Ehan any liviag
'e knoc of, rhe fros! wondellul of alt Ehe ,ondlous sle.imens
of orgaric life'34, lqbal, ha5 exFlegseat Ehis vie, in his lheolL of
ego. rn his vie{, only ihaE i5 real ,hlch is dire.Ely consci@s of
its ovn reality- Fulrhei, its is Etr in,hfr egohood has reached irs
relative perfecrion. The !.sutE i6 rhaE Gn occupres a g.nuine
place in rhe hearr of Divrne cle.rive en.!gy, cheleby possess,rg.
much higher degree of lealiEy Chan rhing6 around hih_ Of at1 tbe
.reacion of God, @n iaton. i. capable oa consciousry pairicigaciDg
in rhe crearive lile of hiE Makeli, hdeect, Iqbal holds: lrt is che
lot of man Eo share in rhe d.epe! aspilarlons of the univelse
arounal hln and ro shape hi. .kn deslisy as qell as lhac of rhe
lc righrly sald lbaE "The noEt remarkabte fuDciio! of
has been
human inrellecE is levealed in a valua!tona1 discriminacion !hich
lC nakes berween lhe etelnat and che tranFienE, the utEiM:e and
Ehe prowisional, Ehe !€a] and .he .PParenr, clle essenriat aad rle
accidenEaf...."36. mis re.trs !ha! at!6 nu@n undelsianding or
risd@ corsiEts in a ploper serse of vatu66 and Ehe capaciry ro
fod a sysEen or va1ue. oa aU huBn expeiiences, In oEhe! rolds,
r! consrs!6 in the lo@Eion o! a worl<r-view, Many rhtnke;s hord
EnaE d fundacnEal impuI66 ro reflec! abouc Ehe univelse sri!s
paople durln9 thet yeals ln which lhey Lake ro !f_nk
independenrly. 'Lare! on,,i Eays schreirze!, we teE it lanluish,
eve! Ehough feeling clearty tha! re rheleby ifrpovelish ou.selves
and become le36 capable of what i6 good,,. As a,eEul!, Deople
bec@ like "spiings of ra!e! rhlch no IoDg6! dn because chey have
ror been varched and have gradually become choked,iih tubbish,87.
The higbe! and nobler qualiries be6coveat upo! fran @ke hin
ia1rcsr a conptere 1itr1e univelse,
Mashiqi,s man 1s e
ald a.r, allhough sublecr
E ce bet!.r o! roa..o bjt. coaittrid !y lIIg iro cUo,tc[. s. ca!
c!€aEe good potiEt€E tn rbtc! t @ll.t !lo!t!b .dt b. ca!
cor.lncr unb.conllg ajrlt bait LnsclluElon! Uu! uould co lrig
.tod. Io th6 DAE cbrptarl r. drso. tb.brtql,. d.rE @ hor n6.
yltb dlgdtry c|n td,rnd r pro.geKu alat dut Dt6
l,.q'r., qrro!,
{. Ibid,, p.122.
s_ Mashriqi, sadl!h_ul-ou!a4, op.cir., pp.r6 22,
Ibid-, pp 47{-475.
Ibid., p.475.
Mashligi! ltadirh-ul_ouran, op.clr., pp. s2-90_
trashriqi, Tte HuMn probt.n, op.cit., p.15,
rhe Qufad, chaprer 14, ve:6e 19 ard
chaiEe! 13, Ve!s: s,
Masb.iqi, cod_ Man and Univelse, op,cir.,
p. tor.
an E6sav on Man (New york: Books,
33;""i:I'i1i"."151",i,ffi* or loliricar rhouqhr (,,ondon
l":if.'"" ",o I,o. ,,eJ.s-:-".fr car irornia I;;;;;it
5.r. Dotte, op. cir., p_300.
'5 @r,.ni1.n..n"r.n
55. Mashliqi, tazkirah, vol_ r, op.cir., passio,
" ii.!,*i*'ii."h'"':,ffig=*-g",1;"i#fil"!*
- fi $S::F::.:t" Hffi "',,-***ff#ri",ui*:!iilii;
" !i:l':fi"""3ff:," can be srudied prorllabry
:ifi9_l:i^1.1",N-as_r_. r€crrons on
Man- 6nd rhe Fulure
, rsrauc_"Ref
srudieE, 32:l
{199r,, p, 2>4. or
34- Mashriqi, cod. Man and onive,se, op,crc.?
35 A G.,Jawadeka!, A*ionoE.tcE
37. _Alberc SchHeiEzer, Se Deca
unwin Books, 196rl,
33. ashliql, cod Matr and unrw!se, op.crts., p.fo2,
" ii:iff.:i:ii:i1 3Tlr,:n*uan-cqc-xa!uar--!& r,,*a*,
-;*,*i'-Ttt***t*"*",","* T*lr+$:,i*f ;
'"";ji!",:r'+#."."r.?,:1""*"iL:*.i"".f.x jjr.."",;3. jt:
'-'; ;;i:i;TJff.f."*".o.rpth€,dairv acrivirtes or n.nbe,. or hrs*
::;. 1fu.* ffirury#-|e-li,i J:;',
ffi f dry41 ctr "rt
p.',j W
r1*)4,f Lt: "-z :.-.,ELU
: vinrage Books,
1r?. r.aham E, Mastov,
van NosEland Co., p. 5,
121, A. F. Skinn€!, E
,fff['3.'na.c"'a."." ; ;:"*"n*:,']:.;
aE retl as alien inretrecrual conErol. The setr_rulins
narlon kilt eslabtish irs
ovn instituriods Eo give explession
its indigenous nolat srandalds. De@nd lor freedon
iE <temand tor
slarus and lecognirio.a. Men profouDalry
need ,r arat pasEionacety
lighr tor ir. urge fo! freedom of a gloup is lelaced t5 solid,rity,
rrrLernrLy, muiuar undersr.nding, and
for associarion on equai
rems. rE makes tor union, close! undefslan.lins,
and in.egracion o:
in.eresLs. rn 6ho!r, i! is a desile
for a life of comon dependence
and cohon saclilice. Men eho
fighE fo! rreedofr usu:lly figirc ror
Lne lighr co be govelneat by
lheftgerves o! rhei! os,
represenEa I ive6 . They aspile
ro parEj,ciljaEe, o!, ac any !are, co
betieve rhar lhey ale paleicipa!1ng,
in che tegistacule and
adminisrlarion of lhei! colreccive
lives. een
condtions !o tlve in which rhey
are coftidered lesponsible :genr,
and.hei! kitt is !aken inro considelaLron.
O!rtu crey
s+ed !o
esrobLish such enri!jemen! even
it !!ey a!e aLtacked.nd persecured
for being ehaE rhey ar€, o! for
choo6ins a5 Eney do. geopte
recognlclon and se8e ot being sonEone lrd rhe cnbels of lbe
society ro rhieh, hi3rolicauy, rc!:Uy, econofricarty! and perhapg
e'hnrcarly, rhey feel rhaE lhey belong. Adct che sociery rhrch
one id-nEtry is Ehe.ocleEy which one wourO trxe r,o see
prospelous aociety.
[eepins lhe Quranic E€achingg ir view, a6hliqi emphasized
har the rise of a Grion @anr dulabtl1rr,hich uas bourit up eirh
righreous, accioG, and decline *a6 comecEed,th ,htrrness,
urvival and plosperiir. xashltqi ,a6 rhus a.b1e co say lhar Ehele
,ere .naluraIi laws working slEh resard co rhe latse of nalionsl9:
A nalion tshose @mberE were gi.r€n !o und6.i!ab1e placEtceg
!ighreou6 ac!ionsl woutd not floultsh and would, inevrEably,
dectine, even exrinction. Accolding !o |{asn!:qi, ir !s
rhat rhe Qu!a! ha5 useat tshe rold tletsikhlat, !o Eke ir
clear !ha!
ewer befole Ista[ such ,narulal, tGridcc exasred in
rhe valious
peopres. cod,s plofrise ,irh lttu.ti,fts is lhe sane
p!o(ise of
inheriiance aE had been Gde wtth tb6 preoecesso! na:ion6,
and j.n
rhe sahe way, has He lepeatedly descltbed i! as ,inbeliEance a,/[ rhe
earEh,2o. /
The Quran lays do@ a nte,iEh legald Eo sr:ting durable
poxer to any people'
neDtsal conremplarion aDd
@y be 6een as levealed ,o!d of cod. Tbey
seeh co involwe iniEial pleaching and aftenEive lisrening and
obedienr behaviou! toralds rhd_ The Cenrh plinctple is acrion. To
begrn virh. ir rnwotve. tnve6ligaiion tnro rhe ploc€E6es of
{hich leveal Ehem6elves ro the sclenEide in a piecenear Mnner.
leads ro <tiscowely of tars of nacule and consequen! co.tslot
ca9cute of forces of nacure. ne deal virh firsr lhe plin.iples
fi.sE. It vil1, howeveri help to understand lrashriqt,6 views beller
if ,e keep in mind ChaE lglan for him Reans acrion. UrEerabce
belief nor accompanied by acEion (inpraed 1n rbe belief) has
.,a:re in rhe eyes of cod, uEEerances
wichour acEion in accoratance
{!:h spillE of rhe betiof so decla!€d is noE onty worrhless
bur !s
!e.I1y hypocrrLi.aL, iE 1s even apposed to real faiEhJ2j
rn Ene
eyes ol rhe Quran it is a glear sin, Alat ,a6n!1qi
adduces a nurbe!
o: :.!ses frm rhe Quran co prove his polnE aDout
6uch hl,pocrisy
and sinlulness33. O! lhe colErary, Elie
one hno 1E involved in
ac.io4i one uho is acclng upon sofre or rhe ocne!
of cod. puiring his boaty in rlouble, ne rs rbe
one ,ho .eatly
believes; he is d@n5lraring hi6 fih berief
by hi5 accion_ fie can
really ctalh lhaE he po.sesses a beltef, na6
raiEh. In Ehe !ea!r oa
such a person rbere is an unbounded
ard eve! plesenr s.i! o!
cerralncy and belrer He 16 rhe Lne bet lever
ot lhe urttiry o!
6od's directiw€s, ha6 unfetre.ed faich ln
rhe 6ll-peroasiwe
aucno4Ey of cod. lte iE Muetii,, a t omin (c4e
The Elue believe! in the uliiy o! cod
is tlue Eetuanc of cod,
In diis regard, Mashliqi enphasizeE rhar 1E rs
not ,ecessaly for
tn. beriee.r Eo keep chdrl,ng rhe rclds ,t b.1leve in cod,. rndeeit,
rerv.nt is the p!9E6 ro be so by hi. accion: che sefldt
one vho
slrt l@k alEer the hou6. or hls @sre!, rh. rhlngs rhi.h betong Eo
clte MrE.r, he vorks co!.ntedry, d.y and nlEh!, 8. @y p.y
occsiomr re5p6ci. ro hl. Maste!, coit. (h rsla(, on. is !o offer
piayE!6 oa shorr ituraBion a1@ r1@s a day) , ashiiqi goes !o rhe
e*.nE of saying rhar 6uch p!aye!5 ale noc lncluded in 6.tuice
lerdered to God, Serice re.nF acrlng upon cod.B direc€i@s aU che
lire, and noc 6inply ac tixed ric.35.
Mashriqi i6 enph.ric ihaE rsLan i6.cEion. noE sihply riruals,
IE is the coltoctive acEron or rh€ u@h, unlied and .gleed upon
action. I. ia .cEion invorvlrE rhe u3e ot hanits and feeE, hearrs
and liErs {i.e, acrioD lnvolvinE courage and gucs), sclengch aDat
p@cr, .ufferlng eDd haR:rshlps, r6la6, says Ma6hriqi, doe6 ,oc
co!6tsr sim!'!y in verbar aa!i@!tons, rairb, lotulas..rd aiutels
lo6ary counring .nd secructed pray€r6. To !!a6h!tqi, reEr ol one,s
f:th faa an.hpiricar oae, failh ro be exlsrerE, tu6! be lefle.led
i! graclice, tn acrions, Fath roses irs vatue snd inporcanc€ ir ic
i6 noi rran6taced intso p!.ctice35, flfrh thes. leDrtiE,e rook a!
Ehe ren principles in sdG sole d.cai,L ro see ho, cbey help
building dynamlc nationg.
{l) Belief in T.nhead, Ehe uricy o! co<t. reaD6 accron 1, tha! vou
yoursett in ,ays rh.t !e!t.cE that oneress of cod i.
a lealiry fo! you. Bellef in cod i6 ploducrtve of celra1n rype of
condu.r. ne rake the exatnple of the norlon o! equal:iy.
satch in
oneaess o! cod should issue ltr rhe @!a1lspi!iEu.r, equaliEy
of atl
hu{an beings in rhe conduc! of a MusIlm. A ttus1itr cannoi buc
belteve in che moral equaliry of all human beirgs irlespecrive of
casle or creed, If such does noE exisE, lairh 1n .Tarheed, is no!
complete. Fo! some. Islanic ho6e. of wolship are inrended Eo
achreve indtviduat lederprion, Fo! oEhels, rike Mash!rqt, ;u.h
rcdes are contlibutive ro, and creartve of, a social o!de!, a goorr
lecognlzes .uch meanibgs bu! orlty as addiLional to orher pri@ry
@arings,hich.he arraches to slch coDceptss. ti€ eq)hasize6 Ehat
ihe ouran is for rhe glidance of mantind. Naculal]y, ii is ro
guide people shen tshey ale alive. Thls reans rhat rhe ouran muEr be
piesuned,p!i@!iIy, Eo ad<tr€66 probl€ms ,ith ltwing
people. r! *ould offe! coate of conduc! Eo peopre ln rhei! life,
pubric as {ell as privare. Mashliqi i6 crirical of nany Mu!1im
religiou. scbolaia, 6ysrics and inrellecEual6 eho clain co knor rhe
secreE6 of hu@n progres., on rhe glound rhat rhey ato no! pay
sufficlerr attenEion Eo the clucia1 lole of sclenrific kno?ledge
ulqed upon as a plecious rhing by rbe eulan irselr. rn i,{asbriqi.s
vies, tbey indllge in \non-sensical exaggelacrons,! wlcnour
possessingreal undelsEanding of rhe Qura!54. lraEule is rhe rluch
rron cod55. Man has been ulged Eo acquile kno,ledge of Nrlure,
suscepcible ro huEn undelstanding and con!ro!. i!
Mashriqi,s wieu, those rho regald narlre as useless, are ]ikely io
surrelr people wich knowledge or naEule rill succeed in chis rife
aid in Ebe life ro cfre. Man has been enjoined ugon Eo cke use of
his porers of 1islening and seeing anat rhe inreltecr Eiven ro him,
Eo learn tbe seclets of NaEule. those uho do i!, ,itt ea4 leraldsi
$d use 6uch kDouledge 1n tulEhe! ennanctdg rh. lbeaury, of rhe
gF powers ro gain furthe! plogress. Mashriqi lrsEs
Luclou6 Quranic vels€s vhi.h se4 €o have an a@zing lniry of
€anings, and sho, rhar rhe objecEive of Ehe letigioD of rELan is
logless in Ehis vorlitsg- Mosr of 6uch ver6es emphaslze lhar
ingdoms ol plophera had been based o, kndleatge of narure, and
ele srienglhened and made durable on Ehar ba6is. Menrio! of such
urable kingdon io Ehe Quran mears Eha! cod Himself is silnesEing
he knosledge ba.ed fouatalion of rhe prophelic nte ard is
eclaring tbac iL was light, abundance of uol]dly cofrro!!s is
pecially nencioned and c@ended as pa!! of dulable rute. Narions
hich forgec rhar durabte self-d1e is d€penden! upon scientl:i.
no'rledge (whose highesr fofr is plopheEhoodl, su!:e! decline, hare
. undergo .hellish Eorcule, . A11 their magdricence and
uncriliousness wanish, atrd lhey are ru4ed irEo gloups of
dnicking honkeys,, This is because disappeaiance of rhe!! selr-
rle and imposition of alien domicrion tead ro *o:sering of rhelr
flitly affairs and rheir nannels ot ttvtng. tc also leads to toss
r cheir physicdl ener9ie6, 6elf,.especE and courade. The dorlDaced
topre faII fom rhe level of olatinary huMniEy, and behave like
)okeys, nimicking habirs of rhe nterE and sho,ing no slgn of
The Quian elaboraEes on the Ehfle thar rirh IoEs of futuor for
louledge of natule, e@n one-ri@ srlong kirgdoms suffered
:clinei anat sone 6ighEeen of .uch rarions have beetr nahed6!,
It is noi sinply rhar rhe ecienr propher-governed nariois
' rere rh€ on€6 ,hich, accorating ro rhe eurd, wele based oD rhe
kno,ledge of natural 1.w6 /plincipl es , Accordirg ro r.1a.h!iqi
proposlElon 15 ttue ln rhe nodern ltnes as vell.
The natlons tuling
ove! tbe big porcions of lhe earrh,e!e tho.e rhich qcetled
had in
a.qurring rhe knowredge or
Erule. EElyaray rhey wele adding ro lne
slore of rheir scienlitlc ktrowtedge, !her! insighr and
urdelsranding inro the alfatrs of rhe ,o!ld ia6 ever
H.irin9 jn r92t, he dectared cha! t.king inLo accoun( .he
plogressive change, one could say char essence
of Ebe Quran, 4re
on rhe eaith and atl plophetsic-tea.hings haal been rransfelled
?e5lern naEions62. Such naEions had excracied carh,_scienEiric
knowledge--fron Ehe srudy of narure and haat been rerarded,irh
king€hip and dominacion ove! che eartsh.
Rrghteous aciions eminedrry incrude acclons undercaken
de.iwe kDetedte flom Ehe book oa nalule and rheir
lorld]y prospelily, Those ,ho cake Ehe book of ra.ule
sone(hlnq purposeless, are 1n che toEs. They wj!I surtFr
tolture, in lhis rorld6s:
spending in an olgdized @nncr lE a @nifes€arion of an,ett
evolved socieEy and,at rhe same r1re, tulcher added Lo rhe
collecrive deverop@nr or Ehe socieryt4,
tiajj, p grimge to secca and radim wata gleaL reans loi
achievemenc of uniEy of rt@h, unity of the li,tuslin peopte_ The
irenendous capactry of Hajj co creare a cent;e fo! Mu6lims {as
unsurpassedi Lhe pil,grt@ge is con.eived Eo be a uniqle garh:ling,
a rcst effecEive uay oa bringing Mu.tiG Eogerne!
befole a co@n r,laste!, ,fth a cdl@o feeling oa are ard a
venerario! al1 rhe.e clearing a serse of long lasring and
unbreakable uniry and cohesiweness?s, Of course, Mashriqi is noi
ei\pnaEl:ing Hajj, pilg!1Gse ro for atI markid, Acco.ding
che notion of cenilarizing ptace i3 very imporranc.
Iftteed, according Eo him, atl nalion. lave 60(. or Ehe oEher
cenrralizing ptace. This ploooEes a nation,s .otiataliry and
rnvlncrble uniEy. Mashrlqi noLed rn lhrs conLexE chac Mu6trns had
railed ro leEain Ehe power and sorideriry fo, which pitgricge had
been inatsicured. Mecc. had ro beca@ a cenEre ot pe.ce and anir,
ro! Ebe *o!ld ar lalge. Such honouE va6 being given co London and
Paris nor thaE Muslim6 haat tailed Eo achteve lesults rhich,ere
meatrr to be achieved froh rhe inBrlturtons of pitgliGge
genetar gathering oa Mustins ar one centr"76.
rrle Een principles are nor diflerelr flom ,har are usuatly
called pillar of 16tad 77, Ttese plinciptes, inde.<t, branch ott
rron rhe srngte roor, snicy denonsllaled in acElons, AII basics of
r1afr emelge frombelief in onlEy ot cod, 6ucn unrEy noc slared in
)rds only buc demongrlated tn acEions_ rc i3 rhis unily,hi.h
:ads lhe practicinE peopt6 to d@inance, peace, 6.abi1iEy
lpanslon on ealrh_
such beliet in lhe unity of coit, M!5h!iqi (t.cra!ed, lesutle<t
L the expansion of rs1am. It ,as aIEo ge@ne
co utrarlcarion of
e wo!I<t, unificaclon of rankind. Acclons o! Euch belieEls,
usading and otfeling saqriftces !o! rhel! cmniry, ,ere
tness€s to rhe existence of cod a6 Euch. In rhei! self_
counrabllily, in rhei! Ju.t behaviou! and love for doderarion in
eir pelsevelanc€ and tove of acrion, menDels o! lhe earty rstanic
muniry ,ere , ro cod AtnighEyl8
wirh 9od1y aclion of rheirs, memberE or an rElamic cofthunily
!lacted peoples of oLher naElons, olher races, ocher counlries,
God, chus creari.g condirion6 fo! rhe llificalion of fraokind
cufiulative effect of Islanic placCices ,a6 lhe crearion of a
porerful gloup lor a definire pulpose. The pulpose envisaged in
Quran ,as esrabt ish@nr of rslae as dmit@r folce in rhe rolld, in
spice of all resiatance on the palc of non-Istamtc fo!ce6.
Dynanic state6 ale ltke]y io Eucceesfully iq)ose lhenserves
upon orhers_ Tho.e cming under 1r3 ere w@lat have demonstraEed
rheir unfiEness. AcEing or othe! pa!r6 of decalogue rhe
upon s@e
dynanic srare could creare coldition. of capabillry !o nre ove!
".,-",..""""r131J;l*: * ...""-..*4/",
candhian mechod,or
mechod or non-vioregcelk;d ras fririta,y str."sthFfir]
t4 44 tz9@.t , .!44t^;+ 44-t ,D
6-€+i{ed-ridEns i'epice 01 orhtrs3s
To Mashriqi such inoverenrs as che corgress, rhe i(hilaf!! and
Le xhudai xhidmardar soughE conflonEaEions wiEh che covernmenr bu.
provide rhecetEs uirh cre .means co und:rlake
nflonrarion sirh reasorable chance of succese, garricula!]y, lhey
!e devoid of o.genizario! and phystcal srrengrh. Trle Khaksar, in
it€ of ils aim noE ro confron! Ehe govc.menr,
ich rboughE iE essercial ro cleare discipllne and o!he! sordierty
alicies among ir5 menbersgo. tte rcerenc fo! self_refom ,as noc
ro aahft p6ople,ho,e!e benE upon polteicar ve.ngeance
againgc the
Brirish rndian govehnenr o! againE! orher cmunal
sloups e9.
H1ndu6, livtng in rhe c@nrry, orly crose peopte
wele ro !e
admirled who {anEed to seee coat (in conElaatrsrincrion
!o sepice
ot piimordial .idot6, e.g. one,s famiry, rhe deEile
16 Iive a
ruxuiious tife, eEct and had sidcele belief in
Ehe Sereafcer. They
,ourd nor indutge in the day-!o- day poliEics of
ahe countly. they
sould not aim ar che opposirion !o goweEren.
ro! rhe sake of
opposrclon. They sere nor to inatutge in lon_coopeiarion
and .ivir
dlsobedience. Thet! nor:we,ilt noc be v
incrudins lhe eoveinmenr. n ey,r'
""..:::::.;'rff: ::: :'"T:
exrenr or noE jeopaldizing serf_preservatfoa9l_
Masbliqi, wanEed mn
ro be set f confiat€rr .
Khrksar @re@nr rlth lhe e1.@nE5 of hts decarogle in wieo.
an rhe
beglhing, hofeve!, aftenEion sas patat co tne rc6r
probrem aiting rhe Mu6fi@ everrahere!
nare_Ly, rhe plob1em or
di.cipline, A bload p.oglame of lelerat dat lefom, Ehelefore qas
seE rn hoclon. By 1937, rhe hovercnr haat
ctre Eo be lecognized a5
a lorce and Mashliqj, beqan !o taJ.e !u!rne!
5Eep5 edrodieat in his
rhlee areEnds addlesged, ioltially, Eo tioe
rf .he punjab and NvtFp, such itecnds .eem ro have been accepled Dy
rurhoiiEies in rhe tarEe! plovince. Horeve.,
in rhe punjab rhere
Insue<l a birte! acllhony shich, in parri
€nded only wirh rhe ending
,f l(hatsar aa an elfeccive olganization. That iE,
I(ha\sar movemen!
,as eliminaced 6oon afre! i! gaine<t
rhe srarus of a lecognlzsd enliEy. Mashriqi,s poliEical ideas lomed
Ehe basis of
rs Irhaks.r nove@nE. and 6eem ro have acnleved
a measlre of
uccess Htrich no olher organizarion
excepc perhaps lhe tndian
ationar congress, could maEch, palricutarty
alurinl rhe 1930s.
dshrrq! uaneed ro levive the comunirarran
spirir of Istan and lhe
:ac fretshod he adopled,as rhe neEhoit
o! 60caar 6ervice ien<teled ro
Lr peopte, virhour hope of any favols
i! leruln, and ,!rhour
of lerisiotr/blood - affiriagions/ ideorcsicar
:rrrrcriong.Khaksar gloups we:e organrzed
on,ard basis. of
)cial seeice ,ere to be accmpanied ^c,6
by cso o!ne! arem6: (t)
rred iv?onslagaEionar prayers ted,by
one or ch€,Rlaksars Fron
onss/ and {r) dairy drirr unde. affi *,r.q1f;ii .n*, *,.
re envisaged ro be plo@tive of disciprine
ari eett,sacritice
rll leader could! inhediare pulsb@Dr.
over Ein€,
n€frbers of che l.tEkdai novehenr deveroped habiE6 of vtlting
adtuission of misrakes and wi,1ling accepEance or punlshrenr_
Plobably Ehe mo.c thpolrat aspect of tbe olgul2ation,a5
inculcarion of tural lespongibttiry arcng retrbels of the
Movement. such tnculcaEion ea6 posslble becauEe nen in rhe hove@n!
rere cleaced a3 rclaI beidgs, l.tan, rhey re!e.!old, was
coat,s Depury
on earEh, For energizarion of a ,atte, peopte,
lhe!€r could be no
berrer folmla. As depuries oa cod rhey,e!e lespon!;tb1e
fo! a1l
Cod's crearules on earrhj eale of Fuch creacules,
Eheir respo,sibilicr.
rmporEance which Ehe Khak.ar6 eane
ro hav6 can be reasuled by
Lbe lacc lhar r94o,s they uele one or
rhe lhree Muslim
olganizarions on ,hich rhele rele ,elurar
ertries in rhe seclea
police reporcs, Ehe othe! cuo being
lne ,auslim league a&t rle
ahrars. The dynafiic nalio! i6 by detinicion
a tic arale: i! is a
nation whose flEness in !en6 of
chalacEerlstics conraine.t !!
decarogle, should tead ro 6€t!_nte.
lrashliqi,s Tazkir:h is a socio_p6ycbotogicat
intelpieraEion of
che Quran for lhe estatlishne.ts
dulab'iEy consisrile (ainry in che
(no ouraide folce hawing
lhe abitiEy ro dlsculb such peace "i""i
hpose resrriclion on rhe tiberry
o! a naEiod), and prosgelicy
:ased on abitily ro expand
and utili2e resollces ot ctule
:ounrry. Islan as a rellgion ind
ald lhe Qulan as a ..ripEule ale
rnvlsaged co plovide Ehose.ocio_psychorogical
and rcral bases
'hich gleaErt aid id rhe eshblisrrrenr ad Einrenarce
of 5!ch
dulab1e natiods. Mashriqi,s doncepr of lhe ttynahic nalion is
unlwer6at in Ehe sense rhaL he cratmE ro de!ive Lhe
cltalactserigcics ot 6uch a narion flm his srudy of atl
uhlch be coutd lay hi6 handE on. Such In.piled pr:nciptes
rnculcatedl, rll'e ealry aFng !tustic and becee notu
ro! larer
gen.larions. Mashltqi,s cheo.y o! decalogue neans r]]at
p!€paled narions, aiE @riodE, come co atoninare
rhe les. fit ones_
wesEerD impelialisn could anit should
be shake! off, rE ,as
narelialiscic, one sided, had already rosc vtbrity. ltis policical
behawiour in ehi6 conneccion has mislead a
nunbei of his
conrempolalies and tare! qlirels tn[o bellevins
rhar rdshriqi did
policics. polirics i, che suD-corcuear,as,
noc unaleistanai
conprex from Ehe riddle of rhe terh cenEury,
rnele wele rhlee majo!
accols krrh confliccing and cro6s_cuEcing
inEeresEs; l.luslifts had,
by rhen, tosr !hei! ruring posirion Eo
rne ne", Ertrish irDerrar
poqer and lhe predominanlty Hind! q
no' .aB a chance reviv€
'io 'Ehe
thousand yeals rs57 "'"*;I;i'""":'::"""""""::::
Eo 194", Cbe rhre€ acro!6 made
variegared froves, ofte! on ac
hoc basis, shich aalded furEh3r
coftplexiry Eo rhe atleady cooptex
situarion. rn lhe next chaprer !e
rook ar rtlashliqi,s views !o
resotve rhe siruarion in tems of his
polirical values, nadety hu@n digDirl.
and uniry of mnkind.
1967), pp. 22!_2.
a rntro. nriEil-EiiG (Ner York: Avo;:
rs. Pol1a!d,,
Ibid., pp,15_19,
The Qu!.n, chapEe! ?, ve!6e 179.
demnds! to che di6like of Ehe xinrtu6,
Eeigal Eindus r€re rhe first ro org&ise e irpa56r6rylioresr
againsr auronofr!, in r,{us1in lidchise. aney quescionod rhe
desirabiliry of special safeglards for ttu6l1n co@riry ,h€n 1r wa6
unfit fo! rhe 6xelcise of power. they lepearedly a66€!t6d rbar
separare elecEoraie6 ctashed wlEh Ehe baEic ide.a of leplesenEa!ive
governmenL. In Ehelr vieq, educaced claBses alone
vele lirr.d for
.pofiEical fife and higbly inEettectual
conresrs,?. L 192ir, rhe
sinatus faunched an offensi@ agairsi Ehe !uck!o, pacE
aDd Eepalare
the cmuMl Aqald/ minlained che prtncipre or
separare elecrorares, lerained weighrage anat corceded
@lorlries in Bengal and Ehe punjab tn a roundabour way. rh€ Asald
approximaleat nore closely to !tu5lln ateGnd6 lha
Eo rindu.tesiles.
Proposals lor r6ron ,e!e in the .i! befole rhe situra
dnd uere a concession to Hindu sencl@nc. Ttey;pre
seen as a slep
roudlds Lhe conEohdaLion and concenElacion or Hiddu potieicar
powe!. As the hajolicy! chey n.e!e .ssured
of a domiranE posiEion
under rhe conring consciruiion.
l lelom8 did rFve hpblranc lew
adninistlarion rhich eas previousty carried oD entile1y
in the atalk
ras broughc inEo rhe lighr of rhe day and ude!
the scturiny of
public discussion, Legislacols c41d nor
c.tlicize !l!e acti.n6 of
eticic infomarion by reaB o! quesEions and express
their view6 by hoving ,esoluEions, The inclusion
of Indians tn che
counclfs of rndia sec.eraly aat lhe vice.oy gave
Ehemacc,:ss ro
place. wh€le uItiEEe decislons ,e!e @<t€.
tiEhelro, rhey had been
excluded lom Bur new te.tuE6 of che lelofr6 ,ere dor
rhoughr co be enogh, n@re iq)olrerly, rhe elecEo!:re
becare rhe targets of cltrtci6m, irpltclrly arenying rhe c@nal/
.orpotate naEure of the 6ocieEy, The lJucknov paec of 1916 fu1ly
recognized rhe corporare oaru-e o! the Ioatian sociery and
scatu6 of r4uslic in it. fie pac! lecognized Ehe sepalale
elecEor.te and @d€ adequac€ provi5lon. fo. che leplesenrarion or
Mu.rids on rhe provinclat Leglslacj,vc councits. !ur!he!, !h!e!-
foufth erec;ed Membels ot tshe comuniry wele enaD,ted ro deremine
if a quescion in Lhe legistarive councit *as ro be proceede.t wiEh
o! noc_ ?har is, rhe legisl,aEure,as co lespecE rhe,ishes of lhe
co@unityg. Tbe Blirish cowelnn€nr had a1r€aaty accepted
colporace naEure and had been acrlng accoldingry. They
accepced provision of rhe Luckno, pacc regaldtng
rhe sracus of Ehe
t Musrids as a co@uniEy. They had accepred.rre sep.rare elecEorar€
eallier; 1arer, Eh? accepred ,eishage asreed upon beEreen the
Muslifr and Aindu leaderghip.
The 191,9 lefods rejecred federarron as impracctcable. On Lhe
riher h!'d, ir conrerr.d persoeriEyrproviices,
le.tucrng Eherr
lepenatence on tshe cenlral goneleeDc.
Tne new Act to.aced rhe
?lovince a6 rhe mosE Buirable iteld !o!
raunching vhar My be
:alted . .oDcrotleat experimenE in democracy,
The Ac! of r9r-c,as a
srep fo&ard ro,ards palt:a@nrary <tenloclacy
'r€aE in rndia. rr eas
necessary crainins co rhe r,tdids Ia
&d;o'ide serf_so@tuenE. A
a!r/wa6 inrloduced 1n rhe llovinces oa Brirlsh
rndia, plovinciat
dmini6rlaEio! uas accoldingly ativided uto .Reseryeit,
.T!anafe!!ed, subjeccs. The Redetued subjecrs wele
ro be
adhinl6teled by ihe covemo! wldr rbe help ot councilois no.
respo!6lble co rhe pr@incial leglsl,arule bur ro lbe covehmenr of
rndia_ rn rhe case of T!e6!e!!ed 5ubjecc5, Minisrels ,ere .hosen
flom lhe legislarule and rere lesporsible co i!10.
Duling !h€ 1920s rhlee p!!!a.3, ch.r i5, che Blirish, lhe
llindus, land xuslrmsin rhe po:tt.ics of India began ro be clearly
delined/cinahi,s civil disobedience o! 1920,s and Musl:m KhirafaL
novefreni again6! rhe British {e!e m€rged and rhe Erirish had
face a unireit rndian acEion. Bu! shen cnrs acrion subsiated.
conmunaltsm !e-a6se!red itsse]f. The !16e o! a Hindu organi2arion,
rhe Hinatu Mahasabha, was one of lhe mlo! facrors rhar sca!.d
rhe lrustim leadership ulgitrg a coftbined erfolE againsr rhe Raj_
Sabra launched Shudhi, the mvemenr 6i@at ac che reconversion
l{u61tms ro ginduisn and u6ed,eliglons synbols. rt pur
a selious
challenge ro Ehe congless secul:lle, rr gaiDed a @ss
and Mo(i Lat Nehn could rin his seat in the elecEions
of 1926 only
.fae! ihe Maha6abha agreed no! Eo se! up a rival candidare. Att
ocner Hindu candidares of the cotrgleEE in rhe united plorinces
rele deleared11, Repudialing lhe luckDo{ pacri ir advocaced
lnttaly governmenr for rndia {irh plovlncaar add rocar
deriving rheir potrels fr6 rhe Cenr.e; no rellicorial
disEriburior of plovinces ro ensule Mu61im @joriries;
<ltsconrinuario! of sepalare eleccorates fo! itus1in12s,
Bypassing Ehe rtusliG, aver5e Eo Lhe congress and Mahasaha
rdeas, cbe t,o parEies joircd halats, and a reporr ,as prepared
unde! che chalffinship of NS, l.t Nehtu. r11e Al1 Dalries
Conlerence, contened ln Arglsr 192! to dtscus6 rhe Neho Repolr,
ras noc aErended by ant Mu6tln t.ader o! Eubsrdce. Tre R€por!
lavou4o a sclong eentlat govelns6nt uEcceptable ro rhe Mu€tift
Leagle. rt propoBed Dfrillon sr.rus lo! hdla and palltahenlaly
de@clacy. The Mahasabha lnfluenced the Nehn Repor!, rhe Eo-calted
indigenous arr,enpi aE consriruriotr @king. ?te Repolr sEresEed
aatult franchise, lesiduary p@e!6 tn che cenrer, and ipiovj,ncial
autsonomyi fo! provi.ces ro be leconsritured linglisticalty, rr
denounced leserarion or seat5 lor punjab and lengar; aEreed ro
or slnd fron aonDay on celraln condirions; and co Ehe
rafsrng ol N.w,F.p. to tshe stsaiuE of a plovince. The Repor! was
exe!.1se in insEirucing a stronE cenlfar gove!.n@nt in a couDEry
lenr by comunalisr and dtd have re.ulled i! a pemDenE Hindu
@lo!lEy. A conplehensiwe BlfI of Righ!3 a15o 1.cluded, The
r.{us}im6 f€IE igno.ed dd deliEreit Eo the kviarhan
of lhe
r. Htndus
(ochesiBe knoh a5 LnEouchables)
5, Eulooeus
9: ,iclhrd A!€s.
Fa.ed wirh candhi,s aa6r, Ehe Depres6ed cfasses sulrendeled
the pronisod seFarate arecrolareB under tbe poona pacr
Ganilht and B,R. Anbedha!. Accorctlng to
1935 Act, rhe safeEualding
or rhe inrererea o! ninorilies e.s one of rhe sleciat
responEib iries o! rh€ Govelno!. alrhough Ministe!6 could advise
hih on the sdrlecE of mirorties, lt {as up !o rbe coven&r ro
decide a6 he deeEd righE. xoreove!, !h€ coveaor uas ex!,6cted, in
a.coldance rirh the tnErorenr of rn.tecrion. i66ueat !o !in, ro
s€l.cE his Ministels who cottecEively cmanrted rhe confideoce of
lhe Legislatsule. In Eo doing, he was ro en6ule Ehe lepreEenracion
of i,sportanc minoiiEieg. Trle;e dtscrelionary pder6 or lhe Govelnor
were regarded by rhe frj,norliies a. inaatequare ana un6ar i Efac Eory19 _
of hiE fund.renhal valueE ao particula! eltuarion, and his
conception o! hu@n ratufe. The plovision6 of his consrituEio!
the fon of che staEe and sE4cture of gover1@nE. che
bone of conr€nrion berr€en rhe C;rgte66 dat rbe League, ,ilr
<trscussed 1n che p.esenr chapre!, Thls,rr, .o."f". or a discussion
on Mashriql/s ideas regalding
hucn atlgniiy aE rhe cmunat Ievel.
The polEions comected,irh digniry ar rhe indiviatuar level
fom rbe .ubJecr of rhe foltowiig chapEe!.
Masllriqi,s lole a. an agenr ot leconc iaclon and seeke! of a
6errtemen! berkeen rhe League dd rhe coog,eE6, eas leces6iEared
by bis cilcumstances. In !'he wake oa ,4arch r94O r.haksa!6_puDjab
GovernmelE ctashes, r4ashriqi facect a decline of Khaksars2l. fiis
I(haksa! Movemenr wa6 clippled, and he wa6 nor abre ro acE Elom a
posrrion of slrengch. Ho{ever, he LhoughE rc uas incuhbenr
upon hrm
Eo brins abour a leconciliarion anat ro genelare @tual
be.reen rhe Colgress and lhe league. He pulsued this goal
vigor. He had iniliared htE etlolEE, ,h€n nr6 movenenrs had
resrricced to tradras. He ilied Eo plevenr a coffislon
betveen che
Gongless a.d lhe Musfin League by allenpErng co Mke candhi
Jinnah cone to a serEtenenr before Ehe end of
Ehe rar. ltashriqi
ranLed a negoEiaEed EecElmenE bet{een rhe cong!e56
and lhe
leasrue_ He slote ro Htndu leadels ulging
lhac che civil
Disobedience novedenr "is a tiftte pre_Etu!er22, and rhac rhe
congress Ehoutd firsr concede open-hearredly che Musrio League,s
dehand fo! lakiscan anal rhe! all parries should uniledly deGnat
Mashriqi taial enpbasi6 on negoriared agfee@nr based o!
vier6 abouL lhe nacure of @n. He held thar man wa6 a moral
and open to persuaBion, ro pelsuaite a man ro.adopr tbe !igh!
enEaued an ealnesr endeavou!. Ma6hliqi,aE
convinced cha! tro 6!one
should be lefr unCuhed to engure rhe rrgaE
course or acrioo. Aui
alr such betiefs ,e!e prerisei on rhe basrc v:e, dtat
cn is no!
i@re co reasoning and candid approach.
Qtrlan lbrever iodicares chac oa!€n mn can not
be pelEuaded,
rnus flphasi2ing a possibility rhat persuaslon
rs n6t a1,ay5 a
luaranEee Eo success. some people nay choose Dor ro follo,
.ighr !a!h even ehen rhey had full knovredge.of
consequence6 of
:ollorlng a differeft paEh. Sone people be
adanaft on lhetr
)rejudices, secrionar and personal biases
and inreresrs aDd voutd
.lvotve checselves inEo i1logical 6ituaclons;
chey ,ould Eke
LeGnds for personar/secEionar inrere6Es
oa cer:ain pienises bur
ould nor be arenable ro glant otheld inceresEs
on Ehe sac o!
imira! premi6es. such people, in Mashliqr,s
vie,, woutd .reate
irticutEies tor Ehehsetve6, 6omeEi@. reading
ro cotlap!e of
oliries. rhts vie* appties Eo conqieE6 acclEude
rowads xuslrft
eGnds and che evenrual divis:.on o! the councly lnro two.
.Mashliqi betiered chac sitb good fill 3nd sutficienr !hfugh!,
.earion oa an agreed procedura on huEually
beneficial @riers hay
:ore to b€ lirsr saeps in lrreare! ouruat
uldelsraldiDg ard,
Ereby, cr€:tion of cc@n sFbols based
en comon values, even
retlgion. fiith legald io lhe areslle !o! a united
acrion by
I ltrdlans for lfeeing rndia, tashrtqi ,as or rhe
opinioD rhar
unity vould, 'aE if by @gic, b!1trg abour firsr lealizaEion of
cmn danger; rhen 6ucceaElvelyr a 3p1!1r of coopelaEion and human
brotshelhood, discipline, coulage to face dange!r 6o1die!1y ploees6,
hilitaly qualiil$ and, tlnaUy, patiiolism dd poFe! and
f!eedm"23. Mash! q hatl e plediiecclon fo! face ro faee diarogue.
In h16 correspondence rirh rhe vlceroy, rJord t,inl1thgov, Mashriqi
alrays s*essed rhats no arcunt o: corre6pondence could le€al rhe
hearr khich Home Depalrment wished hj.m ro puE on paper ln vain. !r
ras only a face to lace latk thar could bring abou! undelsEanding
colpolatisn iD rhe leglslaEive 6phe!€ i.e. lepresenr€Eion
ot varioE co'@niEles ln rhe legt6laruie shotd noE be
based on popularlon.i.Eisti.6 above. Ir shoulit be
quarified in d irporranr r.y na@Iy, rhaE rhoEe ,ho
voluntee! chel! Iiv6s for defenEe of the countly have a
supelio! right ro 4le, In fiaEhliqi,s viers Muslins h:d
sewed f6r rhe defen6e of rhe counlly hole lnd r{indus
aoil atogewed ro have paliry ir rhe legislacule.
hdian srates/Agencies
1) Indian chrisEians
ii) AlgIo-rndian€ 0,1 0.03
3_ Sanatanathami Hinalus
Backva!.t Hlnatu Clasaea
ro. Backrard Muslims and Mmins
1r. scheduled classes
r2. Chri6lians
ing Arglo-hdiaDs
209 allangement ,as al,so Eeen Co €Iininale c@nal rivatries,
in that, a6 non-parEy fren, Ehe preEideDr or rhe sovelno! vould nor
lndulge in nillicit gatng ard undue 6xploitsarion"66. Ac.ording ro
l4ashltqi, tshe i!6riEuriotr of potirlcal palties in tbe counrly,
uhi.h had arou4ced ro t@y c{)tlltl|El factlon fighcing agains! each
oche!, ts a very recenE Blirish inpoEirio! on rndia, and was
enrirely opposed ro rndo-Musrim philoEophy. The non-parEy covernor
ra. Iikely tso do hls besc ro keep lhe cffiural plopolrion in
sepices. As such, he Ha6 apE ro Epend rcsr of his energy,n
teeping rhe olher comlniries saristled,c@nal partles in such a
situarj,on rere 1ikely to lose rhei! comunal bitiernes6. They would
lose isuperficial poliEical cham whlch proouces
amoDg rlre comu!1tles 1n rndia,57 rndeed, palrie5 {ere lhus
envi6aged to ovelhaul chei! idea. abour rhe necessicy of rhei,
erislence, *outd he.iEare ro play upon letigion :6 a polirical
6runE, and rele expecEed co evolve fim anal definiEe ideas alour
lhe general relfale ot lhe counEry.
Moreove!, sy6ren of Eaking highty ptaceat ;ivi! selvice rer Lo
fill lhe hlghest execuci@ office va6 a1leady in vogle under rhe
BrtEish, and had ploduced a good d@trt ol srability adat efliciency
in rhe adeinistlarion. This efflciency ,as expecred !o in.rease
oith improved mechod6 of sel:cEion of men suirable for civil
service by compeEirive examinarion in tuture68.
The suggesrion of a xindu pre6idenc by a Muslin
Ehar of a r4uslin pleEiden: by a Hindu ple6ident, a.d
goveroors, ras bound co clea.e an arrcspttele ot
6een atulirg rhe f1!5r half of Lhe Eienlieth
p!ofe66iona1, hilitary. leligious o! orheE-,ise_, rhe plesidert
could choo6e an entlloly nes coqcll !o! tbe rire be1ng, composed
ol expelts in EhaE Efte!/ dd in hts dl6clerion, hold apalr from
the re9!1a! council?r,
The coDsriruri.oD conrained sevelal fearureB cotrrliblrinq ro
the lepresenrarlve chalacEer oa tshe lresident in tens of
poputaLion as oeII as.ultu!e. The lncosing ple6ident vas Eo be
elecled by a ig!.nd assenbtage,,?2 consisting of the siEring
Frealdenr, his fult cabiner, nenlbels ol the cenrlal A6sen6ty and a
college oa provinciat assenrtties {each p!@incial a66embt, sending
live Musli(s and live Hindu nenber6) , S€t€ccio! ot che Mu6lii ,ames
by a liindu presidenc and rhose of a t{indu by a Mustim 9lesidenr,
rhe cauae of leple6encariveness. Ma6hliqi conceived
the schere as a -sreet bretrding, ot the rlndian conceprions of
royalty add alitish conceprions of dtucracy,73
Trle presidenr o! rndia ,as dee@d ro have been elecred wirh
the consenr of che people of aI1 donominacions, €ectton5, creed6,
ecc; lepresenred in rhe gland a6senblage, he ,as to be plocLaimed
a5 rhe Defender of Fairhs, Righrs and Reafm anat, outside che
borarels of hdia, rhe aote Representalj,ve of the people of rndia.
Ttre plesident uas to enjoy a measule ot frajesry ald
synbolic and acruat powers. A1r:elnartvely rhe Hindu o! Ehe Muslim
president-in,office, as the case mtght be,. had ro keep 1n viev,
aluring his lenule ot office, al] rhe besr gowemois
beronging ro the other faiEh. yt €lecced, tshey shoutar, i! his
€etlGrion, rte rhe counrry beneti.€nrry and efficienUy, Ar lhe
end of tto year6 ot his dle. sitCtlg President saa to. put in a
Er_Ieg_€4e.19D tlve nan€{, alphabetlcauy allanged, alod anons the
govelnors or ex-govehors, eho irrhiE estiEtionr sele b€sr EitEed
fo! the ptesidenr6hip. one of rhe naftes mighr be nare of a 41er of
a srare undelsrood to haE @6r eaficierrtt governeat his srare ot
dehoclaric o! benericent Lines. The putring in rhe envelope, of
these naf,es {as Eo be amounced Ehloughour che counlly wirh lhe
firing of one hundled dd one guns- In Mashriqi,a vlew, by such
acr, C!44 che rhole or India rould be lsEumed as to rhi.h
Mussal@n is Eo be Ehe lik€]y cboice oa rhe Hindu plesiatenr,"?4 and
vice versa- Opening of the envelopes, exacEly afte! aix monEhs, was
!o be announced aifrilarly. The final elecrion qas !o Eake place
exacEly on the 6evenlh day of lhe amouncemenc. Ard, EinaIIy, !f
the sirting plesideni ras a Sindu one, 'oufd lssue a proclafration
appoinring a Muslin paatisbah,Presidenr for Ehree yeals as cbe
elected represenEatiwe of the ehole of India. AE once, he aas take
hih inro his cabiner ro rrain hift u! fo. rhe preEidenlship for lhe
nex! six nonths, When the pleaidenE betotrged to gindu leligioa, he
;I*:$Ltfli;+:,.:Tffi #$;qt'ffi
(r,o"ac" eas.ei iia.o"p.,y
ifr-*:@ ' rta. rgs+r
14. sryeed, p3ts!€!E!-: op. cir; p. ?6.
r e 3 r (rpc . ;.";, -";.*"**f,'.jffrffi
l::^r:Lr-of rhe pacr, eee rhe rn.rir
ti3ij-leff .!t"ff
59. lbid., p,
50. tiuaaain, op.cir.,, p. 211.
uashltqi, The cotrsliruBl9n of !r!e 5ct1!,,,, p, 5l
53. Ibid., p, 6.
Ibld,, p. 1s.
Ibid., p. l!.
, p. 13,
R.dheed lArik, op. ci!., p. 151.
.rlf i'
I- o'rrr"'
ro liashriqi iis alsosE a c@plere 1irrle unrverse,
mi.rocos6(. iThe nosr roDderfut objecr
*tT *'
fo! ne,s srudy*, co hin,
'is En binsellr3. rhe imolraliry of lfu,s spiltuar life i5 rhe
distinccive feaEule rhich lai6es htfr eove Ehe anihal wo!1d,
possession of rhe pder of at]sceaing good
ard evit, and
diffelentiatsing one fofr the orbe!, rogeth6! rhe 91fr of flee
wil1, glves hin Ehe choice and @kes .rm lesponsibte ror his
acrioD. rodeln Chli6rian rhinke!! hrve advoceat a sinilaE
vie, uiEh
legald Eo man,s 5piriiuallry. Maitiai!, ,o! €xar@le,
rlies ro sho,
how human knowledge has gpilirual baEisj inan,,,
he say6 !,i6 able co
kDow ,hatever parricipares in being and cecn, Ehe ,hole
can be inscribed in iti4, Thi6 reans thaE rn
older ro be known, Ehe
objecr knosn by Ehe inle11ect has been sEripped of any
conditions of Ecerialiryi. l'llis @an6 Ehac, ,hife
beiDg analy6ed
by the mlnd, rhings bec@e enrilety sepalaled tlom
!hei! frarelial
exisreDce_ Mlnd goes sri1l turlhe! ln coar
1r tclows Ehe spirituat
darule5 by a!a1ogy, e*rendiDg itsetf Eo Ehe
lears of Ehe po.sible.
rhe Quran lepearedry say6 char Man is desrued
ro @er his cod and
has che capaciry to parEeln his characre!
"as rar as possible, on
of che Designe. o, th€ UnivelEeis. ?o Mashrldi.
lherefore, an indiviituar perEon,s characEe! ishoutd,efte"E.
derehinarion ro evolve co highe! foft6
o! clearton. _ Tllis
esrabliEhes dtgnily o! rhe hrm! person
rn cne .lrvine scheme of
rnings. is, the hu(an persor
ia ic6 enrileEy is a pair of ahe
polirlcal society, buc, norerheteEs, ic
tlanscenat5 poliEical
socie[y by reason of any.nd all .bsolute
vatues to,hich rhe
person j,. lelaEed. Ti,le bu@n pelEon
Era.c.nc6 rhe sraEe, ro the
@n ha6 a de6riny supellor in Et@5.
!4arirain holds that {henever se say Ehat a @n 16 a peisoD, be
frean Ehat he ia frore chaa a sele palcef of Etsle!, nore lhad an
irrdividual elecnt in natore, sucb a3 an aEom, a blade of g!a66, a
tly o! a! elephant. Man pos6esses inr€l1igence.d vi11. He exi6is
noE nerely physically; thele i6 in hln a licheE, nobl,e! exisEencej
he has spllttual supe! exlatsence chlough knowtedge and de.tiny, I{e
is chus a ,ho1e, loE reiely a palrr he i. a urive!6e unro himserf,
a niclocosm in which rhe rhole great uri@lse.can be encompassed
lhrough knowledge; '.,, In rhe flesh and boiles of fran Ehere ltwes
a soulblch is a spilit and {hich has a gfeare! ratue rhan rhe
rhole physical unive!3ei?. No dou.bE, @! 16
of @Ete!; hts physical exisEence is mateliar in nature; buE 'Llr
hu@n pe!€on exisEs by viitue ot Ehe €xt6reoce ol its soul, {hich
domiraEes Eime and deaEh.3. Thi6 @anE EhaE tshe hu@n pel6o! has a
lelarionship rith the Divire and lEs6esses absoluie dignity. tn rhe
piciuresque descriprlon of MariLatn, Md,s "sptli,cuat tarhelland
consiBts of Ehe entile o!de! of rhlngE rhich h5ve alrsolure vatue,
and vhich leflecr, in 60@ ray, :n tbEolute superio! ro the ,o!ld
and rhicb dtav ou! Iile Eofards Ehis ab501u!e'9_ fte Daculal
aspira!1on of rhe huftan pe!3on is lor pol1rlcar and so.ia1
eEnciparion wbich ,i11 release hin rore and nore ffd Ehe bonals of
faEerial narure. rc aims ac .rhe betierenr of rhe condirions of
h!@n 1i!e ilself'lo. such befteren! rould i'plocure rhe co@n
good of Ehe mulEitsude, in such a Mnoer EhaE each concletse person,
nor only in a plivileged c1ass, bur rhloughour Ehe rhole G6E, @y
treery reach rhar maauE of irdependence s-hich is plope! ro
civilized liae an<Lhich is insule<t alite by ihe econhic
sua!.nrees ol rolk and ploperry, polirical righy s ciwil virEues,
anat rhe culrivarlon of rhe nildill.
rlee hdia
'as ro rumr fleedft fo! hdia ,as going ro mean good
lood end tull rBoiachd for .verybody, noE.mrely fo! rhose vho
explolr.d tn<ria. h ashrtqi,d viev, l4edqir wiEh eq)!y gromch ,a6
nor rolth the! on vhich tr f,aE giv€n. the si.ce should produce
lood ar 3ulfic1.nr1y tor !ric. lor .very indivialual in
!h. raDd,fon rhe highesr io rhe ldli6Et, !r au rl@s. No sd of
ch€ 3oil ,.s to be depliveat o! th. atllly lrleaal rhar hdia
Ere{ on
he! @n roil. c!!!ency in Inatla vas,!!h, Eo b. reasuled by
a RUPEE beins Ehat coimhich gave ro ils proce.sor,
aE Ehe leasr.
sixleen Beels ol rhe.r (or equlvereft cerear6) . Alt
hrelnal aB
,eII a6 exrerdl econ6ie5, plad5 and sch6nes of che srale ,e!e
nn subsewiedt co, snd be aitjusEed ]n accordance eirh. lhis
arandald of Ehe value or a Rupee, This value oa rhe Rupee
,as ro
sreadily ftettolare by rhe pe!6is!.nr erlolr of the staEe,
uncil a
Rupe6 ras co posaes6 Eh6 pde! buying rhiriy
tqo seerE o! wheaE.jl
Hunger ln tratia hed struck aE lhe rooE o! .Ll viralily
in che
counrry anat hait leituce<r lhe averaEe ag€ o! .n Inatian
to 23 y€lrs
chlough migery and statuarion. sor rhis
Frpose, a cur_.to6 in
erpenaliture on rutulies, Balelies i! clvit anit
aleparr@nca, and aerlties ya6 also ro be p.!r1s3ib1.
or,a6 ro b€
" i;:gi:""11?*.
Mash.iqi. cod Man and Uni\aerje, op, ciEi p. s5.
6, Marirain, Ridhrs 6f Man.._, op. clr, p. a1.
L, lblllr D, ?9.
43. lDtal, p.75.
L. lrldrttltnr oD. cii, D, taa.
45. trrtaiqt, &Lcd,rt!brt6.,, op. elt, p,69.
. 217
Geolge Sinpson oho ha3 algued rgaiD6! Eru Nouy,s vie"s on lhe
pulpo6ivenesE o! evoturlo[ary plocess, levelrheteEs holds lhac
,,leEponElbiliry t6 looceat in the tee natule of man,
MaE arisen
trom and is inherenE, in his evolurionaly history and statusi,
r!.rhe! pelsonal r€sponsibiliry "is a lespodsibility nor only trirh
relationsrlip ro tshe selr buE also eirh ielarioDship Eo orhers,
ultimarely emblacilg all Entin<t, a responElbiliry fo! cooperarioD
and fo! both glving and rakllg aid"12.
of psycho_culEulal evotuEio!, Hqrey p.esenEs
a .risr : fuller rivlng. sounde! ideas ar.d beliefs, ploEecEion
nacural and cuttural variely, pro!,e! educarlonar plinciples
syscec anat atredtion to inner life. rn the leatm
of fulle! living,
tn his v!er, Gn lta6 Ede sfte aalvances, rite
expecEaEion has been
incleased, rhe levef o, healrh ral3ed!
knorledge of n:rure
rncleaied viEh consequenc banishmenr of
rear. scienciatc kno,redce
has led Eo reflnemenc of ideas and
betief6. .n.* ," *"O
ro deepe! ou! knowtedge of rhe hunFn mind wiEh".**r,
the neeat to
unaerrite suney or huha! possibiliries
and sone auitit of nor-
leallzarion of such pos6ibiliiies. Buxt6y
ehphaEize6 prolecEion of
Dotn daEoral and culEural valieEy,
bur ronancjc basls
of ronde! and enjolren: rather than ro!
srriclly scientific
purposes.. l'le nu6r corbaE e@ryrhing
rhac rdiedlens rhe
valiery of
interest needed fo! hufian fulfilh€nr,
exlenirarion of ,i1d
Itfe, ove! hechanlzarlon, bo.ed!.m or @3d ploducrion
confomiEy, che 5poi11n9 of narula1 beauEy, the desraciion of
cufCural tiadirionsll3. h the lefoB of educaCional prin.ipres
tluxley emphasizeF nole pre6rige and mre noney fo! educarion, wirh
regard ro ime! life he raises a nunte, of questions fhi.h he
rhinks need ro be anEuered, How can ftan 5olve pgycholrg-(-t
conflicE, h@ aftain inner peace and spilirual hafrony? what is the
vahe of my6ricat expelienceE ot!6cendence and can rhe
te.hniques of aEEaining tshemi like yoga, be leadity comuntcared
and learnt, Neverthetess rqrey sunF up his genelat programe ro
prorcte psyclo-sociattevorucion in rhe foitowinq rolds,
And had rlly sursainer ao wiIIed, he eould 3uleLy have made all
Gnkind one Eingle comunlcy, but [se willed iE othe&ire, and
sol coniinue Eo be diveigenr la11 of chen,l .awe those upon
rhom chy su8taine! has bestored His glrce. And Eo thi6 end
lof being single c@iEyl has He cieated th€n. [alf l. And
tin case of diEunityl rold ol thy sustsainer shall be
fu1!ll1ed : MosE cerEainly {ilI r fill helr with.,lthose)
confusins orhers and lwiEhl cBges, atl rogeche!55.
acquisirion of Islamic fairh vas ro estabLish peace on lhe
face of lhe ealth to save Gnkif,d fld Ntua] cl,asbes, Islan, thac
i6, ras a leligion conceived Eo plorcte qualltles to cke people
be.ome inberilora ol ealth as {€11 as uniled. Followers of all
leligtods were ro be garheted rogerher on che basis of the idea of
pelpetual p€ace and rule on ealth by un*ed dnkind. Isfan ?as to
uproot a1l dtvtstons thac exisced on the basis of na!!o{
conceplions of religio*. Ielam {aa ro be concetved in the ?idesL
cems of inpalcing kno{1edge or princtples'ro esEablish endurins
rule on ealch on che ba6i6 of unily ot Enkind56. Belief tn che
uriEy of God - oreneas of God - GanE desrdctlon of au orher gods
rhelhe! in the fohn of pelsonal inielestE or in the fom of
unwarranted emphrslE on plircldia1 tie8. Oith belief in God a
pers;n ovelcores all di.tlacrion6 rhar could bec@ hindelances in
lhe ,ay of brochelhood, murlat help an.r ruruar kindneFs anong hucn
beings. rndeed, uniry a@ng peopre i6 an evidence o! che belief i!
the unty of Ehe creaco!. A nacion rhoEe @nbers de@nstslare uniry
arcng rhecelEa is a norion that bas ,hole,hearcedly accepied the
uDity or cod anal ie cmi:ett ro sefte coit, h accepEance is,ho1e_
healreat vhen ir i6 deoonsrraEed in ac!10n. ritashllqi argled rha! as
the principle or untEy o! cod is promocive of uniry among peopte,
acciwe denonsration of uniry rould frean belief in the unity of eod.
The Leagle of Narion {as a korrd organizario! cleared arourd
the t:me vhen uashliqi
'as busy in {rtrins his laztrixa. The uniced
NaEiona was anorhe! efforEar olgnaizing rbe wolt.t inEo uniry ot a
sorE. flashriqi {a6 not saris!ied aE such effolEs. 1n hls vies,
lvicious incention ot mn againsr cn iE perhaps sEilt rhere
in rhe
brains of Ebe poliEicians {ho upbold tshe idea of troltd
li) Taking over po,er in socieEy and Mkins decj,6lons fo! rhe
relfale of 6ociecy as a uhole.
f . irulid h$l.!r, et.r, Ertlry_lt_|l! tBoIIEr rodde! ,clushrd
ld tb a|lnd& TrE.i 1959).
2. Ibttlr D. 20,
3. lbid; I|. 19-20-
.1. lbid; D. 18.
5, tbld.
6. lb1dr 9. 21.
t. IDr,alr D. 12.
a. lbldr p, 2!.
9. !6aorts. llu Lout,
to. tD'.d.
U. lbld; D, U7.
12. Gi.orgt O.ylold s14,!od, :
1!. xer lrllc& trtbfrry, D. 165.
1!. lbidr !D. r?-aa.
!'a. hlxley, o!'. clt, D. 8!.
15. !bid; p. 19.
16. n Id; 9. t0.
17, r!ti; D. !t,
19. Iibtil, p. 33.
Maahridi,a trririnos
19.19), n,p,, n.d.
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