Time and Labor Implementation Guide
Time and Labor Implementation Guide
Time and Labor Implementation Guide
September 2013
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Time and Labor Implementation Guide, Release 9.1.x
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3.2.4 Batches................................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.2.5 Employee .............................................................................................................................. 3-9
3.2.6 Recharge................................................................................................................................ 3-9
3.2.7 Leave Entry........................................................................................................................ 3-11
3.2.8 Interims .............................................................................................................................. 3-11
3.2.9 Processing .......................................................................................................................... 3-12
3.2.10 Burden ................................................................................................................................ 3-12
3.2.11 Rate Editing ....................................................................................................................... 3-12
3.3 Setting Processing Options for the Speed Time Entry Program (P051121) ..................... 3-13
3.3.1 Time Entry ......................................................................................................................... 3-13
3.3.2 Defaults .............................................................................................................................. 3-13
3.3.3 Manufacturing................................................................................................................... 3-13
3.3.4 Localization Selections ..................................................................................................... 3-14
3.3.5 Profit Management ........................................................................................................... 3-14
3.4 Setting Processing Options for the Time Entry Floods Program (P051191).................... 3-14
3.4.1 Display................................................................................................................................ 3-14
3.4.2 Line Detail Time Entry..................................................................................................... 3-15
3.4.3 Daily Time Entry............................................................................................................... 3-16
3.4.4 Time Sheet Time Entry..................................................................................................... 3-17
3.4.5 Profit Management ........................................................................................................... 3-17
3.4.6 Localization........................................................................................................................ 3-18
3.4.7 Timecard Corrections....................................................................................................... 3-18
5.2 Setting Up a Flat File Cross-Reference..................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Understanding Flat File Cross-References....................................................................... 5-2
5.2.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.3 Forms Used to Set Up a Flat File Cross-Reference.......................................................... 5-2
5.2.4 Setting Up a Flat File Cross-Reference.............................................................................. 5-2
5.3 Completing Fields for the Employee Transactions - Batch File Table ................................ 5-3
5.3.1 Understanding the Fields in the Employee Transactions - Batch File Table............... 5-3 Required Fields ............................................................................................................. 5-3 Optional Fields.............................................................................................................. 5-4
5.4 Uploading Timecard Information ............................................................................................ 5-7
5.4.1 Understanding the Timecard Upload Process ................................................................ 5-7
5.4.2 Setting Processing Options for Inbound Flat File Conversion (R47002C)................... 5-7 Transaction .................................................................................................................... 5-7 Separators ...................................................................................................................... 5-7 Process............................................................................................................................ 5-7
5.5 Revising Uploaded Timecard Information ............................................................................. 5-7
5.5.1 Understanding Uploaded Timecard Revision ................................................................ 5-8
5.5.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.5.3 Forms Used to Revise Uploaded Timecard Information ............................................... 5-8
5.5.4 Selecting a Batch of Timecards for Revision .................................................................... 5-8
5.5.5 Revising a Batch of Uploaded Timecards ........................................................................ 5-9
5.6 Reviewing the Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File Report ........................................ 5-9
5.6.1 Understanding the Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File Report ......................... 5-9
5.6.2 Setting Processing Options for Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File Report
(R053001Z) ............................................................................................................................ 5-9 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.7 Creating Timecards from Uploaded Information and Purging Processed Payroll Batches
.................................................................................................................................................... 5-10
5.7.1 Understanding the Creation of Timecards from Uploaded Information................. 5-10
5.7.2 Setting Processing Options for Time Entry Batch Processor (R05116Z1I) ............... 5-11 Processing ................................................................................................................... 5-11 Select ............................................................................................................................ 5-12 Messages ..................................................................................................................... 5-13 Interims ....................................................................................................................... 5-14
5.7.3 Purging Processed Payroll Batches ................................................................................ 5-14
6.1.10 Formulas and Functions ..................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2 Creating Employee Groups ....................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.1 Understanding Employee Groups .................................................................................... 6-5 Types of Employee Groups......................................................................................... 6-6
6.2.2 Forms Used to Create Employee Groups......................................................................... 6-7
6.2.3 Creating a List Group.......................................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.4 Creating a Select Group ...................................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.5 Creating a Combo Group ................................................................................................ 6-10
6.3 Creating Timecard Templates................................................................................................ 6-10
6.3.1 Understanding Timecard Templates ............................................................................. 6-11 Creating Timecard Templates ................................................................................. 6-11 Submitting Timecard Templates for Processing ................................................... 6-12 Timecard Template Processing Report (R186303) ................................................ 6-12 Timecard Template Batch Review Report (R186304) ........................................... 6-13
6.3.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 6-13
6.3.3 Forms Used to Create Timecard Templates.................................................................. 6-13
6.3.4 Creating Timecard Templates......................................................................................... 6-13 Main............................................................................................................................. 6-14 Category Codes.......................................................................................................... 6-15 Organization............................................................................................................... 6-15 Subledger .................................................................................................................... 6-15 Rates ............................................................................................................................ 6-16
6.3.5 Processing Timecard Templates ..................................................................................... 6-16
6.3.6 Running the Timecard Template Batch Review Report (R186304) ........................... 6-16
6.4 Creating Retroactive Pay Rules.............................................................................................. 6-16
6.4.1 Understanding Retroactive Pay Rules........................................................................... 6-17 Creating Retroactive Pay Rules ............................................................................... 6-17 Processing Retroactive Pay Rules............................................................................ 6-18 Reviewing the Retroactive Pay Rule Processing Report...................................... 6-19
6.4.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 6-19
6.4.3 Forms Used to Create Retroactive Pay Rules ............................................................... 6-20
6.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Retroactive Pay (P186701)......................................... 6-20 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 6-20
6.4.5 Creating Retroactive Pay Rules ...................................................................................... 6-20
6.4.6 Processing Retroactive Pay Rules................................................................................... 6-23
6.5 Creating Overtime Rule Sets .................................................................................................. 6-23
6.5.1 Understanding Overtime Rules...................................................................................... 6-23 Overtime Rule Sets .................................................................................................... 6-25 Timecard Accumulator Rules .................................................................................. 6-26 Method 1 ..................................................................................................................... 6-27 Method 2 ..................................................................................................................... 6-28 Method 3 ..................................................................................................................... 6-28 Method 4 ..................................................................................................................... 6-29 Setting Up Overtime Pay Type Exclusion Lists (Release 9.1 Update) ............... 6-29 Timecard Change Rule ............................................................................................. 6-31 Call Rule Set Rule ...................................................................................................... 6-32 Call Custom Rule....................................................................................................... 6-32
vi User Parameters......................................................................................................... 6-33 Processing Overtime Rule Sets ................................................................................ 6-33 Overtime Rule Processing Reports ......................................................................... 6-33
6.5.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 6-33
6.5.3 Forms Used to Create Overtime Rule Sets.................................................................... 6-34
6.5.4 Creating an Overtime Rule Set ....................................................................................... 6-34
6.5.5 Creating a Timecard Accumulator Rule........................................................................ 6-35
6.5.6 Creating a Timecard Change Rule ................................................................................. 6-37
6.5.7 Creating a Call Rule Set Rule .......................................................................................... 6-39
6.5.8 Creating a Call Custom Rule........................................................................................... 6-39
6.5.9 Defining the User Parameters ......................................................................................... 6-41
6.5.10 Setting Processing Options for Overtime Rules (P186401)......................................... 6-41 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 6-41
6.5.11 Processing Overtime Rule Sets ....................................................................................... 6-42
6.5.12 Setting Processing Options for the Overtime Rule Set Batch Review Report (R186404)
............................................................................................................................................. 6-42 Display ........................................................................................................................ 6-42
7.3.7 Testing a Formula for an Overtime Rule Set ................................................................ 7-15
9.6.4 Running the Leave Transactions Update Report ......................................................... 9-19
9.7 Associating Pay Types with Activity Types ........................................................................ 9-19
9.7.1 Understanding Activity Type Linking .......................................................................... 9-19
9.7.2 Form Used to Associate Pay Types with Activity Types............................................ 9-20
9.7.3 Associate Pay Types with Activity Types ..................................................................... 9-20
9.8 Assigning Schedules to Employee Groups .......................................................................... 9-20
9.8.1 Understanding Schedule Assignment ........................................................................... 9-20
9.8.2 Form Used to Assign Schedules to Employee Groups................................................ 9-21
9.8.3 Assign Schedules to Employee Groups......................................................................... 9-21
10.6.1 Understanding Timecard Corrections ......................................................................... 10-17
10.6.2 Setting Processing Options for Generating Timecard Corrections (R05602) ......... 10-17 Processing ................................................................................................................. 10-17
10.6.3 Generating the Timecard Corrections ......................................................................... 10-17
10.7 Archiving and Restoring Employee Assignments ............................................................ 10-17
10.7.1 Understanding Employee Assignment Archiving and Restoration ....................... 10-17
10.7.2 Forms Used to Archive and Restore Employee Assignments ................................. 10-18
10.7.3 Setting Processing Options for the Archive EE Assignment T/E Information Program
(R0716709) ........................................................................................................................ 10-18 Dates .......................................................................................................................... 10-18
10.7.4 Restoring Employee Assignments ............................................................................... 10-18
11.2.4 Setting Processing Options for the Debit-Labor/Billing/Equipment Program (P069043)
........................................................................................................................................... 11-20 Default....................................................................................................................... 11-21
11.2.5 Setting Up AAIs for Labor, Billing, and Equipment Distribution........................... 11-21
11.3 Setting Up AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution...................................... 11-21
11.3.1 Understanding AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution....................... 11-22 Search Criteria for Burden Fringe ......................................................................... 11-23 Company Burden Rules.......................................................................................... 11-24 Business Unit Burden Rules................................................................................... 11-24
11.3.2 Prerequisite ...................................................................................................................... 11-24
11.3.3 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution........... 11-25
11.3.4 Setting Processing Options for the Debit-Burden/Premium-Labor Dist Program
(P069042) .......................................................................................................................... 11-25
11.3.5 Setting Up AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution............................... 11-25
11.3.6 Setting Up Company Burden Rules ............................................................................. 11-27
11.3.7 Setting Up Business Unit Burden Rules ...................................................................... 11-27
11.4 Setting Up AAIs for Cash-in-Bank Account Distribution................................................ 11-28
11.4.1 Understanding AAIs for Cash-in-Bank Account Distribution................................. 11-28 Search Criteria for Cash-in-Bank Account Distribution .................................... 11-30
11.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Cash-in-Bank Account Distribution..................... 11-30
11.4.3 Setting Up AAIs for Cash-in-Bank Account Distribution......................................... 11-31
11.5 Setting Up AAIs for Liabilities............................................................................................. 11-31
11.5.1 Understanding AAIs for Liabilities.............................................................................. 11-31 Search Criteria for Liabilities ................................................................................. 11-32 Understanding Distribution Account Fields for Liabilities............................... 11-32
11.5.2 Prerequisite ...................................................................................................................... 11-33
11.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Liabilities.................................................................. 11-33
11.5.4 Setting Up AAIs for Liabilities...................................................................................... 11-33
11.6 Setting Up AAIs for Labor Billings .................................................................................... 11-34
11.6.1 Understanding AAIs for Labor Billings ...................................................................... 11-34 Search Criteria for Labor Billings .......................................................................... 11-34
11.6.2 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Labor Billings .......................................................... 11-35
11.6.3 Setting Processing Options for Credit-Labor Billings (P069044) ............................. 11-35
11.6.4 Setting Up AAIs for Labor Billings .............................................................................. 11-35
11.7 Setting Up AAIs for Accruals and Clearing....................................................................... 11-35
11.7.1 Understanding Accruals and Clearing ........................................................................ 11-35 Search Criteria for Accruals and Clearing ........................................................... 11-36 Understanding Distribution Account Fields for Accruals and Clearing ........ 11-37
11.7.2 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Accruals and Clearing............................................ 11-38
11.8 Setting Up Journal Summarization Rules .......................................................................... 11-38
11.8.1 Understanding Journal Summarization Rules ........................................................... 11-38
11.8.2 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Accruals and Clearing............................................ 11-39
11.8.3 Setting Up Journal Summarization Rules ................................................................... 11-39
12.1.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 12-5
12.2 Selecting Employees for Time Entry ..................................................................................... 12-6
12.2.1 Understanding the Employee Selection Process for Time Entry ............................... 12-6
12.2.2 Forms Used to Select Employees for Time Entry......................................................... 12-7
12.2.3 Selecting Employees for Time Entry from the Employee Master Information Table
............................................................................................................................................. 12-7 Form Header Information ........................................................................................ 12-7 1-8................................................................................................................................. 12-7 Organization............................................................................................................... 12-8 Other............................................................................................................................ 12-8
12.2.4 Selecting Employees for Time Entry Who Have Unprocessed Timecards .............. 12-9 Form Header Information ........................................................................................ 12-9 Organization............................................................................................................... 12-9 Category Codes.......................................................................................................... 12-9 Subledger .................................................................................................................. 12-10
12.2.5 Selecting Employees for Time Entry Who Have Processed Timecards.................. 12-10 Form Header Information ...................................................................................... 12-10 Organization............................................................................................................. 12-11 Subledger .................................................................................................................. 12-11 Category Codes........................................................................................................ 12-11 Other.......................................................................................................................... 12-12
12.3 Entering Timecards for Employees ..................................................................................... 12-12
12.3.1 Understanding Timecard Entry.................................................................................... 12-12 Entering Timecards Per Pay Period for Employees ........................................... 12-13 Entering Daily Timecards for Employees ............................................................ 12-14 Entering Timecards Using Time Sheet Groups................................................... 12-14
12.3.2 Prerequisite ...................................................................................................................... 12-14
12.3.3 Forms Used to Enter Timecards for Employees......................................................... 12-15
12.3.4 Entering Timecards Per Pay Period for Employees................................................... 12-15
12.3.5 Entering Daily Timecards for Employees ................................................................... 12-21
12.3.6 Entering Timecards Using Time Sheet Groups .......................................................... 12-22
12.4 Entering Timecards Using Speed Time Entry ................................................................... 12-23
12.4.1 Understanding Speed Time Entry................................................................................ 12-23 Selecting Employees................................................................................................ 12-23 Entering Timecards Using Speed Time Entry ..................................................... 12-24
12.4.2 Forms Used to Enter Timecards with Speed Time Entry ......................................... 12-24
12.4.3 Selecting Employees For Speed Time Entry by Individual ...................................... 12-25
12.4.4 Selecting Employees for Speed Time Entry by Batch................................................ 12-25
12.4.5 Entering Timecards Using Speed Time Entry ............................................................ 12-25
12.5 Entering Piece Rate Timecards............................................................................................. 12-31
12.5.1 Understanding Piece Rate Processing Setup .............................................................. 12-31 Entering Piece Rate Timecards .............................................................................. 12-31 Processing Overtime and Minimum Wage Requirements for Piecework ...... 12-32 Reviewing Piece Rate History................................................................................ 12-32
12.5.2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 12-32
12.5.3 Forms Used to Review Piece Rate History Online..................................................... 12-33
12.5.4 Reviewing Piece Rate History Online.......................................................................... 12-33
12.5.5 Setting Processing Options for the Piecework Register (R078001).......................... 12-34 Defaults ..................................................................................................................... 12-34
12.6 Reviewing Timecard History for Standalone Time and Labor ....................................... 12-34
12.6.1 Understanding Timecard History for Standalone Time and Labor ........................ 12-35
12.6.2 Prerequisite ...................................................................................................................... 12-35
12.6.3 Forms Used to Review Timecard History for Standalone Time and Labor........... 12-35
14.3.1 Understanding Leave Administration......................................................................... 14-21 Leave Trends ............................................................................................................ 14-22 Leave Inquiry and Management ........................................................................... 14-22
14.3.2 Forms Used to Administer Leave Requests................................................................ 14-23
14.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Manager Self-Service Leave Review (P076311) ... 14-24 Defaults ..................................................................................................................... 14-24
14.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Leave Inquiry and Management (P07640)............ 14-24 Processing ................................................................................................................. 14-24
14.3.5 Approving Leave Requests ........................................................................................... 14-25
14.3.6 Reviewing Leave Trends ............................................................................................... 14-26
14.3.7 Managing Leave Information ....................................................................................... 14-27
14.3.8 Managing Leave Entry (Release 9.1 Update).............................................................. 14-28 Leave Comments ..................................................................................................... 14-29 FMLA Information .................................................................................................. 14-29 FMLA Subsitution ................................................................................................... 14-30
14.4 Tracking Medical Leave Information................................................................................. 14-30
14.4.1 Understanding Medical Leaves .................................................................................... 14-30
14.4.2 Forms Used to Track Medical Leave Information ..................................................... 14-31
14.4.3 Tracking Medical Leave Information .......................................................................... 14-31
14.4.4 Attaching a Medical Opinion to a Leave Request...................................................... 14-32
14.5 Tracking Leave History and Accrual Balances................................................................. 14-33
14.5.1 Understanding Leave History and Accrual Balances ............................................... 14-33 Tracking Leave History by Employee .................................................................. 14-34 Tracking Leave History by Leave Type ............................................................... 14-34 Tracking Accrual Balances ..................................................................................... 14-35
14.5.2 Setting Processing Options for Tracking Leave History By Employee (R07531) .. 14-35 Totals ......................................................................................................................... 14-35
14.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Accrual Roster Report (R074501) ........................... 14-35 Defaults ..................................................................................................................... 14-36 Dates .......................................................................................................................... 14-36 DBAs.......................................................................................................................... 14-36
14.6 Reviewing Leave Trends....................................................................................................... 14-36
14.6.1 Understanding Leave Trend Review........................................................................... 14-37
14.6.2 Form Used to Review Leave Trends ............................................................................ 14-37
14.7 Purging Leave Requests........................................................................................................ 14-37
14.7.1 Understanding Leave Purging...................................................................................... 14-37
14.7.2 Setting Processing Options for Purge Leave Request (R07520) ............................... 14-37 Purge Selections ....................................................................................................... 14-38 Mode.......................................................................................................................... 14-38
14.8 Administering Employee Schedules ................................................................................... 14-38
14.8.1 Understanding Employee Schedule Administration ................................................ 14-38 Employee Scheduling Integration with Time Entry........................................... 14-39
14.8.2 Forms Used to Administer Employee Schedules....................................................... 14-40
14.8.3 Setting Processing Options for Manage Employee Schedules (P07311)................. 14-40 Display ...................................................................................................................... 14-40 Versions..................................................................................................................... 14-40
14.8.4 Administering Employee Schedules............................................................................ 14-40
15 Processing Journal Entries
15.1 Understanding Journal Entries .............................................................................................. 15-1
15.2 Processing and Reviewing Journal Entries .......................................................................... 15-2
15.2.1 Understanding Journal Entries for Timecards ............................................................. 15-3 Reviewing the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit Report ............................................... 15-3 Reviewing Batches of Journal Entries..................................................................... 15-4 Deleting Batches of Journal Entries......................................................................... 15-5
15.2.2 Setting Processing Options for Generate Timecard Entries (R052901) ..................... 15-6 Date.............................................................................................................................. 15-6 Process......................................................................................................................... 15-6 Timecard Selection .................................................................................................... 15-8
15.2.3 Setting Processing Options for Payroll Journal Proof/Edit Report (R05229) .......... 15-8 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 15-9
15.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Create Payroll JE's - Batch Delete (R05227) ............ 15-9 Select ............................................................................................................................ 15-9
15.3 Posting Journal Entries............................................................................................................ 15-9
15.3.1 Understanding the Post Process ..................................................................................... 15-9
15.3.2 Prerequisite ...................................................................................................................... 15-10
15.3.3 Setting Processing Options for General Ledger Post (R09801) ................................ 15-10 Print ........................................................................................................................... 15-11 Versions..................................................................................................................... 15-11 Taxes .......................................................................................................................... 15-12
xv Forms Used to Generate Component Pay.............................................................. 16-7 Generating Component Pay Through ALM Workbench .................................... 16-7 Reviewing and Revising Processed Timecards Through ALM Workbench .... 16-7 Running Time and Pay Register Through ALM Workbench ............................. 16-7
16.3.8 Setting Up Total Time Accounting................................................................................. 16-8 Forms Used to Set Up Total Time Accounting...................................................... 16-8 Setting Up Rules and Submitting Batches Through ALM Workbench ............. 16-8 Reviewing and Approving Rules Batches Through ALM Workbench ............. 16-8 Reviewing and Revising Timecards with TTA Rules Through ALM Workbench
...................................................................................................................................... 16-9
16.3.9 Processing Journals........................................................................................................... 16-9 Generating Timecard Corrections Through ALM Workbench .......................... 16-9 Processing Timecard Journals Through ALM Workbench ................................. 16-9 Deleting Journal Batches Through ALM Workbench ........................................ 16-10 Reviewing and Revising Timecards with Processed Journals Through ALM
Workbench................................................................................................................ 16-10
16.3.10 Processing Payroll........................................................................................................... 16-10 Forms Used to Process Payroll .............................................................................. 16-11 Processing Payroll Through ALM Workbench ................................................... 16-11
This guide is intended for implementers and end users of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Time and Labor system.
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The following text conventions are used in this document:
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Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Feature Description
Default Job Information Define default job information at the employee or group
level. The system can enter this information automatically
on employee timecards to eliminate the need for employees
to enter the information manually. This feature can save
employees time and reduce the frequency of timecard data
Timesheet Time Entry Enter time for employees using Timesheet time entry, which
enables you to complete a time entry grid with a group of
employees. You can quickly enter time for each employee in
the group or create timecards for the group by specifying
timecard default information before you complete the grid.
Timecard Automation Use timecard automation to automatically create overtime
pay from regular hours using simple or complex
calculations that you define. This functionality ensures that
employees are paid accurately and in accordance with the
overtime rules of the organization, labor unions, and
legislative requirements. Timecard automation also enables
you to automatically create retroactive pay timecards and
timecard templates to use with groups of employees.
Autopay Use autopay to automatically create timecards for salaried
employees when you process payroll.
Self-Service Time Entry Using time entry self-service, employees can enter
summarized or daily timecards through the internet, which
reduces or eliminates the need for payroll personnel to enter
timecards manually.
Upload Time Entry Information Upload time entry information from a third-party source to
create timecards. You can then process those timecards
through Payroll or use Time and Labor as a standalone
system and create journal entries that are written to the
general ledger.
EnterpriseOne and World Change Assistant, a Java-based tool, reduces the time
required to search and download ESUs by 75 percent or more and enables you to
install multiple ESUs at one time.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Software Updates Guide
For information about the Oracle Business Accelerator solution for implementation of
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor, review the documentation available.
1.3.2 Implementation Steps for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor System
This table lists the implementation steps for the Time and Labor system.
1. Set processing options for these programs:
Time Entry MBF Processing Options (P050002A)
Speed Time Entry (P051121)
Time Entry Floods (P051191)
See Setting Time Entry Processing Options.
2. Set up employee piece rates, piece rate item masters, item piece rates, and
minimum wage information.
See Setting Up Piece Rate Processing.
3. Set up a flat file cross-reference and complete fields for the Employee Transactions
– Batch File table. Upload timecard information, revise uploaded timecard
information, and review the Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File Report.
Create timecards from uploaded information and purge processed payroll batches.
See Setting Up Time Entry Batch Processing.
4. Create employee groups, timecard templates, retroactive pay rules, and overtime
rule sets.
See Setting Up Timecard Automation.
5. Register a timecard automation function, then create and test formulas.
See Setting Up Functions and Formulas for Timecard Automation.
6. Set up global leave system controls and leave types.
See Setting Up Global Leave Administration.
7. Set up employee assignments.
See Creating Employee Assignments.
8. Set up AAIs for each of these:
Labor, billings, and equipment distribution.
Burden and premium labor distribution
Cash-in-bank account distribution.
Labor billings
Accruals and clearing.
Also set up journal summarization rules.
See Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Human Capital Management.
You can specify whether the billing rate or the foreign billing rate is fixed. You can
enter the fixed rate manually on the timecard, or the system can derive the fixed rate
from F060116 or F48096. The other rate is then calculated from the conversion rates
that you set up in the Currency Exchange Rates program (P0015A).
To account for different billing rates and maintain foreign billing rates, the system uses
F48096. This table includes rates for each specified currency code and enables you to
set up billing rates for multiple transactions.
For example, if an employee based in the United States works in Japan on two jobs
with different billing rates, you can account for each billing rate. After you create a
user-defined generation type, you can retrieve payroll billing rates from F48096.
If you are not using F48096, the system retrieves currency rates from the Work With
Currency Exchange Rates program. You set up the currency for each company. The
system determines which company is associated with the specified business unit and
uses the currency that is associated with that company, as defined in F0010. The
system then uses the business unit and job location to derive the additional currency.
After both currencies have been identified, the system uses the Work With Currency
Exchange Rates program to determine the conversion rate on the specified date.
Note: The system initially uses the work date on the timecard to
determine the exchange rate. However, the system uses the general
ledger date to derive the rate when creating journal entries. For
example, if a conversion rate of 2.0 is valid from January 1, 2005
through January 31, 2005 and a conversion rate of 3.0 is valid from
February 1, 2005 through February 28, 2005, the system uses the
conversion rate of 2.0 when you enter a timecard with a work date of
January 31, 2005. However, if the timecard is posted on February 03,
2005, the system uses the exchange rate of 3.0 to create the journal
entries that are associated with that timecard.
If the system finds exchange rates on the timecards that are different
from those on the journal entries, the Employee Transaction Detail
Payroll Journal (Compressed), and Account Ledger files are updated
with the journal entry rate to ensure that the data between the general
ledger and the timecard history tables is accurate.
The system uses these tables to manage multicurrency time and labor tracking:
■ F06116
■ F0618
■ F05290
■ F063951
■ F06116Z1
■ F0911
■ F48096
After payroll processing is complete, only the F0618, F48096, and F0911 tables retain
multicurrency records.
When multicurrency time and labor tracking is enabled, these reports contain
multicurrency time and labor information:
■ Payroll Journal Proof/Edit Report. (R05229)
This report provides a pro forma version of the journal entries that will be posted
to the general ledger for timecard entries.
All journal entries (T1-T6), as well as intercompany settlements, appear on the
report. The report lists one entry for each transaction amount in the transaction
currency. However, when the batch is posted, the system creates two entries from
the single entry. The first entry shows the base amount of the transaction in the
transaction currency. The second entry, noted by the AM journal type, shows the
transaction currency for the difference between the base and transaction amounts.
In addition to normal payroll information, the currency code is displayed for all
multicurrency debit and credit entries created during payroll.
multicurrency information when timecards exist for employees who are set up for
payroll and recharge processing (Type 2) or recharge processing only (Type 3).
2.1.6 Setting Processing Options for Multicurrency Time and Labor Tracking
To use multicurrency time and labor tracking, you must set processing options for the
Batch Time Entry File Revisions program (P05116Z1) and the Time Entry MBF
Processing Options program (P050002A). Processing options in the Batch Time Entry
File Revisions program:
■ Enable multicurrency time and labor tracking.
■ Specify whether amounts that you enter are in the domestic currency of a contract
or the foreign currency of a supplier.
■ Specify whether the system dynamically creates new accounts.
Processing options in the Time Entry MBF Processing Options program enable
multicurrency time and labor tracking. The processing options in the Time Entry MBF
Processing Options program specify how the system uses F48096, and whether the
system dynamically forces account creation. You also use the processing options to
determine which currency (base or foreign) is fixed and which is calculated. To set
multicurrency processing options, access the Recharge tab on the Time Entry MBF
You use the processing options in the Time Entry MBF program to:
■ Enable multicurrency time and labor tracking.
■ Specify whether the system uses the currency that is associated with the
employee's business unit or the currency that associated with the recharge
business unit as the fixed currency.
If you select the employee's business unit as the fixed currency, you must enter a
billing rate on the timecard. The Foreign Billing Rate field is then disabled and the
value for that field is calculated by the system. Conversely, if you use the recharge
business unit as the fixed currency, you must enter a foreign billing rate on the
timecard. The Billing Rate field is then disabled, and the value for that field is
calculated by the system.
These examples illustrate how the system differentiates between the home and
recharge business units.
■ If the employee's home business unit is 9, which is part of a company that is
associated with United States dollars (USD), the system uses USD for the base
For this example, F48096 must be defined for USD currency, or the exchange rates
must be set up within the Work With Currency Exchange Rates program.
■ If the employee's recharge business unit is Business Unit 77, which is part of a
company that is associated with Canadian currency (CAD), the system uses CAD
for the base amount.
For this example, F48096 must be defined for CAD currency, or the exchange rates
must have been set up within the Currency Exchange Rates program (P0015A).
■ Specify whether the system uses F48096 to retrieve rates. If you do not use F48096,
the system uses the exchange rates that you set up in the Currency Exchange Rates
■ Specify the generation type.
Note: If you use F48096, you must enter recharge account numbers,
specify billing rate information, and define effective dates in this table.
The system does not require that accounts entered into this table be
See Also:
■ Setting Time Entry Processing Options.
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.
■ "Setting Up Table Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Contract and Service Billing Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up Billing Rate and Markup Rules" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Contract and Service Billing
Implementation Guide
■ "Setting Up Company Options" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
■ "Entering Additional Employee Information" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management
Fundamentals Implementation Guide.
■ "Entering Payroll Information for Employees" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management
Fundamentals Implementation Guide
■ "Setting Up Exchange Rates" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Multicurrency Processing Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up Table Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Contract and Service Billing Implementation Guide.
■ "Understanding Billing Rate and Markup Rules, Multicurrency
Setup of Billing Rate and Markup Tables" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Contract and Service Billing
Implementation Guide .
■ "Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
Version ZJDE0001 of the master business function has security set to restrict access by
certain users. An error message occurs if you try to access the version while security is
enabled. The system administrator must disable version security before you can create
a new version or access the processing options. After you have set the appropriate
values for the processing options, the system administrator must enable security again
for the version.
It is also recommended that you set these processing options one time only. Changing
these processing options might completely change necessary business functions for the
time entry system. Obtain technical support if you want to change these processing
options after you have begun processing timecard information for the organization.
After setting the processing options for P050002A, you need to select either the default
version (ZJDE0001) or a user-defined version of the master business function in the
processing options for these time entry programs:
■ Speed Time Entry (P051121).
■ Time Entry Floods (P051191).
■ EE Assignment (P0716701).
You might need to create multiple versions of the Time Entry MBF Processing Options
program if you want to process timecard information differently within the
organization. For example, you might want to use one version of the master business
function to process employee assignment information and use a different version to
process other time entry programs. Contact the system administrator if you need to
use multiple versions.
Field on the
Timecard Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Timecard Manually F060116 table Default - 1 Blank Blank
Record Type entered on
Pay Type Manually Option - U, Option - E, Labor Blank
entered on F069126 table F060146 table Distribution
timecard. table
Date Worked Manually Pay Period Blank Blank Blank
entered on Ending for
header of Autopay
Home Company Manually F060116 table Blank Blank Blank
entered on
Home Business F0693006 table Manually F060116 table Blank Blank
Unit entered on
Union Code for Manually F069306 table F060116 table Blank Blank
Wages and entered on
Reporting timecard.
Job Type Manually F060116 table Blank Blank Blank
entered on
Job Step Manually F060116 table Blank Blank Blank
entered on
Labor Manually Employee Labor F081012 table F06904 table Blank
Distribution entered on Distribution
Account timecard. Instructions (for
Billing Manually AAIs for any Blank Blank Blank
Distribution entered on Missing Element
(Recharges) timecard. RD (F06904)
Equipment Manually AAIs for Object Blank Blank Blank
Distribution entered on Account ED
timecard. (F06904)
Job Location Manually Business Unit Blank Blank Blank
entered on associated with
timecard. Primary
Shift Code Manually F060116 table Blank Blank Blank
entered on
Shift Differential Manually Shift Differential If Shift Code is Blank Blank
and Method entered on Table $/HR or% blank, retrieve
timecard. (F069246) from Pay Type
table $/HR
Hours Worked Manually Autopay Labor Blank Blank
entered on Instructions Distribution
timecard. table
Field on the
Timecard Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Rate Manually Option - U, Option - U, Option - E, F060116 table
entered on F069126 table F060146 table F060146 table
Xe Table:
Base Rate See explanation. Blank Blank Blank Blank
Gross Pay Entered Lump Calculated Blank Blank Blank
Sum Amount.
Flat Burden per F060116 table Option - U, Labor Blank Blank
cent F069126 table Distribution
Business Unit
W/C Insurance Manually Labor F06106 table Option - U, F060116 table
entered on Distribution F069126 table
timecard. Account, update
in F0901
Work Tax Area Manually Labor F060116 table Blank Blank
entered on Distribution
timecard. Payroll Business
Unit (F0006)
Check Route Manually F060116 table Blank Blank Blank
Code entered on
Equipment Rate Manually Distribution Labor F1302 table Blank
Code entered on Account, update Distribution
timecard in the F0901 Business Unit,
(F1301). table update in
Payroll Business
Unit or F0006
Equipment Rate Manually F1301 table Blank Blank Blank
entered on
Bank Account Defined in Interim check AAIs Blank Blank
prepayroll entry
The base rate is not derived from the hourly rate. The hourly rate is derived from the
base rate, usually by applying a multiplier. The extended hourly rate is derived by
applying shift and uprate amounts to the hourly rate.The derivation of the base rate
depends on the derivation of the hourly rate:
Note: The shift sequence can alter the sequence used when applying
multipliers and shift amounts to the base hourly rate when deriving
the hourly and extended rates.
■ You can retrieve the base rate from the record in the F069126 table. The base hourly
rate does not include any multiplier associated with the pay type. The multiplier is
used to derive the hourly rate (PHRT) from the base hourly rate (BHRT). The base
hourly rate and hourly rate can be retrieved from the F069126. The Time Entry
MBF determines which rate to retrieve from Union Rates table based on the pay
type of the timecard and the pay types specified in the Time Entry MBF POs. If the
timecard's pay type is the same pay type as listed in the "Pay Type - Hourly"
processing option, then both the base rate and hourly rate is the hourly rate
retrieved from the F069126. If the timecard's pay type is the same pay type listed in
the "Pay Type - Regular Overtime" processing option, then the base hourly rate is
the F069126 hourly rate and the hourly rate is either the F069126 overtime rate (if
an overtime rate was specified on the Union Rate's record) or the base rate times
the pay type multiplier from the timecard (if the OT rate was not specified on the
Union Rates record). The same process continues for the other overtime and
holiday rates. For the overtime rates, the pay type multiplier will only be applied
to the base hourly rate if the overtime rate is not found in the F069126 Union Rates
record. Otherwise, the hourly rate will be the OT rate retrieved from the F069126.
■ If the system uses F060146 to derive the hourly rate, the system uses the same rate
as the base rate.
■ If you manually enter the hourly rate, the system determines the base rate by
dividing the hourly rate by the pay-type multiplier. If an override rate is entered
on the timecard, the override rate becomes the base rate, hourly rate, and extended
rate. No other modifications are made to these three rates by the Time Entry MBF.
■ If the hourly rate is retrieved from the F060116 table, the system uses the same rate
as the base rate.
3.2 Setting Processing Options for the Time Entry MBF Processing
Options Program (P050002A)
Use these processing options as the basis for all time entry processing in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor system.
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
1. Pay Rate
Specify the tables that the system searches to retrieve employees' pay rates for time
entry. If you are using job step progression, the system always retrieves employee rates
for step progression employees from the F069126 table, regardless of how this option is
set. Values are:
Blank: Use pay rates from the F060116 table.
E: Include pay rates from the F060146 table.
U: Include pay rates from the F069126 table.
When you select option E, the system first searches the F060146 table. If no rate exists
for an employee in this table, the system uses the rate that you entered in the F060116
When you select option U, the system first searches the F069126 table. If an employee
does not enter a rate in this table, the system searches for a rate in the F060146 table. If
no rate exists for the employee in the F060146 table, the system uses the rate that you
entered in the F060116 table.
5. Piece Rate
Specify whether the system uses the employee piece rate or the item piece rate when
entering timecards for piece rate employees. Values are:
Blank: Retrieve pay rates from F060116.
E: Retrieve piece rate from F060146.
P: Retrieve piece rate from F06918.
4. Split Time
Specify whether the system splits time automatically. The system splits time according
to the percentages specified in the F06016 table. The total percentages of hours must
equal 100 percent. Values are:
0: Do not split time automatically.
1: Split time automatically.
3.2.3 Equipment
Use these processing options to determine how equipment charges are handled during
time entry.
0: Do not use.
1: Use.
3.2.4 Batches
Use these processing options to determine how the system assigns time entry batches.
1. Batch Number
Specify whether the system assigns batch numbers automatically from next numbers.
It is recommended that you enable the system to assign batch numbers automatically.
You can override the batch number that the system assigns. Enabling the system to
assign batch numbers disables the Get Batch Number form exit. When you do not
assign batch numbers automatically, you must either enter a batch number or use the
Get Batch Number form exit to retrieve a batch number. Values are:
0: Do not assign.
1: Assign.
3.2.5 Employee
Use these processing options to determine whether the system automatically
information from the timecard to F060116.
3.2.6 Recharge
Use these processing options to specify the default values that the system uses for
multicurrency and recharge rate information.
Note: This code does not apply to other payroll records. For
example, for document type T2, the home business unit currency is
the fixed amount.
account creation at the system level, go to System Setup [P0000]), then into General
Accounting Constants, and select the Allow Invalid Accounts option. Values are:
0: Do not force.
1: Force.
3.2.8 Interims
Use these processing options to enable the Time Entry Interim Generator and to
determine which interim ID is used during timecard entry.
1. Interim Header
Specify whether the system automatically creates interim payment header records
during the time entry process. If you create interim header record for timecards, you
must process the interim payments using the Interim Payment Workbench to populate
all calculated values associated with the payment. Values are:
1: Create.
0: Do not create.
3.2.9 Processing
Use these processing options to specify how the system processes locked employees
and public timecards.
3.2.10 Burden
Use these processing options to specify how the system calculates burden.
3.3 Setting Processing Options for the Speed Time Entry Program
Time Entry (G05BT1), Speed Time Entry.
3.3.2 Defaults
Use these processing options to specify the default information that the system
displays automatically.
1. Address Number
Specify whether the system automatically supplies this field as you enter timecards on
the Speed Time Entry Revisions form (W051121C). The system supplies this processing
option if you leave it blank and tab to the next processing option. Values are:
1: Supply address number
0: Enter address number manually.
2. Pay Type
Specify whether the system automatically supplies this field as you enter timecards on
the Speed Time Entry Revisions form (W051121C). The system supplies this processing
option if you leave it blank and tab to the next processing option. Values are:
1: Supply pay type.
0: Enter pay type manually.
3.3.3 Manufacturing
Use these processing options to specify a type of time entry.
Note: When you delete timecards that include records in the Work
Order Time Transactions table, set the Manufacturing processing
option to 1. If this processing option is not set to 1, then the system
does not delete Work Order Time Transactions records.
1. Activity Code
Specify whether entry of the activity code is required. Values are:
1: Mandatory entry.
0: Optional entry.
3.4 Setting Processing Options for the Time Entry Floods Program
Time Entry (G05BT1), Employee Master Filter.
3.4.1 Display
1. Employee Master Tabs
Specify whether the system displays certain options.
Specify whether you want to display the tab containing organization information on
the Employee Master Filter form. Values are:
0: Hide tab
By not displaying this tab, you will not be able to use organization information such as
company, business unit, supervisor, and check route code for determining selection
criteria for the filter.
1: Display tab
By displaying this tab, you will be able to use organization information such as
company, business unit, supervisor, and check route code for determining selection
criteria for the filter.
Specify whether you want to display the tab containing other information on the
Employee Master Filter form. Values are:
0: Hide tab
By not displaying this tab, you will not be able to use information contained in the
Other tab, such as last business unit worked, benefit group, shift code, job type, and
job step and pay cycle code for determining selection criteria for the filter.
1: Display tab
When you display this tab, you are able to use information contained in the Other tab,
such as last business unit worked, benefit group, shift code, job type, and job step and
pay cycle code for determining selection criteria for the filter.
Specify display settings. Values are:
0: Hide tab
1: Display tab
Specify display settings. Values are:
0: Hide tab
1: Display tab
1: Prevent changes.
Category Codes
Specify whether you want to display the tab containing category codes on the Line
Detail Time Entry form. Values are:
0: Do not display.
By not displaying this tab, you will not be able to use category codes as default
information on timecards entered using the Line Detail Time Entry form. If you have
not defined category codes, it is not necessary to display this tab.
1: Display.
By displaying this tab, you will be able to use category codes as default information on
timecards entered using the Line Detail Time Entry form.
Specify whether you want to display the tab containing organization information on
the Line Detail Time Entry form. Values are:
0: Do not display.
By not displaying this tab, you will not be able to use organization information such as
company, business unit, supervisor, and check route code as default information on
timecards entered using the Line Detail Time Entry form.
1: Display.
By displaying this tab, you will be able to use organization information such as
company, business unit, supervisor, and check route code as default information on
timecards entered using the Line Detail Time Entry form.
Specify whether you want to display the tab containing subledger information on the
Line Detail Time Entry form. Values are:
0: Do not display.
By not displaying this tab, you will not be able to use subledger information such as
subledger and subledger type as default information on timecards entered using the
Line Detail Time Entry form.
1: Display this tab on the form.
By displaying this tab, you will be able to use subledger information such as subledger
and subledger type as default information on timecards entered using the Line Detail
Time Entry form.
Address Number
Specify whether the system automatically displays the address number. Values are:
1: Supply address number.
0: Enter address number.
Pay Type
Specify whether the system automatically supplies the pay type from the previous
timecard if you tab through the pay type field. Values are:
0: Enter the pay type manually.
1: The system automatically supplies pay type.
1: Mandatory entry.
0: Optional entry.
3.4.6 Localization
1. New Zealand Holiday Pay Act.
Specify whether the system applies the New Zealand Holiday Pay Act when you enter
timecards that include vacation time. Values are:
0: Do not apply.
1: Apply.
4.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:
■ Set the processing options for the Time Entry MBF Processing Options program
(P050002A) to specify how the system retrieves rates for piece rate employees.
See Also:
■ Setting Time Entry Processing Options.
■ Creating Employee Groups.
■ Creating Overtime Rule Sets.
■ Entering Piece Rate Timecards.
■ "Setting Up Pay Types" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
employees are paid according to the number of pounds that they produce of the same
item, you can enter multiple piece rate records for the item.
Target Production
Enter the total number of pieces that should be entered. The system compares this
number to the actual number of pieces that are entered and a variance amount is
generated to display the difference between expected and actual pieces.
This item is reserved for future use.
Stock Number
Enter the stock number for the processed item.
Item Code
Reserved for future use.
the Item Piece Rate Revisions program (P06918) to set up multiple rates for each item
that is stored in the Piecework Item Master table. Item piece rates are stored in F06918.
You can create multiple piece rate records in F06918 for each unique combination of:
■ Business unit
■ Union code
■ Job type
■ Job step
■ Effective date
■ Item number
■ Unit of measure
For example, you might pay employees who belong to different unions different rates
for completing the same piece. The system uses the information on employee
timecards to determine which rates to retrieve from F07918.
4.5.2 Prerequisite
Enter item master records for each piece for which you want to set up rates.
See Setting Up Piece Rate Item Masters.
Begin Date
Enter the first date in a range of dates.
End Date
Enter the last date in a range of dates.
Companies use minimum wage laws to ensure that employees are paid at or above a
specified pay rate for each hour of labor that they perform. When you pay an
employee using piece rate processing, you do not necessarily pay the employee an
hourly wage. Therefore, you must determine whether the pay that an employee
receives for completing a specified number of pieces, along with any other wages
received, meets or exceeds the minimum wage when the total is divided by the
number of hours worked.
Using timecard automation rules and functions, the system can calculate whether an
employee meets the minimum wage requirements. If an employee does not meet the
minimum wage requirement, the system automatically creates additional timecards to
ensure that the employee does meet the wage requirements.
To accurately calculate minimum wage information, you must:
■ Enter the federal minimum wage rate in the default value for data item FMRT
(Minimum Wage Rate).
■ Set up state minimum wage rates if any states in which the organization does
business has a minimum wage rate that is higher than the federal rate.
■ Set up employee groups that include all of the employees who are paid using
piece rate processing.
■ Set up timecard automation rules to calculate minimum wage information.
You also need to set up:
■ Piece rate pay type.
■ Employee information.
■ Time Entry MBF processing option.
When setting up piece rate processing, you also need to set up a piece rate pay type
that is usually pay type 35. Use the Pay Types, Deductions, Benefit program (P059116)
and set the pay source to B. Anything other than B is an hourly rate.
Use the Basic Compensation form in the Employee Master Information program
(P0801) to set the pay class to P (not H or S).
Set these processing options on the Pay Rates tab in the Time Entry MBF program
(P050002A) to:
■ Pay Rate: Blank
■ Piece Rate:P (the F060116 table) or E (the F06918 table).
The system overrides the value for the Piece Rate field unless the value for the Pay
Rate field is Blank. Use this version for time entry. Also use this version in the Payroll
Cycle Workbench (P07210). When a version is set up for Piece Rate, then you need to
specify that version when using any time entry program.
See Also:
■ "Setting Up Payroll Cycle Information, " in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up the Payroll Cycle Workbench," in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide
■ Setting Processing Options for Payroll Cycle Workbench
(P07210)," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll
Implementation Guide
4.6.2 Prerequisite
Add the value MW to UDC 06/TX.
See Also:
■ Creating Employee Groups.
■ Creating a Timecard Change Rule.
■ Setting Up Minimum Wage Information for Piece Rate Processing.
4.6.3 Forms Used to Set Up Minimum Wage Information for Piece Rate Processing
Tax Type
Enter MW in this field when setting up tax area information for minimum wage
revise it for accuracy. Review the Batch File Register report to verify that the uploaded
batches are accurate. After you have reviewed and revised a batch of uploaded
timecard information, you can use the information to create timecards. After the
timecards are created, you can include them in payroll cycle processing.
You can set processing options to have the system automatically purge the processed
batches from the F06116Z1 table when you create the timecards. The system
automatically purges the processed batches from F06116Z1. Doing so conserves
computer disk space and makes locating unprocessed batches easier.
5.2.2 Prerequisite
Set up the conversion table that supports Unicode processing.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools System Administration Guide
Enter the qualifier that identifies a specific type of transaction.
Record Type
Identifies EDI transaction records as header and detail information. This is an EDI
function only.
5.3 Completing Fields for the Employee Transactions - Batch File Table
This section provides an overview of the fields in the Employee Transactions - Batch
File Table (F06116Z1) table:
5.3.1 Understanding the Fields in the Employee Transactions - Batch File Table
When you upload flat-file information to the F06116Z1 table, you must ensure that the
information from the third-party time tracking system is in the correct format. The
F06116Z1 table has a large number of fields that you can populate when you upload
timecard information. Some of these fields are required.
To upload information from a third-party time tracking system, you must complete
required fields in a custom program so that the system can identify the information
and create a timecard with valid information in JD Edwards Time and Labor.
Review the tables in the following sections for the field names, alpha names,
explanations, and values of required fields needed for the F06116Z1 table.
Note: The VLEDUS (User ID), VLEDBT (User Batch), and VLEDTN
(User Transaction Number) fields must contain values that identify
the transaction within the table. You can complete any combination of
these three fields to identify the transaction during the interface
You must complete these data fields for the system to accept the transaction:
5.4.2 Setting Processing Options for Inbound Flat File Conversion (R47002C)
Select Batch Time Entry Processing (G05BBT3), Batch Time Entry File Upload.
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Transaction
1. Enter the transaction to process.
Specify the transaction to process. Separators
1. Enter the field delimiter.
Specify the field delimiter. Process
1. Enter the inbound processor.
Specify the inbound processor to run after successful completion of the conversion.
Note: You can run the Time & Pay Entry Register For Batch File
program (R053001Z) and print the associated report as an alternative
to reviewing timecard information errors online.
5.5.2 Prerequisite
View the employee work center queue for transaction errors.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.
Batch Number
Indicates the number that the transmitter assigns to the batch. During batch
processing, the system assigns a new batch number to the transactions for each control
(user) batch number it finds.
From Date
Enter the date to use as the actual work date or pay-period ending date.
Thru Date
Enter the date to use as the actual work date or pay-period ending date.
If you selected the Project and Gov Contract Accounting Used check box in the Service
Billing Constants program (P48091), the system displays the Contract Labor Category
field on the Time Entry Batch Revisions form.
See "Processing Timecards Using Contract-Specific Labor Categories"in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Project and Government Contract Accounting Implementation
Select to indicate that a record was processed successfully. Depending on the
application, the system updates the EDSP field in a table with one of these values:
1 or Y: The record was processed successfully.
Blank or N: The record was not processed.
5.6 Reviewing the Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File Report
This section provides an overview of the Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File
report (R053001Z) and discusses how to set processing options for the report.
5.6.1 Understanding the Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File Report
After you revise uploaded timecard information, you should run the Time & Pay Entry
Register for Batch File program (R053001Z) to verify that the information is correct.
5.6.2 Setting Processing Options for Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File Report
Select Batch Time Entry Processing (G05BBT3), Batch Time Entry File Register. Defaults
Use these processing options to specify the type of information that appears on the
3. Print GL Account Number and Tax Area (print general ledger account number and
tax area)
Specify whether to print the general ledger account number and tax area on the report.
Values are:
Blank: Do not print.
0: Do not print.
1: Print.
5.7.2 Setting Processing Options for Time Entry Batch Processor (R05116Z1I)
Select Batch Time Entry Processing (G05BBT3), Time Entry Batch Processor. Processing
Use these processing options to determine whether the program runs in final or proof
mode, whether the system purges processed transactions from the F06116Z1 table, and
how the system processes employee records that are locked to a payroll.
1. Version - Time Entry MBF (version - time entry master business function)
Specify whether the system overrides the processor for standard time entry. The
default version for Time Entry Master Business Function (P050002A) is ZJDE0001.
Additional versions might be required to meet new requirements. For example, you
might need to create a new version of the Time Entry MBF for employee assignment.
To change the default value, enter a different version number. Only persons
responsible for system-wide setup should change this option.
2. Final Flag
Specify the mode in which to run the universal batch engine (UBE). Values are:
Blank: Process batch information in proof mode. The system generates a report but
does not update tables. This option enables you to preview the results that occur when
you process batch information in final mode.
1: Process the batch information in final mode. The system updates batch information
in the relevant tables. To automate time entry template generation for Employee
Assignment, set this option to 1.
3. Purge Flag
Specify whether the system purges processed transactions from the F06116Z1 table
when the transactions are complete. Values are:
1: Automatically purge processed transactions from the batch file.
Blank: Flag transactions as processed, but do not purge transactions from the batch
file. Select
Use these processing options to specify the payroll ID, pay cycle code, and pay period
number that the program uses, and the records to select.
Blank: Transfer all records. (Use this option when Employee Self-Service Time Entry is
not implemented.)
1: Transfer records that are approved and records that do not require approval.
5. Starting Date
Select records that include a date worked that is equal to or after the current date.
6. Ending Date
Select records that include a date worked that is before or equal to the current date. Messages
Specify the person who will receive messages directed to the Work Center.
1. User ID for Work Center Messages (user identification for work center messages)
Specify the person who receives PPAT (persons, places, and things) error messages.
Enter an employee address book number. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system sends error messages to the person who is running the batch application. Interims
Specify version information for the Batch File Upload.
creates a timecard with the information from the template model for each employee in
the group.
When you create a timecard template, you specify values for fields on the timecards,
such as pay type, lump sum amount, hours, date, and account number. You can save
the timecard template that you create and use it each time that you need to create
timecards with the specified values. In addition to creating timecards, the Timecard
Templates program generates a report so that you can review information about the
newly created timecards before you process them through a payroll cycle.
When you create a timecard template, you can specify whether the timecard is public
or private. You can set a processing option on the Processing tab of the Time Entry
Master Business Function program (P050002A) to create public timecards. When the
processing option is set to enable public timecards, an administrator or employees can
select the Public Timecard option.
■ Calculate pay at one-and-a-half times the regular rate when an employee works
more than eight hours in a day.
■ Calculate pay at one-and-a-half times the regular rate when an employee works
more than 40 hours in a week.
■ Calculate pay at twice the regular rate when an employee works more than 12
hours in a day.
■ Calculate pay at twice the regular rate when an employee works more than eight
hours on the seventh day of the week.
Because the system processes the overtime rules within a set in the sequence that you
specify, the sequence of the rules is important. Processing the rules out of sequence
might produce results that do not match overtime requirements.
Using overtime rules, you can automate the process of calculating more complex
overtime rules. For example, some organizations calculate overtime using the Chinese
Overtime method, in which an employee's overtime rate decreases with each hour of
overtime that is worked. The organization might require complex calculations to
satisfy overtime requirements that are mandated by labor contracts.
After you create overtime rules and define an overtime rule set, you apply the rule set
to an employee group. When you process the rule set, the system changes current,
unprocessed timecards and, if necessary, creates new timecards to ensure that
employees are paid correctly for any overtime hours that they work.
Note: You cannot use the overtime rule set feature to change
historical timecards. Additionally, the regulatory examples in this
section are for illustrative purposes only. You should refer to the
federal, state, and union labor organizations for accurate and current
information about overtime pay regulations.
You can create these overtime rules and attach them to overtime rule sets:
See Also:
■ Setting Up Timecard Automation.
employees with timecards that you need to adjust and to create the adjustment
timecards for each applicable employee in the group. Overtime rule sets use employee
groups to identify the employees to process, identify the timecards that you need to
change or create based on the rules, and create or change timecards for each applicable
employee in the group.
After you define employee groups, you can use them interchangeably to process
timecard templates, retropay rules, and overtime rule sets. You can reuse employee
groups for each pay period. You can also use employee groups to specify the
employees whom you want to include in a process and identify employees whom you
want to exclude from the group when processing timecard templates, retropay rules,
and overtime rule sets.
To use a group as an exclusion group, you must first identify a group of employees to
include in the process. The system processes the timecard template, retropay rule, or
overtime rule set, including the employees in the first group, and bypasses any
employees who are part of the exclusion group.
After you define an employee group, you can review the group online to determine
whether the correct employees are included. The Employee Groups program uses
these tables:
■ F060116
■ F186201
■ F186202
■ F186203
■ F186204
■ F186206
save time and reduce effort by enabling you to reuse existing groups. You are not
limited to the number of employees that you can include in a combo group. If the
system encounters duplicate employee records when compiling a combo group, it
deletes the duplicate records when the group is built. For example, you might want to
create bonuses for all employees in a specified business unit, along with the top
performers from several other business units. Using a combo group, you could create a
list group to include the top performers and use a select group to include all of the
employees in the specified business unit. You then enter both of these groups in the
combo group to include all of the desired employees in one single process.
After you create an employee group, you can print the Employees by Group report
(R186202) to view a list of all the employees in the group. You use this report to verify
that the group includes the employees that you intended to include. For all types of
employee groups and the employees included in the groups, the report displays:
■ Group name.
■ Group type.
■ Associated exclusion group (if any).
■ Names and address book numbers of employees.
■ Number of members.
You typically print this report before you process a timecard template, overtime rule
set, or retroactive pay rule that uses the employee group. When you print the report
for a select group, the report also includes the selection table name and the selection
criteria. When you print the report for a combo group, it includes the names of the
other groups within the combo group.
To support the global leave administration module, two Row menu options exist in the
Employee Groups program:
■ Build Leave Group
■ View Leave Group
When you create a new group and then select Build Leave Group from the Row menu,
the system creates the F186206 table and saves new leave group records. When the
table already exists with data for a particular group, the system overwrites the existing
data with new information. You can view the information in this table by selecting the
View Leave Group option from the Row menu.
Enter a user-defined name for an employee group. The group name should describe
the employees who make up the group. For example, a group name might be Business
Unit 9.
Exclusion Group
Enter the name of an existing employee group to exclude the employees in that group
from processing.
Home Company
Enter the number of the company where the employee records generally reside.
Country Code
Indicates the country in which the employee resides. Select a value from user-defined
code (UDC) table 00/CN.
Enter a user-defined name for an employee group. The group name should describe
the employees who make up the group. For example, a group name might be Business
Unit 9.
Exclusion Group
Enter the name of an existing employee group to exclude the employees in that group
from processing.
Field Name
Identifies and defines a unit of information. The identifier is a 32-character, alphabetic
field that does not allow blanks or special characters such as%, &, +, and so on.
You cannot change the data item. It forms the C-code data name (for example Address
Number) that the system uses in business functions, data structures, and event rules.
The table that you select determines which fields are available when you create the
selection criteria. You can select the F060116, F06116, or F0618 table.
After you create a select group, you cannot change the selection table. If you need to
change the selection table, you must create a new select group.
Field Alias
Identifies a data item by the alias or alpha description.
If the field alias column is not available in the detail area, select Show Alias from the
Form menu. If you enter a field alias, the system automatically completes the field
name with the information that you provide. To use Field Name (and hide Field Alias),
select Hide Alias from the Form menu.
Op (operand)
Enter a code that identifies the operand in Boolean logic. Values are:
EQ: Equal to.
LT: Less than
LE: Less than or equal to.
GT: Greater than.
GE: Greater than or equal to.
NE: Not equal to.
NL: Not less than.
NG: Not greater than.
You use simple logic to create selection criteria statements for select groups. After you
have specified the field on which you want to base selection criteria, you use the Op
and Value fields to define the statement and identify whether the field value should be
equal to, greater than or equal to, greater than, less than or equal to, less than, not
equal to, not greater than, or not less than the value in the Value field. For example, to
include all employees in business unit 9, enter HMCU in the Field Alias field, EQ in
the Op field, and 9 in the Value field.
And /Or
Enter a code to designate whether the test parameters or criteria are based on an AND
condition or an OR condition.
Use this field to add complexity to a logic statement. For example, to further define the
previous statement to narrow the group to include only hourly employees in business
unit 9, enter an AND statement and enter FLSA in the Field Alias field, EQ in the Op
field, and N in the Value field.
Type Code
Enter a code that identifies the type of employee group. The system automatically
populates this field when you enter an employee group. Values are:
LIST: A list group is a static list of employees that can be stored and used repeatedly.
ELECT: A select group is a group of employees that meet the selection criteria that you
specify in a request.
COMBO: A combination group is a list of other groups. The other groups can include
list groups, select groups, or both.
template, which enables you to reuse the timecard template for multiple groups of
employees. You must also assign a version of the Time Entry MBF program
(P050002A) when you create a timecard template. Use the Time Entry MBF program to
define processing rules for creating timecards.
Note: You can change any original option, including the employee
group that is assigned to the template. Changes that you make to
timecard templates affect all batches of timecards that you process
after the change, but do not affect batches of timecards that have
already been processed.
You can delete a timecard template from the Timecard Templates
program if the template has no batches of timecards that are pending
approval with which the batches are associated. Before you can delete
a timecard template, you must approve or cancel any batches of
timecards on which the template is based, and then delete the
associated header records for the timecards. If the timecard template
has a batch of timecards with which it is associated, the system
displays an error message and prevents you from deleting it.
6.3.2 Prerequisite
Create one or more employee groups that include the employees for which you want
to create timecards.
See Creating Employee Groups.
See Also:
■ Setting Up Functions and Formulas for Timecard Automation.
■ Setting Time Entry Processing Options.
■ Working with Timecards for Timecard Automation.
Enter a user-defined name for a timecard template. The name should describe the
purpose of the template. For example, a timecard template name might be Holiday
Employee Group
Enter a user-defined name for an employee group.
Time Entry MBF Version (time entry master business function version)
The version of the Time Entry MBF program to run when creating timecards. When
you select the Time Entry MBF version for Timecard Templates, you are selecting the
version that includes the processing options that you want. If you leave this field
blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001. If the Time Entry MBF version has defined
values for optional fields in the timecard template definition, the Time Entry MBF
version enters the appropriate values in the optional fields that you leave blank. Main
Select the Main tab.
Hours Worked
Enter a formula that the system uses to calculate the number of hours that the
employees worked.
You can enter a specific number of hours in the Hours Worked field or create a formula
for calculating the hours worked by clicking the search button. For example, the
holiday policy might stipulate that, to receive holiday pay, the employee must have
worked at least eight hours on the workday prior to the holiday. You would create a
formula for the system to determine whether employees meet this criteria. If you leave
this field blank, you must enter a value in the LS Amount field.
System Date
Indicates from where the timecards that were created by a timecard template will
receive their work date. You can select these dates from:
System Date
Day Before System Date
Day After System Date
Specify Date
You should review the dates of the pay period before you select a date for the
timecards. The system includes only the timecards with dates that occur within the
pay period dates of the payroll cycle that you are processing.
Category Code 01
Enter a category code that defines payroll system needs. You can define the use and
description of this code to fit the organization. For example, you can set up a category
code for information such as division, supervisor, branch office, health insurance plan,
stock plan, and so on. Organization
Select the Organization tab.
Job Location
Enter a value that represents the location in which the employee worked. You can use
this value to specify that an employee worked at this location but charged the time to a
different business unit. The system uses this value to derive rates from the Union Pay
Rate table and uses the value exclusively with the Certified Payroll Register.
A value in this field overrides the rates that are set up in the F069126 table if it is set up
by job or business unit. Subledger
Select the Subledger tab.
Enter a code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger
account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an address book number. If
you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type.
Subledger Type
Enter a code from UDC table 00/ST that the system uses with the Subledger field to
identify the subledger type and how the system performs subledger editing. On the
User Defined Codes form, the second line of the description controls how the system
performs editing. This value is either hard-coded or user-defined. Values include:
A: Alphanumeric field; do not edit.
N: Numeric field; right-justify and zero fill.
C: Alphanumeric field; right-justify and blank fill.
Order Number
Enter a number that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher,
a sales order, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry, and so on. Rates
Select the Rates tab.
Hourly Rate
Enter a formula that the system uses to calculate an actual hourly rate. You can enter a
specific hourly rate or create a formula for calculating the hourly rate. For example,
you might want to create a formula to multiply by two the employee's regular hourly
rate if he or she worked on a holiday. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the
employee's rate from the employee master or union pay rates table. If you enter a
specific hourly rate, the system uses that rate for all employees for whom the template
is processed.
Note: You can select the fields in the F0618 table as all the fields of
F0618 exist in F06116 but not vice versa. Also, the F186704 table stores
the select statements.
When you reuse the retroactive pay rule, you can use the existing group or change to
another employee group.
The system creates timecards for retroactive pay based on the information that you
enter in the retroactive pay rule. To successfully process retroactive pay rules, the
system requires this information:
■ The employees that you want to process, which you specify by attaching one or
more employee groups to the retroactive pay rule.
■ The period that you want to process, which you specify by selecting starting and
ending work dates.
The system uses the date range to locate current and historical timecards, which
are used as the basis for the new retroactive pay timecards.
■ The elements that create new timecards, which you specify by selecting a new
work date, new pay type, new hourly rate, new hours worked, or no hours on
■ The timecards to include (based on pay type) for the basis of the retroactive pay
calculation, which you specify by selecting all pay types, a specific list of pay
types, or a pay type category.
You can change any original option, including the employee group that is assigned to
the retroactive pay rule. Changes that you make to retroactive pay rules affect all
batches of timecards that are processed after the change, but do not affect batches of
timecards that you already processed.
You can delete retroactive pay rules from the Retroactive Pay Rules program if the
retroactive pay rule does not have any batches of timecards that are pending approval.
Before you can delete a retroactive pay rule, you must approve or cancel any batches
of timecards on which it is based and then delete the associated header records for the
timecards. If the retroactive pay rule has a batch of timecards with which it is
associated, the system displays an error message and prevents you from deleting it.
6.4.2 Prerequisite
Create one or more employee groups that contain the employees for whom you want
to process a retroactive pay rule.
See Creating Employee Groups.
■ Working with Timecards for Timecard Automation.
■ "Setting Up Payroll Cycle Information, " in theJD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up the Payroll Cycle Workbench," in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide
■ "Setting Processing Options for Payroll Cycle Workbench
(P07210)," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll
Implementation Guide Defaults
1. Time Entry MBF Version (time entry master business function version)
Specify the default version of the Time Entry MBF (Master Business Function)
program that the system uses when timecards are added as this rule is processed.
Enter a user-defined name for a retro pay rule.
Enter a name that describes the purpose of the retroactive pay rule. For example, if
you are creating a retro pay rule to apply a 3 percent salary adjustment, the name for
the retro pay rule might be Three Percent Salary Adjustment.
Employee Group
Enter a user-defined name for an employee group.
Time Entry MBF Version (time entry master business function version)
Enter the version of the Time Entry MBF program to run when creating timecards
If you leave this field blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001. If the version that you
select has defined values for optional fields in the retroactive pay rule definition, the
system enters the values that you defined into the optional fields if you leave them
Pay Types
If you select this option, the detail area is enabled. You must enter into the detail area
the specific pay types to include in the basis of calculation for the adjustment. For
example, if the new timecards should be based only on regular and overtime hours,
you would enter the pay types that you use for regular and overtime pay into the
detail area.
calculation for the adjustment. For example, if you want to include only regular time
hours in the calculation, and all of the regular pay types are in a pay type category
called Regular, enter Regular in the detail area.
Select this option for the system to create the adjustment using all eligible timecards
within the specified date range as the basis of calculation. The detail area is hidden if
you select this option.
Select Group
Select this option to enable the detail area. You must enter the select statements to
determine the group of timecards to which the Overtime is to be applied.
■ Change current, unprocessed timecards, or create new timecards for the overtime
An overtime rule set is a group of individual overtime rules that contains the employee
group or groups for which you want to process the set of overtime rules. An overtime
rule is a set of specifications that specify how the system calculates different types of
overtime. This example illustrates how you can use overtime rules and overtime rule
A typical overtime calculation for a company might be to pay all nonexempt
employees one-and-a-half times their base salary for any time that they worked over 8
hours a day or 40 hours a week. The company might also pay employees double time
for any time that they worked over 12 hours a day. To accommodate this overtime
calculation, use a rule set and attach an employee group consisting of all nonexempt
employees. This rule set would consist of:
■ A rule to calculate time-and-a-half for all hours worked over 8 hours per day.
■ A rule to calculate time-and-a-half for all hours worked over 40 hours per week.
■ A rule to calculate double time for all hours worked over 12 hours per day.
You can create four types of overtime rules within an overtime rule set, as described in
this table:
The system uses overtime rule sets to calculate overtime amounts for batches of
timecards. You can have several different overtime rules within one overtime rule set.
However, you must have at least one overtime rule for the system to process an
overtime rule set. Also, because you create overtime rules within overtime rule sets, an
overtime rule cannot exist outside of an overtime rule set.
You create an overtime rule set and then create and add the overtime rules to the set.
After you have created the overtime rules within a rule set, you must sequence the
rules in the appropriate processing order. The system must process certain rules before
others to obtain the desired results. For example, the system should process the rule
for time-and-a-half over 8 hours per day before it processes the rule for
time-and-a-half over 40 hours per week. If the rules are processed out of sequence, the
rule set might not meet overtime requirements.
The Overtime Rules program uses an employee group, a date range, and the overtime
rules that you identify to determine which timecards are affected. After the system
selects the appropriate timecards, the Overtime Rules program uses these timecards as
the basis to create new timecards or to change existing ones as necessary. The system
does not change historical timecards, nor does it process any original voided
The system processes these timecards but does not change the types:
■ Posted timecards.
■ Interim, nonvoided timecards.
■ Printed check timecards.
After you submit the overtime rule set for processing, you can use the Reviewing and
Approving program (P186601) to review, approve, or cancel a batch. If you cancel a
batch, the system restores the original timecards. You can review the processing report
from within the Overtime Rule Sets program. Later, you can review the results,
without the processing notes, of submitting the overtime rule set in the Reviewing and
Approving Timecards program.
■ The employee group that contains the employees to whom the overtime rule set
■ The dates for which employees should receive overtime pay.
You can process an overtime rule set for each pay period; however, you must change
the date range before you do so. You can also reuse an overtime rule set for different
groups of employees. To do so, you change the employee group before you process the
rule set.
After you create an overtime rule set, you need to create the overtime rules that
provide the system with the criteria that it uses to calculate overtime. Any
combination of overtime rules is acceptable in overtime rule sets. The system processes
overtime rules in the order in which you specify them in the overtime rule set.
You can create or delete overtime rules at any time. Changing the order of overtime
rules or including additional overtime rules does not affect current or past batches of
You can change any original option, including the employee group that is assigned to
the rule. Changes that you make to overtime rule sets affect all batches of timecards
that are processed after the change, but do not affect batches of timecards that have
already been processed.
You can delete an overtime rule set if the overtime rule set has no batches of timecards
that are pending approval. Before you can delete an overtime rule set, you must
approve or cancel any batches of timecards on which it is based, and then delete the
associated header records for the timecards. The system verifies that no batches of
timecards depend on the overtime rule set before it enables you to delete the rule set. If
the overtime rule set has a batch of timecards with which it is associated, the system
displays an error message and prevents you from deleting the overtime rule set.
For the system to perform the calculation, you must enter time on a daily basis rather
than on a summarized basis by pay period.
The timecard accumulator rule consists of these components:
■ An accumulation period.
The accumulation period is the time over which the system accumulates the hours
that employees work. For example, the accumulation period for a biweekly payroll
might be 14 days.
■ An include section.
The include section is the criteria that the system uses to determine which
timecards to include in the accumulation, based on pay type or pay type category.
For example, you can include all timecards with regular time but exclude
timecards with sick time.
■ An overtime limit.
The overtime limit is the point above which any additional hours are considered
overtime. For example, if you pay employees overtime for all hours worked over
eight hours in a day, the overtime limit would be eight hours.
■ A charge-to method.
A charge-to method specifies how and from where the system removes hours from
existing timecards, and how and where it applies overtime timecards to. Available
types of charge-to methods are:
■ Method 1
■ Method 2
■ Method 3
■ Method 4 Method 1
Beginning with the most recent timecard in the period and working backwards one
timecard at a time, the system removes time that should be considered overtime from
the existing timecards until the system accounts for all overtime. The system creates
one new timecard for each original timecard on which overtime hours are removed
and creates new timecards using the same data as the original timecards, with the
exception of the pay type and rate, which are derived from the information that you
enter in the accumulator rule. You might use this charge-to method if you track
overtime by criteria, such as work order or account number.
For example, a warehouse employee works 43 hours in a week. You can pay the
employee at the regular pay rate for the first 40 hours and at the overtime rate for the
remaining 3 hours. The system removes 3 hours from timecards, starting with the most
recent timecard and working backwards until the system accounts for all 3 hours. The
system creates new timecards for those 3 hours and changes the original timecards to
reflect the time that was removed.
This table illustrates the number of hours that are included on the timecards before
and after processing: Method 2
The system removes time from timecards and changes them the same way as in
Method 1. However, the system charges the overtime to timecards in a different way.
Using method 2, the system charged all overtime to a single timecard. This timecard is
created using the same data as the timecard with the most recent work date, with the
exception of the pay type and rate, that is specified in the accumulator rule. You might
use this charge-to method if you want to create fewer timecards for faster processing,
and you do not need to track overtime by criteria.
For example, for the warehouse employee in the previous example, the system
removes time from the timecards using the same process as Method 1, but charges the
three hours of overtime to a single timecard.
This table illustrates the number of hours that are included on the timecards before
and after processing:
Original Timecard Hours New Regular Timecard Hours New Overtime Timecard Hours
8 8 Blank
10 8 Blank
9 8 Blank
8 8 Blank
8 8 Blank
Blank Blank 3 Method 3
The system removes time from and changes every timecard in the accumulation
period on a prorated basis. The prorated basis is a percentage, which is calculated by
dividing the amount of time on each individual timecard by the total time during the
accumulation period. The system creates one new timecard for each original timecard
with the corresponding prorated number of hours. The new timecards use the same
data as the original timecards, with the exception of the pay type and rate, that is
specified in the accumulator rule. You might use this charge-to method if you need to
allocate overtime to all timecards, regardless of when it was earned.
For example, for the warehouse employee in the previous examples, the system
removes a percentage of the three hours of overtime from each original timecard based
on the percentage of total time that each original timecard represents. The system
changes the original timecards to reflect the percentage of time removed. The system
creates new timecards for those three hours based on the percentage of total time that
the original timecard represents.
This table illustrates the number of hours included on the timecards before and after
Original Timecard Hours New Regular Timecard Hours New Overtime Timecard Hours
8 7.43 .57
10 9.34 .66
9 8.37 .63
8 7.43 .57
8 7.43 .57 Method 4
The system removes time from and changes timecards as in Method 3. The system
charges all overtime to a single timecard. This timecard is created using the same data
as the most recent timecard, with the exception of the pay type and rate, that is
specified in the accumulator rule. You might use this charge-to method if you want
faster system processing, but you do not need to track overtime by criteria.
For example, for the warehouse employee in the previous examples, the system
removes the time in the same way as in Method 3, but charges the three hours of
overtime to a single timecard.
This table illustrates the number of hours included on the timecards before and after
Original Timecard Hours New Regular Timecard Hours New Overtime Timecard Hours
8 7.43 Blank
10 9.34 Blank
9 8.37 Blank
8 7.43 Blank
8 7.43 Blank
Blank Blank 3 Setting Up Overtime Pay Type Exclusion Lists (Release 9.1 Update)
Use the overtime pay type exclusion lists to specify a list of pay types that are
excluded from the hours reduction process used with overtime accumulator rules
when you generate new overtime timecards.
You can set up pay type exclusion lists at three levels:
1. System exclusion list
2. Rule set exclusion list
3. Rule exclusion list
In the accumulator rule processing, the system uses a hierarchical search to determine
if a pay type is included in one of the three exclusion lists. The system first searches
the rule exclusion list for the current timecard's pay type. If the pay type is not found,
then the system searches the rule set exclusion list, and then the system exclusion list
as needed. If the pay type is found in any of these lists, then the overtime accumulator
rule will not modify any timecard assigned to this pay type. Otherwise, the
accumulator rule will modify these timecards as necessary when generating new
overtime timecards.
The accumulator rule calculates overtime hours based on all timecards processed by
the rule, including timecards assigned to a pay type listed in any of the exclusion lists.
The exclusion lists determine which original timecards should have their hours
reduced so the overtime hours can be allocated to new overtime timecards. System Exclusion List The system exclusion list is defined using the Overtime
Pay Type Exclusion List program (P186411). You can access this program from Periodic
Processing menu (G18620). Any timecard using a pay type specified on this form will
be excluded from the overtime hours reduction process for all accumulator rules in the
system. Rule Set Exclusion List You can access the Rule Set Exclusion list from the
Form menu on the Overtime Rule Set setup form. Any timecard using a pay type
specified on this form will be excluded from the overtime hours reduction process for
all accumulator rules within the rule set. Rule Exclusion List You can access the Rule Exclusion List either from the
Form menu on the Timecard Accumulator Rule setup form or from the Row menu on
the Rule Set setup form. Any timecard using a pay type specified on this form will be
excluded from the overtime hours reduction process for the associated accumulator
states, you can have the system identify the employees affected by state and change
the hourly rate on the timecards.
You can use a timecard change rule to change a timecard field based on another field.
For example, if an employee's timecard is for regular time and the work date is a
company holiday, you can have the system change the pay type from regular pay to
holiday pay.
If you are creating a timecard change rule to change all regular time that is charged on
company holidays to holiday pay, the IF statement might look like this:
Operator ( Field Alias Field Name Op Value Description )
IF Blank PDBA DBA Code EQ 1 Regular Blank
AND ( DWK Date-Worked EQ 01/01/05 Blank Blank
OR Blank DWK Date-Worked EQ 05/30/05 Blank Blank
OR Blank DWK Date-Worked EQ 07/04/05 Blank Blank
OR Blank DWK Date-Worked EQ 09/05/05 Blank Blank
OR Blank DWK Date-Worked EQ 11/24/05 Blank Blank
OR Blank DWK Date-Worked EQ 12/25/05 Blank )
If you are creating a timecard change rule to change all regular time that is charged on
company holidays to holiday pay, the THEN statement might look like this:
Operator Field Alias Field Name Op Value Description
THEN PDBA DBA Code EQ 110 Overtime 2.0
change existing timecards based on this overtime rule. The Fields and Functions
program determines which functions are available; therefore, after you have created
the custom BSFN, you must use the Fields and Functions program to register it for use
by the Timecard Automation module. After the BSFN has been registered, you can add
it to a rule set.
Note: If you need to create custom BSFN entries, contact the system
administrator for assistance.
6.5.2 Prerequisite
Create one or more employee groups that contain the employees for whom you want
to process an overtime rule set.
See Creating Employee Groups.
Enter a user-defined name for an overtime rule.
The name should describe the purpose of the overtime rule set. For example, an
overtime rule set name might be California Overtime Rules.
Processing Order
After you have attached overtime rules to the rule set, you can change their processing
order by entering a numeric value in this field.
Describes the purpose of the accumulator rule. For example, if the rule is to calculate
overtime for time worked over eight hours per day, a descriptive name might be Daily
Over Eight.
Accumulation Period
Enter the number of days to add up hours on timecards for calculating overtime.
This field works with the Overtime Hours field. Enter the period of time, in days,
during which time can accumulate before overtime is calculated. Any time worked
during this period that is over the number of hours that you enter in the Overtime
Hours field is changed to overtime as a result of the rule. For example, if you are
creating an accumulator rule to pay employees time-and-a-half for time worked over
eight hours per day, the Accumulator Period field should contain a value of 1, and the
Overtime Hours field should contain a value of 8.
Overtime Hours
Enter a limit above which any hours accumulated will be considered overtime.
This field works with the Accumulation Period field to determine which hours are
considered overtime hours. Enter the number of accumulated hours over which any
excess time that is worked during the accumulation period is considered overtime. For
example, if you are creating an accumulator rule to pay employees time-and-a-half for
time worked over eight hours per day, the Overtime Hours field should contain a
value of 8, and the Accumulator Period field should contain a value of 1.
Charge To Method
Enter a code that identifies where the system will charge overtime.
The Charge To Method specifies how the system creates and changes timecards for
overtime. It does specify how the system directs overtime-related labor and expenses
to accounts within the general ledger. Unless the processing options are set to copy the
account information from the original timecards, the system uses the AAIs that have
been defined for the organization to determine general ledger account information and
Pay Types
Select to enable the detail area. You must enter into the detail area the specific pay
types to include in the basis of calculation for the adjustment. For example, if the new
timecards should be based only on regular and overtime hours, you would enter the
pay types that you use for regular and overtime pay into the detail area.
Select this option for the system to create the adjustment using all eligible timecards
within the specified date range as the basis of calculation. The detail area after these
options is hidden if you select this option.
Select Group
Select this option to enable the detail area. You must enter the select statements to
determine the group of timecards to which the Overtime is to be applied.
To enter a new line of logic, click the New Line button on the tool bar or select New
Line from the Form menu.
Enter a user-defined name for an overtime rule.
Create a name that describes the purpose of the change rule. For example, if the rule is
to change all regular time that is charged on a company holiday to a holiday pay type,
a descriptive name might be Company Holidays.
Enter a code that indicates that a specific mathematical process is to be carried out.
You use an operator to create formulas for calculating change rules.
The system automatically enters IF in the Operator field on the first line of the IF
statement. On subsequent lines of logic, you can select IF,AND,OR, or THEN for the
Operator field. Values are:
Marks the beginning of a grouping. Use an open parenthesis in equations to determine
the order of operation.
If you are grouping components of the statement together (for example, if you are
using a string of IF operands), you might want to use this field to indicate the
beginning of the grouped components.
Field Alias
Enter a code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric
code up to 8 characters that does not allow blanks or special characters such as%, &, or
+. You create new data items using system codes 55 through 59. You cannot change the
If you want to use the Field Alias field but it is not available, select Show Alias from
the Form menu. If you use Field Alias, the system completes the Field Name field
automatically when you enter a field alias in this field. If the jde.ini file is set
appropriately, you can access field aliases for each data item by right-clicking the data
Field Name
Enter an identifier that refers to and defines a unit of information. It is a 32-character,
alphabetic field that does not allow blanks or special characters such as%, &, or +.
The data item cannot be changed.
It forms the C-code data name (for example AddressNumber) that the system uses in
business functions, data structures, and event rules.
Also identify a data item by the alias or alpha description.
The system automatically enters a value in this field when you press Tab to move
through the field if you entered a value in the Field Alias field. If you are not using
aliases, you can use the search button to select a field name for the IF statement from a
list of valid fields. If you use the Field Name field and you want to hide the Field Alias
field, select Hide Field Alias from the Form menu.
Op (operand)
Enter a code that identifies the operands in Boolean logic. You can specify any of these
EQ: Equal to
LT: Less than
LE: Less than or equal to.
GT: Greater than.
GE: Greater than or equal to.
NE: Not equal to.
NL: Not less than.
NG: Not greater than.
Enter the field value that the system should locate based on the selected operand. For
example, to search for all timecards with a pay type of 100, enter 100 in this field.
Marks the end of a grouping. Use a close parenthesis in equations to determine the
order of operation.
Complete this field only if you have entered a value in the Open Parenthesis field.
(Processing Order)
Indicates the order in which the system processes a rule within a given rule set.
Function Name
Indicates the actual name of the function. It must follow standard ANSI C naming
conventions (for example, no space between words).
Enter a code that specifies which method he system uses to determine which pay types
to include for processing. Values are:
0: Include all timecards.
1: Include only the timecards for which pay type is on the pay type list.
2: Include only the timecards for which pay type is on the pay type category list.
Processing Orders
Indicates the order in which the system processes a rule within a given rule set.
User-defined Description 3
Indicates the description that is associated with the user-defined String field. Defaults
Use these processing options to specify default information for processing overtime
6.5.12 Setting Processing Options for the Overtime Rule Set Batch Review Report
Set this processing option before you process overtime rules. Display
Specify whether piecework information appears on the report.
Timecard Automation
the function that is available for calculating the hourly rate for a timecard template is
different from the function that is available for calculating the hourly rate for a
retroactive pay rule.
You can use a function alone, or you can create a formula that includes one or more
functions. Use the Fields and Functions program (P186101) to create custom formulas.
You can also use this program to validate and test a formula before you begin using it.
Occasionally, you might need a function that is not included with the system. In this
case, you can customize the system by adding a new function. Typically, you create
custom functions using named event rules through the Business Function Design Aid
tool, which you access from the Object Management Workbench (OMW). You can also
create custom business functions using C programming. Programmers or consultants
typically create custom business functions. Oracle recommends that you contact the
system administrator for assistance with creating custom functions. After you create a
custom function, you must register it for use in the applicable Timecard Automation
program. Registering the function enables you to access it from the applicable
To simplify the process of creating formulas for calculating hourly rates and hours
worked, the Timecard Automation module includes several predefined functions. You
can use these functions alone or include them in formulas. These functions include:
■ Hours worked function for timecard templates.
■ Hours worked function for retroactive pay rules.
■ Hourly rate function for timecard templates.
■ Hourly rate functions for retroactive pay rules.
■ Hourly rate functions for overtime accumulator rules.
■ Custom overtime rules functions.
To meet the specific needs of the organization, you can also create custom functions.
Each function uses a data structure, which lists the data item name, the input or output
status, and a description of the data item.
work date is identified on the timecard template in the Work Date Schedule. For
example, you might use this function if you want the timecard template to use eight
hours for the amount of work an employee is paid each day, based on the criteria
The predefined hours worked function for retroactive pay rules is RHRF_
The hours worked on timecard function returns the hours worked from the Rate
Hourly field on a timecard currently being processed by a retroactive pay rule for one
of the pay types that you identify. For example, you might use this function when you
pay employees retroactive pay for the hours worked, based on their original
The Employee Master Rate function returns the rate from the Rate-Hourly field in the
F060116 table for the employee records that are processed using the timecard template.
For example, you might want to pay an employee based on the established master pay
The predefined hourly rate functions for retroactive pay rules are:
■ RHRF_EmployeeMasterRate
The Employee Master Rate function returns the rate from the Rate-Hourly field in
the F060116 table for the employee on the current timecard that the system is
processing using the retroactive pay rule. For example, you might want to pay
employees retroactive pay based on the master hourly pay rate.
■ RHRF_MaxRate
The Maximum Rate from Timecard vs. Employee Master function returns the
greater rate of the timecard hourly rate from the Hourly Rate field or the employee
master hourly rate from the Rate-Hourly field. For example, you might want to
pay employees retroactive pay based on either the master hourly pay rate or the
timecard hourly rate. This function provides the larger of these two hourly rates.
■ RHRF_PayRateMultiplier
The Pay Rate Multiplier function returns the pay rate multiplier from the
Multiplier-Pay Type Multiplier field on the current timecard that the system is
processing using the retroactive pay rule.
■ RHRF_TimecardRate
The Timecard Rate function returns the hourly rate from the Hourly Rate field on
the current timecard that the system is processing using the retroactive pay rule.
For example, you might want to pay employees retroactive pay based on the rate
on the timecard instead of another rate.
■ RHRF_UnionRateX where X is A, B, C, D, or R
The Union Rate X function returns the rate for a chosen employee from a
particular column of the F069126 table. You identify the appropriate column. This
function returns the union rate by calling the Retrieve Union Rates function
(N0500015) and using fields on the current timecard that the system is processing
in the retroactive pay rule. For example, you might want to pay employees
retroactive pay based on a particular union rate. This function provides you with
the appropriate union rate.
■ RHRF_WeightedAverageHourlyRate
The Weighted Average of Employees' Timecards in Retroactive Pay Period
function returns an hourly rate weighted by hours worked. The function uses all
timecards in the overtime period for one of the pay types that you identify. For
example, you might want to pay employees retroactive pay based on an average of
the hourly pay rates received in the past.
The predefined hourly rate functions for overtime accumulator rules are:
■ OHRF_EmployeeMasterRate
The Employee Master Rate function returns the hourly rate from the Rate-Hourly
field (PHRT) in the F060116 table for the employee that the system is processing
using the overtime rule set. For example, you might want to pay employees
overtime pay based on the master hourly pay rate.
■ OHRF_HoursWorked
The Hours Worked on Timecard function returns the hours worked from the
PHRW field on the current timecard that the system is processing using the
overtime rule set. For example, you might want to pay employees overtime pay
based on the hours worked on the current timecards.
■ OHRF_MaxRate
The Maximum Rate from Timecard vs. Employee Master function returns the
greater rate of the timecard hourly rate from the Hourly Rate field (SHRT) or the
hourly rate in the Rate-Hourly field (PHRT) in the Employee Master table. For
example, you might want to pay employees overtime pay based on either the
master hourly pay rate or the timecard hourly rate. This function provides the
higher of these two hourly rates.
■ OHRF_PayFrequency
The Employee Master Pay Frequency function returns an employee's numeric pay
frequency (which is derived from the Description 2 field in UDC 07/PF) based on
the value in the PFRQ field (Pay Frequency) on an employee record. For example,
this function would convert a value of W (Weekly) in the PFRQ field to the
numeric value of 52, which can then be used in payroll calculations.
■ OHRF_PayRateMultiplier
The Pay Rate Multiplier function returns the pay rate multiplier from the
Multiplier-Pay Type Multiplier field (PAYM) on the current timecard that the
system is processing using the overtime rule set.
■ OHRF_Salary
The Employee Master Salary function returns the employee's salary from
Rate-Salary, Annual field (SAL) on an employee record for the employee being
processed by the overtime rule. For example, you might want to pay employees
overtime pay based on the master salary.
■ OHRF_TimecardRate
The Timecard Rate function returns the hourly rate from the Hourly Rate field on
the current timecard that the system is processing using the overtime rule set. For
example, you might want to pay employees overtime pay based on the rate on the
timecard instead of another rate.
■ OHRF_TotHoursWorked
The Total Hours Worked function returns the total hours worked by a given
employee within the overtime period for a pay type of one of the pay types that
you identify. For example, you might want to pay employees overtime pay based
on the total hours that each employee worked.
■ OHRF_UnionRateX where X is A, B, C, D, or R
The Union Rate X function returns the rate for a chosen employee from a
particular column of the Union Rates File table (F069126), where you identify the
appropriate column. This function returns the union rate by calling the Retrieve
Union Rates function (N0500015) using fields on the current timecard that the
system is processing using the overtime rule set. For example, you might want to
pay employees overtime pay based on a particular union rate. This function
provides you with the appropriate union rate.
■ OHRF_WeightedAverageHourlyRate
The Weighted Average of Employees' Regular Timecards in Overtime Period
function returns an hourly rate weighted by hours worked. The function uses all
timecards in the overtime period for a pay type of one of the pay types that you
identify. For example, you might want to pay employees overtime pay based on an
average of the hourly pay rates received in the past.
The predefined hourly rate functions for custom overtime rules are:
■ OCR_MealAllowance
The Meal Allowance custom rule pays a meal allowance of 8.00 USD for days on
which employees work 9.5 or more hours of regular time (pay type of 1). The
system creates a gross pay timecard with a pay type of 999 for 8.00 USD for that
day. For example, you might want to pay consultants a meal allowance when they
have worked a certain number of hours within a specific period.
■ OCR_SpreadOvertime
The Spread Employee's Salary custom rule spreads a salaried employee's salary
over all hours worked and does not generate overtime. For example, you might
want to pay salaried employees the same amount regardless of overtime worked.
With this function, you can spread employee overtime across all hours worked,
which in essence reduces the hourly rate, but pays employees the same amount.
■ OCR_SevenDaysWorked
The Seven Days Worked custom overtime rule applies to overtime worked in
California. An organization must first determine whether an employee worked
more than 30 hours in a week or over six hours in any day of the week. This
calculation determines whether the employee is entitled to overtime on the
seventh consecutive day. If an employee works seven consecutive days and has
worked at least 30 hours in the week, or six hours in a day, the employee is
entitled to overtime. The first eight hours of the seventh day are paid at 1.5 of the
regular rate of pay. Any hours over eight worked on the seventh day are paid at
2.0 of the regular rate.
New timecards are created with pay type 999.
■ OCR_MinWageAdjustment_1
The Minimum Wage Adjustment custom overtime rule checks to determine
whether an employee is being paid at least minimum wage based on the total pay
and hours worked on the timecards being processed. If not, this rule adds a
timecard for the employee to bring his or her hourly rate up to minimum wage.
Usage Code
Enter a usage code that represents the purpose of the function. For example, if you are
registering a function that calculates a custom overtime rule, enter usage code OCR
(custom overtime rule). The value that you enter in this field determines whether you
can use the function in specific areas of the Timecard Automation module. For
example, if you enter OCR, the function is available for use in the call custom rule area
of overtime rule sets only.
Source Module
Enter the name of the object that contains the function that you are registering.
Multiple functions can be grouped within a single source module. For example, the
source module N1861411 - Overtime Hourly Rate Formulas might contain all of the
functions that retrieve various hourly rates to be used within overtime accumulator
Function Name
Enter the actual name of the function. It must follow standard ANSI C naming
conventions. For example, don't include spaces between words.
Select to indicate that other users can access the field or function from the applicable
Timecard Automation program.
When you create a formula, you create it within a specific timecard template,
retroactive pay rule, or overtime rule set. Based on the program that you select, the
system provides you with a list of appropriate functions that are available for use in
the formula. You then create mathematical statements that include one or more of
these functions.
For example, assume that you need to average two different union rates to pay
warehouse employees retroactive pay. To calculate the correct rate, you enclose within
parentheses the multiple of the two union rates and divide the result by two. The
formula for the new rate is:
New Rate = (RHRF_UnionRateA × RHRF_UnionRateB) ÷ 2
You cannot use a formula outside of the initial timecard template, overtime rule set, or
retroactive pay rule for which it was created. You cannot save and reuse formulas;
however, if you need to use a formula often, you might consider asking the system
administrator to create a custom function. You can save and reuse the timecard
template, retroactive pay rule, or overtime rule set that contains the formula that you
You use the Build Formula form to create custom formulas. You cannot access this
form from a menu; instead, you access it using the search button in the hours worked
and hourly rate fields in the Timecard Templates, Retroactive Pay Rules, and Overtime
Rule Sets programs.
This table shows the forms and fields from which you can access the Build Formula
After you create the formula, but before you begin using it, test it to validate its
mathematical logic and to ensure that it calculates the appropriate results.
Depending on government regulations, industry standards, union contracts, and
company processes, different organizations calculate overtime rates using different
methods. Review the examples of the formulas for these overtime hourly rate
calculations. The functions that are used in these formulas are predefined in the
system and are available for use in the overtime rule type specified in the formula
description. Regular Portion of Overtime Based on Employee Master Rate, and Premium
Portion of Overtime Based on Average Hourly Rate
This formula uses the employee's rate, as specified in the F060116 table, to derive the
regular portion of overtime. The system then multiplies the average hourly rate from
the timecards by .5 to determine the premium portion and adds the two rates together
to determine the new hourly rate for overtime. You can use this formula in an
overtime accumulator rule within an overtime rule set.
New Hourly Rate = OHRF_EmployeeMasterRate + (0.5 x OHRF_
WeightedAverageHourlyRate) Overtime Rate Based on Timecard Rate and Pay Rate Multiplier
This function calculates the overtime rate by retrieving the hourly rate from the
original timecard and multiplying it by the pay rate multiplier that is specified on the
timecard. This method is typically used for employees in the United States who
receive tips. You can use this formula in an overtime accumulator rule within an
overtime rule set.
New Hourly Rate = OHRF_PayRateMultiplier x OHRF_TimecardRate
calculations produce the results that you expect. For example, for a formula that
averages two union pay rates, you should verify that it calculates the correct rate.
Using the formula testing functionality, you can automatically calculate the formula
for one record at a time. You can then review the results to determine whether they are
You can also test the formula by submitting the timecard template, retroactive pay
rule, or overtime rule set for processing, and then reviewing the new timecards to
ensure that they are correct. If the timecards are incorrect, you can cancel the batch.
7.3.2 Prerequisite
Create a timecard template, retroactive pay rule, or overtime rule set.
See Setting Up Timecard Automation.
To create a formula:
1. Select a record in the detail area, and then click the Insert Function button.
The system displays the function in the Rate Formula field.
2. Enter the appropriate characters in the Rate Formula field.
3. Select Validate from the Form menu.
If the formula is mathematically valid, the system displays a confirmation
message. If the formula is not mathematically valid, the system highlights the
Formula To Test area in red.
4. Revise the formula if it is not valid, and repeat step 3.
5. Click OK when the confirmation window appears.
6. Select Test from the Form menu to test the formula and ensure that the system
creates accurate timecards.
7. Complete the steps for testing a formula.
Employee Number
Enter the employee number that you want to use to test the formula.
Validate Formula
Select to verify that the syntax of the formula is mathematically valid. If it is not
mathematically valid, the system changes the Formula To Test area to a contrasting
Calculate Formula
Select to calculate the formula and display the results in the Output hourly rate box.
Indicates whether an entry in the Timecard Tag file refers to a current timecard or a
historical timecard. Select this option to test a formula using a timecard from F06116.
Indicates whether an entry in the Timecard Tag file refers to a current timecard or a
historical timecard. Select this option to test a formula using a timecard F0618.
Validate Formula
Select to verify that the syntax of the formula is mathematically valid. If it is not
mathematically valid, the system changes the Formula To Test area to a contrasting
Calculate Formula
Select to calculate the formula and display the results in the output hourly rate box.
program based on the program in which the timecards originated. However, when
you access batches of timecards directly through the Timecard Templates program, the
Retroactive Pay Rules program, or the Overtime Rules program, the system displays
only those batches that originated in the particular program.
As long as a batch of timecards is pending approval, you can revise individual
timecards by selecting the batch of timecards and the appropriate timecard. You can
revise the status of batches of timecards by approving or canceling those that are
pending approval. You can also run reports that display the timecards in a specific
8.1.1 Prerequisite
Create timecards using the timecard automation process.
See Setting Up Timecard AutomationSetting Up Functions and Formulas for Timecard
See Also:
■ Entering Timecards for Employees.
View Description
Before The batch of original timecards that the system uses. These timecards provide
information for creating timecards. No relationship exists among these timecards.
After The batch of new timecards that the system creates. These timecards are based on
the original timecards that are displayed in the Before view. No original
timecards are displayed, and all timecards displayed are new.
Both The batch of timecards, including original timecards and timecards that the
system creates. These timecards include the original timecards that are displayed
in the Before view, and on which they are based. Original timecards are displayed
in bold text; new timecards are displayed in plain text.
The Overtime Rule Sets program uses an overtime rule set and original timecards to
create new timecards and change the original timecards. You can review new and
changed timecards in Before or After view:
View Description
Before The batch of original and unchanged timecards that the system uses. These
timecards provide information for creating or changing other timecards. No
relationships exist among these timecards.
After The batch of new and changed timecards that the system creates or changes.
These timecards are based on the original timecards that are displayed in the
Before view. Original timecards are displayed in bold text; new timecards are
displayed in plain text.
of canceling the entire batch. However, when you review batches of timecards that
were created by the Overtime Rules Sets program, the system displays only newly
created timecards. Changed timecards are part of an original batch and are not
included when you review timecards by batch. To change original timecards, you can
review the timecards by employee. Doing so shows you all of the current timecards for
each employee, regardless of batch number.
Status Description
Pending Approval Batches of timecards arrive in the Reviewing and Approving Timecards
program that are marked Pending Approval. Pending timecards cannot be
included in a payroll cycle. You can revise and approve, or cancel batches of
timecards or individual timecards.
Approved After you approve a batch of timecards, the system changes the status to
Approved and removes the Pending status from F06116. When you approve a
batch of timecards, the system marks as approved all changes that were made
after the timecards were generated, such as changed timecards and any new
timecards that have been created. After changing the status to Approved, the
system creates an Approval or Cancellation report and enables you to continue
the pre-payroll process. As long as a batch of timecards is approved or canceled,
you can delete the header record for the batch.
Canceled When you cancel a batch of timecards, you reject the changes that were made to
existing timecards and you reject the new timecards that were created. The
system removes newly created timecards from F06116 and restores changed
timecards to their original status. After changing the status of the batch to
Canceled, the system creates an Approval or Cancellation report and, as
appropriate, reverses the changes and deletes the new timecards. As long as a
batch of timecards is approved or canceled, you can delete the header record for
the batch.
8.2.2 Forms Used to Review and Revise Timecards Created by Timecard Automation
8.4.2 Form Used to View the Timecard Batch File Audit History
Employee Number
Enter the employee number of the employee for whom you want to view the timecard
audit details.
■ Full time.
■ Weekend days.
■ Night shift.
Many organizations need to create multiple holiday calendars. Depending on
company rules about employee holidays, some groups of employees might receive
different holiday time off than others. For example, full-time employees might receive
a set of nationally recognized holidays as paid time off, while part-time employees
might receive the same holidays off but without pay. Another example is full-time
employees receive a set of paid holidays, but a union contract specifies a slightly
different set of paid holidays.
Because various holiday calendars can conflict, and conflicting holiday activity types
can exist, this hierarchy of calendars applies:
1. Union
2. Business unit
3. State
4. Company
When a conflict exists between a union calendar and any other assigned calendar, the
union calendar takes precedence. For example, if a company calendar specifies the
same time off for a particular employee's holiday, the system uses the union calendar.
Schedules include one or more calendars. For example, an employee schedule might
include individual, template and holiday calendars. In some instances, where
overlapping holiday calendars exist, an employee schedule might include four or more
calendars. Not only can different holiday calendars include conflicting days off, they
can also include different activity types that track to different pay rates.
When you have analyzed the calendars that exist in your organization, you are ready
to create activity types in a UDC table. You access the User Defined Codes Program
(P0004A) from a menu in the Associate Pay Types with Activity Types program
(P073111). When you have completed the activity types, you need to link them to
existing pay types. When the linking activity is complete, you are ready to set up
calendars. After defining calendars, you can create employee schedules by linking
calendars to employee groups.
menu. When you perform this function, the system reviews all of the pay types in the
F069116 table, creates an activity type for each, and links them. The system saves the
linked information in the F073111 table.
See Also:
■ "Using Foundation Calendar" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Address Book Implementation Guide.
Feature Description
Automatic creation of timecards for leave When you select automatic timecard creation, the system
requests generates a timecard for the leave period each time that an
employee leave request is approved by a manager.
Resource scheduling When you select resource scheduling, the system copies
approved leave requests into tables that are used by the
Resource Assignments module, which is part of the
EnterpriseOne Enterprise Asset Management system. You
can then use information that is associated with employee
leave to plan and schedule company resources.
Medical leave tracking When you select medical leave tracking, the system tracks
time entry and leave information that is required to comply
with the FMLA.
ESS FMLA Substitution (Release 9.1 Update) When you select this option, the
system enables you to substitute the employee FMLA with
other categories of leaves within the Employee Self-Service
Leave Planning And Request program (P07620).
If different companies within the organization have different leave policies, you can set
up company-specific information for leave system controls. Alternatively, you can
create a default set of leave system controls for Company 00000 that the system uses
for all of the companies within the organization. At a minimum, you must set up leave
system controls for Company 00000. You can then set up company-specific controls.
The system uses the leave system controls that you set up for Company 00000 to
process leave information for any company that does not have specific controls. Leave
administration setup information is stored in F07600.
When verifying leave balances for sick and vacation leave requests, the system
calculates the available balance using calendar, fiscal, or anniversary year, depending
on the sick and vacation leave policy of the organization.
If the leave policy is based upon a calendar year, the system uses information from the
F06146 table to calculate the number of leave hours that the employee has
accumulated. The system subtracts the amount of leave time taken from the amount of
leave time accumulated to determine the available leave balance.
If the leave policy is based upon a fiscal, anniversary, or other noncalendar year, the
system uses information from the F06147 table to calculate the number of leave hours
that the employee has accumulated. The system subtracts the amount of leave time
taken from the amount of leave time accumulated to determine the available leave
(Release 9.1 Update) When it verifies leave balances for medical or FMLA leave
requests, the system calculates the amount of medical leave time or FMLA leave time
that the employee has taken during the specified medical-leave time period using
information from the F06146 table. The system then subtracts the amount of medical or
FMLA leave that was taken from the value that you enter on the Leave Administration
Setup form.
Note: For a pay type to be considered a medical leave pay type, and
to include the time that is associated with that pay type in the
calculation for determining available medical leave balances, you
must set up the pay type for medical tracking using the Leave Type
Setup program (P07601).
Available Balances
Enter a code that controls how the system responds when an employee enters a
request for leave or leave taken. If you enter any value other than 0 (zero), employees
can take only available leave. This value is in effect for all pay types that are set up to
use leave tracking. This information is stored in the F069116 table. Values are:
0: Do not verify available leave balances.
1: Verify available leave balances.
A hard error results if insufficient balances exist.
2: Verify available leave balances.
A warning message results if insufficient balances exist.
3: Verify available leave balances.
Employees can use available plus accrued balances. A hard error results if insufficient
balances exist.
4: Verify available leave balances.
Employees can use available plus accrued balances. A warning results if insufficient
balances exist.
Timecard Creation
Enter a code that specifies whether leave administration creates timecards for
approved leave requests. The system can automatically create timecards in either the
F06116Z1 or the F06116 table. The system uses the F06116Z1 table to upload timecards
into the systems' live time entry table. You would typically use this table with
employee self-service time entry programs. Values are:
0 or Blank: Do not automatically create timecards when leave requests are approved.
1: Automatically create timecards in the F06116Z1 table.
2: Automatically create timecards in the F06116 table.
Resource Scheduling
Enter a code that determines whether resource scheduling software is enabled. If
resource scheduling software is enabled, this value also controls whether approved
leave requests are copied into the resource scheduling module. Values are:
0: Resource scheduling is not active; do not update leave request information.
1: Resource scheduling is active; update leave request information.
Medical Leave
Enter a code that the system uses to enable or disable medical leave software (FMLA
or an international equivalent). Enabling medical leave enables the human resources
department to use additional programs to track detailed information about employee
medical leave requests. If you do not enable this feature, employees can still enter
medical leave requests and managers can still review, approve, or decline those
requests. However, without the Medical Leave feature, company personnel will not
have access to these additional tracking programs. Values are:
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
Minimum Hours
Enter the number of hours an employee must work in a year before he or she is eligible
for medical leave.
ESS FMLA Substitution (employee self-service family medical leave act substitution)
(Release 9.1 Update) Enter a code that determines whether employees can use accrued
vacation and sick pay when taking medical (FMLA) leave. Values are:
0: Employees cannot use vacation and sick balance for FMLA.
1: Employees can use vacation and sick balances for FMLA.
Figure 9–3 Leave Type Setup Revisions Form - Standard Leave Type
Figure 9–4 Leave Type Setup Revisions form - Substitute Leave Type
Leave Type
Enter a UDC from 07/LV that describes the leave time that an employee takes or
requests. You can use this information to report leave trends. Values might include:
C: Comp Time
S: Sick Time
M: Maternity Leave Time
Active Leave
Select this option to specify a leave type as active. If the leave type is active, the system
enables the user to request this particular leave type through Employee Self-Service
Leave Planning and Request (P07620).
Benefit/Accrual Type
Enter a UDC from 06/SV that describes the leave time that an employee takes or
requests. You can use this information to report leave trends. Values might include:
O: Comp time
S: Sick accruals
V: Vacation accruals
allowed. If partial days are not allowed, the system checks the employee standard
hours per day from the F060116 table to verify that the employee is not requesting or
taking less than the standard work hours.
Organizations can set up leave verification rules that the system processes within time
entry. Depending on the setting for the sick certificate rules code, employees can be
paid based on whether they submit a sick certificate. The system uses these data items
to allow users to specify certification rules:
■ Definitions for a sick event.
■ Sick event time period.
■ Number of past months the system uses to calculate sick events.
■ Definition of the number of hours that constitute a sick event.
When you create sick certificate rules, you must adhere to these rules:
■ Enter a value for Sick Certificate Rule Code (1 or 2) if you enter a value in any of
these sick certificate fields:
– Sick Event Definition (SEVD)
– Sick Event Time Period (SEPD)
– Sick Event Past Months (SEPM)
– Sick Event Hours Definition (SEHD)
– Sick Certificate Rules Code (SCKR)
– Sick Certificate Total Events (SCTD)
– Sick Certificate Consecutive Events (SCCX)
■ If you enter a value for Sick Certificate Rules Code, then the system requires a
value for either Sick Certificate Total Events (SCTD) or Sick Certificate
Consecutive Events (SCCX).
■ If you enter a value for Sick Event Definition of 1 or 2, then the system requires a
value for Sick Event Hours Definition (SEHD).
■ If you enter 3 (Rolling Months) for Sick Event Time Period, then the system
requires a value for Sick Event Past Months (SEPM).
A processing option for the Time Entry MBF program specifies the leave verification
set that the system uses as validation rules. This processing option is also associated
with global leave administration, manager self-service leave approval, manager
self-service time entry, and employee self-service time entry programs that display
warning or error messages when users are entering leave time.
You use the timecard automation Employee Groups program (P186201) to define sets
of employees for leave management that you attach to leave verification sets. By
defining an employee group as a leave group, the system can automatically build the
F186206 table. The system uses this table to determine the employee group for
verifying leave requests. You must refresh this table when you add new employees to
the F060116 table.
The time entry programs search the F186206 to determine the group to which the
employee belongs. If no value is found for an employee, the system displays a
warning message to alert the user that the employee is not set up in the F186206 table.
This table lists the UDCs that the system uses with leave verification rules:
Leave Type
(Release 9.1 Update) Enter a value that describes the leave time that an employee takes
or requests. The system allows you to select only non-medical type of leave or
substituted medical leave types such as Substituted Sick, Substituted Vacation and
Substituted Other.
Available Balances
Select an option that controls how the system responds when an employee enters a
request for leave or leave taken. If you enter any editing option, employees can take
only available leave. This value is in effect for all pay types that are set up to use leave
tracking. The system stores this information in the F069116 table. Values are:
Do Not Perform Editing: Do not verify available leave balances.
Edit Available, Error: Verify available leave balances. The system displays a hard error
if insufficient balances exist.
Edit Available, Warning: Verify available leave balances. The system displays a
warning message if insufficient balances exist.
Edit Avail + Accrued, Error: Verify available leave balances. Employees can use
available balances plus accrued balances. The system displays a hard error if
insufficient balances exist.
Edit Avail + Accrued, Warning: Verify available leave balances. Employees can use
available balances plus accrued balances. The system displays a warning if insufficient
balances exist.
Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system does not allow you to enter a
value in this field if you have selected leave types as FMLA sick,
vacation, or other.
Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system does not allow you to enter a
value in this field if you have selected leave types as FMLA Sick,
Vacation, or Other.
Note: X is the number of hours set up in the data item Sick Event
Hours Definition (SEHD).
3: An amount of hours greater than or equal to the employee's standard hours per day
constitutes a sick event.
4: An aggregate amount of hours equal to an employee's standard hours per day
constitutes a sick event.
To get a whole number representative of leave events, divide the total hours of all sick
time by the standard hours.
Note: (Release 9.1 Update) The system does not allow you to enter a
value in this field if you have selected leave types as FMLA Sick,
Vacation, or Other.
Organizations can specify that they want their employees to substitute their accrual
balances during an FMLA leave request based on their FMLA leave policy.
To create leave verification rules that work for payroll administrators and employee
self-service applications, you can set up rules in two levels:
■ Leave validation set
■ Employee groups
You can define the order in which employees can substitute leaves while availing
Leave Type
Enter a value that describes the leave time that an employee takes or requests. Use this
form to select only medical type of leave.
Sick Substitution
Select an option to specify whether the system allows, requires, or does not allow
substitution of sick accrual balances when you submit an FMLA leave request.
Vacation Substitution
Select an option to specify whether the system allows, requires, or does not allow
substitution of vacation accrual balances when you submit an FMLA leave request.
Other Substitution
Select an option to specify whether the system allows, requires, or does not allow
substitution of other accrual balances when you submit an FMLA leave request.
9.6.3 Setting Processing Options for the Leave Transaction Update Report (R0707620)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Default
1. Report Mode
Specify the Pay Basis. Values are:
0: Proof Mode
1: Update Mode
table. You use the Create Associations for All Pay Types menu option to automate the
Pay Type
Enter a code that defines the type of pay, deduction, benefit, or accrual. Pay types are
numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are numbered from 1000 to 9999.
Activity Type
Enter a UDC from 01/AC that categorizes the type of activity.
Leave Type
Enter a UDC from 07/LV that describes the leave time that represented by the
specified pay type. Administrators can use this information to identify leave trends.
Values might include:
C: Comp Time
S: Sick Time
M: Maternity Leave Time
In most implementations, employees should not appear in more than one employee
group. If one or more employees appear in multiple groups, you should create one or
more exception groups that include these employees. If an employee appears in more
than one group and you process the assignment, the system assigns the employee to
the last schedule template that you assigned to that employee.
Note: After you enter new values in the Work with Schedules for
Employee Groups form, you need to click Assign Schedules to
Selected Groups or Assign Schedules to All Groups. This action
launches the Assign Schedules to Employee Groups report (R07315)
and completes the new assignments. If you just click Save and Close,
the system does not complete the assignments.
Employee Group ID
Enter a number that uniquely identifies an employee group record in the F186201
Schedule ID
Enter a code from UDC 01/WS that identifies a calendar. This is a morphic field that
identifies a calendar when the system combines a Calendar and Identifier Type. For
example, if you enter Work Schedule in the Calendar and Identifier Type fields, then
you use a code from UDC 01/WS for Schedule ID.
10.2 Prerequisites
Before you enter new employee assignments and generate new time entry templates,
you need to set up information in the software to enable and automate the process.
You must set the employee assignment processing options in the Time Entry MBF
program (P050002A). The processing options that are specific to employee assignment
are located on the Pay Rates tab and the Processing tabs. You must also set up default
cross-references for pay types.
Set up overtime rules in UDC 07/OR.
See Setting Time Entry Processing Options.
Pay Basis
Enter a UDC Code (07/AB) to indicate the pay basis of an assignment (hourly, salary,
piece rate, and so forth.)
Enter a description, remark, explanation, name, or address.
The employee assignment number that the system creates for each record is a unique,
system-assigned number generated from the next numbers feature of the software.
This number is not accessible for manual changes.
On the T/E Template form, the fields on the series of tabs provide an opportunity for
you to temporarily override, but not permanently overwrite, information in the
F060116 table. For example, if you have set up the employee as part of Home
Company 100 in the F060116, but want to pay the employee under Home Company 50
for a specified assignment, you can override the Home Company at the assignment
level. If you want to use the information from the F060116 table when creating
timecards for the assignment, you do not need to enter values.
The tables that the system uses when you are setting up time entry templates with the
employee assignment program are:
■ F060116
■ F0716701
■ F48311
After you create employee assignments and define time entry templates for those
assignments, you might find that you want to change the information. For example, if
an employee continues to work in a specified assignment, but receives a pay rate
increase, you can update the existing assignment and template information, rather
than creating a new assignment with updated information. Defaults/Basic
1. Pay Basis
Specify the Pay Basis.
2. Pay Type
Specify the pay type.
3. Overtime Rule
Specify which overtime rule to apply to the timecard record when the timecard
automation process is used; UDC code (07/OR)
4. Recharge Code
Specify whether the Recharge processing option for the Payroll Journal Entry program
is used for the employee time; UDC code (07/RC). This value is assigned to the Record
Type (RCCD) in time entry. Values are:
1: Payroll Processing Only.
2: Payroll and Recharge Processing.
3: Recharge Processing Only (no effect on the employee wages). Defaults/Subledger
1. Subledger - G/L (subledger - general ledger)
Specify a value for Subledger - G/L.
2. Subledger Type
Specify the Subledger Type. Manufacturing
1. Manufacturing (future use)
Specify a manufacturing value. Recharge
1. Enable Multicurrency Functionality (future use)
Specify whether to enable multicurrency functionality. Values are:
0: Do not enable.
1: Enable.
2. Recharge Mode
Specify which amount, for recharge records, is the fixed amount and is not susceptible
to currency fluctuations. Values are:
0: The amount in the home business unit currency is the fixed amount.
1: The amount in the recharge job currency is the fixed amount.
Note: This code does not apply to other payroll records. For
example, for document type T2, the home business unit currency is
the fixed amount.
Description Line 2
Enter a second, 30-character description, remark, or explanation.
If a work order or a charge out business unit exists for the assignment, leave this field
Order Number
Enter a number that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher,
a sales order, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry, and so on.
If a chargeout business unit exists for the assignment, leave this field blank. You can
use either a work order number or a chargeout business unit to identify the employee
assignment, but not both.
The Order Number is not transferred to the timecard when time entry templates are
created, as the timecard does not have a Work Order field. This field is for
informational purposes only. Additionally, If the work assignment is outside the
employee business unit, the work order normally includes the business unit to which
the work is billed.
You can use decimals to add steps between existing steps. For example, use 12.5 to add
a step between steps 12 and 13.
Employee Identification
Enter the employee number, TAX ID, or Alternate number, depending on the
employee number mode that is set up in the Payroll Constants for company 00000.
Assigned Hours
Enter a number that indicates the hours that have been assigned to this task.
Assignment Percentage
Enter a percentage that indicates the proportion of a resource's time that will be
allocated to the task.
Date Assigned
Enter the date the person responsible for the work order receives the work order.
Pay Basis
Enter a code that identifies the pay basis. An error results if you enter values in both
the Pay Basis and Pay Type fields. The employee assignment must be based on either
the employee pay basis or pay type.
Overtime Rule
Enter a UDC code (07/OR) that indicates which overtime rule to apply to the timecard
record when the timecard automation process is used.
Complete this field only if you are using timecard automation to calculate overtime
rates. Also note that the overtime rate process is not automatically launched if you
complete this field. You must process overtime rule information using the Timecard
Automation module.
Recharge Code
Enter a UDC code (07/RC) that identifies whether the Recharge processing option for
the Payroll Journal Entry program is used for the employee time. This value is
assigned to the Record Type (RCCD) in time entry. Values are:
1: Payroll Processing Only
2: Payroll and Recharge Processing
3: Recharge Processing Only (no effect on the employee wages)
If you enter a 3 in this field, you should also enter a value in the Remit To Rate field on
the EE Assignment Pay/Bill Rates form. This form appears when you complete step 17
of this task. If you use recharge, then the assignment must be billed out, as opposed to
payment through the payroll system. CO/BU
Access the CO/BU tab.
Company - Home
Enter the company to which the employee is assigned. This code is used to store
historical payroll information and to determine accounts for some journal entries.
Customer Number
Enter the Address Book Number of customer. Job/Pos
Access the Job/Pos tab.
Amount - Uprate
Enter an amount that the system adds to an employee's base hourly rate. For example,
you might enter a rate differential for equipment operators when they move from
operating one piece of equipment to another piece. The system adds the uprate
amount to the base pay rate to calculate gross wages before it performs any other rate
calculations, such as applying a shift differential or pay type multiplier.
Shift Differential
Enter an additional rate, expressed in dollars or percent, added to an employee's
hourly rate, depending on the shift worked. This rate can be applied in one of two
ways, as defined by the Shift Differential Calculation Sequence (data item CMTH).
Percent or Amount
Enter a code that specifies whether Shift Differential contains an hourly rate or a
percentage. Values are:
H: The system adds the amount in Shift Differential to the hourly rate.
%: The amount in Shift Differential is a percentage of the hourly rate that the system
adds to the hourly rate.
Category Code 01
Enter a category code that defines JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system needs.
You can define the use and description of this code to fit the organization. For
example, you can set up a category code for information such as Division, Supervisor,
Branch office, Health insurance plan, Stock plan, and so on. Subledger
Access the Subledger tab.
Enter a value such as equipment number or work order number that you can attach to
the end of an account number to further define an account and more easily track it.
Subledger Type
Enter a code identifying the type of subledger in the previous field. If you enter a
subledger, you must also enter a subledger type.
Sub Class
Enter a code that specifies any special circumstances associated with the workers
compensation insurance (WCI) code, resulting in multiple rates for the same WCI code
due to location or risk, for example. The subclass should remain blank if multiple rates
do not exist. Default codes are:
Blank: There are no special circumstances associated with this code.
F: There are special circumstances associated with this code.
Tax Rate/Area
Enter a code that identifies a tax or geographic area that has common tax rates and tax
authorities. The system validates the code you enter against the Tax Areas table
(F4008). The system uses the tax rate area in conjunction with the tax explanation code
and tax rules to calculate tax and general ledger distribution amounts when you create
an invoice or voucher.
Equipment Worked
Enter an identification code for an asset that you can enter in one of these formats:
1: Asset number (a computer-assigned, 8-digit, numeric control number).
2: Unit number (a 12 character alphanumeric field).
3: Serial number (a 25 character alphanumeric field).
Every asset has an asset number. You can use a unit number and a serial number to
further identify assets as needed.
If this is a data entry field, the first character that you enter indicates whether you are
entering the primary (default) format that is defined for the system or one of the other
formats. A special character (such as / or *) in the first position of this field indicates
the asset number format that you are using. You assign special characters to asset
number formats on the fixed assets system constants form.
Billing Rate
Enter the dollar amount for the equipment billing rate. Each equipment item can have
numerous billing rates based on the rate code. The equipment billing rate can consist
of up to ten different rates. For example:
Billing Rate = 100 USD
■ 20 USD = Rate 1 (Ownership Component)
■ 50 USD = Rate 2 (Operating Component)
■ 25 USD = Rate 3 (Maintenance Component)
■ 5 USD = Rate 4 (Other Costs Component)
The Equipment Time Entry program provides for the entries of debits or charges to
specific cost accounts using the total billing rate (for example, 100 USD).
When these entries are posted to the general ledger, credits are recognized in revenue
accounts for each of the rate components. This enables you to separate portions of the
equipment billing by type of cost. You do not need to use the rate components concept
unless it is appropriate to the business. Also refer to data item ERC: Equipment Billing
Date Effective
Enter the date the assignment becomes effective.
Job Description
Enter the description of the job.
Date Effective
Enter the date the assignment becomes effective.
Enter a description of the payment.
UM (unit of measure)
Enter a value that specifies the unit of measure.
Pay Rate
Enter the rate that the system uses to create the payment.
Billing Rate
Enter the rate that the system uses to create the billing rate on the payment.
Remit to Rate
Enter a value in this field when you need to manually pay a third party instead of an
employee. For example, if a temporary agency does not have the staff to fill an
assignment, they might need to contract with another temporary agency to fill the
assignment. The Remit To Rate field can be used to enter the rate that must be paid to
the third-party temporary agency for the use of their employee.
As the billing circumstances for each company might require different programming,
this field requires custom programming to function correctly. Additionally, you must
enter 3 for the Recharge Code on the Basic tab of the TE Template form that is
associated with this assignment record.
After timecard information is stored in the F06116Z1, you use the Time Entry Batch
Processor program (R05116Z1I) to transfer the template records to the F06116 table. If
you use employee self-service, you run this program after employees complete their
time entry. If you are not using employee self-service, the system can automatically
process this program when you create the time entry templates. To run the Time Entry
Batch Processor program automatically, you enter the version number in a processing
option for the Generate Timecard Templates program. Then when you run the
Generate Timecard Templates program, the system automatically runs the Time Entry
Batch Processor program to move the template files to the F06116.
You can purge records from the F06116Z1 table after copying them to the F06116 table
by setting the Purge Flag processing options on the Time Entry Batch Processor
After employee assignment records are created and the setup process for time entry
templates is complete, you need to create and save time entry templates. You use the
Generate Timecard Template program (R0716711) to automatically create time entry
templates that are ready for time entry.
The Generate Timecard Template program creates template records in the F06116Z1
table that you then need to record in the F06116 table If employee self-service time
entry is not implemented in the system, you can automatically move the processed
records to the F06116 table. After you run the Generate Timecard Template program, if
processing options are set appropriately, the system automatically runs the Time Entry
Batch Processor program (R05116Z1I). If you do not automate this process using
processing options, then you must run the Time Entry Batch Processor program
separately and specify a version each time that you run the program.
A human resources representative can then use the Speed Time Entry Revisions
program (P051121) to locate employee time cards by batch number and enter the time
The system uses these tables when creating time entry templates:
■ F06116Z1
■ F06116
■ F060116
■ F0716701
■ F48311
If you use a regular Payroll ID value in the processing options to identify a group of
employees for whom you are processing payroll, then you can set up the Generate
Timecard Template program on a scheduled basis to run automatically. If you do not
use a Payroll ID, then you must manually run the program.
10.5.2 Prerequisite
Create an employee assignment and define timecard template information.
10.5.3 Setting Processing Options for the Generate Timecard Template Program
Employee Assignment menu (G05EA10), Generate Timecard Template.
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Selection
Use these processing options to specify Payroll information that the system uses to
select records and generate the template.
6. Generate Template(s)
Specify whether the system generates one template for each day of the pay period or
to generate one template per pay period. Values are:
Blank: One per pay period (the work date is the same as the pay period end date)
1: One template per day, within the pay period start and end dates
The Generate Timecard Template program can automatically override the Daily Time
Entry setting in the Employee Assignment program (P0716701) for this processing
option. If the system detects that a change in the rate or job description occurred
during the pay period, then the system automatically creates daily time entry
templates. Edits
Specify the assignment records that the system displays. Processing
1. Proof or Final Mode
Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode.
Blank: Proof mode.
1: Final mode.
10.7.3 Setting Processing Options for the Archive EE Assignment T/E Information
Program (R0716709)
Employee Assignment menu (G05EA10), Archive EE Assignment T/E Information.
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Dates
Use these processing options to specify an ending date or a number of days prior to
the current system date.
1. Prior To Date
Specify an ending date. You normally use this option when you run the program
manually. The system archives all records with a scheduled end date that is less than
the date entered. If you specify a date, then do not enter a value for the Prior To
Number Of Days option.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-1
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
(union), job type, job step, and pay type. You can also define instructions for labor
distribution at the employee level for certain employees that need separate
Every AAI table includes the Journal Type field, which contains one or more codes to
identify the type of journal entry. Each table has a hard-coded set of journal types.
Rules for some journal types must be set up. Other rules are optional.
Depending on how you set the processing options, you can use either of two formats
to set up and edit AAIs: use the multiple edit format to set up and edit a group of
AAIs, or set up and edit a single AAI by using the single edit format.
Note: For Release 9.1 Update, the system also copies the cost object
values from the F06116 timecard records to the payroll journal entry
records in the F063951 table. This ensures that the cost object values
are included on entries posted to the F0911 table. This change affects
the journal entries generated from the timecard records, including T2,
T3, T4, T5, and T6 entries. T1 entries are not based on timecard
amounts and therefore, the system will not assign them cost object
These definitions are important in understanding payroll and time and labor journal
Payment date
Enter the payment date of the pay period, as defined in the master pay cycles.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-3
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
Work date
Enter the actual date entered on a timecard.
Transition period
Indicates any pay period that has working days in two accounting periods.
Cost period
Enter the pay period that can be used with the creation of payroll journal entries for a
transition period. Journal entries for those timecards with work dates that fall into the
preceding accounting period are assigned a general ledger date equal to the last day of
the preceding accounting period. Journal entries for those timecards with work dates
in the succeeding period are assigned a general ledger date equal to the pay period
ending date in pre-payroll processing.
Override date
Indicates the date that is used as the general ledger date for all payroll journals when
defined in the journal entries step of the payroll cycle.
You can also use a default journal type to indicate that you are missing instructions
from a table.
If you set up a default value with an invalid account number, the system prints a
warning on the Journal Proof report.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-5
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
The reference number, composed of journal type and the general ledger date (or
another date used on journal entries), further identifies the source of each journal entry
within a document type.
The reference number of a journal entry becomes the Reference 2 value in the F0911
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-7
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-9
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
or when you generate timecard journal entries in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time
and Labor system.
Four possible general ledger dates exist for journal entries created during the payroll
■ The work date, which is the work date on the timecard.
■ The period ending date, which is the pay period ending date.
■ The cost period can be used with the creation of payroll journal entries for a
transition period.
Journal entries for those timecards with work dates falling into the preceding
accounting period are assigned a general ledger date equal to the last day of the
preceding accounting period. Journal entries for those timecards with work dates
in the succeeding period are assigned a general ledger date equal to the
pay-period ending date in pre-payroll processing.
■ An override date can be used when you submit the journal entry creation job.
The date that you define becomes the general ledger date for all journal entries.
If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system, define which general ledger
date to use for T5s in the payroll journal entry step of the payroll cycle. When you
generate timecard journal entries using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and
Labor system, you must specify whether the system uses the general ledger date or the
system date in the processing options for Generate Timecard Entries program
The specific journal entry types used for equipment distribution journal entries are as
■ ED: Equipment billing distribution - debit entry
■ EO: Equipment billing (revenue) offset - credit entry
Note: You must set up the credit entry in the equipment AAIs. See
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for Fixed Assets in the
Equipment Billing Guide for instructions.
Note: No AAIs exist for T7s. The account numbers are assigned the
same way that T1 account numbers are assigned.
Type Type Date Account Description DR CR
T2 AW 01/28/98 1.4205 Wages Payable 0 1000
T2 LD 01/28/98 25.8115 Labor Expenses 1000 Blank
Labor Expenses
Blank Blank Blank Blank TOTALS 1000 1000
Type Type Date Account Description DR CR
T3 BF 01/28/98 25.8146 Union Fringe 30 Blank
T3 BT 01/28/98 25.8135 FICA Burden 70 Blank
T3 CF 01/28/98 1.4333.FR Burden Clearing - 0 30
T3 CT 01/28/98 1.4333.TX Burden Clearing - 0 70
Blank Blank Blank Blank TOTALS 100 100
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-11
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
Type Type Date Account Description DR CR
T1 AW 02/05/98 1.4205 Wages Payable 1000 Blank
T1 DA 02/05/98 1.1110.PAY Cash in Bank 0 880
T1 AL 02/05/98 1.4316 Savings Bonds 0 50
T1 AL 02/05/98 1.4332 Union Fringe 0 30
T1 AT 02/05/98 1.4212.EE FICA Employee 0 70
T1 AT 02/05/98 1.4212.ER FICA Employer 0 70
T1 CF 02/05/98 1.4333.FR Burden Clearing - 30 Blank
T1 CT 02/05/98 1.4333.TX Burden Clearing - Tax 70 Blank
Blank Blank Blank Blank TOTALS 1100 1100
of accounts, you set up AAIs for intercompany settlements. After you set up AAIs for
intercompany settlements, you should create a payroll ID that generates intercompany
settlements in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system rather than in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system.
Type Journal Type Account Description Debit Credit
T2 AW 1.4205 Wages Payable 0 1000
Company 50:
Type Journal Type Account Description Debit Credit
T2 LD 501.8115 Labor Expense 1000 0
Type Journal Type Account Description Debit Credit
T2 AW 1.4205 Wages Payable 0 1000
T2 IC 1.1291.00050 Intercompany 1000 0
Company 50:
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-13
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
Type Journal Type Account Description Debit Credit
T2 LD 501.8115 Labor Expense 1000 0
T2 IC 50.1291.00001 Intercompany 0 1000
You must use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system to set up the
accounts. Typically, you verify the chart of accounts from the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. If you do not have access to the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you can verify the chart of
accounts from the AAI tables in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system. To
verify the chart of accounts from the AAI tables, select the Help function for the
business unit, object, or subsidiary fields.
These tables list the journal types that must be set up for each type of payroll journal
entry. The tables are organized by journal entry document type (T1 though T7), and
include this information for each journal type:
■ Description - The name of the journal type.
■ AAI Table - The specific AAI table where you must set up the journal type.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-15
Understanding AAIs for Human Capital Management
■ Entry - This specifies whether the journal type is used to create debit or credit
journal entries.
This table lists the T-1 payroll disbursement journal entries:
This table lists the T-4 labor billing distribution journal entries:
11.1.27 Prerequisite
Set up intercompany accounts in the chart of accounts.
■ "Working with the Payroll Cycle, Working with Pro Forma Journal
Entries" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll
Implementation Guide.
■ Setting Up AAIs for Accruals and Clearing.
■ "Setting Up Payroll Cycle Information, Setting Up the Payroll
Cycle Workbench, Creating a Payroll ID" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-17
Setting Up AAIs for Labor, Billings, and Equipment Distribution
Note: If you enter an account number in an AAI table, you must first
set up that account number in the chart of accounts. When you enter
timecards for employees, the system enables you to enter any account
number that is set up in the chart of accounts, regardless of whether
the account is set up in the AAI tables. When you run the journal
entries step of the payroll cycle process, you will receive errors on the
Journal Batch Proof Report for any timecards that contain account
numbers that were not set up in the AAI tables. You must either
change the account number on the timecard to reflect an account
number that is set up in the AAI table, or you must add the account
number to the AAI table. After you make the account number
corrections, you must reprocess the timecards through pre-payroll.
■ On the first pass, the system compares the time entry record's business unit, union,
job type, job step, and pay type to the search criteria defined in the AAI for labor
distribution and attempts to match the AAI search criteria to the appropriate
journal type.
■ On each successive pass the system drops a value and uses a different combination
of data fields for the search criteria.
■ Finally, if no matches exist in the rules for the specific company, the system
searches the rules for Company 00000.
This example identifies the search criteria that the system uses to match information
from the timecard for a specific company:
Business Unit Union Job Type Job Step Pay Type Journal Type
100 3000 CARP APPR 1 LD
100 3000 CARP APPR (omitted) LD
100 3000 CARP (omitted) 1 LD
100 3000 CARP (omitted) (omitted) LD
100 3000 (omitted) (omitted) 1 LD
100 3000 (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) LD
100 (omitted) CARP APPR 1 LD
100 (omitted) CARP APPR (omitted) LD
100 (omitted) CARP (omitted) 1 LD
100 (omitted) CARP (omitted) (omitted) LD
100 (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) 1 LD
100 (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) LD
(omitted) 3000 CARP APPR 1 LD
(omitted) 3000 CARP APPR (omitted) LD
(omitted) 3000 CARP (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) 3000 CARP (omitted) (omitted) LD
(omitted) 3000 (omitted) (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) 3000 (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP APPR 1 LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP APPR (omitted) LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP (omitted) (omitted) LD
(omitted) (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) LD
This example identifies additional search criteria that the system can use to match
information from the timecard for Company 00000:
■ On the first pass, the system compares the time entry record's business unit, union,
job type, job step, and pay type to the rule's search criteria and attempts to match
these search criteria fields to the appropriate journal type.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-19
Setting Up AAIs for Labor, Billings, and Equipment Distribution
■ On each successive pass, the system drops a value and uses a different
combination of data fields as search criteria.
■ Finally, if no matches exist in the rules for the specific company, the system
searches the rules for the default journal type, LD.
Business Unit Union Job Type Job Step Payment Type Journal Type
(omitted) 3000 CARP APPR 1 LD
(omitted) 3000 CARP APPR (omitted) LD
(omitted) 3000 CARP (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) 3000 CARP (omitted) (omitted) LD
(omitted) 3000 (omitted) (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) 3000 (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP APPR 1 LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP APPR (omitted) LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) (omitted) CARP (omitted) (omitted) LD
(omitted) (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) 1 LD
(omitted) (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) (omitted) LD
11.2.2 Prerequisite
Set up the processing options to add a single account or multiple accounts at a time.
You use the same steps to set up AAIs whether you are adding single or multiple
accounts. This task demonstrates how to set up AAIs for multiple accounts.
11.2.3 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Labor, Billing, and Equipment Distribution Default
1. Select an entry form.
Specify the form that the system uses when you select a record or select the Add
button. Values are:
1: Multiple Entry
Blank: Single Entry
Journal Type
Enter a code that represents the type of transaction for which an account is to be
Note: If you use a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is
set to 6 digits, you should normally use all 6 digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because if you enter
456 the system enters three blank spaces to fill a 6-digit object.
Job Type
Enter a UDC (07/G) that defines the jobs within the organization. You can associate
pay and benefit information with a job type and apply that information to the
employees who are linked to that job type.
Sub (subset)
Indicates a subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of
the accounting activity for an object account.
Note: If you are using a flexible chart of accounts and the object
account is set to six digits, you must use all six digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because, if you enter
456, the system enters three blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-21
Setting Up AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution
Timecard Timecard
Business Unit Timecard Object Subsidiary PDBA Code Journal Type
1 1340 02200 1000 Blank
1 1340 02200 Blank BF
1 1340 Blank 1000 Blank
1 1340 Blank Blank BF
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-23
Setting Up AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution
Timecard Timecard
Business Unit Timecard Object Subsidiary PDBA Code Journal Type
Blank 1340 Blank 1000 Blank
Blank 1340 Blank Blank BF
This table illustrates how the system can match information from a timecard for
Company 00000.
Timecard Timecard
Business Unit Timecard Object Subsidiary PDBA Code Journal Type
Blank 1340 02200 1000 Blank
Blank 1340 02200 Blank BF
Blank 1340 Blank 1000 Blank
Blank 1340 Blank Blank BF
Blank 00000 Blank 1000 Blank
Blank 00000 Blank Blank BF
11.3.2 Prerequisite
Set up the processing options to add a single account or multiple accounts at a time.
You use the same steps to set up AAIs whether you are adding single or multiple
accounts. This task demonstrates how to set up AAIs for multiple accounts.
To set up business unit burden rules, you must set up each business unit for which you
want to track burden information. You set up this information in the Business Unit
Constants program (P059051A).
See "Setting Up System Options" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human
Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.
"Setting Up Business Unit Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide
11.3.3 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution
HM (hierarchy method)
This code is used to retrieve the business unit and subsidiary accounts for burden
distribution. The Hierarchy Method controls the Business Unit and the Subsidiary
The available methods are:
■ Business unit: Employee Home Business Unit unless a table override exists
Subsidiary: No Subsidiary.
Subledger/Type: No Subledger or Subledger Type.
■ Business unit: Employee Home Business Unit unless a table override exists
Subsidiary: Labor Distribution Subsidiary unless a table override.
Subledger/Type: Labor Distribution Subledger and Type.
■ Business unit: Labor Business Unit unless a table override exists.
Subsidiary: No Subsidiary.
Subledger/Type: Labor Distribution Subledger and Type.
■ Business unit: Labor Business Unit unless a table override exists.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-25
Setting Up AAIs for Burden and Premium Labor Distribution
Obj (object)
Indicates portion of a general ledger account that refers to the division of the Cost
Code (for example, labor, materials, and equipment) into subcategories. For example,
you can divide the Cost Code for labor into regular time, premium time, and burden.
Note: If you use a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is
set to 6 digits, you should normally use all 6 digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because if you enter
456 the system enters three blank spaces to fill a 6-digit object.
Sub (subset)
Indicates subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of
the accounting activity for an object account.
Note: If you are using a flexible chart of accounts and the object
account is set to six digits, you must use all six digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because, if you enter
456, the system enters three blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.
Do you wish to omit Actual Burden Distribution Journal Entries (Type T3)?
Specify whether you wish to omit Actual Burden Distribution Journal Entries (Type
T3). Values are:
Y: Yes
N: No
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-27
Setting Up AAIs for Cash-in-Bank Account Distribution
Burden Rule
Enter a code that determines how the system handles burden journal entries. Actual
burden expenses are initially grouped into burden clearing accounts in the T1 section
of the P/R journals. The user has the option of relieving these clearing entries and
distributing burden expense based on where the direct labor was charged. This
distribution of burden expense is done in the T3 section of the P/R journals. The user
also has the option of creating a fixed audit trail for how each component of burden
was distributed per individual timecard. This detail audit trail is maintained in the
F0624 file, which is used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system to produce
Job Billing Registers. These rule codes control the process:
0: Do not create T3 Burden Expense entries for the Business Unit.
1: Create T3 Burden Expense entries but not the F0624 audit records.
2: Create T3 Burden Expense entries and associated F0624 audit records.
3: Same as 1 but reverse out the Flat Burden posted thru Daily Post.
4: Same as 2 but reverse out the Flat Burden posted thru Daily Post.
You set up DF entries only if you want the system to create separate payments for each
business unit in which an employee works. To generate separate payments for each
business unit, you must create an AAI entry using the DF journal type for each
business unit in the organization. Each of these entries must also have a unique
account number. Journal type DF is not used to derive the account number for payroll
payments. Journal type DF is used to derive temporary account numbers that are
unique for each business unit.
For example, if an employee works in two different business units during a pay
period, you would set up an entry in the Cash-in-Bank Account AAI table for each
business unit using journal type DF. You would also assign a unique account number
to each of these entries. Then by referencing the business unit on each of the
employee's timecards, the system would create two separate payments for the
Temporary account numbers from the DF entries are used to create separate payments
in one of these ways:
■ Using the Time Entry Interim Generator, the DF account number is assigned to the
GL Bank Account field (GLBA) on the payment record in the Payment File table
(F07350) when the timecard is added to the F06116 table.
■ Separate payments are generated for payment records with different DF account
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-29
Setting Up AAIs for Cash-in-Bank Account Distribution
This table illustrates how the system can match the type of payment for Company
When the Business unit = none, the journal type can be DA or DP.
Enter a code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The
company code must already exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must
identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can
have intercompany transactions.
Note: You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates
and automatic accounting instructions. You cannot use company
00000 for transaction entries.
Journal Type
Enter a code that represents the type of transaction for which an account is to be
Note: If you use a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is
set to 6 digits, you should normally use all 6 digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because if you enter
456 the system enters three blank spaces to fill a 6-digit object.
Sub (subset)
Indicates subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of
the accounting activity for an object account.
Note: If you are using a flexible chart of accounts and the object
account is set to six digits, you must use all six digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because, if you enter
456, the system enters three blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-31
Setting Up AAIs for Liabilities
At a minimum, you must set up these default journal type codes when you set up
AAIs for liabilities:
■ AL - Accrued liabilities for deductions and benefits
■ AT - Accrued liabilities for payroll taxes
This table illustrates the fields that the system uses as search criteria for Company
00000. The system matches the PDBA code; if it does not locate a match, it uses the
default journal type.
Constant Description
*STAT To move the statutory code to the Subsidiary field for a tax.
Use *STAT to charge taxes to specific accounts without
having to define each account in the table. For example, the
system uses CA for California.
*EMP To move the employee number to the Subsidiary field for a
*PAY To move the pay or DBA code to the Subsidiary field.
*UNION To move the union code to the Subsidiary field for a DBA.
Constant Description
*SBLE To move the employee number to the
Subledger field.
*SBLP To move the DBA code to the Subledger field.
11.5.2 Prerequisite
Create accounts in the chart of accounts before you add them to the payroll AAIs. See
Account Setup in the General Accounting Guide.
Set up the processing options to add a single account or multiple accounts at a time.
You use the same steps to set up AAIs whether you are adding single or multiple
accounts. This task demonstrates setting up multiple accounts.
Enter a code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger
account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an address book number. If
you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type.
Sub Type
Enter a UDC (00/ST) that is used with the Subledger field to identify the subledger
type and how the system performs subledger editing. On the User Defined Codes
form, the second line of the description controls how the system performs editing.
These values are either hard-coded or user-defined. Values include:
A: Alphanumeric field, do not edit.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-33
Setting Up AAIs for Labor Billings
This table identifies the fields that the system uses as search criteria to match
information from the timecard to the default company (Company 00000):
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-35
Setting Up AAIs for Accruals and Clearing
This table identifies the search criteria that the system can use to match information
from the timecard for Company 00000 for clearing tax burden:
This table identifies the search criteria that the system can use to match information
from the timecard for a specific company for clearing fringe burden:
This table identifies the search criteria that the system can use to match information
from the timecard for Company 00000 for clearing fringe burden:
This table identifies the search criteria that the system can use to match information
from the timecard for a specific company for accrued wages, flat burden clearing,
intercompany settlements, or recharge flat burden clearing:
This table identifies the search criteria that the system can use to match information
from the timecard for Company 00000 for accrued wages, flat burden clearing,
intercompany settlements, or recharge flat burden clearing:
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-37
Setting Up Journal Summarization Rules
This information can help you determine what values to enter in the account number
fields when you set up the AAI tables so that the system can automatically derive
detailed account information.
■ Business Unit
Enter *LABOR in the Business Unit field if you want the business unit for all FC
journal entries to use the same business unit as the associated labor, even if the
employee's home business unit is different.
■ Subsidiary
Enter *PAY in the Subsidiary field if you want the subsidiary for all CF journal
types to be the DBA associated with the journal entry. This feature works for
benefits and accrual DBAs only.
If you are creating intercompany settlements during the payroll cycle, enter *CO
in the subsidiary field if you want the company associated with the intercompany
settlement to be used as the subsidiary for all IC journal types.
Note: If you enter a subledger in the AAI table, you must also enter a
subledger type.
Object Account
Enter the Object account number where summarization is to begin within the Business
Unit or Company specified.
Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management 11-39
Setting Up Journal Summarization Rules
■ Subledger type
■ Fiscal year
■ General accounting period number
■ Equipment or asset number
■ Document type
■ Journal reference
Also consider data item PRJE.
First description in the journal entry: Document description
Second description in the journal entry: Blank
2: Same as Rule 1 and include pay type.
First description in the journal entry: Document description.
Second description in the journal entry: Pay type.
3: Same as Rule 1 and include pay type, job type, and job step.
First description in the journal entry: Document description.
Second description in the journal entry: Pay type.
4: Same as Rule 1 and include pay type, job type, job step, and employee.
First description in the journal entry: Employee name.
Second description in the journal entry: Pay type.
5: Do not summarize
First description in the journal entry: Document description.
Second description in the journal entry: Time entry comment and pay type.
6: Do not summarize and include employee name.
First description in the journal entry: Employee name.
Second description in the journal entry: Time entry comment and pay type.
You can enter timecards manually or enable the system to generate them automatically
during payroll cycle processing. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor
system helps reduce data entry time and typing errors by automatically creating
timecards for these types of employees:
■ Salaried employees
■ Hourly employees for whom you entered standard hours when you entered their
pay and tax information
The system classifies employees whose timecards are automatically generated as
autopay employees. For autopay employees, you must enter exception timecards for
time other than regular work hours, such as holiday and vacation time. You can also
override the default timecard information for an employee. After you enter timecards
for exception pay, you process the employee through the payroll cycle. During
pre-payroll, the system automatically creates the appropriate timecards for regular pay
for all autopay employees.
You can select various methods to enter employee timecards into the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Time and Labor system. Consider these questions when you decide
which process to use:
■ For how many employees will I be entering timecards?
■ Do any existing autopay timecards need modification?
■ Will I be entering timecards for groups of employees who work in the same
■ Will I be uploading timecard information from another source, such as a separate
time and attendance system or a spreadsheet?
■ Do I need to refer to a timecard that has already been processed for an employee to
enter a timecard in the current period?
■ Do I need to refer to a timecard that has already been entered but has not yet been
processed for an employee in the current period?
■ Will I be entering a timecard for a lump sum, such as a bonus, pay advance, or pay
■ Will I be entering timecards on a daily basis?
■ Will I be entering information about equipment?
■ Do I want the system to display the timecard to the employee?
The time entry method that you select depends on the criteria that you use to select
employees before entering timecards.
To manually enter timecards into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor
system, you can use any of these time entry programs:
■ Daily Time Entry
■ Time Entry By Individual
■ Time Entry by Time Sheet Group
■ Speed Time Entry (P051121)
To enter daily timecards, timecards for time sheet groups, or timecards per pay period,
you must first select employees for whom you want to enter timecards using time
entry filters. You can select employees from the F060116 table, employees who have
unprocessed timecards using the F06116 table, or employees with processed timecards
from the F0618 table.
After you have selected the employees, you can enter timecards for them using the
Daily Time Entry program or the Time Entry By Individual program. As you save each
timecard for an employee, the system displays a blank timecard for the next employee
in the group. You can also enter time using the Time Entry by Time Sheet Groups
program. By entering time using time sheet groups, you can automatically enter
information into a single timecard for each employee in the group with information
that is similar for the group, such as work date, batch number, pay type, number of
hours, or lump sum amount. The system creates batch totals automatically to validate
the number of employees and hours that were entered for each batch of timecards. You
use Speed Time Entry to enter timecards for employees in a batch or to enter timecards
for employees individually, based on their employee number.
When a processing option is set appropriately in the Time Entry MBF Processing
Options program (P050002A), you can specify whether the system displays a timecard
to the employee in self-service applications. To allow an employee to view the
timecard, you set the value for Public Timecards to Y. Although employees cannot edit
a timecard that is created by an administrator, they can view them when the timecard
is defined as public. An employee's manager is also able to see public timecards.
Use the Time Entry By Individual program to enter timecards for one employee at a
time. This method is useful when you are entering time for an employee with multiple
timecards or multiple pay types. The system allows only one pay type per line of time
entry. If you have set the processing options to automatically supply the address
number and pay types, you can increase efficiency and avoid duplication of data entry.
The Speed Time Entry and Time Entry by Time Sheet Groups programs differ from
Time Entry By Individual program in that they enable you to enter multiple employees
per form. You can use the Speed Time Entry and Time Entry by Time Sheet Groups
programs when entering timecards for groups of employees who have similar
timecard data, such as a group of employees who worked the same number of hours,
charged to the same pay type, and worked in the same location during the period. As
with time entry by individual, you can set the processing options to copy the address
number and pay type from the previous timecard to increase efficiency. You cannot use
time entry filters to select employees for time entry if you are using the Speed Time
Entry program.
For all four methods of entering time, each line in the time entry grid represents one
timecard. If you are paying an employee multiple pay types, then the employee must
enter each line of time in its own line in the time entry grid. This is because the system
associates only one pay type with each line of time entry.
The first step in entering timecards for a group of employees is to select the employees
for whom time is to be entered. Three filters are available from which to select
employees. The Employee Master filter enables you to select from all employees,
active or inactive. The Current Transactions filter enables you to select from employees
for whom a timecard that has been entered but not yet processed. The Historical
Transactions filter enables you to select from employees for whom a timecard has been
posted to history. Each of these filters enables you to search for and select employees
based on information that they have in common, such as employees who reside in the
same business unit or employees who share the same work location. You can also
update or correct the timecard history by selecting Timecard Corrections from the Row
menu of the Historical Transactions form.
For a group of employees, you can enter timecards daily or enter timecards per pay
period. You can also use the Speed Time Entry or Time Entry by Time Sheet Group
programs to enter timecards for employees in a certain batch or enter timecards for
individual employees based on their employee numbers. Speed Time Entry enables
you to enter timecards per pay period only. If you need to enter daily time for
employees, you cannot use Speed Time Entry.
When you enter timecards with Speed Time Entry, you do not need to select a group of
employees first, although you can select employees by batch number or by individual
employee number on the Speed Time Entry form.
For all time entry programs, you can complete fields in the tabbed areas of the form so
that the system automatically supplies certain values, such as shift code or job
location, for each timecard that you create. Completing these fields saves you from
entering the same information for each timecard.
You can set the processing options to automatically copy information from one
timecard to the next to facilitate timecard entry. If you are entering time either by
individual or by using Speed Time Entry, the system automatically supplies the
address number and pay type from the previous line of time entry after you have
entered the first timecard. You can use this feature when you enter multiple timecards
for the same employee or when you enter timecards for multiple employees with the
same pay type.
In certain countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, employees can specify that
they want the organization to pay them in advance for leave time that they are
planning. Administrators can also search for timecards that include the pay in advance
designation. Administrators can specify types of leave that are available to employees
for payment in advance requests.
You can also define system-supplied values for timecards when you set up the
processing options for the Time Entry MBF Processing Options program (P050002A).
determine currency rates, the system uses the rates that are set up in the F0015 table.
These currency rates are also date-sensitive.
After you enter timecards, you can review the Foreign Bill Rate,Bill Rate,Base Cur
Code (base currency code), and Rech Cur Code (recharge currency code) fields to
verify that the values are correct. The system generates the billing rate from the rate
information established in the F48096 table or the F0015 table based on:
■ The processing options for the Time Entry MBF Processing Options program.
■ The currencies of the home business unit from the F060116 table record.
■ The business unit that is associated with the charges.
In this example, the system converts the currency from CAD to USD. The Company
Constant Multi Currency Conversion flag is set to use the divisor of.66666667 in this
250.00 ÷ .66666667 = 375.00.
Bill Rate Foreign Bill Rate Base Cur Code Rech Cur Code
375.000 250.000 USD CAD
12.1.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:
■ Enter labor distribution instructions for the employee.
See "Entering Employee Instructions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.
■ "Entering Labor Distribution Instructions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide
■ Define the Master Business Function processing options for Time Entry.
See Setting Time Entry Processing Options.
■ Set up equipment numbers on the Equipment Master form.
See "Creating Equipment Master Records" in theJD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Capital Asset Management Implementation Guide.
■ Set up equipment-rate tables and equipment-rate groups in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Job Cost system.
See "Setting Up Equipment Billing, Setting Up the Billing Rate Code Hierarchy" in
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Capital Asset Management Implementation
■ Set up an automatic accounting instruction (AAI) table for all journal types.
After selecting employees for time entry, you can enter timecards using time sheet
groups, daily timecards, or timecards per pay period. You access daily and per pay
period time entry from a row menu and time sheet group time entry from a form
To facilitate timecard entry, you can set the processing options so that the system
copies certain information from one timecard to the next. For example, the system can
supply the address number and pay type from the timecard that you previously
You can also set the processing options for the Time Entry MBF Processing Options
program (P050002A) to enter default pay information onto each employee's time entry
form. For example, you can set the processing options to assign a next number to the
Batch field and to supply a pay rate.
12.2.3 Selecting Employees for Time Entry from the Employee Master Information Table
Access the Work With Time Entry by Employee Master form.
Complete these fields to select employees from the F060116 table, and then click Find
to display the selected employees. 1-8
Access the 1-8 tab.
To access additional category codes, select the other category code tabs. Organization
Access the Organization tab.
Home Company
Enter the company to which the employee is assigned. The system uses this code to
store historical payroll information and to determine accounts for some journal entries.
Enter the address book number of the supervisor. Other
Access the Other tab.
Benefit Group
Enter the benefit group to which the employee is assigned. Benefit groups facilitate
employee enrollment by categorizing benefit plans and enabling enrollment rules for
those categories. For example, assigning an employee to an executive (EXEC) benefit
group automatically links the employee to the benefits available to executives in the
Work Schedule
Enter a UDC to designate intrapay period work schedules. The system uses this code
for reporting and to select employees to include in a payroll run. For example:
A: Monday through Friday
B: Saturday through Wednesday
C: Monday through Thursday (4 × 10 hours)
12.2.4 Selecting Employees for Time Entry Who Have Unprocessed Timecards
Access the Work With Time Entry by EE Transaction Current form.
Complete these fields to select employees who have unprocessed timecards, and then
click Find to display the selected employees.
Pay Class
Enter a value to select only those employees who have a current, unprocessed
timecard with this pay class value.
Work Date
Enter a date to select only those employees who have a current, unprocessed timecard
that includes this work date. Organization
Access the Organization tab.
Batch Number
Enter a value to select only those employees who have a current, unprocessed
timecard that includes this batch number.
This is a number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and
balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let
the system assign it using the Next Numbers program.
Cat Code 1
This field refers to Superintendent.
Cat Code 2
This field refers to General Foreman.
Cat Code 3
This field refers to Foreman.
Cat Code 4
This field refers to Work Area. Subledger
Access the Subledger tab.
Enter a code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger
account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an address book number. If
you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type.
Enter a value in this field to select only those employees who have a current,
unprocessed timecard that is associated with a specific general ledger account. If you
enter a value in this field, you must also complete the Subledger Type field.
Subledger Type
Enter a value from UDC 00/ST to select only those employees who have a current,
unprocessed timecard that is associated with a specific general ledger account. If you
enter a value in this field, you must also complete the Subledger field.
The system uses this value with the Subledger field to identify the subledger type and
how the system performs subledger editing. On the User Defined Codes form, the
second line of the description controls how the system performs editing. This is either
hard-coded or user-defined. Values are:
A: Alphanumeric field. Do not edit.
N: Numeric field. Right-justify and zero fill.
C: Alphanumeric field. Right-justify and blank fill.
12.2.5 Selecting Employees for Time Entry Who Have Processed Timecards
Access the Work With Time Entry by EE Transaction History form.
Complete these fields to select employees from the (F060116 table, and then click Find
to display the selected employees.
All Employees
Select this option to select any active employee in the system. Organization
Access the Organization tab.
Job Location
Enter a value that represents the location in which the employee worked. You can use
this value to specify that an employee worked at this location but charged the time to a
different business unit. The system uses this value for deriving rates from the Union
Pay Rate table and exclusively by the Certified Payroll Register.
A value in this field overrides the rates that are set up in the F069126 table if the table
is set up by job or business unit. Subledger
Access the Subledger tab.
Enter a value to select only those employees who have a processed timecard that is
associated with a specific general ledger account. If you enter a value in this field, you
must also complete the Subledger Type field.
This is a code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger
account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an address book number. If
you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type.
Subledger Type
Enter a value from UDC 00/ST to select only those employees who have a processed
timecard that is associated with a specific general ledger account. If you enter a value
in this field, you must also complete the Subledger field.
The system uses this value with the Subledger field to identify the subledger type and
how the system performs subledger editing. On the User Defined Codes form, the
second line of the description controls how the system performs editing. This is either
hard-coded or user-defined. Values are:
A: Alphanumeric field. Do not edit.
N: Numeric field. Right-justify and zero fill.
C: Alphanumeric field. Right-justify and blank fill.
Cat Code 1
This field refers to Superintendent.
Cat Code 2
This field refers to General Foreman.
Cat Code 3
This field refers to Foreman.
Cat Code 4
This field refers to Work Area. Other
Access the Other tab.
Method Description
Per pay period time entry Use this method to summarize an employee's hours with
each row (timecard) that you enter in the detail area of the
Daily time entry Use this method to enter hours for each day of the week on
one row of the Daily Time Entry form.
Time sheet group time entry Use this method to enter timecards for multiple employees
on the same form.
You can use all of these time entry methods to track various equipment information,
■ Equipment ID number
■ Hours that the employee used the equipment
■ Equipment billing rates
Note: When you enter or review employee timecards, note that the
system displays the pay rate on some timecards, but displays the
word secured on other timecards. The system determines whether to
display the employee's pay rate based on the location from which the
pay rate is retrieved.
If the system retrieves the pay rate directly from the F060116 table, the
timecard displays the employee's pay rate as secured. This action
enables you to keep confidential pay rates for specific employees.
If the system retrieves pay rate information from a union or pay rate
table, the system displays the actual rate on the timecard. Typically,
pay rates are common knowledge for union employees or employees
whose pay rate is based solely on their job ID, and thus do not require
the same level of confidentiality.
Additionally, if you enter timecards one after another, you can save
time and reduce typing errors in the Account Number field by using
certain formulas.
12.3.2 Prerequisite
Select the employees for whom you want to enter timecards.
See Entering Timecards for Employees.
Selecting Employees for Time Entry
The system automatically adds the time entry record when you click OK and displays
the next employee in the group when you click Next. You must click OK to save the
time entry information before continuing to the next employee. You can click Previous
to display the previous employee in the group.
The system automatically enters the values in the tabbed fields in the next employee's
timecard record.
Public Timecards
Specify whether the timecard is public or private. If the timecard is public, then the
employee can view the timecard. Values are:
Y: The employee can view the timecard.
N: The employee cannot view the timecard.
Job Location
Enter a value that represents the location in which the employee worked. You can use
this value to specify that an employee worked at this location but charged the time to a
different business unit. The system uses this value to derive rates from the Union Pay
Rate and also for the Certified Payroll Register.
A value in this field overrides the rates that are set up in the F069126 table if the table
is set up by job or business unit.
Enter a code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger
account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an address book number. If
you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type.
Subledger Type
Enter a code from UDC 00/ST that the system uses with the Subledger field to identify
the subledger type and how the system performs subledger editing. On the User
Defined Codes form, the second line of the description controls how the system
performs editing. This is either hard-coded or user-defined. Values include:
A: Alphanumeric field. Do not edit.
N: Numeric field. Right-justify and zero fill.
C: Alphanumeric field. Right-justify and blank fill.
Work Order
Enter a number that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher,
a sales order, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry, and so on.
Date / Batch
Enter the date that the system uses as the actual work date or pay-period ending date.
Enter a number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and
balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let
the system assign it using the Next Numbers program.
Enter a code that defines the type of pay, deduction, benefit, or accrual.
Pay types are numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are numbered from
1000 to 9999.
Enter the number of hours that are associated with each transaction.
Override Rate
Enter the override rate for the employee. As an update to Release 9.1, the override rate
that the system assigns to a timecard is based on the value of the Override Rate
Assignment MBF Time Entry processing option. If you choose to use the override rate
as the base hourly rate, the system initially assigns the specified rate to the base hourly
rate (BHRT). Then, the system modifies the base hourly rate to include the pay type
multiplier and assigns it to the hourly rate (PHRT). Finally, the system applies any
shift or uprate amounts on the timecard to the hourly rate and assigns it to the
extended hourly rate (SHRT). If you choose to use the override rate as the final hourly
rate, the system assigns the specified rate to the base hourly rate, hourly rate, and
extended hourly rate without making any modifications.
Enter an amount that the system adds to an employee's base hourly rate. For example,
you might enter a rate differential for equipment operators when they move from
operating one piece of equipment to another piece. The system adds the uprate
amount to the base pay rate to calculate gross wages before it performs any other rate
calculations, such as applying a shift differential or pay type multiplier.
%/ Amt (percentage/amount)
Enter a code that specifies whether shift differential contains an hourly rate or a
percentage. Values are:
H: The system adds the amount in shift differential to the hourly rate.
%: The amount in shift differential is a percentage of the hourly rate that the system
adds to the hourly rate.
Billing Rate
Enter the rate for the billing of labor services. This rate is often referred to as the billing
or recharge rate. The system charges the extended amount based on this rate to the
primary distribution account on the timecard and makes an offset entry to an account
that is derived from the Accounting Rules table. This rate will not affect the
employee's payroll. To enable billing rates in time entry, you must set the employee's
record type as either 2 or 3 on the Basic Employee Entry form.
Enter a rate on any of these forms to override the rate in the F060118 table:
■ Pay Rate Information
■ Employee Labor Distribution
■ Occupational Pay Rates
■ Time Entry by Employee
■ Time Entry by Job or Business Unit
■ Daily Timecard Entry
■ Time Entry by Employee with Equipment
■ Time Entry by Shop Floor Control
Work Date
Enter the date that the system uses as the actual work date or pay-period ending date.
Tax Area
Enter a code that identifies a geographical location and the tax authorities for an
employee work site, including employee and employer statutory requirements. In the
Vertex payroll tax calculation software, the tax area code is synonymous with
GeoCode. To determine the valid codes for the location, refer to the documentation for
the tax calculation software that you are using.
Enter the number of pieces for piecework or any other unit of measure that you want
to track for this employee. For example, you can track miles driven for drivers of
company vehicles, cubic yards of concrete, feet drilled, miles flown, and so forth.
Enter a UDC (00/W1) that indicates the current stage or phase of development for a
work order. You can assign a work order to only one phase code at a time.
Enter a name or remark that describes the purpose for using an account or conveys
any other information that the user wants about the transaction.
Record Type
Enter a code that identifies whether the employee is handled through the Recharge
processing option for the Payroll Journal Entry program. Values are:
1: Payroll Processing Only
2: Payroll and Recharge Processing
3: Recharge Processing Only
Note: After you have added a timecard, you cannot change its record
Transaction Number
Enter a number that the system assigns to each timecard to uniquely identify it. You
can use this field in the Time Entry By Job program to retrieve a specific timecard for
display. The system also uses this field to associate a timecard with each Actual
Burden audit record that was created for the timecard during the Actual Burden
Journaling process.
Hours Equipment
Enter the number of hours that the equipment was operated. If you leave this field
blank, the system uses the hours from employee time entry when you enter an
equipment number. If you do not enter employee hours, you must complete this field.
If you selected the Project and Gov Contract Accounting Used check box in the Service
Billing Constants program (P48091), the system displays the Contract Labor Category
field on the Daily Time Entry form.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
Cost Code
Indicates a subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of
the accounting activity for an object account.
Note: If you are using a flexible chart of accounts and the object
account is set to 6 digits, you must use all 6 digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because if you enter
456, the system enters three blank spaces to fill a 6-digit object.
Work Order
To enter work order information, you must complete the Subledger and Work Order
fields. You can override this information in the detail area of the form for individuals
who have different work order information.
If you have selected the Project and Gov Contract Accounting Used check box in the
Service Billing Constants program (P48091), the system displays the Contract Labor
Category field on the Time Entry Time Sheet Revisions form.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
information such as work date, home business unit, home company, pay, hours, lump
sum amount, subledger, and subledger type.
Selecting employees by batch number is preferable if you always enter timecards
according to a batch number. The system displays the batch number and batch
information, such as the number of timecards in the batch, the number of employees in
the batch, batch hours, and the batch lump sum amount.
Regardless of which method you select, the system accesses the same Speed Time
Entry Revisions form (W051121C). You can enter all timecards on this form. Each row
on the form represents one timecard per employee.
The system locates information for Speed Time Entry in the F06116 table.
Select the batch for which you want to enter timecards using speed time entry.
If you have selected the Project and Gov Contract Accounting Used check box in the
Service Billing Constants program (P48091), the system displays the Contract Labor
Category field on the Speed Time Entry Revisions form.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
Job Location
Enter a value that represents the location in which the employee worked. You can use
this value to specify that an employee worked at this location but charged the time to a
different business unit. The system uses the values to derive rates from the F069126
table and for the Certified Payroll Register.
A value in this field overrides the rates that are set up in the F069126 table if the table
is set up by job or business unit.
Enter a code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger
account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an address book number. If
you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type.
Subledger Type
Enter a UDC (00/ST) that the system uses with the Subledger field to identify the
subledger type and how the system performs subledger editing. On the User Defined
Codes form, the second line of the description controls how the system performs
editing. This is either hard-coded or user-defined. Values are:
A: Alphanumeric field. Do not edit.
N: Numeric field. Right-justify and zero fill.
C: Alphanumeric field. Right-justify and blank fill.
Work Order
Enter a number that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher,
a sales order, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry, and so on.
Date / Batch
Enter the date that the system uses as the actual work date or pay-period ending date.
Enter a number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and
balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let
the system assign it using the Next Numbers program.
Enter a code that defines the type of pay, deduction, benefit, or accrual.
Pay types are numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are numbered from
1000 to 9999.
Enter the number of hours that are associated with each transaction.
Override Rate
Enter the override rate for the employee. As an update to Release 9.1, the override rate
that the system assigns to a timecard is based on the value of the Override Rate
Assignment MBF Time Entry processing option. If you choose to use the override rate
as the base hourly rate, the system initially assigns the specified rate to the base hourly
rate (BHRT). Then, the system modifies the base hourly rate to include the pay type
multiplier and assigns it to the hourly rate (PHRT). Finally, the system applies any
shift or uprate amounts on the timecard to the hourly rate and assigns it to the
extended hourly rate (SHRT). If you choose to use the override rate as the final hourly
rate, the system assigns the specified rate to the base hourly rate, hourly rate, and
extended hourly rate without making any modifications.
Job Type
Enter a code from UDC 07/G that defines the jobs within the organization. You can
associate pay and benefit information with a job type and apply that information to
the employees who are linked to that job type.
Enter an amount that the system adds to an employee's base hourly rate. For example,
you might enter a rate differential for equipment operators when they move from
operating one piece of equipment to another piece. The system adds the uprate
amount to the base pay rate to calculate gross wages before it performs any other rate
calculations, such as applying a shift differential or pay type multiplier.
Billing Rate
Enter a rate that the system uses for the billing of labor services. This rate is often
referred to as the billing or recharge rate. The system charges the extended amount
based on this rate to the primary distribution account on the timecard and makes an
offset entry to an account that is derived from the Accounting Rules table. This rate
will not affect the employee's payroll. To enable billing rates in time entry, you must
set the employee's record type as either 2 or 3 on the Basic Employee Entry form.
Enter a rate on any of these forms to override the rate in the F060118 table:
■ Pay Rate Information
■ Employee Labor Distribution
■ Occupational Pay Rates
■ Time Entry by Employee
■ Time Entry by Job or Business Unit
■ Daily Timecard Entry
■ Time Entry by Employee with Equipment
■ Time Entry by Shop Floor Control
Work Date
Enter the date that the system uses as the actual work date or pay-period ending date.
Tax Area
Enter a code that identifies a geographical location and the tax authorities for an
employee work site, including employee and employer statutory requirements. In the
Vertex payroll tax calculation software, the tax area code is synonymous with
GeoCode. To determine the valid codes for the location, refer to the documentation for
the tax calculation software that you are using.
Enter the number of pieces for piecework or any other unit of measure that you want
to track for this employee. For example, you can track the miles driven for drivers of
company vehicles, cubic yards of concrete, feet drilled, miles flown, and so forth.
Enter a code from UDC 00/W1 that indicates the current stage or phase of
development for a work order. You can assign a work order to only one phase code at
a time.
Enter a name or remark that describes the purpose for using an account or conveys
any other information that you need about the transaction.
Record Type
Enter a code that identifies whether the employee is to be handled through the
Recharge processing option for the Payroll Journal Entry program. Values are:
1: Payroll Processing Only
2: Payroll and Recharge Processing
3: Recharge Processing Only
After you have added a timecard, you cannot change its record type.
Transaction Number
Enter a number that the system assigns to each timecard to uniquely identify it. You
can use this field in the Time Entry By Job program to retrieve a specific timecard for
display. The system also uses this field to associate a timecard with each Actual
Burden audit record that you created for the timecard during the Actual Burden
Journaling process.
Hours Equipment
Enter the number of hours that the equipment was operated. If you leave this field
blank, the system uses the hours from employee time entry when you enter an
equipment number. If you do not enter employee hours, you must complete this field.
Pay In Advance
Enter a code that indicates whether a time entry record is paid in advance. Values are:
Y: Pay In Advance Timecard
N: Not a Pay In Advance Timecard
Note: If you set up multiple piece rates for a single item, you must
include additional information on the timecards to ensure that the
system retrieves the correct piece rate.
For example, if you set up a piece rate of 10 USD for item 100 and job
type A, and you set up a piece rate of 12 USD for item 100 and job
type B, you must include job type information on timecards that are
entered for item 100. The system uses the item number and the job
type on the timecard to determine which piece rate to use for the
12.5.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:
■ Set the Pay Class field on the Basic Compensation form to P for employees who
are paid using piece rate processing.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
■ Set up the processing options for the Time Entry MBF Processing Options program
(P050002A) to specify how the system retrieves rates for piece rate employees.
See Setting Time Entry Processing Options.
■ Set up pay types for piece rate processing.
See "Setting Up Pay Types" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human
Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.
■ Create employee groups that include all of the employees for whom you want to
process piece rate information.
See Creating Employee Groups.
■ Create timecard automation rule sets to process minimum wage and overtime
Item Number
Enter an inventory item number. The system provides three separate item numbers
plus an extensive cross-reference capability to other item numbers (see data item XRT)
to accommodate substitute item numbers, replacements, bar codes, customer numbers,
supplier numbers, and so forth. The item numbers include:
■ Item Number (short): An 8t-digit, computer-assigned item number.
■ 2nd Item Number: The 25-digit, free-form, user-defined alphanumeric item
■ 3rd Item Number: Another 25-digit, free-form, user-defined alphanumeric item
Unit of Measure
Enter a code from UDC 00/UM that designates any unit of measure that is appropriate
for an employee's time and pay.
Enter a two-digit number that specifies the applicable year. If you leave this field
blank, the program uses the system date. Defaults
1. Type of Timecards
Specify the type of timecards.
Blank: Piecework and Labor Timecards
P: Piecework Timecards
L: Labor Timecards
2. Employee Number
Specify the employee number.
A: Address Number
S: Social Security Number
T: Third Employee Number
12.6.2 Prerequisite
If necessary, set up company options to update the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General
Accounting system.
See "Setting Up System Options "in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human
Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.
"Setting Up Company Options" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human
Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide
12.6.3 Forms Used to Review Timecard History for Standalone Time and Labor
13.2.2 Prerequisite
If necessary, enter timecards for the employee for whom you want to override
timecard information.
See Entering Timecards for Employees.
Override Rate
Enter the override rate for the employee. As an update to Release 9.1, the override rate
that the system assigns to a timecard is based on the value of the Override Rate
Assignment MBF Time Entry processing option. If you choose to use the override rate
as the base hourly rate, the system initially assigns the specified rate to the base hourly
rate (BHRT). Then, the system modifies the base hourly rate to include the pay type
multiplier and assigns it to the hourly rate (PHRT). Finally, the system applies any
shift or uprate amounts on the timecard to the hourly rate and assigns it to the
extended hourly rate (SHRT). If you choose to use the override rate as the final hourly
rate, the system assigns the specified rate to the base hourly rate, hourly rate, and
extended hourly rate without making any modifications.
Enter an amount that the system adds to an employee's base hourly rate. For example,
you might enter a rate differential for equipment operators when they move from
operating one piece of equipment to another piece. The system adds the uprate
amount to the base pay rate to calculate gross wages before it performs any other rate
calculations, such as applying a shift differential or pay type multiplier.
Note: The system prorates only benefits and accruals; it does not
prorate the amount of a deduction override across multiple timecards.
Deductions are prorated only during transition periods.
F0709 table includes this information after the override has been entered into the
system, but before pre-payroll has been processed:
A DBA override for DBA 7000 in the amount of 100 USD is attached to the timecard.
The record in the F0709 includes this information after the override has been entered
into the system:
The information from the attached timecard is used to derive the account information
for the journal entries that are created for the DBA.
During pre-payroll, the system creates two timecards for the employee based on the
employee's labor distribution instructions. The timecards include this information:
After the system creates the autopay timecards, the original record in the F0709 table is
changed to reflect prorated amounts. The records in the F0709 table that are associated
with this transaction now include this information:
The system uses the timecard associated with each record in the F0709 table, which is
determined by the transaction number, to derive the account information that is used
to create journal entries for the DBA.
During pre-payroll, the system creates a timecard with no gross pay and no hours,
using information from the F060116 table. The timecard includes this information:
After the system creates the zero gross timecard, the original record in the F0709 is
updated to associate the DBA override with the newly created timecard. The record in
the F0709 table now includes this information:
The system uses the timecard associated with the record in the F0709 table, which is
determined by the transaction number, to derive the account information that is used
to create journal entries for the DBA.
When the system prorates the override amount over existing timecards, additional
records are created in the F0709 table, and the Deduction/Benefit Code is changed to
MP (manual prorated). If you reset pre-payroll after the system has prorated the
override amount across multiple timecards, the system deletes the MP records in the
F0709 and reverts back to the original M record in the table.
Note: When you review timecards, the system does not indicate that
a DBA one-time override exists. To review all DBA overrides that exist
for an employee, you must perform a search for DBA overrides. In
addition, the Work With One-Time Overrides form allows you to
review only overrides with a Deduction/Benefit code of M. If you
have already processed pre-payroll and want to review the override,
you must use the Payroll Workbench.
Enter the actual gross pay amount for an employee. This amount is to be distinguished
from the distributed gross pay amount used for labor distribution. See data item
When you are using Work Order Time Entry, this field is used to record miscellaneous
pay for an employee, (for example, piece rate bonus).
Enter the number of hours associated with each transaction.
Enter the company to which the employee is assigned. This code is used to store
historical payroll information and to determine accounts for some journal entries.
Enter the actual gross pay amount for an employee. This amount is to be distinguished
from the distributed gross pay amount used for labor distribution. See data item
When you are using Work Order Time Entry, this field is used to record miscellaneous
pay for an employee (for example, piece rate bonus).
Enter the number of hours associated with each transaction.
Enter the company to which the employee is assigned. This code is used to store
historical payroll information and to determine accounts for some journal entries.
Attached To Timecard
Enter a unique number that the system assigns to each timecard. You can use this field
in the Time Entry By Job program to retrieve a specific timecard for display. This field
is also used to tie a timecard to each Actual Burden audit record created for the
timecard during the Actual Burden Journaling process.
Stand Alone
Enter a unique number that the system assigns to each timecard . You can use this field
in the Time Entry By Job program to retrieve a specific timecard for display. This field
is also used to tie a timecard to each Actual Burden audit record created for the
timecard during the Actual Burden Journaling process.
Enter a unique number that the system assigns to each timecard. You can use this field
in the Time Entry By Job program to retrieve a specific timecard for display. This field
is also used to tie a timecard to each Actual Burden audit record created for the
timecard during the Actual Burden Journaling process. Prerequisite
Set up the system to process leave information correctly.
See Setting Up Global Leave Administration.
Feature Description
Automatic leave The total hours of leave time are based on employee standard hours per
calculation. day. The system automatically calculates the time and displays the result.
Users can override this amount to adjust for variations, such as leave
time, that spans paid company holidays. Using daily leave time,
managers can view summary reports for leave trends.
Integration with As you enter leave events, the system can use the data to update resource
resource scheduling software.
Feature Description
Employee Employees can enter detail information for each day of leave time and can
self-service and modify this information as needed. This detail information includes leave
leave request time taken and additional comments. If employees enter time on the
detail detail timecards that does not match the lump sum total for the leave
information. event, the system displays an error. The system stores the detail
information, including comments that cannot be overwritten.
Employees can select a reason for leave time from a list of user-defined
codes. Managers can use these codes to track information for various
purposes, such as leave patterns, leave time reporting disputes, or auditor
inquiries. For example, an organization might track sick time by type:
■ Personal illness.
■ Caring for a sick child or partner.
■ Caring for an elderly parent of in-law.
■ Doctor appointment.
■ Mental health time off.
Employees can also review leave time that the manager or an
administrator enters on their behalf. Security options exist to restrict
access to leave transactions to viewing only.
Manager In organizations where Manager Self-Service is installed and managers
self-service are responsible for approving leave events, managers can review their
review and employees time and comments, including time that is entered on their
approval. behalf. Security options exist to restrict managers access to time and leave
information only.
Leave Users can set up accruals and rollover rules for part-time employes
administration without having to define a Deductions, Benefits, and Accruals (DBA)
for part-time table method for each unique standard number of hours that is assigned
employees. to employees in the F060116 table. This feature includes various methods
of accruals such as accruals that are based on hours worked, days worked,
and lump sum accruals.
Leave The administration of leave based on days includes the ability to define a
administration leave type where the accrual, rollover, and limit can be established in
based on days. days. For example:
A new employee accrues one day of sick leave after working for eight
weeks. The employee continues at this rate until his first-year anniversary.
At the first-year anniversary, he accrues 12 days of sick leave.
An employee accrues one day of sick leave each month for the first five
months. She then receives an additional eight days of sick leave on her
one-year anniversary and each subsequent annual anniversary.
Feature Description
(AUS/NZL) Users can track leave time that is granted to employees based on their
Administration continuous service. This is an example of long service leave:
of long service
An employee is granted a leave of 13 weeks after 10 years of continuous
leave (LSL)
service. The leave is accrued each pay period until the employee reaches
the milestone anniversary date. On that date, the employee is entitled to
take the accrued leave.
The accrual is suspended in the event the employee has certain types of a
break in service, such as maternity leave. The accrual resumes once the
employee returns from the leave. Although a qualifying break delays the
LSL entitlement, the accrual continues when the employee returns to
History records are automatically maintained for all LSL changes. The
system tracks these items:
■ Old and new amounts.
■ Date of change.
■ Identification of person who initiates each change.
■ Reason code.
History inquiry and reporting is also available for LSL.
Error messaging Organizations can set an error message for various types of leave. Users
by leave type. can set up leave type rules that use combinations of elements such as
company, business unit, union, employee type (full time, part time,
temporary), job type or step, locations, and two category fields. Note
these examples:
Sick leave can result in a negative amount, but vacation and holiday time
can result only in a positive amount.
In company ABD, union 101, full-time employees are enabled to request
vacation time that results in a negative amount. In company XYZ, union
999, full-time employees in Sydney are not allowed to request vacation
time that results in a negative amount.
You can set up a second type of leave editing to prohibit employees from
requesting partial days of leave.
Past period Employees can report leave time that was taken in previous payroll time
reporting. periods.
Comprehensive To enter leave time efficiently, employees can view and enter all
leave planning, applicable leave types that are offered by the organization or business unit
entry, and to which they are assigned.
Adjustments by Employees can enter adjustments to the leave type that is assigned to
leave type. existing leave time entries. For example, an employee requests two weeks
of annual leave (vacation) and is away from work for the requested
amount of time. Upon return, the employee reports that he was ill for
three days of the vacation, and he wants to change three of the days from
annual leave to sick time.
Rollover Organizations can create rollover rules and set them up at the pay,
override rules. deduction, benefit, accrual (PDBA) level. You can also create overrides at
the table or employee instruction level. Leave programs that share
common leave types and pay types can include accrual rates, rollover
rules and proration rules that vary by type of employee. For example, an
organization offers sick leave for all employees. Exempt employees accrue
sick time at a higher rate than union and nonexempt employees and can
roll over higher amounts of sick time from one year to the next.
Feature Description
Time card When organizations use time card automation to create leave event time
automation cards for a group of employees, they can include information for these
includes leave items:
■ Leave begin date
■ Leave end date
■ Leave reason
■ Sick certificate
When a user generates time cards, the system saves the information in
time entry and leave administration tables so that employees have a
consolidated view of all leave events and time cards regardless of how
they originated in the system.
Leave accrual To achieve a high degree of accuracy, organizations can establish leave
based on weeks programs that accrue leave time based on employee weeks of service.
of service. When leave accruals are based only on months of service, employees can
receive accruals before they are actually entitled to the time.
Partial approval Managers can use the Manager Self Service Leave Review program
of leave request. (P076311) to review and approve leave requests on a day-by-day basis
rather than approving or rejecting entire requests that might span
multiple days. (Release 9.1 Update) However, for medical requests,
managers can approve or decline only entire requests at the highest level
of the request.
See Administering Leave Requests.
Categorize Time entry or payroll administrators can specify timecards that they enter
timecard for into the F06116 table as public or private. Employees and managers can
viewing view public timecards, but cannot modify them.
Employees and managers cannot view private timecards. Time entry or
payroll administrators might use private timecards in situations such as
preparation for pay raises or bonuses.
See Understanding Timecard Automation
Understanding Employee Timecards
Setting Processing Options for the Time Entry MBF Processing Options
Program (P050002A)
"Manager Self Service," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation Guide.
"Approving Self-Service Timecards, " in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation Guide.
"Understanding Self-Service Timecard Review and Approval," in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service
Implementation Guide.
Feature Description
(AUS/NZL) Employees can specify that they want the organization to pay them in
Request for advance for leave time that they are planning. Administrators can also
future leave and search for timecards that include the pay in advance designation.
advanced pay.
Administrators can specify types of leave that are available to employees
for payment in advance requests.
See Setting Up Leave Verification Rules
"Setting Up Self-Service Time Entry," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation Guide
"Setting Up the Time Entry Director Form", in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service
Implementation Guide
"Setting Processing Options for Time Entry Self Service Director
(P051125)," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital
Management Self-Service Implementation Guide
"Setting Up Self-Service Time Entry" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation Guide
"Creating the Time Entry Interface for Employee Self-Service," in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service
Implementation Guide
Entering Timecards for Employees
"Working with Interim Payments" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Payroll Implementation Guide.
Feature Description
Sick certification. Organizations can set up leave rules for sick certification that the system
processes within time entry. Depending on the setting for the sick
certificate rules code, employees can be paid based on whether they have
submitted a sick certificate. Additional data items are also included that
allow users to specify certification rules, including:
■ Definitions for a sick event.
■ Sick event time period.
■ Number of past months the system uses to calculate sick events.
■ Definition of the number of hours that constitute a sick event.
The time entry programs can notify users who enter sick time regarding
the requirement for a sick certificate, and whether leave rules allow
payment without the required certificate.
Note: If the system rolls over the accrual at the end of a standard year, it
compares the limit with the payroll month history. If the system rolls the
accrual over at the end of a fiscal or anniversary year, it compares the
limit with the fiscal and anniversary history.
You can use this information, stored in the F06106 table, in DBAs that you
base on another DBA, a union, or a calculation table. In many instances,
you need to set up only one accrual type and one pay type.
Administrators can use these programs to specify inception to date (ITD)
■ P059191 (Group Plan DBA Setup program): Group plan level.
■ P059021 (Table File Revisions): Calculation table level.
See Setting Up Leave Verification Rules
Entering Timecards for Employees
"Employee Self Service," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation Guide.
"Entering Timecards Using Self Service," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation
Understanding Self-Service Time Entry," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation
(AUS/NZL) LSL tracks employee service based on the date when their employment
Calculate began. This enhancement enables an organization to allow for gaps in
adjustments to service for such absences as maternity leave or sabbatical. Administrators
long service can use the Long Service Leave Management program (P75A670) to enter
leave dates. date adjustment information that the system saves in the F75A670 table.
See "(AUS) Processing Employee Leave in Australia, " in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Australia/New Zealand Payroll Implementation
"Managing Long Service Leave," in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Australia/New Zealand Payroll Implementation Guide
Feature Description
Inception to date Administrators can use the new Inception to Date Limits code (CMAX) in
limit overrides. the Employee DBA Instructions program (P050181) to specify the
maximum payment amount or hours that an accrual can have at any one
time. For example, a company might have a vacation policy that allows an
employee to roll 40 hours each year over to the following year, but the
accrued balance cannot exceed a total of 300 hours at any one time. The
system calculates the payroll cycle and year-end rollover up to the limit
and takes into account the amounts that the system has processed.
See "Entering Employee Instructions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation
"Entering Employee Deduction, Benefit, and Accrual Instructions" in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management
Fundamentals Implementation Guide
"Setting Up Additional Information for DBAs" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide
"Setting Up Rollover Information for DBAs" in theJD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide
Leave inquiry Organizations can use the Leave Management program (P07640) to
and manage all leave transactions. This program compares leave requests to
management. existing leave balances and displays the same information that managers
use when approving leave requests. Administrators can also use this
program to approve leave entry requests.
Users can add a leave request or transaction and can delete transactions
for individual days. This application also provides a powerful tool for
conducting individual or group inquires on all historical and current
leave transactions.
See Setting Processing Options for Leave Inquiry and Management
Understanding Leave Administration
Managing Leave Information.
Feature Description
PDBA effective Organizations can dramatically improve payroll efficiency and accuracy
dating. by automating PDBA rate changes that occur during the middle of a
payroll cycle. Users can enter a rate into the system with an effective date,
and the system completes the process, ensuring, for example, that an
employee's pay rate increase goes into effect on the first of the month.
See "Setting Up Deductions, Benefits, and Accruals" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide.
"PDBA Effective Dates" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide
"Setting Up Deductions, Benefits, and Accruals" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide
"Adding Basic DBA Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide
"Entering Employee Instructions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide
"Entering Employee Deduction, Benefit, and Accrual Instructions" in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management
Fundamentals Implementation Guide
Setting Processing Options for Generate Timecard Entries (R052901)
Entering Timecards for Employees
Entering Timecards Using Speed Time Entry
Feature Description
Employee Employee scheduling enables you to create employee and employee
scheduling. group schedules. These schedules facilitate automated leave functions
and timecard generation. By establishing organizational holidays and
standardized work schedules, you can minimize data entry task and
automatically generate timecards that reflect the employee's work and
holiday schedule. You can establish holiday schedules for:
■ Companies
■ Business units
■ States or provinces
■ Unions
Administrators can set up schedule templates for user defined groups of
employees, minimizing set up and schedule maintenance for all
employees. Work schedules support nonstandard work patterns and
unique, individual work schedules. When administrators have defined
and assigned schedules, you can also significantly reduce time and leave
data entry by using schedules to pay employees for their scheduled time.
To manage situations where exceptions to the schedule template exist,
you can make changes to an individual employee's schedule even if that
employee is assigned to a schedule template. You can simplify the process
of assigning schedules to individual employees by linking templates to
employee groups. You can use the Manage Schedules for Employee
Groups program (P07315) to manage the links between employee groups
and schedule templates. You use the W07315A form as a director.
Administrators can assign a specific schedule template to an employee
group and launch a process that links each individual schedule calendar
for each employee in the group with the specified template. The time
entry system references the employee scheduling system when employees
or administrators enter, modify, or delete timecards that specify a leave
pay type.
You can use the Employee Schedules program (P07311) to view and
manage employee schedules. This program provides a list of employee
schedules (one calendar for each employee with a schedule). The program
also provides a consolidated view of an employee's schedule by
combining the employee's calendar, assigned schedule template, and
holiday calendars into a single calendar view. The program also provides
quick entry capability for new activities on an employee's schedule. From
this program, you can also launch programs to:
■ Create a new employee schedule.
■ Assign a schedule to a group of employees.
■ Work with group schedules.
■ Work with holiday schedules.
■ Work with calendars.
Timecard automation rules do not interact with employee schedules.
You can use the Generate Timecards from Schedule report (R07311) to
generate timecards from employee schedules. You can use the Employees
Without Schedules Report (R07311E) to generate a report that displays all
active employees who do not have a schedule established.
See Administering Employee Schedules
Assigning Schedules to Employee Groups.
The system allows you to define rules regarding how an employee can substitute paid
leave and what types of accruals an employee can substitute for each FMLA leave
type. Additionally, the system allows you to specify what amount of a given FMLA
leave request shall be paid based on accruals. Administrators can use the FMLA
Leave Substitution Rules program to specify the order of substitution.
(Release 9.1 Update) When the system is set up to create timecards and you need to
approve or enter a medical leave request with substitution, the system uses the pay
type number for substitution based on the employee's balance for that substitution
leave type in the F07600 table. For example, the system uses the employee's accrual
type balance with value of S for timecards for leave type FS, the employee's accrual
type balance with value of V for timecards for leave type FV, and the employee's
accrual type balance defined in the USVH field of the F07600 table for timecards for
leave type FO.
(Release 9.1 Update) When you create a timecard for an accrual type, the system finds
all available DBA codes for that accrual type. Then, it checks the employee's balance
for the first pay type associated to that available DBA code in the F069036 table. You
must have set up the pay type with value of LVPT equal to 1, 2, or 3 in the F069116
table. If the system finds a balance, it creates timecards with that pay type until the
balance reduces to zero. If more substitution remains for the current substitution leave
type, the system uses the next available DBA code. Then, the system uses the first pay
type associated to that DBA code to create timecards if a balance exists for the
employee and DBA code.
(Release 9.1 Update) After the system has processed all DBA codes and there is still
remaining substitution time, the system uses the last used pay type to create remaining
timecards for the substitution type. If there is no remaining balance for any available
DBA code, the system uses the pay type associated to the first available DBA code. Defaults
1. Approvals
Specify whether the employee is allowed to edit the Approving Manager field. If you
do not allow users to edit the processing option, the system automatically populates
this processing option with the manager from the F060116 table. This manager cannot
be edited. Values are:
1: Allow. (Default)
0: Do not allow.
3. Enter the instruction text users will see on the FMLA Sick Substitution form. 254
character max.
(Release 9.1 Update) Specify the instruction text that the system should display on the
FMLA Sick Substitution form. If you leave this field blank, the system displays the
default instruction text.
4. Enter the instruction text users will see on the FMLA Vacation Substitution form.
254 character max.
(Release 9.1 Update) Specify the instruction text that the system should display on the
FMLA Vacation Substitution form. If you leave this field blank, the system displays the
default instruction text.
5. Enter the instruction text users will see on the FMLA ’Other’ Substitution form. 254
character max.
(Release 9.1 Update) Specify the instruction text that the system should display on the
FMLA Other Substitution form. If you leave this field blank, the system displays the
default instruction text.
(Release 9.1 Update) When an employee has a schedule, the system
enables you to use the Use Employee Schedule option in conjunction
with the day check boxes. In this case, the system cannot consider a
leave request for an unscheduled day. If an employee has a schedule,
but you do not select the day check box, then the system does not add
the day to the leave request.
When an employee does not have a schedule, you can request leave
for any day by using the day check boxes to determine the days that
should be included in the leave request within the specified date
range. In this case, if you do not select a day check box, the system
does not add the day to the leave request.
2. Click Next.
Note: If you select dates directly from the calendar, you do not need
to use this option.
■ Manager
Enter a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer,
supplier, tenant, or location.
■ Leave Type
Enter a code from UDC 07/LV that describes the leave time that an employee
takes or requests. You can use this information to report leave trends. The
underlined leave types are links. When you select one of the leave types, the
system enters that leave type into the Leave Type field and then displays a list
of pay types that are available for that leave type.
Values might include:
Enter spouse's address book number if they are an employee and you are requesting
time off for a reason related to him/her.
Enter the address book number of the spouse.
Approving Manager
Enter the address book number for the manager or supervisor who is responsible for
approving or rejecting an employee leave request.
Request Number
Enter a code that identifies individual leave requests that are made by employees. This
code tracks and identifies leave request records.
Line Number
Enter a number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a
purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns this number, but in
some cases you can override it.
Leave Status
Enter a UDC from 07/LR that defines the stage of a leave request. Values are:
A: Approved
C: Currently Taking
D: Declined
P: Pending
T: Leave Taken
Leave Date
Enter the beginning date of a leave time that an employee is requesting or taking.
Leave Duration
Enter the number of planned hours for a leave request.
However, for medical requests, managers can approve only at one level that is the
highest node level for the leave request. This means that for medical leave requests,
managers need to either approve or decline the entire request.
When you respond to a leave request, you can select one of these options:
■ Approved
■ Currently taking
■ Declined
■ Leave taken
■ Pending
You can review comments that an employee enters and also enter comments to explain
the response. Although you can enter text to accompany any response, you typically
enter an explanation when you deny a request or assign a pending status to a request.
If an employee makes a change to a leave request after it has been approved, the
system forwards only the changed portion of the request to the manager for approval.
If the additional part of the leave request is also approved, the system deletes the
initial leave request and replaces it with an updated request that reflects both the
initial request and the changes. For example, assume that an employee originally
requested eight hours of leave on January 30 and submitted the leave request for
approval. After the manager approved the request, the employee decided to request an
additional eight hours of leave on January 31. In this example, the manager would
receive a new request, with the same request number, asking for approval for the
additional eight hours. At this point, these leave requests, with the same leave request
number, are in the system:
■ An approved request for the original eight hours.
■ A pending request for the additional eight hours.
If the manager approves the additional request, the system deletes both the original
request and the new request, and then creates a single request for 16 hours using the
original leave request number. If the manager did not approve the request, the two
original records remain in the system but with different statuses.
The Manager Self-Service Leave Review program displays information from and
records information into the F07620 table. Changes that you enter into the program can
also affect these tables:
■ F06116
■ F06116Z1
14.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Manager Self-Service Leave Review (P076311)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Use these processing options to specify a calendar display preference and
processing default values.
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
Use these processing options to specify default information about leave
14.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Leave Inquiry and Management (P07640)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Use these processing options to specify a calendar display preference and
processing default values.
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Processing
Use these processing options to specify default information about leave inquiry and
Enter a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address
Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
Leave Type
Enter a UDC from 07/LV that describes the leave time that an employee takes or
requests. This information can be used to report leave trends. Values might include:
C: Comp Time
S: Sick Time
M: Maternity Leave Time
Accrual Type
Enter a UDC from 06/SV.
Leave Status
Enter a UDC from 07/LR that defines the stage of a leave request. Values are:
A: Approved
C: Currently Taking
D: Declined
P: Pending
T: Leave Taken
Enter the code of the company to which the employee is assigned. The system uses
this code to store historical payroll information and to determine accounts for some
journal entries.
Enter a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address
Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
Week Day
Enter a code that indicates the day of the week in certified payroll processing and
reporting. Values are:
0: Sunday
1: Monday
2: Tuesday
3: Wednesday
4: Thursday
5: Friday
6: Saturday
Leave Type
Enter a UDC from 07/LV that describes the leave time that an employee takes or
requests. You can use this information to report leave trends. Values include:
C: Comp Time
S: Sick Time
M: Maternity Leave Time
Fiscal Year
Enter a number that identifies the fiscal year. Generally, you can either enter a number
in this field or leave it blank to indicate the current fiscal year (as defined on the
Company Setup form).
Specify the year at the end of the first period rather than the year at the end of the
fiscal period. For example, a fiscal year begins October 1, 2008, and ends September 30,
2009. The end of the first period is October 31, 2008. Specify the year 08 rather than 09.
Total Occurrences
Enter the estimated number of occurrences per year for the service type. The PM
Projections program uses information from this field, in combination with the last
completed date, to project future schedule requirements.
You can use processing options to automatically calculate the estimated occurrences,
based on one of these:
■ One year of PM history.
■ Two years of PM history.
■ Inception-to-date PM history.
Total Hours
Enter the total number of hours in this payroll ID.
Work Date
Enter the date that the system uses as the actual work date or pay-period ending date.
Enter the number of hours that are associated with each transaction.
Enter the actual gross pay amount for an employee. The system distinguishes this
amount from the distributed gross pay amount for labor distribution. See data item
When using Work Order Time Entry, that the system uses this field to record
miscellaneous pay for an employee, (for example, piece rate bonus).
The address book number of the supervisor.
A user defined code (06/UN) that represents the union or plan in which the employee
or group of employees work or participate.
Pay Status
Enter a code that the system uses to indicate whether an employee's pay status is
active or inactive. Codes for active pay status employees are numeric, and codes for
inactive pay status employees are alphabetic.
Leave Dates, To
The beginning date of a leave time that an employee is requesting or taking.
The ending date of leave time that an employee requests or takes.
Enter a user defined code (07/SL) that defines the different salary localities within an
organization. For example, you can compare salaries for employees on the East Coast
with employees in the Midwest.
Accrual Type
Enter a user defined code (07/LV) that describes the leave time that an employee takes
or requests. You can use this information to inquire on leave transactions. Values might
Fam/Med Leave Accrued
Holiday Accruals
Long Service Leave
Other Accruals
Rostered Day Off
Sick Accruals
Leave Status
Enter a user defined code (07/LR) that defines the stage of a leave request. Values are:
A: Approved
C: Currently Taking
D: Declined
P: Pending
T: Leave Taken
Available (Hours)
Review he total number of hours worked (for pay types) or the basis for deductions,
benefits, or accruals (DBAs) for each month.
Accrued (Hours)
Review the total number of hours worked (for pay types) or the basis (for DBAs) for
each month.
Leave Type
Enter a UDC from 07/LV that describes the leave time that an employee takes or
requests. You can use this information to report leave trends. Values might include:
C: Comp Time
S: Sick Time
M: Maternity Leave Time
Employee Number
The address book number of the employee.
Leave Comments
Enter comments about the leave request.
Note: The system enables this tab only when you are entering a
medical leave type.
Enter spouse's employee number if they are an employee and you are requesting
time off for a reason related to him/her.
Enter the address book number of the spouse.
Note: The system enables this tab only when you are entering a
medical leave type.
When medical leave tracking is enabled in the Leave Type Setup program (P07601)
and employees submit requests for medical leave, the system creates records in these
■ F07620
All employee leave requests, including medical leave requests, are recorded in this
■ F07621
Only medical leave requests are recorded in this table.
The employee's manager has access to the record that the system creates in the F07620
table. This record contains the information that the manager uses to review, approve,
or deny a leave request. Human resources personnel have access to the record that the
system creates in the F07621 table.
If you use this feature, the employee's manager and a human resources administrator
must approve each medical leave.
Employee Number
Enter a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address
Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
Current Status
Enter a UDC from 07/LR that defines the stage of a leave request. Values are:
A: Approved
C: Currently Taking
D: Declined
P: Pending
T: Taken
Employee Relationship
Enter a use-defined code that defines the relationship of the person with the medical
condition to a covered employee for medical leave purposes.
Fitness Certification
Enter a code that indicates whether an employee is required to submit medical
certification that he or she is able to return to work. Values are:
1: Required.
0: Not required.
Opinion Number
Enter a number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a
purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns this number, but in
some cases you can override it.
Doctor Name
Enter the name of the medical professional who is caring for a patient or case.
Opinion Date
Enter the date that an employee is notified that medical certification from a medical
professional is required for an injury or illness.
Medical Condition
Enter a short description of the medical condition that is the reason for a medical leave
Treatment Flag
Enter a code that specifies whether a patient requires ongoing treatment. Values are:
1: Requires ongoing treatment.
0: No ongoing treatment is required.
■ Leave type
■ Business unit
■ Company
You can also set processing options to specify whether the system displays paid and
unpaid totals.
Both versions of this program display company, employee, and business unit totals.
Depending on processing option settings, individual reports can display total paid
hours and total unpaid hours for each category. For example, if you run the Tracking
Leave History By Employee report and specify that the system report totals by
business unit, the system displays:
■ Employee total
■ Company total
■ Business unit total
■ Business unit paid hours
■ Business unit unpaid hours
If you leave the processing option on the Totals tab blank, the system does not display
paid or unpaid hour totals.
You can use the Accrual Roster report (R074501) to review accrued leave time and
evaluate the value of the time to the organization. You can set processing options to
specify whether the information is based on historical information for a fiscal
anniversary or payroll month. You can also specify whether values are expressed in
current or historical currency amounts.
To review and analyze trends in the time that employees take off, you use the Leave
Trend Inquiry program (P076310). You can search for employee leave information
using a wide range of parameters such as dates, days of the week, leave requests, and
so on.
14.5.2 Setting Processing Options for Tracking Leave History By Employee (R07531)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Use these processing options to specify a calendar display preference and
processing default values.
Access Periodic Processing menu (G07GLVA3), Leave History Tracking by Leave Type
or Leave History Tracking by Employee. Totals
Use these processing options to specify totaling information for the report. Defaults
These processing options specify default information for the report.
1. Source Table
Specify whether to retrieve information from the Payroll History table or the Fiscal
Anniversary History table. Values are:
1: Retrieve balances from the Fiscal Anniversary table.
Blank: Retrieve balances from the Payroll Month History table.
2. Print Dollars
Specify whether you want to print dollars or hours on the report. Values are:
1: Dollars.
Blank: Hours.
3. Employee Number
Specify which employee number you want to print on the report. Values are:
A: Address Number.
T: Tax ID Number.
O: Other ID Number.
4. Current Dollars
Specify whether the system prints current or historical dollars. Current dollars are
calculated by multiplying the historical hours by the current pay rate in the F060116
table. Values are:
1: Current dollars.
Blank: Historical dollars. Dates
Use these processing options to specify a date range.
1. Enter the from date for the range from which the data will be reported.
Specify the beginning date of the date range that the system uses when running the
report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date. DBAs
These processing options specify DBA codes.
1. Purge Date
Specify a date by which leave records are purged from the system. Records with dates
prior to this date are purged from the leave request tables.
2. Purge Types
Specify the leave request records that you want to purge. You can purge denied leave
requests, taken leave requests, or all leave requests. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system deletes all leave requests with leave end dates that are prior to the
date entered in processing option 1. Values are:
Blank: Purge all leave requests with leave end dates that are prior to the date entered
in processing option number 1.
D: Denied leave requests.
T: Taken leave records.
A: All leave requests. Mode
This processing option specifies a system processing mode.
Report mode
Specify a processing mode. When you use proof mode, the system generates a report,
but no records are deleted from the system. When you use final mode, the system
generates a report and deletes records from the system. You normally run this report in
proof mode and then review the report before you run the program in final mode.
Values are:
Blank: Final mode
1: Proof mode Display
1. Display Schedule Name
Specify whether the schedule name should appear with the employee name when
viewing the employee's schedule. Values are:
F: Do not display (default).
T: Display Versions
1. Activities Common Process Options
Specify the version of the Activities Common Processing Options (P01350) that the
system uses. If you leave this field blank, the system uses default version ZJDE0003.
See Also:
■ "Using Foundation Calendar, Managing Activities" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation
When you process journal entries for payroll, you create pro forma journal entries
during each payroll cycle. After you review the pro forma journal entries, you can
create the actual journal entries that you post to the general ledger. You can set up the
company options so that the system automatically posts actual journal entries during
the final update step of the payroll cycle. If the company options are set up so that the
system does not post the actual journal entries automatically, you must post the
journal entries manually. You also must post the actual journal entries manually when
an error prevents the system from posting them automatically.
When you process journal entries for timecards, you run a batch program to create the
pro forma journal entries. After you review the pro forma journal entries and correct
any errors, you run another batch program to create the actual journal entries and post
them to the general ledger.
You can create journal entries for these document types:
You process pro forma journal entries for timecards only when you are not processing
the journal entries that are associated with a payroll cycle. You can use the Journal
Batch Proof report to review the pro forma journal entries before you post them to the
general ledger. You can also use this report to review the pro forma journal entries that
the system created during a payroll cycle. If errors occur in the journal batch, you can
correct the errors, delete the batch, and reprocess the pro forma journal entries.
When the pro forma journal entries are error-free and approved for posting, you post
them to the general ledger. You can post either type of pro forma journal entries:
■ Timecard journal entries.
■ Payroll journal entries that were not posted during the payroll cycle, either
because of errors or the way in which the company options are set up.
When you post journal entries, the system creates, posts, and removes the timecard
batch details from the F063951 table, and updates the F0911 table and the F0902 table
with the timecard transactions.
This list contains examples of what might cause errors to appear on the Payroll Journal
Proof/Edit report:
■ Inaccurate AAIs
■ An account number that was not yet added to the chart of accounts.
■ Incorrect setup of nontaxable benefits or accruals that were processed in the
journal entries step.
■ Incorrectly entered timecard information.
In this case, if you are processing journal entries for a payroll cycle, you also must
rerun pre-payroll.
The system does not recognize the corrections until you rerun the pro forma journal
entries. If you do not rerun the pro forma journal entries after you correct the errors,
the system creates the actual journal entries with errors.
When you are processing journal entries as part of a payroll cycle and you have not yet
printed the payments, you can complete this procedure to correct inaccurate timecard
■ Rerun the journal entries step and delete the previous journal entries to remove
the lockout code on the timecards.
■ Correct the inaccurate timecards.
■ Run a changes-only pre-payroll.
■ Rerun the journal entries step.
You can reprint the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit report when you want to print the
report without re-creating the pro forma journal entries. The system prints the same
proof report that was created during the last iteration of the process. The related
payroll ID appears on the report when you reprint it. You can print this report as many
times as necessary before you run the final update. After you run the final update, the
system clears the Summarized Journal Entry Workfile (F063951), and the report does
not produce any information.
company options are set up, the system might automatically post these actual payroll
journal entries.
The system uses batch types to group the various kinds of journal entries. You can
review these batch types:
If you discover errors when you review batches of pro forma journal entries, you must
delete the entire batch, correct the errors, and then generate the pro forma journal
entries again.
If you discover errors when you review batches of actual journal entries, you can use
the General Journal Review program to do any of these actions to individual journal
■ Revise unposted journal entries.
■ Delete unposted journal entries.
■ Void posted journal entries.
You can revise and delete actual journal entries only. You cannot revise or delete
pro forma journal entries.
See Also: ■"Working with the Payroll Cycle, " in the JD Edwards Date
This processing option specifies the date that the system uses to post journal entries. Process
These processing options specify values for processes related to benefits, intercompany
settlements, components, and premiums.
1. Benefits
Specify how the system processes benefits and accruals when it posts journal entries
for timecards. Values are:
0: Do not calculate any benefits or accruals.
1: Calculate only non-monthly benefits and accruals.
2: Calculate monthly and non-monthly benefits and accruals.
Enter this value only when you are processing the last timecards for calendar month.
The system uses the month that corresponds to the general ledger date.
Non-monthly benefits and accruals are those for which you entered M in the fifth Pay
Period of the Month processing option on the Basic DBA Information form
(W059116E). An M in this processing option indicates that the system calculates the
benefit or accrual during daily timecard post.
Monthly benefits and accruals are calendar-month DBAs, including those that are
non-monthly, that have these characteristics:
■ They are set up to calculate for the employee for an entire calendar month.
■ They have a value of 2 or blank in the Limit Method field on the Advanced DBA
Information form (W059117A).
2. Intercompany Settlements
Specify whether you want to process intercompany settlements when you post
timecard journal entries. Values are:
1: Process intercompany settlements.
When processing intercompany settlements, the system uses the general accounting
constants and the company number on the timecard.
0: Do not process intercompany settlements.
This processing option applies only when the journal type IC is set up in the
Debit/Credit-Accruals Clearing table (P069041).
3. Components
Specify how to post timecard journal entries for equipment time when the equipment
is used to build an item that comprises multiple components. Values are:
1: Distribute equipment time billed from the parent item to its components.
0: Bill equipment time to parent item only.
In the Asset Master table (F1201), you define the parent/child relationship between
parent items and their components. You enter billing rates for the components in the
Equipment Rates table (F1301).
4. Premiums
Specify how you want to update the F0911 table for premium labor entries. Premium
labor entries are entries for pay types that have a pay type multiplier greater than 1.
Values are:
1: Update.
Select this option when you want journal type PR to include labor hours in the Units
0: Do not update.
Select this option when you want only journal type LD to include labor hours in the
Units field.
This processing option applies only when the Debit Burden/Premium Labor
Distribution table setup (P069042) includes these characteristics:
■ The journal type PR has been added to the table.
■ The company burden rules are set up to separate the premium portion of a pay
type from the regular portion.
5. Summarization Rules
Specify how journal entries are created and printed. Each account number has a
summarization rule defined for it in the Journal Summarization Rules program
(P06914). This processing option enables you to override the summarization code to a
type 6 so that you can see the journal entries in the highest level of detail possible.
Values are:
1: This option overrides any summarization rules, making the summarization code a
type 6. Select this option when you want the journal entries to be created and printed
in full detail.
0: This option is the default value, so the system uses the predefined summarization
15.2.3 Setting Processing Options for Payroll Journal Proof/Edit Report (R05229)
Select Timecard Post/History Update menu (G05BT11), Journal Batch Proof. Defaults
1. Enter the Batch Number to print.
Specify a batch number.
15.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Create Payroll JE's - Batch Delete (R05227)
Select Timecard Post/History Update menu (G05BT11), Batch Delete.
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Select
Use this option to specify the daily timecard journal batch that you want to delete. Be
aware that you cannot recover batches after they have been deleted.
1. Batch Number
Specify the batch number that the system assigned to the Daily Timecard Journal Batch
that you want to delete.
If you process timecards through the payroll cycle, you can set up the company
options for either of these to occur:
Process Description
The system automatically posts actual journal entries You use the manual post program only if an error
during final update. occurred during final update that prevented the
system from posting the journal entries.
The system does not automatically post actual After you run the final update, you run the manual
journal entries. post program to post the actual journal entries to the
general ledger. The batch might need to be approved
before you run the post program.
If the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) encounters errors, the system
creates the actual journal entries in the F0911 table but does not post them. After you
have corrected the actual journal entries, you must resubmit the batch for posting.
Because the batch contains actual journal entries, you must post the journal entries
directly from the general ledger.
When you run the manual post program, the system updates timecard history and
general ledger tables and also generates the General Ledger Post report. If errors occur
during the posting process, the system also generates the Post Detail Error report.
Review these reports to verify whether the journal entries were posted successfully.
The General Ledger Post report lists all journal entries. The column titles and
information are similar to the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit report. However, the General
Ledger Post report includes the journal entry number, general ledger date, and
account descriptions instead of the document reference numbers.
15.3.2 Prerequisite
Review the batch of journal entries to verify whether it is approved for posting. You
might need to approve the batch before the system will post it.
See "Managing Fixed Asset Journal Entries" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Fixed Assets Implementation Guide.
"Processing Journal Entries" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications General
Accounting Implementation Guide Print
These processing options are used to specify print information.
1. Account Format
Specify the account format that you want to print on the General Ledger Post report.
Values are:
■ Blank: Default account format
■ 1: Structured account
■ 2: Short account ID
■ 3:Unstructured account Versions
These processing options specify version information.
1. Update Transaction
Specify whether to update Account ID, Company, Fiscal Year, Period Number,
Century, and Fiscal Quarter on unposted records in the F0911 table. You might need to
update these processing options if you have records in the Account Ledger table that
were created by a custom program and may not contain the correct values in these
processing options.
The system uses the value in the G/L Account Number field of the unposted record in
the F0911 table to update the Account ID and Company fields.
The system calculates the correct values for the Fiscal Year, Period Number, and
Century fields using the value in the G/L Date field of the unposted record in the
F0911 table.
The system will update the Fiscal Quarter field on the unposted record in the F0911
table to blank. Taxes
These processing options specify tax information.
Note: These options in the tax rules must be turned on to use this
processing option:
3. Update VAT Receipts and W/O (update VAT receipts and write-off)
Specify whether to adjust the tax fields, and which fields to adjust, when the receipt
has a write-off. The system adjusts the tax amount fields only for transactions with tax
explanation code V. Values are:
■ Blank: The system does not adjust tax amounts for write-offs.
■ 1: The system updates only the tax amount field (STAM).
■ 2: The system updates the tax (STAM), taxable (ATXA), and extended price
(AEXP) amount fields.
The system uses these algorithms to calculate the adjustment amounts to the tax,
taxable, and gross (extended price) amount fields for write-off amounts.
■ Adjustment to the gross amount (extended price) = write-off amount.
■ Adjustment to the taxable amount = (taxable amount / gross amount) x write-off
■ Adjustment to the tax amount = (tax amount / gross amount) x write-off amount.
For example:
Tax Rate = 25 per cent.
Write-off Amount = 12.50 USD.
Gross Amount (Extended Price) = 1,250.00 USD.
Taxable Amount = 1,000.00 USD.
Tax Amount = 250.00 USD.
Based on the example, using the adjustment algorithms, the system calculates these
adjustment amounts:
■ Adjustment to the Gross Amount = 12.50.
■ Adjustment to the Taxable Amount = 10.00.
■ Adjustment to the Tax Amount = 2.50.
To calculate the adjustments, the system subtracts the adjusted amount from the
original amount:
■ Adjusted Gross Amount: 1,250.00 - 12.50 = 1,237.50.
■ Adjusted Taxable Amount: 1,000.00 - 10.00 = 990.00.
■ Adjusted Tax Amount: 250.00 - 2.50 = 247.50. Cash Basis These processing options specify cash basis information.
16.2.1 Processing
1. Application Options
Specify a value that identifies the version of application options that you want to use
for running the Advanced Labor Management Workbench program (P05210).
You use the P05211 program to create these versions.
See Also:
■ Uploading Timecard Information.
See Also:
■ "Converting Payroll History, " in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Payroll Implementation Guide.
■ "Generating Timecards and Interim Header Records" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide
16.3.5 Running the Time and Pay Register for Imported Timecards Through ALM
Select Advanced Labor Management (G05BALM), Advanced Labor Management
On the Work with Advanced Labor Management Tasks form, click Import to expand
the tree structure. Select the Run Time and Pay Register option and click Perform
Selected Task.
Alternatively, select Batch Time Entry Processing (G05BBT3), Batch Time Entry File
You use this task to run the Batch Time Entry File Register report (R053001Z). You use
this report to verify the timecard information for imported timecards.
See Also: Reviewing the Time & Pay Entry Register for Batch File
Report. Review and Revise Imported Timecards Before Uploading Through ALM
Access the Work with Time Entry Batch File Revisions form.
Before uploading the timecards to the Employee Transaction Detail File table (F06116),
you can review and modify them. You use this task to run the Batch Time Entry File
Revisions program (P05116Z1). You use this program to view and modify timecards in
the Employee Transactions - Batch File table (F06116Z1). Run Time and Pay Register Before Uploading Through ALM Workbench
Select Advanced Labor Management (G05BALM), Advanced Labor Management
Workbench. On the Work with Advanced Labor Management Tasks form, click
Upload to expand the tree structure. Select the Run Time and Pay Register option and
click Perform Selected Task.
Alternatively, select Time Entry (G05BT1), Time and Pay Entry Register.
After you revise the timecard information in the Employee Transactions - Batch File
table (F06116Z1), you use this task to run the Time and Pay Entry Register report
(R053001). You use this report to verify that the revised timecard information for
imported timecards is correct.
After reviewing and revising the imported timecard information, you use this task to
run the Batch Time Entry Processor report (R05116Z1I). This report uploads the
imported timecards from the Employee Transactions - Batch File table (F06116Z1) to
the Employee Transaction Detail File table (F06116).
You use this task to run the Reviewing and Approving program (P186601). After you
submit the overtime rule set for processing, you use this task to review, approve, or
cancel a batch. If you cancel a batch, the system restores the original timecards.
Automation. Reviewing and Revising Timecards with TTA Rules Through ALM
Access the Work with Time Entry by Individual form.
You use this task to run the Work with Time Entry By Individual program (P051121).
You perform this task to review or modify the timecards on which you have applied
TTA rules. If you make any changes to timecards, then you must regenerate the total
time accounting rules.
entries for timecards only if you are not creating the journal entries associated with a
payroll cycle. Reviewing and Revising Timecards with Processed Journals Through ALM
Access the Work with Time Entry by Individual form.
You use this task to run the Work with Time Entry By Individual program (P051121).
You perform this task to view and modify the timecards for which you have processed
journals. You can also use this task to add new timecards.
See Also:
■ Setting Up Payroll Cycle Information, " in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up the Payroll Cycle Workbench" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide
A.2.1 Setting Processing Options for the Generate Timecards from Schedule Program
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Use these processing options to specify the program version that the system
uses and the dates that contain data selection.
A.2.1.1 Processing
1. Version
Specify the version of Time Entry Batch Processor (R05116Z11) that the system uses. If
you leave this field blank, the system uses the default version XJDE0001.
A.2.1.2 Select
1. Starting Date
Select schedule activities that have a date that is equal to or greater than the specified
2. Ending Date
Select schedule activities that have a date worked that is less than or equal to the
specified date.
■ Timecards processed
■ Timecards changed
B.1.1.1 Description
Workflow Description
The system sends a workflow message to a human resources or payroll approver
when a self-service user changes their auto deposit instructions. The instructions
remain at a status of P (pending) and are not updated until the approver changes the
status to A (approved).
Workflow Trigger
A self-service user changes their auto-deposit instructions.
Workflow Action
The approver for the employee receives a message in the Work Center to approve the
auto deposit instructions. When the approver selects the message in the Work Center,
the system displays the instructions and the approver can approve or deny the
Object ID
B.1.2.1 Description
Workflow Description
The system sends a workflow message to a human resources or payroll approver
when a self-service user changes their auto deposit instructions to specify a bank
transit number that is not listed in UDC 07/BC. The instructions remain at a status of P
(pending) and the transit number is not updated until the approver changes the status
to A (approved).
Workflow Trigger
A self-service user specifies a bank transit number that is not in UDC 07/BC.
Workflow Action
The approver for the employee receives a message in the Work Center to approve the
bank transit number. When the approver selects the message in the Work Center, the
system displays the instructions and the approver can approve or deny the request.
Object IDs
N0500270, W055011I
B.1.3.1 Description
Workflow Description
The system sends a workflow message to the employee listed in the processing options
when an employee or manager enters a verification of employment request.
Workflow Trigger
An employee or manager enters a verification of employment request using a version
of the Review Requests for Verification Of Employment program (P05003) for which
the User Level processing option is set to 1 or 2.
Workflow Action
The approver receives a message in the Work Center to approve the requisition. When
the approver specifies whether to create a mail merge letter and clicks the OK button,
the workflow process continues and completes.
Object ID
Account Number
Enter a value that represents an account number. If you enter a value in the Account
Number field, the system uses this account number to override the automatic
accounting instructions (AAIs) that are normally associated with the pay type for all of
the timecards that are created by the template. If you leave this field blank, the system
uses the AAIs to determine the account number.
A value that identifies an account in the general ledger. Use one of these formats to
enter account numbers:
■ Standard account number (business unit.object.subsidiary or flex format).
■ Third G/L (general ledger) number (maximum of 25 digits).
■ Account ID number. The number is eight digits long.
■ Speed code, which is a two-character code that you concatenate to the AAI item
You can then enter the code instead of an account number.
The first character of the account number indicates its format. You define the account
format in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting constants.
Business Unit
Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for
which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse
location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.
You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of
responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts
payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible
Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business
units for which you have no authority.
Enter a code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The
company code must already exist in F0010 and identify a reporting entity that has a
complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.
Note:You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic
accounting instructions. You cannot use company 00000 for transaction entries.
Employee (Employee No)
Equipment Worked On
Enter an identification code that represents an asset. You enter the identification code
in one of these formats:
■ Asset number: a computer-assigned, 8-digit, numeric control number.
■ Unit number: a 12-character alphanumeric field.
■ Serial number: a 25-character alphanumeric field.
Every asset has an asset number. You can use unit number and serial number to
further identify assets. If this is a data entry field, the first character you enter indicates
whether you are entering the primary (default) format that is defined for the system,
or one of the other two formats. A special character (such as / or *) in the first position
of this field indicates which asset number format you are using. You assign special
characters to asset number formats on the fixed assets system constants form.
Job Step
Enter a UDC (UDC) (06/GS) that designates a specific level within a particular job
type. The system uses this code in conjunction with job type to determine pay rates by
job in the Pay Rates table.
Job Type
Enter a UDC (06/G) that defines the jobs within the organization. You can associate
pay and benefit information with a job type and apply that information to the
employees who are linked to that job type.
Pay Cycle
Enter a code that identifies the values for a master payroll cycle.
Piecework Rate
Enter the rate that is paid for the type of component (piece) that is produced. If you
enter a rate in this field, this rate overrides the rate in the Employee Master file.
Union and Union Code
For the system to use this rate, you must set the processing options for the Time Entry
Master Business Function to retrieve piece rates from F060116
Position ID
A code that you use for budgetary (position) control purposes. The position ID
consists of:
■ Position (position code and its description).
■ Fiscal year.
■ Home business unit.
For example, you can identify position A0-1 as Accounting Manager for fiscal year
2005-2006, for home business unit 41.
You can set up positions so that the position IDs are the same as the corresponding job
IDs. Within a home business unit, positions appear in the alphanumeric sequence of
their position IDs. For example, position A0-1 appears before position A0-2.
You need to complete the Position ID field if you want to allocate hours and pay to a
specific position budget.
Shift Code
A UDC (00/SH) that identifies daily work shifts.
In payroll systems, you can use a shift code to add a percentage or amount to the
hourly rate on a timecard.
For payroll and time entry: If an employee always works a shift for which a shift rate
differential is applicable, enter that shift code on the employee's master record. When
you enter the shift on the employee's master record, you do not need to enter the code
on the timecard when you enter time. If an employee occasionally works a different
shift, you enter the shift code on each applicable timecard to override the default
Union and Union Code
base currency, 2-1
AAI, 11-1 Batch Delete report (R05227)
setting up for accruals and clearing, 11-35 pro forma journal entries, 15-9
setting up for burden and premium labor processing options, 15-9
distribution, 11-22 Batch Inbound Flat File Conversion program
setting up for intercompany settlements, 11-15
setting up for labor billings, 11-34 processing options, 5-7
setting up for labor, billings, and equipment usage information, 5-7
distribution, 11-18 batch processing
usage information, 11-1 purging processed payroll batches, 5-14
Account Ledger table (F0911), 11-7 revising uploaded information, 5-8
Accounting JE Rules - Cash/Bank Account program setting up a flat file cross-reference, 5-2
(P069040), 11-30 uploading timecard information, 5-10
Accrual Roster report (R074501)
Batch Time Entry File Register report (R053001Z)
processing options, 14-35 processing options, 5-9
usage information, 14-35 reviewing, 5-9
accruals and clearing usage information, 5-9
setting up automatic accounting Billing Rate/Markup table (F48096), 2-2
instructions, 11-35 setting up for multicurrency time accounting, 2-3
system search criteria, 11-36 usage information, 2-2
Archive EE Assignment T/E Information report Build Formula form, 7-12, 7-13
(R0716709) burden distribution and automatic accounting
processing options, 10-18 instructions, 11-22
usage information, 10-17 burden fringe search criteria for AAIs, 11-23, 11-24
Assign Schedules to Employee Groups burden rule
(R07315), 9-20 setup for business unit, 11-24
Associate Pay Types with Activity Types burden rules
(P073111), 9-19 setting up for company, 11-24
automatic accounting instructions Business Interface Integration Objects, 1-7
company burden rules, 11-24
default journal types, 11-5
intercompany settlements, 11-15 C
payroll and time accounting, 11-1 Call Custom Overtime Rule form, 6-39
setting up accruals and clearing, 11-35 Call Rule Set Rule form, 6-39
setting up burden and premium labor cash in bank account distribution
distribution, 11-22 setting up automatic accounting
setting up cash-in-bank account instructions, 11-28
distribution, 11-28, 11-30 system search criteria, 11-30
setting up labor billings, 11-34 chart of accounts, 11-14
copying labor distribution instructions, 12-13 associate pay types with activity types, 9-19
Credit-Labor Billings program (P069044) Associate Pay Types with Activity Types
processing options, 11-35 (P073111), 9-19
usage information, 11-34 calendar, 9-2
Credit-Liabilities program (P069045), 11-32 feature overview, 14-10
custom functions, 7-2 integration with time entry, 14-39
custom overtime rules, 7-7 Manage Employees Schedules (P07311), 9-4
overview, 9-2
Employee Schedules program (P07311)
D overview, 14-38
Daily Time Entry form, 12-21 processing options, 14-40
Dates associated with journal entries chart, 11-3 Employee Select Group form, 6-8
Debit - Burden/Premium-Labor Distribution program Employee Transaction Detail File (F06116), 5-10
(P069042) Employee Transaction History table (F0618), 12-6
processing options, 11-25 Employee Transactions Batch File (F06116Z1), 5-1,
usage information, 11-23, 11-24 5-10
Debit/Credit - Accruals/Clearing program entering timecards with equipment
(P069041), 11-38 information, 12-12
Debit-Labor/Billing/Equipment program (P069043) equipment billing on timecards, 12-12, 12-24
processing options, 11-20 equipment distribution, 11-18
setting up AAIs, 11-18
usage information, 11-20
deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs), 13-4 F
distribution account fields, 11-32 F06116 table, 5-10
F06116Z1 table, 5-1, 5-10
F0618 table, 12-6
E F06395 table, 11-2
EE Assignment Default Pay Types form, 10-2 F0911 table, 11-7
EE Assignment form, 10-7 F48096 table, 2-2
EE Assignment Job Description form, 10-13 Field/Function Definition form, 7-9, 7-12
EE Assignment Pay/Bill Rates form, 10-13 Fields and Functions program (P186101), 7-12
EE Assignment program (P0716701) Flat File Cross-Reference form, 5-2
processing options, 10-5 Flat File Cross-Reference program (P47002), 5-2
usage information, 10-3 setting up, 5-2
employee assignment usage information, 5-2
archiving and restoring, 10-17, 10-18 Formula Tester form, 7-12, 7-13, 7-14, 7-15
creating employee assignments, 10-3 formulas
generating and saving time entry creating formulas for timecard automation, 7-9
templates, 10-14 testing formulas for timecard automation, 7-12
generating time entry templates, 10-14 fringe burden using system search criteria,
overview, 10-1 clearing, 11-37
setting up default pay type cross references, 10-2 functions
setup overview, 10-2 custom overtime rules functions, 7-7
Employee Combo Group form, 6-10 hourly rate functions for overtime accumulator
Employee groups program (P07315), 9-4 rules, 7-5
employee information hourly rate functions for retroactive pay
DBA one-time overrides, 13-4 rules, 7-4
timecards, 12-1 hourly rate functions for timecard templates, 7-3
Employee Leave Request program (P07620) hours worked function for retroactive pay
processing options, 14-15 rules, 7-3
usage information, 14-11 hours worked function for timecard
Employee List Group form, 6-8 templates, 7-2
Employee Piece Rate Revisions form, 4-2 registering functions for timecard
Employee Schedule form, 14-40 automation, 7-8
employee schedules timecard automation, 7-1, 7-2
administering, 14-38 usage information, 7-1
Assign Schedules to Employee Groups
(R07315), 9-20
assign schedules to groups, 9-20 G
assigning schedules to groups, 9-4 general ledger account structure, 11-2
General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) I
usage information, 15-10
Integration, 1-7
Generate Timecard Entries program (R052901)
intercompany settlement
processing options, 15-6
automatic accounting instructions (AAIs), 11-15
usage information, 15-3
setting up, 11-12
Generate Timecard Template program (R0716711)
setting up a payroll ID, 11-15
processing options, 10-14
understanding, 11-12
usage information, 10-13
using document type T2, 11-13
Generate Timecards from Schedule (R07311)
verifying the chart of accounts, 11-14
overview, 14-39
Item Piece Rate Revisions program (P07918), 4-3
processing options, 15-10, A-2
Item Piece Rates Revisions form, 4-4
report, A-1
global leave
adjustments, 14-4 J
adjustments to long service leave dates, 14-7
journal entries
automatic leave calculation, 14-2
associated dates, 11-3
based on days, 14-3
batch delete, 15-9
based on weeks of service, 14-5
codes to identify, 11-6
employee schedules, 14-10
document and journal types, 11-11
employee self-service, 14-3
general ledger account structure, 11-2
error messaging, 14-4
multicurrency timecards, 12-5
features, 14-2
payroll cycle, 11-4
for part-time employees, 14-3
payroll example, 11-5
future leave and advanced pay, 14-6
reviewing batches of, 15-4
inception to date limit overrides, 14-8
system creation, 11-2
inquiry and management, 14-8
system document code, 11-6
integration with resource assignment, 14-2
system search criteria, 11-12
long service leave, 14-4
time accounting, 11-4
manager self-service, 14-3
type T1 - payroll disbursements, 11-7
partial approval, 14-5
type T2 - labor distributions, 11-7
past period reporting, 14-4
type T3 - actual burdens, 11-8
PDBA effective dating, 14-9
type T4 - labor billing distributions, 11-8
planning, entry, and review, 14-4
type T5 - equipment distributions, 11-9
public and private timecards, 14-5
type T6 - payroll accruals and deferrals, 11-10
Rollover override rules, 14-4
type T7 - payroll vouchers, 11-11
sick certification, 14-7
Journal Summarization Rules program
timecard automation, 14-5
(P06914), 11-38
global leave administration
setting up rules, 11-38
Employee Schedules program (P07311), 14-38
usage information, 11-38
processing options for Leave Inquiry and
journal type defaults setup, 11-5
Management (P07640), 14-24
processing options for Manager Self-Service Leave
Review (P076311), 14-24 L
setting up global leave system controls, 9-4 labor billings
setting up leave types, 9-8 setting up automatic accounting
tracking leave history and accrual balances, 14-33 instructions, 11-34
system search criteria, 11-34
H Labor Distribution Instructions program
(P050151), 12-13
hourly rate
Leave Administration Setup form, 9-5
calculating for individual employee, 13-2
Leave Administration Setup program (P07600), 9-4
creating formulas, 7-9
Leave Entry New form, 14-28
hourly rate functions
Leave Inquiry and Management program (P07640)
overtime accumulator rules, 7-5
overview, 14-22
retroactive pay rules, 7-4
processing options, 14-24
timecard templates, 7-3
Leave Management form, 14-27
hours worked function for retroactive pay rules, 7-3
Leave Planning form, 14-16
hours worked function for timecard templates, 7-2
leave requests
approving, 14-25
entering, 14-16
entering medical information, 14-19 processing options, 6-42
identifying trends, 14-22 usage information, 6-33
managing, 14-21 Overtime Rule Set Processing report (R186405), 6-33,
planning, 14-10 A-2
processing options, 14-15 overtime rules
submitting, 14-12, 14-19 creating overtime rules, 6-26
updating, 14-13 custom functions, 7-7
leave substitution rules timecard accumulator rule, 6-27
overview, 9-16 Overtime Rules program (P186401)
setup, 9-16 processing options, 6-41
leave transactions usage information, 6-23, 7-12
Leave Transaction Update (R0707620), 9-19
Leave Transactions Update (R0707620), 9-18
overview, 9-18
setup, 9-18 P050002A
Leave Type Setup program (P07601), 9-8 processing options, 3-5
Leave Type Setup Revisions form, 9-9 usage information, 3-1
leave verification rules P050151 program, 12-13
overview, 9-11 P051121 program
setup, 9-11 processing options, 3-13
liabilities usage information, 12-1, 12-24
setting up AAIs, 11-31 P051191 program
system search criteria, 11-32 processing options, 3-14
usage information, 3-2
P05OTO1 program, 13-4
M P069040 program, 11-30
Manager Self Service Leave Review form, 14-25 P069041 program, 11-38
Manager Self-Service Leave Review program P069042 program
(P076311) processing options, 11-25
processing options, 14-24 usage information, 11-23, 11-24
usage information, 14-21 P069043 program
master business functions, 3-1 processing options, 11-20
Medical Information form, 14-19 setting up AAIs, 11-18
Medical Information Tracking form, 14-31 usage information, 11-20
Medical Information Tracking program P069044 program
(P076210), 14-30 processing options, 11-35
medical leave usage information, 11-34
saving medical opinions, 14-32 P069045 program, 11-32
tracking, 14-30 P06914 program, 11-38
Medical Opinion form, 14-32 P0716701 program
multicurrency time accounting processing options, 10-5
entering multicurrency time cards, 12-4 usage information, 10-3
overview, 2-1 P07311 program, 14-38
setting processing options, 2-4 P073111 program, 9-19
setting up, 2-3 P07600 program, 9-4
setting up employee payroll information, 2-3 P07601 program, 9-8
P07620 program
processing options, 14-15
O usage information, 14-11
One Time Overrides form, 13-9 P076210 program, 14-30
One Time Overrides program (P05OTO1), 13-4 P076311 program
One-Time Override Revisions form, 13-11 processing options, 14-24
Overtime Rule Batch Review report (R186404), A-2 usage information, 14-21
Overtime Rule Processing report (R186402), 6-33 P07640 program, 14-24
overtime rule set P07916 program, 4-2
creating overtime rule sets, 6-25 P07918 program, 4-3
definition, 6-25 P186101 program, 7-12
submitting overtime rule sets for processing, 6-33 P186301 program, 7-12
timecard automation, 6-25 P186401 program
Overtime Rule Set Batch Review report (R186404) processing options, 6-41
usage information, 6-23, 7-12 processing options, 14-37
P186701 program, 7-12 usage information, 14-37
P47002 program, 5-2 R07531 report
payroll processing options, 14-35
ID for intercompany settlements, 11-15 usage information, 14-33, 14-34
purging processed batches, 5-14 R078001 program
setting up automatic accounting instructions piece rate history, 12-32
(AAIs), 11-1 processing options, 12-34
setting up employee information for multicurrency R09801 program
time accounting, 2-3 usage information, 15-10
Payroll Journal Entry Summarization Rules Multiple R186303 report, 6-12
Edit form, 11-39 R186304 report, 6-13
Payroll Journal Proof/Edit report (R05229) R186402 report, 6-33
processing options, 15-8 R186404 report
reviewing, 15-3 processing options, 6-42
usage information, 2-2, 15-3 usage information, 6-33, A-2
Payroll Journal table (F063951), 11-2 R186405 report, 6-33, A-2
Piece Rate Item Master program (P07916), 4-2 R186602 report, 8-5
Piece Rate Item Master Revisions form, 4-3 R186702 report, 6-18, 6-19
Piecework by Payroll Month form, 12-33 R47002C program
Piecework Register program (R078001) processing options, 5-7
piece rate history, 12-32 usage information, 5-7
processing options, 12-34 rate calculation, employee hourly, 13-2
premium labor distribution, 11-22 Retroactive Pay Rule form, 6-20, 6-23, 7-12
processing journal entries, 15-1 Retroactive Pay Rule Processing report
Purge Batch Time Entry report (R05116Z1P), 5-14 (R186702), 6-18, 6-19
Purge Leave Request report (R07520) reviewing, 6-19
processing options, 14-37 usage information, 6-19
usage information, 14-37 retroactive pay rules
creating retroactive pay rules, 6-18
hourly rate functions, 7-4
R hours worked function, 7-3
R05116Z1I report submitting retroactive pay rules for
processing options, 5-11 processing, 6-18
usage information, 5-10 timecard automation, 6-5, 6-17
R05116Z1P program, 5-14 usage information, 6-17
R05229 report Retroactive Pay Rules program (P0186701), 7-12
processing options, 15-8 Review/Update Requested Leave Time form, 14-19
usage information, 2-2, 15-3 Revise Business Unit Burden Rules form, 11-27
R052901 program Revise Company Burden Distribution Rules
processing options, 15-6 form, 11-24, 11-27
usage information, 15-3 Revise Multiple Burden Distribution AAIs
R053001 report, 2-3 form, 11-23, 11-25
R053001Z report Revise Multiple Cash/Bank Account form, 11-30,
processing options, 5-9 11-31
usage information, 5-9 Revise Multiple Debit/Credit-Accruals/Clearing
R0707620 program form, 11-38
processing options, 9-19 Revise Multiple Labor Billing Credits form, 11-35
R0716709 report Revise Multiple Labor/Billing/Equipment
processing options, 10-18 form, 11-21
usage information, 10-17 Revise Multiple Liabilities form, 11-33
R0716711 program Revise Payroll JE Summarization Rules form, 11-39
processing options, 10-14 Revise Single Liabilities form, 11-32
usage information, 10-13 Rule Set form, 6-34, 6-42, 7-12
R07311 program, 14-39
R07315 program, 9-20
R074501 report S
processing options, 14-35 setup
usage information, 14-35 global leave system controls, 9-4
R07520 report leave types, 9-8
tracking leave history and accrual balances, 14-33 multicurrency, 12-4
Speed Time Entry program (P051121) overriding, 13-1
processing options, 3-13 overriding DBA amounts for employees, 13-4
usage information, 12-1, 12-24 purging processed payroll batches, 5-14
Speed Time Entry Revisions form, 12-25, 13-3 reviewing timecards created by timecard
submitting overtime rule sets for processing, 6-33 automation, 8-2
submitting retroactive pay rules for processing, 6-18 revising the status of a batch of timecards, 8-5
submitting timecard templates for processing, 6-12 revising timecards created by timecard
automation, 8-3
revising uploaded information, 5-8
T timecard automation, 8-1
T1 - payroll disbursements, 11-7 timecard accumulator rule, 6-27
T2 - labor distributions, 11-7 Timecard Accumulator Rule form, 6-35
T3 - actual burdens, 11-8 timecard automation
T4 - labor billing distributions, 11-8 creating a timecard accumulator rule, 6-27
T5 - equipment distributions, 11-9 creating formulas, 7-9
T6 - payroll accruals and deferrals, 11-10 creating overtime rule sets, 6-25
T7 - payroll vouchers, 11-11 creating overtime rules, 6-26
Tax Area Revisions form, 4-7 creating retroactive pay rules, 6-18
tax burden using system search criteria, creating timecard templates, 6-11
clearing, 11-36 fields and functions, 6-5
TE Template form, 10-8 functions, 7-1, 7-2
time accounting overtime rule set, 6-25
selecting employees for time entry, 12-1 overview, 6-5
setting up automatic accounting instructions registering functions, 7-8
(AAIs), 11-1 retroactive pay rules, 6-5, 6-17
Time and Pay Entry Register (R053001), 2-3 reviewing timecards, 8-2
Time Attendance Trends form, 14-26 revising the status of a batch of timecards, 8-5
time entry revising timecards, 8-3
autopay employees, 12-2 submitting overtime rule sets for processing, 6-33
batch processing, 5-1 submitting retroactive pay rules for
batch reports, 5-7, 5-9 processing, 6-18
Purge Batch Time Entry report (R05116Z1P), 5-14 submitting timecard templates for
revising uploaded timecard information, 5-8 processing, 6-12
selecting employees for time entry, 12-1 testing formulas, 7-12
uploading information, 5-7 timecard review and approval, 6-5
Time Entry Batch Processor report (R05116Z1I) timecard templates, 6-5, 6-11
processing options, 5-11 working with timecards, 8-1
usage information, 5-10 Timecard Automation Batch Approval/Cancellation
Time Entry Batch Revisions form, 5-9 report (R186602), 8-5
Time Entry Floods program (P051191) Timecard Change Rule form, 6-37
processing options, 3-14 timecard template
usage information, 3-2 creating timecard templates, 6-11
Time Entry MBF (P050002A) hourly rate functions, 7-3
processing options, 3-5 hours worked function, 7-2
usage information, 3-1 submitting timecard templates for
Time Entry Revisions form, 12-15, 13-3 processing, 6-12
Time Entry Time Sheet Revisions form, 12-22 timecard automation, 6-5, 6-11
timecard usage information, 6-11
accumulator rule, 6-27 Timecard Template Batch Review report
approving batches, 8-3, 8-5 (R186304), 6-13
autopay employees, 12-2 reviewing, 6-13
canceling batches, 8-3, 8-5 usage information, 6-13
creating from uploaded information, 5-10 Timecard Template form, 6-13, 6-16, 7-12
entering for employees, 12-1 Timecard Template Processing report
entering for employees using speed time (R186303), 6-12
entry, 12-24 reviewing, 6-12
entering timecards for employees, 12-12 usage information, 6-12
entering with equipment information, 12-24 Timecard Templates program (P0186301), 7-12
equipment billing, 12-12 Tracking Leave History By Employee report (R07531)
processing options, 14-35
usage information, 14-33, 14-34
Tracking Leave History By Leave Type report
(R07531), 14-33, 14-34
transaction currency, 2-1
uploading timecard information, 5-7
user-defined Parameter Descriptions for Custom
Overtime Rule form, 6-41
Work with Burden Distribution AAIs form, 11-23
Work With Field/Function Definitions form, 7-9
Work With Speed Time Entry form, 12-25
Work with Time Entry Batch File Revisions
form, 5-8
Work With Time Entry by EE Transaction Current
form, 12-9
Work With Time Entry by EE Transaction History
form, 12-10
Work With Time Entry by Employee Master
form, 12-7
Work With Time Entry by Individual form, 12-25
Work With Timecard Automation Batches
form, 5-14, 6-16