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Thought Of: Political Lnayatuli, Ah Khan Mashnqt

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Sarfraz Hussain Ansrri

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Thesit sabnitled tn Wtlavnfillrrpnl of tlre reqaranerrtslor
the Degee of Docror d Philosophy in
paLtutan Shtdbs


lhrata iD trrthl ldltllrIt of th. r.quit-ot.
lor tb. Phllo.oDlr 1D?.ll!trr atudl.B.

ot.rro! ol lDt.rmlioorl n.lrtt.nt D! . qullr tdil.! stDitht

riit-1-at.n Utiv.!.1ty l|tlolrl la8tltute ot
!rtt.t$ 8t{at1.t

{'J 3J----a I'
l" l1l 't] nL r4tll '
I hercby declare thal this th.sts is the results of ,rU tndiltdual
,search old that ls has aot been abnitud cona nenl$ to arOt ott@r
dee$i,tlor any other &gree


: ..:"i
P o$ct ;"

Introducilo! I
ciapt.! I
cDrp€.r II
r|l|r rhtur.: r..Ddqt,r roErC_vld a3
Chapt.! III

1!. Coltrcrt.- Blr-uclrtic 5t.r. L7l

llsxte'rnrd Etrr! d96rt 220

Irrtty o! x.nklrat 2147

I highty lndebted !o Dr. pewaiz lqbal Cheeoa unde, ,ho6e

kind supe4tsion I have cofrpleted ny itisserrarlon. His keen

inrerest rn ny eork aery€d 6Eiru1us. a{d r cake rhis
ogporluniEy !o extend ry !hdk. tso nrm to! h1s gui.tance anat
frietrdly discusslons.
r am rhankful Eo D!. chulam Hyde! slnarhi, Dilecror, NaEional
rnsrrcure of Pakistan srudies, cuaid-i-Azan university, rsIaDbad,
ror nany acrs ot kindnes. and for allanglng a 6ho!t bur crucial
leave frm rhe rnsEituce co on.!y disserralion sork. r
profiLed tlom discu6sions wirh a numbe! or pe!6ons knosteatgeabLe
abrur ibshriqi and his tuvenenc bur I tusr name syed shabbir
journallsr, bioglaphe,, Eran6lalor and ediror of
Iigssain, a vereian
sone of Ma.hliqi,s impollanr vllEings. The tahaksa! hagiog.apher,
uasre! sher zaman, an otd discipte of Mashfiqi, gave
re generously
oj h!s rlme co ctea! up celrnrn biographrcai facts. r v:sh
arlrowledge my debr Lo (. Abdul salam Mat.ik,
d sFparhe(r.
obselver of Mash.iqi,s uork, wbo plovided ne,itsh
some of rhe !a!e
t:lcings of Alra@ Mashliqi.
1 am grateful ro hy cotleagu66 at Ehe Naliona1 rnslirure
Pakistaa srudi€s, Quaid,i-Azam universiEy,
rs]aEbad ,ho wele a
of encoqlageneaE. r ius. acklowtedge {i!h .hanks
tire help of tibiary Slaff of NaEional rnsrtutse
ot pakisran Sludies
ard cen.iat Library, Quaid,i_A2an universicy
Islamabad in lo.a!ing
reruired @relial, and che secrelarial !Eafr
;f rhe Ouard_i_Alam
charr, Ndctonat rne!icuLe o! p:llscan sEudies
ln che Unive!s!cy.

Tazkirhr, vot

:*.ff*4"h*"i:**:t"tl"are24). @ntains thlee polEions and arr or

' #i*:"m:lilki"$i i:iili",t"ii*.;"*":'ii:";.:t,:i"i::

r in urdu, consi6ls o! 13r pases. rere,e have

' i;Tf*T:"i; "i"": ;:"..1:x 11 i:x";f*"?":"."us,:;i *"="

*l,ilf"."1it'"9.'."33;,,.he Ehlee polrions appea!, uade! Mash.iqi. s
.-^3,^-_ _
wor. I. AsriEEar: tdar_cut_Ishaar te_Taz{!r.h

;::ii::i;.,,]i+i-!, vor. r AnriEsar: rdala_rul_rshaar

. Le_

ijlili:Il"i,i".tlu}jEba, vol. r. A@i!6ar: r.rara-rul_rshaac re-

j*;*:'.,f +.+ T-+llt" {}4 :?*#li,,*it''

,.\|i. R}

i r""' f

study aeeks !o !,!esenr . .ysre@Eic rr6armenE

"tte of poliricar
ideaB or rnayauulrah Khan Masbliqj, {1sss-1963)_
Boln ro a Muslim
fahily i. che Ea6r€rn punjab (nor palr or rrtrial,
he passed fou!
!!i!oses from Ehe canbridse irntvelsity Engrand,
in 6uch subjects as
Malb€maticai Narural sclence., ceoglaphy,
M.chanicat sciences and
orteDrat Languages. xe adopceat rhe teaching
plofessiod bur
ob6ewing the lt|usri6 itecline all ove!
cne ,o!rd, he publlsbed hi!
vieks oo Eh6 lise and fatt of nations,
iD re24, t]€ entsered potitj,cs
or independed.e in r93r belie.,ing char exr6Eitrg palEte6
hnd no!
been abte ro advance the cause of
India.s rre€atm sarisfact.rilv.
Dulrng 193Os, he Llied co organize
Mu.1i(E inEo an effecEl*: bodv
and crilicize<t rhe rndlan NaEionat congfes!
for ics lole,hich he
described as an effenitrare one, During
crle decade of 1940s he
in.urred rhe anger o! lhe Briltsh cowerndenE
a6 welt as lhe
congress anat Muslift League. He
opposed lhe Leagle for jrs
aeudalislic connection3 and drd noE
actsivelysupporr Ehe r,eague,s
oemand for divi,6io! o! India. qe
disagreed witb che congress for
ilE empbasis on unicary 6r4cEur€s_ He
i5 ofren blaheat for his
seemingly coDtlaaticEoly poslrions.
Horever, any 6uch ju<tgehent @sr
arait a srudy or nashriqi,s aim6 i! potiErcg
anal his phitosophy of

This sEudy i6 concelned ,ich titashlrqr.5

,orld_view and his
poliricat values ,hich, ii,tue,
lesr on rbe srlrhesis he Elied !o
effe.! berween religloD an.r Ecierce. H;
algued EhaE rhe spirir of
rhe t,o coq)Iftntary, science Erudied narule (rclk of cod) and
retigion sas concelned ,ith lerofation {rord of cod) . The inpac! of
theories o! reracivcfy ed aeoolc Ecience hetped t ashriqi co arsrue
fo! the exisrerce of cod. ar rhe 5a@ rire, he believe<t rhaL
!eltgion could be srudied EcienEiflcalty in rltar leligion broughr
up by prophets terch @.ktnd lhe plinciples of
eslablishing durable and plo5pelous polities. scienrific sEtrdy of
religion could show which lefigion(s) conlained 6ound plin.iptes
for olganizinq durable aDd prospelous polittes.. Aac, indeed, here
Nashriqi al so inviLed scienElEc6 Lo un.terlake rne cari of
eEcablishing rnEh or othetrise of va.iou6 !€]igions.
on rhe founda!ion o! religlo-scienrlfic 6ynrhesis Ma3hiiqi
builds hls conc€p! of @n ad arEendant politi.al valu.s and
insciru.ions. Man fo. him ts a ploducr of ewolutiof,i ,trose renral
and spilitual supelioliEy ove! rcber beings inpalr
disnity Lo him.
Huhan digniry is enhanced {hen ee rake inlo
accounE human d?sciny
-nan s evorucion Eo a higher tom of being incolporaling
more and
nore of ihe charac!e!i6Eics of co<r. such -;olurron
ud5 co be
racilitared by scruggle o! unired nankiro co conquer rhe
Mashriqi,s polirical drough! rhus deals urc! Ero
consEanrs i,e. cwo
cole va1ues hunan digniry and unicy of Mnkind. valiables
!)f his
choughr.are ins!itu!ional foms ploper ro leallzaclon
of rbo values
ac tne level or individuals, of ch6 c@unat groups
or comuniries,
of nations/sEares and or hankird as a {hore.
Mashliqi,s wriling. fall inCo rhiee periods.
In lhe firs.
pefuod are included his n.in.ess.y, Tazklrah
tr924) ard !:Iared
troiks befole his rcEnenr,as banned and
he;as jli1ed in 1940.
Duling rhis period he frosrly *oCe a.bour lbe lise of .dynamic
narirl,, i.e, narion kho6e @rbers f,dtd be ir&lued fill such
physrco-moral chalactelisrtcs a6 vould elevare rhen ro rhe sratus
of a r!ee, ind€peldonr larion; rbey ,ould enJoy atigniEy nr Ehe
level of narion. The second peliodl co@rs tshe decade of r94os, ,hen
Muslih !eag!e, refuaing Ehe €!atu. or a percnenr minoriEy in an
rn.lependenr rndia, uolked !o! che cleaclon ol sepalare counrly-
Pakistan, The Corgress pa!!y opposed Euch division. Mashriqi,s
nBlo. work aruling thi6 perlod wa6
1q45 A c. rn Ehis documenr, he suggesled lhe solr o! insrirrlions
rhar he choughi were Rore tikety ro plomoEe rhe <tignily
of vlrious
in an heEelogeneou. society, He advocared lhe
escablishmen! of a corpo.ate sraEe. He arso gave
his viefs ,n ho,
to enharce the disniry of inatividuar hu@n belngs by
tayin,, do,n
rnwiolable fundamencal ligh.s of @n. The rhild
peli.d of
llashriq!,s oli!ings €ffecEively begin5 qiCh hi6.Ietre!,
in 19S1, ro
sciencisis asking rhem Eo .66erE themselves poli!icalty,
co rdka
over por€r tn Ehei! lespecttve Eocieries
and pur Enkind on rhe
parh of conqueEr oa ch€ udlve!6e.
Thi6, r4ashriqi rhougbr, would
lead co a uniEy of rhe nalktnd as a,ho1e,
anal process of conquesr,
Iikely ro invotve billions of years, wourar
raise Mn to a ,rm of
beins possessing characEelisrics akin
!o rhose or cod.

PurpoEe of Inquiry
This srudy 5eek5 ro pieEent a sysre@lic Ereat@nr of
political ideas of rndyarutlah Khan, ber.e, eom as Ma6hliqi,
ha6 eirher been ignoled o! Eu@rtly rleatsed
by Echotais con.e!.ed
vlrh Mustim poticical rhoughE in hdla be.seen the cwo kolld
Mash.iqi {as born in 1330 ln a atisrlicr of rhe EasEern
no, in Jndia. He proved hiGelf a. a pelson ot greaE
porer fiisE as a;Etudenr ar rhe uni€rsily of punjab,
Lahole, lhen
ar lhe canblidge untversiry in England aad larer, in 1924,
as Ehe
aulhor of an idporcant book namety Tazktrahlr fhe
ta2kilah rried !o
shoo t.tan !o be rrhe 6o6c auccesslul and univelsa1
plinci91e of
nalion bu ding.. - - rhe infillible and dtwina socior.gy"2,
foregh.dowing 'a hea\.y programe of acEion and
nacio! buildirglj,
({hen Mashriqi founded
bis rhaksar !4ovemenr (!iterarly, .dusc_rike,)
rr r93r, he sas describeal as ittle onty potirical leader
in India,
,ho had iar exceprionaUy blilri,arE academic
Belole his ptunge into hdian policics dashltqi
had fofrulaled
hrE poliEical philosophi ald *as kno,n fo!.hls views
in rhe
Ta:ki.ah and arso his rshalar which wa6 pubtished
in 1931rj. The
I(hak6ar rlove@nE grew tnro an orgdizarion
,ich 6eve.a1 rhorsand6
ol devoled and disciplineat pelEotrs ready co obey
rhe olatels o!
lelevaDE supelior., even at lhe .o€t of
rheir lives, Ttte rcvemenE
a good name fo! irs gociar sewice activiries aod lor
Ehe physical ricne.s a'.r nr"o *J.r .n...."., o, ftE rembe!.. as a
Muslimlevivatis! novenenr rhe Khaksars cane.1trro confticr,ith rh€
Aricish India govelrhenE, were bahed, anat aEhriqi ,a6 puE in
ja . He Bas ilreftirrenrly jalte<t in pakiEcan as ,elt, during
shich ci@ he callied on his inleti6cEual wo!k, rn connecrion,rrh
6ome of rhe sork durtng rhe inpll6onmenr in rakisran,
Mashliqi ,as
hailed by a foleigi co@nCaro!, ifo! Ehe generous vara.rrcy of his
idecs and rhe amplilu<te ot his appear-6.
when paki6Ean movemen! gre, qulre srlong, Mashfiqi devi6ed and
propagared a of a corporaEls! conEricution on rhe basj.s of
qirh 30t 6eac5 lesetued fo! :he.poo! sirhin eacb ralga
comuntty, IL
'as opriona] fo! a provirce Eo beco@ indep:ndenr
arrer an experimenral period of keeping rndia uniEed fo! len years.
Buc he incuted rhe animosiCy of bolh tle hdian
Nariolal Congless
a.d Ehe rlustim
Leagle. Ee took Ehe posiEion rhar Euiopean tibe.al
alemocracy neitsher suired arundivi<leat
rwo prcposed
dominiotrs vbich ,ould co@ inEo €xisCence after rhe envlsaqed
Pa*irion of the sub,conridenr. se aigued rhar each nev dfrinio.
,ould .ohe unde! rhe dominance oa one of Ehe.poliCical parEies,
namery congress in rndia and Mu.ttm League ir pakisran.
8e lhougbt
che !tro ve.e eliris! in naEure. thelr @@e!s
devoid ot qlatiries
oa senice !o che cffiuniEy or belief rn nu@n drgnrly.
rn his
opinion, rhe parEies wele ,anilnq i, qualiries absolurely
for escabtishtng volchrhile poliEieE. asnriqi,s opposiEion ro
Ieadership of rhe t'o palries atrcEE Eeaied hi6
faEe as a 1:ade!,
and also of his potirical ideas.
Nor'i,rhsrand1ng his achievfrenrs in lhe incefl€clual and
socio-lolitica1 field€, no eolrhrhite acad6mic,volk has been done
o. Mashriql. l{hatseve! IiEeraEure has core ouc of tshe pen of !on-
&haEsa!r!r,re!s doe6 noc @ke use of i{a6hriqi,s wririnss, Even 60,
'ifaEional,, ,anrl-dehocfaric, and .aascis!,? Leaning5 have been
tfrpured !o Ma6h!1q1 on rhe basl6 of celLain o! lhe posirions ne
took in active poliric.. Art rhis virhour prope! alpreciation of
such po6iEions and,iEhouc.eferenc€ ro r.tashriqi.s e1?1iciE wiels
Do lhe conElary regardlng such lnpularions.
?llere i5 need ro undeltake a fut,l_scale Ecudy ro highlight cbe
political of a scienriet-inreflecrual.rho ,as, a6 noEed
hailed as the onry poliEicat Leade! of India {ho had
rhe dietincrlon or having ran exceptionatly bli11ianr academi.

I! this corneccion rh€re are Eme quesEio.s rhar need ro be

wharrere rhe rorives of Mashriqi,s lhoughr and,ha! *e!e Ehe

raccors thaE irftlencear his lotularion:nd lesolution of rhe
problefr rhat he ranred to handle?
Ho{ (ttd he approach realiry? irhac was h1s wolld-vierr. I{irh
retelence ro hi6 poliricaf ch@gh!? rlo, does Mashltqi wiew

llhac are the political valu€6 rhlch he 6Eresses?

envisage ro !ea112e such vatue5 in tems ot
irsEiEucions, etc?
signittcdce of the Pldbtd
Apparenrly, Mashrlqi,s aBrerPc !o irflueice hisrory cdld noE
be realized in Eh6 envisaged @Me!, yets ,Eudy ot. his Ertoughr is
ispoltan! for a numb6! of teasonll
FilsL, adoprion of an ialea palEicular tifre @l, noc be Ebe
ab a
sole clire.ion for a65€ssing the idea. Indeed, a cefebraleat
hi5toiian of poltricat rhoughr ltolds rbar hi6rory can Eell uE only
rhac a parricula! viee va6 iabanatoned in favour o! anotshe! vies by
aII nenj iL does noE Leach u6 eheEher che o,
whecher rhe iejecE6d vie, de.ercd Eo be lejecred,3.
"." "o"na
rt is
necessrly co undelLake lmpalrial anaty6is of the abandoneat vier,
su.h aDalysis nor being blinded by vicroly of Ehe publicry adopted

Secondty, sEudy of UaEhliqi,s polirical Chought offers a

iicher perspecclve on pakisran rcErenE. Appalenr lejecrion or his
ldeas in rhe final deci6ions aboui rhe faEe of €he Indo,pak
conrrnent in no way means lhat rhe change did nor embody some
of his ihough!. On che conlfary, xashliqi,6 work dulitrg che 1930,s
atid @ke a c4cial qonrliburion to rhe cbain oa eEncs
rbaE ted !o
ho@ltous atecisions ln Ehe hi6tory of the .ubconEinenc,
norable hisLorian! have seen Ehe creariod of p.klElan
sorety as rhe
handirort of the Muslin teague led by Ouard,i-Azafr Jlnnah.
addicting spiiirual plogeny Eo Iqbal and int€tleclual one
.o the
Arigalh fiove@nEg. HoFeve!, . !ecen!1,y, some writeis have
begun Eo
empnaelze rhe cor{'texlry of Ehe paklsEa! rcvemenr.
Tba! is, In rhe
vie! of mady r!ire!., serelal rhoughr and placrical
acliong of @ny t{ustlng oEher a*n ano"" o"r,on"r"" ro rhe leagle
contribured tso rhe evenrual ourc@ of India Mu6lj,c, sraggte for
independenceru. The currenr of Eh@gbr inftiaced, and dynamic
acrior underEak€n, by xashdql played a EtgdiflcanE lore in
infuslng seMessne.s .rctrg @ny Mu511ms.
a6hliqi e@lged as a gleat l6ade! of co@iEy i, rhe
rndian sub-conrlnent during rhe 1930s. rnrrirg r-hac ateqde, Mu61ih5
of several legions came Eo develop a lo. of self-confidencej
Mashriqiis rhoughE play€at a vital lote in Euch awakening and a
sludy of il BitI provide a liche! pelspecrive of paki6.an movemenr.
dashliqi,s emphasis on failh in. peopte,s de6riny, unrly of rhe
natlon and discipllne unde! a leader lare. beca(e slogars in lhe
lunning of pakiscad Movemenr dultng rhe 1940s. ThaE is, lhe
olsaDizaEional pliDcipres ro conducE a succes.lul sr4ggte for
Pakistan rere based on id€as ,htch Mashriqi iniciatly adurbraLed in
1e24 and lare! expounded in rg:r11, rt is inForianr Eo lay bare
philosophrcar foundacion6 o! such ideas Hhich playe<t so !trE:rranc
a lole in rhe 6c49gle fo! pakiscan aral ale 6rilt consideled as
gakiscan,E DaEion:t rc!!o.
Thildly, in ch6 conreai or such !1cr pe.spec.rve, r4ashr1qi,6
ideas ca! exprain the 1ngloliou6n6. E, of pakisEan wirbour
doub! on rhe cleaciod of pakisEa, a6 6uch. Th€re is no douba
Pakiscan,s posr independence e*p€rience sbook the very foundalion
ot the narion. Duling the fi!6r irerry,fiwe year6 of iLs exisrence,
.fe coun(ry undetrenc lwo Ma!Eral, Iaws, Lhose of r95g an,t r959
followed by a dishembersenr. in 197r. The rhird r4erEiat Lav rasEed
lor eighr yea!.?. 1n5 Eabi l1ry a! sove!1@nral level and ur.erEaincy
tn put'lic affaira, tncludtrg colopEion atrat glaft, all plagled rhe
laEio! eve! 6ince 1rs cleaElon, Mole lecenc1y, pottical
porarr.arion aDd civil .ulfe have added co che alleady vegeEaEj.ve
naruie o! rhe 6Eare.
such posc ln.tependence *peiience has casr .toubEs on rhe velv
,isdomof c.€ation of Ehe couftry. Ayesha Jatal, fo! ex:.dple,
suggesEs thaE since pakistan,s poliEy is not funcEionidg
smotnly,r2 rbele uas soherhitrg basically vlong in rhe nacirle of
Reflecring in rhe s.re vejni anorbe! ,rire! savs:

Much changeE .have cakeD ptace !n or.isinat

rctrvallon_,underrying ehaase evencualry goc conceprron and
in Lh; fom of
a roalrns cheos ln our chouqh! ani
abouc Ehe very -"*"
A veaelan ]eader of pakislan Movenenc ha6 described the counary as
tne ction thaE lost irs sou1,14,
PakisEan linats helself in a labyiinEh
fo! Ewo inrer_r.tared
leasons' tr) non_appreciarion by the r4usrrn reagle potirical
o! cbe social vision conraine.t in rhe rslamic_Qulanic
protusely used !o! nobiti2ing ritusrio
masse6 behhd rhe idea of
Pakistanls, and (2, rhe cons€quenc vacrrraEior
in lhe
rmpremenrarion o! requlleat 6ocio-economlc and policical refotus
tnplred ln LhaE vision!6,
Jitrrah hi(sel!,a! lac€ in comiDg co cne.onclugion rhai
crearron ot Paki6ran ,aa neceasary to lesorve
the rndian
con6EiEurional p!ob1en17, The finar decision in rhe Grte! vas nade
as lare as 1946 rhen the Mu611n renbet3 ,efused Co sir in lhe
con.rirutionaf assenbty calfed in gesslon ro.leplesenE whote of
India, ald deEnded palririon of rhe hdiai! sub_c@rinenrrs. The
Musltfr i,eagle leadership ariat noE g1E any sysreGric sraEemerr of
rhe concepriors rhar reie Eo undellj,e the socio,potiricat ]iae of
Pakr6ran rhich ir was Erying so indefarigably ro brins inlo
exisren.e, rn a speech in Au9!6r 194s, Jinnah spellear olcl

lle cannor dfford Eo indulg. 1n our differences. Ar rhls aonen!

x:. H : t.i: 1i:,i.Tii"li"* g H'""",:{#
rbe6e d1lferences q:lL hawe"Ti.i""
!o be s:!lled
i.t:.-li hcve ctme fo! d9g6s!ic pros;ame .";Eii;;;;;
Duc !Irst:h:rJ
geL the governmenE"rr,
Lack of proper defiriEion of rhe ,arion,s ulriGre at.sriny
leflected in rhe post-independence vacitlaEions abouE the r)?e of
socreiy Eo be esrablist!€it, led ro ,eak f.irh in narioral atescioy.
This, in ru!n, lessened tshe uniEy in the na[ion. The wery narion
rhlch had frobilized and vetded irLo unrEed sEoggrei ca(e ro
be sha[rered because no head{ay could be Mde Eo insEirucionattz€
an ldeology which had noE been defined plopelIy duling the

Fourthly, Mashiiqi,6 rhoughE can hetp prowide peisuasive and

raEional vision of sociery! in rhe ,ake of rhe ,irgloliousness,
suffered largely as a resulE of ill_Ehoughr out anat il1-devefoped
ideologt,. Pakisran @veheor unde4enr a Eransfotu.io!. la:her a
6ubsEiturionof rhe @in goal. As envisaged b, rqba1, Mu61in5 in
India needed a separare re!!j.!ory so rhar rhey courd further
develop Eh€ Shaiiat'of r5ld ro @er rhe Eocio-econmic challenge6
in a lramework which woulct ke6p rncacr it" t.t"9r"r ,"t.tion
be!{een religion and poliEica2o. Challenges !o IEIamic socieEy had
appealed in the lom of capiratlgm dd .aEheigric aocialisn, and
boch ot tshem uere unacceprable to Iqbat otr the ground thar rhey
@de a di.rincllon belreen .the profde, anat \rhe sacr€d,. To
Iqbal,, lslam @ate no such distincrion and rhe ultlfr.re goal of his
a<lvice fo! a sepalaCe iounEry tor Muglims became a modet !o!
elisination of niselie6 of hu@nity, creared boEh by capilalish and

unde. Qucid-i-Azan and lhe MuEllm I,eagle Ehe goa! care Lo be

metadorphosized into Ehat of achievemenr of pakisEan22. Achievedenr
of ner .ounrry va6 a corplicar.d anat alifficult proee.s and
eventually dominaEed, alftosc !o atr exctusioo! ihe ulrimEe goal of
developmenr of shaliat of rstao. rtr che heaied sraggle of c.eaEing
a ne! .ounEly rhinklng on tshe ultihaEe purpose becade alEeNaled.
?he arrenuatiod was ju6rified oD Lhe groudd rlrar process or
derining r6lanic ideotogv ,as riable ro dissen6lon a@ns people,
dissipacion of rheir energi€s in @ruat conflicr and, consequen!,
lallure Lo pakrsian boch from rhe Hindu le.dershrp
ald the
Ari!ish lu1ers23.
clle imediaEe goat ot pakisran ,a6 achtew€d Ehe Mu6lim
league leadership uas Dots able to raLe aay rearingful and eff:ccive
sceps in rh€ dilecrion o! urr!@re goal :ld esrablishing n jusr
I.ladi. 6ociery. sore sout sealching has of course been done afce!
che achievemenr o! 6rare ir 194?. Buc bar!1e of ideas
conducceat eo
far ha6 gone on wirhou! gtving any considelarion !o Mashriqi,E
conception of nariotral alG, o! rhe ray 6uch aims would be
plorcred. r'rashriqi prmced borh d.baEe on, and educarion i., the
vi.ion of a crearive, dyramic naEton24. Anat his vlews on lhe
subjecr sriI1 posseE..r viraliEy ald letevance to the probten of
.reatrng a duiabre and pro6pe!4s sociery; Ehis is 5o b.cause
Mashriqi,s rhoughr in poltEics ls looceat iD bi6 frecaphysical
concepcion6i (i) of cod a6 Crearo! as eell aE provide! ot glidance
ro huGnkind !o! ir6 Buryival and plospericy; (ii) of Mn as
endo,ed ui.h krtl, vho may or may nor accepr guidance flon cod and
@y have ro pay for hig legligence in left. of individual and
collecrive advelsicy, and (iii) of Narule as ihe arena of hu(an
endeavou! Eo prowe his capa!1licies by conques! of narule, nor only
rarnessing Ehe natulal folces fo! his advanEage buE also learning
lessons theleof fo. hi5 hul@ orgar:zatio. a. ,e1125,
Mashriqi/E concepEion or inatlvi.rual ard social life,as based
o. rhe Qulanic vie' o! Gn,s !!ee will and responsibitiry. He
atrempEed a legeDelation of Ehe sociery rhlough individuat
refom and chose seturc6 ro Lhe co@niry as .n unr"rr,n,,-.noo
Man endowed wich leaso! was responsibre lor cleariig a prosperous
and durabte sociery by deviEing suirabre 6ocjo_potilical
and by conques! o! dacu.e. cod,s guidance Eo man
Lhe fom of revelarion ,as chele in rhe sclipEules, principaUy,
Ehe auran as che lasc ediEion of Ehe ro.at of cod. Bur i! leMined
G!,s lesponsibiliiy Eo cleaEe condiEions or prospelily and peace
o! co face individuat and collectsiE aatvelsity. ,aashriqi,s lboughc
i3 inceresrlng in lhar he tlles ro desonsllate, on
Ehe aense
lacional slounda, rhe inEorrance of eulaDic ceachi.96 ro! rhe
socio-polirical of nacion, confuEing rhe vie, curlenE aftong
modeln sociologiEcs chaE lel1gion iE parElcutalisEic in naeure25.
Islanic reachins6 enFhasize ei@lsalj,sEic notu, equaliry in
social reraEions and above atf, the ro.Eh of oan; @n in rstam is
taken as depuEy of cod on earch, Any seliou6 eflorts Eo undelsland
ald/or tnplemetrr !aki6$n,s ideology -itt p.ofits by che srudy of
Mashriqi qhoEe intelpreldEion of rslairic teachings bears rhe
impless of hig scienrific rlaining and is 6ClI1 held in lespecE by
r4uslin inhabitanrsof Ehe slb-conEilenE exposed ro bis rh.ughc.
Behind rbe successes of Ehe 4baElra Moveft.nE in ,orks of social
service duling ihe 19t0a ]ay E philoEophy of lite based on his
vlers about che narule of cod, Mn dd universe Bhich need Eo be

Fifrhly, Ma6hiiqi,s tshoughc cad sheit a r-oE of lighr on rhe

problem or Islaniza!ion of socio_polrcical i,te,. pat,"tan
aboui which h.s loE yec abaced2?, on the conclary, tnere are
tne signs of lhe debare conrinuing in Ehe fu!u!e. comenring otr
Shariat EiIt of 1991, an eninent renber o! the legislaiure hetd
tl!.E rhe 8i1t Hould be oppos€d borh by Hhats be calted cbe .raEiona]
nind, and the 'funda@nCatisc,. The tlartonal mind, voutd cppose
lhe Bilt alrer an objecrive anatysis: Bltr plovided ,no codcreEe
glldetines, for rhe application and impleGnlaEion of
che mral
preceprs conEarned theretn,,. ,rhe .fundarenlari5r, ua6
rrk.ly .o
oppose rh- BiIl because he e)ul,d see iE as I series or rere
inoperarive declaiarions of inrenr! EhaE <to nor pre6clibe any
specific aoal fo. sociery"_ Tttat i6, Ehe Bill would 6een ro be ,an
arreftpr Eo ch.o' so much du6r in rhe €yes of the peop1e,,23. ciwen
of .tretll)! aE l.lanizarion, Ehe plocess 5e.ms co
hawe leached
'hae a longrifte obE6wer of pakisran,s lerigio
poliEical scenalio haE desclibed a. ,a btidd a11ey,,29, Mashliqi
vieks leligioo, Deeg, priclity in cers of conducr lead:ng ro
prosperir.y and srable tule in lhts volld, botli ro be emploTed rn
Ehe fulf illdent of cod,s col@rd to bling unicy arcng mankind3o.
seen in this perspeccive, no6c of che nalro, discussicns of
bringing rhis or Ehar aspecr usde! rsranic lars fall!.r cbe

srudy of Mashliql,s potiEicat !!ough! could aid ou!

undersranding of a dunber of colsrtEucionat problems of pakisran.
Ir his vietr, durable pollry could be buitt on rhe basis of levealed
prrnclples. since tbe creaEion o! pakisran, several consErrucions
hive been rrted. Those ol 1956 and 1962 were a;losared by Mrrrial
Lass, oscensibty on rhe ground cha! Lhey did no( work. Th,: taTt
has undergon€ c4cial adendmerrs, add consEtutional
dile@s of lhe counEry Ecitt conEinue Eo ptagle her potj,rics.
Debate on some of rhe funda@nEal codgEiruiionat plobleG
ha6 raged
rhrougrloui the indep€ndence period, parEicurarty,irh legard
ro rhe
prace of Islan in che poliEy and rhe fom of governsenllt.
Mashriqi,s ihoughE vas co.celned pliGrily rirh probteos ot
eslablishnear/@irienan.e of uorrhvhite poliricat insriEucion..
luided rhe plepalaLron of the tconsEiEuiion of ilee rndic r94G AD ,
and h.d deflnire viers d such issues a5 caliphace, fon of
goverDrenc, dl,sEribution of powei arclg various olganE of the
stale, represenraEion of legions/.ffiutriEie6, erc. Ho{eve!, he ba6
never figlfed in discussion6 by EcholafE, no! have offielal leporLs
EEudy rhe posgibt€ rerevdce or r4ashrlqi,s v1.,s to
resolve Ehe consriturioEt dilel@s oa pakisrd,
sev€nrhl,y, Mashliqi,s rhoughc aDdhis er?erience in .rearins
a niliralily arisciplined g!@p.es rr be quire lelevant Eo
pakieran,s defence plobress, parrtcula!1y rhe probleft ot defence
expendilqle; 1r has plovelbia]ly srood very high and collat be
mirimlzed by creating organizetloDs based- on rhe Khek ar
expelience, Edpha6izins Ehe id.a of mi11rary di6clprine durlng
India-Pakisr.n confroncarioD in 1951, xashriqi held, iThe
iiEeuectual r€volurionj creaEive iareas, unicy of acricn anat
rhoughc, 60lidaliry anar rslanic araEehicy shich roltos lhe
conversron ot rhe enrile narion j,nro a miliEary unit,ill obvlousty
rraghten asay pandi! Nebn,s most corard nalionr32.
tn 1951,, Mashriqi la@nled Ehar afcer having ron paklslan, the
tuling eledenc6 1n rbe countly had nor been able ro create {.alch,
knowledge, rlade, nencal calible, hamony alal ofsanizarion.
!n such
or conflorEa.ion betseeD India ilnd pakisEan, rh. sane
spiric of Ecoggle agains. hatia catat, in Mashliqi,s opirion, @ke
tne Eilon mititanc and bodlty !1t, and r€nde! pakiscan invin.ible.
Naiional programe ot delence Erainlrg coufd enelgize che naEion

r'4ashriqi,3 inceresr ln lhe ,!1s€ and,arr or natsions, led co

er:!'roie tlle probld of poliricE fld the poinr of viev vhich gained
predminance ln rhe lbsr rorld taa! rr Eirings of gludenrs of
polirics and Bociery. on rhe iniemaiionar scene, schclally
il.eresr .!n ihe polriical developrenr of Lhe 5o ca.tled rnlrd_trorlo
nalions since the Second wolld Wa! srill conrinues, Ehough in a
some{har abared ma@e!34. l4ashriqt ovelr1y,rore oo rhe tlise and
fal1 of nacion.r, a subjecr,hich i6 inciMrely connecEed uirh Ehe
posr-rar ,rtlngs i!nderdevelop@nEi
'developmenr!. A sruaty of Mashliqi,s polirical rhoughr soultt itford
an oppoltuniry ro hawe an urdelsrandlng of
poliEical develolsenr as
conceived by a Muslin schoIa, fho,as uell verEed 1n m.atern,
wesrern, sciences, tndeed, MaBh!1qi,5 ideas prdvide a sotid
ror indigenizaLron, pointing out cny of rhe plcfalts lnher.nr rn

enphasi.estrhe nocion of @ a3 vl.egere.r of God .id prowides
ba6is fo! Ehe asseliion oa laEionaliry in pubric aftair$, de,
emphasizing parricutarisiic artlrudes, such artirudes
consideled as
agalnsr polMcal develop@n!. ar the same lime tlashriqi !:gards
letigion a3 rhe "viraf pait oa rhe Erlaign! paEh. Fo. rhe Eurvivar
of a naEion, 1!' i3 essenrial thar rhe chalacEer ot rcs indiwiduals
should be pacrerned as fa! a5 posgible on rna characEe!
of rhe
Desrgner of (he u^rver6e'16,
pakistan ha6 tagg€d behln.t in socio-econonic
uashriqi was a €cieniisE and hld gtven corgide.abte lhough! nor
only Eo Eechnology bur atso ro organizaEion or ecoromic acElviEy
a Gnne! which courd coDElibule ro rbe esr+li.hnenr of
efficient, jusr effecEir econdlc sy6ren37: lxdiGrio! of rhe
p.emises of lashriqi,6 ldeas itr thls rield could conrribur€ to
beErer ulaterstandiDg of ploblec ot iterel,olnenc. uashriqi provides
a mo.te1 of socio-economic change rhich is based on rsra(ic ncrions
an.t repiesenEs an alrelnatlve Eo levelaI hoitets which have been
advan.ed by keslarn rlirers on rbe €ubjecr38. Mashliqi ,as crirical
of Ehe tsragnanr Eas!, Eo whom ,,che 1men6e wolkhouse of Narule is
ess,pnriarry pulpo6e1ess and fal.er39. lhing in ecrnofric
The basic
and soctal developmenr ras acquisiLton of knowredge of narure. No
nation could develop economicrlly wlEhouc conquesc of forces of
narure. $irh such change ln arricude Eorarat! natule and cons.quenc
nobili2arion of Eh€ narion as a rhote, olganlzaEron tor ec.nonic
develop@nr courd be erfecred in a ju6t @nne!, teading ro maidun
efficiency_ plim facie, sru(ry of ti{ashliqi,s ideas can help look ar
Pakisran,s PoliEico-con6rtrurionat and socio,econmic p!ob1:ms io
a re'arding Enner,

Revier of Litselatule:
tn our srare@lr of rhe ploblem se :ndicared Ehar no
worchwhile scholalty wolk ha6 been atone on.Mashliqi.
This should
rhe fact Eha! 6ome vo!k, lhough parchy and loi much
scholarlyi has been don€. A levtew of lne sane does poinr
cerEau issues *hich should be lulty consideled iD a sysE.EEic
srualy of Ma.hiiqi,6 porirical thoughr. Belole embalking
upon such
a revievi a poin! musE be noced ard i! lernrorces our conrenrion
Ehar Hollh,hire ,ork on Mashrj.qt has yec Eo De udelraken. T.he
poinr. is abour mission of Ma6hriqi frd scholarty ,o!k6 uherei!
one would have expecced aore discusBlon of his conrliburiotr. Anong
llaEh!iqi,a conEemporalIes Mran Fazl-i_Itus.ain,s piarv and Nores
rhlch itoeE cove! rhe pellod berweetr Aprit 1930 and end of 1936
mkes no meDlton of r.taghriqi o, his Khaksar Movemenr in Bplre of
che faet tha! Masiid Shahoed eant,s case (invotving confticring
claims about righr of po66ession berfeen Muslims and sitls in
IJahole) is @.cioneal4o; l,rastrriqi and FazI-j,:Sussain boeh sere
lesrdenls of rhe sahe .rcy, Lahole.
Sevelal othe! authols in Ehe fleld of Sourh Asian stuatles have
ei,Eher maate raDgenrial renrionr o! have alcogerne! agloled nashliqi
in thei! flirings. Arcng Euch aurbols is s.M_ Iklam who, atep:nding
upon an anonymously publ1.hed ro!k, .rtmah paces An Assassin4l, and
upon Canpbel l - \tohison, 5 p.rsoral idlPlessions in his Missidn virh
I't6pnlbar ren{ 2
, Ebo occasions on whrch ouaid,i-Azan
Jj,nnah is said !o by .Mash!iqi,6 @n,43, Ikram
have been acrackoat
fails Eo poinE ouE tha! a court of lar did ndr find rhe a.cused
person a .!'ashrrqi,s En,, and rhaE canpbertirohq6on,s obses:!ions
uere based on a police repo*... o",,.-i.ql rr*,u, *r". onu
cangenr:aI lereren.e. and tko enEries under che qoror
'Mashriqi, and trGaksa!6, are nor tlaceabte io bis book.
t(.8. Sayeed, in his
che rhaksars twice, both times !:ngenrialty. Once lGaksrrr are
n€nLioned along ,ich Ahr:rs. bolh of rhd had been prea.hinq,
dulrng 1930,s, ro Ehe Mu8lim loIk Char El€y could regain po?e! j.n
India if rhey becahe good rtu61im6, The comes uD in
.,*- 15
che ]elrerrhelltrroEes !!m si. FlatrciE Mudie, covedo! of lhe punjab
in 1943i r€Doltilg ro rhe Quaid-i_azan Jiua!, chaE anri_governmelE
stogans in lahore leflecred genuiDe feelirg6 on rhe parr of lhe
public rarhe! rhan sinpty beilg @chinarions of xruksars againsr
Ehe Punjab govem@ntas.
one of Aziz Ah@d,s book6 calrtes Ehe rIEi rslani. Modelnism
-rgsr46, but rr Mke6 no menrion srche!
of l.lashriqi o! hi5 book, Tazkir:h, fo! ehich chere had bee! froves
for conFlatelation fo! Nobel plize in 1tr€!aEu!e. Noo! Ahmd 1n his
w47, wonaers abouc moriwes of
rhar he desclibes rhe trhaksa! or6up, in their acEeq)t Eo di,srurb
ehe meeEing of rhe Mu61jfr leagle vhich,as conside.ing
the 3rd.rune
Ptan envi5aging creaElon of pakiECan as a separa!e sra!.. Tbe
book's edico!, craig Baxre!, noces in tshe Elansfareal velslod

Mde up for iEs lack of nunbers by iis r19rd

olgaiizacionaS.( NeiEher Ah(ad or BaxEe! @kes any oention
a,lashriqi auchored T,zkir:h in 1924, I.s. euleshi,s A shorr
or pakistan49 hales no let€lence
all, In hls oEh€! book. 50, rne auehor agarn
frakes no menrion eiEhe! ot l.{ashriqi o! bis rftakiar
1ah51, a book aboLc rhe
retigio-phltosophicat !houghE o! Mustic in rhe Indian
conLlnent, inctudes 6uch rhinkerg as syed Abmaal Khan,
chrlagh ali, Aled, obaidurtan;rndhr, Abut xatao Azad
Mirzd churam
and Al1aE Muhamd Iqbat. Thele ts a conspicuous
exctus:on of
lrasbriqi flm rhe book.
aulhors, Ro5enEhar,s book,
{nere nenrrons }rashliqi,
Irdian authors have shorn no generostry elEhe!.p.M, Chopra,s
53, conLains
alrtcles on Eode
24 l{u6ltm rhinke.s-acrivi6rg of the seconruenc bur, like
PakiscaDi, aurhols, chopra also exctudes Mashliqi-
siftirarty, tn rhe
foufth volune of rndian offici.t htstory or fleedd rcvemenE.
ot contli,butors menrion6 (haksard fd th€ conrexr of the ,sEroDg
freasules, raken duling Ehe congless plovincial minisrlies
39), in dealing lirh \clime agaiDEE Ehe Khakrars, lhe
aurno! says, !e!e fed by chei! leade!, Mashliqi, inEo
rhe unired
plowinces and rhe'police had !o open !r!e on rhem tKhaksar l-5a.
nnocher lecent book flon India discusses cle e-!e of such:luslifr
, Monins, Mai11g- i -Ahr3! and
xhudai,(hidnaraar bu! mkes no henEion of Mashriqi
or his xh:ksar

leaving aside rhe taudaEory wlitels on t{ashriqi (vho

belong !o Ehe xbaksar Movemenr)55, che lesr
or rhe,lirings can be
dlviated lnlo rhree bload caregories. !i.sE,
sfre Errers hrldlns
the vie, Ehat |,iashliqi sas d uleasoEble pelson,
casr a5p€rsions
on his lhoughL. ulicers in 6econd the caregory hlghrighr
'authorirarian, arriEude, rrying ro diEpalaqe hrn
as a Ehtnkei
auchors in rhe lbird caregory believe lhar
Mashliqi,s vietrs
represented dynanic a6peccs o! Iqbal,s
Ehougtlt on lhe naiure o!
Israfr a6 a religion. I,{e,ill cake up each
cacegory 1n rcre d:Eair.
Charges of ercrlonaliam and unlea6o€bleness regarding
fiaEhliqi Here cullenE atung BliEt.h adminiEEraE;r6 ro! a ronq rine,
fio{ever, such chalges loqd lheir recolate<t expression turnty rn
offi.iat collespondence a!te! Ehak ra-potice crashes on 19ch Malch
1940, the (haksar a,rwe@nt eaE banned Jusr afre! che incidenc and
Mashliqi hiGelf ras ja ed in !,ta<t!as. Top Bricisl! adhinisr.alors
including rrre covemo!-ceneraf diat not wan. Eo Eke any misrake
abou! an olgarizaEion whlch rhey cam6 co !€sard as .the n.alesE
equivalenr ro paivare anv,56, rn a pos!_cfashe6 ,epolt l:o rhe
vlceroy on March 25, 1940, Ehe coveinor of Ehe punjab nallared
inplession6 of a.meeElng wiEh Ehe Ouaril_i-azam Jlnnah !n uhich
Ia!!er at resed !o have Epoken !o ;he coverno,
Ehat he
l$ashriqil iihas haratly 6ane, exEr.@Iy diflicutr ro reason firh and
dangerously fanalical,5t_ Shareve! lhe varue of
th€ privarely
reporaed ,ords, rhey do indicaae the GoEqo._s negarlve
.orards Mashriqi. The sane eoveho! ,hi1€ !. leirelaring
IllaElnrE rele an untartut aEsociarj,on, opired rhaE any (Dve to
rescrnd tbe order iwould b6 a gleaE nisEake,sS. He
rhanked Ehe
viceloy to! arlesE of Mashilql by rhe cenEral
A Governor-cenelal co@4Etng o, Mashliqi,s efforrg in earty
1944 !o arraoge a meeEing berween che ouaid_i_Azan cnd candni,
rhaE rne rwo coufd come up wirh B6e unadimus
decision on rhe
rndependence of India, desclibed Mashriq|s
sEarerenrs as isilly
one.", and rondered hoe "the hatf_cracked Atla@
should be a
suc.e.sfut bloke, beLreen Gandht an.t Jid.hi59
Mashliqi,s tercer
co cn.c Covehor-cenelal, vofunreertng his
oedrarory sefrices, ras
de.cribed as'iqperLinenr.6o, The covemor_cenelal disallo,€d
Mashliqi,6 Khaksai5 Err.ir,eq,esr fo! ar lnceriew sith
rhe Brirish
cabtne! Delegation,hen the sac came to diso65, in
1946, virh
lndian Ieadele plob1en6 cohecEed rich tldsfe! of pose!61.
A nunb€! or Mash,iqi,6 rndlan correq)olaries,
boEh du6lth and
I{i!du, held sin a! vievs. As itrahcaEed above, che punjab
Govelno!,s lepolt of Malch 1940 puts euaid_t-Azan Jimah
on recold
ro have b6td Na6rtriqi as ,lEldly sane,, ,heche!
thr6 Fas: loe
scare@nc or a mele iftplesslon on rhe parr
ot rhe covelnor, is
difticult !o say, Ho,eve!, ir.an
be said vrEb sofre.onftdence lhar
a nunDer of rndia! Leaarels hetd vierE {hich
haal such connolarions.
For example, canathi thoughE tha! (the l(haksals
uanred !o cerrolize
che xindusi. His aarwice to rdnatus ras
ro "frghr rhis hena4e tof
lftaksa! Eerrorisml no! -violenrlr62, , Dlfing
cdithi, s consulracions
rith Congress 16ade.s abouts po66ibl,e les16Eace
by rft:ks:rjr Eo a
propos€d ron-violeni .auii Irdia (alam Azad ,as of
rne opinion chat ,,caldhiji ,a6 e*aggeraElng
lne lnporrarce of Isiel
and lhe screngrh or Ehe Khaksars,,,
MaEhriql,.ac:ording !o hiri ruas
an e96isE who kanced !o keep bifr6e1f
before rhe pubric eye anv
hoe . Mashrrqi, in Azad,s opinron, kas ,rhim6icat,
ta.tea raerris.,
and has proved hinsetf ,eak at Ch6 tihe of rhe r!ia1,63
Nehru seem€ ro have disclosed
hls a€elrngs ,hen he cffienced
on an aEtempr, in19s7, by 5o@ rehb6ls of r4ashiiqi,5
rcvehenr co
discledit th6ir leade!: (r{e have knorn
Anayalu.Lrab (ban a5 ee cade
in rouch wirh htm belore iDdepeldetr.e.
fi1s own olganizaiion has nob
desclibed hln as relrally deranged64".
The occa.ion of Neha,s

adwers€ c@nr Ha6 Ma.hriqi,E rcE@lr ro pr4surize I!<tia tulally
ro give up her hold on t€EbEi! shich t{ashltqi thought would be in
of rhe p.ople of both rDdia and pakisEan_
,rcng iru6lin schoraB, uash!1qi,6 aueged uleasoiabLedess
been 6rared tn a @ie sophl.Eiaaced Gee!. sore, !o, exahple, have
rhoughE ic iunlealiBctc,, on Ehe
lair of xa6h!1qi tso have Dur an
oppo6rtlon to che ituslih r,eague, palEicularty during
lhe peliod
'hen rhe aliti6h had accepred che |,rugtih deMnd for pakisla65
soc pakisEani schotals consider t! against leasonaltenes€ on rhe
palr of Ma6hriqi not ro have fulty suppolleit rhe Mu6lim

apalE trm propaganda !y the EriEieh rnatian govermenr

arteging Iinks beiueen Mash!1qi and Ge!l@ NazrE,
Mashliqi h:s atso
been accused as a pe!€on of xurhorirarlan
bent. lteer: Lai Serh
accu.ed it:shriqi of r,razi5o :nd fasci6c sylpathies5?.
asEe€6in9 porenrial fo! revolurionary acrlon
m rndia, comenEed in
1943 on Ehe insEa.bility of Indian socia]
6lructure. He obseryed
cnat the eftbicEered and unerPloyed you.n
nrEhE be tulned io a
fascisr direcrion, parcicutarly empbasrzrng cnar Ehe Mustim
Khaksars had been iorqantzed or !h. Nazi
@del.,69 Hecto! Botilho,
a ariti6h and aurho! of Ehe lakisE&
covelore.E-sponsoled bioglaphy
or rhe Quai.r-i-Azan, aores rhaE lhe Khaksars uere rltuslin
a g.oup
founded on Nazi fines,,, and twer6j
led by a @tcontenr educared at

hisEorias 6eem to have sEuck !o the adv6!6e vievs

m6nttoned ab@e. Ayesha Jalar des.libes
rhe Kh.ksars a. a rnon,
comunal tbuE p!6dmlnantly v.uslihl pala_ftilitaly olganization
,hose readeli Mashliqt, ,a3 a .sell_.voweat admife! of Hirler,
sar 'rhe lrhaksar. iis the Indtan v.r.ion of che g6.(70 cankorsky, a
Ru.Eian histollar, descrtbed rhe KbAElarE 1n cq6 same vein,
lhat they had been "a plorascl6c para_mlIirafy organizaEion.r?1
G- Allana'6 book, our Freed.n Fronrers, doe6 nor i4clude
Mashliqi afrong the "Tr€nEy c!ea! Livesn. on rhe orhe! hand, in
accoun! of the life of Bahadu! yar Jang, the auEho! !e@!k6: ,rhose
rhat hawe rer and disculsed poriltcF wlrh atlada Mashliqi,i1t bear
r say rhat he wa6 dielarolial in hls rhinking and hrs
deeds-i Nor onty EhaE, Alla& etips in anoEner !e@i<, vthour
alicish govelnnenr vie,ett Ehe acEiviEies of crle
lihaksa.s as fascislt an<t again6E thei, iDEele5Es aE nlers
India"72 The auchor of nhat pri.e tndia .rune j, 194?
evenr ot (haksars skintshes ,iEh the league nalional glards plus
the police in rhich ' ir ras pach€ric ro see some ot thefr
tKhaksarsl bree<ling o! d6alr,iih seErely by Ehe policei_ ,rE qas
all duei, lhe aurho! says, iro lhe mrsglrdeat :crion of t!ei!
leade!, AUa6a Mashriqil {ho unmceEsality ,anred Eo inrelf:le

Noc'iihsranding 6uch derracrorE of Mashriql. rhe

cacesory rnclude6 auElrors rho have indicated che posi!iwe
cotrcriburion of Mashliqi,s moveftenr in the hdiar srluggle for
f.eedo.n in general and a difluEed caratyLic role for pakrsEan
move@nr in palEicular. p€Ee! lraldy nores the l(}lak6ar
success in genelari4g a relvou, lor dllecr acEion among
middle cl,a.. rtualt@, hiEherLo pollric.tly j,ne!!, upon ,hlch
alr rndla ttuslln rJeagle {as a!l6 ro caDildis. {hen ir roo al@at ro
mvemenr und€! Jlmah,s readdEhip arurlng 1937-194?
pertodT{, Scitl otherE have nor€d ctr€ rtrporEanE
a6pecEs or
Mashriqi,s rhoughr ,hich ir.pi!€d s.!€!al Eh@sands of youib
uFon ,hIch, as Hardy roces, 'the AU httia uuslin League uas
to capitallse?5,' I! Char cou.crton, lE res noreal by Krae@r in
1931rhar 'unde! Mashliqt/6 handE t6lan becmes cbe rc6t successrul
and univelsal principle of narion-buildlng alrd
alt reLlgiouE and
rclar injurctioDs becoiE reatrs seeing lhar end. r! bec6e5, so co
speak, infall,ibl. and divi.e soctorogy."?6 several aurrrora
rollded rhi. jl(igereD. by &laeGr a1@sr,6!d !o! so!d. sde have
addeal to xraec!,E vie,e by juxlapoEiDg rrashltqi,6
iiteas !o rhose
of Iqbal, palriculalr, in the lealn o! iaccion,, noring !ha!
xashliqi aad rqbal bolh had iEisEed rhai ,iruslios become
enelgecrci. MashEiqi, as May has poinEed our, erph.6lzed
Ehat t.lam
meant rhree rbidgs: 'ili.hed la votunrary sa.liricel,
unired efforc,
betief in ono setf anat one,s e!fo!!s."?? Accolding Eo May,
M!3hriqi,6 'call !o unily, . s.cltaiciar sprlar
snd sert aEduran.e
seehto fiE pelteccly inEo tqbal,s appe.l, They.eere rhlee
principle. corEotidacing cb6 rndo_rslamtq .ffiuniry,
inlusins it
virh dFafriam and .onfidence rhac ir sharr be succeEsrut
in ils
quest lor Ber!-lealizalion (EbjrU o! aucoDonv
in rqbat,s
ttliEing In the sanE !€in, schimel, says !har,
fo! na6hriqi,
iI8lan i6 acrlotr; h1! loUorels,
reallig a bren unifotn atrd
F' ': :at,


caltyi4g a spade, cle resalded a5 sotdterE of cod aod rslam?g,i

s.hil@l looks aE Khak3ar6 ot @sse6 ,ho
enrhusia6rically folI@ed chetr teader ehe! he accacked ihe
effeminale non-wiotence rcve@ar, bur atso the u1e@ who failed co
prodde the r,tus1ire rfth a sorklng ldeorogy. she nores rhac L
Mashriqi described ttuslin u1etu in the tollorirq @ue!.

destinaEion, heloteEsness,
filthineEs ard their Eattels,
cleally indlcare rhar, whateve!
rhe leader. of Chis

Iqbal had ecognizeat as ealty as 1921 Ehat the endea./or to

obcain lslamic unive!6arism in aclua1 lire nighi inwolve r,{ustim
national olganizarions aE refrpolary phase. i! rhe unfotdmelr and
upblinging of cotlecriwe lif€. Ir ,as €niDeltfy clea, Eo him rhar
the ideal of rslanlc unive!6alien could noC be obrained rbile
Muslims eere in a srate of poriEical submissionsr.
Farzaoa sheikh has recogni2ed lhe ilony.in rhaE Hashriqi,s
chougr!! and action represenCeat lhe placEical €xpiession of rqbat,s
"dynaftism.32, ar lhe Eame r1re thaE Kbrklrls wele arso opposed ro
the League which ite@nated a .epalaEe Mu61im 6care, which rqbal
hlmself had done so huch ro plomote, In spite of opposilion Co rhe
Le:gle, Mashliqi aEEenpted, perhapE nosr tulry, ro ehbody rhe
spirit ol thei! taiEh as a code o! acriofunich also lepreseoled
Iqbal,s polirical ph o6ophy, Mashllqi 5a{ Ehe value or lhe
leligious fairh ro 1ie in trs vilallso ard ir6 capaciEy co g€neiare
a soctery ,irb the @ans ro esc.blish irs diEritrcrion f!m, anat
indeed its opposiEion to, nd-Mus1lhs. Like rqbaI, Mashliqi
beli€ved ttEt Ehe ulti@te de8tiry of I8lam as aiversat principle
could noc be realized rth@r the !61ani,c di6pensarioD of power.
The folegoing paragr.phs 3h@ Ehar a Nnber ot resrem authors
and so@ Pakistani rritels hr€ nored a ctoseness in che EhoushE o!
Maahliqi and Iqbal, e6peclalry vich legald to leligio-potirical
dtftamismi ehich eftphasize6 ac!1on a. a9atn6t.rele velba1 beliefs as
Eh€ e.sen.e or religion. Ir poltrrcar Eeru, dynamic rstam uould
qork ror serr.rure and suplemacy, @y even atLehpE t"t*"ft,X;f
ove! rhe trorld. The lead ird ltlesten {tlrelE is stowtv beinq
recognized bua Mashriqi,a idea€ abouE
.eligion/revelaEion in the prope! olganizaEion or En,s socio,
polltical life sritl !e@in ro be uDdelsrood ploperty. To Masnliqi,
the Quran ras rhe updared edirion ol cod,s @ssage ro nm and could
be defended on EIE basis of irs sounrt co.Eenr. Fis defe.ce it rbe
Quran lepresenred lhe defen.e or all levetarion, shor! of
According Lo Mashriql, atl prophecs broJghl rhe sdme
ressaqe. Ir is in Ehe lighr ot lhaE me6sage tshac ,e appioach
Itrashriql, s poliElcat lhoughE.

our rewiew of Ehe ava able liEelaEule on Mashliqi leids Lo

indicace rhar writers rho h.ve rreare.t Mashriqi in rhei! rorks hare
usually drarn urrarra.Eed conclusj,ons regalding his policical
Lhoughr Thrs seec to be so lor c,o Gln rea6ons: (r) birh rhe
exception oa Syed Shabbi! Iiu6sain,B wo!k44, rcBr of che ericers
nave no! uEilized even Mashriqi,E Ia*rreg, noe ro speak
of orhe!
vorunlnouE wriEiEgE in Ehe lom o! boo&6, arricles
and ediroliars
in the reekly a1-rsrah85 (Trre Refoh), ard paq)hteE6 anat pubrisheit
3peech.s. {21 nashliqi,6 palEiciparloD ln poricic6
has quice ofren
been 6een nor in tseh6 of pulsqi! o! his
values, i_e. bis poltli.al
behaviou! has noE b€en seen lD rhe coDcqc
ot whac he intenited ro
a.hieve. on che othe! hand, ir has bee,3eeD
in rhe conrexE ot ehaa
orher aciors ,anr€d to achieve tn poricicg
and, in rhe ploces5 of
such inreltecrual vaniage, Ma.bltqi,6
lore has usualty been
adjudged as'negarive,, conrladicroly,,,rlraEionar,
careful Ecudy of Mashliql,s slt!1ns6,
iactuding his Dre_
rndependence proposals conlatned
in hls colsrirucion for an
undivided India and posc indeperder.e
proposa-rs proffered Eo
pakisrani aurhoriEies for
insLiEuLionai | lefotu, levealjrh,i!
cnought car be app!€ched in
tere o! consranrs anat valiab1es.
Consranrs of his rhoushr are the ba6ic varues ehich
are concained
1nhi6 Tazkirah (1924) and *hich he
adheled ro in aII
hi6 rlirings explicirty as letl as
imprrcicly. such walues reraLe
Eo hi6 conclusrons on rhe naEule of @n
Mashriqi,s polirical rhought 1s p!en1.ed on rwo .ore v:lues.
boEh of then relaEed ro che .od.ep! of evorurlon. They are
desri.y ard hu@n ariglicy. ?he con..pt
of digniEy is velt developed
and €Dco{passeg @st of his ,rirings
and helps exptain his
political choughr and behaviou!, ua,
a! evotved being is subjecc
to raxd {hich apply to physical and biologicaf
existsence! bur has
been endored ,ith capaci!y for
orercdtrg inFelfecEion6 o! physico_
bioloqical qi6rence. r4an is capabte of leaching
conctusions regalding rhe e*isEence o!
rhe ulivelse ed can leflecr
on hi6 o@ desEiny ao.t con<tucr hiEelf
accoldilgly. Cleared in tshe
lEge of cod, an posse.se. digilry vhtch fact
suer be lellecred in
alr insciEuriors of hunan society, Creallo! or prope!
is @n,s o@ re6ponsib ity, .l though he ha6
been siven glidance in
rhe fon of levelarion, lhe last edlrion
of levelation being rhe
ouran. Man as conscious and sel!_cotrlcious
betng possesses
r l. ge i. flee Eo cnoose and is envisaged
and free
caxe responsibiliEy fo! rhac he
choo6eB !o ato, Thar i6, he is ro
face consequences ot hi6 acrlon6, Dorn
. ildiviatually and
The orher core value, human descrny,
lelers Eo r,4ashriqi,s vjeH
that Mn is desrined co ewotve into
rusine back inro cod-head.,rr"
...."". "":":':it r:;:".J:::
undeveloped and lecins esotelic as co rechanisns for
leaIi:arion of Ehe saoe. Horever, che
notion firds expression in
hrs pofilical behaviou! and sofre
of Ehe 1i
his rerrer, in rssr. ro sciemi.cs ";::'i:::::
'as lerorked inEo a bookler Ettleit The fiumn:piobrers6. ID rhis
l,rashrtqi holds Eha! nan as one
Epecie6 is engaged in lhe task
suwiwal on earEh anat conques! of Eheunlve.se co evenruatly:volve
inlo a thigher being,. UniEy o! nanklnd j
or Ehe h,En-kind and ir is lhe,"""".":il:J:::::":'::::::
such uniLy, Man cannoc underEake
conq!e6! ot che universe viLho-c
uniling rbe huMnkinit_ A1lhough che
noEion or hufra! rresliny is noE
velld.weloped, rhe @rr inrj.@!€ry
"._..""O ".r".n. of uniiy or
@nklnd a3 pron@rlv6 0f huun Eutuivar.n<t
lurthe! evoluEion,
plospelity and rechnological deEtolmrc €nabllng ,qn to fu6e back
into codhead, is verl dovetoped. rrnlry
o! @nl<j,nd ts, rhelerole.
trear.d a6 one ot !h€ lqo core vatues tn
rht. sEu<ty,
valiable6 or Mlshrlqj,, s pouttcar
lhoughr sreh from rso
source6_ Firsc, looked ar in
lhe pelspecriw of hi6rolicBl
expertelce. huorn aligliry seehs
ro hav hail lhlee revels; nanerv,
(r, ?he lnacional, ,."., ..
*or"rt a ' g!9up frav *o!k fo!
..cablrshrenr pelpet,ation ot eelr_t
doninarion by orhe! gloups,
","" "..."-":'.:;:.:":::$;:':
Mashliqi,s corceFr ot rhe .dyrarlc
(2) The ,colfuD.I, tever ar ,h1ch
a 9 P @v live wlth
sroups on rhe coDdirion rhac i." .ut
eiven pro!eccion andlor ca, rind .-",.":.:]-;:T;..::
be rlealed ttr cerls :";
o! rhe.olpolaEe scace,
{3) The level of individual .r whi<
plolecced and plonoEed
by plovislon ., j:
poririco-tegal arrangefrenrs. "n,";::::::.*::
Each o! lhe rhree tev€r.
i. tik€ly ro d.@nd creaEion of
trstlturion6 sulr.ble
i, dtateretrc !ph€!€€ ,
?he second sollce o! variables
is be rouDd in uasb.iqi's
accive por,icics ,n,"*"
**r""-a"" rBo
;";.;";":'".,J._ ::.:".:::"
possibre insEtruttonat
or i.sciruciors, **,r**,:'":'iJr:L:-::
instilutions/procedule6 rhat could conclibure ro reatlzaEion o! rhe
rwo varues could be adopreC. (eeping che value6 of hum alisniry
and rbe ideal of uiry of @nklo<t t€fore ir, a sociery courd decide
upon i.sEiEuriona1 foru dd could inodify rhm if rcle erf.crive
r.ys wele lound ro accdpli6h the iro tolirical values.
our approach to ltashriql, s rhouEhE ls plenised on d!€ nolion
rha! lt ls very difficulE ro separare rh6 purpoqe of porirical rife
trof, the purpose or life ir.et! .nd lhe.answels one gives ro
lolltical quescions depend, in the l!3r analysis, upon one,s
concepllons of righri and elong. This m6ans lhar in Ehe sr.udy of
Mashriqt's policical thougbc rill be invorveal quesrions or human
purposes-values-and quesrioDs or ideats, no!a1 ideals. ?his reans
tha! polirical phirosophie6 are inrettigible onty,irhin a wide!
frane of leferelce_ Such a !!ahe of lefelence 6houtd sh@ not only
rhac sort of potirical insEilurions rh€ poliricat rhinke! ,ish€s ro
Minrain, buE shaE objecEtve he is arLenpEjns to

one musr.ots only aEk vhat h€ warrs to do co poliricat

arrangesenr6i one (usr aIEo.Ek why h6 wanc. !o do ir. In rskltrg
this question ir rilr be recogntzed rhec potiticat rhinkiDg ha6
been a succession of aEEeftpts .r adu@lac1ng cooplehensive.
lationally justified viess o( lhe naEure and de6Einy or ffin and of
the politicat and social dilect.iong ,hich ou! kno,tedge of tun,6
nacure .uggesr3 rhaE @r shoutd reer oblised Eo rcve in. These
tbe colEidelarions by leferenc€ ro,hich rDltricar cffiir@nre ale
6aid Eo be righr o! rrong.
In ou!eq)hasi6 otr hu@n va1ue6 dd t[rposes, an<t possible
instiiurioD6 and procedules ro! realiz:trg 6uch value.,
we ale
purting Mashliqi in rhe Eladition rhlch goes back
Eo such eminent
rhinker6 as l1aEo, Auglstlne, Acquina6, Iiobbes, Spinoza
and Beger
1n negEern policical rhoughr. all rhe6e rheolisE6
,rore abour Gn,s
olganized lire ir rhe conlexc of so@ greac phirosophical
sygEem or
vorld vie*, rheolizing abouC Mn,s Erure, n1s
h.Lue6 anat purposes,
hi. plighE, anit !€flecrtrg on ,ays an<r nean6 anat.tesilarrle
insiirurions fo! acliolarioD o! @n,s condtiorsr ?,
l|tiEinqs of
nany orhe! grear poticlcaL rhlnkels
silr show Eharrhe speciflcally pouEicar uliring ts part or a
rarger schede !o shicb poli!1cs i6 itr stu sense suDold1rac..
exadpre, Locke srote noL onry rrealise on goveTnrienr
buc also a,
. EenEhum Ehe aurbo! noE onty of
'as a
, t'uE also Not paur Bur iresus3?.
rc ie in ihis rraaririon of cofrprehen6iwe ph osophies rhaE ,e
see Mashriqt\ emphasizing thac men ale inEended by natule Ec live
1n aocieEy in.hamony and peace, Ehar rhey
my faI] Eo do so
be.ause of lack of kno,Iedge ro alEain
Enac end, and chat ic is
possible by sysre@Eic refteccion, ,nctuding
leftecrion on
levelaEior, to discove! rhe plope!,ay co
cleate hafr.nious

soulced ald lrodeof Inquiry

Bolh prihary and seconatary
been used in che
prosecuEio! of our srudy. Anong
ch6 p!18ry soulce6 ale Ma.hriqi,s
orn Nritings and alchival MEel1als avarra.bre
ai !h6 Narional
cenEre and NarioBl Alchlves of paki6ran, borh
locareat in Islamabad. stmlla! Gtellals ale located ar pesharar and
labore as ,e11, So@ o! 6uch naCerial heE becohe available in rhe
Trans(e! or Powe!38 vollcs and, more ,ecenrty, in votrmes
published by lhe Quald-t-Azam Academy a6 w€II a€ in .rinnah pabe!6s9
rof qhicn lro volumes have been publ,t.hed,, Apa!! from on:-Llme
classified @reriaI, Archlves also house nerspapelg which have been
found ugeful for rhe sludy,
Mashriqi,s o{n ,iicingE con.isc ot hts books, his edi!.riats
atrd a.ticles in the a1-Istah (The Refom) @gazine {,hich slarred
rn 1914, re@ined a reglta! publication riI1 1940 and became
afcena.ds), publisheat gcaE.renc- and addresses a4d
speech=s, Lhich re(e usuall,y s!rccen
do,, beiore d€rivery. A nunber
of a.ticles tound in Mashriqi,s pelEonat papels have nov been

Mashliqi planned ro !!ire hi5 Tarkirah in tsen volutu:s_ H:

crains to llaa.e codplered @nuscriprE of !irs! Bix volumes. Nots alt
of Ehen sav lhe lighr of lhe day, atld rhele ra6 a tong gap of sde
torEy yeals be*een rh€ pqblicarion o! rh€ fi!s! volume in 1924 and
!haL ot !he second In r9€{. c}6ined rhe !i!sr
"o".r.., """n.rn,
vorume to be a sela-conrained one, efrbodying esjenEi:t ideas
of a1r
Ehe orh.r volunes,
His rsha.ar pnblished in 193190 wa6-egseniia1ly his progranme
of rhe lihaksar Movemenr bur ir concalnE tdeas on Ene !t?e or reader
requrled ro! ridiatr Musrirc ro houtd th€m into a itynamic nrrio..
The book atso conrairs Mashfiqi,! pelcept1on6 of che po]lcical
forcea then aE wolk and hi5 asEessrenr of rh€i; pasr pelfonance,
A nuhber ot book6, parcicutury oaur-e-Faisal (1936t9r and
utq&La!.- (E56ays) in Lhlee votu@s, are collecLions ot arlicles
rron the ELliIah reekly @gaziD.. A ralge nuhber of paq)hteEs uere
also rllsr published in the ar-r.lab_
taking inro accoun! coDrenrg of rhe four urpubtished volu6e3,
as occasionalty cnrioned in lhe fi!6r votu@ of Ehe Tazkirah, ,e
can say thaE such conrenra were uritl2€d by Mashliqi in his
Bpeeches and pamphleEs and a16o in rwo imporranr prose rolke. one
of rhe rvo, HaqiEh-u1-ou!an93 uas cdpleLed in JaiI rn 19 days
Thi. book hds chapLer headrngs vhich vhen compaledHirh indicrErons
tn Ehe firsc volu@, seem to incoltolare subsralEiat mEerial flon
unpublished @nuscripEs o! oEber vorumes o! his 6pus md!m, rhe
Tazkr lah.
IDdeed, xasbiiqi say. Eha! r&red ro say in cen
ebaEeve! he
volumes of che Tazkira ha6 been pubri6h€<1, in plecis fom, in rhe
tladith-u1-our:n anat EhaE in ihe presence of lhis book, one need nor
E consurr any oEbe! book ro kno, hls rhoughE. The oihefuolk,
Ia!Br,!,abs{ (The supprerenE), in iwo volumeg, !a: pub.rtshed !n ts6o,
Thrs rork re sut)-Ercled: 'The IaEc-vor.t on rhe leachin96 of rne
Qulani. Mosr of Mashliqi,s .olfespblatence has bee! collecred in a
vol!re Lirled Khak (The trhaksdr
Movemenr and rndian rndepenttence) publiEhed i. 19s295.
tashliqi,s Ehoughr legalding policical ilsriturions is
conE.ined in the con
calefully rtloughr our docunen! anit bling. to Ehe fole rhe valiables
of Masrlltqi/a choughr i.e. rhe aepecrs of his Ehoughr,bich varieat
accolding Eo circuGrances. The corllants of his ch@ghr ,ere rro
cole vafues buGn desriny, erphasizj,ng uirl/ of cnkind, and
hu@n dignlty,rhich ale plinclpaUy reflecred in hi5 Ta,kirah.
A6 tndlcaEed in @! levlei ol ritselarule on MaEhliqi,
scbolally wolk on Ebe subject is ne91i9j,b1e, Howerer, !he!e have
bee! Gny occasions in ,hich UaEhliqi,s sEyre i6 poreRicar,
drdacEic and, quile o(Len, he allud6g ro pei6o;s and ide.s in hrs
polesicE. Il bec@s il{)olrer and feasible ro elalo!.Ee on, ad
piowide conEexr to, Mashriqi,s al llsion. / re@.ks . Trri6 nece6sira!es
use of pe!!1nenr secondaly tutellal.
Mashriqi,s wlirings ale reErkably consisrenr in !ems of
ideas- Eren his 6peeches ale ba6ed on viers adunblared in hi6 Gjo!
p!*irgs. priactpaUy che Ter.tr.. Ou! apploacb to Mashrlqi is
Minly a fuslod or aElyricat and d.sclipEive apploaches, r! is
desc.iprive to the exEenr of elucidaEl,on of idea6 anat corcepls, and
cheir illuscraLion, othetuige, we offe! an.aElysis of hj.s ftajo!
idea6 in goliEi.F, l,|e do mke u6e of lbe wolks or hisrorians,
se do no! approach Mashriqi in hi.rori.al Enner. Mash!1qi,6
leMined rhe alc as rhey were ser doh 1n his Tazkirah. There have
been some .labor.rions ad appricarion 1n le'c of idea6 conEained
i! his @in wo!k. t{ashriqi does ,oE ateparr 6rfr hi6 vies6 coD.aine.l
therein and aloe6 nor bling in any lee tdeas in his tare! volks,
ewen in his Bp.ecbes anat addless€s.
olgdiz.tion of The 6tudy
Apalt rrom this rntloduclion, che .ructy is organlzed inro six
chaptels and a 6umaly and conetuslon. Th€ fl.Er chapter offels
background ro Mashliqi,s potirlcrl rboushc in Eelc of three
factols, nareIy, his llfe (palEicurarty hj,s eally rife :nd
educaEion), horives, and hi6 leltgio_lclenrttic synrhesi6
lesorve rhe ploblem of r16e ard laIl of Darlon5. The eally
life and
educar Eell, !s drldr che inrtuenc€s uhich volkcd on him
'on ro rcul.t
his oind in a parricllar tunner Thls grve6 a ptcrure of
mind as iEhad been forrneat befoie he undelcook ro
cheolize a!ou!
potttics. Hele re discu6E hi6 relisious, fadity, background
and the
laEe! scienrific rraining unde! .ore of rhe lamou6 sclenii.ts
.ne canblidge untversicy in lngtald. tiadhriqi,6 noEiEs
inporEanr in rha! Ehey relr u. che quesEion,hich
he chose Eo
lackle. r. i5 che atectine of rhe Muslihs ae a woltd
a.co! which
acred a5 Ehe rctivaring folce of his Enought_
{e discuss hor
Mashliqi-. romratses his hyporhesj.s keeping jn wie,
lhe Oulanic
cona.nls and Ehe Muslim conducr.
ashriqi evolve6 a uortd vle, vhich herps hin
in rhe
3u.cessful rackling o! his problem rn cne
tstahic idiom.
Specifically, hj,E rorld view colEains God, cne creaEo!i t{ho creares
boEn cn and nalure. BuE He endorsmn,iEh,i,tt porer a[d Mke6
lin lesponsibte fo! rharever he does. dan
can further :rclve
hrmsell and gain powe! by acquiring knovtedge
of lhe la,s of
nacure. The rcle he acquire; k owredge
of the,ork oa God, rhe Me
poDerlut he becore, cui<rance flm co; in lhe
"lr rom or
revelaEron wrrl sive cr plincipteE
ro! Ehe;f!e.rive and etfrc_enc
social organtzalion co achiec hlg pulpose
or lhe conquesr of
nature. Man of evolutton, a clearlon ?ho is
18 6een a3 a.producE
endored rith {1]I ad Epeciar o4,an. (eyes, ea!6, brain} bhich
srves un\nre ad iDasesses rario@1 and spiriruat
aspe.rs fun<tanenEalty ditlelenr flod hrs antGi heliEage. rndeed,
fran, says r'4ashriqi! haE been cleated.aE vlce_gerent, anat in rhe
iMge of cod, possessing 6elf-consciousnesg and free uiIt. Abowe
all, he possesses digniry and ha6 a destr.y.
The lemalning chaptels ale conceoed,irh htr@n digni.y and
huMn destiry values in Mashliqi,s thoughc.. ch:pEels
thiee Eo five {ork ouE Ehe codcepE of
digniry and chapEer €ii
char o! huGn desiiny vhlch is ro be enpiricalry taken in
cefrs of
unicy of @nt<ind, Hu@r.rigniry i5 hisrolicarty cnilesled
,n irs
a gloup which Qanrs ro be ilat€penalenr of orhe! group6,
!r wal-es self-ture. The;:ffid chaprer tooks dr such a group and
dr6cusses Mashriqi,s idea6 legalding rhe td)danic naEion,. rn hi5
wier, rheie ale len plinciptes {hi.s decatogle) by rollowing
a group can EEtain rhe srarui of a dynafuc tracron. we
.riscuss lhe
codcepr and indicare ho, MasLriqi apprieg hi6
ideas abour lhe
dynamic nation co che !1se of Eulopean
inperial po{els. Such
prlnctples could be appriedt in laislng rhe
rndid Muslims r. rhar
sracus and
'e discuss Maehriqi,6 plogianre o! Ehe rhaksar MovemenL
ro !hlr erd. ae.-so meoEion rtrr.hrrqr,6 in;lgnaLron
k.rh !ne
rritish tsbo routd hinder his effolcs ancl al€o hi6 quarlet
other Indian sloups ,hi.h rere rookiDg for rleedom
triEhour acEing
upon h1s decalogle.
Ir has happened hlscoli.all,y chac so@ groups have
conlenled wirhr"*r"r"" ." O.r" ., U*an1c group, an inatep.natenE
nari,on. Aorever, rhey do nor eaor ro lose cullulal tdenriry. rf
recognrze Ehe digniry ot d individual huMn being, ue
lecolnize lhe disniEy o! rhe gloup ,ich which he iatenritieB
hingelf. rr chapEe! four, i! rhe case of helerogenous so.iery,
Mashriqi emphaEizes che concept ol corporaEe 6Eare in rhich
of all gloups have been specifj,ed iD a conslrrutIon, r{e di.scuss
arrarsemenEs khich Ma6hriqi rliect to eworve in his cdn.ritsurion 6f
Fr6. rrdia in o.ater co keep lndia unlr€d u a colpolare
sraEe. ,re
al6o dis.uss Ma€hriqi,E opposi!1on io boln Che congle€s
ald ahe
Leagle vho had co@ ro a.cept rhe inscirurions
or r{esEern ribelal
denocracy. uashliqi cascE hi6 algufteDrs
his decaLogle,
emphasizing Ehat boih lulels and lhe oted
have ro have lhe same
arcttudes/characEeliscic6. rhe ruo organazaErons,
rn his vie,, seie
red by pelsons ,iEhour having Elaining
in how Eo ate, o! be tuled.
h Mashriqi,s opinion in6!irurions o! liberat denocracy
tn a ulired
rndia or in mole dfririors cleaEeat our of
be!, woufd be disaslrous
in t€ms of .o@naI and individual dignily.
He suggesEed
fundafreual hodi!icalions io usual llbelar
deno.latic inBCirurions.
WiEhin a potiry, ,hethe! h@geneous
ohoC, irdividual hu@n
digliry is ro be Ehe coher,sEone o! pubtic ]ite.
The rialh chapEer
dlscusse6 Mashl1qi,s vte{g on
che promEton of dignlEy of an
individual huEn being. h tshis comecrion,
Mash.iqt lay:; down
certain funda@nla1 huoaa lighrs {h1ch srloul<l
always be p!.ooced
and sholtd neve! be Elan6Eres6el,
Takrng rhe exampte o! possible
esEablish@nc of colpolare srare
in hdia in !94? he sho,s hos such
righrs ehoutd/coulat be tGEirurionarized
one leason rhy Ma6hliqi ,anE€d a corpolate slate atrd pleaded
agalnsc the division of rhe subconrinenr lnEo India and FakisEan
da. rhac !,lashriqi ras in favour of rcre and rcre p€op1e coming to
unite arcns theh6elveE. flds rhft i6 exploled in rhe 5ix!h
crEpier. AccoldinE to xashliqi, @n ras de.rined co conqle! atr
narure, ro capEure and l.habit the heavenly bodieE. This was
possibre only by advan.e@nt in rechnology ,hich, in Eu!n, fas seen
ro depend ugon peace asongmn](ind. peace could cme and prevail
only if @nkinat could be udted, T1le chapre! unde4ake6 a
discussion of Mashriqi,s ialeas un.re, rhe EiEle tr|olrd Uniiy,.
ai che end, we presenr a sumaly and conctusion of rhe scuaty.


r. ,-"'yhilTd rcryaNrrah rhan Mashliqi, ra2kilah AmraEsar, rndra

L!_Tazki!.h, 1!i24).
.rsram in rndia roday, i
i;"r,1; IJil*', Mosreh wo!rd. 2r. No.2

i;i;i;"i*lift ,,-,"*u@#iiff lHtf

lrashridi), { r946 rpE. Delhl: Dtscovery

i..*i:iri3l*'i'ffL*:\1X1i .r'r..* (rer1, rpr. Ra'aleindi :

Gribald1 Ferdrnando.in (a t.rEe!

rn AlraG, Ma6hliqi. the suE,
&ii."*'tf i.:::'if,:Hi*:::
9ii-_!!'"-119L", nector sor.irho, flman! cr.aror 6r p,ki6.a,
urray, 1954), p.l2A.
(Chlc.go and London:
unlversity ot cricaEo nri-l, irB5l-
9. .Ishtiaq.su.Eain Qu!e6ht, Trre lrnaolE r.! plkistan o(ar.chi:
unrersrty ot (ar.chi Prear, 19aBt.
I0. Syed SlFbbl! Xu6sain,
lI,ahole:.Janspubrrshers,rrri' rA-.D.M"uE_ffi i"h,*ii
qx-&fEi+:lipdrDostseftE (r.ra@bad: Naclon.l r;;IiiiE:_;
Hiscorical €td CllEulat Research, t9S5) and Sh6r za@n, lir
(in Ulttu) tRae.rpindl: s.r. pri"ieii
11. SUP!a; nos. r an<t 5,
1?. Aye6ha Jalal,
,rrr, 1@ rcafrb.ids;-l- u"ile;Gii;;;
1r. !tussaln, op,clr; P.v.

Eblr {lahore: oang eutr r-il ionil-i!!5

eir++Edc!r_:s!_-Eg iG6d;:-s"tfi;EiAffi;_
(Lahore: superlnE€ndent, c-taim;;i
res4r, p.2s5. rn a apeech re-Hffii
:::l:!ls: l!nr-ib, in r,€cerber, ler8,
Quald-i.a..r r-innah said; "r
one.lry.nd tha!.rIy .r,i'M,iiiii
.::s1: "!y: onry is Ehe ""a
rtu6tim n,rron,
:i:-:!: fl. onry- one- ro 'hd y!h1_nad.
chey can rook ro! herp iE cod.;
Jirfe!, ai"' N;ri;;;"
$:?::9'::d---*_q:ld -i_1-,T
tK.!.chr: Q!.iit_i_Azafr acad.dry, t992), p.ll,
16. syed ltul.ra! Eudsain shah.
11q72-1eBer (tslamrbad: Chair, ItuciEuce oa
Pakistan Srudies, euald-i-Azafr
17. M.A.Jinnrh, .Forerard, in Ie!]tlrlq tt*z'
rpL, Ehorersh, Muha@.t ashr.f, rsrffima-u
" ;ii:::c,i;":?tl.?u!'shi efi1$44srL!o'-3rli'!rn( K*<hi,
All JiDnah,
il,inDah, vol.IIJ cott.
and ed. \tanil-u1-Din
Muh.mqd a6hiaf, 1947), !93
20, ituhlt@d Iqbal, Didcd!... of rdbar, ccll. and ed. Shahid
Hussain Razzaq! (IJahole: sh. ehulan AIi & s;ns, 19?9', pp,ss__61.
2T, L€TL€T' qa!, op. clt,, pp.r6-19,
ij;.r]I.".'"ffj"-, Re.oruLlon or re40 males no
:l:i::9:9-by_rqbar r. r,r" i"tti,J"i.-.riii-. .or rne Reso- rrtiq!
, p.5s?. Fo! _
, pp, 18_ _19.

2.1. Masrlliql, rdheraE, op. cir.

i:.:JliXi':'+i: j:9" y,.l*#';","ffi l*lfl

v:er, :g trsdlr,universals
;ft .,:9.3::,","""",i:T,o^.rEvoruriom-ry trg !i

ffiffi ,"+,*#g&:li*,+*"":"':"::r
!I:l:T!:9r. snnd"t:-ra-t
tepresenrar.rves or i.a r.iou!
.eri.".a tn rshriaq *,@a,
H:*::"":j.:1",:g.?resr;.ia fris#
Frances prnLer rp,urr.i.."i,'iiiiiil
Rah@n, op.ciE; p.
Mashliqi, tazkilab, vol, 1, !as6im.

ii,:*if i -*i:;i TH***,.-f -f _*ii

3?. rnayaLulrah.xhanxashriqi,
:::'i : i.' r, Mi "!.i ;ii J'.i:reYiTf
.Rara,pind,, f:i!"a:: {a Pamphlec in Urdu
"jj;i;.;;;,;":ff;i:: ::d5hore'n

Iluci e-n !t'..pye, cdnmnicaEion. ,nd
:l:..::::::),. political
f::+::g!!: Joseph rrparonbalal ed. Bureavclacy and por!!icar
9:::::pTg:1_*"!:*. p. r{ard and Danr.warL A. Ru;Eor. porir!;;.
E+{:r+4+r++g!+js9!p€"", Ja@. S,ColeDn, ed;
"I\ift; Lucien fl. P,ye and a,

l::.:1, Fp:lgryi::.
and Poliri.,l 9ld M1d-rGt.",,
pe ve r oonen i.
iii i::iilll::"{riJ*"x:"
u!e+--.Y!rrl.E4r-!€!slap!er! ExiEt: c"mrari.n ir ora aic:r:"
3:;:::i'",['"'j" *e. ;;;;;;;;;;;i
;ff j:;l"il"#?l,Ii"T;f '*liL"f i,."":',-'#*,.oo;:l:;.":;,
Il:I".jlli.f. (hil e) -.r"rdshfiqi, cod. Man anc unive"re. .rcns
rPawarplndi : Akh!JUa! Pubrrcacion".
:{ffi ,,";:::::rr**"'"
ciE; p 2e and Mashliqi' God Mrn a'd
Hii::::: .il|iii";.
This is .he geneiat Eelor ot Mashligi, s thoughE, parEicuta.ly
reflecred in alle consL1iuri o of Frpe Indir 1946 Ac rl,rhor-.
Idara !.al inlah, 19a5)
Dis.iple and son i1-tau of Mashliqi, Al(hcar Hadeed yhan, h"s
lepure Eo! hi6 ComitI6 Model, o! !ula
oFweropmenr, AB rr!sE direcror of Rurat Developren. Academy d1
comrrra, EasE-pakisre (now Banglade.h), lGan evotved a m;d.:
and, iher€by, irplovins rhe srandard ad qiarj,cy or tire oL
1i..-a'"r a p:9pr" an9 !ii) esrablishment -ot a-proce:,s tor
ensurrng more equiiable
benefils. see pdiis Andreoudrsc!ibuLion o! the inclerenral
and Ahmed chaui, .The .c)mrtld
Mode| and Rural DevelopmenE .in Banqlcdesh, " J0tJ_EDdI___9-l
AdministraEion overseas, ig tr.grst, zro-_
33, For a levlev of resEern Alejanitro porEes,
'Nacional Developmen! | Theo!ieg and Issues,!, Arertcan Jotrrnat Ot:
s..ior6qv, 32 119?6), 5s-35.

" iiilllSl: ji.li;, jlqff"" c'p ciL; p 2? Arso cad M,n and
:L3ho:e: pesearch so. j ery-;?_F;Fffi;:-ffi eat; waheeat lbmad

*ll::.,^,1"':!__o-.-1". rk;;;.,-;;;-;;;,.;:, :T"lj:
l*X:,"^',\I 1e.13,
As3assin _--^ri;"\.1-;;d;"i:
rpr : xara*,i, J.d:iil,#= ":;
i3;.,tlil,.i"TB??11-".hnsoni MtBsion wirh M6unrbaften (L.ndon,
4r. Ikran, op.cir, p.45s.
4;- Campbell-Johr6on, op. .ic, pp.115,115.
45. rhalrd Brn Sayeed,
rx*""ti, o*rf i iri'ri,!l'"'ffi?""., ,^ffi
43. 1btd., p.214.
.re rr.{u4shi,ewFor)
s0. Qureshi, The Sctuqqte for pakisEan, op,c1!,
ii;"?!l t, ii""il' si! sved se rdbar rdk (rn u!du) ,Lahore Eook

" fui i;'1"'i"'li|"1;ersra{!.in-!adeis rari.a*r srare (cambridee'

ii5xvi*f ffi_--iffi:ffi ;*a#:::":""


56. vlceloy l,irtirhgo cired in gu6saln, op.cir. p_ 150.

in.a relce! Lo j.rnr,!hso,
li:"I,:{. ?r'^:*i, j*:;
fi:::33'"?":li,*:l*: l:
t, 91115,
M;;;;i i;;;.'i!iii"..i""".l,"ilyl;
and Crlltural Re6ealch, 1990) , r-,**ffi


Neha, prrme
rrhes, 22 |ray,Minr6cer
of India, repolced in Ehe pakisran
Fo! a brief Hu6sarn, op.crE. pp.226-227.
l.i. ji1,111'1ct^"r- 11.i.*har naider Marik,

:::Ic.lr .-r:s-sl, p.rr .,a iiii"."irli

j,"'ii :.loJl'l3.i:iii]r
p"p",,. uiiu_
unpubtiahed I':l+:J6i:
seEh, oF.cic., p.95.

tih;'i""i'.fi"; Lld; r9{3),

look Club Edirioi,
soli.ho, op.ci,!., p. "ffiff:

f i?:;::'."1"!:f ,
77 Jalal, op.cir., p.tr fn
sounaat ion, .r gie rl-EEi
!."iiTHi,.i1i ", #,"i:

iii:!,5i$";S4*i%i+j*i'l-t"ou (caiblidse : canblidse

K!ae@!, op.clr., p.1?O,

Annemalie schimeL
. P .r. Bntt, 19Bo),

, cambriage univers-t-F;;;iif

, op.cit., pp.5?-70,

ilit*ii:-1,*,**ttj*:l#:Iuil"{.::r iii:i ""iiiir

The Tra.srer .f pd,er rr942_47r, op,ciE.

Mashliqi, rsha;ar, op. ciE.
I!ilI.Fl""33*#Ri--Eii. (1s3s, 4r r, Raw6rplndi : Falcsh-e_
i:i".:*i"ri; F!,ri1. r vor". (,pr.. I,ahole : rdala ra.ri@!_e,
93 xashriqi, !E
9a. li.tbrlEl, l$liulb (t9ao. : r.ros6_.-tu1.r
rblldatrd, r.d.).



This chapter i6 based otr Lhe assunption polir.ical !houghc

las iEs orisin in 6oh6 ploblem whtch conllonrs
a rhinker. Bu! the
vay the rhinker fotulaEes rbe plob1€n
and seeks irs solurion ir
his lhcught depends upon Ehe roolB avalt.ble
Eo hifr a6 a ,esul! of
.rs expe4edces and/o! ini€rtecEual rralningl,
Mashliqi,as born in
an edu.aced !e119i@. Muslim fanily
in EliEish rndla and fe.eived
cne uptodaEe l,leEtern educariod ln
sci€nce as w6rr a5 olienrar
]anglaqes. h chis chapre!
folndarions of his Ehoughr a6 . ba6is
fo! a cleiailed srudy of his
pollticql rnoughc in Lhe :aEer
chaplers, In !racing such
roundalions, ,e 6eek answels ro
the following quesrlors:
- ihe conrenc o! faoily influ€nces
'|har and
on rashliqi?
- |{har vas Mashriqi.E .otrscious
mocive cha! hiJrr. i";$
otJ {
- Eow !oeu1.te his ploblem?
di<t be
- nos dld he uEe his incetleccual !,",'9'
coots ro
Ho, di<t Mashrtqi Ery co pelsuade
ochers co accepc his

tseansre! che quesrtons in lwo

tujo, parts. r4 fiisrooe, ve
na!:are Ehe lnftuences lld his
fahity ad educacion, arong(irh his
grofirg coreciou.ness of Muslims,
.tectine aE a wo!1d fofce. In
second, ee desclibe hi6fomlation of rh6 plobts which .oDtronted
hts, giving an accounc ot the lellgio-EclenEific noEion6 whlch he
3ynrhesized i4ro a rbote! aat rhe uay he rlieat ro p€rsuaate
scientisEs to accepE his j,iteas,

Tbree decadea befole the bilrh of h.yarullah Khan, Eh. sub_

conrineni of tndia had paEsed under rhe atminacion of rhe Blirish,
.ti6placing Ehe Muslim 4le !o! eve!, sslab1lEhed in 1206 A.D.,
ttu6lis porer in India reached 1E5 zenith duling the ri@ of
Empire and dectined when, in spiE€ of E,e vlcroly
for Muslin ams
ar rhe bartle of panipar in L?6rr lhe Eopire did no! ,eGin
i live
force. "rr linqeled on - !ha! is. rhe courr ringer€d oa , brc
Mustim and Hindu ,e!e exhausted! aod iD lhe
tast half (ji rh€
elshEeen.h cenrury rhe Bricish began ro esEablish
Ehei. suprema.T
over each"z. Duling lhe nexE cenEuly, Ene Easc
India com?any,s
exorbiranr and expansiw€ are, qlli.Eian mis.ionary
,ork seer ro b.
an unrallanEedarlack on indigenous r6tigron5, lmposiEion of
'refoms by ruleEE alien iD !rich ard iodj,ffelenE
!o Lhe re!!rngs
of che geople, use of a!I@! itefrs suspecled ot
beins Mde fron
religiousty probiblEed EEe!ia1, ecc_ _ raII codbined
ro procuce a
splrrr of genelal unles! ald revotli3, IL happened
in 1357, bu!
railed m.j,nly becauge of absenee o! any plaDning
1n cems oE borh
hateriat and huM! lesoulces. Once Ehe uplrsrDg
haat Eaken place, it
ras rholenearEedly suppolEeat by Ehe
comon p€opre. EuE ofing !o Ehe
tack of oiganizarion and coordiGrto!
tney aoughE nosrt, lihe
rabbles4. There ras Do colrcn leaatelship equipped,irh nittEary and
@reriat lesoulc€s. The itughal hler *bo,as affimed a5 1€si.iEre
4ter by mar leadels of Ehe uplis1ng, had !o aucEior hi6 personat
effecls ro pay the aalalleE of the Eotdlels5_
conplere faillre of rhe miticary upli.ing 1ef. no doubL a6 !o
rhe aupre@ p@e! of Ehe B!ir16h. lrititsary opcion being ctosed
ro!eve!, Muelims undelcook co reloh rhon€elves on lwo bload
nodels. sayyid ahEd xha. siarred a mowemen.,
cooperarlon ,irh the Brlrish nle!., srudy ot modeh science
rl.erature rlthour givi,ng up lhe vlEal rsramlc ceaehings conEained
!n rhe aujan. A mjo! conclere insrirurion, Ehe MohaMedan _\nsLo_
ollenrar cot1ege, ,as lound€d in 1s?7 (becahe unrversrty in
1922) .
alodgwirh orhe! acrlvitles of s1i saryid, cne lnsriEurion
aimed ar
It4uslift legeneraEion Eo parcicipare in rhe ,o!ld
of modeln science,
ce.nnolog!'! and slo,Iy_evolving ,eslea pollrical
sriucrures. The
orher model 6!!e6sed letiglous lenewal anal ftora1 puiificacion,
tithouc being awe!5e Co Che use of neu Eecnnorogres.
Ttte @in
empna3rs ,as io disseninace in6!tucrion
in aurhen!i. religious
rdeas, bellef and pra.rlce. 1!6 nodel ra€
erefrprlrted try d1e
eBlablishnent o! Da!_ul_ulun, Deob4d in
srilish ad(inisEraliotr ras eeu_enirencned when
Uashliqi eas
born rn 1333 itr Am.irsa! Di6rric!
{Do, in Ehe Easr punjab in
India). se came of a Mustift family (of Ralpur
e*clacrion) abour
thlct! our only sdlce of infoerion is
arasnriqi,s noie in.ne or
!1s poelica1 rorks, na@ty, pah a1lBab6_ According to !h€
notse, rhe
lahily seeds to have enjoyed high gocta1 sEaEuB.
JtD ancesro!, lat

uuhamd, is ssi<t !o have enbraced rslas dullng che
,eign o, rtrushal
aripelo! Aurangzeb (161s_1?o?) anat giv€n a ftilitary
lank and a jagi!
j.n curdaspur (arso nov in rhe
hdian pujalt . Theleafrer, four
6u.cesaive generarions oa che ,amlly seweat
urde! various Mughal
lulels ard wele giwn addlEional Ja9ir6. rne. ramity
ca@ un.re!
c1oud6 during iniriar yeals of Siklh
are..Hotreve!, unde! Ranjir
Singh (1307-1841), rhe fafri1), Bucc€eded
nor only in se.uling
appoiornenLs bu! also in gecrrng back
rherr ancestlal jagirr.
Mashriqi,5 farhe!, AEa lrulra@d,
{1346_t925) aurholed s:weral

thought in rhe lighr of besleh krowledgeT.

AEa Muha@d atso 2!ore
oasaid€ i. praj,se of SutCan
uubamad ot
eurogiling him ro! inrrodlcing "t*n-tttt' ^t*""
ruks !o. es,ablishine a,e, older ,.::".:::.1.;T
1330, Ara nuha@ad is saiat Eo
have wrtten an allicLe on lhe
poEsible decline of rhe Bliri6h
govemenr in India. ke suggesLed
rhar Ehe B.icisb should be genelou6
and l lihe lhe Mlqhars
in aher! ture er66 Ehey ,ourd
no" o. *-*"**lo conirol the ro!'eti
(The hdian subJeccsJg
nn, Mtrh:@d ts lepo.red tso have
c.hi.s,on seE," J,::":::,; :.H,:.'::
r332rv, The cohis6ion leco@nded
eor rh o' erem:nEarv
e.lcarion and esrabris;
noE by the coverdnenE,
bur by Ehe plivace 6ecEo!, ";;;;"'rPdsio!
che cove!@os'
Ellough g!anr5_in-aid, 8e x!6 "tttt" assl.rinq lhen
a ,ra.ouotof si! syed Ahc.l (han
(1327-1899) ad had ctos. relalionB Bth so@ o! rhe prdinen!
policical and lirelary liguleE o! hls BiG, namely, Milza A6a.rdrarr
(han clbrib (1?97_1a59), (tbe shalespeare
ot rrrdu rdnguageJ, syed
J.cluddin Afghanr {1839-rg9?), . pan_IstmisE levoluriona!y
leader, The latte!, dultng one o! his vr61Es Eo Indra, Erayeat
t4ashfiqi,s farh.! ar jMirsa!. shila.fy, ,.u1e AbuI l(a1an
re6iated. xirh hin when h6 editsed ihe weekly gaEeel,
ar Amrt!.ar
111), ln 139si {hen onty seven, uashliq! accmpured hi5
farh6! !o
an educacional confelerce ar Ranpu!, Tter€ ae sa,
Si! Syed Almd
rhan rho showed his atfe.Elon ro rhe child, paEred
h1n and cook him

Mashriqi leceived ltis €ally educacion ac nme,

@.rty from his
facherl2. He subEequen .y lecotlecEed rne.1frplinr6
of his early
. scrroolins statinE char ic ,ere hj,s paleorE ,ho had raughr
nin !o
nave a defiliEe aim in life and Eo
6!!ive unabaCedly untit rhat ain
was achieved. ione voiee,,, h: wroEe, ,was
ever coe!.ing rhe
heedle.sness of dy childhood ,iEh rhe cons.anc plecepr,s of ra{an can
do ehaE Mn has done,. Tbar voice,a6
ny,.rhe!.s,hich coupted
'rin ihe sweeE lhyEhm o! my doCher, scltt leaches he wiah
unitinirislled vigour... Ir vibrace6 tn fty
lecrule haft, in my dining
!om, in fty bed .haftbe!tr13. Mashllqi says
ne oas very much
impre.sed by Ehe sErong characcer
o! hi6 noEher. she eas iegura! in
the perforMnce of retigiouE obligations,
rlcruding puacaualiEy in
ddilt p:aye!s ard reciE!tion ot che
euran. fie! a!lecLron and
sEri.cness rich her chilatleh cleared rsolE-spoken,
a quarret-free
ald haftoni@s horEil4. She senr
ro Mash.iqi Don_perishabre cookeat

rood item6 even when he sa6 ar Canbliatse.

Mashliqi,s fathe! u.ore IEerry ald h€1at the vie, Ehar one
should be able Eourde.srdd poerry, Bur, acco!(rlng ro t4ashriqi,
wa6 nor sangline abour ihe lore o! p@Es
1n 6ocieEy. A6 opposed co
poetry, he EhoughE rhar naEu.at sctences
ad GEhe@rics could @ke
Mn perteclls_ Mashrlqi receird his qroundinE
in Orierral
ran9u6ges during his ehitathood flom
h16 facher. Ir ,as so Ehorough,
says Mashliqi, rha! he was able,
lare!, ro wliEe 6uch book6 as rhe
Hadirh-ul-ouran (conpited tn 1952) in
cbe circumgcances or jair,
where no paper o!pen ,as plovidedl6. dasrlliqi ba6
r4uslim edu.atioGl itrsiiEuriors.
8tE fatner vas noE sarisfieC ri!h
rhe r6lamic conEenE of educarion a!
such insrlruEions. In his vier,
such tnsttEurions d1d nor property
caEe! ro Che aeects of Muslihsl
rerigiouF educalioD, chele, eas ldinat
anat ,as like1y ro erode
lather lhan devetop one.s rslanic predi
5po6i!ion5 . He fimly
believed rha! in ch,islian/covenmenE
lnscirurlons, Mustin sEf,denEs
ue.e conscious of rhei! leligion, ard r!:rigioBicv incleased
nashliqi,s foler1 educaiion traceat
by xussern, i6 said to have
stalted in 1a9? siEh Missio! School,
Ihliisarrs, Ar lhe age of
rkerve, he pa6sed his Mtddle srandald (sigtrE
yealE educario!) floh
rhe B.l.i N.rh public school and
earned :
r'6n the rub'€e schor.rshtp,,"""
". ;"""::T:::::,i:,::":.:
Govemme!! Hign Schoot Atuicsa!, ?hen he joined Chulch Mission
college rhere be compleleat his
!.A. in reoa, h spire of his
farher,s llieddship sith syed
ahEd l6an, Mashliql
Aligarh: afEe! his F.A. he eas sen! to Foll@ Chlisrian Cotteg6,
Lrhole. The unive!6ity of punjab glanled hin rhe B.a. desrde in
1906 and, in a ctrer of eight tuncbs, he gained his Uasrer,s in
Mathe@ctcs, 6erring a nev recold 1n che univelsily. Mashriqi
perfomeal even tM€ blillidrly ai the chii6!,s colleg€, canbridge
jorne<r in reo?. He passed four Eliposes: in
'hich he tgoa he :arned
fir6! .lass in MacheGtics. In 1911 he artenpred rwo Eriposes,
galning airsr class in Oliental 1ang!age6, dnd Ehild cta.6
Nalulal Sc.iences, In t9t2 he passed Mechanical Science. Tripos rn
second c1aEs. Nom11y, Eo paEBfour deglees, lequired a perlod of
lvelve yeals, t{irh his unique achieve@nr6 aE cambfidse, Maslltqi
kon several schorarsbips incruding rhe Fourdation scholalship
1903, Bachelo! schotarship i! June 1909 dd syed Mahfrood
scholaiship in 1911. The last oDe ,a. rresened for a very
oucstanating rndian sEudents 5ludying in Grgtdd and nakinq
prooinent .onrributsioi in rhe Olienral srudi€s aod la!9ua9es19,.
Mashriqi?s successes rere roticed by sew€lit leading B.itish
joulnars ard ne!.papels incrudrng The rim.s, The Mirro!,
Dailv Ne{s, r{esrminste! cazErre, The Srar, rhe Evenino News
{London), and tshe yd'kshire Fost. rhe rrElrnlnstser cazerte (!.ndon)
sEingy vhen ir ,rote on 12 lrune, 1912: ,A blitlianr
rndlan schola!, rnayclrlah (hnn, Nho coday passed, besides
rhlee orhe! rliposes asoEher rrigoEe is one of tshe mo6r
distinguislled rndian ewe! 6een up,20. me canblidde paitw N.rs of
Ehe 6afre day ras fali€r: !...jrayarullah xhd of chris s
College,.. proved himself Ehe besr alt_round rndid sLudenL ever
cafiblidge .... He is b€lieved !o be the firsr cn of any
n.tionality Eo obrai! honou!6 in fou! atiffeient T!iposeE.21.
The teacherg ar Ehe Can6!1dge opiled EhaE Ieyarullah
possessed nor onty cotrspicuous abitiry for @rheEclc.l srucy
a riater knorledge o! rhe .ubjec! bur arso for olierLal r,an4ages
and Ndeurat Sciences hhich Nas consldeled ,,an exceptionat equlprenc
fo! any schola!", 1r was belteved Ehar"he carlie6 a uide fl:td of

hrhen ar Cambiidge, Mashriql exaniaed valious aacels of the

ircellecrua] effo!!E of rb€
.enrurtes. tn hi5 vier, Flaaci5 aacon,6 lhoughr 619nitied lbe
lurning point in Ehe wesEern aEclrude ro,alds Nalule and iEs
vallous lnenomera, lesulrirg in !u!ope,s sup.emacy in rhe
reatm of
science. accoop.nieat by rhei! tndus!ria] dd polirical Dorer.
,a6 lirsr pubtished in 160;, and
Nes Aclanris in 162?23. Ttey rere pubtished rogerhe!
in 1906 in che
world Classic6, jusE one yea! belole Mashliqi enEered
In lhe preface, Thohae case Eried to bling our ,Ehe naturiry, rhe
cfrprerlensivenes6, ard univelsaliry"24 of Bacon,E philosophr_.
Mashliqi seec co have been inlluenced by Baco! tn
Mny of his
tdeas. Like ua6hliqi, Bacon helal rhaE a @n could
noE isea.ch Loo
lar in rhe book of cod,s,orat o! in lhe book of cod,E kolks,
!ha! Ehe fulrher he srudies Narule lhe neale! he
Accolding Eo hin, a .uperficial knowledge of philoBolhy
rnclrne rbe mind o! cn to acheisn, buE a deeper probe
wourd "bring
tlre (ind back Lo letigionr, Eacon aigued
on fu!rhe!, and seerh the depeDd.nce
of cau.es, anat the ,o.ks of
plovtalence/ he uiII eastLy betie@ rhar rhe higheEr tink
raru.e.s chatn muar needE b€ rl,ed ro rhe loor of Jupicer,s
Bacor gives a 6aylng f!@,tesu. chrisr: lyou eu, no! kndjrs
the scriprur€s, no! the pde! of codr..Bacon lnrelprerE rhar \resus
6u9gesi5 6rudy of rwo .books, ro flee Gn flofr erlor- iiscliprure.
lewealing rhe rill ot cod" dd i Eh€ creaEules expres.ing sis
!orer6(2?. aacod legardE rhe tatler i.e. Ene srudy of, eolks of cod
as a xey io undelsrandlng the 6crlpru!e6, sruity of larule will loE
only add Eo r4e undelsranding o! rhe sclipEures, buE ,tIl also,
andchiefty, draw hen 'i!Eo a due re<tirarion of rh€ mipoEedcy of
cod. khich is Eigned and englavetr upon hllrli6 ,o,ks'2e, Bacon
beliered rhaE cerEain po.clons of 6cripcu,€s uere screnEi:ic
character. In che case of Eook of lrob he rhoughE rhar ,,if
ir be
lesolved virh diligence, iE wilt be found pleglant
and srelling
wtrh narural philosophy; as !o! exanple, cosmgfaphy,
and che
loundness of rhe vo!ld,_.. wherein rhe peGiteress
of the earrh,
lhe pole of rhe nolrh, anit the litrireress o! convesry
of heave!
are @nifosEly rouchedn2g.. Francls Bacon,6 Ndwm olqan6n
seemed ro
Mrshliqi a book of out6laaating impolrarce; 1r put rhe
wesC on rbe
patr! of srudyirg Etule. plolrres3 in sclence.Led ro inatuscriat
derelopsenc and acquisirion of poltEj.cal pore!3o.
At Ebe ch!isr,8 co11e9e had sruatied, some decaate6
.9o, rhe
celebtared.urhor of
, charles Daela. To
Mashriqi, Datuin had de@nsrlareat rha. sEoggle
and effo!!
co.srrruted rbe baaia of 4ery fom ot e*is!.ence aat suryival.
DaBin! '!ore rra6hliqi in 1924! plovided d illefulable ploof or
tne meory of Evol,ution and had, "ro so@ exteDE uncovered lhe
plincille of rhe lall and !i6e of hulnd 6ocierie6 whi.h ba?e rc!
been available anlahele except j,n rhe Revealed B@kE, parriclla!1y
rh€ Qu!anr31. Hashllqi srudieat Ehe rheory ot evorucron, *aninins
various fa.ei6, At rhe sa@ rIre, Mashriqi ,a"
"n"Or.a,o s."
lelIgion and retigious scliprules in Ehe tighr of Eclence. ro Lhig
he qa6 helped by so@ of hi6 oucsE.nding Leachers ar canbr id3e qho
ilcludeat Alrhu! Eddingro! and Ja@E Jeans. tbe tofre! pubtished his
sba.e. time anat crawirarion in 1920 rhe Nature of Ehe physica!
ladd in 1923,
Parhwavs in scien.e in 1933. ,teans publishe<t hi6 The Mvst:lious
tn 1933 &d phvsics

ttatealisEs,, rho pleseDred cheir

vtew5 in a nanne! rhat !,r:duces
them to lhe level of levivarisr preachers,32, t4aghliqi,as inviEed
to rea by.reans and che ceache! anat Ehe sruden! engaged lhensetves
in dtscussions abou! rhe.a,e6onenes6 o! tne universe, siEh
ihpli,cations fo! b6tiev€rs about lhe crearo! of rhe unire!6e: such
betiev6rs vould aluays fear God and EhaE uould b6 leftecLed rn
thelr day-ro-day conducr33.
In ! docurent wrlllen a fe? horrhs before hi5 de.th, asbliqi
leverrs Ehar he,ished Eo,!ire socthing abouc rsraB in 1913, jusr
afrer his relun f!fr rnEldd34. The plobabl,e subjecr {as io be rhe
decllne of Musting, ApparenEry, he did oor pulsue ft. Bur lhis

adfrission gives us a bj,g clue ro t4ashliqi, s .stsate o! hind, and
jusrj,ries @! 1@king ar !r!e-1913 coDditioo of uusliN.
almst coincidilg ,lch Ma6b!1g1, s stay in canili<tge, Mus1ift
affails began to take a aellous turn Eowardg de.line. ourEide Ehe
subconrinenL, Iran ca@ unde! llestem influence, rhe consrlrurioct
levolurion o! 1905 nolrich6Eandirg. me octoMn Efilpire beca@ a
larget of che tles!, and valids Buropean pow.rE began co plan 1!E
furrher conque6c/palEitlon ir6 a!ea635. aulgalta seceded f!o! the
Etpire and unate! Bulopean p!e88u!e Tulkey recognt2ed her
Irdependence ln 1909, AbouE rhe sa@ ri@1 fnportaac areas ot
Balkan srarea, like Bosnla dal Heizegdina, fetl ro rhe Ausrlia_
P.ungarydomlnation. arench enteled t orrocco i,n 191r. In Ehe saoe
ye.! Italy lnvaded Libya and annexed Tlipo]i. Mashliqi was scirt
ae cambri<lse qhen, in 19!2, fou! satkat#Ee6, narely, I,ronr.enesro,
at 6.z
serbia. sursariT,
'iEh BliEish connivance, declaled ea! oo Turkey.
In Indla, duiing Ma6hriqi,6 6!ay ar caFblidge, many Musrim
Ieaders came ro hold che view hbats rhey c6u1d not rnsr Ehe
Alirisr! in rheir lesi6Eance again6r possible Hindu atmi6rion36.
Annulcnc of particion of Bengat 1n 1911 fas a scriking insratrce of
the ineffectlvenes. and herplessnes. ot Muslift6 of rhe
rtulthe! fnstslations wele generaa€d by Ehe
Govern@n!'s !efq6a1 Eoe6r.blish a Muslin rhrvelsrry ar Aligarl! and
by Ehe eFotional 6hock of atercllrion of a ho6que, appalenily ro
lacilitate the constocEiotr of a road. rr uas in chi6 aErcsphele
rhar Mashliqi rished Eo wrire abolr rhe decline o! uusllms.
r,4ash.lqi dtd ror wlitse anychins on .Ehe 6urrjecr; his

poscponerenr, it seens, *as occasloned by pulsuir of suitable
6epice. conErary ro young hatians, an|baEaon Eo cmpere fo! rndia,
civ E{-rritiis-iitrelFrrEi Seryice (r.C.sl job, he joi@d Etre
nerry fouftted Islania coltege, pesbarar, as vice plincipal and
plotesso! or Marh@rica(41). alrer sefrlnq iitu,.,
lhe Educario! DepalE@nrl6esice, he evenru.atty accepred rhe
Headcsrer6hip of Cowern@nE tjigh Schoot, peshavar. JusL four days
berole Mashriqi rooJ. ove! his nes Job, cne Musric obsered rhe
KtiilafaE{caliphate) day on 1? occobe, 1919, ,iE}1 the su6pension of
buE1ne6s, fasrins and Flayels, He wa. synparheric,iErr
rhe Oiitafa!
movedelE leadership
but he only saLched lhe move@nE, rteenrv3?. se
arso obseeed rhe enrhusiass as retl as rhe end, ,hich ,as
foitless. An offshooEof rhe rhitafar ras lne Hiirar {ftigreEior!)
@!'emenr, glEn call ro by leltgi@s leadeis Ehat tluslihs
noa rrve under infidet, aliclsh a1e, Hund!€ds
df fanities sotd Ehe
land.no properfy cheapry, serLred up Ehei! xorrdly aiLdrrs,
!hei! trives and chitarlen in ca!!s, and depalled in rbe direcrion
(hyber Dass and Afghanislan. Afghan
aulholiEies stsopped Ehe i.ftux,
Eh€ tid€ of emiglarion ebbed stosly
bu! Ehe loads fofr pesha,ar ro
Kabul va6 sErern ilIrh glave6 of ord men, vomen
and childrei. The
reEulnrng .niglanrs, found theGelves hfreless and pennrless, their
propefty aold ea!1ier only fo! Ehe fitth
of iiE value was i. .he
nanals of oEhers. A ta.ge aunbe! pelished
Ehlough e*hausEion or

For Ma6hliqi, ther.hilafar ald nii?ar ,,iwrc.ts i, ur." r,ao_

lepreseiced borh fucitity of such uorg{ized
arlerpta, and [tu8li@/ vtvtat !atlu!e6. to hln ti h.d b€co@ clea!
rhar Muslin rrdFlr had r@ched 6u.h atepEhs or @!al, ategiadarion
,he!e lone ot tts.c!j,on o! plog!.tr@s could achieve
tE. go:139.
The rlrki€h cdmlEEee of union and p!og!66. co;rd
noE rloulish ,n
EpiLe of high .ihs; nahhabi od Jih.d nee nr
in Alarria .nd India
iespectlvety, Mehdi,€ enelgerce i! Ehe Sudan could noE plove
to be
raEriDg. lbduhrs potlrlcll pleachlng failed ro sEli,ke
loor in
Eg'ypr.ri|Lin4s upheavlr ln rhe slbconilnenE anar incloducrion
Itajtis-i-shu!. ir t!.n, !rh@gh irrpoltan! anar atl_.libracing
levolurion,, did tro! cohe co f41rlo!. atrd Mashliqi ,!oEe
solrorfulry: ievery elforr rhac !tu5lir Eke Eo aftain lrteir
objecrtve evencually co@s ro.aughr; .Gry pran tshaE
rhey inlriare
ror Lheir beEce@nt end6 1n lurtlity.4oJ h r92o he seriousty
ro Hork on cbs diagnosts of tusltc, condl;ion6 and
rhe possible
cure. The re5ulr o( his rhilt<ing,as pubti.heal in
t92t in she ,on
o! Tazki:ah.
{ash!iqi,6 diagloEis abour itulri@, decline s:6 rhaE inentat
confuston and the dreaatur noas€e! of lnB.ma]
alis4pcion and
di8sipatior uEielly und€niE rh6lr po,.i o! lction,
.rd de.p s.nee
o! ftusrlacion had ovetuh€Iried rhfr, conpleiely desrroyj.lg
falcb in th.ir descint.4l.
uhen rhe Nehd Repolr of r92B lefused !;give
Muslrns Ehe
saleglards lhey were deMrdiDg, ard p!;cclcarly
alr m6Ih
olganizarions {e!e ln dlsallay, 1f lhey haat not
by then disappeared
flom the sceDe. ood.! rhe clrcufr.c.nces, Mlshliqt
w!oc6 hiE t5har:!
to rell itu.l1ns rhet rh€y srlll bad pocenElar ro olsanize
rheGe1ve6 inro a afing comunity{2, The book plovided basis
rhe (hakaar M.relgr ,bich irashliql lounated i; 1931. r{o!k
or the
conceived in refts of che decatogle, xenbers
vere to
de@re Iro hou.s dauy for exelclses corq)lr6Dg
15 rinures fo! Ehe
evening piaye!6, bau atr hou! fo! nlltrary dlirl (carryiDs spade
pla.e of su) dd an houi an.r quafte! ro!
social s.wi.e
irleEpectlwe of casle, cleed anat colou!, Tne
whole exelcise ,a6 ro
be pelrored cot lecEively under Ehe co@nd or
a comon leade!
knoun a5 .alat. The hembels ,e!e ro
have a badge wirh Ehe ,ord
Akhlwwat meaning univeleal blorhelhood,
?he 6pade sig.ified
hunblenes6, sewice and maiual\1a.bour, The
e*elcise €i6odled a
nuTbe. of Lhe elenencs of Ehe decatogue: players,
discjpline urde.
a corhalde! and senice Eo orhe:6. Flaying
behind a teade!, ilself,
sigdified belief in rhe uniEy of cod, (liscipline!
exercrse, add inreracrion lea<tjns ro blocn€lhood
arcng p:,sons
involved, Tte r.roEhenE bega! tc ftouri6h. accolating
ro one rii!e.,
'Mu.lim y@ngten rblonged tso nhrkra! Headqualrels,4 3 ,
Apar! flom rsharar menbels oa rhe mowenenc vere
fed on rhe
faekly a1-rs1ah, whtch Mashrtql starteo an 1934.
a selies of
!rr1c1e6 lr1llen rn anEwer co many cllEtcE v6!e put
Logpther in Lhe
fom of a book ticled oaul_1-?aisa1, publlghed
in 1935. Q!e!i:
Faisal (Ehe Decisive l{o!d) ,aE rhe ho6r courageous
erposiEio, or
I.1am, an arEack on rhe ]ess€r leltgious
leaoers (mulvis or prayer
reade!5 in tocal rcsqres) , rr also presenced
d afa,onr ro rhe
arici6h'sayirg Ehar Ebere could be no r6lan
if ir ,as no!
Frm 1935 !o 1939, rhe l(hakra! MovemenE came Eo be invotved
intla,comuDal and tnrer-coMrlrna1.iBsues in rnit1a4a. Mashliqi
desc.ibed such issues. as .difty polirics,4s. speclficatly,
inwolve@lr letated ro shaneed c&j titosque isEue beiveen uu51im3
and roa-Mu6l1frE anat shia-sutrnl issue u lne rhteit
(Lr.P.). Khaksa! Movemenr parrlclpaied in
che borh and eased some
lepurarion as a feEulr.
The functioning of Cong.ess Minis!!ies duling
193?,t9 aeaiened
lrusl ins io of becdlng a perunenE minoliry jn Lh-
Ehe <lange!
i.dtan. subconrinenc. h 1939, ltashliqi EoEe his Ak3aliat ya
:ilooa, a6 serring ouE lhe prin.ip]6 lbaE rhe clicelion of bec@ins
!!1e!s ras .acriflce to! Ehe honetand. The pa(pht,e!,as
alorgviib pala-ni1i!a.y malch:s by nhaksar Move@ut.
A1t rnis
eveftuared in che 19 lrafeh clash becreen Khaksar and porice just
rat itays befo!€ che farcus Lahore (paki6ran) Revoturion,a6
l.'a.y xhaksa! loei rhei! tives in rhe encounre!,
mny nore wele puc
in jairs. (haksar,E sacrifices conriibuEed Eo lhe enhancrng
oua!d-i-AzarE 6EaEu!e vis_a.vr. srr stkdnda! HayaE,
!he rhen
Punjab plemie! and rnsred @n o! che Br1r16h,
The c:nrlal
goveanenE and alrcsr all rhe plovincial
goverrcnEs in rndia
decided ro ban th6 rdaksar MovelHi. Mash!1q1
I.iG€I! fas put in a

flhen he waa rieed in 1942, Ehings had changed

a loE. Mustim
Leagle had won the healts o! most Muslihs
on rne ba$is of Lahole
Res)Iurion deGnd.ing sepalaEe counrry
for Mus.liE. ashriqi rgrFed
ri:i de@nd for pakislaa buL he vas of che vrev EhaL che issue

seErled wlch the congless. Any orhe! eay fo! the cleaEion
Paj.tstan {a5 6u!e to lead !o comunat vioterce, bloodshed
and loss
of hu@n fife. Ma6hrlqi,s role ro brlng rhe C6ngleEs aDd rh€
reague EogeEhe! ro regol@ tshe lssue eaE noE shote_healed1y
accepred by eirhe! parcy. Lare!, Ma6hriqi cook quire seriousty rhe
BliEish challenge ro r&ti& leactelship ro
.plepare an asreed
.onsclrurion for lrttia. He seE hiEelf ro che rask and plepaled
constirurion of Free IndiaaT. r.'re consticucion wa6 nis plaifon
dultng lhe 194s eleclIons. rr plovtared fo! a uDiEed hd:a
srjpulaEed a province,B lighr for secession a! any Eine
atier five
years of independelce o! India. ,be!€by, it also proviate<t
lealiza!1on of pakiscan as eell_
Mashliqi disbanded hi6 Khrksar MovedenE in June
pa..rrron and ird€pen tence cane Eo be agreed 'Jhen
upon by rhe r,eague anc
th: Congress; Afre! lhe cleaEion of pakiscan, Mashliqi
Islan League appa.enrly to keep rhe narion ftitiEariry
alerr, B.
spoke againsc coirupcion in che Muslin l]eagle gove
of rbich he jalt in Janua.y 19st and ,as leleared
July 1952. whire in Jail he p.epaled a leccer
ro scienriscs or che
xorldi asktng rhen Eo Eake conlrol of gove!!frenr
in rheir
cornErieg, ser che mnhind on prope! parh
ot plo6pertly and fullher
nu@n evoluiion. During rhe fi:sr half
or 1950s Mashliqi alchored
seve.al books of poetry and prose, Thlee
books o! poeuy ,ere
pubrished tn 1952. Hadlrb_u1_ouran
iDrelpreLarion of !!e Qulan, ,a5 .lso pub.Lrshed
1n 19s2. Duling lhe
5Os, r.taFhliqi espouged rhe ploblen o!
Kasl@! and ,nremiEcenEly
palr rn d€bar€. o, Fubll. 16s!es dd his speeches u€re
printeat, In 19s?, he wa6 latl€d otr suspiclon o, D!. Xhan sahlb,s
frurder. Be ea6 !ele.6ed fr.h jaj.LLthour Ehe chalge beins
establi6hed, By then t4a.hriqi,. health baat derellolated ald he died
in 196l afcer a proEracEed il1nes6,
Mashriqi,6 original plobtem,as ro explaln the deeline of
]€adlng pore! 1n !h€ wollii. rn rhe eally .enEulies of
rhei! hisroly, Muslim6 gained phetro@nat aEce(tancy.
Thei! living
Faith i! rhe Untry of cod and p!a.!ice o! orhe!
Frinciples .t rhe
d..alogle inhelent in Euch faith, resulceat iD rhe expanslo! of
Isran. HIrh codly aclion3 of rbeig nemberg ot rhe ealIy rslanic
comu.rcy atlracred peoples of orhe, !ace. and countlies !o cod,s
cssage creaclng condiEions lor the unifi..ri,ot ot Enkird.
Ar one
!1he, r4uslin tute spaDned Ehe chlee gleac conErnen!6 of Asia.
Atrica an<t Europe. By lhe beginntng of lne cuenlteEh cenrury
had 'been caughc in a volcexfconEinuing dectine ... dlaggins
lhenselves !o urler allihilation and cercain areaEh.48.
Id .cudyirg rhe Muslis decrine, .shliqi genelalizes rhe
problenr he does noi look .inply ar ihe f.tl
ot Muslih pou:!. 6e
ra*es into accounr all Darions 0t the *o!ld and rheoli2e.
abour rhe
rise and fa1l of any nalion. Indeed, he goe. rulthe!
and lhi.ks in
cefrs oa relaare of hucnlry a6 a,hol€, Tb6 creaE t{a!
had laised rhe quesEioD o! .urival of
unkild as a sp:cies.
r4ashli,qt,s concen!o! che nqnkhd eas Jusriltear i, vie{ of Ehe,a,
toll ,hich shocked all rhlnking people in Ene world. to tira6hri,qi?
anlthilarion ot rhe humn kind seereat co be a dl.rincr po6Eiblliry.

Ir aeeking ro anare! rhe prcbtm so fomlar.d xashliqi Mde use .f
his rerigio-.ci.ncilic rlalning. ,te elabolaraat a vie, baseal on
5yrthe.i6 of rerigion and science, borh of ,hich {ere consideled
{eighty folceg in hutb affa1.s. In !e€! of the cbaprer ee
di6cuss tbe ray hd Mashliqi brirg3 leligion untte! sctearific study
by redefining tr in Eem€ of hu@r conitucE relevanr
ro aturable and
plospelous poliEy. This
'i,11 be fou4ed by a di6cus6ion of rhe rbo
sroupa thaE MaEhriqi rhoughr courd bling lbour ch.nge by i.ki4s
hi3 v!.r ot Eligron seliou5ly.
Ret igior, accolding !o ashltqi, vas "rheg!.acesE o! att
i5 Lhat
belj,eved and pracriced in Ehe *olldi49, Ri.tualE,
c::erj,nss, atms, pirg!i@9e6, pr.yere, .dolarions erc,
c:irinuing nyslelies o! leltgious praccj,ces ano cuscons;
rhey rere
Eaken to! gr.nEed by foltoeels ot valious
retigion. plevaten! in
rhe ,ortd. overhelnirg Ejoriry of p€opr. felr no
need !o
uderstand the my6Eery or lhe ongoins lelisious praclice€.
No! onry
but rhe leamed lrd ,jee !l.o pa.ticip.led ia
!!Euala. ,irhour tuch aDalysls. one ald au conEidered
riturls as
a lviEal purpose ot Ehei! lite,. Itriteect, s.ys M:shfiqi:
In-the entir..hi6Eory ot En,s pr.su{'cron.an.t betief,
of uhar con.rilure. .n .ccount or hiE !n
ac4esr. and aclion, n.ligion ar""._-rs ;;;;.;sl;;
j\T#:F:liii !"i$.,1x,""1r""1r'*:r,i.i;";i'l"
-unc;a;i;i :
nentage or nan thac everv urarglrbl€, and
tnhere;i rishr ." *";i r ji,,.iil,".
i r"."*'o'Xi'".Sff ,.
Science bad o! a poweltul sociat
Ehe sraru€
lorce duling rbe Dinereen rhe ceulury; uritiralian
apprications or
scienrific kndledg€ leal ro Ehe p&ducc$n or 6uch @gnilicenr
reEults in placEicat Ii!6 as thouBards of stles of railray alack,
mitlionE ot yalds of ctoth, ulislceit BEean powe!, rlon
and sleet
ma.nrnely, dsices fo! in6tsanr cohuoicaiion, ald rotripricaiion or
rnnuherable colveniences fo! the benefit of.DEikind. They all
sttuck rhe i@giErion so lolcibry a. co mal.e any quesrion
of rhe
sct6nri(ic assumprion look tike supei6cltlous ,o11y. t{ashriqi *as
.onvin.ed rhar rirh rhe development of screrrific knorledge
fifr conclu6ion and wele ted !o inew openirgs !o
porer,sI, rr was on che rheoleEical fronE lhar science,a6
mole lelevanr co his pulposesr sclence had besu! to vin consensus
of ever increasing numbe! of people on Mny contesred is6ues.
sclence could creace unanisiEy aB Eo ir6 findinss, i15.crurhs,.
r4a6hrlqt noEed Ehar. iHu@n beinsE ,6!e unanin;us
on che fac!5 of
Glhe@cicsi. The.e ,as, accoldlng even an iola or
differetrce o. ant of irs propositions. kegarding Ehe
findings of
pDysrc., che,hote *o!ld €venruarly b€care
u,animous on rhe orbirat
norion of ch€ earrh. Thus ,,knorl€dge eyerywnere grves
birEh ro
untty anal consensus, .eculiEy and p.ace, errolr and acrion
o164fr5 everybodt; rhen ir rakes bilEh, conflicr becomes
iopossible, doubr is iendeled inconcelvabre,
inacrion is
unllkety'52, (norleatge of EcienEific tar6, e,g.,
Ehe lav of
gravitation acEed co endEny quarrels arcng peopre. This was so
because, said Mashliqi/ iall have seen rhe lealicy qrlh
lherr orn
eyes; because every body expelierces rheh
eEry m@a! and in every
E!a!."t.1. rn every d@in of resealch and inqviry
ertect or scfence
{as a poserful colrecror oi huEn actlonE
ard opinion. acring every
wrtereito irCegrace, ro F!!ow doh rhe
atlviating gutf anal, by
evolving a cffion b.si., ro enforce a univerBal agleemenri54,
resuli6 thar science reaches, rn its .y;c6cr.ic endeavou!
discove! r4ths are use.t ln the seftice of p!€aricrion and
and gain objecEiviry, people evely uhere can aglee
upon such
lesultsE and such tbEh6.
If the charactselizatsion 06 Bcience yas corlecr, ald i! sas
rargely believed Eo be so, rhe, Bcience courit help in
.otving rhe
most impoiranr problen faced in rhe scuoy ot
!e1i9ion5, Th€
ploblen, of tha! che oniverEaliry o! leligious
devotrons and !iruats, Has @Ec}led by equal,y
disdgreemenl on lhe naLure of leligion. rE
had noE been posslble,
moaned Mashrlqi,
"Eo find an irrefucabre and unanifrous agieemenr
even aDour rhe aei49 ot
€od dd His !ea1 fiillnss. rndeed! chere sas
!o sign of decrease in tuEua] diftelence abng
Hinitus, audhis.s,
chiisrians and Mu6rins, ie@ry @n considering
hrs * Faich ine
and the lest a meie falsicyrss.
There,a6 rhe univelsat conuicr,
negaring rhe clair of alt lerigioDs
!u possess any teth. The
hivelsatiry o! religlon ,th irs \m!de!@s
mucual conf1iccs,s7,
presenc.d a greaL ploblem. iMuch
Ehe blood6h;d rn rhe Horld. ire
ho!rirying kars, iLs gre|t confticEs
ard @3Eac!es,ere ar!ribured
lo differences in tairh. Often a peopre
diat @ssacre anoEh.r
becau.e it had a diaEelene letigion, Lecause
1r plofessed a
.liffelent failh, wo!6htp6d anoEh€! god,
belleved in a diftelent
p!opher's8. To Mashfiqi, Euch
a sEate ot atlails,as,ot in lhe
intelest of @nki!at. H€ thtught it
vas ot uive.sat imporEance Eo
8ee,( sotutton ro th. p!obl.r. In rht!
comecrlon he lai€ed celrah
quesrions: t4hy alid leltglon,
*htch sh rbtc€ @tr' ctivtde ched
in.teaat? rrny atiar not rhe clatred
au-a *rure or lerisiou.
rturh, brins peopre lound .. .
rn rhaE pre.tse GMer could """*":;..rt;
Bclenco h.rp? It 1s inpolranr
..k rhlB question !o
becau66in rbshltql,s oh esttEtioD, so@
of Ehe
reached by scienEi.frc
":":r*-* sru.ry ,e!e p.!rj.ar, or a! teasc,
hisl.a<ting in Ehei! appricacion.
v Palttcuralry ttue of the
concepc of evolurton. "h1.
accolaring co MaEa
evorulto, conrained
"*. *"r.,". .TJ;:".::: .:
have @de crear lbac in rhe ".,;"::ff:
suFival sc, or livr'g clearures,
pnysrcar !o!ce o! aggle.si,ve
n."., ," t" tnot"n ro! the stabilirv
or the 6pecies. The .eal EecleE ",-""tt
oa ,." and sueivar ries
and hEecuritv viev,'shicheve.
specie. t.ced rhe obsracles
o, .*"nttnt't
eers:ve*rce ed elappred,irh .*_
iE .tit, in the narure,s temiDotogy, "J,"
Ehat arone is rhe,nheliEo!
of Ehe slrh anat rhe uietde!
of Foyer, :ad lhar alone is
plogles.ive, sE.bte aad rtuly
Ddelful. r
Ehe huee mmorh, .,u
.n. ,"r*;'i::
popuration ln rhe plehiErori "-*"" ";"_ _.:::::":
c Dlelsrocene ) ages,
courd hare as.u@d
rurl .ulholtry over Eh6 earrh
reavlna * i'ch o! rard lor
na,.50. rhe ."..*....*";.;..;;.";::,-'
aarions Eo .b.,ieve thar,!i.ness. ;;'.:l;"",.J-::
tEterial rolce.., oblivious
o! che gplriru.t poEeneial or
individuals and lbe sky
shart€rlng p*e! or rhe @tcule
o! rheir
nind,,51, Mashriqi,6 viee, cet.@y,€ .dtirarisn.aad \Blirain,s
pirarical ru6c fo! Iard,52 re.e @rifescaslon6 ot Danin,s lheory
of .naEuial gelection, and'.ufrlval of the lirtesi,. The ,teste4
scienrtsrs geemed ro be tul1y Barislied rhat Daein had given rhe
de.isive veldicr, legalaring suryival and prospeliEy of co@nlries:
that ionly Ehai co@niEy is en6u!e.r 6u-ival !.hi.h xas .FiE, onty
!ha! is 6table vhich excer4ln rhe cea6ete6s economic sEtussle, and

i6 free f!o( fear dd pelils a6 long as t! ca! Ginrain rhis

excellence.53, Consequently ,,che enrile wesEeh civili2arion began
!o snov si9n6 of aninostty, ba!ba!i.m, 6avagery and culrural
- rn dellring ,fiEne.s, in Elelrarisric rens, Ehe
degenerat ion.6a
t{eBteo rhinkels had co@ ro accept naturar inclinations of
ilnfErio! EpecieE clue Eo Ehe science of hufran
conducr'65- They Gde the .blundels, o! excrualing rhe ,,WiIl
of rbe
trilful Cod and @n,6 oh free eitl"66 in. undersranding Ehe
htsEoricat slruaElons. Where folce las deen€d necessaly fo!
srabllity, nuE@ar pulificaClon of frind would atso be inpollanr ro
susEain such force'67 _

fiiEr! such controvetsiat lesutcs and develop@nrs

in rhe
scienritic lealm, science could sEill herp, ard Ehis ras
bec5use of
rne scientilic rerhod_ The essenc€ of science as
a !.cror in
so.rery consls!ed in rhe u€e of scienEific ploceoures,
according co
Mashriqi, sclence accords 6laruB of knostealge
ro anyrhiDg whlch is
evlrlenced by rhe ea!, rhe eye ed che hw4
nind fhich, ,hen
saliEfi€d, routd puE iDquislilEreg6. scienc€. rhaE
is, ,as based on obsedaEion as Rell as use o, !ea6ob6s,
Bacor,s.!trici6( of rhe stale oa scienEilic ttuvtedge anat
sctenrtfic proc6dule forloveat by EeekelE of kn*tedge, could
,or be
losE upon Ma6hliqi, and coul<t be easlty appried ro
condtrions tn
rhe rlusti( vorld 6tnce Che ealty r.tuslis advance6 in ecience
philosophy, scieDce, as ir exist.d during
s€acor,s tifre6, EEooat in
tne ray of rhe advarcer€lr of leasing dd
ot civilizarion and
needed ro be sHepE auay along krlb
its dispucar.ions and
verr'osiEies. In rhe earnin.,* undelrook a
de5rtuccive arcack on Ehe tusr of the
Medrievat a;d Renaissance
scierce ,hich ,as philologicalgg. InuEead
ot obsearng and
re.surrng physical, .hemical anat bioloqicaf
and orher processes aE
f1!E! hanat, wriiers cffpiled rleacises
ouE or exisriDg books. In
Bacon,e view, if science sele !o
9ro, agaln,
caciar. (i) obseeaclon, calfied ouc
by eac! scienii6! fo! hihsetf
a.d recorded in rhe sinptesr, ]ea6E
a@rguous langruage and (iir
€xpe.inenr, rbe cont.orled invesrlgation
or laruE according Eo
lully llog.amed and lepearable pa!!e!ns.
ua6hriqi nores chaE as it
developed lhlough hisEory, Ehe
olitinary plocedule oa scienlific
work ha6 com€ ro consisr
in rhe lorfuctoD o! h'?oEhest5, which
suhlrted ro eviderce/experiheorb,
arc r

Ene case riehr be, lea<rins

." ".,r.::l::1"."".":_"j.:::,:;
ht?o!hese6?0, lllhe! Mashilqi
wloce Tazkrrah,
hi6 @relialisn
received ir9 9!ea!e6! tlows,
chtefly aE cne rrands of Ein.tein
@rEer had co@ !o be viered
as a EysCed or lnEerretaced evenEs;
lhe solidity of @fte! ,a5 gone?1.
",!he *hote univer.e,, in
Mashriqi,s ,ords ts rrhu6 lesolwed inco
eleclror., rhe
ulslbstanrial .b!ickr, which ate uniEe<r io build up Ehis
perceplual cotu€r?2_ fi{ had cde ro ai,nal
our. chat irhat appears
!o be very sub5ranriar and objectie i€ !e.:,ly E.re
up oa {hac is
allogether ursubstanttal, sithour &, !om. ln
oEhe! solds, rte
@terial of Ehe srnctule o! Che Uni.vels€ was ,mareliaI che
characEe! of rhich iE electlic and ohly GEnectsrcally
definable or

1ne 2oLh cencury rcditicarions tn rne conceprion of

cended Lo tuke appticalion of scl6nEiltc ftethodt possilte
sEudy of rulripticiry of leriglous raiEhs.
civen rhe uni@lsal iipolEance or,
and.equally uliversal
quarrels i9the realft of re1igion,
the probren !o! rriashriqi ,as Eo
esEablish rhe .religious tdrh,,
the .ciren leatiiy,! on which
nanklnd coutd aglee, In h:is
aBEeftpt ro Eind an ansve!,
underEook !o srudy lellgrons
o. the mc,.t€
adopEed che .cienEiric @rhod "t science rhat is he
.o" :t for judsinq Eh:
L.ucn or orhesise of crai* ""
of urr;"ttt"t
process, he ledef ines
lelis.od .",.r"",:""::"":"'l:':::"
rn ce!fu o! riruals ,hich, be Ehinks, ::"
ale "';
racce! day acc!:cions
inrloduced by @ruauy conEendlng
Be a15o ledefines lore of che
scientis!€, set! conceplion as ".,.;j:,,;.:,,:,:::T"".
a nt gconcepc ionT s ,
lor i4ashriqi, rertgion means word o!
Cod! .Dean,
life, pieached by plopheca ro be
tn€ ray ,mcn can
daint.in a dulat1e 4d plo3peiou6
.oci!cy. cuidance
peltarnirg Eo rB!,s,el!a!e ad happlneEn
deEirable and ,!E ro be prowided by tbe Cleator. The sacled book6
cariy a promise Eo mn, thar lnstlucrion a!ou! hi6 prope! conduc!
rn earth oould be forcrr?cmitrg in thac ploph€rs lai6ed fon arcngs!
:hensel,ves ,ould plesenr a roatet of prope! oumn
co&tuct. Men coul<t
:tu1are such ftodel fo! Ehei!,oo gooat ancl ,elfa!e.
lrophers uould
)e hunah, nor supelbuman belng ah; wourd dellve! rbe
Gssase co @nki,d as Eo ho, ir could floulish.
Mashliqi was
iconvinced Char rhe various plopher6,
,hererld they ca@, blough!
.he same nessage, a ressage fo! rhe good
of oan blcelf,?6. rhe
'el lgron ras concerned wich:

Religioo consis!ed of plinciptes
r naEions,, ''ise and fafr
ald Ehe same:emed'itsh
sage broushE bv lbe
rophet. Mashtiqi sas convinc€d rhaE
unan lnrty anong mankind coutd
e re,creared by showing rhar Religion
,.rs bo'ledge' Etuchi
ndeed one rruch. Righr
rhlnking pelsons rcutd see lor 'as
of uNr1., of reEsage hns hlough
all lhe exiscing
ev.n in LhEi
"73. All ihplied rhe same
)jecEive and goat add che
saE direcEiv€, Ehough fomB anar
aciices differed in Gny caEe6.
ashliq1 ,as convinced rhaE if
€e na<t a.r*n any difference
in rhe appricalion of che divine
.recrive,'iE is @rely : diffeledce
of vieo poinr of rhe shade of
'e piccule, ic is celrainty no! the, dilference
of nrDd,s
all plophetss had rhe kno*Iedge of cn€ 6are dlrecrive,
saFe tar. iThei! atst€nr1on ,aE focus6ed on thac lar,
fundarenEal Eturh, Cha! Refigion of NaEule wlllch evely{hele
leate--the peace of cffiuniEte6 aid cribes, or hoEs
individuals'8o. ?hi6 n€ans rhat @nkind,s lerigion
is one, and
consists in c@rse of conduc! In rhe woltd. Fo!
Mashriqi, ic was Ed,s iiboulateD duEy co
conprehenal Ehe Imulabte
l,au rhrch govehs lhe ri6e and fall
ot narions, The knowledge o:
Ehis a10ne constirules s.1.:
O!,E; ii is Ehis course
rhich i! every boary,s ulgenr need. The
sense or good and bad, Elue
and false, rignE and ,!oDg, developed
i! Gn only !h!o!gh
levetacion. rhe collecEi?e vilEues
an<i .rlrDess, of acEiotr, are
delived !!oo rhese reachirgs of prophels;"
and Mashriqi conrinues,
'The principles of suryival aDd srabltlry
shich Eoday are
a.slduously pulsued by all plogressive
Inations_ale the remnan's
cnrs suprefre of
proptecs have exe!!ed
aGzrng idfluence on che @nkind
and rr
is slitt being rerr ,i!h atl lls inrensiry,
a lhirking person mus.
lecognize rne rdrh and deprh
of Joowledge and action connecred
rith plophecic teachilg6 wirh
an open hearc. Th€ kno,tedge
by chem musE be enrercained as
Ehe ce! basis ro! knowledqe
abouts hu*n socieEy, T!ue,
,"rr"ro"" ora,ttt" d1d rent huruliEv
aparc, bur Eha! is rhe re6u1r o, ."t"t"ntt"

Ehei. narions viccolious aod

dcmicnt. pr
science, ,hey blouehi the
".,.,.":, T,::1;"::_,":ff"::
rule, Ehey blouEhr Ehe btg tells ot a gooal and atulable lrfe on

Mashliqi berieveB rhar atL piophecs, *iEhouE any

cEFe ro esralliEh peace arcng dE people *hich
rh€y ,er6 sent !o
1ead. They broughE knowleatge o! lhe basis of.ohich
dulable d1e
coutd be esrabtished. tn Ehe vocabulary
ot Ehe ouran, rhey broLghc
rbe .Big Tidiag,33---knorledge on rhich e@ltasting
ftIe could be
bui,lt. propheEs bloushE the ridt,g6 of utrb.oken
enjothenc of p€ace
if leopte acbed on principles pleached by rhem,
They procraired
*at prolonged enjoldenr of ealrbly paladise
arepended on acrion lhe
su:e knorledge of ehich chey had bloughE.
such acliod would :nsur€
er::Iasct!_q enjoynenr or .heaventy,
e*iscence on ealEh. Uoiversal
Peace and p!o5pe!1ry depelded
upon nan,s obedien.e to cod,s
Mashliqi itluscrates flm Ebe
eulan. A famouE.example is Mcsess4
rho preached escablishiFnc of peace
Eo pharaoh, emphasiz!n9 lhcr
obedierceio cod,s ra, rould fumish hin
and lelpe,ua,ion i4 !ure.
Mashriqi J::'H:'"J:":.::;,.,::':;
Ph:raoh lesutced in alisinhelitance
of and rule
e'jovmenr or pleasu!€s, "unt"tt"" and
His prace va. hke."n"..oo, t'ing6hip and sowereigfltv
ove! t,'e r6laerices' a race
xnrch by !he, had come !o act
iD accoldan ***-
by ,bses and pr@olive of
"..." .,.,."1:::::::.i."^.":
dashliqi ingresr€s on sclentisrs
so:Iery a!d, ulri*tery, ro 'o
@d<ind as
questFn ,o che sctenElsc. ,"."" *_ Jl.,li"""..j.,liii.lll
Is .i! wirllous fo! han ro iti6c(

+"+i{+t:iF** t""i"j"F{i}:F6idi ;l:

tr}*t*frtift *F*tlH#,i:*lffi *{;
Mashriqi **rLs EhaE srudy of
@a.uie of colserEus abour Ehe ,o!k of creared targe
,..n" o, sn q o, o;".;#;.""Jr.."J."ii".*ii,ili
.*. fierd as ,e11. Rerislon ,as concelned
:::::::1._:". lich @n,s
::iil::.:"1*:J:",;L:TTl"::j":'" consensus si,h lesard,.
of consensus tiin
regard to !a4l of cod. lerigion
ihey nusc s,udy,.,,,,." """ o.rr't"t""tt"
basis of knolledge 60 acquiled.
slu.ry of lelj.gion ,ourd be pos6ible
basicallv a svsEeh eovehins trlen ir ts
nacrons. so ^* concepruatlzed, !atision lhe !1se ad decline o:
sclence in irs...""". r * * iararrlbre ..
,.""r;..';.:r:*". prophets
came, bloushr """
*"""*,-i"-"1""""s 'he!erlofr crreT
o: earch ,he """ "*. mdn the plope*cv co t,!.
;";;:."J:;rs Lhe -ou!se -o
.""..",.,;;;;";;,J; correccrv"
fa,r or naEjons .,."".; lhe rlse cnj
his *cererw siudv or oLher
..,.",."::'"-:: Quran, Mash!iqi s*rpEures and rnLinsiv+
announced Een prscrpres
plospeliLv of *"t.,t* sovernrn:
--:;::::..:' poliEies.
borh che rerisiou6 ,"."",;. He add.esseo
Musrims. and rh4
".'"",',,. -**.." ." ;;;.';:."":;',',:*"v Mashriqr s d,spu,F
::.1 :,",,",n,"*.,",."-.n;..;;
o, rsran -Eeachines
;;j:"**" universarlsc aspecr
,"r..,", o;,;;;;".che
hankrnd. flhlre *" ". -t" cove.ine ar
"nt,r. *''#'ffi::'1"_tr'

errorLs ror buirdine a ressase perEalned Eo

,;; ;";:,""
.nt*.,", 'l"*:'"'"'" *""" ana proieirv uerr
e!a!an!.ed, *"t* "",*r"
"on..".....a - .n..'"n,.;;
ralher EhanqiEy36. Fo! MaEhriqi eulallc .eacnlngs ,e!e
co.cerned slrh durabte ale whelein lndivlduEl and colrecLive
regeneration vas ba.ic Eo a successfut ture, lra6hEiqi sbifred
efrphasiE in rhe 6rudy of the Qulan frm Mrrels
rheologicat ro
drce.s socio-pottical -__ @n,6 colatu ct 1n socieEv' parEicurarlv
a peacerur, p!o6pe!ou.sociery.
In Mashriqi,s vler, rhis {as Ehe fetigion, rhe
propher of tslan and all ihe plophers way, of ctr
rhac eve, blougirr cod,s
r€ssage ro Mnkind. IL was acrion on
sone po!Erons of coo.s
comp@nenslve ne6sage chat ce.tain nalions.on ealrh had been
.!!e !i.ru!e of a good nacion desclibed 1n rhe euran as rhe
'heary o! cheir chose
en€mies bur rerciful anong theGelver,sT
narions.legald€d the lnherlrance of such
",r-,..i* or *,, _._".
of po,e! and Dominarion,
;;;; ; ;".fi:: ;"ii.".lil fr :i::i::
chey [hehEelv€

rney rele adollsg and acCing

upon rhe leal refigion ehich
ac:ing upon plirciples profrorive @an.
of mL

::::: :: -"*.*
oounacto!- ",, "o-"...,.;
-- unificaEion "".;"":'"i1,'"",1,".1?
of- mnkind "ii;iiil;
co.eraided Mashliqi, ;"" ;.:*"", ?hls vision o! rslam,
lr:.erplerarions by many Musrim bv sholt-sighred
rn Eh: enreiprise of unde!€tandrno
rre good of cnkid - uneche! lelrgron !-s fdr
arcogethe!. plophecs got chei! rr Ehoutd be drscarded
knorledd. a unique sense o'
uniersrandjoei t" *"i,t"t."-*i""]-l; '*-* a iiEo!dr vieu o-
!,!i Lnrwerse." ,,.**;;#;;;:v€aEraired
rearnrn9 ",;'
ill--'"_';" and -'rhe*." ".;';.';;
:i;'1 "::':::'
hoEizon of pelception'
tneh.erves severar bv rirtinq
"G"" ;;;;"
::::::'-j": :: :.";' rhev acquiled 1E ;:#':f
:::l::: "* passron, hediEarron
nuulLy dnd lhloush leverrrlon
ana comnion,ss
Mashriql s charge agains. ,r6gre!n scienttsrs
i6 th.r chey

nave noE propeiry exanined rhe phendenon.of plopherhood. according
Eo hin, ir oliginares in inrerse @diiario!/concenrlari.on o!
obsefed evenls, issue. folth ln a mes6ase ba6ed on conviclion born
ot knouledqe. Such propheEhood f@nds a 6oclery baseit on knowredge
claimeat, and caken by people, ro be ce!!a1r. on such c:rrain
principles, durabre narion6 a,e raiEed. ,{esrer! rhinkers
rakllg @del f.fr ihe sEudy of natule ( che ,ork of coat) and
lgnotrns Ehe r!€rendous concllbuEion Gate by plopbere ctainrng
ilspilarion erbodying lhe,o4t of cod vheleby conducE appropliar;
ro esiablishfrent and mintenance of peace was lncurcared
among a
1a!9e nlmbe! of people89,
we6!e4 Ehinkers ,e!e concedtslariDg on cne srudy
of narule !o
rhe exclusion of Ehe srudy of poliricai
ino claimed ro have received levelatsion, and of prophecsi
., *r.f .n.y
appalenrry built peacefur, prosperous socaeEae6. .word
of codi tras
d proper fietd for srudy wirh ,egard ro ron
and 6ociery. Atso !,esr
nad,adopred varue Relaclvish in iEs
approach aoa" * "_io,"
so.io-cultulat and polirical sroups. Masbriqi,s rhhsr
was on value
vnivelsaliso, ro hir, eulan ,as rhe rcsr upro .dd
ataEe undefiied
veraion of cod,s ievelalion ro mar.
,iesleh ch,nkers ki,b d.,,".;"..'";l.J;:::l"
of revealed religlon !o che fomrion or peaceful; :i::".,,_1""j::
and proslelous
the shape of lerigion as rairh, as ikdotre!
:::1..-"" '"***
narure, a scienrisE cabor bur adnir lhac ttle objecrive or of
valious plopheEaras !o ceach rhe naliong :he
Lhe.princrp e ro sLcb!ish durable
in ,hich Ehey ,ere .alsed
and p!osper@6 poltries. w:sreri
screnlisls had noE been able rD unlavel

:^::::i: *"; "."; ;::;:, i:il;:'.".:'J::T::
on rhe parh io pouer ind eeace_

::- i::,*1,*
;," ",:;;.;,; ':::=
easerness and securicy. "i:j;.:'.,:'::.T.":;;:
:-:l*t..*. rhi6 rad been sore pur!,o5e o!
and o!1v co achleve Ehi6 Ehey
:I::.":il"-' nade sulre(e
Mashliqi askE sone rherorlcal
- ,Hee alt chose gianrs bu! nevercheress lerriDe!!
dd ]elat€rs ot @nj<ind, cod
forbid, lia.6, impostols ard idioEs, eho, afre..tifelorg erfoft and
Ecsion, put huMn beg1ns on rhe !igh! {ere .o
Lhac rhey ofleled rhei! heads inEread of giving up rhei! lesoture
fias all cha! they creaced a neluork of flaud and
deceptio! !o rrap
people? fiele they unde, such an ilfu€ior
ri!,ed, in deceprion Ehey pleached, r;;"-:.rfi :1.;T::::,'":::;
ro imenae helsh!. of peace and plospeliry, and In
de.eprion rhey died?. Tll63e gue6rton were
rh.y should have drah rhe imediare aEEenElon a nacure rhar
of lhe Besreft
che essence of Ehe Me56
reftplaEion or knowins rhe '""' and rhie va6 rear
Accolding ro Mashliq1, i! uas leag clea! ihat iD evelv
ase Ene conieftporary
:*"1*"" ,. o" .."..
"."ro" ", """;o"tot" "n::::::":i:
appealed !o lhem !.mo!e shj.nirs
grarlng even chan Cie lars of and
rhe-;sun *'J
anr Ehe lishL of the moon'92
Ycshlrqi did appreciace
sc:enrir:c sludy ., .:;,r;. invorved rn Lh.
;;. two obvious one6' dafrerv
lhe nurlipricily or ,.'.;;;";t.;;"r;:i: ";'oblens
_" che hurtrpr !c!!y or
""." ";_;;"; ;""-..,".:,"
::ev "ere *, rhenselve6ei.*".
mn-er'brms': ;-J"".::
"* illlil li'"]illilll
successrve rorrokerc or prophers
:::::: ": vourd
'ourd be eurned lnro ignora,ce. DifferenE
o'r'"'"n. ,"..*,..".r'*;, ;;,#:r".''' """"s would cme up rrrh
tohed lourd craim io be,"i,;".';" co sectarianism secls so
has been che *"";-;;**: vrek' retiqlon
prophels. uirh.'"t*, arnrHashriq|s*"'" bv d,rrelenc
i.':;' "'" and
ke dccepL N.shriqi s t,."**."",".'*.j rnsLiEucions. Ir
Lhe eood or *' ***;-:;.;""- ! i"rs js
'eriston concerned ui' h
bv DropneEs !o retrov'
,"". ':ncrcdued
., .,, ";J,";;:;;;
:i: :::,,*rhe murrrpticiEy ;,"11"",.,. #::H:c
ans,er rnrer-r6raced o( scr.
'.*"r;r* Mash!iqi ras an
",.; ";. ".ules
Emeleence of **" *".,,,;;;";;;il;.1,:: ji"iijiililjH

. Non-availabiriry of aulhentic !q!. ot leweat,ed book6 vas soneLhing

rel]-knorn, and uashriqi nored rhe eviatence Eo that effecr.
laccoldlng Eo rhe adnis6lon6 of
Jews aDd Ehe .hrisEid Elte66e1wes,r
noEes fiashriqi irhei! Holy Books hac been Eenpered,irh, and,tra!
exi6rs in lhem nov ls nor al1 rhats rt40se3 and.ch!is! sai.t,95.
anorner ptace he rriEes,, otd testa@nr p5a1n3 dd Bibl€ ale
all in
rheir presenL fom, c!angtaEed vel5ion., and even Ehei! origrnat
language is lor knorn. Ard rhe intlactsable corfu6ion
thar result6
flom a rranslailon, palEtculally floh ]irelal Eransralion,

IL also seeE Ehar a nururer of docurenrs clalmed

have been levealed ones have lanisheat !o
meaninss and no,iwe6 have b.e" di.,":v"T jil";ji."#".""i!l;
change<t_ 'E!!o! of rransclipEion, igaolance
or meanins6, pe.sonal
morives and inrerest6, ravages of rime
e!c; iEve alf
conclibured !o
their distorrion'97. scienrlsta,, ctaim
or aurhencic .eveared books," ;*;;;""::: :'"li;
Mashliqi empha6ize6 rhar scienrisE6 shourd :;i:':::*:1
responsrbiliry of aErerding to rhe origi@r, realize rheir
A.cording !o hifr, revelaEion wiCh tshe
,."."a.o ."*r"".
sane n€ssage conriiueat .ill
was s,ven co rhe prophe! or
:::.1..:.*,.-. he.6ayE. .rs rsram. "rhe Quran of
Lhe onry sa*ed Book p,eselved
:::":::l,l:,**" b. upon hjnt, to rhom Lhe euran is said rnrcc(.
l**--" Lo ha,e
*" rhe rasr or rhe lons serres ot Divine Messensersr
::":-:.:::1.".the onrv Messenser
:' ":: ::'^ vho6e rire rs knoe in ar@sL
decail',o evep
Mashliqi vas convinceat lbar GD nad
''gri-.vos ofrse o( rexruar chanse..,Ut" nor coMirted the
booki" wolds or che euran *
"* "."...,"1,
terru.l aurhenriciry, rhe Ourad ,as i! a
and d,vine verdi.L ;' "",";:;;; ;; :"J:i:1"::d;T.:_: l "ii
thei! plesent fomr ,e!e in a pcstEion 16
::::o :":"" all chaE ls ;;:;;; i'" "i:::',:.:T',"*,::
books. And accoiditrg co xashliqi, ,Ehis
lare book is priceress aDd
e$rehely vatuable in elevaring Retigion ro rh! tevel of science.
Tbe sealche! of r4rh is vely lucky tnaL he.has aE his adsposar
leasE one Book whleh i6 clat@d to have been dllecdy le@aled
cod, ad rhich i6 und€fil€d ard *hotly purejtoo. According r;
Mashliq1, all dlvine book6 levealed onty a ,,polrion
or a few
polrion. of lhe providentiat !,au add Ehe Retigion of Narulel1ot?
Tbe Quran being rhe upEodace edicion o! leveracion
to Mn conrains
cod,s 6es6a9e in enrireEy. ,,There is no alepa!!{enr
sociology and culrule, ,ol1dly pleasure a4d peace,
of humaD
advan.eneni and growEh, pracEicat donindce
and lniEiatiwe, fo,
,nose iealization and perperuarion ir (rhe
au.anl does noc srve
compleie and meaningful iDdicar ions.102
. rtre e.,aa i,6 held Eo be a
lne guide fo! @n a! every srage of civlliz;Eion,.".*
culru!3, ald every srep of pr.sress. Its folefros! ;.:;
of bumarr socierie6, atongwiEh plograme of
Ir is ln E:e ]ighE ot lhe Qulan char j\4ashriqi
builds hi6 views on the ratule of @n suggesEing
hunan dignity ro
be the rcsc @nprehdsive aspec!
in undelscandlng hunan values and
insliruEions. t4ashriqi cratms ro be th
co !ai.e .,.,.,,,,1" i"1l,ll":""lll'"ili1l
l:"lttlr l" ar(enpl
scieke. rn his Tr2kirah he trred Eo exptain ho!
u.,:"r o***.u a Universat rar or ri6e and ra. L apptrcaoreLhe
arr na.ions. plewious religionr arso b! !o
accordance wirh huma, con.ciousne.E
simila! hessage, in
.once:ned j s
..."."", -;::
nessage, and che Qulan ",;",. :::T:1 :".*,::"T::l:
irsetf 6laLed the ctaim chac it was
krorledgei science.
Ma6hriqi.!rehpred !o vtnd:cace rhe
cl.im holding
of rhe .lrersth an.r po,er 1! had beslowed upon
::l::::l ': -:"*. sas rn
:::::::: ':'-*' no wav c@pa,abre Eo Ehe knor,edse
rnpart4ble by rhe Quran. l,taEhriql a!ft.g ror
rrnowrede+ derived
the Eupelloriiv oE rne
.;. ;;;""1::
ie M inEains, liuir".*
fur conctusicns !!om scories
QlraD,. The euranlc verses
or plopheEs in Ehe
e4jlaining vhac happened in re@Ee
dstory 6hourd not be 6een ia .regali6Etc,, .re1igiou5, rems or
rhe bygone Ei@6. 0n the oche! hand, rhey Ehoutd be viewecr in rhe
pelspecrive of plesenE ri@g, scienEisrs,. uho had knom narule
fod che c1o3e vele equipped ro undercake a @re objective stldy
of warious leliglons cha bere non-s.ielEisE6, lrashriqi ,aE
corvinced Ehar (some day wests eltt have ro poslpone rhe sctuliny of
tbe $ork of cod and undelrake t}re 6tudy of !h€ wOR oF GOD"IO4_
Froper acEenLion Eo the lrord of cod wa. tikely !o renove rherr
pe4rrexicy, indeci6ion and doubts. The ,rorg concept of ,fiEness,
and suwival baEed fiain1y on thc nolion of physical srlengrb
"undelgo repeaDed colrecclons and ercrve ir fullnessr (osts of .he
social and cutcurat principle. fofrulaced in Ehe ligh! of rtei!
knorledge of NaCule h:tl leceive 6urprrsrng corlobolaEion.
sclrprures, cinry cne quran. .witlr Ehe srudy of wold of cod,
screnrfsrs ,iII fom correcc esrtmte of rhe mJonLEDca
Plophersr rhey wiU hawe pleclse and concluslve infofralion
thelr orn nisglidednessi rhey ,i11 gei divire and authoriaa:ive
Ees!inoiy of lhei! lightmtndednes g, r05 .
Ma.hliqi invired sclenCists ro us
.hemserves approved of . na@ry, rhe J:::T i:.:..f:
esEablish validty or orhelrise of ""."::,:i:
retigion as such_ ,te tlied ro
reec scienrists, well Inorn disconforl over
Eeiruat diseorEions !n
scrtprures by alguing for the undefiled characrer
M4hriqi reGins of lhe Quiar.
ia lbe Islahic anit, !o c greac exrenc, Easreln
tedirion of DoE sepalaring letigion flom poriiic6,
oD Ehe o:her
hand, religion is idenrified {rEh
cleaEron ot a culrule ,hich is
poriclcar duralI1rry and plospe!rLy. such
l.:1":t* ", culrure assumes
rcrrgron and v:e, of
a {orld_view_ a v.iew abouL Mn and rLs
olgani:€d life. lle Eake up rhac subjecr in
rhe nex! chapEer.

ediEioni (rondon : ceolge

2 Freeland AbboLL, rrl.n and pat isran lfthaca, Nes York :
crrnerr unrvelstty Prer3, 19631, p.?rt,
l. LH. oureEhi, A. !!q!E HisEoly of paki6Ean,oD.
. !f:9 qI"9 Khd,s qolk is u6uarry rabetred a6 rhe Arisalh
auakenlng rndian MusliG. Fo! a dr6cuEEion of
and praccl.al or sved tanGd
p!e55, 1179); Hafeez Matik, ,si! syed AhGd
rnan s Doclrrnes of Musttn,tacionalism dd Nat.ionar piocress,_
Igdim Astan srudies, 4 ( rs?01 , r29_4? and David s. i;i;;id:

J!:--:i- a ::s_srnr -of Lheorosico_porrci,car lot€ or chrs

*:-.S"::--..S-"zil::!r-.Hasan F.nqi. ir," o""r."a s"r,""ii.a-ir,!
Barbara D, Metcalf, rslani. R
N"". --**y, -;G;;ffi;;#;iii;;-t
llili'tili1,:"T i:'""-l'.'si'
pax-i.=-Edb {Lahore : Dart:r ar-
Muhat@d AEtam Mallk, lAt lrdnlnevaEulfah Khan at-Mashlioi: A
porrE!ca] Blographyi, thesis sutiifted Ld Bahauddin zaka;iyya
!nrveE.rry, itulLan, pakisran, 1992_
ilashriqi, Dah-al-bab,, op..ir., p.2ss.


l.l. As1am, oP. ctEj P,23

14. ilaghdqi, Dah al-Bab, op.cir., p_256,
15. Ibid, p.24 5,

1?. rbld., p_ 255.

op.cir,, p.25.
r9. MaIik. M, Astam! op.cit,

22- IhiA; p. 26_

23. Hussain, oP.cic., p.10.
24 Thdas CaEe, iprefac€i, .in Frdcis

".,".***. "
25. rbid., p.10 - tt.
26. Ibid_, p,11,
??. Ibid-, p.46.

29_ rbid., p.43.

3l*oiIi"ii!"oii":"".u*^--r'o."*", i."
"iI.33;",-;. "l"n'.i. "".."
lr. Mashliqi, pRorrEGor4ENA,' op.ciE._ D

Ela\rion ed. srt*'r.-,u-*in' ]-t^ind.MaEhriqr'- ouran and
FoundaEion, 193?), p.af, _---_' tlsraGDad I El-M's5!iql

31. r4ashrlqi, Hadlrh-ul_ouranr op. cir,, p, 273.

3{- uashriqi, .suppLEttElG, lazkirr, vot, 2, op.cir.
,' (Lahole i
i?!!:.'il#i; nl1lA#l--Ee!e!3!-i!t0
oxrold u,iw.rsiey
Mdshliqi did deserue the tob, bur Ehis N.E hawe been
Dy h16 broche!.in tau, Kh.n Ba:hadur Mirza
Ari rho eas sewing in Lhe DeparrEnr of EducarionMuha@drn rhe
NWFP. 6ee Malik, op,cit,, p. 2S,

tl:llled Cancwell SmiEh, MgrlgIL_LELa!0__l,IL&r!U.a t1946 ; rpL.

Muna@d Astrlaf , 1969J, p.233.
14. Naeei Quie€hi, 'The utla@, of Blibish rnatia anat Ehe Hijrar
of 1920r, M6d.!n Asi:n studieB, 13, 1 (1979), pp, 5?_53.
Mcsh!lqi alrril and lvoluLion, op. ciE. ThiE clLoEd!ion and
on lx). t1_32.

{2. llashriqi. rsharai, op.cit, pp.43_55.

43. Serh, op.cit,, p.2 3,
{{,, shaheed c.nj. ro6que case Ha3 a dispuLe ecveen ffustlms and
sr4ns resar.rine rhe possession or a prac; craimed bt ";;;---;";;;
Lo have.a comunar_rerigious 6rgnifiidce. The inie;_
:::i::?- p::bl"t
arose in vhici Khaksa; prayed a palc for
Fo! a noEe on che Gs., ;;; Ji@",
op.cir., pP.539-540,
{s. sussain, op.cic., p.1os
"' "*,'*3S- ,"1:iJ?:i:L.$;,


55. rbid.

59, r'lashligi, ouran .nd Fvolution, op.cir,, p.itl.

50. Ibld. p.41-42 .
6r. Ml.briqi, cod, Ira! lnd Unihr.., op.cir.! p.53.

65. Ibid., p- s2.

67. Ibid., p,s4.

6s. Mashriqi, Iiadirh-ul -ouran, 6D,cir,, pp.O09,
*. Biiil"ii'35iiii,Iiff*i5*. (!o!don : Lonscn oldp !.! ,he

xa6hriqi, G6d. lran :nd uniErrE, op.cit

For a Lucid revieu of Einslein,s tdea6, 6.e lrlncoln Barn.E!,
rn€ !nrwerse and pr Einsretn tLondon ,
72. drehrlqi, cod_ r:n .nd uniErs., op.crE,

?4. tbid,, p,40.

75. rbid,, Pp,5s -62.

73. Ibid,, p.53_

79. rbid.
rbiat,, p.32,
MaBhriqi, !IREPACE, op.cir., p.66,

35. Maahriqi, dod. Man lnd uniE!.., op.cir, p.3g,

!{.3h!iqi,,EREFACE.,' oP.cii., p.??.
Fr6 laat ve!6. o! chapt.! 43 of th. Quan,
Maahriqi, c6n. r4an lnd univ.r.., op,ciE.. p.32.
rbid., p.122.
90- lbid., Pp.49- 50.

94_ tb1d.


98. lbidr pp.60-51,

99. Ibid., p,60.

lbid., p.61,

lo:t. , op.cit.. p.5

r04. !r.6h!iqi, c6d Matr lnd rhiver!., op.cLr.1.p.55.


In the previou6 chapEer ee atrerdpceal ro eho, bow Mashriqi,s

reltgious lanily background and ecien!iric ealucaEion plovided him
bases to cone!4cr leligio-_scienaific slnrhe.i6 fo! itle
realizacion o! hi. polirlcat @c ives _ reasselt ron or Mu5line as a

,orld force and/or prtuEion of uniry arong r@trhind, For,,taEhriqi,

reasseftion oa tugliG dat uniry among nErftind,ere lro faces of
Muslins, ,he, lhey fo11o, rhe euran:. teachinqs,
soutd, in effect, be following rhe,eal ieachings or rerigton as
sucn. rhe auran in his vie, was rhe uprodale ediEj,on of cod,s
message ro @nkind. unicy among MnkiDd could.be plomored
.n rhe
t'asis of leligions uniry, h olater leI:gious :niry,
invesligaDors needed an udisrolEed @rsion of cod,s messag:.
there ras uriversal agleefrenr that no dlsrorllo! had occu!:ed in
rhe texE of rhe eulan. rhe eulan could lepieseni alt lev€Iarion
throuqbou! hlsEory and resrlng ttre Oulan on screnEr!r. prin.lpLe6
rolld be teEring Che retigio, as 6uch. The synClresi. sas based on
Ito ploposiriodsJ one sas rhac scienEific retshod ,as re.poisible
fo. arcaining .elcain kn@redge of NaEule. The second ploposiiion
enphasi:ed th.E leligion being coa!,s (essage ,egaldin9
conducE on earlh could be Erudied scienEificauy; people acring on
plincipres given by cod soutd achieve plospelrEy and potilica1
durabilicy, whil€ chose atisobeying such plrnclpres would Eurrer
aitversity and difrinuEion of powe!.nd inrruelce.
This chapEe! seeks to .Iaborale t4ashliqi,s {oltd_vtetr,
parlicula!1y the nacule of han a! plvoral to rhe srudy bf his
poLitlcal thoughE. Ir @y be salat Chat, .tn general, Masbriqi
atrenprs ro giwe due place ro each ele@nr of rhe triad_-cod!
Nacule and Man. This is in cooE!.di.tincBlon to lhe @irsrlean
tesrern thoughE, Thele, each ele@lc rlE6 ac one tslne or anorhe!
becn given a cenrlal ptace and tshe oche! Eho ptaces of 1e6se!
i6portance,1. Poi exampte! rhe C!€eks gave che centrat prac€ ro
Na!u!e, which was Ehoughr Eo be .a11-inctu6ive,2; Md and cod rere
Fa:rs of narure, Man enjoying somewhaE nore lmporrance Ehan God as
obleci of 6cudy. Duling Ehe medieval chlisrian periodi cod being
!h. lalgest, fran ras consideleLl a s@t1 pait of cod; ,iNaEule was
even sialIei an.t scooar rot only below bur ourside rhe picruii,3 _

Du:iig of scielce rhe letarive posicioos changed egain,

Ehe age
otrce rore. rjarure becane cenrlat, dan iDcreased in size and cod
cane ac o.cupy a s@tler position, and minry ourside rhe pi.Eure.
G.d losl
iRpollance on Erle suppcsirj,on Ehat ,,tais exis.ence sas no!
!uscepcibre of inves E igation. a .
In l,rashriqi,s sorld,viewr none of Ehe chlee ts ou! of Ehe
prcsure. God is rhe cleato! o! rhe univeree-_ and i5 ploud of Hi5
creaclons. r! concains vafuabl. sec!€Es kriolfedge of ,hic\ pu!5
trenend.us pover in rh€ hands ot' lhe knorer. r,tan has ewolved ouc of
Nature bur possesses so@Ehilg,hich rhe fome! tacks, namety! the
rill. uillfulness places @n in. caresory drrrelenE floh lhe
out-gloes l!er: lndeed, it t3 he wbo has been Mde Eo
knoe an<l ma.!e! Ehe in-risibte powelB ot narure5. Man,6 leach !o cod
is rhrough di8c@eling rhe nystselie6 ot Dalure. A.d such
tetalionship asong rhe Eliad ha6 j,nplj,caEions for Ma6briqi,6
politlcar chought rhaE ee di6cus6 ir chapters 3-6.
in MEgbrlqt,s vie{ cod is the creaEo! of botsh rbe {lL!,le6s
Unlverse anat rhe uirfut l[an. Ma6hri,qi does;oE menl]on Ehe lhree
philosophical ar+menrs legarding rhc exiscence of cod, rbough he
use6 soFe aspecEs of chose argucntB in ht5 discussion?_ arcng che
rhree algunenis, oncological arg!@nt (!i!6r srared by sts_ Anslen)
detined 'God a6 rhar thaa ehich rc gr€a€€! Ed be con.eived,.
reibniEz lefomulared ir saying: r! rhe concbpE of cod exlsEs, Ehen
cod himself frugre*tst. XanE argled againsi lhis view, holding lhar
the onlologlcal arglmen! consllled of lwo indepeid:ni!
pr.posr!1otr6i one, Eh3r cod is che greacesE possible obji:.: ol
thoughr -- and Ehe oEher, rhar Cod husr exi6!_ Tne second on:.ioes
noc tollow flom lhe firsE Lecause one caa credft a concepr,iih an-1
nunbe! of artrtbutes except rha: of exi6ce.ce,
The cos@loglcal alglment or algumen! from rhe tirs! causes,
6tates thaL a5 every eftecr mus! have a cause, Ehele nusr have been
a fi!6r cau6e !o ploduce rhe 6l!ecc o! ihe unive.se. cod, by
definitlon, is Ehi6 filsr cause, Ehe p!i@_ll@er. Rescarinq lhis
a!gu@nl, leibnlEz hetd ihaE every rhing in rhe,orrd is conrlngenr
upon sorething e1se. Exisrdca o! rhe universe rusts have a feaso4
esteinal to ic.elf. This *remal r€ason is cod. The leleol.gica}
arsumenD lor argNsent flom design) a€serrs rhar rrle degle€ of
comprexily .and Ehe olganization of the GEce! and enelgy !tl.h
colsEitureE tbe unlverse and palrl,cutally trlar uhich congtiruces

be accouited fo! bv the existence of a suprene

ire can only
occurled bv chance '
nlelligence; it couLd not have
renlions tso tlleoiieg abauc the otigin of the
!a@ly, the elecElon' theory and the 'divine_creatlon
Howeve!' he justifie6 Ebe latEe! euphasiting lhe
r God_lheorvS
of as Ehe cfeato! and Lold of all thaE earscs
preeminenE iole 6od
is conlalned in -ha! he ca113 'Eacled Biscorv'9
This Eneory
in religious scriptules of Mnktnd According co Elrrs rne
been clealed and 6et it runccion bv ote slpleme
rhoLe sorld has
sho possess,tin'iniEe pote! and 'isdom Fo! such oivlne
1anglage use' lhe toid God-
Of coulse an
l"t"onuriay trt" English
che scriplulal literatsure is
lhe Book of
oulstanding eladple from
of lhe old festadentr rrn lhe beglnnlng cod
Genes!6, the filsE book
an't lhe ea!!h lnd eod Gde do grea! lighrs
cleacec the heaven
rhe and God 6aid' let rhe 'atels
.-. he rade
the froving cleature thaE hatri rife l_1d God
forth abundanElv
san in out idase arEer ou! Iikeness: and le! rnem
said, re! Us make
over lhe fi6h and over the eatth' and
have doninion
creePerh on ea!th'1o'
ove! everv cteeping Ehing lhaE
lines ale leploiluced {in Eransracio!) rrom Ehe
of the eelI-know' s'!ipeu!e6' to shot the
Quran, the voungesE
oniigs.enc€ of God Al mighcy:

rhat it is 1in!!1':35 glory God shose ai1
a.! thou noE a{a!e

J::e"atursr lhar are in Ehe h.aren6 and on earch exior, even

rhey spread out rh.i! wjngs? Each tof rheml k;o;;
play unro and co qrorift nim, a"a
knowiedse or, alt thar Ehey do,-, ro.,-codi. i;;;.c.J r,l.-i"ii
over rhe heaven. and lhe e;.th 11 i#r,iii
Man has given hi6 u!rcBt lh@ghts Co under6reDd
cod. l{ashliqi
elaborares on Lhe \elecrroo rheory, ro ,usriiy Ehe exisLence.of
God. apparenEry Ehe Eheory is founded on che noEion denyins any
role ro cod as Ehe Desigle! of the unlvelse. rn Ehis connecrion
lhe ulti@re cause ls d€sclibect in rem6 of an auEoMric .rig
aang' . In his efrolc co exptaiD rhe rangible alat pelceptuar
aiound hin, @n has subjecred rhe visible, Eensuous real:ry
crose erafrinarion. xashriqi believe. rhaE he more Ehe cn has
delved inro the nature of Ehe univelse rhe nealer haE
6e code io
che cod-Eheoly of ir12. He argleat in lsla, ttF notion o.
elecrrons as rhe buitdinq.b!ichs, or Lhe unive;s
marerial srtucEure of rhe u.iverse inro sd€rhing alrogerhe.
'unsubs!.nE ial , , imaEeriar, .ihe chalacie! of ,hich
i5 et.cElic
and only Mchemactcally derinable or 6pecifiab1e,,r3,
Atso . rhe
eleclron is a uniE of force o! energy bu! vaEnoui rhe poee!
iE6eIa. pa!!icutarly a !inelc, particle, a
liaeless.b!ick, is a re.e porentialiCy, untess ptaced
in c:rLain
relarion wiLh ocher of ics kind,14, By rlsetf,
an eteccron is or no
value. rts value anct acriviry.repend upon iEs
beiog ptaced in
cerrain relar ionshrp with orher. o! irs kind
altang6d in carLa)n
,ayE. It is rhen rhat life and acrivily Eplirgs
up_ ?o postufate an
Omipocen! and perfecr lrind o! Personality, cherefole, rs
absolr:rely nece56ary. ,An ele.rlon i6 sucn
an ext!e@ly fine
elecr.ric parricler role etheEal Ehan objecrlve, ehar ir
.onstdered boldeling upon gplfirual! mole klndlcar Eo :rin
crearules! and i6, chelefole, quickened by sis blearh and
rrtareve! r{e oidels o! ,itts.1s.
in Mashfiqi,s vi6r, tf rhe lelectlon tsheory, as rhe
bagis or
narreratso be leplaceat ltr luiure by 6ome orh€r
tr las likelyr be in rhe Fare dilecEioD_ Tne rne, basi6 sourd
probabry be nore elhereal anat spilirual rhan
lhe elecrron"r6. eur
fnareve! irs narulei t! would be soneching lnerr,
devoiat of
inEelligence and Eerf-detemtnarion; and in oide! ro
exptain Ehe
natlle of ihe pelcepEuat ,o!!d,e would s!1ll be in leeat of
posturaring an Au-kroring and Atr_pofelrur
Agen! ro build uo the
.osrcs and set ir in funcrion,
h Ma.hrtqi,s viev, Eri,s berie! ,n cod ts s@EhiD!, very
narural. rhat is, ir iE quiEe hu@n !o conslde!
abouc rbe rhy and
hotr of universe, of thiB eaiEh, of oulserves
ard a1l our co_
lnhabilanEs here, aDiElsi veserable6, sEoneE,
cray etc., and Eo
rind a! adequaEe ea,ptaraEio! of rhen. As
rheEe rhjngs do exist in
realiry ife huMnly conctude rhar rhere mst be persodaliEy,
conceived as lar as pos.ible in
human lefrs and heaFures, navino
rn.ellrgence, ritt, por6!, rorce, InvenErvene6",
€rc. n-€ pos.ess such chalacceriscics and.,e "r."ar""r"".,
huri.Dly conclude Ebat
lhey are posseEsed Eo a far iheasulably
s.eaEe! exEenc and deolee
by lhe personaticy who nua! be lhe
Mke!, author, creaEor of atl
chat !e pelccive,, and Mash.iqi corrinue6:"
ft 16 hul6 ro judge
ard decide rhac such pelsonaliEy is n.r
hura! belng and ir is huhan
co conclude rhat it @sr be by far hlgher rhatr, aEr atiffereDE f!on,
m!n'17. raaehriql furiher opinos rh.r cha14 o! huEr rh@9ht6 abou!
erpranetion of uriEr6e r€nar Eo cmpel Gn Eo Ehe concl!6ion
ol Ehe
existerce of Ehe supreo€ 9@ertul pers@atity. i As all our huMn
arcehprs 16 deaiDe and unat6r.tand th.t pe!.ona1iEy tEve urE.!1y
failed, human hind raturill,y aseumes rhe arrituate of belief in his

rrnder che geneler inl!)acr

of sellous confliEE b6r'een lelision
ard science since che 1oih19 cencury anct naturiry of rhoushE
scresgirg economic and psyclto_soclat oeEemrnanrs of hu@.
behaviour tn rhe crencieEh cenrury2o, thele happered a c@pteDe
aD6rrnence flm any letelerce ro religion as a pocenrral
source c:
sciencific knouledge. Arcdg scienrisiE of lhe 2orh cenrury
lealiEy could nor be deronsElaEed in rerc ot scienrilic
nor could iE be denied; gof,ever, it ca@ Eo be excluded
consl<leraEion. Even Eo. Gny 6cholars rerdeat ro
hold thaE non-
exisrence of C€d eas rcre lik€Iy rhan hi6 eitscence.
Bu! BrechL
corre.rly holds Ehac boLh lhe alEemaciv.3 Fhould be given
weighc: scienEificaUy, neirhe! i! hetd c.pabte
or proot and
neither should be said ro have htshe! likeliboo<l
o! oc.urredce2:.
on rhe contrary, BrechE is in lavour oa r!€aring
cod,E existence as
an ht?orhesis becaus€ such procedu!. ,oulo
corlecr a @rhodolcgical
hi6cake of !reaci,rg a .b!.cketed cod, as an .€tininared,
Furrhe!, the hyporhe6is Ehar co<t exisis cy read schotars
!o dilecr
chei! aftenrioD ro hcr6 and inrellelations rhar ale
ov.rloohed. e,g. .the lihirs o, psychodalysis,, ,Ehe
ide! mo:at
rogic of hiscolical evencs, and .rhe ulclfrace f46tlarioDs of nany
Irumn ambtion6,, ecc. Brochr believes rhac.speculative !eflecrions
on such plobtens .may sElruIaCe tne inftue!.e of
humitity, of trurhrulness, and o! genultre fllenalliness in hucn
!e1arions,23. se concludes Ehat rscien!1ric leftecrio4s on
diwine allernarive and iE6 inplicarions s.e Dy no neans foredoomed
Lo infertility!24.
Mashriqi noEed in hts 1934 lrtlcle rhaE advocaEes
s.lenrific nerhod had DoE plovided rhe nunan mlnd,ich fu11 and
rinat explanation o! rhe exislence of che Universe2s, rn his vierr,
science in ir3 analysi. of mtte!, had leached i!s uIEimre,
indivisible anaEonicar u!ir- This ,as tne rnerE etecElon and irs
'vi!al, force had yet co be atjscovered. Tne.rue, life, of nacure
,as a oystery io the setrse thac oldinary anal appaleft means
obtaininq knorledge fail ro 6tn<t oue lqbg anat
h@ ot rhe funccio.at
acEiviEy or rhe universe26. Mashrlqi .uggesred rhac
solution to rhe
myscery lequired "a change ot nenral atsriEude
and personal
condi!io.'27. The oeo arEiludte ,ould give uF drsbeli€f
o! norbelief
and adopE .absoluie, beliet and ,,6incele codvlctron
in lhe
exislence of cod'23. r,4ashliqi believed tha!
EclenCisCs had come ro
see rhar rhele
'a. no in.onEisiency berween lne alivine_clearior
rneory and iany rne finding6 cf science and
its continuation or
erllanaEory elforr€"29. Frltte! grasp o! thei!
own viers and
plact!car implicaEions rheletlom coulat conwlc
screnrisEs ro
divine-c!ea!ion Eheory30,
h Mashiiqi,s view, n The honesE ,o!ker6 o!

rarural timirarions o! @n/s po,6!s, and ms! afE.! att aatnir EhaE
che unknoE Auiho! of rhe unirerse is u,loo,abt€, tandt rhar
dinurest inwesrigarion of rhe ploperEies of @rre! (erecrron,
and of Ehe cause and causes of alt iEs @nifesrarions pilr bring !o
,ealth of Ehe 6ou!ce6 of cc,intolc anat enjoyn:nr in
this earthly ]ile, buc norhilg rcre,3t. ?har is, scienrific
ilvestigarion can lead !o cod only by j,nrerence, rn shicb
a fur.her
ste! to belleve in Hi6 exisrence is lequiled. rE is @n,s orn
de.ision based oD scaEenencs of rhe pa.c propners rn
scripEures and
r le mo6r ,onderfut objecEi@ oniverse
r€ dareccry perceiw:, and
fron rhich se infe! the e*iscence of lrs Creacor,.
For Mashriqi,32
itrere is no alEelnalive fo! a chlnking lelreve .ha!
lhere ftus!, and, rhelelole does exisr rhe LivinE
suplere Altho! and
creator of che univelse, and Ehe clearo; of
ankind,r3. .he
"nic!o.copic ordeltine6s of srecEure in Narure"
leveated b7
science has prdmpced John t4acnully
Ehe algrunenE :rom
oeslgn ln narure ro che existsence of cod
eve! nad any cogency, Ehe
advance or science ha6 iDcleaseat ic!
cogency a lhousaodfold,; eaen
1f rhe 'breathtaking, inEricace and ordefly sEncrured does aor
prove cne exisEence of co<t, he adats. i
ir Gke6 rhe betief i! cod
a reaEonable belief!34. And Ehis i6
Ehe cry ot Mash!1qi,6 arglmenu
as veIL
ln rhe Quran, Naru!€ tEs been consisEellly
described as
leality. During rhei! dectlne, 6ays r,{asr|liqi,
Xuslifrs. cahe .o
somthtng 7un!eat, pelishable. Tna. arEtcu<re
tec theR
co believe in half tturhs an<t
9!eEse6r lney ro€r rhe parb of
science35. NaEule l. Che only lealj,ty clea.ed by
cod. Mashliq1 ciEe8 e flm the oufan. For examptei

I:-JT1L-lt: cleated Ehe heav€ns dd cbe edlcn rn accordance

Mashriqi lurche! hotds char cod cakes pride i! rhe cleaEion o!

Nacure a5, lo! exa4)Ie, ir 16 pronourceat in rhe
Do.rhey.rcr I@k ac_ r-he sky above !h€m__ ho e have blill iL
b6auriful and free of all fautr? A4d lhe;;;;:
se nac spread ir,ide. and soc upon ir,"""t.,,"
caused li to brss rorch pranrs of ir#.-!"a
"rr u""ur""ul iria".,tiij!
;iiiiil?""l,iH'ii:"'*1r€mlnde! e"erv hu;;;;i;s-;;;

Mashriqt cehs Ehe universe -rhis Cotl06aI wolkhoLse",

de6cribes ir as funcEionlng on pelfecE
lusrlce and equiry_ Fe is
hplesse.r by the ivi,go! and hatuny. couiage dd confidence, mighr
and Mlesryi ,ilh ,hich ir operareE. ,haEever lappen, in ir,
so rn 'ordellin€s5 add neEhod,33
Mashriqi iB againsc lhose who leruge Eo ponde! ove! rhe narule
and significance of rhe unlvelse, rrongry bellevj,ng
expr.laEion is noc lecessary for .hap!,].
lire, on ea.rh_ ro
llashriqi, hucn choughr catr soar very higth
anar no .,ancon
liniraLion, should be pur on i!. A @n rbo rhus
LimiEs hrg poser or
.h.!ghe is rarule,s cutplir and narure
orrr punish hin
accoldinglyre. tE is cn,s dury Eo Enlnk
ove! rhlE probtem
seriously, larionally and inEelligenlly and
allive ar definile
conclusions. The eulan holats:

.r,". i" u.t,.",i

ifg,r:1"",-1"".-11)-:: cleared heaven and e.fth
".ve_noE [?":i.,1"1TJ";,H:tr'""#n:h
3 ..*:,r
e "'ii" j
.umi6e of tho.e vho are bene d d4yi;g lhe ttuEhJ bu. rhen
Hoeflon ihe fire lof herrl unio all {bo are benE on d"nyins
In Mashriqi,s peispectlve, ant ln this be ctoEety folloqs rhe
auianic v1er, Ebe unive!6e ha6 Dor been .leared in vain; rE has a
selious enat. IE is to sewe as a gleat alena fo! En,s endeavouls
Eo altain rvo inre!-relared objecrives: discowery of forces of
darule progre6siwety l€ading rowald6 final conquesE ot naEule, and
enhancenen! of hlman faculEies and po.Eible bodlIy rlansforucion
to accord uith nan,s meeEins nith cod41. x:n,s sood aclions,
consiscing in cdprurrng rhe folces of naru;e and purcrns rlen !o
lse in.che enbellishrenr of ihe wide ealrh, eitt tuln the ea.rh
Effolts at discovering natule ,ilt be rell !e{:rded:
.h€ rerards {ill be unending and pleasing !o cn,s eye. Discoveries
of rolces oI narule and iDvenrio!6 bas€d on Ehen vould surety
please @n,s eyes. the conditsion toi such !e,a!ds i:r, inilialty,
noc to .onsider rhe naEuie as someEhlng usetess, merely ,,orl<r1y,,
buE to Lake ir as sonerhing pu+osefut and tshen endeavour rr make
use of lrs hidden forces and resoulces. Magh;iqi says char cod
praises che acLrons o( propheLs ,hich chey underEook !o drscore!
t4th6 t.om rhe book oa naru.e and put Ehem i4 use fo! e.rablishi.E
dulable and prospelous klngatoms42. Fe Ehinks ir €igtriflcan: tha.
lhe Qulan consranEly henEiors rhe poriticat and civilizaLional
level atCained by .arions ai rhe ea!1y Brageg or lnlel]:crua]
developheni in lhe roltd, The significance
thar prophels exhibiEed Ehe highes! degree of knovledge of nalule
arcai,ned rill Ehen, ard ir was Ehe EcienEific kno{leitge wbi.h was

rhe bas15 of !hei! aturable kingd@, The Qulan places letarively

Detunent objective before runklad iD the plopodiEion rhat dulabte
ole depedds upon knorledge, urbn .clence. accolding ro Masbriqi,
scienEiric knowledge and coEquesr o! nacure, Ehoutat lesu1r !n rhe
hisbe6t developmenr of huEn facutlies of seeing, hearing and
leasoni,ng to ctle excenr chat l1@ is placeat !ea! to cod, i_e., .fres
ro meer hin face-ro-face, Trtereloie, chele i5 a penanenc obje.rive
befole @nkind and ir iE run,E meeEtng wiEh cocr. rf peopte can
develop and naincaln a paEston lor Eu.n a @eirng, chey wilr
ever reaoy ro exeiE rhessel€s for lhe conque6r of nalule,
transfomins dtem.elves even boatily, Th€ eulan plonounees:
{And rerember lhatl iL is cod who has creaLe.l trte heavens
(nereby brins6. folLh talt mnnert
suseenance; Enat qho has @de subg.;- "r fr;ir;.1;,y;;
rh.!-rh€y My,Eaj l
cne.rrwers subsewtenc tto Hi6 lar!
user ro you. and has rude.F",r;-i;".L:T:.:11"ff:i

;:":: i::,.i: i:'""1"*erurenE rEo iris ra"s. Eo tnu. cn.y

AlmosL aI1 classical aglee Ebar cod,s hawing Ede Ehe
narular pbenomena ,subseryienr? co @n i. a nerapho!
to! having
erabled man ro derive rasti,ns benetlr !!on
rhen44, l,{ash!iqi, Elue
to his viekE o. evoturion, has exrendeat the rdea
o! conquesr of Lhe
univelse !o include Ehe possibil.icy o! En,s
Dodlry Eiinsfomaiion.
In accorddce sirh eulanic Eeachings, xashliq,
betieweC rhar
rhe univelse was ro funcrion on1y rilt an appoitrred rime4s. Man haB
no! been gtver Lhe knokledge of rem.inaEron of Ehe universe.
llashliql, however, pur folEh the vles rhaE dre etrd ,as litrEty !o
.ome at rhe poinE rber Ma! will reEt i,e. he uitl, afre,
paaa rhe
caprurins rhe univefse, be unibed ,lrh rhe cod_head_ !o! rhis vi€w,
xasrlriqi adduces 50@ evidence !!m rhe eulanic verseE46. Man,e
succeas in reachtng back !o hls oligin, will .eBulr in a
.universeuide hand6hake virh dn4?. u- r.ii"
11 rhe lesr i.e.. he
fails ro caprure Ehe univelse, @y biing forrh a ne, it?e
Ehen cod
of beinga3. such concepr is also take! from rhe eulan, rn rhe rir6r
case, face of the uoiwerse t6 bound up,iEh rhe face or @n. rn rhe
fate of th. llirAse is nor clea!: Thele is rhe
plonouncefrenE of a new being ro !6prace nan bur norhtng
is said
abour che universe_
The rhild in rhe Eriad is En_
r4ashliqi takes man ro be an evolved b6in9, a producr of
eworuEion uheleby he inberirs s<e of rhe ditul characEe!isti.s49.
aut frar,s frenEat and spiriEuat supelioriry over ocner berngs
disniry ro fran. Human distriry, r,taghliqi Ehinks, is enhanced,hen
huGn de.Liny, Evoturion ,as nol ro srof !iLh
run. Fufther evoluEion,a6 Eo occu! and @n was desrined
Eo ccnque!
Elle utrirerse and, ulrinarety, neer lhe Lord, face
Eo face. The
evenrual neettng of Mn wirh cod {outd invotve
translouion in cn ,htch couLd co@ abou! if Gn
insLtturions careling Eo che digniry oa MD, Hunan
digni!y iovotves
a nunber of 1eveI6, (1) Ch€ naEionat tever in obich
no narion
shourd inperiariz€ orher narionsr {2) the c@nar
revel in,hich
cohuniries riEhin a 1a!ge po1ici.61 unir be able ro live
Eo their beliefs, (3) Ehe individuat level eherein a person,s
fuodarenral lighta ro fife, liberEy oit plopelry shoutd nor be
viorated; {trJ rhe inEeuional level rhe@ digniry of cnkind be
preselve.t. Digllty at inienarional lever rould invotve promolion
of unicy ot hankind,
Ttte four levels of hu@n dignicy witt be tleaEeat ir the nex!
fou! clrapte!5 {3-6)- In Ehe leclnlng pages of rhis chapce.i we
analyze the conceprs of hu@n dignily and hucn dedliny as che .o!e
concepis or Mashliqi,s vier of @n, specifically, ee look a!,hat
Mashliqi legalds Mn,s reaknesseE a. a ploduct of evolurion and his
screngchs baEed on codplere bleak wiEh rhe aniGt ,ortd, @king man
a norat being, lesponsible for hi6 sarvarion in che world aDd in

TheolisEs or porirics, consciously or unconsciousty, fom a

.oncepEron of huEn Frule. hdeed. polirical rheoly husE besin

'rch sme coherent wiev of psychology o! @tr, ar least insofa! as

iE affecr. bis moral aiG and conduct i! socieiy, Mashriqi ras,/ery
nuch coiscioua of hi5 vier of @n, a view which atoe6
lefrecr any inrluence of mulEipllciry of European ideas abouE man
a.d socleEy curr6n! duling Ehe !1!.E quafrer of rhe ?o!h cenrury.
Accordins to 6ore serious srudentE o! human soclecy, durrns thar
Peliod, rhele ras no rolger any cleaf anat consisc€nr idea of En5o
The gloring NlEipticiry oa Ehe parcicuta! science6 engaged
in Ehe
srudy o! En nuch conflsed and ob6.ured rarhe! rhan elu.idared
the concepE o! @n. soc imporlanc changes rook place tn Ehe menrar
and nbrat atno6phere duringla6r qualre! of rhe lineceenrh c:nculy
and fi!s! qualre! of lhe trenrieth cenrury_ Fo! exampte, Malx,s
hislo!r.a1 theory asserted the pri@ry Eignificance oE
ie.blological and economlc forcos o! soctal lorusrr ploducrio.
developnents alce!€d men and !hel, comuuEres, a6 Derl
as narule.
lbe crleory of diatecri.al creliali6n asselred Erar Ehe acr of
reproarucrion chalged nor oDly rhe objecrive condirions,
rransforming viltage lnro cownl but al6o han,s nalure
ehanged {irh
it, gtving lise Eo new qua1iEi66, n€w po,e!s, new cotrcepEions
!e, frodes of inEelcoul6e anat atl cbis, 1n l4a!x,s leminology,

An(h!opotogy was bu6y in dtgcoverrng lhe naEure

of ncn in
iens of rhe plimitive, focuE6ing on the olrgtn and d:welopmenr
cn in che
'oilat and in society. Th16 iavolve<t Erudying man as a
fren'ber of animl kingd@ ,iEh rtaEa fr6 georogy,
biotogly adi
archeotogys2. r! arso sEudied @!,s benavrou!
as a frenbe. of
primitive socieEy, hoping ro learn ,whaE @n rs
rike. ,hai his
pocenriafities are, xhaE liniiarions he is subjecr
ro, ,lrar he
is"53. Psychology, parcicutarlyi the Freudran one,
artehpred E.
sLudy tun rn rems of che 6ubccnscr@s
!rying.ro sho! nan as Lhe
ploducL of ercrionar srlains and
sllestes or childhood aDal
adolescence. Thar is, in aulope, oan
care ro be eeen somerhing
herpless in lhe grlp of dial,ecrical maie!1ali6E
philosor,hy of
hiscory, his envilonme.E and his subconscrous
Mashliqi does nor make any mencl.on of develogients
in European
philosophy and sociar scj.ences. rqbal
nored Mashriqi,s lack of
knorledge of vlesreln philogophyjs, MaEhrigi
does leter ro a nur,ber
ot ancienc and modea Eulopean crinkers, iDcluding
Ali6loEle56. Bur
such lelerencesuaually occu! ln hiE discussion of Ecience and rhe
s.ienEiric nerhod. tr is inreresring ro nore rhar Mashriqi neve!
nenrlons lJobbes, Locke or uill, .lEhough MitI had co hi6 cledir
some considarable,ork on rh€ 3ciencific F€rhod57. Sirirarly, rhere
is no leference to eithe. a*, Durkheis, I|ebe!, Freud, or even
such Brirish direla a6 ltacDougall and wa11as who6e books rere
pubtished in England vhen Mashliql wa6 a! cafilclidgesg. Mashliqi
clains ro delive his views rrom his sruaty of rhe 6criprules,
particulally the Qu!a! Bhich he quots€g 60 copiou6]y f!om. ac rhe
betieved @n Eo have evotved uhich belief, he also
jusrifies. apalt frm his Elainjng in 6cience, on lhe basis of
Quranic pronouncenenr . rrrastrriqi chide6 Musrlms because in his
5 9

view lhe Quian i!6elf says tha! a! ?as creared chiolgh rhe
evorucion of lesser crearures, and rhar a very 1on9 rime eas
rhe finalizaEion of ltis .imense rewoturion,r;0, so
even rransfotulion of one species_inEo rhe nexr srage
took .housands of yeals. In rhis conne.lioo, Mashliqi ciles some

Ie eeopler.cod i6 glear, Lord of all, yrho cleaEed rhj
duralion, and, e6cablished on Ehe Th!oni
or aurhorrEy rs tunning rhrs Euplere
ye have none baside6adhinrsElaLion, O y.
Hifr co prrrecr i,,
il:ei::=.:!:-yolr lrs curholicy r6 ope,"ti"e .'..ry"n.,..
::trili:i?:.,."1.^ rhis
qondrouE rorla and 1Es sLp,ere

He is thaL Supre@ CreaEo! and Doer of crea! Deed6 Lhar

tatea of a tniverse_vide tar, an rmensr
pl!":i fypr!$
rhe ea!th,
decision o! an arrai! rfm Lhe heavens rr
Then Lhis affai!, on accounr ot ilE tmensrcv
and vasEnes8, 6lowly and quieEty evotveB !ora!o. hr6 B1r.
perro<r Hhlch may be nole Ehan rholscnd
years or nuMd leckonlng or even rcle, and onaLhe basrs
€rf ecElvenasE reaches ihe ctiinaxbt
The Qulan holats man ro have beeD clealed 1n che besr
confonarion, i.e, en<towed wirh atl rhe pogiEive qlatiries,
phy6ical as well a6 mencal, collsEponding Eo che funcllons ,hich
dn i6 (eanE Eo pe!fom62, The.oncepr of b6E! conforurion is
relared ro lhe Qulani. staienenr that every rhing vhi.h cod creaE€s
is foned itr accordance wirh vhat iE is mean! !o be,53. Again, rhe
ouian raises quesrion abouc mao,s ollgin: Has !he!e tno' b:en an
erdless span of Eihe before @n tappeared- a Eifrel ,h€n he vas no!
yer a rhing to be rhough! of,,64? And ansr€rs rhar fo! a lo.g time,
nor even a hypoEheri.at concep!.65. Man has
huf,'ble origin--- duEc and ,arer. Bur EheD, Adan qas Eaughr
'knortedge of a1r rhe nahes, i,e. D!,as enatowed,iEh che faculcy
o: logical aterinition and, thus ot .oncepruar lhinking. The abirir,
co rhibj. concepEually ra. 6o6ething rhich @de En supelior to dost
o.her cleaEules, ineluding .an9e16,, ,lhe invisibt€ powers
ap9oinred by God, . rn rhe ,o!ds ot rhe Quran: nnhen rEn ,as
lomed and God,s spirir breaih€d Lnco him a!9e1s sele ro fa1l dorn
belore hin in prosllaiion, ,hlch .Ir o! Eheo did, save
Ehe Saian(66
.crrildlen of Adan, wele ,,conferred
dignily.,. and ,/e have borne
lhefr over land and sea, aDd plovided fo! rhem suslenance
our of rhe
good rhings of 1ife, and favou! rhem fa!
above nosr of Our
creaEion'67. cod inrended ro esrablish Man a. .suecesso!
on earrh',
a "vice-se!ents"53, rle ve!.e iteooE€s @n,B !1ghEr!t suplemacy on
ealrh, mosr Buirably lend€red by rhe expredsion ihe shalt inheli.
che earrhi59, i.e, Mn riff be given po3ses6id of 1r_ rn rems of
ewolutionary plocesE,
'@ i6 "to ascend tlm one srage to rhe
near"70. M6n could acquile potrols bec@ing ,aU-risreniDg, and
.all.seerng tr, lhe rwo power. being inpo!ranr
aELribuLe6 oE coo,

of the arllibures of .aII_1islening, and .alI-

seeing' ,ou1d be rhe heighr of hu@n <tignity.
!4ashliqi posirs rhaE Gn,6 rietat or acrivity has rhree
diwisions or sph€re6 rhich ovellap bur nonetheless can be felc or
conside;ed sepalare1y?2. They ale phy6i.ar, psychical and 6pirirual
spheres. ?he physicar sphere is sotely concerned wirh nen,6
rurer:ar envllonrenLs. r,jcn in Ehr. .phele i; . re!e anrnat, .
srlons rlealchy and powelfur ani@I, anit exisEs Eo provide hifrself
rirh ,hacever is nec€ssary ao! hi6 @inrenece and Mlerial
developnenE tike othe! ani@ls, he is bod and .lre6. As an animl
ne came 1n che rortd, sr4ggles !o 1ive, and, in spite
ot his
srrons f,1sb !o tive od, dearh cohes ro him in one fon
o! anoEher,
an.t puls an end to him, BuE exelcls.6f Mn.6 ener91e5
need nor be
a nele b!u!e force. Uan,s phyEicat sphere eitl noc
be bruiish;
because .onrecled wiEh rbe psychicat 6phere,
ac 16 delemined and
guided by 6n! s reason and judgerenr, ,htcn
@ans €xelcise oa mn.s

oirh ihe endohEnr of hu@o brain, <tifrerence beEween

man ,1nd
animl 1s noE oelety supelficial and funcrionat
retared Lo
difference in appalen! physicar 16 ladical
Developmenr ot braln creares a .4cia1 drl6rDcrlo! berveen fran
a.iul in the hun@ blaln is the sear.or all Bubjecrive
moEc etaboraEe renral Mnrpilarions req!ired for
lhough! and tts exples6ion, fo! Ehe iteceninario! and conrrol of
all movements, for passions .nd th€l! conEloli atrat for rhe
€piriEual sense and the &!k!ng of rhe spiiirual facutEy. Man
possesses the abiliry ro !ecei.,e sensarions, to percei€ chem
ro distinguish betreen the variouE sinple sensatsions ot vhich rhq/
aie conposed. trfth his obselvaEional and rentar poler he can
lecognize, conbine, and conpare 6uch conbinarions_ !{e can approhend
have in comon anat the *ays in.whrch Ehey differ,
fie can alEach sr9n6 Lo lhem a1r in orde! ro lecognize lheh nole
easily and ao allok fo! rhe leaaty proatu.rion of netr con!.inetions.
Mashriqi bolds rhar Gn is lhe only being !!ar posse.ses
organs Euitable fo! rhe study artt unde!6tandinq of narure?1. His
cagabilicy to undelsrand nartrle giE. hin the possibrli!y of
concrol, over the tolces of natuie. ID rhe language of rhe
alr invisible folces. excepts sacan, ploslraled beroie Adan when
lhey were so dilecred by cod ttmjghry?4, rD rs only fo! man
ha6 any freanlns; cnty n.n can eonde!
a! iE and, a!r€!
lnresrivatioD, can extlacr some p!1nciples/direcrions fro(
This is becauEe Mn is in pos6es3ion or inrellecrual
obseRiEional pdels. Ani@15 a,d all orhe! tesse!
cleaEions have
no coGciou6ne6s of Ebe facr of n:rure. On Ene orbe.
hand, at1 rhar
rs rn rhe unive!5e has been Fade Eubserienr ro ccd,6 1aw,
nan,s !se, Man has ro acquiie knowl€dge of che uDirer6e
and use lt
for his own good75.
Everylhlng tn rhe heave;6 and ln che ea!!h is undei cod,6
comand Eo ievard @n accordlng to his effort in pulsuing rhe Eask
of conquegc of EEure. negl€crlul one6,ould be punished, the
sood ones wourd be giveD high !e*ards. ?he euranic pronouncemnc
i5: h.teed, @ro God belong6 afl rhai is in Ehe heavens and all
Ehar i5 0n earEh: and so te ritl !.wa!d cbose xho aio evil tn
accordance rirh
'tEt Ehey atiat, {d ,Ilt lerald lhose ,bo do good
urrh uIcrM!e good?6. t4ashrjqr .a" a co-ecri"" berkeen dJrcble
ruIe an.l EcienEr!rc knowredge, such connecri;n conrained rhe secrer
of man,E pelpeEuat and ever-incleaging progress. Man hetd a lofry
poEi!ion amongrhe evolved beings. Featules disEinguiEtrins 6an flom
anifral, such as reason, discefnnen! of good and evit, che po,er of
lomrion and explession of thoughE, kn4ledge and the capacicy of
increasilg its, capaciry ro! atno.c unlinired improv:menc,
lesourcefulness, sociariry, rclaliry, letigious and spirirla1
ale self-evideDr hatl_Mlks o! huMn superiolicy o!.e!
oEheE cre.!ules'?.
rn rhe sEudy of rhe wolk of cod, can be found cod,.
coh@ndE/s1gns directed unco rEn, That 1s, scudy oi narure can
provide knorledge of cod?s comndsr cod,5 ploglame, and
plinclp1€s or lighr conducE ro be lol,lowed by mn in his privaee
and publlc life. fhe iftpollanr rhiag Eo noEe is rhac such
!er5e5 ale addtessed ro all hen, atr naEions, and are no!
any particutar sroup, xuslifts! for exafrpte?a. rhe
condilion fo! horing cod,6 purpo5es and says is Ehar such
roups/naEions should take patG i,n .cudying Ehe dlure .nd lhey
wIll be reuarded in Ehe fom of iti6cowrie6 and conrrot ower
forces of naLure. ln Ehe uords of

Behold, in Lhe heaven6 aE well aE on earLh ihere ari

lnoeed mes.ages to! alr rho tare rlllrng Eo belrevel,
And in your orn narule, and in tEhai ofl aII Ehe anlmats
p-ople uho are en.rowed wiEh Itnnell cerlarnry,
And in rhe succession of trrghE and day and in Lne neans
or subsr.ren-e uhich God 6ends doun flom Lhe skies orvinr
rrre rhereby to che ealrh afEe! iE had been rirer,"s;, ani
rii cl:"st or uind€r_
ro! people who use chel!ritr.rr
ig q1osel lhere cle tresEcses
The ouian conrains dilectiveE regalorng mn.s exerrrof,s aad

'o!k ard roil. ehich ale derlvnble llofr the srudy or.aru!e,s lae.
1r is Gn,s duEy ro exer! himserf, acquile kno,redge of such
ilirecEives anat srletrgEhen his Dorers. whaceve! coc has c.ealed in
and on eaith has been Mde subserienc to mn, to be
conqu6red, caplured and Mde use of. In addrrion, c:ose scrdy of
EEurar phenonena and use iheleo! can fumisn Gn ,ir-f, piinciplea*
and godly comand fot hi6 condu.E in lif6.
The hosE imporEadi learule o! @n,3 unde*laDating of narure
aid in underEcarding oodr coffecc rhink:ng abour llis
!ays, sIs accribuces and ttiE nlcule can co(e flom Ehe 6Eudy of His
creatlonsso. The Fpiliruat sphele i6 feIE and known only ibrough
rentar corcerpta.ion and is dbEolurely lree trom any .onclere
element, alrhough it6 pelcepttDn arises fror Ehe conrenplario. of
ehe concr6-e oy hu@n mindr !h. mind examrnes .he con=ere, Lhurs
hos ard rhy ir appealed in rhe vollar anct, aideit by inErosle.rio!,
is led to poslulare rhe exisrence o! a .upe! hu@D or super,rcural
agency oi por6r. such an agen.y trould have caused o! .reared Ehe
univei6e anat all it6 concenls.
Ma6hriql haE efiphaaiz.d the spiliEual asp€.c in rhar ir
,,sirh spillEual realicles, j,!rroduce6 tlin ro an
erdle66 lietd fo! leftecrlve acEiviti6., @kes hin Ehilk of Ebe
universe as a giganric organj,c trechaniEm, cleated, seE in ,unclion,
regurared and conrlolleat by an oEipoEenr Being, r{ho is cbe source
of arl pore! and folce and rhe aurho! of au life, rrho derehines
ant oidains ch€i! varioug @nifeB€lrlon6, rhicri,e Bum up inro irle
un welse or co6rcs'91-
Mashliqi regalds €pj,liElal aepecE Eo be hnn,s cruciar
characreriscic distingui6hing bi,n frm rhe lesr or olganisos_
wirhouc che spilirual a6p€cr, s.y3 Mashriqi, rtun uould have no
objecr or life beyond rha! of a supefj,or aniMl, ,ho goveas and
tules in chis rorld, and rho 6ffug91es rhelein aor r.he sole gulpose
or escablishidg and etrjoytng rhaE superioriEyi32. rE is lhe
sgiricual aspeci which iai6es @n fa! above a larional tivilg
organi.fr, which, as a Mtter of fac!, consriruGs !h€ essence, rhe
soul of atl tife, and Hhich besr@E upon Gn rhe privilege of
ii@lrali,ry, in 6piEe of Mn,E physical rcrra1iry. The spiricual
aspe.r takes evoluEion as a qleat purposeful for.e, gladualty
elevaring nan, purqins him or e.,il, and exalring him Eo becore fiL
to! che holy Pre3ence of che c!oato!. The tst.mic do.Erlne of cod_
@n lelalionshlp is su@ftze<t jn Ehe Qulanlc desclipLion of man a6
loth che selvarE and vicegelenr of cod; ir i. rhe prinordial narule
ot En to be pa88ive vis_a_vis cod, !o be recipier! of r{ie
t 105
blessings and grace and !o be acllvo rorarats rhe,o!ld, as cod,s
lepresentarive ro Hi3 creation. Man ts thu6 able ro,ield power
ove! creation bur rusr also cale for all the crearules ,bo are xis
creaEules and no! @n, s,,33,
Man is rhus s€en as a God,s clearion vely much separare and
different frofr His arl oEher cleacLonB. Bmphasizing man as a
slprere clearion, Mashriql cties a nurbe! or verses rroh Lhe ?Jrar.
Mastlriqi atvetts on rhe fact Ehac En has b€en endored,i!h lreason.
discemmeni, definiEe rayE of lohing and expleEEing his rhoushr,
,iEh other pokels and quatlci6. highe! and ,obter Ehan any liviag
'e knoc of, rhe fros! wondellul of alt Ehe ,ondlous sle.imens
of orgaric life'34, lqbal, ha5 exFlegseat Ehis vie, in his lheolL of
ego. rn his vie{, only ihaE i5 real ,hlch is dire.Ely consci@s of
its ovn reality- Fulrhei, its is Etr in,hfr egohood has reached irs
relative perfecrion. The !.sutE i6 rhaE Gn occupres a g.nuine
place in rhe hearr of Divrne cle.rive en.!gy, cheleby possess,rg.
much higher degree of lealiEy Chan rhing6 around hih_ Of at1 tbe
.reacion of God, @n iaton. i. capable oa consciousry pairicigaciDg
in rhe crearive lile of hiE Makeli, hdeect, Iqbal holds: lrt is che
lot of man Eo share in rhe d.epe! aspilarlons of the univelse
arounal hln and ro shape hi. .kn deslisy as qell as lhac of rhe
lc righrly sald lbaE "The noEt remarkabte fuDciio! of
has been
human inrellecE is levealed in a valua!tona1 discriminacion !hich
lC nakes berween lhe etelnat and che tranFienE, the utEiM:e and
Ehe prowisional, Ehe !€a] and .he .PParenr, clle essenriat aad rle
accidenEaf...."36. mis re.trs !ha! at!6 nu@n undelsianding or
risd@ corsiEts in a ploper serse of vatu66 and Ehe capaciry ro
fod a sysEen or va1ue. oa aU huBn expeiiences, In oEhe! rolds,
r! consrs!6 in the lo@Eion o! a worl<r-view, Many rhtnke;s hord
EnaE d fundacnEal impuI66 ro reflec! abouc Ehe univelse sri!s
paople durln9 thet yeals ln which lhey Lake ro !f_nk
independenrly. 'Lare! on,,i Eays schreirze!, we teE it lanluish,
eve! Ehough feeling clearty tha! re rheleby ifrpovelish ou.selves
and become le36 capable of what i6 good,,. As a,eEul!, Deople
bec@ like "spiings of ra!e! rhlch no IoDg6! dn because chey have
ror been varched and have gradually become choked,iih tubbish,87.
The higbe! and nobler qualiries be6coveat upo! fran @ke hin
ia1rcsr a conptere 1itr1e univelse,

'onderfut obiecr for @n 6 study in rhis rclrd .is siid ro be m.-

hihself'83, Tha! mn is a mlc.ocosm j,s at@sE a univeisal vie,,
pafticularly .o in Judaeco-Chrtstian and Islanic religious
tradirions. rn Ehe rord6 0f a rcdeln caEhotic Ehinke! ,,cn i6 an
individuat sho holds himself in h.nd by his inrelliqence a.d his
trilI. He exisi6 not mefety phy6icatty, lhere 15 rn him a liche! ard
nobrer existenceii_ He i6 iiD 6o(e fasbion a whote, nor (e!e1y
pa!r; he 1s a universe unro him6e1f, a mtcrocosd in,bich che glear
be enconpasEed Eh:ough knowledge(39.
Hu@n digniLy 1s lnilmaEely rerarca wirtr man,s freedon
or ,ill
and acEron_ Man,s nolal acti.on would be rhe acrion de!.etuined
by a pe!6on hiMetl, wlthouE, ard/o! in spice of,
exterGt lesrlainrs. His will witl be 6e1f-tegislarive. Gn is
f!ee, aayg De irouv6n.l, 'ia ao fer aa the lotutato! o( rlis
obtigariona i6 none oEheE than he hlruelf, 8e!e1n leside6 hi6
dignityi9o- On. oi Xatrtrs.rhical tom1a.ay.: i'Ac! i! such a way
rhat you always tleat hu@nl!y, vherh.! tn you! ."r p*-"iir
pe!6on of any oche!, .GErorE-EhG, n6v.r siEply as fteans, buE
alrays a! che Eafr€ !i@ as atr €nd'91. *eeptng ir vie{ 6uc!t an
idea1, one can !i6e above Ehe pronpEinE of cllclGtaDces. rn
obeying such an inperarive our uilt,ill, be sela-l.gistacive, serf,
detefrtned, volunrariEC,
Man enjoys tftedfl or wi11. AccoldiDg !o Mashliqi, he has rhe
porer ro act and affecr, to a gleat exEerE, he has rhe pore, ro
exerci6e lejectio! or
"cceptrtce92, rn e€ry
problem, !he!. is
beror; cn a @thoal of accion anat hE exerciEes his sill ro .hoose
ore add lejecr oEhe!, Thu€ he has fuU cap.cily o! choice, tr j,s
tine txa! people @y have Co lesign Eo.erEain ttrinqs because of
pressure ,hich my be puE on th4. sme people sirl accepE che
pressure rhole-hearredly and acE accoritiDgly. soie My feign Eo acc
accor.tingly ,ithouc accepilng rhe plessule rlon ch. core or Eheir
healt i,e. eiEhouE acceprlng 1egiEiccy of rhe plessure. h borh
cases peopre have @de rhei! choices. ashliqi bo1d6 cha! lesulrs
a!€ no aloubr unater rhe inlluence of exreld.t circumsCa.ces, buE ar
every scep, orren it ia 1n on6,s osn hand;.ilher !o abandon o! to
pursue, to rejecr o! co accep!, a nacre!, an, thar i5, is rlee co
.hoose bur he cannor conirot rhe lesutls of hi6 choice, rhe ctesired
ie6ult i5 nor ln hi! haDd6, 6inDry b.c.uEe o!he! peopte are equatry
tree ro @ke thei! choices .trd such choj,ce€, lleety nade, can come
inro conllicr. rn !h6 evenE of confllcEing c@ees, le6utrs of lhe
choice of a parricul.! pe!5on {iIt b. affecced. Man iE responsible
for lhe consequenceg of his acrions in rhe seDse Ehat he has ro
face 6uch .onsequences, char rbeie wttl be consequences, rha! he
can.or escape consequencesr good o! bad. Reactiors ro his aclions
rilr core floo orher tnarividuat/cotlecri@ folces, aqain good or
bad, helpfut /uohelptul . Consequences ma, b€ of Ero kinds: inlen<ted
and unlnrended. Man ,itt be responsibte for boEh Ewes of
consequen.es_ se will be lesponsibl. pubticatty l e, Ehere witt
pubric reratd o! punish@n!_ Man witl .t6o hare pri,aie
responsibility i.e. le6ponsib iry co hrs corscrence, uheche! he
hao d gooo or bad incenrlon. Coo<tness o! bldneEs of
lnc"icirns !s
kno{n only to r}re acto! hifrsetf and !o h1s c!earo!, privare
@y nor be knom Eo peopte aE 1a!9e, Gy nor b€ n6nifesLed
imediarety, may ewen 6urive a pei.on,s physicat life,
add @y be
rnsrlEuEed ac his d€arh, in Ehe heleafEe!.
Man has been 91ven duar powels i.e.
co chooBe rhe !igh! o!
*rong_ He has been besiored ,irh goa[y
a.r!1bute6 in rhaE G3d has
brearh€d rlis spilir inro him93_ the duat po,e!
means rhar wi[h
prope! develop(enr and incutcaEion
ro assuoe lhe
aLrribuEe6 of Cod.

;i ::f :lTilt i:H,."#.";i:1,,..'"#t":.# t ?ii:i.i:

The poEenEiar ro exelcise lfeedm of witt places a glear
lesponslbillty on (an. Man i6 le€ponsible for
alt his acrions,
drnout anyon€ etse being irplicaced ae his h€tpe..
The Qu!.n
pronounce69s: iEvery hu(an being will be hetd in ptedse fo!
{haEever he ha3 ealDedr. Because 6f etrdowrcnlE, @n iE unde! Eesr_
se is endosed {ich po{er. oa .udiEton and 61ghr and leas@tns mind,
and bea!3 rhe burden of a rlemendougly glear !4sE, all ihis ha6
@anr a lor of dilficulty fo! @n Eo Iire in rhiE ,orld. ,andored
,irh a va6c neasure o! !ea30n and ,i11, ED has randed ilco
dreadful di!enMs, rerlityiDg haldships, aberlalions. ovelsigbts,
and desrrucEive niscalculaEions. r.lan is eve! tiable !o
and ulong lulness 96 ,

Given ftan,e @ra1natufe, exisr to sal€ nan f&m

e!.ors ir hia conducr, The plidry oae is in Ehe ildiwidual
himself, Possessirg rhe faculries ro dtsriDglish ligtt rlon,rong
he can ameliolaie hiGelf. self-areliolalion is a basic
possibility, Pailing setf-p6r.uas1on ro fotlofigh! paEh, Gn can
be broughr by oEhels ro adopt rhe light course. rirashliqi ,as
convinceat rhac no stone shoutd be lefE urrumed in the rask o!
pelsuadins orhers ro placrice good. rndeed, he thinks thar En is
reliorat'le, lhaE he can be persuaded
to follo,.Che lighE and leawe
rne vrong- Faillng Eer!-aheliolaEion p.f3u:slon can be used97.
I4<le€d, ir must be u6ed fo! tr. intelfel.reit leasonsi
1. fiuun dig!1Ey requires rhar p.fsuasioa lathe! rhan sone
orher rerhodg be use<l Eo brtng un back co rhe rigrrc

2, U.e oa pelsua6ion ,irL conltfr an individual person.s

disniEy, and virl itrff direcEty .uengtnen hrs Fe!t
icge of possessing dtgniry,
Ma6hriqi potncE out chat cho66 wbo have gone agrray can be
pe!.uaded ico cofre back ro moral 1i!en90. Thar is, ED,6 ourtook
rnd behaviour can be nodified lor rhe berEer, o! fo! rha! @r!er,
for rorse. In Cems of good@ss, Mdshliqi hold6 rhe eulanic wiee
rhat, tn mn, inhele both che t.rdencies--of evll and godt. Man
Gkes his choice, uses his r 1, but Ehac oae can pelsuade an evit
doer ro reflald floN evil deed6 _ such pelsuasioE uur take place on
lhe basis of.onvincing rhe evit_doe! Eha! he vas 1ndu191ng in
s@ething ewil. Bvil rilt have to be 5hom, an cems snr.h eilt tre
inrertocurors i.e. on Ehe basis of gooat reasons.
rhe good Ehen becme somerhing on which cwo or frole people
ri!1 have agree<t.
Mashriqi ir of rhe fim view that goooess ttr Mn .an be
promled ed rhis view or his is basecr on his vieG on evolurion
@n: rselfishne56 can be gieaEly elis!tured tlon lhe hucn €tsure
evorving ro*alds goodness, and personal eEives caD be pulged
crueliy as rhe unnecessary weapon for rheir achieve(en!. appalenr
narshness and cluelly of measureE can be openly 6eE apa!! only as
freliEed punishnenr lor,ickeat acrs ard evil aleedE, and
sanccioned by the clmon sociat sense
ot fairness and
lu6tice {ould becme inoocenE and unqu€srioDabtet99, i.e. in
humaD dtgniry. Man,s ametiolabiti!y_p r!s!asibiliLy

is someEhing mutual. successflLt o! ruEuat perBuasion has

imporranc ranilicarions in poliiics. rr ,itr le6utt in nulua11y
agreed seEEt€ment of di5putse6. lta6hliqi even.believed rhat good
rill and sufiicienr rh@ghr Ey tead to coopelacile, blorherly
relations and aglee@nr on religious bellef6.
IE i3 in the po,e! ot @n co coDsrecr Eocio-economic and
political tofr6 which can eithe, avoid mistakes, o! invire !hem,
r{htle some !oh3 can be prdolive ot hunan dignicy, orhels
eqralty be viotarive of iE1o0. Mashriqi believEs rha. the
reachrngs e6rabli6h plinciple5 fo! rh€ ,euale
of both individualF
as kerr as societles. hdeed, i! lhe elran1c reachiugs
abour rhe
reron of cotleciive condirions ale inplicit @rbods
of lefoms or
individuals. In cod,s 6chere. he .ays, bunan dignicy
is preserved
by a veiy conplex and inrricate sysrem or
leralds during life on
ealrh and in rhe h€reafre!, hdivi.rual and group
acricns pronorive
of human dignicy are also acrions f,hi.! p.o@!e
individuat and
social lelfale, and vice,ver6a. Nature
of huen sociely is such
Dhac host acrions of an iDdividuat
have erfecr.. on rbe sociely a5
a r'.rore, <1nd plogless or leqre5s
or a qarion arrects rhe
tndrvidLdts comprising rh.r narion.
Tt.Lrs hean. rhaE dign:Ey of
p€rsons consrituring a soctery
wilr be ancerro! ro socie!7. ircrrd
reltglons afrays conrain ideas anat
idears ,hich cate! ro huma!
alignity. In t4aritatn,E carholic
flaoework, iE 70uld oean !ha! .rhe
culr€ncs of libelEy anat tlaEehiry
leleasear by rhe cospe:, lhe
viitues ot justice and frieldship
sanccioned by ic, che placrical
respecc for rhe humad pelEon
lesponsib'icy beroie cod lequrred
exetcises Ehe auEhoricy cs flon "",.1 3."1;:",*:l:;:
hrm who is sLbtecE E)
incernar enelsies pelraining co
a socie uhich is Pronocive of
nuED digmiryarol. Malirain
lighrly beli€tv
veE thar Ehinkeis o! nany
oEber relisions eoul,d aglee ,iEh hih. Taktng inro accolnr
Mashriqi,s reno! of rhough! tual even specific klirings iE can be
said r'irh confidence EhaL he rould aglee shole_h.arEedly uilh rhe
caEholic concepcron. In puEclng enFhasjs on Ehe oufan, Mdshhqr
ratks oa revelation as Euch: A11 le1igions betieve in rhe digniiy
or rhe human pe!6on, in juslice, in riberly, and in neislrbourty
rove. Porencially arl religtous rraatirions can apply ,harever
ler[alns ro Ehe dignity of @n in rhe organizaE]on of Ehei!

rhe reatn of 6ocio_economic and potirical

in shich huma atiglity can lind exp!es61on, Taking
poljt ical 4specEs speak ot potrclcar trbercies and
poltLical rights; rhey !csr upon Ehe posEutaEe
lhdr hucn pelson
los.esses dis!1!y and rhar man asks co palricipace acEivety
in the
life of poliricat co@uDiry. of coulge, @ny may
lrnd it easie! ro
renounce acrive parrlciparlon in pol1!ical
ltfe.softe fray even feel
Dapprer. and free from care by volun.ary lerrnquishhenr
par!icipa!ion in public fife,
HowevEr, in such a case people
renounce a privitese ploper ro
rhei! nuEn naruie, irdeed, a
plivilese lhaE corresponds io hu@n
disniEy, This is so because ,a
srare of civilizalion in ?hic!! m€n,
as in<tivi;uat persons, by a
flee choice deslgnare chose vho
shall hord auEholily, is in icse]f
a tore perfecc sCaE€"102.
probably the tusr fuldaneDE:t potM.ar form plmoEive
bucn digniEy is a p€ople,s righc
Eo glve rhemselves Lhe
conEEtrurion aid govelnrnenc
of rheiE oen applwal, A1r .j,vilized
people have h.d a flndamenElr conEtiluL!on, atL;oush in Ehe pasE it
{as ofren @!e a @rre! o! consenr and E:d;rion rhan of Julidical
rA constlrurlon Juridicalty tomlaled and
esrablished, by vilEue of rhe vitl of rhe people, collesponds Eo an
achieved plogres6 in rhe glasp of potitlcat conBciousnesg a.d in
policical organizar ion'Io3 , uashriqi verse frcm Ehe euran
God,a conceh rhat nan my nor de_hutuinize anolhe!
a prophe! hie fotl@els: rr is noE conceivabr:
a huMn belng unto whon cod had granreal levetatiotr. and sound
JJdgemenr and plophechood shoutd Ehereafte! haE s.id unco p-ople,
"wo!5hip me beside cod"1oa,
plo(otsion of huGn digni:y
and etiminalion or un,arranred
d@inarion of Mn by ftan, voutd requile cnac peolre
clai!€d and
lrepared ro becone capable of boEh ht,1rg and being eled,
consequence of ttre value of huhan
d1glrry r6 elininaiion of
folcible dofrinarion of some man ove! orher.. rn
this nocion, as in
almost alt of his noEions, Mashriqi fo11or5
reacnrngs of lhe luran.
"he Quianic injuncrions againsr lolciDre dohinaEidn are quire
aspecL of c€d,E schere rela!-s co
belief rn rhe
heleaare! wherein man is to accoun! for
nls evrl deeds afEer his
dearh. rllegpecrive of rhe lealtry
o! che Hereafter. the
psyehotogical alcirude pro@red
by such b€tief is of Erem:ndous
slgnlficance. rr hetps pr.vedc one fron
indulgins in aclio.s
violative or hucn digliry.
Ma6hriqi hold6 char atels and Ehe
hred leed ro be lraiDed,
add boch of Ehen need Ehe sane
rlaining1o5. To !e dters and Eo be
dled ale lao faces of th. sam coh. $rose xbo can ,ule retl are
rho6e rho crn b€ tured reu. r'lalninE fo! lulers anit Ehe nl.tr i6
sa@ ard ir coGt8i€ itr lnolc.rion of dlsclptin. !@n9 people-__
iti6clplining oa peop1.,E ercrids. ah&,iI1 in@tv. Eleate! uae of
Bdersrlnating rhe siru.rion in a calr rnam.r, llsrening !o otherE
anat respondtng wtchour pEJudice, Tr.anMg plogradE6 @y b€
inatitui.d tbar invotv€ .lt.rction a@ng people-__ ro be in
colmnd Eo@ cicr, Eo be unite! cdand ar orhe! lthes,
si@lraneouaty, rltis viI1 in!!lv. unlversal dlssfrinalion of
irlomcioa .nd oppolruntri,es ro play !ol.s prmrive or lc.arelshj,p
quallEle6 an<t qualiEies ro obey leaders. Trac ta, rrai;iDg
be such .s r@ld plorcre se1! confidence, in rhich loles or lea<rer
and the leat ,ould lot be s6.n Eo hake tuch atiffe!.nce ro
hu@niry and digniEy oa . p6!6o!.
For rrashriqi rclal rla1ning o! individuals uas cncial berore
such individuars could b. ontrusr€d siBh le6ponEibilieies
conceminE iDblic atfai!€, r.rashliqi e.3.lelaty e@tr to
lndep.rdence i.ther rhar erBtusB .!!air! men rho had
rcE been rcralry B!.ined105, Role tu pubric arfairs,as
at,ays a
nolal lole and Hdld noc be ploperly pertolneat ,irhour frolal
P!.pa!.tiotr. fiashrj,qi,,s om @choat !o! @!ar p!6palarion ,as Eha!
actual paEticlparioo in ecEs ot velt.r6 ranging from wollrEary
service ro cleh ag.d people,s levarories !o pa!!icipation
n tronal detetrce.i.e. vorunr€€y' o!te! Eo
srve otre,s rile, i!
Moral cralning irqalred rhrugh,i(Ft€ acts or rcr.ttLy
creare6 hatlits rhich ale then ca!r16d over inro all pricre and
publrc dealings/conducr of a per6on. The crai;ing noE ro leII a lre
i6 probably the highesh @!at vilrue *hich once arrained becomes a
fj,fr basis and soulce of alt solts ol $oralty sood acEions.
Tlaining in le5ser @ral vlrtsue6 rhan tstuthfulness, in puncrualiry!
fo! exanpre, 'hen once ilglained, lnituences a person,s behaviour
fo! tbe good in all 6o!ts ot oEhe! 6iruarions. Accoiding ro
Mashriqi lhe de6iled norar Elaini.ng coutd be achieved by imposi4g
dj...ipline or mea6ured sreps i.n d!11r8 and marcheslo?. Discipline
achieved in dri116 rould be lellecled in many orhe! of life
e.g.i leslecring orhe! people,s lighE fo! Eurn in a q!€ue ar banks,
.t railvay sEations and ar orher offices, eEc. rndeed, Mashliqi
elgerim;nted i. characrei fomcion ar high school leve1 i.
pesharar and ras successful in cleating rhe habiE of rnrhfulness
anong young sEndenEs_
Moral trainins is mo6r effeciive rhen ir is imparred by
example. lt is, thelefore? rbe tesponsibiti!y or leadership Eo
plesenr an exanple of ,haE Ehey ate3ire Eo see conEiDued in thei:
aociety- Indeed, iE i6 acrion3 of otde! leadelship shich could
iDfluence the younqe! generaiion mole eflecEively. youib ate bound
to ldentify Eheosetw* wiEh naEional leadere aid, rherefole, i! is
a duly of Ehe leadership co exhibir srlotrg molal chalacEe!, ,olrhy
of esulaEiod by Ehe yourh. tra6b!1qi,E ideas i! rhis connecrion seem
to llave been confitud by ne* vr1li,ngs in rhe a!+.d of polilicar
developoent. Hilson arires, iEho.e uho ocopy a dminanE posirion
have an addirional obtigarion fo! regpolsibiliry. As conilollers of
lesources, coelcive po'e! ideological aurhorily rhat can aflecr
che lives o! evely one, dminan! indj,vidual especialty rus!
d.nonsLfate leaponsibiily i! Fotirical parrem. ale co be noral in
narulei, r4csh!iqi himself Eays Ehar rhere !s no bigger and mole
poreltul reapon for subjugaEed anar,eak narions !o take up Ehdn
service and virtuousnes6. In hls opinion, ,rulels have always
feaied lighreous acEions. JeEus chliE! was cnclfreal because of
exlrenely virEuous dee&'103.
In looking ar Ma6hriqi,6 vie! of En we polrred our rhar
eiEher he was ignolanE of developnenrs 1n 6ocio_ecolohi.
psy<horogrcdl he rds indifterenl !o Lhen. chere is no
nenrion ot Ma!*, Fleud, ,tebe!, Dulkhelfr, ecc,
1n hi6 Tazkirah, nor
rn his orher wrirings. BuE iL i3 renpcing co
!o ques!rons posed by EkenEieLh_cencury developmenrs
rn socidl
science rhich appalenEfy dininize Mash.iqi,s
vie{ of hunan aignicy
and noraliry,nole how so(e of Ehe inpoftanr wesEern
naseryi Marx and Frcud and, nore lec€nrIy,
E.p, skinne!, can
cnarrenge rhshriqi,s ideas on rh€ Darule o! huEn
digDiry, .nd
exprore his le6ponse Eowalds chem.
accorotng ro Tlotsky, ,mrn tras
clled srubbolnly and pelsisremty
Eo e*clude biGetf fron scien.e,
le.erving ro himself special privitege
In rhe shape of atfeged
nrrer-ourse ui!h supe!sen6ory rorces
aolal precepr6 I dealismlr09, ", ",.h ,,""-1"..
ru*, trorsty, looks upon Mn as
a narulal tink in rhe evoluliodary process
of Gteriat nrcule,
depriwiDg ,cn of rhe6e dri@6 plivileges
definicery rar ever,lro.
Ir i. rrue Ebar Malx was convinceat
rhar hu@n nrsEory ,as goEhed
by law6 rhich, 11ke th€ laws whiclr gowea lacure, coutal noE be
atEeled by rhe interentioo of inarividu.ls acEu;red by thrs or lhaL
r.teal. HisLo!jcaI lavs of hutun and 6ocial develolenr noL onty
exprained rhe o1d o!de!, buc atso plovidett sci6nrilic recipe
(inr.alert revoruEiotr) ro artaiD rhe ne, olater.
rd rhe case of
capicallsm rhe polttical econohic sysEen baEeat on plivaEe plopercy
and maxihizaEion oa prorir involved, as a
conseqlencei er?loiralion
of rabour. such scienrific viers proviated rhe comforling
ro rhe profelaria! rhar Ehey were desEined inevlEably
ro {in
against Ehe bdrgeoisie.
Hoveve!, as Durkheim argled "socut r5r was
i^ !rc! .dr
ideat,irrr. Malr,s capitat atial no! @inlain a Nhotly
actirude. The ,esearch ,a5 urdelraken co esrabrrsh
:he doccrine,
far tlom rhe docErine lesutring flom,e5ea!ch. rr
vas passion lhar
inspired rlarx,s lesealch_ ,ihar gave birrh co
ri and codslilured its
"as the '!rhirs! for a @!e pelfecr justice. sociarism ras
nor a s.ience, ir uas a cly of pain"1l2.
Do Ma*ian tars of hisrolica] crraDge,
,r!n rhe nvowed @!hod
ot aticrarorship o! Ehe ploteEaliac,
digriry? rs
Ehere d current in Ma*,s rhiDking
,hrch suppresses rne fa:L and
value ot pelsooalily in s@e potlcicar
or social colteclivily2
while discussions on rhe iscue of alienarion
indicare Mall,s
concern for the pelson, he neiEher
emphasrze.r no. futly glasped che
tnLricacies and dimensiotrs of uhar
is idvorred in being a person.
Marx,s viewof developmenial 6tages follopug naEurat,sociar
@.le Marx an opridsc--5!!e thar tars
uoutat rclk ouc rhe €y as
propourded by hlm, se €nlelEalned a fundafrental oprlfriBn
abour rh€
possibility ot lealizing rhe iateal sociely rhrough huoan endeabu!.
|{hile Marxis! coflu5 on Ehe issue of lrienacion indicates
taq carea fo! Ehe pe!so!, hi5 optimtsn abouE iEhe humn
of the ideal sociecy lea@E Ehe door ope! ro rhe
inrroducrion of absoluEe ideas atrour the letaEion of a pelson
his.omunily(rl3, And ir is hele EhaE ve cd inEroduce rlashriqiis
posstble response Eo Ma4. Mashriql, as porrcear
our b.fore,
beriewes rhaE inscirurlols inspired by lne
au€n caEe, ro the leed
oE borh, rhe individual and Ehe co{mnlry.
He rould agree ,irh
r4aliEain ,ho draus a discirction becreen
oui being inatividprl and
ou! being.ersonrll4. A. indlviduarg in a pelr€.r
comunily, re are
suiroldiGre ro rhe ,elfale of ou! huGn gloup.
as pe!5ons, .re are
beyond Ehe ctalns and rinaliEy
of any grven ser of hu@n
inscj,Luuions, The lhough! cha! hu@nly
alerrved taws of social
change fray eicher
an ideal so.!ery!
poanrs ro tbe neeat for befieving
rhe hunan peison Eo be above
insciiu.ional alfangenenEs. af re!
Ma!x,s,ecoodic detehinisn,
cameSleud,s psyehological deEemi.nlEm.
rr for(eit che basis of rhe
conception o! cn ple5upposed
by psycnodatys i s1ls , rc ,as rhe
fohidabte body of docElire Eo
be aaced by ihose kho believe in
hucn free ritl and huoaD digniry. preud
belar rhar !h€ origin and
explana!ron or all consciouE
events I,as co be found in rhe
unco.scious. corsclous Eb@gh!
ald desiles cam€ ro be considered
reflecrions mole o! tess disro!tsed
and @
,rnconscious eremenrs in
nen,s nacule.
going on in the unconscious, if they knes rhey rould no! be
That is, if rhey had knorledge, rbey ,ou1tt be
conscious. Being urconsclou6 of our rhoughr and desire6 ,e cannot

on Ehe basis of incrospeccioi and atara flon ctinicat 5!udies,

Freud airenpEed ro uncovei hi. om unconscious nenEal processes as
f,ell as rhose of his paEierrs. ,li
(1901)116 raid bale on impoltan!
unconsctous. _lte
1-!e1r7 refleccs Freud s conv!ccron
rhar notu1 as,e11 as abnofrat psychic Iite is influenced
unconscious folces shich can be ffi !o expralr such ew.lyday
as rhe forgerCing of names and slips
of .he tongue,
Man's menral life ,as deEenineo an<l deEeninants
dlscovelabte. A numbe! of weslern aurhors
have been cliiicat of
treud's nechods and findirgslra. po! one
.nrDg,. che clinicat srudy
Degan sath rhe insane and the
neuloclc. 1!e ploblem eas seen iD Ehe
abnotul magnificaEion. Bur Ehe darge!
in rhis ploc€dule is !ha.
clinicians begin to <Nare their parient,s
diseases rich.ohar
funcrioning. DisrincEion betreen
rhe notut and alnotul comes E.
De rosr, o{ing co dependance
on Nele clinlcar dara. to ans,er lwhaL
is ,!ong rirh psychoanatysi6 i, one sciora! plonoudce<t
!ps)choanalysis in 1953
is unscienEific,,rlg, "rt is orty ro bring
rc bear
che t.aditio.al meEhods of scienrific iofelence and expelihenEaEion
lhat we can hope co leap all the benefj,t or ts tou.der,s

e.9, dearh ins!incr and

constluctive rrEEincr in his laie! w!iEirr36, ano cane ro emphasize
Ene need to 6awe ciwit,lzacion 5y the use of hu@n reason.
has been able Eo €ay abouE Eieud,s rork, i In his
iespecc for crle dignirt of his pacieni. rhich Ede his
po8Etble, in hi€ convicciod lhar desplte appealanceli
arl hen are
psychologicarry brorbe!6, and in his individualisn--
in a1r rhese
ways ir seens !o me that Fleud i5 indeed
a greaE hei! of rhe
Enlighrenmenr,121. su.h philo3ophles or mn
as exisre.ti:lism,
have conriibuled to bling lnEo timetigb!
freedon o! choi.e, subjectiviry, and molar
aulonomy. Rnphasizing
healLh as againsr psy.hic paEhotogie.,
scnorars in lbese cradicio.s
hold rhaE ,en.olragemenE of pelsonar
Irowrn is a leal
possibilily'122. fhis vie, is very ruch
in accorat,ith Lhac oi
trashriqii kho betieves in neliolabitiry
ot mani atons,irh @n,s
acEitude and responsib iEy ir. public
The hosr !ecenr vo.al deLefrilisc
i5 B,p. sklnne!. :n his
!ier, each mn is Ehe ploduc! of cerrain
helediry anat a c:rtain
enrrronheni in {hi.h ca6e achieweoe,r
call6 tor no ciedi!, and free
wirl does not erisrl2l.
Trle, says skinner, rradiciotu!Iy,
possessed fleedom and drgnicy, Bur nok
he beli.wes rhat envilon@nial
suwtval contllgencies have .ak:.
o'/er lhe funccions of decisi6n
uno Pelceived Lhe qol1d
around hin and acrect upon irt24,
nov srands abolished. Nor, be
is conElotted by lhe
socio.cutrural envifon@nE, largely
of hls oE tuking. I, !6 n):
lche pelson eho acEs upon rhe koltd, iE is rhe qoltd lhat accs upon
!im. Man is bouDd by cilcumscances ,irh consequenE erosion of his
aulonohy, fleedom and dignicy. AatvaceE i! lechnology des!roy
chancea to be adnlred. slnitally! scienritic analysi. oftels
explanaEions lnstead or giving creajE Eo rndivrdLars
Thds, bolh che lechnology and dnalysis are scrd to be opposid
<tignrry, and such opposirion is seen by skinner Eo sEand
in ,ay or
fudhe! hu44! a.tlievertenrs. In ledesigning Eocial envilonmen!,
.anno! I irdependenEly; he is bound by socio_cechnol.gical
Mashrtqi,s ,espoDse ro ledesagnrng,ourd be
sinila! !o
che one indicaled in discussion on uarxr
Redesigling kould atfec!
@ny indlvidual6 and gioups. I,tle caEo! feave
E@e on !!e mercy of
oche.s. Individlats nay be expecred to confon
!o.he demads of
perfac! redesigning, bLL {har if Ehe redesigring
indeed, ir it is noL cdrried inEo compleciont
The .lgsescjon !s
rnar lndiwiduar perBon @y be rleared aoove
rne ins!ilurionar
eripelimenracion . ke hay be rleared Eo pos€es sancEirr!
Mashliqi,s oche, cricict.m of Skinne!
uourd be based on the
idea ot diwine crearion of the universe
and, ideed, @n, s,cinoer
cofrplains rbar leligion iE6e1f
cnipulares huma! nind and lhaE i!
rhould nor objecc ro @nipularion
o! rne sane by orher Forces.
Thele are rso assumpliols lnvolved
in Skinnei,s ,ie,s, (t) chac
{an,s early so.ializalion i3 sderhing
pe@nenc. r! ,ould be fair
ro say rhaE lhe question of nan,E
oligin is not yer ser!led.
fiashriqi has cogencly algtued jn
favour oa divile origir.
Manipulallo! o! huma4 mina! ro confon
co lerlgron is thelelorei lhe
tighl thing ro do. Md,s otnd be plepared to isEue in behaviou!
rhi.h iE has be€n given rhe pocenriatlty ort, by 6od Einset,t. The
reti9ious leaders rejecr skinner,s vieks/rechriques becausi su.h
!€cnnrqueE seem ro inwol@ denial of cod in rhe pbysical (and
currula1) clearion of man. seen i! Ehis ]igh!, rhe clash
sklnne! and his ancagorisrs lo6es Ehe seening coniradicEion
arFrbured by skinne!.
skinnet,s viek thac \@nipulaEion/ ot
mtnd i6 recllnique of
seems to ovelemphaslze erfecrs o-
socralizarion. whire eally Eociallzario!
Ey contanue ro affecr
adutr behaviou!, lermanence of sociatizalion
carDor be held io be
on rheoleric.t, nor enpirical' qt'urds
'!heoq!'!icarrv, fran endowed wirh
!ari,rnal faculCy is tikely .o
questlon his o@ behaviou,
wtlen conflonced wrlb dysfuncEions
su.h beh:viour. rf he still concinues
rhe behawiou! in quesrion,
irrai {ould be unde! some explanaEioo_
Thrs ,outd @an Eh.c ne,
bases for rhe same behaviour
would been escablished
!ftpiljcallv, thele is enough evidence
d peopre do chanqe .heir
behaviou! somerimes **".
.cnipllace, frind may - a;' antagonists sho
o! may nor hawrnt*l"tnt successe.
persoa,s o,n devices, rinatins A
o".." ,.=*,ttt
faculties could beac borh skihe! -u obse*aEional
.nd his antagonisEs, chus
vrndi.aling hucn diglicy and

Mashiqi,s man 1s e
ald a.r, allhough sublecr
E ce bet!.r o! roa..o bjt. coaittrid !y lIIg iro cUo,tc[. s. ca!
c!€aEe good potiEt€E tn rbtc! t @ll.t !lo!t!b .dt b. ca!
cor.lncr unb.conllg ajrlt bait LnsclluElon! Uu! uould I.ad co lrig
.tod. Io th6 DAE cbrptarl r. drso. tb.brtql,. d.rE @ hor n6.
yltb dlgdtry c|n td,rnd r pro.geKu alat dut Dt6
l,.q'r., qrro!,


{. Ibid,, p.122.
s_ Mashriqi, sadl!h_ul-ou!a4, op.cir., pp.r6 22,

r :gj .-!lr:i lev_iew of laLionar aleuenEs ror rhe

cod, see Aran r."".", te s,i_i"ii
age rx.*""G
"-.-.;-t ".*.#ii!tf5fi++#
Mashliqi, c6d. Man anc Univelse, op_c1!., pp.b9_70.

The sibte, Book of 9enesr6, verses 1-26.

ouran, Chapler
Mashiiqi, cod, Man and Univer6e, op.cit., p. iO5.


Ibid-, pp 47{-475.
Ibid., p.475.

Ibid., pp. 139_40.


15. Th. eulan, cbaprd! 3

r7. Ibid., Chapt.! 50,
33. Ma6hriql, .pREFACE,

{2. Ibid., pp.61- 65.

ar. rbe eulan, Chapter 14,
tcitra riii-iGi

Mashligi! ltadirh-ul_ouran, op.clr., pp. s2-90_
trashriqi, Tte HuMn probt.n, op.cit., p.15,
rhe Qufad, chaprer 14, ve:6e 19 ard
chaiEe! 13, Ve!s: s,
Masb.iqi, cod_ Man and Univelse, op,cir.,
p. tor.
an E6sav on Man (New york: Ban.ar Books,

33;""i:I'i1i"."151",i,ffi* or loliricar rhouqhr (,,ondon
l":if.'"" ",o I,o. ,,eJ.s-:-".fr car irornia I;;;;;it
5.r. Dotte, op. cir., p_300.

'5 @r,.ni1.n..n"r.n
55. Mashliqi, tazkirah, vol_ r, op.cir., passio,
" ii.!,*i*'ii."h'"':,ffig=*-g",1;"i#fil"!*
- fi $S::F::.:t" Hffi "',,-***ff#ri",ui*:!iilii;
" !i:l':fi"""3ff:," can be srudied prorllabry

The o{ran, chapre! f,2, verses

lbid-, Chapaer 95, velse 4,

54. rhe eulan, chapcer ?6,

The r46.sadr 6f a\ran, op.cit., p. 9x5
i5. Trte eulan, chapEer 3s, ver5es 71_?{.
Ibid,, Chapte! 17, Verse ?0.
Ibid., cllapre! 2, ver6e 30.
Ibid,, chapEer ?, velse 12s and chapEe! 21,
Ibid,, Chapcer 84, ver6e 1t,
7!. Ibid,, chapcer 75, ver6e 2.
MaEhriqi, Gdd. Man and oniver.., op.cj,i., p.66,
ilashriqi, cod. rran a.d univeB€, op. ciE., p. Lo2.
Mdsh!ici HCqi!h-ur-ouran, op. cir., p, -_ eo rhe Ou,an,
r3, verses 71- ?2. ch.

r,{ashliqi, Hadith,ul-oura, op,cir., pp. 4o 42.

Tlre Quran, Chaprer 53, velse 31.
rlash!1qi, c6d. Man and rrniv.lse, op.ctc., p_102.
rashriqi, lradi.h-ul_oura., op.cir., p,23.
The Qulaa, Chapte! 45, velseE 3_8.
llashrlqi, }]actth-ut-our6n, op.cir., p.4?
r'rashfiqi, cod. Man and uni%ise, op,ci!,, p,r0l.

:ifi9_l:i^1.1",N-as_r_. r€crrons on
Man- 6nd rhe Fulure
, rsrauc_"Ref
srudieE, 32:l
{199r,, p, 2>4. or
34- Mashriqi, cod. Man and onive,se, op,crc.?
35 A G.,Jawadeka!, A*ionoE.tcE
37. _Alberc SchHeiEzer, Se Deca
unwin Books, 196rl,
33. ashliql, cod Matr and unrw!se, op.crts., p.fo2,
" ii:iff.:i:ii:i1 3Tlr,:n*uan-cqc-xa!uar--!& r,,*a*,

E.i'i:ff:id"P The UoiEBiry p!e;E

92, Ma6hriqi, Tazkirah, VoI. 2

91. Mashriqi, fiadith_ul,ouran, p. r:.
94- The eulan, chapEer a, verse
95 Ibid., Chaprer 52, ve!s6 2r
96. Mashiiqi, .PREIACE,, op,cir
97. fia5hriqr, Madarer_, vol. r l!pt., ],ahore
nashrrqi, t9??1, p 119. : Idae Talic!_e-
, op,ciC., p, tO1.
99. Mashriqi, ,PREFACE,,
op,cic., p.3s.
op. -iE. . p. t5,
101_ rbid., p. 47-
r0r. rbid,, p. 4s.
103. The Qular, chapre! 3, verses 79_a0
r04. Mashrrqi, rshara., op. cir;

-;*,*i'-Ttt***t*"*",","* T*lr+$:,i*f ;
'"";ji!",:r'+#."."r.?,:1""*i:.fi"iL:*.i"".f.x jjr.."",;3. jt:
'-'; ;;i:i;TJff.f."*".o.rpth€,dairv acrivirtes or n.nbe,. or hrs*
::;. 1fu.* ffirury#-|e-li,i J:;',
ffi f dry41 ctr "rt
p.',j W
r1*)4,f Lt: "-z :.-.,ELU

r11. quoteal in E. shrart Itughes/ Consciousness and

195-q. (London : Paladtn, r974t, FF.
r12. Ibid., p. ??,
113. John Uagolie,
|'{acmillaD, 1972), p. B?:*rj!--jri!r!ss
rr 5. Joseph NuEiin, !
I Mentor - Ohega gook,

116, Signund Freud, The Inte.pleratton of

tr?. Sigrunat Fleud,
*r*- Fleud Libfary. lbr.
r18, Nurrin, op. crc., pp, 3o-32,
119. H..t. EyBenck, UscE
Penguin! r964, p.241.

: vinrage Books,
1r?. r.aham E, Mastov,
van NosEland Co., p. 5,
121, A. F. Skinn€!, E

1?,r. Ibid., p. 196.


rn rhe previous chapre! ke tooked ar uashrlqi,. wolld_vieo

yich cod as fii1auI CreaEo! of the Unlverse
as a wur-t€s6 cleatio!,
and cn enjoying lreeator of ,i11. xan has been
endo,ed xith Ehe
capaciry ro diffeleriiare berween lishE and,rong and
can choose
lherefrom_ tJirh hig powels of obgenaEton and inle]lecE
!o discove!
lhe secrecs of bas the potse[ttat ro be cod,5 depury on
earEh, aod enjoy5 digniry. such a wollat-viev has
iftptications fo!
Mashriqi,s potiEicaL thoushE which .re atisosled in
this dat lhe
subsequen! chapc€!5,
In rhe plesent one ,e tocus on hufran dignlry a! tbe
tevet of
a nalion. rE prircipalry corpri6eE o! a. exposflon
o! riashrigi,s
concepE of rhe ,dynamic nation, etabolariig hi6 decatosue,
principles, fac!or. pr@cirg che fo@Eron or
such narions.
rlluscralions of lhe concepr of .dylanic narion, are
ofleled floh
cne expelience of the ihpelialtsr European
naEion6 and Mashriqi,s
{.baLear moveren! aineda! crcaEiDg dyn.mtsn a@ng Inarlan Muslic !o
capture .pover, o! ar 1ea6r, acquir€
capacit_}. ro ensure rheir
presence as a poticico_culruraf
forc.. A creaErent of ttovenerrs and
Ideas anEagorisEtc to Mashliqi,s ploEranhe
o! Elan6aohiDg Mustins
ioEo a dlnahic narion is offereat ltr
fulche! itlusElaEion ot
L1a6hliqi,s p!incj.p1e6 o! building ldrynlnic ,artons, on rhe basis or

According to Ma3hliqi, 'Jusr as eEry tiving being has a

natu!.I desile io en.ule lacial .uryiva.L
dd propagatton oa ics
ltogeny, in che same ,ay has been, ever cleacion! *e
ain of evely dynanic co@nlry Eo be u aurholiry
anar ensule
concinued seculiryi1. rn rhe Tazkirah, Masnliqi
i6 dBinly concerned
rtth conditions unde! whtch a group can esrabtish
and/or enjoy
self-lute, Independenr of, dd wichouc any inrelfelence
lloni othe!
g.oups He r€m6 6uch a sroup .a lrving p;opre,, .E
leopre', !a livins nacion,, .a dynahic narlon,2. rt nay be
said to
be equiwalerc ro,har Erzlonl haE ch!

,fff['3.'na.c"'a."." ; ;:"*"n*:,']:.;
aE retl as alien inretrecrual conErol. The setr_rulins
narlon kilt eslabtish irs
ovn instituriods Eo give explession
its indigenous nolat srandalds. De@nd lor freedon
iE <temand tor
slarus and lecognirio.a. Men profouDalry
need ,r arat pasEionacety
lighr tor ir. urge fo! freedom of a gloup is lelaced t5 solid,rity,
rrrLernrLy, muiuar undersr.nding, and
for associarion on equai
rems. rE makes tor union, close! undefslan.lins,
and in.egracion o:
in.eresLs. rn 6ho!r, i! is a desile
for a life of comon dependence
and cohon saclilice. Men eho
fighE fo! rreedofr usu:lly figirc ror
Lne lighr co be govelneat by
lheftgerves o! rhei! os,
represenEa I ive6 . They aspile
ro parEj,ciljaEe, o!, ac any !are, co
betieve rhar lhey ale paleicipa!1ng,
in che tegistacule and
adminisrlarion of lhei! colreccive
lives. een
condtions !o tlve in which rhey
are coftidered lesponsible :genr,
and.hei! kitt is !aken inro considelaLron.
O!rtu crey
s+ed !o
esrobLish such enri!jemen! even
it !!ey a!e aLtacked.nd persecured
for being ehaE rhey ar€, o! for
choo6ins a5 Eney do. geopte
recognlclon and se8e ot being sonEone lrd rhe cnbels of lbe
society ro rhieh, hi3rolicauy, rc!:Uy, econofricarty! and perhapg
e'hnrcarly, rhey feel rhaE lhey belong. Adct che sociery rhrch
one id-nEtry is Ehe.ocleEy which one wourO trxe r,o see

The Bpilit of Maghriqi,E vi6r5

is rnat destrucrion of a.arion
is rhe d_.srlucrio! of irs 6upremacy, i!6 sel f govelnment
, i!6 self.
nles. DesEocrion @y ilvotwe 1o6s of rire, 1os6 of ploduce
desrrucEion of buildtng6 and oEher physical
c!kg, bu! ir (ay or
nat noc.rnvolve desrnction or inatividual
sen adat w@ed b€ronsing
ro a rarion. Desracrio! of a natsion ,outd celrainry
desrlucrion of a narion,6 suplehacy ove. polE1on
a of earrh, 1cs
s:1t-n1€. someEire such narton @y be pusned
avay flon che c.unrry
ove! which ir had eslabti.hed i!6eIf,
oe Eurned in!o a !:fu_qee
group eandeiins hirher and
chirhe! virhour a place on ohich !o rive
!n leace unde! their okn !u1e and governnenE.
setf goveh@nc and
escernar pe.ce are fundanenial
cba?acrerisrics of a alynanic nreion
rhis is ehy Ehe main rheEis of che
fa@us O"r.or.
inherirance of rbe ealth (i.e. ".,."*.0.,.
eErablishmenr or !ule) is ioEioaEelr
.elaced Lo the rhe@ of r€aE
of enery and ..0r..r""r.r"^"rr_,nn
;ucl: fea! inEo secu.ity anit peace
by buitding a alyuamic naEion_
rc.ordine Lo rhe ve,se, .eculiEy
.^o p..." .""io
rneD it establishes ics
oh .nle od ealth, _

Mashliqi equaEes donlnarion

by orhelsrirh ,leLrish,
:oldirloG, in !ha! conrlol by
ochels is cemed enstavenen! and
lake of fIle:nd blihErone,5.
Ma6hliql hords EhaE the Quran se€G
ro farn peopre ro avol.r becming enstaved o! 41ed by aliens, for
Enatches asay the reans of tivglitloott from lhe
enslaved onesi who Gy neve! gec aD oppolluniry ro legain
self ole
and plo3periry?. a ,ise 6tio. ,ould atuays shutr .oming
inperialisE dodnaEion. rt|e rhpellaltsr EsEels ,ill noE only ray
rheir hand on the rcre visible !e.ou!ce., buts, on rhe srren3rh o!
therr iechnology, vould unearch and caprule mrnerat ?eat!h hrlden
fro nomat riev, This witl illpoveliEh the vicEtm nalion s.i1t
no!e, leaving no chance ro! he! ioploveftenr in furule,
t"iashriqi ba6es hi6 vie,s regalatj,ng foundario! of self_rule o.
a ve.se f!ff Ehe ouran:
you kho remained sEeadrasr in rneir FaiLn
l!.::,:1..s.. perseve!ed in R.oF_-^,,s Acrions. m;" ii.,iiiald
rlom cod Alhiqhcy Lhaa He ,rtl "
s(dbiriLy in tr! einii ii, ,iJ r;;'.; l'."";j.'Y;,"::"1;.":";:
rri I esc.btish timly cher! Re:Iigron.che one He has choi.. jo!
.nem.and dfrefra.ds rrll aIEo ch;nqe rt.ir.r.te r.", "r.rir,
rhe enemy co one oi securicy *a orp.j*. :lill
or acrins on My comrndnanls o, *.*i,-.,ii. "",iiii
che.comandmencs and, Lhrourh ,ir".r.ea.,
f!tty rh!s sup(eme l". l
coltecriwe de.chr s.
This velse. according Eo Maebliqi, "nas clecidec lwo
tirsL rhaL taiLh i6 a pre_fequisiEe for inherr!ance oi
ehe ?arih,
o!,har is caued sudlval and sEabilily, and EhuE cod,s pronise
for inherilance o! rhe earrh applies onry ro Eho6e who pcs.ess
FElth, secondty aha! FaiEh .rusE be accofipaued by .Righleous
Actiot1"9. The frehbelsof whichever conmunlty posses5 Ehese Erc
qualicies rhal alone is Asrah (FiE); such ,it.io,
nton., ." a,a
the developed nalions of Ehe pa6ti {ilt hot.l
aulhoriEy anal remain
able on che earhh as long aB ir has not been srayed
by diseption
c disbelief. The quesElor a!i6e5 abouE che real narule
of the
lih and rhar of Righreous Acrions. vhich ,outd enrirle
a narion
be calted Aslah, or .Fit,. thr6 is rhe @in
rheme of Tazkirah,
l, of cou!6ei in uasbrigl,s vier, o! che (l[!en, ft uas aluring
tcussron of rhis ihere Ehar l4ashliqi annoudced hi6 ren prin.iples
felnirg rhe .oncepr of suryival of rhe frEEesE
as opelaEive jn
I wo!1(1. These p.inciples irclud€d pracrical acceplance
of rhe
!y of Oodhead; complere uniEy of acEion and soltda!1Ey
anong Ehe
ividuats of a narioni compteEe obedience by Ehem
co rhe
ec!1ve6 of the leade, vho happeng ro head Ehe
narion; conplete
drness Eo fighr outs irs batcle. uith .ro!at,
comptele reaciress
fight ouc iEs ba*}es wiEh rcney anat orher
olure uitlingness of each rember of Ehe comniry
ro migrale
r his o! her honetand; sEeadfastness ot acElon
,rEh coopleEe
lrerance of high srace o! mo.al €xcellence; pulsuit
of k ootedge
Narure and a livi.g fatrh 1n lhe Day
of Judgemen! and Ehe
lrual arard of resard and puoish@nt, These pllncrptes,
in his
ri con6tlEuEed Ehe tuin keapons fo, a darion,s
suwiwat and
)ility on Etle earrhlo.
ilaEhriqi's te. principles are lehlniscen!
or Ehe Biblical Ten
Endmenrs, the Decaloguelt, 1n ehi.h
cod cot@nded lhe Je{ish
Ie , nor ro have olher cod,6; {21 noc co Gke graven
to boe before rheh; (3) dor ro lake rhe n.re
or Ehe !o!d cod in
; t., ro iener,be! rhe sabbaEh day, Eo keep ir holy; (5) rlonour
r parents. {5) noc ro kill; (7) tror !o cormir
adultery; (g) dor
co steal; (9) Dor Eo bea! false witness and (10) nor co c@er lheir

Mashrtqi,s cen pliDciple6 have, indeeat. been oescllbed as

'new Muslim decatogle"12 ,hich Uashliqi crarc ro have culleat from
levealed books, parriculalty frm rhe elrao_ Ma6hliqi chatte4ged
Grerialisric explanaEioEs of Eulope,s atdinarlon over oche!
coniinenrs of rhe !o!Id. Such vierB of Cre !1se ot Eulope c.nrled
tralnry upon Dclwinran ldeas fomulared Lo e*plain !he oriq.r ol
specles rn tefts or narurat Eeleccion: rhe welr adapred species,
chey propounded, possessed chalacrelisEics conducive
!o rhei!
sulvivat and pa€sed on the saoe to !hei. piogeny. selb€rr sp:nce!,
,ho reached his Datuinist conctusions before Dadin,s oriqin
of rhe

elininaled rhe {unfir"13. Ohile Chis rohutation

had s.me
inrellecrlal conienc, cdy orhels sa{ in Bliris}t economic
rsFe.rar po,er the ploof o! beidg Ehe tfirresc,_ A@ng
those basing
their ideas on such Brilish rfacls, one courd nane katler

F.in.iptes of tNafural se1e.ri.n, aad rnheritan.e

ro potiri.nl
soci6tw13. ra rhis book, che auEholrs
' 1a, or ,.u@n progless s*hs
co be rhar the sErongesr ralionE aluays prevail.
and in cerraid
narked pecuriariries rhe srlongesr
lend ro be Ehe besr.r5.
Dasin hinserf rbeorized rhaE .narular selecrion,
!o! olganic devetopnenr and rha! rechaniso fo!
rhis ras rhe
6Etu99le fo! exisrence and rhe 6upj,val of che !irtes!. Accoldlns
ro l.lumford, Darrtn, is undelsEood Co have
€mphasized lhe sreggle
for oxisten.e Eo Ehe tutu'l aid_ Da4iniss ihus irent
ex.luEion of
.o Ene blucal asBelcions of cla6s naEroD and lace Lhe suppoll of
nthlessneas' greed tere
a holy scientific dogna"16 r'uc*, force'
rha! the fllifls ctasseE took to be Ehe decret of
aurvival The
exislence ot st4sgle caD hardlv be <tenled'
no! even the stai€ of
magnified chese
narure reit in tooth and clat' Bu! Daftin's rheory
explanaElon of rhe
faclotg and helped Mke lhen "an all-sufflcient
course llie lhe5eE
of life' the Proce66 ol natural
seleclton, Ehe slnggle lor existence, lhe need fo!
seded Eo en[r]Esize Erying .Epects of cdlEetirtd and Eo
jus!ify poliEical cor!ro1 bv a minoritv and lhe capiialisi econmic

Maslrriqi defendeatlT Da4in'6 theoly of evolucron bur


cospLetely alifferenE reanings !o itslS Natutal selectlon

he '#

cLaimed, sas palt of the lass of God Rrnctions

han as a!
bei.g calried on bv laws sec bv tlim l! is He 'ho cre'ted
and man' i! is I{e
evorved being As Ehe Cleator, boEh ol unjverse
uho knows ful1y the nalure or En ln His plovideneei
He has

reveaLed His,i11, Hi6 guidance, Eo man lhlough H!5 Prophers

fld arcng peoples Eh€dselves' such ploPheEs Eaush! peoPle ho' to
buld dulable anit prosperous socieEie6 The leveated guidan:e
in adalition to the eod_given apParatus-------eveE' eals and
envisaged to
reasoning miad--_-- lhe u6e ot 6uch 'ppataru' *aE alEo
!ea<t fran !o derive knolledge of DaEute, and establidh
sEat'le and

prospelous aociety.
[eepins lhe Quranic E€achingg ir view, a6hliqi emphasized
har the rise of a Grion @anr dulabtl1rr,hich uas bourit up eirh
righreous, accioG, and decline *a6 comecEed,th ,htrrness,
urvival and plosperiir. xashltqi ,a6 rhus a.b1e co say lhar Ehele
,ere .naluraIi laws working slEh resard co rhe latse of nalionsl9:
A nalion tshose @mberE were gi.r€n !o und6.i!ab1e placEtceg
!ighreou6 ac!ionsl woutd not floultsh and would, inevrEably,
dectine, even exrinction. Accolding !o |{asn!:qi, ir !s
rhat rhe Qu!a! ha5 useat tshe rold tletsikhlat, !o Eke ir
clear !ha!
ewer befole Ista[ such ,narulal, tGridcc exasred in
rhe valious
peopres. cod,s plofrise ,irh lttu.ti,fts is lhe sane
p!o(ise of
inheriiance aE had been Gde wtth tb6 preoecesso! na:ion6,
and j.n
rhe sahe way, has He lepeatedly descltbed i! as ,inbeliEance a,/[ rhe
earEh,2o. /
The Quran lays do@ a nte,iEh legald Eo sr:ting durable
poxer to any people'

ll9,_'.1d1"9,, arLer navine exhorced tMnt. we rard ii d:un !n

fo! peopre who Lhele is a nissa:.e
Mashriqi 6ay6 riar eflolrs ar Ehe esrablislmer:
of dulable
tule and 6uprefracy,ere nor peculia! !o llophei
David an.t Sol.nan.
tccolding !o hin, att llophers, *ichtut any
exceptsio.i rolk:d for
che esrablish@rE of durabte social
0!der, anal, indeed, ea.h one
rirlrer a.rually Iirred up his rorlorers Lo a h,9h p:nnc.Ie
or pecce
:nd p$spelity, o! cleaEed condiEions which
eweDruatly naaerialized
in the clearton of such orater, Cjring the exanple
ot MoseEl2
l4ashliqi emphastze6 lhaE rhe llav r.ughr
ro Mo6es ,as one con.efued
!1ln ending lhe cteavage, atisj,nteglation anal
diaspola amrtc rhe

lslaerites, and raking rhem our

of Erare of slavety and inerria to
coltective grandeur ard harcny, and eventual irtreliialce of ealrh
!-e. esiablishnent of r6laerirei own tuile.
Mashliqi rhinks thar Ebe pulpoEe of iDheliling Che ealth i.e.
esrablishing suple@cy and soveleigrty on ealth wa6, ftom rhe very
beginning, i! forefronE ln lhe {ork of al] prophersr af1 rhe
lerealed books Eook rhe esrabllEhmenc of dulable kingdom on earih
as rhe criEerion of ,goodneE. and capabillry, oi a na.ion. ablaham
had a felvou! fo! colmnd and exelciE€ of auEholiCy Eo Ehe poin! of
eqra.ing su.h poser co capabillly fot collecrive suryivat. Tire
ge.elal conclusion dlawn by Mashriqi ie that Faith and righreous
a.Lion @sr ewenruace in €slablishrenr of nre/doninarion/kinsdoa
ca ea:th. As such, kingatm on ealth ,as rhe only srandard of a
narions ,ftness, or capabiliries emphasized in leveated books. rhe
groups chich ale lnable ro esrablish rheir kingdoms on ealrh are
d.emed by Mashriqi noc Eo have given evidence of Lhei! fiEn.ss/

grom rhevery beginning, the ifrpolret pulpose oa tnheritsance

of ealrhlesrabtishnelE of dulab1e dominarion was a preponderan!
outlook among all the llopheta of otd. Every piophei, rhloughour
hls tifei st4ggled ha!<t ro impalr afrong his followers !ha!
everrasrirg code, rhar unfaillng cbalEe! of aetion, Ehar
scierce/sure kno,ledge the pursui! of which rould lesul! in
collecrive survival, perperuat ture/.rodinacior/kingdom on earch.
Rellgion bloughE by prophets congisred in 6uch charte! of acrion;
actuar pulsuar of ir ras equivalenE ro acceDlance of leligion
preached by such proph€rs. Thi6 ls ehar ras de&t by betiet in Ehe
Prophors_ Religioug bolief @anr thi. bel1ef it6e1f i.e. ir,as the
boun<len. dury of beliewers to ac! upon 6u.h chings aE uould
conDribuEe ro7trt egEabllshrenr ot 4le/domlDallon on ealEh.
inhefulance of eafEh,
nre/governance is cliricat/cdciat from rh€ euranic poinc
vier2l, I! ras so iftpolcanr rhac even prcpreE6 prayed ro cod
gran! them 41e ove! ealch. sotoman prayed:
o ry susrainer, folsive me ny Ilapsest and besLou upon ne
9!rr or d kingdom Hhic\ Gy -not ;uil anyone arce! ie rbe
Hoq ncrions rise co pder and chroush ;ha! derinquency
rnelr efto!rs rhey faII and are riped our of Ehe face or Ed..h,
trris, as a ma!!e! of !acL, is Ehe e56ence of a large par! oa
reaching of tlru pur"n25. Ir ,e!e the ,rrgnreou6 accions,
co*err.d the,inh6rj,lance of !h€ eairh,. rr rhi6 incelpreialidn
nashr.iqi dilfers from a 1a!9e body ot Muslift s.holars;
schor.r6 have usualty incelplered .lighEeous actions,
in Eems of
individuat ac.ions perfo@nce of which is beliew€d
!o bring
blessldg. and makes fo! saivalion in the heleatler. t{iite,.r!dly
blessings are atso betieved to ftov fron ,lighEeouE
a:rlo, s,, such
bellels are noE u6ually anatysed. AE such, people
aL ta!q" do nor
exactly know the narule of wo!1d1y bte6si!9s,
no! are Lhey ctea! as
co do, ro brtng tshem abouc i.e. h@ ro obiai.
Eho3e blessiigs.
nashliqi,s explararion in rhis comeccion
Mash.tqi call6 attercion ro tro poinrs legalding
aclions, FilsEly, verEe6 letating to the rrgnEeous
!o! abour forry rhlee riEes itr Ehe Quran, EnarEy
tive rines in
coonecrion with acrs done collecEivety by a sr@p o! a ,acion and
€ig]1! tiheE in connection wiEh acrs pelrorcd in individual
capacicyz?, gu! Mashliql holds rhaE tn the letigion of Islam one
.an nor rhink of d individual ,itshout rhinking of him ir .ocie!y.
Indeedi he rrie6 ro show char rhe Ouranic ver6es vhich occu! in
colnecEton rlth righEeous actions by lndividuals teltt ro conlain
che notion ot sociery as relt. lor exaople the vels€rtr: ,$heieas
he sho shall appear berore Him aE a believe! rho has done no
righreous deeds ir is r_!EI rhac sha1l. have lofry
(Enphasis addedl rE shoutit be nored char rhe palricutar veise
occurs very near ro rhe sLory connecEed eiEh the courage virh which
r''oses took his people !o safery, phalaoh,s men having ro suffe!
lndigrities and losses.
Secordly, and rhis is very idpolCant f!o6 Ua.hliqi,s poi,nr of
!j,e{, mosr ot rhe verses relaEingliorrecrive acrs :ndicarp thac
rera!.t for rlghreou6 acrion ts worldty plosperiry. often rhey bring
eyes the scenes cbaraclelislic of ,olldly ki.gs. po.
exampre, some leralds foi lighEeous acEionsl
tBuEl, behord, as to! ihose ,ho attsai! ro f:irh and do
rlghreous deeds - verrly, ue do noE larl !o require arv a;;
dorng 9oo<l I rheirs €hatl be qafaten6 ot Dero;lJal
oLrss lgardensl rhrough rhich runninq waEels flou - u;elern
.ney wr11 De adorned uirh braceteLs of gotd 6nd u-t: qear
9!.-n gamenLs or sitk and brocade, tandt vherein upon cruchec
rre).urrr recrrnqr how exccttenr a lecmpanse, aod how ,oo_lty
r place ro resL rzb
$hat ahen is mean! by \aairh, and shac are the ,Riqhreous

ilashliqi is wliting flom Perspeciive of !!ise and !a11 of

lacions'- In chis pelspecrive disEill6 c€lEain plinciptes from
rbe Quranic ceachirgs, ,hich coDEEiEule h16 atecarogue, ce!
plinciples, principles cohprehend rhe rradirional ,five pi1tar6,
(rsram,s basic !€]igiou6 plidciple6), na@Iy rati@, al-sala!
(ptaying fi@ ti@s : day) siyyd (fasring atuling a parcicutar
monih), pilg.im Eo Mecca and paylng ,zakar (tro and a half percenr
of uhaE is Iefr of one,s incore durjng che yeai Ower and above
rhose ,rlwe pitlcls,, Ma6hriqi lncludes Jehad {FighLing in lne,ay
of God) kiEh swold and conrlot ore! one,s deEireE, gooit nannersi
uniry among people ar alr levels of .ociery (!amtry, groupi narion,
ewen mnklnd), 6elf,codfidence anat palienc 6E4qgf:
co a.hieve

ay following Ehe len principl€3i any naEio,, says Mashliqi,

can enloy pe.peiual ascendancy and pefperual inheliraree
of lhe
rhls, accordins ro hin, is che Dces tReligiont of rsram, rhe
'Dsen of Nalure. Ic ua. on chege lrnes Lha! Muslrns of lne
cenELnes acred and butrr a memolaDre rure2i, Theolv
or decalosu-
voutd 3ay rhar sone naEions catr Bdopr cerrarn polrions
of che
decalogue add @y prospe! fo! thac. Tbey @y not adopr atl rhe
erereDEs/compoienE6of rhe atecatogue: lhelefore rhey may plosper in
some aspecis bur may be quire stunleo rn
o.he! aspec!s. r!
Mashliqi,s vie{, ne6r had developed Grerially
bur ,as srunled
sp:ritually. The Ea6t claired spilirual etevaEion
bui, :n
rlashriqi,s vier, it was sEunred in bocn, marelrar
as wljt1 as
6piritral powers30.
Plinciples of lhe decalogle can b€ broadly div:ded
in:o r,o
categolieslt- The ri!6r tride principle5 inrcrve
velbal urEe!:nces/

neDtsal conremplarion aDd
@y be 6een as levealed ,o!d of cod. Tbey
seeh co involwe iniEial pleaching and aftenEive lisrening and
obedienr behaviou! toralds rhd_ The Cenrh plinctple is acrion. To
begrn virh. ir rnwotve. tnve6ligaiion tnro rhe ploc€E6es of
{hich leveal Ehem6elves ro the sclenEide in a piecenear Mnner.
leads ro <tiscowely of tars of nacule and consequen! co.tslot
ca9cute of forces of nacure. ne deal virh firsr lhe plin.iples
fi.sE. It vil1, howeveri help to understand lrashriqt,6 views beller
if ,e keep in mind ChaE lglan for him Reans acrion. UrEerabce
belief nor accompanied by acEion (inpraed 1n rbe belief) has
.,a:re in rhe eyes of cod, uEEerances
wichour acEion in accoratance
{!:h spillE of rhe betiof so decla!€d is noE onty worrhless
bur !s
!e.I1y hypocrrLi.aL, iE 1s even apposed to real faiEhJ2j
rn Ene
eyes ol rhe Quran it is a glear sin, Alat ,a6n!1qi
adduces a nurbe!
o: :.!ses frm rhe Quran co prove his polnE aDout
6uch hl,pocrisy
and sinlulness33. O! lhe colErary, Elie
one hno 1E involved in
ac.io4i one uho is acclng upon sofre or rhe ocne!
of cod. puiring his boaty in rlouble, ne rs rbe
one ,ho .eatly
believes; he is d@n5lraring hi6 fih berief
by hi5 accion_ fie can
really ctalh lhaE he po.sesses a beltef, na6
raiEh. In Ehe !ea!r oa
such a person rbere is an unbounded
ard eve! plesenr s.i! o!
cerralncy and belrer He 16 rhe Lne bet lever
ot lhe urttiry o!
6od's directiw€s, ha6 unfetre.ed faich ln
rhe 6ll-peroasiwe
aucno4Ey of cod. lte iE Muetii,, a t omin (c4e
The Elue believe! in the uliiy o! cod
is tlue Eetuanc of cod,
In diis regard, Mashliqi enphasizeE rhar 1E rs
not ,ecessaly for
tn. beriee.r Eo keep chdrl,ng rhe rclds ,t b.1leve in cod,. rndeeit,
rerv.nt is the p!9E6 ro be so by hi. accion: che sefldt
one vho
slrt l@k alEer the hou6. or hls @sre!, rh. rhlngs rhi.h betong Eo
clte MrE.r, he vorks co!.ntedry, d.y and nlEh!, 8. @y p.y
occsiomr re5p6ci. ro hl. Maste!, coit. (h rsla(, on. is !o offer
piayE!6 oa shorr ituraBion a1@ r1@s a day) , ashiiqi goes !o rhe
e*.nE of saying rhar 6uch p!aye!5 ale noc lncluded in 6.tuice
lerdered to God, Serice re.nF acrlng upon cod.B direc€i@s aU che
lire, and noc 6inply ac tixed ric.35.
Mashriqi i6 enph.ric ihaE rsLan i6.cEion. noE sihply riruals,
IE is the coltoctive acEron or rh€ u@h, unlied and .gleed upon
action. I. ia .cEion invorvlrE rhe u3e ot hanits and feeE, hearrs
and liErs {i.e, acrioD lnvolvinE courage and gucs), sclengch aDat
p@cr, .ufferlng eDd haR:rshlps, r6la6, says Ma6hriqi, doe6 ,oc
co!6tsr sim!'!y in verbar aa!i@!tons, rairb, lotulas..rd aiutels
lo6ary counring .nd secructed pray€r6. To !!a6h!tqi, reEr ol one,s
f:th faa an.hpiricar oae, failh ro be exlsrerE, tu6! be lefle.led
i! graclice, tn acrions, Fath roses irs vatue snd inporcanc€ ir ic
i6 noi rran6taced intso p!.ctice35, flfrh thes. leDrtiE,e rook a!
Ehe ren principles in sdG sole d.cai,L ro see ho, cbey help
building dynamlc nationg.
{l) Belief in T.nhead, Ehe uricy o! co<t. reaD6 accron 1, tha! vou
yoursett in ,ays rh.t !e!t.cE that oneress of cod i.
a lealiry fo! you. Bellef in cod i6 ploducrtve of celra1n rype of
condu.r. ne rake the exatnple of the norlon o! equal:iy.
satch in
oneaess o! cod should issue ltr rhe @!a1lspi!iEu.r, equaliEy
of atl

hu{an beings in rhe conduc! of a MusIlm. A ttus1itr cannoi buc
belteve in che moral equaliry of all human beirgs irlespecrive of
casle or creed, If such does noE exisE, lairh 1n .Tarheed, is no!
complete. Fo! some. Islanic ho6e. of wolship are inrended Eo
achreve indtviduat lederprion, Fo! oEhels, rike Mash!rqt, ;u.h
rcdes are contlibutive ro, and creartve of, a social o!de!, a goorr

of Faich tn rhe uliry of cod i6 a per6on,s

An ldportarE aspecr
rerative derach@nts from hts plimoldiat dis!ractions _ 6uch
dis!lacr!ons seen as grear impedimentB Eo Ehe crearion of a socleEy
vherein nepoEl6m and eor4prion canno! cake !ooE, or floulish,
Faith leads to Ehe clearion o! lnivelsatisEic as opposed !o
parri.ularisiic nofrs. xashliqi pu.blished Tazkirah in 192{,
Muslims.in lndia see@d to have a ]or of velbat faiEh in Ehe uniLy
of cod, ir {as nor leflecred in rheir Eo.io_polirical reraEion6.
Mashriqii Ehrough his lt}laksar @verenr Etalred in 1931, lried Eo
devige .craregieE wheleby he coutd conwelr rhe verbal fair)t inro an
sctivei livins faith, in cod ard! Ehereby. revotuEionize social
re1aE1on6 among Muslims in hdia38,
2. Uniry Among lhe peoptel
uniry among irhabiianrs 13, according ro Masllliqi, so much
irpolranE thaE rhe euran provides @chanisG ro mrnimize/eriminaEe
possibre rrr-vitl berreen husband and,ite ewe; rhen on rhe uay
being divolced39.'!r is rh@sht rhat even .uch ,tt-wil1, ,hich his
plIvate ortsin, of arisunity amons families andi
can be ploducEive
theleby, among MuslinE as a sociely. Uniry in a poliry is ro be
built upon sclte! uniries , atrong indiviatuals and famities. osE
religions have esrabri.bed celcain p.ocedur€s/cmeis rhe
obsedance ot uhich is envis.ged to produ.e urily. R€ligions, EhaE
is, help creare a cutrure of unity,
Mashliqi discourses a lor on uniEy as a Diltar for peace afrong
a people, adding ro lheir viEalicy and durab icy as a group.
asnriqi.s 1939 effolt6 fo! uniEy afiong {a!ri,ng shia-suei qloups
in the unitsed Frovinces in hatia @y be cited a5 an exanple of his
coneeln abour disunlry a@ng tiustin640. Duling rhe pos!
andependence pelioat Mashrtqi did aitack Muslim l,eagle.
Bu! rhar,as
an indicaEion of his,!a!h againsE lhose,ho furdEx divided
l4uslims intso s@l1e!, walriDg pa!!ie._
rqashriqi begins ,itb rhe buildins blocs or a uriEed sociery
rnar he recoqnize6 rhe exi6EeD.e of gloups ar warious tewels
tries ro show ,ays and mean. ,hereby peopre can be unirerr borh
horlzoncally as well as veltically, Mashliqi a!caches grear
ifrpo*adce ro good pe!6onal lelalionE as building blocs
of unity.
Ewen exchadge of gleerings is raken !o play
a posiEive rote in
promoring uoity among peopte, a.live frucuar
help is considered as
a ftm basis fo! ploooting uniEy. If a naiion exhibirs
qualilies of a unired narion havlng !o sec.arran differences,
such a nnrioo uotrld b€ enjoying, ,iEhouE faiL,
lule over ochers, or
rndepende!.e f or helsetf41.
In r,4asltiqi,6 pelspectlve, Eocio-econoFic ard
disorders ale the nosr irlporcarc tndicaE016 of ,herlish,
can devo!! gr@ps and individuals in rhose gfoups.

t pelspecti-es which o€lenphasize rh€ tseleafEer, as the ptace of

pu shmenc can overlook indlcaco!6,hich in Maghriqi,s vie,
congrrlure puniEhren!. For Ma6hriqi! Ehele i5 plobabry Do sreace,
punishnenE rhan rhe oDe rhich !6 getrerared by deadty contlicrE
.rcng palties, be auch gldps yidin o.e cdnEry or diffelenr
countlies ai ra! slrh one anorher,
3. Eophasis on obeatlence ro A$ee,r (comander, lurer) is
indicative of coDcern abour discipliDe, celcalncy rn Ehe ch:in of
cdrund. Mashliqi 6ses detiGlanc. of a naEion in her orgalizarior,
ardosr on milirary lires. T.his is so bacarse olganlz€c accivily,s
productiwe 6f :olceful, concenlrarea erlolt ald i5, evenrualry,
f!uiaful. Masbriqi uphetd rhe aurholiry of rbe !u1e! bur his
edphasis has been mlsundelscood. I,lhac Mashriqi.wanced sas respe.r
fo: aurholicy because (ashriqi uanEe<t ro €ee peace ln .ociery. se

(h:ksars, in 1942, !o lemove rheir dliraly,Iike slnbots, Masbriqi

Problem of location of aurhorlry in a single head, a fe,
pelsons, or de@craric @sses h:s been desaled rhioughou!
M.shliqi,s ans-er i5 leadelship of 6i,ngte person $bo rrrr
seek full
bur wi11, take his orn decision, i.e. be lesponsibre
l.r the decision, Such a Ieader ,out<t be expecred Eo ac! m.ralty
llchin rhe culEural noms of his socieEy. Apparerrty, Mashriqi,s
ehphasi. on ,obedience to che n1e!,does,or seeo !o lake
accounr condirions of such obedience, palcicurally chose
erpressly hencioned or orhenise elphasized i! rhe regalaiins
4]e ove! oiheis, na@Iy, consultatlon, anal accouncabitiry. Bur
ltashliqi's decalogue iE seanr to cleare i:onatirioos ,helein
behaviour of nlels uill aoE be urqallanr;d. ac rhe sa@ ri@,
lovering one,s head in ohedience Eo the teade! oi ," 9,_p.irr
ovelcome .Ehe rcnsre. ot selt_conceiteahess, aad haughriness4t.
{. or rhe Een principleE ol durabitiry of a poliry, rhe mosr
felevan! fo! detence again.C e*tehal lntnsion, 1s comptere
readiness among lhe populace !o ftghc ouE irs barEtes wirh
ploper veapons, even ac rhe co6! ot llfe. rE neans givins
up idots
ot self-love and engage in actual fighr iD.ne way o! God. Ir means
saclifice or one,s body shen so n€edeit In ircedience ro cod,s

5. Financial sacli€ice on rhe p4!E of henbers of a comuniry

defend crle comniry againsr accack arm enefty, rn Masrtriqi,s
resurEs in conquering one,s sela_indul,9erce. doirg smething
Ehe have-lors, and renunciarion o! one,s
tove tor rcn:ya5. rraeeO_
it freanssaciificing oDe,s oxn visheg of orhers hay
be fulfilled, rr is a conslaDE financial .acrlfice,
lesulring rn
rtre 6trengrhening ot a people a. a ehole, It i6 fo!
che weltare of
Ehe narion. rean'ror some tmpolEan! nacronat pJrpose.
Mdsh!rqi drd
nor !€gard sucb saclifi. ro be 6oreEhing charilable,
he regarded
ir.s lhe main basis on,hich nalional lre.sury and
be oqani:ed ,hich vitl chen be used lor rne fuffitlmenc
of se.
nationat purposes. Spending in orgarizeit cnne! is
a DnitescaEion
ot uell ewolved societ, and, a! rhe 6am€ E1@, adds
ro furtier
coueciive srtedgrh and de@1oph6nr,
6. Hillac, njsraEron, is one,s iravel in oo"ur","" ,o
dilecrron, sacrificing one,s tove foi chitdld, anat leaviog behird
one . nome and hea.rh, beronqirgs, garde*, indeed, alt tueries,
Menbels or a narlon who .ose ..iir** .**** in rhe uair:, or
cod and elro are reaaty !o abalaton objecEs of love co lhe exctusion
of rhe sewice of rhe rtue cod ,@lat be ever leady ro nigrare flon
rheir troheland if requiled for Ehe good of rhei! nario!. tndeed,
leawing behind rheir .hitdlen, rh6ir nea.ones,
vourd be someching wely lnEigniftcant in co€r! eyes. They,outd be
so nuch idtoxicared riEh love of lbe cleaEo! and 10ve of rhet!
rello, people Ehar th€y uould nor have Eecoad rhoughEg j.a nigraci.n
{as to be undercaken for a noble cause. The fromencaly inconvenier.€
incuded as a resll! of niglaiion coutd be a preculscr co a 1on3
lasEing peace on eallh, could ushe! in an era of dulible nleq€.
?. Ende3vour and accion viEh coq)reEe coafiderce in oDe.s d:sEin/
neans exe!!ion, Ieaving aside aI1 leihargy and indotence. Tie
stliving s€ranr of God koeps if, vies lhe objecrive oe irheriEance
of lhe earrn and devoles hiGet!, Irn6s and b.dy, ro.r.
achieveoenr or rhaE objecEive4t. rluslims are to betreve in rhei:
slcceg6es !n rhe ruEure; they shoul<r conlinue rbei! effor:s,
believing thar rhey would neer an happy ending, rhaE rheir futlre
!s bright, They should have fatlh !o face rhe1. furure

L Gcod Enneis and nuluaI herp, jusrice and b€nerclence, keeping

)f p.omlse ard llohotion of bloEhelhood, kindness and Iove becom.
:he Etue failh and rfle tslan tor everyone43_ All velses abour
susn-e-Ikhlaq {good @e.6) rhen acrear upan, tusc pr@re a
peaceful Eociely - a social o!de! in which rcst of the people Fitt
be livtng a hanonious tife. ThlE peBce can be borh physical a6
,e1r a5 menral, Acring upon such velseE IE rikely ro cleare a
congeniar atnosphere in khich people ,1rr feel ar resr _ rcnlally
and pbysically, Take rhe s@fl exanErle ot saluring each orhe! ,hen
r{o peopre pass by: lep€riEion of Blfucarion rill leaat co
friendship and blorherhood, nurual undelgrandirg and confiden.e.
9. Belief in rhe Day of JudgehenE. Real setuice ro eod .ones ro
be lendeled when, owing ro bellef in the day of jrdgehenr, and
lelard and punl.hmenr, cod,5 s6rvanr sacrificeE his body, his soul,
hts {ealEh and all for eamiqg cod,s approval49_
10. The ten.hplinciple of $e de.alrgue is .iti,, klo,ledge of
?o:k of God, scientific srudy o! naEure, ,bich kould confe! porer
on @n. Real service ro cod begins ,hen peopte begin co invesEigare
and acquire knoeledge abouE cod,s rrort6-__hhings {hich cod
tade, the Udiver6e/naEure shich He has crearedso. The
eulan also
draus artenllon ro rhe sEudy oa afcbeological remalns
uo learn
abour dorntalt of eal1ier narionssl. Thts has nos lal<en
.he shape
of scien.e, bur it vas enEhasized by che Quran Gny cenrurles
seen i! this pelspecEive, duiabiliry and plosperity of
a narion is
the run.rion of knoot€dge or nature52. This plolDsicion is
c.u€ fo.
alr lifres and all placess3. rn Errer6 of Ouran uses a
tefrinology vhich EeeG co speak ol rhe wolld ro come, nollon
'sarvalion' and uEuatty taxen ro rean condirions
thictt uill oblai,n i! rbe heleafre!, af!e! deaEh. Mashri,oi


lecognlzes .uch meanibgs bu! orlty as addiLional to orher pri@ry
@arings,hich.he arraches to slch coDceptss. ti€ eq)hasize6 Ehat
ihe ouran is for rhe glidance of mantind. Naculal]y, ii is ro
guide people shen tshey ale alive. Thls reans rhat rhe ouran muEr be
piesuned,p!i@!iIy, Eo ad<tr€66 probl€ms concer.eat ,ith ltwing
people. r! *ould offe! coate of conduc! Eo peopre ln rhei! life,
pubric as {ell as privare. Mashliqi i6 crirical of nany Mu!1im
religiou. scbolaia, 6ysrics and inrellecEual6 eho clain co knor rhe
secreE6 of hu@n progres., on rhe glound rhat rhey ato no! pay
sufficlerr attenEion Eo the clucia1 lole of sclenrific kno?ledge
ulqed upon as a plecious rhing by rbe eulan irselr. rn i,{asbriqi.s
vies, tbey indllge in \non-sensical exaggelacrons,! wlcnour
possessingreal undelsEanding of rhe Qura!54. lraEule is rhe rluch
rron cod55. Man has been ulged Eo acquile kno,ledge of Nrlure,
suscepcible ro huEn undelstanding and con!ro!. i!
Mashriqi,s wieu, those rho regald narlre as useless, are ]ikely io
surrelr people wich knowledge or naEule rill succeed in chis rife
aid in Ebe life ro cfre. Man has been enjoined ugon Eo cke use of
his porers of 1islening and seeing anat rhe inreltecr Eiven ro him,
Eo learn tbe seclets of NaEule. those uho do i!, ,itt ea4 leraldsi

'salvarior'; tho€e 'ho neglecr ehe 6!udy of nacule wilt be

ourislred, rhro,n inro .he1t,, Elaboraring on rhis Mashriqi cires a
)u.inic verse56, and coftnenrs rhaE tne naErons xho asquire
rn6{ted9e of larure ale lbe one! lhai hawe lisen j,, rhe sc.}e ot
:iviliraEion. Those who have neglected tbe srudy and .onque6r oa
lature are arleady gioaning urd:! che ,h€tt, of srav,rry, i... are
utrde! inpeliali6ric conEfot. Mashrlqt cir* seEral ve.ses arfr rhe
Quran Eo shov Chats, iD rhe eyea of Coit, onty rhose narions woutd be
Eaved fom 'fi!e of hell, shich would acquilo Ehe knorle.tge of
oarure and blins naEulal folce6 unde! rheir conlrol ro enhance
Eheir defen€ive and offer6ie pote[tia1.
And mos_E cerlarnly have,e desrtned fo! hetl Gnv of LhF
rnwrsrDJe bern96 and @n kho have hear!6 ulch rhicn;hev fail
io grasp.Ehe Lluth and eye6 rrEh which Ehey rai_ io 6e_;. ;;;
they fail Lo rrear. They a;e lilie catlle _
nay, cney are even less conEcious of rhe lishE ray: ir is
they, chey-ale Ehe (t4ryt heedlesst ro! cod has cldaied r;;
cccoldarce wiEh lan inrerl r!uih, .10
I hds Eheretore killedl EhaL every huGn bernq sharl be
reconpenged fo! uhaE he ha8 edrned and none- sharr ;;
Alf naiions ircluding tbe Mu.rin on€.ehich haw fatlen in
doubE abour man,s @eltdg ,irh cod rhrough ploElessi.,e evolurion,
consider nalule to be a purposeless erearion; chey pay lilcle
.ttentiod !o rhe knowledge and nes6.ges di.eclions ) which rcrive

naliof derive from che Ecudy of narurer Lhey have cone ro be

srifped by feellnss of disappoincmeDt and entelEain no hope of antr
boon fron Goat; Ehey ale con@rsing und€r alien ruIe and
hpovellshmenE, such deperdenr naEions/people camor engage 1D
, lheir IoEE of self-<onfidence becomes, !o! Cher,
and dt6abiLiry. A11 rhose ,ho do noi 6ce any
pur9ose rn lhe narure; who see ir only in !em5 ot .rransirory
abode cre according Eo MaEh,iqi, slu99a!d5, lrable !o be .h:oun
lnto , hetlss.
se&iror6 of God ar€ lttose,ho rake rhe narure seliously,
invesligare ic, acquire knowledse of rhe principles inheletrL in it

$d use 6uch kDouledge 1n tulEhe! ennanctdg rh. lbeaury, of rhe
gF powers ro gain furthe! plogress. Mashriqi lrsEs
Luclou6 Quranic vels€s vhi.h se4 €o have an a@zing lniry of
€anings, and sho, rhar rhe objecEive of Ehe letigioD of rELan is
logless in Ehis vorlitsg- Mosr of 6uch ver6es emphaslze lhar
ingdoms ol plophera had been based o, kndleatge of narure, and
ele srienglhened and made durable on Ehar ba6is. Menrio! of such
urable kingdon io Ehe Quran mears Eha! cod Himself is silnesEing
he knosledge ba.ed fouatalion of rhe prophelic nte ard is
eclaring tbac iL was light, abundance of uol]dly cofrro!!s is
pecially nencioned and c@ended as pa!! of dulable rute. Narions
hich forgec rhar durabte self-d1e is d€penden! upon scientl:i.
no'rledge (whose highesr fofr is plopheEhoodl, su!:e! decline, hare
. undergo .hellish Eorcule, . A11 their magdricence and
uncriliousness wanish, atrd lhey are ru4ed irEo gloups of
dnicking honkeys,, This is because disappeaiance of rhe!! selr-
rle and imposition of alien domicrion tead ro *o:sering of rhelr
flitly affairs and rheir nannels ot ttvtng. tc also leads to toss
r cheir physicdl ener9ie6, 6elf,.especE and courade. The dorlDaced
topre faII fom rhe level of olatinary huMniEy, and behave like
)okeys, nimicking habirs of rhe nterE and sho,ing no slgn of

The Quian elaboraEes on the Ehfle thar rirh IoEs of futuor for
louledge of natule, e@n one-ri@ srlong kirgdoms suffered
:clinei anat sone 6ighEeen of .uch rarions have beetr nahed6!,
It is noi sinply rhar rhe ecienr propher-governed nariois
' rere rh€ on€6 ,hich, accorating ro rhe eurd, wele based oD rhe
kno,ledge of natural 1.w6 /plincipl es , Accordirg ro r.1a.h!iqi
proposlElon 15 ttue ln rhe nodern ltnes as vell.
The natlons tuling
ove! tbe big porcions of lhe earrh,e!e tho.e rhich qcetled
had in
a.qurring rhe knowredge or
Erule. EElyaray rhey wele adding ro lne
slore of rheir scienlitlc ktrowtedge, !her! insighr and
urdelsranding inro the alfatrs of rhe ,o!ld ia6 ever
H.irin9 jn r92t, he dectared cha! t.king inLo accoun( .he
plogressive change, one could say char essence
of Ebe Quran, 4re
on rhe eaith and atl plophetsic-tea.hings haal been rransfelled
?e5lern naEions62. Such naEions had excracied carh,_scienEiric
knowledge--fron Ehe srudy of narure and haat been rerarded,irh
king€hip and dominacion ove! che eartsh.
Rrghteous aciions eminedrry incrude acclons undercaken
de.iwe kDetedte flom Ehe book oa nalule and rheir
lorld]y prospelily, Those ,ho cake Ehe book of ra.ule
sone(hlnq purposeless, are 1n che toEs. They wj!I surtFr
tolture, in lhis rorld6s:

i,,,i!i:!; .jii I "Tit*i".1i:.*"::;"J::."l'tr.

Denearp^!he!r reeL, ,, i.e. rom a]t
::i;j:l';l';jL"!r"'"" .,l"'T :'"'"':''1'"1'T"i":1" .'"T"'Hll
On rhe ocher hand, Cbe euran irdicares ro rhe
nations that. cod,6 porld i6 eapangtve ano.no.e,ho
fotlow His
awaratedin the fofr of kilgd.ru conDaining galdens,
ri.h nturng Bacer6 fl@ing tn !hem.
h rhe invesrigation of natule, cofipt;re parience has co be
erbtbiaed- Accoldlng to Mashriqi, .uch chalactelisric€ are found
aftong the drnaoic naElons of che rorlit i.e; 1n the eally 20rh
cencury. lhe flestsea nation6. And rney eele leceiving rheir le{arits
i! tndicarid, on the concrary, Mustim diwines
rhe way rhe Qulan had
rnEerprFr rrghEeous actton6 in L€lm of ,htspering cod,s ,rrc on
rosalies. but denyiig Ehe .c1ea! .igns, of narure, This had
resulted in the indignitl6a huddled upon MusIinB evelywhele in rhe
rolld. This, said Mashliqi, vas teasy, IsId, Istan of ltLuals. In
bis vies, Deen {Rerigion) of r51an had been, rhus. rendereit inro a
!eltgior of imobi lrsm and decl!n665.
Mashriqi'F emphasig on the decalosue and his crirlc:sm or
rhGe who emrrhasize rhe Eradiriodal .pillals of tslam, sinpl7 as
!itlals, raj.Ees an imporEant questton of incerplerarion, live
?illars irclude daily playels (five Eimes a day)i faslirg .turing
the fronth of Ramdhan (Ehe nineih nonrh accoldinq ro rslanic
calendall, PilgriGse ro Macca, paying zakar (financier obriqarion
ro tne sociery). l,lashriqi ln no ray disregardE Ehe five 'pillals,.
se esiablishes a connecrion beE*een wa.ious pillars of lslam and
plinciples conEained in lhe decalogue. t{ha! had hicherEo been
consldeled mainly as accE ot pe*onat piery ,e!e seen by Mashriqi
lnessence, 6ecreEs ot naEionat 6rlergch. uashriqi
trEkes the imporEant point !har66r various pitlals of rs1.n are
lliuar expresslons of falrh by rhe Mu6lim nation, such piltars are
n.t lhe Dee!( the eay o! Iife ) irsetf. perfonlnce of acEiviries
involved in the6e funda@DEal. of rslan rs
lesolrce---fo! lhe full funetloning of the len prin.iples ,hich,
sa!,s lrashriqi, have been levealed fo! @n,s glidance.
Jn lhe rords o! Ma6hriqi, Che obtigaEory accs of worshtp
inposed upon Musli(s had ln rhem the mssage rhat In ordei ro leach
crre high stalalins of being a ufrin tfin belleve! in cod) , ole
should know it lhar hIs rire, hi6 posseEston. all have been
exchanged and rhar rhey a!e, in no way h1s; h16 playei i. noc a
ro.ship according ro h!6 wi1t, nor is spending of folrune a
personar acr of chariry in che ray of codr no! even .fa6rin3, uas
any more going hungry- a
betier !o eah cod,s pleaEule, pirgrituse
of Mecca sas no{mre a !ho1y cuscofr of tshe Days of rgnolan.. , bur
a prelude Eo rhe conquesr of uecca by tru51iG57.All rhese .ac!s of
(o!st!ip' havirg become obligarory ir I6tam. ,e!e tso lead co rhe
achievemenr or one purpose and rhar was, accordiDg !o rhe euran,
e.lablish(ent of primacy of rstam over ',false letigion,53_
'Polirics, and .reIigid, in such a comuni,Ey coutd Do! be
separated fon each oEheir they were inatienabl. parrs ot each, In
all che Islamic injuncltons, including prayels (and node and lhe
cimins ot p!aye!s), Ehele is an enpha3is on urilt_ a@ng Mustim and
shou or s!renqrh again6r, Eheir enflie669
one fon ot unity and also o! srrength is Mnifesred in lhe
taklng of orde.s fom rhe &!ir, uherher in rlle jEmar (teadership)
at Erme of prayers o! orhe4ise. the idea is rha!, rhere is to be
<liscipline io the group and rhis dtscipline, ,hite ic man!fesrs
unrre, is also producEive o! srrEnqth,
Ac.orating lo rhe eurad! even Eoday Ehar rhinE i6 \a1-5atar,
(9raye:) ?h!ch gives bilrh ro Ehe 6are scaf,e of nind, rhe sa@
pufpo6efut obediencei Ehe sare disclFtire, tshe same abillry ro ac!,
rbe sase fratemty and uuEual rerarionship, rhe sa@ cooperarion
and sense ot 6eculity aa uere iltended in rh€ @ssages br@ghE borh
by Ehe plophe! ot I.Iao and by aI1 other plopheC6 as rell?o.
Fasting iE .eer as a polilicar weapon ro senelaEe 6.!en9rr, in rhe
sense rhaE a vicroriou6 tolce i6 alsays ore lhac hag lhe abiliry Eo
endule hunger and tbirst fo! a con6iarelab1e period of time?r.
FasEing was meEllod rheleby people coutd be habiluated ro such
endurance. Fo! Mashliqi, fasrirs saaalso a Felt_6ac!ifice. The
Muslim monlh oa fascilg clained people aor sett conrlc1 ,hich,ould
IGE duling Ehe
'hole yearr ir va6 means of se1!_sllengthening by
acquiring power over sel f - indulgence , IE affolded a gleai
oplorLuniEy ro lealn paElence and perEeverance. Looked ar fom lhe
poln! of comon feeting of fearing cod, fasling helps i! prorcEing
unity anong people?2.
Paseing indeeit,
is rhe bes! weapon fo! !ecaining srrengrh
among indlvidual menbers of a na!ion, creaiing uni.y i! !har
nalron and rendeling iE Etrong and lnvincible in lhis sorld of
endeawor and acrion, Ehe roltd o! condiEion and revard. :n Ehe
opinlon of ila6hliqi, a nation thaE is tottowing such Islaftic {ay€
knosiag EhaE rhey are full of g!ea! xisatom,
acring upon rhe es6ence of leligion, i6 holding la6! !o lhe laf of
cod?3, Apparenrly a requilerent for faiEr, rasring ls a po,e.fur
inscrumen! !o habiruare a comunity ro exrle@ coltecEive pain of
hunse! borne happilf, AE such, ir ,aE poueEful inglnsenr tc keep
co@unrly molale high during plo1ongeat wals ard Dosgible shollage

spending in an olgdized @nncr lE a @nifes€arion of an,ett
evolved socieEy and,at rhe same r1re, tulcher added Lo rhe
collecrive deverop@nr or Ehe socieryt4,
tiajj, p grimge to secca and radim wata gleaL reans loi
achievemenc of uniEy of rt@h, unity of the li,tuslin peopte_ The
irenendous capactry of Hajj co creare a cent;e fo! Mu6lims {as
unsurpassedi Lhe pil,grt@ge is con.eived Eo be a uniqle garh:ling,
a rcst effecEive uay oa bringing Mu.tiG Eogerne!
befole a co@n r,laste!, ,fth a cdl@o feeling oa are ard a
venerario! al1 rhe.e clearing a serse of long lasring and
unbreakable uniry and cohesiweness?s, Of course, Mashriqi is noi
ei\pnaEl:ing Hajj, pilg!1Gse ro Mec.ai for atI markid, Acco.ding
che notion of cenilarizing ptace i3 very imporranc.
Iftteed, according Eo him, atl nalion. lave 60(. or Ehe oEher
cenrralizing ptace. This ploooEes a nation,s .otiataliry and
rnvlncrble uniEy. Mashrlqi noLed rn lhrs conLexE chac Mu6trns had
railed ro leEain Ehe power and sorideriry fo, which pitgricge had
been inatsicured. Mecc. had ro beca@ a cenEre ot pe.ce and anir,
ro! Ebe *o!ld ar lalge. Such honouE va6 being given co London and
Paris nor thaE Muslim6 haat tailed Eo achteve lesults rhich,ere
meatrr to be achieved froh rhe inBrlturtons of pitgliGge
genetar gathering oa Mustins ar one centr"76.
rrle Een principles are nor diflerelr flom ,har are usuatly
called pillar of 16tad 77, Ttese plinciptes, inde.<t, branch ott
rron rhe srngte roor, snicy denonsllaled in acElons, AII basics of
r1afr emelge frombelief in onlEy ot cod, 6ucn unrEy noc slared in
)rds only buc demongrlated tn acEions_ rc i3 rhis unily,hi.h
:ads lhe practicinE peopt6 to d@inance, peace, 6.abi1iEy
lpanslon on ealrh_
such beliet in lhe unity of coit, M!5h!iqi (t.cra!ed, lesutle<t
L the expansion of rs1am. It ,as aIEo ge@ne
co utrarlcarion of
e wo!I<t, unificaclon of rankind. Acclons o! Euch belieEls,
usading and otfeling saqriftces !o! rhel! cmniry, ,ere
tness€s to rhe existence of cod a6 Euch. In rhei! self_
counrabllily, in rhei! Ju.t behaviou! and love for doderarion in
eir pelsevelanc€ and tove of acrion, menDels o! lhe earty rstanic
muniry ,ere ,ibes.es ro cod AtnighEyl8
wirh 9od1y aclion of rheirs, memberE or an rElamic cofthunily
!lacted peoples of oLher naElons, olher races, ocher counlries,
God, chus creari.g condirion6 fo! rhe llificalion of fraokind

Mashriqi gives new reaning to rhe rord .abd, . rr is obedience

:read of ro.ship, obedience is acriv., cne pe!$on can Eho,
ldience by actlng upon whaE 1s beirq dehanded o! htr. t1lolshlp
rsive, it invotves urEelances larher ihan accion_ h ,orship,
;urts are enwi.aged ro cle frs cod, in obedienr .crior, c, is
r means ,heieby lesutrs are ro be plodDced.
Accordlng ro M..h!lqi, .ccepEance of cod and prs Law means
ing upotr rhat tart Qulan deGnds sr499le, eatolt :cEion. paill!
aDd wor6bip ot, cod cotrsists in acrlng upon
and !n accordatrce
h codes supptied by cod rhlough hls plophers, verbat acceprance
lnd inac!lvity bolder oD, inate.at, con6riEute, FaitshleBsneEs,
loDacceprance, lnfidelicy?9. rElam {as envisaged as a sysEefr of
polilics *hich, .pa3slng lhroush rungs and hea!;s, uls to nl. ower
rhe bodies and life of pcople, . rr xas co be a leligious llac.rniry
,hich was to provide lesoufce6 fo! qerfale borh tn Ehi6 woild and
in !e theleafce!. lach nembe! of rht6 cffiuniEy,as to ,urnish, in
his acrions, ,haE Has leeded to! c@nat 6€!eng!h alongviEh his
peisonat beErefrenr. Al1 accs fo! welfale of lhe comuniry Fele
also plomoElve of bis pe!6ona1 Eatvacion. rr waE an absolbing
co@unat life i! rhich evely boaty ras unde! comir@nr co Cod
ilo.e! nor havirg the sahe/6ioilar comirrenr Eo any one else_ tt
f,:s a mu1liaalious associatioo ad acqui*ins oneself wel] in such
comudcy eas equivalen! Eo ealning cod,s pleaslre8o.
During the Meccan period rhele had been emphasis on
itrculcacing fear of cod in Ehe hearrB of Muslin6. Olce this was
acltiewed and Musrins had ro niarrace co anorher pla.e, ehich ras
ol belief in cod, insEilulions began !o be developed
{hich would l1!r Muslim comuniEy !o greaE pimacle of p@e!, !n
building up ihe lluslim cmuDiry aE Medina, a chai! of
intelconnecEed acriviLieE was ihpoBed as piltars-- pillarE of
IBIam, seemingly !itual6, bur accuatry vely pocen! 1n devetopins a
self-conaiden!, cohesive cmuniry which cdtat aeel jrsetr !o be
incleasing in pore! day by dayS:.
The decalogrue conral$ lhe pilt.rs and, in curn, i6 conrained
lhem. T!!e PrincipleE ar€ dynaric arpect6, behawiolal aspecls of
pillars, As such rhe p;inciples o! piltars. Tbe
. 150
plinciples, riEh thei! dynam.ic aspecrs, aF quantiaiable; plllaE,
rhen acEed upon -fairh!u11y! .hourd lead tu.e ard @!e
to EIle
clearlon of a dynanic PeoPte,
As Mashliqi erptrasireB rhe actj,on asp€cE ro detenine
rorrh of belie!, rbe pltnciptes give us a grearei fteasule iD
aclually deEenlning such ,o!rh, To Ma€hriqi, eulan:c llrerances
abour pilla! or even liEual perfotuDce of such pitlals
ale no
glaianree of plope! deceftination of ihe rortn
or rhe pillars. The
pdnciples laid doh (volked our ) by Ma.hfiqi ha@ cruciar
significance in deredining rhe ,o!!h of claimg @are by Mueljfts,
individuaUy and, mle irporranLty, colleciivery, Relision is
sinply for lhe olher roltd, r! ha6 tutes wich .egard ro elercrse
of po{er in !his wo.Id, 4teE tetaElng Eo lhe eEcahllshnen!
nainrenance --6Eabitiry and duiabjliEy-- of socielys2_
Revetacion ha. provided, at,avs, ruch @!e gNida.ce
ro haakrnd
than che rhoughc of scores of schotars, Schotarly woild
is a quiet
believe. or rhe gleacness of propherE excttrded lhe
Eeachrngs of such lerigiou6 leaatels fom Eheir
tuder! sruaties and
resear.h acriviLiesS3. The leal pulpo3e ot obligalory tac!s
{or6htp, in rslam was the cleacion of a powerful
:omuntry rbich ,as well orgalized for esrablishirg
ic6 atooinance
ter n6n-Islanic c@niEies. A popertul cmnacy r. e olganized
:o@untyi a comuniEy shich has a 6ociar sysEe( tn ,!ich
,t alt ics @nlers are ch.eetized ln ways xnom to
a1t_ rstam
,rganized the cotmnlry appalenlI, in r6hs
ot accs of volshio buc_
n subsrance, rakidg care of alr aspecrE of comunat

cufiulative effect of Islanic placCices ,a6 lhe crearion of a
porerful gloup lor a definire pulpose. The pulpose envisaged in
Quran ,as esrabt ish@nr of rslae as dmit@r folce in rhe rolld, in
spice of all resiatance on the palc of non-Istamtc fo!ce6.
Dynanic state6 ale ltke]y io Eucceesfully iq)ose lhenserves
upon orhers_ Tho.e cming under 1r3 ere w@lat have demonstraEed
rheir unfiEness. AcEing or othe! pa!r6 of decalogue rhe
upon s@e
dynanic srare could creare coldition. of capabillry !o nre ove!

will nor .ee how {ashli<Ii appti€d his decatogue ro anatyze


conrempolaly affai!6 irctudiDg ir) rhe ,resr,s

rncreast.g re.atency Eo dectine afie! rhe Firsr lrorlal llar; I2)
e!fo!r5 by Muslims in rndia co acquile po,e!, and i3) 6!ru99te in
lhe Indo-Pak subconrinenc Eo gain independence from rhe Bricish
colonial 4le- Firs! trest,5 lise Eo pde! and Hashrtqi,s decalogle.
Ma6hriqi held thar lhe esr sa6 foltowing a s@11 polrion of
Ehe liMurable Book' of Natule rewealeit fo. mankind in ihe fom of
b@ks blought by plophers. Ttle ouran, acco(rtds !o r,rashriqi, ,as
lhe last ediiion and conrained .omplehensive tessons. ,{boever vas
ergaged ln lhe fulf henc o! a porrion ot rh€ Qulanic plinciples
a.d progr.@s Fas bound ro reap !esa!d634. The |{€st,as Eincerely
enqage.l in the inwesrigarion ot .aEure and ,as, ro iha! ex.enr

reaplng rewalds in the shape of d@iDarce ove! @ny aleas of rhe

,or1d. Mashliqi djd nor hate Ehe European6, particularly rhe
Bricish, as rulels; in htE view, et€rsh1p 16 €alned. rc codes uo
a gloup chat rias cu1llvared celEain decalogle_ba6ed characrelisiics
r.!e Brlengrh of rhich oters]lip co@E ro be theils.
Tne aricish
rrel? thar is, ras based on sore divinely apploved
EraiEss5. whac
Le Mu6lims,ahong orhe! rhinqE_lailed ro realize {a. rhar Ellope
d not abdlcated ils 6piliruality buE displaced iti
char its!
celialism\ in Bulope ,as eoied in rhe adEnEure of
rhe dnd.
ough lE abaDdoned ir6 om lerigion nominalty,
Europe did no.
unse lnto licerEiou6ness, @dness! o! gross lrlgarity_
RaEne!, i!
into a ue, f!c,n of p!aye!,.wi.h ics .rn ascerical
actice, demands !o! serf-denlal, ar.l so forrh. The
Schota! was
: a tiberrine, bur a he.o of che min.t, a6 a salnc was a hero
:6oul. Hofever ove! emphasiE on the ,ro!k oa coat, 36 rhe
t reposicory ol erhico-sociat principles co cne exclusion
)rd of cod,, in che wesr,as denouncear by Mash!1qi
a6 bescialicy,
.s is because ro Mashliqi, llord of cod con6riEuled, ritl
able ro posses. Codly llairs ot al1_seeing and
Lring, tbe min infaltibte sou.ce fo! mankiDd,s gltdance.
To hio,
lempnasls on science arcng Europea! scienrisrs (including soct:l
entrsEE/ philosophicarty cnded pe!.on6l was un arlanted.
eed, Mashriqi ras of Ehe oFinion ChaE gloring besliatiry
ope saa lendeling Buropean traEions, palclculally
crear Brirain,
apable of govelning rhe hPires which lhey hd
eelabtished in
a and Africa. On Ehe basis of whar he regalateit as groring
iisliry and exrenEive misplaced leliance on narulat .cience
lnology, t4ashliqi pledicted c:E enat of Blrtsisb EtrE,ile in
rhe t?o
:irerts. h rhe 1920,s h€ 6.* d iminenc coa@tsron
in the
:ern coLodialigm o! wbich Brlrain forned cne naln
butra.k, {e

{as convinced of BliEain,s glouing incapaclEarron

and lefelred ro
rhe rapid erosion of her ple6Eige ard rhe .aEzing
s,ifrness ,irh
rhi.h iEs hotd ove! ics Easlem re!rt!o!te6 is loosening,3g.
Regalding rhe rndian 6ubconrlnenE,
ne believed cbar an
encoulce! rould ineviralry Fr€cede ,latsu.al selecrion,
rhere. rr
Nsr rake ptace betoeen B.italn aDd Che rDdians
1f the larre! faced
arlen etels uritedty, oEhetuise ber,een major
irnabiting rhe 6ub conrinenE. fie,as rhus in a
hulry ro pur Ehe
!!?8sat! and, rhlough rhen, che Mu6rihs in a posiEio!
o! Erlengrh
:o be abte ro dile.t rhe course of ev€ncs. wnire
doing so he was
'onscious or Lhe v6!ious caEegorjeE
o( oppjn6nr6,bo would be
,iLLed aealnsE hrni Lhe consress, ,,",."rrqffit*i.r"n
Lld ille heledirary upper ctas6 ".."".,"r,
",,u"rr."i eoutd forio, rhe
ricish, A160 rele ro be raekled nullabs and r\e
resEehized elice
ho cook everyching lhar came r:im w€Er cs
sacroEanct. Mashlrqi
anted thaE rhe rndiatr Muslihs esrabli.h
Lnel! en!lcrement !o a
ajor lole and a MJor shale in che subcobtrn€nr,
nor by sihply
rying !o! 6afegualds and prorecrion or explessing fear
of lhe
ljoriry or indulglng in haEe campalgli but
by .eetf,refofr,_
xalacre! buirding Ehrough 5eF,ice, p1er7
aDd drsciprin€, self,
)lridence rhloush aralenes5 anct fairh
in rne nacioNl desriny in
]e lighc of ibei! pasE hisrory3r.
Ee undeltlled che 6p€cial slalus
rrcn lhe Muslims had in the subconrinen!
on.rhe basis of rhei:
rlgue contribucion ro the pleselacion,
defence, and cullulat
evatlon of rbe counrry.
Movemenr fo! self_lefom uas
naEulaUy a rel,lgtdus mvenenr.
;elf !e!om oearr llairing people ro bec@ q6 gooar and .eaI.
tearless and sllatghrfosald, rtusliG, as cnele bad bee!
in lhe
1me of rhe plopher of IEtam. Afre! setf_lefotu,
chey sould be
'eady Eo sacrifice lheir liwe€ in che ra, o!.Goat.
At lhe Eafre Eifte,
n splce o! Ebei! sclengrh ed coulago ro ,ace g!ns, rhey
,outd be
unbfe and rould rin Ehe hearts of o$er6 by coe good chers.
a5 the prcrule of a good bellever tshich was pleseDced in rhe
azkirahSS. arm UaEhriqt/5 poinr of vier, cne coie ot his quarret
ilh rhe Brirish was tha! rhe larEe! would no! ler hlh ,o!k ro
reaEe such qualiEtes anong Muslic as eoulal ena!1e lhed co
53ume leader of rndia, o!, at lea.c, compere urrh

nong a people va6 raken by r.tashlj,qi ro be a hu@r lighE ,!ich no

:opre/pelEons sbould be denied. hdeeal, t4ashliqi plaised Europeans
)r havlng acquiled qlaliries khj,ch he chough! had @de chen rulers
: Asia, Aflica and Larin Aneiica,.F,leedom is lmpossibte !o secure

".,-",..""""r131J;l*: * ...""-..*4/",
candhian mechod,or
mechod or non-vioregcelk;d ras fririta,y str."sthFfir]
t4 44 tz9@.t , .!44t^;+ 44-t ,D
6-€+i{ed-ridEns i'epice 01 orhtrs3s
To Mashriqi such inoverenrs as che corgress, rhe i(hilaf!! and
Le xhudai xhidmardar soughE conflonEaEions wiEh che covernmenr bu.
provide rhecetEs uirh cre .means co und:rlake
nflonrarion sirh reasorable chance of succese, garricula!]y, lhey
!e devoid of o.genizario! and phystcal srrengrh. Trle Khaksar, in
it€ of ils aim noE ro confron! Ehe govc.menr,
ich rboughE iE essercial ro cleare discipllne and o!he! sordierty
alicies among ir5 menbersgo. tte rcerenc fo! self_refom ,as noc
ro aahft p6ople,ho,e!e benE upon polteicar ve.ngeance
againgc the
Brirish rndian govehnenr o! againE! orher cmunal
sloups e9.
H1ndu6, livtng in rhe c@nrry, orly crose peopte
wele ro !e
admirled who {anEed to seee coat (in conElaatrsrincrion
!o sepice
ot piimordial .idot6, e.g. one,s famiry, rhe deEile
16 Iive a
ruxuiious tife, eEct and had sidcele belief in
Ehe Sereafcer. They
,ourd nor indutge in the day-!o- day poliEics of
ahe countly. they
sould not aim ar che opposirion !o goweEren.
ro! rhe sake of
opposrclon. They sere nor to inatutge in lon_coopeiarion
and .ivir
dlsobedience. Thet! nor:we,ilt noc be v
incrudins lhe eoveinmenr. n ey,r'
""..:::::.;'rff: ::: :'"T:
exrenr or noE jeopaldizing serf_preservatfoa9l_
Masbliqi, wanEed mn
ro be set f confiat€rr .

The rechnj,que he adopEed,as thar of hotding

camps aE tuny
places, conslegaEional play€ls Eo be
led by dy pe.son eho ,as
asked ro do .o. Evelyone had Eo be lea.ty
to teaat Flayer ar any
!i@. Every pe!6on haal co keep chis i! ftird Eha!
he hiqhc be
lequired ar any fro(enc and ar any place to
heaal a g!,rup ot people
in prayeE o! olhewise. Aad every big leade! had
ro keep in mrnd
thac he frigbE happen co be unate! rhe
coned of a shall local
co@nder ar a di,aferenr place and
rire, r, his aarysis in rsharar
trashriqi hightightear ,Ehe poEenrial
o! Mu6ti6 co t."o*
tation again asd Eic in the 6reeling po6irio., " 9r"..'
ir lhe sldggre fo!
independence. MaEhliqi,s purpose
,as co .,aken r,rustr;s ro rerom
themselves chlough a nationuj.de proglarme
or discipli.e, setuice,
ibral elevetion and fairh in rhei, d€.ciny92. Mashliqi sEarred rhe

Khrksar @re@nr rlth lhe e1.@nE5 of hts decarogle in wieo.
an rhe
beglhing, hofeve!, aftenEion sas patat co tne rc6r
probrem aiting rhe Mu6fi@ everrahere!
nare_Ly, rhe plob1em or
di.cipline, A bload p.oglame of lelerat dat lefom, Ehelefore qas
seE rn hoclon. By 1937, rhe hovercnr haat
ctre Eo be lecognized a5
a lorce and Mashliqj, beqan !o taJ.e !u!rne!
5Eep5 edrodieat in his
rhlee areEnds addlesged, ioltially, Eo tioe plovrn.lat
rf .he punjab and NvtFp, such itecnds .eem ro have been accepled Dy
rurhoiiEies in rhe tarEe! plovince. Horeve.,
in rhe punjab rhere
Insue<l a birte! acllhony shich, in parri
€nded only wirh rhe ending
,f l(hatsar aa an elfeccive olganization. That iE,
I(ha\sar movemen!
,as eliminaced 6oon afre! i! gaine<t
rhe srarus of a lecognlzsd
ol1ri.at enliEy. Mashriqi,s poliEical ideas lomed
Ehe basis of
rs Irhaks.r nove@nE. and 6eem ro have acnleved
a measlre of
uccess Htrich no olher organizarion
excepc perhaps lhe tndian
ationar congress, could maEch, palricutarty
alurinl rhe 1930s.
dshrrq! uaneed ro levive the comunirarran
spirir of Istan and lhe
:ac fretshod he adopled,as rhe neEhoit
o! 60caar 6ervice ien<teled ro
Lr peopte, virhour hope of any favols
i! leruln, and ,!rhour
of lerisiotr/blood - affiriagions/ ideorcsicar
:rrrrcriong.Khaksar gloups we:e organrzed
on,ard basis. of
)cial seeice ,ere to be accmpanied ^c,6
by cso o!ne! arem6: (t)
rred iv?onslagaEionar prayers ted,by
one or ch€,Rlaksars Fron
onss/ and {r) dairy drirr unde. affi *,r.q1f;ii .n*, *,.
re envisaged ro be plo@tive of disciprine
ari eett,sacritice
rll leader could adfrini.re! inhediare pulsb@Dr.
over Ein€,

n€frbers of che l.tEkdai novehenr deveroped habiE6 of vtlting
adtuission of misrakes and wi,1ling accepEance or punlshrenr_
Plobably Ehe mo.c thpolrat aspect of tbe olgul2ation,a5
inculcarion of tural lespongibttiry arcng retrbels of the
Movement. such tnculcaEion ea6 posslble becauEe nen in rhe hove@n!
rere cleaced a3 rclaI beidgs, l.tan, rhey re!e.!old, was
coat,s Depury
on earEh, For energizarion of a ,atte, peopte,
lhe!€r could be no
berrer folmla. As depuries oa cod rhey,e!e lespon!;tb1e
fo! a1l
Cod's crearules on earrhj eale of Fuch creacules,
Eheir respo,sibilicr.
rmporEance which Ehe Khak.ar6 eane
ro hav6 can be reasuled by
Lbe lacc lhar du.ing r94o,s they uele one or
rhe lhree Muslim
olganizarions on ,hich rhele rele ,elurar
ertries in rhe seclea
police reporcs, Ehe othe! cuo being
lne ,auslim league a&t rle
ahrars. The dynafiic nalio! i6 by detinicion
a tic arale: i! is a
nation whose flEness in !en6 of
chalacEerlstics conraine.t !!
decarogle, should tead ro 6€t!_nte.
lrashliqi,s Tazkir:h is a socio_p6ycbotogicat
intelpieraEion of
che Quran for lhe estatlishne.ts
dulab'iEy consisrile (ainry in che
(no ouraide folce hawing
lhe abitiEy ro dlsculb such peace "i""i
hpose resrriclion on rhe tiberry
o! a naEiod), and prosgelicy
:ased on abitily ro expand
and utili2e resollces ot ctule
:ounrry. Islan as a rellgion ind
ald lhe Qulan as a ..ripEule ale
rnvlsaged co plovide Ehose.ocio_psychorogical
and rcral bases
'hich gleaErt aid id rhe eshblisrrrenr ad Einrenarce
of 5!ch
dulab1e natiods. Mashriqi,s doncepr of lhe ttynahic nalion is
unlwer6at in Ehe sense rhaL he cratmE ro de!ive Lhe
cltalactserigcics ot 6uch a narion flm his srudy of atl
uhlch be coutd lay hi6 handE on. Such In.piled pr:nciptes
rnculcatedl, rll'e ealry aFng !tustic and becee notu
ro! larer
gen.larions. Mashltqi,s cheo.y o! decalogue neans r]]at
p!€paled narions, aiE @riodE, come co atoninare
rhe les. fit ones_
wesEerD impelialisn could anit should
be shake! off, rE ,as
narelialiscic, one sided, had already rosc vtbrity. ltis policical
behawiour in ehi6 conneccion has mislead a
nunbei of his
conrempolalies and tare! qlirels tn[o bellevins
rhar rdshriqi did
policics. polirics i, che suD-corcuear,as,
noc unaleistanai
conprex from Ehe riddle of rhe terh cenEury,
rnele wele rhlee majo!
accols krrh confliccing and cro6s_cuEcing
inEeresEs; l.luslifts had,
by rhen, tosr !hei! ruring posirion Eo
rne ne", Ertrish irDerrar
poqer and lhe predominanlty Hind! q
no' .aB a chance reviv€
'io 'Ehe
thousand yeals rs57 "'"*;I;i'""":'::"""""""::::
Eo 194", Cbe rhre€ acro!6 made
variegared froves, ofte! on ac
hoc basis, shich aalded furEh3r
coftplexiry Eo rhe atleady cooptex
situarion. rn lhe next chaprer !e
rook ar rtlashliqi,s views !o
resotve rhe siruarion in tems of his
polirical values, nadety hu@n digDirl.
and uniry of mnkind.


1, trashliqi, ouran ,nd Evoturion, op,crr., p. 4s.

. op.ciL., p. 135,
i;'.f li"i, j j:.'3*,^-*.+j#ff .fj*;.-4#.1*dl'5oc!3!.ae
4. Demai-o-,fo! scaruE, freedoF and recoqnrEton
lerare lnEieielv
;:""'i".:,5'i'";..T:'*L or
hu@n aig"itv oi.cue"ei iii-ir.l
5. i4ashriqi, .PREFACE, , op. cit. , p.
7. r,tashriqi, Hadirh-rl-ouran, op. c1t
3. The euran, Chapre! 24, verse 5s.
9. gashriqi, i pRoLEGot4ENA, ,
ii;,.i!3Yi";ili5 $:'-J",.ji:T!',". ;:Xil?H,,,,,fi1#i._lil,
11. The Bible, Exodus, r 1?.
12, adtjon. op.cir.i p. 13.

1967), pp. 22!_2.
a rntro. nriEil-EiiG (Ner York: Avo;:
rs. Pol1a!d, op_.ir,

;_":"!::",fs.:,*, l*h*trt9+#:n (Ner yolk : Halcou4

?, Mashliqi, ouran and Evolutton,
op.clE., p, 75.
3. tbid., p. {3_?5.
19, Ibtd., p.44.

21, The Qulan, chapEer 21, Ve!6es, 105,105.

22- Uashriqi, .PRBIACE,
23. lbiat., pp,59-?O_
, oP,cit,, p, 156 -
25. The Qu!a!, cllaprer 33, velse 35.

iil..ll"Iii"" 13i" r""ii""lliXi.l' ;",1i]fi t!""'J,:?f"Tij:T.

"i:, "*i:"
27a, The Quran, chaPie! 20, ve!6e ?5,
23, The Qulan, chaprer r3, velses lo_31
29. Mashriqi, gadirh uf-ouran, op.ciE., p. rr9.
, qp.ciE., !p, sr_s4,
r2 Mashriqi, ,PREFACE,' op.ciE., p, s4
3l e.9. The Quran, chcpEer 2, VerEe. s_10
14. r4ashriqi .PR8FACE,' op.cir.
r5. tbiat., p.3?.
16. Ibiat., p, 66.
37. l,{asbliqi, Ta2kilah, vot. 2, op.ciE., p, jo_31.
,, x€3shrisi,. N6d6osh (shakh,siyyaE-
fil$:l,,itli!:.)":,q, .,,airloa
r9, The Quran, chaFte! 4, verse 35.
{0, Hussatn, op.cr!., pp, lo5_r19.
'PROLIGOII'BNA, , op.cit., p, 193.

.9RE ACE,' oP.ciE., p. 91.

. Ibid.
. rbid,
. rbjd.,, p. r25_26.
. Bld., p. 9r.

Mashriqi, Eadlth-u1_auran, op.cit,, pp.

Mashliql, pah_Al_Bai, op.cir., p.22i,
r.tashliqi sadlth gt ouren, oD, ctr., pp.s1-s2.

Ibid., pp,15_19,
The Qu!.n, chapEe! ?, ve!6e 179.

Ibld., !,p. Es-57.

naahriqi, pah rr_Bab,

Th. Qulan, chapt.! 29, ve.se 25.

it|qsaqe dl rhe ouan,
op.cir,, p. 5:5 fn 52.
, op.c1t., p. 16a.
rbtd-, p, 57.
6?. Mashliqi, Tazkilah, vo1, 2, op.cil.' pp 6-t
6s- The oura!, chapler 9, ve!6e 32-
- The farcus Poet-Philo6ophe! of Pakiste aB tell hds expressed
similar viers in his setl-k om plose book. He uriEe6
jjflha! a lreGndous 8pilltual levolution fill take place
Elaccically in no !ime' lf the proud alistocraLic BrahGn oE
i.urh India i5 daj,ly Gde Eo 6tand ahouldet ro ehoulde! vlrh the
;;r@chable:From Ehe uniEy of Lhe aIl-inclusive Ego vho cleares dnd
ego. follod6 the es.enLi6I
rt.c"tn" .ll mnkind uiEy of dnkind The
or/lsron o! and rr1De6, a.cordrng Eo
;he au(an, is lor purposes of rdenlification only Th€ Istejc rm
. aisocrarion in prayer, ihelefole, beEides rcs co+liEivevalue,
to . leall2e thi6 essdtiar
ii turrtrer inaicatlve of the a6piratlon derclishing
;;Irv of cnkind as a LdcL ln life by dlr barriers
,h'cfi srand belueen En and cn'.see lqbal, op cit , pp 91 94
?0, Mashriqi, cod,ua!.3lr!|-llnir/er!e, op.cir', p. s9.
71 llaslr!iqi, I3thjilab, vol. 2, op.ci!., pp- 6-7-
?2. l4ashiiqi'PREPACE,', op.cic-, p.9?.
?r. Ibld.. p. 93,
Mashriqi, 'PREFACE,' oP.cit., p- 96

16. Ibid., p. 721,

r7. Mashliqi, IazSira!, voI. 2, op,cft,, pp.9-10
Mashriqi. .PREFACE,' op.ct., pp, A2-45-
Mashriqi, latbirab, voI,2, op.clr., p,9

r''ashliqi, PREFACE,', op,cir,, pp, 13-21.

Mashriqi, Tnzki!?I, vor 2, op.cil., P,254

In this vieo Mashliqi is joineat by s<re o!he! !tuslin schorals
see, for exanple, Hichem Djait, E!-ropej.E!LlsfEs__r__.Ct!f!]les
an{UadE4ily, cran5, Pete! selnegg (Berkeley aod Los Angelos
: Utrivelsity of Califolnla P!es6, 19a5), p, 147.
65i ..brigLr rPrEI,,A(3, 'oD.cit.. t,.5!.
16, lL.hligi, I'lEar,
tt, lDld., 0. a1.
tt!'rlDiidi : 5.t: EGE-ia;61 170-1t1.
99. rb.hrigi,
^rul-e-p.t..1, op-cir., t?. 72_75.
90, Ma.!Eiq1, Ilhlrar, op.cti., D. 7!.
9L. Ibtat., D.62.
92. rbid.


A dyna(ic Erion acting on all or @st of the priDciple8 of

rhe decalogle is sure to bfing conEiderable area of Ebe rollat un.ter
irs dulabre donirarion: Inpellaltzed .ouarltes acting upon s6e of
rhe principles nay be abte :o regain independence. rney my
leasserr rhenselves and reestablish theii digriry aE rhe nalional
lewel by seculing independence rlN imperialisr nle. BUE prcblens
regarding hu@n digdity can also ar16e Ir cases where an
independenE courEry, whethe! ofd o! new, is an herelog:neous
one.i.e. che counlry hou6es a numbe! of gloups having rerigio-
.ultutal and lacial diflelence.. In such. case rhere will a.ise
problehs regalding hucn dignity ac the sulnacional or comunal
level- .In che rords of La6ki, lhink of fleedofr as
involvins only an individuat 6er over againsr the comuniry, ir
invotves a160 rhe rreedom or gloups, socia1,, ecclesiasrical,
vocationa], 5eE over agailsE rhe comunj,ry ard rhesraie,1. And as
Mariraln points our, it 13 che dury of rhe srare co piorecr freedon
of religious co@nicie6, The basic equaticy of nen, he emphasizes,
.Gkes prejuatices of !ace, clae6 or casEe, and raciaL
atiscrinilation, offences againrr hu@! larule and rhe digniry of
lhe person'l,
A likely solurion Eo rhe pllbler ot a cdmnity,s digniEy will
consisr in Ehe escablishnenE of ,har Gy be tetud as co.porale
slate, The plesenr chapce! deals ritb uashfiqi,s vieos on rhe same
cinly in rhe context ot rhe hdlan .ub-corrinenE aturtrg rhe mld

r{aBhriqi eanred rhe Erlrish ro free rrdia i@dlaLery, buc he

{as agains! tlansfer of pwe! co one o! ircle pottrlcal parEie6, h
hl5 viev, In Ehe peculrar cjlcumsEances of Ehe Eubconcinenc
rransfe! of pover Lo such palries as rhe Arl-hdia Narronar-
congress or rhe all'India ituslir Leagle ,as noE p!op€!3_
uhy eas Mashrigi ende.vouridg for imeatiare ldependence, bu!
ras opposed lo a r!an.le! of poweE to any of the cwo imporcan!
poliEi.al pallie6 in India?
An3eer io this quesilon cd be .tsreRpred eiEh lefeience co
Mashliqi's fundafrenrat values, namely, the digniEy of @1. and
unificaclon of mnkind,
Mashliqi,s pzacrical {ork, had in wiew c6mpleh€nsive 5e! of
ob jeceiw€s-p!@riod or huGn dignlly, erevacion of hum.ni!v,
unirication of @nkind. HiB consriruiion ras an appricalion or his
view or man,s disniry to condirions plovaiting in the poliEic6 or
che subcotrEinenr around mid-194o6, AfEe! carefut lhoughE ard Eaking
poliEical intlicacies i.Eo accouni, llashriqi had co@ to the
.onclusion thar uniflcarion of mankind under a scientifi.
lrrerpleEaElon or .e1igton ras a laborious! and plobabty an
unreaaldrn9i rask.
civen lhe difficulr and perplexe<t circuc;arce6 of rhe rorld
in genera!. and Tndia 1n palticula!, h6 s!res.ed che essetrce of
reragiod a5 6uch, lan€Iy, tshe sefrlce of mankird sithout
disEincrion of !ace. casle, o! c.eeda. The Gjo! principles ald
@thode regalding the Eerlce of Gr*ind eere lDcolpolared ilco rhe
co!6Eturion a3 .onciete ta6ks Eo be fulfilled. More speciaicalty,
Euch plin.iple8 @rhod. fomed rhe rou.dation/srtuctu.e ro!
organlzlng rhs corpolate tlle of pollttcal sy6tem, dd to! measu.es
of huD! reU-betng.
Moie pleciae1y, using Mashriqi/s concept of M,. fleeatm to
chooEe (witsh the posEtbltlry of silEended and unloreseen
cons€quences of accuaf declalons @de)ves lilr'exptain Erte farally
.tivisive conflicr, berveen Bindu6 atrd rtus1id, rirh Egald ro hdia
BaEed onMashriqi,6 nollon rhar urmosts efforls be mde
to create unity/mininize conllicl arcng iodividuals aod gloups, we
shall discuss his om conElibuEio. ro blirg ab@r a serllemen!
belqeed rhe leadelshtp of ihe rwo colmnirieg, Noting che failur€
of hls efforcE aE sertlerenr re rtll plesenr lris co4'orartsc
bule.ucratic @alel !€garattng che srtucEure oa a rEIiLy that he
lhougl1E could plo@Ee huB! atigniry, .nat unateflrlre uniry o! India.
Man, accordins ro Mashriqi, i. flee ro cho6.e and his accions,
rn rhe pu!suit or hrs choices/tnEeresrs, Gy produce etfecrs
ben6ficial Eo Ede buE tnjurtous !o Ehe i,relesr. and aspilaEions
of orhels. Indeed, a Ehird !ja!!y i, rhe purslir of iEs osn
inrele.rs, is tikety ro indulge in diffe!.ntial r.ear@nr and
exctEe ad/or ausren€ li6rries 4isiing beEween oEbe!
individual s /g!oup6 , This 16 parrlcularry !rue in che ca5e of
ihperialisL dle, khich is DoL .lw.ys conscrence - sr dcken . !!
inreresra ev6n ehen 1B @y b€ palrial ro ore or rhe
oEhe! c@n1ty u!de! icg conr!o1; lE never hestraces !o levelse
ils p1d6 rh€r it Eult! itE ircole6E6. rn sevelat tnpolcan!
gdet1renr ,ould !o! agree to be !o@d by a 4le. It
{ourd decide .v6ry case on irs .@.j,!, rirLlour leference to sin a!
6ieuations. Blitish EI6r. in hatla greacly !61ied on th€ u6e of
5tsick and ca!!or. Dictaced by thei! llq)erral incelesrE tbe./ @de
exrersi@ use of ad hoc decision. palEicutalty in rhe sphDre ot
creating polltico-sovelnnenrat struclules. The adhoci.m evenluar1y
led rhe Musllfrs and HinduB to a facatty divistve conflic!.
Tbe posts-rB5?poslrlotr 1n rndia fas rhaE, norxirb6randing re
lucknor pac! negoriaEed beE een Ehe consless and rhe trustln rreague
in 1916 ard which lecognized !tu5ltms as a c@uniry i! ica ow!
right, r{indus looked upon lndia ss a cosrly of cheils, on che
other hand, Mustims as6erled and affircd lhe relisio_culEurar
diversity o! the country and emphaslzed Ehei! oh pecutia! sratus.
lhe BiiEish recognized the colpora.e narule or rhe I.dian
6ociery and acEed accoldlngly, ofcen @kiDg use of livalrie6
exrsrlng a@ng various gloups. By Ehe end of the secood vorld rar.
effecr of ad hoc decisions on rhe polj,tic. ot India ,as lrem:ndous
in Ehac rhe courcly had ro be even€uatly divided inEo tuo. !4ore
preciBely, Itindu leadelghlp sao in lhe par11a6enrary in6Eirulions
rhe chatrce of fulriUmenr or cheir a6piraElons !o acqurle poqer
che xhole o!rnaria. Their poputarion screngcn ,ourat give rhen a
clear and pemFnenE Gjoliry in rhe cenrlar tegi6talule, rn nosr
rne piowincial legislarule! also chey uould have pe@renE
,hile ln orhe*, rhe 3are courd be eastry @naEed, Noulishins such
bellers pallicutarly Eince rhe taBe t92c,s the Hirdu teadelship

inQolEance and the sertce iE haB rendeled ro che Empile etrriEle

you !o con.iderarioni" d<r he dacl.red hi6 convicrion ch^E'any
eLecrolaI lepr€senratio! ir India ,ould be doo@d Eo mischievous
failule uhich aimed aE glanrtng a pelsonal enfran.hisenenr
!e9a!dle6a of the beliefs ard traditions of the comunlries'
composins the populaEion of the 6ubconLi@nr The depurario! {as
assuled lhar Eheii polirical lighrB and inreresrB as a comuniry
;i11 be eafeguarded in any adminiscratlve leolganl zarlon i s . uu.tiss
rere granEeat sepalaEe electolace but Ehe parrlrion of Benltalvas
adutled in 1911, Eo appease t1ndu6, Itle amutrenr of Bengal
pa*irion was an undisglised act of submission. Eur rtE Brirish
needed ro secure rheir inLelest3. rndeed, during 1905-r9II
aqrEarlon5. Br!!ish economlc incelesL6 {ere glearly ar!ecred.
Households save up u6e of wa!e. ard goods having Engrish oriqin,
sonerihes, ihey weie setzed anl publicry comttte<t Eo fire-Srudenr
comunity pressuri2ed Lhei! renbeF co discaid Eh€ use of BriEish-
coe clolhes dnd roreign produced Bca!1ona!y6,
The annulmen! decision imediaEely ensured lhe 6uccessfu!
progre.s of ihe !oya1 iEinerary chrough the rc.r ciine-inresled
areas, In Calcurra itsel!, che !,ronarch vas received witb grear
demon6craEio. or loyal!y.The }lu!1im .tepuEaEio; had deMnded lhac
lhey believed co be rheir due, Ehe viceloy accepleat rheir clarn on
rhe basis of erpediency. The parries fele accuar.ed by differenr
moEives. The tluslihs wanEed ta ple6epe rltei! idenriry, white the
viceroy {a6 aRiou€ to puII th.s out ot po11rical diseonr€nE. The
depulacionisEs dele glven a lim and unquatified a!llfrarion of lhe
ied to deny exi6ience of orher retlglo-cutrulal emnit.ies,
luding the very lalge and Eert-consciou6 Musfid co@i!y, a6
.dinare 1n sEarug. rt recurrenrly plonourceat rhe unfty of India
blion and deMnded/on rhe ltneEo! parUafrencaly derccracy, the
lc to flane a con6riruEion for rhe {ho1e of rndia. Muslifr
lership denied the cultulal uiry of rndia and poinred co talge
:iglous poliion6 ot rhe coorty ehich brd predodiEnrly tuslih
riation. They believeat hdia Eo be a corporare society i,e_ a
.ety @<le up of @re or les6 specific culrurar gloups having
:!nar 60lidalI!y. In rhe following pages ,e rlace rhe
,lopment of ratally divelgent posiclors aE a lesulr of various
sions by rhe rhree pofirical actsor6,
l'|hile rhey did nor sysrecrically plovorc rnrer,coimnat
Iict, Ehe British did Gke occasioDal use of existins livrllies
promore .heir om iqEeresrs. r.he s;iiish encouraged lhe
aEion of rhe AII-Indian Narionat congleEs in r3s5,hich acopced
.ts @jo! objective Ehe democlalizarion or ins!'iruEionrr ri!h
asi6 on e<tucarioDal and p!ope!!y quarificaEion ror peopte Lo
such lepresenEaElve ingEirliions. aIarcd ar sindus plolest and
of violence againsr rhe BlitiEh fo! parlirion or Bengar;n
, Musli( uailed upon che wiceloy regarding Ebei! slievances.
viceroy, in the ,a)G of rindu agiEacion, ra6 quick to *:tcome
r,luslir deputalion. He appreciared the ,jusr aiG cf lhe
okels 0f Islam and their deEeminallon !o strare in Ehe
cicar hiscoly of rh€ Enpilei. qe asreeit ro rhei! .j,i.raim,
rheir numerlcal screnglh borh in respecr of the porirical

demnds! to che di6like of Ehe xinrtu6,
Eeigal Eindus r€re rhe first ro org&ise e irpa56r6rylioresr
againsr auronofr!, in r,{us1in lidchise. aney quescionod rhe
desirabiliry of special safeglards for ttu6l1n co@riry ,h€n 1r wa6
unfit fo! rhe 6xelcise of power. they lepearedly a66€!t6d rbar
separare elecEoraie6 ctashed wlEh Ehe baEic ide.a of leplesenEa!ive
governmenL. In Ehelr vieq, educaced claBses alone
vele lirr.d for
.pofiEical fife and higbly inEettectual
conresrs,?. L 192ir, rhe
sinatus faunched an offensi@ agairsi Ehe !uck!o, pacE
aDd Eepalare
the cmuMl Aqald/ minlained che prtncipre or
separare elecrorares, lerained weighrage anat corceded
@lorlries in Bengal and Ehe punjab tn a roundabour way. rh€ Asald
approximaleat nore closely to !tu5lln ateGnd6 lha
Eo rindu.tesiles.
Proposals lor r6ron ,e!e in the .i! befole rhe situra
dnd uere a concession to Hindu sencl@nc. Ttey;pre
seen as a slep
roudlds Lhe conEohdaLion and concenElacion or Hiddu potieicar
powe!. As the hajolicy! chey n.e!e .ssured
of a domiranE posiEion
under rhe conring consciruiion.
l lelom8 did rFve hpblranc lew
adninistlarion rhich eas previousty carried oD entile1y
in the atalk
ras broughc inEo rhe lighr of rhe day and ude!
the scturiny of
public discussion, Legislacols c41d nor
c.tlicize !l!e acti.n6 of
eticic infomarion by reaB o! quesEions and express
their view6 by hoving ,esoluEions, The inclusion
of Indians tn che
counclfs of rndia sec.eraly aat lhe vice.oy gave
Ehemacc,:ss ro
place. wh€le uItiEEe decislons ,e!e @<t€.
tiEhelro, rhey had been
excluded lom Bur new te.tuE6 of che lelofr6 ,ere dor
rhoughr co be enogh, n@re iq)olrerly, rhe separ.re elecEo!:re
becare rhe targets of cltrtci6m, irpltclrly arenying rhe c@nal/
.orpotate naEure of the 6ocieEy, The lJucknov paec of 1916 fu1ly
recognized rhe corporare oaru-e o! the Ioatian sociery and
scatu6 of r4uslic in it. fie pac! lecognized Ehe sepalale
elecEor.te and @d€ adequac€ provi5lon. fo. che leplesenrarion or
Mu.rids on rhe provinclat Leglslacj,vc councits. !ur!he!, !h!e!-
foufth erec;ed Membels ot tshe comuniry wele enaD,ted ro deremine
if a quescion in Lhe legistarive councit *as ro be proceede.t wiEh
o! noc_ ?har is, rhe legisl,aEure,as co lespecE rhe,ishes of lhe
co@unityg. Tbe Blirish cowelnn€nr had a1r€aaty accepted
colporace naEure and had been acrlng accoldingry. They
accepced provision of rhe Luckno, pacc regaldtng
rhe sracus of Ehe
t Musrids as a co@uniEy. They had accepred.rre sep.rare elecEorar€
eallier; 1arer, Eh? accepred ,eishage asreed upon beEreen the
Muslifr and Aindu leaderghip.
The 191,9 lefods rejecred federarron as impracctcable. On Lhe
riher h!'d, ir conrerr.d persoeriEyrproviices,
le.tucrng Eherr
lepenatence on tshe cenlral goneleeDc.
Tne new Act to.aced rhe
?lovince a6 rhe mosE Buirable iteld !o!
raunching vhar My be
:alted . .oDcrotleat experimenE in democracy,
The Ac! of r9r-c,as a
srep fo&ard ro,ards palt:a@nrary <tenloclacy
'r€aE in rndia. rr eas
necessary crainins co rhe r,tdids Ia
&d;o'ide serf_so@tuenE. A
a!r/wa6 inrloduced 1n rhe llovinces oa Brirlsh
rndia, plovinciat
dmini6rlaEio! uas accoldingly ativided uto .Reseryeit,
.T!anafe!!ed, subjeccs. The Redetued subjecrs wele
ro be
adhinl6teled by ihe covemo! wldr rbe help ot councilois no.
respo!6lble co rhe pr@incial leglsl,arule bur ro lbe covehmenr of
rndia_ rn rhe case of T!e6!e!!ed 5ubjecc5, Minisrels ,ere .hosen
flom lhe legislarule and rere lesporsible co i!10.
Duling !h€ 1920s rhlee p!!!a.3, ch.r i5, che Blirish, lhe
llindus, land xuslrmsin rhe po:tt.ics of India began ro be clearly
delined/cinahi,s civil disobedience o! 1920,s and Musl:m KhirafaL
novefreni again6! rhe British {e!e m€rged and rhe Erirish had
face a unireit rndian acEion. Bu! shen cnrs acrion subsiated.
conmunaltsm !e-a6se!red itsse]f. The !16e o! a Hindu organi2arion,
rhe Hinatu Mahasabha, was one of lhe mlo! facrors rhar sca!.d
rhe lrustim leadership ulgitrg a coftbined erfolE againsr rhe Raj_
Sabra launched Shudhi, the mvemenr 6i@at ac che reconversion
l{u61tms ro ginduisn and u6ed,eliglons synbols. rt pur
a selious
challenge ro Ehe congless secul:lle, rr gaiDed a @ss
and Mo(i Lat Nehn could rin his seat in the elecEions
of 1926 only
.fae! ihe Maha6abha agreed no! Eo se! up a rival candidare. Att
ocner Hindu candidares of the cotrgleEE in rhe united plorinces
rele deleared11, Repudialing lhe luckDo{ pacri ir advocaced
lnttaly governmenr for rndia {irh plovlncaar add rocar
deriving rheir potrels fr6 rhe Cenr.e; no rellicorial
disEriburior of plovinces ro ensule Mu61im @joriries;
<ltsconrinuario! of sepalare eleccorates fo! itus1in12s,
Bypassing Ehe rtusliG, aver5e Eo Lhe congress and Mahasaha
rdeas, cbe t,o parEies joircd halats, and a reporr ,as prepared

unde! che chalffinship of NS, l.t Nehtu. r11e Al1 Dalries
Conlerence, contened ln Arglsr 192! to dtscus6 rhe Neho Repolr,
ras noc aErended by ant Mu6tln t.ader o! Eubsrdce. Tre R€por!
lavou4o a sclong eentlat govelns6nt uEcceptable ro rhe Mu€tift
Leagle. rt propoBed Dfrillon sr.rus lo! hdla and palltahenlaly
de@clacy. The Mahasabha lnfluenced the Nehn Repor!, rhe Eo-calted
indigenous arr,enpi aE consriruriotr @king. ?te Repolr sEresEed
aatult franchise, lesiduary p@e!6 tn che cenrer, and ipiovj,ncial
autsonomyi fo! provi.ces ro be leconsritured linglisticalty, rr
denounced leserarion or seat5 lor punjab and lengar; aEreed ro
or slnd fron aonDay on celraln condirions; and co Ehe
rafsrng ol N.w,F.p. to tshe stsaiuE of a plovince. The Repor! was
exe!.1se in insEirucing a stronE cenlfar gove!.n@nt in a couDEry
lenr by comunalisr and dtd have re.ulled i! a pemDenE Hindu
@lo!lEy. A conplehensiwe BlfI of Righ!3 a15o 1.cluded, The
r.{us}im6 f€IE igno.ed dd deliEreit Eo the kviarhan
of lhe

The Nehlu RepolE eas loE accepE6d by

t4u.Iin ]eadelship,ho nor
ca@ Eogeche! in opposicion co j.r. h rhe meanrine,
rhe Brili6h
rook an initiarive and inviced rhe hatiaD leadelship
ro rhe RouDd
Table Confe!.nce tn ldndon ro solve the consraruraonaf
Theyre.e coafronEed, i, Malch 1930, ,irh a ler,etrious Co.gress
Gandhi,s Civil Di6obedience rcv6@nt. ,ne.6ove@n!
legartcd che
continued plesence or alien rule in hatia a crine lesponslble
"fou!-fotd dtsaEre! (econonic, FoIictca1, culru,a1 and spi!ituar)
to ou! counEry(l4. The canpaign o! civll D16obed1€nce included non-
. 141
payhent of t*es, breaches of tar, !io.s, a!6onang, @!de!s. an.t
of officiats. The Move@nr was Eu6pended after
negollallons beC{een rhe vi.eloy anat 6anathi,.?he candbi_I*in pact
led ro a r4ce and candht,s palllclpatlon in tl1e Rounct Tabte
cortelenc6 as a 5o1e felEe6encatl!.e of the cong!es615.
In rhe
conaerence, caidhi .!ied ro c@nar quesEton !o po6r-
posEpone rhe
independen.e peliod, thi. ,as lscceFaD]e
co niroliri€s ,ho
eworved : tfrinolilies paet, as a s.fegleld againsE Ehe pelceive.r
congleB6 dmlnarionl6_ rheir fear, tn rbe volds or Maulana
Ali, a Muslim leade!, ,as tha! rlndla had newer been derccraEicaLly
soveine<r 1n rhe pasr and rhe EJoliry rute in ridia
could Eurn our
to be rhe ry!an!y,l?. The BlitiEh amounced !hei, <teciEion,
paftly! in rtre fon of a cmunat a,a!d (1932)
. t]re A,ard
recognirecl the corpolare larule of rbe Ind1a.
sociely; aDd ven! so
lar as ro recognize tbe Uor@chables as a nidoliry eupheoisrically
called the .Depressed cla63es,. The arard was
incolpolarett in the
Covemmenr of rndia Aci,1935. ApaiE
lofr cerlain professional and
Lhe fotloqing caEegories oerF lepresenced rn

r. Htndus
(ochesiBe knoh a5 LnEouchables)
5, Eulooeus
9: ,iclhrd A!€s.
Fa.ed wirh candhi,s aa6r, Ehe Depres6ed cfasses sulrendeled
the pronisod seFarate arecrolareB under tbe poona pacr
Ganilht and B,R. Anbedha!. Accorctlng to
1935 Act, rhe safeEualding
or rhe inrererea o! ninorilies e.s one of rhe sleciat
responEib iries o! rh€ Govelno!. alrhough Ministe!6 could advise
hih on the sdrlecE of mirorties, lt {as up !o rbe coven&r ro
decide a6 he deeEd righE. xoreove!, !h€ coveaor uas ex!,6cted, in
a.coldance rirh the tnErorenr of rn.tecrion. i66ueat !o !in, ro
s€l.cE his Ministels who cottecEively cmanrted rhe confideoce of
lhe Legislatsule. In Eo doing, he was ro en6ule Ehe lepreEenracion
of i,sportanc minoiiEieg. Trle;e dtscrelionary pder6 or lhe Govelnor
were regarded by rhe frj,norliies a. inaatequare ana un6ar i Efac Eory19 _

They eailed ro alleviare Lhe fe;! of cjoliri a@ng rhe rinorir.ies,

parctculalIy arcng rhe Mu61ims.
Neweithe1e66, Ehe Mustia League decided Eo rollt rhe
consltlurion for whac ir vas oolrh. rEs desire ro fon coatlrions
in scveral prdwirceg rollori.g Ehe 1937 elecrions eas a pEof of
Inatia being a colporace sociery. In spire of 6ome prior
undersla.ating on rhe i35ue of co:IiElod beEBeen rhe congle3s and
lhe League leadership, rhe conglegs demaAded liquidarion of rhe
4uslim League in rhe Unjred provinces. Furlhemiole, 1! de@.ded .f
ahe Leaglers in rhe unlted plovioces to enllsr as congle6s m:ftbels
cerole rh€y could be incruded in th€ nini6rlies. rte itustin reague
leadersbip lefused to accept rhe6e huniliarlng tefrE. The
nrnrstlies thus lacked Ehe genuine lepreEentsarion of ninorilies.
)uring rheir fun.Eioning, lhe songldEE failed ro projecE iEletf
:!uly non-comunal olEanlzaiior cofttritteat Eo a secula! agenia, By
r,eaEle ca@ ro be eeen as che embodicr! of t4uslim
.nEelesta, JinEh-caDdhi and \rirnab_Neho ralks duling May ad.t June
1933 aounateledplecisely o! rhe polnE char Findu teaate,. eere nor
eady to lecognize Ehe corpolate chalacle! of rtre Indian 6ociery
and rhe Mu6llm Leagle as rbe reples6nraii@ of che ltuslins.
congless leaatefEhip was inconsl.c€DE ro lhe poinE o! being
oppolluni.Eic. on rhe one han.t, iE denied Ehe lJeafrle a
ieplesenEative chalacrer, on Ehe oEhe! it lecogrized rho6e Mlslim
organizacron6 lhich were vivjdly hoscile !o t;e Muslim Leagle2o
AfEe! rhe ouc break of ,a! iD s.prembei 1939, ir seeG chau
borh Ehe Conglese and lhe t€agle seie placricinq sElong an tacrics
co delive .onceaaiodE flom rhe sicuaciod 50 c!ea!ed. AD !h-e safre
11@ rhey wele indulsing in @Euat leclidnarion and plopaganda, To
Mashiiqi, Ehia atftosphele belng used by lhe BirEh Eo perp.ruaEe
lheir m1e. In<teed, che Eriri.h preEence, he a!g!ed, had atvays
rhe seeds of discord beEreen lhe cot@nrci,es. Such
preseoce ,as an hindelance ro the ninini2alion of
@rual anca3onisr
cnd prono!ion of nurual qood!itt and concord. BriEish depsrrure
rrom the lndian scene was decessary for promolins a h6dus vi:aeDdi
anong various relisious co4BuniEies, Mashriqi adopEed
consecutive scraEegies to gain fleedfr fron the Blitish
and co heal
iifts bet'een the Hindus and Mu5lims, ge began his accenpEg.ruring
his Madras .onfine@lr and coDri.ued rireft afEemarats. During 1943
ro 19,14, Mashriqi aimed ar a selEfemenE becreen Gardni aDd Jinnah,
the r30 accredired teade.s ot lho lro collmnrcles. s1s second
sLlaiegy was rhe pleparacion cf a consclcurron agreeable
io att
c@niries. rn lhe tottoutng pages, xe diEcuss hib Ero sEraregres.
BoEh of rhen fatred buc rhey do iuusrlare Mashliqi,s appli.arion

of hiE fund.renhal valueE ao particula! eltuarion, and his
conception o! hu@n ratufe. The plovision6 of his consrituEio!
the fon of che staEe and sE4cture of gover1@nE. che
bone of conr€nrion berr€en rhe C;rgte66 dat rbe League, ,ilr
<trscussed 1n che p.esenr chapre!, Thls,rr, .o."f". or a discussion
on Mashriql/s ideas regalding
hucn atlgniiy aE rhe cmunat Ievel.
The polEions comected,irh digniry ar rhe indiviatuar level
fom rbe .ubJecr of rhe foltowiig chapEe!.
Masllriqi,s lole a. an agenr ot leconc iaclon and seeke! of a
6errtemen! berkeen rhe League dd rhe coog,eE6, eas leces6iEared
by bis cilcumstances. In !'he wake oa ,4arch r94O r.haksa!6_puDjab
GovernmelE ctashes, r4ashriqi facect a decline of Khaksars2l. fiis
I(haksa! Movemenr wa6 clippled, and he wa6 nor abre ro acE Elom a
posrrion of slrengch. Ho{ever, he LhoughE rc uas incuhbenr
upon hrm
Eo brins abour a leconciliarion anat ro genelare @tual
be.reen rhe Colgress and lhe league. He pulsued this goal
vigor. He had iniliared htE etlolEE, ,h€n nr6 movenenrs had
resrricced to tradras. He ilied Eo plevenr a coffislon
betveen che
Gongless a.d lhe Musfin League by allenpErng co Mke candhi
Jinnah cone to a serEtenenr before Ehe end of
Ehe rar. ltashriqi
ranLed a negoEiaEed EecElmenE bet{een rhe cong!e56
and lhe
leasrue_ He slote ro Htndu leadels ulging
lhac che civil
Disobedience novedenr "is a tiftte pre_Etu!er22, and rhac rhe
congress Ehoutd firsr concede open-hearredly che Musrio League,s
dehand fo! lakiscan anal rhe! all parries should uniledly deGnat
Mashriqi taial enpbasi6 on negoriared agfee@nr based o!
vier6 abouL lhe nacure of @n. He held thar man wa6 a moral
and open to persuaBion, ro pelsuaite a man ro.adopr tbe !igh!
enEaued an ealnesr endeavou!. Ma6hliqi,aE
convinced cha! tro 6!one
should be lefr unCuhed to engure rhe rrgaE
course or acrioo. Aui
alr such betiefs ,e!e prerisei on rhe basrc v:e, dtat
cn is no!
i@re co reasoning and candid approach.
Qtrlan lbrever iodicares chac oa!€n mn can not
be pelEuaded,
rnus flphasi2ing a possibility rhat persuaslon
rs n6t a1,ay5 a
luaranEee Eo success. some people nay choose Dor ro follo,
.ighr !a!h even ehen rhey had full knovredge.of
consequence6 of
:ollorlng a differeft paEh. Sone people wou.td be
adanaft on lhetr
)rejudices, secrionar and personal biases
and inreresrs aDd voutd
.lvotve checselves inEo i1logical 6ituaclons;
chey ,ould Eke
LeGnds for personar/secEionar inrere6Es
oa cer:ain pienises bur
ould nor be arenable ro glant otheld inceresEs
on Ehe sac o!
imira! premi6es. such people, in Mashliqr,s
vie,, woutd .reate
irticutEies tor Ehehsetve6, 6omeEi@. reading
ro cotlap!e of
oliries. rhts vie* appties Eo conqieE6 acclEude
rowads xuslrft
eGnds and che evenrual divis:.on o! the councly lnro two.
.Mashliqi betiered chac sitb good fill 3nd sutficienr !hfugh!,
.earion oa an agreed procedura on huEually
beneficial @riers hay
:ore to b€ lirsr saeps in lrreare! ouruat
uldelsraldiDg ard,
Ereby, cr€:tion of cc@n sFbols based
en comon values, even
retlgion. fiith legald io lhe areslle !o! a united
acrion by
I ltrdlans for lfeeing rndia, tashrtqi ,as or rhe
opinioD rhar
unity vould, 'aE if by @gic, b!1trg abour firsr lealizaEion of
cmn danger; rhen 6ucceaElvelyr a 3p1!1r of coopelaEion and human
brotshelhood, discipline, coulage to face dange!r 6o1die!1y ploees6,
hilitaly qualiil$ and, tlnaUy, patiiolism dd poFe! and
f!eedm"23. Mash! q hatl e plediiecclon fo! face ro faee diarogue.
In h16 correspondence rirh rhe vlceroy, rJord t,inl1thgov, Mashriqi
alrays s*essed rhats no arcunt o: corre6pondence could le€al rhe
hearr khich Home Depalrment wished hj.m ro puE on paper ln vain. !r
ras only a face to lace latk thar could bring abou! undelsEanding

Mashriqi waB quire sinceEe {1th euaiar-i-Azan and idea of

PakisEan, ard in sinceliry he suggesEed rttar rhe fatsie! 6hould come
.o a selElenenE riCh can<thi, legaldtng Ehe ide. of paklsran. I! is
inlelesti.ng to no€o thaE in a releglam Ma.h!lq1 ask€d euaid-i-Azam
fheibe! lle approved acElve cooperarion of khak6ars wilh
Rajgopalacharia25 , This shor6 Ehar Mashliqr ra6 Eloeere wi!h eua!d-
!-A:am and such 6incetiry ra6 nots tidlred to hi6 suggesling co th€
Quaid i-Azam as io rhaE he thoughts res desilab1e ro do. Masbrtqii
beliering in uniEed action by MusIimE ot India, was leady Co
undeltake dia1og!€ on what he resalded irpofranE_ r,tashliqi berieved
s$engEh &d pracrical are@nsE!a!ion of Euch belief
va6 hts readlnes3 !o consut! aDd seek epploval of his heasule from
lhose rho were conce!@d hich rhe 6are probl€m, parciculally cuaid_

The Eein noiions of Mn/ 6 fleedon for lbe huknc.

and lespecE
pledisposeat Masbliqi Eo poaatbre NlEipliciry of polirical acEors
in a given Eituation- Fleedm of sitl is 1i!e1y ro cleare an
environ@lr of individualism,heEin each individual rilt hlve ro
be giwen considelation as a potiiical acro:. Bur if individuat.
have a.sociarion6, eheEhe! p!1Gry ltke tbe ramiry, o! 6ec5ndaly
ones like a polirical palry o! a wald comlrtee, o! a leliglous
con@nityi Ehen poliiical acrolg ey {o!k aE colporaEe b.dieg.
Existence of sucb comuliEies sitl have ro be li:cosnized, Mashliqi
erphasr:ed. Mashriqi {cs @icing so@ choughcfut pronouncehenls ot
Gandhi hirself, vho stared: 'rt you sanL !o ge! freedon by you. own
efforts, rher€ i6 only one ray. some peopre ralk of parliafi.nrary
nerhod. ouf only way i5 rhe ccnstnctive p.oglafr(e and che xindu
Muslim unity,'26, some sorr of resolu!ion ber{een Mustins league and
Co.gress sas consideled as tundamenral by Mashriqi fo! an.v Flep
coward freedom of India, or even achievenenr of pakiscad. And i: is
a aaets thai no plogr€sE Eosald irdependence of lndia could be @de
rill a con6enc on lhe palr or Lhe Congre66 on Ehe rcsr imp.ftdn!
issue of Paklslan uas Mnaged by Mounrballe;. Mashriqr ranled rhaL
resolu.ion of pakisran issue be ftade a€ amicabry as posE!b1e.
Anicable resolucion of conllicrs and i!!u€s ,as pa4 o! rhe socio_
policical philo.ophy of t4ashr:qi. Be eanred Ehar rhere shoutd b€
.eign of peace in so.iery and Lhar one of ibe Gjo! insc4red!5 Eo
achteve peace uas anicable le6ol,uEicn ot conflicE situarioos.
r'4ashriqi/s efforrs for a ttindu-MusIj,m se!Etefrenr ,ere loc
fditful fo! a nunlbe! of leasons. Fi16Cty, his enateavo!!! ,ere
consldered as a nulEance borh by congreE. and c;e Mustrm league, fie
kas rebuf!ed by borh; Leagle saying, ,auaid-r Azan undersrands
porirics beErer thd you. Refiain frm inrelfering i! candhi-Jieah
a!fairs{2?, and the corgres6 presittents:,It ts obviou6 rhaE no 6tep
tar serrte@nrl @.ety becaus€ you 6enct rereglah o,
any orhe! person expreEses 3uct1de51!.. rt i6 a @ttse! becFeen Ehe
codsress and rhe leagle onlyi23. seconaUy paities
sruck Eo rheir
orisincl posir!on6 Jinnah waE noE EaEr;fred vich a mere
desi(e on
rhe part of candhi ro freer him an<t axplore possibiltries
che of a
seEElemenE. He vanred candhi ro acceale Eo cne League,s iteGnd for
pakisran, as a pre_lequisiEe
ror deEailed n€goriacions, Ee ?as in
no hurry Co alljve ar a conplomi.e slCh
the Congle6s oD rhe basic
issues buE plobably ,aDEed co wair
unril !e eas poliricalty much
srronger. only rhar could plomise betre!
cehs and a lesle.rable
sercle@n! rirh rhe Corgressz9.
l5rrdly, in Lhe EbsFnce ol a secclerenL
beELeen (ne !Lo
pafties, iniriaiives Iargety remire<l
in rhe hand. of lhe Briiish.
such iniliaiives seem ro hawe benetltted
fom Mashliqr,s rork and
ideas- r,lashriqi,s effo!!6 at an agreed
constturion uere knorn boEh
to rhe rndian as sert a5 ro Ehe Bri t i6h,co,ernmen!5
. Mashriqi sloie
to llacrl itr sepc€n6e! 1944, and agarn
an May 1915, when rhe
viceroy was in r,o!don, €xplainins
ro him ,har nchoughr
he of che
situation in India ,iEh particuta
Eo Congress, lhe
r'4rslim League and rbe generat
shape ot Ehe _constiruEion being
evorved by his organi zaEioni 3 o .
Thele rs no evidence vhe(her MaEhr
abou! rhe size anr cdposirion
., Jj":'.,.:HJ:".::
envlEaged in hi. consrirutior.
There i6 eviarence rhac he sug?esced
about the cowlno! ceneral,s council 0n rhe occaBion of
Ehe simla
confelence tn lruty 19,(5, tre advocared palaEy Detween
uu6liG and
rhe ca6!e 81ndu6, i.e., fou! each, ad oDe seac
each fo! Htndu
Backrard classes, Musrim Backsald t4dtDs,
shia! Musliss,
Dravidians, Chti.Eians, Sikhs ald Scheduted
Casres31. p.obably,
Mashriqi influenced lhe Brirtsh Ehirklos
&ouc Ene conpo.iEion o!
ploposrd,e,conEEirured Execucire
councl.L. The eveftuar failure of
. leconsriEured council, len ro che cmouDcehenr
of g:nerar

ii4ashliqi,s colsEirucion ,hich ,as

ready by rhe beginning of
Jury aDd pubrished abouE four tunrh6
lace!, does nor seem r. have
nad any impacE on lhe coulse
of eveDcs. one,ondels bhecher ir,a6
read o. eveD consideied by alr.
e'<Eqa.e under a fu1l pallianen.ary
:"":": ::,T" T,:":"::;
t€ver buE,irh no linal decision
legarating Ehe eenlral
Ievet. He
''lt no! concern ouiselves wiEh lhe qeiails of ibe ete.corat
snccesses of bolh che palliesi
nor wich rhe palteys ower warioug
consrrcurionat prans. Doublle5s,
Ehe e1,
mjo, parries reinfolced rhe alirish
co E o pledminaDE palEies, "'""1";;::.,:.::":;":
Durrng Ehe congres6 tule
in lhe
!!,,ish did no, pay nuch B,tention ..,".,",.""fi"jlllijl;.ili
1919, sholrty afler rhe ourbleatr
of r|o! ,,a!' the vicelot Mrre
some poricy .nn,..r"."tu the wotk of coiqress
hinislrres and lhe sobatness
o, an ,"ru Act' shi'h !!ansfe!rE.{
porers and ploviated igrea!
oppoltuniriee co popura.ry erecred
govedrents c@nd1ng the EupPolt of MjoliEy in the
!e9i6la(ure"32, To a6suage Ehe Leagle and orhe! minorilleE and
Pridce6, he declared rhrt afte. lhe wa!, rhe BliEiEh GovelmenE
irill be wery pilling to ente! inEo regorlarione wfth rhei!
repre.entaEive6, vlth a view to seculing their coopelaEion in ih€
frafring of 6uch moatifications lin the t9]5 Acrl as Gy seem
desirable'13, Minatlul of the Leagle,s ite@nd6 he wrore Eo Ehe
secreEary of siar. on 23 oc€obe. 1939, uiging his Eo give fu]]
considelarion ro rhe legiriEte cralns of hhe l.tuerin comuniry,
Pealing a backlash fld rhe Mahasabba, .rhe Congless atr alons
avoided a viable 6otuEion Eo che comunal issue. thile artvi.ing tshe
congress MiniarlieE in october 1939 Eo re.ign, rhe congles6 Wolking
Comirree deEcrib€d ch6 pleviou.6EaEe@nt by the viceroy about
Indian independence "a6 an unequivocal of lhe old
iftpeii.Iisr policy'34. To che CmirEee, r.€ renEron ot differences
among Eeveral parries ained aE blocking halia,s tndependence.
The comirtee, in a M€eting oa 19_23 Nove@€! 1939,
accused rhe
govelnmenE of fanning comsal cension . and
of .leacing
nisundersLandlng and belogging iEhe @in and roral i6sua,15.
cmittee declared trha "Do c@nal, con6iat€larions ,ere in rh€
ray or meeEtng Ehe congres. demnd, and rhaE Ehe sino!1ries,
despile rhei! diffelenceB, did noc oppose India,s righr ro freedom.
The comrrree demanded an eally dectalarion of B!it)sh Har
ains and
a tully soweleign coostiruenr A6sembly !o arame Ehe consriruEion
lree lndia. In irs vi€w, lhe besr plaEfon to! leso1ving
ras rhe consrj,Euent AsE€mbly,
a feu day6 betor€ lhe Muslim treague,3 farcua Lahore Resolution
(23 Ma!.h 19401 , rhe cong!6Bs held Ehar "no pe@nenr soturion of
lhe comnal proble( {outd be possibte except rhlough a consriruenE
Assehbly fhere rheligh.a of a1l lecogrizeat ninoliri€E r:11 be
fully proEecced uniler an aglee@nc berween the erected
epresenEative of various ejolity dd minoliry groupsil6. The
Leagueleade.ship described che proposed consrftuen! Assenlly as a
iDebulous and inpraccicabl€, a puie black@il on Ehe pa!! of the
cong!e6si37, r! fealed rhat lhe con6!1ru€nr Assenbryi etecred by
lne vaEr Mloliry of ilrirelare Hinitu6, ,itl be sate! rhe lnfLuence
or Gandhi, congress leaate!6 anal rhe rrolking c(mtree_ The hr.rking
comitree, 1c ras a!g!ed, {ou1d uEe rhe constftuenE AsseiDltT Eo
achieve its ends: dre abolition of rn<tian SEaies, srifting of
mrnort.y comunlrres and che clearto, o! "a grea! Hindu 4arion
under irs beloved 1e:de!, Mahar@ candhi,lS.
Th€ goverdmenc wa. noEoblivious Eo Ehe lising ride of Mustim
ncrronatism and ever-increasing populariry of che MusIim L:aqre.
Nor{irhs!anding rhe consreEE lhelolic on hdtan uniEy, i!
a willj,ngness ro conside! palEicion oa hdia as one
of rhe possible
solurion6 ro lhe potiEicat inpa66e, h augus! 1940, rhe vic€roy
declared rha! the aliEish covem@n! icoutd noE conrerptare
rransfe! o! rhei! pleseir r€sponsibiliries fo! rhe peace and
relfare of rndia !o an, sysred or governfrenE ehose aulho!.iry
itireccly atenied by talge and po,ertut ele@nr6 i! ,ndij4,,
narlonal life, No! coutd th€y be pallies ro tshe coercion
of su.h
ele@nrs inro subsissior !o sucb a coverb@oril9.
This offeled ihe needed lhe ninortlies
palticularly the trualim Leagnres. Ba.l,1er in his inceeiev rirh
Jinnah on 27 Ju.e i940, rhe vicetoy, rolal tiDlthg@, had assuled
hin of Eliri6h ,deremiErlon ro have fuu .egafdt ro iruEltn opinion
and Lo the legilimaE€ lighE of Eo large a ninoricy or Lhe peopl,e of
India"4o. He Mde iE clea! !o Ehe whtEehatl .r,.t in ora", to.rri".
Jinnah,s suppori 'at rhis stage,, it ,as ne6senrial rha! any
decraration uhaE migbE be Ede should noE preclude a fai! and
unpieludiced hearins ro! rh€ xuslin !eag!e,s proposal for che
cr€alion of pakiscan"41, yer .rjnnah Has caurious and unritting !o
ttusr ihe Brirish profrises,. ne even afrer rhe
congre6s refu6al co coopelaEe in wa! e!fo!r, dre slirish eele
.areful noE to anEagonize it. He ,a6 keen to plevent any
lapp.ochenen. berueen Ehe BljL:sh ano rhe cong;ess, lhich H!l!
deEinental ro Ehe Muslih cause.
rhe alirlsh, in puisui! of rhei! o,n inreresrs, rook
sieps durilg rbe ra! rhich accertuated Ene corporate
cnaracce! of
lhe Indian 6ocie!y. By rhe spring of 1942 Butu ras occupled
by che
Japanese anat hei forces,e!€ knod.ing:E ibe gaEes
of tndia. To
secule che rnatian cooperailon ro {a! efforc6, aDd ro
assuage public
opidion in Brirain and rh6 Uniled SEar€s, Churchitl
senr Cripps
Mission Eo Iidia rhich plomised a posE_wa! Consrituen!
India,6 etevacion co a Ddinion, &cr a consLit;Eion flaned
by lhe
ConsciCuenE As.emblyelected acco!.ting Eo Ene piovisions of the
C@naI A'a!d of 19f2. Alt Ehis ,as ai@d aE clearirg
ar ridia4
union wiEh rh€ lighc of plorincee Doi Eo accede
ro Ehe union
Conatsitulion, if th.y so deaLled. The notr-acceE8ion clawe ,aB in
defeletrce to the colpolare narure of Ehe Indian Eociely, ioplying
che possibilily of part itton42.
A; oppogedl co Ehts sltuarion, Ma6hrlqt envisased a dr!rerenc
retho<t !o decide the fuEure con6rj,rurlon of rndia. Ee ulged rhe
need fo! a suprene Repre6enE.Eive aodyr.lhtch voulat .onsi6E, in rhe
filsr place, of rhe accredited leartels o! rhe valious .IemedEs of
tndia'E narional tife; atEo new assenblies and the netr execuEive
council, consEiruEed unde! rhe new constillrioD43,
Mashrtqi,s ploposals rere noE headed. rn May 194?, he
denounced rhe cransfer of p@er o! denocraric parlian:nrary tines,
!ea!rn9 Ehe congres6 domrnance, Be predrcEed.,; perp..uat ,ergn or
Atomic Bomb anat Rule of Te!!or, }€galizaEion of genoci<te and srale
klllings, an.t jusEi!icarion of nufde! of cbitdlen in norher,s
{oobsi. To hin, such a rule routd mean ,dorse inperiarisn. borse
.apicalism and sor6e Italakuisi lhan all lbe Hiscoly has yer
producedi. It ras likely to b€ a
"leign of fielf on Ea!!h'.
n.shriqi sas {orried aboua rhe phystcat {ett being ald dignily of
"130 mitlion sa.hhurs, 95 $tl1ion poo! l{usalErs, and 60 million
scheduled casEes,,, ne doubreat wherher unde! rhe
detrocralic plan, rhese peopte kourd ever reM;n vi,:le
enough ro
Iodge €ven a ploEesr againEE Ehei, perseculion. iThe o4e palry
,irl justify *holesale dessdcEion of all c!1tu!e6, supplession
Htsrory, rulde! o! phltosophy, annihitaiion of honrrabte
iradiEions, and staughce! 6t ideas"44. r,ror_torerant palry
n1e, in
hr,6 view, would idectma!e Ehe beaurllul cur!u!e6 0! A6ia, beaurifuL
F 197
.ode of Asiatic Mo!a1 r,ass, che b€ruriful ph oEophy of ?eace ard
Tolerance thac A3la has giEn ro Ehe Gnkind duiing lhe ta6! 5000
yea!s(45. In a dtviiteat hctia, MaFhliqi predlcred Ehat pa!!y !u1e
in each Dominion, being iD Ehe hands of ren "lrained in BriEi6h,ay
of rhinking(, would bling nothing bur vo!6e fon of Brili6h Raj
again. iiThis Raj will be ren ri@s mole ryrarnica], more defored,
rore ghasEly, ihpertaljsric and non-Indie tsban even the lorsc fom
of Bricish Raj". Transfe! of pove! ,lEhin rhe parriamenrary
fra@rork would be like1y to prove .Diaboticar platr of rhe luchless
4le of Eilla, srahmin ard t(han Bahadu., ,here alrogance, morey and
tyranny kilt lute lathe! rhan huGn beings,,45. (ashriqi,s
opposlElon ro rhe cransfe! of po{ei ro rhe t,o cin poliEicar
parties, cong.ess and Ehe rreagle, was based on specific reasons and
on tneoreEicaf glouads. Be !ho!gh! the paltie6 $e!e donina.ed by
capicalisrs {as in r}re congle5s case), and by feudaliscs (as in rhe
case of Muslim Leagle). He fouaat rhem elirtst and un-arrenEive ro
the reeds of che @sses. At rhe dac rime, thea! rehbers diat noE
possess any molal llaining impalrert lhrough acES of socral seryice.
Acrs of selvice ,ould enrail kork in rhe squator and filch.
Fo{bearance eirr! such sftuarions uould plorcle no!:l purificarion,
decency and decolum and pelsonal, inregllEy. Mashriqi ,as o! rhe
opinion rha! givetr rhe lov turallty a@ng rhe leadelship of
rso palties, tbere was no hope of lespec! lor lhe hu{an beings
for building prospeious add a durabte Bocrely, h observe! of
pakiscan,6 aflails i! hi6 aDa1y.i6
or leal beDericialtes of Quaid,
i-azafr,6 objectives, ha6 scnrinlzed Jimah,6 proglame aftt
insciEuEions eErabliahed ro ifrplemnts iE. He find6 rhar rof lhe
counrlea. wolds of ,tfmah, a apeecheE, lettels, ploposalE and rhe
le6otutions of valiou6 orgoizaElong, virh vhich Jinnah {as
assoclaied, palticularly Ehe Uuslln teague, Ehe ovetrhelning
poltion i. concehed wiEh poriclcal powe!. Refelences to Ehe
concerns of rbe comon @n, i.e., Ehe c.Ees, ale f€, aud f:!
beE'€en and ale nole 1n lhe fon or pious hope rhan in Ehe shape of
concrete piopo6ars lhar could be iriprerenred'4?_
The nator documenr conneeced wiEh Lhe qetrale o. Ehe nasses
ras Ehe Mu.lih Leagle Election rranltesEo oa 19j6, bbich {as meanc
fo! securing i@diaEe lesponse {lofi rhe Mustin etecrora[e. Afrer
rhe 19.40 ReEoturion of pakisEan, rhe r,eague scoggred
popula! trase. To do so, it appealeat to MuEIim idencitsy, ,irhour
plomlsing social and econmic boon.. rn AuglsL 1944, r,4ashliqi
proposed to Jinch to nake rhe Muslim League a leal
of ilte Mus11frs by givlns, ou! of aot, only 1or to loor Musltms. st
.o shiahs, and leaving 25t to KIan Baladur and orher well-Lo-do
indtvlduals rho ove*hef@it Ehe Mustln teague...,4g Ma6h!1qi
a sin a! appeal !o candhi on befElf of .rE poor ano rne

The rea8on6 why Ma6hriqi oppoEed Ehe Muslih Leagle

i. iE6
rerhod lor clearion of pakisEan,e!e @ny and some
ot Ehose had ao
do riEh his specific vie,s on naEion and,aiionatisr.
He eanled a
stable, dulable and prosperous pottcy.
Mashriqi wanEed Ehar che people ,ho read a ftovemeu
lndependeDc€ 6houtd be rhe peopte schooled
in rhe rask of sociar
sedice and eho have acquhed rhe tlablr of leBpecring rhe lumn
person, l{ithout imblbins rhe irrea and hatlr or seryice ro rhe
people, he .autioned, a leade8hip will noc possess rhe quaricies
and abllicieE dulable potiEy. rheo;etlcarly, MaEhriqi
rejected 66e of rhe 6jo! aearures of Hestseh id€:6 and
tnsrilurions and arEenpred ro prorcEe iDcrigenous poliEical
concepEions, boch Indian and I6lafric ge advocaEed a ,corpc!a.e-
sEace, rn the fouowing pageJ,,e .tiscusB Ma6hriqi,s
critique of denoclacy and his lavoured poriEy suilalle for
herelogeneous society of rndia. Hls criEique or democracy has r,o
Mrn pornrs. one le1ares Eo rhe possible ry,a@y oa penanenr
@joriry. Ehe second Eo rhe pluroclaric dominarioD
of rhe lich ove,
the poor. His criLique of bnratiLy dnd spicelurness or rer!9ro-
cullulal pemanence of majolirr.wa6 Eimilar ro che one levelted by
rhe Muslim League againsr the Coigle.E_ Indeed, a theo.eEical
6raremenr of lhe Lea9ue,6 posilion had been Gde eallie!
b_/ syed

:.:.:,t!!:ly pondered ove, lhe suiEabiliEy (o! oEheeise)

Ene represenLaElve 6ygtem ot crcvelnnent in !ndr. of
r.e congress rook up che narE.r. tonq before
Havino c,
che.,c,ear,y *p-;*at "Ji,i.l"t-t;'i;f.*5:j:y.';,,li,.."T":;
rn-d porrtical EysEem, rr ra egs;nllar fo. rr.e .re.t",s .o-u.
un:ced by rhe ties of !ace, leriaion
culrure and r'i".o.i""r r,iaii!o,"-. ','i-il. ll*::".: ;i":;::.
rA.ro.s. rep!esenbcrve sovelnmenE," p*"ci*uri i,J,.iii_.
il,il,",r1.""":??fu i!"Jf,}'o *'" in5'l'e ct"
".ti-t.iiif Jio
Mashr:qr's concepeion o( a pr€<tominanEly ,ndrr.^ou"
Oorr." n""
Ehe folloriDg bload asp€crs, reflecring inporranr
eleftents of

colpolatisn iD rhe leglslaEive 6phe!€ i.e. lepresenr€Eion
ot varioE co'@niEles ln rhe legt6laruie shotd noE be
based on popularlon.i.Eisti.6 above. Ir shoulit be
quarified in d irporranr r.y na@Iy, rhaE rhoEe ,ho
voluntee! chel! Iiv6s for defenEe of the countly have a
supelio! right ro 4le, In fiaEhliqi,s viers Muslins h:d
sewed f6r rhe defen6e of rhe counlly hole lnd r{indus
aoil atogewed ro have paliry ir rhe legislacule.

Mashriqi earted ro elsule parEtciparion of nas3es in

public affairs. This vout.t !. leflect rhe untry of acrion
in a naEion. such parriciparion ,,:6 ro be ensuled by
specifying Duftbe! of sears ir rhe legislarule for rhe
have-norE o! valtous comuniti.es.

BureauclaEic ulsdom in rhe chief execuEive,

The chief execurive Das co possess kidgly guatiri.s and

enjoY eelercntal iD accorar witb Irdo-Muslim conceprions
of the head of, rhe Erare.

Corporatist :sslnplioD .e:e!6 uivelse in ehich

distinct segsenrs of like_qualiEled pelsons are ine
basic a.rols.
such Eegnenas can be variou€ly r€neat aE ,groups
o. o!<rers o! qur.e
ofren clmu4irtes,s0. rn sqe 60cleries, !ne1!
e*isEence Gy be a
fact, or boEh sociat anit potjticat lire, Thar i6, Ehey
may be seeli
as compecing politlcal folceE. Even 1! Ehere exis!3 paEsivtry on
th€ palE of 6ome ot !hen, rhey @y be aloused, dd Gde actlve to
take parr in publtc affairs and ro ernance huGn ctignily.
one of rhe celebraced theolisEs of colporarish, John c.
calhoun, believed rlEt "l,irited leasors and la@IEies of @n, rhe
glear diwelgiry or language, cu.roms, puleuir6, 6iEuarions ard
complexton .., have, by rheir opeiarion, forcat a glear hany
sepaiate comunltles, acring irdepedenrry ot each orhe!.s1. when
cohprised of disElnc! comunrEres .,
crearion of viable polttical orate! beco@s probteturic, ".g""n..,
solulion i6 6ough! on a corporarlsr basis. We6re!tr lheolisEs
che problen of segnenred socieEy in lens of .egorisn,
lefusal by comuniries tso aceeFt de<ruar poriricat sraEus
relarlon ro any o.her segrenr, rn rhei! vie,, ,che inhelen!
of rhe segn€nrs i5 see! !o plewent Ehem froo accepring
an u.equal
d!6Elibulion of poke! as iust.s2. Suc 6uch rheori6ts
usually fa:l
to analyze wha! is invorved in ju.rice. Mashltqi,E
vie, is Ena! dre
Itu@n pelson possesses digniry and,hen€ve!
ne betongs to a
comurily, lhe human atlgniry will be ploEec!6rl
by p.ore.!i.g Ehe
digniiy o! rhar co(mniEy.
ro Mashliqi cor!,orate naEu!. oa cne rndian
msnifest.His solurion co the problen crealed
by !etigion-cul!ura1
<tivision ed rellicorial concenrlacio. or a.parricular
ab1€ ro derach jEsetf flom the @in
counEfy, drrf€led borh from lhe
congress and lhe tu61in Leagle. unlike
congress he did nor sanr to
a pefrnenE 4le of lhe sindu conmucy o€!
comniries, especlally r4us11G. unllke tithsrlh rreague, he ranred !o
lerain rhe uiry of hdia. The B!l!iEh, by s€elal isolaied
deci6i,ols oa Ehej,ls had cle;red a 6iruatld whe.eby rhe reo @jo!
comunlries had come Eo arriculale thel! visions in a @nner
<lianeCrically opposed to each othe!3. They atiat,ecognize rhe
colporare nacure of sociery bua hesiraced Eo lesoLre rhe proble(
Decause rhey did nor enJoy confidence or rhe opposllg comnities.
Adatittonalty, rhey fourd ir Co thei! advdcage Eo rale decisions
whieh Bewed Eheir incelests accoldlDs Eo rne eve!
lequirem€nr6. The Indian covelnnenE
irself p.ovided data
on comunicies as is leproduced betoos3.
Ilpulaeion of rndla by comniries tr94r census.

hdian srates/Agencies

1) Indian chrisEians
ii) AlgIo-rndian€ 0,1 0.03



deciEionE, rhe BrtEtEh did

precedents- Ihe one usable by Ma.hliqi ras cne commal A,a!d of
193?. Mashriqi addeit cerrain imporlarc qualifications to rhai
aralat. Folloving his theory, in rhe Tazkilah, of dyGmic narioD
*j,rh a Mjor chalacEoli6ricE of his fiembels tso sacrifice chei!
Itwes ro. iEs derence, Mashliqi eftphasized such .ac!ifice as
ploduclns rhe risbc
9id1e, A nation vhose nenlbiers rere eve! leady
and r"ad a.lually 6hed blood for of Lhe molherLand, had
r.he defence
lne superio! lighE. lrashriqi alriculaEed rhis vi€e, again, in 1939
itr a pamphle! !1!1ed 'Aksaliaats ya Khoon, tMajolily o! Blood,t5a.
He re*€rared the vie, Ehar hi5:oricauy onty
rhac nacion has 41ed
which has @de saclifice of 1i!e, ha5 Ehed blood,
eiche! in defence
*e*tioa or its terriEoly. MuBriG shear brood and had tlD
/nte h€+rght a. 1on9 as Eh€y could hold_ The Bindus ha{Ehe leas.
righr o! flre, Apptying rbi€ pliociple, rhe ulricEe a@unr
lepresenrarion of a1l comurtties in Ehe Cenirar and provi.ciar
Assemblie6, as eett a6, in pubric bo<lles courat be
f1*ed. The safre
9rinciple coutd be applied in deEemurng cne nunbe. of arl
haniscerial and high aatmini6tlative appoinrrencs, and
of all
appointmenrs ro civil hiliEary ancl <tiploraclc poscs,
erc. tttar is,
rrghE Lo hord pubric orrices ,as ro be deremined I
@n ler rhouEand Ehai a cffiunrry plovlded Eo a;Eual
baEElefleld, also Ehe nurDer pe! rh@sdd plovrded

The fuEure happitre.s of rhe .otdier anat lhe perianenr securiry

o! the Realh va5 envisaged Eo inclease 1n ploporrion ro rh€
lecognlrron ot Ehis rea6ule as a funda@.Eal light.
.Askariar,, nrlicarizacioo of India, {as
Lhus li6red as
conetilurional ducy of evely Indla!, ,ich rhe emphasis a)u!
"shedding of btood fo! rhe defence ot hoche!1and ha6 a1,ays
the criEerj,on for holding or powe! 1n all hisrory"s6, rr
Hindus in
Indian wele nor going ro c.ansfon themsel@s inEo a
milicary naEion, as Ehey were in rhe olden lin€si mele
strength of rhe Hindus could noE given lhed lhe
!igh! tso hold
poliricat pore! in lhe counrly, For h1s ,easo!,
rhe niritary
comunlcy. nainty MuEtins, were allored 6pecial privileges
reari.e rhac rhey ale no rcre @re @rcenalies of
lhe Realm, buE
acrual shalels of political porer on accoun!
or thei! tri1l ro
sacrifice lives fo, Ehe defence of rhe.ounrry.
The iBjo! co@unicies lisEed in che cotururar auard of 1932
have been given befole. Mashriqi 1i5ts seven.een erements shich are
I broad ireliqio_cultural, comniries. They nlso
religio-polirical offshoocs or rhe Mlo. comuniEres,
and are
reploduced belor, They ale iq,olraDt ro mentioD because rbey
rhoushe to Joinrry concrude a LreaEy
wirh lhe Brir.iEh coFfngre!
of porer, They ale li€ced bel@s?:

3_ Sanatanathami Hinalus
Backva!.t Hlnatu Clasaea

ro. Backrard Muslims and Mmins
1r. scheduled classes
r2. Chri6lians

14. fiindu Srates

15. muslim Stares
r6. soldiels
t?. MisceIlaneous {ilains, BudhisEE, palsees, erc,)
The lepresentation of c.munities ,as !o be by sepalare
elecroraEe, and in rhe cenEral Assenbty ra6 Eo be fixed as

RepresenLaEion (t) RepreBentarlon (Nos)

Hindus 40
rttuslims 40
scheduled casres 10
ChrisEials (include- 3

ing Arglo-hdiaDs



rn deremining rhe lumber of .eaEs che plincipte of .Ehedating

brood, kas kepts in wier, parciculalry ,ith legald !o che pariEy
betveen Hlndus and Mustifrs, Bur in Mashliqi,s view, Euch laliEy had
become esiablished ocheniae a. ,e11. He inferred thi6 tron a
tecenr govemmerE that rhe comuniries woutd be given
pariiy ir a reconsEirlred E ecurive cou.cil ar re cenrfe. rbe
airangenent,as also apploEd by a .ffiiiEee ot concllialion
Ewo. Accoldirg co MaBhriqi, cllcudstances ):ad grovn
6uch char, iunlesg rht6 paltry bereeen rhe rh @ro! comlntcies is
xillingty agleed !o, Eher€ i6 vely tircte riketihood of peacerul
ard sEable rule in India fo! good.59. The Sikhs replesenration
enhanced because o! tshe hilj,rary plowess of rbe comuniry.
!n .he
case of mny orher sElle! col@nirie6 highe! ueighrage ,as
accorded simply be.ause rhey exisreat. Jains ,e!e given 4
serrs in
a province wbere, hiEhelEo, Ehe:/ hld held none.
s1ftr1a.Iy, Budhisls
and Jains rere acco;ded five sears each tn rhe cenrla]
Mashrlqi consideled lc idanifesEly ifrpossible Eo d6ny the
fundamenEal right o! sec€6sion and sett,deEeml.mrlon
ro porrions,
co@uniries and sub_6ection6 of comniries. rha! ale undrlins
.oope.ate and feer 6!e seculiEy ia .epa!acio,,5o
.onslicurion, rherelofe, provided !o! lhe !igh! o! Eecesslon of ary
comuniLy or portion of Tndia ftv. yea16 aice! aEcainrenc of
freedm provide it clalred dd proved6l:
1) By a Ejoricy rcre itr rhe D!@ilciar A6.enbly, or a
plebi5ciEe of rhe porrion inrc1ved, as rhe rase cy be char
the piepondelanr viah of rhe people wa. co secede;
2) by 3lati6Elcs of rhe levenueg and expenitlrures fo! rhe
past tlve yeais lhaE the province! o! the pclrio.
rnwolved, ras serf_suppolring, or eas sure Eo bec@e
selt-suppolring if lefr aloner
3) by mitiEary siarisEics of rhe pas! five years !ha! rhe
province, or the porrion tnvolved, coutd hold
irs o,n
. againEr all odds, or would bold its om agaiDsr a1t
evenEualiries if terr alone, r
4t by €xperE friliraly opilto, rhac aeiEher ir6 om s€cu.iEy
nor rhar ot rhe ,ho1e Realn ,a5 enatangeleat in vier of
geogiaphical posirlon o! orhe! consideralions by irs
seceeEion, and
5) rhac rhe inrencion by such .6cesgio! ra6 noE !o endanger
lhe safery of rhe Realm by hosEite acEio!, hitirary or
othe&rse, atone or in cdbinaEion sirh other posers,
neishbouling o! disranr, ard assurances or airimacions
ro effecr again.ts suitable glarancees,
PaliEy between Htndus and usliM ,as maincained ,ith tegad
lo rhe office o! the Head ot the slace. A gindu, o. a Muslir,
elecred alcernaceLy, !o! a EelF o! rhlee years, ras ro be .alled
plesidenr of tndia. The Hindu plesidelr vas ro be poputally kn(M
as PlesidenE-Rajku@!! aDtt tshe usltm one as Ele6iitenE-paitshah_ He
ulde poselE becauBe tr ,ag belleved, rhaC the
rcoveament c@]d not 9o on 6tess rhere ea€ a 6!!ong hanat ,hich
pefrading all popular a5 relt as de@claric acts, shen un-
requile@nE6 of ta! and older and good govelnnen! necessirat€
3!!ong acEion(52. He mu.E tEve hotd Che orrlce ot cove!.o! in a
province or orher highe! posr. As Euch he,as ro core fiom the

Mashrlqi ruled ouE a palry reade! as a presidenE or a goveftor

because a scable and peacefut govelnmenE vas ihpossibte ,irh hih
A parry leade! rended ro be virdlctive, He usual]y had no
experience of adninisEfaEio! ot ciries. atisrricr6, g!o!p5 or
rtisrlicEs, adninisclaEion of lu.cice, revenues, eatuca!ion,
hospitsals, pubtic wolks, cusEm., raxes, lriaci, no acEual
experience o! rhe admini.trarion, He ras likeIy Eo iwasre his Ehre€
yeais in making schemes fo! lhe agglandtzemenE of hi6 oen palty
uilr noi do a stroke of rolk for rhe good of hdia"53. On the olher
hand, "having rbe besr palt of his tife in rne lear sesiee or tbe
peopre, the civil selvice ran, noialfy at6oi deselves Ehe
poBirion"54.tlrrh furche! rmprovemenEs in Ehe civrt 6edice
independenc India, rhele ,as alt tikelihocld of gerr:ng even nore
capable.persons ro ftl1 lhe posE of !h. presiaten! ot rndia as re1l
as rhose of rhe govenors in Ehe plovinces, ab.ence of parly mn a6
a head of gove!@nc ua6 envisaged co idrigare, larher, auihi,late
arl parEy dissension. in the councry.65

T1.re allangement ,as al,so Eeen Co €Iininale c@nal rivatries,
in that, a6 non-parEy fren, Ehe preEideDr or rhe sovelno! vould nor
lndulge in nillicit gatng ard undue 6xploitsarion"66. Ac.ording ro
l4ashltqi, tshe i!6riEuriotr of potirlcal palties in tbe counrly,
uhi.h had arou4ced ro t@y c{)tlltl|El factlon fighcing agains! each
oche!, ts a very recenE Blirish inpoEirio! on rndia, and was
enrirely opposed ro rndo-Musrim philoEophy. The non-parEy covernor
ra. Iikely tso do hls besc ro keep lhe cffiural plopolrion in
sepices. As such, he Ha6 apE ro Epend rcsr of his energy,n
teeping rhe olher comlniries saristled,c@nal partles in such a
situarj,on rere 1ikely to lose rhei! comunal bitiernes6. They would
lose isuperficial poliEical cham whlch proouces
amoDg rlre comu!1tles 1n rndia,57 rndeed, palrie5 {ere lhus
envi6aged to ovelhaul chei! idea. abour rhe necessicy of rhei,
erislence, *outd he.iEare ro play upon letigion :6 a polirical
6runE, and rele expecEed co evolve fim anal definiEe ideas alour
lhe general relfale ot lhe counEry.
Moreove!, sy6ren of Eaking highty ptaceat ;ivi! selvice rer Lo
fill lhe hlghest execuci@ office va6 a1leady in vogle under rhe
BrtEish, and had ploduced a good d@trt ol srability adat efliciency
in rhe adeinistlarion. This efflciency ,as expecred !o in.rease
oith improved mechod6 of sel:cEion of men suirable for civil
service by compeEirive examinarion in tuture68.
The suggesrion of a xindu pre6idenc by a Muslin
Ehar of a r4uslin pleEiden: by a Hindu ple6ident, a.d
goveroors, ras bound co clea.e an arrcspttele ot
6een atulirg rhe f1!5r half of Lhe Eienlieth

Palry pollcics ras argo deerpn.sl2ed itr rlre administralion of

central affalrE. rtre plesidenr vas ro choose rifreen o! Bo hembeis
of his councll of Mlnister tlos among the elecred n€mbers of che
fegislarure, bu! he ,as f!e6 Co chooge any renbe!6, belorginq ro
parry. rr ras co be a gove@nr of all parries i!
all o! nosr ot the palCies in Ehe legislaEure ,ere
ro be tepregenEed in rhe council ol Minisrels. The Minierers,ere
ro be elecred represenlaiives o! lhe people. Because rhey represenE
palc1esi their cholce as Minisre!6 sas 1eft to a non,palry head of
staEe and in Ehe case of a provin.e ro an equally non_pairy
goveao!. rh15 uas suggesred in o!de! Eo s!ppre56 palEy spilir and
encoulage atemocracyin rhe leal sense. Defrociacy, Mashriqi
@inlained, ,as nor ele by a 6in9re d@iDnr.party, ibur by a1l
parEie6, spr€ading ics uciliEy Eo arl peop1e,6e. Favoularisn courir
!e ctushed, only if MinisEels ,ere no! chosen on tbe scrength of
palliesi aa the.e was no chance !o, lhe keak rhen, One may objecr
ro Mashliqj,,a plan of govement of all palrie6 on Ehe groulat lhar
ntnisEe4having afriliarion ei;h diflelenE palties,e!e ltkely ro
aliffe! and Ehat ii nishr be ditficulr fo! chd ro,o!k cohesively.
Mashliqi's aosee! ro such objecrion voutd be tha! under a 3eni
presidential and Eemi-parlia@nEary Eysren, rhe p,esidenr vas 16
cnoose mefilrors of his coscil anit 1r uas he rho,va6 ro exelcise rhe
execuEive power wirh ulrimre r€€ponEibiliry Eo the leglslaEule7o,
Por Eeeking aid aod advlce In . parEicula! mafte! rechrical,

p!ofe66iona1, hilitary. leligious o! orheE-,ise_, rhe plesidert
could choo6e an entlloly nes coqcll !o! tbe rire be1ng, composed
ol expelts in EhaE Efte!/ dd in hts dl6clerion, hold apalr from
the re9!1a! council?r,
The coDsriruri.oD conrained sevelal fearureB cotrrliblrinq ro
the lepresenrarlve chalacEer oa tshe lresident in tens of
poputaLion as oeII as.ultu!e. The lncosing ple6ident vas Eo be
elecled by a ig!.nd assenbtage,,?2 consisting of the siEring
Frealdenr, his fult cabiner, nenlbels ol the cenrlal A6sen6ty and a
college oa provinciat assenrtties {each p!@incial a66embt, sending
live Musli(s and live Hindu nenber6) , S€t€ccio! ot che Mu6lii ,ames
by a liindu presidenc and rhose of a t{indu by a Mustim 9lesidenr,
rhe cauae of leple6encariveness. Ma6hliqi conceived
the schere as a -sreet bretrding, ot the rlndian conceprions of
royalty add alitish conceprions of dtucracy,73
Trle presidenr o! rndia ,as dee@d ro have been elecred wirh
the consenr of che people of aI1 donominacions, €ectton5, creed6,
ecc; lepresenred in rhe gland a6senblage, he ,as to be plocLaimed
a5 rhe Defender of Fairhs, Righrs and Reafm anat, outside che
borarels of hdia, rhe aote Representalj,ve of the people of rndia.
Ttre plesident uas to enjoy a gr.ar measule ot frajesry ald
synbolic and acruat powers. A1r:elnartvely rhe Hindu o! Ehe Muslim
president-in,office, as the case mtght be,. had ro keep 1n viev,
aluring his lenule ot office, al] rhe besr gowemois
beronging ro the other faiEh. yt €lecced, tshey shoutar, i! his
€etlGrion, rte rhe counrry beneti.€nrry and efficienUy, Ar lhe
end of tto year6 ot his dle. sitCtlg President saa to. put in a
Er_Ieg_€4e.19D tlve nan€{, alphabetlcauy allanged, alod anons the
govelnors or ex-govehors, eho irrhiE estiEtionr sele b€sr EitEed
fo! the ptesidenr6hip. one of rhe naftes mighr be nare of a 41er of
a srare undelsrood to haE @6r eaficierrtt governeat his srare ot
dehoclaric o! benericent Lines. The putring in rhe envelope, of
these naf,es {as Eo be amounced Ehloughour che counlly wirh lhe
firing of one hundled dd one guns- In Mashriqi,a vlew, by such
acr, C!44 che rhole or India rould be lsEumed as to rhi.h
Mussal@n is Eo be Ehe lik€]y cboice oa rhe Hindu plesiatenr,"?4 and
vice versa- Opening of the envelopes, exacEly afte! aix monEhs, was
!o be announced aifrilarly. The final elecrion qas !o Eake place
exacEly on the 6evenlh day of lhe amouncemenc. Ard, EinaIIy, !f
the sirting plesideni ras a Sindu one, 'oufd lssue a proclafration
appoinring a Muslin paatisbah,Presidenr for Ehree yeals as cbe
elected represenEatiwe of the ehole of India. AE once, he aas take
hih inro his cabiner ro rrain hift u! fo. rhe preEidenlship for lhe
nex! six nonths, When the pleaidenE betotrged to gindu leligioa, he

'!s t. be known.s RajkuGr-presid6ntr wben he waE Mu6IiF he was ro

be styled 'Padshah- Presidenr, . Ma5hliqi,s vie{, in atevising the t'o
styles, does seen, on hindsight to have conrained a !tulhr people
of the snb-conrinenr, frherher gindu3 0! Mu311ns, had been
accustored for centuries Eo have built up a palticular 1@ge of rhe
oler of che lealm. Po! Hindr6 ir 'as Raj-|(u@r, lor Mlstims
padshah o! sulten. padshal 6yn5olized aII rhe viltues of a nobte

nler or the lealn, Erctional a:Eachrenr Eo Raj - Kurai/padshah was

virruous 4lership, llosh of rhe countfj,ed of sourh
Aaia have exhibired rhac atslachnenr co such conceFcion, ir is
exblbiEed in Eh€ plevalence of dylusrtc Ele6 in @sr of Ebe oche!
couft.i*, e.9. of India, pakisr&,. sri tanka an<t eve!
BangladeshTs. Mashllqi heldt thar in tbe Aast ia king.tg noc onty
the defende! o! the soil bur of che soul as ,etrl,76 He i6 openry
6Ey1ed as tshe defender of leligion, che Ehadow of cod on aalihi rhe
holate! of che f1ag o! lusrice, erc.
Itle p.esidenr ,as ro have very wide p@e!s, ge was ro hawe
veto poFels ove! Ehe co6cit, checked o!1, by che racr rhac a
freasure slppolEed by 14 our of 15 nenDerg of his counc was ro b€
execuied as a measure approved by rhe plesiden!. ge had veto !ose!
over the legislarure and could be che.ked only by an iq)eachsenc of
rhe presiden!. In rhe 1arler ca5e, the sp€aker of rhe cenrral
A.sedrly! with re! rhousdtt nilirafy persomel ac his co@nd,
could ousr rhe Presirtent tf imFeached and so requiled. The Cenlra1
to be knorn as Che Supieme govelnmenc, and rhe
Presiden! was Eo be knokn hs tbe pre.iden! of the Supreme
cove!!@n! id exercise of his runcclons rrEn respecE co rhe rndian

Mashriqi did noi conEedpfate ,,any ircdiatse violen! chaager3"

in Che relation of rhe Cenriat govelnfrenr rirh rradiEional nters.
arirish India was an olganized unic, cenrlatly admini6re!e.r andi ro
a great exteiE, etflcienEry govemed in marrels ot inrernal and
exterral securiEy, delenc€, valfare, exE.mal c@rcial lelarions,
diplo@Eic affairE. eEc. h letarion to Sraces, Inatia ra6 superio.
1n poinE of offensive ud Ereriat lesources,
ate!6nEive capactEy,
pr.stise, and organizacion. she lEtt Ehe natulal light !o consider
hel8el! as the most 6!pre@ pose! in Euch Eiruarioo. Rul,e.s of
India* States had the right, or the drhitrawat of B.ilish
para(ountcy, rreaeicr concluaed pirh rhe B!ir1sh.
India, ho,ev€!, coulat crain helselt ro be rhe supre@ porer
rranEferring ro he!5e1f itrtact chose crearies. Bur, Masbriqi
deEired thar Free tndia nould no! keerr people residen! in rhe
SEares ro be unde! idoub1e.t.very"?9, Ehe s1aEry incldeo. to
Dheir being rhe subjects of lhe auloclallc rule!. of srares, and,
secondly, che slavely aa a leEutE of .ubo<ilnaEing of their tuIels
to Lhe atminarion of rhe India govern@n!.
India ,as ro anend, ab.ogaEe, or rirhdra{ frm rlle rlearies
rlanstetled inracr ro rhe supre@ coveh@nt, in ploporrion co rhe
eill o! rhe Rulers of slales Eo arenal, abrogare o! sirhdlas rheir
4te ove! people. r. Mashriqi,s vtev, freedom of
Ildiai esseniialty, neanE Ehe aleedon of Ehe peoptes of rhe srares
arso, and nots Ehar of o! sraces only, Free hdia ea6 noEt
che Ru1eis
assuhe the role of a paramounr govelnrenr but Ehat of a suprefte
GovernmerE in !e1a!ion ro SEaCe6, and her ai(,as to be ro,o!k in
rhe spirlE of an arry Eo physi.aLly,eaker poqels. In proporrion as
the ruIer ot a srare shosedi bt7 his denoclaEic deeds, his ,itt 16
parE virh his pelsonat pof,er, ro rhar exEenr ,ou1d the suple@
gowelnmen! relax rhe cu!b. on lhe .urhoricy and posirion ot Rulers
ot scaces. Rulels vele exlrecEed €venluatly
as Ehat or a Gov€do! of a province or hdia, ,irh rhe exc:ption
rhaE a tulelrs ru16 ove! the sEate vas to be h.rediraly, and nor
oDly fo! Ehlee yea!6, ja srare icderar<r rufry on Ehe fj,ne5 of
urion ol rhe plovince6 of rdia, ;g ro po6ses cne sam€ plrvi1ese6
as any provinc€ vith Ehe dlffelence rhar irs Rule! ras ro be a
heledilary Rule!, and courd be remved in the E;me way as presidenE
oi Ind1a. unde! scipulared condiEions, a srace had che rrqh! co
seceate and fon an indeperde4E unir.
Ma6h!1qi ras endeavou.lns ror imediaEe independence because,
in hig view, rhe Flesence of rhe Bllrish a6 n1er. of rndia was a
binatrance sirb legaral Eo 6iry arcng Ehe walious cMunictes
inhdbiring EhaL c@nr,ry. BuE he oppo6ed rrdsle! of p@er ro a
majolrry palty in an undivided rndla, o! reo palrie6 in a dlwided
India. Ets opposition ro Ehe Gjor polllicar pallie€ ra6 norivared
by his conceln for rh€ righr6 of rhe irdlvidual as eeU, Mashriqi,s
conc.rn for LeIigjo-poriricat c@uni!ies and uay. ro p.omoce
comunal digniEy have be6n ourlined j.n rbis chapce!. rn rhe nexr
.hapcef, his viers on pronoEing Ehe digniry of the indivtdual
pelson ej.1l be di6cu36ed, @inly inE he coniexr of rhe sub-



{London : Faber and

: ceof rrey BreE , rlE Carer*fi
3. Hu6sain, op.crc., p. 22r,
Jlii Ii"' I l' ff",#,1? ual!€
5. g.
R. Atrbedkar, paki
Lahole aook Tt.d*",-]ft; q:a (19{3,
5. Ha@ed, op,cir,, p. 55.
. rDrd., p. 32.
3 Alrhur B yeiEh.
*q'j!jir.+ji!s:rl!+*isf.j.a# jrl.gd j-a.-I5.Qj- ul5
' ;i:ii:i::i":l::iT:Fj:lir,,",r"i!?:::i :r"jij:i,'il:1;ii;
r0. (eith, op.ctr., pp.243-46.
r1. rlam&d, op.cir., p. 156_
192?, quoced in Hah€ed, op.crE., p,

;I*:$Ltfli;+:,.:Tffi #$;qt'ffi
(r,o"ac" eas.ei iia.o"p.,y
ifr-*:@ ' rta. rgs+r
14. sryeed, p3ts!€!E!-: op. cir; p. ?6.
r e 3 r (rpc . ;.";, -";.*"**f,'.jffrffi
l::^r:Lr-of rhe pacr, eee rhe rn.rir
ti3ij-leff .!t"ff

Maulana Moha@d Ati quoted i! Hareed, op.cir,, p. rs4.

A text of lbe Arard is pltnced ar rEast India {conEciEulionar
Reromsj : comnar Deciaionn 1n Jtnnah, The Na.aon,a voi.p,
op. cic., pp.53{-537.
A co.wenienr sullMry of Ehe Act is given in (eiEh, op.crL.,

Congle6s-Leaque lelatlons ale Etudied 1n a nuhbe!

Hameed gives a good Eho!! account. see his ttuslim of books_
Aslam, op,cit; pp. 254-264

21. sussain, op. ciE., p.2oo.

Sayeed, op. cit,, pp. 123_124.

3r. Hussaini op.eit,, p. 21?,

iff;%: :?:t:"":'?:.,Tn! leploduced in Jl@h, ?he Narion,s


3:$:: 1'";1',";:::i'":doorkinedc"*iEEe. @ecrs

rhe wolking comiEree,s minures leploduced
ln rbid.
16. **t meeElne in uarch re4o, leploduceir

sayeed, op. cir,, pp. t1B-119.

r33s-1ero tNev Derhi , M;;;i;i 1991), p. 244.

" 3i'".?:ni;1i:,1*f*:i,"iii. (aon$av : ,4l.ord ro!


sussaitr,op.cir., .II quotacions flm p.

The cobsriiurion of Free r.dia 1946 a c.
Hu6sain, op.cir., p, 227,

i3li"E"ff;I;"9'ii3li; H*.*"1*u-"r-lr*ul ('.aiachi : Roval

IiuEsain, op. cir., p.219.

*:.:9..11. lbs'r }ramrd, "on under6Landins cne eudld_1-Azam

university, 1979j,il*"r,*#+#-frtrl#
#TFiq.+it1.i!iil:":t: p r3t.
Rogowskrfi,rasse!_6p!ins, op. ctc, p. ra.
iiil= ! ;.'",+i::t:.*il#+*ifi f tff tr York: Bobb-Merr!1,
Rogoe6ki wasse! 6pring, op. ci!; flofr p, 14_
Boih quocaErons

i*!"iili.li:iT.',j. 41? an't Mashiiqi, rhe consrirurion or

uashriqi, Aksaria! ya Khoon tMajoricy or srood?l


59. lbid., p,
50. tiuaaain, op.cir.,, p. 211.
uashltqi, The cotrsliruBl9n of !r!e 5ct1!,,,, p, 5l

53. Ibid., p, 6.
Ibld,, p. 1s.
Ibid., p. l!.

, p. 13,
R.dheed lArik, op. ci!., p. 151.


;:iiii:."!tr1"'i,::T"ii,fu i:ili:;f :ily""?SXtiS,i:Hl

16, Ibid., p. 14.
'?. rbid,, p. 99,
13, rbtd., p.61.

.rlf i'
I- o'rrr"'


Mashllqi s vieq or mn is based on theoc;nErish,aEher rhan

anthropocenrrism icod !5 lhe cleaEo! of mn add has
endowed hrm
*irh observaiiorat and inEellecrual po,erE, giving mn digii!y
al,l evolved crearules. notating such vie,6, Mashliql
ls in agleehe!!
virh Jacques Aaricain, a cathotic lhinke!, thar Man is
as person, @de for cod and for erelnal tife,
betole being
constirured palE of hu@n co@uniryr alat ne 15 con6riLuced
palr of
tamitiat socieEy before being consriruEeo palr
of potirical
soclecy. Hence, rhere are pri@ldia] righE€
of ini[ridual, ,hich
rhe socrecy musr respec!, and uhich rr oare nor
slong khen i!
defrands !o! irself Ehe atd of i!6 merbels
because Chey aie ias
parEsl. In lhe plevious chapte! re di6cussed
bow t4ashliqi deatr
wlrh rhe prinor<tiat righcs, of a fanilia.L
6ociery lhats wa6 lehed
as comunity. rn Ehe ple.enr chapter, we
drscuss Mash.iqi,6 viers
on the plimordial rishEs of individual pelsons.
Accolding .o
r'4ashriqi, all leveared looks iave enphaslzed
the digniry of rhe
4u@n being in a nunber ot ,ay6.
The Bible rhus describes rhe

ro liashriqi iis alsosE a c@plere 1irrle unrverse,
mi.rocos6(. iThe nosr roDderfut objecr
*tT *'
fo! ne,s srudy*, co hin,
'is En binsellr3. rhe imolraliry of lfu,s spiltuar life i5 rhe
distinccive feaEule rhich lai6es htfr eove Ehe anihal wo!1d,
possession of rhe pder of at]sceaing good
ard evit, and
diffelentiatsing one fofr the orbe!, rogeth6! rhe 91fr of flee
wil1, glves hin Ehe choice and @kes .rm lesponsibte ror his
acrioD. rodeln Chli6rian rhinke!! hrve advoceat a sinilaE
vie, uiEh
legald Eo man,s 5piriiuallry. Maitiai!, ,o! €xar@le,
rlies ro sho,
how human knowledge has gpilirual baEisj inan,,,
he say6 !,i6 able co
kDow ,hatever parricipares in being and cecn, Ehe ,hole
can be inscribed in iti4, Thi6 reans thaE rn
older ro be known, Ehe
objecr knosn by Ehe inle11ect has been sEripped of any
conditions of Ecerialiryi. l'llis @an6 Ehac, ,hife
beiDg analy6ed
by the mlnd, rhings bec@e enrilety sepalaled tlom
!hei! frarelial
exisreDce_ Mlnd goes sri1l turlhe! ln coar
1r tclows Ehe spirituat
darule5 by a!a1ogy, e*rendiDg itsetf Eo Ehe
lears of Ehe po.sible.
rhe Quran lepearedry say6 char Man is desrued
ro @er his cod and
has che capaciry to parEeln his characre!
"as rar as possible, on
of che Designe. o, th€ UnivelEeis. ?o Mashrldi.
lherefore, an indiviituar perEon,s characEe! ishoutd,efte"E.
derehinarion ro evolve co highe! foft6
o! clearton. _ Tllis
esrabliEhes dtgnily o! rhe hrm! person
rn cne .lrvine scheme of
rnings. is, the hu(an persor
ia ic6 enrileEy is a pair of ahe
polirlcal society, buc, norerheteEs, ic
tlanscenat5 poliEical
socie[y by reason of any.nd all .bsolute
vatues to,hich rhe
person j,. lelaEed. Ti,le bu@n pelEon
Era.c.nc6 rhe sraEe, ro the
@n ha6 a de6riny supellor in Et@5.
!4arirain holds that {henever se say Ehat a @n 16 a peisoD, be
frean Ehat he ia frore chaa a sele palcef of Etsle!, nore lhad an
irrdividual elecnt in natore, sucb a3 an aEom, a blade of g!a66, a
tly o! a! elephant. Man pos6esses inr€l1igence.d vi11. He exi6is
noE nerely physically; thele i6 in hln a licheE, nobl,e! exisEencej
he has spllttual supe! exlatsence chlough knowtedge and de.tiny, I{e
is chus a ,ho1e, loE reiely a palrr he i. a urive!6e unro himserf,
a niclocosm in which rhe rhole great uri@lse.can be encompassed
lhrough knowledge; '.,, In rhe flesh and boiles of fran Ehere ltwes
a soulblch is a spilit and {hich has a gfeare! ratue rhan rhe
rhole physical unive!3ei?. No dou.bE, @! 16
of @Ete!; hts physical exisEence is mateliar in nature; buE 'Llr
hu@n pe!€on exisEs by viitue ot Ehe €xt6reoce ol its soul, {hich
domiraEes Eime and deaEh.3. Thi6 @anE EhaE tshe hu@n pel6o! has a
lelarionship rith the Divire and lEs6esses absoluie dignity. tn rhe
piciuresque descriprlon of MariLatn, Md,s "sptli,cuat tarhelland
consiBts of Ehe entile o!de! of rhlngE rhich h5ve alrsolure vatue,
and vhich leflecr, in 60@ ray, :n tbEolute superio! ro the ,o!ld
and rhicb dtav ou! Iile Eofards Ehis ab501u!e'9_ fte Daculal
aspira!1on of rhe huftan pe!3on is lor pol1rlcar and so.ia1
eEnciparion wbich ,i11 release hin rore and nore ffd Ehe bonals of
faEerial narure. rc aims ac .rhe betierenr of rhe condirions of
h!@n 1i!e ilself'lo. such befteren! rould i'plocure rhe co@n
good of Ehe mulEitsude, in such a Mnoer EhaE each concletse person,
nor only in a plivileged c1ass, bur rhloughour Ehe rhole G6E, @y
treery reach rhar maauE of irdependence s-hich is plope! ro
civilized liae an<Lhich is insule<t alite by ihe econhic
sua!.nrees ol rolk and ploperry, polirical righy s ciwil virEues,
anat rhe culrivarlon of rhe nildill.

!eligions artsacheit urhost ihporcance to humd dj,gni!y

and, hiFcoricatly, @ny hul@ documents hare
ir as a
bastc jdeat A r@deh docuEnE in rhis co@ccion
Ey be sard Lo be
the British Bitt o! Righcs of t89 ,hich enuncialeat,
in!e! atia,
tne rlghrs and tibelEies of rhe slbjecr.
Aparr froh 6etsrtin9 rhe
succession quesrion, ic6 @tn emphasls ,as
on Ehe elinirarion oi
the loyar prelogaEive of atispedstng rilh
rav sfthour the con.enc of
9alliamert. xing, accolating Eo this BiIt, could noc tery
"he raxes
o! nai,ntain any in rime of peace *ichouc speclric
auEhorr2arionr2. A cenLuly lare! Ehere
care lvo Uo.,n.*" o""rrno
qiEh rrghes of pe!6ons, One,a6
che r.unct Oe.tar.tion ot ttre
Righrs of Man and o( lhe Cicizen and
Lhe orh;r uas rhe Aherican
Bill of RiqhEs. Tte anerican one ka6 specrfic Eo
lhe unrred scares
of America in tshar iL foned lbe firsE reD
amendFenEs to rie U.S.
consEicutio., gualanreeing rhe indivi(
lihi,alions on federa, an.r sEa,e
afreDdhenE coDceded ".,.-*':::.
very s!.bsrarEial, !1ghcs in tavou!
of rhe
inativi.tuat person. Fo! exanDle,
cotrgreEs cou-ld noc tegi6lale on
leligion_ rr courd nor eslabttsh a letigion,
nor coutd prohibit irs
fiee €xefcise; iE could noc ablidge freedd
oa Epeech or press or
cne righE to dssfrbty and periLion
tor reOress of glievances. Lrfe,
libelEy an.r p!ope!!y could nor be
raken wirhouE due ploeess o! law.
People rele seculed again6r uu.:a6onable sealctre5
alat seizules and
lssuaDce or warlanrs except upon prcba.bre cause and dilecreal to
speclfic pe!6on and prace6, Ir lequj,led thar gland july
indicc a pelson in proseotsi@ ao! Ejo! c!i@6. jeopaldy
lor single orfeose,as pmhibired. rr uas plovaded cha. no pelson
.houtd be cohpelled co resriry againsr hi@ell.
An accused person
wa6 ro have a speedy 4r'ic triat br/ jury,
,a6 ro De infoned of rhe
narure o! accueaEion, ,as ro be colaroDEed
wich prosecurion
,irnesses, and ,as Eo have rhe a6s16!ance
of counsel Excessive
rines aDd ctue1 and unu6ual punlshfrenrs
were forbidden,
UnenumelaEed reslduat righEs ,e!e plotecEed
tn fnvou! of lhe
individual, and powels no! delesareit !o lhe redelal go,ellnent wele
re6erued Co Che sEares or $e peop1e13.
The French Declalatior of che Righc6
of t4aD and of tshe ciEize,
is ofcen cerebrared ds oe or lhe basic
charcers or huMn
Itbercies. the ,hole declalatsion ,archala
Flelch,h@shE, shich sE!o@.
"",.,. J;":.""I.:i"T-"i'.:
i,solaEe and specify plinciple6
rundafreDEarro nan and, rhelefole,
tniversarly applicable. Meclared
thaE arl men ale boln free and
rqual in rlghcs. whictl wele specitted
as rhe righrs or libelrv.
'rtvaEe ploteltyi lhe inviolabitiCy of Ehe pergon and lesisran.e
o oppresslon. At1 ciEizens vere equal
belole the laa and sere !o
ave rhe rtght Eo palricipace in
legrsr€rion directty o!
rdirectly. ar€€dm of leligion lleeatft of speech ,ere ro be
afegualded ,ichin rhe boudds of public
olate! and 1atr.
The Declaracion fa. de!i@<! floo
a nunbe! of sou.ces. Thev
rcluded consclcuEions ot a nuhbe!
of NorEh Anelican (".9.

vilgtnia,s 1e76Decl.larion of RighE6), Monresquieu,s norion of

sepalaEion of povelsr Joln locke/s notlon
of naculaI lighrs,
RouE5eau/E rheoly of che genela1 {i11, vottaile,s,
empha6is Ehar
the irdiviarual nusE be safegualded agailsE arbitlary police
jurticiar acrion, phystocrare,s doc*itre
o. lhe inviabitiry of
privare properry and the En.yclcpaedi E!, 6
creed rha! ii rhere eare
nalulal Iaws wiih respe.! ro which huna! belags
1n all pafts of
the wolld must ag!eer14. posirive asEellion of
rne extsrence of
ucural lars 1ed to natural lighrs enwi6agd ro be ,iabove
:rsrom and rladiEionrls. Tha! is , celrau
rrqnrs rele univeisal

The stogdn oC che F!encn Revolu!ion vas liberty, equaliEy,

:rarerniEy. ovellime opelalion of libelalisn
ted, v1a excesses of
aissez faife, ro erdphasis on socialism enlch
basicatly irptied
'u@n equaltty and hu@n dignit-),. rn placrice, it evenruaEeat inro
oEalitarianism, empha.i2ing econonic ploducraon
and lelesaring
ndivlduals ro nonenclEy. Europe of the
19!n cenru:y Ecopped snorE
r flalerDiEy a.d lad by Ehe early 2och cencury
expolred Eo nuch of
Es usritucions Eo Ehe cololial a!ea5 rhat f.arelniry
r@ Eo lose ttotd rhele es ue:116. (wirness.!ise
of rnaLional,
)nlliccs id rhe Middle EaE! afce! borh ,o!rd
sa!E) , co!6nia1
lLel!eccuat Eed on Eulopean _deas gleu
boEh nacionalisr end
)cialisrr of so!E, Many ca6e ro incolpolace.ociarisc
ideals inEo
Ei. proglames. hspired by BiUs of Rrgh.s
in rhe fcleisn
Insrirutiors Ehe leadels ot :ndian rhoughr
and opini,on otren
Ended lecogniEion aDd enforc@nE o! !h6
rundaeen.al rights ar
a nufrbe! of o.casiona. rn rLE Nehs ctuiccee Repolr, ir *as srar€d

"o!r filgt.ca!e shdtd be Eo have ou! lundacnrat righEs

gualaree.r in a hanne! vqlch,ill no! pemic Ehei! wirhdr;Fat
uDoe! any clrcuMLancesirr
Thi6 aleMnd sag pleE6ed by rhe Inatian teadels a! noud Table
conference in randon as ,elt.
And Mashriql drd noLe rhe Indran Congress !e6oluEioc on
funda(entat righls of 1931 and 1933. te was ar6o arAre of Muslim
Lea9!e,6 eleven de@ndE ot 1938 as Muslin,s rigbtstS.
Anaurholirative Mu3lin le6ponse !o gi@ing Congress emgh.sis
on social,ism, particutarly rhaE advocared by Nehtu, cane fom
Iqbal, 8e tras oE lhe opinion thar rrusttn probten of bread would be
solved on Ehe basis of Islamic sbaria! sutrabty lnEelprered
to lake
modeln developr€rcs inro accountl9, Mashliqi plepared
a charle! of
FurdafrenEal turan Righls and Indivjduat Liberrtes
co@ittilg the
scare !o underrake measules !o! vetfare and indu6rrial
The basic potnr of all che enviEaged ne
ills.ould nor be eradicared unle6s sEraEegre6,e!e
based on
"proper concepcion of socieEy, oI!u!e, le1igton,
habir and mode o!
1i!e._. and prope! conceprion ot rerofr,2o. Tha!
is, Mashliq!
lejecEed Ehe refomisr viess e@ering fom lhe
lllesr. He Elied to
derrve prrnciples of htB charrer of fundanencaf
hu@n lighrs from
rne Indian cradition. botb Hindu.. rell as r61.mic. He
Fundamentat lighcs of Dn as rhose utu1r€lat
te pleiogarives of rhe
individuals ot a narion, ,hich rhe countly in whi,ch
lhar oatsion
1ives, detunds as a vhole *rough i,Es rme!
rrreEpecrrve of whecbe! ary palticula, condEicucton i5 in operarion
in thar countly or nori, ge look Che vrew lnar such lighrs could
nor rechnicatly fom parc of the consci,rlrion of a counrry,
consrirution ras a nurable rhilg at evely srage of !h. de@lcprent
o! che opinion of peopl€, and irs rEa flaning depenared upon Ehe
boaly of Consrirurion-flaDe!5 appolnted by Che naElon
ro rlanslare
rt6 lmediace requtreoenis inco a .ode of laf. on otshe! hand,
charEer of funda(enrat lighls of nan was fla(ed
"under tshe suplene
aucholiry of rhe igenius, civilizaCion and cllture possess€d by
orienEal counrries, flom imehorlal Clnes o! givlng fundafrenral
lluchs co all rhe bes! of rhe wolld in all spheies of life.i The
Chalrer is thus an imurabte docu@nr now, ano no orher
could have lendered rhe fuDdamenral righrs imune from
changes by inteiested parEie6,
The nosi ihporranl tundanenral rtghr in Mashriqr,s viek
one rhi.h concemed borb the p!e-1947 Ilatian sociery
and iEs
irdividual inhabicantss. This ras rhe light of initepenatence
loreign subjugarion whicb vlotale<l rhe dignlly of rbe peopte
well as rhar of persons. AE Ehe cop of lhe .cnarcer
or fundamenEa!
rights and indiwidual riberLier,, Ma6hriqj. put the , ba6ic
ot rhe realfr,. They inctudedr ,,To bling lacx ro rndra
the naaive
peace and hamony, cod fea,jing aEfroipnele,
ve_rour, afriable
quatitie6 of head dd hea!!, high holals, 6iretici.y
of life,
innocence ot feetings, hlen .onceprton ot lite,
respecL ot hutun
!elaEion6, etc"21.
To Mashfiqi, spiliEGl developnert was a righr
of cbe
lndlvjd!.I and tlt ataEe ,aa ro pldor. indigeno$ religious
coneeptioG. Auropea civilt2atio!, d1tuR, node ot itrougln, llare
ol cd3cl.nc.! sense oa hlen iturles, iiteas o! i,nr€narioDaL
rel.rton.hip, anil blmn .xplotrarlor, rer€ .9r cd.ldeed ro be rhe
tasc uorits in luoa! Tisdd lrit Phltosophy of rrl!.. rndeeit, rhey
,e!e yeE iD exp.ri@nrar arag.s orry. hdta had Ehe lj,EhE ro
reEracE frm rhar.v.r portlon 3he had asglsilared ol Bh.n so aar,
to the extent n.tural Eo h.! oh origiDal concepElons of 1ife.22
R€ltgton b.ing still the rotiw pore! in the Eaa! .rd che
gr.aE retuge of En in rhe process of life, rndla ,as noc to
discard lbe spiricuallsd or Religion, inheliroat by h.r flN age6,
ln tavour o! EuloPean Grerhri6m andl unconceln to Eh1ngs
spiriruar. She ,aE Eo u6e atiscrioietion itr choosing rcchods of
educrcion, di6caldiDg thG. prejudiciar ro he. leligious o! oEhet
inEore8rs; prohiblElon or liquo! .nd orh.! lnEoxic.nE. vele ro be
coD6idered a pall and palcel of !!.eald of lnd1vj,ttu.l,2 3 . slhilalty,
che loll@ing leaBur.s fele aLso .on!id.!eat of virar 5iglilicanc.
fo! lhe funda@rEal ltghrs oa !h. in<tividlef cirizen, nam.ly:-2{
l. India,s righr ro letlaci tt6 *har.ve! porrioa !lr. h.d
a.sihilaced of rhe Eu!op..n ingricuriooE and
philo6ophie6 ao aa!, ro the qrenr naEulat !o he! o?n
origi,nal conceprions of life r
2. De@cracy, noE bei.ng 1n accoldance eich rhe origilal
tnilian cotrcepiion, tindu as x€ll a6 Muslln, and being
only cry !.c.nt ir{Dshtd of ih. rests on rhe Ea6!, sas
Eo be aaro!,r.tr ro the cxrenc of 116 being benetlclar Eo
hitia,6 ge@.r br.ft.r;
3. No 9ov.6@ne ro ..c!ittce, fo! lmdiare sup.rfici,al
gaim, rhe inilig€r@l iDdusirte€ and resoulces_
{. Repeal, ln Ehe ordin.ty cou!.e, of r.us p!.ludicial to
!h6 oligtnal tnatl.n concq)rion oa good goretu.nr.
t!atj,. ras Euffering lrd ,th6 lor .lanatald of mral vilrues o! Ehe
avelage tndia. Id Ma6briqi,6 -riev lpeople ale dishone.e b€ceuse
th.y are hungry, tell lie6 b.cause lhey sE&e, uidors Euffer
b€c.use rhele i5 ran! of !ooc, beggals Ehl€ve becaw6 rhele i6
notnlng to eat, rhaaveE ab4n4 becaua. sE@chB ale 6hpEy lepers
are seeD eEryln.re, on the loads becau6e p6o91e irruD<telled, child
deerh- lace iB appallinE becau6. rcrhels ha€ rc m11k le:r in rheir
breasc, dlsease abdn<l bscause physicat consriruEion catuo! repet
ir"25. tre varioua 111s fon ahlch tnitia vas sula.ling ,ere raken
up as a qu.stion of au.dahental ri9hr6 of man, In Ma6hriqi,s
optnion, Ehe root cause of @5E ot these ltt. €6 iElnly, if nor
encrrety,... Hunger-25, And hdla was hungary becau3. iir feels

Itself'2?. The . rlade - ilperbr iso, , rn rssh:iqi,B vie,,

iscnPulouFry denud6s Ehe viceln counlly noE only of lau mE.!ia15
to rh€ last dlop of ir6 blood, !r creares a sysEeo o! sconftics aad
Gn.ge.l cullenci€E ir Eh6 counrry, fom ti@ Eo !i@, in 6uch ,ay
as to.tetrude it oa aII ren! @oeBary realih Bs wet1"2a.
Masbriqi algu€d rha! tbe ariitude ol che 1q)e!iilisr counrries
uas atrc8c lnhli8 tdarik poputariors uDite! rh€ir ture. lite ot
ruch p€ople ,!E trot conlldte:eat v.1u.b1., an<t people rer. .Iloeed ro
die or suffe! iD niUions, Such poputariors eere rhoughr by
Eutopean irqerialisrs Eo hac no righE Eo be considered
'civilized,. Ir ,as ihereby idfelled thar
used ro! plorecrion of life iD \civ izect.
It ,as inperarive rha! aree Irdia .hould lise to rhe
corsciousness or rhe neceislEy oa ploiecri;n of humn 1ife, ,,in
older Eo wiEhnold aggle6sion on her resourceE and law mare!ia1s.,
The lemedy, in Mashriqi,s view, ras rhaE (it is lhe priftary
.tuEyof lnitia to sive thaE fooat rhich she g!ou6 on her o{n soil
filsE of all ro her won chlldren. He a6seiE€d his disbelief in
Eulopean ideas in Ehe organizacion of societsy; ,ir,re have known
enough of sciences, aud t4ths' by no{ Eo our cosr, ot
plolessots ef sciences and rnrhs exploiEe.t by potirical Europe for
che.ir om ends, od we are nor jorng co have ani @!e non-sense or
!hi6 and rhaE science, in che lurure Einpte potirics of rndia'29.
To solve E]]e ploblen of rndia,s hunge!, he plopouoced i a wery
sifrple arc handy 4Ie: heicefoltbi a Rupee ras not ro be ne:sured
by lhe cold stanataid, o! rhe sitwer.Eandald o! the !pape!
6tandald' . Ir {as ro be heagured by the Bciuat amount of whear rhar
it could buy i4 hdia, ald ihar amounc o! rbeat {as co be sixreen
seerg: IEshriqi claime<r Ehar all ecolom1es or rndia, adjus.ed in
the fundamental EEandard vatue of lhe Rupee, uould
go the lshsle way lor the bererit o! rndla3o.
t{ashliqi put a npeei value ro be equivatenr ro sixreen seers
wheaE as the @in pivor on vtdch rhe ehole fuEule adminiscrarion

rlee hdia
'as ro rumr fleedft fo! hdia ,as going ro mean good
lood end tull rBoiachd for .verybody, noE.mrely fo! rhose vho
explolr.d tn<ria. h ashrtqi,d viev, l4edqir wiEh eq)!y gromch ,a6
nor rolth the p.pe! on vhich tr f,aE giv€n. the si.ce should produce
lood ar 3ulfic1.nr1y tor !ric. lor .very indivialual in
!h. raDd,fon rhe highesr io rhe ldli6Et, !r au rl@s. No sd of
ch€ 3oil ,.s to be depliveat o! th. atllly lrleaal rhar hdia
Ere{ on
he! @n roil. c!!!ency in Inatla vas, henc.to!!h, Eo b. reasuled by
a RUPEE beins Ehat coimhich gave ro ils proce.sor,
aE Ehe leasr.
sixleen Beels ol rhe.r (or equlvereft cerear6) . Alt
hrelnal aB
,eII a6 exrerdl econ6ie5, plad5 and sch6nes of che srale ,e!e
nn subsewiedt co, snd be aitjusEed ]n accordance eirh. lhis
arandald of Ehe value or a Rupee, This value oa rhe Rupee
,as ro
sreadily ftettolare by rhe pe!6is!.nr erlolr of the staEe,
uncil a
Rupe6 ras co posaes6 Eh6 pde! buying rhiriy
tqo seerE o! wheaE.jl
Hunger ln tratia hed struck aE lhe rooE o! .Ll viralily
in che
counrry anat hait leituce<r lhe averaEe ag€ o! .n Inatian
to 23 y€lrs
chlough migery and statuarion. sor rhis
Frpose, a cur_.to6 in
erpenaliture on rutulies, Balelies i! clvit anit
aleparr@nca, and aerlties ya6 also ro be p.!r1s3ib1.
or,a6 ro b€

The staE6 wa, to (il6alro* alt ca@flage.r ploposals

indusr!ial plans !rrloqEery se*ing Eo p.oduce capl!aLisric
in lh. country and eraloit.tion or rcrktng cta6s.s, the
state, .ccor.ring ro a6h!iqi, was Eo k €p in v1.u tndividuar
h.pptness! peace atrd ll.nry,equal dlscllburion
o! ,ealrh, plou6 and
conc.nted hones ho!€ rhatr even proBpeliry itl rh.
country lesulring
. 232
in the stavely ot the cosrly Eo caplrau6n, egglrg huEn lace on
Eo Ebe inlluMn destncCl.n of uoltd Wara. The 6late wa5 ro call a
halt co a1l such a!cracrtve plopoEal,E rh€rhe! e@Daring fom wirhin
o! rirhout fo! Ehe real and elesal happlnesd of tshe counrry and,
in^ this re6!ecE, wad co k66p mole ln vicw tshe pbilo6ophy ot
o!1enia1 life Ehan any lnfinish6d o.onmlo Eheorj.es of lhe wesr
lesulring fron Ehe various .iB@, of Europs32,
Ic ras lhe priGlyl& rh6 Srare ro rake adequatse measures for
tbe ptorecrion ol hurun 1if. * evew srao6 6f it6 exisren.:. For
this puipose rhe fo11@ing rightE o! che rndividuar were
lecogni:ed in Mash.iqi,s consriturion:33

(a) The lighr of evely frolhe!, it unprorecEed, !o srare hetp

up Eo Rs. rvo per nonEh tor rhe wel,!a!e of
her child for a peliod of rro years aE rhe 1easc.
(b) The righr of every unprorecred rocn io fulfil Etre
runcrion of @rher-hood oiEh a]t possible aLteviacion of
the phtsical .uff6!iDg, and to Ehe cale of her ilaanr up
to ihe age of three j,n Mrelniry and cbil<r_,elfaie
.entles oiganized in principal Eovns anat cities_
(c) rhe iighE co plodpE and adequare provision foi rhe
desEituEe and unploEecEed ramily on Ehe deaEh or any
bread-vinner, o! p6nsioner, Eo rhe exlenr of Rs_ E,o,
per mensen, pe! perEon involved.
(d) rhe righr of every unprocecced chltd fiee @lnEenance,
educaEion as {ell aE Ecalt ln 11!e, eiche! dileclry by
tbe stare in dulr.bte ch d-wellale cenE.es, o! cht@gh
rhe advance of suir.bte g!.dear stare hefp up ro R5, Ten
per @nsem ro fanilteE, uDdelcakiDg ro protecr and
educate rb6 ch1ld.
(e) Tbe lighr of ev6ry destttute pefson, above tsne age of
sevency, Eo a penalon not accedlng R5. 5 per mensem tsil1
one rcnrh a!re! hiE death,
(f) The right of every begga! !o have food i, beggar
louses, o! Eake up emplo'renr ln familles underraking to
piotecr anal Erain hifr up to! Euitable occupaEion in life,
ar rhe co.r of advance llofr Ehe sEare up ro Rs_ rwo per

(g) The lighr ot adequare hilk and.ghee 6uppfy ro ever,

pelson in rndia by a sysremiiq, even dla.Eic legislation
for rhe plorec€ion of the cd, a5 ,etl a6 rhe she,
buffalo and oche! nttk-aniGl6, of lendering every
possible srare as.isBance ro catEte_omels arit orher
allied inErtrurlons fo! rhe pulpose of inploving breeds,
quality and quanricy o! s1lk, foo<t fo! cartle, slabtes
eEc., and of lhe o.ga.l.ing of Epecial carrle-breed
cenEres chroughour Ehe .ounrEy! . ca!!1e_exhibirions
cat e-shd6 in vIrlag.€, and c.Etle_plizes, erc.
(h) The righr of posirive h6.IEh o! body and nind, 60 fa! as
this could be seculed by rhe ,ide6r possibte
esEabrishnenr rhroughoc rhe counEfy, by sysce@!ic
etto!!, of rhe un4i and v.allc sysr6nE of modicines, al6o
@Eura1 @!e sy6re@ anit €scabiishcnr or efrecrive
propaganda in the counrry lo! rhe
cholce of prope!
nutsrictve fooat, cteily heatEh €xe!c13e6,
hearlh r3sorEs
and legular aporrs, eEe.
(s) The lighr of exrehin.rion o! lelr diseases such
rubelcu1o6i5, hatalla, teprosy, €tc.,
by rndian merhods
conducled by quallri€d s!a!e doctors, in
siru and on rou!, for Ehe purpoge or adninisEering
fralimm relief co sufte!1ng popurario,
and pra.tical
sqni!c!y educarion ro Ehe Gsse6,
Ir Mashliqi,s view, at1 c1ci2er6 eere equat befole
Ehe .oulse
of fa', irrespecrive of lerigiodr caste, cfeed,
5ex? rank, bi.!h,
poslcror, or aealrh. rao 1iabittry aftached
ro ary ciri:en by
leascn of his (or her) letigioD, casre,cleed,
sex, birrh, posicion
o! poverry, i! regard ro public enploynenc, orfice of po,er
non.u.. and in the erercise of any craate
o! cauing according Eo
la* a.d rcrats and nor c1a6hin9 oEhe! peopre,s inreres!.
'iEh 4r
Lo have
eqlaI righE6 .nd ducies in regard to roads
scnoors, ptdce6 or public leEolr, va!e!_lounEatns,
!ank6, rells MinEailed ouE of state o! tocar tunds, or
Dy pllvare persons ror rhe use or genelar public.
No pelson was ro
be dep.ived of his liberry, nor waE
h1B dkerlinE o. properry Eo be
enreied, sequesceled, frozen or con!iscaEed,
save in accordan.e

o per6on vas to be. deEalnel 0i,rhouE tlial

in a reguta! coulr
of lar and convicrion the!ea!te!. t! sCate rea5onE
Dece6sitared his
detention conpeosaEion on equirable baEi6 {a6 ro be paid co hi6
family in case of hi8 being rhe b!ead-,tnne!. No person ,as Eo be
kepr under potice vigilar.e 6xcep! by an officiat inEi@tsion ro hin
ro that effecE, no! rhe plivare collespondence of any suspecled
pelson, already convicred co be cerEoled excepr wirb a ctea!
inti@Cion on Lhe corle6pondedce Eo rhaC effecr. The period of
lnprisonnenr of every pe!6on unde! !!iaI wa6 to counr a6 peliod of
purishments in case or convlcriori, rr case of honourabte acquiEtsar
tsnestate was ro adequarely compensare rhe pelson charsed ao! rhe
loss he had sustained during rlial, colpolat punish@nE las
rorbidden. capilaf punishrenE fo! *eason, espionage, desellion.o
eneny mighr be infrlcred, but noE foi nino! polirrcar offence_
capital punishfrenE for rcral crines ras subjecr Eo Ehe nercy of rhe
slace, bur neaiest brooal o! conJugal lelations night serrle on
lvdry cirrzen qas free Eo mve lhroughouE lhe councry and ro
stay and serrle in any par! rheleof, Eo acquire properry :n
'ich lav, ro follof iny legiriule Erade o! cal1ins, and
to be treated equally sitsh regard co lega1 prosecution or
prorection in all patrs of the counEry. oovelnors of piorinces,ere
to be in dilecr chalge of operdrion on such funclaftenral lighcs and
rnar no Erespass on Ehe ribelry or individual vas nade
by rhe lae enfolcen€nc agencies36,
No person ras ro submiE co any advelEe .erigious ins!4crion,
impalred if, a school o! corteg6 o! in ary public insricution neanE
ror gedelal good agains! his (or be!) sirl i! an adulr, or aqairs.
the sill of p€!.ons qeicisiog rhe autho.iry of parenc oi glaldian
if belo, rhe age of 15 years rho sele t'o d€remine rhe feligio(ts
education of rheir childlen. Evsry child had rhe liohc
attending a Echool rirhour .ftendlng rhe advelse lelisious
ingrnc!1on at Ehe 6choo1, and every pe!6on lhe righr ol gelling
beiefit fon a ho6piral siEh@E suhl1tring tso irs adverse r€tigious
lecrures, ir lhe school and hospiralele leceivlng public soney.
or sate grant, or uoctr37.
to be rhe equal gruardlan of evely religion in
resp..r of pronoEion of ideas of viltuou5 life, rcral livins, hu@!
rela!ionshlp, slmpaEheric deed6, Eocial seeice and absoluce
parrlcilsm and loyalcy tso lhe sate. The state ,as not Eo pemir
the glo,ch or ideas undeniniDg hooe-life, rundameDral hufran
rela:ions, peaceful and leligious 1ite, .€stallisbed religious
be::e:s. peaceful dctivries or egLabtished tav and order, on rhe
pleteice of huen libelty and p!og!e56. The srare eas ro pur a ban
on a1l viciols tireracule, ifinoral ideologie6 a.d inEricu!ionsi
obsc:ie erhibi!ionsz adwelEisernents anit news, anat revolucionaly
leligious or poritical plopaganrra @de fo! che pueose o! arEeling
the basi. srluclule of socierylS.
T.iking irto accounr inler6si6 o! i.divtduals alr.ched ro
spec:fic gloups, cercain pr@i.ion6 uere e trade in rhe crEe or
farers. The 5race was ro provj.ie insrturenrs frm iine !o Ei6e for
lhe purlose of relieving aslicutrural indebtedness in lhe courily

(a) curtailnenE of ex.e561ve lnrele6Es on Dea$anE debLs bv

apecially appoinled qecurive orficiats, a6
BriElah period,
{b, dilect conrlol of u6ury by legislaiion fr6
and the fixlng ot ninlnium rate of inceles!
. Elfre, iF9.n*e\
(c) Provi.ion of S.are and co_opeiaEive banks, addiitonal
ucilizaEion of sace and piivate banks for advancene!. oi
4!al credir ar ve:y !.re ot Dreresc ,irh the
provlso cnar a pea6an!,a€ nor no@lly ro be advanced
soney fom such barks gleare! Ehan his aDDuaI incone
excep! to! purposes of caplral consrtuerion o! adcplton
or b.Ere! m9.s or curriv.rion,
id, spe.ifi. plevenrive tegisrarj,on againsi Ehe in!iridarion
of pea6antly by police o. oche! sEare officials,
le, speciat provisio! .o lhe effec! lhaE jusrice in rhe case
ot pasBant uas Eo be p!oF!,Er cheap and ir situ,
{fl laying itown of plevenEtve rules fo! courrs as wetl as
counsela against exceEEive tirigaEion in case oa
The slate sas ro prorecr au indlgenous iDdusriies and das io
and cffecriwe sreps fo! Ehe levival of de!un.!
industlies ehich yere nainly co*age indu5rlies and for shich Indra
haat been larcus rrd a long tine. The sftall peasanr uas
nor io b.
subjecEed Co fl.r tax, S@11 peasanca, ,ho5e nurce! exceedec
rr rhe big landlords rhose holding, khen compa!€d wirh rhe hotdings
)f a .iti.en ot che same 6randing and posirion, enrttre hth co lay
norhing ro rhe sEare. rt ,a6, Eh€!€fo!e, st1$IaEed llEa in F.ee
ir6 cosr Eo rhe sr.!e, rithtn rhirry yeals flm rhe
arraimenr of fleedm, Equaliry vas ro be e.ralli6hed ber,een rhe
ulbaD aid rhe 4!a1 c4-paye! ln che Gtte! of paymenr of !are6 on
nel incomes, whelher in rhe rom or tnc@-c;x o! of land-revenue,
and Eha! land-leverues was ro be ch.rged oa a gladeat scare in vely
huch the same on graited lncodeB ir
uiban areas. r!
uas also stipulared chaE th6 stale 6houlat .ccomodaEe lrself ro
such struatsion fom the beginnlng, and char roketr e*emprions of
unecotronic boldings and reducEtons as well a. in.leases in land_
ro be anaounced by ir at frequenr inceeals during
Ehe Dhilty year6 aix€d above, in o!de! Eo ger Ehe sGrr peasancry
of hdia Eo feel rhe benetlrs of lleedm rlom rbe very scar., and
lhus accmodare rhemsel@s Co rhe new orde! of tshings4o,
village Panchaya! Sysren, bas€<t on lte coac€ptsion ot setr_dte
ln villages in ple,Blirish ri@B. vas ro be inrloduced @eEino the
a.!1o'in9 lequilemenrsal:
(it The securing of a 6y6t€fr.ric unifomiEy in rhe Errer of
inrernar aatniDl6lrarion of vltlages and iE6 fleedoo*
the distulblng intluences or the urban execuriwe
ofricials, aI60 vlltage levenue coltection funclionaries
and potice officials, eEc.,
!i) a sysEeEEi. lakl,ng up by lhe wittade banchavat of s@tl
as well as lalge uncognlrable diFpules ,irh a wiew co
leducing liti,garion in viuages !o lhe tlreatucibre
(ltl)a direcE ltnking up ot rhe vltl.ge D raclray.t! {ith Eh.
heaar of the distrlcr rfth a vie, to Mking ju.cice
prompr, cheap rDat 1n .iru e3 lar rs pos.ible, aD<t
etucldaritrg orhe. tlariers cotEcr.d ,trh rhe
aaLitnisrrarion; 69., ihe gplead or tir€!!cy, rhe
a@tioraEton ol b:cku.!d cta6..€ e!c;
(1v) rhe holaung ot Ehe crlid Dilritct panchayaB lrtce a yea!
or mre, ln onbr Eo ke.p rhe [hol. atlscrlcr one conpacc
!nlr in potirical, hllIrary, soctar, €condi,cal and
educarlonal Et!.!a.
(v, Backrard c1a33e3 of at1 comniries ,esiding in che
vittagea vele be !1!€n cheir due 6hareE i, che
padachayaEs, ccnr\eDsu!.re rith rhei! poputacion, the
arcunc of tabou! done, indusrfy hel<t, quora o! miliEafr,
help provided, .rc.
?he uplllr of backwald class€s of all cmniries le.iding in
vlll.ges €s .o Eak. plac. Ehlough an olg.rllzeat anar Ell thouqhr
our syaEem of levival ot indigenou€ co$.g. lnduslfles cbrdgh !h.
ine<liuo oa viuag. 6arach.wars, whlch ,oulit rd<e tt up as a
sP€ciaii p!og!al@ o! rh6 leconsrocbion o! vtllag.s{2. rE ,as !o
be che ducy of th. srare ro plovl.te f.c tties ot experc .dvice and
kndledge a v!€s ro
lehabi,ltrsr. derrnct .nd o!he! Induscries
in the .horEea! po.sibte D.rioit. rn rhe cas€ or Labour !r was
provided rhaE coiEnrtsory labour, 1.e, rhar vilhout .<tequ.re pay for
uolk done ras to ceaae ard be dealr vth !. . cllminal ofre.ce,
Hu@tr rracriotr ln pl.c.€ rh.!e oBh.t eeirDs of rlacrfon,e!e
posstble {a6 ro rhe aboll.hed torrh wtrh. ?he 6EaEe,as Eo
6ale9 .rd rhe intere6ra of irdustrl.I wolker6 dd {as to secule fo!
theh a decerE liwins sage, heatrhy condirions of no!k, rimj.r.d
hours ot labou!, slckness, anar ca3ual 1eaE, irdeMitle6 fo!
di3€are6 ircldent to plofeaaions, satrlrary qualEets and fa.ttirie6
ror educat.ion to! children of laborers iorking in regimencal
concern6, innocentdiE.sion6 Eo .ouncefacts faiigue, rcnoroby of
Ille and ac@sphere of .erfdm, erc, No labou! orsartzaclon in
the counrry sas to be all@ed ro luncrion untess ir was a bonafide
organlzaElon having dectaled obj€cr. BErtcrly rlfrired !o lhe labour
condlEions or a parElcula!
Iocallcy, ud unless iE was secured rhar
no gerson ln it ,as Eo be a nenbe! untesE he {as a lalourer

the srare ,as to deviBe tuIe. fo! prorecriotr of ,(ren sorke!6

.I1 ower the counlry !n contomiEy virh lhe condrrions prewailing
in dialerenr faciolies and ,o!k Eheacle5 aDd tra6 Lo mke adequate
plovision for leave duiing cEelniry perioat and roi the upkeep of
Ehe child during infancy ln rh6 tom o! a .pecial Minlenan.e
al,lowance, also fo! the cale of Eh. chllat aturing wolk houls, chlld-
Iabour ras to be discoulaged ln Eo !a! aE ir lelared Eo emplotden!
of cbildlen in localiries possedslng taciliEieE fo! educaEion, and
agglavaee agalnEt the 6pread of tieeiacy in chaN
lo.aliry such labou as ro be plohibired arrosether{a_
Edlc.cron based on indj,senouB philos;phy has usuatry been
considered as tlle plire requilerenr borh for. defence alaiis!
unde.lrabte alien inrtuences and lor Minlenance of tuE! digniry.
I.d€€rt, -ju6Elce, !!eeal6 anar p€ace c@1d be @!e easily fosrered
arcng knowledgeable pergons, whor among othe! things, should be
@rivared to 3€€ tbar ithe hul14 p€rEon is endored eirh a dignicy
rhtch rhe very good of rhe cmniry plesuppose6 and @6t, fo, iE!
own 5ake, iespecr'4s. Bituc.cion shoutd also incutcaEe che i.reas
cbar tshe hu@n peBon is e.dowed siBh c€rca1n funitaoengal lighrs.
Educarion iE like1y ro convtnce p6opte rhar bagic equarity of @n
@kes plejudices ol race/cla66 o! caBce, and.acial discriniraiion,
offences agalnsts human narure and rhe dignlly of Ehe person.
Tajdng inio accounE Cbe pivot.l loIe of €ducarion producing
,ofrhy of 11!6 in humn 6ociery, Masb!1qi
a.rvo.ace.t aulrable plovi6iotrs
for education as a fundamenEal huMn
ligru. A1l ci.izen. rele Eo have che !1ghr Eo flee elemelra*

The sy6remot educario. ,as ro be very cneap and a.ceisible.

sirplicrEy oE equtpmenr and riving uas ro be one or irs 6crienc
rearu.es. rendencies in lesidenlia.L ,,,.
inducing tuxllious and loose fife, ,ere ro ^r*#:yj.Tff^
be Or""."r"".Of ,.
connecEion birh accessibiliry anit cheapness, rhe srate
,as .o
ecogmise rhe exierence or 6uch indlgenous in6Ej,Eulions
as nakcib
and @drissahs of Mu611nE anat prrshalar! yidva handirs
of non_
Muslims. Th€ Srare ua. atso !o urilize anrual gaEhe.ing
of people
at faiis and pilgli@geg ot holy places fo! lhe plrpose
ealucatlng che @sses in Etrels pelEaining ro Ebeir
The sy6Eem ,aE co be bas€d on che 6atucaEior
of inretlecE ir
such a ,ay as Eo @ke Ehe educared pe!6on posEess
enoush iririarive
ro eah hi5 om liverihood by clalrs, o! possesg olganizinq
capaciry Eor bu6ine6s, or oEhehire b,
.ocieDy. rt was ro equip ,",."" ,.,;:;:J"::: .:":"i l:
lif€. I! ra6 ro ploduce useful, placrical and parriotic
youLha rir ror purpose of
ritling che highes! orfrc€ o! the slale
a6 retl cs conducclng successfully
che b6E advanced priva.e
lndusrltar, comelciat, econofric and scientific
In rhe sphere of fe@le educacion, currrculum
suj,Lab1e toz rhe
developfienr ot ho@Iy quafiiies (.s
ro be clev1sed. M:6h!iqi ,as
againsr fecle educactonal insriruElors
rcurded on Europ€a! lines
rhar led co in<tifference ro wcGnty quaritsies
ah.r Eo retigious
urge, The sysreh was arso Eo arlov geruine
ioteueclual acEivitv.
vaEhaq! wance<t Eo see Mxinizalion
or kno,Iedge Uy
pur.!!t of rhe sa@. No disr!action_ "in9r"_"rna"a
roreraEed. ar,se,ce o! .""
",..-,".- _* :: ::
arcng salienc features of the educallonat
syscem. Every schoot and
collese was ro alrange for let t9iou6
,nsrlucrton, iniLial
handicrafEs and millcary rlaining
of suirabfe sEanda!.rs conCuciwe
ro phy6icar heatih and effecriv€
dtelens€ of rhe counClya7.
rnsrirurions of kno,tedge ,ere E
eljov highest respecc,
rn@ne lion rhe opelalion or
odinary la, excepr viih lhe
permrsslon of relevanc heaats
of eatucarlon.l insriru!ions. poti!ica1
acLrvrry in such insEr!urions d6
ro be iiseverety disaltosel. !or
receiving full benefir of edlcalion.
suc i lestlictions rele noc Eo
hinder 'due acqualnEance ,irh poliricat
arrails fo! ch€ youch in
order ro keep up rhe lradtrion
of sa.Elalce and palliollc vigou! in
h. thl. chaPr.r t!. .rr6€u..Id bas crbr!.at DiEtv
i6! ruch t.adrlqt r.at t! ll..C6.rtruE!6,1!h Eg.rit
r()Donr.trd et!-trrltnlt@ on.! bdLdrnrr D.rr6n io6.
conrert o! lha tndian .g!-cdtrtn.tlt, tu! dphalt! on at Elopmnt o!
rl. iralivtahd l. !oo!.d b tle to.r o! lurna dlgFdlyr 1r t3 rh.
|lra! Frl(r| 1l thd ltlgDtry td.tr., ltr! ts. t! 1. tb. Eltilat r.
trrE, .. a .tEi.!i rlicb tu D..;.! o! iugdity. ra tb. !..rr
aE!.r bb look.E M!.hrtq1,. viar! oo rhe !..llrrEid o! rh.
lgnily o! r[hltrd a. . rD.cl.s-

' 3::ff:Jxt:'*''r,:€loksrici!B-3!d--Perd!a London: rhe

2. The Afble: Book of cenesi6, 11_26.

3. Mashriqi, cod. Man and Univ6r.€, op. .it, p. 102,

" i;:gi:""11?*.
Mash.iqi. cod Man and Uni\aerje, op, ciEi p. s5.
6, Marirain, Ridhrs 6f Man.._, op. clr, p. a1.


See ArEhu! E, Sut.hertan.t, con.citurror

r!, Ibid, pp- 211-214.
ra, J. -aronofski E Bdce MazIish,
rradrLron {Harundsuofth: pengDin,
15. Ibid_
15. r4aliraia, s.h61a6tici.fr.. ,, p,6t.
1?. A, ft. Biohi.
MuhanMdi p!e6s, 19sBt;-E
r8. .. p.23.
(1942; rpE, Lahore, Sh,
Muhamad Ashra!, rerit;-t
itashliqi, The c6nscitprtdn, ,. p, 23. A.1l quotarions in
paragraFh are lrm che aare Ehis
lbtdr tr. 36. r!. torra&g quotllto arto d lbe
l}Id; p, 2a-
tbid; l'l,. 55-55.
21t. tbid.
27. lbidr I,,, 2!.
28. rbtd.
29. rbtar, P, 2a.
!0. Ibld? 0.25.
tbiitr p. 5?.
rbid; P. ?6,
lblalr trp. 56-59.
34. 4rldr p. 6!.
tbtdr p,56.
Ibid; p. 6t.
lbtar; DD. ta-?5.

L, lblllr D, ?9.
43. lDtal, p.75.
L. lrldrttltnr oD. cii, D, taa.
45. trrtaiqt, &Lcd,rt!brt6.,, op. elt, p,69.
. 217


unily ot Enklnal wa6 the Eecond @6c inportaDt warue tn

Mashrlql,6 polllical lhoughr, rh. fir6! one biitrg husan digniry.
Indeed, be conceived of utriry or Mnl<ind as an opelariwe pridciple
of dignity or bu@nkinit as 6ucb. !l@n sp€cies, fo! t4ashriqi, had
a desriny - .onquesE of lhe unlverEe aDd evenEual fuBion inio
Oodhead. The vhole p!oce66 wa6 ro be acconpriBhe.t on Ehe basis of
.wolurion, aE iE had occulled i, hisroly so far. His wier or
evolution diffeled fld frosC ,esreh t!1nk6!s in rhac he consialeled
it !o be a !1an 6er in frorion by cod hinEel!, rr,as envisaged co
b€ acconplished by @n : achi6weFenr of hiE de6Einy,as man,s
His success ras to bling hift face ro face ?ith c€d, even
inro codhead. Tha! woutd al6o conEEiEure highesE dignrEy
upon man ns a species.
Conliary ro rhe vieps of cny emlnenc nacurar scienrisls
errher be!ieve in physical evoturion or psycho_social
ewolurion oa
Mn, Ma.hliqi believe in bo!h, che fome! !o ne pronor€d
acceleraEed by rhe laEEer, Acco.dtrg
ro htfr man,s pby6icat
evolurion and E!.nsrorucion rere necessary
Eo capEule an.t colonize
rhe universe, and realize En,s desciny o! m6etsing
cod f.ce co
face. conq!e6! and caprule of unlver6e
".r. !ofttr"...a on .rr.
basis of knoqledge of rhe unive!6e ro, crre.crarn,e.c
of which nan
nad bee4 bestded ,i!h prope! al)r,alaEus Darely
organs of
obse&atron and blain. rur futl utttizarld
ot huMn porenEialiiies
courd occu! onty j,f Fankind as a whole uncreltook
Ehe,ork of
conqlest of naru.e. Mm cdl<t Eucceeat onry ia rhe rask of conquesr
ot nature ras undeltake4 by Che,hole lunkinit as a species vichouE
atlviding irs aCteniion tn inte!-cotllllMal or lrte!_buEn atisplres.
Mashliqi deered lnity oa Mntind ro be an e6s€nrial plelequi6ire.
for En ro successfulty leach hi6 deErlny. h rhis chaple, xe will
discusg r.tashriqi,s noiion of hu@D atesrlny, iis achieverelr throush
coiplete knorledge of narule unde! Ehe aegi6 of effort. by uniced
ilarklnd, and the agenrs who could bling unrtsy anons @nkind,
As indtcaced above narural BctenEists have atiffeleat otr che
naruie ot hucn destiny, sucb .tifferences ,ere revealed, apalr fron
o!he! wriringg, in the essays w!1tten by eftinenr scienrisrs and
oEner frtels in couecrion uiih cenrenary celebrarions oa rhe
publicacion ot challes Danin,6 The olioin of specie6,
held in
1959, Such es3ay6 have been conpileil
in a book appropriarely Licred
: rbe p.siinv of Manr. AccordiDg to Julian liuxley ,pre_human
eworutlon ha6 cme up.gaiDsr whar,e Ey call
lhe biol.gicat
barrre!_ only Mn has been abte Eo c!o6s tbe balrier
iDro lhe ne{
psycho-social docrn.'2 rn efrphlsizing psycho_sociar evoturron no:
onry is Fan undelgo any fullher biotogical ewolurion,
oEher species are also seen to be iDcapabre
or.aDy ne, evoluaion.
rn the opinion of Huxley thele ale rwo,easons
for rhe incapa..itiiy
of oLhet species co evotve inro 6o@th1n9 differen!
and bec.er
equipped lhan En. Fi!s!, once a dminan!
species has cofre inro
exisEence ir 1s inpossibl,e rhar a secoad advance fron Ebar group or
even flon an ealtie! sroup wilt
place. an evoturionary advance
f:ll3 an evoluriorary vacuuh anat, once EuccessEut, degriweE
plevious dominanE trpes o! any sio ar evoiu.lorary opporLun,ry.
Now EhaE @n has beco@ domtnanr, he eil1 noc altow any previous
group ro become d@inanE, secordly, @jo. evolurion ha6 cone
ro an
.Dar : rhe only atirectton ln shlch 6volucion 1s tik€ly !o oc.u! i6
in !h. dilecrion of behte! blains and hlnds3.
Julian Huxley 5eetu to 01€ ouE t@,s fulrher biorogical
evorurron : neverEheles6, he belleveE itr @n,6 evolurion vnicb he
des.rrbes as paycho-social evotuiion. Be rake6 nan Eo be a unitue
kind of organisn *ho has enbered rh6 huEtr, psycho_sociat pha6e and
is '!he sole replesenrarive of a new lealn o! grade of beingJ,4 in
rhich 'whai evolves i6 noc (o! is only co a tiniced extenr) gene_
systefts and bodily oiganizaEioas, buc hu@n currules__social
rnstlrutions, Iavs, a.E., sciences, cufEulal 5y5cems, lechniques,
.ode5 of noralE,i5 The 6ecEing up of varueE and rhe exeicise
so.al judsemenrs, accorrirg ro suiey, rs ad ,,inevitable
consequelce of the neu capaciries of @n, his capaciries
and expresslng concepEs, lor laEiona] iMginaEive rhoughEr6. Tllus
'e can scy char Gn has noH leached ia poinL a! fh.ich hr6 kno?Iedge
or evoluliondry process has enabted hih Eo begin
definrng his orn
prace and lole ln it, o! (to! be lfrald of big w.!ds:)
ol srarriry on a scienrirlc exptoration o! hi. desltny!?. rE
i6 no,
EhoughE Lhac ic is ou! busile6s a5 ren
!o discove! and ro ,eatise
ner and richer poF6ibilitieE for life, a greare!
degree of
rulfillnenE for @lselwes and fo! the €volutsionary plocess
of ,hi.h
han is Ehe spealheaar, And accordilg ro Huxry, rrhe
rine is no* ripe
lor an irrensive and 6cienrific study or psycho-sociat evoLurion
and Ehe posslbiltried tlmltarions of ha.krnd"3
In bi6 vie{a on p6ycho-culculal, or psycho-6ocia1 evoturion,
Hqrey i6 supported by Mny lepured schota!6 !!d rh6 field of
Biologtcaf 6ctence.. rhe Flench Blologis!, !.conEe Du Nouy,
believes in o!ga!i. chanseE in ian as well as in nan,s mola]
evolu!1on. As he pur6 ir, ;everyurrns has rake! ptace
as iri
ewersince che birEh of originar cetl,, Man haar been w led: nor as
a sJperio(.aniroI capable of speaking and ot !6ing
ra,/. hrs hands, bul
as rhe d*.I of rhe biai!, the olgan of con6cience,of
rhe seai of hufran digliEy, and the !oo1 oa fu!!he!
evoluEioDig. To
his, goal of e@tuEion iE Ehe "rearizati,on of a frorally
D:rng, conpletety tiberaled a.om hu@, passions _-egorism,
Iuec oi po,er- - hererri cary chalns, ano phy.iotogical
thj,s, in his vi€e, eilr nor corpt€rely
sever ries berrcen lhe fte6r!
and the spilir ibur sihply Ehe escape
!r4 the dominaEion o! rhe
Du Nouy goes fulrhe! and says rha! in rhe qewelopmenr
o! @n,s
conscience lies lhe pos6ibility
ot hi5 i@!!ati!y. rn his vie,,
rhe desuiny of @n is nor limired
to his qrsrence on earc:1, Man
exisrs less by.Ehe action,hich
be uiderEake. atu.iDg phy6icat tife
rnan by consequences he reaves
behind. He fikers ran,s lire on
earrh ro a shooring slara thaE
teave5 a rrail eirher rod.rsc
blillianr_ trThe spalklng rrau ot rhe or
evolulion of spirii,,, Du
Nouy believes,. is brazed
on rhe itark bac. ot eteltiEv bv che
corlrned individuar wakes. This
iE *rno*"totnu
or vhich re ale su!e. rtu6, indivi.ruer
conception, but ts haraUy quesrionable if ve adolr lhe reariEi or

Geolge Sinpson oho ha3 algued rgaiD6! Eru Nouy,s vie"s on lhe
pulpo6ivenesE o! evoturlo[ary plocess, levelrheteEs holds lhac
,,leEponElbiliry t6 looceat in the tee natule of man,
MaE arisen
trom and is inherenE, in his evolurionaly history and statusi,
r!.rhe! pelsonal r€sponsibiliry "is a lespodsibility nor only trirh
relationsrlip ro tshe selr buE also eirh ielarioDship Eo orhers,
ultimarely emblacilg all Entin<t, a responElbiliry fo! cooperarioD
and fo! both glving and rakllg aid"12.
of psycho_culEulal evotuEio!, Hqrey p.esenEs
a .risr : fuller rivlng. sounde! ideas ar.d beliefs, ploEecEion
nacural and cuttural variely, pro!,e! educarlonar plinciples
syscec anat atredtion to inner life. rn the leatm
of fulle! living,
tn his v!er, Gn lta6 Ede sfte aalvances, rite
expecEaEion has been
incleased, rhe levef o, healrh ral3ed!
knorledge of n:rure
rncleaied viEh consequenc banishmenr of
rear. scienciatc kno,redce
has led Eo reflnemenc of ideas and
betief6. .n.* ," *"O
ro deepe! ou! knowtedge of rhe hunFn mind wiEh".**r,
the neeat to
unaerrite suney or huha! possibiliries
and sone auitit of nor-
leallzarion of such pos6ibiliiies. Buxt6y
ehphaEize6 prolecEion of
Dotn daEoral and culEural valieEy,
bur ronancjc basls
of ronde! and enjolren: rather than ro!
srriclly scientific
purposes.. l'le nu6r corbaE e@ryrhing
rhac rdiedlens rhe
valiery of
interest needed fo! hufian fulfilh€nr,
exlenirarion of ,i1d
Itfe, ove! hechanlzarlon, bo.ed!.m or @3d ploducrion
confomiEy, che 5poi11n9 of narula1 beauEy, the desraciion of
cufCural tiadirionsll3. h the lefoB of educaCional prin.ipres
tluxley emphasizeF nole pre6rige and mre noney fo! educarion, wirh
regard ro ime! life he raises a nunte, of questions fhi.h he
rhinks need ro be anEuered, How can ftan 5olve pgycholrg-(-t
conflicE, h@ aftain inner peace and spilirual hafrony? what is the
vahe of my6ricat expelienceE ot E.tf-Era!6cendence and can rhe
te.hniques of aEEaining tshemi like yoga, be leadity comuntcared
and learnt, Neverthetess rqrey sunF up his genelat programe ro
prorcte psyclo-sociattevorucion in rhe foitowinq rolds,

this heans a ravolurionary change_Ehe enerqerce o. c nel

rnEerprerarlw. and drleclive 6ysceh oi rhouqhr, a new don!ndnr
::g.ll:i:1?. of-berierz tdeaa .nd varues. olae! r no"sl,. _ sy. c".!
il:::Ill"f no ronser adequale ro _opewirh,;urneu
our ne{ pleaticahenc, tlankrnd can ana nusr srua..
lrserr.ob)ecrlvery and funcrionally, applyins irs !eso,.+s oi
scienr i ric,ner hod and disciplined' icain!;i 6n 'i; I

Many rriEels in Ehe psycho_6ociar rrend of rhoughE betiewe

tnaE rhe dai! dechanisn of evolution in che hu@o phase
ts no!
uholIy uncon6crou6, rhe stoq auLoMr!c pressure of narJ!dt
selecrion, On Ehe .onirary, lhey Ehink Ehar it is nole or les6
codscious. tr {itl be the p!e65u!e of iateas aod feefings, d.siies
and purposes Ehat routd lesutr in psycho_sociat selecrion.
lucs ar epigramcically: rrhe biological phase of ewolulion
sEalEe.l rhen marre! became sel!-ploducing, lhe psycho_.ociaI phase
ehen nind beca@ self -E!oduc1n9,1s,
opEimi6h in rhe p6ycho-Eocial, ato@in iE lot 6ha!e.r by a nunlcer
of s.ienrisEs_ Si! charles Dadia (9!dat6on or chaltes Dasin)
belieweE lhaE ltuxley,E hope to contslol the so!1at/E desCiny in s
spiritual natue! iwoular seem ro im!,1y Ehar he can have sone rree.roft
of choice in hiB planningr. AccordlnE ro Dabin 6!ch fleedd can be
rhere only if re can r€Ein a high degree o! plosperily; i! rhe
increase in numbers goes on, .o Ehar highe! poputarion could nor
euppolred by avaitable resources, rhis ,out d descroy rlr hope
keeplng co4rlol, rn con6iare.tog nE,5 itesciny, Danin
Ehele ale rso :lrelnartve possibilities ro look at :
1l co fi,nd a
way of. limiEing popularlon consciously by
60@ solr of {ortd
agreemenE. and 2) in case of f:ilu!e, natula1 sere.lion witr reEuln
controlling force of our liveS16, h DarriD,s view,
riFe had alleady tun our. trls rbload conclusion
aE Eo ou! desriny
r5 thaE ir i6 nearly cercain ihaE elcnrn a
cencury o! $o rhe
Dumbers of cnki,nd ,if1 have so
incleased rhaE Nalural set:crion
,ill letuln ro lhe place ic uEed to occupy
rhlee cenluries ago,
rhen rr uas the chiea conrlol i!
rbe rives or our ancesrors. rn rhe
6t!!g9le fo! sulviva1 @n,itr have riElre
ener€y !o spare ro! che
sorl of conErolled evolution thac Auley
hoFe6 fo!,1?. civetr such
a poEsibility of overpopulation
and unconEro.rred 6En99le, Da&in
thinks, rhe ,ideal or a peacelul univ elsal ,o!ld governmen!
doo@d, untess re can solve Ehe ploblem is
of lioirirg poputaiions bv
some, .onsciols uoltd poticy"rB,
.rn reEponse ro che viek or Da&i;
.nd oEhers like hift, tu(tey pucE populaEion
inciease as che firsr
on his agen<ta s:yingriat aDygins
like ntt"tnt !ate' 1: tilr
quire soon bring abour lncrease
,. ,-,tnt
rrlaEion and rlsery; ture
huGn beings rul leari2e fe,e! tDlsilrllities. A atlasric sro,ing
dotrn of nulripltcaclon is a prerequiEi,re fo. grealer
fulflllrenc{19. Dasin, ho,€ve!, doe6 Dor give sufriclenr
inpolEance ro his srtuggIe !o! ltfe doe6 not Dec6s.a!i1y rake place
be$een indiviarual peiso!6. rE can a15o tate place b.lwe€n group.
of nen, bereeen cotmniaie6. In rhar case ee need noc Ehir]< lhaE
rne srsggle wilf be one in rhich lhe seltishness of rhe individual
wilr be rhe key ro suwival. Thele will sEitl be giear imporlaace
ror rhe spiric of selflesEne6s rhich promoles lhe wetfare of rhe
rhole c@uniry. Tbeie @y arise a quesEion as !o Ehe size
of such
comudiry. rE higbE be quitse a ralge c@nEly Dur rE could
include rhe rhore hu@o lace, r! i5 Lne essence
of n$ural
selecrion as process that tt ha6 nor to secEre rhtch
a@rg che
variou3 peoptes is Eo gutuive and ploEper ac
rhe expense of lhe

some klirels belie@, as ctoes r|ashrlql, rn rhe possibiliry

fulrhe! physicaf evolucion. sishop llaod gives
rhe exaopte of
arhreees ubo are conErnualty seLltng
up fresh lecords and uhrch
seem. !o suggeBr rhaE und6! rcdern
merhods of lrain:nq Ehe huFan
organi6m can becde scoadtly capabte of oeEler adapracion
:o ics
environ@nr, By rhe 5a@ coken he rhinrs
It @, descendancs ieve!
succeed in @king ihei! ray ro lbe planels,
cnere witl be nec.ssa.y
a quire inconceivable.dapcaclon of Ehe!! pnysrcal
f.ame ro rbe
exigencies of lhe new armoBphele (o!
tack of t) before lhey can
re@lr Ehele ritb any cdfolrr2o.
xashriqi berieves i, fulEhei orgdic evotution
aDd pu:6 !e
{hole rlend lD pe!6pecriv6 ehen he vllres:

Man {a5 creaEed rhlough rhe evolution of le6se! crearufeB, bur

rrme ras coBured 1r che finattzarion or rhis iMns;
levolltion. ao ruch 5o thal even !rd.ro@ri;;;;;sp**.
inro Ehe nqc took rbousaldE o. yearE. Durins rhi; t;;t;;;i;
Lhe ea(h alao !€cin€d rhe sc;ne or counrr€.s qe@;a;hr.ir
and physicar <hemical and sEncEurat changeE_and
ploce36 of .voluEion has noE ended; in licr, ir witt
as fonq a6 cne earrh anat rh. hprvFns exisL. rt r. vely Likely
fr@,chis polnE of vteu, thar Dn Ey, Ehrouqh rhe e;olucio;
capablrrries, knolledge and ef rolt
wj\lch @y be clo86r to Lhe c.earo! !n
resPecc o! quarrLie6.r.
Mashriqi,s belief in evolurioa,as roral in rhe sense rhar he
rejected Ehe view lbat Bn eas rhe finat culfrinarion of evoluEion.
He believed chaD ln lhe evolurion, 60 fa!, ir uas the mn ,ho had
been cieaied in che besr poslure. Man ras to e@Iwe fulrher Eo neeE
Goar, re quoEes from rhe Qulan abou! @!,s desriry of meeEing cod,
l{hoever took5 fodard (wiLh hope and ave, co melrnq Go.t ter
Magh.iqi cltltcizes Nesren ,rire4 ,bo, he rhinks, a.e nor
sincere in rhei! chinking abour @n,s place and rore in rh€
unlverse, Bis riev was rhat "?he pelverse rhinking o! Man under che
suess or @n-@de plejudiceEtr le5uIred ia bhe ilvenrion or edgines
lo! hu@n desrtuciionj ir had.red h1m io hold EhaE huncn physrcat
organs have aI!eady acralned futl devetophent and even perrec!jon,
and rhaL rrrite poEsibirity exisrs ot Lheir .""r,.i". ,oH*
nuch differenr fom€. lle itesclibed 6uch a vie, as a psycholcgy
dis@y due co narloe thinkitrg by Lo, hurran ainsi_ Accrding
Eo him, -a ba! bad rhus be6n flivolousty and arbirlari]y pla.ed
the plesenc Man as rbe .ctlGx ot clearion,, And rhi6, afi:e! an
illesisribte and .ysEsric evolurion of
nilrio.6 oa tea!6, rhich t@kE u*aranteat and

Thele do exisE cerrain clues a@!g fiesteo rhinterg poinlins

Eoposslbility of bodity Clansfomlion in nan. A very ea!1y clue
co@s flom Francis Eacon who, in il:shllqi,s opinron, pur scienEiric
knostedge on fim foundatton24. thoes Case irays of Eacon: (in
dealing with cn
he aE once grasps hurun naLule as a yhot4, hcn
boch as an ildividual and a5 a gocial b€ing, boit, and soul in rhei!
che 6oul roo a6 a wholei iEs naEure as wett as iEs
faculries, and arr its facurcies borh rogical and mola1J and
lasrly, man?s futule staEe as a *hole add nor as a n6.e imollalily
ot soul, nor a5 a mere lesurlecrion oa body, since loE o.ty lhe
undelsranding buc the affecEions pulitled, no! only Ehe spiliE
the body changed, sharl be advanced ro i@!ra1ity,25.
Peihapa lhe glearesc clue coes from Dadin himEelf,
coufse, In rracidg the descenr of nan, Danin did emphasize
"w!Eh atl his nobre qualiries, eirh slnEarhy ,hich feels
fo, ihe
mosr debased, oith benevolence {hich exrends not only ro orher hen
but ro rhe humbles! of Ehe riving crearures, ,iEh his gol,like
inreltect which ha6 FeneElaEed inlo lhe frowemenrs aDd con6rrruEion
ot rhe sola! sy.ler-rith alr lhese exalted pders-man siill
in his bodily flane rhe in<telible EEasp of hi6 ro,Iy o!igin,26,
che sare tire, horever, Dasin o.r)les.ed a hope legaldinl ,urrhe!
evolution of Mn, 6.yin9, ir4an @y be excusea fo!
feellng sone
prtde at hawing a reason, chough! nol chlough
his oxn exerrions, eo
rhe wery sumiE of rhe organlc scate, and Ehe facE of his havilg
Insteaat of havj n9 been a.borrginalty pt.ced th€!e, Gy
give hin hope loi a 6cit1 highe! desliny ln rhe diEta"! !u8",e,,2?.
Ma6hrlqi had sde ituslin p!6d€c€s.o!6 sho rhough! of @n,s
bodrl,y !ran6lotu!ion. Rumi (r2o?-r2?3t, an acknowredged sufi
MasEer anat !hinke!, wrole :
Filsr @n appealed uith class of inolgaDic thinq6,
Next he passed Eheleflom into thaE of pIanrs,
Agatn rhe gleat c!eaEo!, as you kror,
or rhe ani@t i;to rhe htmn 5raEe.
Thus man passed floh ole o!de! of narure of Bnorher,
Till he-becac vj.se dd knostng and stlong as he is nor,
nor no leHembrance_
And he u111 be again changed !!on his presenE 6oJI23.

I.lied a. hinerat and becare a Dlan!.

r died as planr and rose to ani;a!,
! dred a5 anrmat and I lar 6an,
why should r fear? when ,as r iess by dyrng?
r shalr md, to soai. -
wtrn angels bLesrj buca6
even flom.naethooo
on: AII except Co<t doch-perish.
sacrific€d ny anqel sour:
HhaL no niod eve! concerved2q

As a rrue discipte of Runi, Iqbal (who tefc

Canlbriarge ohen
Ma6hriqi entseled in 19OE) ,rlegalded Che quesrion
of imolraliry as
o.e of biological evolurion, aDd nor a plobtem Eo
be deci.red by
arguNencs of pulely meraphysical nature,
as .o@ phrto6ophers had
thought"J0. ge cliEictsed th6 lunealranled @dern rssumptton rhar
En,s presenE srlucrule, renral as retl as pnysiorogic:I,
i6 rhe
ras! kolld in biot,ogical ercIurlon, and Enar dearhi
leqalared aE a
biologicat event, has no consttuctive reaning,i
He opineiti irte
rdoatem rolld srdats in need of biolosi€t rereHal. rr is only by
li8ing Eo a !re6h visi,ou o! his ollgin ad furule1 his whence dd
'hiEher, rhat Gn eill e@nEualty triuqh oE! a socieEy dorivaled
by an inhufra! coftpetiEion, anat a .ivitization whj.ch ha. logc i!
spilicuar uniry by ils rmer contlicc of leri9iou6 a; potiricar
values'11. The worId, he said, "re6de.t a Rufii ro cre.Ee a! at.irude
of hope, and ro kindle Che flre of ert]luBia6n for llfe(.
Mashliqi se€m6 ro de!1ve his views on cne u.ron or nan w*h
supleme rnleltigence f!o( hi6 sEu<ry o! rhe Qulan. The Qulan lays
cne ur@sr €mphasis on the conquesc ot Nacule tor vhich @n has
rreen ptowided rirh suirable organs : proPef use of such rrgans
in Mn such codly quartries as omiscience,
omrplesence. Added ro chls was lhe Qoranic norion lhal God poJled
flom His spirir irro @n, Mashliq! choughr rhar mtr,s kno?feilge
could be levoluEionized. So far, Gn had depended on ideal,
malnemarical? non-naEu!a1 uniEs in his scienrific lnvesEjgasions.
A new line of thoughr conc.ming t6@led9e of lite
coutit shor.cn
the ray ro evol@ himserf Eo hisbe! spiliEual fofrs or 1i!€
akin ro
lhar of rhe suplehe rntelligence rhat pewades tshe Unive!se,32.
conquesc o! narule presureat rhaE cn 6ltould be@se o@ipresenE and
Seliou. pur.uit of lhe conques! ot naEure ,outd be a
scepprng-srona fo! En,s evoluEion ro highe! sia.Jes of tife.
conquest ol narure being han,s imporran! alm, han was
bound !o
evolve inro somerhiDg iihpewious ro afl cli@res and
cltcuGEatrceE' - inro a ,€p1!ir,, inio an lnretligence
,hich is
"atl-krioking, atr=pereding ad all-ehb:acinq,33.
By lhe rime omi6clence and omlpEsence becahe more or less
the aEElibuEel or rhe evotving Nn, rh. slage kourd
MaEhliqi, vhere iMan shalt hawe reached lhe highesr piMdcle of hrs
prog!e8. by dinr of bis exclusive cotoEcal eflolrs as A species. he
{old have lefr rbe Earrh by that rirc, @ny Eny lons cenEuiies
back, ro accoftnodate hi@e]f pe!@n6nety in the cele6ri.t
bodles'34, Mashliqi, rne ro his views on evoruriolaly oligtn or
speciesi holds rhar rhele rorld !ffiIn on Earrh lhe race of
'sluEgalds, t.e. rhose who had nor kepr pac€ Ffth Ehe evolvinq nan
tn his harch upsatds, sucb men sourd go on lingering on ealEh ias
oldrnaly metr doidg rheir ro,ty duries bur enrilery cuE off _ a5 a
from cbe ne, race of Univelse-con@elols

Mrshliqi bases his case for furrher organic evoturio. of @.

on vhaE he legards as defensible principres. tre advan.es his
argument on che basis ot hi5 undelsrardinq rhe Frure boEh of
universe and of Gn_ As ro unive!6e hts viee is rhar ir mrsE be
conquelear, caprured and coloni2ed by @n. Eis.view abour cn is
tha! he arone i5 rhe inre1l1genE belng in lhe !nive!6e ald sEands
for lhe inrelligeic purpose-Cha! o! conquesr or rne univerEe. In
r'4ashriqiis vies, iinspire o! the fac! Eha! natu.e is nov beins
proved ro be a1tilGr tinitless and noteithscanding rhe ass:iEion
tnar lhe conques! of natsure by lriwolous idea, the
i.conrloverrible racr sE&d6 ouc rhat il @n atoes no. exisc here
for lhig purpGe aJld has got tro polenciafities fo: his
acblevenelts, rhe *hote cleacion 1s a me.nj,trgless exhibirion, the
Inrelligence pog8eaaed by mn alr€r an evolurion of mlltions of
years from loee! aniEls a pulposel,e6s acquisirion, and ihe power
5o fai acqui.ed by cn f!@ naru!.r objeccs a poincles. etfolc,
of rhe uhole u.ivelse mu6t, lbelefoie,
lea<ling no'here. ,,conquesr
be the only obje.Elve ot rhe e*tscence or lla on earrh and sharl
have co be done agllnsE all odds'35,
In nashriqi,s vrek rulEhe! hucn Evorucjo; wa. co Eake pt.ce
on !he p!inclple o! previous evoluEron uhicn culnihaced rn nan.
such principles inctuded cooperarion, rnLensive ove!-popula!io; oL
the €aith, srruggle arong?irh bigh hucn ain ro meeE God face co
:a.e, suclt plinciples rill ope.ate agaln if Mn,s nallow narional
Ehinking is mininized, because nalros lhinking has ted Eo c:rrain
unfallaared suppositions: 1) char no field of @n,s acriviry
exEen.ls beyond thi6 ealrh; 2J rhac lhe resd.ces ot ealrh a.:
prifrarily ard enci.ely @a.! !o @ke one narion dmi.ale olbers aia
deslroy tbe reak; 3t that srtu991e for e*isrence is 6ynonFous ?i!h
fran,s lncelnariodal srtuggle; 1) chaE han,s soriEary acclviry ries
ru che exlroicalion of lifeless Mtre! of eaiEh fo! Ehe pulposes ol
Mxug fran stlong .sains! man; s) rhat his inwesrigaeions, by
enpirical rechods, abour hu@n ald orber life aie (ean! for !h:
presepcr!on or amelrorarion of the t!fe tor rhe beneflL or a
p.rErcurar group of hu@n beings, 6) lhar life on ea!!h :xisrs
mainly fo! the Fulpose of consunpcion by Mn a6 Eood, or fo,
deslnrclions a6 a defence neasure, and ?) rhai nans sr!1rggre fo!
exisrence cs a Epecles agarnst the shote nacure for Ehe purpose oi
capc!.in9 !E i6 rar-reLcbed ideart, rraEhriqi !hink6 char these
propo6tion€ ctuor hold rare! on rhe fou@irrs g!ouod5: a) lhere
why srtuggre foi exj,srence as a species againsr rhe
*bo]e of nature should cea.e In the cas€ of Ma alone rhen tr ha6
gone on ror billions of y€als ln lhe case or to,e! anlnatB; b)
Ehese proposiElons necessiEaEe rhe pre6unpcion irrat rr.e resc or tr,e
unrve!6e ls purpoEeless, rbar Mn be. tro polenlialirles lurcher
than rhac h€ i6 ch€ ploducE o! naiule oy rele cbance, thar .he
universe is dercid even of Ehar sup!ft Inr€lligence ,hi.h broughi
intelligenr Gn on earEh u!de! a d.lignr c) oan,s s!4ggre a?.ins!
hr6 oen species is unnaEural; d) rhe6e ploposicions make Mn rhe
fraEcer of hi5 orn desEiny in dl.regard of narural taw6 , e) rhey
make narule even a product of nere conlusion ehicb is nomally
leworting Eo hu@! inretligence, and fl ir is inplobable !ha! Mn,
,iEh such s@11 porers as he posEes.e6 aE ple6enr as compared kirh
be Ehe @sre! of his olr desci!y33.
r'lashriqi atoes nor tsatk of any generic derhod ro bling .hEnges
rn man,s body Eo enable him Eo llve oD ptaner. oEhe! lhan ealrhj he
visuarires very very long period of process which eould r!!ad ro
rlanstotution ln man,s body !o enabt€ him Eo conque! lhe univelse,
He Ehinks rhaE lor an inretligence ro be cmperenr enough o
the,hole unive!6e iE is inperarive Ehar ic u@td be oMiscienr and
tuiPresent, In fact che @ry srnccsle of che uriverse ir general
poinls our chat ihese qualiEies cannor be accained by a life of
flesh.nd bl,ood. He adduces an exanple !.d hu@! hi.ton/: man
bega! to move Eo Aherica hundred and lifry yeals ago afcer lhe
dlscovely o! that alea by Columbus, OnIy chose lefr rhei! ptaces ro
90 to ahelica ,ho rhere sttuck haldesr by Ehe sr4ggle for
exi6rence. In Mashliqi,5 vlee Arellcan. nos, a!re! a tapse of
hundled year. have developed cerrain disrinctive qualities
of heaar,
neart and pelhaps body o@! rhei! Eulope. ,le rhi.*s
cnac rn anorher rhree hundleat yeals Ehe6e qualiries ,ourd
def.inirely more Glked. {e is atso of lhe vie, lhat 6e* shatt hawe
a very 6.!Iy stsage of rhe 6volulion of Gn; rben whote
ol the earth becones natule_rinded sex is Ehe lik€ty rrait !o
IE is rhoughr thaE biotogl.aLly ir has beeD only a renporaly
i.neritance by radical change6 in physicat orgals. iirran shall have
to choose a much nearer, ruch quicker, att,pepadtng and
owerrhelring ray of 6etf_ploducrion! perbap. akin co rhat of rhe
o.iginal ani@1 rhen lile sralted, i,e., by conscan: aad
rnremlnable lission in o!de! !o becorc as ovelrhelming and as nea!
to the 'diwine, way o( erisielce as possible"39_ ON)iscien.e and
omlpresence having become frore or tess lhe aEtribuces of
evolving iGn afre! a Eihe, ir seens evidenr ro r{ashriqi rhac ar
Enac srage of deveLopmenE fran 6hall bave leached
lhe highesr
pi@cle of his plogless by itidt of his excru!1ve corossaf
as a species. He,ould have lefE thj,s earEn by thar rime ro
accomodare hinsel! pet@nerEty in lhe cefesEiat
bo.ties and his
progeny rould have caprured aid poE6essed pelhaps
evely nook ard
.o.ner of rhe univeiBe Cht.ough tnlen6ive (ultiptici!:/
ovetuhelming disseninarionil0.
The big task of conquesL o! nature c@1d only be
lf Gnki,nd rere uired. pea.e 1a lhe ,o!1d voutd give
ro each and atl ro volk accolding to !ea1 potenEial. ci@n En,s
capacity of obsewalion dd inretlect, conquoEc or narure Nould
proceed ac a rapid pace wheD arl @n*lnd rcu1d be 6et o, ir.
could uity be blouEhr abdr?
Unity of Gnkind ha5 been a subl€cr of ttiscuEsion by a nun$er
of rheoliEte. srolcs advocared coEnopolilanism. Flm a@ng
chri.tian !hinke!6, a funda@ntal principle o! Dare,3 poti;ica1
that lhe colld Ehdtit be unired under one sovereign
ruteal. A untwersal eq)ire rould elimlnale conrricc, alongNitsh che
s@l,Ier staces, in which otinE group, sere pelperuatly in cooflic!
rirh lhelr osn subjeccs as oell as oEhe! srares Univelsat order, by
elimi@rlng cortuption a@ng badty-ruted sEates, r.ould enlEnce
freedon and wetfale of the ru1ed.
D*es,s suprehe alglnent in farcu! of a ,,!{ortat_covetuenE( is
one rrlich closefy les€nbleE lhaE of lGshrrqi, eirh one cjor
diffelence. The dillerence lE clEE in Mashliql,s vie{ rhe rask oa
unired cnhind is ro seek conquest of Ehe univelse. orhetuise,
Dante, like Mashrlqi, belj,eved rhar huGniEy,6 rask bas Eo
aclualize all Ehac lhe hunan inre11e.r was capable of, Man should
proatuce al,l, Ehe
a!c6 and sclences which cod meant bin to rolk ouE.
such a Eask, said Danre, could nor be callied our by individual
pe!.ons luving sholt lives, nor by any ciry, ror even by
a kingdonj
all of rhen ,e!e linired and subjectro <te6incrion. rr{har is
needed Eo produce buGn culcule is the collecrtve efaorc
of alt
nu@n1ry ploperty coordinared, unimp€ded br ra!!a!e ad oEhe!
of scrife. to a6id such srlifes a single supernationar soveleignly

Ma6h!1qi,6vl.iotr of sociecy IB uDieersalist in rhe sense rhaE

all niarkind can beco@ one sociely. rn such a eociery, each
individual ritl b6 ab6olbed ln .atv.Dcing rhe xelfare of rhe hu@!
6pecies as a rhole. rdeaffy, rher€fole, tn€le ,1rr be no conflicr
among iddiviitual6 ! eiEhe! again.t each o€he!, thecetves
againsE the 6ociery, Eisto.icauyr the such has noc bappened. Man
haviag flee ,ill alat being prone Eo di.!!accion3, haE no! always
behaved iNayr colatucive ro lnificarion oa @nkind. Man,s
inclinaEio! to 6ubnic Eo disrla.rtons leat to fotuciod anal/o!
srlengEhening ol setf -cenreled gloups.
s1n91e-minded pursulr of of naEule @y be po6sibre by
esrabtishmenE of peace on earEh, ,hich nat, be rhe lesul! of uni.y
of Mnkind as a speciesa3, singgte to! exisEence as a species and
ulge for Ebe possession of ne, land6 ou!.iate Ealrh could onty leach
rhe ctimax it rhia Ea!!l! beca(e irrensively ove!_populaEeat day by
day Ehrough peace atrd plenry resutri.g in rne exlreme disseninarion
or Ebe human spen, exElere appiecialton ald anetiorarion of hunan
lire, shotesate coopelarion anong human beings, Eocar pooring of
heads an<i hand. lor the purpose of inrensive uritizacion or E:rth,s
overpotreiilg o! arl orhe, ElionE by one or mole
nations could nor ploduce such re6ulr.
ro acltieve unlEy of @kind, fiadhriqi had In mind leo groups

r) uslic ,1rh placEice o! oligiral sit revived rslaft, add

Scienrists., rttsh knoBle<tge of Eture and poteDtial Eo decide
rhich fairh, scripture, €re ine ard be tol1ded, and rhlch eele
falFe an.t, thelefore, lefr .aiite. {€ rill di8cu63 the rwo in rurn,
iThe loo'fealge of lhe pld. r ln rhe op1llon of rh€ Allae. iras
leveared Eo rhe faa! MesE€nEe! o! gcd (pea.e be upon hin) 1n its
pelfected rofr and 1s ehboitied in the qtlan in th6 oliglnal and
priscile shape. the Qurd i3 the only b@k in tbe Divine Liblary
lhich has renained aate fron Mn,s tlansgresslon, noi a letEer of
ir has been changedi'4. ne ras convl,nced EhaE Ehe es6eot1a1 unity
of tbe Divine I'essage embodied in the HoIy Quran and ics unique and
sclenrific inpoltanc€ can prove to be th€ plactical basis on rhich
rhe furule uniry ol n6 or, ar lealE, ira f,uture leligiouE !nte!-
Eolelance could m€t sulely be baaeit. The llesten scientisE could
ar leasc iake the oulan a6 the basia. one faiEh and abolishtng all
facclons could egtabliah one blotshelhood, one faich and

Mashriqi, howeve!, had no 11lusions abou! his schene ol one

faiEh to! fuEure unily ad inrer-reliqious tolelance. 8e Eherefore,
ssid EhaE "this achere, chough toglcally ra. Ehe nost exacE and a
surely successful opelatlon, caso! in aciual pra.Eice produce
iffiecliate and coftpleEe !esulEs.46. ashligi neld ihe vies thaE
Muslifrs could sork Eo cleate unily a@ng che hankind as a rhole.
Istan is the only leligiotr which, accolding to rrashriqi, ains to
unlfy tunkind on lhe basrE of Tauheeat ad it" r*"ar".. putpo"" t"
people capa.bte of untting the rhole rolld and the
en!1!e mankind as a slnglo flaEealcy. It plovtd€s Eolid and
conclele, naEutal dd agreeable 9!oud6 !o! che uniEy of huMn
be1rg6 as a hmogeDou6,hote!?. The
Qu!a! i5 rhe onty @ssage of
God ,hich has ch€ flo basts of being
a univelsa1 code ol 1aw for
the enEile huED lace in olite! to gli.re tr
to irs ulEirare destiry,
a6 it craiE rhaE God senr che LaE! p,opher (peace be
upon hin)
,ith Cuidance and Ttue rairh{8. r6tas , tlElefole, enjoinE
upon irs
aollorels ro !e@1n f.aremity. Ttle uusllss are, in
view, rhe only people ,ho, atespile lheir presenr_alay
rtissension and
disuniry, have rhe porenrialiries ro iteverop themselves
inco one
brorberhood a5 ordained by Ehe Qulan. The unty ofrhe MuEttns Is,
rn rts tu!n? 1ike1y ro increase rhelr. poBe! ao.l
racuiraring rhem Eo conquer rLe world a6 rhe ealty knowers
of Ehe
Quian took up rhe plogral@ and dilecrion, anat
enveloped Che
greacer part of the knom rortd in
a fe, de.ades_ Thus rhe absolule
manifescaEion o! Truth paveat Ehe,ay !o!
rhe roEal dominaElon of
the Righr p.ograme{9_ I,ra6hliqi turlhe. argles
rhar cod ordained
lhe Mustim6 ro be an alt-pelvadidg and dooinan!
.o lhar i! hay seek
che collective satvarion of huftanitl, by taqching
a srruggle
against the hostile froce6 ard bring rhe mnklnd
udde! one ru1e.
snarldg the co@n Eubnission and seeice
!o on€ comon codso_
Mashriqi was nor aitvocaEing ,orld doolnacionr
he ,as
advocariig wolrd teaatership by tne Mu6lic.
rhis me.ns rhaE Muslims
had to prepare lhefr.e1ves in a comprehensrv€
@nneli ircluding lhe
nilitary aspec! !o propel]y exelcise such 1e.de!6hip. juslifies
Islah,s rolld supleEcy o! Ehe glouDd rhaE r6rao
being rbe srraighi
paEh and lighr p!og!al@ o! acrion)
Erands !o! rhe collecrive sood
and salvario! of rhe enrile huc! !ace.
Agarn, in the Divine scheme
of lbings, only rlle people rho ale cod-fearlng and Etue believels
rill be che 'inheliror6 of power anat autho!iry,51. As rs1aft @kes
no distinclion betreen the rhite and black, lhe I6tanic,rolld tute,
accoldtng !o hin, i. n€irhe! a 6ked .r4ggle ro! pove! ro, an
arrempE for Ehe satiafactior of porniical lu5c. flru6 I51a(,
accolding to hin, provide6 the nrtulal and comon basis for the
intedational hatuony alhing at inregracio! of the enEire @akind,
Accolding co Mashriql, lhe oulan does nor only teach uniry bu. i5
rhe unIly iEself.
I.ram, says rt4ashliqi, came !o elininare conflicE, cleare uniiy
o! action and gaEher rogerbe! peopte u one enclEy_ rne pas!
levelaEion and rhe,hole ea!!h,ae ro be Ehe alena of irs ac.iviry
for establishing unity amory people. jr6 @in pulpose ,as ro make
peopre obedienr servarts of cod and lead rhen ro lhe basic unily
and natural and species,inspired a*achmenE_ rslam wa5 an open
invitation against leligious, racial, re.riEorial an<r currula1
divisions fraking fo! dl6uriEy anong dankinat. ?o end sucb disunicy.
Islam invired co a placrical bellet in rhe udiry of cod and
praccicar de(onslrarion or sefrtng coal. se4j,ce to one cod ra5
envisaged by rslan Eo b€ a narulal and acceprable basis of inc€!_
narional leconciliarioh and hu@nkinat,E uniEy of acEton. And Ehi6
was che only .omon ba3i6 shich could cke pos.ibte @nkiod.s
cmiog rogerher and tiving in fellorship. Mashliqi lakes Istan Eo
frean chatall, plophers brought rhe sam€ nessage, thaE they wele nor
llying co cleare new leligious gloups o! secr; Eh€y wanred !o briDg
@rr(ind rogeche! o! Ehe cot@o bals of acrion, betlevinq cod ro
soweleign rhose lar waE to be follosed by all. Nor io cleaEe
secralien diffelences! ror ro lgnore Ehe goal ot lniry arcng
Gnkind in one,s acrlons and @ke leconcilbraEioD among people as
rhe aim of one,s eftolts - rhis ras IBIam. To do.orhefrise {ould
lesurt in divisiveness and utrimle 10s352_
Eal1y l6lan, say6 fiashliqi, s.s duccessfut in unrring a gre.!
ploporEron of @nkind rhen riving in rhe rolld. And a1I
happened because of belief in the uniry of cod andi consequenr,
beliel in the unlcy of vhore Mnkind. sulopean social and
sclencific dewelopmen!. @king retigion synony@ug,iEh privale
beliefs, had no ptace i! I31an. r51am,3 message ro nankind fas tha!
leligion ras neirhe! naaional and ,acial, ror i.atividual an<t
privaiei bur pulely hufran and !ha! irs purpose va. co unrle and
olgani6e Mnkind deEpice a1I irs naEulal dist i;cr j,onss 3 .
Looked aL superfrciarty rhe dos and donE,6 of !he eulan
conrarn fofrutas o! leltgiosiEy anat lighceousness, In Mashriqi,s
view, Godi in Hi6 inrinile wisedom, ha6 kepE rn vtew in al] euranic
direcrives the poticy rha! fotlowels ot rslam aEChin universal
domrnan.e. such chalacreristsics prdoEed by Qulanic dile.liwes did
resulc in the disEtnclive place,hich Muslims in earty hisro6ly
came Eo enloy anong naEions of the wo!1d. contaired ir slch
dilecrives kas rhe lecullenr inviEacion ro Mnkind,e naculal uni!y,
which in ihe case of ealty Musttns, lound expres6ion rn colr:crive
effolcs, cenrrally olganized acliviry, puncEualiry,
lnregiar iveness , Alao conrained ln che direcciv€s sele rhe .raims
ot ulj,ty ot oanlind as a species rlaining for self-conrlol
spillted effecE of equality!

For Mashliq1 6olida!1ty of Mnkind va8 the p6urpo5e, eDd, or

rhe creatsion of mn, divisivener. a@ngrtu8tic appealted to him to
be tantamount Eo lnfideliEy, declaling the per6oa6 llvolved in
altvlslveless co be our of Ehe pale of Ialan, out of Islafric
sociery. Unicy solidarity, a@ng MusliG had a leligious, EpiriEual

And had rlly sursainer ao wiIIed, he eould 3uleLy have made all
Gnkind one Eingle comunlcy, but [se willed iE othe&ire, and
sol coniinue Eo be diveigenr la11 of chen,l .awe those upon
rhom chy su8taine! has bestored His glrce. And Eo thi6 end
lof being single c@iEyl has He cieated th€n. [alf l. And
tin case of diEunityl rold ol thy sustsainer shall be
fu1!ll1ed : MosE cerEainly {ilI r fill helr with.,lthose)
confusins orhers and lwiEhl cBges, atl rogeche!55.
acquisirion of Islamic fairh vas ro estabLish peace on lhe
face of lhe ealth to save Gnkif,d fld Ntua] cl,asbes, Islan, thac
i6, ras a leligion conceived Eo plorcte qualltles to cke people
be.ome inberilora ol ealth as {€11 as uniled. Followers of all
leligtods were ro be garheted rogerher on che basis of the idea of
pelpetual p€ace and rule on ealth by un*ed dnkind. Isfan ?as to
uproot a1l dtvtstons thac exisced on the basis of na!!o{
conceplions of religio*. Ielam {aa ro be concetved in the ?idesL
cems of inpalcing kno{1edge or princtples'ro esEablish endurins
rule on ealch on che ba6i6 of unily ot Enkind56. Belief tn che
uriEy of God - oreneas of God - GanE desrdctlon of au orher gods
rhelhe! in the fohn of pelsonal inielestE or in the fom of
unwarranted emphrslE on plircldia1 tie8. Oith belief in God a
pers;n ovelcores all di.tlacrion6 rhar could bec@ hindelances in
lhe ,ay of brochelhood, murlat help an.r ruruar kindneFs anong hucn
beings. rndeed, uniry a@ng peopre i6 an evidence o! che belief i!
the unty of Ehe creaco!. A nacion rhoEe @nbers de@nstslare uniry
arcng rhecelEa is a norion that bas ,hole,hearcedly accepied the
uDity or cod anal ie cmi:ett ro sefte coit, h accepEance is,ho1e_
healreat vhen ir i6 deoonsrraEed in ac!10n. ritashllqi argled rha! as
the principle or untEy o! cod is promocive of uniry among peopte,
acciwe denonsration of uniry rould frean belief in the unity of eod.
The Leagle of Narion {as a korrd organizario! cleared arourd
the t:me vhen uashliqi
'as busy in {rtrins his laztrixa. The uniced
NaEiona was anorhe! efforEar olgnaizing rbe wolt.t inEo uniry ot a
sorE. flashriqi {a6 not saris!ied aE such effolEs. 1n hls vies,
lvicious incention ot mn againsr cn iE perhaps sEilt rhere
in rhe
brains of Ebe poliEicians {ho upbold tshe idea of troltd

As the Mustihs rele in di6afay, Ehe second gloup ro shom

Mashliqi rluneat {ere Ehe sctenciEts. t4asbriqi/6 convi.rions
legarding Ehe sclencisrs role in poticic6 had, in a way, beer
cluled by 1931 ,h.n he himself plunged inEo policlcE Eo tread a
refor movemerr, Epecificalty ai6ed a! pmting setf_confidence
among Muslims Lo legain !hei! place in rEhe polilicE ot India56_
In 195r he ploposed rhe sa@ lole ar,o!ld 1evel. Mashriqi
{rore ro.ctenlitE of the wort<t in July 1951 plopoEing a *o!Id
conference ro conaidef and decide rhar s.ienri6rs rake ove! reigrs
of goveln@nE ir rbei! counelies. su.h: ,41e of the Eceinriscs,,
in his wiee, routd tead to etrd of ears and @n, affolated peace
rheleby, Hould be pu! on Ehe coulBe of rtle conqlesr or naruie,
ReEpon6e from tbe acientlEis .atdleE5ed by hi( ,as noE an
encoulaging one, He pli@tely cilculared lerre! wa6. rare!,
publiEhed in r95s, as a parptlleE unde! rh€ tiEle! .r,he HuGn
Id Mashriqi,a vier sciencisrB could bling abour uniry or
Mnkind in two ways :

scientsif ic explanarion of religion uhlcb could unice cnkird_

li) Taking over po,er in socieEy and Mkins decj,6lons fo! rhe
relfale of 6ociecy as a uhole.

Regading scientilic inrerplerarion of leligion, Mashriqi

believed rhaE retgioMhich Cod setrt !o @n thlougn xis prdphets
garhe! frankind rogeEher. t{har happened in fac:, {as
tnar people. ou! ol animosiry and levo1r a(ong chefrselve., gor
6ep.raEed from one o!he!. This 6epalatton aDd divtsion, afler rhe
'science of unity, had beer siven co @n! Disunion, Ehelefore. has
been a resurr or atrircsiry n@!i6h€d by one cn agalnsc
by one sroup a9ain6! orhe.s. rlle deEsage broughr by p.cphers
consisted 1r science - of rhe tray(6) to unire @n, Religous m:ssage
has be€n one and appalen! dirfelences in leligious failhs can be
ovelco@ by a scientific sEudy of lelgion. scienrific 6rudy o!
leligion becdes posgibt€ when e6 rly ro kror_ Eh€ !6al narule of
Ehe leligious MeEEaEe.
In a l€Erer elitEr.n in Nov€rbe! 1924, !{ashiiqi 6tared Ehat L
hiE attefrpt to erplatn llEe arld latl o! nations, he had 6!sck a
aleeper note of the uion of |l@\inat into ole eve!-obiding andt glear
fraiemiry, c@bined on one ereml ErEh rolking for one eEelnal
ain an.t posse6sing ore ratlonal, Narula1 and EEehat Religton, i.e_
Ehe Religion of peace, plogress, Evoturlon and evenEuat exrrnc!lon

The second ray in ,hich scientlsEs could bling abouE uniry

afrons Enkinal ras rheir s.ientMc plofeEEiou. They posFessed
suprene knorledge of Nalule and ir sBs iitncuobenr on rhe sclenrisls
ro leait Mankind io rbar pulpose fo hich ir eas cleaced a.d nor
leave the Human race to rbe @!cy o! rhe captatisEs ard lhe/merly
ffikers'. The very idea rhar rne Degtlny of man be iD the hands of
.!iIL, and rps4ose, of
'l!o are compelEely ignotanE of rhe
NaEule is levoliing and is a staliDg inslanle of lhe colleclively
perverse j.nr.elligence o! Mni61.
scient16!6 alone poeaesseit inret l,igen.e 1i!eralfy supelior ro
all Elte re.E of xaikind, and rlis veldicrs - even rheir rheolie6 -on
Nature in all brancheg of ysorredge had be€n accepced by I,ran as
tRurHs. Scientists atone, Le decLared. have blougbE rpower,
plospelily and Beauty on Earrh'62-
r4ashriqi hold thac scientisEs.lone car look aE Mankind flom
the poinE of vier of Natule; reu.gion o! !ace, casre o! colouli
geoglaphrcal barrie! or hisLolicat EladiEions do noE appea! Eo
rhefr. Tney ato nor belong Eo aj. .sect, of @n o! .retigior, and are
lor seayeat aray by .bel,ier, o! ideologies. 11!e1! Revelarion j,s flom
rhe Book or Narule 1Lself - which iE Ehe o!1y coEh *iEring. Thei!
entile1y for rhe benefit ol the rhote Mankind and
chey do nor sndge rheii bec@irg llbtic p!op.!!y. Th6 along can
come to!uald uith vatl<t reasons as Eo ;hannel. in vhr(h Ehe
collecEive acrtvicies ol Mankind 6hou1d rie, {har his narular ritre
of action sould be as a *hore in conrladigrincrio. to acrions of
rhe ipoliricianE, chaE Ehey undercate trtshlough tshe ]us! of Eheir
orn passions and ignolance or rhe ulrimalle pulpose of Narure,63.
sciencisrs ir rhe core !o lead rrankird poliEicauy,
level up all balrierE of race, le1igion, ca6re, cotour, eEc. They
aould equali2e dlsrlibuEion of realth alt over Ehe wolIit; equali6e,
as far as possibte, the Eralus of the rich and rhe poo! and rculd
human mrnd Eo one comiLy of nalions and one flarerniEy, the/ lere
sule ro rook objecriwety aE all E!rug91e6 cleaced by capital or
labour, and give rhen Eheii propei reight. All difference6 b:!,e€n
the rich and rhe poo! kourd, Ehereby, di.appea!, exDloilaiion or
@n t'y man ,outd vanish and huMn potirics ,ould be seen and
dfspoged of tlom ihe vierpoin! of the 6rem dispensatsion of Narule.
capilal and labou!, in Ma.hfiqi,s vIe,, were boEh subsereelvienr Eo
.he linielligence, A. such, posse6sing the inpolrance and rhe porer
or Ehinking, scienlisr6 alone had rhe rocu6 Ellndi to sEand arofr
ove! all orher human beings a5 rhet! l4a5re!s, Dlsposerg and LeadeE
on rhi6 ealrh. iAll scienrtErs, being che poEs€ssois of one tdch
a]l the eorld ove., ruEE necessarj,Iy hotd our the One tToeh ot
Politlca,i based on che dire exjgencies ot Naiule alone_t,e,, Ehe
poliEy ,hich koutd @ke rhe ,hole hu@!
rtcb lb. dr. objer o!

f . irulid h$l.!r, et.r, Ertlry_lt_|l! tBoIIEr rodde! ,clushrd
ld tb a|lnd& TrE.i 1959).
2. Ibttlr D. 20,
3. lbid; I|. 19-20-
.1. lbid; D. 18.
5, tbld.
6. lb1dr 9. 21.
t. IDr,alr D. 12.
a. lbldr p, 2!.
9. !6aorts. llu Lout,

to. tD'.d.
U. lbld; D, U7.
12. Gi.orgt O.ylold s14,!od, :
1!. xer lrllc& trtbfrry, D. 165.
1!. lbidr !D. r?-aa.
!'a. hlxley, o!'. clt, D. 8!.
15. !bid; p. 19.
16. n Id; 9. t0.
17, r!ti; D. !t,
19. Iibtil, p. 33.

21. Mashriqi, Srra!-3[LEra]l!Ei9tr, op citr P. s1

22, The Quran, ChaPter 29, velse 5,
23- Maslriqi, Gad-Ua!--a!C-!dJe!/ll; op c1!r P. 149.
2.1. tlussain, op. cic; P. 12-

!5. Beacon, lle -Ari:aarlesesLslbeljLls .. - , op, cltr p xrr'

26. charl€s Daruin, The De.ceni of Man Par; 1 .nd conclLdinq
chabrer of palt III, l'london: tatt6 and co; 1930). p. 244.

2a. Jalal ud-Din Rumi cranslatio. in lqbal, BesolE!.E&!:i9! 9i

Beli.s!aDsfBe\gLlj!-l-e.l3!o, op ciE, p, 9?
2e- Rumi, lranslaclon i! Afzal Iqbal, Iblljle j,E!f-!bo[sh!---o!
{!$a04a{jla.b.L!d:!i!-Brr!q!, {Lahore: Bezn_i- lqba1, t19561 ),

30. rqbal, Becalllllrs!&o, , oP. .ir; p. 9?. The ner! quoraEion

iqi, God. Man and univerae, op. cit;.P 16?.

The tro qutarton taken frd P. 164-

Dsrle Alagtie!6, on {orld-eovedfrent rDe.Mocrchiar, lrats

Herbelt rl- schneide! and lnifo. Dino Blgongiali (hdianapolls
and Ne, Yoik: Bob&-xerrill conpary Incr 195?), p- xr.
42. Ibib; pp. xi-xll.
a3. Ma6h!1qt, Hadlrh-ut-ou!.n/ op. cirr p, 14?.
44. ItaslEiqi, xan,r pesrtnw, op. cir; p. 68.
45, Ibidj pp, 67-68.
{6. tbid, p_ 5a,
rt_ Masllriqi, TazktrFh, vol. 2, op, c\r,, pp. s4-62.
.13. Tbe Quran, Ch.Prer 9, relse 33,
.r9, Incyalullah Kho rrashliqj,, rsr.ftic Jqrl6orudEnce, (An essay
vrrrren June 19sal KtreaJa, n.d.), p, {.
s0. r4ashliqi, rpREFACE,, op. cir; !,- 1ss.
51, t{ashliqi, ou'!n and Ewollrion, qp. cir, p. 44.
52, Mashriqi, .PREFACE,,.op. cic; pp. 196-9?.
53. Ibidr P. 197tn.
s4. Ibid, pt,204"20S.
55. Tlre Quran, chagtei II, verses r1a_19.
56. Mashrlqi, .FOREVORD,, Op. CrT; p, ?4.
56. l4ashriqi, c6d Man:nd univere., op. cir; p. rg1_
54, fiashriq!, Iqan,s pes.inv, op. ci!, pp, 59-72.
59, Mdshri,ql, The sunan Erohlei, op, ctr.
60. tiussain, op. cii; p_ 32.
61, Mashiiqi, cod. Man and Untv€!6e, op. clc; p. 15:t.
61. Ibid; pp, 1st-154.
63, Ibid, t, 154.
6.I. Ibid; p. r55,
Yaghriqi, boln !o a leligioud faml1y, was. educated in rcdeln
Eutio[s o! higher leaming includiog rhe canblidge untv:lsiry
Jland, ard allalned deglrees in s.iences, airs and langlages.
opced education as his plof€ssj.on eirh his atrsc appoinrrelc
ce-principat and plofessor of Marhenarics iD a Col1ege, fie
d his o*in ro a fanuy sbich sered in high offices unde,
I rulers o! Indla and sll:h nter6 o! the punjab. ni5 Eache!
keen obsefler of Muslis affails shes hdia, had gone under the
trf ibe Btirish. OEroMn empire was fa.try dectlning and Safvid
{3s unde! presgule of fiesrern impelialisr powels. Mashriqi
to have had inEelesr in Mustin affai!6 before rhe Filst ,rortd
?his wa5 6halpened ehen he hinsetf obsewed Ehe faiture or
Prr.lslifr novefrenrs in India as rhe Khilafai and HijiaE mov:mencs
:hliqi thouqhr Ehar rney rele alioes in tshe da!k, ,ilhouL
idg and sere failule. uustiG, horeve!, sEil!
the convicEion Lhar lhere wa6 a codty promise in lhe Quran
che Faithlur roulat 4l€ the ealrh. The wisible d€cllre o:
me presented irself a6 a problem !o Ma6hliqi. Bu! he
fomed iE into a universal plobtefr of. lise and 6at1 of
nsi prosFerity and durabitiry of hu(an gloups, indeed,
eriLy and suryival of Enktnct a6 a {hol€

It4aghliqi sought Eoltution o! the ploblen in synrheEis of

ce anat leligion. Ilow coutd such synrtresis be cleaEeat? By rhe
1920., sctence had core ro be seen a6 dlslnCeresred bd pulsuit of
ttuth and s.-ne Eechnology a. a greaE bo@ for Mnkind. Religion
*as arso legalded aa Eoreching udvelsa1, propheLs of valiou6
religions 6rlll c@nded lespect, 60@rire3 acloss leligious
b@ndaries. Bqually uni@laal, how6re!, uele qu.r!e}5, confllcEs
and .teadly diffelence6 based on dirfelenceB in leligion6. Giwen lhe
importance ol ieligion in lh€ tiveB of inCtviduals and narions, it
in4)orrance co esrarish rhe Edrh of lelision amons
conElrccing claifrs. This coutd be ffi if reliEion was scudled
scienciticarly. scienriric rerhod in rhe scudy o! lellgion routd
esrablish the ore, scienEific r4rh abour !el,lgion. Bur courd
reri9ior be Ecudied scienrifrcatly? Msh!1qr,6 ansue; was in Ehe

In itashliqi,s vier, religion came fo! rlte good of

concerned ho* children of Adam shou1d tlve in rhe korld. Ir caughr
fhaE i4 ihe perperual, sEoggle fo! exisreDce ,ould granL peace ro
and engure 1rE 6u!viva1 and sEabili!y plosperi!y
and evolstion. A1t plophers br@ght che sa@_@6a9e, niEh rheir
intense and 3incele hediCaEion Eh.y gainit rhe knowledEe of the
,orking of the lniwerae. It ras on the basi6 oa thar knorledge !ha!
rhey re.e led Eo plopound aulhencic prtncipleE baEic co rhe
establishcnc and MinEenance of plosperous and dulab1e poliEies.
Religlon, Ebar is, was rhe science of esrabtiEhlng dulab1e o1a
,he.eby @n could lealise hi6 fult porenriaf- Scientific srudy of
rlel,igioi was envi6aged ro be a sEudy o! condtlio,s or dlrab1e
poltty. nlro
'ould tha! 6rqdy? rr.Bhliqt ,aDred reo gloups
ro undelrake thi6 rask, FlrEcly, he chiited ihe fellor_scietrtisrs
for lheir overemphasia in sEudylrhe tvork of cod, Lhe finding. of
rhich had, so far, produced nixed !e6u s. Daain,6 lorion of
susival of the fitcesE! in Uashliqi,s wiee, dld yield some
pllneiples of Ehe iise and faLl ot narions.. Buc i! equally r tedt
negati!.e result6. Findings of Oesrem scieDce, palticularly rhose
of evolutionary $eory, rended ro gt.firy anicliry o! Gn,6
co.duct and led co Eceriali6m and Eensuousnesg. Mashriqi invireit
screntsrsr to 6cudy che .sord ot cod/ in lhe be1lef lhaE Ehey would
exercrse the sare disinEelestedness as they did in Ehe srudy of
trarure, and reach linal colclusion legaldins rhe rolLh of claims of
!ruth by various leligiols, Thar is, scienrisEs My eiiber plcclain
one or Ehe le1ig1ons Eo be Erue, or rhey @y co4crude Eha! lerigion
a6 such i. a r.aud. Mashliqi tsried co neer Ehe objecrton about
lonexisEence o! aulhenEiclellgious rexr by algu1ns lhaE Ehe Qulan
was rhe lasr, uprodale and and undefiled 6pecinen of rhe wcld of

secoudly, Mashriqi rhoughr MusliG co!1d pelfonn Ehe rcle of

sctenriric inlelprecaEion or rehglon by i:heir placrrcal ad)prlon
or oLranic lechinss. rn nr"
"r.", * ., .",.r" @,
Ehe ,n.
Qulan, ltustin could bea! rlrress unco Grkind. Thac is, in rheir
goo<l a.LtoDs, ln srluggte aDd exelrion lo! ihe good, in their
s!!r€nde., obedience and sewicorshj,p in the qay of cod _ MuElims
could arre6r ro the rnEh ot co.t anal lerigion as cu.h, Mankind
Hould see wirh thei! eye6 thar acrions of Musling are guid.d ard

dictared by belief in a sdelelgn Co<r xhd Eh€ iru6liG Eefle . The

gooatnesg lloatucetl by sincele acciond or u.1tm6, ln accoldance rilh

!e1i9iou5 reachinga, rould ob119e others ro think rhar ccd, Ehough

invi6ible, is yet !ea}, erlsr.nt, subsranrtal. posiEiove arEilude
t@.rds I31an so cleared rdld cdsrlture a pr@f fo! Ehe *isrence

trashriqi.s lelisio-6ci6nritic BynrheFls polnrs ro his ,orld-

vier, DarEicutarly his view o! hlll@ narure, pivoEat ro che srudy
cf his politicar choughc Mashrlqi believe€ En ro be a clicx of a
1on9 9locess of evoluEion posse.sirg sore characlelislics of
anifrals buE enjoying tlee ,irI ulEh powe! co conceptuallze, fofr
ideals and tive a spiliEuaf life. fie is ddow€d,irh powels of
. and reasonlng and
1i6i't!g 6uch EhaE he can .onquer arr
froc€s of nature and pur rh6F to hi6 !s€. ulrimrely, be is
desrined !o fuse lack inEo codhead. dirh hls srudy of evolurion as
well a5 thar of 6c!ipru!e5 of ma*inat, Mashriqi Lries ro eslablish
mn,E erevated pla.e ln ihe univerge, hts dtgnity. and his
poltri,cal rhdghE is concheit uith ih6 core vatue6 o! humaa iiigniiy
and hunan desEiny. t{hi1e the cole vatues are constants of
Mashliqi'6 rhought, hls vler on lnsrltutiols are it6 va!1ab!es. The
tro varlea lemain conscanE. Mashliqi doe6 nor make any coftrpronise
eith tegard to rhen. tideve!, he 16 tlexible vitsh regald !o
insticuions. He routit rarcur c!6arion of an, :ppropliate
insclrustioral pattems that would conllibuEe !o tshe lcalization
of Che cheriehed vatue6.
The basic rerson fo! lnsliluEioDat valiabtity Lies in lhe
levels ac ,hic} vatues are to be realizeat. HuIE atlgnir, My have
to be lealized al a revet on which a gloup ot. people has an inEen6e
de6ile ro be goveded by irself, v*hout outsiate interlence. They
want lnatepende.cei auronmy. rn rhe modern temlnol€y, rhey ,anr
ro be lreaEed as a! independen6 narlon. rttashliqi cheo!1ses abour
rtle liEe of an lndependenr nati@ in rerE of his d€calogue, re.
lrinclple6, on rhe basis ot rhich a dylMlc, ildopenitenE narlon
rould ari6e- decalogue cdr4)liEeluniry ol betief and acrion,
lespect fo! coGrirured aurhoricy, leadiDe36 !o 1ay do@ lire for
the atefence of rhe narion, linacn1al sacliflce fo! che sake of Ehe
weak and the gloup a. a rhole, r:adiness Eo siglale and teave ore,s
home and healrh, ir fequired, fo! rhe sake or lhe group, endeavou!

and action klth cooplete confidence in one,s actionsi good

othels and @rual belp, beliet in a atay or juatgemen!
and sEudy of o! powe! fo! @n, AcEing upon
plinciples of rbe decalogle ,ould, in r4a6hriqirs vier, laise a
narion to a high pinnacte oa powe!, abte ro e.tablish anat ftaiDcain
1Es independence, auronomy,

Anothe! leve1 of hu@n rtigntEy i6 rhe

1ew6l ot comriry
{ithin an independenr nacion. In the nere! cefrrnorogy co@unitles
are called 5ut'-naEions, naEionaliries, eEc- Th€ii4. rembers b.lie,e
Lhar rhey are dlffelenE lrom oEhels in the counrry on rhe basid
religion, culrule,, race e!c. and Ehats Eheir
di.tincciveness should be preseryeat and prorecred, fhey ,anE
lecogltlon as a gloup eirh rhe ilplicarion rhar rtre o! rhei!
disrinccion is acknoHledge .nd affined by co-inhabj.tanEs as valid.
Such affiturion would sean lhaE renbelg o! the gloup ,it1 nor be
disctininated againsr ju6r becau;e lhey berons to rhe ditrelenr
group. met rilr enjoy dlEniry as huMn beings, even rhoush Ehey
6ay berong ro a comuiry group dllferenr !!d the one ro which
coinhabiranrs of orhe!, dmltrdr .tuiry/cmnicies betons ro.
Thac i5, in rr. herelogeneouE soclery, Eroups eiU be glven
reasonabnre leple6enraEion ia publ,lc olfices and will noE be
dj,sc!,minaced on rhe ba6is of thei! disrrncrive ind€nciry, AE rhis
I:rel, a colporate srare my be neces6ary.
nose-.e!, Mashriq goe6 furrhei thd u6ual colpolarist ideas.
ee sbors a deep concern for lhe uniteldog ir valiou. comoniries in
a .oiporatis! serup. ge advocares leplesertarion o! !,he have-nors
b:,'fixing quora fo. rhen. A; Ehtnks ChaE iE i. beneaih humn
i:gniay Eha! Ebe have-nots of a comuriry be donidaced by cbe
p:iri1eg€d fer of rrrar ctuity. He arBo advocatles rhar rop
ere.uclve posttions Eo be iesewed to, chose who have had,
alcagvith orhe! deEilable quatitieB, acquileit placcical
acniniscrari€ €x!'efience by seFitrg rhe counrry ar sevelal rogs
o! adnlnisilaEion, The top ex6culive pos!6 of head of
governmenr/sEare shourd no! so !o pe.6o4s vrLh
earry afiiatiod
.€.ause rhey ale likery to represenr parties larher cban rhe naEio!
and, lacking rhe previous adhlnisrlative knotrledge, ,ill nor
acconpliFh anyrhing du.irg a shor! tenule of 3r5 years.
The funda@nrlr fevel of huMn digllry iE, of cour6e, rhe
digniEy of rhe individuat pelsor. tbe c4cial probld ar rhi6 level
i5 Eh€ plob1en ot providing condirlonE fo! gelf-lealizatlon. t6!e
Mashrlqi di6ringlish€s beE een phtlosophl€s !6teat i, @rerialisE
.ulEure6 and rhoEe loored ln epilitual culru!6s. The fiis! ones
provide freedm vhich witl erenEuat1, dar in rhe exEtoirarion or
@ny by the cleve! and econimically itoftinaEanr fed. ?he filsE
colatl,Eion lor sela-reati2acion was rhe etiMrio! of such alien
mcella1ist philosophies aE ,oulat .ondone capltatl6ric or oche!
explitarion. Closery connecced to ihis Bas etiminarion or hunser
anat Hashriqi goes so fa! as co Euggesr rhar grain shourd be Ehe
6tatrdald of value of noney in rhe countly. Orhe! inpollanE areas
corcerred qtch self-reati?aEion included provisior of educaEion and

The lasE tevel of dignlly is the huMniry irselfi lhe

nu@n 6pecie5 as such, HuGn digniEy ar tbis revel is equaied,iih
huGn destiny, and rhe means ,heleby such atesring is envisaged
be lealized, na@ty rhe uniry o! Gnkitrat. Fo! Mashriqi, @i,6
atesEiny ras to conque! rhe uniElse which eaE tikety !o
tuliher evolurion and lfan3lomEion of En,s body: Thi6 !.sk coul<l
be a.complished by lhe uniEed effolr. of Minkind aB
a whole. uniEy
of mnkind r.s a coDdtiior for rhe successrul ahieve@nC of hu@d
destrny. Nanklnit could be united itr cwo ways. Firsr one,as rhai
folfowels of a leligton shose 6cripEule wa6 lelalive1y uprodace,
and uDdefiled, could cke d e!fo!t. Ire wa3 ralking
of Muslims,ho,
he said, uele ab1. to uniEe a talge polr1onof rhe rhen kno,n bolId
rn che e.rly cetrturies ot rs1e. tre tl!@ghr thar it ,ould Cake
MuElids 6o!e tba! a cenlury to accoftpli6h rhia ra6k because rhey
fould have ro have a cotmnd or rhe krowledge of nalure_ rn 19s1.
Mashliqi ulged rhe scientisls as gioup ro r.ke we! pore! i! rhei!
counrrie6 and seE Ehe @nkiDd cn the parh o! conque6t of narure.
Jugtificacion fo! pore! ro rhe scieoriEt6 vas Cha! chey ,e!e
kno,eis or nacure. ocher Mjor gioups depended on rheir kno,Iedse
to establish and hainEain lhensetves in porer. capiEat aDd L:bou!,
by cllecelves, courat achieve norhtng. rr ra6 ihe k ovledge ploduced
by rhe s.ienrigt which ,as lhe basis o! rute by one la6 in
.apiralisE councrieE) o! rh€ orher (a5 i! comnrllisE counrlies) .
iniE srudy has arrempEed Eo indicaEe Ehe !etigro.screrE L!!c
:ound:rions of MaEhliqi,s Ehoughr, elabolaling on his lacional
deftonsrlation of che foundarions of eha! my be called atev.lopec
polify. I,rhlle che srudy lhrows up celra1n polnrs or conEac! ,irh
t{esrern polirical thoughr, lrashriqi,6 6rque creaE@nr of
a nunber
or Eraditional plobtens h:6,elevan.e lor pakisran,s poriEy a3
re1l. Noring Ehe conlac! with fie6rcrn rhough!, ir My be .aid lhar
ashliqi has devoEed a good deal of aftention ro such probIEG as
developfrent of a dynafric narion, lighrs o! minolicies, lespecr
hrcn PersonariLy, fundarenrat hu@n !.ight6 and need for ?orld-
unlEy. He ba5 also srared his viess on 1s6ue6 of socio_eco,@ic
develop@nt. aur hi6 ideas on such 6ubJecE6 <rrrfer flom !{esrer
ialeas and pracrice6 and 6€d to bave rcle lelevance
Eo rhe Asian
l{olld than do rhe llleEiem i.cio!6.
Mashriqi rakeg a lofcy idea of man ,ho, if he acred
ehoughrfully cnd Gde proper use o! his pouels o! obseralion dnd
ircellecr, could undelrake conquesr of the universe and one day
re6r his cleator. such a lolry iat€a is at valtance wlth sone of rhe
conclusions dlaM a!ft tshe fiesteh study of the evolurio! of @r_
Parciculally, rhe uae of evolur::onary rheory ro Jusitfy inperiatism
and explottarion, ln rhe Ede oi ribelry and @!ke! econorny? .annot
fi,nd place in llis th@ght. on rhe contrary, Mn,s lotriness ,s !o
be fulEher plomoted by sutabte potlricat oBanizaEion dd reasu.es
of socio-e.onoric r6fon. Hilh lhe cturanlc oriiin of hi6 Ehrghr,
l4ashliqi ldentifies poriEicE wlEh norattEy, Hts nolaI 6randalds ale
conraine<r tn *e decarogue rhich, lnEe! alia, includes che d./rLatuic
a.pe.rs of tradirional Mu51im liruals. Eis decalogue is a lacional
dercnstlation of loundarions o! a developed pority __ paclt.risn,
unity of acrion, llnanciar 6rabilicy tshrougn s.less on tlnrncial
sacrifici nilitary pleparedne6s, Elu<ry of ,acure ro gain po,e! and
healt-rinniDg Mnners and €+iquetts, The decalogle is envisaEed ro
provlde frola1 and socio-cuttural bases on khich Ehe good or lhe
inalividual anat Ehac or rhe group be.ore lnrercomeccea aoo
inleldependenr. such idea5 are letevanr !o ine scuay or rarrsran,s
poliEics vhele questiors of tura11ry have .1uay6 been inporian!.
Po6c-r9?t Polirico-adfrinistrarire co!tuprion has becofre so r:hpanc
Ehere rhar conrcn han rend. ro 5ee Eorurion of all plobless in
blingins molatiry in putJfic affairs. curencry, *efe are clies of
a..ouncabiliry all around. To the comon @n, accounralitiEy heans
rehablrtrarion of frolatiry in potitlcs and aalninisrrariotr,
Go@4hents is nece6saly insElrurlo! ln a hu@n sociery because
man,in uashriqi,a vier, tE eeak and coutd adopr selfi.hDess and
petsoGf aggrandi2e@4t €ven afcer plotroucing comiErents for
dlffe!. h11e governmenE
coopelaEj.on, Man'. sord6 anat deealg could
i5 necesEaly, it opelario!. i. co haE jusiificacio.. urjuscified
rule is nol onfy 1molal buE atso un6r;b1e, A 6iable ofe.an arise
on the basis of morar principles {htch aEhliqi has collected iaro
his decalogle. Ma6hriqi,6 concepLion of his decal<€le replesenls a
great insenuity on hi6 pa!r. on Ehe basi6 of rbe decalogue one can
explain {hy cerEain narions falt pley ro an impelialisr co.r!ol,
aadi ar the aame time, iE indieates Ehe way how imperiali.r conllot
could be throrn off. Actitrg upon of rhe decalogle rould maLe a
nation atynanic, a live and ftouri;hing naEtoo. A dr.amic nalion
would sulely be lncrined ro *pan6ioni6m. rf orhe! 6ocieEies are
likeriae, Elley routd cme under rhe sway of Che d)4amic
nor dlnafric
one, Eulopean inperiali6n of nineleentsh and E,€rEierh cenEulies
|.€ based on dynaftisn cleaced, clnly, by rhe sEuaty of narure -,
one of the rcsc Iftpolrani plinclples of Mashriqi,s.lecalogle.
thpeiialis! contlol my try ro transfon ir6elf by acEing on
Piinciples or ihe decalogue, and may neer Buccess in doing so_ r!
may shed off its lmperialisric rarule, and creare homogeneiEy arcng

llrers and Ehe o1€d on rbe basis

of che de.alogle_ rn Ehe piocess,
itirfererces among Lmpeiiallsr o1€ls and conqueleat people may be
nininized, eren eloded, a3 ir happened in rhe eally cenruiies of
expansion of Istaft,
Sihila!]y, Ebe decaloEle contains lhe cheory sheieby conqu.red
ad<I rin back !hei! independence and aulonofry.
colontzed people can
rhey musE learn ro cleaEe eiry, dtsciptine and ratth in ihei!
desliny. Tbey should be plepared to nEke saclifices i! ren6 of
lile rnd @ney !o! rhe good of thet! gloup, tusr pulsue rh€ siu<ty
of nacule to deriE porei ba6ed otr dtscoverles of foices of naElie.
In Mashliqi,s wier, rhe Eulopean 6rion6 vele acring on.ro or
three imporEant principles or rhe decarogDe, na@ry, rhe sEudy of
nature. discipline aad readiness ro @ke sacrltice. Alat Ehis lailed
6Eatu5 of cotrquelols of msr o! rhe ,o!ld, BuE rheir
nle ras unstabte. Thei! atudy of nature wa6 misdilecEed ii EhaE
they vere noC lelaring rhe resulEE tron lhat sEudy ro Che reveate<t
rold pleached by plophets. The porer rhey f,lre deliving rron lhe
krowledge of narure rend€d io be uBed in a be6Eiat (anner, AIso
rbey avoided spiliEual infruences floo Ehe colonizeat people aDd
thele ras no inrelacEion ro produce a ploper sy.the6is. Europe.s
overeftphasis on ihe work of cod wa6 unwallanred and ua3 leadinq Eo

Tde ro irs leligious fo@Calion, &ashliqi,s rhought seens ro

resemble rhaE of Eulopean ChrisEen Ehoughts. BuE i! dlffers froo
in .tucia1 iespeccs. r4a6hliqi doe6 not belleve in Ehe Chulc!_Srare
separaEion, !o! does he believe in, .o ro Bay, .one_drfrelsionat,
6alvarion, i.e. BatvaEion ln rhe hereatEe!. Of coulse h€ lecosni2es
signllicarce o! belief in che he.ealce! uirh legard ro rclar oubtic
lire, but h€ edPhasize6 satvalion ln rhls eoltd. He is i,Ee,esced
i. a plospelous and dulabl€ sociery, whlch al6o mean6 peacei prenEy
and progless in life on eafrh. l,ratr could cleaie sucn coDar*rons
esEablishing instirutions promorive of digniry
of individuat hunan
berns, of various comDities, of ,ariois/sraEes dd, indeed, of
@nkinat as : species_


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