From BIM To FEM The Analysis of An Historical Maso
From BIM To FEM The Analysis of An Historical Maso
From BIM To FEM The Analysis of An Historical Maso
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The construction design process is starting to change with the advent of Building
Information Modelling technology. Thanks to the high level of BIM
interoperability, it has been possible to transform a BIM model of an historical
building, obtained from a laser scanner survey, into an accurate 3D Finite Element
Model. The model is able to exploit all the geometrical information collected and
organized during the survey phase. The object of the analysis is Castel Masegra, a
XI century masonry historical building on the alpine mountains overlooking to
Sondrio (Italy). The implementation of the BIM model has been carried out by
keeping in mind that the final goal was the construction of a reliable finite element
model with a compatible and regular mesh, reproducing the irregularities and
complexities that could influence the mechanical behaviour of the structure. Once
it has been obtained the 3D finite element model, the historical and diagnostic
information have been integrated into the BIM model and a construction stage
analysis has been studied and then carried out. The huge amount of information
and the large number of finite elements employed introduced some difficulties in
data management and results interpretation. However, thanks to the always
increasing computational capacity of personal computers, it has been possible to
deal with a model composed by more than 700,000 elements, obtaining the results
in terms of stresses and displacements of the whole building.
Keywords: BIM model, historical building, masonry structure, FEM model,
construction stage.
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582 Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations
1 Introduction
The traditional approach to structural analysis relies on the elaboration of a specific
disciplinary model, more or less sophisticated. With the advent of BIM (Building
Information Modelling) technology, this process is starting to change, at least for
which concerns new buildings. In fact, thanks to the increasing level of BIM
interoperability, the same model can be used for many purposes by exchanging
the information between the different figures involved in a project. In particular,
for the structural field, specific BIM packages exist and can perform finite element
analysis; however they can deal only with simple and regular geometric objects.
On the contrary, for existing buildings, especially historical ones, this procedure
results to be not feasible for many reasons, one of which is the complexity of real
geometry. The transformation of a 3D architectonic model into a finite element
model (FEM) with the meshing procedure may appear to be a trivial operation,
but, in reality, a lot of subtle measures, not trivial at all, have to be taken, in order
to get a compatible and regular mesh. For this reason, it is important that, since the
beginning of the modelling phases, the analyst must take care not only about the
perfect shape reproduction but also to the fulfilment of the requirements needed
for a structural model. Thus, what is really important is a rationalization of the
shapes to be included in the model, being able to distinguish the irregularities and
complexities that can influence the mechanical behaviour of an element, such as
vaults or irregular walls, from the small irregularities not relevant from a structural
point of view.
The object of the analysis is the south wing of Castel Masegra, a XI century
masonry historical building on the alpine mountains overlooking to Sondrio
(figure 1). It is the only remained of the three castles that dominated the city, and
it rises over a cliff to the left of the Mallero River. The actual structure with a
trapezoidal shape is the result of a complex architectonic transformation lasted for
ten centuries.
Figure 1: Castel Masegra (left) and laser scanner points cloud (right).
2 Data collection
The survey of Castel Masegra has been carried out considering the final goal of
the activity that is the creation of a BIM, and successively a 3D finite element
model, able to reproduce as much as possible the geometric irregularities of the
structure [1, 2]. Due to the complexity of the geometry and the large dimension of
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the castle it has been decided to perform a laser scanner survey with a robust
geodetic network associated, in order to have the best possible mapping in terms
of precision, completeness and reliability.
The laser scanner survey has been performed using a laser scanner Faro Focus
3D and is made up of 182 scans, 44 millions of points for each scan (roughly 7.7
billion points) registered by means of 269 checkerboards measured also by the
Total Station Leica TS30. The point clouds obtained from the laser scanner survey,
after the alignment and georeferencing operations, give an incredible 3D definition
of the geometry of the analysed object: using appropriate software (e.g. SCENE
or Leica Cyclone), it is possible to navigate across it, having a realistic rendering
of the building with all its features (figure 1).
However, all this amount of information have to be converted in a more
efficient and usable way, keeping the desired information, integrating the missing
one and discarding all the amount of useless data. The first step of this procedure
is the creation of the usual 2D drawings of a building: plans, sections, and façades.
In this phase, the great database of pictures made during the survey results to be
very useful, allowing the interpretation of eventual lack of information in the
clouds. Fortunately, the software AutoCAD, in its last versions, has introduced the
possibility of importing and managing the point clouds, with apposite tools for
cutting slices or isolating some zones, both natively or using third parts plugin
(e.g. Leica Cloudworks), making simpler and simpler the production of plans and
sections. Six plans representing the four floors and the roof have been produced,
with a covered planar area of about 2700 m2. It has been noticed the great
differences with the old plans owned by the Municipality of Sondrio: this
underlines the benefits of an accurate laser scanner survey for the reconstruction
of such a complex building.
Once the plans were drawn, it has been decided to focus the attention on a
particular area of the castle: the south wing. This has been done for specific
reasons, i.e. the presence, at the first floor, of the dovecote tower, of the “camera
picta”, with its very particular umbrella vault, the out of plumb of the dovecote
tower and the presence, at the first floor, of a bearing wall resting on the barrel
3 BIM creation
BIM software was initially used only to manage new building constructions [3, 4].
Today it represents an opportunity also for heritage documentation and
conservation management, but it still requires a methodological discussion and
practical experimentation in order to obtain detailed models of irregular historical
buildings, really useful for their preservation and maintenance activities [2, 5]. For
the implementation of a rational parametric BIM model it is necessary to
distinguish the zones of the building where only simple elements are present from
the others with complex or irregular ones; this is necessary because there is a lack
of parametric model software for the management of complex and irregular
shapes. For this reason, the drafting of 2D drawings before the 3D model
construction could be useful.
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Starting from the section drawings, it has been possible to individuate the out-
of plumb and the wall tapering of the external faces of the walls, while the internal
ones appears to be reasonably vertical. To overcome the lack of such an element
in the BIM software, it has been decided to combine two walls (figure 2): the
external façades has been modelled with a “Wall by Face” tool in Revit, while the
internal face has been simplified with a normal straight wall for each floor. The
two parts of the wall are then joined, with all the irregularities and wall tapering
correctly shaped in the BIM model, without losing the possibility to insert the wall
The “Wall by Face” tool has been chosen also for the vault modelling (figure
2) because it allows considering the thickness as a parameter. This can be useful
in all the cases where the thickness is unknown or difficult to be determined by
inspection, allowing the possibility to inquire different hypothesis without re-
modelling the shape, by simply changing the thickness value and automatically
updating the model.
The modelling of irregular and complex surfaces cannot be made directly in
Revit. The general procedure adopted in present situations is the following: (i)
individuation of the generative profiles of the surfaces; (ii) extraction of the
generative profiles from the points cloud in AutoCAD; (iii) modelling of the
surfaces in Rhino. Based on the different shapes and irregularities to be modelled,
the generative profiles are chosen accordingly. Particular care must be paid in the
definition of the generative profiles of the vault wedges. Based on these rules, the
whole model of the castle has been made (figure 3).
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Figure 4: Mesh of the FEM (a), detail of the vaults mesh (b) and roof (c).
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For the aim of this work, the mechanical properties of the masonry to be
considered are the elastic modulus, the Poisson coefficient and the specific weight.
The Poisson coefficient has set to the common value of 0.2 while for the specific
weight, considering the typology and the dimensions of the stones, a conservative
value of 22 kN/m3 has been considered.
Regarding the elastic modulus, different hypothesis have been considered in
order to have a sensitivity analysis about this parameter. In particular, a first
analysis has been carried out considering the characteristic values for a good stone
masonry of 3000 N/mm2, given by the Italian design code [11], for the entire
masonry structure. In the second case, the results given by the flat jack in-situ tests
have been included in the analysis (elastic modulus range 1600–7220 MPa); in
particular it has been decided to consider the elastic modulus calculated from the
loading-unloading cycles.
These material properties have been assigned by subdividing the castle in
zones, based both on historical evolution and state of conservation of the materials.
The stiffness obtained from each flat jack test has been extended to its surrounding
6.2 Loads
The setting of boundary conditions is one of the most important issues to be solved.
In fact, the castle rises on a cliff: its different parts have different foundation levels
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and rest on different materials. Some walls are directly founded on the outcropping
rock while others have shallow foundations on soil. The information regarding the
foundation typologies have been obtained in part from the coring made during the
diagnostic analysis, in part directly observing the wall base, and in part referring
to the advices given by the Municipality of Sondrio, based on some maintenance
works made in the castle. However in some cases, the information was completely
missed and some hypotheses have been made considering the conditions of the
surrounding area.
As a first assumption, fixed restraints have been applied to the lower end of
each wall, at the corresponding foundation depth. However, in a case like this,
where the different parts of the castle are founded in heterogeneous conditions and
at different levels, the structural behaviour can be strongly influenced by the
boundary conditions set. For this reason, a second hypothesis has been made by
assuming the soil and the rock as a Winkler elastic subgrade. The moduli of
subgrade reaction have been assigned to the different walls on the basis of
literature values due to the lack of specific in-situ experimental data.
Since the castle has not been built in a single step, but it is the result of a lot of
complex historical transformation, it has been decided to reproduce the historical
evolution also in the structural analysis, by making a construction stage analysis.
The different parts of the castle are gradually added to the model; for each stage
the analysis under self-weight is performed, and the parts of the castle belonging
to the successive stage are added on the deformed configuration of the previous
This way of proceeding has been undertaken for tree different reasons:
to reproduce the historical evolution of the architectonic complex, that can
influence the load redistribution;
to try to reduce the resulting stress concentrations at the different foundation
levels, because of the model hypothesis of fixed restraints that doesn’t allow
any settlement;
to avoid strange load redistribution with stress concentration between parts
with different material properties: in fact, in case of very different elastic
modulus among different parts, such as in this case, the weaker part tends to
hang to the stronger one, following in unrealistic stress patterns.
Obviously this approach presents the drawback that the computational cost
increases proportionally with the number of stages: if a one-step analysis takes
about 5 minutes to be completed, a 7 stages analysis takes almost 40 minutes.
In order to test the model reliability, and to calibrate the hypotheses made, the
vertical stresses obtained in correspondence of the location of the single flat jack
tests have been compared with the test results themselves.
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A good correspondence has been obtained for the tests M3 and M9, located
respectively on the south wall in the partially buried barrel vaulted room and on
the north wall in the corridor at the first floor. In particular, better results have been
obtained from the model with mechanical properties determined from the in-situ
tests compared to the corresponding one with standard mechanical properties.
Instead, when the boundary conditions have been changed, position M3 shows a
further improvement, while position M9 gets worse.
For what concern the other two tests, M2 located on the north wall in the
partially buried barrel vaulted room, and M4, located on the west wall of the
dovecote tower, the model isn’t able to catch the state of stress measured in these
zones. The bad results obtained for the test M4 can be explained considering that
it has been observed that the dovecote tower has suffered a rotation in the east
direction, due to the settlement of the very superficial foundation of the east wall.
For this reason, the west wall, deeply founded in the soil, is subjected to a bending
moment, and the west part of it results to be in tension. For the test M2, the problem
is more or less the same. The conditions here are less complicated, but the depth
of the foundations and the subgrade materials are unknown in this zone. This is
the zone in which the bedrock starts to degrade from the courtyard level; for this
reason, more accurate investigations should be carried out in order to better
understand the behaviour of this zone.
In conclusion, we can say that the accurate model gives good results in the
zones in which the boundary conditions are simpler and quite well known, while
problems arises in the zones in which the boundary conditions are complicated
and not sufficiently supported by adequate investigations. So, the model results to
be reliable from the structural point of view, but it can be improved for what
concern the geotechnical aspects.
6.6 Results
The stresses fields obtained from the performed analysis generally show lower
values of stresses than the ultimate strength of masonry estimated by flat jack tests.
In particular, the tensile stresses due to the lateral load of the vaults, especially of
the barrel vault, are highlighted plotting the principal stress (figure 6). It can be
observed the presence of stress concentrations near the anchorage of tie-rods.
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(a) (b)
Figure 7: Tensile stresses in the dovecote tower wall (a) and cracks (b).
7 Conclusions
A detailed BIM model of Masegra Castle has been implemented starting from the
points cloud obtained with a laser scanner survey. The BIM model of the castle
was then transformed into an accurate 3D finite element model taking into account
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(a) (b)
Figure 8: Tensile stresses – underground room: north (a) and west (b) walls.
all the geometric information together with the historical and diagnostic analysis.
This procedure has implied a significant effort for its great interdisciplinarity,
required to deal with all the aspects of the problem when trying to consider
different fields by using the same model for many purposes. This necessity has
become evident especially in the modelling phase, where a lot of specific
procedures have been checked in order to find the best way to convert the BIM
model into a finite element model.
The selected conversion procedure between BIM and FEM models can be very
useful to study the structural behaviour of historical buildings, especially when
very pronounced irregularities are present. In particular, such an accurate
geometric model can be a precious tool to better understand the behaviour of
particular elements such as vaults or irregular walls. A possible drawback of
employing a fully three-dimensional model for a structural analysis is that a great
number of finite elements is required for the discretization of the problem. In this
case, a total of 720,393 continuum finite elements were considered in the mesh of
the castle.
The construction stage analysis performed with the FEM model has allowed to
check the stress level in the castle structures, which is a preliminary information
for the detailing of the restoration works to be planned.
The authors would like to thanks Eng. Francesco Barri and all the Municipality of
Sondrio for the on-site support. Furthermore, many thanks are also due to prof.
Raffaella Brumana and the survey team of ABC Department of Politecnico di
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WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 149, © 2015 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)